Diet Guidelines for Coconut Oil
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Diet Guidelines for Coconut Oil...
Coconut Oil: Dietary Guidelines & Suggestions By Mary T. Newport, MD See for more information How Can Coconut Oil Be Used in the Diet? Coconut oil can be substituted for any solid or liquid oil, lard, butter, or margarine in baking or cooking on te sto!e, and can be mi"ed directly into foods already prepared. Some people take it straigt wit a spoon, but for most people it may be ard to swallow tis way and more pleasant to take wit food. #en cooking on te sto!e, coconut oil smokes if eated to greater greater tan $%& degrees degrees or medium eat. eat. 'ou can a!oid tis problem by adding a little oli!e or peanut oil. Coconut oil can be used at any temperature in te o!en wen mi"ed in foods.
What Is the Nutrient Content of Coconut Oil? Does It Contain Omega-3 Fatt !cids? Coconut Coconut oil as about (()*(+& (()*(+& calories calories per tablespoon, tablespoon, about te same as oter oils. t contains %)*-& %)*-& medium cain triglyceride triglyceridess /MCT0, /MCT0, wic are absorbed absorbed directly directly witout te need for digesti!e en1ymes. 2art of it is metaboli1ed by te li!er to ketones wic can be used by most cells in te body for energy. Tis portion of te coconut oil is not stored stored as fat.
f you like te odor of coconut, look for products called 5!irgin,6 5!irgin,6 5organic,6 5organic,6 or 5unrefine 5unrefined,6 d,6 wic are generally generally more e"pensi!e e"pensi!e tan 5refined,6 5refined,6 or 5all natural,6 or 5:BD6 /refined, /refined, bleaced and deodori1ed0 coconut oil, wic do not a!e an odor. Te oil itself is tasteless. 4ny of tese a!e essentially te same nutr nutrie ient nt wit wit abo about %)*%)*-& & MCT oil /med /mediu ium m cain ain triglycerides0. Te least e"pensi!e tat a!e been able to find so far is te 8ouana brand at #almart, priced locally at ;%.s 4sian section. section. Some brands are less e"pensi!e e"pensi!e but 4bo 4bout - of te te oil oil is mo mono noun unsa satu turrated ted and + are diluted diluted wit water. Coconut cream is mostly coconut milk polyunsaturated. Coconut oil also contains a small amount of and sometimes as added sugar. pytosterols, wic are one of te components of te 5statins6 used for lowering colesterol. Flaked or grated coconut can be purcase unsweetened or sweetened and is a !ery good source of coconut oil and fiber and Coconut oil contains omega*- fatty acids but no omega-3 as about about (% grams oil and $ grams grams fiber in ? cup. @ro1en @ro1en or addition to coconut oil. 'ou canned fatty acid, so tis must be taken in addition canned coconut meat usually as a lot of added sugar and not can obtain all of te essential fatty acids required by using 7ust muc oil per per ser!ing. ser!ing. 4 fresh coconut can be cut up into pieces coconut oil and omega*$ fatty acids. f you were to use coconut and eaten eaten raw. 4 +6 " +6 piece as about (-& calorie caloriess wit (% oil as your primary oil, te only oter oil you would need is an grams of oil and < grams of fiber. omega*$ fatty acid, wic you can get by eating salmon twice a week, or taking fis fis oil or fla" fla" oil capsules, +*$ per day. day. Some /medium cain trigly triglycer ceride ides0 s0 are are part part of te MCT MCT Oil Oil /medium oter good sources of omega*$ fatty acids are ground fla" meal, coconut oil and can also be purcased in some ealt food stores cia /a fine grain0, walnut oil and walnuts. or on*line. Tis may be useful for people people wo are on te go and do not a!e muc time to cook. cook. 4lso, MCT oil is used as energy energy 8auric acid is a medium cain triglyceride tat makes up and not stored as fat, so it may be useful for someone wo wants almost alf of te coconut oil. Scientific studies sow tat lauric to lose weigt, if substituted for some of te oter fats in te diet. acid acid as antimic antimicrob robial ial proper properties ties and may inibi inibitt growt growt of certain bacteria, fungus9yeast, fungus9yeast, !iruses and proto1oa. t is one of Coconut water does not usually contain coconut oil, but as te components of uman breast milk tat pre!ents infection in a oter ealt ealt benefits. benefits. Te electrolyte electrolyte composition composition is similar to newborn. uman plasma and is useful to pre!ent or treat deydration.
