Desktop Companion to Physical Pathology MORRISON Roger

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MORRISON R., Desktop Companion to Physical Pathology MORRISON Roger Acknowledgements First I would like to thank my wife, Nancy Herrick, who has assisted in every aspect of this book - the research, writing and editing. I am blessed to have such a consistent and supportive workmate and I remember it each day. Next I wish to thank my teacher and mentor George Vithoulkas. Without his guidance and help I would never have been in a position to write this text. My main editor and assistant, Julie Bernard, has contributed enormously with her time, expertise and good spirits. I will never forget her devotion to me and to this work. Once again, Deborah Gordon has given me her valuable insights and support. Her clarity and assistance in both Desktop Guide and Desktop Companion has been invaluable (and, earlier, unrecognized). Finally, a word of thanks and appreciation to my friends for their support and encouragement about this book - Rajan Sankaran, Jonathan Shore, Greg Bedayn, David Warkentin, David Riley, Jurgen Becker, Marianne Heger, Kai Kruger, Ken Pelletier, Laurie Dack and Murry Feldman. Introduction As with my first book, Desktop Guide to Keynotes and Confirmatory Symptoms, I have embarked upon the writing of this text because I wanted it for my own practice. I have tried to create a concise yet thorough differential for each of the main pathologies encountered in homeopathic practice. It is my hope that the present book will serve as a companion to my earlier book. My main concern throughout the writing of this book has been that its purpose and the information it contains would be misconstrued and misused. Homeopathy is an art and a science which must always aim to cure the patient on the deepest level. In this aim, often it is the deepest inner conflicts and frustrations of our patient which lead us to the correct remedy. The practitioner must always consider the whole person. In fact, in many cases the constitutional remedy cures a pathology for which it is not listed in our materia medica. Since this is so, what is the purpose of writing a therapeutic text which by its nature emphasizes the physical symptoms and keynotes? I wish, therefore, to be clear about my intentions in putting forth this material. The purpose of this book is threefold: It is meant first as an aid to be used at the time of patient interview (either by phone or in person) to cue the practitioner toward likely remedies for a particular condition. The second purpose is as a study guide, bringing the main points of the remedies into focus. And, finally, to give advice about treatment based on the experience of myself and my colleagues at our center. In an acute case it is often easy to choose a remedy based on the acute and local symptoms which are included in this text. In a constitutional case, however, it is generally not the best approach to analyze the case through the prism of the physical pathology. However, despite the fact that we strive in practice to search for the deeper meaning and causes of the physical illness and to find the essence or center of the patient's nature, there are many instances when this search does not aid us toward finding the simillimum. In many such circumstances, the physical pathology supplies the necessary clue toward the prescription. Under each pathology I have included information relevant to management and analysis. The section on

the repertory aims to guide and simplify the search for useful rubrics. The sections on management include "tips" based upon my own and my colleagues' experience in a general homeopathic practice. Besides the expected information on homeopathy (potency, aggravations, etc.) and allopathy (allopathic medications, tests, etc.), there are tips on naturopathic approaches. Some may feel that these naturopathic ideas have no place in a homeopathic text. I have included these ideas for several reasons: First, as options to use when the patient requires some treatment but we do not want to use a remedy. Second, when we have treated with a remedy that is not acting or at least not acting upon the specific problem. Third, there are many conditions where homeopathic treatment is greatly aided by naturopathic techniques. The tradition to offer such advice began with Hahnemann. Some readers have felt that my cautionary remarks were overstated in this book. However, each of the mistakes I caution against are based on my own hard experiences. If I sound parental, please see it as a sign of the devotion I feel toward any person courageous enough to undertake the practice of homeopathy. Our task can be both joyful and onerous. I feel a strong desire to make the burdens as light as possible. My suggestions in the management sections are often cautious, reflecting my philosophy in medicine. My conviction is that our main duty is to the safety and health of our patients, not to our homeopathic ideals. This sometimes means that we need to resort to allopathic treatment for the short-run. Furthermore, the safety of the practitioner is significant. We should never jeopardize our licenses or our reputations in the community. This is especially true in the United States where homeopathy is still vulnerable to attack from medical authorities. A balanced and conservative approach is our best chance for long-term gains in spreading our beloved therapy. Homeopathy is a pleasure when we find the right remedy and know how to proceed in the management of the case. It is my hope that this text may give some assistance toward these goals. Roger Morrison 1998 Head and neck Headache The vast majority of headaches respond easily to homeopathic treatment. This is especially true when headache is the main problem of the patient and if the symptoms are specific and reliable. My heart drops a little when I ask my patient to describe his headache and he replies, "Well there doesn't seem to be any real pattern." Such cases will require more time and energy. Furthermore, when there is other significant pathology, the headache may not be the first thing addressed by the vital force during the course of treatment. There is also a syndrome of chronic, daily headaches without clear modalities which can be extremely frustrating to treat. However, the majority of headaches are readily aided by even a close homeopathic remedy. In fact, it is important to review the case carefully even after the headache has improved to see that the patient as a whole has benefited and that no suppression has occurred. Management Acute headaches or migraines usually respond rapidly to homeopathic treatment. (I once fell asleep while the pellets of Belladonna 200C were still dissolving on my tongue during an acute migraine headache.) At other times, even an apparently well indicated acute remedy has little effect on an acute

headache. This is because the patient actually requires his constitutional remedy during the event. However, it is also quite common that the correct constitutional remedy will be found by a careful analysis of the headache symptoms alone! This can be true even when headache is not the major complaint of the patient. The treatment of chronic headaches is often complicated by an array of allopathic drugs which can change the pattern of pains, add side-effects to the picture and antidote the remedy. Caffeine containing analgesics seem innocuous yet often disrupt homeopathic treatment. Some studies indicate that even simple anti-inflammatory medications can cause rebound headaches in a never-ending cycle until the medication use is stopped. Whenever possible we should encourage our patients to stop pain medications. However, as a practical matter, this is often not possible and we must treat the patient while he is concurrently taking other headache medications. We prefer medications taken only during the headache rather than daily preventive-type drugs. Especially if the case is "muddy" due to allopathic suppression, we should encourage our patient to discontinue his allopathic medication for several weeks and then retake the case. This will often bring clear modalities to a case which previously had none. Therapeutic tips Homeopathic For most cases of severe headache, potency should match the clarity of the case. If very clear, use a 1M or 10M; i not so clear a 200C. If no clear remedy appears in the case, it is best to retake the information after stopping the allopathic drugs for several weeks. In cases which require more than simple aspirin or acetaminophen during the course of treatment, it is often beneficial to add a 6C or 12C daily dose of the remedy to the regimen. In cases on strong allopathic drugs, LM potencies may also be considered. Naturopathic Food allergies or intolerances can cause chronic headache. In one study of migraine sufferers reported in the Lancet, over 90% of patients showed relief of symptoms by eliminating allergenic substances from their diet. An elimination diet can help to exclude this possibility. The common offending foods included: Aged, fermented and marinated foods with vinegar. Foods with spices, additives or nitrates - red wine, luncheon meats, canned fish, MSG. Hard cheeses. Chocolate. Citrus fruits. Red plums. Avocado. Raspberry. Cabbage. Tomatoes. Eggplant. Potatoes. Fried food. Other possible dietary approaches include: Making certain to eat regular meals. Limiting tyrosine intake. Stopping caffeine. Stopping all wheat or gluten products and all sweets. Though perhaps difficult to discuss, it is nevertheless true that sex or masturbation will relieve many patients during a migraine headache. Use of the herb, Feverfew, can be as effective as pain medication for some headache sufferers and does not interfere with homeopathic treatment. Lecithin 3000 to 6000 mg. per day has helped some migraine sufferers. Allopathic Sudden onset of a severe headache in a patient who has never before suffered from migraines can be a sign of subarachnoid hemorrhage. Recent onset of a steadily progressive headache pattern always warrants a full work-up with

neurological and/or radiological studies. Many patients, in a type of desperation, fall into the habit of taking 3 or 4 aspirin or Tylenol tablets for each headache. However, there is good evidence that a single aspirin tablet is just as effective as two or more for most headaches. Also, these medications may be followed by rebound headaches in a neverending cycle. Many patients who come to us on narcotic pain relievers have issues surrounding chemical addiction. A new patient who "loses" a bottle of pain medication and calls requesting a new prescription is waving a red flag for help in this area. When stopping allopathic medications is impossible, we should follow the plan of managing the patient with the least interfering allopathic medications. Hierarchy of allopathic medications 1) Tylenol or aspirin. 2) Ibuprofen or other non-steroidal anti-inflammatories. 3) Aspirin / Acetaminophen / Caffeine combinations (Excedrin, etc.). 4) Aspirin / Acetaminophen / Sedative combinations (Fiorinal, etc.). 5) Ergotamine type drugs. 6) Beta blockers - Continuous daily use (Propranolal, etc.). 7) Non-narcotic injections (Imatrex, etc.). 8) Narcotic type drugs. 9) Tegretol or other anti-convulsant medications. Repertory The section, "Head, Pain" is one of the most extensive in the repertory and potentially quite confusing (note that in the Complete Repertory, the section, "Head Pain" has been separated into its own chapter away from the rest of the chapter, "Head"). The chapter begins (as all others) with times of head pain, but then it does not follow the normal arrangement by listing right and left side. Instead, following the time rubrics, the repertory skips directly to the important modality section listing general modalities of head pain (other modalities are found listed under specific locations and qualities of pain). It is a little difficult to grasp the reason that the specific locations (Sides, right and left, Vertex, etc.) are listed after the main modalities of headache. This arrangement makes sense if we think of these locations as separate parts (as shoulder, elbow, etc. in the Extremity, Pain section). Following these locations are the specific qualities of pain (i.e. "burning," "stitching," etc.). Confusingly, in Kent's Repertory and in Synthesis (though moved in the Complete Repertory), some pain qualities are listed in the main body of general modalities toward the beginning of the "Head, Pain" section (i.e. "blinding," "wandering," etc.). Listed below are rubrics arranged by category in the hope of making this section somewhat more accessible. There is, however, no substitute for a thorough familiarization with the repertory itself. Since so many patients present with headaches as a primary or secondary complaint, it is well worth the time required to read through each page of the "Head, Pain" listings two or three times. Summary of head pain section Weather temperature seasons Air, cold. Air, open. Autumn.

Bathing, cold. Bathing, sea. Cold, application. Cold, becoming. Cold, Becoming, head. Cold, Becoming, feet. Damp, house. Heat, hot applications. Heated, becoming. Rain. Sun. Summer. Thunderstorms. Uncovering. Vaults. Warm application. Warm bed. Warm room. Washing, Cold water. Washing head. Weather (many subrubrics). Weather, warm. Weather, wet. Wet, getting. Wet, Feet. Wet, Head. Wind. Wind, Cold. Mental . emotional Anger. Anguish. Anxiety. Attention, too eager. Businessmen. Crowd / Company. Contradiction. Controversy. Delirium. Diversion. Dreams, unpleasant. Excitement. Fright.

Grief. Hurrying. Hysteria. Joy. Mental exertion. Mortification. Nervousness. Sadness. Schoolgirls. Shopping. Thinking of pain. Unconsciousness. Vexation. Concomitant pathology Alternating, with (subrubrics). Asthma. Catarrh. Chill, before, during, after. Cardiac symptoms. Chorea. Climaxis. Constipation. Coryza. Cough. Diarrhea. Digestive. Epilepsy. Epistaxis. Eructation. Eruptions. Fainting. Flatus. Gastric. Gout. Heart condition. Hemorrhage. Hemorrhoids. Influenza. Labor. Liver disease. Malaria. Measles.

Menses. Pains, Back. Pain, Eyes. Pain, Heart. Pain, Spleen. Pain, Stomach. Palpitations. Pregnancy. Rheumatic. Scarlatina. Toothache. Uremia. Vertigo. Vomiting. Activities Ascending. Bathing. Bed, going to. Binding hair. Blowing, nose. Boat, riding in. Breath, holding. Breathing. Chewing. Coition. Combing hair. Cough. Cutting hair. Dancing. Descending. Exertion. Ironing. Laughing. Lifting. Motion. Move, beginning to. Moving, arms. Reading. Riding a car. Rising (subrubrics). Running. Scratching.

Sexual excess. Sexual excitement. Sex, Onanism. Sexual suppression. Shopping. Singing. Sleep. Sneezing. Stepping. Stool, pressing. Talking. Walking. Washing. Winking. Work. Wrapping head. Writing. Yawning. Body functions Breathing. Climaxis. Dentition. Eructation. Inspiration. Menses. Nursing. Perspiration. Pregnancy. Sleep. Sleep, loss of. Stool, before. Stool, during. Stool, after. Urination. Urination, Profuse. Vomiting. Waking. Yawning. Local measures affecting pain Back, Pressing on something hard. Bathing. Binding the head.

Closing eyes. Cold applications. Combing the hair. Hair, Letting down. Hat, Wearing. Leaning hand against head. Pressure, external (subrubrics). Resting the head. Rubbing head. Scratching. Tight clothes. Touch. Warm applications. Wrapping head. Position Bending head backward. Bending head forward. Bending head to side. Bed, in. Frowning. Holding head erect. Lean against something. Lie down, must. Lying. Lying with head high (or low). Lying on back. Lying painful side. Nodding head. Raising head. Resting head. Rolling head. Shaking head. Sitting. Standing. Stooping. Turning head. Turning in bed. Wrinkling brow. Food . toxins . eating Beer. Bread. Breakfast.

Candy. Coffee. Copper. Dinner. Drinks, Cold. Drinks, Hot. Eating. Fasting. Fat foods. Hunger. Iron. Lemonade. Meat. Mercury. Metals. Milk. Opium. Quinine. Sour things. Spirits. Supper. Sweets. Tea. Tobacco. Veal. Vinegar (also Acids). Warm food. Warm soup. Wine. Stimulants Bright objects. Dark. Footsteps. Jarring. Light, daylight. Light, Artificial. Lying in dark. Music. Noise. Odors. Opera. Talk of others.

Touch. Vision related Bright objects. Close eyes, compelled to. Closing eyes. Frowning. Looking, downward. Looking, fixedly. Looking, upward. Motion of eyes. Moving eyes. Reading. Squinting. Straining eyes. Injuries Blows to head. Concussion. Debauch. Dog bite. Fall, after. Injuries. Trauma. Vaccinations. Weight, Carrying, on shoulders. Types of pain (inside the body of general head pain section) Arrows, like. Ball beating skull. Blinding. Bruised sensation of scalp. Chronic. Congestive. Constant. Electric current, like. Frozen, as if. Hammering. Increase, gradual. Increase, rapid. Maddening. Migraine. Neuralgic. Paroxysmal. Periodic.

Pulsating. Sick. Small spot. Sudden. Twitching. Violent. Wandering. Important rubrics located elsewhere in the repertory Mind, Anxiety with headache. Mind, Concentration difficult during headache (also confusion). Mind, Cursing during headache. Mind, Delirium with headache. Mind, Dullness with headache. Mind, Forgetfulness with headache. Mind, Irritability during headache. Mind, Memory weakness during headache. Mind, Prostration during headache. Mind, Sadness during headache. Mind, Weeping during headache. Vertigo during headache. Eye, Closes eyes during headache. Eye, Lacrimation during headache. Eye, Pain during headache. Eye, Photophobia during headache. Vision, Colors, Black, Spots, Headache, before, during. Vision, Dim, Headache, before, during (see also, "Foggy" and "Blurred"). Vision, Diplopia, Headache, with. Vision, Flickering, Headache, before, during (see also, "Sparks"). Vision, Loss of, Blindness, Headache, before, during. Nose, Coryza during headache. Nose, Epistaxis during headache. Nose, Obstruction during headache. Face, Discoloration pale during headache. Face, Discoloration red, during headache. Face, Heat during headache. Face, Wrinkled forehead during headache. Mouth, Salivation, during headache. Stomach, Appetite increased during headache. Stomach, Eructation during headache. Stomach, Nausea during headache. Stomach, Thirst during headache. Stomach, Vomiting during headache.

Abdomen, Pain alternating with headache. Rectum, Constipation during headache. Rectum, Diarrhea during headache. Bladder, Urination frequent during headache. Urine, Copious, during headache. Chest, Palpitations during headache. Extremities, Cold (also Hands, cold) during headache. Sleep, Disturbed by headache. Sleep, Sleeplessness with headache. Sleep, Waking from headache. Perspiration, Cold during headache. Generalities, Faintness during headache. Generalities, Weakness during headache. Remedies There is no simple scheme for categorizing headache remedies, but it is useful to try to give some loose groupings as to type or location. Naturally, many remedies fit for more than one type of headache. In such cases, the remedy has been placed in the category representing the most common presentation. Furthermore, virtually every remedy in our materia medica has some symptoms related to head pain, many of which are not discussed. The following categories are presented below: Most Important Headache Remedy Main Right-Sided Headache Remedies Other Important Right-Sided Headache Remedies Main Left-Sided Headache Remedies Congestive Headache Remedies Main General Headache Remedies Other Important General Headache Remedies Most important headache remedy Natrium muriaticum The main remedy for migraines and headaches in general - perhaps 10 to 15% of migraines in our practice require this remedy. Quality: Bursting pain. Sensation of a small hammer in one spot. Vise. Location: Favors the right side. Temple. Occiput. As the headache stops on one side, it comes on the opposite side. Worse: Morning on waking. 10 AM or 10 AM to 3 PM. Grief or strong emotions or suppressed emotions. Schoolgirls who are serious and tense. Sun. Heat. Menses. Onset of menses. Reading. Straining eyes. Cough. Laughing. Weeping. During or after chills in recurring fever. Better: Cold applications. Perspiration. Pressure. Closing the eyes. Must lie down in a dark room. Periodic headaches: Every day. Every other day. Any periodicity.

Visual disturbances and vomiting from headache. Headache associated with or history of anemia. Main right-sided headache remedies Belladonna Excellent remedy for both acute and chronic headaches and migraines. Quality: Most intense headache in our materia medica. Described as: Throbbing. "Exploding." "Maddening." Pressing outward sensation, "as if eyes will pop out." Pains come and go suddenly; or start slowly and end suddenly. Location: Begins in right occiput, extends to right forehead or eye. Also may begin in right forehead and extend to the occiput. Worse: 3 PM. Night. Jarring. Going down steps. Coughing or sneezing. Shaking the head. Motion. Light. Sun. Heat. After getting chilled. Cutting or washing the hair. Stooping. Bending head forward. Lying. Noise. Straining at stool. Tight collars. Menses. Climaxis. Better: Lying in dark, quiet room. Cold application. Closing the eyes. Hard external pressure. Binding the head. Sitting up in bed. Bending the head backwards. Urination. Bounding pulse in head and throat; sharp pain with each throb. Concomitants: Hypertension. Hormone changes (abortion, hysterectomy). Vomiting with headache. Eyes bloodshot or glistening during headache. Hands and feet icy cold during the headache. Sanguinaria canadensis Congestive headache; migraine headache. Location: Headache begins in right shoulder or neck and radiates to right forehead and eye. Quality: Throbbing. Burning. Worse: Daytime headache, comes and goes with the sun. Light. Noise. Odors. Jarring. Fasting. Menses. Periodic headache. Better: Sleep. After vomiting. Passing flatus or eructation. Pressing head against something hard (Meny). Vomiting with headaches. Indigestion, burning in stomach, sour stomach with headache. Headache with flushed face and pulsing in the carotids. Other important right-sided headache remedies Agaricus muscarius Headache accompanied by twitching of eyelids or face. Location: Right side; in or over the right eye. Headache extending to the root of the nose. Quality: Sensation of a nail, especially in the right forehead. Unbearable. Dull, drawing sensation. Heaviness; weight sensation. Icy coldness or cold needles. Cold spots on scratching. Worse: Sitting still. Mental exertion or studying.

