Detailed Lesson Plan Story of Keesh

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Date: November 26, 2018 Grade level: Grade 10



At the end of the discussion the students are able to: A.  Perform a short skit to summarize the story; B.  Show appreciation of the story “The Story of Keesh” through discussion ; C.  Write a letter for the author of the story. II.  SUBJECT MATTER A.  Topic: The Story of Keesh by Jack London B.  Reference: 

  Grade 10 English Learner’s Material pages 299-307 299 -307

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C.  Teaching strategies: Group and Individual activity, Differentiated Instruction, and   Lecture Discussion  D.  Materials: Visual aids, PowerPoint, and Hand-outs  III. PROCEDURE PROCEDURE A.  DAILY CLASSROOM ROUTINE Teacher’s Activity  Activity 

Student’s Activity  Activity 

Lord, through source of light and wisdom, give us a keen sense of understanding, a retentive memory, and a capacity to grasp things correctly. Grant us the grace to be accurate ac curate in our expositions, and skills to express ourselves Let us all stand for a prayer.

with thoroughness and clarity. Be with us in the start of our work and studies, guide each  progress, and bring it to its completion. All this we asked in Jesus Christ, our Lord. AMEN.

Good Morning Class! Before you take your seat, kindly arrange your chair and pick-up the pieces of litter.

Good Morning Ma’am  Ma’am 


 None Ma’am.  Ma’am. 

Who is absent today? Kindly pass your assignment in the center aisle then forward.

B.  RECALL/ REVIEW Teacher’s Activity  Activity 

What did we discuss last meeting?

Student’s Activity  Activity 

Last meeting we discussed about the story entitled “A Day in a Country.”  Country.”  

Very good! Who are the characters in the

The characters in the story are Terenty, Fyokla,


Danilka, and Silanty Silitch.

Very good! Where and when did the story

The story took place on a village between eight

take place?

and nine o’clock in the morning.  morning.  The story is about the two children asking their

Very good! What is the story all about?

uncle about the beauty of nature.

C.  LESSON PROPER 1.  MOTIVATION Teacher’s Activity  Activity  Video Presentation

I have  here a short video about believing yourself. This video will show you that

Student’s Activity  Activity  1.  The main character in the video is Jay

Parker. 2.  The video is all about a boy/man who

dreaming big will lead you to success. After

 believes himself that he can achieve his

this, I have few questions that you need to

dreams. 3.  I learned that no matter how people

answer. 1.  Who is our main character?

degrade you, you just have to believe in

2.  What was the video all about?

yourself because in the end all the

3.  What did you learn about the video?

sufferings will be paid off.

4.  Did you experience the same way? What did you do to overcome it?

4.  Yes, I study hard and keep believing myself because I know in the end my dreams will come true.


Direction: Pick a number from the chart. Each number has a corresponding word.

1.  This means having success usually by


making a lot of money.  Give the meaning of the chosen word using the given context clues. The meaning of each word can be found on the treasure box. 2.  This means to think or suppose something: 1.  PROSPEROUS  To believe that something is true or Context Clue: The company had a  prosperous year because of the  possible.  successful deal. 3.  This means shocked and upset. 2.  RECKON  Context Clue: I reckon that we’ll have to leave early so that we will arrive there early. 3.  AGHAST  Context Clue: Critics were aghast when the saw the awful movie. 4.  JEERS  Context Clue: He ignored the jeers of the other team’s fans even though it is hurtful. 5.  SCORN  Context Clue: Their teacher has poured scorn on their project because it lacks of

4.  This means to shout insulting words at someone: To laugh at or criticize someone in a loud and angry way. 5.  This means a feeling that someone or something is not worthy of any respect or approval. 6.  This means the body of a dead animal, a

 person’s body, or the remaining parts of an ideas. 6.  CARCASS  old vehicle, structure, etc. Context Clue: When his grandfather died, they decided that his carcass will 7.  This means getting what is wanted in a  be cremated. 7.  CUNNING  clever and often deceptive way. Context Clue: Some politicians are cunning that’s why they always win 8.  This means to hold and fight with another during election.  person. 8.  GRAPPLES  Context Clue: Lysander had some 9.  This means to attack or criticize someone or  bruises because he had a grapple with his best friend. something in a violent or angry way. 9.  ASSAIL  Context Clue: Three men were assailed 10. This means to complain quietly about  by the angry mob because of the crime something: To talk in an unhappy way.   they made. 10. GRUMBLE  Context Clue: The employees are grumbling because of their boss’ attitude.



Our discussion for today is about a boy named Keesh, who lived long ago in the


 poorest Igloo and became the head man of his village. I have here some images about the life in Igloos. Before we talk about Keesh, let us first have a brief introduction about the great author of

The author of the story “The Story of Keesh” is

this great story. Who is the author of “The

Jack London.

