Development of Solar Cooling Load Factors for Fenestration in Thailand

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Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, Vol. 28, No. 4, pp. 579-588 (2005)



Somsak Chaiyapinunt*, Khemmachart Mangkornsaksit, and Boonyarit Phueakphongsuriya

ABSTRACT This article describes the development of solar cooling load factors (SCL) for calculating cooling load from the fenestration part of the building envelopes in Thailand using Bangkok weather data. The Bangkok weather data are selected from 12 years of data collected by the meteorological department. Two sets of weather data are chosen based on dry bulb temperature of 0.4% annual cumulative frequency of occurrence and based on dry bulb temperature of 0.4% hourly cumulative frequency of occurrence and solar radiation obtained from the ASHRAE mathematical model. The building parameters that have effects on the room thermal response are studied. 288 different room types were checked. The values of amplitude and delay based on solar weighting factors are analyzed. Then, rooms with similar thermal response are grouped together and represented by a single point for the group. Each group is defined as a single zone type. Four different zone types are established. For each set of weather data, the values of solar cooling load factors for each zone type are developed. Key Words: solar cooling load, fenestration, building, Thailand.

I. INTRODUCTION Large office and commercial buildings in Thailand usually have a large number of glass windows installed as parts of the building envelopes. The glass windows are installed to serve as physical and visual connection to the outside, as well as to make buildings look more aesthetic. And since Thailand is a country where the weather is hot and humid most of the year, the glass windows installed in buildings in Thailand also act as a means to admit solar radiation into buildings and convert it into building cooling load. Such buildings which are air conditioned will usually consume more air conditioning energy to take care of the cooling load due to the large amount of solar radiation passing through glass windows. To be able to predict an accurate cooling load for a building, especially the solar load part, for sizing cooling equipment, would help designers to achieve more efficient air conditioning systems in terms of energy usage and thermal comfort. Building cooling *Corresponding author. (Tel: 662-2186610; Fax: 662-2522889; Email: [email protected]) The authors are with the Mechanical Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok 10330, Thailand.

load is dependent on local weather data, thermal characteristics of material used for building envelope, and building usage. In order to accurately calculate the building cooling load, it usually requires a large and complex energy simulation computer program such as DOE 2.1E which uses the transfer function method to calculate the cooling load. Though DOE 2.1E is quite a powerful and accurate simulation program, it requires local annual weather data (8760 hours) and requires a complex and lengthy data input. Therefore, DOE 2.1E is not terribly popular with most designers, who prefer a more compact and easier to use tool for calculating cooling load. The cooling load temperature differences, solar cooling load factors, and internal cooling load factors (CLTD/SCL/CLF) method is a simplified transfer function method (TFM) that was first presented in ASHARE (1977). This method makes hand calculation of cooling load possible by making use of the developed CLTD, SCL and CLF values. For the cooling load caused by solar radiation passing through the fenestration of the building envelope, ASHRAE (1997a) has developed SCL values based on solar radiation variation typical of 40° N latitude on July 21, with certain outside and inside air temperature conditions, to calculate for that cooling load. The accuracy of the values of solar


Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, Vol. 28, No. 4 (2005)

cooling load factors (SCL) given by ASHRAE (1997a) could be in question when the location of building is not at 40°N (especially below 24°N). The purpose of this article is to describe the development of solar cooling load factors for fenestration used in building envelopes in Thailand using Bangkok (latitude 13.7°N) weather data. The developed solar cooling load factors shall be used to calculate the building cooling load due to solar heat gain through fenestration. With these SCL values that are specifically developed from local weather data, the cooling load of buildings with fenestration in Thailand can be easily manually performed with more accuracy. II. COOLING LOAD DUE TO HEAT GAIN THROUGH FENESTRATION The cooling load for a building results from four sources: conductive heat gain through surfaces such as windows, walls, and roofs; solar heat gain through fenestration; internal heat gain from lights, people, and equipment; and heat gain from infiltration. Fenestration usually means any aperture in a building envelope. Fenestration components include glazing material, either glass or plastic, external shading devices, and/or internal shading devices. The transfer function method (TFM), proposed by Mitalas (1972) used for calculating the cooling load, uses a two step procedure. First TFM establishes the heat gain from all sources by applying a series of weighting factors to calculate the heat gain and then converting such heat gain to cooling load by a second series of weighting factors or so called coefficients of room transfer function. The CLTD/SCL/CLF method is a simplified TFM for direct one step calculation of cooling load. Using this method to calculate cooling load from fenestration, the heat gain is divided into radiant and conductive loads. The cooling load due to conduction is expressed as Q cond = UA (CLTD)


where U

= overall heat transfer coefficient for surface, W/m 2 - °C A = area of surface, m 2 CLTD = cooling load temperature difference, °C The cooling load due to solar radiation transmitted through and absorbed by the fenestration is determined by Q rad = A(SC) SCL where A SC SCL

