DevOps Toolchain for Beginners EMag Print

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DevOps Toolchain for Beginners eMag Issue 23 - February 2015




Orchestrating Your The LogStash Book, Getting Started with Delivery Pipelines Log Management Monitoring using with Jenkins Made Easy Graphite DevOps Toolchain for Beginners // eMag Issue 23 - Feb 2015 1

Orchestrating Your Delivery Pipelines with Jenkins

Andrew Phillips and Jenkins creator Kohsuke Kawaguchi review state-of-the-art plugins and solutions in the Jenkins ecosystem for achieving efficient, reproducible and secure delivery pipelines.

Chef and to Cookbook Development Flow “Infrastructure as Code” is a tenet of the DevOps community. But treating Infrastructure as Code is a tall order. Development practices have also evolved rapidly and nowadays that means continuous integration, automated tests and more. We’ll make a brief introdution to Chef, a well-known IT automation tool, and use it to illustrate the state of the art.

Docker: Using Linux Containers to Support Portable Application Deployment Docker is an open source tool to run applications inside of a Linux container, a kind of light-weight virtual machine. In addition to running, it also offers tools to distribute containerized applications through the Docker index - or your own hosted Docker registry - simplifying the process of deploying complex applications.

Introduction to Puppet

In this article Susannah Axelrod, gives an overview of both Puppet, the language, and Puppet, the platform, discussing all the main concepts around them. Susannah also writes about how to start an Infrastructure as Code initiative as well as sharing additional learning resources for those who want to know Puppet in-depth.

The LogStash Book, Log Management Made Easy Getting Started with Monitoring using Graphite Setting up a new monitoring system might seem daunting at first. Franklin guides us through the first steps and explains the architecture and inner workings of a Graphite-based monitoring system. Key takeaways are understanding time series data and configuration, datapoint formats, aggregation methods and retention.


James Turnbull makes a compelling case for using Logstash for centralizing logging by explaining the implementation details of Logstash within the context of a logging project. The book targets both small companies and large enterprises through a two sided case; both for the low barrier to entry and the scaling capabilities.

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Culture, collaboration and sharing are keywords for enabling DevOps in any organization. Adopting tools doesn’t magically create a DevOps culture, but designing and sharing the right tool chain for the organization can bring about important benefits. Time to deliver is reduced and perhaps more importantly becomes predictable. Automation saves time in the long run which can be used for forging a DevOps culture and improving collaboration. Furthermore, a clearly laid out toolchain illustrates the flow of work from inception to operations thus improving visibility of work to be done and promoting continuous feedback. Typically such a toolchain requires infrastructure, provisioning and configuration management tools for testing and deployment, but also build/delivery pipelines to move code from source control all the way to running in production. And let’s not forget the need for some monitoring love! This eMag aims at providing an overview of an example set of tools that would constitute a typical toolchain. These are popular tools today, but you should look at them as illustrations of the kind of

tasks and workflows you might need to perform in your organization as you move along a DevOps path. The crucial part is understanding your own journey, your system requirements and getting all the teams sharing a workflow that is conducive to continuous delivery and feedback. In the continuous integration tool space Jenkins is one of the leading tools, to a large extent due to its ever-growing plugins ecosystem. However, this also makes it hard to figure out how to put in place a robust delivery pipeline with so many plugins. Jenkin’s creator Kohsuke Kawaguchi and Andrew Phillips from XebiaLabs come to the rescue and illustrate some good practices with an example pipeline from code commits to production deployment. Virtualization has become a standard way to deal with provisioning and especially scaling systems according to demand in a repeatable fashion. Docker brought some novelty into the virtualization market as a lightweight alternative to virtual machines (faster, more portable deployments) and is quickly gaining traction. Zef Hemel describes the challenges companies face in deploying complex systems today

and how Docker can help solve this problem in an easy to follow introduction. Infrastructure as code is another pillar in coping with complex deployments and all but the most trivial infrastructure. Manually updating hundreds or even dozens of machines is unrealistic and scripting can only go so far before it becomes a maintenance nightmare and a source of more problems. Configuration management tools provide coding languages that allow the specifying of machine state, and jobs to be done during deployment or maintenance. Such tools have evolved in the last years and now feature rich ecosystems that support multiple types of testing, static validation and dependency management, for instance. In this eMag we have included introductory articles for two of the main configuration management tools in the market today. João Miranda describes the process of developing a simple cookbook (a desired state for one or more

machines) using Chef and the surrounding ecosystem, explaining the fundamental Chef concepts along the way. Susannah Axelrod from Puppet Labs explains the fundamental concepts in Puppet and provides useful advice on taking the first steps in adopting the practice of infrastructure as code. The last third of the eMag focuses on monitoring your applications and making sense of your logs. Logstash is a popular solution for centralized log management and searching. InfoQ’s editor Aslan Brooke reviewed James Turnbull’s The Logstash Book. The book digs into the tool’s nuts and bolts but the review gives an overview of the use cases and architecture in a friendly introduction. Finally, Franklin Angulo describes the architecture and practical usage of the Graphite stack for timeseries data storage and visualization of relevant application and business metrics.



is VP of products for XebiaLabs, providers of application delivery automation solutions. Andrew is an expert in cloud, service delivery, and automation, and has been part of the shift to more automated application-delivery platforms. In his spare time as a developer, he worked on Multiverse, the open-source STM implementation, contributes to Apache jclouds, the leading cloud library, and comaintains the Scala Puzzlers site.


Kawaguchi is CloudBees CTO and the creator of Jenkins. He is a well-respected developer and popular speaker at industry and Jenkins community events. He’s often asked to speak about his experience and approach in creating Jenkins, a CI platform that has become a widely adopted and successful community-driven opensource project.

ORCHESTRATING YOUR DELIVERY PIPELINES WITH JENKINS In a previous article, we covered useful preparatory steps for implementing continuous delivery (CD), including defining pipeline phases, preconditions and required approvals, owners and access control requirements, resource requirements such as number of concurrent build machines, identifying which phases can run in parallel, and more.

ORCHESTRATING YOUR DELIVERY PIPELINES WITH JENKINS Here, we will discuss how to put a number of these recommendations into practice through setting up a delivery pipeline in Jenkins. Many of the steps carry over to other continuous integration (CI) and orchestration tools, and there are analogous extensions or core features for many of the plugins we will introduce. We are focusing on Jenkins because it is the most widely used CI server. If you are using different CI servers or services, it should be relatively easy to experiment with the steps we will cover in a sandbox Jenkins installation before carrying them over to your own CI environment.

Prerequisites Before diving into Jenkins, we need to discuss two important prerequisites. Our pipeline, or at least the part of the pipeline that we are looking to implement here (going all the way to production may not be the most sensible initial goal), is: • Predictable and standardized, i.e. that the steps and phases we want to run each time the pipeline is triggered are the same. • Largely automated. We will cover ways to handle manual approvals to bless a certain build, but that is about it. If the current release process does not display these characteristics, i.e. every release ends up a little different or it still requires many manual steps (reviewing test plans, preparing target environments), building a pipeline via a CI tool or generic automation orchestrator may not be the most appropriate step at this point. It is probably advisable to first increase the level of standardization and automation, and to look at tools such as XL Release in the “release coordination” or “CD release 8

management” categories to help with that.

The steps We will cover the following topics to build our delivery pipeline: 1. Ensuring reproducible builds. 2. Sharing build artifacts throughout the pipeline. 3. Choosing the right granularity for each job. 4. Parallelizing and joining jobs. 5. Gates and approvals. 6. Visualizing the pipeline. 7. Organizing and securing jobs.

Our sample project In order to make our scenarios and approaches more tangible, we’ll base this discussion on a sample development project. Let’s assume we’re working on the server-side component of a mobile app for Android and iOS. The delivery process for our application is as follows: 1. Whenever a code change is committed, we build the code and, if successful, package the current version as a candidate version for release (Basic Build and Package). 2. Now that we know that the code compiles and passes our unit tests, we trigger a code-quality build that performs static analysis to verify code quality (Static Code-Quality Analysis). 3. The static analysis can take some time, so in parallel we

deploy the candidate version to two functional testing environments, one for the Android app and one for the iOS app, in preparation for testing (Deploy to Android Func Test Env and Deploy to iOS Func Test Env). We use two test environments so we can easily identify differences in how the back end behaves when talking to either version of the app. 4. When both deployments have completed, we trigger functional tests, with the iOS and Android apps talking to their respective back end (Func Tests). 5. If the functional tests pass, we deploy our release candidate in parallel to a regression test and a performance test (Deploy to Regr Test Env and Deploy to Perf Test Env). The completion of each deployment triggers the appropriate tests (Regr Test and Perf Test). 6. If the regression and performance tests and our static code analysis successfully complete, we make the candidate available for business approval and notify the business owner. 7. The business owner can approve, in a manual step, the candidate build. 8. Approval triggers an automated deployment to production (Deploy to Prod). Schematically, our delivery pipeline looks like this (Figure 1).

Figure 1: Our sample project’s delivery pipeline.

DevOps Toolchain for Beginners // eMag Issue 23 - Feb 2015

We do not intend this to be interpreted as a good, bad, or recommended pipeline structure. The pipeline that works best for you will not be a direct copy of this example, but will depend on your own applications and process.

Ensuring reproducible builds One of the key principles of our pipeline is that we produce a single set of build artifacts to pass through the various pipeline stages for testing, verification, and, ultimately, release. We want to be sure that this is a reliable process and that this initial build is carried out in a reproducible way that does not somehow depend on the local dependency cache of the slave we happen to be building on, for example. In our project, we’ve taken steps to achieve this: Use clean repositories local to the workspace We’ve configured the build system to use a clean repository local to the build job’s workspace, rather than one that is shared by all builds on that slave. This ensures that the build does not happen to succeed because of an old dependency that is no

longer available in your standard repositories but was published to that slave’s repo at some point. Consider regularly clearing your build job’s workspace (most SCM plugins have a “clean build” option and for things like partial cleanup, the Workspace Cleanup plugin can help) or at least wiping its local repo. For Maven builds, the location of the build repository can easily be configured via the main Jenkins settings, and overridden per job where necessary. Use clean slaves based on a known template We can take this a step further by running our builds on clean slaves created on demand and initialized to a known, reproducible state where possible. Plugins such as the Amazon EC2 plugin, Docker plugin, or jclouds plugin can be used for this purpose, and some hosted services such as DEV@ cloud provide this functionality. Spinning up build slaves on demand also has the substantial advantage of helping to avoid long build-queue times if you have only a limited pool of slaves and a growing number of pipeline runs.

Use a central, shared repository for build dependencies We’re using a centralized artifact repository across all our projects, rather than allowing each project to decide from where to download build dependencies. This ensures that two projects that reference the same dependency will get the identical binary, and allows us to enforce dependency policies (such as banning certain dependencies) in a central location. If you are using a build system that supports Maven-based dependency management, a Maven proxy such as Nexus or Artifactory is ideal.

Sharing build artifacts throughout the pipeline Once we have built the candidate artifact in our initial build job, we need to find a way to ensure that all the subsequent builds in our pipeline use this exact artifact. Retrieve build artifacts from upstream jobs Jenkins provides a couple of ways to share artifacts produced by an upstream job with subsequent downstream jobs. We are using the Copy Artifact plugin, which allows us to retrieve build artifacts from

Figure 2: Copying pipeline artifacts using the Copy Artifact plugin

DevOps Toolchain for Beginners // eMag Issue 23 - Feb 2015



Figure 3: Passing the unique pipeline identifier to downstream builds

Figure 4: The pipeline-version-environment option of the Delivery Pipeline plugin.

another job with a convenient build step. We’re copying from a fixed build (i.e. specified by build number or build parameter), which is preferable to referring to a variable upstream build (such as the “Last successful build” option). In the latter case, we cannot be sure that we will be referencing the artifacts that triggered this pipeline run, rather than those produced by a subsequent commit. Alternatives • If you want to also access the artifact outside Jenkins, you can save the candidate artifact as a build artifact of the initial job, then use the Jenkins APIs to download it (e.g. using wget or cURL) in downstream jobs. 10

If you want to treat candidate artifacts as build dependencies, the Jenkins Maven Repository Server plugin makes build artifacts available via a Maven repocompliant interface, which can be used by Maven, Gradle, Ant, and other build tools to retrieve artifacts. It also provides additional options for referencing artifacts via the SHA1 ID of the Git commit that produced the artifacts (especially useful if the Git commit ID is your unique build identifier), as well as for accessing artifacts of a chain of linked builds. If you already maintain a definitive software library outside Jenkins, you can

create a setup similar to that offered by the Maven Repo Server plugin with an external Maven repo. In that case, you would publish the artifacts to the repo using a Maven identifier that includes the build number, commit ID, or whatever you consider a stable, unique identifier. Identify the correct upstream build throughout the pipeline Whichever alternative we choose, we need to pass a stable identifier to downstream builds so we can pick the right candidate artifact for our pipeline run. In our pipeline, we have parameterized most of the downstream builds and use the Parameterized Trigger plugin to pass the identifier.

DevOps Toolchain for Beginners // eMag Issue 23 - Feb 2015

Figure 5: Fingerprinting build artifacts using the Copy Artifact plugin and via a post-build action. Alternatives • We can also use the Delivery Pipeline plugin (we will meet it later), which optionally creates an environment variable that is available in all downstream jobs.

Choosing the right granularity for each job

Use fingerprints to track artifact usage However you end up passing the stable pipeline identifier to downstream pipeline phases, setting all jobs in the pipeline to use fingerprints is almost always a good idea. Jenkins fingerprints artifacts by storing their MD5 checksums and using these to track use of an artifact across jobs. It allows us to check, at the end of a pipeline run, which artifacts have been used in which builds and so to verify that our pipeline has indeed consistently been testing and releasing the correct artifact. Jenkins provides a post-build task that allows us to explicitly record fingerprints for files in the workspace. Certain plugins, such as the Copy Artifact plugin, automatically fingerprint

This may seem obvious, but choosing the correct granularity for each job, i.e. how to distribute all the steps in our pipeline across multiple jobs, will help us make our pipeline more efficient and allow us to identify bottlenecks more easily. As a rough rule of thumb, every stage in your pipeline can be represented by a separate job or, in the case of multi-dimensional tests, a matrix job. This is why, for instance, we have not combined build and deployment to the test environments or added deployment to the regression test environment as single jobs in our pipeline. If, for instance, we had merged Deploy to Regr Test and Regr Test into one multi-stage job that fails ten times, we would need to analyze the failures to figure out if the deployment or

artifacts when copying them from an upstream build, in which case we can omit the post-build step.

the tests themselves are the real problem. The flipside of avoiding multi-stage jobs is, of course, that we need to manage and visualize more jobs: ten, in our relatively simple example.

Parallelizing and joining jobs Especially when we run multiplatform tests, but also if we’re building artifacts for different target platforms, we want to make our pipeline as efficient as possible by running builds in parallel. In our case, we want to parallelize our functional tests for Android and iOS, as well as run the performance and regression tests in parallel. We’re using a couple of Jenkins mechanisms for this. Run parallel instances of the same job with different parameters For the functional tests, which are variants of the same build (same steps, but different configuration parameters), we’re using a

DevOps Toolchain for Beginners // eMag Issue 23 - Feb 2015


ORCHESTRATING YOUR DELIVERY PIPELINES WITH JENKINS job (Basic Build and Package, in our case) completes Alternatives If you want to coordinate sets of parallel jobs, you might also consider the Multijob plugin, which adds a new project type that allows multiple jobs to run in parallel. It can also orchestrate multiple pipeline phases.

