DG-A Gateway User Manual (RevS2.5 US)
September 16, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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]smr Gajuae cn L@-A Vmrims @atmway Trclufts
Latm? Gar 2419 ^mrsicj? 2.=
]smr Gajuae
F cpyri` ht ajl ajl Cwjmrs hip V tatmgmjt mgmjt Cur fcgpajy hcels thm fcpyri`ht cn thm gajuae with aee ri`hts rmvmrsml. Jc cjm gay lupeifatm part cr aee cn thm tmxts, ni`urms ajl lata ij thm nujfticj cvmrvimw bcck by gmajs cn mxtraftij`, fcpyij` cr feippij` withcut authcrizaticj. Cthmrwism thm Fcgpajy wiee ijvmsti`atm ncr fcrrmspcjlij` rmspcjsibieitims whmrm apprcpriatm.
Attmjticj Cur fcgpajy rmvmrsms thm ri`ht cn gclinyij` ajy ijncrgaticj ij thm gajuae at ajy tigm withcut ajy pricr jctifm ajl ajy aj y rmspcjsibieity. rmspcjsibieity.
\ralmgark \ralmga rk V ta tatmg tmgmjt mjt Rm`istmrml tralmgark cn Cur fcgpajy. Aee cthmr brajls ajl prcluft jagms rmnmrrml tc ij thm nujfticj cvmrvimw bcck arm tralmgarks cr rm`istmrml tralmgarks cn rmemvajt fcgpajims.
]smr Gajuae
Fcjtmjts FCJ\MJ\V .................................................................................................................................................................... 1 1.
.1 tc ec`ij thm lmvifm Jctm? \hm usmr is "MJ@", thm passwcrl passwcrl is "li`i`ril", ajl thm passwcr passwcrl l is ijvisibem.
]smr Gajuae
Ni`urm >.1 \mejmt ijtmrnafm
0.2.2. ^imw whmthmr thm gaij prc`rag is rujjij`
\mejmt tc thm lmvifm Ijput ―ps‗; as shcwj ij Ni`urm Ni `urm >.2, it ijlifatms thm gaij prc`rag ―mlpsgaijarg.6 Jctm? aftivm7 "1" gmajs thm prcomft prcomft is rujjij` furrmjtey
]smr Gajuae
Ni`urm >.6 Furrmjtey rujjij` prcomft ijtmrnafm
0.2...< Qumry nirgwarm Feifk "CK" tc smm thm ijncrgaticj cn lrivmrs/nirgwarms lcwjecalml ij thm lmvifm, as
]smr Gajuae
shcwj ij Ni`urm >.=. Rmgijlmr? \hm pifturm shcwj bmecw ―Nirgwarm Iga`m Fclij`‗ Fclij`‗ is lrivmr iga`m pafka`m jugbmr, jct thm lrivmr jagm.
Ni`urm >.= Nirgwarm ijncrgaticj Hmrm ijtrclufm thm gmthcl cn uplatij` lrivmrs Gmthcl 1?
]platm lrivmr niem by b y usij` N\T fcggajl ij thm LCV wijlcw, ajl ttakm akm thm lrivmr uplatij` niem rujtigm.mlps.up`ralm.ig` ij thm ecfae lirmftcry F? Upatfh as mxagpem. Vmm Ni`urm >.> ncr rmnmrmjfm. Cpmj thm start gmju cn Pijlcws, smemft "Ruj" fcggajl, ijput "fgl" ij thm liaec` bcx, ajl feifk "CK" tc switfh tc thm LCV wijlcw, whmrm fcggajl prcgpt appmars. `atmwa y IT is 192.1>8.4.111) Ijput thm fcggajl ntp 192.1>8.4.111 (ncr mxagpem, thm `atmway Ijput thm usmr jagm ajl passwcrl ajl wait ncr vmrinifaticj (usmr jagm? jagm ? MJ@, passwcrl? li`i`ril). ]pecal thm niem ajl ijput thm fcggajl? ntp:put f?UpatfhUrujtigm.mlps.up`ralm.ig` /nirgwarm/rujtigm.mlps.up`ralm.ig` Rmstart thm lmvifm whmj it prcgpts thm trajsgissicj is fcgpemtml.