= area of fenestration, m 2 = shading coefficient = solar cooling load factor, W/m 2


The total cooling load from fenestration is then the sum of the conductive and radiant components Qcond and Q rad. The solar cooling load factor (SCL) for a particular room is dependent on weather data, orientation of fenestration surface to the sun, and internal room parameters. III. WEATHER DATA 1. Weather Data Based on 0.4% Annual Cumulative Frequency of Occurrence The weather data for a day used for calculating SCL values are selected from 12 years (1988 – 1999) of Bangkok weather data collected by the meteorological department. The selection is done based on considering the most influential parameters on the cooling load which are solar radiation and dry bulb temperature. The selected 0.4% annual cumulative frequency of occurrence for dry bulb temperature and global radiation as suggested by ASHRAE (1997b) are chosen. The values of ambient dry bulb temperature and solar global radiation corresponding to 0.4 annual percentiles represent the value that is exceeded on average by 0.4% of the total number of hours in a year (8760). The 0.4% value of dry bulb temperature is the value at the 35th hour ((0.4/100) × 8760) of the annual data. The average value of dry bulb temperature at 0.4% annual cumulative frequency of occurrence of 12 years data is 36°C with the average mean daily range of 7.72°C. Then the values of design hourly dry bulb temperature in a day are obtained by the following relationship as T o = T d – DrX


hourly dry bulb temperature, °C maximum dry bulb temperature, °C mean daily range (7.72 °C) percentile of daily variation of dry bulb temperature Then the mean coincident of solar radiation and related weather data are obtained. The 24 hour dry bulb temperature with its coincident weather data are arranged as weather data for a design day. The second set of weather data shall be selected based on the solar global radiation. The solar global radiation data are only collected in day time with 15 hours in a day (5475 hours in a year). The 0.4% annual cumulative frequency of occurrence for global radiation shall be the values at the 22nd hour ((0.4/ 100) × 5475). The average values of 0.4% annual cumulative frequency of occurrence for global radiation of 12 years data was 1021 watt per square meter. Then the average values of the global radiation and its coincident dry bulb temperature and other related

where T o = Td = Dr = X =


S. Chaiyapinunt et al.: SCL for Fenestration in Thailand

Global radiation Direct normal radiation Diffuse radiation Dry bulb temperature


50 40




Degree C

60 800

20 200 0

10 0





70 60


weather data in the rest of the day are obtained from the data on the selected day. In order to use DOE 2.1E to accurately calculate building cooling load, the weather data input have to be in the Typical Meteorological Year (TMY) format. This format requires the solar radiation data input in 3 components: global, direct normal, and diffuse radiation components. The diffuse and direct normal radiation components can be obtained by using the mathematical model suggested by Chaiyapinunt and Mangkornsaksit (2000) applied to the measured global radiation. The cooling loads of the selected building calculated by DOE 2.1E, using two weather data sets, are compared. The one which gives a greater value of cooling load will be chosen. Therefore the weather data selected based on dry bulb temperature of 0.4% annual cumulative frequency of occurrence and its coincident weather data are chosen as relevant weather data. The dry bulb temperature, global, direct normal, and diffuse radiation of the chosen weather data are shown in Fig. 1. 2. Weather Data Based on 0.4% Hourly Cumulative Frequency of Occurrence There is another method to find weather data used for calculating cooling load to ensure predicting a maximum building cooling load in a year. The method is adopted from the so called TAC method (Technical Advisory Committee of ASHVE, a former organization of ASHRAE) as suggested by Takeda (1990/1991) using cumulative frequency of hourly data over several years. In this study, the method is modified by

40 30


20 200 0

0 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24

Weather data based on dry bulb temperature of 0.4% annual cumulative frequency of occurrence and its coincident solar radiation data. (First set of weather data)



10 0





0 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 Hour


Fig. 1



Solar radiation (W/m2)


Solar radiation (W/m2)