Story of Keesh?”  Keesh?”  Very good! I have here a picture and some interesting facts about Jack London. 1.  Jack London was born as John Griffith Chaney on January 12, 1876 in the slums of San Francisco. 2.  Jack London only completed an eighthgrade





students to win the first prize in the writing contest, when he was only 17 years old. 3.  Jack London started having stories  published in Overland Monthly in Monthly in 1899 and set a goal to write at least 1000 words each day. 4.  Jack London's most famous short stories include To Build a Fire, Love of Life, Life , and An and  An Odyssey of the North. North. 5.  Jack London only lived to be 40 years old, but wrote a great number of novels, short stories, memoirs, non-fiction, essays, poems, and even plays. 6.  He was the first author in the world to  become a millionaire from his writing. writing.  Let us now proceed to the story entitled I will fight for my right because I know that we “The story of Keesh.” Before we start I

deserve it. I will be the one who will stand for

have one question that you need to answer.

our rights despite of my age. No matter how

This will help you to fully understand the

young or old you are every one of us should


have equal opportunity because we are all

Motive Question:

children of God and we are made according to

1.  At your age today, what are you going

his image.


to do if your family who was well known before became forgotten and receives inequality? Are you just going to accept it or will you fight for what you truly deserves?  DURING READING

I divided the story into 5 parts and I  provided some pictures p ictures that tells the flow or the summary of the story. I will group you into 5, each will perform a short skit about the chosen part of the story. This will help you to fully understand the story. Keesh lived at the edge of the polar sea. He had seen thirteen suns in the Eskimo way of keeping time. Among the Eskimos, the sun each KEESH AND HIS FAMILY

winter leaves the land in darkness. And the next

What do you think happen in these pictures?

year, a new sun returns, so it might be warm again. The father of Keesh had been a brave man. But he had died hunting for food. Keesh was his only son. Keesh lived along with his mother, Ikeega.  One night, the village council met in the  big Igloo of Klosh-kwan, the chief. He listened, then he waited for silence. He said, “It is true that you give us some meat. But it is often old




What do you think happen next?

and tough meat, and has many bones.” The KLOSH- hunters were surprised. This was a child speaking against them. The council ordered Keesh to go to bed. Keesh jumped to his feet. “Hear me!” he cried. “Never shall I speak in the council igloo again. I shall go hunt meat like my father, Bok.” There was much laughter when Keesh spoke of hunting. The laughter followed Keesh as he left the council meeting. The next day, Keesh started out for the shore, where the land meets the ice. Those who



watched saw that he carried his bow and many arrows. Across his shoulder was his father’s big  big   hunting spear. Again there was laughter. One day passed, then a second. On the third day, a great wind blew. There was no sign of Keesh. His mother, Ikeega, put burned seal oil on her

THE HUNTING BEGINS What do you think happen in these pictures?

face to show her sorrow. The women shouted at their men for letting the little boy go. The men made no answer, but got ready to search for the body of Keesh. Early next morning, Keesh walked into the village. Across his shoulders was fresh meat. His mother was very happy. Keesh, trying to be a man, said to her mother that he would sleep because he was tired. There was much talk after Keesh went to his igloo. The killing of a bear was dangerous. But it was three times more dangerous to kill a mother bear with cubs. The men did not believe Keesh had done so. But the women pointed to the fresh meat. At last, the men agreed to go for the meat that was left. But they were not very happy. So began the mystery of Keesh. Then there was talk of magic and witchcraft in the village. Keesh continued to  bring meat m eat to the village. Some people thought he was a great hunter. There was talk of making him chief, after old Klosh-Kwan. They waited, hoping he would come to council meetings. But he never came. The council sat up late talking


about Keesh and the meat. They decided to spy

What do you think happen next?

on him. On Keesh’s next trip, two young hunters, Bim and Bawn, followed him. After five days, they returned. The council met to hear their story, then the two hunters reported what they had seen. Klosh-kwan led the council to the igloo of Keesh. Keesh told the people in the village how he had killed the bears.



Keesh told the people in the village how he had killed the bears: he bent some thin  pieces of whalebone. The ends were pointed


and sharp as a knife. Keesh bent the thin, sharp

What happen to these pictures?

 bones as knives into circles, then put some seal meat inside them, then put them in the snow to freeze. The bear had eaten the ball of meat with the circle of bone inside. When the meat got inside the bear, the meat got warm, and the  bone went snap! The sharp points made the bear sick. It is easy to kill them. Keesh used headcraft, instead of witchcraft, he rose from the  poorest igloo to be the chief c hief in the village. And for all the years that followed, his people were happy. No one cried at night with pains of hunger.