]smr Gajuae
Ni`urm >.> Lrivmr uplatij` Gmthcl 2?
]platm lrivmr niem by usij` thm N\T tcce tc fcpy thm lrivmr niems lirmftey tc thm lmvifm 。 Cpmj thm ―N\T‗tcce % thm―Hcst jagm‗ ncr thm jmtwcrk IT allrmss, usmr jagm ncr ―MJ@‗ , passwcrl ncr ―li`i`ril‗ % Trctcfce ncr ―N\T‗, as shcwj ij thm nceecwij` Ni`urm;
Fcpy thm " rujtigm.mlps.up`ralm.ig`" ij thm ecfae ncelmr tc thm /nirgwarm/ lirmftcry, ajl thmj rmbcct thm lmvifm%as shcwj ij thm nceecwij` n ceecwij` Ni`urm。
]smr Gajuae
0.2.=. Hcw tc gcliny systmg tigm ]sm thm fcggajl ij thm ni`urm tc gcliny systmg tigm Jctm? \hm ncrgat cn latm is? GGLLHHGGYYYY (G-gcjth, L-lay, H-hcur, G-gijutm, Y-ymar Y-ymar); ); thm systmg tigm cn lmvifm alcpts ]\F tigm as rmnmrmjfm.
Ni`urm >.0 Gcliny systmg tigm
]smr Gajuae
0.2.>. Hcw tc gcliny thm IT allrmss cn lmvifm Gmthcl 1?
\hm lmnauet allrmss cn lmvifm is mth4? 192.1>8.4.111, 192.1>8.4.111, mth1? 192.1>8.1.111. 192.1>8.1.111. Gcliny thm allrmss ij thm prcomft fcjni`uraticj via thm IF\-V+ fcjni`uraticj tcce
Cpmj thm IF\-V+ IF\-V+ fcjni`uraticj tcce, cpmj "Vystmg ijncrgaticj", ajl smemft "Trcpmrty";
Vmemft thm cpticj "Jmtwcrk fcjni`uraticj" ij thm ri`ht attributm arma, ajl lcubem-feifk it
tc cpmj thm tabem mlitcr;
Feifk "Jmw" ajl gcliny thm IT allrmss cn fcrrmspcjlij` jmtwcrk pcrt, as shcwj ij Ni`urm >.8
Feifk "Ck" ajl savm thm prcomft ajl lcwjecal it tc thm lmvifm, ajl thmj rmbcct thm lmvifm with pcwmr cnn;
Ni`urm >.8 Jmtwcrk fcjni`uraticj
Gmthcl 2?
Gcliny thm IT allrmss by ec``ij` cj thm lmvifm ajl aj l mlitij` sfript
Ec` cj thm lmvifm thrcu`h \MEJM\
Mlit thm niem ―usmr.sh usmr.sh‗‗ ij ―nirgwarm nirgwarm‗‗ lirmftcry ajl fhaj`m thm lmvifm IT allrmss, m.`. fhaj`m mth4 IT tc 192.1>8.2.184 (smm ni`urm >.9 ajl >.14).
Antmr mlitij`, savm thm sfript ajl rmbcct thm lmvifm.
Hijt? Trcfmlurms cn tmxt mlitij` ij Eijux, takm mxagpem cn mlitij` usmr.sh
]sm vi fcggajl, m.`. vi usmr.sh usmr.sh
]smr Gajuae
Trmss ijsmrt ijsmrt buttcj buttcj cr i buttcj (thm furscr cj thm bcttcg emnt fcrjmr wiee bmfcgm | nrcg S ), thmj ycu faj mlit thm tmxt, ajl ycu ycu faj usm arrcw buttcj tc gcvm thm fu furscr. rscr.
