Different Worlds-Margaret Johnson

December 30, 2018 | Author: Chaliq Cee | Category: Hearing Loss
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A band on a guitar Before I was born, my mum played music wit four  friends! Tere"s a poto#rap of tem in our li$in# room! E$ie, %race, An#ela, &ate and my mum! um! Tey were te 'wee weet Pepper Band, and tey played 'out American music! (um  played #uitar! #uitar! (um ad lon# dar) air! In te poto#rap se"s wearin# a bi# at, a red sire and yellow trousers! 'e loo)s 'out American, but se"s not, se"s En#lis! 'e"s smilin# in te  poto#rap! 'e loo)s beautiful! beautiful! 'e"s beautiful now too! But tese days er air is sort and te dar) brown colour comes from a bottle! (um doesn"t  play er #uitar $ery often any more! It sits in te corner of te li$in# room waitin# for E$ie, %race, An#ela or &ate to $isit! *en I was a little #irl, I li)ed to put my small and on te front of (ums #uitar wile se played if! (y and mo$ed a little because of te music! (um said tat was called $ibration! 'e was appy tat I could feel te $ibration of er music wen I put my and on er #uitar! And se wasn"t an#ry wen one day I ad blue paint on my and and I put it on te #uitar! (um li)ed me to feel te $ibration of er music, you see! Tat"s because I can"t ear er music! (y ears don"t wor)! I"m deaf! I was born li)e tat! 'ometimes I tin) tat"s wy (um


doesn"t play music $ery often because se )nows I can"t ear it! And now tat I"m ei#teen years old, my ands are too bi# to  put tem on te front of te #uitar! #uitar! I don"t )now if (um was sad to a$e a deaf baby! 'e tells me I was beautiful wen I was born! I ad lots of blonde air and blue eyes tat wen went brown li)e ers after a few monts! But I don"t tin) (ums sad because se smiles all te time! (um (um smil smiles es more more tan tan anyo anyone ne I )now )now!! 'e" 'e"ss alwa always ys appy, tat"s one of te tin#s e$eryone lo$es about er! Te cildren at Busy &ids +ay Nursery, were we bot wor), all lo$e (um! Busy &ids is (um"s business! 'e started it fi$e years a#o! (um"s really #ood wit cildren! I remember wen I was uite youn# - fi$e or si. years old - I was sad about sometin#! I don"t remember wat I was sad about, but I do remember  wat (um said! *e sat in a cair to#eter wit er face close to mine and se put er arms around me! *e stayed li)e tat for a wile, and ten se sat bac) so se could tal) to me! (um and I use our ands and fin#ers to tal) to eac oter! It"s called si#nin#! Anyway, (um said tat we can coose ow to be in life appy or sad! 'e said, "/ife"s sort, so coose to be appy! I try ne$er to for#er tose words!


doesn"t play music $ery often because se )nows I can"t ear it! And now tat I"m ei#teen years old, my ands are too bi# to  put tem on te front of te #uitar! #uitar! I don"t )now if (um was sad to a$e a deaf baby! 'e tells me I was beautiful wen I was born! I ad lots of blonde air and blue eyes tat wen went brown li)e ers after a few monts! But I don"t tin) (ums sad because se smiles all te time! (um (um smil smiles es more more tan tan anyo anyone ne I )now )now!! 'e" 'e"ss alwa always ys appy, tat"s one of te tin#s e$eryone lo$es about er! Te cildren at Busy &ids +ay Nursery, were we bot wor), all lo$e (um! Busy &ids is (um"s business! 'e started it fi$e years a#o! (um"s really #ood wit cildren! I remember wen I was uite youn# - fi$e or si. years old - I was sad about sometin#! I don"t remember wat I was sad about, but I do remember  wat (um said! *e sat in a cair to#eter wit er face close to mine and se put er arms around me! *e stayed li)e tat for a wile, and ten se sat bac) so se could tal) to me! (um and I use our ands and fin#ers to tal) to eac oter! It"s called si#nin#! Anyway, (um said tat we can coose ow to be in life appy or sad! 'e said, "/ife"s sort, so coose to be appy! I try ne$er to for#er tose words!


