Die Sheeple Die! Volume 4: The Final Solution - FREE e-book!

September 14, 2017 | Author: djhives | Category: N/A
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Die Sheeple Die! Volume 4: The Final Solution - FREE e-book! The honorable djhives is BACK with his latest MASTERPIEC...


djhives (pseudonym of ???) was born in Philadelphia , PA during the 1970's. A critic since birth, hives has managed to be the sole voice of REAL truth on the face of the entire Earth for as long as anyone can remember. He hates all people, black, white, and egyptian – for in his mind there is only but one group of people: the sheeple.

DIE SHEEPLE DIE Volume 4: The Final Solution A book by The Honorable djhives Copyright 2017

www.djhives.com [email protected] COVER ART by Lord of All the Worlds

You don't really want freedom. “Do the things that scare you the most.” -- Chuck Palahnuik The singular most imbedded piece of programming within the American sheeple's cloven mindset is that of the so-called 'American-dream' being associated with socalled 'home pwnership'. Lets be real, the idea of owning a home is somehow implanted in the minds of the masses as somehow being ideal, good, wondrous, and literally the be-all-end-all of modern life. Indeed, the modern peasantry has been carefully programmed to LIVE for their house or potential house. Why is this? Well, the obvious answer lies in the means in which the masses obtain their houses – DEBT. And as you all

know debt is synonymous with SLAVERY. But think about it for a moment. Your local HOMEDEPOT has every single supply – in stock – on their shelves necessary to build a house from the ground-up. I'm talking all the way from the digging machines needed to dig the foundation, to the concrete for the foundation itself, to the wood for the framing, to the electrical wiring for the lights, to the shingles for the roof, to the very last top-coat of interior paint. It's all there – albeit in carefully organized pieces – ALL at the HOME-DEPOT…just waiting for you. How is it then, these SIMPLE materials... sitting on the shelf of every big-box hardware store worldwide cause the masses to endure the galactic burden of 40+ years of slavery and misery? This question shall open up the first chapter of this illustrious series by yours truly – the honorable djhives. Welcome to “Die! Sheeple Die!, Volume 4: The Final Solution”. Let us begin right there at this opening question: How do people become enslaved for 40+ years for common supplies that are sitting on the shelf of every store on the face of the flat-earth? The answer is simple. You see, it is not the material nature of a house that enslaves the sheeple. Nor is it the labor involved in assembling these materials to resemble a house. Indeed, BOTH the material and labor costs of building a house from scratch are so marginal, that their ability to enslave is nearly completely negligible. In other words, it ain’t the 'cost' of a house that makes the endeavor so 'expensive' in the sheep's mind.

What is it then? What keeps the cattle on freerange LOCKDOWN from age 28 to age 68 'paying off a mortgage'? Obviously the 'cost' of housing has always been relatively high. Is this based upon actual value or something else? I will tell you bluntly: Houses are OVER-valued in contemporary society (the matrix) because the consumerous sheep is NOT 'buying' 'a house', but rather THE CONCEPT OF FREEDOM. Oh yes. There it is, in solid 24k gold lettering. Now don't act all coy on Mr. hives. Don't act like you already knew that. You may have realized that houses are expensive, and people love them, and they feel free in them – but you NEVER realized that the house ITSELF is WORTHLESS, and the TRUE product being sold is the ILLUSION of freedom. And ain't it true – EVERYONE wants to be free. And everyone desires freedom. So much so, that the 'price of freedom' has gone through the chimney. But how can the benevolency 'sell freedom' – after all isn’t that an abstract and intangible 'thing'? True, it is. But if -- somehow it can be attached to something material, you can 'sell freedom' in 'PHYSICAL FORM'. Enter: house. Want more freedom? Then enter: McMansion. More house = more freedom. They are the same thing in the mind of the peasantry. Putting aside all the masses credit-greed and 'home-equity' borrowing nonsense – talking just about the 'thing' known as a 'home' – the masses 'buy it' in the same way the old n*gger slaves of Americana folklore used to 'buy' their freedom.

