Detailed Lesson Plan in Math 3

July 15, 2021 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Detailed Lesson Plan in Math 3 I.

Objectives At the end of the lesson, the pupils are expected to: Multiplies 2 to 4- digit numbers b !- digit nu mbers "ith regrouping • #ho" accurac$carefulness in sol%ing number problems • appreciate the %alue of sharing in one&s o"n life •


Subject Matter 'opic: 'opic: Multipling (umbers "ith )egrouping page !*!-!*3 )eference: )ealistic MA'+ MA'+ 3  to !2 Materials: isual aids


Procedure:  A. Daily Routine Praer  .reetings /hec0ing of Attendance  B. Drill C. Mot Motivati vation on

1hat occasion is nearl coming


1h do "e celebrate /hristmas

1e celebrate celebrate /hristmas because it is the  birth of our Lord, 9esus /hrist5

/orrect (The teacher will tell a story about Santa Claus) D. e ess sson on Pro Pro!e !err  (o" class  am going to tell a stor5 stor5

#anta /laus li%es in a nice cit called #anta /laus ille5 6%er da he "or0s hard ard, in "rappin ping gifts for  children5 #anta /laus is %er generous5 +e lo%es to shar hare5 +e loo0s for good children all o%er the land5 +e al"as sure to ha%e "ith him a bundle of tos5 7or  the good little little girls and little bos5 8ne da "hen #an #anta /laus is "al0 al0ing along the street he sa" * children sitting on the bench, so #anta /laus ga%e 24 pieces of candies to each one of them5 #anta /laus "as %er happ to see the smile on the face of the children5


1ho are the characters in the stor

1hat can ou sa about #anta /laus 7or ou class, is it important to share 1h

'he characters in the stor are #anta /laus and the children5

 (o" class #anta has a problem he "ants to find out the total number of candies he ga%e to the * children5

+e is %er generous5

Do ou "ant to help him

>es, because "hen "e share "e can ma0e  people happ5

'he teacher "ill present the "ord  problem5;

P#O$%M: #anta /laus ga%e 24 pieces of candies to each one of the * children he sa" on the street5 (o", #anta /laus "ants to find out, &O' M" C"DI%S DID &% *"+% TO T&% , C&ID#%-


+e "ants to find out the total number of candies he ga%e to * children5

1hat is the problem of #anta /laus

1hat are the gi%en in the problem The iven are: /0 !ieces o1 candies and , children

Multiplication 1hat do ou thin0 is the operation to be used in the gi%en problem /orrect Let us sol%e5 Let&s begin "ith the step !5 ST%P 2. 1rite the numbers in column5 Al"as "rite the factor "ith fe"er digits belo" the greater factor5

24 x *

ST%P /. 'hen multipl * starting from the ones5 * x 4 is e
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