Degree C


Global radiation Direct normal radiation Diffuse radiation Dry bulb temperature

Fig. 2

Weather data based on dry bulb temperature of 0.4% hourly cumulative frequency of occurrence and solar radiation from ASHRAE mathematical model. (Second set of weather data)

selecting the data based on 0.4% hourly cumulative frequency of occurrence for the whole 12 years data. The selection is done by rearranging the measured data (dry bulb temperature, global radiation) at each hour in a day (i.e., say at 11 o’clock) for the whole 12 years from maximum value to minimum value and choosing value at 0.4% from the maximum value. One will get a set of 24 hour dry bulb temperatures and a set of 24 hour global radiation readings. Then, the coincident weather data for each set of chosen data are selected. It turned out that with this kind of selecting method the distribution of coincident weather data with chosen data has an irregular pattern, especially the dry bulb temperature values, which are coincident with the selected global radiation values. Therefore, in this study, the 24 hours selected dry bulb temperatures based on 0.4% hourly cumulative frequency of occurrence are chosen as relevant weather data. To eliminate the problem of poor coincident weather data, the coincident solar data are obtained from the ASHRAE mathematical model of a clear day condition based on April 21 (April is the hottest month in Thailand). The maximum dry bulb temperature in the considered weather data is 37.2°C. The selected weather data, dry bulb temperature, global, direct normal, and diffuse radiation, are shown in Fig. 2. IV. PARAMETRIC STUDY ON COOLING LOAD DUE TO SOLAR RADIATION THROUGH FENESTRATION In this study, we will emphasize only the cooling load due to solar radiation transmitted through


Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, Vol. 28, No. 4 (2005)

Table 1 Room parametric level definitions No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13




Room geometry Room height Room location Number of exterior walls Exterior wall construction Percentage of glass on the exterior wall Partition type

1 1 2 1 7 2 2

Interior shade compared to glass area Floor type Floor covering Roof type Ceiling type Furniture

3 3 2 3 2 2

4.57 × 4.57 m 3m mid floor, top floor 1 exterior wall 7 exterior wall types 50%, 90% concrete block with cement plaster, gypsum board with 100 mm air gap 0% 50% 100% 75 mm, 125 mm, 200 mm concrete carpet with rubber pad, vinyl tile 3 roof types 10 mm gypsum board, w/o ceiling with, without

and absorbed by fenestration. A 3 mm. clear glass is chosen to represent the fenestration in this study. The concept of calculating cooling load by using SCL values is to simplify the TFM method into a product of SCL values and a product of A and SC as shown in Eq. (2). The cooling load due to solar radiation calculated using the TFM method is based on its weighting factors suggested by Kerrisk (1981) to convert the solar heat gain to cooling load for each type of room construction, geometry, and decoration. Therefore, the study of the cooling load for different room construction, geometry, and decoration can be also done by studying the variations of its weighting factors. 13 parameters describing room construction, geometry, and decoration are analyzed in order to assess their effect on room thermal response when compared to other parameters as suggested by Sowell (1985b). They are room geometry, room height, room location, number of exterior walls, exterior wall construction, percentage of glass on the exterior wall, partition type, degree of interior shading, mid-floor type, floor covering, roof type, ceiling type, and furniture. These parameters and variations in each one are shown in Table 1. The number of variations on each parameter is listed under the heading of “Level” in Table 1. These parameters are varied systematically so that all possible combinations of these parameters are studied. It was found from Sowell (1984) under ASHRAE project 359-RP and Sowell (1988a) that the exterior wall construction, percentage of glass on the exterior wall, and roof type have small effect on room thermal response when compared to other parameters. These parameters are dropped out from the parametric study. The building envelope chosen for this study is shown in Table 2. The combination of the rest of the parameters and

their variation give a total 288 different room conditions. The next thing is to minimize the number of room conditions by grouping the room conditions that have similar thermal responses together. The room thermal response can be studied by using the pair of numbers that represent amplitude and time delay of the cooling load for a sinusoidal heat gain of 1 unit amplitude in a 24-hour period. (as suggested by Sowell (1985a, 1988b) and Kerrisk (1981)). The related equations are as follows Q t = v oqt + v 1qt – 1 + v2q t – 2 – w 1Q t – 1 – w 2Q t – 2 (4) where Q t v i, w i


i qt

= cooling load at time t, W = coefficient of room transfer function or weighting factors = index = hourly heat gain at time t, W


= q max sin(π t/12)

Q/qmax = r = asin( πt/12 – φ ) where Q q q max a φ r

(5) (6)

= cooling load, W = hourly heat gain, W = maximum heat gain of magnitude 1 Watt = amplitude = phase lag (radians) = dimensionless cooling load

and now consider the two times t = 0 and t = 6 hours r 0 = –asin φ



S. Chaiyapinunt et al.: SCL for Fenestration in Thailand

Table 2 Building envelope and its properties Building envelope Wall type 1

Roof type 1 (ceiling)


Mass per unit wall area (kg/m 2)

U (W/m2-°C)

Wall of Brick with cement finishing -10 mm. cement plaster+150 mm.brick + 10 mm. cement plaster