Figure 6: Tracking the usage of build artifacts via fingerprints. standard multi-configuration project (often called a “matrix build”). If we needed to handle potentially spurious failures for some of the matrix builds, we could also add the Matrix Reloaded plugin.

Run different jobs in parallel For the deployments to the two functional test environments, where we need to run different jobs, we’re using the standard option of simple build triggers to kick off multiple downstream jobs in parallel once the upstream

Join parallel sections of the build pipeline Joining is waiting until all the parallel builds have been completed before continuing to the downstream phases, which the matrix job type handles automatically. In our example, we have configured Func Tests to trigger the downstream builds, Deploy to Regr Test Env and Deploy to Perf Test Env, on success and Func Tests will only trigger them if both the Android and iOS builds in the matrix successfully complete. For the deployment to the two functional test environments, where we simply trigger multiple jobs to run in parallel, we face the “diamond problem”: how to rejoin the parallel jobs Deploy to Android Func TestEnv and Deploy to iOS Func Test Env to trigger one subsequent job, Func Tests. Here, we’re using the Join plugin, which we’ve configured in

Figure 7: Func Tests in our sample pipeline is a multi-configuration (“matrix”) project. 12

DevOps Toolchain for Beginners // eMag Issue 23 - Feb 2015

Figure 8: Triggering Func Tests in our sample pipeline by using the Join plugin to wait for the directly downstream jobs Deploy to Android Func Test Env and Deploy to iOS Func Test Env to complete.

the job at the top of the diamond to trigger the job below it once the parallel deployment jobs have completed successfully. We do not need to explicitly specify the deployment jobs – the plugin kicks off the Func Tests job once all direct downstream jobs have finished. The Join plugin also supports the passing of build parameters, which we need to identify the build artifacts for this pipeline run. Handle more complex job graphs If you have more complicated job graphs, you may also want to have a look at the Build Flow plugin, which allows you to define job graphs, including parallel sections and joins, programmatically.

Gates and approvals As the pipeline stages get closer to the QA and production environments, many organizations require some form of sign-off or approval before tasks can be carried out. We require a manual sign-off from the business owner before kicking off the Deploy to Prod job, for instance. As previously noted, Jenkins and other CI tools and

generic orchestrators do not offer comprehensive support for manual pipeline tasks, but there are a couple of options to handle approvals. Support approvals based on multiple conditions We’re using the Promoted Builds plugin, which offers manual approval (and a corresponding e-mail notification to the approver) as one of a number of possible ways to promote a build. It also supports a variety of actions on promotion, including triggering downstream jobs. Alternatives • A simple can ensure that the gated downstream job is only triggered manually and can only be executed by a limited number of approvers. In this case, triggering a build constitutes approval. This pattern can also be automated – for example, by using the ScriptTrigger plugin to search for an approval in an external system. However, this breaks the approach of using parameterized triggers to pass on required information, such as the unique artifact ID. If we adopt

this pattern, we need to find another way to ensure that the appropriate information is passed – for example, by prompting the approver to enter the appropriate parameters manually or by having the trigger script retrieve them from the approval record (e.g. a JIRA ticket). If you want to ensure only that a task is manually triggered but do not need to track multiple conditions, you might want to look at the Build Pipeline plugin, which provides a post-build step to manually execute downstream projects. This step also allows parameters, such as our build identifier, to be passed to the manually triggered downstream job.

Visualizing the pipeline A clear, highly accessible visualization of our build pipelines is important for a successful CD implementation, not just to ensure the team is always aware of the current pipeline state but also to simplify communication with the business and other stakeholders.

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Figure 9: The Basic Build and Package job triggers a production deployment after manual approval by the business owner and confirmation that all downstream jobs have successfully completed.


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Figure 10: The Build Pipeline plugin’s post-build step and manual trigger in the pipeline view.

Use standard views Views are standard Jenkins features we’re using to collect the jobs that constitute our pipeline in one overview. The Multijob plugin, which we briefly mentioned above, provides a similar list-style view. A drawback of both alternatives, however, is that these views show the currently executing builds for each job in the pipeline, which may be working on different release candidates. For example,

the Perf Tests and Regr Tests jobs may be testing one particular candidate version while the Basic Build and Package job is already busy with the next commit. Specialized pipeline views With a CD perspective, however, we want to see all the builds that make up a particular instance of a pipeline run, i.e. all the builds related to one candidate version of the application. The Build Pipeline plugin and the Delivery

Figure 11: A standard list view showing active jobs working on different release candidates.

Pipeline plugin both support this kind of view. Note that both plugins fail to capture the link to the Deploy to Prod job, which is not an immediate downstream build but is triggered by the Promoted Builds plugin.

Organizing and securing jobs Handle many jobs Even if each of our pipelines only consists of a handful of jobs, once we start setting up pipelines for multiple projects or versions, we’ll soon have many Jenkins jobs to manage. With our example having ten phases per pipeline, we’d quickly be looking at hundreds of jobs to manage! Creating one or multiple views per pipeline is an obvious approach but it still leaves us with an incredibly large “All jobs” view in Jenkins – not fun to navigate and manage (in fact, it starts to get so big that you may want to consider replacing it entirely). It generally also requires us to adopt jobnaming conventions along the lines of myProject-myVersionpipelinePhase, so that all jobs for a pipeline are listed together and to let us use regular expressions when defining views rather

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are compatible with standard list views, so we can keep our existing MyProject Jobs view. We can define access-control policies at the folder level, which is much more convenient than having to secure individual jobs.

Figure 12: Build Pipeline and Delivery Pipeline plugin views of our sample pipeline. than having to select individual pipeline jobs for a view. Configure access control This approach offers challenges when we start to implement access-control policies for our pipelines. We need to ensure that different phases of the pipeline have different accesscontrol policies (in our example, developers are not authorized to trigger the QA jobs or the deployment to production), and setting these policies on each


job individually is maintenanceintensive and prone to error. In our example, we’re using the CloudBees Folders plugin in combination with the Matrix Authorization Strategy plugin. The combination allows for both convenient job organization and efficient access-control configuration. We’ve organized our pipeline jobs in three folders, “MyProject/1 – Developer Jobs”, “My Project/2 – QA Jobs”, and “MyProject/3 – Business Owner Jobs”, and put each pipeline job in the appropriate folder. Folders

Alternatives If you want to apply permissions based on job name, consider the Role Strategy plugin, which allows you to define different roles for different parts of a pipeline. One drawback is that the jobs to which a role definition applies are determined by a regular expression. This can lead to additional complexity in the job-naming scheme though (myProject-myVersionowningGroup-pipelinePhase, anyone?) and may break if jobs are renamed. Good practice: Version your Jenkins configuration A good Jenkins practice in pretty much all circumstances is to assign versions to job configurations. This allows us to easily track any changes and revert to earlier configurations if necessary. We’re using both the JobConfigHistory plugin (which provides a nice diff view) and SCM Sync Configuration plugin (which stores the configuration off-disk in a repository). Depending on your needs, typically one or the other will suffice.

DevOps Toolchain for Beginners // eMag Issue 23 - Feb 2015

Conclusion Setting up secure, efficient CD pipelines in Jenkins that are easy to use and manage can quickly become challenging. We’ve discussed important prerequisites, made a number of recommendations, and introduced a set of freely available plugins that can make the process a lot easier. Hopefully, you’re now in a better position to identify whether Jenkins is the right orchestrator for your current process, to painlessly build pipelines, to make life better for your teams, and to deliver business value to your customers.

Figure 13: The CloudBees Folders plugin in action, with folder-level security configured using the Matrix Authorization Strategy plugin.

Figure 14: The JobConfigHistory plugin’s diff view and the configuration settings for the SCM Sync Configuration plugin.

DevOps Toolchain for Beginners // eMag Issue 23 - Feb 2015



Docker: Using Linux Containers to Support Portable Application Deployment

Zef Hemel is a team lead at STX Next,. Previously, he was a product manager and developer advocate at LogicBlox, and the VP of engineering at Cloud9 IDE, which develops a browser-based IDE. Zef is a native of the Web and has been developing Web applications since the ’90s. He’s a strong proponent of declarative programming environments.

Docker is an open-source tool to run applications inside of a Linux container, a kind of lightweight virtual machine. It also offers tools to use to distribute containerized applications through your own hosted Docker registry, simplifying the process of deploying complex applications. Companies face challenges in deploying complex systems and Docker can be a valuable tool in solving these problems and others. The deployment challenges Deployment of server applications is getting increasingly complicated. No longer can you install server applications by copying a few Perl scripts into the right directory. Today, software can have many types of requirements: • dependencies on installed software and libraries


(“depends on Python >= 2.6.3 with Django 1.2”); dependencies on running services (“requires a MySQL 5.5 database and a RabbitMQ queue”); dependencies on a specific operating systems (“built and tested on 64-bit Ubuntu Linux 12.04”); resource requirements: -- minimum amount of available memory

(“requires 1GB of available memory”); -- ability to bind to specific ports (“binds to port 80 and 443”). For example, consider the deployment of a relatively simple application: WordPress. A typical WordPress installation requires • Apache 2, • PHP 5, • MySQL, • the WordPress source code,

DevOps Toolchain for Beginners // eMag Issue 23 - Feb 2015

a WordPress MySQL database, with WordPress configured to use this database, Apache should be configured • to load the PHP module, • to enable support for URL rewriting and  . htaccess files, • with the DocumentRoot pointing to the WordPress sources. While deploying and running a system like this on your server, you may run into some problems and challenges: 1. Isolation:  If you are already hosting an existing site on this server that runs only on  nginx, you’re in a bit of a pickle. Both nginx and Apache try to listen on port 80. Running both is possible, but requires tweaking configurations (changing the port to listen to), setting up reverse proxies, etc. Similar conflicts can occur at the library level. If you also run an ancient application that still depends on PHP 4, you have a problem since WordPress no longer supports PHP 4 and it’s difficult to run PHP 4 and 5 simultaneously. Since applications running on the same server are not  isolated  (in this case at the levels of file system and network), they may conflict. 2. Security: WordPress does not have the best track record in security. It would be nice to sandbox WordPress so that once hacked, it won’t impact other running applications. 3. Upgrades and downgrades: Upgrading an application typically involves overwriting existing files. What happens during an upgrade window? Is the system down? What if the upgrade fails, or turns out to be faulty? How do we roll back to a previous version quickly?

4. Snapshotting and backing up:  Once everything is set up successfully, it would be nice to take a snapshot of a system that you can back up or replicate on a different server. 5. Reproducibility:  It’s good practice to automate deployment and to test a new version of a system on a test infrastructure before pushing it to production. This usually works through a tool like Chef or Puppet that automatically installs a bunch of packages on the server and, when everything works, runs that same deployment script on the production system. This will work 99% of the time. That 1% of times, the package repository has been updated between deploying to testing and production with newer, possibly incompatible versions of a package you depend on. As a result, your production setup is different than testing, possibly breaking your production system. Without taking control of every little aspect of your deployment (e.g. hosting your own APT or YUM repositories), consistently reproducing the exact same system in multiple setups (e.g. testing, staging, production) is hard. 6. Constrain resources:  What if your WordPress goes CPU crazy and starts to take up all our CPU cycles, completely blocking other applications from doing any work? What if it uses up all available memory? Or generates logs like crazy, clogging up the disk? It would be convenient to be able to limit resources available to the application, like CPU, memory, and disk space.

7. Ease of installation:  There may be Debian or CentOS packages or Chef recipes that automatically execute all the complicated steps of a WordPress installation. However, these recipes are tricky to get rock-solid because they need to take into account the many possible configurations of the target system. In any cases, these recipes only work on clean systems. You will probably have to replace some packages or Chef recipes with your own. This makes installing complex systems not something you try during a lunch break. 8. Ease of removal:  Software should be easily and cleanly removable without leaving traces behind. However, as deploying an application typically requires tweaking of existing configuration files and putting state (MySQL database data, logs) left and right, removing an application completely is not that easy. How do we solve these issues?

Virtual machines! When we decide run each individual application on a separate virtual machine (VM), for instance on Amazon EC2, most of our problems go away: 1. Isolation:  Install one application per VM and applications are perfectly isolated, unless they hack into each other’s firewall. 2. Security:  Since we have complete isolation, if the WordPress server gets hacked, the rest of the infrastructure is not affected – unless you litter SSH keys or reuse the same passwords everywhere, but you wouldn’t do that, would you?

DevOps Toolchain for Beginners // eMag Issue 23 - Feb 2015


DOCKER: USING LINUX CONTAINERS TO SUPPORT PORTABLE APPLICATION DEPLOYMENT 3. Upgrades and downgrades:  Do what Netflix does and simply deploy a new version to a new VM, then point your load balancer from the old VM to the VM with the new version. Note that this doesn’t work well with applications that locally store states that you need to keep. 4. Snapshotting and backing up:  You can take a snapshot of an EBS disk with a click of a button (or API call). Your snapshots are backed up to Amazon S3. 5. Reproducibility:  Prepare your system just the way you like and then create an AMI. You can now instantiate as many instances of this AMI as you like. It’s fully reproducible. 6. Constrain resources:  A VM is allocated certain share of CPU cycles, available memory, and disk space that it cannot exceed (without your paying more for it). 7. Ease of installation:  An increasing number of applications are available as EC2 appliances and can be instantiated with the click of a button from the AWS Marketplace. It takes a few minutes to boot, but that’s about it. 8. Ease of removal:  Don’t need an application? Destroy the VM. Clean and easy. Perfect! Except you now have a new problem: it’s expensive, in two ways: • Money: Can you really afford to boot up an EC2 instance for every application you need? And can you predict the instance size you will need? If you need more resources later, you need to stop the VM to upgrade it. You can buy what you think you need but risk overpaying for resources you don’t end up using. (Solaris zones, like  Joyent uses, can be resized dynamically.) • Time:  Many operations on virtual machines are typically slow: booting takes minutes, snapshotting can take minutes, creating an image takes minutes. The world keeps turning and we don’t have that kind of time! Can we do better? Enter Docker. The people of  dotCloud, a public platform-as-aservice provider, launched Docker in early 2013. From a technical perspective, Docker is plumbing (primarily written in  Go) to make two existing technologies easier to use: 1. LXC for Linux containers allows individual processes to run at a higher level of isolation than regular Unix process. The term for this is “containerization”; a process is said to run in a “container”. Containers support isolation at the level of: • file system: a container can only access its own sandboxed file system (chroot-like) 20

unless specifically mounted into the container’s file system; • user namespace: a container has its own user database (i.e. the container’s root does not equal the host’s root account); • process namespace: within the container, only the processes part of that container is visible (i.e. a very clean ps aux output); • network namespace: A container gets its own virtual network device and virtual IP (so it can bind to whatever port it likes without taking up its hosts ports). 2. aufs, the advanced multilayered unification file system, can create union, copy-on-write file systems. While Docker can be installed on any Linux system with aufs support and kernel version 3.14 and up, conceptually it does not depend on these technologies and may in the future also work with similar technologies, such as Solaris zones, BSD jails, or a ZFS  file system. So, why is Docker interesting? • It’s very  lightweight. Booting up a VM takes up a significant amount of memory but booting up a Docker container has very little CPU and memory overhead and is very fast. It’s almost comparable to starting a regular process. Not only is running a container fast, building an image and snapshotting the file system is as well. • It works in established virtualized environments. You can run Docker inside an EC2 instance, a Rackspace VM, or VirtualBox. In fact, the preferred way to use it on Mac OS and Windows is using Vagrant. • Docker containers are portable to any operating system that runs Docker. Whether it’s Ubuntu or CentOS, if Docker runs, your container runs. So, let’s get back to our list of deployment and operation problems and let’s see how Docker scores: 1. Isolation: Docker isolates applications at the filesystem and networking levels. It feels a lot like running real virtual machines in that sense. 2. Security:  Docker containers are more secure than regular process isolation. 3. Upgrades and downgrades:  Boot up the new version of an application first, then switch your load balancer from the old port to the new – just like for Amazon EC2 VMs. 4. Snapshotting and backing up: Docker supports committing and tagging of images, which, unlike snapshotting on Amazon EC2, is instantaneous. 5. Reproducibility:  Prepare your system just the way you like it (either by logging in and aptget in all software or by using a Dockerfile) and then commit your changes to an image. You can

DevOps Toolchain for Beginners // eMag Issue 23 - Feb 2015

now instantiate as many instances of it as you like or transfer this image to another machine to reproduce the same setup. 6. Constrain resources: Docker currently supports limiting CPU usage to a certain share of CPU cycles. You can also limit memory usage. It does not yet support restricting disk usage. 7. Ease of installation:  Docker has the  Docker Index, a repository with off-the-shelf Docker images you can instantiate with a single command. For instance, to use my Clojure REPL image, run:  docker run -t -i zefhemel/ clojure-repl to automatically fetch the image and run it. 8. Ease of removal:  Don’t need an application? Destroy the container.

