Digest - People vs Fontanilla

April 25, 2019 | Author: jam1by2019 | Category: N/A
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#14 PEOPLE vs FONTANILLA G.R. No. L-25354 June 28, 1968 TE PEOPLE OF TE PILIPPINE!, plaintif-appellee, PILIPPINE!, plaintif-appellee, vs. "ARIANO FONTANILLA,  FONTANILLA,   deendant-appellant.

FAT!$ On or about September, 1960, Fe Castro, a teen-year old virin, !as brou"t by "er mot"er to t"e "ouse o #ariano Fontanilla and "is se$ond !ie, #adalena Copio, sister o Fe%s mot"er, to serve as a "elper. One ni"t ni"t in Septem September ber,, &ust &ust a !ee' !ee' ater ater s"e arriv arrived ed at t"eir t"eir "ome, "ome, Fontani ontanilla lla intruded into "er bedroom and $onsummated t"e rst se(ual inter$ourse. )rior to t"is, t"e a$$us a$$used ed "ad made made amoro amorous us overt overtur ures es and advan$ advan$es es to!ar to!ard d "er. "er. *"e a$$us a$$used ed su$$eede su$$eeded d in "avin $arnal 'no!lede 'no!lede o "er repeated repeatedly ly or about t"ree t"ree mont"s mont"s rom rom September September to +e$ember, +e$ember, t"e total total number number o times s"e $ould not re$all. re$all. *"e a$$used a$$used made love to "er durin t"e day !"en "is !ie !as a!ay and at ni"t !"en t"e latter !as already asleep. Fe repeatedly yielded to t"e $arnal desires o t"e a$$used, as s"e !as indu$ed by "is promises o marriae and ri"tened by "is a$ts o intimidation. intimidation. *"eir intima$ies lasted or almost t"ree mont"s until "er aunt, t"e !ie o t"e a$$used, $au"t t"em in arante on t"e 'it$"en oor. oor. *"e ollo!in day s"e returned returned to "er parents, parents, and revealed everyt"in to "er mot"er. ONTENTION OF TE !TATE$ !TATE$  *"e muni$ipal muni$ipal $ourt ound ound Fontanilla Fontanilla uilty o o %u&'()e* se*u+(on . ONTENTION OF TE A!E$ Fonta ontani nillla den denie ied d "avi "avin n "ad "ad $ar $arnal 'no! 'no!led ede o "er "er, as t"er t"ere e !as !as neve neverr an o$$asion durin !"i$" "e $ould "ave ta'en advantae o t"e $"astity o Fe, be$ause at ni"t "er room !as lo$'ed and durin t"e day "e !as out in t"e arm. not n ot"e "err reas reason on !as !as t"a t"att "i "is s se(u se(ual al $ap $apab abil ilit itie ies s "ad "ad !ane !aned d $ons $onsid ider erab ably ly be$ be$au ause se o old ae, as "e !as already / years old at t"e time. e admitted t"at despite t"e a$t t"at "e "ad been married or only t!o years to "is se$ond !ie, "e made love to "er only on$e a !ee'. nder t"ese $ir$umstan$es, it !as impossible or "im to "ave induled in se(ual inter$ourse !it" Fe t!i$e daily. *"e *"e appe appell llan antt urt urt"e "err $ont $onten ends ds t"a t"att t"e t"e $omp $ompla lain inan ant2 t2s s test testim imon ony y does does not not mer merit it $reden$e be$ause it is "a3y and sel-$ontradi$tory. e arues t"at i it is true t"at "e repeatedly promised to marry "er, !"y !ould s"e $ontinue "avin se(ual relations !it" !it" "im "im !"en !"en it be$a be$ame me appa apparrent ent t"at t"at "e did did not not mean mean to ma' ma'e ood ood on "is "is prom promis ise4 e4 *"e *"e ans! ans!er er is t"at t"at Fe "ad "ad beu beun n to li' li'e "im "im and and to en&o en&oy y t"e t"e se(u se(ual al inter$ourse. e also insisted t"at t"e $ase !as led aainst "im upon t"e malevolent instiation o velino 5apasin, an un$le o Fe, !"o !ielded stron inuen$e over "er, addin t"at Fe, "ersel, !as envious o "is Fontanilla7s8 $"ildren o t"e rst marriae !"o re$eived some salary rom t"eir employment. RE!OLTION$  *"e SC armed t"e de$ision o t"e lo!er $ourt. :t is settled t"at de$eit, alt"ou" an essent essential ial elemen elementt o ordin ordinary ary or simpl simple e sedu$t sedu$tion ion,, does does not need to be prove proved d or e+e( ( (s /e0' /e0'&+ &+e* e*  &us &use e o  esta establ blis is"e "ed d in a $"ar $"are e o ;ual ;uali ied ed sedu sedu$t $tio ion. n. e+e +on)*en+e . ?is $onstitutive o t"e $rime o ;ualied sedu$tion . . . even t"ou" no de$eit intervenes or even !"en su$" $arnal 'no!lede !ere voluntary on t"e part o t"e virin, be$ause in su$" a $ase, t"e la! ta'es or ranted t"e e(isten$e o t"e de$eit as an interal element o t"e said $rime and punis"es it !it" reater severity t"an it does t"e simple sedu$tion . . . ta'in into a$$ount t"e abuse o $onden$e on t"e part o t"e aent $ulprit8, an abuse o $onden$e !"i$" implies de$eit or raud.?

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