Better: Slow motion. After stool. Carbolicum acidum Right frontal headache. Quality:As if squeezed by a band. Worse:Fumes and chemical odors. Better:Strong tea. Pressure. Smoking. Cedron Pain recurs at exactly the same hour - daily, every two days, weekly, or any periodicity. Location: Especially over right eye or whole right side and face. Headache across eyes from temple to temple. Or begins temples and spreads to forehead. Swollen sensation of head. Whole body feels numb during headache. Worse: 9 AM. 11 AM. Open air. Rising. Chelidonium majus Location: Above the right eye. Extending from vertex to neck or to right scapula. Worse: Mid-morning or at 2 PM. Reading. Motion of eye. Better: Open air. Closing eyes. Eating. Pressure. Periodic headache, every 14 days. Gastric headache. Iris versicolor Classic migraine. Begins with visual aura and ends with vomiting. Visual aura with spots before the eyes, shimmerings or blurry vision. Weekly migraines, especially on weekends (Sulph). Periodic. Location: Pains alternate sides. Right side. Right forehead. Worse: Cold air. Sitting or resting. Relaxing after studies. Cough. Better: Open air. Standing. Walking. Constant gentle motion. Blindness or blurry vision with headache. Lycopodium clavatum Headache over right forehead or right side of head. Worse: 4 to 8 PM. Morning on waking. Being over-heated, especially while in bed. Straining the eyes. If hunger not appeased at once. Fasting, even for an hour. Menses. Straining at stool. Cough. Better: Cold or open air. Eating. Walking. Lying. Headache extending from vertex to shoulder. Natrium muriaticum (See above:Most Important Headache Remedy). Prunus spinosa Location: Right forehead or radiating from right forehead to the occiput. Pain in the right eye extending back into head. Pains extending to the right side of the occipital protuberance. Quality: Sharp pains. Shooting or electric pains. Pressure.

Patient may describe the headache, "as if there is a tumor inside." Headache as if swollen or bursting outward. Worse: 4 PM. Pressure. Motion. Sun. Ranunculus bulbosus Right forehead or above the right eye. Worse: Before a storm. Change of weather. Alcoholic drinks. Lying down. Upon entering a room from outside. Better: Standing or walking. Main left-sided headache remedies Spigelia anthelmia Severe migraine headache; ciliary neuralgia. Location: Left forehead; above left eye; directly in the left eye. Pain extends back into the head or the occiput. May begin in temple or occiput and radiate to left eye or brow. Quality: Stitching or neuralgic pain. Violent pain. Can point to the spot with one finger. Worse: Morning; comes and goes with the sun. Motion. Jarring. Cough. Pressing at stool. Touch. Stooping. Standing. Cold or open air. Walking in open air. Wind. Smoke. Noise. Better: Heat or hot bathing. Keeping the eyes closed. Lying down. Lying with head elevated. Headache associated with palpitations or other heart problems. Bryonia alba Chronic migraine headache. Acute fevers with horrible headache. Location: Pain begins over the left eye, extends to the occiput and then to the whole head. Sometimes extends to shoulders and back. In the occipital protuberance. Quality: Dull heavy pains. Stitching pains. Increases slowly with heaviness, congestion and fullness. Worse: Morning on rising until noon. 9 PM. Slightest motion, even of the eyes, eyelids or body. Jarring. Cough. Stepping heavily. Exertion. Ascending steps. If constipated. Ironing. Heat. Sun. Eating. Combing hair. Walking. Noise. Hiccoughs. Cold bathing when head is heated and perspiring. Better: Pressure. Lying on painful side. Lying in the dark. Perspiration. Washing with cold water. Cool air. Nausea or vertigo on attempting to sit up. Lachesis mutus Congestive headache with pulsation, fullness and pressing outward. Location: The left side or forehead. Begins left side then moves to the right.

Frontal headache extending to the nose or the root of the nose. Quality: Bursting sensation, as if brain will burst or eyes will pop out. Worse: Morning on waking. Heat. Sleep. Tight collars. Anger. Excitement. Alcohol. Before menses. Suppressed menses. Climaxis. Better: Pressure. Cold air and cold applications. During menstrual flow. During discharges of any kind. Nasal discharge. Vomiting. Headache associated with hypertension. Sepia officinalis Headaches associated with much nausea; "sick headache." Periodic headache or pains coming in waves or sometimes sudden shocks. Location: Headache in left forehead and above left eye. Worse: Menses, before or during. Pregnancy. Menopause. Light, especially artificial light. Mental exertion. Stuffy room. Coition. Fasting. Hypoglycemic attacks. With motion sickness. Better: Open air. Vomiting. Eating. Sleeping. Lying in the dark. Vigorous exertion. Pressure. Empty sensation in the stomach during headache. Thuja occidentalis Location: Left forehead, above left eye. Pain extends to the occiput from the forehead. Quality: Often described as if a nail extends backward into the brain. Spasms felt in the left side of neck with headache. Worse: After midnight. In bed at night, forces the patient to rise. Lying. Tea. Better: Pressure. Open air. Warm applications. Bending head backwards. Congestive headache remedies Aloe socotrina Congested headache with heaviness in the eyes. Location: Pressing pain in the forehead and above the eyes. Better: Cold applications. Closing eyes or squinting. Worse: Heat. Headache associated with or alternating with diarrhea. Belladonna (See above:Right-Sided Headache). Glonoinum Intense pounding headache as if the head would burst. Face is flushed and pulse bounds in carotids. Pain increases and decreases with the sun's rise and fall. Location: Rising upwards from the base of head. Worse: Sun and heat. Alcohol. Menopause or before menses. After metrorrhagia. Jar. Motion. Shaking the head. Tight collars. Better: Pressure. Lying in a dark room. Cold applications or cold washing. Bending head backwards. Getting into shade. Wearing a hat.

Faintness during congestive headache. Lachesis mutus (See above:Left-Sided Headache). Melilotus officinalis Pounding headache with flushed face and pulsing in the carotids. Vomiting with headache. Headache with epistaxis. Worse: 9 AM to noon. Better: Menses. Profuse urination. Pain ameliorated by epistaxis or other hemorrhage. Pulsatilla pratensis Extremely changeable headaches. Quality: Pulsing, congestive or bursting headache. Great fullness in head. Location: Changeable. Forehead and temples. Occiput. Worse: Heat. Sun. Stuffy or warm rooms. Overeating. Fat or rich food. Ice cream. Warm drinks. Exertion with overheating. Standing. Looking upward. Letting feet hang down. Blowing nose. Coughing. Menses suppressed. At the end of the menstrual flow. Menopause. Better: Open air. Walking slowly in open air. Cold applications. Lying with head propped up on pillows. Pressure. Binding the head. Vomiting with headache. Main general headache remedies Calcarea phosphorica Schoolchildren who have headaches and stomachaches. Worse: At the end of the day or the school day. After lunch. Aching in cervical region which makes head and thinking dull. Location: Occiput to whole head. Pains felt in or along the suture lines of the skull. Calcarea carbonica Chronic headaches and migraines from stress and over-worry. Worse: Cold, cold damp. Getting head wet. Mental exertion. Light. Menses. Exertion. Ascending. Lifting heavy weights. Shaking the head. Stooping. Better: Pressure or binding the head. China officinalis Especially for migraine headaches and neuralgia. Periodic headaches with weakness and debility. Headache worse after serious hemorrhage; after fluid losses such as prolonged diarrhea; associated with anemia. Location: Whole head extending into the teeth.

Worse: Open air or drafts. Walking. Lying. Noise. Touch. Motion. Better: Hard pressure with hand. Heat or in a warm room. Moving head up and down. Sensation that the brain painfully strikes against the insides of the skull. Pale face during headache (other times flushed face). Cimicifuga racemosa Severe pains or neuralgia over occiput, vertex and cervical spine. Location: Marked cervical stiffness and pain with headache. Cervical region and occiput extending to head. Vertex. Quality: As if the top of the head will fly off or open. As if brain too large. Painfully stiff like, "a bolt driven from the neck to the vertex." Neuralgic pains. Shooting pains. Stitching. Waves of pain. Soreness. Headache may last for days continuously. Worse: Motion of eyes. Studying. Change of weather. Cold, damp weather. Better: Open air. Pressure. Mental: Dullness of mind and confusion with headache. Hysterical and dissatisfied with chronic headache. Cocculus indicus Headache from grief and worry over a loved one. Headache associated with dizziness or faintness. Headache with nausea and often vomiting. Noise provokes vomiting. Location: Whole head. Occiput and neck. Occiput extending down to neck or whole spine. Worse: Riding in a car. Loss of sleep. Alcohol. Motion. Jarring. Eating. Reading. Lying on the back. Pressure on occiput. Talking or laughing. Noise. Light. Better: Sleep. Lying on side (taking pressure off occiput). Urination. Gelsemium sempervirens Severe and exhausting headache. Heaviness in head, especially in forehead, with droopy eyelids; can scarcely hold head erect or eyes open. Headache alternating with abdominal pains. Location: Begins in the occiput and extends to the forehead. Quality: Hammering, especially in occiput. "Maddening" headache. Dull, stupid headache. Worse: 10 AM. 2 or 3 AM. Wine. Lying flat. Motion of the head. Exertion. Mental exertion. Better: Urination, especially profuse urination. Vomiting. Lying or reclining with head elevated. Often diplopia with headache. Pupils dilated.

Cold feet and cold perspiration during headache. Weakness, prostration and trembling during headache. Glonoinum (See above:Congestive Headache) Iris versicolor (See above:Right-Sided Headache) Lac caninum Location: Headache alternating sides (Iris). Radiates from occiput to forehead. Worse: Morning on waking (especially in the occiput). After midnight. Turning eyes upward. During menses. Noise. Talking. Sewing. Sensation of head floating in air. Nausea and vomiting with headache. Lac vaccinum defloratum Headache with severe, deathly nausea and vomiting. Migraine with visual disturbance. Periodic or weekly headache. Worse: Noise. Light. Motion. Sitting up. Menses. Better: At sunset. Lying. Cold applications. Profuse, pale urine during headache. Severe constipation during migraine headache; hard stool. Icy coldness of body during the migraine. Nux vomica Migraines, tension headaches, and toxic headaches. Location: Forehead. Occiput. Extending from occiput to neck. Worse: Morning in bed. Cold. Alcohol (main remedy for hangover). Noise. Odor. Light. Oversensitive to all stimuli. Stress and overwork. Anger. Mental exertion. Motion of head or eyes. Lying painful side. Eating. Wind. Better: Morning after rising. Evening in bed. Warmth. Warm application. Pressure. Lying on painless side. Constipation from headache. Marked irritability with headache (Syph). Phosphorus Migraine headaches with burning or pulsing pains. Headache every other day. Location: Either side, more often left side. Forehead. Occiput. Worse: Fasting (Psor). Lying, especially left side. Hot food or drinks. Menses. Light. Mental exertion. Before storms. Sneezing. Motion. Better: After sleeping, especially a deep sleep. Eating. Rubbing. Cold air or cold applications. Cold hand resting on forehead. Markedly hungry during the headache.

Silica marina Chronic headaches and migraines. Location: Headache starts in the occiput and extends to forehead or eye. Also can be right-sided. Almost any location. Also headaches with chronic sinusitis above the root of the nose. Worse: Cold or drafts of air. Light. Jarring. Noise. Fasting. Exertion. After coition. Mental exertion. Continuous, daily headache. Better: Wrapping or covering the head. Warm applications. Pressure. Binding the head tightly. After urination. Clammy sweat on forehead during the headache. Staphisagria Headache arising from a dispute or conflict. Location: Dull frontal headaches with loss of sleep. Root of nose. Occipital headache or wooden sensation. Quality: As if a "block of wood" in head, especially the occiput. Squeezed sensation in brain. Ball of lead inside head. Worse: Grief. Suppressed anger. Indignation. Sexual excesses. Taking an afternoon nap. Better: Yawning. Pressure. Sulphur Location: Main remedy for headache of the vertex. Quality: Pain often described as burning heat. Also headaches which are pressing or like a band. Sinus headaches with great fullness. Sensation of a weight on the vertex. Worse: 11 AM. Evening in bed. Only during the weekend. Winter. Heated. On becoming hungry. Overeating. Stooping. Strong odors. Glare on cloudy or foggy days. Standing. Animated talking. Better: Cold applications. Uncovering head. Blurring or dimness of vision before headache. Face flushed red and eyes injected during headache. Irritable and impatient during headache. Other important general headache remedies Antimonium crudum Marked nausea and indigestion with headache. Worse: Becoming heated. Sun. Cold bathing. Dietary indiscretions. Wine. Vinegar. Better: Walking in open air. Marked nausea and tongue thickly coated white. Headache associated with hair loss. Arnica montana First remedy to consider for headaches after head injury. Head is hot but body cold (Bell). Worse: Morning from waking until 10 AM. Being wakened. Heat.

Arsenicum album Burning headaches with general chilliness. Worse: Night, especially around midnight. Cold or cold, damp places. May be worse in a warm room during fevers or acute illness. Better: Warm applications. Lying with head elevated. Agaricus muscarius (See above: Right-Sided Headache). Aloe socotrina (See above: Congestive Headache). Aurum metallicum Associated with sinusitis, migraine, mastoid inflammation or neuralgia. Location: Root of nose, above the inner canthus on the right side. Also pain behind left ear near the mastoid. Felt as if deep inside, or as if deep in the bones. Tearing pain in the occiput. Quality: Boring at root of nose. Neuralgic, excruciating pains. Worse: Night. Blowing the nose. Suppressed anger. Unendurable pains; thoughts of suicide from pain. Bromium Headache associated with nasal congestion, allergy, asthma. Headache with palpitations. Location: Above the left eye or in left temple. Vertex. Worse: Heat or sun. Summer months. Milk. Stooping. Cedron (See above: Right-Sided Headache). Chelidonium majus (See above: Right-Sided Headache). Chininum sulphuricum Worse: 3 AM, wakes patient from sleep. Headache associated with tinnitus or vertigo. Coffea cruda Headache and neuralgia associated with insomnia. Sensation of a nail in the head. Worse: Open air. Noise. Music. Any excitement, even joyful news. Motion. Walking, with each footstep. Odors. Better: Cold applications. Headache associated with or history of severe insomnia. Cyclamen europaeum Migraine headache with marked visual disturbance. Location: Forehead. Left temple. Worse: Morning after rising. Open air. Menses. Menopause. Better: Washing with cold water.

Ferrum metallicum Long and prolonged headaches lasting 3 to 7 days. Headache lasts through the whole menses. Periodic headache; every 14 or 21 days. Location: Forehead. Over left eye. Occiput. Quality: Throbbing or hammering. Worse: Motion. Descending stairs. Menses. After menses. Better: Walking slowly. Better open air. Pressing. Lying. Fluoricum acidum Location: Sides of occiput. Follows suture joints. Extends to upper jaw. Worse: If tries to delay urination. Heat. Glonoinum (See above: Congestive Headache). Ignatia amara Migraine headaches, especially after grief and sorrow. Headache associated with back or neck spasms. Pains increase gradually and cease suddenly. Quality: Pain as from a nail (Coff), especially in the side of head. Worse: Emotions: grief, anger, fright. Studying or concentration. Odors. Smoke or fumes. Light. Stooping low. Straining for stool. Better: Lying on painful side. Alcohol. Warm applications. Empty sensation in stomach with headache. Indigo tinctoria Headache associated with or history of epilepsy. Worse: Grief. Long-continued or daily headache. Better: Heavy exertion. Rubbing or pressure. Ipecacuanha Headache with severe nausea and vomiting. Sensation as if head or skull bruised. Worse: Standing. Better: Open air. Location: Through all the bones of the skull. Vertex. Occiput. Extension: Down through floor of skull to the root of the tongue. From the occiput into the shoulders. Kalium bichromicum Blindness before headache. Sight returns as headache increases. Location: Headache in small, specific spots. Wandering pain. Above or along sides of eyebrows. Root of nose. Worse: Exactly the same hour every day. Lying on painful side. Cold. Cold wet weather. Sinusitis or suppressed nasal conditions. Lac felinum Piercing pain over the left eyebrow - like a needle (or claw).

Lachesis mutus (See above: Left-Sided Headache). Magnesium muriaticum Headaches associated with liver or digestive weakness. Worse: Night in bed. Periodic headache every 6 weeks. Better: Open air. Motion. Very hard pressure, the harder the better. Pressing on the eyeballs. Eating lemons or lemon juice. Magnesium phosphoricum Migraines and facial neuralgia, often on the right side. Headache extending into the face. Worse: Cold. Better: Heat. Hard pressure. Magnesium sulphuricum Mainly frontal headaches, especially in the evening. Worse: Touch. Motion of eyes. Rising from stooping. Carrying a weight on the shoulders. Better: Morning on waking. Open air. Epistaxis. Melilotus officinalis (See above: Congestive Headache). Menyanthes trifoliata Severe headache, relieved only from applying very hard pressure. Patient may desire to press his head against wood or even a rock. Location: Vertex with weight sensation. Sides. Worse: Ascending stairs. Better: Stooping or sitting bent forward. Icy cold hands and feet during headache (Bell). Natrium carbonicum Headache alternating with digestive troubles. Headache and vertigo together. Worse: Exposure to the sun and to heat. Summer. Sunstroke. Eating. Grief or stress. Mental exertion, sometimes even slight mental exertion. Before storms. Change of weather. Natrium sulphuricum Headaches after head injury. Often accompanied by confusion or depression. Indigestion with headaches. Worse: Light Better: Closing the eyes. Nux vomica (See above: Other Main Remedies) Onosmodium virginianum Headache from straining the eyes (Ruta).

Location: Occiput. Occiput and forehead together. Left forehead. Occipital headache extending to the left shoulder and vice-versa. Quality: Dull, full and heavy feeling. As if intoxicated. Worse: Morning on waking. Looking fixedly at something. Dark. Jar. Lying, especially on left side. Raising hands over head. Motion. Better: After sleep. Confusion, sexual weakness, incoordination and numbness with headache. Palladium metallicum Location: Ear to ear going over the vertex. Paris quadrifolia Location: Headaches about the eyes with drawing sensation. Quality: Drawing sensation as if eyes drawn backward by a string. Headache with a feeling of enlargement of the head. Worse: Mental exertion. Motion. Exerting eyes. Injury to head. Better: Pressure of hand. Phosphorus (See above:Other Main Remedies). Phosphoricum acidum Dull, heavy sensation with headache. Sensation of a weight on the head. Location: Occiput. Nape of neck. Temples. Worse: Grief. Mental exertion. Studying. Schoolgirls (Calc-P, Ign, Nat-M). Straining eyes. Eating. Severe headache associated with severe exhaustion. Piper methysticum Headache with the feeling of intoxication. Must be kept busy or entertained. Prunus spinosa (See above: Right-Sided Headache). Psorinum Chronic headaches and debility. Wakened at night with a jolt of head pain. Worse: Night. Cold or open air. Drafts. Fasting. Suppressed eruption. Better: Eating. Epistaxis. Warmth. Marked hunger before the headache begins. Pulsatilla pratensis (See above: Congestive Headache). Ranunculus bulbosus (See above: Right-Sided Headache). Rhus toxicodendron Headache starts with awful stiffness in cervical region. Associated with rheumatism or stiffness.