How to use it Let’s assume you have Docker installed. To run Bash in an Ubuntu container, use: 001 docker run -t -i ubuntu /bin/bash

Docker will use the “ubuntu” image you’ve already downloaded or download one itself, then run /bin/ bash  in an Ubuntu container. Inside this container you can now do pretty much do all your typical Ubuntu stuff, for instance installing new packages. Let’s install “hello”. 001 $ docker run -t -i ubuntu /bin/bash 002 root@78b96377e546:/# apt-get install hello 003 Reading package lists... Done 004 Building dependency tree... Done 005 The following NEW packages will be installed: 006 hello 007 0 upgraded, 1 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded. 008 Need to get 26.1 kB of archives. 009 After this operation, 102 kB of additional disk space will be used. 010 Get:1 precise/main hello amd64 2.7-2 [26.1 kB] 011 Fetched 26.1 kB in 0s (390 kB/s) 012 debconf: delaying package configuration, since apt-utils is not installed 013 Selecting previously unselected package hello. 014 (Reading database ... 7545 files and directories currently installed.) 015 Unpacking hello (from .../archives/ hello_2.7-2_amd64.deb) ... 016 Setting up hello (2.7-2) ... 017 root@78b96377e546:/# hello 018 Hello, world!

019 020 021 022 023

root@78b96377e546:/# exit exit $ docker run -t -i ubuntu /bin/bash root@e5e9cde16021:/# hello bash: hello: command not found

Where did your beautiful hello command go? You just started a new container, based on the clean Ubuntu image. To continue from your previous container, you need to commit it to a repository. Exit this container and identify the container that you launched. $ docker ps -a ID IMAGE COMMAND e5e9cde16021 ubuntu:12.04 /bin/bash 78b96377e546 ubuntu:12.04 /bin/bash CREATED STATUS PORTS About a minute ago Exit 127 ubuntu:12.04 /bin/bash 2 minutes ago Exit 0

The  docker ps  command lists currently running containers; docker ps -a also shows containers that have already exited. Each container has a unique ID, which is more or less analogous to a Git commit hash. The command also lists the image the container was based on, the command it ran, when it was created, its current status, and the ports it exposed and how these map to the hosts’ ports. The top container in the output was the newer one you launched without “hello” in it. You want to keep and reuse the first container, so commit it and create a new container from there. 001 $ docker commit 78b96377e546 zefhemel/ubuntu 002 356e4d516681 003 $ docker run -t -i zefhemel/ubuntu / bin/bash 004 root@0d7898bbf8cd:/# hello 005 Hello, world!

These commands commit the container (based on its ID) to a repository. A repository, analogous to a Git repository, consists of one or more tagged images. If you don’t supply a tag name (as above), the command will name it “latest”. To see all locally installed images, run a docker images command. Docker comes with a few base images (e.g. ubuntu and centos) and you can create your own images as well. User repositories follow a GitHub-like naming model with your Docker username followed by a slash and the repository name. This is one way to create a Docker image – the hacky way, if you will. The cleaner way uses a Dockerfile.

Now, exit and rerun the same Docker command. DevOps Toolchain for Beginners // eMag Issue 23 - Feb 2015


DOCKER: USING LINUX CONTAINERS TO SUPPORT PORTABLE APPLICATION DEPLOYMENT Building images with a Dockerfile A  Dockerfile  is a simple text file consisting of instructions for building an image from a base image. I have a few of them on GitHub. Here’s a simple one for running and installing an SSH server: 001 001 002 003 004 005

FROM ubuntu RUN apt-get update RUN apt-get install -y openssh-server RUN mkdir /var/run/sshd RUN echo “root:root” | chpasswd EXPOSE 22

This should be almost self-explanatory. The  FROM command defines the base image to start from. This can be one of the official ones, but could also be the  zefhemel/ubuntu that we just created. The  RUN commands are commands to be run to configure the image. In this case, we’re updating the APT package repository, installing the opensshserver, creating a directory, and then setting a poor password for our root account. The EXPOSE command exposes port 22 (the SSH port) to the outside world. Let’s see how to build and instantiate this Dockerfile. The first step is to build an image. In the directory containing the Dockerfile, run: 006 $ docker build -t zefhemel/ssh .

This will create a  zefhemel/ssh repository with our new SSH image. If this was successful, you can instantiate it with: 007 $ docker run -d zefhemel/ssh /usr/ sbin/sshd -D This is different than the earlier command. The -d runs the container in the background, and instead of running Bash, we now run the  sshd  daemon (in foreground mode, which is what the -D is for). Let’s see what it did by checking your running containers: $ docker ps ID IMAGE 23ee5acf5c91 zefhemel/ssh:latest

COMMAND /usr/sbin/sshd -D

CREATED 3 seconds ago

STATUS PORTS Up 2 seconds 49154->22

You can see that your container is up. The interesting bit is under the PORTS header. Since you exposed port 22, this port is now mapped to a port on your host system (49154 in this case). Let’s see if it works.


001 $ ssh root@localhost -p 49154 002 The authenticity of host ‘[localhost]:49154 ([]:49154)’ can’t be established. 003 ECDSA key fingerprint is f3:cc:c1:0b:e9:e4:49:f2:98:9a:af:3b:30:59:77:35. 004 Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/ no)? yes 005 Warning: Permanently added ‘[localhost]:49154’ (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts. 006 root@localhost’s password: 007 Welcome to Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (GNU/Linux 3.8.0-27-generic x86_64) 008 009 * Documentation: 010 011 The programs included with the Ubuntu system are free software; 012 the exact distribution terms for each program are described in the 013 individual files in /usr/share/doc/*/copyright. 014 015 Ubuntu comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by 016 applicable law. 017 018 root@23ee5acf5c91:~#

Success once more! A SSH server is now running and you are able to log in to it. Exit from SSH and kill the container before somebody from the outside figures out your password and hacks into it. 001 $ docker kill 23ee5acf5c91

Our container’s port 22 was mapped to host port 49154, and that’s random. To map it to a specific port on the host, pass in the -p flag to the run command. 001 docker run -p 2222:22 -d zefhemel/ssh /usr/sbin/sshd -D

Now your port will be exposed on port 2222 if it’s available. You can make your image slightly more user-friendly by adding the following line at the end of the Dockerfile: 001 CMD /usr/sbin/sshd -D CMD signifies that a command isn’t to be run when building the image, but when instantiating it. When no extra arguments are passed, it will execute the /usr/sbin/sshd -D command. Now, just run: 001 docker run -p 2222:22 -d zefhemel/ssh You’ll get the same result as before. To publish your newly created marvel, simply run a docker push command. 001 docker push zefhemel/ssh After logging in,  everyone can use it  by using that previous docker run command.

DevOps Toolchain for Beginners // eMag Issue 23 - Feb 2015

Let’s circle back to our WordPress example. How would you use Docker to run WordPress in a container? In order to build a WordPress image, you’d create a Dockerfile that: 1. installs Apache, PHP 5, and MySQL; 2. downloads WordPress and extract it somewhere on the file system; 3. creates a MySQL database; 4. updates the WordPress configuration file to point to the MySQL database; 5. makes WordPress the  DocumentRoot  for Apache; 6. starts MySQL and Apache (e.g. using Supervisor). Luckily,  several people have already done this; for instance,  John Fink’s GitHub repository contains everything you need to build such a WordPress image.

Docker use cases Besides deploying complex applications easily in a reliable and reproducible way, Docker has many more uses. Interesting Docker uses and projects include: Continuous integration and deployment: Build software inside of a Docker container to ensure isolation of builds. Built software images can automatically be pushed to a private Docker repository and deployed to testing or production environments. Dokku: A simple platformas-a-service built in fewer than 100 lines of Bash. Flynn and  Deis  are two open-source platform-as-aservice projects using Docker. Run a desktop environment in a container. A project that brings Docker to its logical conclusion is CoreOS, a lightweight Linux distribution in which all applications are

installed and run using Docker, managed by systemd.

What Docker is not While Docker helps in deploying systems reliably, it is not a fullblown software-deployment system by itself. It operates at the level of applications running inside containers. Which container to install on which server and how to start them are factors outside Docker’s scope. Similarly, orchestrating applications that run across multiple containers, possibly on multiple physical servers or VMs, is beyond the scope of Docker. For containers to communicate, they need some type of discovery mechanism to figure out the IPs and ports through which other applications are available. This resembles service discovery across regular virtual machines. You can use a tool like  etcd or any other service-discovery mechanism for this.


Conclusion While you could do everything described in this article before Docker with raw LXC, cgroups, and aufs, it was never this  easy or simple. This is what Docker brings to the table: a simple way to package complex applications into containers that can be easily versioned and reliably distributed. As a result, it gives lightweight Linux containers about the same flexibility and power as authentic virtual machines but at lower cost and in a more portable way. A Docker image created with Docker running in a  Vagrant  VirtualBox VM on a MacBook Pro will run great on Amazon EC2, Rackspace Cloud, or on physical hardware, and vice versa. Docker is available for free from the Web site. A good place to start is the interactive tutorial.

DevOps Toolchain for Beginners // eMag Issue 23 - Feb 2015



Chef and Cookbook Development Flow

João Miranda (@jhosm) started his career in 2000, at the height of the dotcom bubble. That enlightening experience led him to conclude that agile practices are the best way to respond to the business needs of almost all organizations. He currently is a principal software engineer at OutSystems, a PaaS provider, where he helps to remove all friction that may hinder the development teams’ fast pace.

“Infrastructure as code” is a tenet of the DevOps community. It might even be called revolutionary if you can remember the days when virtual machines were a novel thing and physical hardware was the norm. But treating infrastructure as code is a tall order. Development practices have also evolved rapidly and nowadays that means continuous integration (even delivery!), automated tests, code coverage, and more. How far can we go with the “infrastructure as code” aphorism? Pretty far, actually. We’ll use Chef, a well-known IT automation tool, to illustrate the state of the art. We’ll start by going through a quick overview of Chef’s main concepts. Our sample cookbook will be 1. statically validated with RuboCop and Foodcritic, 2. unit-tested with ChefSpec, 3. integration-tested with  Test Kitchen and Serverspec.

Chef for beginners If you already know the basics of Chef and are in a hurry, you can jump to the “Cookbook development process” section. 24

Chef uses an internal DSL (domain specific language) in Ruby. This has powerful implications. An embedded DSL means you get all the power of a real programming language: powerful abstractions that let you do (virtually) whatever you need; a standard library; thousands of open-source packages; a strong body of knowledge and conventions; and a large community. On the other hand, all that power brings complexity, which might be warranted or not depending on your use cases.

DevOps Toolchain for Beginners // eMag Issue 23 - Feb 2015

Chef has a steep learning curve, with many concepts and tools to be learned. I’ll introduce you to some of its concepts. I assume you’re working in a Linux environment, but we’ll also cover Windows. Earlier this year, Chef released the  Chef development kit (Chef DK), which greatly simplifies setting up your development environment. I’ll start there so  download Chef DK if you want to follow along. Chef DK includes: • chef, a command-line tool, still in its early stages, that aims to streamline the Chef development workflow; • Berkshelf, a cookbook dependency manager; • Foodcritic, a cookbook-linting tool; • ChefSpec, an unit-testing tool; • Test Kitchen, an integration-testing tool. The kit also includes a host of other Chef tools: chefclient;  Ohai;  Knife; and  Chef Zero. The chef-client agent runs inside a node (i.e., a machine or server) and given a run_list (a set of cookbooks) configures it. Ohai’s main purpose is to gather the attributes (e.g. memory, CPU, platform information) of a node and feed them to chef-client. Knife is a commandline tool that interacts with Chef. Its name should be prefixed with “Swiss Army”…. If you’re curious, type knife -h at the terminal. Finally Chef Zero is an in-memory Chef server mainly used for testing. You might notice that I did not mention the real Chef server. That is a whole other topic and an article in itself, so we’ll ignore it. We’ll use VirtualBox as the virtual-machine host environment and Vagrant as its driver. Again, if you want to follow along, get them now. With our development environment set up, it’s time to create our first cookbook.

Creating our cookbook Let’s use  chef  to generate our first cookbook, called my_first_cookbook. 001 $ chef generate cookbook my_first_ cookbook

You’ll notice that chef uses Chef’s recipes to generate your repository skeleton. (see below)

Your cookbook will have the following structure: my_first_cookbook └── recipes | └── default.rb ├── .gitignore ├── .kitchen.yml ├── Berksfile ├── chefignore ├── metadata.rb └──

Let’s go through each item: • my_first_cookbook/  - Contains the “my_first_ cookbook” cookbook. • my_first_cookbook/recipes  - Contains the cookbook’s recipes. • my_first_cookbook/recipes/default. rb  - The default recipe. It can be seen as the cookbook’s entry point (similarly to  main()  in Java or C#). • m y _ f i r s t _ c o o k b o o k / . gitignore  -  chef  assumes you’ll store your cookbook on Git, so it produces  .gitignore to ignore files that shouldn’t be under version control. • my_first_cookbook/.kitchen.yml  - Test Kitchen configuration file. • my_first_cookbook/Berksfile  - Berkshelf’s configuration file. It mainly informs Berkshelf of the cookbook’s dependencies, which can be specified directly in this file or indirectly through  metadata.rb, as we’ll see. It also tells Berkshelf where it should look for those dependencies, usually at Chef Supermarket, the cookbook community site. • my_first_cookbook/chefignore  - In the same vein as .gitignore, it tells Chef which files to ignore when uploading the cookbook to a Chef server or when sharing them with Chef Supermarket. • my_first_cookbook/metadata.rb  Meta information about your cookbook, such as name, contacts, or description. It can also state the cookbook’s dependencies.

