Developing Assimetrical Hermit Crab-Nicolas Gajardo Henriquez

December 24, 2016 | Author: Ammedee | Category: N/A
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Making and developing an asymmetrical hermit crab. By Nicolás Gajardo Henríquez The asymmetry or lack of symmetry is a feature of animal or vegetal organism that does not present a plan to divide into two equal parts, in mathematics is characteristic of a statistical distribution in which most values are slightly displaced from their arithmetic mean . In the world we live we are accustomed to think and do things symmetrical, forgetting that we are essentially asymmetrical beings, everything around us is also true to varying degrees. The opportunity to appreciate these small and sometimes big differences is what I have called this time to research, develop and incorporate this discipline scientific and artistic the asymmetry as a way to enhance the models. In researching about life forms that present a noticeable asymmetry reaches some species of crabs and fish that caught my attention. The hermit crab in particular is not strictly speaking asymmetrically (at least not in all species), but a failed attempt earlier development, was the best starting point to encourage me to go back to try and incorporate new elements of development who had been exploring in recent times this figure. Hermit crabs are crustaceans very common on the coasts of Western Europe, that protect their soft abdomen in the empty shell of a gastropod mollusk. In developing any figure which will need to know all the elements we want or are able to obtain, in this case of the hermit crab I chose the following: • A bulky shell • 4 legs • 2 claws, one bigger than the other to generate the asymmetry • Eyes characteristic of a crab. The first problem that arises during the development I was like going to tackle the model, ie if I start generating a symmetric basis for a crab and then made into one or split is not the asymmetry and that this is the directing the rest of the model. After several attempts to reach a symmetrical effective for several bases symmetrical hermit crab, but the problem arises when would imagine myself without having to generate the asymmetry that this paper was to hide and hide in one side of the model , there is not the challenge of creation. In the development of a crab before this, the species violinist develop a symmetrical pattern as the first foundations of this model, the disadvantage of this model in my opinion was that generate or not the structural asymmetry, asymmetry was the visual itself, which was not very flashy and takes value "sentimental" to this figure. already realized that trying to make something symmetrical is not something that was not the way, I proceeded to begin with asymmetry, but is not trying to influence the rest of the structure, so it leaves me in a square of paper divided into common and the relationship to ¼ and genre box pleated base points for the organization.


In this case we can see that there are 3 flaps, I decide to be from left to right the 2 antennas and the little hand, now the problem was to get a point longer than this without altering the original order of the tip and obtained for this by following the trend of boxpleating extract 2 points from the top.

After taking this, we see that this comprises a total of 5 flaps, I decided to combine the boxpleating with a structure of 22.5 º to generate points that are more "friendly" say friendly because they are easier to shape.

So far our preliminary figure is symmetric about the midline, but it is not on the diagonal, so that the guidance is to be the model.


So then I have 4 flaps hanging from the corner in red. For the next step grafting ¼ decided more on the paper with what so far appears to be aimed at passing ¼ to 1/5 and also in the genre boxpleating grafting two more points, as at the beginning of development to create the claws.

I apply 22.5 ° at the ends and thus becomes independent in a vise and the other still has the same direction of the structure, indicates that color

Now the time to have folded this is the problem that the size of the pincers of two tongs is the same and the length of each of these is not to decide this but the split in ½ the clamp section comprising small


And I decide to give the small clamp only 2 of these sections forming boxpleating from the rest of the pliers. Looking at the partial cps is a line that disappears, this does not mean that there is no such line unless it is an open sink

Now after this you can see that there is more than long that the other, plus 2 antennas, with this already dissipated much of the problems, but not all. The eyes of the hermit crab at the end of the antennae, right there where we will obtain

Squashing symmetrically across the red line and releasing the layers that lie under the genus 2 crushed partial tip help release the eyes


It is seen that a part is staggered, but does not affect the composition of the model, this is already finished developing the asymmetric part is necessary to incorporate it into another role for other elements to this, after a couple of tests determine the proportionality

The incorporation of the old design is necessary to generate a square section without more in the role that we have determined above, for this did:

This paper is flat and with a square section ready to be worked. It incorporates the previous development but not in its final phase with partial eyes, because as has a step can affect the rest of the structure to be defined.


To avoid affecting the length of the larger claw is taken as reference the peak of the initial part without the graft and is projected on the horizontal side and the left vertical side of the paper.

On both sides of the paper seen from the base bundled with Media Bias fish on each side and a spare boxpleating as to generate the length of liberation from the grip and release more than 2 points on either side which serve for the legs, and a turning point of the paper that allows the color change of the shell.

After this determination to incorporate parts of 22.5 ° at the tip of boxpleating to generate more defined.


For the completion of the structure I made 3 flap in the central of cp to separate the crab from the shell.

Each section of the structure of the small pincer claw is ½ of the big, for this problem had to did closed sink, level each side of the structure to generate a better release on each side. To maintain the structural completion given above folds are made for 2 half shell fish on each side base spanning all existing layers reaching the final structure and model base. The part of the asymmetry had a phased in its completion which is incorporated across all layers.


Finally I thank everyone who took the time to read this document which I hope has enabled them to learn some more about design and have an orientation of how to form shapes with non-traditional structures (asymmetrical). Nicolás Gajardo Henríquez




Assymetrical hermit crab (Nicolás Gajardo Henríquez)


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