A black slave might have slaved for ...oh... 40 YEARS on massas cotton plantation before he saved enough debt-notes to buy his freedom ticket to Boston. Fast-forward to 2017 and the modern slave 'buys his freedom' in the form of a house. Thus, before we even begin, it must be absolutely understood that for MOST of you reading this book, the idea of owning a house is TRULY the IDEA OF BEING FREE. I have just taught you that the masses equate freedom to owning a house – the next logical question then is: IS THAT INDEED TRUE? Ready for the answer? The answer is “NO.” How can Mr. hives prove this to you? Well look at the sheer cultural frenzy over homeownership... a young couple, aged 24 has had a HOME for years in the form of an APARTMENT... yet..........YET.... they are NOT satisfied. They demand a HOUSE. Yet...they already live in a house called an apartment. They are after the illusion of freedom. They spout classic sheeple programmed lines like “I don't want to pay off somebody else’s mortgage” when referring to renting. Of course they never stop to ponder the absurdity of this statement – for nobody is enjoying their apartment but them. It's an even exchange. Pay for house for 1 month at a time, GET house for one month at a time. The end result, the apartment-renter HAS a HOUSE of his very own. In fact, he has the FREEDOM to up and leave when he pleases to rent elsewhere if he so desires... Yet... the renter feels a feeling of

shame... guilt... inferiority...incompetence...remedialness... He feels this worthlessness due to the perceived association of 'homeownership' and personal freedom... DISPITE the lack of logic. And LOGIC is exactly what I want to focus on here. For if you are to succeed in TRUE HOMEOWNERSHIP, you FIRST must realize that if your INTENTIONS are to “BE FREE” you HAVE ALREADY FAILED. You are either FREE or you ARE NOT FREE (a slave). “Owning a home” will not change that, doesn’t matter if you build it from scratch with cash or take a mortgage. IF your MINDSET is trapped in this lucid delusional PROGRAM that house=freedom, you will NEVER be happy, free, content, or joyful. Hence the reason why the unwashed-masses never seem happy despite the vast majority being 'homeowners' [again, I must note that we are going to put aside the issue of credit/debt slavery for the sake of this volume – you already know from past “Die! Sheeple Die!” volumes that DEBT=SLAVERY and that credit/mortgages is not the same as owning for REAL... for the sake of this chapter/volume a 'homeowner' with a mortgage versus a true homeowner who owes nothing to the bank is used interchangeably... of course Mr. hives is gonna teach you how to get a house WITHOUT any debt... but more on that later..]. IF homeownership meant freedom, the masses would be happy, debt or no-debt (remember eventually they DO pay off their

home-debt at age 65 or so-- yet they are STILL angry, miserable, and drugged). SO – if you want a HOUSE, stick with Mr. hives and this volume – I WILL teach you how to accomplish this WITHOUT debt. If you are seeking a mythical form of FREEDOM, then prepare your anus – for true freedom is in the MIND... and NOT in some material object. So WHY then would you want to own your own house without debt or a 'mortgage', well n*gger, the same reason you put pepperonis on your pizza, the same reason you put high-heels on a broad, and the same reason you put glitter in your car-paint: IT’S F*CKING FUN! And THAT'S what imma about to give you fools – LIFE! FUN! LIFE! That's what this is about! Not some BS elucidatory concept of 'freedom', but rather REAL SHYT! REAL FUN! REAL ADVENTURE! REAL SATISFACTION! REAL HAPPINESS. “Freedom”? What the fudge does that even mean unless you are HAVING A BLAST and FEELIN GOOD. And you know the honorable djhives is ALL about LIVING. So sit back and relax, as I take you not on some cliché' journey of Americandream freedom bullshyte, but rather down a game-plan of how you are gonna get to a bombass PARTY... filled with a bunch of young-fatties for you to chew on and enjoy. “Freedom” is one thing. “Are you havin' a good time” is indeed the MEANING OF LIFE. Let's go.

It's impossible to do it without debt “It always seems impossible until it's done” -- Nelson Mandela Well, that last chapter got you pumped... I know right... You know I used to want big ole' doubleF titties for the LONGEST TIME until I actually got me some. I think it was new-year's eve 1999... you know the millennial new year's eve where everything with two legs and a vage were wanting to actually PAY you to f*dge them... ya. Well anyway, them double-F's looked hella titilating in the club at 10:45pm... but by midnight, when they were on top of me, they looked like the moon-watcher pulled an eclipsetrick with a double-stack of Christmas hams on my eyeballs. In fact, I thought it was raining ham. So much ham I could taste the honey-glaze and brown-sugar dijonase sauwce on my lips. I'm

