Devil May Cry 4 Script

November 7, 2016 | Author: lucylioy | Category: N/A
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This is the script for the famous devil may cry 4 game.i enjoyed playing the game and i recommend it to everyone!!...


DEVIL MAY CRY 4 - GAME SCRIPT Developer: Capcom Platform: PS3/XBOX360 Written by: Lunadea Contact at: drakulya[at]gmail[dot]com >> I've included keywords/numbers for each section, which you can use the Ctrl+F function to find as you require. I.e. if you want the Characters section, type CHRC into the find box. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Introduction...................................[INTD] Copyright Information..........................[CPYR] Version History................................[VRSN] Characters.....................................[CHRC] Game Script....................................[GMSC] Credits........................................[CRDT]

>> Hello there everyone. It's me, Lunadea! Yay. Anyway, I recently got to enjoy the latest installment in the DMC4 series, and liked it. However, due to my laziness I decided against a full walkthrough and went with something different - a game script. So, enjoy all these witty one-liners that I've grown to love. ~Lunadea >> The websites that may currently host this walkthrough are: - The latest version of this walkthrough can always been found on GameFAQs. This walkthrough/FAQ may not be distributed in any form without permission from me (except for personal use), and cannot be used for commercial purposes. If you wish to use any portion of this FAQ on your site, you must contact me and gain my written consent first. In simpler terms - don't steal my walkthrough! *Sharpens kitchen knife* >> 01/14/2008 - 0.1 - Started walkthrough. 03/21/2008 - 0.6 - Completed up to Mission 12, and completed all other sections except Credits. 03/25/2008 - 1.0 - Completed all script, sent in to GameFAQs. >> -----NERO -----The main character of the game. He's cocky, confident and basically a younger version of Dante, except more dirty-mouthed. He's in love with Kyrie, who took him in as an orphan when he was a child, and is willing to risk everything to stay by her side. His right arm was infected by something unknown a few days before the events of the game and now has Sparda's powers. ------DANTE ------The other main character of the game - veteran DMC players should know him very well from the previous titles. He is older here, and more mature than he was in the earlier games. In the beginning he appears to be the villain, but it is soon revealed that he is on the same side as Nero. ------KYRIE ------Nero's foster sister and love interest who returns his feelings. She is Credo's younger sister, and a singer at the church he works for. During the events of the game, she unwittingly becomes involved and is kidnapped as a lure for Nero. CREDO ------The captain of the Holy Knights, and Kyrie's elder brother. He initially worked with Sanctus in order to achieve his vision of a perfect world, and gained a demon form. Later on, when Kyrie is kidnapped, he changes sides in order to save her and Nero. He has a demonic form that resembles an armored angel. ------AGNUS ------Another subordinate of Sanctus's. He is a scientist who opened the Hellgates in order to bring in demons and use their souls in his experiments. He was the one who first found Yamato, Vergil's katana, but could not succeed in releasing its powers until Nero came along. He also has a demon form, which resembles a large flying bug.

--------SANCTUS --------The leader of the Holy Order, and a seemingly frail old man. Although he was apparently killed by Dante, he was seen shortly after being reborn through demonic powers. His goal is to cleanse the world of chaos; however, he is blinded by power and ends up activating a huge humanoid colossus called the Savior. He later attempted to gain Sparda's power for himself with the Force Edge whilst inside the Savior. -------------GLORIA/TRISH -------------Trish is also a character from previous DMC games. She disguises herself as Gloria in order to infiltrate the Order and gain Sanctus's trust. Eventually she reveals herself as Trish and works together with Dante to rescue Nero and Kyrie, and to bring down Sanctus. She was the one who gave the Force Edge to Sanctus in order to gain his trust when she entered the Organization. -----LADY -----Another seen-before character. She is no longer the rash, hotheaded teenager from DMC3, but has taken a more cleavage-exposing and feminine approach to her outfit and her life. She is the one who asked Dante to help her out with the situation in the town of Fortuna, and it appears that she continues to work with him from time to time. >> ---------------[[[ PROLOGUE ]]]-------------------------------------------------------------00 --------------- ----------------------------------------[[[ MISSION ONE :: BIRDS OF A FEATHER ]]]------------------------------------01 ----------------------------------------SANCTUS: 2,000 years ago... the Dark Knight Sparda, turned against his demon bretheren and took up his sword for the sake of mankind. Though despite his brave efforts in our names, I fear some have forgotten the truth of that great sacrifice. If the events of that terrible time