I try to be li)e my mum because I tin) se"s a wonderful  person! I don"t )now muc about about my fater because because e left after  after  I was born! All I )now is tat e played music too, and tat e"s 0renc! He li$es in Paris now! (um and my fater met wen e was wor)in# in  Norwic for a year! year! Tey fell in lo$e and soon #ot married! +ad mo$ed into te ouse were (um and I li$e now!  Norwic is a beautiful place, but it isn"t as bi# and e.citin# as Paris! I tin) my fater #ot bored! Or peraps e was sad wen I was born deaf! Because tat"s wen e went away to li$e wit is family in Paris! He ne$er came bac)! 'ome of my friends don"t tal) to teir parents $ery muc! (y friend 'u1anne sometimes tells er moter se"s wit me wen se"s really wit er boyfriend! 'e does tis because er  mum worries about er all te time! 'e worries about were se is and wo se"s wit! Bur (um and I are $ery close, and I coul ouldn"t dn"t tell ell er er some somettin# in# tat at wasn wasn"t "t true true!! Any Anyway way, se doesn"t worry te way 'u1anne"s mum does, so I usually tell er e$erytin#! But I didn"t tell er wen I fell in lo$e for te first time! I don"t )now wy! Peraps it was because it felt so stran#e2 because I felt so stran#e! It was almost li)e bein# on a  boat on an an#ry sea! sea! 'ometimes I was was afraid of ow I felt! And tere was anoter problem! I didn"t )now te name of te man I was in lo$e wit!




Shopping 3ust for a moment, try to tin) wat it"s li)e to li$e in my world! 'top wat you"re doin# and put your ands o$er your  ears! Are tere no sounds at all4 Or are te noises of te street  5ust uieter tan usual4 I )now (um lo$es listenin# to te sounds of birds sin#in# in te countryside wen we #o wal)in#! In my world tere are no birds sin#in#! Tere are no noisy men wor)in# on te roads! No people lea$in# bars late at ni#t soutin# at eac oter! No babies cryin#! But te man I lo$e doesn"t li$e in my world! He li$es in te earin# world! Te first time I saw im, e was standin# in front of te sop across te road from our ouse! He was puttin# apples and oran#es onto te table outside te sop and is blac) air  ad blue li#ts in it from te sun! I watced im from my bedroom window, and I smiled at ow carefully e was puttin# te fruit onto te table! He was li)e an artist, not a sop assistant! Ten, as I watced, a bi# motorbi)e went up te street! Te youn# man loo)ed up and


smiled as e watced it #o past! I saw te motorbi)e #o past,  but e eard it first, ten saw it! After te motorbi)e was #one, e went bac) to is fruit! But ten a small #irl fell off er bicycle close to te sop and e ran to elp er! He )new se wanted elp because e eard er! In only one minute, I already )new four tin#s about im! He ad beautiful blac) air! He li)ed motorbi)es! He was )ind to apples, oran#es and little #irls! And, of course, e could ear! 6ntil I first saw im, I didn"t tin) $ery often about bein# deaf! It"s all I"$e e$er )nown, and I can"t do anytin# to can#e it! And all my boyfriends a$e been deaf! But after I saw te youn# man, I wanted to be li)e most oter people! I didn"t want to be different! I soon found out tat e only wor)ed at te sop on 'aturdays! After tat I went in tere to buy sometin# eac 'aturday! E$ery wee) I wanted to tal) to im, but e$ery wee) I  5ust smiled and paid for my tin#s! Tin#s tat I didn"t really want! (um often loo)ed at me stran#ely wen I came bac)  from te sop! "*e didn"t need any apples, 'amanta," se said


once! "I bou#t some yesterday!" And anoter time, "*e"$e already #ot biscuits in te cupboard!" On 'aturdays I always wanted to #o to te sop, but I always felt afraid too! I ne$er felt $ery comfortable as I wal)ed across te road! I played wit te money in my poc)et li)e a cild #oin# to buy sweets! And ten sometimes wen I #ot to te sop I waited for a moment outside, readin# te postcards in te window! People wo want to sell tin#s write about tem on a postcard and te youn# man puts tem in te window7 "Car, fi$e years old! Cat needs #ood ome, lar#e frid#e, nearly new!" One 'aturday I read all of te postcards twice before I went into te sop! Ten, wen I was inside, I didn"t )now wat to buy! (um and I always #o to te supermar)et on 0ridays and I really didn"t want anytin#! Te youn# man was  busy sellin# bread and ca)es to a woman wit two cildren! Tis #a$e me time to tin), and in te end I decided to buy a newspaper! Te sop was often $ery busy on 'aturdays! 6sually te youn# man 5ust ad time to smile at me and ta)e my money! But tat mornin# it was different! After te woman and er  cildren left, te sop was empty! Tere was only me and te youn# man! *en I too) my newspaper to im to pay for it, e smiled! But wen I tried to smile bac) at im, my mout felt


