Digestive system Multiple Choice Quiz 1Which of the following is NOT a function of the digestive system? ! ingest food "! digest food to small molecule ules C! a#so$# nut$ient molecules D! elim elimin inat ate e non% non%di dig gesti esti# #le waste astes s &! t$ansp nspo$t nut nut$$ient ents to to ot othe$ o$ o$gans '(Digestion( of food $efe$s to ! allo allowi wing ng the the liv live$ e$ to p$od p$oduc uce e #il #ile e fo$ fo$ dige digest stio ion) n) "! allo allowi wing ng the the pan panc$ c$ea eas s to $el $elea ease se dig diges esti tive ve enz enzym ymes es)) C! allowi allowing ng small small molecu molecules les to c$oss c$oss cell cell mem#$ mem#$ane anes s and and #e #e a#so a#so$#e $#ed d #y #y the the t$ac t$actt lining) D! allowi allowing ng la$ge la$ge molecu molecules les to c$oss c$oss cell cell mem#$a mem#$anes nes and #e a#so a#so$#e $#ed d #y #y the the t$ac t$actt lining) &! allo allowi wing ng the the mea meatt tha thatt is is eat eaten en to nou$ nou$is ish h ou$ ou$ #ody #ody) *+t$ictly spea,ing- .... $efe$s to the #$ea,down of food #y enzymatic action) ! ingestion "! digestion C! e/c$etion D! meta#olism &! mastication 0Which of the following statements is NOT co$$ect? ! Dige Digest stio ion n onl only y ta, ta,es es plac place e wit withi hin n the the dige digest stiv ive e t$a t$act ct)) "! The The dig diges esti tive ve t$ac t$actt #eg #egin ins s wit with h the the mout mouth h and and ends ends wit with h the the anus anus)) C! Dige Digest stio ion n of food food in in huma humans ns is is a p$o p$oce cess ss tha thatt occu occu$s $s ins insid ide e of cell cells) s) D! Digest Digestive ive enzyme enzymes s a$e a$e sec$ sec$ete eted d into into the the t$ac t$actt #y glands glands locate located d eithe$ eithe$ in the the t$ac t$actt o$ nea$#y) &! ood ood is neve neve$$ found found wit withi hin n acce access sso$ o$y y glan glands ds-- only only wit withi hin n the t$a t$act ct its itsel elff) 2Taste 2Taste is due solely to stimulation of $ecepto$s in the nose) ! T$ue "! alse 3Which of the following se4uences does NOT t$ace the path of food th$ough the digestive t$act in the co$$ect o$de$? ! mouth- esophagus- stomach "! esophagusus- stomach- duod uodenum num C! stom stomac achh- la$g la$ge e inte intest stin inee- smal smalll inte intest stin ine e D! sto stomac mach- duod uodenum enum-- la$ la$ge intes ntesttine ine &! asce ascend ndin ing g col colon on-- t$an t$ansv sve$ e$se se col colon on-- desc descen endi ding ng col colon on 5.... a$e chisel%shaped teeth used fo$ #iting) ! 6nciso$s "! Canines C! 7$emola$s D! Mola$s &! Wisdom teeth 8Ne$ves and #lood vessels a$e found within the .... of a tooth) ! enamel "! dentin C! pulp
D! &!
c$own pe$iodontal mem#$ane
9Which of the following compa$isons is NOT co$$ect? ! ca$ies%%tooth decay "! gingivitis%%in:ammation of the gums C! pe$iodontitis%%in:ammation of the pe$iodontal mem#$ane D! mumps%%vi$al infection of the tonsils &! hea$t#u$n%%stomach acid in the esophagus 1;Which of the following compa$isons is NOT co$$ect? ! stomach%%food sto$age and g$inding "! esophagus%%food conduction C! pha$yn/%%voice #o/ D! small intestine%%nut$ient a#so$ption &! la$ge intestine%%wate$ and salt a#so$ption 11Which of the following compa$isons is NOT co$$ect? ! #olus%%food mi/ed with saliva in the mouth "! chyme%%food mi/ed with gast$ic sec$etions leaving the stomach C! gast$ic
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