100 mm concrete slab with insulation -100 mm concrete + 100 mm air gap + 75 mm glass fiber + 10 mm gypsum board






3 mm clear glass Concrete block with cement plaster finishing -12.5 mm cement plaster + 75 mm concrete block+ 12.5 mm cement plaster



Partition type 2

Gypsum board with air gap -10 mm gypsum board + 100 mm air gap+ 10 mm gypsum board



r 6 = acos φ


a = (r 02 + r 62) 1/2


φ = arc tan(–r 0 /r 6)


d = 12φ / π


where d = time delay The room weighting factors in the solar radiation part (solar weighting factor) of the building envelope shown in Table 2 for 288 room conditions are calculated by using DOE 2.1E. Then, the amplitude and delay (Eq. 9 and Eq. 11) for each room are calculated for all 288 rooms. The magnitude of the amplitude and delay of 288 rooms are plotted in Fig. 3. Each room defined by a particular combination of parameters shown in Table 1 has a thermal response that may be different from others. However, in order to avoid having to calculate SCL values for each room (288 rooms), it is desirable to somehow identify rooms that have similar responses and group them together into a small number of room types. Rooms that have values of amplitude and delay close together have similar thermal response and can be grouped and represented by a single point for the group. A room in a particular group will have error associated with it proportional to its distance from its representative point in the amplitude and delay plot. With the normal engineering accuracy goal of ±10% of actual value and based on hourly calculation, Sowell (1985a, 1988c) suggested that the criteria for accepted error shall be 0-20% for amplitude and ±1/2 hour for delay. This suggests a rectangle with a lower bound no less


Partition type 1

1.00 0.90 0.80 0.70 0.60 0.50 0.40 0.30 0.20 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.00 1.20 1.40 1.60 1.80 2.00 Delay in hours

Fig. 3

Amplitude and delay obtained from solar weighting factors for 288 room conditions.

than 80% of the upper bound and the horizontal dimension of the rectangle shall be 1 hour (±1/2 hour). The rectangles are drawn with the intention to cover all points shown in Fig. 3 by having the width of the rectangle equal to 1 hour delay time and the height of the rectangle equal to 20% of the maximum amplitude of the points contained in that rectangle. Then a single point is selected to represent all the data in each rectangle. The data point in each rectangle which has the smallest deviation from the top centroid point (middle point on the upper line of the rectangle) of each rectangle is chosen as a representative point. Fig. 4 shows the rectangles on an amplitude and delay plot and the representative points. Almost every amplitude and delay value of solar weighting factors for 288 rooms fall into four rectangles. Only very few points are out of these rectangles and they are still very close to the rectangles. Therefore, four zone types (four rectangles); type A, B, C, D, can be adopted to represent all 288 room


Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, Vol. 28, No. 4 (2005)


Table 3 Solar weighting factors of the representative point in each room zone type Zone type

No. plots









162 98 15 8

0.754 0.620 0.633 0.495

0.596 0.761 1.651 1.437

0.63071 0.54295 0.33452 0.32731

-0.84027 -0.62371 -0.35483 -0.35484

0.25935 0.13722 0.06562 0.06450

-1.44138 -1.25355 -1.48151 -1.39595

0.49811 0.31753 0.53313 0.43884

1.00 Zone A 0.90 Zone B Zone C 0.80 0.70 0.60 0.50 0.40 Zone D 0.30 0.20 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.00 1.20 1.40 1.60 1.80 Delay in hours

Fig. 4

Amplitude and delay obtained from solar weighting factors for 288 room conditions and their rectangles with representative rooms

conditions. The representative amplitude and delay values for four zone types and their solar weighting factors which have been previously calculated by using DOE2.1E are shown in Table 3. V. SOLAR COOLING LOAD FACTORS AND THEIR ACCURACY After specifying the represented weighting factors for each type of room zone, the room cooling load due to solar radiation through fenestration for each set of weather data can be calculated by using DOE 2.1E. Then the SCL values for each hour at a certain orientation can be obtained by dividing the calculated cooling load by the product of shading coefficient for surface and area of surface. The SCL values based on the first set of weather data (0.4% annual cumulative frequency of occurrence) are shown in Table 4 and SCL values based on the second set of weather data (0.4% hourly cumulative frequency of occurrence) are shown in Table 5. The SCL values shown are based on standard clear glass of 3 mm thickness with no inside shade (SC = 1), inside air temperature of 25°C, outside surface film resistance of 0.058 m 2 -°C/W, and inside surface resistance of 0. 121 m2-°C/W. The criteria for selecting zone type to use with SCL values is also shown in Table 6. The comparison between the results of cooling load due to solar radiation using SCL values developed from the first set of weather data and the