li)e wood! Ten e said sometin# to me! I watced is mout closely! *e ad lessons at scool to elp us lip-read - to watc  people"s mouts to read teir words wen tey tal)! I can lipread uite well! 'o I watced te youn# man"s mout and I tou#t e was tal)in# about a fire! A bi# fire! Ten I loo)ed down at my newspaper and saw a picture of a ouse on fire! It was a colour picture, and te fire was $ery bi# and red! I oped nobody was in te ouse! Tat"s wat I wanted to say to te youn# man7 "How terrible8 I ope nobody was in te ouse!" But I didn"t say it! I didn"t say anytin#! I don"t li)e spea)in#, you see! I don"t li)e actually usin# my $oice! *en I was a cild I often tried to cal) and oter cildren didn"t understand me! 'ometimes tey lau#ed! Tat"s wy I tin) my $oice sounds stran#e! And I didn"t want te youn# man to tin) I was stran#e! *en I loo)ed up, te youn# man was spea)in# a#ain! Ten e wailed for me to answer im! But I didn"t ear im, so I couldn"t! 'o I 5ust smiled and too) my newspaper and left te sop! But as I wal)ed across te road to my ouse, I felt sad  because I was sure e probably did tin) I was stran#e now!



My best friend (um loo)ed at me wen I went into te ouse wit te newspaper! *e si#ned to eac oter! "Are you O&4" se as)ed, and I did my best to smile! "9es, I"m O&," I said! 'e loo)ed at me for a moment as if se didn"t uite  belie$e me, and ten se said, "Ron"s ere! He"s in te li$in# room!" Tat made me appy a#ain! Ron is my $ery best friend! *e li$ed ne.t door to eac oter wen we were cildren! Now e"s a student in /ondon, and I don"t #et to see im $ery often! He"s studyin# to be a teacer of deaf cildren! He wanted to  become one because of me! Ron learnt to spea) to me by si#nin# wen e was $ery youn#! I went uic)ly into te li$in# room! Ron was sittin# on te sofa readin# a ma#a1ine! *en e saw me e put te ma#a1ine down! "Hi, 'am8" e si#ned to me and smiled! "Hi, Ron!" I smiled bac) and )issed im! "How are you4" I was really appy to see im! I )new I could tell im about my  problem wit te man from te sop! Ron understood tese


tin#s! I remember te first time e fell in lo$e! It was wit my friend 'u1anne, actually! (um put er ead round te door! I watced er mout mo$e as se as)ed Ron if e wanted a cup of tea! 'e li)es Ron as muc as I do! *en we were cildren, se often too) bot of  us to te sea for te day! Once I as)ed Ron wat te sound of te sea was li)e! He said! Te sea"s loud wen it #ets to te beac! But it can be soft and uiet too!" 6sually I don"t feel sad about bein# deaf, but I lo$e te sea, and I would li)e to ear wat it sounds li)e $ery muc! I uic)ly told Ron about te man from te sop before (um came bac) wit te tea! "Actually, I tin) I )now im," Ron said after a few moments! "(y broter"s friend as a 'aturday 5ob at tat sop! He"s a student at te uni$ersity! He li$es in Pete"s ouse" Pete is Ron"s broter! "I couldn"t belie$e it8 (y man li$ed in Pete"s ouse8 *at"s is name4" I as)ed! "3im, Ron told me!" "Actually, Pete"s a$in# a party at is ouse toni#t! Come wit me! 3im will probably be tere!" Parties are difficult for me because I can"t tal) to people! It"s different wen I"m wit my oter deaf friends because we si#n to eac oter and we lau# a lot! %oin# to a party wit


tem is different to #oin# to any oter sort of party! *e all spea) te same lan#ua#e! *en I"m at a party wit tem, I"m in te centre of tin#s! At parties wit earin# people, I"m on te outside! Or I feel as if I am! Ron )new wat I was tin)in#! "Come to te party," e si#ned! "Please! I"d li)e you to come!" "O&" I said at last, 5ust as (um came in wit te tea!