Weight in head; must make effort to hold it erect. Worse: Changes in weather: cloudy, windy, cold and damp. Getting head wet or perspiring on head. Anger and vexation. Cold drafts or riding in the wind. Better: Heat and from wrapping the head. Motion. Walking and exertion in general. Ruta graveolens Headache with eye strain. Worse: Reading. Sewing. Stannum metallicum Headache gradually increasing and gradually decreasing. Location: Over left eye, extending to whole forehead. Worse: Comes and goes with the sun. Stooping. Better: External pressure. Syphilinum Crushing pains in the skull or the base of the brain. Stabbing pains in the occiput. Pain, as if head pulled backward. Worse: Night. Begin in evening and cease at daylight; dreads the night. Better: Heat. Restless and sleepless during the headache. Marked irritability during the headache. Tabacum Headache with awful, unremitting nausea. Sudden pain as if struck by a hammer. Worse: During urination. While riding in car or boat. Better: Cold applications. Headache associated with vertigo. Zincum metallicum Headache and neuralgia. Location: Especially occipital headache. Left forehead. Worse: Drinking wine. After head injury. After abuse of iron supplement. Better: Open air. During menses. After stool or from diarrhea. Head cold in front and warm in occiput. Twitching of face with headache. Conjunctivitis There are many important ophthalmological topics which I have not included in this book due to lack of sufficient experience: Glaucoma. Iritis. Retinitis. Retinal detachment. Cataracts. I have enough experience to assert that all of these conditions can respond dramatically to homeopathy, but too few cases to discuss the differential diagnosis in detail. I believe that we may see less of these conditions than expected because the standard ophthalmologic treatments are relatively effective. On the other hand, we do see many cases of conjunctivitis and other forms of mild eye irritations as a part of daily practice. Conjunctivitis is a relatively benign condition and can be treated with little

apprehension as long as the condition is monitored. Management The vast majority of conjunctivitis cases are readily treated by homeopathy. It is important to remember that the condition is highly contagious and can sweep through an entire family or classroom. In practice, it is sometimes difficult to differentiate between conjunctivitis and allergy or hay fever. Therapeutic tips Homeopathic A convenient dosing schedule is 30C three times daily. The condition should respond within 24 hours to the correct remedy. Naturopathic Washing the eyes with Eyebright tea (or tincture diluted 1 to 15 in distilled water) can be helpful for any type of simple irritation. In cases of infectious conjunctivitis, washing with Hypericum-Calendula tincture (diluted 1 to 10 in sterile water) 3 to 4 times per day is more beneficial. Saturate a cotton ball with the solution and wash from the inner canthus toward the outside three times at each cleansing. Keeping the child from touching the eyes and spreading the infection is always a challenge for parents. Therefore, topical treatment with diluted Hypericum-Calendula tincture should include both eyes, even when one is relatively spared. It is important to keep children home from school until the condition is gone due to the highly contagious nature of conjunctivitis. Allopathic If the condition does not respond to homeopathic treatment or if the parents prefer allopathic treatment, the allopathic drops rarely antidote constitutional remedies. Remedies Main remedy Pulsatilla pratensis Allergic and infectious conjunctivitis. Infection: Redness of conjunctiva with thick, runny yellow or green discharges coming from the inner canthi. Worse: Children. Catching a cold. Heat or warm rooms. Measles. Suppressed menses. Better: Open air. Cold bathing. Cold applications. Blocked and infected lacrimal ducts, especially in infants. Allergy: Redness and marked lacrimation with itching of the eyes, lids and especially the inner canthi. Burning, itching with strong impulse to rub the eyes. Sensation of a hair in the eye. Other important remedies Aconitum napellus Rapidly developing conjunctivitis after exposure to cold or wind. Irritation after foreign body or trauma to the eye. Redness and intense pains. Worse: Cold air. Motion.

Apis mellifica Especially allergic conjunctivitis. Redness and astonishing swelling of the lid or conjunctiva. Prolapse of the conjunctiva out past the lid. Stinging or burning pains in the conjunctiva. Worse: Heat. Right eye. Pollens. Poison oak. Better: Open air. Cold applications. Argentum nitricum Infectious conjunctivitis. Purulent acute or chronic inflammation, often focused in the canthi. Inflammation of the canthi, especially inner canthi. Worse: Heat. Warm room. In front of a fire. Exertion or straining vision. Reading. Better: Cold. Open air. Belladonna Acute inflammations of the eye, before pus or discharge begins. Inflamed with marked pain, redness, heat and pulsation. Eyes look glistening or brilliant. Worse: Right eye. Closing the lid. Heat. Motion. Light. Catching cold. Touch. After burns to the eye. Better: Lying still in the dark. Euphrasia officinalis Allergic and infectious conjunctivitis. Burning and acrid lacrimation with constant inclination to blink which relieves the eye temporarily. Burning, redness and swelling of the lids, especially the margins. Profuse lacrimation and itching. Worse: Catching cold. Pollens. Wind. Coughing. Better: Darkness. Rubbing. Graphites Infectious conjunctivitis. Eczematous inflammations of the eye. Dryness and cracking, especially of the inner canthi. Thick, generally bland discharges from the eye. Agglutination or sticking of the lids from dried discharges. Pain on opening lids provokes sneezing. Redness and irritation of the lid margins. Worse: Catching cold. After coition. Light, especially daylight. Hepar sulphur Purulent discharges and exquisite sensitivity of the eye. Yellowish, offensive discharges. Stitching or splinter-like pains in eyes. Worse: Cold air. Cold bathing. Open air. Drafts. Light. Motion. Touch. Better: Warm coverings.

Mercurius solubilis Infectious conjunctivitis. Marked green or even bloody pus from eyes. Scaly eruptions on the lid margins. Pain and irritation with redness of whole lid. Worse: Night. Heat. Being near a fire. Becoming warm in bed. Catching cold. Silica marina Conjunctivitis. Infection of tear ducts. Blepharitis. Swelling, discharge and redness of the tear duct, especially at the inner canthus. Main remedy in blocked tear ducts of infants. Indolent infections of the cornea after injury or foreign body. Thick yellow pus crusting the eyes. Tears feel hot during lacrimation. Worse: Evening. Cold. Open air. Wind. Foreign bodies. Sulphur Conjunctivitis. Blepharitis. Purulent inflammation, yellowish discharges, burning. Redness of eye, lids and especially the rim of the lids. Itching and scaling of eyelids and the lashes (seborrhea). Sensation of sand under the lids. Worse: Morning. Heat. Washing or bathing the eyes. Left eye. Better: Cold. Otitis media In the early years of my medical practice it was considered distinctly unusual for a child to develop acute otitis media before the age of 12 months. Now it is routinely seen in infants of any age. The condition has increased rapidly both in numbers of children affected and in resistance to antibiotics. Indeed, many allopaths now understand that it has been our medical intervention which has caused this increase in morbidity. Recent studies have shown that antibiotics do little to influence the outcome of otitis media either in length of illness or in long-term complications such as hearing loss or speech problems. These studies will often reassure parents who are struggling with decisions about the management of their child's ear disease. An especially troublesome conflict between homeopaths and allopaths is the prevailing strong injunction concerning the treatment of ruptured tympanic membranes. So strong is this injunction that even dedicated homeopaths will resort to antibiotics at the first sign of a discharge from the ear. This is prompted by logical and sincere fear of long-term consequences from repeated rupture and scarring of the drum (even though during my early medical training myringotomy was a standard treatment to relieve pain). Spontaneous ruptures almost always heal spontaneously, follow the natural seams in the tympanic membrane and are rarely associated with long-term sequelae. The result of the strong injunction against leaving an ear discharge untreated has many homeopathic consequences. One important consequence is that much of our repertory information regarding ear infections has become nearly useless - that is, our entire section concerning ear discharges and their

quality and character. Furthermore, the suppression of these discharges often sets the stage for chronic serous otitis ("glue" ear). Another consequence is on the patient himself - often resulting in suppression to other deeper conditions on either the physical or emotional levels. We must certainly pay attention to the rubric, "Ear, Discharge, Suppression, of." This rubric applies to virtually every patient who has been treated with frequent or long-term antibiotics for otitis media. Management Management of acute otitis media Homeopathic treatment for acute otitis media is often unbelievably rapid and gentle. When the child is in acute pain, the proper remedy provides relief within a few minutes to one hour and often in only a few seconds. In such an acute circumstance, an acute prescription is most effective. Though a rare event, a careful watch must be maintained for extension of otitis media into meningitis. Rising fever, any sign of debility or toxicity and neck or head pain are triggers for immediate reexamination. The parents should always be informed of these signs and encouraged to call if any question arises. Therapeutic tips for acute otitis media Homeopathic We generally choose an acute remedy based upon the local symptoms of the ear and the acute symptoms of fever, thirst, etc. During the acute crisis we are often confronted by a very distressed child, perhaps even a shrieking child. We have to stay calm at this moment and collect at least enough information to make a reasonable remedy choice - and not simply grab the nearest bottle of Chamomilla. If the child is already on an effective constitutional remedy and the acute symptoms comply to some degree with this remedy, the best strategy is to repeat the constitutional remedy. For most acute cases, two or three doses of a 30C potency or a single dose of a 200C potency will suffice. Naturopathic Warmed mullein or garlic oil drops in the ear often afford great relief. The oil should not be used in children who have tympanostomy tubes or ruptured tympanic membranes. Instill two to three drops and use a cotton ball to hold the liquid in place. Allopathic In cases with great pain, the use of Tylenol or ibuprofen rarely interferes with the remedy. It may, however, eliminate some important piece of information needed for finding the correct remedy. Management of chronic otitis Chronic middle ear infections ("catarrh" in our repertories) are also readily treated by homeopathy. In these cases, we will almost certainly need a constitutional remedy rather than an acute or local prescription. In cases which have smoldered for months at a time, the full action of the remedy can take several weeks. The evaluation of the remedy's action should be based upon the general condition of the child rather than upon the ear symptoms for the first few weeks. It is best to treat all of these patients after they have discontinued their allopathic medications. In rare cases, this may be impossible due to parental anxiety, necessitating concurrent homeo pathic and antibiotic treatment. Deeper extensions of otitis into mastoiditis are rarely seen in our practice. Though previous homeopaths have recorded numerous cures of such conditions, I have little experience to offer in their treatment and have left out a discussion of many important remedies (Aur, Caps, Fl-Ac, etc.) for this

reason. It would be unwise to treat any case (without appropriate referral) where there is any hint of extension of infection into the meninges or mastoids. Therapeutic tips for chronic otitis ("glue ear") Homeopathic When no concurrent allopathic medications are used, the potency is based upon the clarity of the case as in any constitutional prescription, generally from 30C to 1M as a single dose. When the child must continue on allopathic treatment, we often use the strategy of giving a single dose of 200C followed by two to four weeks of a 12C dose. Alternatively, LM potencies may be used. Naturopathicu With recurring or chronic otitis cases in young children make certain that the parents know not to allow the child to bottle feed while lying down. This practice turns the eustachian tubes into an almost perfect culture medium. Removing dairy from the diet certainly assists some children. Soy or rice milks are good alternatives to dairy. Often goat milk is better tolerated than cow milk or cheese. If dairy is restricted make certain that calcium needs are being met through supplements or fortified orange juice. Rotation or elimination diets can also be very helpful, especially in refractory cases. As a first step ask the parent to eliminate dairy, wheat, corn, citrus fruits and peanut butter. Ask the parents to eliminate inhaled irritants or allergens, especially cigarette smoke, dust, animal danders. A micropore air filter in the child's room can be of assistance along with a filtered vacuum cleaner. Concurrent osteopathic/cranial manipulation may help significantly. Allopathic In patients currently taking daily antibiotics for chronic otitis media, it is very difficult to achieve clear results with homeopathy. The best course of action is to allow the patient to finish his course of treatment before initiating homeopathic treatment. Tympanostomy tubes do not interfere with homeopathic treatment. Repertory Most of the important rubrics are listed under the heading, "Ear, Pain." This is a short chapter and does not require a summary. Also of great importance are the rubrics for ear discharges, though as mentioned above, these rubrics are less valuable in cultures which over-prescribe antibiotics. Other important rubrics Ear, Abscess in meatus. Ear, Adhesions, Middle ear, in. Ear, Boring fingers in, ameliorates. Ear, Boring fingers in, child. Ear, Caries, Threatened. Ear, Caries, Threatened, Mastoiditis. Ear, Catarrh, Eustachian tube. Ear, Coldness, Meatus, in. Ear, Discharges (many subrubrics). Ear, Hearing, Impaired, Catarrh, Eustachian tube, of. Ear, Inflammation.

Ear, Inflammation, media. Ear, Inflammation, Media, Suppurative, acute. Ear, Inflammation, Media, Suppurative, chronic. Ear, Perforation of tympanum. Ear, Pulsation. Ear, Stopped sensation (many subrubrics). Ear, Suppuration, middle ear. Ear, Wind, Sensitive to. Hearing, Impaired, Catarrh, Eustachian tube, of. Remedies Main remedies Chronic Otitis: Pulsatilla, Mercurius, Silica, Calcarea Carbonica,Lycopodium, Medorrhinum, Sulphur, Tuberculinum. Acute Otitis: Chamomilla, Belladonna, Ferrum Phosphoricum, Hepar,Mercurius, Pulsatilla. Right Otitis: Mercurius, Mercurius Iodatus Flavus, Belladonna,Lycopodium, Nitric Acid. Left Otitis: Mercurius Iodatus Ruber, Sulphur, Lachesis, Medorrhinum,Kali Bichromicum. Homeopath-Waking-Screeching-in-the-Middle-of-the-Night-Otitis:Belladonna, Chamomilla, Hepar, Lachesis. Chamomilla Acute otitis (or chronic), especially in infants and toddlers. Ear: Exquisitely painful otitis. Very sensitive to pain. Worse: Touching the ear. Hates to be examined or touched. 9 to 10 PM. Night. 9 to 10 AM. Cold air. Wind. Stooping. Better: Being carried. Warm wrapping. Motion. Local: One cheek red and hot and the other pale and cold. Inclined to arch backwards. Disposition: The child is screaming, unbearably irritable and demanding, must be carried. Mercurius solubilis Acute and recurrent otitis media with marked suppuration. Clear rhinitis ("cold") followed by thick discharge, then earache. Ear: More often affecting the right ear. Pain, discharge, hearing loss. Yellow-green offensive discharge from ear with difficulty hearing. Inflammation of external ear canal. Worse: Night. Damp weather. Heat of the bed. Swallowing. Better: Cold application. Local: Sore throat with acute otitis. Tongue with dirty coating and tooth imprints. General: Patient is sweaty, has excess saliva and a "sick" odor (especially the breath). Often with other serious conditions: Sinusitis, bronchitis or pneumonia. Pulsatilla pratensis The most frequent remedy in both acute and chronic otitis.

Begins with a "cold" that develops into otitis media. Ear: Painful fullness or bursting sensation, especially in the left ear (however, also the right ear can be affected). Ear stopped with pulsing sensation or even pulsing, rushing noises. Pain can extend to face and teeth. Worse: Heat. Night. Upon blowing the nose. Better: Open or cool air. Motion, gentle walking. General: Usually warm and better open air. Fever, thirstlessness, changeable condition; now playing, now sick. Discharges are thick, bland, copious, green or yellow. Disposition: Weepy and needs affection and caresses and wants to be carried slowly and tenderly. Silica marina Main remedy for chronic serous otitis ("catarrh") often leading to hearing loss and chronic pain. Ear: Drain and rupture. Pain relieved from rupture of drum. Stopped ears, often with popping, crackling noise in ear, better from yawning or swallowing. First remedy in chronic hearing loss from serous otitis. Discomfort makes the child bore in the ears, even in his sleep. Cheesy-smelling ear discharge. Thick, purulent discharge. Considered a remedy for mastoiditis. Worse: Night. Change of weather. Cold. Uncovering the ear. Motion. Drafts. Wind. Change of position. Loud noises. Blowing the nose. Better: External heat. Covering the ears. General: Chilly and craves warm wraps. Seems to catch every cold and flu. Disposition: Slender, fragile-looking, quiet children who lack stamina. Other important remedies Aconitum napellus Sudden onset of otitis after chill or exposure to cold wind. Ear: Exquisite pain, especially the left ear. Local: One cheek red and one pale (Cham). Pupils constricted. General: High fever, flushed face, great thirst. Disposition: May be anxious or even terrified, restless, frantic. Baryta carbonica Frequent infections including otitis media. Ear: Pain often on the right side or beginning right and going to left. Worse: Blowing the nose. Lying on painful side. Marked enlargement of the tonsils; "kissing" tonsils causing mouth breathing. Disposition: Quiet, timid, innocent, passive. Slow development. Belladonna Sudden onset of pulsing, unbearable ear pain. Ear: Terrible, throbbing pains, especially on the right side.

Worse: 3 PM. Child at night after midnight screaming with pain. Drafts. Noise. Lying down. Jarring. Better: Warm wraps. Tympanic membrane bright red, injected and bulging. External ear often red. General: Associated with very high fever, red face and glassy, glistening eyes, dilated pupils. Hot, flushed face but cold hands and feet. Thirstless. Craves lemonade. Disposition: Excited, twitchy or even delirious with fever. Calcarea carbonica Every cold leads to ear infection. Ear: Chronic serous otitis with severe hearing loss. Worse: Cold weather or changes of weather. Blowing the nose. Sneezing. Swallowing. General: Children are not as cold as adult Calcarea, often warm-blooded. Large head. Sweats on head at night. Craves: Eggs. Sweets. Disposition: Stubborn, methodical, solid but insecure away from home. Calcarea sulphurica Chronically draining ear, mainly right ear. Thick and yellowish discharge which shows no tendency to heal. Ferrum phosphoricum Acute otitis media, sudden onset with severe pain and high fever. Ear: Right-sided otitis media. Worse: Night. Better: Open air. Cold applications. General: Acute crisis clearly requiring treatment but few confirmatories. Graphites Chronic otitis and external otitis, often together. Ear: Left-sided otitis nearly always draining. Chronic discharge from the ear, often thick, gluey and offensive. Hearing problems. Hearing better in a noisy environment. General: Chronic complaints after suppressed ear discharge. Disposition: Stocky, thick-skinned, phlegmatic, heavy, slow, chilly. Hepar sulphur Acute otitis or acute flares of painful otitis in long- smoldering cases. Ear: Catarrh of ear leading to hearing loss. Mastoiditis. Splinter sensation inside the ear. Often associated with sore throats. The physician is awakened by a frantic parent and in the background a shrieking child is heard throughout the phone call. Worse: Late at night. Cold or open air. Wind. Drafts. Especially sensitive to dry, cold weather. Touch. Lying on painful side.

