Digested Cases
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Vda. De Tantoco v. Muncipal Council of Iloilo [G.R. No. 24950. Marc 25! "92#.$ %&CT' The widow of Tan Toco sued the municipal council of Iloilo for the two strips of land, consisting of 592 sq.m and 59 sq.m with the amount of P42,966.40, which the municipalit of Iloilo had appropriated for widening said street. !"I Ilo# ilo ordered the said municipalit to pa $rs. Tantoco the said amount, plus its interest. %aid &udgment was appealed, appealed, and was affirmed affirmed ' the %upreme !ourt. (n account of lac) of funds the municipalit of Iloilo was una'le to pa the said &udgment, wherefore wherefore plaintiff had a writ of e*ecution issue against against the propert of the said municipalit, ' +irtue of which the sheriff attached two auto truc)s, one police patrol automo'ile, the police stations on $a'ini street, and in $olo and $andurriao and the concrete structures, with the corresponding lots. fter notice of the sale of said propert had 'een made the pro+incial fiscal of Iloilo filed a motion with the !"I praing that the attachment on the said propert 'e dissol+ed, that the said attachment 'e declared null and +oid as 'eing illegal illegal and +iolate +iolate the rights rights of the municipa municipalit lit.. To which the !ourt !ourt agree, agree, decla declarin ring g the attac attachm hment ent le+ied le+ied upon upon the afore aforeme menti ntion oned ed prope propert rt of the municipalit null and +oid. $rs. Tantoco appealed the decision of !"I Ilo#ilo. ISSUE
-hether the $unicipal properties can 'e e*ecuted in lieu of the unsatisfied o'ligation HELD
The %upreme !ourt denied appeal and affirmed the decision of !"I Ilo#ilo on the ground that the principle go+erning propert of the pu'lic domain of the %tate is applica'le to propert for pu'lic use of the municipalities as said municipal propert is similar in character. character. The principle is that the propert for pu'lic use of the %tate is not within the commerce of man and, consequentl consequentl,, is unaliena'le unaliena'le and not su'&ect to prescription. /i)ewise, propert for pu'lic use of the municipalit municipalit is not within within the commerc commercee of man so long as it is used used ' the pu'lic pu'lic and, and, consequentl, said propert is also inaliena'le. The rule is that propert held for pu'lic uses, such as pu'lic 'uildings, 'uildings, streets, squares, par)s, promenades, whar+es landing landing places, places, fire engines, engines, hose and hose carriages, carriages, engine engine houses, houses, pu'lic pu'lic mar)ets, hospitals, cemeteries, and generall generall e+erthing held for go+ernmental purposes, is not su'&ect to le+ and sale under e*ecution against such corporation.
(o)e *. Cua v. v. C& [G.R. No. No. "09+40. (anuar, 2"! "999.$ "999.$ %econd i+ision, $endo1a 3
%&CT' 3ose /. !hua and !o %io ng were lessees of a commercial unit at in 7aclaran, Para8aque for 5 ears. Prior to the e*piration of the lease, the parties discu discusse ssed d the the possi' possi'ili ilit t of renew renewing ing it. it. The The e*cha e*change nged d propos proposal al and counterproposal, 'ut the failed to reach agreement. (n 24 3ul 990, :amon I'arra I'arra filed filed a complain complaintt for unlawful unlawful detainer detainer against against petitio petitioners ners in the $T! Para8aque, $etro $anila, which rendered a decision, gi+ing a period of 2 ears e*tension of occupanc to the petitioner and %io ordering them to pa I'arra 'ac) rentals rentals and a monthl monthl rental rental of P0,000. P0,000.00 00 thereaf thereafter ter until until the e*piration e*piration of e*tension of their occupanc or until the su'&ect premises is actuall +acated. (n appeal ' 'oth parties, the :T! $a)ati ruled that the lease was for a fi*ed period of 5 ears and that, upon its !hua;s and !o %io continued sta in the premises 'ecame illegal. The court ordered !hua and !o %io ng to +acate the premises and to turn o+er possession thereof. !hua and !o %io ng appealed to the !ourt of ppeals, which affirmed the decision of the lower court.
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