Diet Pada Anemia, Kva, Gaki

September 21, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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 Anemia is a condition in which a deficiency in the sie o! n"m#e! of e!yth!ocytes$ o! the amo"nt of hemo%&o#in they contain'

Hemo%&o#in is the !ed (i%ment in !ed #&ood ce&&s that t!ans(o!ts o)y%en'

Not a disease #"t a sym(tom of conditions inc&"din% e)tensi*e #&ood &oss$ e)cessi*e #&ood ce&& dest!"ction$ o! dec!eased #&ood ce&& fo!mation'



Assessment of the complete blood count and select biochemical markers will aid in determination of the etiolog of most anemias!

Diagnos e


COMPLETE +LOOD COUNT INDICE, Inc&"des Red +&ood Ce&&s Co"nt .R+C co"nt/-'' in mi&&ions01L .no!ma& !an%e - 2$3 4 3$3 mi&&ions01L/ 

 

H# .5%0d&/ Ht .56/ - the (e!centa%e of #&ood #y *o&"me that is occ"(ied #y the !ed ce&&s  Mean Co!("sc"&a! 7o&"me .MC7/ - the a*e!a%e sie of the !ed #&ood ce&&s e)(!essed in femto&ite!s .fL/  

MC7 .fL/ 8 Ht .6/ ) 9::: R+C co"nt .in mi&&ions01L/

  .no!ma& !an%e - ;:'


)itamin *+, De#cienc De#cienc 

)itamin *+, de#cienc can result from from pernicious anemia( achlorhdria due to decreased iron stores( or other disorders leading to reduced cobalami cobalamin n intake or absorption!


Pe!nicio"s Anemia 

Me!"(aan sa&ah sat" #ent" defisiensi *it +9>'

Pe!nicio"s anemia is ca"sed #y fai&"!e of %ast!ic (a!ieta& ce&&s to +9> (!od"ce s"fficient s"fficien t int!insic facto! .IF/ fo! *itamin a#so!(tion - dih"#"n%an d%n !easi a"toim"n'

IF - s"at" (!otein .%&io(!otein/ (ada cai!an &am#"n%


Vitamin B12 Absorption Physiology


Etiolo)i 'e+isiensi itamin B12 9' Diet 

Diet *e%eta!ian yan% etat - (ada a"m *e%an tan(a s"(&ementasi *itamin +9>

Poor diet  in  in infant Poor maternal nutrition during pregnancy  >'Infesi .(a!asit (ada "s"s$ infesi #ate!i/ @'Penyait (ada sa&"!an ce!na$ se(e!ti celiac disease  disease  

.s(!"e/$ Crohn’s disease$ disease $ %ast!etomi' %ast!etomi ' 2'O#at - co&chicine$ neomycin$ ethano&$ metfo!min$ tuberculosis tuberculosi s treatment den%an (a!a amino sa&icy&ic acid/' 3'e&ainan meta#o&i .homosistin"!ia$ methy&ma&onic acid"!ia/


Folic Acid De#cienc 

  

$ Associated with e-cessi.e e-cessi.e alcohol intake $ Associated with pregnanc / ,01 are folate'de#cient Occurs with decreased intake( intake( malabsorption sndromes


2emeriksaan 3aboratorium B

4adar asam folat serum rendah 56 7 mg8dl9


4adar asam folat dalam sel darah merah rendah 56+:0 ng8ml9!


Treating Nutritional Anemia : Iron Defciency Anemia Iron Supplementation & 

O!a& i!on sa&ts 

Fe!!o"s fo!ms #ette! a#so!#ed than fe!!ic .fe!!o"s s"&fate$ fe!!o"s &actate$ fe!!o"s f"ma!ate/

+est a#so!#ed on an em(ty stomach #"t if i!!itation occ"!s$ %i*e with mea&s' Jast!ointestina& effects of i!on s"((&ementation na"sea$ e(i%ast!ic discomfo!t$ hea!#"!n$ dia!!hea$ consti(ation' Dosa%e 3::: m% of e&ementa& i!on fo! ad"&tsK  m%0% #ody wei%ht fo! chi&d!en'

Jene!a&&y fo! @ months .2
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