second set of weather data are shown in Fig. 5 for demonstration purposes, using east and west orientation of room zone type A having glass window area of 12 square meters. The cooling load values due to solar radiation through windows, calculated from both sets of weather data, are in the same pattern with the values calculated from the second set of weather data giving larger values. The maximum cooling load value due to solar radiation on a glass window facing east occurs in the morning while the maximum cooling load value due to solar radiation on a glass window facing west occurs in the afternoon. The magnitudes of the solar cooling load through the west window are greater than the solar cooling load through the east window, especially the solar cooling load calculated from the first set of weather data. The smaller value of the east window solar cooling load is due to the lower value of the direct normal radiation of the first set of the weather data in the morning compared to the radiation data in the afternoon as shown in Fig. 1. The direct normal radiation data of the second set of weather data, is rather symmetrical around 12 o’clock noon. Therefore, the maximum value of the east and west solar cooling load, calculated from the second set of weather data, are quite close together. Then the SCL values of zone type A from ASHRAE (1997a) are selected for finding the solar cooling load of the specified glass window. The results are shown with the previous results in Fig. 6 and Fig. 7. Some discrepancies in solar cooling load values between ones calculated from ASHRAE’s SCL and the developed SCL can be obviously seen. Fig. 6 shows the comparison of the solar cooling load calculated from SCL values based on the first set of weather data and SCL values based on ASHRAE. The solar cooling load calculated from SCL values based on ASHRAE is obviously larger when compared to the load calculated from the developed SCL values. Fig. 7 shows the comparison of the solar cooling load calculated from SCL values based on the second set of weather data and SCL values based on ASHRAE. The discrepancies in solar cooling load values have a similar pattern to the ones shown in Fig. 6, except that the difference in the values are not as large as in Fig. 6. From Fig. 6 and Fig. 7, one can clearly see that some large error in the solar cooling load calculated from ASHRAE exists. Therefore, it would be more


S. Chaiyapinunt et al.: SCL for Fenestration in Thailand

Table 4 Solar cooling load for glass based on first set of weather data (Zone type A) Glass face 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 N NE E SE S SW W NW HOR

6 6 7 6 4 12 18 15 22

5 5 6 5 4 10 15 13 19

4 5 5 4 3 8 13 11 17

4 4 4 4 3 7 11 9 15

3 3 4 3 2 6 9 8 13

30 82 92 53 15 18 21 20 31

72 160 181 121 51 51 54 53 124

87 297 353 221 63 62 64 63 246

102 306 373 240 85 81 83 82 383

(Zone type B) Glass face 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 N NE E SE S SW W NW HOR

15 18 21 16 12 28 43 37 21

14 17 19 15 10 26 39 33 18

12 15 17 13 9 23 35 30 16

11 13 15 12 8 21 32 27 14

10 12 14 11 8 19 29 24 12

32 79 88 53 18 28 37 33 25

68 145 164 111 49 55 63 60 99

80 262 311 196 58 63 71 67 200

92 268 327 211 77 79 86 83 316

(Zone type C) Glass face 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 N NE E SE S SW W NW HOR

13 14 15 12 10 27 42 36 58

11 12 13 11 8 22 35 30 50

9 10 11 9 7 19 29 25 44

8 9 10 8 6 16 25 21 38

7 7 8 7 5 13 21 18 33

20 48 54 33 11 18 25 22 39

46 102 115 76 32 37 42 40 88

64 195 229 145 45 48 53 51 163

79 234 282 181 63 63 67 66 258

(Zone type D) Glass face 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 N NE E SE S SW W NW HOR

