Diagnostic Test in Ucsp

August 24, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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DIAGNOSTIC EXAMINATION IN UNDERSTANDING UNDERSTANDIN G CULTURE, SOCIETY AND, POLITICS (UCSP) S.Y.: 2021-2022 ABM 11 AND GAS 12 Name: Na me: ______ _________ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ___

Score: Score: ___ ______ ______ ______ ______ ____  _   __  Date: _____________ _______________  __ 

TEST I. Multiple Choice Directions: Read and analyze the following statements below.  Choose the letter of your answer and write it on the space  provided before each number. number.

 ___1. It is the study study of relationships among among people. A. Anthropology B. Sociology C. Archaeology D. Etymology  ___2. It deals with the systems systems of government and tthe he analysis of political political activity and political political  behavior. A. Public Policy B. Political Theory C. International Relation D. Political Science  ___3. Describe what is is appropriate or inappropriate inappropriate in a given society society or what ought to be. be. A. Beliefs B. Values C. Language D. Norms  ___4. It is a shared set of of spoken and written symbols. symbols. D. Norms A. Beliefs B. Values C. Language  ___5. The study of of previous cultures of hu humans mans by analyzing various various artifacts and fossils. fossils.   A. Archaeology B. Paleontology C. Paleozoology D. Geology  ___6. A term that is used used to refer to the impact and d development evelopment of farming to the the lives of people. C. Cultural evolution A. Neolithic revolution   B. Industrial society D. Biological evolution  ___7. It is a hereditary endogamous social group in which a person’s rank and his/her rights and obligations are ascribed or on the basis of his/her birth into a particular group. A. Caste B. Class C. Estate D. Slavery  ___8. It is a kinship system in which descent is traced through only one gender. A. Matrilineal descent B. Bilateral descent C. Patrilineal descent D. Unilineal descent  ___9. The ___________________ ___________________ fa family mily consist of one parent parent raising one or more children children on his own. A. Nuclear family C. Extended family   B. Blended family D. Single parent family type  ___10. Specific rules/standards rules/standards to guide guide appropriate behavior. behavior.   A. Beliefs B. Values C. Language D. Norms  ___11. Family which extends extends beyond the nuclear nuclear family to include gran grandparents dparents and other relatives. relatives. C. Extended family A. Nuclear family B. Blended family D. Single parent family type  ___12. It is the custom custom of marrying outside a community, community, clan, or tribe. A. Endogamy B. Exogamy C. Monogamy D. Polygamy  ___13. These are groups groups of people that has distributive distributive task for a co collective llective goal. A. Groups B. Organizations C. Society D. Class  ___14. Family is considered considered as a group. What gro group up does it belongs? B. Secondary group C. Reference group D. Socialized group A. Primary group  ___15. What is needed needed to maintain social o order rder and stability? A. Self-control B. Social Control C. Ideal Control D. All of the above  ___16. It is the acceptance acceptance of the cultural goals an and d means of attaining those those goals. D. Conformity A. Gossip B. Enculturation C. Deviance  ___17. Why do people people form communities? A. They want to live and work where they feel safe. B. They want chaos. C. They want to live a part. D. They want to go to concerts.  ___18. An organized political community living under a single single system of government government..   A. State B. Society C. Government D. Culture  ___19. It is a system system by which society ranks categories of people in a h hierarchy ierarchy according to power, power, wealth, and prestige. A. Social Interaction C. Social Justice B. Social Stratification D. Social Science  ___20. Also known known as customs, these are norms of everyday behavior that people follow for the sake sake of or convenience. D. Folkways A.tradition Law B. Mores C. Taboos  ___21. It is a form of marriage in which one man marries one woman. It is the most common and acceptable form of marriage. A. Monogamy B. Polygamy C. Polygyny D. Polyandry  ___22.  What do you think is the reason why we have rights?  ___22.


  A. To allow us do what we want to do.   B. To help us realize what we are deserving for liberties and protection protection..   C. To free us from punishment and other free us from f rom punishment whenever we commit mistakes.   D. To help us defend ourselves even if we violate the rules.  ___23. A person or practitioner practitioner who studies studies Anthropology. A. Sociologist B. Psychologist C. Anthropologist D. Archaeologist  ___24. It refers to an alteration alteration in the social order order of a society. C. Social Change D. Social Climber  A. Social Stratification B. Social Science  ___25. All cultures cultures undergo _________ _________ where cultural traits do not remain exactly the the same over  periods of time. B. Cultural change C. Cultural traits D. Religion A. Ethics  ___26. Culture is a central central concept in anthropology, anthropology, encompassing the the range of phenomena that are transmitted through social learning in human societies. Which of the following statements  best describes culture? culture? A. A people’s way of life, including beliefs, customs, food, dwellings, and clothing. B. A vast, treeless plain in the Artic regions with very cold winters, cold summers, and little rain or snow.   C. Useful material found in nature, including water, vegetation, animals, and minerals.   D. Movement by people from one place to another with intentions of settling in new location.  ___27. _____________ _____________ in which an individual’s individual’s kin group, group, or clan membership, is traced through men. A. Matril Matriline ineal al desce descent nt B. Bilate Bilateral ral desc descent ent C. Patrilineal descent D. Unilineal descent  ___28. It is the custom custom of marrying only within within the limits of a local community, community, clan, or tribe. A. Endogamy B. Exogamy C. Monogamy D. Polygamy  ___29. Ethnocentrism Ethnocentrism refers to__________. to__________. A. The tendency to judge other cultures using the standards of one’s own culture. B. The view that some societies are superior to one’s own. C. The co-existence of diverse cultures with equal standing in a society. D. Judging another culture by its own standard.  ___30. It is achieved by a leader through through the process of of following established established codes and procedures    