Gcvm furscr tc thm tmxt eijm ycu wajt tc mlit (m.`. #smrvmr 192.1>8.4.111), lmemtm thm thm emntgcst si`j #
Trmss MVF Trmss MVF buttcj buttcj tc quit mlitij` mlit ij` gclm (furscr wiee wi ee bmfcgm S nrcg | ), prmss prms s shint ajl ? ujtie ―?‗ ―?‗ is is shcwj ij thm bcttcg emnt fcrjmr, f crjmr, thmj typm wq ajl prmss mjtmr buttcj.
t Ni`urm >.9 ]smr Ec`ij
Ni`urm >.14 IT gclinifaticj
]smr Gajuae
0.2.0. Hcw tc all `atmway allrmss All `atmway allrmss by ec``ij` cj thm lmvifm ajl mlitij` sfript
Ec` cj thm lmvifm via \MEJM\
Mlit thm niem ―usmr.sh usmr.sh‗‗ ij lirmftcry ―nirgwarm nirgwarm‗‗ ajl all `atmway allrmss. \hm fcggajl eijm is? rcutm all lmnauet `w xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx, m.`. all `atmway allrmss cn 102.1>.1.1 (smm ni`urm >.11 ajl >.12).
Hijt? @atmway allrmss allrmss ajl IT allrmss allrmss gust bm withij thm sagm subjmt
Antmr mlitij`, savm sfript ajl rmbcct thm lmvifm.
Ni`urm >.11 ]smr ec`ij
]smr Gajuae
Ni`urm >.12 All `atmway allrmss
0.2.8. Hcw tc fcjni`urm J\T
Ec` cj thm lmvifm via \MEJM\
Mlit thm niem ―jtp.mjabem.fcjn ‗ ij lirmftcry ―jtp jtp‗‗, fhaj`m thm nirst paragmtmr nrcg 4 tc 1 tc mjabem J\T nujfticj, smm ni`urm bmecw?
Ni`urm >.16 ]smr Ec`ij
]smr Gajuae
Ni`urm >.1< J\T mjabem paragmtmrs
1? Mjabem J\T nujfticj; 4? Lisabem J\T nujfticj
644 ajl -644? Cnnsmt thrmshcel vaeum
Mlit niem ―jtp.fcjn ‗ tc all J\T smrvmr IT allrmss, smm ni`urm bmecw? Hijt? guetipem J\T smrvmrs faj bm allml, but thm prmgism is that mafh fcjjmfticj bmtwmmj smrvmr ajl L@ `atmway is `ccl.
]smr Gajuae
Mlit niem ―jtp.gaijsrv.fcjn ‗ tc all gaij smrvmr IT allrmss.
]smr Gajuae
Ni`urm >.1= JT\ gaij smrvmr fcjni`uraticj
Antmr mlitij`, savm sfript ajl rmbcct thm lmvifm.
Appmjlix A
IMF >18=4 Fcjni`uratic Fcjni`uraticj j
Appmjlix A gaijey lmsfribms hcw M LTV I F\ F\-V -V+ + fcjni`urms IMF >18=4 afquisiticj ajl prcxy (ncrwarlij`) (ncr warlij`) gcluems, ajl ncr thm ijlmpmjlmjfm cn IMF >18=4 gc gcluems, luems, M LTV I F\ F\-V -V+ + wiee fcgpemtm thm fustcgizaticj ajl gaja`mgmjt cn IMF >18=4 afquisiticj cr prcxy lata thrcu`h ijlmpmjlmjt fustcgizml peu`ij, i.m. IMF >18=4 afquisiticj cr prcxy peu`ij.Gmajwhiem, thm fcjni`uraticj gajuae wiee lmtaie lrivmr ijncrgaticj, fcggujifaticj paragmtmrs, lmvifm paragmtmrs, ajl IC paragmtmr ijncrgaticj cn varicus ijncrgaticj pcijts. Temasm rmnmr tc IMF >18=4 spmfinifaticj lcfugmjts ncr IMF >18=4 rmeatml tmrgs rmnmrrml tc ij thm fcjni`uraticj gajuae. M LTV I F\ F\-V -V+ + ijtm`ratms fcjni`uraticj scntwarm by gmajs cn peu`ij. IMF >18=4 peu`ijs arm M LTV I F\ F\-V -V+ + fcjni`uraticj peu`ijs whifh gmmt M LTV I F\ F\-V -V+ + peu`ij ijtmrnafm ajl spmfiaeey smrvm IMF >18=4 prcxy.Teu`ijs arm gaja`ml thrcu`h thm peu`ij gaja`mr cn M LTV I F\ F\-V -V+ +. MLTV IF\-V+ peu`ij has thrmm vimw ijtmrnafms? gaja`mgmjt arma, lata arma, ajl attributm arma.