Better: Warmth. Wrapping the ear. General: Must be well covered; especially the ear must be covered. Sometimes uncovering even one hand or foot aggravates the ear. Disposition: Very sensitive to pain; screams with the pain. Hates to be examined or touched. Kalium bichromicum Chronic sinusitis and nasal obstruction (as in Kali Sulphuricum) with thick, stringy, yellow or yellow green mucus. Left-sided otitis media and chronic serous otitis. Kalium muriaticum Chronic glue ear. Ear: Crackling and popping in the ears on swallowing or movement of jaw. Kalium sulphuricum Deep catarrhal conditions with sinusitis, bronchitis and otitis or "glue ear." Ear: Hearing loss from chronic serous otitis. Catarrh with chronic yellow discharge. General: Uncomfortable and irritated in a warm room, though the local symptoms of obstruction and mucus may improve. Mouth breathing and snoring. Disposition: Irritable yet timid with those outside the family. Lachesis mutus Acute and chronic otitis, often associated with sore throat. Ear: Severe left-sided otitis media, excruciating pains and screaming. Especially at night requiring the physician to be wakened. Pain throbbing with the pulse. Left-sided discharge, sometimes a dark, bloody discharge. Also a remedy in very aggressive, painful cases of external otitis. Worse: Night. Heat. Swallowing. Touch. Lying on left side. Walking. Better: Boring with finger. Cold or open air. Sitting-up. Disposition: Intense, jealous, loquacious. Lycopodium clavatum Otitis media and chronic "glue ear." Ear: Right-sided infection. Begins right and goes to left ear. Worse: 4 to 8 PM. Cold or open air. Wind. Swallowing. Warm applications, even to the throat or body. General: Desires open air but it may aggravate locally. Craves: Sweets. Warm drinks - cold drinks aggravate. Disposition: Anxious. Desires company nearby. Manganum aceticum Recurring infections and pains in the ear. Ear: Especially stitching pains in the ears. Every stress or infection ends up in the ear. Progressive hearing loss.

Worse: Change of weather. Walking, especially in open air. Laughing. Talking. Blowing the nose. Better: Lying down. General: Pains extend to the ear from distant locations. Disposition: Desire to be helpful. Medorrhinum Chronic sinusitis and rhinitis with frequent colds and ear infections. Ear: Left-sided otitis media. Chronic glue ear and hearing loss. General: Children who have health problems from birth. All of the catarrhal symptoms recede at the seaside. Craves: Sour. Ice cubes. Fat. Oranges and orange juice. Sleeps abdomen or in the knee-chest position. Disposition: Excitable. Restless and even hyperactive children. Wants to stay up late. Mercurius iodatus flavus Same picture as above but persistently right-sided symptoms. Mercurius iodatus ruber Same picture as above but left-sided symptoms. Mercurius dulcis Eustachian catarrh and deafness (serous otitis): "Glue ear." Mezereum Ear problems after suppressed head or scalp eruptions. Ear: Pain, cold sensation and blocked sensation. Coldness inside the ear canal. Ear feels too open, as if air blew inside. Thick tympanic membrane and deafness from suppressed eruption. Worse: Cold. Cold winds or drafts. Better: Boring with finger. General: Chilly and worse drafts. Craves: Fat. Ham fat. Bacon. Nitricum acidum Chronic pain and inflammation in the right ear. Ear pains extending upward from the throat on swallowing. Ear: Severe pain; stitching pains. Ears cracking when patient chews. Thin, offensive, acrid discharges. Threatened mastoiditis. Worse: Night. Cold. Swallowing. Better: Warm applications. Disposition: Irritable and demanding. Petroleum

Itching and catarrh deep in the eustachian tubes. Ear: Chronic and purulent discharge from ear. Progressive hearing loss from serous otitis. Stitching pains in ears when swallowing. General: Chilly. Worse all winter long. Marked loathing for fats. Local: Cracks on the fingers, especially the tips. Psorinum Chronic otitis or even chronic drainage from the ear. Ear: Pain and offensive discharge mainly from left ear. Chronic, often offensive discharge from the ears. Discharge with headache or chronic diarrhea. Worse: Change of weather. Cold weather. Drafts. Swallowing. Better: Heat and warm clothing. Motion. Local: Hay fever leading to catarrh of the eustachian tubes. Dry coryza with stoppage of nose or post-nasal drainage. General: Marked chilliness. Profuse sweating which may be offensive. Ear troubles from suppressed eczema or associated with eczema. Well-selected remedies fail to act. Disposition: Poor stamina and resistance. Sulphur Chronic otitis, often associated with secondary infections after colds. Ear: Left-sided or bilateral otitis media. Painful, stopped ears. Serous otitis after antibiotics, often with significant hearing loss. Worse: Night in bed. Loud noises. Eating. Blowing the nose. Ears are often bright red. General: Warm and sweaty. Worse from heat. Sleeps with feet out of covers. Craves: Sweets. Ice cream. Cold drinks. Averse: Eggs. Local: Bright red lips. Disposition: Stubborn, must be the center of attention, precocious. Tellurium metallicum Markedly inflamed ear, often the external ear. Ear: Chronic, excoriating discharge of the ear with fishy odor. Pinna dark or even bluish with peeling and excoriation. Injuries to the tympanic membrane. Excoriation, crusts and inflammation of the entire area below the ear. Allergy and acute coryza The homeopathic treatment of allergy and coryza ("colds") utilizes the same information base. However, it is rarely useful to treat "colds" with homeopathic remedies. After all, the condition is self-

limited, probably useful for the development or fine-tuning of the immune system and rarely produces a clear enough picture to identify a remedy. Thus, if we end up treating with a remedy and failing, our patient thinks, "This homeopathy business can't even cure a cold!" If the patient does produce a clear remedy picture, and if he is not receiving constitutional homeopathic treatment, then it is acceptable to treat the infection and the remedies do act astonishingly well. On the other hand, hay fever is a sign of imbalance in the immune system and often causes a significant disruption in the patient's life. In order to permanently cure hay fever, the patient will require constitutional treatment. However, during the acute crisis, we may need to give an acute hay fever prescription because of the severity of the condition. Once the crisis has passed, the patient must return for constitutional treatment. Management Allergic conditions generally respond quite well to homeopathic treatment. However, the condition may be quite persistent, sometimes requiring three or four seasons to be completely eradicated. Often we see an amazing result from a remedy given during an allergy attack. The remedy can cause the condition to disappear entirely for the rest of the current season; unfortunately the symptoms often return full force the following year. On repeating the same remedy, we may have another wonderful reaction or fail to affect the condition at all if the symptom pattern has changed even slightly. A completely different remedy may be required at each subsequent season. We can only stop this cycle by finding the deeper constitutional remedy at a time when the organism is not in the throes of fighting off the acute attack. After the constitutional remedy, the hay fever attacks come in ever milder forms each year. When treating hay fever, we can find the need for either acute or chronic remedies. Often, despite efforts to look deeper, only an acute remedy can be found during a crisis, and this prescription may need to be changed even during the current season. When the indicated remedy is a "constitutional" remedy, we can hope for long-term resolution of the problem. These distinctions are artificial but useful. Naturally, any remedy can be either acute or constitutional and often we are surprised when a remedy chosen for an acute condition acts deeply. In addition, many hay fever sufferers have been cured by a constitutional remedy which is not listed in our repertories under the rubrics for hay fever. Therapeutic tips Homeopathic When the patient is under constitutional treatment and the symptoms of hay fever return to a lesser degree the subsequent year, it is best not to treat the patient with another remedy. If, however, the symptoms are severe enough to require treatment, the first step is generally to repeat the constitutional remedy in low potency such as 12C or 30C. If this strategy fails, then an acute remedy should be selected on the basis of the current pattern. Naturopathic Many patients are benefited by using: Flax seed oil (1 tsp. BID). Stinging nettle (2 capsules TID). Quercitin (400 mg. BID taken before meals). Raw local honey. Bee pollen can also help some patients though it should be used with caution due to occasionally severe allergic reactions. Vitamin C 2000 mg. with bioflavonoids helps many patients. Also 50 mg. daily of vitamin B6 pantothenic acid - may be beneficial. Especially in patients with mild to moderate hay fever symptoms who are under constitutional treatment, we prefer these supplemental treatments to the use of specific

homeopathic remedies. Nasal douching with saline solution using either a netti pot or over-the- counter squeeze bottles of saline solution may reduce many symptoms. Careful attention to cleanliness, vacuuming, dusting, micro-pore air filters and removing offending pets or plants, especially from the sleeping area, are essential supports to treatment. Allopathic Before treating the patient it is best to discontinue allopathic medications unless there is an asthmatic component to the allergy. In addition to medications, many patients are also receiving desensitization treatment when they present to our office. This treatment (which has disappointed even many allopaths) should be discontinued in all patients except those with specific or single allergies and life-threatening reactions. In patients with generally good health who have one or two specific allergies, focused desensitization treatment rarely causes problems. However, in patients with a broad range of allergies and weakened immune systems, these multiple-allergen injections are generally futile, frequently interfere with homeopathic remedies and occasionally result in deeper immune dysfunction such as Chemical Sensitivity Disorder (Environment Illness). If the patient is unable to tolerate a discontinuation of his medications, we should try to place him on the least interfering form of allopathic medication. Hierarchy of allopathic medications 1) Nasal Cromolyn inhalers. 2) Antihistamines. 3) Nasal steroid inhalers. 4) Systemic steroids. Repertory The repertory analysis of acute hay fever is not complex. Most of the important rubrics are found in the chapter, "Nose." The other most common symptoms are listed below. Naturally, any general or mental symptoms which arise in the case are of singular importance. Main rubics Nose, Coryza, Annual (In Synthesis: Hay fever). Nose, Coryza (and all applicable subrubrics). Related allergy rubrics Eye, Inflammation, Conjunctiva, of. Eyes, Itching. Eyes, Lacrimation. Ears, Itching, in. Nose, Discharge watery. Nose, Discharge watery, in open air. Nose, Inflammation, inside. Nose, Itching Nose, Obstruction, watery discharge. Nose, Sneezing (subrubrics). Nose, Tingling, inside.

Mouth, Aphthae. Mouth, Itching palate. Throat, Itching. Respiration, Asthma. Respiration, Asthma, hay asthma. Remedies Main remedies Allium cepa Coryza with acrid nasal discharge which may even excoriate the nose or upper lip. Profuse watery discharge, "dripping like a faucet." The patient has so much discharge he stuffs wads of tissue in his nose. Profuse lacrimation which is generally bland (contrary to the coryza). Violent sneezing. Nose completely obstructed by swelling of the mucosa. Worse: Late afternoon or evening. Late summer. Warm room. Left side or begins on the left side. Great sensitivity to flowers, peaches and pollens. Better: Open air. Cold air. Concomitants: Sharp pains in the larynx, worse coughing. Marked headache, ameliorated when the nose discharges freely. Arsenicum album Acrid, watery coryza; dripping from nose which is totally obstructed. Right-sided coryza. Burning pains in nose, eyes and throat, ameliorated by heat or hot drinks. Sneezing from a tickling in one spot "as from a feather." Sneezing in the morning on waking. Better: In a warm room. Warm drinks. Worse: Cold or inhaling cold air. Concomitant: Sores develop inside the nostrils. Euphrasia officinalis Eyes inflamed: Extreme irritation, burning and itching. Eyes burning, itchy, sore, photophobic causing constant blinking. Discharges dry out and he wakes with crusty agglutination of lids. Bland nasal discharge but profuse, acrid lacrimation. Intense sneezing and watery coryza. Worse: Morning. Warm breezes. Wind. Better: Night upon lying down. Concomitants: Hay asthma. Constant, tickling cough. Cough better while lying and at night; worse daytime. Post-nasal drainage collects at night causing coughing and retching in the morning on waking. Natrium muriaticum

Hay fever in intellectual, repressed patients. Profuse coryza with albuminous discharge, "like egg-white." Coryza and obstruction worse in open air or wind. Paroxysms of sneezing; restrains the sneezes; ineffectual sneezes. Chapped lips and cracks at the corners of the mouth. Lacrimation worsens every time he walks outside; worse from wind. Nux vomica Terrible sneezing and coryza in morning on rising from bed. Fluent coryza in the morning and daytime; horrible dry, raw obstruction at night and in bed. Stuffed, irritated nose becomes fluent in a warm room with general relief of the patient. Worse: Morning on waking. Open air. After eating. Better: Warm room or warm drinks. Children with allergy rub the itchy nose with the flat of the palm upward until it leaves a horizontal crease on the nose. Pulsatilla pratensis Hay fever especially in spring or in heat of summer and autumn. Fluent, bland, watery discharge from nose and eyes (may lead to infection). Awful itching and lacrimation of eyes; better cold applications. Worse: Being over-heated by sun, hot foods, heat of the bed, etc. In the open air (opposite of usual Pulsatilla symptom). Marked sensitivity to all pollens, dry hay, ragweed. Better: Air conditioning - like open air without exposure to pollens. Concomitants: Hay asthma; wheezing and cough worse on lying. Sabadilla Tremendous paroxysms of sneezing; debilitating sneezing. Coryza and sneezing worse cold and better heat and warm drinks. Constant itching and tingling inside the nose. Copious watery coryza. Nasal obstruction. Lacrimation, burning and redness of eyes. Every sneeze provokes tears. Worse: Open air. Pollens especially from flowers. Better: Warm room. Warm drinks. Concomitants: Hay asthma. Dry cough. Left-sided throat inflammation. Other important allergy remedies Agaricus muscarius Hay fever which makes the patient hazy and desperate. Tremendous itching in the ears and upper palate. Cough ends in sneezing. Twitching. Ailanthus glandulosa Coryza with severe nasal obstruction which is extremely distracting. Annoying sense of nasal obstruction and breathlessness.

Rawness inside the nose. Ambrosia artemisiaefolia Severe itching of the eyelids during hay fever. Nasal obstruction. Hay asthma. Ammonium carbonicum Dry nasal obstruction, worse at night during sleep. Coryza worse at each menses. Acrid coryza. Sneezing at night or in the morning on waking. Apis mellifica Serious allergic reactions extending deep into the respiratory tract. Eyes swollen nearly shut; conjunctiva swell outside the lids. Burning and heat of whole face and eyes; craves cold applications to soothe the burning. Watery coryza and lacrimation. Concomitant: Urticaria. Aralia racemosa Acrid, watery coryza, worse in cold air. Worse: Drafts of air. Coryza rapidly extends to the chest with dyspnea and wheezing. Arsenicum iodatum Coryza with extremely excoriating discharge. Yellowish discharge with pain at the root of the nose. Better: Open air. Arum triphyllum Extreme irritation inside the nose which extends to the lips and face. Boring in nose or wants to rub, lick or pick the lips and face. Left-sided coryza. Left-sided lacrimation and conjunctivitis. Sneezing and coryza, worse at night or morning, especially at 11 AM. Concomitants: Hoarseness. Voice lost entirely. Cracked lips. Cracks at corners of the mouth. Peeling and chapping of lips and whole left side of face. Arundo mauritanica Tremendous itching just inside nostrils or deep in nose or palate. Salivation during the coryza. Discharge described as bluish colored in some cases. Feels he will suffocate from a mere nasal obstruction; hysterical dyspnea. Bromium Chronic coryza and obstruction, aggravated by frequent sneezing. Mainly or beginning on right side (though generally left-sided remedy). Worse: Any exposure to dust or other irritants. Over-heating. During the summer. Better: At the ocean.

Burning or coldness at root of nose on inhaling cold air. Soreness of lips and edges of nostrils from chronic, acrid discharge. Hoarseness and irritation of larynx, root of tongue and chest. Calcarea sulphurica Right-sided coryza. Ripe colds with thick yellow or purulent discharge. Dulcamara Hay fever in the late summer or autumn. Constant sneezing, worse in a cold room. Worse: Cold, damp weather. When cold nights follow warm days. Freshly cut grass (Puls, All-C, Sabad). Aggravated by open air or the least cold draft. Better: Warm room. Gelsemium sempervirens Overwhelming drowsiness and weakness during hay fever attack. Violent and exhausting sneezing in the morning. Discharge as if hot water passes through nose. Worse: Being overheated. Warm, humid weather. Exhausted by sneezing. Iodium Copious, watery coryza with extremely acrid discharges. Laryngospasm or asthma; acrid discharges provoke deeper spasm. Worse: Hot weather. Open air. Better: Cold air or air conditioning. Sneezing worse in the evening. Kalium iodatum Nasal obstruction with acrid, watery discharge. Worse: Early morning. Warm room. Rawness inside the nose; burning with each inhalation of air. Intense burning in the nose and eyes. Discharges begin watery but frequently end in thick, yellow mucus. Sneezing in the morning on waking. Marked swelling of all tissues touched by the discharge: lips, eyelids, etc. Concomitants: Ulceration through nose and oropharynx. Swelling and pressure felt especially at the root of the nose. Marked pains on protruding the tongue from inflamed throat. Lemna minor Complete nasal obstruction from swollen turbinates or polyps. Worse: Damp, especially cold damp weather. Sense of smell completely absent. Naja tripudians

Hay fever in warm weather. Severe nasal obstruction; constant wet-sounding sniffles but little discharge. Thin, excoriating discharge. Worse: Left side or begins on left. Morning. Open air. Concomitant: Hay asthma. Psorinum Hay fever with great debility, chilliness, weight loss and despairing. Worse: Slightest chill. Cold drafts. Open air. Acrid lacrimation and conjunctivitis. Nasal obstruction and offensive watery discharge. Painful aphthae or even ulceration of mouth and tongue. Ranunculus bulbosus Itching and burning of the palate and eyes. Burning better from scratching or rubbing. Worse: Damp weather or from changes in weather. Evening. Over-heated. Inhaling. Thick, viscid mucus during the attack or in secondary infections. Sanguinaria canadensis Rose colds. Summer time allergies. Intolerance of flowers. Watery coryza, especially on the right side. Burning pains in nose and eyes. Hay asthma with dry paroxysms of cough, better eructations or flatus. Silica marina Chronic, dry nasal obstruction. Thick post-nasal discharge. Swelling of the nose and face over the area affected - "allergic facies." Worse: If chilled. Becoming over-heated then cold. Concomitant: Every allergy attack leads to sinusitis. Sinapis nigra Coryza especially on the left side or alternates sides. Sneezing and obstruction worse at night when lying in bed. Fluent coryza alternates with dry, hot nasal obstruction. Sticta pulmonaria Marked obstruction with no discharge. Dry nasal mucosa. Fullness at the root of the nose. Constant impulse to blow the nose though scanty or no mucus. Sulphur Hay fever affecting especially the eyes. Sensation as if the eyes were full of sand. Rims of eyelids red and crusted. Thick yellow discharge alternates with clear, sometimes offensive mucus.

