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Detailed Vastu rules, tips and resources.

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Vastu Directions

Vastu for health and wealth Do It Yourself Vastu Evaluation Test for your home Plot Selection : Auspicious Plots - Purchase these types if possible Plot Selection : Inauspicious Plots - avoid them if possible Vastu Shastra Tips for House Construction : Vaastu Shastra Tips for Doors : Vastu Shastra Tips for Windows : Vastu Shastra Tips For Pooja Room | Temple | Puja : Vastu Shastra Pooja Room (Puja) Vastu Shastra Puja Room : Vastu Shastra For Kitchen : How many burners should we place at Kitchen: Stove placement at Kitchen: Vastu Shastra Tips for Kitchen | Fire : Vastu for Dining room : Vastu Tips for Living Room Vastu Shastra Tips For Bedroom : Direction for the head to be placed while sleeping : Vasthu Shastra for Bed Room : Vastu Shastra For Chidlren Bed Room : At Children bed room : Vastu Shastra for Living Room Vastu Shastra For Guest Room | House | Home : Vastu Shastra Tips for Guest Room | House: Vastu Shastra Tips for Bathroom | Toilet : Vastu Shastra Tips for Upstairs | stair case | Steps | Top Floor : Vastu Shastra Tips for Car Shed : Vastu Shastra Tips for Compound Wall (Boundary) : Vastu Shastra Tips for Portico : Vastu Shastra Tips for Staircase | Steps : Vastu Shastra Tips for Water Sump | Borewell: Vastu Tips for Cash Box | Currency : Vastu Shastra Tips for Lift | Elevator : Vastu Tips for Cash Box | Currency : Vastu Shastra Tips for Lift | Elevator : Vastu Shastra Tips for Servant Rooms | Quarters | Sheds : Vastu Shastra Tips for Cellars | Undergrounds : Vastu Shastra Tips for Cellars | Undergrounds : Vastu Shastra Tips for Children Study Room : A Few ( General ) Vaastu Shastra Tips for your Prosperous Life : Vastu Shastra Tips for Shops : Vastu Shasra Tips For Factories :

Vastu Directions In Vastu shastra directions are the very most important subject. Without knowing the directions we cannot find out the mistake as per vaastu shastra at the premises. Directions are nothing but heart of a human body. Heart is most important to a human body, like wise directions also important to the vastu shastra. How to find out the directions, its very simple.

Stand before Sun, that is the East, i.,e you are viewing east direction, our back side is West, our left hand side is North and our right hand side is South. Here you may got one doubt, at some places we cannot see the sun because of clouds then how to find out the directions, yes you are almost right, and your doubt is very valuable, at this moment we must have compass, compass is like this way., the below is the compass, from this instrument we can easily find out directions at morning and night also, at any season we can easily find out the directions. For more information on compass, click here Have you seen this above compass, its very useful for finding the directions. Here see this below picture, how the compass is rotating. For more information on compass, click here

The above compass is rotating, this is for your information only, please see the below moving flash

file, so that you can easily find out the directions. Sun is raising that is East Direction,a man is standing in front of the sun, the left side of the man is North Direction and right side of the man is South Direction, man back side is West Direction. This flash file helps you how to know the directions. For more information on compass, click here

The above flash sun raising picture is only for your information about directions. As you already know that we have four directions and each direction has its own specific significance. Different planets are attributed to different directions and since each planet has its distinctive colour thus each direction also gets its auspicious colour. North direction - Green East direction - White South direction - Red West direction - Blue. See this below picture to know about directions and auxiliary directions.

Observe some numbers in the above map...45, 90, 135, 180 etc means "degrees". Now we will know some thing about directions and its lords etc. Vaasthu Couplet: Vaastu offers not only wealth on earth, but also bliss in the celestial world The meeting of two directions is called as "Junction", "Corners" or "Meeting Points", generally people called it as 'Corners'. A corner or a junction is more powerful than any direction. The corner has mixed forces of two directions. Hence the corners should be properly planned during construction of your beloved properties for better results. Similarly every house has got the same eight directions, but their effect differ, depending upon their usages and managements. If every direction is perfectly used and maintained according to the rules of Vasthu, the house safeguards the resident, like a mother who secures her child. If we done opposite for direction rules then the residence will become hell ( Devils den ). You please to understand the hidden meaning of it., the effect of directions depends upon on how the person is utilizing them. For Example take one northeast (eshan) corner, if at one house northeast corner is in good position according to vaastu shastra he will enjoy prosperity, richness, successful life. If the northeast corner is closed, or it disturbed we cannot think about his position, he will loose every thing or he may be loosed ( disappears ), not knowing the truth behind the Vastu many people are inviting troubles and tensions, unnecessarily. There is certain impact of Vaastu on human existence and this is a totally fact and proved one. By knowing certain principles of vastu man lives and tastes the richness of happy. Vastu shastra is a mighty ocean. The importance of orientation of a building is not only for saving energy but also to have a better house design, which not only gives comfortable living but also gives good health, prosperity and wealth to the house owners/occupiers and these families. There lies a co-relation between the rotational scenario of the planets and the house design and their different directions with respect of NORTH. The building of any type and its construction meets the purpose if proper orientation has been given using suitable local building material. It increases not only its life span but also improves the condition of occupants. There are instances where buildings are not planned according to required local orientation were lost or deteriorated much faster then the buildings having built with proper studies of orientation. The proper orientation means the proper knowledge of all the eight directions. It is a common knowledge that the direction from where the Sun arises is known as east and where it sets as West and when one faces the East direction, towards one's left is north and towards one's right is south. The corner where two directions meet obviously is more significant since it combines the forces emanating from both the directions. SO in all there are eight directions, North, Northeast, East, Eastsouth, South, Southwest, West, Westnorth. Every direction has its own significance and has its own construction. The basic rules of vaastu Shastra are based on these eight directions.

Please observe the side moving flash file, in this picture one's house or plot is appearing, here East is above side and North is at left side. In between i.e. the corner of the East and North directions is called “Eshan Corner” or “Ishan” or “Northeast” Direction, in other words the junction in between east and north is called Eshan corner. This Eshan corner place is most important at Vaastu shastra. This Eshan blesses inmates, development in their respective fields. So every house owner has to take care on Eshan corner, Eshan should not loss. If so the entire family development system will spoils. If Eshan rises at one’s house we can clearly observes improvement in his day to day life. If you feels

Eshan rises at one’s house we can clearly observes improvement in his day to day life. If you feels that Eshan has any defects at your house, then immediately get suggestion from one experienced vastu expert.

Observe this Agneya Corner flash picture, its called as Agneya or southeast corner., here Agneya starts from next to east and towards south as shown with red line is moving from east to Agneya. This portion is called East Agneya, its very dangerous. There is another one South Agneya., this south Agneya starts from next to south towards Agneya Corner, its also shown with one second red mark line, moving from south to Agneya, this is called as South Agneya. Most of the people suffers with this Agneya Dhoshas, if we correct Dhoshas at these places most of the problems will solve,. Agneya corner problems, except death everything has to be done to inmates. Cheated by others, Money loss, tensions, quarrels at home or with outsiders, unnecessary headaches from others, court cases, fire accidents, accidents, thefts, self pity, womanizing , drinking, angriness , untimely decisions, playing cards, bad habits, smoking etc., If we left Agneya Dhoshas, later it will show what its power. Be care of Agneya as it’s a severe impact on human.

Observe this Nairuthi Corner flash picture, it’s called as Nairuthi, Nirruthi, Rakshasa Moola or southwest corner., here Nairuthi starts from after South to Nairuthi as shown with Yellow line is moving from South to Nairuthi. This portion is called South Nairuthi. There is another Nairuthi is also there, that is West Nairuthi., this west Nairuthi starts from after west to Nairuthi Corner, and this is also shown with one second lighted green mix blue mark line, moving from West to Nairuthi, this is called as West Nairuthi or Southwest Nairuthi towards West. If Nairuthi disturbs, death may occurs, severe health problems, always health troubles unexpected losses, this Nairuthi is more powerful than the other directions , it brings good or bad results immediately to the occupants. If Nairuthi is strong enemies are destroys instantly. Nairuthi is highly tempered. Always bold results good or bad.Nairuthi character if greediness, stubbornness, domination, cruelty etc. we should more cautious while handling this direction.

Observe this Vayavya Corner flash, it’s called as Vayavya or Northwest corner., here Vayavya starts from after North to Vayavya as shown with Red line is moving from North to Vayavya. This portion is called Northvayavya. Another Vayavya is there it starts from next to west towards Vayavya corner it also shows with red mark. This direction is more vital and important to all. This direction is capable of making a man Rich o

Vastu Shastra for Good Health : The centre of the house, workplace as well as that of each and every room is very important as it is connected with health and is considered to be the heart of the house or workplace. This is the meeting point of all the energies from different directions. If you or any of your family members face health problems, check the Brahmasthan and observe certain precautions and particularly observe the vastu defects at house. Brahmasthan should not be depressed. Heavy objects, wells, lifts, stairs and toilets are totally prohibited in the Brahmasthan. If it is depressed or there is a pit or it is insanity amongst the inmates. A well in the Brahmasthan may lead to health problems for the house owner and affect the prosperity. According to "Manasara", a temple can be made in the Brahmasthan of the house. You can have a countryard in the Brahmasthan preferably open to the sky, which can be used as a get-together for the family members. For small houses, have the living room / hall in the Brahmasthan. A staircase at the exact centre of the house would lead to health problems according to vastushastra. Check to see that three is not any heavy furniture at the centre. Make sure that there are nooverhead beams running through the centre. Attention should also be paid to the east and southeast, as these directions are also connected with health. It is essential to keep the central area or the Brahmasthan clear of all heavy concrete structures. Hang a beautiful crystal chandelier in the central area, preferably with five bulbs. Installation of a reike charged crystal grid in the Brahmasthankeeps the whole house energized. Another cause for a lot of diseases is an imbalance of the fire element. If your house faces south with a slope towards that directions, or if the generator room is to the north-east and the underground water tank is in south-east, the possibility of health problems, does exist. To remedy the situation, make sure that the gate along the south wall always remains shut. Secondly, it should be high and made of wood so that it does not allow you to see the road outside. The boundary wall should be as high as the gate. Place an image of lord hanuman facing south. You can also grow citrus plans on either side of the gate. Shift the heavy weight generator towards north-west or south-east and the water tank to the north or northeast. Burning a candle in the patient room for a couple of weeks is a must too. Our body is linked to the cosmos through the immediate surroundings and the environment in which we dwell. So if we live in an environment that radiates ill health, then medicine alone cannot be of much help. This is also supported by research which states that most illnesses are psychosomatic. Vaastu links the health and illness with the placement of kitchen in the residence and the Brahmasthan. If the kitchen is not located in the fire zone, i.e. south-east the

residence and the Brahmasthan. If the kitchen is not located in the fire zone, i.e. south-east the occupants are vulnerable to health disorders. Lighting a candle in the fire zone daily becomes as important for good health as sleeping with your head aligned towards the south. It is also essential to keep the Brahmasthan open and free from heavy objects, pillars and beams. All these are important for a healthy body and mind. For maintaining good health and recovery from ailments, chant Mahamrithyunjaya Mantra 108 times daily. . General health can be improved by sleeping with the head towards the south. Sleeping on your left is recommended for “Vaatha” and “Khapha” constitutions, sleeping on your right in recommended for “Pittha” constitutions. Some says that vasthu cannot works, its absolutely wrong, vaasthu will definitely works, but you have to select the good vastu consultant, that is the technique. God Bless you, All the best.

Reading of ‘Vastu for wealth’ is nothing but good time starts. If we done alter the site or house according to vasthu shastra, and then our position will shine day by day. It is a highly recommendable act to select and purchase a site the adheres to the rules and regulations of vaasthu which drives an individual to the path of richness and glory. One should always go in for a square shaped or a rectangular shaped site. It is advisable to select a site, which has 90 degrees angles in the four corners. The perfect directional plot will have good power. The more spacious the land the better results. North Depression Plot Have you observed this left side flash file, one white mark is moving from south to north at one house picture. If the south side is height and the north side is down (depression) that plot is auspicious and prosperous plot. It is better if the plot has a natural depression from south height and north depression. And better to buy this type of plots, the nature of that plot is heavy money flow, easy works, good health, two business, lucky hand, golden moments etc may appears at this plot. After buying this plot better to approach one experienced vaasthu consultant for a best vaastu house plan. Don’t look for the vasthu consultant fees, if one item is original and genuine its cost is also high, after buying this genuine item you will enjoy with it, if the item is duplicate the cost is also less, you will always feels troubles with these duplicate items. Quacks are in the market, don’t approach them, as they are cheap at visiting time, and they drag money by saying all false things and collects money from you by saying duplicate poojas etc. Be cautious.

Plot Selection : Auspicious Plots - Purchase these types if possible Eshan corner plot ( development) East side facing plot (good plot) North side facing plot (good plot) South side facing plot (good plot) West side facing plot (good plot) Two roads plot (nice plot) Three road plots ( best plot) Four roads plot (excellent plot) Slope from west to east side plot (Good health, victory on enemies, strenghen to inmates) Slope from south to north side plot (having sufficient money, good health, satisfaction) Slope from Nairuthi (southwest) to Eshan(northeast) plot (standard, happy, Good times) Heavy buildings at south side plot ( full of money, secure feeing ) Heavy buildings at west side plot (secure feeling, good health, victories )

Heavy buildings at Nairuthi side plot ( full safety, success, standard, good health, strongness) A sump at Eshan corner plot ( happy living, problems solved, full of cash, development ) A sump at north side plot ( cash flow, good health) A sump at east side plot ( development, good health, fame ) Mountains at Nairuthi side plot (secure feeling, good health, victories ) Mountains at south side plot (good health, having sufficient money, satisfaction) Mountaints at west side plot ( success, good health, standard, easy victories) More open space at east than west side plot ( good health, good education, standardness) More open space at north side than south ( full of cash, good health, happy) A water channel that flows from the West to the East is good as far as it is to the Northside plot ( health, fame, money flow, good times) A water steam that flows from the south to the north is good as far as it is to the eastside plot (fame, good health, happy living, standard) Plot which is increase at Eshan corner ( oh fantastic ) Plot which is increasing at east-eshan side ( fame, foreign trips, victories, cash) Plot which is increasing at north-eshan side ( full of money, happy living) A plot which is square type ( good plot) If the length of the plot in east-west direction is more than north-south direction( male site) vastu vasthu, vaastu, vaasthu, tips, ( for always gives us best results.

Don’t buy the plot in between two broad size (big size) plots, in between two multi storied apartments.

Dont buy the plot which is increasing at Nairuthi corner (southwest corner).

Plot Selection : Inauspicious Plots - avoid them if possible

First avoid of buying Black clay soil areas, if so or otherwise the foundations will be so weak and the construction cannot stand long time. If the structure disturbs vastu cannot works, please always remember this vastu tip. Once again I am informing you if the construction is NOT healthy vastu cannot works. If there is no ground water first avoid buying that plot. The following plots are inauspicious: 1. Oval type plots 2. Triangular plots 3. Unshaped plots which are cut at Eshan ( North-east) corner. 4. Round shaped plots. 5. Polygonal plots. 6. Rounded north-east corner plots. 7. Plots which is having raising (increasing) at Agneya (Southeast) corner. 8. Plots which is increasing at vayavya(northwest) corner. 9. Heavy raising at southwest corner plots. 10. Heavy digs at southwest corners. 11. South to North at west side higher than the south to north at east side plots. 12. More slope from north to south side plots or sites. 13. More slope from east to west side plots. 14. Heavy digs at south side plots. 15. Heavy sump at west side plots.