]smr Gajuae
A.1. IMF >18=4 afquisiticj A.1.1. Lrivmr Lrivmr gaja`mgmjt Frmatm
Frmatm IMF >18=4 afquisiticj lrivmr 1. Cpmj a prcomft niem; 2. Vmemft thm peu`ij gaja`mgmjt pa`m ij thm gaja`mgmjt arma cn M LTV I F\ F\-V -V+ +; 6. Aftivatm IMF >18=4 afquisiticj peu`ij;
]smr Gajuae
18=4‗ tc pcp up thm ―Frmatm lrivmr liaec`‗; liaec`‗;
=. Vmemft thm lrivmr tc bm frmatml ij thm lrivmr pa`m;
>. Fcjni`urm basif attributms cn thm tar`mt lrivmr ij thm attributm pa`m;
]smr Gajuae
0. Feifk ―CK‗ tc fcgpemtm frmaticj; Jctm? Lrivmr ijncrgaticj Jc.
Lmnijm thm lispeay jag jagmm cn lrivm lrivmr. r.
Lmnijm thm lmsfripticj ijncrgaticj cn lrivmr.
Lmnijm thm vmrsicj ijncrgaticj cn lrivmr.
Lata uplatm
Lmnijm thm lata uplatij` gclm. ^aeum fhaj`m fhaj`m ‖ ‖ \hm \hm systmg uplatms thm latabasm ajl jctinims cthmr lrivmr prctcfces cjey whmj a vaeum fhaj`ms; \igm fhaj`m ‖ fhaj`m ‖ \hm \hm systmg uplatms thm latabasm ajl jctinims cthmr lrivmr prctcfces jc gattmr whmthmr a vaeum cr tigm fhaj`ms; \igm uplatm ‖ \hm systmg uplatms thm latabasm jc gattmr whmthmr a vaeum cr tigm fhaj`ms, ajl jctinims cthmr lrivmr prctcfces cjey whm whmj j a vaeum fh fhaj`ms; aj`ms;
Lrivmr fafhm
Lmnijm thm fafhm sizm cn lrivmr.
Eatmjfy tigm (gs)
Lmnijm thm lmeay tigm cn uplatij` rmae-ti rmae-tigm gm latabasm. \hm systmg shaee writm raw lata ijtc thm rmae-tigm latabasm antmr a lmeay cn thm tigm lmnijml.
Bijlij` lrivmr
Lmnijm thm jagm cn lrivmr gcluem, whifh is ujiqum ajl fajjct bm gcliniml.
Fhajjme uplatm
Lmnijm thm fyfem cn uplatij` IML fcggujifaticj tigms.
pmricl (s) 9
IML cnn-eijm
Lmnijm thm cnneijm thrmshcel cn IML lmvifm; whmj thm
jugbmr cn fcjsmfutivm fcggujifaticj naieurms rmafhms thm thrmshcel, thm lmvifm is switfhml tc cnneijm statm.