Discharge worse in open air or in a warm room on overheating. Obstruction and coryza, worse on the right side. Paroxysms of sneezing, worse in the evening. Tuberculinum bovinum kent Hay fever and allergic asthma. Tremendous reaction to animal danders, especially cats. Lids swollen; lacrimation. Food allergies; especially reactive to milk. Wyethia helenoides Tremendous itching of the nose, throat and especially the palate. Draws tongue back and forth forcibly scratching the palate. Itching extends to the ear with boring into or rubbing of the ear. Marked dryness of mouth and throat. Throat swollen; constant clearing of the throat. Sinusitis The treatment of sinusitis must be divided into acute and chronic conditions. In an acute sinusitis, the patient usually exhibits strong symptomatology including pain, fever and nasal discharge. In such cases, "acute" remedies often apply. By carefully matching the symptoms of the patient (who is strongly symptomatic), we can choose one of the acute remedies accurately. However, many patients inaccurately describe less virulent nasal conditions as sinusitis - for example colds, allergies or mild nasal obstructions. These mild conditions generally do not require homeopathic treatment and rarely respond to acute remedies. These mild cases do not have clear symptom pictures and we resort to giving homeopathic remedies on the basis of the most cursory symptoms - the side most affected, the color of the discharge, etc. Then when the remedy fails to act, the patient is disappointed, believing that homeopathy is ineffective even with his minor problem. When a patient is sick enough to require homeopathic treatment, he will be sick enough to show clear signs of the necessary remedy. Treating with remedies before that point is an exercise in futility. In chronic or recurring sinusitis, a constitutional remedy is generally required. The nasal symptoms should be included in the prescription, but the remedy must be chosen on the basis of the whole person. Management Management of acute sinusitis In acute sinusitis, the patient has a strong symptom picture and thus the response to the remedy is usually rapid - within six hours. For cases which have been smoldering for days without improvement, or for cases which have been partially treated with antibiotics, the case will take longer to resolve and the remedy should not be judged for a full day. If the patient is currently taking and responding to antibiotics, it is best not to give homeopathic treatment and to finish the course of antibiotics. Wait until afterwards and then begin appropriate constitutional treatment. Management of chronic sinusitis In chronic cases, it is rare to find a patient not currently using inhaled topical nasal steroids. In fact, many cases even present for treatment while taking long-term systemic antibiotics. In these cases, the acute picture is absent and symptoms of the nose are generally mild and often unhelpful. The

homeopathic diagnosis is based almost exclusively on the constitutional case. It is best not to stop the allopathic treatment and originate homeopathic treatment at the same time. If we do so and the symptoms worsen, we cannot distinguish a withdrawal syndrome from a homeopathic aggravation. Therefore, the best strategy is to ask the patient to withdraw from his drugs for two to three weeks before we begin homeopathic treatment. This will help to clarify the symptom picture and to differentiate future reactions which occur. If the patient is resistant or unable to stop his medications, we can begin homeopathic treatment without changing his regimen and then taper the allopathic drugs as the patient improves. Therapeutic tips Homeopathic For acute sinusitis, it is generally sufficient to give the remedy in a 30C potency three times daily for two or three days. If the symptoms are strong and clear, a single dose of 200C is preferable. In acute sinusitis occurring in patients already under constitutional treatment, it is better to avoid acute homeopathic prescriptions. If treatment is necessary, it is best to try a 12C or 30C dose of the constitutional remedy before resorting to specific remedies. In chronic sinusitis patients a constitutional remedy is given according to the clarity of the case and the strength of the patient, generally in a 200C to 1M potency. In chronic sinusitis in patients who are taking allopathic treatment, it is often beneficial to add a daily dose of 6C or 9C of the constitutional remedy to prevent antidoting. Naturopathic For minor sinus inflammations in patients taking constitutional homeopathic treatment, simple hygienic techniques often suffice and are preferable to using homeopathic remedies. These hygienic techniques include: Inhaling steam from a boiling pot (while covering head with a towel) for 5 minutes twice daily. Hot tea or lemon juice with honey and an eighth tsp. of cayenne pepper. Avoid dairy and wheat products until mucus clears. During acute sinusitis, several adjunctive treatments can be helpful. These include: Kyolic capsules (1 capsule TID). Grape seed extract. Zinc lozenges (25 mg. BID for up to 7 days). Echinacea extract (15 drops in liquid BID). Allopathic When the patient is already on antibiotics for an acute sinusitis, it is best to give only adjunctive treatment, not homeopathic remedies. It is generally futile to attempt to treat chronic sinusitis in patients who are unwilling to stop chronic antibiotic treatment. Repertory Main rubrics Head, Heaviness, Forehead, Frontal sinuses. Head Pain, Catarrhal. Head Pain, Extending to teeth. Head Pain, Forehead, Middle, Frontal sinuses, from chronic coryza. Head Pain, Forehead, Above eyes. Eye Pain, Extending to frontal sinuses. Nose, Catarrh, Extending to antrum, Maxillary sinuses.

Nose, Catarrh, Extending to frontal sinuses. Nose, Coryza, Extending to frontal sinuses. Nose, Discharge (Green, Yellow, Thick, etc.). Nose, Fullness, Sense of. Nose, Fullness, Sensation, from inflammation. Nose, Localization, Internal sinuses. (New rubric, not found in Kent). Nose, Pain, Root of nose. Nose, Swelling. Face, Abscess, Antrum. Face, Caries, Bones. Face Pain, Cheek. Face Pain, Zygoma. Face Pain, Boring, Cheek bones, in. Face Pain, Tearing, Cheek bones, in. Face, Swelling, Cheek bones. Remedies Main remedies Kalium bichromicum Ethmoid and all other sinuses affected. Thick, sticky, yellow or yellow-green mucus which is difficult to evacuate. Stringy mucus. Post-nasal discharge. Fullness at the root of the nose. Complete nasal obstruction; nasal tone of voice. The nose itself appears to bulge with the stubborn mucus. Mercurius solubilis Especially frontal sinusitis. Greenish fluent discharge. No resistance to infection; every cold he is exposed to results in sinusitis. Dirty, coated tongue, generally whitish discoloration. Excessive salivation. Offensive breath. Pains generally worse at night. Mercurius Iodatus Flavus if symptoms primarily right-sided. Mercurius Iodatus Ruber if symptoms primarily left-sided. (See also Cinnabaris). Other important remedies Aurum metallicum Chronic sinusitis and nasal catarrh. Deep sinus pains, especially at the right side in the root of the nose with a boring sensation. Pains worse at night. Fetid discharge. Nasal ulceration. Belladonna Generally right-sided symptoms, especially the maxillary sinus.

Almost always associated with fever and typical Belladonna keynotes (flushed face, cold hands and feet, etc.). Extreme pain upon stooping or bending the head forward. Worse: Motion and especially from jarring. Sinusitis associated with Meniere's syndrome. Causticum Chronic nasal obstruction and post-nasal discharge. Constant mucus sensation and a desire to clear the throat; scraping and hemming ever more forcefully to no avail. Almost always with some degree of hoarseness. Nasal discharge may be absent or thick and even bloody. Nasal obstruction and catarrh better during rainy weather. Cinnabaris Sinusitis with acute pains from the root of the nose extending or shooting outward or above the eyebrow. Much post-nasal discharge but scant discharge through nostrils. Hepar sulphur Sinusitis with obstruction and thick nasal and post-nasal discharge after every exposure to cold or uncovering the head. Offensive discharges; odor like old cheese. Exquisitely painful inflammation in the sinuses. Hydrastis canadensis Thick, ropy or stringy yellow discharge (Kali-Bi). Especially post-nasal catarrh. Swelling and obstruction worse on the left side. Kalium iodatum Recurring sinusitis with pain through the face, especially at the root of the nose. Inflammation and burning inside the nose, worse with each inhalation. Hay fever with thin, excoriating coryza which eventually ends up in a sinus infection. Yellow or greenish discharge and post-nasal discharges. Worse: Right side. Warm room. Kalium sulphuricum Acute and chronic sinusitis with marked nasal obstruction. Generally worse in a warm room but the nasal symptoms improve. Thick and sticky yellow mucus. Snoring. Lac delphinum This recently discovered remedy has a strong effect on the sinuses. Painful sinusitis often associated with vertigo (Sil). Lemna minor Chronic nasal obstruction, especially during cold, damp weather. Swelling of the turbinates; nasal polyps.

Thick nasal and post-nasal discharges from mildew exposure. Smell absent. Putrid odor and taste from mouth and throat in the morning. Lycopodium clavatum Right-sided sinusitis and nasal discharge. Severe nasal obstruction, especially at night and during sleep. Thick nasal discharge, yellow or crusted. Frequent colds. Medorrhinum Chronic rhinitis and sinusitis especially in damp weather. Thick nasal discharge and post-nasal discharge which drain into the throat causing constant desire to hawk and scrape. Worse: Cold, damp weather. Better: At the seaside. Children with constant thick, juicy, green nasal discharge. Psorinum Frequent colds from the slightest exposure to open air or cold. Long lasting nasal catarrh after every cold. Worse: In the winter. Better: Wrapping the head warmly. Wearing a fur hat. Severe hay fever with aphthae in mouth and rawness in nose. Thick and offensive nasal or post-nasal discharge. Silica marina Chronic sinusitis, lasting months after every cold. Post-nasal discharge; purulent discharge. Frontal sinusitis. Chilly and worse from cold weather. Sinusitis associated with vertigo. Spigelia anthelmia Generally left-sided symptoms, especially frontal sinus. Severe, stabbing pains in forehead which radiate backward or are felt as if in or behind the eye. Worse: Cold, damp weather. Smoke. Face may appear swollen. Sticta pulmonaria Chronic or acute catarrh extending especially into the frontal sinuses with severe nasal obstruction. Constant urging to blow the nose though nothing is evacuated. Nasal secretions rapidly dry, causing hard crusts in the nose. Dry and full sensation through nose; dry mouth, throat and palate. Hay fever; sneezing paroxysms; influenza - each end in sinusitis. Sulphur Chronic and acute sinusitis with thick yellow discharge; sometimes offensive or blood- tinged discharge. At other times dry obstruction with crusts inside the nose. Worse: Winter. Indoors.

Also hay fever attacks settling in the sinuses. Better: Open air. Sometimes burning pains or soreness in the bones of the sinuses. Nasal polyps. Nasal ulcers. Teucrium marum verum Tremendous tendency for recurring nasal polyps, especially affecting the right side. Constant inclination to blow the nose with no discharge (Stict). Prickling and tingling in the nose, especially at the root of the nose. Thuja occidentalis Thick, generally clear or greenish post-nasal discharge with obstruction. Worse: Left side. Cold, damp weather. Marked left frontal headache, often boring or nail-like. Pain into the teeth on blowing the nose. Toothpain The homeopathic treatment of dental conditions can be rapid and impressive. When pains arise from microfractures or early inflammations, homeopathic treatment can cure the problem permanently. However, when full caries or abscesses develop, the patient will generally require definitive dental procedures to resolve the problem. Even in such cases, the proper homeopathic remedy can accomplish a lot in terms of relief of pain and inflammation. If the patient is given proper homeopathic treatment before the dental work, there are fewer complications, less antidoting of the constitutional remedy, less need for antibiotics. Furthermore, homeopathic treatment can eliminate or moderate a chronic tendency for tooth fractures, excessive caries and gum disorders. It should also be noted that a significant number of patients present to a homeopath with dental pains which are actually trigeminal neuralgias. These patients have not been adequately diagnosed and may have been treated several times unsuccessfully, even with extractions. Whenever there is significant confusion about the dental diagnosis, we should have a high index of suspicion about facial neuralgia. Homeopathic treatment of acute tooth pain or distress is generally most effective when acute remedies are given on the basis of the local symptoms. Naturally, if the constitutional remedy is working well, we must avoid giving other remedies unless forced by circumstances. In serious chronic conditions which have responded well to treatment, it may also be very difficult to decide when to send the patient for dental work. Obviously, the patient must be given a full explanation and help in making such a serious decision. Giving a low potency (30C) of the constitutional remedy may sometimes give relief, is a safe procedure and thus is often worth trying in such cases. Repertorization of the specific tooth symptoms is often tedious but generally leads to good results in toothache. Our homeopathic forebearers had much more experience with dental conditions than we current prescribers. This was because of poorer dental hygiene, the general primitiveness of dental care in those days and patients' reluctance to afford themselves of this care. Thus, our repertories are very complete in regards to these conditions. In no other chapter of our repertories are the local symptoms more clear and more divergent from the expected modalities. Remedies which are generally better from heat, cold, etc. often have unexpected local tooth modalities. Furthermore, contradictory local symptoms abound. Despite these contradictions, careful study of the strong local symptoms often provide us with the correct remedy.

Therapeutic tips Homeopathic During acute toothache, potency of 30C or 200C in a single dose is generally enough to relieve the pain. The dose can be repeated if the pain recurs. It is often beneficial to attempt to repeat the constitutional remedy (if it is known) in a 30C potency before resorting to local acute remedies. Naturopathic Naturally, all hygienic techniques are important for prevention of tooth and gum disease. Dental cleaning has no negative effect on homeopathic remedies, though some homeopaths report that the new ultrasonic cleaners can antidote. The home units like Sonicare do not antidote remedies. For patients with sensitive teeth, it is beneficial to avoid acid foods, chewing vitamin C tablets, lemon, etc. Allopathic Generally speaking, the use of single dose antibiotics for prevention of endocarditis in patients with valve disease does not antidote homeopathic remedies. Recent guidelines make it clear that many patients receive antibiotic treatment unnecessarily. Repertory The most useful rubrics are found in the section, "Teeth, Pain." This section is short and does not r require a summary. Other important rubrics Mind, Sensitive, Filling tooth. Head, Congestion, Tooth pain, with. Face, Pain, Caries. Face, Pain, Burning, Caries, in. Face, Swelling, Toothache, from. Mouth, Atrophy of gums. Mouth, Bleeding gums. Mouth, Bleeding gums, Extractions, after. Mouth, Bleeding gums, Menses, Decayed tooth. Mouth, Boils, Gums. Mouth, Caries, Gums. Mouth, Detached gums, from teeth. Mouth, Discoloration, Gums. Mouth, Fistula, Gums. Mouth, Gangrene, Gums. Mouth, Inflammation, Gums. Mouth, Pain, Gums, Decayed tooth. Mouth, Pain, Gums, Extraction of teeth, after. Mouth, Pain, Sore, Gums, Dentition, during. Mouth, Salivation, Dentition, during. Mouth, Swelling, Gums, Decayed tooth. Mouth, Ulcers, Gums, Decayed tooth.

Remedies Main remedies Bryonia alba Caries. Injured teeth. Blows to teeth. Loose teeth. Dentition. Pain: Stitching pains, worse moving even distant parts of body. Worse: Motion. Eating. Biting. Drawn-in air. Touch. Warmth. Tobacco smoke. Better: Lying still. Lying on the painful side. Pressure. Location: Right lower molars. Extension: From one tooth to another tooth. To the head. Chamomilla Dentition. Caries. Microfractures in healthy teeth. Our most important remedy in teething children. Severe pains often waking the patient (and the doctor) at night. Face swollen and sensitive; refuses to be touched. Pain: Unbearable pains with marked irritability. Throbbing. Worse: Night, especially in bed. Cold air. Open air or drafts. Cold drinks. Coffee. Pressure. Talking. Lying. Vexation. Warm food or drinks. Smoking. Especially in children. Better: Cold drinks. Location: Left lower teeth. Sore gums in teething children. Extension: Ear. Face. Head. Coffea cruda Caries. Microfractures. Dental neuralgias. Pain: Excruciating pains with over-excitement of the nervous system. Holds ice water in mouth until warm then starts fresh. Worse: Night, causing insomnia. Hot food or drinks. Warm applications. Noise. Menses. Excitement. Better: Cold drinks or applications. Biting. Hepar sulphur Abscess. Caries. Loose teeth. Severely painful infections, often causing frantic, late night phone calls. Pain: Sharp, intense pains. Worse: Cold air. Drafts. Cold drinks. Biting. Eating. Touch. Touching tooth with the tongue. Opening mouth. Winter. Better: Warm applications. Extension: Ear. Mercurius solubilis Caries. Abscess. Loose tooth. Infections with offensive breath, salivation and dirty tongue. Deteriorated fillings with offensive or metallic taste.

Painful swelling extending to half of the face. Pain: Throbbing pains in the tooth. Worse: Night. On going to sleep. Both heat and cold. Winter. Cold air or drinks. Damp weather. Air drawn in the mouth. Warm drinks. Becoming heated in bed. Children. Biting the teeth together. Washing. Smoking. Better: Rubbing. External warmth. Smoking. Location: Root of tooth. Extension: Face. Ear. Head. Staphisagria Caries. Dentition. Fractured or crumbling teeth. Marked cavities in young children. Recurring caries. Black teeth. Gums spongy and inflamed. Pain: Sharp pains in decayed teeth. Throbbing pains. Tearing pain. Worse: Night, especially after midnight. On biting. Cold drinks. Cold or open air. Walking in open air. Eating. After vexation. Menses. Pain from slightest touch of tooth. Better: Warmth. Pressure outside the mouth. Location: Right, lower molars. Other important remedies Aconitum napellus Sudden, intense toothache or injury. Sudden pains in healthy teeth; microfractures. Worse: Shock or fright. Cold winds, especially cold, dry wind. Nursing mothers. Wine. Better: Open air. Ammonium carbonicum Caries. Dental abscess. Loose teeth. "Biting down sends a shock of pain through whole head." Worse: Evening. Night. Drawing air across tooth. Open air. Damp weather. During menses. Sweets. Biting. Talking. Touch. Location: Upper molars. Antimonium crudum Caries. Dentition. Crumbling teeth. After Chamomilla, one of our best teething remedies. Sensitive teeth, cannot bear dental procedures. Worse: Evening or night. In bed at night. Heat of the bed. Cold drinks. Cold washing. Eating. Children. Touching tongue to tooth. Better: Walking in the open air. Extension: Head.

Arnica montana First aid remedy for injuries to teeth. After extractions, fillings or other dental procedures. Sore teeth, worse from touch. Belladonna Caries. Dentition. Sudden, intense pains; throbbing tooth pain. Worse: Evening or night. Cold air. Drawing in air. Draft. Coffee. Eating. If the teeth click together. Jar. Location: Right sided pains, especially the lower teeth. Calcarea carbonica Caries. Abscess. Crumbling teeth. Slow or difficult dentition. Worse: Damp weather. Cold air. Cold food or drinks. Warm food. Drawing air over the tooth. Drafts. Washing or getting wet. Touch. Better: Warm applications (though warm food aggravates). Location: Right upper teeth. Calcarea fluorica Fractures or crumbling of teeth. Caries. Abscess with hard swelling (Hekla). Exostosis of jaw. Painful caries, worse from the slightest touch of food. Calcarea phosphorica Delayed or difficult dentition with whining and moaning. Decay and easy caries. Causticum Caries. Abscess. Fistula. Loose teeth. Dentition. Caries and jaw pains after cold winds. TMJ problems, especially the left side. Worse: Dry weather or especially cold, dry wind. Cold air. Drawing air over the tooth. Sleep. Touch. Warm food. Smoking. Better: Cold drinks. Sucking on the tooth. Location: Left, lower molar or upper. Extension: Nose. Zygoma. Ear. China officinalis Caries. Loose teeth. Neuralgia. Throbbing pains in decayed tooth. Worse: Draft. Open air. Motion. During perspiration. Touch of tooth or jaw. Smoking. Better: Biting hard on teeth. Cold water. Warm applications. Location: Left upper molar or lower.

Clematis erecta Caries. Worse: Night. Warm food. Becoming heated in bed. Lying. Motion. Better: Drawing cold air across the tooth. Cold air. Cold drinks. Washing with cold water. Sucking on the tooth. Fluoricum acidum Defective enamel. Crumbling teeth. Caries. Defective or delayed dentition. Teeth too sensitive to tolerate dental procedures. Tooth pain from either warm or cold drinks. Location: Right upper teeth. Hecla lava Abscess. Large, hard exostosis in gums. Abscess with marked swelling but scant pus. Hypericum perforatum First aid remedy for painful tooth injuries or fractures. After drilling with shooting pains. Ignatia amara Caries. Dentition. Tooth pains with paradoxical or contradictory symptoms. Worse: Eating. Touch. Immediately upon lying. Coffee. Standing. Mental exertion. Reading. Better: Pressure. Biting teeth together. Kreosotum Caries. Crumbling of teeth. Deciduous teeth seem to dissolve almost before they rise from the gums. Dentition with raw, inflamed gums and pitiful crying. Offensive breath. Location: Upper molars, especially the left side. Extension: Ear. Head. Lachesis mutus Caries. Crumbling teeth. Tooth pain with throbbing pain and swollen cheek. Worse: Morning on waking. Brushing teeth. Hot drinks. Checked menses. Location:Left side. Lower teeth, extending to ear. Magnesium carbonicum Caries. Difficult dentition. Loose teeth. Microfractures in healthy teeth. Worse: Night. Cold air. Drafts. In bed. Heat of the bed. Eating. Menses. Better: Motion. Cold water. Walking. Lying on the painful side. Location: Right side. Extension: Head. Magnesium phosphoricum Caries. Microfractures.

