Diff Between Severity and Priority

May 16, 2018 | Author: muralidharpalda | Category: Software Bug, Areas Of Computer Science, Software Engineering, Technology, Computing
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See we cannot say in a single sentence about prioritising a bug .there r no of  reasons for this.u can read the given below and understand.Priority understand.Priority is Business; Severity is Technical In Triages team will give the Priority of the fix based on the business perspective. perspective. They will check “How important is it to the business that we fix the bug?” In most of the times high Severity bug is becomes high Priority bug but it is not always. There are some cases where high Severity bugs will be low Priority and low Severity bugs will be high Priority. if schedule drawn closer to the release even if the bug severity is more based on technical perspective perspective the Priority is given as low because the functionality mentioned in the bug is not critical to business. Priority and Severity gives the excellent metrics to identify overall health of the Project. Severity is customer-focused while priority is business-focused. business-focused. Assigning Severity for a bug is straightforward. Using some general guidelines about the project testers will assign Severity but while assigning a priority is much more  juggling act. Severity of the bug is one of the factors for assigning priority priority for a bug. Other considerations are might be how much time left for schedule possibly ‘who is available for fix’ how important is it to the business to fix the bug what is the impact of the bug what are the probability of occurrence and degree of side effects are to be considered. Read the excellent article Arguing Apples and Oranges This article clearly explains the how Priority and Severity of the bug given. Some of the above points taken from this article Many organizations mandate that bugs of certain severity should be at least certain priority. Example: Crashes must be P1; Data loss must be P1 etc. A severe bug that crashes the system only once and not always reproducible reproducible will not be P1 where as an error e rror condition that results re-entry a portion of input for every user will be P1 Microsoft uses a four-point scale to describe severity of bugs and three-point scale for Priority of the bug. They are as follows Severity ---------------1. Bug causes system crash or data loss.2. Bug causes major functionality or other severe problems; product crashes in obscure cases.3. Bug causes minor functionality problems problems may affect fit anf finish .4. Bug contains typos unclear wording or error messages in low visibility fields. Priority---------------1. Must fix as soon as possible. Bug is blocking further progress in this area.2. Should fix soon before product release.3. Fix if time; somewhat trivial. May be postpone

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severity: This is assigned by the tester.severity of a defect is set based on the issue's seriousness..it can be stated as mentioned show stopper:4,Major defect:3,Minor defect:2,Cosmetic:1 setting values for these four categories can be again defined by the organisation o rganisation based on their  views.

showstopper: this have a higher severity as u cannot proceed further testing with the application testing. Major: If there are any main defect based on the functionality . Minor: If there is any error in the functionality of one object under one functionality Cosmetic: any error based on the look and feel of the system,or improper location of the object(something based on the design of the web page) Priority: this will be set by the team lead or the project lead.  based on the severity and the time constraint that the module has the priority will be set Severity describes the seriousness of the bug. Due to a bug a total module may not be accessed.For example  bug1: if Application button is clicked then it should open the application form page. If the button click does not work then it can be described as severity is high .  bug2: If the click of Application button opens the application page but the details needs to be displayed in the current page are not displayed then it can be described as severity is medium .  bug3: If the caption of the Application button is misspelled as Aplication then it can b e described as severity is low Priority describes what is the bug which needs to be fixed at the earliest. This is normally decided by the PM. For example in the above case if the application module need not be submitted immediately then bug1 and bug3 may be given high priority where as bug2 may be given priority low In the above case if the application module has to be given immediately then all the three bugs  bug1 bug2 bug3 are given high priority. Difference between severity and priority Priority - It is something related to the scheduling. i.e., the urgency of the issue and the time period on which it should be fixed and delivered.Priority is majorly depends on customers expectation. Severity - The nature of the bug or issue.It is exactly the problem level in the product. Difference between bug and defect The term bug and defect almost similar. Ultimately it refers to the problem in the code.

But in the identified and defect product is

real time , we call a bug as something by the tester (i.e, before delivering a product) is identified by the customers(i.e., once the delivered)

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