001 Compiling Cookbooks... 002 Recipe: code_generator::cookbook 003 * directory[/Users/joaomiranda/Dev/chef-test/my_first_cookbook] action create 004 - create new directory /Users/joaomiranda/Dev/chef-test/my_first_cookbook 005 * template[/Users/joaomiranda/Dev/chef-test/my_first_cookbook/metadata.rb] action create_if_missing 006 - create new file /Users/joaomiranda/Dev/chef-test/my_first_cookbook/metadata.rb 007 - update content in file /Users/joaomiranda/Dev/chef-test/my_first_cookbook/ metadata.rb from none to 760bcb 008 (diff output suppressed by config) 009 [...]

DevOps Toolchain for Beginners // eMag Issue 23 - Feb 2015





Documentation entry point for the repo. That’s a lot of stuff to wrap our heads around! Let’s discuss some of it in more detail, starting with the cookbook. According to Chef’s  docs “a cookbook is the fundamental unit of configuration and policy distribution.” For instance, if you need to install  nginx  on your node, you’ll use a  cookbook  to do that. There are about 1,800 community-provided cookbooks at Chef Supermarket. A cookbook may contain many different types of artifacts. The most common are recipes  and attributes, which we’ll talk about later. It might also include libraries of custom Ruby code, templates for files to be created/configured on nodes, definitions of reusable resource collections; custom resources and providers, or  files  to be transferred to the nodes under configuration. Before writing our first recipe, we have an important task: to  describe  our cookbook in metadata.rb. Make sure you set the name of your cookbook and its version. You can add many different pieces of information, but I’d like to highlight that if your cookbook depends on other cookbooks, you are strongly urged to state those dependencies through the use of the depends keyword. name ‘my_first_cookbook’ maintainer ‘João Miranda’ maintainer_email ‘[email protected]’ license ‘MIT’ description ‘A simple cookbook to illustrate some infrastructure as code concepts’ version ‘0.1.0’ depends

‘windows’, ‘~> 1.34’

The above is a sample metadata.rb file. Note how the cookbook depends on the windows cookbook.

Recipes The next step is to create a recipe. According to Chef’s docs, “a recipe is the most fundamental configuration element within the organization.” That’s not exactly helpful. An example will come to the rescue. For the purpose of this article, we’ll use the “hello world” of configuration-management tools: we’ll install a Web server and publish an HTML page. If you’re on Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) or CentOS, place the following inside my_first_ cookbook/recipes/default.rb:


001 002 003 004 005 006 007 008 009 010 011 012 013

package ‘httpd’ service ‘httpd’ do action [:enable, :start] end file ‘/var/www/html/index.html’ do content “ #{node[‘index_message’]} “ end

Replace ’httpd’ with ’apache2’ in the previous file if you’re on Ubuntu. If you’re on Windows, use the following instead: 001 [“IIS-WebServerRole”, “IIS-WebServer”].each do |feature| 002 windows_feature feature do 003 action :install 004 end 005 end 006 007 service ‘w3svc’ do 008 action [:start, :enable] 009 end 010 011 file ‘c:\inetpub\wwwroot\Default.htm’ do 012 content “ 013 014 #{node[‘index_message’]} 015 016 “ 017 end Those tiny recipes allow us to touch on several concepts in one swoop. A crucial property of recipes (and resources) is that they should be idempotent. We should be able to run a recipe any number of times and always get one of two results. Either the node is in its specified state and stays that way or the node’s state drifts and converges to the desired state. Idempotency is a concept that all tools like Chef provide. You might have noticed that the second and third steps in the blocks of code above are common both to Linux and Windows, except for the service name and the file paths. Recipes are written in a declarative style and try to abstract away the underlying OS-specific algorithms that converge the node to the desired state. As you’ve seen, there are some differences that have to be accounted for but it does a good job considering how different operating systems can be. The recipe’s execution order is determined by reading the recipe top to bottom. Execution order is a contentious theme in the configuration-tools community. Some tools, such as  Puppet, favor

DevOps Toolchain for Beginners // eMag Issue 23 - Feb 2015

explicit dependencies where each configuration step declares what other steps need to be executed beforehand. This is similar to stating a task’s dependencies in build tools such as Make  or Rake. Others, like Chef and Ansible, favor implicit ordering. In Chef’s case, for instance, order of execution is determined by the order resources are placed in the recipe file.

Resources So, what are the recipes doing? First of all, they are making sure that the Web server is installed: 001 package ‘httpd’ 002 In Windows, this looks like: 003 [“IIS-WebServerRole”, “IISWebServer”].each do |feature| 004 windows_feature feature do 005 action :install 006 end 007 end

Both package and windows_feature are resources. A resource describes a desired state you want the node to be in. The important point is that we are describing, or  declaring, that desired state, but we are not  explaining how to get there. The Linux package says that we want the httpd package installed. In Windows, windows_feature  asks for installation of a Windows role or feature. Notice how we’re using a standard Ruby array to enumerate the windows_feature resource twice. The second step declares that we need a service (httpd  or  w3svc) enabled and started. The actions, as specified by  action, vary from resource to resource. 001 service ‘httpd’ do 002 action [:start, :enable] 003 end

The third step locally creates a file on the node. We are using the  content  attribute to specify the file content. A resource can have any number of attributes, which vary from resource to resource. When the file’s content needs to be dynamically generated, you’re better served with templates. 001 file ‘/var/www/html/index.html’ do 002 content “ 003 004 #{node[‘index_message’]} 005 006 “ 007 end


doing here is referencing a node’s  attributes. Every node has a set of attributes that describes it. Yes, Chef uses the same word to describe two different concepts: there are a resource’s attributes and a node’s attributes. They might seem similar at first; both describe properties of something. But node attributes are one of the pillars of a cookbook. Node attributes are so important that several cookbook patterns rely on them. Node attributes allow for reusable cookbooks, because they make them configurable and flexible. Usually, a cookbook defines default values for the attributes it uses. These default values are placed on Ruby files inside the cookbook’s attributes folder. This folder is not created upon when the cookbook is created so you have to create it manually. Then you can create a Ruby file, e.g. default.rb, and define attributes like this: 001 default[‘index_message’] = ‘Hello World!’

Attributes can then be overridden in a number of ways. They can be defined in several places: the nodes themselves; attribute files; recipes; environments; and roles.  Ohai  gathers a host of node attributes automatically: kernel data; platform data; and fully qualified domain names (FQDN) among many others.  Environment  (i.e. dev, QA, production) attributes are useful to specify data such as connection strings and settings that change from environment to environment. Roles can also have attributes, but even  Chef co-founder Adam Jacob discourages (see the comments) this option. You can define many  types  of attributes in many places. You can also override attributed values. You have a lot of power in your hands. All this power can make it hard to understand how Chef finds the actual attribute value during a Chef run, so make sure you understand the rules of attributes precedence.

Providers Given that resources abstract away the “how to”, which piece of Chef’s machinery is responsible for putting a node in its desired state? This is where providers come in. Each resource has one or more providers. A provider knows how to translate the resource definition to executable steps on a specific platform. For instance, the  service  resource has  providers  for Debian, Red Hat, and Windows among others. It’s outside the scope of this article to explain how to create your own custom resources and providers, called  lightweight resource providers  (LWRPs), but if you’re interested in learning more, Chef’s site has an article that shows how simple the process is.

This third step also introduces something we haven’t seen before:  node[‘index_message’]. What we’re DevOps Toolchain for Beginners // eMag Issue 23 - Feb 2015



Is our cookbook a good Ruby citizen?

What we have learned so far lets us write recipes and thus configure nodes. We could stop there, but we’re treating “infrastructure as code”. We need a development process that allows us to grow while maintaining quality code. Let’s see how we can do that with Chef and its ecosystem. Modern development practices include a build process, linting tools, unit testing, and integration testing. We’ll use  Rake  to define our build process. It’s a simple one, with only four tasks for RuboCop, Foodcritic, ChefSpec and Test Kitchen. The Rakefile, which should be at the cookbook’s root directory (e.g. like metadata.rb), looks like this:

The build process starts by running two static analysis tools: RuboCop and Foodcritic. RuboCop inspects your Ruby code for compliance with the community  Ruby style guide. Within Chef’s context, recipes, resources, providers, attributes, and libraries are Ruby code and so all should be good Ruby citizens. If you are new to Ruby, RuboCop helps you get up to speed faster, teaching you the way (some) things are done in Ruby. To see RuboCop in action, let’s assume we are checking our Windows recipe. If we execute chef exec rake at the cookbook’s root directory, RuboCop will break the build and provide this information (you might get additional messages):

001 002 003 004 005 006 007 008 009 010 011 012

require require require require

‘rspec/core/rake_task’ ‘rubocop/rake_task’ ‘foodcritic’ ‘kitchen’

# Style tests. Rubocop and Foodcritic namespace :style do desc ‘Run Ruby style checks’ desc ‘Run Chef style checks’ FoodCritic::Rake::LintTask. new(:chef) do |t| t.options = { fail_tags: [‘any’] } end end

013 014 015 016 017 018 019 desc ‘Run all style checks’ 020 task style: [‘style:ruby’, ‘style:chef’] 021 022 desc ‘Run ChefSpec examples’ 023 do |t| 024 t.pattern = ‘./**/unit/**/*_spec. rb’ 025 end 026 027 desc ‘Run Test Kitchen’ 028 task :integration do 029 Kitchen.logger = Kitchen.default_ file_logger 030 do |instance| 031 instance.test(:always) 032 end 033 end 034 035 # Default 036 task default: %w(style unit) 037 038 task full: %w(style unit integration)


001 002 003 004 005 006

007 008 009


Inspecting 1 file C Offenses: s.rb:1:2: C: Prefer single-quoted strings when you don’t need string interpolation or special symbols. [“IIS-WebServerRole”, “IISWebServer”].each do |feature| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ s.rb:1:23: C: Prefer single-quoted strings when you don’t need string interpolation or special symbols. [“IIS-WebServerRole”, “IISWebServer”].each do |feature| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

011 012 013 1 file inspected, 2 offenses detected

Tools like RuboCop can reveal a huge number of violations, especially for codebases that do not use them from the start. RuboCop is  configurable: you can switch on or off specific style checks any way you want. You can even tell RuboCop to generate a baseline configuration based on your existing codebase so you do not get overwhelmed with violations. Your team can also follow some specific guidelines and in that case you can write your own style checks, called custom cops, and plug them into RuboCop.

Are we writing good recipes? Once you fix all issues found by RuboCop, Foodcritic will check your recipe. Foodcritic has the same kind of role as RuboCop, but while the latter focuses on generic Ruby code issues, the former targets recipeauthoring practices. Let’s temporarily rename  metadata. rb  to  metadata.rb_  and execute  chef exec rake again. We should get something like this:

DevOps Toolchain for Beginners // eMag Issue 23 - Feb 2015

001 [...] 002 FC031: Cookbook without metadata file: /Users/joaomiranda/Dev/chef-test/ my_first_cookbook/metadata.rb:1 003 FC045: Consider setting cookbook name in metadata: /Users/joaomiranda/Dev/ chef-test/my_first_cookbook/metadata. rb:1

Foodcritic is telling us that we are violating rules FC031 and FC045. Why does FoodCritic enforce these rules? Well, one of Foodcritic’s great features is that it clearly explains each of its rules. For instance, Foodcritic’s docs say the following about rule FC031: FC031: Cookbook without metadata file Chef cookbooks normally include a metadata.rb file which can be used to express a wide range of metadata about a cookbook. This warning is shown when a directory appears to contain a cookbook, but does not include the expected metadata.rb file at the top-level. As with RuboCop, Foodcritic is also configurable. You can turn on or off each rule and create your own rules.  Etsy  published its own Foodcritic rules, for instance. Static-analysis tools are a great addition to your toolbox. They can help you find some errors early and we all know how fast feedback loops are important. These tools also help the newcomer learn about a given language or tool. But I would say that their most important factor is the  consistency  they promote. As is often said, code is read many more times by many more people than it is written. If we promote consistency, all code becomes easier to read, as readers do not have to grapple to appreciate each coder’s style. Readers can instead focus on understanding the big picture. It should be clear that static-analysis tools do not have much to say about the larger design and structure of our code. They may give some hints, but this is the realm of the creative mind.

These are important properties! We can test our code without actually using virtual machines or cloud providers. ChefSpec achieves this using mock providers behind the scenes so that the configurations are not applied to any possible node. Let’s write two simple tests to show ChefSpec in action. We’ll start by creating two files that are not strictly needed to run ChefSpec but which helps us fine-tune the environment. At the root directory of the cookbook, create a file named .rspec with the following content: --default-path ./test/unit --color --format documentation --require spec_helper

This file sets some options that are passed to RSpec when it executes. It saves us from having to type them whenever we want to run RSpec. The options we’ve set: • assume the default path to look for examples (tests) is  ./test/unit (we’ll understand why in a minute); • colorize the output; • print RSpec’s execution output in a format that also serves as documentation; • automatically require the spec_helper.rb file. This last item brings us to the second file we must create,  spec_helper.rb. Use this file to write code that is needed for all examples (a.k.a. tests). Put it inside  my_first_cookbook\test\unit, with the following content: 001 require ‘chefspec’ 002 ChefSpec::Coverage.start! 003 require ‘chefspec/berkshelf’

The spec_helper.rb: • requires ChefSpec so that we can use it with RSpec;

Fast feedback with ChefSpec Static-analysis tools, as their name implies, cannot do dynamic analysis. It’s time to turn our attention to unit testing. The Chef tool of choice is ChefSpec. ChefSpec is a Chef unit-testing framework built on top of  RSpec, meaning it follows the behaviordriven-development school of thought. According to ChefSpec’s excellent docs: ChefSpec runs your cookbook(s) locally with Chef Solo without actually converging a node. This has two primary benefits: • It’s really fast! • Your tests can vary node attributes, operating systems, and search results to assert behavior under varying conditions.

Want to make sure Dev and Ops are on the same page? Learn more about Dev and Ops

DevOps Toolchain for Beginners // eMag Issue 23 - Feb 2015



enables resource coverage so we can see if we’re touching every resource when the tests are executed; • tells ChefSpec that we are using Berkshelf so that it can find the cookbook’s dependencies and activate any matchers that it might find. Finally, let’s create a test for the following resource: 001 service ‘httpd’ do 002 action [:start, :enable] 003 end 004 Create a  default_spec.rb  file inside  my_first_ cookbook\test\unit with this content: 001 describe ‘my_first_cookbook::default’ do 002 let(:chef_run) { ChefSpec::SoloRunner. converge(described_recipe) } 003 004 subject { chef_run } 005 006 it { enable_ service(‘httpd’) } 007 it { start_ service(‘httpd’) } 008 end

by ChefSpec. They are the ones that allow us to assert facts about the recipe’s execution. As always, we can define our own  custom matchers, but ChefSpec already includes the most common ones. If we execute  chef exec rake, we’ll get this output (see Output 1 below) You’ll notice that at the start of the output we have English-like sentences. They are directly derived from the tests and can be seen as a specification of what the recipe is supposed to do. Due to the way Chef works internally, it is not possible to use regular code-coverage tools, as ChefSpec author Seth Vargo  explains. So ChefSpec provides something a bit less exhaustive: resource coverage. We see from the output that the recipe contains three resources, but the tests only touched one. How much coverage is enough? Try to reach at least 80%.

