Changes in frequency and consistency of stool (more than 3 times a day) in children with or without mucus and blood.
ETIOLOGY Congenital abnormalities: Hereditary lactose intolerance Abnormalities of intestinal structures: cow's milk allergy, intestinal mucosal damage Malnutrition: malabsorption of carbohydrates and fats. Infection: germs (E. coli, salmonella), viruses, parasites (amoeba), fungi (candida albicans)
VA A R I O U S D I A R R H E A V Based on duration:
Based on Dehydration:
Acute diarrhea (lasting 14 days)
dehydration (DAD (DADB) B)
RISK FACTOR Water pollution by feces There is no clean water Means mck Environmental hygiene Climate: rotavirus, bacteria Weak host h ost conditio conditions: ns: hygiene, malnutrition, malnutrition , b Poor method of weaning: early weaning, early supplementary feeding
P THOPHYSIOLOGY As a result of food that cannot be absorbed / digested ex: lactose from milk, is a good food for bacteria Incr In crea ease sed d os osmo moti ticc pr pres essu surre in th the e in inte test stin inal al lu lume men n
Abso Ab sorb rbss fl flui uid d fr from om in intr trac acel ellu lula larr to ex extr trac acel ellu lula larr
PERIST PER IST LTIC DISO DISORDERS RDERS Stimulating food Increase intestinal peristalsis Diarrhea Decreased intake and increase in output Loss of intra and extracellular fluid / dehydration Disruption of fluid and electrolyte balance, acid base Hypoglycemic shock
• •
Education, personal hygiene and environment Use of breast milk Provision of clean water w ater,, waste disposal etc.
Disorders of fluid and an d electrolyte
balance, hypokalemia, hypok alemia, hypoglycemia
Hypovolemic shock
Metabolic acidosis
M N GEMENT Give Gi vess fl flui uids ds an and d re regu gula late tess el elec ectr trol olyt yte e ba bala lanc nce e
Rehydra Reh ydration tion thera therapy py Collab Coll abor orat atio ion n fo forr an anti tibi biot otic ic ad admi mini nist stra rati tion on th ther erap apyy ac acco corrdi ding ng to the germ rmss that cause it Wash hands before and after contact with babies to prevent transmission Moni Mo nito torr st stoo ooll cu cult ltur ure e in in infa fant ntss re rece ceiv ivin ingg an anti tibi biot otic ic th ther erap apyy It is not rec eco omme men nde ded d to gi givve an anti ti-d -diiar arrh rhe ea an and d st sto ool th thiick cke enin ingg drugs
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