Diagnostic Test For Thyroid Disorder Thyroid
function test 1. Thyroid stimulating hormone assay : hypofunction of the thyroid gland; primary hypothyroidism :pituitary disorder; hyperthyroidism Thyroid antibodies : thyroiditis T3T4 Radioimmunoassay : hyperthyroidism : hypothyroidism
Diagnostic Test For Thyroid Disorder Radioactive
odine !pta"e#R$!% : hyperthyroidism; urine: hypothyroidism :hypothyroidism; urine: hyperthyroidism &atient teaching Radioactive dose is small and harmless 'ontraindicated in pregnancy (eafoods may elevate results Drug that may elevate results: barbiturates) estrogen) lithium) phenothia*ines Drug that may decrease result: +ugol,s solution) saturated solution of potassium iodide#((-%) antithyroid) cortisone) aspirine) antihistamine. 'ollect 4hr urine specimen after oral tracer dose given
scan Radioactive iodine ta"en orally; dose is harmless (canning done after 4hrs $void iodine containing foods) dyes) medications 'old nodules: cancer 0ot nodules: benign !T2no special preparation R cannot be done in pt 5ith metal implants $ssess for allergy to contrast media
Diagnostic Test For &arathyroid Disorders Total
serum calcium 6enous blood is collected ncrease: hyperparathyroidism Decrease: hypoparathyroidism 7ualitative urinary calcium#(ul"o5itch test% 'ollect urine specimen Fine 5hite precipitate should form 5hen (ul"o5itch reagent is added to urine specimen $bsent or decrease precipitate indicates lo5 serum calcium and hypoparathyroidism 7uantitative !rinary 'alcium#'a deprivation test% 'ollect 4 hr urine specimen ncrease: hyperparathyroidism Decrease: hypoparathyroidism
Diagnostic Test For &arathyroid Disorders (erum
phosphorus 'ollect venous blood specimen ncrease: hypoparathyroidism Decrease: hyperparathyroidism (erum al"aline phosphatase 'ollect venous blood specimen ncrease: hyperparathyroidism Decrease: hypoparathyroidism &arathormone #&T0% radioimmunoassay 'ollect venous blood ncrease: hyperparathyroidism 8hen elevated in con9unction 5ith serum calcium levels) this is the most specic test for hyperparathyroidism
Diagnostic Test For $drenocortical Disorders 'ortisol
level 5ith de/amethasone suppression test ive de/amethasone before phlebotomy to suppressdiurnal formation of $'T0 ncrease: &ituitary tumor) 'ushing,s syndrome or disease Decrease $ddison,s disease 'ortisol plasma level Fasting is re
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