Direct Officer

May 10, 2017 | Author: danny_mediabooks | Category: N/A
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正官 Direct Officer (zhèng guān)

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(1) 正官 (Zhèng Guān Direct Officer)

六亲方面 代表长官 上司 师长 女命的丈夫 男命的女儿

, , , ; , . Relationship: represent the commanding officer, the superior, teacher; Woman's Husband, Man's daughter.

正官为喜用, 长相庄严端正, 头脑聪明, 声音悦耳, 和蔼可亲, 家境不错,行事温和且稳健.官印相生, 能 在官场和公职中有所成就, 且幼年温文乖巧, 喜欢读书, 不让父母操心.财官相生, 能在财界享有盛名, 且表示幼年家境不甚丰裕, 需至青年时期家中经济才有突破性好转, 建立其社会地位.正官代表夫星, 正官为喜用, 表示有理想的对象, 且夫唱妇随令人羡慕.身弱遇正官, 表示幼年胆小怕事懦弱难养, 智慧 晚开, 而且家庭父母大多劳碌操心, 家境不好.

Zhen Guan favourable: the feature is solemn and good, clever, delightful, pleasant and friendly, good family background, act gently and sane. When Officer & Resources (Guan & Yin) in growth stage, success in office and public, good childhood, like reading, parents do not need to worry about. Wealth & Officer (Chai & Guan) in growth stage, famous on the wealth circle, show that the family circumstances are not very in plenty in childhood, need economy take a more breakthrough, favourable turn to young period, set up its social status. Zhen Guan represent husband star, when in favourable represent good candidate, good interactive between husband and wife make people admirable. If DM is weak, Zhen Guan represent in young age, the person is weak and scare of matters. Families has a lot of stress and uncertainty. Family background not good.

身弱遇正官, 命局又有食伤财, 不见强有力的印星或比劫来保护的话, 克泄交加, 一生为财利奔波操劳, 生活困顿, 到老难以清闲.用神与正官相合, 其人必奸险狡诈, 贪恋官禄无所不用其极, 此格局见之于命 者, 与富贵穷通不相涉, 大者卖国, 小者卖友, 此种人小心为上. When a chart's DM is weak, meets with Influence (Power), Output and Wealth elements, and does not have strong Resource or Companion elements to strengthen the DM, then the DM will experience increased Ke (control by the Power element) and Xie (weakened by the output and wealth elements). The result is that this person will experience a life of "chasing and laboring after wealth but only get roller coaster, ups and downs, life". If there is combination of Useful God (Yong Shen) and Zhen Guan, the person is wicked and crafty and deceitful, resorts to every conceivable means to gain advantage. If this is the pattern, always poor, betray country and friends, be wary of such people.

有多个正官 表示除了一个丈夫以外 还有其它男朋友 所以必须坚定自己 不要三心二意而惹出麻烦

, , , , . If chart alot of Zhen Guan, it means besides only has a husband, there are other boyfriends, so must control oneself and do not cause trouble.

官现年干且喜官, 主受祖荫力大, 且易少年得志, 学业颇佳.

If Zhen Guan in Year Pillar and favourable, receive ancestors' protection or blessing and apt to have a successful career in early youth, the study with good result.

官现月柱且喜官, 受父母痛爱, 一生少劳苦, 为人正直尽则, 重信讲义, 也主兄弟姐妹有功名.

If Zhen Guan in Month Pillar and favourable, receive love and care from parents, lack hardship in one's life, Character is honest, siblings have scholarly honor of official rank too.

日座官星, 主聪颖能干, 具谋事应变力, 身旺遇财运大发, 也主配偶多贵.

DM sitting on Officer Star, intelligent and competent, luck for wealth prosperously greatly to take place, help the spouse prosperous too.

时座官星, 主子息贤孝有成, 自己得享晚福.

If Zhen Guan in Hour Pillar, there is the main son's virtuous filial piety, enjoy the good fortune late.

官星不旺, 宜避免公职.官星旺, 适合公职.

Officer star not prosperous, should avoid public office. Officer star prosperous, is suitable for public office.


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