not exaggerating, I went from aroused to hungry. Im talkin eating-contest hungry... like I had an audience and a stopwatch on my ass. I'm buggin. But not really. Because that moment taught me an important lesson: be careful what you wish for, you just might get it. NO. Not that one... you all heard that before... it actually taught me something even better: The stuff you think you want has been programmed in you. Somehow...somewhere...long ago. Big b00bies...big b0000biez...over and over... you finally get you some and Christmas ham with some canned-pineapple is your reality. The idea of debt-free homeownership is the same way. To begin you need to first realize that you don't need debt to obtain it. And how do you accomplish that? By first realizing that a set of double-F milkers in your face is likely to drown your arse in pineapple juice asphyxiation. Meaning, your IDEA of your “IDEAL” house is 100% guaranteed to be inflated beyond your actual desire and instead be representative of a mind-program implanted in you long ago before you had your first anal pube. Size-C t*ttys fit perfectly in a man's hand. In fact size-c tittys are the bomb... because now I can fit TWO generous pieces of ham in my mouth AND suck out the pineapple juice AND still intake oxygen and exhale carbon-niggoxide without choking on excess brown sugar nappyness. In other words... like the olde 90's Mazda Miata amplifiers said: “It just feeels right”.. and that's where I'm going here. If you are gonna have a debt-free house, your VERY

FIRST plan of action is to be HONEST with your TRUE wants so far as size, look location, architecture, etc. The question is inevitably asked: “how are you gonna do it in under 40 years?” Say what now? 40 years? That might as well be a lifetime (BECAUSE IT EFFING IZZ!). Let’s half it to 20 years. Ya, still absurd. Let’s half it to 10 years. Still silly... a sheeplette can get from kindergarten to 8th grade in under 10 years and still have 2 extra years to jack off to midgetpr0n. Let's half it again. 5 years. Now it's starting to feeeeel better. Like we're speaking Engrish here and not some ching-chong-CHING Jap Toyota language. A house, 5 years.. ya makes some sort of flipping sense finally. But let's half it again.. 2.5 years.. for a house. Dat niggars be crazy! And that's why you love me. So let me show you how. How? How. Well the first step is to FIX your cloven mentality that 'the meaning of life is 40 years of servitude to reach a goal'... Even fricking GOD supposedly only took 7 days to build the world from his vaginal-secretions or whatever the f*dge the J00s bee-lie-ve. You get my point. 40 years might as well be Nevurary 33rd. Or perhaps N*ggudummy Section 8th-urary. Remember that HOME-DEPOT shelf I spoke about in the last chapter... I want you to remember that.. it's all there, NOW. Not '40 years from now'. But NOW. Think of those parts on the shelf of HOME-DEPOT as ingredients for a pizza you are gonna eat for

dinner. Now, everybody loves pizza, sheep and intelligencia alike. But everyone, and I do mean everyone, enjoys their pizza in a particularly customizable way. And pizza is a most-excellent metaphor for how one should live their life. But to make it more relevant to this volume, you must think of your home as you would think of your pizza choice on a Friday night. What I mean by this is simple: everybody likes different stuff piled upon their pizza pie. Some like pepperoni, some like anchovies, some like onions and peppers, n*ggers put fried-chicken and grits all up on there – gaysians put ham and jelly-beans on it.. jews put pennies on theirs.. everyone is different. There is no 'one right way to make a pizza'. It is unique to the TASTES of the individual. Thus, before you even begin to contemplate HOW you can obtain a house without debt, you must first qualify the idea of a 'house'. For you it might be 2,000 square feet, to someone else it might be 8,000 square feet. To a sheeple, the more the better. But you all are smarter than this – if you know Mr.hives like I know Mr.hives, then you know Mr. hives has taught you that bigger is NOT better, rather BETTER is BETTER... Again, think of it like a pizza. You may like pepperonis all up on your shznits.. but if you overload your pie with pepperonis it quickly goes from delightful to demonic. Suddenly things are not so good... starts to taste like stale drugbum ass.. right? There's a BALANCE to things and

each person is DIFFERENT. Thus how can a 'typical slave-mortgage' always be around 40years (up from an average of 20 years in the 1970's fyi). It's as if the masses are picking COOKIE-CUTTER houses that come at COOKIE-CUTTER PRICES. Or said another way, they are getting 'one size fits all' houses rather than a 'custom tailored' house that fits THIER true personal desires. Thus, the first step in realizing your HOUSE (not a “DREAM”, but a HOUSE) is to FIRST personalize it according to your OWN titillating wants and amusements. I know niggers. It's hard to THINK when daddy hives places a metaphorical BLANK SLATE in front of you...isn’t it. Here... Here's a blank piece of paper: Draw your ideal house on it... GO ahead, draw on the page like a 4th-grade n*gger who just got his black paws on a public school text book.. go head, draw your 'dream house' below:

How much you want to bet that a good 99% of your shitty drawing above is not even what you desire... but rather some sick program that you don’t even know how it got so deeply imbedded in your head. Look at your paper, what's on it? 9 rooms, 4 floors... a big fat garage for your 'gear' (honkey!).. A big fat green lawn... a nice-sized swimming pool... a hardwood deck with a hot tub in the floor? Where's all this cork and muss coming from... is it something you saw in an amplifier long ago? Over and over? Well, ya, it is. You see.. it turns out that programming a sheep's desires is just as powerful as programming their fears. And by programming the masses into bee-lie-ving they want all those things I listed above, the more the masses will be lost in finding their PERSONAL DESIRES. Now take a look at that picture you just drew on the paper. And this time take out all the stuff that doesn’t TRULY matter to you... I don’t' care if you have to erase entire rooms or if you have to scribble out the entire house completely. My point is that there is a cognitive disconnect between what YOU like on your pizza, and what the telescreen has PROGRAMMED you to desire on your pizza. How much in the cost of a house is un-needed. What about bathrooms? What's a good number? 3...4? How about ONE... or even NONE (gasp!)? Hallways? How big does your kitchen or bedroom need to be? Do they even need to be

divided? Second floor? Basement? Or all unnecessary? Think of it this way. For every 'extra bathroom' you delete from your plans, you delete 8 years from the 'typical mortgage' (NOT that you would be DUMB enough to get into a debt-mortgage... I'm just using this as a metaphorical example). Bedrooms? For every 'extra bedroom' you delete... you delete another 8-years from your slave mortgage. Delete a floor, and take off another 8 years. If you can match your true desires with some of the 'deletions' just mentioned…you should now be at around a 2.5 year 'mortgage'. Sheit niggar, 2.5 years, that's too short of a time to get into debt. And that's my muthereffing POINT. Boom. You just removed the need to get a mortgage JUST by deleting unnecessary floors, rooms, bathrooms, pools, porches, driveways, garages, and 'great-rooms' (lolz!). Now. I know what you fools are thinking. “What about the land – you can build a house without extraneous rooms and stuff.. but what about the laaaaand”. Well, as the saying goes. New York city is a nice place to VISIT, but a cess-pool of a place to ACTUALLY LIVE. Yet NYC property is overpriced. YET it doesn’t change the FACT that it is a SHYTTY place to actually LIVE. Ya feelz meh? What I’m poppin off to you is that land-values are based solely upon the PERCEPTION OF VISITORS/TOURISTS. Nobody 'visits' the exact location where I live. I wake up to the unfiltered dry UV-rich SUN of the Mojave Desert. It's sunny 360 days per year here. I wake up to

COMPLETE SILENCE and sun... not a sheeple’s automatic coffee-maker to be heard, just the soft pitter-patter of roadrunner claws and jackrabbit paws. I’m arse-naked…balls, wienershnitzel, grundel and everything... sun tanning it like a BAUCE... as I sip mah morning coffee. Perhaps I'll go into detail, but for now YOU GET THE PICTURE... and it's a MAJESTIC one. Yet why does this 'picture' not come at the PRICE-TAG of a ratty pigeon and cockroach-infested 20squarefoot 5-grand a month Manhattan apartment? Simple, LOTS of people VISIT Manhattan, NOBODY VISITS Camp-Hives. I know youze feelz meh... so let me break you off proper: “Property-prices” are based solely upon touristperception. Period. Do you feel powerful yet? You should. Because I just told you a hivesean secret to obtaining LOW-PRICED (not lowvalue) LAND and thus property: Go where tourists do not or CANNOT 'tour'. But I know what you're thinking: “Is this n*ggar saying I have to live in Bumville Middleof-nowhere”. [Long dramatic pause]. And what nigger – you think Manhattan is “SOMEHWERE”. Put your thinking-cap back on your little cat-headed, head and THINK. Where is 'somewhere' and where is 'nowhere'? Are these two places based upon YOUR INTELLICENGE or rather a PROGRAMMED path of thinking?? Naturally the latter is true. The matrix is full of various 'hot-spots' with 'hot property' in 'desirable gaybourhoods'. Ya n-word, and p00p