Our cookbook in the real world

It looks remarkably like English, doesn’t it? We are  describing the  default recipe of my_first_ cookbok. We are simulating a node’s convergence by faking a  chef_run, i.e., faking Chef’s execution of a recipe on a node. We are also telling ChefSpec that the subject of our test is the chef_run. We close the description by telling ChefSpec that we expect chef_ run  to be enabled and  to start  the  httpd  service upon the convergence. 001 002 003 004 005 006 007 008 009 010 011 012 013 014 015 016 017 018

It is important to note that  enable_ service and  start_service are matchers defined

It’s time to exercise our recipe in the real world and do some integration testing. This kind of testing should not reveal many surprises if two conditions are met. First, we know how the resources that our recipes use behave in the platform we’re targeting. Second, we’ve written a good set of ChefSpec tests, meaning they cover all the different configuration scenarios that our recipes are supposed to handle. With integration testing, running times slow by an order of magnitude, so the more we can do at the unit-testing level, the better. But integration testing is where the rubber hits the road. Integration testing allows us to exercise our recipes against real (okay, most likely virtual…) machines.

[...] my_first_cookbook::default should enable service “httpd” should start service “httpd” Finished in 0.0803 seconds (files took 6.42 seconds to load) 2 examples, 0 failures ChefSpec Coverage report generated... Total Resources: 3 Touched Resources: 1 Touch Coverage: 33.33% Untouched Resources: package[httpd] file[/var/www/html/index.html]

my_first_cookbook/recipes/default.rb:1 my_first_cookbook/recipes/default.rb:7

Output 1 30

DevOps Toolchain for Beginners // eMag Issue 23 - Feb 2015

Integration testing significantly increases the complexity of our infrastructure. Which operating systems do we have to support? Do we support Linux and Windows? Where are our nodes? In the cloud (AWS, DigitalOcean, Azure)? Are they onsite (e.g. managed by VMware’s vSphere)? How many server roles do we have? It quickly gets complicated. Fortunately, clever people already grappled with this problem.  According  to Test Kitchen’s authors, the product... is a test harness tool to execute your configured code on one or more platforms in isolation. A driver plugin architecture is used which lets you run your code on various cloud providers and virtualization technologies…. Many testing frameworks are already supported out of the box including  Bats,  shUnit2,  RSpec,  Serverspec, with others being created weekly. So, Test Kitchen is our friend. The idea behind it is simple and easier to understand it with an example. Our cookbook root directory contains a  .kitchen. yml file that looks like this: 001 --002 driver: 003 name: vagrant 004 005 provisioner: 006 name: chef_zero 007 008 platforms: 009 - name: ubuntu-12.04 010 - name: centos-6.4 011 012 suites: 013 - name: default 014 run_list: 015 - recipe[my_first_ cookbook::default] 016 attributes: This simple file touches on (almost) all the concepts Test Kitchen relies on. It contains a list of platforms, the list of machines where we’ll run our tests. Platforms usually map to a bare-bones machine - you’re testing their configuration processes, after all - but they can be any kind of machine with any configuration. There is also a list of  suites, each specifying a Chef  runlist with (optional) attributes definitions. A driver (in our case, Vagrant) manages the  platforms. Finally, the  provisioner  (Chef Zero  in our case) applies each  suite  to each  platform, unless we have explicitly excluded it from the suite. We can treat Test Kitchen as an orchestrator. Notice how we haven’t mentioned anything about tests, which might seem a bit weird. We’ll get to that in due time.

Test Kitchen defines a state machine to control its execution. It starts with creating a platform instance by asking the driver to create a virtual machine. It then tells the provisioner  to converge the node. After the node has converged, Test Kitchen looks for tests and runs any it finds, and puts the instance into the verified state. The cycle closes when Test Kitchen destroys the instance. Given that this cycle can be slow, Test Kitchen helps when things go wrong by reverting to the last good state when one of the steps fails. For instance, if a convergence succeeds but a test fails, making the verify phase fail, then the instance is kept in the converged state. So, if we go to the command line and type chef exec rake full, we will eventually run Test Kitchen: 001 [...] 002 -----> Cleaning up any prior instances of 003 -----> Destroying ... 004 Finished destroying (0m0.00s). 005 -----> Testing 006 -----> Creating ... 007 Bringing machine ‘default’ up with ‘virtualbox’ provider... 008 ==> default: Box ‘opscodeubuntu-12.04’ could not be found. Attempting to find and install... 009 default: Box Provider: virtualbox 010 default: Box Version: >= 0 011 ==> default: Adding box ‘opscodeubuntu-12.04’ (v0) for provider: virtualbox 012 default: Downloading: https:// virtualbox/ 013 014 [...] 015 016 - my_first_cookbook 017 Compiling Cookbooks... 018 Converging 3 resources 019 Recipe: my_first_cookbook::default 020 * package[httpd] action install[201411-17T18:50:19+00:00] INFO: Processing package[httpd] action install (my_first_ cookbook::default line 1) 021 022 023 ======================================= ========================================= 024 Error executing action `install` on resource ‘package[httpd]’ 025 ======================================= ========================================= 026 027 [...]

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CHEF AND COOKBOOK DEVELOPMENT FLOW A couple of interesting things just happened. First, Test Kitchen told Vagrant to launch a new machine, defaulting to a  box, which you can think as a virtual-machine template, provided by Chef in this line:  Downloading: virtualbox/ This box corresponds to the  ubuntu-12.04  platform we stated earlier in .kitchen.yml. You can specify your own boxes, of course. Second, we got an error! When we check our Test Kitchen instances, we see that defaultubuntu-1204 is in the  Created state, because the convergence step failed. $ kitchen list Instance default-ubuntu-1204 default-centos-64 Provisioner ChefZero ChefZero

Driver Vagrant Vagrant

Last Action Created

We could log in to the instance by doing  kitchen login and inspect the machine configuration to find out what went wrong. But the error occurred on the Ubuntu platform and our recipe does not support Ubuntu. We don’t want to support it, so let’s remove the  - name: ubuntu-12.04  line from  .kitchen. yml. Let’s execute Rake again. This time everything should run smoothly. (See Code 1, next page) Although a successful Chef run tells us a lot, especially when we have the ChefSpec safety net, we can add an additional layer of testing. Test Kitchen does not provide a testing framework, so it is unable to execute automated tests by itself. Test Kitchen relies on existing test frameworks, such as  Bats,  shUnit2,  RSpec, and  Serverspec. We’ll use Serverspec to write a simple test. Serverspec like ChefSpec is built on top of RSpec, but their mechanics are completely different. While ChefSpec has an intimate knowledge of Chef and its inner workings, Serverspec has no idea that Chef even exists. Serverspec just makes assertions about a machine’s state. Is this package installed? Is that service enabled? Serverspec has no idea how that package was installed or the service enabled. For all it cares, those operations could have been performed manually! Let’s create a simple test. Create and name a file default_spec.rb  insidemy_first_cookbook\ test\integration\default\serverspec with the following content: 32

001 describe package(‘httpd’)do 002 it { should be_installed } 003 end

The directory structure follows some specific conventions: • test\integration - Test Kitchen looks for tests here. • default - This is the exact name of the suite we want to test. • serverspec  - This tells Test Kitchen to use Serverspec as its test framework. If we execute  chef exec rake full  again, Test Kitchen will find our test and execute it. 001 [...] 002 -----> Verifying ... 003 Removing /tmp/busser/suites/ serverspec 004 Uploading /tmp/busser/ suites/serverspec/default_spec.rb (mode=0644) 005 -----> Running serverspec test suite 006 [...] 007 Package “httpd” 008 should be installed 009 010 Finished in 0.0623 seconds (files took 0.3629 seconds to load) 011 1 example, 0 failures 012 Finished verifying (0m1.54s). 013 -----> Kitchen is finished. (0m3.95s) The test succeeds because Serverspec asserted that the package is indeed installed on that instance. The ChefSpec equivalent would only assert that the package Chef resource had been touched. When do we write Serverspec tests? When do we write ChefSpec tests? That’s material for a whole new article. I’d suggest that the test pyramid could be applied to infrastructure testing as well, so you should have a larger number of ChefSpec tests. Actually, before writing integration tests with Serverspec or a similar framework, ask if your ChefSpec tests and successful Chef runs already cover your validation needs. We’ve seen Test Kitchen’s work on Linux. What about Windows? Unfortunately, Test Kitchen  does not officially support Windows at the moment, but there is hope! Salim Afiune is  working  on bringing that support and Matt Wrock wrote an article that shows how you can indeed use  Test Kitchen with Windows  today. There are some  rough edges that pop up in medium to large tests, but they can be overcome.

DevOps Toolchain for Beginners // eMag Issue 23 - Feb 2015

001 002 003 004 005 006 007 008 009 010 011 012

[...] -----> Cleaning up any prior instances of -----> Destroying ... Finished destroying (0m0.00s). -----> Testing -----> Creating ... Bringing machine ‘default’ up with ‘virtualbox’ provider... ==> default: Box ‘opscode-centos-6.4’ could not be found. Attempting to find and install... default: Box Provider: virtualbox default: Box Version: >= 0 ==> default: Adding box ‘opscode-centos-6.4’ (v0) for provider: virtualbox default: Downloading: virtualbox/

013 014 [...] 015 016 Installing Chef 017 installing with rpm... 018 warning: /tmp/ Header V4 DSA/ SHA1 Signature, key ID 83ef826a: NOKEY 019 Preparing... ##### ########################################### [100%] 020 1:chef ########################################### [100%] 021 Thank you for installing Chef! 022 023 [...] 024 025 [2014-11-21T00:47:59+00:00] INFO: Run List is [recipe[my_first_ cookbook::default]] 026 [2014-11-21T00:47:59+00:00] INFO: Starting Chef Run for default-centos-64 027 [2014-11-21T00:47:59+00:00] INFO: Loading cookbooks [[email protected]] 028 Synchronizing Cookbooks: 029 - my_first_cookbook 030 Compiling Cookbooks... 031 Converging 3 resources 032 Recipe: my_first_cookbook::default 033 * package[httpd] action install[2014-11-21T00:47:59+00:00] INFO: Processing package[httpd] action install (my_first_cookbook::default line 1) 034 [2014-11-21T00:48:30+00:00] INFO: package[httpd] installing httpd-2.2.15-39. el6.centos from base repository 035 036 - install version 2.2.15-39.el6.centos of package httpd 037 038 [...] 039 040 [2014-11-21T00:48:50+00:00] INFO: Chef Run complete in 51.251318527 seconds 041 042 Running handlers: 043 [2014-11-21T00:48:50+00:00] INFO: Running report handlers 044 Running handlers complete 045 [2014-11-21T00:48:50+00:00] INFO: Report handlers complete 046 Chef Client finished, 4/4 resources updated in 58.012060901 seconds 047 Finished converging (2m4.75s).

Code 1

Wrapping it up We know the basic concepts of Chef. We know how to harness tools to help our Chef development process. What’s next? Actually, quite a lot. Chef is a (very) large product. I hope this gave you a step up. Start small. Make sure you fully understand Chef’s concepts. Create some cookbooks. Reuse some cookbooks. You’ll be a master chef in no time. DevOps Toolchain for Beginners // eMag Issue 23 - Feb 2015



Introduction to Puppet

Susannah Axelrod joined Puppet Labs in 2013 from Huron Consulting, where she was director of product management. Prior to Huron, Susannah held product leadership roles at Thomson Reuters, Sage Software, Intuit, and Intel. She loves figuring out what customers need and working to solve their problems. Susannah received her BA from the University of Chicago and her MBA from the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania.

Every IT professional has suffered the frustration of code that breaks in production. Experienced developers pour hours, days, and weeks into creating applications, only to have to patch them repeatedly after release. QA engineers are certain they’ve hit targets for high performance and low risk…on their test systems. And ops follows every deployment checklist to the letter, only to find themselves working late night after night, trying to keep these applications running (or limping along) in production. Meanwhile, executives wring their hands and fret about all the money being spent with such mediocre results. “Why does it take so long for us release features, and even bug fixes?” Customers are defecting. Competitors’ technology is way ahead, and Wall Street is taking notice. IT organizations in situations like the above are often strictly siloed. Dev, ops, and testers are managed separately, have different metrics and goals, may work in different buildings, and sometimes have never even met each other. These teams are likely working on different technology stacks with distinct 34

configurations. The application code may stay consistent but nothing else does. What works on a dev’s laptop or in the QA environment often doesn’t work when deployed to production. Worst of all, no one understands the root causes of their problems. The founder of Puppet Labs, Luke Kanies, was one of those ops folks stuck working late nights in the data center. His dissatisfaction with the status quo led him to write the software that became Puppet. But, wait – we were just talking about organizational problems. How can software solve cultural issues and enforce collaboration? The answer

DevOps Toolchain for Beginners // eMag Issue 23 - Feb 2015

is, it can’t – at least, not by itself. Puppet is a great infrastructuremanagement platform that any system administrator can use to get work done more efficiently, even from within a siloed ops team. However, for an organization that’s ready to lift collaboration to the next level, Puppet supplies the powerful glue of a shared codebase that unifies different teams. Bear with me for a bit as we walk through how Puppet works, and discuss how it helps teams at all stages of enhancing collaboration around software development and release – an evolution that’s often referred to as DevOps.

What is Puppet? “Puppet” really refers to two different things: the language in which code is written and the platform that manages infrastructure.

Puppet: the language Puppet is a simple modeling language used to write code that automates management of infrastructure. Puppet allows you to simply describe the end state into which you want to get your systems (we call them “nodes”). Contrast that with procedural scripts: to write one, you need to know what it will take to get a specific system to a specific state, and to be able to write those

steps out correctly. With Puppet, you don’t need to know or specify the steps required to get to the end state, and you aren’t at risk of getting a bad result because you got the order wrong or made a slight scripting error. Also, unlike procedural scripts, Puppet’s language works across different platforms. By abstracting state away from implementation, Puppet allows you to focus on the parts of the system you care about, leaving implementation details like command names, arguments, and file formats to Puppet itself. For example, you can use Puppet to manage all your users the same way, whether a user is stored in NetInfo or /etc/passwd. This concept of abstraction is key to Puppet’s utility. It allows anyone who’s comfortable with any kind of code to manage systems at a level appropriate for their role. That means teams can collaborate better, and people can manage resources that would normally be outside their ken, promoting shared responsibility among teams. Another advantage of the modeling language is that Puppet is repeatable. Unlike scripts, which you can’t continue to run without changing the system, you can run Puppet over and over again, and if the system is already in its desired state, Puppet will leave it in that state.

Resources The foundation of the Puppet language is its declaration of resources. Each resource describes a component of a system, such as a service that must be running or a package that must be installed. Some other examples of resources: • A user account; • A specific file; • A directory of files; • Any software package; • Any running service. It’s helpful to think of resources as building blocks that can be combined to model the desired state of the systems you manage. This leads us naturally to Puppet’s further definitions, which allow you to combine things in an economical way – economy being one of Puppet’s key attributes.