Lmemtm IMF >18=4 afquisiticj lrivmr
]smr Gajuae
8. Ri`ht feifk thm lrivmr bar ajl smemft thm gmju cpticj ―Lmemtm‗;
9. Vmemft thm gmju cpticj "Lmemtm"; It prcgpts whmthmr tc lmemtm;
14. Feifk ―Yms‗ ―Yms‗ tc fcgpemtm f cgpemtm lmemticj; Ecal virtuae pcijt cn lrivmr nrcg thm systmg tmgpeatm eibrary ^irtuae pcijt tmgpeatm 11. Ri`ht feifk thm lrivmr bar, ajl smemft thm gmju cpticj ―Ecal virtuae pcijt tmgpeatm‗; tmgpeatm‗;
12. Vmemft thm gmju cpticj ―Ecal virtuae pcijt tmgpeatm‗ tc fcgpemtm ecalij` cn virtuae pcijt cn lrivmr. lrivmr. Jctm?
Jc. 1
Cbsmrvm thm rujjij` statm ijncrgaticj cn thm lrivmr.
status 2
Cbsmrvm thm authcrizat authcrizaticj icj statm cn thm lrivmr.
A.1.2. @mjmrae @mjmrae paragmtmrs
]smr Gajuae
Cvmrvimw ^imw ajl fcjni`urm `mjmrae paragmtmr ijncrgaticj cn IMF >18=4 lrivmr ^imw ajl fcjni`urm ^imw ajl fcjni`urm fcggujifaticj paragmtmr attributms 1. Cpmj a prcomft niem; 2. Vmemft thm peu`ij gaja`mgmjt pa`m ij thm gaja`mgmjt arma cn M LTV I F\ F\-V -V+ +; 6. Aftivatm IMF >18=4 afquisiticj peu`ij;
\T) \FT/IT( RNF144>)
Lmnijm thm fcjni`urati fcjni`uraticj cj cn \FT/IT
Fcjni`urm ij thm sagm way as itmg =
prctcfce stafk. stafk. 8
Jmtwcrk allrmss
fcjni`ura fcjni`uraticj ticj
Fcjni`urm ij thm sagm way as itmg =
jmtwcrk allrmss. 9
Lmnijm whmthmr tc aftivatm thm @CCVM
Fcjni`urm it affcrlij` tc aftua
ijncrgaticj subsfripticj.
e situaticj
Lmnijm thm parsij` gclm cn @CCVM
Fcjni`urm it affcrlij` tc aftuae
r 14
A.1.6. Thysifae Thysifae lmvifm gaja`mgmjt Igpcrt IFL niem 1. 2. 6. 18=4 afquisiticj lmvifm by igpcrtij` IMF >18=4 IFL niem Cpmj a prcomft niem; Vmemft thm peu`ij gaja`mgmjt pa`m ij thm gaja`mgmjt arma cn M LTV I F\ F\-V -V+ +; Aftivatm IMF >18=4 afquisiticj peu`ij; Ri`ht feifk thm jclm cn physifae lmvifm, ajl smemft "Igpcrt IFL";
=. Cpmj thm smemftml niem ij thm pcp-up liaec` bcx "Vmemft niem";
]smr Gajuae
>. \hm systmg pcps up thm liaec` bcx "IFL fcjni`uraticj";
0. Mlit thm ijstajfm jagm cn IML lmvifm ajl feifk "CK" tc fcgpemtm thm frmaticj cn IMF >18=4 lmvifm;
]smr Gajuae
Frmatm IMF >18=4 afquisiticj lmvifm by igpcrtij` IMF >18=4 FIL niem Igpcrt FIL niem 8. Ri`ht feifk thm jclm cn physifae lmvifm, ajl smemft "Igpcrt FIL";
9. Cpmj thm smemftml niem ij thm pcp-up liaec` bcx "Vmemft niem";
]smr Gajuae
14. Feifk ―CK‗ tc fcgpemtm frmaticj cn IMF >18=4 lmvifm;
Lmemtm lmvifm Fcgpemtmey lmemtm thm igpcrtml IMF >18=4 lmvifm 11. Ri`ht feifk thm nirst-emvme fhiel jclm ujlmr thm jclm cn physifae lmvifm;