22 28 31 24 17 40 61 53 82

20 25 29 22 16 37 56 48 75

18 23 26 20 14 34 51 44 69

17 21 24 19 13 31 47 40 63

15 20 22 17 12 28 43 37 58

28 59 66 42 18 33 46 40 63

52 106 120 81 37 49 62 57 111

65 189 222 142 47 58 69 64 183

76 213 257 167 61 69 80 76 270

Hour 10 11 110 256 316 210 100 94 95 96 498

114 181 207 156 106 102 103 104 565








115 140 149 129 109 112 119 118 619

119 130 135 121 112 167 229 193 632

119 118 122 112 108 236 357 289 565

117 103 107 99 96 293 461 379 478

115 84 87 81 78 312 513 432 344

104 60 62 57 54 268 467 401 186

59 35 37 33 30 130 228 199 100

19 20 21 22 23 24 24 21 22 19 16 53 88 76 66

18 16 17 14 12 38 62 53 51

13 13 14 11 9 28 45 39 42

10 10 11 9 7 21 35 30 35

8 9 9 8 6 17 27 23 30

7 7 8 7 5 14 22 19 25

Hour 10 11 99 226 277 185 89 89 95 93 418

102 162 185 139 95 96 100 100 485








104 130 138 118 97 104 114 112 537

108 124 130 114 101 152 208 176 557

109 116 122 108 98 211 318 259 510

108 105 111 98 88 260 407 336 442

107 89 94 83 74 277 452 381 333

99 69 74 63 54 240 413 356 200

61 48 53 43 34 123 211 184 118

19 20 21 22 23 24 32 36 40 31 23 60 95 82 79

27 31 35 28 20 50 78 67 59

23 28 31 25 18 44 68 58 46

21 25 28 22 16 39 60 51 36

19 23 25 20 14 35 54 46 30

17 20 23 18 13 31 48 41 25

Hour 10 11 91 230 280 183 78 76 80 79 351

98 195 230 161 88 86 89 89 423








103 165 187 142 95 96 102 101 484

108 149 163 132 100 130 165 146 521

111 135 146 122 101 179 255 213 509

112 121 129 111 96 227 344 286 471

111 105 111 97 85 259 409 344 396

106 85 90 79 69 251 416 354 294

81 64 68 59 51 180 301 259 218 18

19 20 21 22 23 24 54 40 31 24 47 37 29 24 51 40 32 26 43 33 26 21 36 27 21 17 119 87 65 50 196 142 106 81 168 122 91 69 169 137 113 94

19 20 22 18 14 40 64 55 80

16 16 18 15 11 32 51 44 68

Hour 10 11 84 199 243 161 73 79 88 85 353

89 162 189 135 80 86 94 91 413







92 136 152 119 84 93 104 101 462

96 126 137 112 88 124 163 142 489

98 117 127 106 88 167 243 201 468

99 108 116 99 83 207 317 263 427

99 96 103 88 74 230 365 308 354

94 81 87 73 60 216 359 308 258

appropriate to use SCL values developed from local weather data for calculating building solar cooling load rather than using SCL values generated from ASHRAE.

19 20 21 22 23 24

71 48 39 34 30 64 52 45 40 37 70 57 50 45 41 57 46 40 35 32 45 34 29 25 22 146 95 74 62 54 243 152 117 97 84 210 130 101 83 72 192 156 135 120108

27 33 37 29 20 49 75 64 98

24 30 34 27 19 44 68 58 90

VI. CONCLUSION This article describes the development of solar cooling load factor values for the fenestration in


Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, Vol. 28, No. 4 (2005)

Table 5 Solar cooling load for glass based on second set of weather data (Zone type A) Glass face 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 N NE E SE S SW W NW HOR

4 6 8 6 4 11 16 13 24

3 5 7 5 3 10 14 11 21

3 5 6 4 3 8 12 9 18

3 4 5 4 2 7 10 8 16

2 24 3 115 4 138 3 81 2 12 6 14 9 17 7 15 14 24

64 354 437 272 42 42 44 43 145

73 396 506 332 62 61 63 62 311

79 353 477 322 75 74 76 75 457

86 262 373 262 84 83 84 84 575

(Zone type B) Glass face 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 N NE E SE S SW W NW HOR Glass face N NE E SE S SW W NW HOR Glass face N NE E SE S SW W NW HOR