tastes like fudge too. If you want your own house on the real, you need to come off the BULLSHIT light-show that you've had your head (mind) stuck in for all of your life. As I have taught you, the benevolency work off the “shitis-fudge principle”. I know you like that one, don't you. Me too. The shyte is fudge principle is a program that actually induces the masses to ENJOY, DEMAND, and BOAST ABOUT...... SHEIT! Actual brown, stinky, stank-ass, D00. Think of how much our minds-- raised as sheeples in the matrix – have thought to ourselves... 'the goal in life is to get a BIIIG house in a NIIIICE gaybourhood'. We've already talked about size, but 'nice' is subjective. And trust me... living on the 666th floor of 666th avenue and 666th street in Nigghattan is NOT 'nice'. In fact, I'd rather live UNDERNEATH of the subway urinal that tunnels underneath of this skyrise of stacked concrete turds. And you know it. Don't you. So much of WHY you feel you will never be able to own a house is rooted in your desire to live in a BIG house that you don’t even desire in a F@GGOTTY ASSED gaybourhood that you don't even enjoy. Thus your HEAD keeps going back to that 'big' house in that 'nice' neighborhood…despite your natural animal aversion to such lucid insanity... And that's where you-- like most people 'get stuck'... and most of all DEFEATED. “There's a REASON why it's so CHEAP”, once said my mother-in-law reared in the peasant-class in reference to the dirt-cheap land I found to build Camp-hives on.

As you see there's trouble in this thinking. If you found, say a large bullion of gold sitting in the middle of a strawberry-patch one day whilst frolicking through the forest on your way to a picnic…would you say to yourself “now... there's a REASON this hunk of gold is sitting right here for the taking”. OR would you simply say to yourself “finder's-keepers”, snatch that hoe up in a headlock and be on your merry-way with a Koolaid smile from ear to ear? I want to touch on the peasantry's way of reenforcing NEGATIVE THINKING. My motherin-law was basically saying: “anything that is good is bad”. Think about that for a moment. Really. Think about that. Because that's exactly the niggative program that was being repeated. “Anything GOOD is BAD”. Sounds a lot like sheeple religion, doesn’t it? And that's PRECISELY what it is! This whole idea that the Earth is filled to the brim with BAD SHIT, and that GOOD STUFF is simply BEYOND the common peasant. Yeye, life is filled with pain, suffering, misery, lack of pleasure, no treasures, darkness, debt, burden, drudgery, SACRIFICE, selfLESSness and – oh yeahs, 40-year f*ing mortgages. When my wife once shared the notion of buying and/or building a house with her mother (my mother-in-law) her response was “You just have to get a mortgage, THERE IS NO OTHER WAY”. Sick! Not only IS there another way, it stands before EVERYONE in bright, sparkling, rainbow-brite glittery bedazzle BRILLIANCE in PLAIN SIGHT.

So what keeps the droves of plebeians from reaching out and grasping that pot of gold at the end of the rainbow? The negative ideology that life itself is a NEGATIVE BURDON versus it being a JOYFUL EXCERSIZE in GOAL ACHIEVEMENT. And it's all about goal-setting. If you can't SET a goal (step one) you will never ACHEIVE your goal(s). Those who don't set goals have a niggative disposition on life because everything is either left to chance (magic) or charity (more magic). Obviously, this way of thinking is DELUSIONAL and this type of person quickly develops a negative view about life, goals, success, true freedom and personal happiness. If they were a cat, they'd be thinking within the litter-box... where it stinks. Funny I know. But what's even funnier is how this same mother-in-law finally paid off her mortgage at the youthful elastic age of 61. Her misadventure into slavery began at age 21. 40 years later: “there is no other way”. Sheeeeit... I suppose I'd think that way too if I was Don Corleone’s BIOTCH for the past 40 years gobbling up his Salami in exchange for a roof over my head. Ya I'd be mentally retarded too. Heck it would even justify the 'antidepressants', benzos, and her husband's 'erectile dysfunction' penispills as well. The modern 'drugged culture' is a direct result of negative feelings got from negative decisions. A 40-year debt to the Mafia is no different from Han Solo livin on the run from Jabba. At least Solo's punishment was