The party /ater I was loo)in# at all my clotes wen (um came into my bedroom! I ad a #reen dress in one and and a sort  blac) s)irt in te oter and! I wasn"t appy wit te dress or  te s)irt! (um too) a blue 5umper from te bed and #a$e it to me! "Te weater man on te tele$ision says tat it will snow," se said! Ten se smiled and )issed me, and I felt bad tat se didn"t )now about 3im! I decided to tell er as soon as tere was anytin# to tell! If tere was anytin# to tell! It was almost sprin#, but it was still $ery told! Ron and I stopped to buy some drin)s on te way to te party and by te time we #ot to Pete"s ouse it was be#innin# to snow! Ron loo)ed at me as we waited at te door! "O&4" e as)ed! I smiled at im! "9es," I said! "I"m O&!" A #irl opened te door and said ello to Ron! I didn"t )now er! 'e was $ery pretty and se was wearin# a nice red dress! I smiled at er and followed Ron into te ouse!


Inside, we went into te )itcen! It was full of people! All te #irls were wearin# sort dresses or s)irts! I was te only one wearin# a 5umper and 5eans! Ron and I too) our drin)s into te li$in# room! Tis room was full of people too! And it was ot - $ery ot -but I couldn"t ta)e my 5umper off because I wasn"t wearin# a T-sirt under it! Te 5umper was a mista)e, but I tried to for#et about it! "Te music"s $ery loud," I said to Ron! "How do you )now tat4" e as)ed and smiled! "Because I can feel it in my le#s," I told im, and it was true! It was li)e my and on (um"s #uitar! Te $ibration of te music was tra$ellin# from te floor into my feet! Ten it was #oin# ri#t up my le#s and into my body! A man came up to us! It was Pete! He said sometin# to Ron, ten loo)ed ri#t at me! Pete )nows I"m deaf of course! "Hello, 'am" I saw is mout sayin#! "*ere"s 3im4" I wanted to as), but I didn"t! I 5ust said ello and smiled! Pete tal)ed to us for a wile, ten e went to can#e te music! Ron tal)ed to me! People in te room watced us tal)in# wit our ands! People often watc wen I use si#n lan#ua#e! It"s interestin# for tem, I tin)! Ron told me about te fun e was a$in# wit is new friends in /ondon! He tal)ed a lot about a #irl called (ary!


"Is (ary your #irlfriend4" I as)ed im, and is face went a  bit red! "At te moment se"s 5ust a friend," e said! "But I want er  to be my #irlfriend!" I tou#t about 3im! *ere was e4 *y wasn"t e ere4 Te party was in is ouse8 Ron often )nows wat I"m tin)in#! "Hell come soon," e told me! Around ten o"cloc), Ron was tal)in# to some oter  friends across te room! I felt $ery ot in my 5umper, so I decided to #o into te #arden for a sort time! Outside, e$erytin# was wite! Tere was snow e$erywere, and it was beautiful! Te #arden loo)ed li)e a bi# wite ca)e, and I was te first person to wal) on it! Or, I tou#t I was te first person to wal) on it! But after  a few moments I saw tat I wasn"t! I could see empty places in te snow made by soes - footprints! But I couldn"t see anyone! But I )new someone was tere because 5ust ten sometin# $ery told it te side of my face! 'now8



Snow fun (ore snowballs flew past my face! Ten I saw someone come out from beind a wite tree! It was te man from te sop8 It was 3im8 I lau#ed and uic)ly made a snowball! Ten I sent it trou# te air! But 3im mo$ed so uic)ly to one side te snowball it a tree beind im! 'o I started to ma)e anoter snowball, but  before it was ready, 3im trew a new one at me! I lau#ed a#ain! Ten I ran beind a wall and made lots of snowballs! *en tey were ready, I came out from beind te wall! But 3im ad made lots of snowballs too, and soon I was $ery wet! After a few minutes I was lau#in# so muc my stomac urt, 5ust te way it does wen I"m lau#in# at parties wit my deaf friends! *en I loo)ed up at last, I saw tat 3im was standin# uite close to me! I also saw tat sometin# was wron#! He wasn"t smilin# now! He was loo)in# at me! I remembered ow e loo)ed at me in te sop and I )new it was te same now! He was waitin# for me to answer im! But I couldn"t!