11 20 24 19 10 28 40 31 23

10 18 22 17 9 26 36 28 19

9 16 20 15 8 23 33 25 17

8 14 18 14 7 21 29 23 15

7 26 13 108 16 130 12 78 7 14 19 25 26 32 21 27 13 20

59 312 386 242 40 48 54 49 115

67 346 443 291 56 63 69 65 251

72 309 416 282 68 73 78 75 378

77 231 328 231 76 80 85 81 485

Hour 11 12 89 164 224 177 89 88 88 88 656

89 128 149 126 91 97 96 90 693

9 14 17 14 8 26 38 30 63

8 12 15 12 7 22 32 25 54

6 10 13 10 6 18 27 21 47

6 9 11 8 5 16 22 18 41

5 8 9 7 4 13 19 15 35



11 12 80 150 204 160 80 83 87 84 563

81 123 144 119 82 91 93 86 605

9 10

11 12 81 168 215 163 80 84 85 81 549

(Zone type D) 16 30 37 28 14 40 57 44 89

15 27 34 26 13 37 52 41 82

13 25 31 24 12 34 48 37 75

12 23 29 22 11 31 44 34 69

11 21 26 20 10 28 40 31 63

22 78 94 59 15 31 42 34 64



44 212 261 165 31 45 54 47 125

54 263 334 219 44 56 65 59 222




92 118 132 116 93 170 213 150 675

90 108 119 107 90 262 368 260 613

87 97 105 95 84 332 486 365 508

86 81 87 80 71 353 537 422 358

74 57 62 56 49 281 452 365 186

22 26 30 25 18 73 110 87 93







83 118 134 114 84 154 194 138 600

83 112 126 108 82 233 327 232 555

81 103 116 100 77 293 427 322 473

80 90 102 87 67 311 472 371 349

71 70 80 67 49 251 399 323 204

27 43 52 41 23 74 108 86 115







84 147 180 142 84 127 151 115 571

85 132 156 128 85 190 254 185 558

85 118 136 114 82 251 355 266 510

84 103 117 100 75 288 425 329 424

78 83 95 81 61 269 413 327 311

48 59 68 57 40 159 239 188 227





74 126 151 121 74 122 150 112 533

75 117 138 112 74 179 243 177 513

75 109 127 105 72 229 327 246 462

74 99 115 94 65 255 378 295 378

19 20 21 22 23 24 16 20 23 19 13 50 75 59 69

12 16 19 15 10 36 54 42 55

9 13 15 12 8 27 40 31 45

7 11 13 10 6 21 31 24 37

6 9 11 8 5 17 24 19 32

5 7 9 7 4 14 20 15 28

19 20 21 22 23 24 22 38 46 35 19 58 84 66 83

19 33 41 31 17 49 71 56 62

17 30 37 28 15 43 62 49 48

15 27 33 25 13 39 55 43 39

14 24 30 23 12 35 50 39 32

12 22 27 21 11 31 45 35 27

19 20 21 22 23 24 36 45 53 44 30 113 170 134 180

27 21 16 36 29 24 42 34 28 34 28 23 23 18 14 83 63 49 124 93 72 98 73 57 146 121 101

13 20 24 19 12 39 57 45 86

11 17 20 16 10 32 46 36 73


9 10 60 261 345 231 54 65 74 67 320



16 40 54 63 72 77 66 210 282 296 262 206 79 259 358 390 359 279 48 161 232 259 245 202 9 26 42 56 67 75 16 31 46 59 69 76 21 36 50 62 72 78 18 33 47 60 70 76 37 99 201 308 408 492

1 2 3 4 5 6



(Zone type C) 1 2 3 4 5 6


66 220 303 210 62 72 80 74 408

11 12 70 166 224 165 68 76 83 78 478

72 137 172 132 71 83 88 80 522

building envelopes, using Bangkok design weather data. With these SCL values, the determination of cooling load from the fenestration of the building

17 18 69 83 98 79 53 229 353 282 273

41 63 76 60 35 121 180 142 201

19 20 21 22 23 24 33 54 66 51 28 90 131 104 167

27 24 21 19 48 43 39 36 59 53 48 44 45 40 37 33 24 21 19 17 72 61 54 48 104 88 77 69 82 69 61 54 146 130 117 107

17 33 41 31 16 44 62 49 98

envelopes due to solar radiation can be easily and manually performed. The SCL values based on the first set of weather data are suitable for predicting


S. Chaiyapinunt et al.: SCL for Fenestration in Thailand

Table 6 Zone types for use with SCL Zone parameters Partition type

Floor covering

Interior shading

Floor type


Ceiling type

Gypsum Gypsum Concrete block Concrete block Concrete block* Concrete block Concrete block Concrete block Concrete block Concrete block

Carpet Vinyl tile Carpet Carpet Vinyl tile Vinyl tile Vinyl tile Vinyl tile Vinyl tile Vinyl tile

0 or 50 or 100% 0 or 50 or 100% 100% 0 or 50% 0 or 50 or 100% 0% 50% 0% 0% 0 or 50 %

n/c n/c n/c n/c n/c 75 mm concrete 75 mm concrete 100 mm concrete 100 mm concrete 125 mm concrete

n/c n/c n/c n/c n/c n/c without without without without

n/c n/c n/c n/c n/c n/c with without with n/c

Zone type A A A B B C C C D D

Note: n/c means the parameter has no effect, *start with zone type C and D, if the room does not fit in zone type C and D use zone type B

East solar load 1st weather West solar load 1st weather East solar load 2nd weather West solar load 2nd weather




7000 Solar radiation load (Watt)

Solar radiation load (Watt)


5000 4000 3000 2000

6000 5000 4000 3000 2000



0 0





12 14 16

18 20

22 21


0 0

Hour Fig. 5

ASHRAE east solar load East solar load 1st weather ASHRAE west solar load West solar load 1st weather