death, while for the masses, eternal suffering will do just fine. Does a lifetime of LIVING HELL sound appealing to you? If not, consider yourself already more intelligent than a good 90% of the peasantry out there. But to keep this mentality you MUST realize that NATURE put you in a place FILLED WITH TREASURE. Delicious meat comes from animals who roam the earth... vegetables come straight out of the ground... so does gold, silver, lead... the materials to make your clothes, the chemicals that heal you...EVERYTHING you value comes FROM the earth. It's just THERE – like TREASURE – waiting to simply be 'discovered'. “There's a reason why it's cheap”. Indeed. Discovery often IS cheap. What she failed to see was that my DISCOVERY of this TREASURE was not 'cheap'. I did not just sit idly by a telescreen, smoking weed and twaddling my clitoris and have this 'cheap property' fall from the sky. I actually WORKED, like Indiana Jones or any other scientist, fake or real, to DISCOVER what had been laying around all along “UNDISCOVERED” by UNGREATFUL EYES. I was grateful for the treasure, thus the treasure is mine. It was not cheap to discover. I spent a total of $2,200 debt notes, 15 days, and 14 hotels traveling across the entire USA in a Miata simply to FIND my treasure. I had ZERO guarantee of success OTHER than my trust in the WILL of nature and man. Most of these lazy n-words out there won't even travel 2-minutes around the corner to their local

bank to take out the loan. They'd rather get an 'e-loan' so they don't have to get out of their jammies and leave their wool-stained flat. Think of the first person who DISCOVERED electricity. The raw materials were right there all along... 'cheap' so to speak. What was costly was the EFFORT given by the explorer to FIND them. Am I saying you are gonna have to bust your balls to find some cheap property or land? No. I’m saying most of the D.A.N's out there have already made the job easier for you by not looking where you are. So like always, simply LOOK where the masses REFUSE to look. That's where your TREASURE will be FOUND. Always remember, the masses don’t like good sh*t. They like bad sh*t and they like to call it fudge. Thus, the opposite is true, when they see good sh*t, they like to call it bad sh*t. Get it? Genius, I know. They've actually been bred and trained... like some domestic animal to trade filet mignon for a Big-mac with cheese – LITERALLY. Don’t' tell me that they can't afford it... their annual subscription to NETFLIX (more trash) is enough to cover the cost for some good meat. You see, YOU need to realize that YOUR way of THINKING is POSITIVE, while the masses way of thinking is eternally NEGATIVE. For it is this niggertivity that makes people think that 'good things are impossible'. Good things ARE possible. You CAN have your cake AND eat it too. And not just some sh*tty Walmart 'manager's special' cake, REAL cake made by a pale brunette baker with big t*ttys. Good cake,

treasure, and WINNING are out there – ALL for your taking. However, you will not win unless you first recognize what the prize is. The masses have it wrong – crappy 40-year slave mortgage in a 'good safe gaybourhood' that they LOATHE is what they think is 'good'. Again, you might as well just compress this whole ideology into crap=fudgesickle. You can do this. I KNOW you can, because the honorable djhives has HONORABLEY done it. Thus, the wisdom I am about to share with you throughout this volume is REAL, so long as you APPLY what I shall teach you. But always remember, winning, goals, success, and owning your OWN HOUSE is a MENTALITY. No, that's not some BS copout, but rather a GOLDEN GOOSE EGG OF A MUTHERPOOPING SECRET. Feelz meh? I teach MENTALITY as a POWER. It's free, doesn’t cost a thing... YOU just need to change YOUR way of thinking from my mother-in-law's “there is no other way” to Lord hives' way of thinking “It SHALL be mine if I work at it”. 40 years? Fudge that. Let's do it in 2.5 years. Period. As I said, no debt is needed for that... anyone can do this...so long as they heed the VALUABLE lessons I'm about to break you off with. So before we continue...stop what you are doing right now…walk up to a mirror in your apartment and say “I can do this – I AM going to do this – because I CAN do this – because NATURE provides me with EVERYTHING”. If that's too long for you to memorize and recite, look in your mirror and instead say, “Stop