were to reoccur, the fusing of both the demonic and human realms, we, weak humans, would have no means by which to oppose our submission. SANCTUS: And so I ask you to unite! And pray that even if such a dark time of chaos were to revisit us, our gracious Savior would shelter us from the storm. Let us pray! KYRIE: Nero... What's wrong? NERO: I'm outta here. KYRIE: But it's not over yet. NERO: All this preaching's putting me to sleep. ???: Your Holiness! ???: No! KYRIE: Credo! NERO: Kyrie! KYRIE: Nero! NERO: Kyrie! Go with your brother and get outta here! CREDO: I will return with help! You stall him until then! NERO: I won't hold my breath. NERO: You got a jacked-up notion of fair play pal, and it's beginning to piss

me off. NERO: I guess this doesn't quite cut it. NERO: What's the point of packin' a sword like that if you aren't even gonna use it? NERO: Hate to interrupt, but I wanna wrap this show up before the cavalry arrives! DANTE: So, you're looking to play, huh? Alright, I guess I got some time to kill... NERO: Tough guy, huh? Well... I think I'll have to take you down a couple notches. DANTE: Whatever you say, kid. NERO: Is this him?

CREDO: I... I'm not sure. NERO: Credo, take care of Kyrie. I got this! CREDO: We must evacuate the residents back to Headquarters. Report back as soon as you can, and be careful. NERO: I got it already! CREDO: Kyrie, run! Go with the others! NERO: Go! Get outta here! KYRIE: Nero! NERO: Not so fast... NERO: This baby sure can pack a punch. NERO: What is this? NERO: Empty... A demon; it possessed the Order's armor... That's not a good sign. -----------------------------------[[[ MISSION FOUR :: COLD BLOODED ]]]-----------------------------------------04 ----------------------------------- NERO: This blizzard must be these demons. NERO: So this is what you really look like... BAEL: You're stronger than you look, with a smart-ass mouth to match. NERO: Cut me some slack. I'm just not big on toads. BAEL: Fooool! You think I care what you say?! NERO: If we don't finish this quickly, it's gonna scar me for life.

BAEL: I will crush you! BAEL: You think... you've... beaten me?! Never! You piece... of... NERO: That's exactly what I think. BAEL: My brothers... will come! They- NERO: C'mon, that's just nasty. Wait... did he say 'brothers'? NERO: Oh that's fair! Now I've got to fight a whole herd of these things? NERO: Sorry pal, we're closed! --------------------------------[[[ MISSION FIVE :: TRISAGION ]]]--------------------------------------------05 -------------------------------- CREDO: You have awakened. SANCTUS: Credo. CREDO: My men are currently in pursuit of Dante. It is only a matter of time before his location is revealed. SANCTUS: He came to us... It was fortunate I was able to participate in the 'ascension ceremony'. ???: His Holiness...! You look magnificent! ???: You sent that cocky kid Nero to find Dante? CREDO: You question my command? ???: Yes! What shall before me s-s-s-s-should he stumble upon my research facility? CREDO: Our priority is to capture Dante. ???: Why you t-t-t...

SANCTUS: Credo. CREDO: Yes, Your Holiness. SANCTUS: Gather everyone. I must ease their minds on this matter. CREDO: Of course. ----------------------------------[[[ MISSION SIX :: RESURRECTION ]]]------------------------------------------06 ---------------------------------- ???: So, you've come just as I'd expected. NERO: Who the hell are you? ???: I am Agnus. Working in secrecy, very few are p-p-p-privy to my existence. NERO: Funny, to figure an Order official out for a stroll in a hellhole kinda place like this... AGNUS: 'Hellhole'!? Watch your words! Just as fouled mouthed as I had heard... the rumors prove true. As will the new ones concerning your d-d-d-demise! NERO: Don't you think that's a little harsh? Killing me because of the way I t-t-t-t-talk? NERO: Great. More demons. AGNUS: This, this is all Credo's doing. AGNUS: It was Credo who ordered you to follow Dante... It was Credo who brought you here! NERO: Dante...? You mean the man that killed His Holiness? What the hell is going on here!? AGNUS: I don't have to answer to you. For you are already as good as d-d-d-d-dead. NERO: I beg to differ. AGNUS: Tha-tha-tha-that's demonic power! How can it be...? NERO: Look who's talking, jackass. Answer my question, what the hell is going on here?