Types and providers Puppet groups similar kinds of resources into types. For example, users fall into one type, files into another, and services into another. Once you have correctly described a resource type, you simply declare the desired state for that resource; instead of saying, “Run this command that starts XYZ service,” you simply say, “Ensure XYZ is running.” Providers implement resource types on a specific kind of system using the system’s own tools. The division between

DevOps Toolchain for Beginners // eMag Issue 23 - Feb 2015


INTRODUCTION TO PUPPET types and providers allows a single resource type (such as “package”) to manage packages on many different systems. For example, your “package” resource could manage yum on Red Hat systems, dpkg and APT on Debian systems, and ports on BSD systems. Providers are less commonly declared by admins, and only if they want to change the system defaults. Providers are written into Puppet precisely so you don’t have to know how to manage each operating system or platform running on your infrastructure. Again, it’s Puppet abstracting away details you shouldn’t have to worry about. If you do need to write a provider, these are often simple Ruby wrappers around shell commands so they are usually short and easy to create. Types and providers enable Puppet to function across all major platforms and allow Puppet to grow and evolve to support additional platforms beyond compute servers, such as networking and storage devices. The example below demonstrates the simplicity of the Puppet language by showing how a new user and group are added with a shell script, contrasted to the identical action in Puppet. In the Puppet example, “user” and “group” are types, and Puppet automatically discovers the appropriate provider for your platform. The platform-specific, procedural scripts are much harder both to write and to understand.

Classes, manifests, and modules Every other part of the Puppet language exists to add flexibility and convenience to how resources are declared. Classes are Puppet’s way of extricating


chunks of code, combining resources into larger units of configuration. A class could include all the Puppet code needed to install and configure NTP, for example. Classes can be created in one place and invoked in another. Different sets of classes are applied to nodes that serve different roles. We call this “node classification” and it’s a powerful capability that allows you to manage your nodes based on their capabilities rather than their names. It’s the “cattle, not pets” approach to managing machines that is favored in fastmoving organizations. Puppet language files are called manifests. The simplest Puppet deployment is a lone manifest file with a few resources. Giving the basic Puppet code in the above example the filename “user-present.pp” would make it a manifest. Modules are a collection of classes, resource types, files, and templates, all organized around a particular purpose and arranged in a specific, predictable structure. There are modules available for all kinds of purposes, from completely configuring an Apache instance to setting up a Rails application, and many, many more. Including the implementation of sophisticated features in modules allows admins to have much smaller, more readable manifests – which simply are the modules. One huge benefit of Puppet modules is that they are reusable. You can use modules written by other people, and Puppet has a large, active community of people who freely share modules they’ve written. That’s in addition to the modules written by Puppet Labs employees. Altogether, you’ll find more than 3,000 modules available for free on

the Puppet Forge. Many of these were created for some of the most common tasks sysadmins are responsible for, so they’ll save you a lot of time. For example, you can manage everything from simple server building blocks (NTP, SSH) to sophisticated solutions (SQL Server, F5). Classes, manifests, and modules are all just code. They can – and should, as we’ll discuss later – be checked into version control, just like any other code your organization needs. Puppet: the platform The language alone does not make up Puppet. People need to deploy Puppet code across infrastructure, periodically update code with configuration changes, remediate unintended changes, and inspect their systems to ensure everything is working as intended. To meet these needs, most customers run Puppet in a master-agent structure, comprised of a number of components. Customers can run one or more Puppet masters, depending on their needs. An agent is installed on each node, which then establishes a secure, signed connection with the master. The master-agent structure is used to deploy Puppet code to nodes and to maintain the configuration of those nodes over time. Before configuring a node, Puppet compiles manifests into a “catalog”. Catalogs are static documents that define resources and the relationships between them. A given catalog applies to a single node, according to its job and the context in which it will do its job. A catalog defines how a node will function, and is used by Puppet to check whether a node is correctly configured and to apply a new configuration if needed.

DevOps Toolchain for Beginners // eMag Issue 23 - Feb 2015

Each node-based agent checks in periodically with a master server during each regular Puppet run. Puppet can then do any of the following: • remediate any configurations that have drifted from what they should be; • report on the state of nodes without making any changes; • apply any desired configuration changes, using Puppet’s orchestration tooling; • collect data from nodes and events, and store it for retrieval; • Puppet Labs’s commercial solution, Puppet Enterprise, adds customer support and a variety of advanced, mission-critical capabilities; • sophisticated nodemanagement capabilities; • role-based access control; • operational metrics and a reporting console.

Putting it all together Now you have a basic understanding of how Puppet works, but you may still be wondering how it can help your organization fix its deeper problems and enable people to collaborate more easily. It all boils down to this: when you use Puppet, you are modeling your infrastructure as code. You can treat Puppet – and, by extension, your infrastructure’s configuration – just like any other code. Puppet code is easily stored and reused. It can be shared with others on the ops team and people on other teams who need to manage machines. Dev and ops can use the same manifests to manage systems from the laptop dev environment all the way to production, so there are fewer nasty surprises when code is

released into production. That can yield big improvements in deployment quality, especially for some organizations we’ve seen. Treating configuration as code also makes it possible for sysadmins to give devs the ability to turn on their own testing environments, so devs no longer see sysadmins as standing in their way. You can even hand Puppet code to auditors, many of whom accept Puppet manifests as proof of compliance. All of this improves efficiencies, and people’s tempers, too. Perhaps, most important of all, you can check Puppet code into a shared version-control tool. This gives you a controlled, historical record of your infrastructure. You can adopt the same peer-review practices in ops that software developers use, so ops teams can continually improve configuration code, updating and testing until you are secure enough to commit configurations to production. Because Puppet has the ability to run in simulation or “noop” mode, you can also review the impact of changes before you make them. This helps make deployments much less stressful, since you can roll back if needed. By using Puppet with version control and the practices outlined above, many of our customers achieve the holy grail of continuous delivery, delivering code more frequently into production with fewer errors. When you deploy applications in smaller increments, early and frequent customer feedback tells you whether or not you are headed down the right road. This saves you from delivering a big wad of code after six to 12 months of development, only to discover it doesn’t fit user needs or simply doesn’t please them.

Our customers evolve the configuration of dev, test, and production environments in step with application code from developers. This allows devs to work in an extremely realistic environment, often identical to production. Applications no longer break in production due to unknown configuration differences between dev and test. Devs and QA get to deploy more good software, ops no longer burns the midnight oil, and executives are finally… – well, if not happy, at least satisfied enough to shift their focus to concerns other than IT efficiency!

Taking the first step Most organizations we see admittedly are pretty far from an advanced level of continuous collaboration, let alone continuous delivery. The nice thing about Puppet is that it grows and scales as your team and infrastructure grow and scale. You may not be ready yet to roll out companywide DevOps practices – and that’s okay. Many customers successfully use Puppet as a configuration-management tool in conservative, complianceoriented industries such as banking and government. These organizations may have little need to adopt continuous delivery but, nonetheless, storing and versioning infrastructure as code vastly improves their change control and security practices. We recommend you start by automating one thing that will make your job easier. For instance, many admins start by automating management of NTP, DNS, SSH, firewalls, or users and groups – all things that are completely routine and that suck up a lot of time.

DevOps Toolchain for Beginners // eMag Issue 23 - Feb 2015


Want to make sure Dev and Ops are on the same page? Learn more about Dev and Ops 38

After gaining experience with Puppet, many people move up the stack, writing more complex modules to manage services like Tomcat monitoring or their JBoss application servers. Others adopt and adapt Puppet Forge modules. When you’re ready to dive in further, you can make sure all the machines in the data center – and in the cloud – are equipped to do the jobs they’re supposed to do, that they’re actually doing those jobs, and that the overall system is functioning properly to run the applications that serve your business. It’s important to remember that you don’t have to wade into “infrastructure as code” all by yourself. Others have solved these problems before you, so make good use of their work! We already mentioned the thousands of modules available on the Puppet Forge. You can also rely on the Puppet community, which numbers in the tens of thousands. Subscribe to Puppet Users on Google Groups and check out Puppet Ask, and get to know the engaged and responsive people there. Attend a Puppet Camp or a meeting of a Puppet User Group in your area to meet people in person. You can use Puppet Labs learning resources, both free and paid, and there’s always our YouTube channel and our official documentation, too. This is just a taste of what you can find in the Puppet ecosystem. We look forward to seeing you and helping you learn how Puppet can make your infrastructure, your business, and your work life run so much better.


The LogStash Book, Log Management Made Easy

James Turnbull is the author of six technical books about open source software and a long-time member of the open source community. James authored the first (and second!) books about Puppet and works for Puppet Labs running Operations and Professional Services. James speaks regularly at conferences including OSCON,, FOSDEM, OpenSourceBridge, DevOpsDays and a number of others. He is a past president of Linux Australia, a former committee member of Linux Victoria, was Treasurer for 2008, and serves on the program committee and OSCON.

James Turnbull makes a compelling case for using LogStash for centralizing logging by explaining the implementation details of LogStash within the context of a logging project. The Logstash Book targets both small companies and large enterprises through a two sided case; both for the low barrier to entry and the scaling capabilities. James talked about the book on Hangops: “Its designed for people who have never seen LogStash before, sysadmins, developers, devops, operations people. I expect you to know a little about unix or linux.” He continued, “Additionally it assumes you have no prior knowledge of LogStash.” The Problem of Over Simplifying Log Management James comes from a system administrator and security background. He explains how computing environments have evolved log management in ways that do not scale. He shares that it generally falls apart through an

evolutionary process, starting with when logs become most important to people, that is to say when trouble strikes. At that time new administrators will start examining the logs with the classical tools cat, tail, sed, awk, perl, and grep. This practice helps develop a good skill set around useful tools, however it does not scale beyond a few hosts and log

file types. Upon realization of the scalability issue, teams will evolve into using centralized logging with tools such as rsyslog and syslog-ng. While this starts to handle the scale issue, James shares that it doesn’t really solve the problem of log management though because now there is an overwhelming number

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Image 1 of different log event types, different formats, different time zones and basically a lack of easily understandable context. Finally a team may retrofit their computing environment with logging technology that can handle large amounts of storage, search, filtering, and the like. In the end unfortunately this approach includes a lot of waste and has a relatively high cost. LogStash saves the day by satisfying the need for a low barrier to entry like the classical system administrator tools, but is fully architected to scale to large web scale deployments.

LogStash Architecture Overview LogStash provides an architecture for collecting, parsing, and storing logs. In addition, one of the main cross cutting use cases for a LogStash implementation is the viewing/ searching of the managed log events. Kibana was a natural fit because it provides a user friendly search interface that integrates with Elasticstorage, the storage engine for LogStash. After Logstash was bought by Elasticsearch the company bundled the three tools and 40

In the book, James drills announced them as the ELK into the three primary functions Stack. within a LogStash instance: The following is an out-ofgetting input events, filtering the-box Kibana screenshot in an event data, and outputting ELK setup (Image 1) events. These three functions of Beyond the viewing of LogStash are performed based Logs there is an architecture of on configuration information components that manages the stored in an easy to understand flow of logs from disparate servers “.conf” file. The “.conf” file has through a broker and ultimately sections for the three different into storage. James takes readers types of plugins LogStash uses: through an exploration of each input, filter, and output. Each component in the LogStash LogStash instance is customized setup, which uses Redis, an open to meet the requirements of its source key value store, to queue role in the overall architecture. logs in preparation for indexing. For example this configuration It also uses Elasticsearch for for a shipper contains one input storage of logs and as a back and two outputs: end for the viewing system. The following d i a g r a m from the input { redis { book shows host => “” the distinct type => “redis-input” a r c h i t e c t u r e data_type => “list” c o m p o n e n t key => “logstash” t y p e s } including: } shipper, broker, output { indexer, and stdout { debug => true viewer (where } Kibana is the web interface elasticsearch { cluster => “logstash” in the ELK } stack) (Image 2) }

DevOps Toolchain for Beginners // eMag Issue 23 - Feb 2015

LogStash Components: Shipper, Broker, Indexer The book covers the three LogStash plugin types in the context of their usage in shippers and indexers. James shows how to use the following input plugins with LogStash: file, stdin, syslog, lumberjack, and redis. For environments where LogStash can’t be installed, there are other options for sending events that integrate

with LogStash: syslog, Lumberjack, Beaver and Woodchuck. There is overlap between input and output plugins in LogStash, for example there are both input and output redis plugins. In addition to the main two outputs covered, redis and elasticsearch, James also includes outputs that integrate with other systems including: Nagios, email alerts, instant messages, and StatsD/Graphite. The filters covered in the book

include: grok, date, grep, and multiline. James shows how the filter plugins can enable efficient processing of postfix logs and java application logs. In some cases the logs can be filtered before LogStash uses them as input, for example Apache logging has a custom format capability that allows for logging in a JSON format that LogStash can easily process without an internal filter plugin. The broker, which we have specified as

Image 2

Image 3 DevOps Toolchain for Beginners // eMag Issue 23 - Feb 2015




Redis, is for managing event flow, LogStash supports the following other queue technologies in this role: AMPQ and ZeroMQ. The Indexer instance of LogStash performs the routing to search/ storage.

Scaling LogStash Scaling LogStash accomplishes three main goals: resiliency, performance, and integrity. The following diagram from the book illustrates the scaling of Redis, LogStash, and Elasticsearch: (Image 3) LogStash does not depend on Redis to manage failover itself. Instead LogStashh sends events to one of two Redis instances it has configured. Then if the selected Redis instance becomes unavailable, LogStash will begin sending events to another configured Redis instance. As an Indexer, LogStash is easily scaled by creating multiple instances that continually pull from all available Brokers and output to Elasticsearch. Within this design events only make it to one Broker so there should be no duplicates being passed through the LogStash indexer into Elasticsearch. Elasticsearch easily clusters itself when you install multiple instances and set the configurations to have common settings. It uses multicast, unicast, or an EC2 plugin to cluster itself based on configuration settings in each individual instance. As long as network allows for the instances to communicate they will cluster themselves and begin dividing the data up among the cluster nodes. The divisions in the data are made automatically to provide resiliency and performance..

from your applications is often the best source of information when you have a problem in your infrastructure. They also represent an excellent source of data for monitoring the state and events in your infrastructure and for building metrics that demonstrate how your applications are performing. This being said, different teams in enterprise organizations care about different aspects of those logging use cases. For example, operations teams focus on the trouble-shooting and performance data logs can provide. Application developers are keenly interested in using log output to help find and fix bugs. Security teams focus on identifying vulnerabilities and security incidents that log data might highlight.

Logging Use Cases James Turnbull described to InfoQ the main use cases for logging data in an enterprise setting: The best use cases for logging are trouble-shooting and monitoring. The log data 42

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Monitoring with Graphite

Franklin Angulo oversees the teams that build and maintain the large-scale back-end engine at the core of Squarespace, a website-building platform based in New York City. Franklin is a seasoned professional with experience leading complex, large-scale, multidisciplinary engineering projects. Before joining Squarespace, he was a senior software engineer at, working on route-planning optimizations, shipping-rate shopping, and capacity planning algorithms for global inbound logistics and the Amazon Locker program.

