(Digest) Solla V Ascueta

October 5, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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SOLLA v. ASCUETA G.R. No. 24955 September 4 1926  Julian Soll Solla a et al petitioners responden Ursula Asueta et al



ts summary ! apolo"i#e in a$%ane &or t'e ra#( $i"est sine t'e ase )as ba$l( )ritten. *aria Solla $ie$+ lea%in" some le"aies an$ appointin" 'er "ran$son+ ,ean$ro Serrano as t'e uni%ersal 'eir. Her or$ers )ere &or ,ean$ro to $eli%er t'e le"aies $urin" 'is li&etime as )ell as to "i%e suient amounts o& mone( to t'e 'ur' &or pra(ers an$ no%enas e%er( (ear. Sai$ )ill also ontaine$ or$ers to ,ean$ro to or$er t'e latters 'eirs to &ul/ll 'er or$ers as )ell. ,ean$ro oupie$ t'e properties properties le&t b( *aria )it'out an( o& t'e le"atees /lin" a ase &or partition or $istribution &or su' a lon" time 09 (ears to be eat3. ,ean$ro $ie$+ statin" in 'is )ill t'at 'is 'eirs s'oul$ still &ul/ll *arias or$ers. No) t'e relati%es o& some o& t'e le"atees /le$ a ase &or $eli%er( o& t'eir anestors le"aies. 'e R si$e$ )it' t'em+ 'ol$in" t'at t'e ation 'as not presribe$ an$ t'at ,ean$ros or$ers to 'is relati%es to ompl( )it' *aria Sollas or$er meant t'at t'e( s'oul$ $eli%er t'e le"aies. S re%erse$ t'e R. 1 st+ t'e R learl( $isre"ar$e$ an 'ibit 0)'i' t'e ounsels o& bot' si$es a"ree$ to submit3 s'o)in" t'at t'e le"atees renoune$ t'eir ri"'ts to t'e estate. A$$ to t'at t'e &at t'at ,ean$ro )as oup(in" to t'e elusion o& t'e )'ole )orl$+ in t'e onept o& an o)ner+ t'e properties &or 9 (ears7 ation presribe$. presribe$. ,astl(+ t'e ourt 'el$ t'at t'e pro%ision in ,ean$ros )ill pointin" to *aria Sollas )ill about t'e relati%es ompl(in" )it' 'er or$er must be interprete$ to mean onl( t'ose or$ers )'i' ,ean$ro oul$ not $o $urin" 'is li&etime. !n interpretin" a )ill+ to $etermine t'e intention o& t'e testator+ 'er irumstane irumstane $urin" t'e time s'e ma$e t'e )ill must be ta8en into onsi$eration. ,astl(+ )'en t'e intention o& t'e testator is mani&est in )ritin" but t'e )or$s are ambi"uous+ t'en t'e )or$s 'a%e to "i%e )a( to t'e intention su' t'at t'e ourts s'oul$ limit t'e )or$s to ma8e )a( &or intention.

facts of the case -



ona *aria Solla Solla $ie$ in in June June 1:: in in t'e muni muniipal ipalit( it( o& abu" abu"ao+ ao+ !loos !loos Sur+ Sur+ lea%in lea%in" "a )ill eeute$ in aor$ane )it' t'e la)s in &ore+ but which has not been probated.  !t name$ as le"atees; o Ser"io Solla o a(etano Solla o  Jose&a Solla o  Jainto Serna Serna o Roesn$a ,a"ma( o Sil%estra Sas =lainti>s Julia Julia Solla Solla++ Ambrosio Ambrosio ,a"ma(+ ,a"ma(+ ,uia ,uia Solla Solla et et are t'e t'e 'eirs o& o& some o& t'e t'e ori"inal ori"inal le"atees 0Sil%estra Sa+ o>+ t'e S &oun$ &oun$ it error error on on t'e part part o& t'e trial trial ourt ourt to $isre" $isre"ar$ ar$ t'e t'e ot'er ot'er e'ibit e'ibitis is )'i' t'e parties a"ree$ to submit to t'e ourt. *ost rele%ant o& t'ese is 'ibit 4 )'i' is t'e reor$ o& proee$in"s in t'e muniipalit( o& abu"ao )'ere+ upon t'e instane o& ,ean$ro Serrano+ a &ormal renuniation o& t'e le"aies )as ma$e b( t'e le"atees in *aria Sollas )ill - !n a$$ition a$$ition to to t'at+ ,ean$r ,ean$ro o )as in poss possessio ession n o& t'e proper propert( t( &rom &rom June 11 1:: 1:: to Au"ust Au"ust 5 1921. He e%en obtaine$ a possessor( in&ormation+ re"istere$ in t'e Re"istr( o& ee$s+ elusi%el( en
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