Manuel Reyes v. Court of Appeals and Julio Vivares G.R. No. 12099; Oto!er "0# 199$ %ats& On January 3, 1992, Torcuato Torcuato Reyes Reyes executed his last will and testament. He bequeathed all his ro to his wi!e "suncion #Onin$% and his brother Jose. The will consisted o! two a$es and was si$ned by Torcuato Reyes in the resence o! three witnesses& "ntonio 'eloso, (loria )orromeo, and *oledad (autan. +riate resondent Julio ". 'iares was desi$nated the executor and in his de!ault or incaacity, his son Roch "lan *. 'iar 'iares. es. +R -led a etition !or robate o! the will. The reco$nied natural children o! Torcuato with /stebana (alolo and 0elsa "$ae -led an oosition. The court declared that the will was exec accordin$ w the !orma rescribed by law. Howeer, it ruled that "suncion was neer married to the deceased #Hence, diso made in will is inalid%. Julio 'iares -led an aeals aea ls be!ore the 0" with the alle$ation alle$ation that the oositos !ailed to re resent sent ay com. eidence taht "suncion was le$ally married to another erson. The 0" armed the trial courts decision but with the modi-cation that diso in !aor o! Onin$ was alid. Rulin'& "s a $en $ener eral al rul rule, e, cou courts rts in r roba obate te r roce oceedi edin$s n$s ar are e li limit mited ed to as ass s onl only y uo uon n the extrinsic alidity o! the will sou$ht to be robated. Thus, the court merely inquires on its due execution, whether or not it comlies with the !ormalities rescribed by law, and the testamentary caacity o! the testator. 4t does not determine nor een by imlication re5u r e5ud$e d$e the al alidi idity ty or e ecac cacy y o! the wil wills ls r roi oisio sions. ns. The int intrin rinsic sic al alidi idity ty is not considered since the consideration thereo! usually comes only a!ter the will has been roed and allowed. There are, howeer, notable circumstances wherein the intrinsic alidity was -rst determined as when the de!ect o! the will is aarent on its !ace and the robate o! the will may become a useless ceremony i! it is intrinsically inalid. The intr in trin insi sic c a ali lidi dity ty o! a wi will ll ma may y be a ass ssed ed u uon on be beca caus use e 6 6ra ract ctic ical al co consi nside dera rati tion ons6 s6 demanded it as when there is reterition o! heirs or the testamentary roisions are o! doubt!ul le$ality. le$ality. +arenthetically, +arenthetically, the rule on robate is not in7exible and absolute. a bsolute. 8nder excetional circumstances, the robate court is not owerless to do what the situation constrains it to do and ass uon certain roisions o! the will. The lower court was not ased to rule uon the intrinsic alidity or ecacy o! the roisions o! the will. "s a result, the declaration o! the testator that "suncion 6Onin$6 Reyes was his wi!e did not hae to be scrutinied durin$ the robate roceedin$s. The roriety o! the institution o! Onin$ Oni n$ Reye eyes s as one o! the de deise isees esle$ le$ate atees es alr alread eady y in inol oled ed inq inquir uiry y on the wi will lls s intrinsic alidity and which need not be inquired uon by the robate court.
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