What "ind of Coconut Oil #hould I Use?
How #hould I #tore Coconut (roducts?
8ook for coconut oils tat are non*ydrogenated wit no trans fat fat 4!oid coconut coconut oils tat are ydrogen ydrogenated ated or super* super* eated because it canges te cemical structure of t e fats.
Coconut oil is e"tremely stable wit a self life of at least two years years wen stored at room temperatur temperature. e. t does not need to be refrigerated and becomes e"tremely ard wen cold.
Coconut Coconut Oil: Oil: Dietary Dietary Guideline Guidelines s & Suggestion Suggestions s
© Dr. Mary Mary Newport, Newport,
f you wis to keep it in te refrigerator, you can measure out ( or + tablespoons into eac section of a plastic ice cube tray. Te coconut oil easily pops out of te plastic tray. Coconut milk is mostly coconut oil and can be substituted for te oil in many ways. Coconut milk must be refrigerated after opening and sould be used witin a few days or tossed out. Arated or flaked coconut can be stored at room temperature for a few weeks, but may last longer if stored in a refrigerator. 4 fresly cut up coconut can be stored in te refrigerator for a few days or free1er for a couple of weeks.
Who #hould )r )his?
Do I Need to Be Worried !+out ,aining Weight from the .tra Fat in the Diet? Yes!! Te best way to a!oid gaining weigt is to substitute coconut oil for most oter fats and oils in te diet, and if tat isn>t enoug, cut back on portion si1es of carboydrates, suc as breads, rice, potatoes, cereals, and oter grains.
n general it is a good idea to use wole milk products but, if weigt gain is a problem, you can also compensate for some of te new fat in te diet by canging from full fat to lower fat dairy products, suc as milk, ceese, cottage ceese and yogurts, as well as low*fat or fat*free salad dressings, to wic you can add coconut oil.
2eople wo a!e a neurodegenerati!e disease tat in!ol!es decreased glucose uptake in neurons could benefit from taking 4lso, use a measuring spoon and remo!e te e"cess by iger amounts of coconut and9or MCT oil to produce ketones le!eling it wit a knife to a!oid o!erestimating, wic can make a wic may be used by brain cells as energy. Tese diseases big difference in te number of calories consumed. include 4l1eimer>s and oter dementias, 2arkinson>s, 48S Tiny glass measuring cups are a!ailable at grocery stores /8ou Aerig>s0, multiple sclerosis /MS0, Ducenne muscular wit markings for teaspoons and tablespoons. Tese are dystropy, autism, Down>s syndrome, and untington>s corea. especially useful for combining salad dressing wit coconut oil. etones can also ser!e as an alternati!e fuel for oter cells in te body tat are insulin resistant or cannot transport glucose, Does Coconut Oil Increase Cholesterol? and could potentially lessen te effects of diabetes or on te ydrogenated coconut oil can increase colesterol. brain and oter organs. Terefore look for non*ydrogenated coconut oil wit no trans fat f you are at risk due to family istory, you consider making tis dietary cange as well. f your lo!ed one is in assisted li!ing, te doctor may be willing to prescribe coconut oil to be gi!en at eac meal, increasing gradually.
Tere is no colesterol in coconut oil itself, and wit non* ydrogenated coconut oil, most people will see little difference or will see an impro!ement in teir D8 /5good60 and a decrease in 8D8 /5bad60 colesterol.
How *uch #hould I )a%e?