]smr Gajuae
12. Vmemft thm gmju cpticj ―Lmemtm‗; ―Lmemtm‗;
16. Feifk ―Yms‗ ―Yms‗ tc fcgpemtm thm t hm lmemticj cn IMF >18=4 physifae lmvifm; Mstabeish gappij` rmeaticj bmtwmmj IMF >18=4 physifae lmvifm ajl MLTV Frmatm lmvifm 118=4 physifae lmvifm ajl MLTV;
1>. Feifk "Yms" tc mstabeish gappij` rmeaticj bmtwmmj aee ijncrgaticj pcijts ij IMF >18=4 lmvifm ajl MLTV;
J ctm tm?? Vmemfti emftivm vmey ey all all pr praf aftitifa faee app appeieifa fatitic cj ijn i jnc cr gatiticj cj pc pci jts affcr affcr li j`
]smr Gajuae
tc aftua aftuaee situa si tuatitic cj. Rmgcvm gappij` rmeaticj bmtwmmj IMF >18=4 physifae lmvifm ajl MLTV Rmgcvm lmvifm 10. Ri`ht feifk thm nirst-emvme fhiel jclm ujlmr thm jclm cn physifae lmvifm;
18. Vmemft thm gmju cpticj ―Rmgcvm‗; ―Rmgcvm‗;
19. Feifk "Yms" tc rmgcvm gappij` rmeaticj bmtwmmj IMF >18=4 physifae lmvifm ajl MLTV Lmvifm paragmtmrs Fcjni`urm physifae lmvifm paragmtmrs cn IMF >18=4 lrivmr 24. Feifk thm nirst-emvme fhiel jclm ujlmr thm jclm cn physifae lmvifm; 21. ^imw virtuae pcijts ij i j thm lata arma cn M LTV I F\ F\-V -V+ +;
IML statm
Lmsfribm thm fcggujifaticj statm cn thm furrmjt lmvifm.
GGV tctae
Fcujt thm jugbmr cn GGV fcggujifaticj tigms
fcggujifaticj tigms 6
GGV ijvaeil
Fcujt thm jugbmr cn GGV fcggujifaticj naieurms
fcggujifaticj tigms
lurij` fcggujifaticj prcfmss.
Fcujt thm jugbmr cn tigms cn rmfmivij` mvmjt rmpcrt.
tigms =
@CCVM tctae rmfmivml
Fcujt thm jugbmr cn tigms cn rmfmivij` @CCVM
]smr Gajuae
22. ^imw thm attributm arma cn M LTV I F\-V F\-V+ +;
Jc. 1
Lmnijm thm j jagm agm cn lm lmvifm vifm
Mlit it whmj igpcrtij` IFL/FIL niems
fcjni`uraticj 2
Lmnijm thm gajunafturmr cn lmvifm.
fcjni`uraticj 6
Lmnijm thm lmsfripticj ijncrgaticj cn lmvifm.
\hm sagm as itmg 2 abcvm
Lmnijm thm typm cn lmvifm.
\hm sagm as itmg 2 abcvm
Lmnijm thm vmrsicj ijncrgaticj cn lmvifm.
\hm sagm as itmg 2 abcvm
AR Jagm
Lmnijm thm rmnmrmjfm jagm cn GGV appeifaticj.
\hm sagm as itmg 1 abcvm
AT titem
AM quaeinimr
By lmnauet as shcwj ij thm
authcrizaticj cr`ajizaticj tc mxprmss prmeulm.
ni`urm abcvm
Lmnijm aj cpticjae ijtm`mr tc mxprmss thm quaeinimr cn
\hm sagm as itmg 0 abcvm
appeifaticj. 9
Lmnijml by IFL/FIL niem; kmmp Lmnijm thm affmss pcijt cn prmsmjtaticj eaymr cn CVI
thm lmnauet vaeum as shcwj ij thm
prctcfce stafk, stafk, whifh is
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