Graphite stores and graphs numeric time-series data collected by other tools. This article intends to guide you through the setting up a monitoring system using a Graphite stack. First and foremost, you time-series data. The need hardware on which front-end components to run the Graphite retrieve the metric data stack. For simplicity, I will and optionally render use Amazon EC2 hosts graphs. Let’s focus but feel free to use any first on the back-end computer in your office components: Carbon and or at home. Whisper. The Amazon EC2 Carbon refers to specifications are: a series of daemons Metrics can be published to a load balancer or directly to a Carbon • operating system: that make up the process. The Carbon process interacts with the Whisper database Red Hat Enterprise storage back end of a library to store the time-series data to the file system. Linux (RHEL) 6.5; Graphite installation. • instance type: The daemons listen for m3.xlarge; Graphite is composed of time-series data using an event• elastic block store (EBS) multiple back-end and frontdriven networking engine called volume: 250 GB; end components. The back-end Twisted. The Twisted framework • Python: version 2.6.6. components store the numeric permits Carbon daemons to DevOps Toolchain for Beginners // eMag Issue 23 - Feb 2015


MONITORING WITH GRAPHITE handle a large number of clients and a large amount of traffic with low overhead. To install Carbon, run the following commands (assuming a RHEL operating system): 001 # sudo yum groupinstall “Development Tools” 002 # sudo yum install python-devel 003 # sudo yum install git 004 # sudo easy_install pip 005 # sudo pip install twisted 006 # cd /tmp 007 # git clone graphite-project/carbon.git 008 # cd /tmp/carbon 009 # sudo python install

The /opt/graphite directory should now have the carbon libraries and configuration files. 001 # ls -l /opt/graphite 002 drwxr-xr-x. 2 root root 4096 May 18 23:56 bin 003 drwxr-xr-x. 2 root root 4096 May 18 23:56 conf 004 drwxr-xr-x. 4 root root 4096 May 18 23:56 lib 005 drwxr-xr-x. 6 root root 4096 May 18 23:56 storage Inside the bin folder, you’ll find the three different types of Carbon daemons. • Cache: accepts metrics over various protocols and writes them to disk as efficiently as possible; caches metric values in RAM as they are received and flushes them to disk on a specified interval using the underlying Whisper library. • Relay: serves to replicate and shard incoming metrics. • Aggregator: runs in front of a cache to buffer metrics over time before reporting them to Whisper. Whisper is a database library for storing time-series data that is then retrieved and manipulated by applications using the create, update, and fetch operations. To install Whisper, run the following commands: 001 # cd /tmp 002 # git clone graphite-project/whisper.git 003 # cd /tmp/whisper 004 # sudo python install The Whisper scripts should now be in place (Code 1)

Start a Carbon cache process The Carbon installation comes with sensible defaults for port numbers and many other configuration parameters. Copy the existing sample configuration files (Code 2)


001 # ls -l /usr/bin/whisper* 002 -rwxr-xr-x. 1 root root 1711 May 19 00:00 / usr/bin/ 003 -rwxr-xr-x. 1 root root 2902 May 19 00:00 / usr/bin/ 004 -rwxr-xr-x. 1 root root 1779 May 19 00:00 / usr/bin/ 005 -rwxr-xr-x. 1 root root 1121 May 19 00:00 / usr/bin/ 006 -rwxr-xr-x. 1 root root 674 May 19 00:00 / usr/bin/ 007 -rwxr-xr-x. 1 root root 5982 May 19 00:00 / usr/bin/ 008 -rwxr-xr-x. 1 root root 1060 May 19 00:00 / usr/bin/ 009 -rwxr-xr-x. 1 root root 969 May 19 00:00 / usr/bin/

Code 1 001 # cd /opt/graphite/conf 002 # cp aggregation-rules.conf.example aggregation-rules.conf 003 # cp blacklist.conf.example blacklist.conf 004 # cp carbon.conf.example carbon.conf 005 # cp carbon.amqp.conf.example carbon.amqp. conf 006 # cp relay-rules.conf.example relay-rules. conf 007 # cp rewrite-rules.conf.example rewriterules.conf 008 # cp storage-schemas.conf.example storageschemas.conf 009 # cp storage-aggregation.conf.example storage-aggregation.conf 010 # cp whitelist.conf.example whitelist.conf 011 # vi carbon.conf

Code 2 Under the cache section, the line receiver port has a default value and it is used to accept incoming metrics through the plaintext protocol (see below). 001 [cache] 002 LINE_RECEIVER_INTERFACE = 003 LINE_RECEIVER_PORT = 2003

Start a carbon-cache process by running the following command: 001 # cd /opt/graphite/bin 002 # ./ start 003 Starting carbon-cache (instance a) The process should now be listening on port 2003. (Code 3)

Publish metrics A metric is any measurable quantity that can vary over time, for example: • number of requests per second; • request processing time;

DevOps Toolchain for Beginners // eMag Issue 23 - Feb 2015

001 002 003 004 005

# ps -efla | grep carbon-cache 1 S root 2674 1 0 80 0 - 75916 ep_pol 00:18 ? # netstat -nap | grep 2003 tcp 0 0

00:00:03 /usr/bin/python ./ start*



Code 3 001 # tail -f /opt/graphite/storage/log/carbon001 sudo yum install nc cache/carbon-cache-a/creates.log 002 echo “carbon.agents.graphite-tutorial. 002 19/05/2014 10:42:44 :: creating database metricsReceived 28198 `date +%s`” | nc file /opt/graphite/storage/whisper/carbon/ localhost 2003 agents/graphite-tutorial/metricsReceived.wsp 003 echo “carbon.agents.graphite-tutorial.creates 8 (archive=[(60, 129600)] xff=0.5 agg=average) `date +%s`” | nc localhost 2003 003 19/05/2014 10:42:53 :: creating database file / 004 echo “ opt/graphite/storage/whisper/carbon/agents/ responseTime.p95 0.10 `date +%s`” | nc graphite-tutorial/creates.wsp (archive=[(60, localhost 2003 129600)] xff=0.5 agg=average) Code 4 004 19/05/2014 10:42:57 :: creating database file /opt/graphite/storage/whisper/PRODUCTION/ • CPU usage. host/graphite-tutorial/responseTime/p95.wsp A data point is a tuple (archive=[(60, 1440)] xff=0.5 agg=average) • with a metric name,

• with a measured value, • at a specific point in time (usually a timestamp). Client applications publish metrics by sending data points to a Carbon process. The application establishes a TCP connection on the Carbon process’s port and sends data points in a simple plaintext format. In our example, the port is 2003. The TCP connection may remain open and can be reused as many times as necessary. The Carbon process listens for incoming data but does not send any response back to the client. The data point format is defined as: • a single line of text per data point; • a dotted metric name at position 0; • a value at position 1; • a Unix Epoch timestamp at position 2; • spaces for the position separators. For example, here are some valid data points: • The number of metrics received by the carboncache process every minute. • c a r b o n . a g e n t s . g r a p h i t e - t u t o r i a l . metricsReceived 28198 1400509108 • The number of metrics created by the carboncache process every minute. • c a r b o n . a g e n t s . g r a p h i t e - t u t o r i a l . creates 8 1400509110 • The p95 response times for a sample server endpoint over a minute. • responseTime.p95 0.10 1400509112 Client applications have multiple ways to publish metrics: • using the plaintext protocol with tools such as the netcat (nc) command; • using the pickle protocol;

Code 5 •

using the Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP); • using libraries such as the Dropwizard Metrics library. For simplicity, in this tutorial we’ll use the plaintext protocol through the netcat command. To publish the sample data points listed above, run the following commands (Code 4) The carbon-cache log files will contain information about the new metrics received and where the information was stored (Code 5) Carbon interacts with Whisper to store the timeseries data in the file system. Navigate the file system to make sure the data files have been created: 001 # ls -l /opt/graphite/storage/ whisper/carbon/agents/graphitetutorial/ 002 total 3040 003 -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 1555228 May 19 10:42 creates.wsp 004 -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 1555228 May 19 10:42 metricsReceived.wsp 005 # ls -l /opt/graphite/storage/ whisper/PRODUCTION/host/graphitetutorial/responseTime/ 006 total 20 007 -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 17308 May 19 10:42 p95.wsp

Finally, you can retrieve metadata information about the Whisper file that was created for the metric using the whisper-info script (Code 6) The whisper-dump script is a more complete script that outputs the original data for all storage

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MONITORING WITH GRAPHITE 001 # /opt/graphite/ storage/whisper/PRODUCTION/host/ graphite-tutorial/responseTime/p95. wsp 002 maxRetention: 86400 003 xFilesFactor: 0.5 004 aggregationMethod: average 005 fileSize: 17308 006 007 Archive 0 008 retention: 86400 009 secondsPerPoint: 60 010 points: 1440 011 size: 17280 012 offset: 28

Code 6 retention periods along with the metadata information about the Whisper file: 001 # /opt/graphite/ storage/whisper/PRODUCTION/host/ graphite-tutorial/responseTime/p95. wsp 002 Meta data: 003 aggregation method: average 004 max retention: 86400 005 xFilesFactor: 0.5 006 007 Archive 0 info: 008 offset: 28 009 seconds per point: 60 010 points: 1440 011 retention: 86400 012 size: 17280 013 014 Archive 0 data: 015 0: 1400609220, 0.10000000000000000555 11151231257827 016 1: 0, 0 017 2: 0, 0 018 3: 0, 0 019 4: 0, 0 020 5: 0, 0 021 ... 022 1437: 0, 0 023 1438: 0, 0 024 1439: 0, 0 Aggregation method, max retention, xFilesFactor, and all of the other attributes of the Whisper file are important to understand. We’ll be covering these in more detail in the next section.

Whisper storage schemas and aggregations There might be some confusion when developers and system administrators start publishing data points and get unexpected results. • Why are our data points getting averaged? 46

001 002 003 004 005 006 007 008 009 010 011 012 013 014 015 016 017 018 019 020 021 022 023 024 025

Meta data: aggregation method: average max retention: 604800 xFilesFactor: 0.5 Archive 0 info: offset: 52 seconds per point: 10 points: 2160 retention: 21600 size: 25920 Archive 1 info: offset: 25972 seconds per point: 60 points: 1440 retention: 86400 size: 17280 Archive 2 info: offset: 43252 seconds per point: 600 points: 1008 retention: 604800 size: 12096

Code 7 •

We’ve been publishing data points intermittently so why are there no data points? • We’ve been publishing data points for many days so why are we only getting data for one day? You first need to understand how data is stored in the Whisper files. When a Whisper file is created, it has a fixed size that will never change. Within the Whisper file are potentially multiple “buckets” that you need to define in the configuration files, for data points at different resolutions. For example: • Bucket A: data points with 10-second resolution. • Bucket B: data points with 60-second resolution. • Bucket C: data points with 10-minute resolution. Each bucket also has a retention attribute that indicates how long the bucket should retain data points. • Bucket A: data points with 10-second resolution retained for 6 hours. • Bucket B: data points with 60-second resolution retained for 1 day. • Bucket C: data points with 10-minute resolution retained for 7 days. Given these two pieces of information, Whisper performs some simple math to figure out how many points it will need to keep in each bucket. • Bucket A: 6 hours x 60 min/hour x 6 data points/ min = 2,160 points. • Bucket B: 1 day x 24 hours/day x 60 min/hour x 1 data point/min = 1,440 points. • Bucket C: 7 days x 24 hours/day x 6 data points/ hour = 1,008 points.

DevOps Toolchain for Beginners // eMag Issue 23 - Feb 2015

A Whisper file with this storage configuration will have a size of 56 kB. Running it through the script will produce the following output. Note that an archive corresponds to a bucket and the seconds per point and points’ attributes match our computations above. (Code 7) Aggregations come into play when data from a high-precision bucket moves to a bucket with less precision. Let’s use Bucket A and B from our previous example. • Bucket A: 10-second resolution retained for 6 hours (higher precision). • Bucket B: 60-second resolution retained for 1 day (lower precision). We might have an application publish data points every 10 seconds. Any data points published more recently than six hours ago will be found in Bucket A. A query for data points published earlier than six hours ago will find them in Bucket B. The lower precision value is divided by the higher precision value to determine the number of data points that will need to be aggregated. • 60 seconds (Bucket B) / 10 seconds (Bucket A) = 6 data points to aggregate. Note that Whisper needs the lower precision value to be cleanly divisible by the higher precision value (i.e. the division must result in a whole number) or the aggregation might not be accurate. To aggregate the data, Whisper reads six 10-second data points from Bucket A and applies a function to them to come up with the single 60-second data point that will be stored in Bucket B. There are five options for the aggregation function: average, sum, max, min, and last. The choice of aggregation function depends on the data points you’re dealing with. Ninety-fifth percentile values, for example, should probably be aggregated with the max function. For counters, on the other hand, the sum function would be more appropriate. When aggregating data points, Whisper also handles the concept of an xFilesFactor, which represents the ratio of data points a bucket must contain to be aggregated accurately. In our previous example, Whisper determined that it needed to aggregate six 10-second data points. It’s possible, for example, that only four data points represent data while the other two are null due to networking issues, application restarts, etc. A Whisper file with an xFilesFactor of 0.5 will only aggregate data points if at least 50% of the data points are present. If more than 50% of the data points are null, Whisper will create a null aggregation. In the previous paragraph, we have four out of six data points: 66%. With an xFilesFactor of 0.5, the aggregation function will be applied to the non-null data points to create the aggregated value.

You may set the xFilesFactor to any value between 0 and 1. A value of 0 indicates that the aggregation should be computed even if there is only one data point. A value of 1 indicates that the aggregation should be computed only if all data points are present. The configuration files that control how Whisper files are created are: • •

/opt/graphite/conf/storage-schemas. conf /opt/graphite/conf/storageaggregation.conf

Default storage schemas and aggregation The storage-schemas configuration file is composed of multiple entries containing a pattern against which to match metric names and a retention definition. By default, there are two entries: carbon and everything else. The carbon entry matches metric names that start with the “carbon” string. Carbon daemons emit their own internal metrics every 60 seconds by default (we can change the interval). For example, a carboncache process will emit a metric for the number of metric files it creates every minute. The retention definition indicates that data points reported every 60 seconds would be retained for 90 days. 001 [carbon] 002 pattern = ^carbon\. 003 retentions = 60s:90d

The “everything else” entry captures any metric that is not carbon-related by specifying a pattern with an asterisk. The retention definition indicates that data points reported every 60 seconds will be retained for one day. 001 [default_1min_for_1day] 002 pattern = .* 003 retentions = 60s:1d The storage-aggregation configuration file is also composed of multiple entries, which contain: • a pattern against which to match metric names; • a value for xFilesFactor; • an aggregation function. By default, there are four entries: • Metrics ending in .min: -- Use the min aggregation function. -- At least 10% of data points should be present to aggregate. • Metrics ending in .max: -- Use the max aggregation function. -- At least 10% of data points should be present to aggregate. • Metrics ending in .count: -- Use the sum aggregation function.

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Aggregate if there is at least one data point. • Any other metrics: -- Use the average aggregation function. -- At least 50% of data points should be present to aggregate. 001 002 003 004 005 006 007 008 009 010 011 012 013 014 015 016 017 018 019

[min] pattern = \.min$ xFilesFactor = 0.1 aggregationMethod = min [max] pattern = \.max$ xFilesFactor = 0.1 aggregationMethod = max [sum] pattern = \.count$ xFilesFactor = 0 aggregationMethod = sum [default_average] pattern = .* xFilesFactor = 0.5 aggregationMethod = average

The default storage schemas and storage aggregations work well for testing, but for real production metrics you might want to modify the configuration files.

