Detergent Powder Formula How to make Detergent Powder?Detergent powder making m aking Formula / Recipes Sunday, 16 December 2012
How To Make Dish washing Liquid
How To Make Dish washing Liquid
About Dish washing liquid Dish washing liquid has been in the market or quite sometime now! These ha"e been used b# man# mothers at home! $"en restaurants use the dish washing liquids! These ha"e been a great help or all in making the plates% glasses% and cutler# and cooking utensils clean! This works well with #our dish washer! &ince #ou ha"e been using dish washing liquid% #ou ma# ha"e noticed that these cost higher than our detergent soap! 'ell here is a tip on how to make #our own dish washing liquid so #ou can sa"e rom spending too much (ust to be able to clean #our plates% glasses% and cutler# and cooking utensils!
What you need? )ou can make a litter o dish washing liquid at a "er# aordable cost! The main ingredients or making a litter o dish washing liquid are the ollowing* •
+,- grams o .enami
01 grams o "isco plus
233 milliliter o water
+!- milliliter o scent
How to do it? The procedure is "er# simple! Here it is* •
Di"ide the 233 milliliter o water into hal! &et aside the other hal! 5n the other hal o the water% add the .enami into it! Make sure that the .enami is mied and ull# dissol"ed e"enl# into the water! 'hen the miture is done% add the color that #ou preer or your dish washing liquid ! Mi the color well! )ou can add more color the wa# #ou want it to appear
6dd the +!- milliliter scent! 4onstant miing can help spread the scent all o"er the solution!
6dd the other hal o the water! Mi the solution well in constant speed!
6ppl# the "isco plus! 4onstant stirring is needed ater the "isco plus has been added!
6dd another +33 milliliter o water in the solution!
Mi well in constant speed! )ou would know when #our dish washing liquid is read# because it would appear smooth and cream#!
Are you done? 'ith this process% #ou can surel# make a litter o dish washing liquid that #ou can use or #our home at a cheaper price! 7 #ou like the basic dish washing liquid% #ou (ust ha"e to remo"e the color and the scent! 'ith or without the color and scent% #ou can ha"e #our dish washing liquid with this process! These color and scent are usuall# used b# manuacturers t attract the bu#ers! There are man# other wa#s in producing dish washing liquids! &ome uses bora% grated bar soap and washing soda! The process in using these ingredients is dierent rom the abo"e process! 'ith these ingredients% #ou need to use heat as i #ou are cooking the soap! The bora and washing soda will be added right ater the soap is dissol"ed! 4onstant stirring is again needed in here! These are the important things that #ou need to ha"e or maing dish washing liquids * water and a mier or constant stirring! These are "er# important that one should prepare!
How to !ae "aundry Detergent #"iquid$ Let8s come to know how to make detergent powder! 9# this blog #ou can start #our own business o detergent powder!
7 ha"e lots and lots o reasons or wanting to make m# own laundr# detergent or our amil#! 7t8s more gentle on their skin! The recipe uses earth :riendlier; ingredients! 7t8s a blast to make! 7t makes the house smell good when 7 am melting the soap! 9ut
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