Determination of Vitamin C (Ascorbic acid)
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Determination of Vitamin C (Ascorbic acid)...
Determination of Vitamin C (Ascorbic acid) concentration in some some of Commercial Products, by Redox Titration Mouhannad AL.-Hachamii Sadiq J. Baqir Saadon A.Aowda Fatima A. Hussein, Dep.of chemistry, college of science, Babylon University Muhammed K.Alasedi Ministry of Health Hilla city, Babylon Babylon
Abstract The goal of this search is to determine the concentration of vitamin C (Ascorbic acid ) in some of a Commercial Products, Vege Vegetables tables and Fruit Juices by Redo Titration! A redo titration, involving an "odometric method, method, has been used to do the analysis! The sam#les classified classified by their Vitamin Vitamin C content!
' $ # $ %& %& ! " ( ! '4 5 & 3 0 1 2 2C
)C 3 0 1 '/ - . + ," # * * . + ;1 '.%, 78 &% 29 : : 6 *
Introduction Vitamins Vitamins are a grou# of small molecular com#ounds that are essential nutrients in many multi$cellular organisms, and humans in #articular! %$Ascorbic acid &as first isolated as a #ure substance by Albert A'ent$yorgi A'ent$yorgi and Charles ingin *+.Paulling ,*+/01 , an anti$oidant and free radical scavenger, is found ubi2uitously in fruit and vegetables such as citrus fruits (oranges, lemons, limes, tangerines etc!), melons, tomatoes, #e##ers, broccoli, green leafy vegetables such as s#inach, #otatoes and turni#s, its 2uantitative determination is es#ecially im#ortant in the #roduction of &ine, beer, mil3, soft drin3s and fruit 4uices, &here it can be a 2uality indicator .errior 5 6i''a,*++71 !iven the essential role #layed in the human diet and necessary to gro&th and re#air of tissues in all #arts of human body !"t is necessary to form collagen an im#ortant s3in #roteins ,scar tissue ,tendons, ligaments, and blood vessels! vitamin C is essential for the healing of &ounds, and for the re#air and maintenance of cartilage, bones and teeth .8cevoy ,*++91 ! :ince vitamin C is easily oidi'ed, storage and coo3ing in air leads to the eventual oidation of vitamin vitamin C by oygen in the atmos#here! "n addition, addition, ascorbic acid is &ater$solubility vitamin means that a significant amount of vitamin C #resent in a food can be lost by boiling and then discarding the coo3ing &ater .8cevoy ,*++91! The formula for ascorbic acid is C; @ro&ne!,*++9> FA=B %evine et al.,*+++> %evine et al.,*++D>Teoh ,*+/D1!
Recommended daily dietary intake of vitamin C:
Infants: Children: Adult men: Adult women: Pregnancy (2nd and 3rd trimesters) Lactation:
A!TRA"#A milli$rams
%!%A% milli$rams
30 30-0 30 30 !0
3 " !0 !0 #0
I is not standard solution ,so it may be standardi'ed &ith thiosul#hate solution ! !"#erimental $rocedure for determination of .@ailey ,*+/7> @rody, *++7> Pauling,*+/;> alluer,*+-;1 . %. $re#aration o& '.''( mol L )% iodine solution? Accurately &eight t&o gm of " and *!9g of " , dissolved to aless amount of &ater , sha3e until dissolving ! Transfer iodine solution to a *% volumetric flas3 , ma3ing sure to rinse all traces of solution in to the volumetric flas3 using distilled &ater , com#leted the volume u# to the mar3! . $re#aration o& '.(* starch indicator solution+ :oluble starch (0!Dgm) to a *00 m% conical flas3 or bea3er and D0 m% of distilled &ater &as added ! :olution heated &ith stirring at /+ 0C for D minutes , careful must be ta3en not to eceed the stated tem#erature! Allo& solution to cool to room tem#erature! ! $re#aration o& &ooddrin sam#le ? "ndustrial Pac3aged fruit 4uices G=range , Pinea##le, %emon ,Tmrhend and A##le (8iso), Pe#si (3halee3 3adha), Red gra#es(Ei3tar), :even u# (ufa), Pomegranate (%inda) , Tmrhend (Toti), =range (alia), and ranules #each (Rani) H may also need to be strained through cheese cloth if it contains a lot of #ul# or seeds! For analysis of vitamin C #o&ders ( Tanc lemon , Tanc orange and livans #o&ders ) dissolved * gm in *00m% of distilled &ater (in a volumetric flas3)! For analysis of vitamin C tablets ( ruger and 4oiure tablets), dissolved a single tablet in 00 m% of distilled &ater (in a volumetric flas3)! Juice s2uee'ed from fresh fruit (iala orange , atural 5uices name
Amount calculated m7 %'' ml
uantit6 Standard Accordin7 to international standards m7 %'' m7
iala orange
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