15. Heavy sump at west side plots. 16. Mountains at north side plots. 17. Heavy rocks at east side plots. 18. Heavy mountain stones at Eshan side plots. 19. River at south side plots. 20. River at west side plots. 21. River at southwest side plots. 22. Heavy buildings or apartments at north side plots. 23. Heavy buildings at east side plots. 24. Heavy buildings at Eshan side plots. 25. Two sides i.e., either north & south sides or east & west sides apartment plots. 26. Slope from Eshan to Southwest (Nairuthi) corner plots. 27. More open space at south side than north side plot. 28. More open space at west side than east side plot

Vastu Shastra House structure : House structure is the main and important one in Vastu shastra. Because if the house construction is weak, vaastu also weak, if house construction is strong, vastu also works strong. We are very lucky by knowing all these facts, but it will be fruitful only when we utilize all these secrets of powerful vastu shastra. If one has a good spacious place for construction then he will construct the house as accordingly. The following are the important points noted while at construction of the house. Vastu Shastra is the science of house construction. The adherence to Vastu Shastra in the construction of dwelling structures provides prosperity, disease-free and peaceful life all the while. In the case of business structures Vastu Shastra ensures upward prosperity. Architecture and Vastu Shastra are different but co-related. Vastu Shastra is house-craft with a touch of religious rituals. An architect’s job is to build a structure with the facilities suggested by the owner and he cannot ensure prosperity, good health or happiness to the inmates. In contrast, Vastu Shastra paves the ways for all these elements. Architecture is a construction act world over, while architecture in India is accompanied by religious thoughts and rituals. Believers in Vastu assert that constructing a house without incorporating Vastu science is highly dangerous as it may result in various life complications and loss of wealth later. When disasters befall one upon one after living in non-Vastu houses, even disbelievers in Vastu are tended to believe in Vastu and adopt corrective steps. Lately, Vastu Shastra has been acknowledged as a priceless gift to mankind. Countries like America, UK, Germany, Japan etc are extensively turning to Vastu Shastra now a days. Though Vastu Shastra is an ancient science it did not get the deserving position in the past due to clever suppression by the ancestors to have the knowledge confined to themselves. The ancestors, however, employed the Vastu science for constructing kingly palaces, temples, religious places and the like. Special care was taken to keep the common man’s houses at bay from the Vastu. Later, common man got access to the knowledge of Vastu which led to its wide acceptance and utilization. Today, even a small structure is constructed with the concept of Vastu science only. The principles of Vastu act on every object - living and non-living. If enough positive energy is present in every breath our health will remain sturdy and progress vigorously. And if we fail to follow Vastu principles the negative energy increases and we are doomed to suffer. An inauspicious house is not always necessary to have demolished. In most cases, if we add few things the overall positive energy increases and ill-effects get tamed. Vastu Shastra is co-related to horoscope. Astrologers prescribe the type of house depending upon the planetary position. We can change our destiny to a limited extent by following the principles of Vastu Shastra. Many architects do not accept Vastu Shastra as a science. Their ignorance of this vital branch of science is stemmed from the fact that their study materials find no mention of this science. Lately, many universities have realized the value of Vastu Shastra and have incorporated it in the syllabus. While architecture is a technical knowledge directed towards preparation of plan, construction and decoration, Vastu Shastra is related to the universe and it has broad perspective delivering wealth, health and peace.

Observe this Picture :-At above picture, with in a compound the

Observe this Picture :-At above picture, with in a compound the house constructed at Eshan Place, previously some body of quacks suggested to the house owners that construction at Eshan place will give all success, and house owners constructed the same as said by the quacks, then the inmates of the house will spoil all of their chances to live. Don’t construct the house at Eshan Place at Compound wall, it will Evaporate all the success chances, this type of construction will spoils everything, it degrades your prestige, total financial problems, health defects, tensions life, defeats etc may occurs.

Observe this Picture:In above picture no:2, with in a compound premises the house constructed at Agneya Place, it’s a wonderful house for devils, not for the human beings, this type of house construction will collapse the entire system the inmates of the house will spoil all of their chances to live. Don’t construct the house at Agneya Place at Compound wall, it will Evaporate all the success chances, this type of construction will spoils everything, it degrades your prestige, unnecessary quarrels, more tensions life, financial problems, health defects, Court matters etc may occurs. Observe this Picture :With in a compound premises the house constructed at Vayavya Place, total mental tortures, heavy losses, pain with entire system, system failure, sage, leaving the house with pain, court matters, unnecessary disputed matter occurs and so many other things happens. Don’t construct this type of house, if you construct the same it cannot leave you and you have to suffer entire living period, be careful.

Observe this Picture :This type of house construction helps in increasing the positive energies and reduces the negative energies thereby increasing the positive influence of aggregated result of energies and as such the effect of the same can be felt by the people inhabitation the structure whereVaastu principles have been applied, this type of house construction will always gives the inmates a chance for good living..and many more benefits received. Its a wonderful house construction system as per vastu shastra. This type will always gives inmates peace, entire life satisfaction, victories, money, respectable life, great achievement, development, good name etc.

At this picture one house constructed at Nairuthi corner and it has two doors (shown with two arrows), one is at Easteshan side and another one is Northeshanside. Eshan door brings all cheers at house. On the same way the compound wallis also having a entrance door at easteashan corner(shown with blue arrow). It is auspicious gate. There is also shown one northeast towards north gate, it brings all money, good health, provide all these minimum requirements and fundamentals while constructing the house, if you buy a house that already built then it is strongly advised that you please consult one experienced vastuconsultant and get one good suggestion. Please note that Vastu is definitely works, Vaastu consultants may not work, so dont see the vastu consultant fees, choose one experienced vastu consultant its nothing but your life may be in turning position.

turning position. You never build houses again and again so be careful before construction, build the house with good vastu then you lead a satisfied life and days will be more interesting. If you construct many houses then no problem, if one house fails then you can shift to another house, that is a different thing. But in general, now a days people cannot build many more houses, so my suggestion is build the house with good vastu, and always better to consult a good vastu expert for best and happy future. Vaastu means the physical environment and Shastra means the knowledge. The combine of the two is known as Vaastu Shastra? Which means the knowledge of the physical environment.This ancient science is based on the principle of controlling two basic forcesPositive forces and Negative forces. Any architectural design either brings in some good effects or evil effects on the persons inhabitating the structure.Vaastu as a science is in no way related to performing the rituals before buying or renovating the house. Its a stand alone way of looking at various dimensions for getting the people living in house rid of ill effects of negative forces and provides shield against dreadful diseases, disasters, mishaps ,birth of physically and mentally disordered children,untimely death, and other unfortunate happenings. So for your sake the following points have to be kept in mind while planning the construction of a building, be it a residential structure or industrial structure or any structure. In each case, it would be auspicious and beneficial to keep the following points in mind while purchasing a plot of land or constructing a building. If a building is hundred feet tall, its foundation must go down upto 40 feet. The first brick of the foundation should be laid in the north or east part of the house. One should never start digging the plot from the south or west or southwest. The first room to be constructed should be at southwestern side. It is very important to check the direction and shape of the plot. A construction on rectangular or square plot is beneficial and good from all aspects. The best shape for a construction on a plot is to be the square type plot. But if we opt for a rectangular shape, the ratio of the two sides should not be more than 2:1. Big plots are preferred, as they bring prosperity but they should not have any cracks or cleavage or Bad Street focuses. The house should be open from all sides, that means it should not be adjacent to any other house, i.e. no two houses should have a common wall. A house should not be sandwiched between any two houses. The plots having a triangular shape are considered inauspicious for construction of a building. A small narrow plot between two big plots is not considered good, because the owner of the building of such plots would remain in trouble. If a plot is rectangular, the length in the east-west direction should be more than that in northsouth direction, i.e the east-west axis should be longer than the north-south axis. But this is not a serious problem. Plots should not have more open space in south than in north, because it will lead to destruction and downfall, whether it is in the house or a industry. While constructing the house all the heavy and permanent items should be placed in the southwest corner of the building or plot. The construction will be easier if the heavy items are placed in the rooms on the southwest or south and west.

Vastu Shastra Tips for House Construction : First and foremost important point of House Construction of vastu shastra is dig a well in the N-E corner and use this ground water for constrction for quick completion of house construction and prosperity. Open space should be kept all around the building, that is four sides of the house., it gives us luck to the house and full of lighting, flowing of air. Open space means more at east, ishan, north than south,west and southwest corners. Open space at agneya and vayavya should be equal. One opinion in the minds of the quacks and uneducated people is trees should not be at house

and shadow of the tree should not be impression at any part of the house, its totally wrong idea and not correct. Plant trees at all parts of the house(except Ishan), but follow these small hints. Heavy trees at south,west, southwest corners and agneya, vayavya sides. Creepers and small plants at East,North, northeast corners.,better to avoid trees at Ishan corner, if you strongly wish you can develop grass at Ishan corner. Plenty of Air flowing should be to the house from Ishan,East,North sides, to avail this facility we should provide doors or windows at these sides. Construction of building at South,West,Southwest sides are highter(higher) than North,East,Northeast sides. No peace and quarrels at house if there is a well at Agneya,Vayavya and the well is appear at south,west,southwest corners then inmates has to face financial crisis,heavy burdans,health problems, once in a moment deaths are also happen. There is no question of Vaastu Pooja at house, its a waste of time and money, vastu is science, and its not a diety. If new (or old) house purchased, first do paints to the house, clean and join & enjoy If west portion is height than East portion, that plot is auspicious and construct the house without distrubing this natural power i.e., height at west side. If south portion is height than north portion, that plot is auspicious and construct the house without distrubing this natural power i.e., height at south side. Actually there should not be 5 corners in a house, but its auspicious if 5th corner is at Ishan side. Dont provide Doors at Southwest corner, the same forwarded to windows also. To dig for the foundation, first starts from Ishan corner, then go to East and North, thereafter go to agneya,vayavya, south,west, and last at southwest. Filling the foundation digs with concrete (pillars) first at southwest corner, later south,west,agneya,vayavya, last at east,north and finally at Ishan corners. Plan to fix the doors to open inside, not outside, inside opening of the doors is luck to the inmates and it welcomes the natural power or energy. Flooring heights are should be like this way, north to south, and east to west. Ishan to Southwest corners. A vastu home has to be aligned with the cardinal directions thereby reflecting the Vedic concept of the universe. Don’t place disturbing works of art such as those depicting war and misery as they may bring about negative energy.

Vaastu Shastra Tips for Doors : As long as the East, North, West and South doors are perpendicular to each other (according to the campass needle) it is good. South, North, West and East gate and doors of the building are perpendicular according to the compass needle hence it is good, actually some one says that the west facing and south facing houses are inauspicious, but its totally wrong. All the four facing plots are good. But we have to build the house according to vaastu shastra.The doors of the building are in the South, North, East and West and as the site has a 15 degrees twist (according to the compass needle) the gate and main door placed in the East is shifted to the East in North-East and it is not favourable for the South gate and door to be in the South in South-West. In such cases it is better to have doors and gates in the North-East in East side plots, North-East in North side plots, South-East in South side plots and the North-West in West side plots. At North facing site the door (Simhadwara or Uttachstana) should be placed at northeast corner, this is the best suitable place, the second and last one is North door, but have to take some suggestions from experienced vastu consultant. East facing site the door (Simhadwara or Uttachstana)should be placed at northeast corner, this is the best suitable place, the second and last one is East door, but better to have suggestions from experienced vastu consultant. South facing site the door (Simhadwara or Uttachstana)should be placed at southeast corner, this is the best suitable place, the second and last one is South door, take necessary suggestions from experienced vastu consultants West facing site the door (Simhadwara or Uttachstana)should be placed at northwest corner, this is the best suitable place, the second and last one is West door, but dont forget to get suggestions from experienced vaastu consultants, this is safe to you, while putting doors at some parts than at uttachastana. The entrance for a South West room should always be placed in the North-East. The doors should be in the Northeast. When someone enters through the door, the waves emerging from the doors affect his mind with the magnetic waves always flow around us. If possible some painting or window should be opposite to each door for air flow. The size and shape of the door is, here vaastu advises that width of the door should be half of the height of the door, its good for the house. The main entrance door to the house should be made from good quality wood. It's

The main entrance door to the house should be made from good quality wood. It's width should be bigger than other doors of the house. It should have a design and should be painted. It should look grand compared with the other doors. The main door is the index of the quality of the good vibrations of the house. A vastu home has to be aligned with the cardinal directions thereby reflecting the Vedic concept of the universe. While entering into the house don’t place disturbing works of art such as those depicting war and misery as they may bring about negative energy and negative thoughts to the inmates and comers to the house. The properties of the ucchasthana and Neechasthana doors East House: Door is at Northeast or East side - Fame and Knowledge North House: Door is at Northeast or North side - Fortune & wealth. South House :Door is at Southeast side - Happiness West House: Door is at Northwest side - Does overall good. Neechasthana door of East face house is at South-East : Increases chances of bad ways, getting cheated or cheating tendencies in the owner. South face house neechasthana door is at southwest : Trouble within the household, financials crisis and ill health. West face house neechasthana door is at sSouthwest: Financial losses, general trouble, increases chances of health and financial troubles in men and renders them total defeats, sudden collapse of firms or system. North side house neechasthana door is at northwest in North : People moving through this door will not have mental stability and they might fall prey to bad habits, debts, court cases, saint philosophy. If the main door to the house is stiched in a right place according to vastu shastra then the position of the inmates raisen day by day. Doors are the main and very important in vastu shastra., dont forget this while sitting the doors at house, factory or in any other constructions.

Vastu Shastra Tips for Windows : The Bigger sizes of windows in North or East direction allow good “pranashakti” to enter in house/vaastu. As per Indian vaastu science, north brings prosperity while East brings progress and health. Check doors at your place where they are and rectify them to get abundance of health and wealth. Installing windows at Nairuthi (southwest) portion effects lot to the inmates; don’t put windows at Nairuthi corner. Windows at Northeast corner brings development, strength, happiness, prosperity, luck, works made easy. Windows at east brings us name, works made easy, health. Windows at north brings us prosperity, money flow, happiness. Windows should be very large ones at East, North and Northeast sides. Windows should be medium ones at southeast corners and northwest corners. Windows should be small ones at west and south sides. Windows should be very smallest ones at southwest room. Don’t fit windows at southwest corner of the south west room, at any cost this should not be installed. There is no counting for the windows, if any one says dont believe it., no matter and no importance for the counting of the windows. Dont take your own decisions, its always advisable that get a good vastu suggestions from an experienced vaastu consultant to enjoy a rich and joyful life.