The comparison between cooling load due to solar radiation of specified glass window calculated from SCL values based on 1st weather data set and ones calculated from SCL values based on 2nd weather data set

the solar cooling load through glass window for general usage such as predicting building energy usage, etc, while the SCL values based on the second set of weather data will be more suitable when the designers emphasize peak solar cooling load and the size of the air conditioning equipment. The study also shows discrepancies in solar cooling load values when one uses SCL values from ASHRAE (1997a) suitable for use in North America to calculate the solar cooling load in Thailand. With more accurate values of SCL, the cooling load calculation for solar radiation through fenestration can be easily and manually performed and yield a more accurate result. This will





12 14 16 18 20

22 21



Fig. 6

The comparison between cooling load due to solar radiation of specified glass window calculated from SCL values from ASHRAE and ones calculated from SCL values based on 1st weather data set

allow air conditioning systems design in Thailand to be performed more easily and more effectively. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors are grateful for the financial support from The Thailand Research Fund. NOMENCLATURE a A

amplitude area of surface, m 2


Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, Vol. 28, No. 4 (2005)

ASHRAE east solar load East solar load 2nd weather ASHRAE west solar load West solar load 2nd weather

Solar radiation load (Watt)

8000 7000 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0






12 14 16 18 20 22 21 24 Hour

Fig. 7

The comparison between cooling load due to solar radiation of specified glass window calculated from SCL values from ASHRAE and ones calculated from SCL values based on 2nd weather data set

ASHRAE CLF CLTD d Dr i qt qmax Q SC SCL Td To TFM U X v i, w i


American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers internal cooling load factors cooling load temperature differences time delay mean daily range index hourly heat gain at time t, W maximum heat gain of magnitude 1 watt cooling load, W shading coefficient solar cooling load factors, W/m 2 maximum dry bulb temperature, °C hourly dry bulb temperature, °C transfer function method overall head transfer coefficient for surface, W/m 2-°C percentile of daily variation of dry bulb temperature coefficient of room transfer function or weighting factors phase lag, radians REFERENCES

American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers, 1977, ASHRAE Handbook of Fundamentals, Atlanta, GA, USA. American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air

Conditioning Engineers, 1997a, ASHRAE Handbook of Fundamentals, Atlanta, GA, USA, chapter 28, pp. 28.1-28.64. American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers, 1997b, ASHRAE Handbook of Fundamentals, Atlanta, GA, USA, chapter 26, pp. 26.1-26.4. Chaiyapinunt, S., and Mangkornsaksit, K., 2000, “Mathematical Models for Hourly Diffuse Solar Radiation at Bangkok,” Journal of Energy, Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 22, pp. 1-6. Kerrisk, J. F., 1981, “Weighting Factors,” DOE2.1 E. Engineering Manual, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, Berkeley, CA, USA, Vol. 1, pp. II. 30-II.31. Mitalas, G. P., 1972, “Transfer Function Method of Calculating Cooling Loads, Heat Extraction Rate, and Space Temperature,” ASHRAE Journal, Vol. 14, No. 12; pp. 52. Sowell, E. F., 1984, “A Preview of Weighting Factor Results for ASHRAE Project 359-RP Updating Cooling Load Temperature Differences and Cooling Load Factors for Chapter 26, HOF,” Final Report, Fullerton, CA, USA. Sowell, E. F., 1988a, “Classification of 200,640 Parametric Zones for Cooling Load Calculations,” ASHRAE Transaction, Vol. 94, Part 2A, pp. 754777. Sowell, E. F., 1988b, “Cross-Check and Modification of DOE2 Program for Calculation of Zone Weighting Factor,” ASHRAE Transaction, Vol. 94, Part 2A, pp. 737-753. Sowell, E. F., 1988c, “Load Calculations for 200,640 Zones”, ASHRAE Transaction, Vol. 94, Part 2A, pp. 716-736. Sowell, E. F., and Chiles, D. C., 1985a, “Characterization of Zone Dynamic Response for CLF/ CLTD Tables,” ASHRAE Transaction, Vol.91, Part 2A, pp. 162-178. Sowell, E. F., and Chiles, D. C., 1985b, “Zone Descriptions and Response Characterization for CLF/CLTD Calculation,” ASHRAE Transaction, Vol. 91, Part 2A, pp. 179-200. Takeda, H., 1990/1991, “Tokyo Weather Data for AirConditioning Outdoor Design Conditions for Heating and Cooling Loads by TAC Method,” Energy and Building, Vol. 15, pp. 263-269. Manuscript Received: Apr. 13, 2004 Revision Received: Aug. 23, 2004 and Accepted: Sep. 16, 2004

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