I loo)ed into is face, waitin# for im to spea) a#ain! After a wile, e did, and tis time I watced is mout $ery carefully! Tere was an outside li#t on te side of te ouse! Anyway, te snow all around us made it almost as li#t as day! "*at"s your name4" e as)ed! Tis time I )new it was $ery important for me say sometin#! "'am," I said carefully! "(y name"s 'am! 'amanta!" Ten I told im7 "I can"t ear wat you say! I"m deaf!" He loo)ed at me for a $ery lon# time, and I wasn"t sure if  e understood! Ten e smiled! "Can you lip-read, 'am4" e as)ed! I nodded! "9es," I said! "6sually!" "Ten lip-read tis," e said, mo$in# is mout carefully! "Te time for tal)in# as finised! %et your snowballs ready8" Ten e ran away and went bac) beind is tree! Before I could mo$e, snowballs were comin# trou# te air a#ain! I ran bac) beind my wall, lau#in#! (y first snowball it im in te face! But e sent one bac) wic #ot me on my face! Te snow was told and wet in my eyes, but I didn"t mind! I was appy! I )new 3im was trowin# snowballs at me because e li)ed me! 'ometimes wen people learn about me bein# deaf  tey"re $ery careful wit me! I feel li)e I"m a piece of e.pensi$e #lass! It"s difficult to be friends wit a piece of e.pensi$e #lass! Bui 3im wasn"t careful wit me and I li)ed tat!


'oon I was $ery oc! But I didn"t want to stop! I wanted to trow snowballs at 3im all ni#t! But after about fi$e minutes, 3im stopped! *en I loo)ed o$er to see wy, I saw is mout was mo$in#! But e wasn"t loo)in# at me, e was loo)in# at someone beind me! I turned and saw a #irl standin# near te ouse! It was te #irl in te red dress! Te same #irl wo opened te door wen Ron and I arri$ed at te party! 'e was sayin# sometin# to 3im and se didn"t loo) appy! 'e wasn"t smilin# and er eyes were told! As told as er le#s in te sort red dress! 3im started to wal) across te snowy #rass! *en e #ot near to me, e smiled and loo)ed into my face! "I"ll win ne.t time," e said, ten e went inside wit te #irl! I stayed on in te #arden for a few minutes more, but it wasn"t muc fun now! 9ou can"t really trow snowballs at yourself! *en I went bac) in te ouse I found Ron in te )itcen! "'am8 9ou"re still ere," e si#ned! "I was loo)in# for you!" He loo)ed at my wet clotes! "*at appened to your 5umper4" Before I could answer I saw 3im on te oter side of te )itcen! Te #irl in te red dress was tal)in# to im, but e wasn"t listenin#! He was watcin# me and Ron spea)in# wit our ands!


Ron saw wo I was loo)in# at! "Ha$e you been outside wit 3im4" e as)ed, and e smiled wen my red face #a$e im my answer! "I"$e been wit 3im and about a undred snowballs!" I smiled as I si#ned te words! Ron lau#ed! (ore people came into te )itcen and e mo$ed closer to me! Tere wasn"t enou# room for im to si#n now, so e spo)e carefully! "It"s $ery #ood to see you, 'am," e said! I li)e /ondon, but it"s not so muc fun witout you tere"! Ron is li)e my broter! 'o wen e )issed my face, I )new it was te )iss of a broter to is sister! But I didn"t )now if 3im )new tat!



Spring cleaning Te ne.t 'aturday was te first 'aturday in (are! (um always li)es us to clean te ouse on te first 'aturday in (are! 'e calls it sprin# cleanin#! 'e was cleanin# downstairs, and I was cleanin# upstairs! I wanted to be upstairs  because I could see te sop from my bedroom window! +ownstairs tere are always cars in te street outside and you can"t see out $ery well! I really wanted to see 3im a#ain, and I loo)ed out of te window often wile I was cleanin#! Once e came outside to  put some fruit and flowers onto te cable, but e didn"t loo)  across te road! Te snowball fi#t was a wee) a#o now! A wee) is a lon# time if you"re in lo$e! It was sunny and te snow was #one now! I was sorry about tat! "Ha$en"t you finised tis room, 'am4" (um stood in front of me, si#nin#! 'e couldn"t understand wy I was still cleanin# my room! I"m usually uite uic) ac cleanin#! *en I"m not loo)in# out of windows and rememberin# snowballs! "'orry," I answered, and se smiled!