Vastu Shastra Tips For Pooja Room | Temple | Puja : Pooja room , means a personal room for God, our beloved God, Previously i.,e in olden days particularly in India so many are sparing or constructing one pooja room (Called as God Room, Temple, Mandhir,Bhajana room, Prayer room etc), days are passing now the pooja room converted into pooja shelf, yes sir/madam, now a days so many are placing God Idols at shelfs only, not interested to construct one separate room to God, our interesting diety. Which room is the correct place for diety , we shall discuss all the important things here about our beloved Diety, God. As per Vastu shastra Northeast corner is the right and correct place for the pooja room. But according to the latest scientific researches i found that this place(north east) should be very clean, we should not construct or put any thing at this place. In my

researches i found that the placement of pooja room at northeast corner is one way its right and another way its wrong, why because, our elders are very intelligent and well wishers to the coming zenerations, in taking importance of next zenerations they implied this system of pooja room at ishan corner. Why the elders done like this, there is a great reason behind it. Actually as per the vastu shastra Ishan corner walk is very good and most developed cause for human beings, in taking view of this they implied this rule as pooja room should be at Ishan corner, and also another two reasons are invented that, Ishan place should always be clean, and Ishan place should always be less weight, in taking consideration of all these factors they implied this rule as pooja room should be at Ishan corner. Thank to our elders. 1. Pooja room should always clean and no other things except pooja materials kept. 2. Pooja should not be placed at Nairuthi (southwest) corner of the house. 3. Pooja should not be placed at Ishan (northeast) corner of the house, but here with some specifications we can put or install or construct the pooja room at Ishan corner with care, before going to do it, better to get suggestion from one experienced vastu consultant. 4. Pooja room Gods be seated at East facing and inmate has to sit and worship God by seeing the towards West side. 5. Pooja room Gods be seated at West facing and inmates has to sit and worship God by seeing the East side.. 6. Pooja room may be constructed at Agneya (southeast) corner, with some conditions 7. Pooja room may be planned at vayavya (northwest) corner, with some vastu terms. 8. At any cost pooja room should not be placed at out side of the house, if so with some specifications we can do it., but be careful. 9. Four side walk is auspicious for pooja room, try it, but only with severe specifications. Consult for good experienced vastu expert. 10. Free air should be passed at pooja room, it should not be totally closed, or air tightened. 11. Continuous chanting of your interesting god is good at pooja room, it may be by our mouth or by player. 12. Pooja room may be seated at Brahmastan.(middle of the house is called Brahmastan) 13. At pooja room Gods may face to east or west, sometimes north also good. But south is not good, please note that devotion only counts, not the pooja items offered to God. Blessings is important, pray god with clear heart, God cannot bend for our offerings. He is the supreme, remember always about it. God, the SUPREME power of Universe. 14. One should not sleep at Pooja Room. Pooja room is kept only for God.. 15. One important point is that in some cases one cannot have two rooms in his living area, so one has to sleep and cook at one room only, at this moment, place Gods at one shelve and be close it with screen or window, but max try for wholes to that window. Whenever we want to pray we can pray by opening the screen (or doors) and one should close the same, after the prayer. 16. As far as possible better to decorate the pooja room door with auspicious symbols like the image of Ganesh or an Omkar. 17. Take maximum precautions not to touch the walls of pooja room with latrine or bathroom walls. 18. The person performing the pooja should either face towards the East or West or North (permitted with expert advise). 19. Without performing bath dont enter into pooja room. 20. Clean the pooja room everyday. Atleast perform bath to Gods atleast once in a week. 21. Tulasi (Basil Plant) should be planted at house premises, it is must for every house. 22. Dont come before God (near to pooja room) with shoes and chapplas.

Vastu Shastra Pooja Room (Puja) Previous days some elders say that pooja room can be situated at any room of the house , but the pooja room should be constructed separately where we can pray to God peacefully and can maintain it holy. If there is no facility for keeping the Pooja room separately, we can keep a corner or shelf as a pooja room. Now we shall see the location of the pooja room in a building (or house).Construct the pooja room as per vastu shastra. The pooja room should be at the Northeast(care has to taken to keep pooja room at northeast corner of the house ), East, South, West etc., in some house cases other than the exact Northwest corner and South-east corner. The pooja room can be constructed at the Brahmasthan also which will give very good results. Gods should face East or West direction in the pooja room for getting their blessings. The gods can be prayed to by facing any direction but the faith and devotion only counts. We should not construct a small room at the North-east with more shelves and keep the Deity’s photos and construct a platform for the idols there. This will load and block the North-east corner and the Gods will get antagonized with us. We can have open shelves and place God’s pictures there or a shelf in the Northeast room can be used for pooja purposes. The North-east corner of

the house should be clean, which will bring God’s blessings. If there is no separate room available for pooja room we can use any room by placing a bench or a shelf and keeping deities there. Even in bedrooms (if no separate room is available) the gods can be arranged in a shelf but the shelf has to be covered by a screen or by closing windows. Whenever we want to pray we can pray by opening the screen (or doors) and one should close the same, after the prayer. Any shed outside the house, should be constructed at the West or South. This will give benefic results to the inmates as this evades the South and West direction. But, the construction of shed should be avoided at the East and North directions. The pictures and idols of Gods worshipped in the pooja room should not face the south or north(Actually its not serious, but we are giving respect to our elders voice only). The picture of Gods casually hung on the walls of the house can be facing any direction. The photos and idols of god to be worshipped in the pooja room are to face either the East or the West. The person performing the pooja should either face the East or the North.


Some important hints: 1) Pooja room should not be in the bedroom 2) Pooja room should not be above electrical appliances or gas stoves 3) Pooja room should not touch the same wall as the toilet 4) Pooja room should not be opposite bathroom or toilet. 5) Pooja room should be clean and neat avoid dirt or clutter and keep it fragrant.. Know God Positions and our positions while at pooja :

Vastu Shastra Puja Room : There is no vastu puja room, we called as puja room only, for the sake of vastu shastra setting, we called as vastu puja room. If we built the puja room with vastu shastra guidance then the power will increases and we got peace of mind while we done puja, the performance of puja is also one of the important, now a days we are all busy, rush for every thing, we have time to do all the things, but we don’t have time to do puja with leisure, while we are doing puja we thought present day work or yesterdays happenings, but our elders did not do puja like us, why what is the reason behind in this, only the thing is now a days the expenditures are very high and our

the reason behind in this, only the thing is now a days the expenditures are very high and our needs are increasing day by day and over competition. Every body is having their own targets, to reach them quickly every one is rush to go to meet their targets, that is the reason, no one has time to do the customs, performances etc. Ok any how do puja with peaceful heart, pray God atleast two minutes, what is your prayer, nothing, yes just nothing, just leave that two minutes to God.. Those two minutes are particularly belongs to God in our life. In these two minutes don’t request any thing or don’t think on any issues. The erratic planning of house construction will spoil our pleasant future, so better to have expert consultation before buying or constructing the plot/house. We faced so many hurdles, but our strong aim should be our children should not face any problems, they must have good life, how its possible, hard work, good earnings, securities in the way of funds etc etc, exactly vastu works here, at this point vastu has its broaden hands to scrutiny all the things. Puja room is constructed according to vastu shastra then God (puja room) will have extra power, that will helps you, as you are the inmates of that house. Here we learnt how to place Gods in our puja room and how to do perform puja in the puja room or how to face i.e., in which direction our face should be and Gods face should be, we are coming to this point, please look at this picture. In this image God idols are towards east side and we occupied west direction and we are looking God at east side. Means God has seated at east side by looking west direction and we seated at west direction and looking east side, this is best position.

* Here our position is towards east side by looking towards west side, and God Idols are towards west side and looking towards East side, this is also a very good position of God idols


Vastu Shastra For Kitchen : Placing of kitchen forms an important factor in Vastu. Kitchen should always be to the South East corner of the house or atleast to the North West corner of the house. Avoid placing the kitchen at the North East corner of the house which may lead to lost of unrest, quarrels, misunderstanding between the members of the house, unnecessary expenditure,(matter is from Worries and tensions. It is also better to avoid kitchen at Southwest side. Otherwise, it is also likely to cause many difficulties and worries to the owner. To get the best out of Vaastu, it is always advisable to consult a Vaastu. Expert. Whichever direction the site might face, it is best to have the kitchen in the Southeast. The cooking stove should be placed in the Southeast and it should be lit facing the East. By doing so, the house owner’s health and peace of mind increases. At no cost should the stove be lit facing the South or North. In a South facing house, it might be

At no cost should the stove be lit facing the South or North. In a South facing house, it might be difficult to have the kitchen in the Southeast hence the kitchen maybe set up in the Northwest room. In a Northwest kitchen, the stove has to be placed in the South-East, facing the West and the person lighting it should always face the East. In North-West kitchen, (matter is from the stove can be placed in the North-West in West, only when it is inevitable. By doing so, the stove faces the East and the person lighting the stove faces the West. As a result, the guests coming to the house increase and the women have to frequently light up the stove more often for coffee and other refreshments for the guests. At no cost should the kitchen be situated in the Northeast at in East or at North and it is very bad if already done so. If done so, the house hold money gets spent fast, there are always tensions and quarrels going on and any kind of accident may befall the people of the house hold. It is not that the kitchen should not be set up in the South, West or South-West rooms. If already done (matter is from so try to shift it to the South-East room. If unavoidable, then the stove has to be placed in the south-East in East, facing the West and the stove should be lit facing the East. People newly constructing houses should see that the kitchen should not be set up in the South-West, West or South rooms, as they make good bedroom for the house owner and his childrento sleep in. In a kitchen the Eastern slab should not touch the Eastern wall. Attics should not be put up to store articles in the East and North. In a kitchen, the storage shelves and attics should be in the south and West. (matter is from The kitchen should have its heavier articles placed in the South and West like the fridge, grinding machine, heavy vessels, and water storage drums.The slab is put up in the East, away from the Eastern wall, by a gap of 1Inch care should be taken that the slab should not be reaching the Northeast. The shelves, slabs and attics are in the South and West. The stove is in the SouthEast in East. *


In the above image the entrance is at north east towards north side, this entrance is also very good one. Any how its better to approach one expert vastu consultant before setting the kitchen. Where we place the kitchen : In previous days our elders says that we have to maintain only one stove or burners, on those days they are using only firewood burning for food making. On those days they are very cautious on every part of life, while in the kitchen they are mostly planned to construct it at outside the house, still in villages we can observe the kitchens at outside the house only. What is it mean, those days our elders don’t have fire engines, fire fighters etc. So for each and every part they are taking as a serious thing and planning for strict proof of health and safety purposes. Now a days we are not using the firewood for cooking the food, we are modern people with all variety of deceases and we plan every thing in western country styles. We are using only gas stoves, that to the stove is compulsory stable stand at on open dais at kitchen. Our elders are so gentlemen and more cautious on our security. Kitchen means fire, those days they are using the firewood for cooking and the top is also made with bamboo’s , there is a right possibility of fire of the house, so they planned to through it out from the house, that is the main reason our elders are put the kitchen out of our homes. Now a days there is no such accidents.

In the above image, who needs to construct the kitchen at outside then they will construct the kitchen like this way. But they has to give some space towards south wall. The distance between main house and kitchen should be less than the distance between the kitchen and the east wall. Please observe the below image for more understanding of the construction type of outer kitchen. (Generally villagers do construct like this types).

In the above image please observe the arrow mark it shows that the gap in between the south compound wall and the kitchen. How many burners should we place at Kitchen: Regarding Burners in the kitchen also, there is no count on this burners, you can plan for 3 burners or 2 burners or 4 burners stove to be placed at kitchen. Even one burner is also not a problem. Faith is different and vastu is also a different. Dont see the odd burners of stove burners. Our thanks to Vineet Dewan, Hyderbad for giving this idea. Stove placement at Kitchen: Here is a small narration on stove placement at kitchen, we observed several rich people house kitchens, some kitchen (stove) are towards facing to south and some are towards facing to north also, its not a serious problem, but only thing is the placement of kitchen in the house is the important. For example placement of Kitchen in northeast is not good, so from olden days our eldars are planned to place the kitchen at southeast only, its called as "agni" corner. Kitchen means "fire" so fire can be sit and fit at fire (agni) place. The northeast kitchens are giving much trouble to the inmates, so its always better to place and construct the kitchen at southeast or next best place is northwest parts. Maximum try to place the stove towards east side, i.e., while we cook, our face is towards east side. This is the advisable suggestion.

Vastu Shastra Tips for Kitchen | Fire : A place of ladies personal world, experiments, tastes, happy to ladies, some times sorrow to gents. There is no ambience in the home more loved and lived in by all the members of the family, the best of the family, the best place to savor the pleasure of being together with all the tastes, memories and daily habits of the family. These are feelings which need a suitable ambience, where the warmth of wood combines with the strong character of the stony materials, such as marble and granite of table tops and the counter may be with glass also. 1. Kitchen should always placed at Southeast (Agneya)corner of the house. 2. The second best place for the kitchen is Northwest (Vayavya) corner of the house. 3.Observe this plan where the kitchen has to be placed in the house. *

Ok have u seen the above picture, now you are aware by seeing the above plan and now you know where the kitchen has to be placed at house. 4. At kitchen the hob also has a central position with a canopy formed by its hood which destroys odours and fills the ambience with light at the same time. The electrical appliances are carefully concealed beneath the worktop. 5. Olden days our elders constructed two or three houses, but in our period one house built is a climax of the interesting movie, built the house with all amenities like the marked personalities of those modern and innovative kitchen brings into the home the soothing atmosphere of colourful and lively activity. There are as many as four colours which gladden the eye and communicate a note of joyful serenity of the ambience which they furnish, creating together a happy scene. 6. Feel king at your house, you are maharaja of your house a kitchen layout should be customised to the specific requirements and needs of the users. Hence, it is important to ascertain the individual preferences overall lifestyle and eating habits of the direct users, built the kitchen with your own style and requirements. 7.The kitchen should be in the south-east portion of the house. The door of the kitchen should be in the north, east or north-east direction opening clockwise. The lady should face east while cooking, for it brings good health to family members. If the lady faces west while cooking it may lead to health problems to ladies; while cooking with the face towards south may lead to financial problems in the family. *

8. The above picture is the layout of kitchen at house.You can place the dining table as shown above. 9. You can place all food articles at west side of the kitchen. 10. The flooring level of the kitchen is equal to the remaining house floring. 11. The sink at kitchen placed at Ishan corner. 12. The women folk should be facing the East while doing their cooking. This is good for health. 13. There should be abundant use of green in the kitchen. For example green granite for flooring or green pictures. This helps improve the appetite of the family members and also promotes peace and harmony in the house. 14. If possible, the cooking gas and the washing sink should not be kept very close to each other. The logic being fire and water are not comfortable close to each other. 15.The cooking stove should not be visible to the naked eyes from the outside. Hence always shield the kitchen from the outsiders. 16.There should be no leaking taps in the kitchen. This affects the money flow, and actually water should not be waste at any place including kitchen. 17. Shelves for the storage for grains at south,west and southwest sides only. 18. In Vastu Shastra its strictly prohibited that do not construct toilets and pooja-room next to one another. 19. The kitchen should not be directly in front of the main door, try max for this tip, if not maintain one curtain always hanging to the kitchen door. 20. Kitchen should not be placed at northeast corner of the house, if kitchen is at the North East direction, it would curtail peace and mutual love in the family, and heavy expenditure occurs, might quarrels at home etc. 21.vastu for kitchen takes into consideration various things, which where properly placed, pave way for safety in the kitchen. Some of the essential determinants considered are: proper location of the kitchen, direction and placement of doors and windows, placement of cooking

location of the kitchen, direction and placement of doors and windows, placement of cooking gas, gas cylinder, sink, refrigerator and other electronic gadgets etc, if everything is according to vastu, the inmates live happily and enjoy the peace at home. 22.Better no shelf should be placed above the cooking platform. 23.Refrigerator can be placed on the northwest corner in the kitchen or southwest corner. 24.While constructing the kitchen, make adequate provision for cross ventilation for good health, and fresh breez . While cooking items smoke will be automatically go away and we will safe by this cross ventilation. 25.Kitchen (or dining room) is the best place to have your daily meals; but never face South while having your meals it creates stomach disorders, indigestion and other related problems. 26.. If the kitchen is adjoining to a bedroom, the wall between them should be thicker than other walls. 27.Cooking Gas/Range should be in the south-east part of the kitchen. 28.Exhaust fan should be installed on the eastern wall in the south-east corner. 29. Drinking water may be placed in the north-east; water filter will be installed in the north east, if required, or it may be placed at northwest corner. 30. Better to get suggestions from the vastu expert while constructing the house. The theoritical matter cannot renders satisfied vastu experment in our house. By reading books of vastu we know only the important things that may be the essential factors, but general folks cannot find the serious things (vastu defects). * Please observe the Stove (Burners) and sink at this image, black colour is the stove platform at kitchen and white mark+red dots are the stove, and sky blue is the water sink, the stove and sink are changing places,. every step is not a wrong, but maximum try to avoid the sink to place to reach the southeast position. In this moving gif file the sink finally came and occupied the southeast corner,this is not good. Try to place the water sink at northeast corner of the kitchen. In kitchen we have to cook by facing towards east direction only, at this moment the sink should always been keep to the left hand side, it should not crossed to right hand side i.e, sink is towards south wall and the stove after to the water sink. "D" stands for Doors to the kitchen you can place the door at northeast corner towards north side or northwest corner towards west side. these two places are best for fixing the door.Have any doubts please clarify by giving email to us. Contact by clicking here ..Thank You for understanding and have a nice day.

