Download Determination of Density of A Liquid (NIADAS)...
Determination of Density of a Liquid
GRACE LYN NIADAS Y. Department of Chemical Enineerin! Collee of Enineerin and Architectur Architecture! e! Ce"u Institute of #echnoloy $ %ni&ersity! N. 'acalso A&e. Ce"u City! ())) *hilippines
#he density of a liquid of a liquid can "e determined usin di+erent density measurin de&ices namely! *ycnometer! ,estphal 'alance and -ydrometer. our di+erent concentrations of sucrose solution! /ith /ater as a reference liquid are prepared and ha&e distinct densities at a constant temperature of 012C due to the di+erence in the num"er of solute. It is more accurate and con&enient to use the pycnometer for /eihin it up to three decimal places decre dec rease ases s unc uncert ertain aintie ties s of the dat data. a. As the con concen centra tratio tion n inc incre rease ases! s! the density also increases. #he determination of density can "e o"tained "y applyin Archimedes3 principle /ith these apparatus statin that /hen a "ody is immersed in a liquid its force is equal to the /eiht of the displaced liquid.
1. In Intr trod oduc ucti tion on
Density is a physical property of matter! de4ned in a qualitati&e matter as the the me meas asur ure e of th the e rel elat ati& i&e e 5h 5hea ea&i &ine ness6 ss6 of o" o"7e 7ect cts s /i /ith th a co cons nsta tant nt &olume! as each element and compound has a unique density associated /ith it. It may also refer to ho/ closely 5pac8 5pac8ed6 ed6 or 5cro 5cro/ded6 /ded6 the material appears to "e. It is calculated usin the eneral equation9 ρ
,her ,h ere e
m v
is the den densi sity ty of th the e o" o"7e 7ect ct!!
Eq. A.: m
is th the e ma mas ss and
v is
&olume. It is usually e;pressed in rams per cu"ic centimeter ? or rams per milliliter full /ith the pre@cooled distilled /ater at 01 deree Celsius. A 1 ram mass is placed on the hoo8 holdin the plummet! and the le&elin scre/! in the foot of the "alance is ad7usted until the inde; pointer on the end of the "eam lines up /ith the point on the frame! ma8in sure that the plummet does not touch the sides of the lass cylinder.
Heasurin the Density of any Liquid After the ,estphal3s 'alance is cali"rated! the lass cylinder /as emptied. And after the plummet /as dried and /ashed /ith the ne/ liquid
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