Worse: Cold air or cold drinks. Better: Warm or even scalding hot applications. Biting. Pressure. Warm drinks. Mezereum Caries. Worse: Night. Biting. Touch. Touching tooth with tongue. Motion. Location: Left upper teeth. Nux vomica Caries. Fillings. Marked pain with much irritability. Right cheek swollen and painful to touch. Worse: Cold air or drafts. Open air. Cold drinks. Eating. Motion. Mental exertion. Reading. Vexation. Thinking of the pain. Tobacco. Alcohol. Coffee. Touch. Talking. Winter. Better: Warm applications. Wrapping the head. Warm drinks and food. Walking in the open air. Location: Right incisors. Extension: Face. Phosphorus Caries. Abscess. Loose teeth. Pyorrhea; bleeding gums. Worse: Evening and night. Cold or open air. Cold drinks. Damp weather. Warm drinks. Lying. In bed. Sleeping. Touch. Walking. Sweets. Better: Rubbing. Pressure. Location: Upper or lower left molars. Phytolacca decandra Difficult dentition. Painful gums with rigid clenching of the jaw. Better: Clenching or biting teeth together; constant inclination to clench. Plantago major Caries. Crumbling teeth. Pyorrhea. Sore tooth with swelling of the cheek and salivation. "Tooth pain with reflex neuralgia of the eyelids." Worse: Cold or warm drinks. Touch. Better: Eating. After breakfast. Extension: Ear. Pulsatilla pratensis Caries. Sore or throbbing teeth. Weeping children with tooth pain. Worse: Evening. Warm drink or food. Coffee. Warm applications. Becoming heated, especially in bed. Touch. Sitting. Menses. Better: Cold or open air. Cold food or drinks. Drawing in cold air. Cold washing. Motion. Walking, especially in the open air. Location: Wandering.

Rhododendron chrysanthum Caries. Neuralgia. Pains especially in the right lower jaw. Worse: Change of weather. Before a storm. Cold air or drafts. Wind. Damp weather. Touch. Better: Eating. Warm applications. Location: Molars. Extension: Ear. Rhus toxicodendron Caries. Loose teeth. Worse: Damp weather. Cold. Washing with cold water. Biting. Lying. Better: Motion. Walking. Warm drinks or applications. Location: Lower canines or incisors. Sepia officinalis Caries. Decay and spreading infection with left cheek swollen. Worse: Night. Cold or cold air. Warm drinks. Touch. Biting. On lying. During menses. Sweets. Talking. Better: Open air. Cold drinks. Sucking on the tooth. Location: Left lower incisor. Left lower molar. Extension: Ear. Silica marina Abscess. Caries. Loose teeth. Slow or difficult dentition. Painful, swollen cheek over the affected tooth. Worse: Night. Cold air or cold drinks. Warm drinks. Drawing in air. Biting. Damp weather. Washing. After suppression of sweat, especially foot sweat. Winter. Better: Warm applications. Wrapping or covering the head. Location: Lower left teeth. Spigelia anthelmia Caries. Crumbling teeth. Neuralgia. Caries with painful swelling of left cheek. Worse: Tobacco or smoke in general. Night. Motion. Cold air. Cold drinks. Washing in cold water. Thinking of the pain. Better: Standing. Walking. Lying. Eating. Location: Left upper teeth. Sulphur Caries. Abscess. Fistula. Loose teeth. Dentition. Burning or throbbing pains. Worse: Night. Cold or open air. Drafts. In bed at night. Washing. Washing with cold water. Warm applications. Before menses. Better: Open air. Cold drinks. Warm drinks. Location: Left incisors or molars.

Zincum metallicum Abscess and caries. Loose teeth. Worse: Eating. Before menses. Location: Upper and lower molars, especially the left side. Pharyngitis TONSILLITIS Some important issues confront us when we consider treating throat infections with homeopathy rather than conventional medications. First of all, we often do not know the full extent of the condition. Is it simply a viral pharyngitis or a reaction to post-nasal drainage? What approach do we wish to take if the patient has a strep throat? After these decisions we must still find the correct remedy! The vast majority of acute pharyngitis and tonsillitis cases are self-limited viral infections. The issue becomes more sticky when we are faced with a true strep throat. Though homeopathic treatment is effective in relieving the symptoms of throat pain, and though I know of no cases where rheumatic fever has occurred after homeopathic treatment of strep throat, there are no studies proving that homeopathy prevents the serious sequelae of streptococcal infection. Therefore, though I do not recommend withholding homeopathic treatment in strep throat cases, the patient should be made aware of these serious complications: Rheumatic fever. Nephritis. Rheumatic heart disease. Many patients when faced with these facts will decide to take antibiotics for the condition and should not be dissuaded. It is frustrating to know that the condition can be easily remedied, is very unlikely to cause any further trouble and yet antibiotics (which generally interfere with constitutional treatment) must still be used. The medicolegal issues are also not to be ignored. In the beginning of this century and before, homeopaths were in an almost daily struggle with lifethreatening throat infections: Diphtheria. Syphilis. Strep throat. A vast amount of time and energy went into gaining the knowledge and experience to deal with these illnesses which no longer confront us. Vithoulkas once said, "There are no new diseases and no lost ones, only new diagnoses and deeper, suppressed forms. The disappearing polio-related paralysis of our past is revisited in the recent proliferation of multiple sclerosis; the wasting of tuberculosis is reborn in AIDS." Thus, we must be prepared for the return of aggressive throat inflammation in the future, especially with antibiotic resistance on the rise. Management The first question we must ask ourselves when confronting a case of pharyngitis is whether this is a case for homeopathic treatment. Low-grade infections with only general characteristics - pain on swallowing, rawness in the throat, etc. - are not good candidates for homeopathy. Other conditions such as diphtheria or peritonsillar abscess can be treated effectively by homeopathy but such treatment should not be done without great precautions and consultation with specialists. Therapeutic tips Homeopathic For most cases of acute pharyngitis a 30C potency given in 3 or 4 doses is sufficient to resolve the condition. In cases which are more chronic (e.g. recurring cases) or more aggressive (e.g. peritonsillar abscess), higher potencies are needed. Do not give a remedy until the picture is clear. Many times from the desire to help or in response to patient demands, we give a remedy before we know either the nature of the condition or the full

symptoms. We hear one clear modality - such as right-sided pain - and we almost by reflex give a remedy such as Lycopodium. The result is that the pain switches to the left side but the remedy is not truly curative. We must force ourselves to wait until the full symptoms come out. If the condition resolves before a remedy is given, then a remedy was not required. If the condition worsens, it would have done so in any case with a wrong remedy, but the symptoms would have been obscured - making a good prescription impossible. If the constitutional remedy is known, giving this remedy in a low potency such as 12C or 30C two or three times daily may effectively abort the infection, even if the symptoms of the acute illness are only partially covered by the remedy. Naturopathic There are several effective means for pacifying both the pains and the patient's anxiety that "something must be done." These include: Warm drinks. Slippery elm bark ("Throat-coat") tea. Chewable zinc lozenges (25 mg. BID). Vitamin C (1000 mg. BID). Echinacea tincture (15 drops in liquid BID). Other adjunctive therapies include: Gargling with salt water (1 tsp. in 1 cup of warm water). Hydrotherapy (soak a towel in cold water, wrap the throat and cover with a warm, dry towel and leave in place for 20 minutes while lying). Cod liver oil (1 tsp. daily). Allopathic Be wary of the more serious condition, peritonsillar abscess. The presence of trismus (unwillingness to swallow saliva) should immediately bring this condition to mind. In this condition, homeopathic treatment should be given at the same time that appropriate allopathic consultation is sought. Repertory Most of the useful rubrics are to be found in the section, "Throat, Pain" and its many subrubrics. Our repertories place much emphasis on symptoms relating to diphtheria, a disease which greatly preoccupied our predecessors but which is virtually unknown in our culture. Other throat rubrics Throat, Abscess. Throat, Aphthae. Throat, Caseous deposits. Throat, Catarrh. Throat, Coated. Throat, Deposits. Throat, Discoloration (many subrubrics). Throat, Enlargement, Tonsils. Throat, Erosion. Throat, Excoriation. Throat, Fissured. Throat, Gangrene. Throat, Induration. Throat, Inflammation (many subrubrics). Throat, Inflammation, Phlegmonous (Peritonsillar abscess). Throat, Irritation.

Throat, Membranes. Throat, Pustules. Throat, Suppuration. Throat, Swelling, Tonsils. Throat, Ulcers. Throat, Vesicles. External Throat, Induration, Glands, of. External Throat, Pain, Cervical Glands. External Throat, Pain, Burning, Cervical Glands. External Throat, Swelling, Cervical Glands. External Throat, Swelling, Cervical Glands, hard. Other related rubrics Mind, Delirium, Ulcers in fauces and tonsils, with. Mind, Excitement, Examination of throat, too great to allow. Mind, Fear, Choking, Inflammation of throat, in. Mind, Sadness, Sore throat, in. Mind, Unconsciousness, Sore throat, during. Eye, Inflammation, Alternating, Sore throat, with. Eye, Pain, Throat symptoms, with. Ear, Pain, Sore throat, with. Ear, Pain, Extending, throat, to. Ear, Pain, Stitching, Extending, Throat, to. Hearing, Impaired, Enlarged tonsils, from. Hearing, Impaired, Hypertrophied tonsils and adenoids, from. Nose, Coryza, Sore throat, with. Mouth, Herpes, Mouth, tonsils and throat, in. Mouth, Protruded, Tongue, Difficult, Sore throat, with. Mouth, Salivation, Copious, Abscess in throat, with. Mouth, Ulcers, Extending, Throat to roof of mouth. Taste, Putrid, Pharynx, Hawking up mucus. Stomach, Pain, Alternating, Pain, Pharynx, in. Cough, Mucus, Throat, in. Cough, Tickling, Throat, from. Respiration, Difficult, Enlargement of tonsils, from. Respiration, Impeded, Swelling, Tonsils, of. Chest, Pain, Sternum, Alternating, Sore throat, with. Back, Drawn over to one side, Sore throat, in. Extremities, Perspiration, Foot, Suppressed, Throat affections from. Sleep, Sleeplessness, Soreness, Mouth and throat, in. Sleep, Yawning, Constriction of throat, from. Chill, Concomitant, Throat pain, as. Generalities, Convulsions, Throat irritation, from.

Remedies Main remedies Belladonna The most important remedy in acute tonsillitis with rapid onset. Throat: Mainly right-sided inflammation and burning. Pharynx and tonsils bright red, swollen and angry. Aphthae. Worse: Slightest touch of throat. Turning head. Motion. Swallowing, especially liquids. Clearing the throat. Cold air. Also considered a remedy for peritonsillar abscess. Local: Tongue red or with a "strawberry" appearance. General: High fever, flushed face, mydriasis, cold hands and feet. Hepar sulphur More advanced pharyngitis and tonsillitis usually suppurative. Throat: Exquisite sharp pains, often like splinters in the throat. Worse: Evening or night. Cold air. Cold drinks or food. Yawning, stretching or turning the head. Swallowing. Better: Warmth and warm drinks. Pain radiates to ears upon swallowing. Ulcerations of the throat. One of the main remedies in peritonsillar abscess. General: Patient feels he must keep bundled, especially covers the throat. Lachesis mutus For everything from mild sore throat to serious inflammation or abscess. Throat: Left-sided pharyngitis or tonsillitis. Inflammation begins on the left and goes to the right side. Tonsils swollen, deep red or even purple. Uvula swollen. Peritonsillar abscess. Advanced cases with ulceration, excoriation or oozing blood. Worse: Night in sleep or morning on waking. On swallowing, yet constant desire to swallow (Merc-C). Sweets or acids. Warm drinks. Coughing or clearing the throat. Touching the throat. Turning the head. Tight collars. Better: Cold drinks. Better (for only moments) after swallowing. Easier to swallow solids than liquids or saliva. Lump or constricting sensation, returns just after swallowing. General: Warm-blooded. Complaints in heat or from change of season. Lycopodium clavatum Right-sided pharyngitis or tonsillitis or beginning on right side. Worse: Afternoon from 4 to 8 PM. Better: Warm drinks, sometimes better cold drinks. Mercurius solubilis

Acute or recurring pharyngitis or tonsillitis of any degree of severity. Throat: Suppurative and dirty pharynx and tonsils, often right side. Ulceration. Peritonsillar abscess. Sensation of an apple core lodged in the throat. Worse: Night. Heat of the bed. Heat or cold. Swallowing, especially empty swallowing. Coughing. Local: Tongue is coated and dirty-appearing. Metallic taste on tongue. Tongue swollen and teeth leave imprints. Breath is almost always offensive. Increased saliva, especially at night. General: Both chilly and overheated. Night sweats lasting all night long. Swollen, painful, burning cervical lymph nodes. Mercurius iodatus flavus Right-sided pharyngitis or tonsillitis, slower onset than Belladonna. Pain beginning on the right side and moving to left side. Similar to Mercurius though may lack salivation as a characteristic. Mercurius iodatus ruber Left-sided pharyngitis or tonsillitis. Has most of the modalities of Mercurius Vivus, though less salivation. More frequently indicated than Merc-I-F. Other important remedies Aconitum napellus Sudden onset of sore throat after exposure to cold or cold, dry winds. General: High fever, flush, restlessness and often anxiety or fear. Pharynx and tonsils bright red without pus: burning and mildly swollen. Painful swallowing though intensely thirsty for cold drinks. Ailanthus glandulosa Severe pharyngitis and tonsillitis with approaching sepsis. Throat: Deep red or even purple color. Deep ulcers on tonsils, especially the left side. Stuporous, confused, delirious. Apis mellifica Burning (less often stinging) sore throat, with marked redness. Throat: Pain, inflammation and swelling, mainly on the right side. Tremendous swelling, especially of the uvula but also tonsils. Mucosa bright red and glistening. Worse: Heat and hot drinks. Warm rooms. Better: Cold food or drinks though not much thirst. General: Often high fever; dry heat alternating with chills. Argentum metallicum

Raw sore throat, often chronic, with mucus draining into throat. Pain on coughing. Worse: Exhaling. Swallowing. Yawning. Hoarseness; especially in performers. Argentum nitricum Stitching or splinter-like pains in the throat. Throat: Pain worse on the right side. Worse: Inhaling over the raw spots. Swallowing. Better: Cold drinks or cold air. Thick mucus in throat; much clearing of throat. Often accompanied by laryngitis and hoarseness. Arsenicum album Burning pain in the throat, often with small ulcerations or vesicles. Throat: Right-sided burning pain, better from heat. Worse: Cold or cold drinks. Better: Warmth. Warm drinks. Marked or even malignant inflammation, though swelling is mild. Burning ulcers of mouth and throat. Tongue almost always with a milky white coating. Patient invariably chilly, often anxious or restless. Baptisia Tinctoria Inflammation, remarkably painless, of pharynx and tonsils. Throat: Tonsils and uvula enlarged, deep red or even purplish. Mouth horribly offensive, tongue dirty, ulcerated throughout. Face flushed and heavy; dull and confused. Septic states. Baryta carbonica Chronic and recurring tonsillitis, especially in children. Throat: Tonsils hugely swollen, even if inflammation appears mild. Worse: Night. Speaking. Marked pain on swallowing, especially empty swallowing. Pain or burning prevents swallowing of any solids. Trismus. Peritonsillar abscess. Large, hard cervical glands. Hearing loss from huge tonsils and adenoids. Baryta muriatica Hugely swollen and inflamed tonsils, often suppurative. Throat: Pain and swelling often worse on the right side. Worse: After catching cold. Better: Cold drinks. Elongated uvula. Almost always accompanied by markedly swollen, painful cervical glands. Bromium Left-sided pharyngitis or tonsillitis, often with inflamed larynx.

Throat: Clarke describes the throat as having a "net-like" redness. Worse: Heat or in the summertime. Stone-hard, swollen cervical glands. Bryonia alba Sore throat after catching cold. Throat: Pharynx dark red; tongue coated white or brownish. Worse: Any motion - swallowing, coughing, speaking. Local: Tongue dry, coated a brown or dirty color in the center. General: Sluggish inexorable onset with high fever. Marked thirst, irritability, desire to be left alone. Calcarea carbonica Recurring pharyngitis and tonsillitis with marked swelling of glands. Worse: Cold weather. Change of weather. Damp weather. After eating. Menses. Hard, painful cervical glands. General: Chilly, sweaty, works into exhaustion and illness. Causticum Sore throat associated with laryngitis. Mucus in pharynx or larynx with constant desire to clear throat. Chamomilla Pharyngitis or tonsillitis with ear pain, especially infants and toddlers. Better: Warmth and from hot drinks. Worse: Swallowing, from examining the throat. Irritable and flushed, especially one cheek or the other. Cistus canadensis Recurring colds and pharyngitis with burning pains. Throat: Pain worse every inhalation, especially of cold air. Dryness of throat ameliorated by constant swallowing or sipping. Marked swelling of cervical glands. Patient is chilly and worse all winter long. Dulcamara Pharyngitis coming on in cold weather, especially cold, damp weather. Sore throat from catching cold. Ferrum phosphoricum Tonsillitis; hot, markedly inflamed or even ulcerated throat. High fever almost always present; patient prostrated. No localizing symptoms or modalities. Gelsemium sempervirens Throat inflamed, gradually worsening over several days. Throat: Pain extends to the ear on swallowing. Pain on swallowing; throat feels too weak to swallow. Worse: Warm food.

Patient weak, chills up the back, thirstless, droopy eyelids. Ignatia amara Acute pharyngitis with small aphthous sores all through throat. Throat: Pain and lump or foreign body sensation. Especially right-sided. Better: Only while or just after swallowing. Cold drinks. Constant desire to swallow for relief. Painful submaxillary glands, worse moving the head. Kalium iodatum Marked inflammation of pharynx, generally with much post-nasal mucus. Throat: Swelling of tonsils and uvula. Ulcerations of the throat. Marked pain at root of tongue on protruding tongue. Worse: Evening. Coughing. Swallowing. Talking. General: Warm-blooded and better from cool air. Lac caninum Inflamed tonsils and pharynx, to point of ulcers and suppuration. Throat: One of the main remedies in past times for diphtheria. Pain alternates sides or location. Worse: Warm drinks. During menses. Begins and ends with menses. Better: Cold drinks. Pains extend to the ears on swallowing. An old keynote: Membrane on throat pearly white and shiny. Lump sensation often distinctly on one side, with throat inflammation. Mercurius corrosivus Aggressive forms of pharyngitis and tonsillitis. Throat: Spreading, painful and bleeding ulcers. Horrible burning pains, extending to the ears. Worse: Swallowing, especially liquids. Pressure on the throat. Burning pains which are worse from cold drinks (Ars). Constant desire to swallow though it causes intolerable pain. Swelling causes a feeling of suffocation. Mercurius cyanatus Particularly virulent pharyngitis and tonsillitis. Swelling, ulceration and grayish discharge. Necrosis of the tissues of the throat and palate. Nitricum acidum Horrible pain, often stitching or described "as if a fish bone in throat." Throat: Indurated, dark red tonsils and pharynx. Ulceration. Worse: Swallowing, lowers head in order to swallow. Cold air. Becoming chilled. Coughing. Pain may extend to ears especially on swallowing. Local: Offensive breath (similar to Mercurius but without salivation).