"Tat"s O&! Actually, can you #o to te sop to #et a  bottle of window cleaner for me4 I for#ot to buy some!" I couldn"t belie$e it8 'e was sendin# me to te sop8 "+o you feel O&, 'am4" (um as)ed me! "9ou loo) ot!"" "9es," I answered! "I feel fine!" But I )new my face was red! "Are you sure4" se said! I"ll #o to te sop if you want!" "No8" I si#ned! I"ll #o!" And I uic)ly went downstairs and left te ouse! 3im was busy wen I went into te sop! He was standin# near te bottles of wine wit a man! He was elpin# te man to decide wic wine to buy! Te man was uite sort! 3im smiled at me o$er is ead! I smiled at im, and ten I went o$er to te bottles of  cleaner! (um always buys te same window cleaner, but I stood in front of te different bottles as if I didn"t )now wic one was best! I wanted te sort man to coose is wine uic)ly and lea$e! I wanted 3im to myself! At last te man left, carryin# two bottles of wine, one-red, one wite! I too) my window cleaner o$er to 3im to pay for it! *en I #ot tere e was writin# sometin# on a piece of paper! Ten e #a$e it to me! Te writin# was lar#e and blac)! It was li)e an artist"s writin#! I read te words7 "I )now more about snowballs tan wine!"


I lau#ed! "+id you en5oy our snowball fi#t4 He wrote ne.t! I too) te pen from im! "9es, I wrote, I did! :ery muc!" After e"d read my words, e loo)ed at me! Ten e started writin# a#ain! "Is Ron your boyfriend4" I read! Tis time I didn"t write, I spo)e! "No," I said! "He"s my best friend! I a$en"t #ot a boyfriend!" 3im understood me witout any problem! Or I tin) e did, because e smiled! "+o you want to meet me tomorrow ni#t4" e said, and e mo$ed is mout carefully so I could lip-read is words! "9es," I said! "I"d li)e tat!" "How lon# does it ta)e to buy window cleaner, 'am4" (um as)ed me wen I #ot bac) to te ouse, but I only smiled! "'orry, (um" I si#ned and urried uic)ly upstairs! It wasn"t until I started cleanin# (um"s bedroom tat I tou#t about te #irl in te red dress a#ain! *o was se4 But I was afraid of te answer! I li)ed 3im too muc and I didn"t want to tin) about te #irl in te red dress!



A new boyfriend  Ne.t day, (um and I went to *interton for a wal)! *interton is one of my fa$ourite places! It"s cast of Norwic,  by te sea! *interton is were (um too) me and Ron wen we were cildren! It ta)es about forty-fi$e minutes to dri$e tere! *e put on our coats and made some coffee and some sandwices to ta)e wit us! On te beac it was told but sunny! 'ome cildren were runnin# by te sea wit teir do#! As we wal)ed alon#, I told (um about 3im! *en I was finised, my face was a bit red! "9ou really li)e im, don"t you4" se said, loo)in# at me! It was windy by te sea! (um"s air was all o$er er face,  but I could see er smile trou# it! "9es," I said, "I do!" 3ust for a moment, se loo)ed a little sad! 'e wal)ed aead a sort way, ten se loo)ed bac) at me! "/o$e is wonderful," se said, smilin# a#ain! "En5oy it wile you can, 'am! En5oy it wile you can!" I did en5oy myself tat e$enin#! :ery muc!


3im and I went to a bar in te centre of Norwic! It was in te old area of town, close to te ri$er! Tere was a pool table in te bar! I li)e playin# pool! Ron tau#t me ow to play, years a#o! Now I"m better tan im! 3im saw me loo)in# at te pool table and te ne.t moment e was puttin# some money into te side of it! *e  played and I won easily! It only too) fi$e minutes! (y last boyfriend #ot an#ry wen e lost! Bur wen I loo)ed at 3im I saw tat e was lau#in#! I li)ed tat! ":ery #ood8" e said! "But my snowballs are better tan yours8 Ten e loo)ed at me! "Can you understand me4" I smiled! "9es," I said! "I can understand if you spea)  slowly! Can you understand me4" 3im smiled too! "9es," e said, "I can understand you $ery well!" *e sat down to#eter at a table and for te ne.t two ours we tal)ed! (ost of te time we spo)e to eac oter, and sometimes we wrote tin#s down! I didn"t tin) about ow we were tal)in#! I was too interested in wat we were sayin#! Tis was wat I found out about 3im! He was twenty-one years old and e was studyin# En#lis at uni$ersity in  Norwic! Tis was is last year as a student! His family li$ed in +erbysire, in te middle of En#land! He ad a broter of  twenty-fi$e, a sister of se$enteen and a do# called ')y! He li)ed wal)in# in te ills near is family ome! He told me tat