AGNUS: See what just a small fraction of my research has yielded? Look! How beautiful this white armor stands! You have no idea the hardship to make just one armor come to life. I had to capture and control countless demons to harness their souls. Summoning them alone was almost an insurmountable task! NERO: Summoning...? So it was you... who made the gate!? AGNUS: Yes, yes, the Hellgate! I created it merely as a reference in substitution for the real Gate, but after utilizing an extremely powerful Devil's Arm, it proved sufficient... NERO: What the hell are you talking about? AGNUS: You should rest. AGNUS: Soon you shall be my next subject of experimentation, so that I can learn a little something from you... and that arm. NERO: Never...! AGNUS: How... Not even I could succeed in restoring it...! NERO: From that day forth... my arm changed... and a voice echoed... "Power..." "Give me more power!" AGNUS: What...? NERO: And if I become a demon, so be it. I will endure the exile. Anything to protect her. AGNUS: This is preposterous! Preposterous! NERO: Credo! SANCTUS: You have betrayed us. Why? CREDO: I served the dream of a world you spoke of, the Savior you preached of... But you used my sister, Kyrie, who has nothing to do with this, and that is beyond forgiveness. SANCTUS: Love...? For a sibling? How foolish. SANCTUS: All that is needed is absolute power! SANCTUS: Oh, it's you... Gloria. Unfortunately you did not anticipate a descendant of Sparda's blood, and because of this boy, you have been outwitted! And the Savior will be completed! DANTE: I don't know, I'd wager that kid's still got some life in him. DANTE: Hey, kid! You giving up so soon? NERO: My options... are limited... DANTE: So melodramatic. Besides, if you die without giving my sword back, I'm gonna be pissed! NERO: Then come and get it. DANTE: What a punk... ----------------------------------------[[[ MISSION TWELVE :: A NEW BEGINNING ]]]------------------------------------12 ---------------------------------------- NERO: Kyrie. I failed to save you. NERO: Kyrie... KYRIE: Nero... Thank you. NERO: Kyrie! Kyrie! I swear it! I swear I'm going to get us out of here! Together! Kyrie! KYRIE! DANTE: Check it out! It's got wings! TRISH: The design shows terrible taste. DANTE: Hey, where's that thing going? It's not complete yet is it? CREDO: It is in his heart to save the world from chaos... He will begin by driving it out. TRISH: Now he has what he needs... Yamato. CREDO: Sparda used it to seal the Hell Gate from the demon world, the sword is the key to opening the Hell Gate. The real Hell Gate... that lies dormant beneath this city... DANTE: The sword that separates the human world from the demon world... CREDO: I think you, the son of the Dark Knight Sparda, are the only one who can stop the Savior now. Dante... TRISH: Looks like you've got a rep to live up to. DANTE: Looks that way. CREDO: Please... honor my one last request... Save them... Kyrie... and... Nero... DANTE: I'll do it. I wouldn't want to deny anyone their dying request. TRISH: I'll sweep the city and evacuate the people. DANTE: Hey! Is this your way of ditching and dumping this mess onTRIST: You wanna switch? DANTE: It's cool. Let's stick to the plan. ---------------------------------------------

[[[ MISSION THIRTEEN :: THE DEVIL RETURNS ]]]--------------------------------13 -------------------------------------------- AGNUS: Lend me your ears and fangs. AGNUS: Destroy this world so that the true utopia can be born!!! AGNUS: Judgment day has arrived! SANCTUS: Do not fear! Our Savior has come for us, to deliver us salvation! We must repent and rejoice for the world has not yet come to an end! DANTE: That's a solid performance for an old fart like you. DANTE: The Order of the Sword, huh? LADY: Yes. Are you familiar with them? DANTE: Sorry, religion and I don't mix. LADY: It's a small congregation that gathers in the castle town of Fortuna. I guess the only people who would have heard of it are the ones who take interest in this type of thing. DANTE: Like you? LADY: Exactly. So just how much do you know about Sparda? DANTE: Well, from what I can figure there's a lot of confusion surrounding him. LADY: The story goes that Sparda served as the feudal lord of the city long ago. The people who live there today take these legends as truth and worship him... Just like a god. DANTE: They worship a demon as a god?

