Develop Sight Reading

April 28, 2017 | Author: Hamid | Category: N/A
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Descripción: Ejercicios para desarrollar una mejor lectura musical...






+ 15 West 53rd St., New York, N. Y. 10019



Preface "DEVELOP SIGHTREADING" establishes itself as a vital contribution i n music literature. T h i s study material, technical i n nature i s indispensm able for it stimulates, coordinates, and stabilizes one's mental and physical ref lexes. These writings present an adventurous challenge into the land of musical and technical intrigue.

A strand of musical genius i s weaved throughout these musical passages of unusual originality. By atuning one's thoughts towards a grouping of phrases expressing each phrase as a beautiful musical thought, one w i l l respond )o he iRy3iratEenal beauty that the authors so cleverly highlighted. Two of the MUSIC WORLD'S most respected artist-performers and teachers GASTON DUFRESNE and ROGER LOUIS VOISIN, members of the BOSTON SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA, also faculty members of the NEW ENGLAND CONSERVATORY of MUSIC, Boston, Massachusetts and the BERKSHIRE MUSIC CENTER are credited with this work. An unprecedented rise to musical fame came to GASTON DUFRESNE after receiving the highest honors ever awarded at the NATIONAL CONSERVATORY in FRANCE, MR. DUFRESNE has contributed many fruitful years to the world's greatest music, from the CONCERTS COLONNE i n PARIS, t o the CHICAGO SYMPHONY and is presently one of the senior members of the BOSTON SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA. The e d i t 4 m n s u l t a n t advisor, ROGER LOUIS VOISIN'S family tradition stems back for generations i n the WHO'S WHO IN THE MUSIC WORLD. MR. VOiSIN i s continually elevating this tradition to i t s well deserved musical greatness. A f u l l fledged soloist and a permanent member of the BOSTON SYMPHONY since the age of sixteen, MR. VOlSlN enjoys the success of being one of the world's most celebrated soloists. T o h i s credit are the following recordings of which heard as a featured soloist: Brandenburg Concerto, Bach Poem of Ecstasy, Scriabi n Bach Festival Music of Jubilee, Bach ElLl EILI, Boston Pops Bacham, Manna-Zucca Trumpeter's L u l laby, Anderson The Toy Trumpet

Victor Victor Columbia Columbia Victor Victor Victor Victor

MR. VOlSlN can be



Copyright 0 1972 by All Rights Reserved

CHARLES COLIN - 315 West 53rd St., New York, N. Y. 10019 International Copyright Secured

Made in U. S. A.



Allegro deciso



A1leet.o con fuoco

Alla Breve


Alleero deciso



d m -


Adagio h 7 6

Allegro risoluco d=92


The beat unit in the 6 first bars is the eight as represented by the notation = 76 -On bar 7 the half-note is the beat-unit s = 92 - On bar 22 the quarter is the beat unit J = 184 Starting the 7/8 time on bar 41 thc eight has the same tempo as in the preceding 3,/4 time -' The 3d beat of bar 41 has the length of one beat and a half of the preceding 3j4 Bar 42 has the First beat longer by one eight than the preceding 3/4 time Bar 44, resume tempo of preceding 4 , -- 92 - Bar 45 - Same a s bar 41.

Andanre deciso J =84

On bar 23 take 2 / 8 tilnc twice faster than the preceding 314 (keeping the same tempo eighth B a r 32 - 9/1G should I)c 1)eatcrl in 4 - same tempo per beat a s of the preceding bars in 2/8 bcat should be longer to play the 3 sixtc~cnthsa t the same r a t e of speed a s the preceding 5 notes beat) B a r 36 same a s har 32 but 3 bent tilnc B a r 37 heat twice slower than preceding 2/P anti 2 firs1 bcats of bar 36 Last 3/8 bar twice



f o r eighth ). time, however the 4th (avoid triplets on that faster than 3/4


Moderato I =72

con anrttla

Beat bar #(i a s previous measure f o r 3 I,c..ts, in t h c 4th hcat give the bent enough time t o play the 6 notes a t t h e s a m e *peed you play the 1 6 t h ~in the I s t , 2nd a n d 3d h a t s Salnc* ol~servation on I J ~ #I 7 and on b a r 2.i T a k c Irar 27 it1 cut tinir r . - B a r 29 twice f a s t e r then prcccding OIW Back t o c u t time on b a r 30 In the 5 t 4 ume otl 34 krcp the tempo of the Xths exactly as i n p r c r e d i n ~rncasure, beat in onc a n d play the five notes exactly alike with ;~cccntuatic~ti otl 1st otlc of each bar. B a r :IN (i.'8 time, krcp still same speed of the eights. S a m r otl I ~ a r.i(i; u ~ d47 ( f r o m I,ar 27 to 47, always same tcmpo of eighths. )=) )



Bar #3, 1st and 2nd beat same a s beats of 2 preceding measures but the 316 beat should have the length of 1 and 1/2 time value of 1st and 2nd beats J J))J Same on Bar 17 (do not play the 3rd beat like triplets). Bar 32 - keep the speed of the 5 1 6 t h ~a s in the preceding measures. Bar 41 - Same time for 1 6 t h ~a s in preceding measures. Bar 42 - keep same note value a s in the preceding measure.