governing the allocation and resources within a society. Legal authority A. Traditional authorityand distribution of power C. B. Charismatic authority D. Illegal authority  ___31. A form of leadership leadership legitimacy that h highlights ighlights the right right of a leader to rule based on inheritance of the title. A. Traditional authority C. Legal authority B. Charismatic authority D. Illegal authority  ___32. Which of the following following is not aan n element of culture? A. Food   B. Language C. Geography D. Religion  ___33.  If people know what is right and wrong, what will most likely to happen?  ___33.   A. People might avoid doing wrong things instead, do the right things.   B. People People might might continue doing things that makes them happy and satisfied.   C. People People might might avoid only those things that are punishable punishable by law. law.   D. People might change.  ___34. What  ___34.  What will happen if people fail to socialize?   A. People will be happy living alone because no one will disturb them.   B. People People will will be learning learning things that they have not learned before through socialization.   C. Learning Learning will be stagnant because a lot can be learned from socialization.   D. Learning will be fun because you are discovering it alone.  ___35. Why do groups groups consider as “The Heart Heart of Interaction”? A. They share a common set of characteristics. C. They just gather in one place. B. They hey don’ don’tt h hav avee th thee sam samee in inte tere ressts ts.. D. The They y jus just ffor orm m a gro group with no reas reason on..  ___36. Mommy and daddy taught their one-year o old ld daughter Raine how to play ABC song with the the use of their Lenovo cellphone. Now, Raine can able to open the phone and sing the ABC song. What characteristics of culture is shown in the situation? A. Culture is learned. C. Culture is shared. B. Culture is integrated. D. Culture is symbolic.  ___37. It is something something that is not present present in nature but is formed through a process done by by man. A. Artifacts B. Civilization C. Democracy D. Neolithic  ___38. Examines the the contemporary applicati application on of political con concepts cepts such as human rights, rights, equality,  peace, and justice. A. Comparative Politics C. Political Science  B. Political Theory D. Political Behavior   ___39. Why is language language one of the most impor important tant aspects of culture? culture? A. When groups migrate, a shared language helps prevent conflict. B. Language allows people to communicate and provides a sense of identity. C. Unlike other aspects of culture, language does not change. D. Languages can be classified into language families.


 ___40. What are the solutions solutions to human rights rights violation? A. Let the people do what they ought to do. B. Help in promoting protection to human dignity, human rights, and the common good. C. Help the criminal in promoting protection for themselves and allow them to continue what they do. D. Participate in rallies to voice out your perspectives and opinions in life.  ___41. It is a branch of political political science that aims to provide contex contextt to the differences in gov government ernment and political systems. A. Comparative Politics C. Political Science  B. Political Theory D. Political Behavior    ___42. The set of personnel personnel who manages the affai affairs rs of the state in its act o off allocating scarce values values is called the __________. A. Territory C. Sovereignty B. People D. Government  ___43. This is the the capacity of a political political system to make independent independent decisions within within its territory. A. Territory C. Sovereignty B. People D. Government  ___44. This is the the geographic space in which which the sovereignty of a state is exercised. A. Territory C. Sovereignty B. People D. Government  ___45. It is a political political value that is limit limited ed in distribution distribution but highly demanded demanded by the populace. A. Power C. Sovereignty B. People D. Government  ___46. This field inquires inquires on the types types of governmental policies policies and the underlying underlying motivations for th their eir enactment and implementation. A. Public Administration C. Political Science  D. Public Policy B. Political Behavior   ___47. It is the act of of violating the prescribed prescribed social norms. A. Gossip B. Enculturation C. Deviance D. Conformity  ___48. Powerful leading an individual individualB. to Sanctions conform to social norms. norms. A. Gossipin leading C. Deviance

D. Conformity  ___49. These are the rewards rewards or forms of punishment punishment that are formally awarded by an institution such such as a government, a council, or an establishment. A. Formal sanctions C. Positive sanctions B. Informal sanctions D. Negative sanctions  ___50. These are actions actions or statements that reward reward a particular behavior, behavior, which reinforce its repetition. A. Formal sanctions C. Positive sanctions B. Informal sanctions D. Negative sanctions ************************************* ************************ *************** **Good luck & God bless! ************************ *********** ************************** *********************** ********** Prepared by:

MS. JOYCE P. DELA RAMA Social Science Coordinator 

Approved by: MR. IVENCH PERCIVAL B. PUGONG JHS-SHS Academic Coordinator  

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