And this is the story of Keesh, who lived long ago on the rim of the polar sea. Because he exercised headcraft and not witchcraft, he rose from the meanest Igloo to be head man of his village, and through all the years that he lived, his tribe was  prosperous, and neither widow nor weak one cried aloud in the night because there was no meat. Let us now answer the questions posted on

When Keesh was just a little boy, he was a

the board. First question, describe Keesh  bright, healthy and strong boy. The father of and his family. Keesh was a very brave man. When his father died Keesh and his mother was left forgotten by the people in their tribe. Very good! What was his speech at a

Keesh wanted to have a fair share of meat that

council about?

is why he went to the council and talked to them, but the council didn’t agree that is why Keesh hunted by himself.

Very good! What did he do the next day?

After the conversation with the council, the next

How long did he stay away? Did he come

day, Keesh carried his bow and many arrows.

into the village repentant and defeated?

Across his shoulder was his father’s big hunting spear and he started to hunt. Keesh hunts for


three days and early next morning he came  back.







triumphantly. He was carrying a female polar  bear and the two grown-up cubs.  What did the council determine to do? What

The council sent two spy-hunters to spy Keesh

did the spy-hunters report on to the council

for they believed that Keesh was using

five days later?

witchcraft. The spy-hunters reported to council that Keesh was a real hunter and he uses headcraft instead of witchcraft.

How was the mystery of Keesh’s marvelous

When the spy-hunters spy-hunters reported what they’ve

hunting finally unraveled?

seen, the council went to Keesh to talk to him. Keesh finally told them how he managed to kill  bears. Keesh always readied some little round ice balls made by bones and whale meat. When the bear swallowed the ball, the bear would get sick and Keesh could kill it easily.

D.  GENERALIZATION Teacher’s Activity  Activity 

Student’s Activity  Activity 


Did you understand the story?

Yes Ma’am!  Ma’am! 

Stay with your group because we will have a short game about the story. Each group will be given a flag. I will asked questions regarding the story. All you have to do is to raise the flag if your group knows the answer. The group who raised their flag first will be the first one to answer the question. Each correct answer is equivalent to ten  points. Who are the characters in the story?

The characters in the story are Keesh, KloshKwan, Ugh-Gluk, Bim, Bawn, and Ikeega.

What were the last words of Keesh? Why Keesh last words are “My father, was a great did it require dignity and manhood to speak

hunter. I, too, his son, shall go and hunt the


meat that I eat.” and “And no widow nor weak one shall cry in the night because there is no meat.” It require dignity and manhood to speak


out because first of all, Keesh was talking to the tribe chief. Second, he said those words like a real men going to war. He showed an attitude that a king or a chief possesses, and that is  bravery. What values did you learn from the story?

The values I learned from the story was/were; 

forgotten.    Good deeds should not be left forgotten.    We should learn how to appreciate one's

sacrifice.   sacrifice.

  We should not judge other people base on

what we see and what others tell.  tell.  

  Being mighty doesn't necessarily means that

you have to be the strongest and the bravest,  but rather, it is based on your ability to assess the situation and cope up with whatever mistakes you made in your  journey.

   No matter how young or old, strongest or

weakest you are always believe that you can do it. What is the author’s attitude  attitude   to the focal The author described the main hero as strong hero and his countrymen?

individual. Despite of his age, he showed courage to fight for their right. Keesh showed a trait that a real leader must have. The countrymen were described by the author as scornful and doubtful, but at the end of the story the countrymen change their attitude toward Keesh.

What do you think is the purpose of the

  The author wants us to be reminded that

author in writing this story?

every sacrifice should not be forgotten. This is an essential truth that one should bear in mind. The fact that we should appreciate every sacrifice of a person and that we should not be judgmental towards others is a random realization in the story.

  The author wanted to convey that we should

not have a bad prejudice to others and that


we should not forget others sacrifice even if they no longer exist instead, we should appreciate them for their noble deeds. The author wanted to show what is now happening in real community life. Based on your understanding, what is the

The story is all about;

story all about?

  Sacrifice   Inequality


Very good! The theme of the story is  bravery.

E.  APPLICATION Teacher’s Activity  Activity  Direction: Based from the

Student’s Activity  Activity 

theme of the

story, each group will be given different task. GROUP 1- Jingle GROUP 2- Poem GROUP 3- Illustration GROUP 4- Slogan GROUP 5- Reflection paper



Write a letter for the author of the story. Make sure to follow the format below.

Dear Jack London, After











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ASSIGNMENT 1.  Have an advance reading about the “Song of Autumn” by Charles Baudelaire.  


2.  Task 7: FIGURE IT OUT Make an analysis of a character by completing the graphic organizer below.

Actions: Words:

Actions: KEESH



Words: Motives:

The Story of Keesh

Prepared by:

Michaella P. Peralta Student teacher Checked by: 

Mellany S. Manuzon Cooperating Teacher


Noted by:

Maria C. Alvarez  Head Teacher VI Approved by:

Marciano V. Cruz Jr.  Principal IV 

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