Cracks at corners of mouth or on tongue. General: Offensive perspiration. Irritable and demanding. Nux vomica Upper respiratory infections settling in throat. Throat: Pain in throat extends to ears on swallowing. Worse: Coughing or swallowing. Sensitive to the slightest draft or movement of air even when covered. Phosphorus Rawness in throat with marked hoarseness. Throat: Marked swelling of the tonsils or uvula. Worse: Cold air. Talking. Coughing or sneezing. Yawning. Better: Cold drinks. Colds descend to chest and throat. Phytolacca decandra Burning or soreness in throat, tonsils or root of the tongue. Throat: Often described as "a burning ball of iron" stuck in throat. Dark or purple inflamed tonsils. Peritonsillar abscess. Diphtheria keynote: Membrane gray, looking like dry leather. Worse: Right side; aggravated upon turning head to the left. Night. Touch. Hot drinks. Cannot swallow a hot drink. Better: Becoming cold. Cold drinks. Pain extends to ears upon swallowing. Shooting pains in ears. Hard and painful cervical glands. Pulsatilla pratensis Pharyngitis from catching cold. Throat:Fullness or swelling sensation. Thick greenish nasal discharge. Rhus toxicodendron In influenza and colds with annoying sore throats and vesiculation. Throat: Pains begin on the left and extend to the right side. Worse: Comes on during cold, damp weather. Straining voice. Better: Warm drinks. Swallowing. Pain on first swallowing, better after several gulps are down. Local: Associated with hoarseness and laryngitis. Tongue coated white, red tip to tongue, like a red triangle. General: Aching and restlessness, better motion and warmth. Sabadilla Often left-sided pharyngitis or beginning on the left side. Throat: Colds with tremendous sneezing and sore throat. Better: Warm drinks. Worse: Breathing cold air. Protruding tongue. Silica marina

Recurring or chronic inflammation and swelling of throat and tonsils. Throat: Nearly always with some purulence. Suppuration of tonsils. Advanced infections. Peritonsillar abscess. Worse: On becoming cold. Swallowing. Hawking of putrid lumps of pus. Stitching, pin-like or splinter-like pain in the throat. Enlarged and very hard cervical glands. Sulphur Sore throat or tonsillitis, often after several remedies have failed. Throat: Marked burning, rawness and dryness of throat. Better: Warm drinks (opposite usual modality). Old, lingering throat infections with offensive breath. Suppuration. Peritonsillar abscess. Local: Lips bright red and often chapped. General: Sweaty, disheveled, greasy hair. Chilled easily but averse to warm rooms. Thyroid conditions Many thyroid conditions can be alleviated with homeopathic treatment. Hypothyroidism is less responsive than hyperthyroidism in many cases because the preceding thyroiditis actually destroys the gland tissue. However, when thyroiditis can be treated in the early phase, good results are possible. It is important to understand and follow thyroid hormone blood levels while treating these patients or to work with a supportive specialist who can assist in the evaluation of the patient. Management Management of hyperthyroidism Cases of hyperthyroidism are much easier to manage before the patient is on allopathic medications. When possible, it is preferable to remove the allopathic drugs before initiating homeopathic treatment. However, we should be cautious about changing allopathic regimens when the patient has a history of dangerous hyperthyroid symptoms. Rather, we should start homeopathic treatment and as the patient shows improvement, we taper the allopathic medications. In cases of very acute Graves' disease, the response to the proper remedy is very rapid, often dropping by 50% in the first six weeks. Total normalization of thyroid function often requires several months. Therapeutic tips for hyperthyroidism Homeopathic When it is not possible to stop allopathic medications, it is often convenient to give the patient a 200C dose followed by a 9C or 12C daily. Alternatively, LM-potencies can be used. Naturopathic In hyperthyroidism, the increased metabolic rate requires large amounts of vitamins to keep up with the demands. Use the "megadose" formulas of multiple vitamins. Also useful: Vitamin B complex (50 mg. complex TID). Vitamin C (1000 mg. TID if there are no contraindications). Flax seed oil. In hyperthyroidism, ask the patient to avoid all stimulants - coffee, tea, chocolate, colas, nicotine. Certain foods are said to help decrease the thyroid output including:Cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, cabbage, brussel sprouts). Greens (kale, spinach). Turnips. Pears and peaches.

Allopathic In hyperthyroid conditions, we should not stop allopathic medications in the elderly or in patients with history of thyrotoxicosis, exophthalmus, heart rates over 100 or convulsions. When allopathic medications cannot be stopped, it is preferable to use Beta Blockers which act at the end-organs rather than on the thyroid itself. As the patient shows improvement, we taper the allopathic medications, being careful not to allow the heart rate to go out of the safety range and watching carefully for other signs of thyrotoxicosis. Hierarchy of allopathic medications 1) Beta Blockers. 2) Propylthiouracil. 3) Subtotal thyroidectomy. 4) Radioactive Iodine (designed to spare some thyroid tissue). 5) Thyroidectomy. Management of hypothyroidism In hypothyroidism, the patient is often already on thyroid hormone supplementation when he comes for treatment of other disorders. Often the thyroid is only of minimal importance to the patient at the interview. It is important to carefully review the history because the symptoms of the patient have often been significantly altered by the hormone replacement. Although the gross symptoms of low energy, constipation, etc. do not provide us with much useful homeopathic information, it is good to review the state of the patient prior to the hormone replacement for more characterizing symptoms (for example, the history of frank goitre or food cravings might be good clues for prescribing). Many patients come for homeopathic treatment while taking thyroid replacement where there is no clear evidence of thyroid disturbance. Especially obese or fatigued patients arrive in our office on unnecessary thyroid medications. Also, we see the use of thyroid hormone to "cool off" the thyroid gland in cases of Hashimoto's thyroiditis, even though the patient is not hypothyroid. This type of hormone replacement does not usually harm homeopathic treatment, though it may obscure important symptoms such as temperature and other modalities. Therapeutic tips for hypothyroidism Homeopathic Thyroid hormone rarely interferes with homeopathic remedies. In cases where thyroid replacement has drastically changed important modalities such as making a previously chilly patient warm-blooded, we should emphasize the symptoms as they were before the thyroid replacement. In patients who are improperly placed on thyroid hormone, it is preferable to taper the hormone for 4 to 6 weeks before beginning the remedy. If we start the remedy at the same time we cannot distinguish an aggravation from withdrawal symptoms. Naturopathic In hypothyroidism we should add kelp (2000 to 3000 mg. per day) to the diet. Helpful foods include:Molasses. Parsley. Apricots. Dates. Prunes. Fish. Chicken. All fluoride should be avoided because of its effect in blocking iodine receptors. This means avoiding fluoridated toothpastes, rinses and city water in most places. Allopathic

Thyroid hormone supplementation rarely interferes with homeopathic treatment. It is important to monitor the thyroid levels following homeopathic treatment. In a few cases where the thyroid still has the capacity to regenerate, the patient can become hyperthyroid following homeopathic treatment if he continues on the same amount of thyroid replacement. Repertory Main rubrics Eye, Protrusion, Exophthalmus. External Throat, Goitre. External Throat, Goitre, Exophthalmic. Other important rubics Mind, Activity. Mind, Anxiety. Mind, Anxiety, Chest, Heart, Region of. Mind, Anxiety, Physical. Mind, Anxiety, Walking, Air, Open, ameliorates. Mind, Busy. Mind, Concentration difficult. Mind, Dullness. Mind, Fear, Suffocation, Goitre, in. Mind, Excitement. Mind, Hurry. Mind, Impatience. Mind, Indolence, aversion to work. Mind, Industrious. Mind, Mania. Mind, Mood alternating. Mind, Restlessness, Move, must constantly. Mind, Restlessness, Warm bed, aggravates. Mind, Slowness. Head, Hair, falling out. Eye, Pupils, Dilated. Face, Paralysis, Goitre, Suppression, from. Mouth, Thick, Tongue, sensation. Throat, Choking, Goitre, in. External Throat, Alive sensation in goitre. External Throat, Air sensation, Blowing through thyroid on breathing. External Throat, Coldness, Region of thyroid gland. External Throat, Compressed by thumb and finger, As if thyroid body were. External Throat, Constriction, Thyroid gland. External Throat, Distension, Sensation of, Thyroid gland. External Throat, Formication, thyroid. External Throat, Goitre, Heart symptoms, with.

External Throat, Goitre, Jerking in thyroid. External Throat, Goitre, Motion in thyroid. External Throat, Itching, Thyroid gland. External Throat, Itching, Goitre, with cough. External Throat, Pain, Thyroid gland. External Throat, Pain, Thyroid gland, ulcerative. External Throat, Pain, Pressing, Thyroid gland. External Throat, Pain, Soreness, Thyroid gland. External Throat, Pain, Stitching, Thyroid gland. External Throat, Pulsation, Goitre. External Throat, Sensitive, Goitre. External Throat, Swelling, Thyroid gland. External Throat, Tension, Thyroid. External Throat, Tickling, Goitre. Stomach, Appetite, Ravenous, Emaciation, with. Female, Menses, copious. Female, Menses, Absent, amenorrhea. Male, Atrophy, Testes. Rectum, Constipation. Rectum, Diarrhea, Goitre. Rectum, Inactivity of. Respiration, Asthmatic, Concomitant, Goitre. Cough, Cutting, From cutting in thyroid gland. Cough, Irritation in air passages, Thyroid gland, in region of. Cough, Goitre, with. Cough, Pressure, Goitre, from. Chest, Atrophy of mammae. Chest, Constriction, Heart. Chest, "Goitre heart." Chest, Pain, Heart, Goitre, during. Chest, Palpitation heart, Goitre, with. Chest, Palpitations heart, Exertion, from. Chest, Palpitations, Tumultuous. Chest, Palpitations heart, Walking. Extremities, Swelling, Leg. Extremities, Coldness. Extremities, Coldness, Foot. Extremities, Trembling, Hand. Perspiration, Night. Perspiration, Debilitating. Perspiration, Exertion, Slight, during. Perspiration, Sleep, during.

Generalities, Atrophy, Glands. Generalities, Convulsions, Goitre, Suppression of. Generalities, Cretinism. Generalities, Dwarfishness. Generalities, Eating, before. Generalities, Emaciation, Appetite ravenous. Generalities, Fasting. Generalities, Flabby feeling. Generalities, Heat, Vital, Lack of. Generalities, Hypothyroidism. Generalities, Motion, Air open, ameliorates. Generalities, Myxedema. Generalities, Obesity. Generalities, Pulse, Frequent, Motion aggravates. Generalities, Sluggishness of the body. Generalities, Trembling, Anxiety, from. Generalities, Trembling, Exophthalmus, with. Generalities, Trembling, Externally. Generalities, Twitching, Subsultus tendinum. Generalities, Walking, Air, In open, ameliorates. Generalities, Weakness. Remedies Main remedies Arsenicum iodatum Hyperthyroid. Thyroid: Goitre. Indurated gland. General: Warm or even very hot yet often sensitive to cold or drafts. Better: Open air. Worse: Becoming heated in bed. Marked emaciation despite eating ravenously. Local: Exophthalmus. Constriction feeling in heart; tumultuous palpitations. Tremor of hands. Mental: Extreme excitement and restlessness. Hurry and impatience. Loquacious but precise. Anger; impulse to kill. Concomitants: Lupus. Hay fever. Asthma. Psoriasis. Hodgkin's. Iodium Hyperthyroid. Goitre. Thyroid: Painful, enlarged thyroid. Right-sided goitre. Constriction in thyroid region.

General: Hot. Intolerant of heat or warm room. Better: Eating. Cold bathing. Violent exertion. Emaciation despite huge appetite. As thyroid gland enlarges, other glands (breast, testes) shrink. Local: Exophthalmus. Violent palpitations. Pulsations through to the fingertips. Mental: Anxious, hurried feeling. Restless and fidgety; cannot sit still. Loquacity; markedly rapid speech. Violent urges from sitting still; better exertion. Kalium iodatum Hyperthyroid. Goitre. Thyroid: Diffusely enlarged. Thyroid enlarged and very sensitive to touch. General: Aggravated by heat. Local: Exophthalmus. Marked allergy and coryza. Mental: Hurried and irritable, especially with the family. Jesting and cheerful. Lachesis mutus Hyperthyroid. Thyroiditis. Thyroid: Left-sided goitre. Tightness in throat; difficult swallowing. General: Warm-blooded. Intolerant of warm room or bath. Marked hypertension. Intense palpitations. Mental: Loquacious and intense. Thyroid enlargement and hyperthyroidism after disappointed love, jealousy, or suppression of intense emotions. Anger and intolerant of contradiction. Natrium muriaticum Thyroiditis. Hyperthyroid. Hypothyroid. Thyroid: Diffuse goitre. General: Intolerance to heat or sun. Slow growth, walking and speech development in children. Local: Exophthalmus. Trembling of whole body, especially the head. Violent palpitations, worse exertion or lying on left side. Mental: Excitable and nervous. Thyroiditis after grief or disappointed love. Other important remedies Alumina Hypothyroidism.

Local: Horrible constipation, even for soft stool. Skin thick, dry and itching, worse from heat. Mental: Slow physically and mentally. Apis mellifica Hyperthyroidism. Thyroiditis. Thyroid: Swollen markedly, hot, inflamed. "Vascular" goitre. General: Extremely hot or flushes of heat. Intolerant of hot rooms. Better: Cold applications or cold bathing. Loves swimming in cold water. Mental: Must be active and busy. Loves exertion. Irritable. Anxious, busy feeling. So hurried she becomes clumsy and drops things. Argentum nitricum Hyperthyroidism. Hypothyroidism. General: Hot. Averse to warm rooms. Better: Cool or open air. Local: Diarrhea and marked flatus and eructations. Tremor pronounced. Mental: Constant, inexplicable hurried feeling. Gets wound-up. Peculiar impulses and temper outbursts. Aurum metallicum Hyperthyroid. Thyroiditis. General: Aggravated by heat. Thyroid: Diffusely enlarged thyroid. Nodules. Local: Exophthalmus. Violent palpitations. Skipped beat followed by powerful beat. Mental: High or unrealistic expectations. Thyroid imbalanced from enormous self-pressures. Despair over the limitations caused by disease. Baryta carbonica Hyperthyroid, especially in children and adolescents. Thyroid: Huge swelling of gland. General: Appetite increased with emaciation. Emaciation with large, pot-belly. Debilitating perspiration; nightsweats. Local: Exophthalmus. Atrophy of other glands: Testes, mammae, etc. Palpitations. Tremor. Mental: Hurry and great industriousness. Over-excited and anxious about responsibilities and challenges. Baryta iodata Hyperthyroid. Thyroiditis.

Thyroid: Marked swelling of thyroid gland. Thyroiditis in childhood. General: Aggravated on becoming heated; intolerant of heat. Tremor. Local: Exophthalmus. Knots of cervical glands. Rapid pulse. Tumultuous palpitations. Mental: Restless. Impatient. Compulsive. Nervous and indecisive. Belladonna Hyperthyroid. Thyrotoxicosis. Thyroid: Diffusely swollen and markedly painful. Heat and pulsation felt in the thyroid gland. General: Hot, flushed face but cold distal extremities. Bounding pulse and hypertension. Mental: Excited and restless. Anger, even rage. Strength increased. Cactus grandiflorus Hyperthyroid. Thyroid: Painful, constricted feeling in gland. Local: Exophthalmus. Bounding pulse. Tumultuous palpitations. Constricted feelings in the chest. Calcarea carbonica Benign goitre. Hypothyroid. Thyroiditis. Hyperthyroid. Thyroid: Hard thyroid. Thyroid nodules. "Vascular" goitre. Slow, constant growth of thyroid gland. General: Dull and sluggish; always tired. Chilly. Especially cold feet at night in bed. Internal sense of tremor (more than visible). Slow growth of children. Local: Exophthalmus. Excessive head sweat, especially at night. Mental: Symptoms after over-exertion, heavy responsibilities and worry. Depression and constant anxiety. Calcarea Fluorica Thyroid nodules. Hard nodules in thyroid. Thyroid conditions associated with arthritis. Calcarea iodata Hyperthyroid. Thyroiditis. Thyroid tumors and nodules.

Goitre associated with hormonal changes: Puberty, pregnancy, menses. Thyroid: More enlarged on the right side. General: Warm; faintness in a warm room. Ravenous appetite. Obesity. Emaciation with increased appetite. Local: Honeycombed tonsils with small crypts. Anxiety feeling in chest and heart. Sudden, violent palpitations. Conium maculatum Hyperthyroid. Thyroiditis. Hypothyroid. Thyroid: Stony hard thyroid enlargement. General: Cold-blooded. Flushes of heat. Weakness and fatigue, worse from exertion. Local: Exophthalmus with strabismus or "crossed" eyes. Lacrimation from photophobia. Weakness in thighs; hard to rise from a squat. Mental: Flatness and depression. Illness after battling an injustice. Ferrum iodatum Hyperthyroid. Thyroid: Goitre after suppressed menses. General: Warm-blooded. Obesity. Anemia. Worse after hemorrhage. Hypertension. Craves: Salted fish. Sardines. Local: Exophthalmus. Sensation of food pressing up in throat. Fucus vesiculosus Benign goitre. Hyperthyroid. Exophthalmic goitre. Marked obesity with goitre. Dyspepsia with thyroid disease. Gelsemium sempervirens Hypothyroid. Thyroiditis. General: Extreme weakness and sleepiness. Tremor from weakness. Local: Exophthalmus. Diplopia from exophthalmus. Eyelids droopy; can hardly keep them open. Tongue thick and heavy. Graphites Hypothyroid. Goitre. Hyperthyroid. Thyroid nodules. Thyroid: Markedly enlarged goitre.

Multiple nodules throughout the thyroid. General: Chilly. Intolerant of heat. Obesity. Fatigue and weakness. Local: Pulsation throughout the whole body. Constipation with full feeling in rectum. Skin thick and hard; cracked skin. Hair coarse and tangles; thinning hair. Mental: Dullness and vacant sensation in head. Easy weeping and anxiety. Kalium carbonicum Hypothyroid. Thyroid: Diffuse enlargement. General: Chilly and sensitive to drafts. Local: Constipation without urge. Mental: Worn-out from duties. Lycopodium clavatum Thyroiditis. Hypothyroid. Hyperthyroid. Thyroid:Right-sided thyroid enlargement or nodule. General: Intolerant of fasting; cannot skip a meal. Local:Hard knotty stool followed by liquid stool. Mental:Anxious, unable to face challenges. Lycopus virginicus Hyperthyroid. Thyroid: Diffusely enlarged. Enlarged thyroid after suppressed menses or hemorrhoids. General: Tremulous. Tremulous weakness. Heat intolerance. Weak or faint after climbing or any exertion. Erratic pains through body. Local: Exophthalmus. Violent and rapid palpitations. Pain and palpitations worse lying on right side. Oppression of chest. Choking on lying down. Mental: Nervous and hurried. Restless activity. "Ready for any amount of work." Mental dullness; mind wandering. Nux vomica Hyperthyroidism. Hypothyroidism. Thyroid: Slight enlargement but marked symptomatology. General: Chilly but easily overheated from any exertion. Cold perspiration from slight exertion. Tremulous and physical tension. Local: Exophthalmus.

