Differences and Similarities Between Business Letters and Memorandum
January 17, 2023 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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DIFFERENCES MEMORANDUM Business memos are usually internal, that is between employees within a business, company or organizaon. Busine Bus iness ss memo memoss are are short short and and to to the poin point. t. Memos use short sentences, less formal language, and bullet points to convey important informaon.
BUSINESS LETTER Business leers are usually between two businesses or a business and its clients. Busine Business ss leer leerss are are lon long g and in in det detail ail.. Business leers are in more formal language and important informaon is conveyed in paragraphs.
Memos are general as it addresses mulple recipients. A memo can have a number of purposes. It can: - distribute news and informaon to mulple recipients. - convey thoughts or opinions for immediate reacon. - call people to acon or to a meeng.
Business leer is specic as it normally goes to a specic recipient. The basic purpose of business leer is a formal way of communicang between two or more pares. These leers can be informaonal, persuasive, movaonal, or promoonal.
Tuesday the 19th we will have three Japanese execuves vising our premises. Pleased note the following: Morning coee recepon (Board Room) 9-10am (mandatory for key sta). Visitors will be touring oce and producon areas. Lunch breaks should be arranged to insure coverage in all departments.
Regarding your visit to our company facilies on May 19th, we are pleased that you will be spending the whole day with us. A welcome recepon has been organized from 9:00 10:00 a.m. in our Board Room, which will give you an opportunity to meet key sta members. Following the recepon, representaves from each department will be available to answer your quesons as you tour the oces and facilies. Your sales representave, Jason Dodge, will be hosng lunch.
Jason will host lunch (let him know if you are available).
Memos are are based based upon single single infor informaon maon to
Mulple Mulple topics topics can can be cov covered ered in a business business
be passed on.
Leers and memos both are wrien forms of communicaon used in business. business. With each one, you will need to indicate who you are sending the communicaon to. In the case of a leer, you put the person or company's name and address on the leer before the salutaon. In the case of a memo, this informaon is indicated in the "To" eld at the top of the page.
Leers and memos also include the name of who is sending the communicaon. If you are sending sending a leer leer on compan company y leerh leerhead ead,, it indica indicates tes the name name of the the comp compan any y and and th the e ma mail ilin ing/ g/st stre reet et addr addres ess. s. In the the case case of a larg large e co corp rpor ora aon on,, personalized leerhead indicang the name of the sender may be used. A memo also includes the name of the person iniang the communicaon. This informaon is placed in the "From" eld at the top of the page.
In busi busine ness ss,, the the date date th the e comm commun unic ica aon on was was sent sent is an im impo port rtan antt piec piece e of informaon. This is always noted on a leer or a memo. In a leer, the date is placed aer the inside address and above the salutaon.
Both forms of wrien communicaon need an informave subject. Recipients of leers or memos want to get some idea what the communicaon is about at a glance gla nce.. Th The e subjec subjectt lin line e tells tells them them the purpos purpose e of your your commun communica icaon on.. When When wring a memo, the subject maer is typed in the "Subject" or "Re" eld.
Both technical wring communicaon tools require certain formats to be followed. Informaon provided on a document other than the format is not acceptable.
Both inform someone of a happening or they instruct someone to do something.
At mes memo and leers act as directors to direct something.
Both require proof reading and expert opinion before release.
Both have dierent dierent paerns and types as well e.g. Business Business leers, Formal leers, Informal leers, Lab report memo, Field memo, Response memo.
Both have conversaonal and personal style of delivering any informaon.
Both focus upon good impression and presentaon.
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