Some see an increase in total colesterol, usually as a result of an increase in D8 /5good60 colesterol.
f you take too muc oil too fast, you may e"perience indigestion, cramping or diarrea. To a!oid tese symptoms, take wit food and start wit ( teaspoon coconut oil or MCT oil per meal, increasing slowly as tolerated o!er a week or longer. f diarrea de!elops, drop back to te pre!ious le!el. @or most people, te goal would be to increase gradually to s or oter types of inflammatory bowel Mi"ing MCT oil and coconut oil could pro!ide iger le!els and a steady le!el of ketones. ne formula is to mi" (- disease or malabsorption syndromes and people wo a!e diarrea from MCT or coconut oil. ounces MCT oil plus (+ ounces coconut oil in a quart 7ar and increase slowly as tolerated, starting wit ( teaspoon. Tis 4ll of your cell membranes and about -&*)& of te brain and mi"ture will stay liquid at room temperature. are made up of fats. Colesterol is a !ery important component of
What !+out Children? Cildren wit Down>s syndrome and some cildren wit autism sow decreased glucose uptake in parts of te brain. 4 reasonable amount to gi!e a cild would be about ? teaspoon of coconut oil for e!ery (& pounds tat te cild weigs, + or $ times a day. 4lso, some cildren like te taste of coconut milk * ( E to + teaspoons per (& pounds weigt can be added to te diet + or $ times a day. f you use coconut milk for a cild, be sure to refrigerate it and discard after two days. Do not add oney to coconut milk for cildren under ( year old, due to risk of infection.
Coconut Oil: Dietary Guidelines & Suggestions
te support structure of te brain. Many cell functions take place witin te cell membrane. Since about te (F%&>s many people in tis country a!e been using (&& !egetable oil, wic is usually ydrogenated polyunsaturated fat and contains trans fat, wic can carry free radicals into your cell membranes. f you begin to substitute coconut and oter natural oils, suc as oli!e oil and e!en butter, along wit omega*$ oils you may be able to undo some of te damage. Most of te cells of te body turn o!er witin $ to - monts and you may notice a nicer te"ture to your skin, and a decrease in certain problems suc as yeast and fungal infections.
© Dr. Mary Newport,
Food Ideas
/eci0es -
=se coconut oil instead of butter on toast, Gnglis muffins, bagels, grits, corn on te cob, potatoes, sweet potatoes, rice, !egetables, noodles, pasta.
Mi" coconut oil into oatmeal or oter ot cereal.
4dd coconut oil or milk to smooties, yogurt or kefir.
Mi" coconut oil alf and alf wit salad dressings.
Mi" coconut oil into your fa!orite soup, cili or sauce.
=se a measured amount of coconut oil to stir fry or sautH /add peanut oil o!er medium eat0 2urcase or make coconut macaroons made from all natural products. Gat a +6 " +6 square of raw coconut for a snack to pro!ide (% grams of oil. 4dd flaked or grated coconut to ot or cold cereal, yogurt, fruit or !egetable salads. 5Te Coconut 8o!er>s Cookbook,6 Bruce @ife I many more great ideas
Coconut macaroons
+ egg wites
Das of salt
(9+ tsp !anilla
+9$ cup sugar or (9< cup sugar and ( to + dases of Ste!ia e"tract ( cup sredded coconut Beat egg wites wit salt and !anilla until soft peaks form. Aradually add sugar /and Ste!ia0, beating until stiff. @old in coconut. Coat cooking seet wit generous amount of butter. Drop by te rounded teaspoon onto cookie seet. Bake at $+% degress for +& minutes. Makes about (3 cookies. Gac cookie at tis si1e would a!e about < grams of coconut oil. Coconut Milk
Mi" in a container and sake well before useJ ( can of coconut milk
E can of water
Das of salt
(*+ tablespoons of oney or oter sweetener to taste * Store in refrigerator and discard unused portion after < days. MCT OilCoconut oil Mi"ture
Store at room temperature, in a quart si1e 7arJ (- ounces MCT oil K (+ ounces coconut oil #Fudge$
Melt and mi" togeter % cup each of coconut oil and cocolate cips and di!ide equally into a plastic ice cube tray and place in free1er. n a (- cube tray, eac cube will equal ( tablespoon coconut oil. 4dd grated coconut and9or nuts for !ariety.
Coconut Oil: Dietary Guidelines & Suggestions
© Dr. Mary Newport,
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