Modify storage schemas and aggregation

001 [production_staging] 002 pattern = ^(PRODUCTION|STAGING).* 003 retentions = 10s:3d,1min:180d,10min:180d

Metrics that are not carbon, production, or staging metrics are probably just test metrics. We’ll keep those for only one day and assume that they will be published every minute. 001 [default_1min_for_1day] 002 pattern = .* 003 retentions = 60s:1d

We’ll keep the default storage aggregation entries but add a couple more for metrics ending in ratio, m1_rate, and p95. Note that any new entries should be added before the default entry. 001 002 003 004 005 006 007 008 009 010 011 012 013 014

[ratio] pattern = \.ratio$ xFilesFactor = 0.1 aggregationMethod = average [m1_rate] pattern = \.m1_rate$ xFilesFactor = 0.1 aggregationMethod = sum [p95] pattern = \.p95$ xFilesFactor = 0.1 aggregationMethod = max

First, let’s modify the carbon entry. We’d like to keep the metrics reported by Carbon every 60 seconds for 180 days (six months). After 180 days, I’d like to roll the metrics to a precision of 10 minutes and keep those for another 180 days.

At this point, we have configured our Graphite back end to match the data-point publishing rates of our application and fully understand how the data points are stored in the file system. In the next section, we’ll attempt to visualize the data.

001 [carbon] 002 pattern = ^carbon\. 003 retentions = 1min:180d,10min:180d

The Graphite webapp

At Squarespace, I use the Dropwizard framework to build RESTful Web services. I have many of these services running in staging and production environments and they all use Dropwizard’s Metrics library to publish application and business metrics every 10 seconds. Here, we’d like to keep the 10-second data for three days. After three days, the data should be aggregated to one-minute data and kept for 180 days (six months). Finally, after six months, the data should be aggregated to 10-minute data and kept for 180 days. Note that if our metrics library published data points at a different rate, our retention definition would need to change to match it.


Now that we have the back-end components up and running and storing numeric time-series data in the formats that we have specified, it’s time to take a look at the front-end components of Graphite. Specifically, we need a way to query and visualize the information that is stored. The Graphite web application is a Django application that runs under Apache/mod_wsgi, according to the GitHub readme file. In general, it provides: • a URL-based API endpoint to retrieve raw data and generate graphs; • a user interface to navigate metrics and build and save dashboards. The installation of graphite-web is a maze. I have installed it multiple times - in RHEL, CentOS, Ubuntu, and Mac OS X - and every time the steps have been different. Treat it as a game, enjoy it, and you’ll know

DevOps Toolchain for Beginners // eMag Issue 23 - Feb 2015

that you’ve found the way through the maze when all the required dependencies have been installed. Here are installation instructions for RHEL 6.5: 001 # cd /tmp 002 # git clone 003 # cd /tmp/graphite-web 004 # python 005 [REQUIRED] Unable to import the ‘django’ module, do you have Django installed for python 2.6.6? 006 [REQUIRED] Unable to import the ‘pyparsing’ module, do you have pyparsing module installed for python 2.6.6? 007 [REQUIRED] Unable to import the ‘tagging’ module, do you have django-tagging installed for python 2.6.6? 008 [OPTIONAL] Unable to import the ‘memcache’ module, do you have python-memcached installed for python 2.6.6? This feature is not required but greatly improves performance. 009 [OPTIONAL] Unable to import the ‘txamqp’ module, this is required if you want to use AMQP as an input to Carbon. Note that txamqp requires python 2.5 or greater. 010 [OPTIONAL] Unable to import the ‘pythonrrdtool’ module, this is required for reading RRD. 011 3 optional dependencies not met. Please consider the optional items before proceeding. 012 3 necessary dependencies not met. Graphite will not function until these dependencies are fulfilled.

The goal is to install at least all of the required dependencies. You should install the optional dependencies if you’re planning on using the AMQ functionality or the caching functionality using Memcache. 001 002 003 004 005 006 007 008 009 010 011

# sudo yum install cairo-devel # sudo yum install pycairo-devel # sudo pip install django # sudo pip install pyparsing # sudo pip install django-tagging # sudo pip install python-memcached # sudo pip install txamqp # sudo pip install pytz # cd /tmp/graphite-web # python [OPTIONAL] Unable to import the ‘pythonrrdtool’ module, this is required for reading RRD. 012 1 optional dependencies not met. Please consider the optional items before proceeding. 013 All necessary dependencies are met.

We’ve installed enough packages to meet the required dependencies. We can now install graphiteweb. 001 002 003 004 005

# cd /tmp/graphite-web # sudo python install # ls -l /opt/graphite/webapp/ total 12 drwxr-xr-x. 6 root root 4096 May 23 14:33 content 006 drwxr-xr-x. 15 root root 4096 May 23 14:33 graphite 007 -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 280 May 23 14:33 graphite_web-0.10.0_alphapy2.6.egg-info

The setup script moves the graphite-web application files to the proper location under /opt/graphite/ webapp.

Initialize the database The graphite-web application maintains an internal database in which it stores user information and dashboards. Initialize the database by running the following: 001 # cd /opt/graphite 002 # export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:`pwd`/ webapp 003 # syncdb --settings=graphite.settings 004 You just installed Django’s auth system, which means you don’t have any superusers defined. 005 Would you like to create one now? (yes/no): yes 006 Username (leave blank to use ‘root’): feangulo 007 Email address: [email protected] 008 Password: 009 Password (again): 010 Error: Blank passwords aren’t allowed. 011 Password: 012 Password (again): 013 Superuser created successfully. 014 Installing custom SQL ... 015 Installing indexes ... 016 Installed 0 object(s) from 0 fixture(s)

The following creates a new database and stores it in the /opt/graphite/storage directory: 001 # ls -l /opt/graphite/storage/ graphite.db 002 -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 74752 May 23 14:46 /opt/graphite/storage/ graphite.db

DevOps Toolchain for Beginners // eMag Issue 23 - Feb 2015


MONITORING WITH GRAPHITE Graphite webapp settings The configuration file containing the graphitewebapp settings is located in the /opt/graphite/ webapp/graphite folder. Let’s copy the sample configuration file. 001 # cd /opt/graphite/webapp/graphite 002 # cp local_ Now let’s make some customizations to our settings: 001 # vi /opt/graphite/webapp/graphite/ 002 ######################### 003 # General Configuration # 004 ######################### 005 TIME_ZONE = ‘UTC’ 006 ########################## 007 # Database Configuration # 008 ########################## 009 DATABASES = { 010 ‘default’: { 011 ‘NAME’: ‘/opt/graphite/ storage/graphite.db’, 012 ‘ENGINE’: ‘django. db.backends.sqlite3’, 013 ‘USER’: ‘‘, 014 ‘PASSWORD’: ‘‘, 015 ‘HOST’: ‘‘, 016 ‘PORT’: ‘‘ 017 } 018 } By following previous instructions, you should only have one carbon-cache process running on port 2003 with a query port on 7002. These are the defaults expected by the graphite-webapp so you have no other changes to make to the configuration file. 001 # ps -efla | grep carbon-cache 002 1 S root 14101 1 0 80 0 75955 ep_pol May20 ? 00:00:26 /usr/bin/python ./ start 003 # netstat -nap | grep 2003 004 tcp 0 0* LISTEN 14101/python 005 # netstat -nap | grep 7002 006 tcp 0 0* LISTEN 14101/python However, you could explicitly specify which carboncache process to read from in the settings file: 001 # vi /opt/graphite/webapp/graphite/ 002 ######################### 003 # Cluster Configuration # 004 ######################### 005 CARBONLINK_HOSTS = [“”]


This means that you have a carbon-cache process running locally, with the query port set to 7002 and the name set to “a”. If you look at the Carbon configuration file, you should see something like this: 001 002 003 004 005 006

# vi /opt/graphite/conf/carbon.conf [cache] LINE_RECEIVER_INTERFACE = LINE_RECEIVER_PORT = 2003 CACHE_QUERY_INTERFACE = CACHE_QUERY_PORT = 7002

Where did the “a” come from? That’s the default name assigned. To define more caches, you’d need to create additional named sections in the configuration file. 001 002 003 004 005


The Graphite webapp comes with dashboard and graph template defaults. Copy the sample configuration files: 001 # cd /opt/graphite/conf 002 # cp dashboard.conf.example dashboard.conf 003 # cp graphTemplates.conf.example graphTemplates.conf

Let’s modify the dashboard configuration file to have larger graph tiles. 001 # vi /opt/graphite/conf/dashboard. conf 002 [ui] 003 default_graph_width = 500 004 default_graph_height = 400 005 automatic_variants = true 006 refresh_interval = 60 007 autocomplete_delay = 375 008 merge_hover_delay = 750

And let’s modify the default graph template to have a black background and a white foreground. We’ll also choose a smaller font. 001 # vi /opt/graphite/conf/ graphTemplates.conf 002 [default] 003 background = black 004 foreground = white 005 minorLine = grey 006 majorLine = rose

DevOps Toolchain for Beginners // eMag Issue 23 - Feb 2015

Run the Web application We are finally ready to run the Web application. We’re going to run it on port 8085 but we may set the port to any value we’d like. Run the following commands: 001 # cd /opt/graphite 002 # PYTHONPATH=`pwd`/storage/whisper ./ bin/run-graphite-de 003 --port=8085 --libs=`pwd`/webapp /opt/graphite 1>/opt/graphite/storage/log/webapp/ process.log 2>&1 & 004 # tail -f /opt/graphite/storage/log/ webapp/process.log

Open a Web browser and point it to http://yourip:8085. Make sure that the Graphite webapp loads. If you’re tailing the process.log file, you should be able to see any resources that are loaded and any queries that are made from the Web application. (Image 1) In a previous section, we had published a couple of metrics to the carbon-cache using the netcat command. Specifically, we had published the following: 001 carbon.agents.graphite-tutorial. metricsReceived 002 carbon.agents.graphite-tutorial. creates 003 responseTime.p95

The Web application displays metrics as a tree. If we navigate the metric tree in the left panel, we should be able to see all of these metrics.

You may click on any metric and it will be graphed (it shows the past 24 hours by default) in the panel on the right. To change the date range to query, use the buttons in the panel above the graph. The default view is great for quickly browsing and visualizing metrics, but to build a dashboard, point your browser to http://your-ip:8085/dashboard. The top portion of the page is another way to navigate your metrics. You can either click on the options to navigate or start typing to get suggestions. If you click on a metric, the corresponding graph tile will appear in the bottom section. As you keep clicking on new metrics, additional tiles appear in the panel below thereby creating a dashboard. At times, you might want to display multiple metrics in a single graph. To do this, drag and drop

Image 1 DevOps Toolchain for Beginners // eMag Issue 23 - Feb 2015



Image 2

a tile on top of another one and the metrics will be graphed together. You may also change the position of the tiles in the layout by dragging them around. (Image 2) The user interface looks simple, but it lets you perform powerful operations on your metric data. If you click on one of the graph tiles, you get a dialogue that displays the list of metrics being graphed, which you may directly edit. You have multiple menus in the dialogue for applying functions to the data, changing aspects of the visualization, and many other operations. (Image 3) You may also configure and save your dashboard, load other dashboards, change the date range of the current dashboard, and share a dashboard, among other things, using the top-most menu. By far my favorite thing is the Dashboard -> Edit Dashboard feature. It saves me a lot of time when I need to create or modify dashboards.(Image 4) To illustrate, let’s build a dashboard to monitor the carbon-cache process. As mentioned, Carbon processes report internal metrics. I don’t like to build dashboards manually, preferring to use the Edit Dashboard feature. 52

DevOps Toolchain for Beginners // eMag Issue 23 - Feb 2015

Image 3

Image 4 Let’s build a dashboard to monitor the carbon-cache process. This dashboard will monitor all carbon-cache processes that we have running. Notice the use of the asterisk (*) in the metric name to match all values following the carbon.agents prefix. We specify the following in the Edit Dashboard window. 001 [ 002 { 003 “target”: [ 004 “aliasByNode(carbon.agents.*.metricsReceived,2)” 005 ], 006 “title”: “Carbon Caches - Metrics Received” 007 }, 008 { 009 “target”: [ 010 “aliasByNode(carbon.agents.*.creates,2)” 011 ], 012 “title”: “Carbon Caches - Create Operations” 013 }, 014 { 015 “target”: [ 016 “aliasByNode(carbon.agents.*.cpuUsage,2)” 017 ], 018 “title”: “Carbon Caches - CPU Usage” 019 }, 020 { 021 “target”: [ 022 “aliasByNode(carbon.agents.*.memUsage,2)” 023 ], 024 “title”: “Carbon Caches - Memory Usage” 025 } 026 ] DevOps Toolchain for Beginners // eMag Issue 23 - Feb 2015



Image 5

Update the dashboard definition and you should now see something like this (Image 5) Changing content in the Edit Dashboard dialogue updates the dashboard on the browser but does not save it to Graphite’s internal database of dashboards. You need to save the dashboard to share it or open it later.

To look up the dashboard, open the Finder:

On a production Graphite installation, the Graphite aches dashboard would look more like this (Image 6)

It’s all about the API Graphite has some drawbacks, like any other tool. It doesn’t scale well and its storage mechanism isn’t the most optimal - but Graphite’s API is a beauty. Having a user interface is nice, but most important is that whatever you can do through the UI, you can also accomplish via graphite-web API requests. Users are able to request custom graphs by building a simple URL. The parameters are specified in the query string 54

DevOps Toolchain for Beginners // eMag Issue 23 - Feb 2015

Image 6

of the HTTP GET request. By default, a PNG image is returned as the response, but the user may also indicate the required format of the response - for example, JSON data. Sample request #1 • Metric: CPU usage of all carbon-cache processes. • Graph dimensions: 500x300. • Time range: 12 hours ago to 5 minutes ago. • Response format: PNG image (default). (right) http://your-ip:8085/render?target=carbon.agen ts.*.cpuUsage&width=500&height=300&from=12h&until=-5min

• •

Sample request #2 Metric: CPU usage of all carbon-cache processes. Graph dimensions: 500x300.

• Time range: 12 hours ago to 5 minutes ago. • Response format: JSON data. (below) http://your-ip:8085/render?target=carbon.agen ts.*.cpuUsage&width=500&height=300&from=12h&until=-5min&format=json

DevOps Toolchain for Beginners // eMag Issue 23 - Feb 2015


MONITORING WITH GRAPHITE Graphite’s API supports a wide variety of display options as well as data-manipulation functions that follow a simple functional syntax. Functions can be nested, allowing for complex expressions and calculations. View the online documentation to peruse all of the available functions at http:// Let’s say you have an application that runs on hundreds of servers each of which publishes its individual p95 response times every 10 seconds. Using functions provided by the API, you could massage the metrics and build an informative graph: • averageSeries: computes the average of all the values in the set.

Lets us see the mean p95 latency. scale: multiplies a value by a constant. -- Latencies are reported in milliseconds, but we want to display them in seconds. • alias: changes the name of the metric when displaying. -- Instead of the metric’s full name, we want only “avg p95” in the graph legend. The argument passed as part of the metric query to the API would be: alias(scale(averageSeries(PRODUCTION. host.*.requests.p95),0.001),’avg p95’) The API would return the following graph:

Congratulations! You have installed and configured Carbon, Whisper and the Graphite webapp. You’ve published metrics, navigated metrics, and built a dashboard. You can now build your own awesome dashboards for your business and application metrics.

This was an introductory article on Graphite. For advanced topics see: • Stress Testing Carbon Caches • Carbon Aggregators • Graphite Querying Statistics on an ELK Stack



DevOps Toolchain for Beginners // eMag Issue 23 - Feb 2015



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