in winter te ills were often wite wit snow! *inter was is fa$ourite time! Ten e told me te only two tin#s e didn"t li)e about Norfol)7 tere weren"t many ills and it didn"t snow $ery often8 (um as told me tat people wo li$e in different places in En#land sound different wen tey spea)! People from +erbysire sound different to people from /ondon, and people from /ondon sound different to people from Norwic! Tey a$e different accents! 'o I )new tat 3im probably ad a different accent to te oter people around us in te bar! Ten 3im wanted to )now about me, so I told im about my 5ob at Busy &ids! I said tat I spent a lot of my time  playin#, and tat te cildren don"t mind about me bein# deaf! I won"t always wor) at Busy &ids, "I finised, I li)e wor)in# tere but I also li)e writin# stories! One day I want to write a  boo)!" "I"m sure you will," 3im said! "9ou"ll write a boo) and you"ll be famous!" "I 5ust want to be appy," I wrote on is piece of paper! But I was already appy! Happy bein# wit 3im! "*at"s it li)e to be deaf4" 3im as)ed ten, and I tou#t for a moment! "9ou don"t mind me as)in# you tat, do you4" 3im as)ed! "No," I wrote! "I want to tell you! But it"s difficult"


"I tin) it must be $ery peaceful," 3im said! "I li)e noise,  but sometimes I need to be uiet! Tat"s wen I #o to te countryside for a wal)!" He lau#ed! "But actually te countryside can be a $ery noisy place8 Tere are cars and animals and birds sin#in#!" "(um li)es listenin# to te birds sin#," I told im! "9es, I do too!" e said! And te sound of te wind in te trees! "'ometimes my world is too uiet," I said, and 3im touced my and! "+on"t be sad," e said, and I smiled! "I"m not sad," I said, and it was true! I was $ery appy,  bein# wit 3im! "I tin) bein# deaf is a bit li)e swimmin# underwater," I told im! "9ou )now, wen you"re swimmin# and you loo) up trou# te water! E$erytin# loo)s different! Te water can#es e$erytin#!" 3im mo$ed is cair near to mine and too) my and in is! "0is always li$e in te water," e said! "It"s all tey )now!" "9es," I said, and I )new e understood wat I was tryin# to tell im! "0is don"t )now tat te water ma)es tin#s loo)  different!" *en te bar closed, 3im wal)ed ome wit me! He ad is bicycle wit im! It was dar), so I couldn"t read is lips, but I didn"t mind! It was nice 5ust to be wit im! *e li$ed in


different worlds because I was deaf, and e wasn"t! But it wasn"t important! Outside my ouse, we stopped under a street li#t! 3im loo)ed into my eyes! "*at"s your mobile pone number4 'o I can te.t you!" I told im my mobile pone number! Ten I sowed im ow to say #oodbye in si#n lan#ua#e! He tried it a few times! Ten, e sowed me anoter way to say #oodbye! *it a )iss! I li)ed tat way best!



The girl in the red dress Tat e$enin# was te be#innin# of sometin# wonderful,  because 3im and I met often after tat! 'ometimes e went out wit is friends or stayed at ome to study! But we saw eac oter as often as we could! *e met in cafes or in bars, or we 5ust went for wal)s! 'ometimes we used pen and paper to tal), but usually I read is lips! I sowed im some more si#n lan#ua#e too! But often we didn"t a$e to tal) at all! *e 5ust li)ed bein# to#eter! *en we weren"t to#eter we sent eac oter te.t messa#es and emails! In tis way we spo)e to eac oter e$ery day! 'ometimes I felt I was li$in# a dream, a $ery #ood dream! I was in lo$e and I was $ery appy! 6ntil te day I met te #irl in te red dress a#ain! Te #irl from te party! It was a (onday mornin# and I was on my way to wor)! (um ad left early to meet a new parent, so I was wal)in#! It was a sunny day, and I was feelin# #ood! I went to te sops to  buy food for te cildren"s lunces and ten I wal)ed trou# te par)! I was probably tin)in# about 3im, because I was always tin)in# about 3im!