LADY: Peaceful worship can't be condemned, but the real problem is the Order. Lately they've been running amok, catching demons and have even butted in on some of my jobs. DANTE: Maybe they're starting a zoo. LADY: Not just demons. They've also been targeting Devil Arms, like the ones you have. DANTE: OK then, a museum. So what? LADY: Well what if their intentions are foul and there's a diabolical plan behind these apparently random acts? DANTE: Well then I'd have something to keep me occupied and- Trish! DANTE: Things always gotta be complicated... ECHIDNA: What in the- Ow! Who the hell are you? DANTE: Glad I got your attention. I was beginning to feel a little ignored. ECHIDNA: You may jest, but the kindest fate I offer is to unify and spend eternity with a child of mine! DANTE: As appealing as that sounds, I think I'll pass. Though a fight every now and again does make life more interesting. Don't ya think? ECHIDNA: My forest...! My children...! DANTE: I think that look suits you better. DANTE: One down... DANTE: ... two to go.

-----------------------------------------[[[ MISSION FOURTEEN :: FOREST OF RUIN ]]]-----------------------------------14 -----------------------------------------(None - need to confirm.) ----------------------------------------[[[ MISSION FIFTEEN :: FORTUNA CASTLE ]]]------------------------------------15 ---------------------------------------- DANTE: Baby! Yeah! Alright! Nice! Sweet! DAGON: What...? How did you know!? DANTE: You can hide that body, but that smell... Hoo! There's no covering up! DAGON: Insult me one more time and I will make you suffer more than you thought possible. DANTE: I'd actually like to see you try that! DAGON: Don't think this is the end... there are more of us. DANTE: He wasn't kidding... It's like an All-You-Can-Eat buffet. DANTE: .. then you gotta take it out from the inside. SANCTUS: No...! What have you done!? DANTE: Time to wake up kid, you're missing out on all the fun. Nero! DANTE: It's up to you from here, kid! An opportunity to save the world doesn't happen every day you know! Savor it. NERO: This I will savor... Let's clean up this mess! ----------------------------------------[[[ MISSION NINETEEN :: THE SUCCESSOR ]]]------------------------------------19 ----------------------------------------DANTE: Do what you gotta do kid, 'cause I'm about to send this guy on a one way trip to Hell! NERO: Don't worry. NERO: I'm gonna get this done! DANTE: Good luck, kid! NERO: Talk about shaking things up in here...! DANTE: Hey, kid! You should see what I'm going through! NERO: Guess we're in the same boat then.

--------------------------------------[[[ MISSION TWENTY :: LA VITA NVOVA ]]]--------------------------------------20 -------------------------------------- SANCTUS: We had originally intended Dante to form the Savior's core. Perhaps it would have been wise to adhere to that choice. NERO: Too late for regrets. Now release Kyrie! SANCTUS: Why oppose the Order? I knew your faith was weak, but I always thought you served our wishes. NERO: Bad enough you lying about all this and trying to kill me... But what really pissed me off was using Kyrie. SANCTUS: What is that? Love? NERO: Look it up. DANTE: Come on, kid! It's time to finish this! NERO: Wrapping things up on my end. SANCTUS: Don't be too sure, boy! SANCTUS: Although flawed, the power of the Savior is beyond that of which you can defeat. SANCTUS: The power of Sparda... Why won't you give me strength!? Am I not worthy!? NERO: Never could take those legends too literally. But I do know that Sparda had a heart. A heart that could love another person, a human. And that is what you lack. DANTE: This guy just doesn't let it go! NERO: This is where it started and this is where it will end... by my hand. DANTE: Alright then... >

Many thanks to: -

Anyone who is reading this! Thank you for taking the time to take a look. Capcom, for making this brilliant game. GameFAQs for hosting.
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