Andante J=76

Starting Bar #22 beat twice faster than previous measures - Bar #23, the 3rd beat has the value of 3/16ths (not triplets = Bar #26 beat twice slower than previously. Bar #27 beat twice faster - Beat bar #28 as bar #27 giving a longer 3d beat Same thing with bar #35.


Moderato J 166-72

In first bar the 5 notes in the last beat should be equal bars #5, #8 and 9 In bar 13 speed up (accellerando) to have the last note lowing In bar 30 beat twice slower than previous measure Bar 42 has a longer 3d beat (avoid triplets) Same with bar $--j,

k $& -

Bar 52 as :

- Avoid



- Same


(El establish the speed of the 3/8 time fol-

Andante J.=76

Moderato J =69


con anima

On bar e 2 3 play 3/4 time in one - Bar &27 beat in one the measure having the duration of two quarters - On bar 46 beat in two keeping the Fame value of quarter and eighths - then proceed beating in one up t o the 4/4 time.


d = 66

In this lesson the quarter has always the same value, measure in 2/2 or 3/2 should be.beaten faster I would recommend to study the exercise at first in subdividing the 9/4 time in nine - 12/4 in twelve - 2/2 in four and 3/2 in six - and . . later on playing the whole exercise without subdividing.

Beat in two (cut time) beat third measure in onc - Beat 5/4 a t #10 in 3 and 2 twice faster than preceding measures - Bar #13 should be beaten in two in a slower tempo Bar #15 beat in 3 twice faster Beat bar #32 in one On bar #53 beat 3/4 twice faster than previous measures and twice slower on bar #55 -



h 92

Subdivide (beating the eighth) from Start up to bar 17 Then beat in 3 (vivace) beat bar #24 in 2 with the 2nd beat having the time value of three eighths At #35 beat 3/4 time in one -


Andante J=76

At measure 25 beat .7/8 a s 3 / 8 and 2/4

- Beat

is twice slower than in the previous me* .I sI I ~ P

measure #38 in 3 and 2

- On

measure 39 the beat

Subdivide beating the eighth up to measure 40 -- On measure 40 beat 3/4 time in. 3, every beat, having the time value of two eighths.

Beat measure #23 two a n d three. On measure #26 beat twice faster. On measure #31 beat 9/16 in f o u r the f a u l t h beat having the time value of three sixteenths beat ir. four with the f i r s t beat having the time value of three sixteenths. On measure 41 beat like 3 / 8 with the third beat having thvee sixteenths Same with measures #42, 43, 44 Be s u r e t o avoid playing the three sixteenths like triplets On measure #46 beat in 4 a s in beginning of lesson.



- On

measure #32


Largo J=62



On Bar 36 (3/$ time) beat twice faster than previous 2L4 measure - From then on keep same value of eight regardless of difference in time signature On Bar #40 beat in three with third beat 1-1/ 2 time a s long a s previous 2 beats - Same on bar #45 where fifth beat has time value of 3 1 6 t h ~ .

' ~ l l e ~ r e t tJo4 0 4 Con spirit0


At Bar 017 beat 3/4 twice faster than previous bar in t (keeping same value of quarters) At bar 56 beat 5 beats as indicated by dotted line (twice faster than 6). At bar $85 keep same tempo of the eights as in the previous 3/4 Beat the 5 . 4 time in two as indicated by the dotted lines.


Larghetto 0 = 66

=76 - 80

First 8 measures sh(')~tI(II)e pl;iyccl freely (Recitative) From Bar *30 to ?he entl krcp same value to the eighth - Beat bar rq41 twice slower than previous one


Suhdivitlp the 12'8 as ititlirated ,h (Rreitativo) A t hav 43 Iwat one to a measure -


100 - ..At hal. ~

1 heat 7 314 in one

- Number 25 should be

interpreted freely

RHI. GR i t 1 o t i ( \ ( I / : { R ~ ~ O I . ~ Cthan I. previous or follow in^ bar) -- Same on Bars 71, 76 t o 78. A t ha]. 99, keep ci.ght in same tempo u p to bar 11118, (beat.5/8 in two)-

At #I19 beat 3 / 2 in three, 5. 4 in two, 31'4 in one, 6 / 4 in two, 7!4 in three always the same. v ; ~ l u c011 ~ thc quarters up to bar #I39 - A t bar 110 14Y8 timr should be heaten in four as indicated =PO.


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