I didn"t see te #irl wit te red dress until se stood in front of me! 'e wasn"t wearin# a red dress tat day, of course,  but I )new wo se was! "Hello," I said, but se didn"t say anytin#! 'e 5ust stood tere and loo)ed at me! Ten, wen se started spea)in#, se tal)ed really uic)ly! Too uic)ly! "Please," I said! "Can you spea) more slowly4 I can"t understand you!" 'e loo)ed cross! "*at4" I saw er say! "I can"t understand you8 (y face went red, but I tried a#ain, spea)in# carefully! "Please spea) more slowly so I can read your lips! I"m deaf!" *en se spo)e a#ain, se spo)e $ery slowly! Too slowly! I could understand e$ery word! "3im was my boyfriend  before e met you," se said! "(y boyfriend! *e were $ery appy to#eter! :ery appy! I"m #ood for im in a way you can ne$er be #ood for im! How can you be #ood for im4 9ou can"t ear is music8" "His music4" I didn"t understand wat se meant! 'e loo)ed at me! "+on"t you )now about is music4" se said! 3im plays in a band8 I can"t belie$e you don"t )now tat8 Te band means e$erytin# to im! E$erytin#! And e needs to be wit someone wo can ear is music! 3im writes son#s! +idn"t you )now tat4 9ou really don"t )now 3im $ery well, do you4 He writes son#s and e plays tem to me before e tries


tem wit te band! He could ne$er do tat wit you, could e4 'o stay away from im, understand4 9ou"ll ne$er ma)e im appy te way I do!" 'e waited for a moment to see if I would say anytin#,  but I was too urt inside to spea)! Hurt and afraid! 'o se said it one more time7 "'tay away from 3im!" Ten se left! Tere was a seat in te par) under a tree! I sat down on it and watced er wal) away! (y ead urt! It was lull of er  words! 'e was 3im"s #irlfriend until e met me! *as tat true4 *y didn"t e tell me4 And e played music in a band!!! *as tat true as well4 I tou#t I )new 3im, but now!!! I didn"t )now wat to belie$e or to tin) I only )new tat I was afraid! :ery afraid! I )new wy 3im ne$er spo)e to me about is music! Because I"m deaf! 3ust ten I felt my pone rin#! I too) it from my ba# and loo)ed at it! Tere was a te.t messa#e from 3im!

(eet me toni#t! I lo$e you, 3im

I didn"t answer te messa#e! (um loo)ed at me wen I arri$ed at Busy &ids! "Are you all ri#t, 'am4" se as)ed me! "9ou loo) ill!"


"I"m O&," I si#ned and I too) te soppin# into te )itcen were we ma)e te cildren"s lunces! (um followed me! "'am4" se said! "*at is it4" I didn"t want to tal) about it! But (um"s face was $ery worried, so I told er! "9ou must spea) to 3im," se said! "+o you want me to  pone im4" "No," I said! "No, tan) you! I need to tan)!" I was sad all day! No, I was worse tan sad! (y appy world was bro)en into pieces! At four o"cloc) (um told me to #o ome early! "I"$e #ot a friend comin# for dinner, but I"m busy ere," se said! "Can you coo) sometin#4" I was appy to #o ome early, but I wasn"t un#ry! But I made a pi11a for (um and er friend! (um #ot ome at si. o"cloc) and went to a$e a sower! *en somebody comes to te front door at our ouse, te li#ts #o on and off! Ten I )now tat someone"s tere! Te li#ts in te )itcen went on and off wile I was ma)in# a salad and (um was in te sower! I went to te front door to see wo it was! I could see a man trou# te #lass! It was 3im!


I opened te door! He was smilin#, but I couldn"t smile  bac)! I was pleased to see im, but I was sad too, because of  te meetin# wit te #irl! "Hi, 'am," e said! "Tese are for you!" Ten I saw e ad some flowers! Beautiful flowers! Red roses, lots of tem! 0lowers for a boyfriend to #i$e to is #irlfriend! But in my ead I saw te #irl from te party in er red dress! Te roses were te same colour as er dress! +id 3im #i$e er roses wen e was er boyfriend4 "Tan) you," I too) te flowers from im, and wen I loo)ed up a#ain, 3im was sayin# sometin#! E.cept of course I didn"t )now wat it was! I don"t tin) I a$e e$er felt so sad about bein# deaf as at tat moment! 3im too) te flowers bac) from me and put tem down on a table inside te ouse! Ten e put is arms around me! I )new e was tryin# to sow me wat e wanted to say to me! It was te same tin# as is te.t messa#e, te same tin# as te roses7 "I lo$e you!" I was appy tat 3im lo$ed me! But I was still sad because I )new lo$e wasn"t enou#!



Pizza and talking *en I was about fifteen years old, my fa$ourite boo)s and films were all lo$e stories! Te stories were all te same! Tere was a man
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