being a scared, faggot b*tch.”. Is that better? Whichever one you recite, the point is to get into the mentality that life is not some burden filled with pitfalls, traps, and servitude. Flip the script and think the opposite: life is freedom... it's filled with opportunity, resources, and delight. If you get all Henny-Penny on me and think the skkky is faaaaling all the time then the game is over…put down the book, go back to your anime pr0n. If you are intelligent and realize that the sky has been here forever, will be here forever and CAN’T EVER 'fall' – then read on. This world is a self-contained sealed system of infinite regeneration. This book is made from paper that came from trees. The ink that print this book is made from carbon that came from the rocks in the ground. The computer I am using to write this book uses silicon, aka: beach sand, that is on the shore of every beach and desert on the earth. The screen is made from glass, which is made from the same sand. The electrons in the circuitry move through copper wires and contacts...again, simply rocks in the earth. And the dead cow that my hot, fat-assed, wide-hipped, tall, milkyteated, pony-tailed, fat-lipped, pointy-nosed, narrow-waisted, INTELLIGENT, striking wife is simmering on the stove already seeded a cow that is now pregnant and replicating itself with even more cows. Ya I'm getting esoteric on datazz for the sole purpose of drilling in your little Ewok head that NATURE has put everything out there that you need, and it’s there in abundance.

And if you don't see that, it's because you've been PROGRAMMED to NOT see it. Ie “There's a reason it's so cheap”. Feelz mah? Ya. Buss it: and this is on the real...the biggest challenge you will face with getting a house in only 2.5 years.. is accepting the mere FACT that is CAN INDEED BE DONE. Ya. Smoke a blunt to that one. Genius I know. And that's why you love me. Because I tell you the TRUTH. That you CAN do this. Let's keep it gangsta: MY biggest 'fear' throughout all of this was, “CAN IT BE DONE?”. You see, I had no mentor, guide, father-figure to ensure me that what I was doing was going to succeed, OR even have a CHANCE of succeeding. Nobody TOLD ME that it could be done. Just the opposite... voices like my esteemed mother-inlaw bleating: “It can't be done” [in so many words]. All I had to keep me going was MYSELF and my FAITH IN NATURE. When you start out with nothing... like I did... so much goes through your mind....”am I crazy?” … “Can this be done?”... “I have no examples to draw from..” And these are the voices you will likely hear in your mission to get your own house in 2.5 years. These are the voices I faced every day for months.... and they tortured one side of my brain... while the other side of my brain remained true to the logic of nature. The sheep side of my brain said “nobody's done this before, how can you ever succeed?”, and the logical side of my brain said “nobody's done this before, how can you ever fail?” Like always, I let logic prevail.

Thinking back, it's funny what my FEARS were. The pure logic of house building is so simplistic, yet the programmed mind mucks it up beyond recognition over and over. A team of 5 contractors can build an entire McMansion in 6 days. From foundation to chimney. Yet, even knowing a lot about the trades and being skilled myself, I felt as if this was somehow 'impossible'. Again, it was the PROGRAMS talking to me and not my own LOGIC. That nagging voice that said 'nobody does this, so it can't be done'... It was ALL bullshit. It CAN be done. I did it. And I will show you how. But before I do, realize this: the vast majority of the obstacles you will face doing this: financial, logistical, physical, emotional are all IMAGINED. In truth 99% of the obstacles you face while doing this will be the PSYCHOLOGICAL BATTLE being waged inside your head over the mentally-twisted question: Can this ACTUALLY be done? For REALZ? I will puff my muscular chest outward, stand tall, and say loud and clear: YES NIGGER IT CAN! Follow me, and stay with me, and don't look back. Forget what you know, and listen to the HONORABLE Mr. hives who hath already Littlebunny-foo-foo'ed down this PATH to ACTUAL F-ING SUCCESS. Did I say you can do it yet? A few times now? Perhaps I'm repeating myself bee-cause I'm so flipping HYPE and PASSIONATE that you can do the same. Ready? YES YOU ARE

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More Books by the honorable djhives “Die Sheeple Die!” (2009) “Die Sheeple Die!, Volume 2: Sixteen Hustles” (2011)

“CiR – The Council On Intergalactic Relations” (2013) “Die Sheeple Die!, Volume 3: Slave Owner” (2014-15) “CiR – PART 2: WILLY's ISLAND” (2015) “Die Sheeple Die!, Volume 4: The Final Solution” (2017)” ORDER AT: www.djhives.com OR EMAIL: [email protected] All works are copyrighted

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