Vastu for Dining room : Dining room is another important part of the house which should be carefully planned. It is always good to have the dining room. Nearer the kitchen or even attached to it. In the Process, care should be taken to place it either at the Southeast corner or the Northwest corner or even Northeast corner of the house . Kitchen should not be placed at Southwest corner of the house . Such a position obstructs one's financial growth and leads to health problems. If one wants to place the dining table at the center of the house, it can be done but care should be taken to see that it is placed towards the Southwest corner. If the Kitchen is on the ground floor, the dining hall should not be on the upper floor. For carrying the food crossing the stairs is not proper to some extent. It is most profitable to have the dining room in the west side of the building. If it is in the east or the north it is tolerably good. While taking food, the head of the family should sit facing the east. Others should sit facing the east or west or north. However, nobody should sit facing the south, if it is done, unnecessary quarrelsmay take place. Before we start taking our food it should be served to the cow, the birds and animals etc. The dining hall should have a door in the east, the north or the west. There should be no arches. The dining table should not be round shaped, egg shaped, hexagonal or of irregular shape. It should be square or rectangular in shape. It should not be attached or folding with the wall. There should be water in the north-east corner of the room. Wash-basin should be in the east or the north, leaving the south-east and the south-west corner. Nature portraits and paintings in the dining room makes the atmosphere happy. There should not be any attached toilet in the dining room, there is no harm in an attached room used for washing clothes or utensils. The door of the dining room and the main entrance door of the house should not be facing each other directly. The walls of the dining hall should have light blue, yellow, saffron or light green colour.

Vastu for dining room makes sure that the food you are eating will have positive effects on you and your family. There are plenty of things that are required to be considered, while giving the right Vaasthu remedies for dining room like the proper location of dining room, proper placement of dining table, position of electronic gadgets, the direction you are facing while eating food etc. The ideal location for the construction of dining room is the West or south portion of the house. If you want to place a fridge (Refrigerator) in the dining room, then southeast direction would be just apt for the same. Kitchen is the proper place to have your daily meals (in olden days our elders doesnt have dining table or dining room, they are taking food at kitchen only) but never face South while having your meals it creates stomach disorders, indigestion and other related problems. If you want to make provision for the fitting of washbasin in your dining room, then the right place would be either eastern or northern or northwest corners. Dining table should not be sticking to the wall. Maximum try for this, or sticking to the wall is must then go for west or south side walls, at any cost dining table should not be stick to the northeast corner or at east or north sides also. Square or rectangle shape dining table is just perfect for the room, now a days the round tables are flooding the market, there is no problem by putting the round dining table at the dining room. Construction should be done in such a manner that the dining room and kitchen both are on the same floor, lying adjacent to each other or equalent to same with each other, and one hint here also is that the dining room and kitchen may have small window to exchange the food items, but to do before this has to take suggestion from expert panel vastu consultants. *

It is most profitable to have the dining room in the west side of the building. If it is in the east or the north it is tolerably good. While taking food, the head of the family should sit facing the east. Others should sit facing the east, the west or the north. However, try to nobody should sit facing the south. If it is done, unnecessary quarrels may take place. Nature portraits and paintings in the dining room makes the atmosphere happy. East, south or west portion of the house are for the dining rooms. Stimulate your appetite by painting its walls with shades of pink or orange. The dining room can be an independent room or in continuation of the kitchen, no problem, but better to get one suggesion by expert after showing your house to him. In the old days, food was cooked and served in the kitchen itself. These days, the dining room can be an extension of the kitchen or drawing room. In case the kitchen is located in the SouthEast, the dining room can be made either in the East or South of the kitchen. If the kitchen is located in North-West, the dining room can be made in the North or West of the kitchen The family should spend happy times here, talking and relaxing, as well as eating. Talk to your family members softly and sweetly in a pleasant voice. Any talk while eating should never revolve around the short comings of any family member. Do not make the dining room a classroom for your children. As per the Rushis (saints) voice do this for best results, cultivate the habit of listening to soft subdued music rather than having the television on at dining room. Television kills conversation and these days where parents have work pressures and children have a burden of studies, meal times can be utilized to spend quality time together with the whole family Create a pleasant environment for the family and friends to eat and enjoy each other’s company. The atmosphere should be intimate and conducive to conversation. To enjoy the feeling of spaciousness do not have too much furniture in this room. The main focus of this room is the dining table itself. The table should be preferably rectangular. Fridge can be kept in the South-

dining table itself. The table should be preferably rectangular. Fridge can be kept in the SouthEast of the dining room There should not be any attached toilet in the dining room. There is no harm in an attached room used for washing clothes or utensils. Paintings/posters of appetising food can be placed on the walls of the dining room. WOW you know so much about dining room and kitchen from, can i expect tasteful food from you while I am at your sweet home.

Vastu Tips for Living Room Living room is also known as hall, sitting room, main room, drawing room etc,. This living room plays a vital role in vastu shastra, because now a days we are sparing this room as T.V watching room., at our house we have dining room, but so many people now ate food only at living room by watcing TV programmes. We are now accostomed for it., we are shouting our children not to watch the tv programmes while taking food, but we are not follow it. Great on our dramatic role. Always better to place the sitting or living room only at northeast corner of the house, some times when the house is west facing or south facing then the living room construction at northeast corner may not be possible, in those cases follow some tricks to get good results as shown below. 1. At our residence we spare most of our time is at "bed room" the next best room is "living room". We should take care of this living room in our home. We should not neglect on this part of our house. 2. The living room is particularly used for discussions with family members and with outsiders, most of our pecunary matters, financial, entertaining other things are also settled at living room, so it has specific interest and importance as per vastu shastra. 3. The owner of the house has to sit at living room and has to faced to east or north sides only. The other members or outsiders has to sit in front of the owner or side to the owner of the house. 4. At east face house or north face house, there is one good quality point in this living room as the members of the house or owner of the house has to sit at living room (here the living room should placed at north east(eshan) corner of the house only), then the good vibrations from Eshan(northeast) corner has arrive and will get the same vibrations from east side and north sides, these vibrations are more effective to the family members of the house.


5. Observe the above plan, the owner of the family has to sit on the lengthy sofa towards nairuthi corner(southwest), the next best is you can put this lenghty sofa towards east side, and transfer the sofa chairs towards west side, the owner has to occupy at the nairuthi(southwest) corner chair. 6. You can put telephone to the south,west side walls so that you can easily handle the phone. 7. If the living room is at eshan (northeast corner) the flooring of the living room is lower than the entire house, it gives very good effect to the family. 8. Most of the houses the front room may be the living room, and most of the living rooms are wide and larger than all the rooms at house, well here vastu works in a hidden method, if at one east facing house there might be living room is the front room, its correct method and giving good results to the inmates. 9. North facing house inmates also receives good results by putting living room at front side i.e., living room is front side. But where as it should not happen at west side facing houses and south side facing houses. Here the inmates must take most precautionary methods by setting the living room as the first room where is in before the entrance. Don’t construct the living room as front room at west side houses and south side houses, if you want to construct the living room at front side then consult a good vastu practioner for best suggestions. 10. You can keep number of doors to the living room, but all the doors should be at correct places as per the vastu shastra. You are aware that “doors” plays an very important role at house as per vastu shastra. Once again remember living room got 2nd rank at house after Bed room as per vastu, in general living room got 1st rank as per our living style 11. Decorate as much as you can, but importance may be given to vastu, then only you enjoy the life with your family members, otherwise you are striving for your livelihood that will be the entertainment to your neighbors and your enemies. 12.Becareful while you sitting at the living room for discussions about different category business deals. As you are owner of the house, you have to sit at the chair or sofaset, your face should be towards east or north, and guests, panchayatdhars, litigents, partners should sit and thier face should be towards south or west, this type of sitting will leads victory on your discussions, finally you will get success on Panchayats (Litigations). 13. In case the house is west facing or south facing, here the living room may be at eeshan corner but we cannot entertain every body to welcome them to sit at living room, because it may be disturbance to our family members, then consult one vastu expert get advise N enjoy. 14. Finally the most important and repeated point is that you have to build the living room according to vastu shastra to lead a joyful, successful life, dont give importance to the vastu consultant fees, but better to consult only an experienced vastu consultant, otherwise you may be the victim of quacks. Useually the quacks are searching for the people, who are in need of support as a vastu adviser (vastu consultant).

Vastu Shastra Tips For Bedroom : Previously we enjoy our life with all of our elders in a very big house, but now a days our life has been restricted to very small rooms(apartments) we accostomed for all these changes, good or bad we dont know the things bus we are looking for an apartment for living, because of we are welcoming this changes in our life, olden days we are not met hitech robberies, thefts, but now a days every thing is hitech, cheating is also hi-tech. We need security, that is the reason we are selected apartment life. Coming into the main point bed room is the most important point in our vastu shastra. 1. Bed room is the most important matter in our vastu shastra. The main concept in our website is quality tips for a wonderful living. Please note that bedroom is the most important subject in vastu shastra. Bed room is having its significance so that i wrote nearly 270 pages book only on bedroom vastu. Hope now you have understood that the importance of the bedroom, thank you for your understanding the significance of the bedroom in vastu sastra. 2. Bed room is not meant for discussions, enjoy with your life partner at bedroom, dont discuss the other things at bed room., if the vastu at bed room is good, you will enjoy the real sexual life and have a great rest at bed room without disturbances and mental tensions. If the vastu at bedroom is not good then you are think about all the bludy things except family life entertainment. 3.Raise of eshan at bed room is most important point in, after so many experiments finally i discovered somany extroardinary excellent powerful bedrooms., if any one construct bed rooms, they may get such plans from 4. Generally bed room is placed at southwest(nairuthis) corner of the house, so the nairuthi(southwest) outside of the house sould not be defectable, otherwise the inmates of that

nairuthi(southwest) outside of the house sould not be defectable, otherwise the inmates of that bedroom facing so many problems and troubles. *

5. Please look at the above bedroom picture, the bed at bed room has been placed at Nairuthi(southwest) corner. Here you have to observe some important things, first we are sparing most of the our time say about more than 7 hours or some times 8 hours also at bed room, vastu counts time, so gradually we have to calculate the living time at various rooms, most of the human beings are sparing most of the daily life is at bed room., my point is exactly sticked here, so that i am giving much importance to the bedroom. In the above picture you please observe that the bed is at nairuthi corner and there is more space available at east, north, northeast (eshan corner), less place at south, west and southwest (nairuthi) corners. This type of arranging bed is very intelligent method, requests you follow this method to get advantage of vastu shastra. 6. It is best to have the bedrooms in the South, South-West and West. At no cost should the bed room be built in the North-East, East or North. It is not good for the house owner’s health and the financial well being to have his bed room in the North-East, East or North. Some times the inmates of that bed room may be facing lots of difficulties with others, mostly financial, health, sufferings from unneccessary expenditures etc. 7. People sleeping in South-East in East bedrooms suffer from sleeplessness, anxiety and short temper. 8. The owner sleeping in North-West bed rooms suffers instability. 9. It is best for the house owner to sleep in the South-West room and in case not possible in the South-West room and then arrangements can be made in the South or West rooms. 10. Direction for the head to be placed while sleeping: If the head is towards the South then, with sound sleep and lesser tensions, the health improves. If the head is towards the East, then improvement in knowledge. If the head is towards the West, then ill health. If the head is towards the North, then bad dreams, ill health and disturbed sleep. 11. Place the cupboard in the bedroom at South, West or Southwest(nairuthi). 12. Place the Bed at Southwest (nairuthi) leaving some place at south,west and southwest corners as shown at the above picture, the next best place is place the bed at south, the third best place is west side. If the bed is placed at east side then illhealth observes, misunderstandings, male candidate has to face unnecessary words from his wife or with others., if the bed is placed at Agneya corner (southeast) tentious life experience., if the bed is placed at north then financial problems, illhealth, misunderstanding between family members, doubtful nature., if the bed is placed at vayavya (northwest) corner. 13. Square and rectangular shaped bedrooms are the best, so construct according to this method, the unsystamatic typed bedrooms may not be fulfilled the inmates needs. Care has to take on bed room construction because a place to unwind,let your hair down and put up your feet-all very casual and private activities.For all the time spent and the intimacy it demands,a bedroom takes very careful and detailed planning.Not because it is the most personal room in a house but because it is a room WHERE YOU DREAM. 14. The bed room is always observed very clean, the basic principle of not breaking up a room into little bits is equally applicable to the floor.This is why a room with a wall-to- wall carpet looks much bigger than a one with rugs scattered all over. However,given the Indian climatic conditions,maintaining carpets and rugs requires a huge effort;and can only be risked in airconditioned and dust free environment.The latest option is laminate flooring,and it does seem

to have a lot of advantages,while also being aestetically appealing,and free from the hassles of ordinary wooden flooring.It should be noted that the same flooring sweeping through several rooms gives a better,more spacious effect. *

15. Observe the above plan, the bed at bedroom is at nairuthi (southwest) corner, both sides is small stools to place mini articles and phone, bed lamp etc, the north side is one study table, that can be use to write letters, read books etc., the east side is Television, have you observed one thing, the both articles are not touched the walls, that is the important here, the articloes at norh or east sides donot touch the walls, the bed is also having little bit space at south and west sides. 16. The bedrooms of the head of the family should be in the south-west corner of the west side. If there are more than one floor, the head of the family should have a bed room on the upper storey in the south-west corner of the west direction. This room is also good for adult married children. But under no condition it should be a bedroom of the younger children. There are clashes and unnecessary quarrels in the house. A bedroom in the south direction can also be tolerated. 17. While sleeping, make sure that everyone sleeps with his or her head pointing towards the South corner. North direction should be completely avoided, as it acts as a source of nightmares and disturbed sleep. 18. Avoid placing the divine idols in the bedroom., and also devine photo frames. 19. As a part of Vastu guidelines for bedroom, if you want to have a bookshelf in your bedroom, then west or southwest corner is apt for this purpose. 20. The beds should be of good quality wood. They should be solid and must not be shaky. The mattress should provide good support to the body while resting. Box beds are ideally not recommended, but due to paucity of space in houses these days, getting rid of box beds is easier said than done. Make sure you de-clutter and sort out things kept in the box-beds from time to time. Shoes and chappals should not be kept under a bed try to keep the area under the bed, as clean as possible. Your bedroom should be a place where you can totally relax. Keep objects that remind you of unfinished tasks out of the room, or at least out of sight. A bedroom should be aesthetically designed with soothing colours and pictures. Have pleasant pictures associated with happy memories around you. The foot of the bed should not directly face the door of the room. The bed should not be placed under a beam. The South-West area of the bedroom should not be kept empty. Keep heavy furniture or an almirah here. Do not have your temple in the bedroom. 21. Avoid fixing doors in the South-West of the bedroom, otherwise you will suffer with illhealth, sudden damage to your sovereignty . Finance weak. Distrubed life with no peace etc. 22. The main bedroom should be on the southwest or northwest side of the house. If there is an upper story in the house, the master bedroom should be on this floor, in the southwest corner. Adult married children can also use this room. Younger children, however, should not use it because that will cause trouble in the household. 23. Bedrooms on the northeast side of the house will also cause trouble. 24.Bedroom walls should be painted a light rose, dark blue, dark green, gray, etc. Some authorities say that the walls should not be painted white or a light yellow. The door should be set in the east, west or north, and should ideally be one shutter (door). 25. One should sleep in his own house with his head facing east or south. If one is staying in someone else’s house, or while traveling, he may sleep with his head at facing west. One should never sleep with his head facing north. Why we sleep towards sorth or rest our face towards south, here is one clarity answer for this sleep, your head to the south means positive magnetic energy comes from the north, the blood in our body contains iron, making your body magnetic with the positive polarity in your head. When you sleep with your head to the north, these two positive polarities repel each other, disrupting the flow of bold and affecting your sleep and

positive polarities repel each other, disrupting the flow of bold and affecting your sleep and health. 26. Upon rising from bed, the right foot should be placed on the floor first. If one is to study in the bedroom, the east side should be used. The wardrobe should be located on the northwest or southwest side of the bedroom. TV, heaters, and air conditioners should be located in the southeast corner. 27. At night it is advisable to keep a light burning. A night bulb will do. Never keep the bedroom pitch dark. 28. The bed room flooring should be higher than all the other rooms floring, so that the owner of the house will enjoy the standardness. 29. The main entrance to the bedroom will always be at northeast corner either towards east or north sides. 30. If the bed room door is not possible to fix at northeast corner, (generally at southwest bedrooms we can arrange door at northest corner) then go to southeast corner towards sourth side, the next one is northwest corner towards west sides only. 31. Try not to sleep in direct alignment with sharp corners. Sharp corners act as energy spears and create stress in the nervous system. There is not serenity in a room that has sharp corners except by softening them by placing plants in front of them. You can also try moving your bed away from direct alignment with them. *

32. See the above picture, there is one iron safe, keep this type of heavy items at southwest corner of the bedroom, and better to keep on the small Chapta (constructed with solid rocks). The door should be openable towards north. The back of this iron safe should be towards south, the next best is west side.


