Digitalizaciones de Flauta Traversa

April 28, 2017 | Author: Ivan Eduardo Hernandez Gomez | Category: N/A
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Descripción: Guía didáctica para estudiantes....



Trill Fingerings  The following chart includes special ngerings designed for rapid alternation between two notes at an interval of a minor second (semitone) or a major second (whole tone) apart. Many of these ngerings can also be used as alternate ngerings for some fast passages. Keys to be trilled are indicated in red. When more than one ey is to be trilled! the eys should be pressed and released simultaneously.

Trill notation When a note has the letters "tr# above it! or a long s$uiggly line! that%s a trill. (&n very old music! trills may also be notated with a "'#.) What you have to do is to rapidly alternate between the written note and the net notename above it! in the ey signature. This second note is usually not written out. *s a rule of  thumb! in modern music you should start on the written note! while in music written before +,-- the trill generally starts on the note above. This second way of playing is sometimes eplicitly re$uested by preceding the written note with the upper note as a small note (an acciaccatura). et%s mae some eamples/ •

&f you nd an * with a "tr# symbol above it! and you have no sharps and no 0ats in the ey signature! the upper note is 1. &f you nd an * with a "tr# symbol above it! and 1 is 0at in the ey signature! the upper note is 10at (1b).

&f the composer wishes you to trill to an upper note which is not in the ey signature! above or net to the trill symbol there will be an accidental indicating what the upper note should be. That accidental can of course be a 0at! a sharp! a natural! a doublesharp or a doublenatural.

Searching the chart  The chart below shows both the lower and the upper notes of a trill. 2ou should search for the couple that has your written note on the left and the upper note (gured out as eplained above) on the right. &f you don%t nd the notes you are looing for! that%s usually because no ade$uate alternative to the basic fngerings eists. &n many cases! particularly in the rst two octaves! the trill ngering and the regular ngering are the same. We have omitted such basic trills in order to eep the chart small and readable. *nother possibility is that the trill you are looing for is found here with another enharmonic name. 3or instance! you should be aware that the trill 45675 has the same ngering as the trill 7b68b.

Trill speed  The speed of a trill should be related to the global speed of the music. &f a piece is mared "*dagio#! don%t play its trills as fast as you can humanly move your ngers. *lso! you will probably notice that adding in a bunch of trills and grace notes can be tricy when rst learning a piece. 9o try playing the piece rst without the ornaments! and then going through slowly and adding in those etra notes.

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