Determination of Density of A Liquid (NIADAS)

September 19, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Determination of Density of a Liquid

GRACE LYN NIADAS Y. Department of Chemical Enineerin! Collee of Enineerin and Architectur Architecture! e! Ce"u Institute of #echnoloy $ %ni&ersity! N. 'acalso A&e. Ce"u City! ())) *hilippines

 #he density of a liquid of a liquid can "e determined usin di+erent density measurin de&ices namely! *ycnometer! ,estphal 'alance and -ydrometer. our di+erent concentrations of sucrose solution! /ith /ater as a reference liquid are prepared and ha&e distinct densities at a constant temperature of  012C due to the di+erence in the num"er of solute. It is more accurate and con&enient to use the pycnometer for /eihin it up to three decimal places decre dec rease ases s unc uncert ertain aintie ties s of the dat data. a. As the con concen centra tratio tion n inc incre rease ases! s! the density also increases. #he determination of density can "e o"tained "y applyin Archimedes3 principle /ith these apparatus statin that /hen a "ody is immersed in a liquid its force is equal to the /eiht of the displaced liquid.


1. In Intr trod oduc ucti tion on

Density is a physical property of matter! de4ned in a qualitati&e matter as the the me meas asur ure e of th the e rel elat ati& i&e e 5h 5hea ea&i &ine ness6 ss6 of o" o"7e 7ect cts s /i /ith th a co cons nsta tant nt &olume! as each element and compound has a unique density associated /ith it. It may also refer to ho/ closely 5pac8 5pac8ed6 ed6 or 5cro 5cro/ded6 /ded6 the material appears to "e. It is calculated usin the eneral equation9  ρ

,her ,h ere e



m v  

is the den densi sity ty of th the e o" o"7e 7ect ct!!

Eq. A.: m 

is th the e ma mas ss and

v   is


&olume. It is usually e;pressed in rams per cu"ic centimeter ? or rams per milliliter full /ith the pre@cooled distilled /ater at 01 deree Celsius. A 1 ram mass is placed on the hoo8 holdin the plummet! and the le&elin scre/! in the foot of the "alance is ad7usted until the inde; pointer on the end of the "eam lines up /ith the point on the frame! ma8in sure that the plummet does not touch the sides of the lass cylinder.

Heasurin the Density of any Liquid After the ,estphal3s 'alance is cali"rated! the lass cylinder /as emptied. And after the plummet /as dried and /ashed /ith the ne/ liquid 


Solution >



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Solution  0.K1  #  #a"le a"le A.0 -ydr -ydrometer ometer Liquid




 #emperature  #emperature


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