33. The above wood almirahs should be kept at southeast or northwest sides at bedrooms. The doors of this type almirahs may be openable towards east or south if the almirah placed at northwest corner. If the almirah placed at southeast corner then the door may be openable towards north or west sides. These type of almirahs should be kept on the general flooring only. Vastu tips bedroom link will modified at an earliest time.

It is best to have the bedrooms in the south, south west (nairuthi) and west. At no cost should the bed room be built in the northeast (Eshan ) corner, maximum try to avoid placing of bed rooms ateast or north directions . If the house owner has occupied this bedroom it is not good for the house owner’s health and the financial matter. People sleeping in southeast (agneya) towards east side bedrooms suffer from sleeplessness, anxiety and short temper. The owner sleeping in northwest (vayavya) bed rooms suffers instability, financial losses, unneccessary headaches from his working areas i.e., his office, shop, lodge or hotels , factories etc. It is best for the house owner to sleep in the Southwest room and in case not possible in the South bed room or West bed room, if the owner has occupied at these southwest corner bedroom, or south bedroom, or at west bedroom then his position will raise day by day, his works will go smooth, his words has some attraction, he has capability in maintaining his family members or his staff. His financial position will also be raisen at peak level. vaasthu for bedroom Vastu Shastra is most important for us, as because we spare max time in a day at this bedroom. While at house construction its better to consult one experienced vasthu consultant then every thing will go smooth. Please remind one thing vaastu consultants can cheat you, but vaasthu shastra cannot. Direction for the head to be placed while sleeping : 1. If the head is towards the South then, Sound sleep and lesser tensions, the health improves. 2. If the head is towards the East, then improvement in knowledge. 3. If the head is towards the West, then ill health. 4. If the head is towards the North, then bad dreams, ill health and disturbed sleep. 5. The cupboard in the room’s to be placed at West direction. 6. The bed in the room is at Southwest corner. 7. The dressing table in the room’s Southeast or Northwest corner 8. The cupboard in the room may be at South or west or southwest 9. Place the bed at south, west or southwest. 10. The cooler at the room is towards southeast or northwest direction, if not possible then place this one at north or east directions but it should not touch the wall at these directions. 11.The flooring should be higher than the remaining house flooring. 12.Bath room should be at southeast corner or northwest corner, with some care it may be placed at nairuthi also. As per the request of several visitors, herewith we published the different bed positions at bedroom, please observe the bedroom in light pink colour, bed is in little bit dark colour, pillows are in white colour. In this picture, the bed position is towards agneya (southeast corner),. Then the inmates will suffer with some financial problems, diseases, quarrel in between the inmates or with out siders, their works will go little bit slow, or may be late

go little bit slow, or may be late etc may happen. Heavy expenditures may occur.. Health and stamina will also be considered at this bed position as week. This bed position is not good. Dont sleep in this position. * Here the bed is towards to Eshan (Northeast) corner, this is not at all good. Dont sleep in this position. This position called to be the worst bed position, we should not sleep at northeast corners. Every thing is against to the inmates in this style of sleeping. Observe some other bed positions at next page, click the below "Learn More" button


Vasthu Shastra for Bed Room : Here the bed position is gone to vayavya (northwest), this is not at all good.

* This is also not good position as per vastu shastra, but some body says that "the head is towards west side, so we can sleep in this position", but we should not sleep like this. In this position the legs will be placed towards East, i.e., towards sun rising, from ancient times our elders says that we should not put our legs towards Sun, as we treat Sun as our visible god.

* At any cost we should not sleep at this position, at this position head is towards north, this will be danger, doctors are also expressing that we should not keep our head towards north, as the magnetic fields are towards north, it may causes our nerves system.

* we should not sleep at this position also, because the bed is towards east wall , so the inmates have more space towards west side, this may harm them. Generally the students may sleep in this position, but bed should not be towards east side as shown here.


Vastu Shastra For Chidlren Bed Room : Children, our life. We are living only for them, they are our life no doubt about it. We are striving for their development only, did the children know their responsibilities, no... generally children doesn’t have knowledge how to overcome from their studies and keep standing of parents good name in the society. Work and rest epitomize the division of night and day in nature. Sleep ideal form of rest is necessary for all. So a horse falls into sleep in standing posture. (This matter is from in the seas close one eye and open one eye in sleep whileswimming. Bat hangs upside down. Cats squeeze themselves into a ball and sleep. Nature composed of five elements blessed living beings with rest, which is sleep. So the only place of bliss is that where man can sleep blissfully, may it be abode of peace or abode of happiness. It is the bed room. To speak the truth, bed room in house is like heart to the body. It is the place where most of the time is spent while in house. There are eight directions. Southwest is the most kind. (This matter is from That is why it is better the elders made this their bedroom. Bed rooms can be arranged in southeast and northwest also. But elders of the home should sleep in southwest room as per vastu shastra. Young people can sleep in southeast room and youngsters can make NorthWest room as their bed room, children should sleep in southeast room or at northwest rooms only. Wife and husband should not make the room in southeast as their bed room. If the house is big and more number of bed rooms are there first issue should sleep in south room, second issue has to occupy the southeast, third in western room, fourth in southwest, this is the best. Child means they are boy or girl. Mostly spare vayavya bed room to Girls. And for boys spare agneya bed rooms, for more information contact us, dont take your own decision, it spoils your child future At Children bed room : Bed should be placed at southwest direction and space should be come round the bed, its best method for children. If space cannot provide around the bed, then place the bed at southwest corner or south corner or west corner. Children should place their head at east side and legs towards west side, its very best method for them to have high intelligence and knowledge, more memory power has to be risen at this position. More vacant space should be left at north side More vacant space should be provided on east side. Children can have their bedroom at east and north side also. If at you have more children and if you want to provide more bedrooms to them, construct bedrooms at southwest , south, west, vayavya, agneya, north and east sides, better leave the eshan corner, don’t construct bedroom at eshan corner. If it is compulsory to construct bed room at eshan corner then please get an advice from one experienced vastu consultant Please observe is your child place head at north direction, please note that its very dangerous to their knowledge and memory power. Modern people pooh the warnings as superstition of elders voice, but after researches done by the scientists, then they accepts the facts and they obey their words, not our elder people voices. North placing head is not good as it has been proved truth scientifically. (This matter is from This posture makes the circulation of blood to the limbs at a distance of heart slow. Sleep will be disturbed. It will cause headaches and in irritation and disturbances. The changes in circulation of blood effect the heart sensitively. Researches was done conducted jointly by scientific and technology institute and V.H.S Medical research institute of Chennai. By changing the direction of the head, joint pains and such health diseases may get cured. And so many invisible diseases will also be

pains and such health diseases may get cured. And so many invisible diseases will also be cured by placed head at south. These scientist project studied the effects of the changes in blood circulation by sleeping towards the east the research revealed that the changes that occur in circulation of blood by sleeping with head towards north will not occur if done so in the direction of south. Scientists studied the changes that come about during this sleeping posture in animals and humans. Subtle changes come about in the electric currents of the mind. (This matter is from Geo Electric Magnetic power influences the body. By changing the direction of the head we got all good things and health is also be good and pleasure. By this we understand the truth of our old adages. If south is not feasible east can be better. North and west are prohibited. At this left flash file observe the bed position at one children bed room, the bed is at Nairuthi (southwest ) corner, head position is at south side if the bed is at Nairuthi corner the bed have more space at east, north and eshan shown by moving arrows this position is always best and cause for more development to the inmates of this bed room. Bed should always be at Nairuthi direction of the room, if it is not possible to place the bed at Nairuthi corner then, the Bed should be placed at least at South side or West sides only. (This matter is from bed should not be placed at Agneya or Vayavya corners and at any cost the bed should not be placed at Eshan corner. The entrance is at Northeast corner towards East side for bright education. At this flash file the bed position head is at East side, this type of bed position is also so nice and for good education and bright future. So dear parents place the bed position as shown at this weblink, for your child bright future. is ready to serve you very goodvastu tips for kids at the time of their examinations. When their exams starts then contact us for very nice vaastu tips. We are publishing attractive vastu tips at the time of January ending or February first week. Contact us for more information. is always stands for the better society, to reach the target please participate with your bright ideas to reach more people of this wonderful vastu science.

Vastu Shastra for Living Room A living room, also known as sitting room (especially in the UK), lounge room or lounge (in the United Kingdom and Australia), Hall (especially in India)is a room for entertaining guests, reading the books, watching TV or other activities. The word Lounge is from the Latin, it was brought over later on by the French. In modern homes and apartments the living room has replaced the old fashioned parlor. In the 19th century, the parlor was the room in the house where the recently deceased were laid out before their funeral. This became the more affirmative term "living room" in the 20th century. The term marks the twentieth-century effort of architects and builders to strip the parlor of its burial and mourning associations. A typical western living room will be furnished with a sofa, chairs, occasional tables, a television or stereo equipment, bookshelves, as well as other pieces of furniture. Traditionally a sitting room in the United Kingdom would have a fireplace. In Japan people traditionally sat on tatami instead of chairs but western style decor is also common these days. In the United States, sometimes the living room is reserved for more formal and quiet entertaining while a separate recreation room or family room is used for more casual activities. In Australia, the living room is more often referred to as "the lounge" and is used for both formal and casual entertaining, although casual entertaining also takes place in the backyard. The term front room can also used to describe a living room, because in many homes the front door opens into the living room. After Bedroom we spare our most time at our residence is only at “living room”. Here living room plays a vital role according to vastu shastra, if living room is not constructed or setting according to vastu shastra the inmates of the house may be suffers with so many troubles, because vastu works on the basis of sparing time at a particular place. At some houses someone is constructing living room as per their tastes and interests. Well let it be continuing but before constructing the same why not follow vastu, what is wrong by following vastu, its nothing. Better to follow vastu and construct all of your properties, assets according to vastu shastra. Most of the houses the front room is the living room, and most of the living rooms are wide and larger than all the rooms at house, well here vaastu works in a hidden method, if at one east facing house there might be living room is the front room, its correct and giving good results to the inmates. Likewise North facing house inmates also receives good results by putting living room at front side i.e., living room is front side. But where as it should not happen at west side facing houses and south side facing houses. Here the inmates must take most precautionary

facing houses and south side facing houses. Here the inmates must take most precautionary methods by setting the living room as the first room where is in before the entrance. Don’t construct the living room as front room at west side houses and south side houses. You can keep number of doors to the living room, but all the doors should be at correct places as per the vastu shastra. You are aware that “doors” plays an very important role at house as per vastu shastra. Once again remember living room got 2nd rank at house after Bed room as per vastu, in general living room got 1st rank as per our living style. Decorate as much as you can, but importance may be given to vastu, then only you enjoy the life with your family members, otherwise you are striving for your livelihood that will be the entertainment to your neighbors and your enemies. Becareful while you sitting at the living room for discussions about different category business deals. As you are owner of the house, you have to sit at the chair or sofaset, your face should be towards east or north, and guests, panchayatdhars, litigents, partners should sit and thier face should be towards south or west, this type of sitting will leads victory on your discussions, finally you will get success on Panchayats (Litigations).

Vastu Shastra For Guest Room | House | Home : Vastu Shastra for Guest Room is not so imporatant now a days, dont angry on me, what i mean here is now a days we dont have time to serve our selves, then how can we have time to serve to the guests. In olden days our elders serve to the guests in very kindway. But in our period we have kindness and soft corner on guests but we dont have time. Are you ready to spare one room to the guests, then we can chitchat on guest room vastu. The suitable and best way for the guest room is Vayavya corner. This is the correct place for guest room as per vastu shastra . *

See the above picture, there are four parts in our house, one is Eshan Block, Agneya Block, Nairuthi Block and Vayavya Block. The guest room has to be placed or planned to come into Vayavya Block. Dont Plan to build or construct guest room at Nairuthi block or at Eshan block, (this matter is from these two direcions are not safe and good for guest rooms. The final direction is agneya portion of block. If you dont have interest or place to construct the guest room at vayavya corner or block then select the Agneya Block or Portion

Vastu Shastra Tips for Guest Room | House:

Vastu Shastra Tips for Guest Room | House: In previous days in our culture we treat the Guest as God, now a days we treat the Guest as Dog. It happens because of our busy schedules and due of our busy works. Anyhow in every house we are planning to build the guest house or Guest Room. The rich people will construct the Guest House where as we can do only the Guest Room, its maximum enough in these days. Now we are entering into guest room, please don’t disturb the guest, he is taking rest at the room… 1. The guest room should not construct at Southwest direction of the house. Because it is meant for the owner (Head of the Family) only. 2. You can plan the Guest Room at Northwest direction. It’s clear and suitable place for the guest room. 3. Please provide the bathroom at Guest room only, because at needy times he should not come outside, if so our privacy may loss, that’s all, this point is not belongs to vastu shastra. 4. You can place (Plan) the Guest room at west direction also, but before do this please have one idea with one experienced vastu consultant, otherwise you may have some troubles. 5. You can plan to construct the Guest room at South direction also but before do this please have one idea with one experienced vastu consultant, it’s always better to have suggestion with experienced person. 6. You can place or plan the Guest room at Agneya corner also, nothing wrong from this point of direction. 7. The guest room should have right door according to vastu shastra. That means Northeast door towards East direction or Northeast door towards North direction, southeast Door towards South direction finally northwest Door towards West direction.(This matter is came from All these doors are suitable for the Guest room. 8. If the guest room is situated at vayavya corner or agneya corner then you can place the bathroom at this room at Nairuthi corners also, but here also you must take one advice with experienced vastu consultant only. 9. If the guest room is situated at vayavya corner then you must provide window at northeast corner towards north direction or atleast you can provide a window at west direction. 10. If the guest room is situated at Agneya corner then you have to provide a window at southeast direction, or south direction, nothing serious is observed if you provide window at southwest direction, because already this agneya corner guest room crossed the middle point of the house, (this matter is came from so the window if you provide at southwest direction could not give serious problem of southwest direction.

