Date: January 20, 2016 Ponente: Justice Leonardo-de Castro Facts:
Petitioner Diaz has been a professor in UP since 16!" #n 1$$, she app%ied for sabbatica% %ea&e 'ith pay for one year" (he Chair of the )roadcast Depart*ent initia%%y reco**ended to C+C Dean ncanto that Diazs sabbatica% app%ication be .ranted" (hereafter, ncanto referr referred ed Diazs Diazs sabbatica sabbatica%% app%ica app%ication tion to the /ecretar /ecretary y of U"P", reco**en reco**endin. din. its denia%" denia%" ncanto a%so reuested the her sa%ary be 'ithhe%d eecti&e Ju%y 1, 1$$ unti% further notice since her sabbatica% app%ication has not yet been appro&ed and that she did not teach that se*ester" n Ju%y 3, 1$$, it 'as reco**ended that Diaz be .ranted a %ea&e 'ithout pay in order to enab%e the C+C to hire a substitute" (he ne4t day, the U"P"s /ecretary referred to the 5icePresident for cade*ic airs, the fact of denia% of such sabbatica% reuest, for his o'n reco**endation to the U"P" President" n Ju%y $, 1$$, bad returned the 7eference /%ip indicatin. therein therein that Diaz had pro*ised hi* to put do'n in 'ritin. the historica% bac8drop to the %atest denia% of her sabbatica% %ea&e, but she did not do so" n Diazs reuest to teach for that se*ester, the 5ice Chance%%or for cade*ic airs and the 97D Director instructed ncanto that unti% Prof" Prof" Diaz ocia%%y reports for duty, acco*p%ishes the Certi;cate of 7eport for Duty, and the Dean of C+C con;r*s her date of actua% report for duty, she is considered absent 'ithout ocia% %ea&e" n
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