Digital Image Processing Using Matlab: Basic transformations, filters, operators

February 23, 2017 | Author: Thanh Nguyen | Category: N/A
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Negative transformation Log transformation Power-law transformation Piecewise-linear transformation Histogram equali...


NATIONAL CHENG KUNG UNIVERSITY Inst. of Manufacturing Information & Systems


Professor name: Chen, Shang-Liang Student name:

Nguyen Van Thanh

Student ID:



P9-009 Image Processing and Software Implementation


[4] 2  4

1 Table of Contents PROBLEM ................................................................................................................................................................. 2 SOLUTION ................................................................................................................................................................ 3 3.2.1 Negative transformation ............................................................................................................................ 3 3.2.2 Log transformation ..................................................................................................................................... 3 3.2.3 Power-law transformation ......................................................................................................................... 4 3.2.4 Piecewise-linear transformation ................................................................................................................ 7 3.3.1 Histogram equalization............................................................................................................................. 10 3.4.2 Subtraction ............................................................................................................................................... 12 3.6.1 Smoothing Linear Filters ........................................................................................................................... 14 3.6.2 Order-Statistics Filters .............................................................................................................................. 16 3.7.2 The Laplacian ............................................................................................................................................ 17 3.7.3 The Gradient ............................................................................................................................................. 19


影像處理與軟體實現[HW1] 課程碼:P953300

授課教授:陳響亮 教授



題目:請以C# 撰寫一程式,可讀入一影像檔,並可執行以下之影像 空間強化功能。 a. 每一程式需設計一適當之人機操作介面。 b. 每一功能請以不同方法分開撰寫,各項參數需讓使用者自行輸入。 c. 以C# 撰寫時,可直接呼叫Matlab 現有函式,但呼叫多寡,將列為評分考量。 (呼叫越少,分數越高) 一、 基本灰階轉換 1. 影像負片轉換 2. Log轉換 3. 乘冪律轉換 4. 逐段線性函數轉換 二、 直方圖處理 1. 直方圖等化處理 2. 直方圖匹配處理 三、 使用算術/邏輯運算做增強 1. 影像相減增強 2. 影像平均增強 四、 平滑空間濾波器 1. 平滑線性濾波器 2. 排序統計濾波器 五、 銳化空間濾波器 1. 拉普拉斯銳化空間濾波器 2. 梯度銳化空間濾波器


Using Matlab for solving the problem 3.2.1 Negative transformation Given an image (input image) with gray level in the interval [0, L-1], the negative of that image is obtained by using the expression: s = (L – 1) – r, Where r is the gray level of the input image, and s is the gray level of the output. In Matlab, we use the commands, >> f=imread('Fig3.04(a).jpg'); g = imcomplement(f); imshow(f), figure, imshow(g)

In/output image

Out/in image

3.2.2 Log transformation The Logarithm transformations are implemented using the expression: s = c*log (1+r). In this case, c = 1. The commands, >> f=imread('Fig3.05(a).jpg'); g=im2uint8 (mat2gray (log (1+double (f)))); imshow(f), figure, imshow(g)


In/output image

Out/in image

3.2.3 Power-law transformation Power-law transformations have the basic form, s = c*r. ^, where c and  are positive constants. The commands, >> f = imread ('Fig3.08(a).jpg'); f = im2double (f); [m n]=size (f); c = 1; gama = input('gama value = '); for i=1:m for j=1:n g(i,j)=c*(f(i,j)^gama); end end; imshow(f),figure, imshow(g);

With  = 0.6, 0.4 and 0.3 respectively, we can get three images respectively, as shown in the following figure,


a b c d


The original image. (b) – (d) result of applying the power law transformation with  = 0.6, 0.4 and 0.3 respectively


a b c d

(a) The original image. (b) – (d) result of applying the power law transformation with  = 3, 4 and 5 respectively

7 3.2.4 Piecewise-linear transformation Contrast stretching The commands, % function contrast stretching; >> r1 = 100; s1 = 40; r2 = 141; s2 = 216; a = (s1/r1); b = ((s2-s1)/ (r2-r1)); c = ((255-s2)/ (255-r2)); k = 0:r1; y1 = a*k; plot (k,y1); hold on; k = r1: r2; y2 = b*(k - r1) + a*r1; plot (k,y2); k = r2+1:255; y3 = c*(k-r2) + b*(r2-r1)+a*r1; plot (k,y3); xlim([0 255]); ylim([0 255]); xlabel('input gray level, r'); ylabel('outphut gray level, s'); title('Form of transformation'); hold on; figure; f = imread('Fig3.10(b).jpg'); [m, n] = size (f); for i = 1:m for j = 1:n if((f(i,j)>=0) & (f(i,j)r1) & (f(i,j)r2) & (f(i,j)> f = imread('Fig3.10(b).jpg'); [m, n] = size(f); for i = 1:m for j = 1:n if((f(i,j)>=0) & (f(i,j)=0) & (h15 (i,j)> f = imread('Fig3.37(a).jpg'); w3 = 1/(3.^2)*ones(3); g3 = imfilter(f, w3, 'conv', 'replicate', 'same'); g = medfilt2(g3); imshow(g3), figure, imshow(g);

a b c

Fig. 3.37 (a) X – ray image of circuit board corrupted by salt – and – pepper noise. (b) Noise reduction with a 3 x 3 averaging mask. (c) Noise reduction with a 3 x 3 median filter

17 3.7.2 The Laplacian The Laplacian for image enhancement is as follows: ( ) ( ) (








{ The commands, % Laplacian function f1 = imread('Fig3.40(a).jpg'); w4 = fspecial('laplacian', 0); g1 = imfilter(f1, w4, 'replicate'); imshow(g1, [ ]), figure; f2 = im2double(f1); g2 = imfilter(f2, w4, 'replicate'); imshow(g2, [ ]), figure; g3 = imsubtract(f2,g2); imshow(g3)

a b c d Fig. 3.40 (a) Image of the North Pole of the moon. (b) Laplacian image scaled for display purposes. (d) Image enhanced by Eq. (3.7 – 5)

18 % Laplacian simplication f1 = imread ('Fig3.41(c).jpg'); w5 = [0 -1 0; -1 5 -1; 0 -1 0]; g1 = imfilter (f1, w5, 'replicate'); imshow (g1), figure; w9 = [-1 -1 -1; -1 9 -1; -1 -1 -1]; g2 = imfilter (f1, w9, 'replicate'); imshow (g2);



















a bc de

Fig. 3.37 (a) Composite Laplacian mask. (b) A second composite mask. (c) Scanning electron microscope image. (d) and (e) Result of filtering with the masks in (a) and (b) respectively.

19 3.7.3 The Gradient The commands, >> f1 = imread('Fig3.45(a).jpg'); w = fspecial('sobel'); g1 = imfilter(f1, w, 'replicate'); imshow(g1);

a b Fig. 3.45 (a) Optical image of contact lens (note defects on the boundary at 4 and 5 o’clock). (b) Sobel gradient

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