Vastu Shastra Tips for Bathroom | Toilet : In olden days our elders plan to provide bathrooms at outside of our house, still in more villages the people are not interested to construct the bathrooms at inside the house. There is a good reason for their idea. Because bathroom means dust cleaning room and toilet means discharging our digestion stuff. So it should not be inside at house, because of ill health or health problems may arises, as our elders think like this way. Now our days are so fast, we are constructing everything in one roof because of place problem. We cannot expect the coming days, may be our next generations may have to construct all in one room, or 2 portions in one room also including all along with bathrooms. It may happens, please wait. 1. Bathroom has to be placed at any direction like east, north, south, west sides. 2. Bathrooms are placed at some corners like Agneya (southeast) and vayavya (northwest), but we have to leave the Nairuthi (Southwest) and Eshan (Northeast) corners. 3. In some cases we can construct the bathrooms at Nairuthi corners also for example at first floor or remaining floors, we should not construct the bathrooms at Nairuthi corner at ground floor. 4. At south direction bathrooms flooring should have upper than the flooring at remaining house flooring. 5. At west direction bathrooms flooring should have upper than the flooring at remaining house flooring. 6. At east direction bathrooms flooring should have lower than the flooring at remaining house flooring. 7. At north direction bathrooms flooring should have lower than the flooring at remaining house flooring. 8. At east and north direction bathrooms if the floorings are lower than the remaining part of the house then the used water may enter into the house, (this matter is came from so we have to placed or construct one dais type. 9. At south and west side directions bathrooms the windows must be smaller type. 10. At east and north side directions bathrooms the windows must be as bigger as possible. 11. The door must be at right place according to vastu shastra.

12. Particularly at northwest and southeast corners bathrooms we must have to take full care in placing the doors. These doors must be placed at correct places according to vastu shastra. 13. You can place the bathroom at Eshan corner, but you must have to take suggestion before placing at this corner from an experienced vastu consultant. 14. Don’t construct the elevator (verandah or plate or store place type) at north and east directions bathrooms. 15. Construct the elevator (verandah or plate or store place type) at south wall at south direction bathroom. 16. Construct the elevator (verandah or plate or store place type) at west wall at west direction bathroom. 17. For any bathroom don’t place the door to go outside, if its very needed to you, then procure one good decision from only one experienced vastu consultant, (this matter is came from please note that doors are playing a maximum role in vastu shastra. Please don’t forget it.

Vastu Shastra Tips for Upstairs | stair case | Steps | Top Floor : The walls should be constructing strongly, if the construction is too strong then the vastu Shatra also works good, so be prepare to construct the house with good structure. The upstairs should be lavish, so you can take rest when u r so tired. If its spacious then you will enjoy the liberty and freedom of life. To be frank you can construct the house with duplex type then u will get more benefit, but here a dangerious point has been arisen, that at duplex type house you M U S T have a compulsory suggestion from one experienced vastu consultant then only you will enjoy the benefits of the duplex house. Otherwise you may suffer L O T. 1. You must construct the steps at one good place to lading to the upstairs, the stair case should be construct according to vastu shastra, otherwise these may disturb you lot. 2. First decide, steps are to be constructed at inside or outside of your house. 3. Where is the balcony at upstairs, because if u r sparing max time at upstairs then balcony plays vital role on your daily works. 4. If the balcony is at east or north side then you can enjoy the developed moments. 5. If the balcony is at west or south side you must consult one experienced vastu consultant and show u r house to them and get one good suggestion, implement it, enjoy your life then. 6. What about ups and downs at upstairs, observe them, these are the key positions in giving the results, if west, south, Nairuthi is up (elevated), you can enjoy the stability, (this matter is from standard, money etc. 7. If the up (elevation) is at east, north, northeast then you may suffer with so many problems. At this position its better to have good advice with experts. 8. What about doors, are all these are at good position or in wrong position, see the doors link at website. 9. What about windows, all are at good position or in bad position, please read the article at windows link. 10. Eshan should not be disturbed. Please observe this one. 11. Top floor should be clean and tidy to have good plans if we sit and live there.

Vastu Shastra Tips for Car Shed : In my olden days my relations have cars and phones, on those days several people spoke on these things. It’s true, on those days if we have motorcycle its nothing but a prestigious. Now car and phone is a very simple thing. Now I changed nearly 2 cars in these days, but no one talk on them, because now a day’s having a car is a very common thing. Any how old is gold, we never get back those days. Now we come to point about car shed. Is we have to maintain principles or tips of vastu shastra for car also. Is it necessary, if this is your question, here is my answer. Car is not a simple thing. It’s a heavy item, so vastu works, if there is a motor cycle, there is no need to discuss about it, because its not a heavy item, we have to maintain only simple techniques for motorcycles, what is that we should not park the motorcycles at Eshan corner, it’s enough for the motor cycle. But whereas car we must give importance for the parking, placing and shed. 1. We should not park the car at Eshan corner, if your position is compulsory to park at Eshan corner then you have to dig one sump at Eshan corner, it must and the west and south walls should be built in strong type. 2. At any cost the car shed should not be constructed at Eshan corner.

2. At any cost the car shed should not be constructed at Eshan corner. 3. Generally someone construct the car shed at Agneya corners, it’s wrong way, we should not do like this way, Agneya should not be closed and cornered. 4. Also we should not cornered the vayavya corner in the name of car shed. It’s also not good and sometimes it’s dangerous also. 5. What about Nairuthi corner car shed. It’s a wonderful idea and best, suitable place for car shed. We will discuss more and more about car shed, because its not a simple thing, its necessary for every body. I will cornered on this car shed. Have a nice car.

Vastu Shastra Tips for Compound Wall (Boundary) : Compound wall is the most important subject in the vastu. Someone have got wrong opinion or ideas that if the compound wall is made before the construction of house it will cause inconvenience or difficulty for construction work and may bring the situation for the sale of the plot. Its wrong idea, we have to construct the compound wall before constructing the house. It’s always right thing. We will discuss more about compound wall at this link. Because it has more importance in vastu shastra. 1. Every House should have compound wall. 2. If it is not possible to construct the compound wall then atleast fencing or paling should be there. 3. The proper directions for gates are southern south east, south, west, western northwest, north, northern north east, eastrern east. 4. Compound wall gates should not be placed at eastern south east side, southern south west side, western southwest side, northern northwest directions. 5. The gate if fixed opposite the east facing entrance it becomes exiguous, so keeping the gate as it is another gate has to be erected in the elevated norh east. (This matter is from Then there is no wrong. If not, one gate only can set up in the elevated eastern north east. Not opposite the house. Then north east passage will be there. 6. Compound wall should be lower in height than the main entrance of east or north facing houses. 7. For houses with south or west facing entrances, compound wall can be less or more in height than the main entrance. 8. Some times compound walls collapse in the corners. If such an eventuality occurs in west, southern south west, eastern south east and northern north west reconstruction should be taken up immediately. 9. Any entrance facing any direction may see the compound wall gate. But the angle pillar should not face the centre of the door. 10. In some houses for style purpose some one decreases compound wall at northeast towards north or east sides its not good. But decreases at south and west is not danger.

Vastu Shastra Tips for Portico : 1. Portico is important for houses, it secured from high sun temparature, direct sun light etc. 2. East side portico is good for health, name and fame to males at residence. 3. North side portico is good for money and health to female members 4. Please take one suggestion from one experienced vastu consultant before constructing or setting the portico, its very important thing, please note this point. 5. Some one sets portico at south side, its ok but there is a very important point here, that we should not forget, the portico here should not down than the south side roof, and also it should not slope towards south side, it is so the elders or female members may suffers with unhealth problems. So before setup portico at south side please take advice from expert. 6. West side some one sets portico, its ok but there is a very most important point here, the portico here should not down than the west side roof, and also it should not slope towards west side, it is so the elders or male members may suffers with unhealth problems. So before setup portico at south side please take advice from expert. 7. In vastu shastra Portico plays a good role, that we should not forget, if we want to get good results we can with portico. Note this..

Vastu Shastra Tips for Staircase | Steps : Staircase or steps are the most important thing in going upstairs. And it has some what importance in Vastu shastra. If the steps are at Eshan side or eshan corner , the inmates may suffer with Cancer type or severe ill health problems. If the steps are at East side towards Eshan corner then the inmates suffer bad name and their works cannot go smooth, they may have bad name in the society,(this matter is from their expenditures are also very high even they have good income. Steps should always come into Agneya side or Vayavya sides, if so it will balace the vastu. How to know and how to fixup or construct the steps at Agneya or Vayavya corners, please see this linkfor more information on Steps or Stair cases. There is no count for steps, you can place any as per your requirement and convenience. Steps are called with different names in different places. Rung, shed, stairs, steps etc. Internal staircase has to be provided, for example then the room in the north east and north west should be left out. Suppose a linear staircase is designed either inside the house or outside the house. Then it should be from east to west or north to south. Then it may take any direction. If you want to construct the stairs at outside provide in eastern south east, the eastern compound wall should not be touched. It should be from north to south and proceed from there towards north from south after the landing. That will lead to enty into the first floor in an exalted position.

Vastu Shastra Tips for Water Sump | Borewell: Sump Plays a important role in vastu shastra, as it gives 100% good or bad results that to immediatelty. So every inmates has to observe the sump where installed in the house or where it is digged. Some of the richest spoils their future and life by digging sumps at wrong places. Every one has to observe each and every important aspect in vaastu shastra. This sump is comes into under up and downs rule in vastu shastra. Please observe to which corner water is flowing in your house. If the used water is flowing towards Eshan corner then you will get all wonderful good results, if the used water or rain water is flowing towards southwest side or direction at your house, then inmates has to suffer with financial losses and illhealth, their stability will loose day by day. *

The sump has to be placed only with the suggestion of expert opinion only. If any thing happens you are the sole responsible for future losses, to avoid all these blunders in your life, kinldy go and search one Vastu shastra expert and take suggestion from him. Dont see his fees. The quality is always costly. The overhead tank should always be at southwest corner and the sump should always be at northeast corner. Then you will enjoy the fruits of vastu shastra. But dont forge the remaining important things. The borewell has to be digged at Northeast corner towards east side or north side.

Vastu Shastra Tips for Wells | Bores : Not now a day but in olden days we have Wells at our houses, due to modernization now we are not interested to dig wells, we are accustomed to have the Bores only now. Almost this webpage is somewhat equality to the sump webpage. Most of the qualities are been equal to the sump webpage. See this below pictures we have to dig the wells as shown in the picture.

Observe this flash file, here the house is at Nairuthi corner, and the Well with round shape has

Observe this flash file, here the house is at Nairuthi corner, and the Well with round shape has came into East Eshan corner of the Compound corner, results is: good health, richness, name and fame. There is one red line running from house to compound wall corner, that means we should not construct the well in that place. We have to left that place and construct the well at East Eshan place or North Eshan place. Here the well came into North Eshan place, this is auspicious for well, and the results is richness, always money flow, good health etc

Vastu Tips for Cash Box | Currency : Not for one, but for every one cash box is important, now a days moral things are disappears, only money is occupying in our lives, we are not looking for other needs, we need only money. We can buy any thing with money, but we cannot buy some things in this world, for example, we cannot buy mothers love. Its wonderful gifr from God to us. (This matter is from We have to earn money for our livelyhood but we should not live for money, if we have capability and strength, do hard work, then money will atuomatically come to you. Dont go for money, it will be with you if you do hard work. 1. If you are facing problems with debts, then do one thing, dig one sump at North east corner at your compound. 2. Heighten the south side and possible construct pial or dias at south sides. 3. North side lower can easily gives you money. Extra income will flow to you. 4. North Eshan corner stree focus will gives you plenty of money. Try for this street focus road houses. 5. Currency chest will be at your house if you get a experts suggestion. For more information visit the house link at home page top right side. There select the appropriate link for your requirement. 6. The currency chest always placed at Southwest corner of the southwest room in a house. So that it gains enormous Eshan corner focus, and money never go out easily. For your understanding here is a picture, please observe the focus of Eshan corner to currency chest. *

In the above Picture you can clearly observe the main technique in flowing cash into our cash box, like this way you can do practicals with experts suggestions. If your cash box is having a clear way from Eshan corner, then you can enjoy the currency full in your cash box and bank balances. Have a bright day

Vastu Shastra Tips for Lift | Elevator : Mostly lifts or elevators are appeared at Apartments and shopping complexes or in some factories also we can observe the lifts. But i seen several people arranged lifts at thier houses, eventhough their house is ground floor and having only first floor, what for they built elevator to their houses, because its status. No problem, you can place lift at your house, but you must take proper care for placing lift at your house. Most of inmates are placing lift at wrong directions and suffering with severe problems.

house. Most of inmates are placing lift at wrong directions and suffering with severe problems. (This matter is from They spent lacs of rupees and crores of rupees for construction and decoration,but they are failed to contact one experienced vastu consultant, why because its their fate. To fix lift you must thouroughly know about vastu shastra techniques or its better to consult expert in vastu. Where you have to fix the lift, some persons fix the lift at Southwest sides, west and south sides, its not correct, why....for placing lift at any corner or any place in the house, (This matter is from we must provide sump or we have to dig one sump there. Otherwise lift cannot fixed in that place. Digs (pits) should not come at southwest, south or west directions. But you can place the lifts are west, south directions also by doing some alterations to that flooring, i.,e the pit flooring level should be heighten than the flooring level at Brahmasthan. Better to take one decision or suggestion with the expert in this field.. Contact one expert and your life will always so shine. More matter will be uploaded in coming days. Be with us for latest upgradations. Please inform your email or cell phone number, so that you will be intimated after upgradation. Vastu Tips for Cash Box | Currency : Not for one, but for every one cash box is important, now a days moral things are disappears, only money is occupying in our lives, we are not looking for other needs, we need only money. We can buy any thing with money, but we cannot buy some things in this world, for example, we cannot buy mothers love. Its wonderful gifr from God to us. (This matter is from We have to earn money for our livelyhood but we should not live for money, if we have capability and strength, do hard work, then money will atuomatically come to you. Dont go for money, it will be with you if you do hard work. 1. If you are facing problems with debts, then do one thing, dig one sump at North east corner at your compound. 2. Heighten the south side and possible construct pial or dias at south sides. 3. North side lower can easily gives you money. Extra income will flow to you. 4. North Eshan corner stree focus will gives you plenty of money. Try for this street focus road houses. 5. Currency chest will be at your house if you get a experts suggestion. For more information visit the house link at home page top right side. There select the appropriate link for your requirement. 6. The currency chest always placed at Southwest corner of the southwest room in a house. So that it gains enormous Eshan corner focus, and money never go out easily. For your understanding here is a picture, please observe the focus of Eshan corner to currency chest.

In the above Picture you can clearly observe the main technique in flowing cash into our cash box, like this way you can do practicals with experts suggestions. If your cash box is having a clear way from Eshan corner, then you can enjoy the currency full in your cash box and bank balances. Have a bright day

Vastu Tips for Cash Box | Currency : Not for one, but for every one cash box is important, now a days moral things are disappears, only money is occupying in our lives, we are not looking for other needs, we need only money. We can buy any thing with money, but we cannot buy some things in this world, for example, we cannot buy mothers love. Its wonderful gifr from God to us. (This matter is from We have to earn money for our livelyhood but we should not live for money, if we have capability and strength, do hard work, then money will atuomatically come to you. Dont go for money, it will be with you if you do hard work. 1. If you are facing problems with debts, then do one thing, dig one sump at North east corner at your compound. 2. Heighten the south side and possible construct pial or dias at south sides. 3. North side lower can easily gives you money. Extra income will flow to you. 4. North Eshan corner stree focus will gives you plenty of money. Try for this street focus road houses. 5. Currency chest will be at your house if you get a experts suggestion. For more information

5. Currency chest will be at your house if you get a experts suggestion. For more information visit the house link at home page top right side. There select the appropriate link for your requirement. 6. The currency chest always placed at Southwest corner of the southwest room in a house. So that it gains enormous Eshan corner focus, and money never go out easily. For your understanding here is a picture, please observe the focus of Eshan corner to currency chest.


In the above Picture you can clearly observe the main technique in flowing cash into our cash box, like this way you can do practicals with experts suggestions. If your cash box is having a clear way from Eshan corner, then you can enjoy the currency full in your cash box and bank balances. Have a bright day

Vastu Shastra Tips for Lift | Elevator : Mostly lifts or elevators are appeared at Apartments and shopping complexes or in some factories also we can observe the lifts. But i seen several people arranged lifts at thier houses, eventhough their house is ground floor and having only first floor, what for they built elevator to their houses, because its status. No problem, you can place lift at your house, but you must take proper care for placing lift at your house. Most of inmates are placing lift at wrong directions and suffering with severe problems. (This matter is from They spent lacs of rupees and crores of rupees for construction and decoration,but they are failed to contact one experienced vastu consultant, why because its their fate. To fix lift you must thouroughly know about vastu shastra techniques or its better to consult expert in vastu. Where you have to fix the lift, some persons fix the lift at Southwest sides, west and south sides, its not correct, why....for placing lift at any corner or any place in the house, (This matter is from we must provide sump or we have to dig one sump there. Otherwise lift cannot fixed in that place. Digs (pits) should not come at southwest, south or west directions. But you can place the lifts are west, south directions also by doing some alterations to that flooring, i.,e the pit flooring level should be heighten than the flooring level at Brahmasthan. Better to take one decision or suggestion with the expert in this field.. Contact one expert and your life will always so shine. More matter will be uploaded in coming days. Be with us for latest upgradations. Please inform your email or cell phone number, so that you will be intimated after upgradation. See this below picture for your understanding of lift positinon.

Vastu Shastra Tips for Servant Rooms | Quarters | Sheds : You can construct the servant quarters or sheds or rooms at agneya or vayavya corners, you

You can construct the servant quarters or sheds or rooms at agneya or vayavya corners, you should not construct the quarters at Eshan corner to our house, let us see the pictures to know more on how to construct the servant quarters. *

In the above picture (image) you can observe that the servant quarters are located at Agneya corner, like wise you can arrange these quarters at vayavya corner also. For more info please see this image below.


Here the servant quarters came at Vayavya corner, you should not construct the servant rooms at Eshan corner. Observe the below image. *

The above type is too dangerious, dont construct the servant quarters at this place. If so the entire system fails. Any way consult one expert before constructing any thing at your house.

Vastu Shastra Tips for Planting Trees : Trees, really we dont know the power of these heavenly elements. Yes Trees are nothing but heavenly Elements. Dont cut trees in the name of Vastu Shastra. Trees gives us all power related to our peaceful living. Who plant the trees are nothing but assistants to God. God Love Trees. Trees are very important for living creatures (including Human Beings). If ones house is having plenty of trees he will have peace of mind. The land will cool. If the climate is cool, the bad vastu power decreases. If the atmosphere (land, area, place) is hot the bad vastu power increases its power. So we must take in planting of trees. Unfortunetely in vastu shastra there is one rule (amended by some unknowledged persons) is flying that if trees shadow is touching the house, that house inmates cannot get prosperity, luck, hormany etc.....This is totally wrong and foolish thing. Now a days Vastu is a cold poison that spreads all over the country. In the name of vastu the trees are going to be vanished. We have to take care of this unlawful mad nature of some bad humans. The vastu consultants who dont have much knowledge on vastu shastra says that "trees shadow should not fallen on house", this is entirely wrong statement. Trees gives us colours, eyes cooling, look, smart, cool, royal touch, peace, cool shadows, particularly security feeling, education, good relations, satisfaction life, money, good name with smart fame, leadership or leadership qualities. To be frank if there is no tree, that is not called as house. Some half knowledge Vastu consultants expresses that we must plant trees only at West, South, Southwest directions......please go through the below picture..... *

As per our Indian vastu shastra we must give more space at north and east than west and south sides. While it is so, the trees needs some spacious space to grow and cover the area. If we don’t have certain space at west and south sides, then how it is possible to plant trees at west and south sides. Its absolutely impossible. Again these people say that we should not plant trees at north and east sides. Well, then where we have to plant trees at our house. Finally they drag one point that there is no space for planting trees and trees shadow should not be fallen on house. So vastu is the main cause for trees plantation, so many people have much interest in planting trees, but due to vastu shastra we are unable to plant trees. Shit. Here we will brake all these mistake words. We will see the solution for all these problems. Is there any solvation for this problem : Yes there is a solution for this problem. See this image. *

Here we planned to give some more space at west and south sides,(observe the west and south side more space and observe the above image) so we have much space for planting trees, and the north and east also not disturbed. Here the house occupied the nairuthi part and trees are also planted at west and south parts, so we followed their conditions. Please note that Trees are the hidden attraction for heavenly elements. You can observe at some houses, the inmates enjoying their life with full happiness and standard living, those houses may have full of Tree shelters. A house is having with full of trees.... what is the results from it, nothing, the inmates just enjoy their life with full happiness. *

In the above image the trees are at south and west directions only, but now see this below picture, here the trees are covered almost all at house, except Eshan corner. Provide space only at Eshan corer and cover all the entire place with trees. Dont trust the

Provide space only at Eshan corer and cover all the entire place with trees. Dont trust the words that "trees shadow should not touch to the house". You can cover the house with full of trees, just left some small portion at eshan side as vacant, this is enough for us. In any case one house is having trees at Eshan corner, no problem just dig one sump at Eshan corner, then the problem will solve. We will discuss it with one image. If you plant more trees at south side and west side then you will have more benefits, see this below picture, here the south side is full of trees, it gives you more money and good health, financially sound, peace and standard life etc. In the above image the trees are fuly occupied at south side, like wise you can plant number of trees at west side also. It gives inmates a secured life, good health, financially sound etc, enemies power lost, confidence etc.

Vastu Shastra Tips for Cellars | Undergrounds : Due to place shortage man hunting for varoius ways for parking, shopping places, house or home or residence constructions, living, Office areas etc. In this hunting he finds one good place, that is Cellars. What is Cellars, its nothnig but underground or down strairs. Here cellar means a dig or well type or slope construction. Any how in cellar constructions we have to take full precautions, as this cellar at Vastu shastra means ups and downs, here vastu functions in full screen. We Should not construct the cellars at Southwest corner of the plot or house or shopping complex or factory. We have to take care in selecting the place for cellars at areas which we want to get development. At some tme cellars may ruin our lifes, without our mistakes, if we place these cellars at wrong areas. The right and correct place for cellars is Northeast corner of the plot. So many unexperienced vastu consultants are advised the See the above image, here the cellar occupies the Eshan corner i.,e northeast corner. Here the key point is not the cellar, then what is that...wait wait...we are going to explain on that issue. The compound space is the important here. We cannot understand the exact meaning what here is, now please observe the below image, then you can easily drag the secret of the cellars at same structures. *

Please wait and see the above picture for 2 seconds only. In this above image the cellar is constructed at Northeast corner of the house, to be frank most of the vastu consultants are giving this type of plans, now we are discuss about this structure, is there any mistake in the above cellar structure. Yes, what is the mistake in the cellar construction. We should not construct the cellar at southwest corner of our house we should not construct any cellar type constrctions at southwest corner in our compound wall In the above image the cellar came to Part Number '4' , that comes to southwest corner of the house. please observe the above image for 10 seconds, number ' 1' belongs to Eshan Block, ' 2 ' belongs to Agneya Block, number ' 3 ' belongs to Vayavya Block and finally number ' 4 ' belongs to Nairuthi Block, hope now you understand the exact meaning of the above picture. Now the cellar came into Nairuthi Block. Already we discussed that we should not construct any cellar type constructions at Nairuthi Block. Dhanyavaad for understanding the above logic thing. You are intelligent. See this below image : This is very nice one. You can easily get good money by following this type of cellar constructions. Here the cellar occupies total north side, so this building is having down or slope at north direction, if the north direction is slope or dig or sump, the inmates will get more money. *

See this below Image : This is also nice. You can easily get name and fame and also good money by following this type of cellar constructions. Here the cellar occupies total East side, so this building is having down or slope at East direction, if the East direction is slope or dig or sump, the inmates will get good name and fame, followers etc. *

See this below Image : In this below image, the cellar cames into West direction, if the west direction is having slope, down, dig or slope then the entire system fails. This is not good, dont go for this type of constructions, if so the inmates get ill-health, financial crisis, enemies hand raisen etc. *

See this below Image : In this below image the cellar came into South direction, so the inmates will suffer with severe ill-health, entire financial failures in doing business, ladies are getting more mental disturbances etc. *

See this below Image : See this below image, the cellar came into southwest directoin, this is not safe, some times deaths also happen, insecure feelings, heavy losses, tragedies, unhappy, unluck etc happens.

Vastu Shastra Tips for Cellars | Undergrounds : Due to place shortage man hunting for varoius ways for parking, shopping places, house or home or residence constructions, living, Office areas etc. In this hunting he finds one good place, that is Cellars. What is Cellars, its nothnig but underground or down strairs. Here cellar means a dig or well type or slope construction. Any how in cellar constructions we have to take full precautions, as this cellar at Vastu shastra means ups and downs, here vastu functions in full screen. We Should not construct the cellars at Southwest corner of the plot or house or shopping complex or factory. We have to take care in selecting the place for cellars at areas which we want to get development. At some tme cellars may ruin our lifes, without our mistakes, if we place these cellars at wrong areas. The right and correct place for cellars is Northeast corner of the plot. So many unexperienced vastu consultants are advised the See the above image, here the cellar occupies the Eshan corner i.,e northeast corner. Here the key point is not the cellar, then what is that...wait wait...we are going to explain on that issue. The compound space is the important here. We cannot understand the exact meaning what here is, now please observe the below image, then you can easily drag the secret of the cellars at same structures. *

Please wait and see the above picture for 2 seconds only. In this above image the cellar is constructed at Northeast corner of the house, to be frank most of the vastu consultants are giving this type of plans, now we are discuss about this structure, is there any mistake in the above cellar structure. Yes, what is the mistake in the cellar construction. We should not construct the cellar at southwest corner of our house we should not construct any cellar type constrctions at southwest corner in our compound wall In the above image the cellar came to Part Number '4' , that comes to southwest corner of the house. please observe the above image for 10 seconds, number ' 1' belongs to Eshan Block, ' 2 ' belongs to Agneya Block, number ' 3 ' belongs to Vayavya Block and finally number ' 4 ' belongs to Nairuthi Block, hope now you understand the exact meaning of the above picture. Now the cellar came into Nairuthi Block. Already we discussed that we should not construct any cellar type constructions at Nairuthi Block. Dhanyavaad for understanding the above logic thing. You are intelligent. See this below image : This is very nice one. You can easily get good money by following this type of cellar constructions. Here the cellar occupies total north side, so this building is having down or slope at north direction, if the north direction is slope or dig or sump, the inmates will get more money. *

See this below Image : This is also nice. You can easily get name and fame and also good money by following this type of cellar constructions. Here the cellar occupies total East side, so this building is having down or slope at East direction, if the East direction is slope or dig or sump, the inmates will get good name and fame, followers etc. *

See this below Image : In this below image, the cellar cames into West direction, if the west direction is having slope, down, dig or slope then the entire system fails. This is not good, dont go for this type of constructions, if so the inmates get ill-health, financial crisis, enemies hand raisen etc. *

See this below Image : In this below image the cellar came into South direction, so the inmates will suffer with severe ill-health, entire financial failures in doing business, ladies are getting more mental disturbances etc. *

See this below Image : See this below image, the cellar came into southwest directoin, this is not safe, some times deaths also happen, insecure feelings, heavy losses, tragedies, unhappy, unluck etc happens. *

Vastu Shastra Tips for Children Study Room : Children, our property, our life. We are doing one job, business, running factory, sales, anything only for our children, the next is only for our livelihood. (This matter is from We must give so much importance for children study room or their bedroom, if not their education may affect. If they study well, how is our feelings, really we feel pleasure. You can provide Eshan corner room for children study room You can make the Eshan corner room for our study room whether it may be for reading of paper or books anything. The elders can sit and study at Nairuthi corner room also. Its also good for reading paper, books. In children rooms children has to occupy the Eshan corner for their studies, but don’t put any heavy items at Eshan corner. Weights should not be placed at Eshan corner, if so study cannot go smooth. Disturbances may occur. Eshan door is very best for children study room. The door leads to study room should be at correct places. Otherwise study cannot completes with their targets means they has to take pain in getting ranks. We are expecting ranks in our children education, so better to consult one experienced vastu consultant and take suggestion from him. From then education may come in high pitch. Sound sleep also gives rest feelings and they can read what they have. If the vastu is not good at study room or bedroom sound sleep never reached.

A Few ( General ) Vaastu Shastra Tips for your Prosperous Life :

A Few ( General ) Vaastu Shastra Tips for your Prosperous Life : The following are the general vastu points, here you can find various vaasthu tips and tricks at our living places. These tips will help you at the time of your choice. Before follwing these tips first consult one experienced vaastu consultant and follow the tips. Without consulting one experienced vasthu consultant there might be possible of facing some troubles., 1. The pooja room may be placed at Eeshan corner but before doing this there is a one technique to place pooja room at eeshan corner, eeshan corner should not be closed by placing the pooja room. 2. It is good to keep the kitchen in the southeast or northwest of a room. As per vaastu first preference is given to southeast. 3. The bed room for the heads of the family, male and female is to be at southwest part of a room. 4. The over head water tank should be on the southwest part of the upper portion of the house. 5. South middle part of a room is fit for young people’s bed room, store room or pooja room. 6. The store room should be in the southwest room. 7. West middle room is for the rest room of younger people. 8. West middle room is used as pooja room or store room. 9. It is better to keep the grown up people fit for marriages in the North West room. It can be also used as a guest room. 10. North middle room is fit for young girls to stay. It also can be used as pooja room. 11. Northeast part of a room can be used as a drawing room or reading room or pooja room. 12. East middle part of a room is fit for younger men to stay. West, south rooms can be used as pooja room. 13. Steps can be constructed at the southwest part of a building. 14. Southeast part also is fit for steps. 15. Northwest part also is fit for steps. 16. Northeast part is good for bore well. 17. Flower plants can be kept at the north or east part. 18. Strong trees can be grown at south or southeast part of the building. 19. The entrance gate also can be at north or east part of the building. 20. The entrance gate also can be at north or east part of the building. 21. It is also good to have entrance gate at west or northwest part. 22. In the upstairs terrace tall constructions can be at south or west parts. 23. In the inner side of a building in the vacant space the southwest part must be higher, southeast part must be a little lower, Northwest part must be a little lower and north east part must even a little lower than the other parts. 24. South or west compound wall should be less in height and breadth. 25. East or North wall should be less in height and breadth. 26. The low level water tank can be at East or North. 27. If the staircase goes up at south and west it is good. 28. The earth where we live must be in a higher level at south and west. 29. The earth where we live must be in a low level at east and north. 30. If there is a mountain at the south and west side of a living place it will be good according to vaastu. 31. If there are rivers, tanks or lakes at the east or north part of a living place it is good according to vaastu. 32. If the burial ground is at the southwest or west or south part of a living place it is good. 33. It is better if there are temples at the southwest or south or west part of the living place. 34. If we put a shed in vacant space at the southwest part it is good. 35. It is good to leave open space at the northeast part. 36. It is good to worship facing east or north. 37. It is good to have a path at northeast, southeast and northwest. 38. It is good to climb a mountain facing south or west. 39. The vacant space or building should be at the east or west part broad. 40. If the vacant space is square it is good. 41. The goods pictures must face east or north. 42. The building facing south and north will give strength to the women in that family. 43. The east and west buildings are good to male members. They will give strength to them. 44. If the plot is broad at northeast or plots at northeast will help the family to develop. 45. A tank at east for male god’s temples and the tank at north for female god’s temples will be good. 46. If one worships in the temple he must stand facing east or north, it will be good. 47. If one cooks standing or sitting towards east or west it will be good. 48. If one sits towards east or north and study he will get good knowledge. 49. If we want to converse we must sit facing east or north is good. 50. While sleeping one must lie down keeping head towards south and leg towards north. 51. If one keeps head at east and legs towards west and lie down to sleep is also good.

51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. 100. 101. 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. 107.


If one keeps head at east and legs towards west and lie down to sleep is also good. The almirah must be kept at the southwest. A small and a narrow window must be kept in south and west parts. A broad window must be kept at the northeast part. The air condition plant must be at the southwest or northwest or south or middle part of west. The slab steps can be at east or north entrance. The lofts must be at south or west entrance at the lower parts. The watchman’s room must be at southwest or northwest vacant place. A temple can be constructed at southwest part and worshipped there. One can grow papal tree or Neem tree at the southwest part of the temple. If there is a vacant space near the house at the southwest part, Neem trees or papal trees can be grown. One can construct tall pillars at the south or west compound walls at east or north side. One can keep “Thulasi” at southwest or west part of the house. If one wants to draw water from the well he or she must stand towards east of north and draw water from the well. The entrance at the east or north should not have circular shape. The entrance at the south or west corner will be good. One must avoid corner shape at the main entrance or internal entrance. If there is a tank at the north, east or northeast part of a temple it is good to worship there. If there are entrances in a higher level in the rooms of a house it will be good. If sunlight enters in the northeast part of the house it will be better. If there are vacant places at north or east parts of near the house it is good. In the south or west parts there must be vacant space in small area. If one keeps fish tub and keeps fish in it, it will be good. If one keeps goat, cattle, rabbit and dogs and also other animals in a house it will be good to him. If one keeps loft at the south or west walls it will be good. If one keeps electrical box at the southeast or northwest parts it will be good. If you keep heavy things at south or west parts it will be good. If there are higher constructions in the vacant places of south or west parts it will be good. As far as possible the east and the north parts must be in a lower level. If the road is in a higher level at the south or west entrances it will be good. The road at the east or north entrance must be in a lower level. The rest room must be at the east or north part of the house. One can keep flower pots on the south or west compound walls. One can setup drainage at east, north part of the vacant place near the house. One can park vehicles at the space facing east or north direction. If one lives in a vaastu method building there will not be any disease. If one lives in the northeast part he will get Government posts or jobs in the foreign countries. If one lives in a vaastu method house he will not convert himself to other religions. The rationalists or spiritualists must live in a vaastu covered house. The temple also requires vaastu construction. If one does not keep tall construction or overhead tank in the northeast part of the building it will be good. The southeast part should not be high or lower level. The northwest part also should not be in a high or lower level. If the east and northeast part facing a street it is good. In the same way the south or southeast street focus is good for living. In the same way the west or northwest street focus is good for living. In the same way in the southwest street focus plot, if there is a hospital it will be good. If one setup a business in connection with fire at the southeast part of the plot will be good. If there are broad streets at the east or north plots it will be good. If there is a narrow street facing south or west it will be good. It is good to keep the kitchen in the southeast or northwest of a room. As per vaastu first preference is given to southeast. In a building the northeast room or northeast part of the building should be weightless. In a northwest room the kitchen slab should be towards the west wall. We should cook facing in the west direction. Avoid keeping footwear and broomsticks at the northeast part of a room. If you want to have an extra kitchen outside the house avoid northeast, north and east directions of the empty place. For school going children’s it is good to keep their heads towards east and legs towards west at sleep. They will become brilliant. Those who are in service at police department, Home guard, Military should sleep keeping their heads towards west and legs towards east. This position would give them good effect. According to vaastu living in south or west facing plots will give good effects.

109. In the houses in which the main entrance is facing at east and north, lighting of oil lamps at the main entrance will not give good effect. 110. In the houses in which, the main entrances are fixed towards south and west, lighting oil lamps will give good effects. 111. In the main entrance door, carving of flowers, figures of gods will give good effects, but avoid birds and animals. 112. For a south facing house it is good to fix the main door and the main gate at south east. 113. For east facing houses, fixing the main door and the main gate at north east is good. 114. For north facing houses fixing the main door and the main gate at northeast is good. 115. For an east facing house back door entrance will not give good effect. 116. For a north facing house back door entrance will not give good effect. 117. For a south facing house the back door entrance setup will give good effect. 118. For the west facing house also it is good to fix back door entrance system. 119. In the pooja room the god’s pictures should be fixed facing east or north. 120. It is no good to have pooja room at the northeast room of the house. 121. Making pooja room at the niruthi corner of a building will give good effect. 122. Vaastu calculation will not go agree with the old manaiadi measurements / star powers as per ones birth time. 123. There is no benefit if the pooja room is made in a building which is not in vaastu conditions. 124. The pooja room fixed in a vaastu conditioned building the benefit will be double. 125. For the plot which is facing western direction of the road the main entrance facing north will give good effect. 126. For the flat house also vaastu method of construction should be followed. Then only the inhabitants will be prosperous. 127. If a well or bore well is dug at the direction of south, west, southwest it will affect badly and it will lead to sick and entry of evil spirits. 128. When there is no water in a well or bore well which is at northeast, if we close it with mud it will give bad effects. 129. The small parks infront of the house at south and west will not give good effects. 130. The parks situated at the north or east direction will be good. 131. Building a temple at the niruthi corner is good for an industry. 132. It is good to have a single/double/triple folded doors for the main entrance of a house. 133. In a vaastu defective building, there will be theft, fire accidents, sudden deaths etc. 134. For the plot which is facing eastern direction of the road the main entrance should be fixed at east, will give good effect. 135. For the north road facing plot the main entrance should be at the north direction. 136. For a plot facing the road should have main entrance at east. 137. It is good to have small windows at the walls of south and west. 138. Big windows should be fixed at the wall of north and east. 139. The plot facing south, the big gate for the vehicle and the wicked gate should be fixed at the south east of the compound. 140. For west facing plot, the big gate for vehicle and the small gate should be fixed at the north west part of the compound. 141. For the north facing plot the big gate for the vehicles and the wicket gate should be fixed at the north east compound wall. 142. For the east facing plot the big gate for vehicles and the wicket gate should be fixed at the northeast compound wall. 143. The lofts should be built on the west and south walls of a building. 144. If you build the lofts on the walls of east and north they will give bad effects. 145. If you want to build a guest house near the empty place of your building it should be done at the direction of south, west or southwest part. 146. In an empty plot, it will not give good effect, if you build a building at the northeast, southeast, northwest directions. 147. In a pooja room, the electrical lamps are for beauty only but the oil lamps are only effective. 148. At the time of meditations you should be facing at the east or northeast. 149. To get good effect we should clear the north east room daily thrice a day by water. 150. In an east facing house we should keep the foot wears at the left side of the house. 151. In the west facing house we should keep the foot wears on the right side of the house. 152. For the south facing house it is go9od to keep the foot wears at the left side of the house. 153. It is good to build an extra room on the southwest part of the terrace and have a water tank on the extra room. 154. It is no good if you build an extra room at the central part of northeast, northwest, southwest of the terrace. 155. For school children the northeast room is good for their study. 156. The northeast room should be ventilated, weightless. 157. When you buy a plot, it should be lengthy wise at east and west or it should be a square one. 158. It is good to close the top of the well and have two holes on the top. 159. It is common in southern regions to have a well at the niruthi corners. It will give bad

159. It is common in southern regions to have a well at the niruthi corners. It will give bad effects. 160. In a house the main gate at southwest (W) south, southwest (N) northwest (E) south east will give bad effects. 161. When you start a new construction, for house pooja make a pit of 4x4’ at the northeast part of the plot and perform house pooja, it will give good effect. 162. Performing house pooja at the centre of the plot will not give good effect. 163. In a house when you find more vaastu defects if you take non-vegetarian food, it will reduce the evil effects of the bad vaastu. 164. Counting the number of windows and doors are not important for a building. They should have been fixed as per vaastu condition. 165. Some people like to have single/double pillars/rooms in a building. It is good to give importance for vaastu calculations. 166. The vaastu conditioned structure of a staircase is very important for a house. But we need not give importance to the counting of steps of a staircase. 167. It is not bad to grow a single tree in an empty area of the plot. 168. As per vaastu all street effect will not give bad effect. 169. The street effect of east, south east will give bad effects. The street effects of south, southwest will give bad effects. 170. The street effects of west, south west will give bad effects. 171. North and Northeast Street effects will give good effects. 172. The street effect to the centre of the plot will give good effect to business people. 173. It is good to keep the almirah facing at the north or east direction. 174. When we build our houses they should not be attached to the buildings which are at the direction of north and east. 175. When we make building there should not be gap at the south, west and northeast directions. 176. If the sick people modify their houses as per vaastu, they will be recovered soon and they will lead a healthy life in future. 177. For south facing main door, it should be fixed at the left side of the door post. 178. For the west facing main door, it should be fixed at the right side of the door post. 179. For the east facing main door, the door should be fixed at the left side of the door post. 180. For the north facing main door, the door should be fixed at the right side of the door post. 181. There should not be burial yard towards north east, north, east of our house. This will not give good effect. 182. In our living area the water sources of river, tank, lakes are available at the directions of south, west southwest will not give good effect. 183. In our living area, the mountains, hills, sand hills are available at the north, northeast, east it will not give prosperous life to the inhabitants. 184. When we buy a plot/house we execute on a auspicious day. This will give good effect and benefit to the buying people not for selling. 185. When we build double house in a plot there should be gap between them, this only it is good.

Vastu Shastra Tips for Shops : In olden days barter system is running, on those days all are feeling happy because no targets, no pressures, but now a days the shop keepers are facing drastic competition, due to this the prices are slashes and they cannot get more profits, the day to day life is entirely tensions, no one is happy with their business, vastu shastra is somewhat solving these problems, ( some modifications as per vastu shastra then you will have some relaxation. Vastu is a very deep subject. Vastu guidelines are given for all types of structures, whether residential, commercial, industrial or temple vastu. Fundamental rules of vastu are applicable in all kinds of structures. Like vastu based homes give mental, physical and emotional well-being, similarly vastu based shops and showrooms can provide happiness and prosperity. Once you decides to take one shop for lease or construct the shop for doing business then its strongly advised that without vastu consultation, donot go for mobilising capital or funds to the

strongly advised that without vastu consultation, donot go for mobilising capital or funds to the shop. Some body having one wrong idea, that the south and west facing shops are not ideal and suitable for vastu shastra and these shops are giving losses in future, its totally wrong idea. Any direction plot or shop will renders good profits, future, shining etc if those will be having good proper vastu shastra principles. If the north or east facing shops will also gives losses if those will be constructed without vastu principles. South is the main cause for giving good profits, so it should not be down or lower than the flooring of the main shop. West is playing good role in vastu shastra shops., it should not be disturbed. Better to consult one experienced vastu consultant and get right suggestions. Eshan plays a very good role in vastu shastra. So please have a proper look on Eshan corner., it should not be disturbed. Is should not be elevated. Dont put heavy items at Eshan corner. Goods, its the main valued for shops, dont put your readied or to be preparation goods should not be kept at Eshan corner. Keep the readied goods at Southwest corner, its always best and suitable place for keeping goods. West should be occupied with goods. Mainly south should always be occupied at shops, it may be with goods or almirahs or heavy items at shops This page will be more developed in coming Days. Have a nice Day.

Vastu Shasra Tips For Factories : Industries are the backbone of a nation’s economy. Industrial growth reflects not only the financial health of a nation but also provides a source of livelihood for millions. The happiness or otherwise of owners, workers and staff depends on the strength and growth of the industry. The main aim of any type of industry is having heavy machinery or a small scale industry is to manufacture different items and earn profits. The performance of an industry affects the owner, shareholders and he workers alike. ( ) So, the layout of a factory has o be planned carefully. In has been observed that inspite of following best management techniques and providing everything necessary for proper functioning of the industry, industries fail. Inspite of providing the best for the manpower, adopting best Government principles, there are strikes or key personnel move to rival concerns. Financial institutes give loans worth crores to these industries ye he number of sick industries is increasing. The sorrouding vastu will badly affects to the industries, the vastu experts can easily observe the surrounding vastu. So if you want to construct or buy any industry, dont do it without concent taking from the Vastu expert. The expert will always do his level best. The powerful directions like south, west sides should not be disturbed. Like water flows, rivers, lakes, water ponds etc. The Eshan should always be clear with clean, it should be disturbed by placing heavy items, like readied goods etc. The Agneya and Vayavya should also be not accomplished with each other, if so, many problems will raisen at factory. If the factory is very large one or bigger one, well should be digged at Eshan corner. Sump may cannot give good results, i.e., full results, it will be very short for large scale industries. "Well" will 'well' and best for the large scale idustries. Vastu Shastra for Factories : Factory (industry) vastu ensures the successful running of business navigation, leading to larger production and better monetary profits, successful among neighbour factories. Applying Vastu for industry can be of great support and also it roots way for prosperity, security, strengthen in business. There are several many more things those have to be considered while setting Vaastu guidelines for industries or factories like selection of site, position of electronic gadgets, location of guardroom, quarters for staff, kitchen, office room for administration, chairman’s room, Managing Partner’s room and placement of raw materials, furnished goods, developing packaged material, readied transport items and many more. One can take recourse to Vaastu and avoid all possible mishaps and any kind of problems. The various problems faced have been often removed with the expert suggestions of Vasthu Siddanthi. A shop feed one person, a big shop feeds few persons. But a factory supports large number of families. The main purpose of a factory is getting profits through production and marketing. So the owner of the factory must look into not only self but many lives also. Normally, factory will have heavy things, materials of raw as well as finished goods, apart from machinery and stocks. These heavy material must be placed only either at west / southwest / south. These are to be placed at zenith places for the stocks, materials, readied items, iron things, finished goods also. Compound wall / guestroom are also important aspects to be look into with regards to vaastu. The point of putting front door having greater importance and that has to be at zenith place. Last

The point of putting front door having greater importance and that has to be at zenith place. Last but not least is that mere knowing only certain things like cooking at Agneya, sump at Ishan are not serve the purpose, yet so many aspects, dimensions that are to be observed before construction and for which an experienced vaastu consultant is badly required. With his directions one should construct a factory and comeup in life and make others to comeup. Normally factories or manufacturing units face severe problems, which are to be dealt with care and caution. Fundamentally the basic reason behind the problems like labour problems, tax problems, market competition, ongoing trends frequent changes of passions and above all government policies etc, are to be recognized. one can tackle the problems with managerial efficiency but one can even avoid to face by following proper vaasthu in construction of factory or manufacturing unit. At times it is also come across that stock disposal becomes a big task and hardnut to crack. If we consult an experienced vaastu consultant, he will show the way to overcome all the problems in an easy manner. Vasthu for factory, industry, factories, industries should be carefully observed, one should not take hasty decision without proper observation before buying a site for constructing a factory or small scale industry. Vastu Shastra for Hotels | Lodges | Restaurants : Hotels / Lodges / Restaurants are also called refreshment houses. People of all classes including VIPs come to stay here and like to relax and make their stay a pleasant one quite often big hotels create a very fine ambience. On the other hand certain other hotels don't do good business and fail. They are forced to close or some other hotels are caught in the grip of financial crisis. Perhaps, it may be due to bad Vaastu. So it is always important to follow Vaastu while constructing a hotel. Today, hotel industry is on the risen position. To make a ventured successful, we should take atleast a little care of different aspects. Vaastu Shastra gives us many tips for the successful functioning of this vital industry. If a hotel becomes red, many say that it is because managerial dysfunction or lack of Supervision i.e. management. But they may fail to understand that it is because bad Vaastu. So, before undertaking the Project, it is important to see Procedure in designing rooms, corridors, open places, Swimming Pool, function hall, reception, and Seminar hall. Uniformly all the constructions must be at the Zenith place only. If all such instructions are scrupulously followed the hotel is bound to thrive and turns out to be a Paradise. So vaastu is to be followed while constructing hotels in general and rooms and bathrooms in particular. If a hotel becomes red many say that it is because of managerial dysfunction or lack of scientific management. Alas but they don't recognize that it is lack of vaastu. So without any compromise one should approach an experienced vaastu consultant and construct the hotels by following all the norms prescribed for rooms, corridors, open place, stock room, swimming pool, function hall, reception and seminar halls etc these constructions must be at zenith places. So that the hotels / lodges will have name, fame and profits without any unwanted problems throughout their age.

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