Tension in the throat; intolerant of collars. Muscle tension or cramps. Tremor of hands. Mental: Hurried, irritable, even violent. Industrious and ambitious in the extreme. Phosphorus Thyroiditis. Hyperthyroid. Thyroid: Goitre on the right side. Local: Exophthalmus. Palpitations, worse lying on left side, worse excitement. Sepia officinalis Hypothyroid. Thyroid: Goitre, more on the right side. General: Cold; especially hands and feet cold. Worse: 4 to 6 PM or before supper. Before or during menses. From nursing or blood loss. Local: Sallow, yellow complexion. Thickened skin. Constipation without urging. Mental: Dullness and depression. Indifference. Weeping. Irritable and sluggish. Spongia tosta Hyperthyroid. Thyroid: Markedly swollen, indurated and painful thyroid. Painful goitre, worse swallowing. Stitching pains. Choking or constricted sensation in thyroid, worse tight collars. Sensation of air passing through goitre when breathing. Sensation of motion in the thyroid. General: Warm; flushes of heat. Aggravation comes on during sleep. Local: Exophthalmus. Violent palpitations. Anxiety and oppression in chest. Suffocative feeling associated with goitre. Orchitis or ovarian pains. Mental: Cheerfulness alternates with seriousness. Concomitant: Asthma. Thyreoidinum Hyperthyroid. Hypothyroid. Thyroid: Goitre. General: Faintness on standing, especially morning on waking. Sleepiness all day long. Worse: Before or during menses. Better: After menses. Obesity. Emaciation.

Tremor. Local: Exophthalmus. Dilated pupils. Falling of hair. Weak heart with numb fingers. Palpitations, worse lying, worse slight exertion. Extremity pain better during menses. Mental: Depression on waking in the morning. Ill-tempered, quarrelsome, rages over trifles. Dictatorial. Averse to contradiction. Paranoia. Chest Cough Cough This chapter on cough includes sections on: Uncomplicated Cough Croup Pertussis Many conditions present with cough as a major component including asthma, pneumonia, pertussis, croup, influenza, sinusitis and upper respiratory infections. (Note that asthma and pneumonia are dealt with in separate chapters). One of the first principles of treating cough is to be certain that we are not treating a more serious or potentially dangerous condition. Repertory It is not always easy to find a specific cough symptom in the repertory. This is partly because of language difficulties (i.e. we think to look under "Hard" cough instead of "Violent" cough) and also because it is difficult to remember all of the terms listed. Below is a list of some important categories and modalities to assist in finding the right rubric. Times The main rubrics related to time of cough are found at the front of the cough section. Also extensive time modalities are found under, "Dry Cough," "Hacking Cough," "Loose Cough," "Paroxysmal Cough," "Spasmodic Cough," "Tickling Cough," "Violent Cough" and "Whooping Cough." Weather • temperature Air (open, cold, etc.). Autumn. Cellars. Cold. Damp rooms. Fog. Heated. Icy air.

Room, inside. Sea wind. Snow. Spring. Sun. Uncovering. Warm. Weather (subrubrics). Wet, becoming. Winter. Position Bed. Bending. Kneeling. Lying. Raised, must be. Raising arms. Sit, must. Sitting. Standing. Stooping. Stretching. Turning head. Foods Acids. Beer. Brandy. Breakfast. Coffee. Cold drinks. Dinner. Drinking. Eating. Fasting. Fat foods. Fish. Fruit. Hunger. Ice cream. Liquids. Meat. Milk.

Peppervv Potatoes. Salt. Smoking. Sour. Spirits. Sugar. Supper. Sweetmeats. Tea. Vinegar. Warm fluids. Warm food. Wine. Emotions Agitation. Anger. Chagrin. Consolation. Crying. Excitement. Fretting. Fright. Grief. Hysterical. Nervous. Persons in room. Spoken to. Strangers. Student. Surprise. Sympathetic. Thinking of it. Vexation. External irritants Acrid sense. Bright objects. Brushing teeth. Carbon vapors. Clothing. Dry cough, smokers. Dust.

Fire. Flatus. Hack, smokers. Music. Noise. Odors. Piano. Pressing larynx. Smoke. Sulphur fumes. Touch of ear. Touch of larynx. Violin. Activities Ascending. Breathing. Brushing teeth. Closing eyes. Coition. Coughing aggravates. Crying. Dancing. Dscending. Dentition. Eructation. Exertion. Expectoration, ameliorates. Expiration. Inspiration. Laughing. Lifting. Manual labor. Motion. Moving. Panting. Putting tongue out. Reading aloud. Riding. Running. Singing. Sneezing.

Talking. Walking. Writing. Yawning. Irritating sensations Burning. Choking. Crawling sensation. Crumb sensation. Down sensation. Dry cough from: - tickling. - irritation. Dryness inside. Dust sensation. Foreign body sensation. Full sensation. Hair sensation. Hacking from: - tickle. - dryness. Irritation. Itching. Pain. Plug sensation. Prickling. Rawness. Roughness. Scratching sensation. Spot, sensation of. Stitching sensation. Stinging sensation. Swollen sensation. Tickling. Tingling. Titillating. Worm sensation. Associated illnesses • conditions Chicken pox. Chills. Convulsions. Elongated uvula.

Eruptions. Fever. Gonorrhea. Gout. Hemorrhoids. Heartburn. Heart disease. Labor. Measles. Menses. pregnancy. Remittent fever. Scarlatina. Sciatica. Spleen. Stomach. Stool, frequent. Vaccination. Variola. Types of Cough Asthmatic. Barking. Choking. Croaking. Croup. Deep. Difficult. Distressing. Dry. Exhausting. Explosive. Forcible. Hacking. Hard. Hectic. Hissing. Hoarse. Hollow. Irritable. Loose. Metallic. Minute gun.

Overpowering. Painful. Paroxysmal. Periodic. Persistent. Racking. Rasping. Rattling. Ringing. Rough. Scraping. Sharp. Short. Shrill. Sibilant. Sonorous. Spasmodic. Straining. Sudden. Suffocative. Tearing. Tight. Toneless. Tormenting. Trumpet. Tube-like. Violent. Whistling. Whooping. Other related rubrics In addition to these rubrics found in the chapter, "Cough," there are numerous other important rubrics to consider scattered throughout the repertory. I have selected only a representative number of these to conserve space, eliminating those which do not add much information (For example, many of the pain modalities from head pain from cough - i.e. Head, Pain, cutting, tearing, etc.). Mind, Anger, Cough, before. Mind, Anger, Cough, from the. Mind, Anxiety, Cough, before. Mind, Anxiety, Cough, Whooping cough, before attack of. Mind, Anxiety, Cough, during. Mind, Anxiety, Cough, from. Mind, Clinging, Children, Cough, during. Mind, Confusion, Cough, Before paroxysm of.

Mind, Delirium, Cough, with. Mind, Dreams, Cough, Dry, Chronic and consumptive. Mind, Dullness, Cough, during. Mind, Fear, Cough, during. Mind, Fear, Speak, To, Lest he bring on cough. Mind, Frightened easily, Cough, during. Mind, Insanity, Cough, with. Mind, Irritability, Cough, before. Mind, Moaning, Cough, during. Mind, Restlessness, Coughing, with. Mind, Restlessness, Coughing, With, at night. Mind, Sadness, Cough, after. Mind, Shrieking, Cough. Mind, Unconsciousness, Cough, Attacks of, between. Mind, Weeping, Coughing, before. Mind, Weeping, Coughing, during. Mind, Weeping, Coughing, after. Vertigo, Coughing, on. Head, Congestion, Coughing, on. Head, Constriction, Coughing, on. Head, Constriction, Forehead, Coughing, on. Head, Constriction, Occiput, Coughing, on. Head, Constriction, Temples, Cough, during. Head, Fullness, Coughing, with. Head, Fullness, Occiput, Coughing, on. Head, Hands, Holds head with, Coughing, on. Head, Heat, Cough, during. Head, Heaviness, Coughing, on. Head, Heaviness, Occiput, Cough, with. Head, Jerking, Head forward and knees upward, Cough, during. Head, Looseness, Sensation of, Brain, Coughing, on. Head, Motions, Coughing, when. Head, Noises, Humming or roaring, Coughing, on. Head Pain, Alternating with, cough. Head Pain, Coughing, on. Head Pain, Coughing on, ameliorates. Head Pain, Forehead, coughing. Head Pain, Forehead, Eyes, Above, Coughing, after. Head Pain, Occiput, Coughing, on. Head Pain, Sides, Coughing, on. Head Pain, Temples, Coughing, on. Head Pain, Vertex, Coughing, on.

Head Pain, Bursting, Coughing, on. Head Pain, Stitching, Coughing, when. Head, Perspiration, Scalp, Coughing, on. Head, Perspiration, Scalp, Forehead, Cough, during. Head, Perspiration, Scalp, Temples, Cough, on. Head, Pulsating, Coughing, from. Head, Pulsating, Occiput, Cough, during. Head, Shaking sensation, Cough, during. Head, Shocks, Coughing when. Head, Shocks, Temples, Cough, during. Head, Trembling, Cough, during. Head, Twitching, Cough, during. Eye, Bleeding, Cough, Whooping cough, from. Eye, Bleeding, Retina, Cough, from. Eye, Ecchymosis, Coughing, from. Eye, Lacrimation, Cough, with. Eye, Lacrimation, Cough, Whooping cough, with. Eye, Pain, Coughing, on. Eye, Pain, Stitching, Coughing, when. Vision, Sparks, Coughing, when. Ear, Discharge, Blood, Cough, during. Ear, Noises, Coughing, on. Ear, Pain, Cough, during. Hearing, Impaired, Cough, during. Hearing, Impaired, Cough, ameliorates. Nose, Coryza, Cough, with. Nose, Epistaxis, Cough, with. Nose, Epistaxis, Cough, Whooping cough, with. Nose, Epistaxis, Cough, Whooping cough, Paroxysm, after. Nose, Pain, Posterior nares, Coughing, from. Nose, Pain, Stitching, Coughing, from. Nose, Sneezing, Coughing, after. Nose, Sneezing, Coughing, between. Nose, Sneezing, Coughing, Whooping cough, with. Face, Discoloration, Bluish, Cough, during. Face, Discoloration, Bluish, Cough, Whooping cough, during. Face, Discoloration, Bluish, Lips, Cough, Whooping cough, during. Face, Discoloration, Red, Cough, during. Face, Discoloration, Red, Dark red, Cough, during. Face, Heat, Flushes, Cough, during. Face, Pain, Cough, during. Face, Perspiration, Coughing, when.

Face, Stiffness, Muscles, Cough, during. Face, Twitching, Coughing, when. Mouth, Bleeding, Whooping Cough, in. Mouth, Mucus, Flies from mouth, Coughing, when. Mouth, Odor, Offensive, Cough, during. Mouth, Salivation, Cough, with. Mouth, Taste, Bad, Coughing, on. Mouth, Taste, Bloody, Coughing, when. Mouth, Taste, Eggs, Like rotten, Cough, with. Mouth, Taste, Putrid, Coughing, after. Mouth, Taste, Sour, Coughing, when. Mouth, Taste, Sweetish, Coughing, after. Teeth, Pain, Coughing, aggravates. Throat, Choking, Coughing, on. Throat, Gurgling, Coughing, after. Throat, Heat, Cough, after. Throat, Pain, Coughing, on. Throat, Pain, Coughing, after. Throat, Pain, burning, Cough, after. Throat, Pain, Rawness, Coughing, when. Throat, Pulsating, Cough, after. Throat, Sulphur vapor in throat, Sensation, Coughing, on. External Throat, Formication, Throat pit, Cough, causing. Stomach, Emptiness, Cough, with. Stomach, Eructation, Coughing, after. Stomach, Eructation, Pungent, Coughing, on. Stomach, Gagging, Coughing, from. Stomach, Hiccough, Cough, after. Stomach, Nausea, Cough, during. Stomach, Pain, Cough, Before an attack of. Stomach, Pain, Coughing, from. Stomach, Pain, Sore, Coughing, on. Stomach, Pulsation, Cough, with. Stomach, Pulsation, Coughing, from. Stomach, Retching, Cough, with. Stomach, Vomiting, Coughing, on. Stomach, Vomiting, Bile, Cough, during. Stomach, Vomiting, Food, Cough, from. Stomach, Vomiting, Mucus, Cough, from. Abdomen, Constriction, Hypochondria, Cough, during. Abdomen, Contraction, Coughing, on. Abdomen, Distension, Whooping cough, with.

Abdomen, Pain, Cough, during. Abdomen, Pain, Extending, Pubic region, Coughing, when. Abdomen, Pain, Extending, Spermatic cord, Coughing, when. Abdomen, Pain, Extending, Testicles, Coughing, when. Abdomen, Pain, Hypochondria right, Coughing, on. Abdomen, Pain, Hypochondria left, Coughing, on. Abdomen, Pain, Hypochondria, Coughing, from. Abdomen, Pain, Hypogastrium, Coughing, on. Abdomen, Pain, Inguinal, Coughing. Abdomen, Pain, Inguinal, Hernia, As if, Would appear, Coughing, on. Abdomen, Pain, Inguinal ring, Coughing, on. Abdomen, Pain, Inguinal ring, Coughing on, Extending into testes. Abdomen, Pain, Liver, Coughing. Abdomen, Pain, Spleen, Coughing, on. Abdomen, Pain, Umbilicus, Cough, during. Abdomen, Shaking, Internal, Cough, from. Rectum, Diarrhea, Cough, with. Rectum, Flatus, Coughing, on. Rectum, Hemorrhoids, Pain, Stitches in rectum, Coughing, when. Rectum, Involuntary stool, Coughing or sneezing, on. Rectum, Pain, Cough, from. Rectum, Pain, Stitching, Coughing, on. Rectum, Prolapse, Coughing. Bladder, Pain, pressing, pressure in, Coughing, when. Bladder, Urination, Involuntary, Cough, during. Male, Pain, Penis, Cough, during. Male, Pain, Spermatic cords, Cough, during. Male, Pain, Testes, Coughing, on. Male, Perspiration, Coughing aggravates. Female, Handles genitals, Cough or spasms, during. Female, Leucorrhea, Albuminous, Cough, with. Larynx, Constriction, Larynx, Cough, during. Larynx, Croup, Whooping cough, during. Larynx, Dryness, Larynx, Coughing, on. Larynx, Irritation, Increases the more one coughs. Larynx, Laryngismus, Stridulus, Cough, before. Larynx, Mucus in air passages, Larynx, Cough, After each paroxysmal. Larynx, Pain, Larynx, Cough, on. Larynx, Pain, Larynx, Cough on, Grasps the larynx. Larynx, Pain, Larynx, Cough, Torn loose, As if something were being. Larynx, Pain, Trachea, Coughing, on. Larynx, Pain, Burning, Cough, during.

Larynx, Pain, Burning, Larynx, Cough, during. Larynx, Pain, Burning, Trachea, Cough, with. Larynx, Pain, Raw in air passages, Larynx, Coughing, from. Larynx, Pain, Rawness in air passages, Trachea, Coughing, when. Larynx, Sulphur vapor, As from, Cough, during. Larynx, Supports, Larynx, Coughing, on. Larynx, Voice, Hoarseness, Cough, During, ameliorates. Larynx, Voice, Lost, Cough, with. Respiration, Accelerated, Cough, During paroxysm of. Respiration, Arrested, Coughing. Respiration, Asthmatic, Coughing, aggravates. Respiration, Asthmatic, Coughing, after. Rspiration, Catching, Cough. Respiration, Catching, Cough, after. Respiration, Difficult, Cough, with. Respiration, Difficult, Expiration, Cough, during. Respiration, Gasping, Cough, before. Respiration, Gasping, Cough, during. Respiration, Impeded, Cough, during. Respiration, Impeded, Cough, Dry, without expectoration. Respiration, Rough, Cough, between. Respiration, Whistling, Cough, during. Respiration, Whistling, Whooping Cough, in. Chest, Anxiety in, Coughing, on. Chest, Coldness, Sides, Left, Cough, with. Chest, Constriction, Cough, during. Chest, Constriction, Cough, Spasmodic, during. Chest, Constriction, Cough, Whooping cough, during. Chest, Constriction, Sternum, Coughing, on. Chest, Cramp, Coughing, on. Chest, Distension, Sensation of, Cough, from. Chest, Emptiness, Sensation of, Cough, during. Chest, Emptiness, Sensation of, Cough, after. Chest, Oppression, Coughing, when. Chest, Pain, Cough, during. Chest, Pain, Mammae, Cough, during. Chest, Pain, Sides, Cough, during. Chest, Pain, Lungs, Right, Base, Cough, during. Chest, Pain, Sternum, Coughing, when. Chest, Pain, Sternum, Behind, Coughing, when. Chest, Pain, Burning, Coughing, during. Chest, Pain, Burning, Coughing, after.

Chest, Pain, Rawness, Night, Cough, during. Chest, Pain, Rawness, Coughing, when. Chest, Pain, Rawness, Coughing, after. Chest, Pain, Sore, Coughing, from. Chest, Pain, Sore, Holds chest with hands, Cough, during. Chest, Pain, Sore, Sternum, Cough, during. Chest, Pain, Sore, Sternum, Under, Coughing, on. Chest, Pain, Stitching, Coughing. Chest, Palpitation heart, Cough, during. Chest, Shaking of, Cough, during. Chest, Shocks, Cough, with. Chest, Spasms of, Coughing, when. Chest, Weakness, Cough, from. Back, Coldness, Dorsal region, Scapulae, Between, Cough, with. Back, Coldness, Lumbar region, Cough, with. Back, Pain, Coughing, when. Back, Pain, Cervical region, Coughing. Back, Pain, Dorsal region, Coughing. Back, Pain, Dorsal region, Scapulae, Right, Under, Coughing, when. Back, Pain, Dorsal region, Scapulae, Left, Under, Cough, during. Back, Pain, Dorsal region, Scapulae, Coughing, when. Back, Pain, Dorsal region, Scapulae, Between, Cough, during. Back, Pain, Lumbar region, Coughing, when. Back, Pain, Lumbar region, Extending to, Testes, Coughing, on. Back, Pain, Lumbo-sacral region, Coughing, on. Back, Pain, Sacral region, Coughing, when. Back, Pain, Spine, Cough, during. Back, Pulsating, Coughing, aggravates. Extremity, Coldness, Upper Limbs, Cough, during. Extremity, Coldness, Hands, Cough, during. Extremity, Contraction, Fingers, Spasmodic, Cough, during. Extremity, Convulsion, Cough, during. Extremity, Cramps, Leg, Cough, during. Extremity, Jerking, Lower limbs, Coughing while sitting. Extremity, Jerking, Knee, Upward, Cough, during. Extremity, Numbness, Fingers, Tips of, Whooping cough, during. Extremity, Perspiration, Hand, Coughing, on. Extremity, Stiffness, Cough, before. Extremity, Stiffness, Cough, during. Extremity, Trembling, Coughing, from. Extremity, Twitching, Hand, Coughing, when. Extremity, Pain, Upper limbs, Cough, during.

Extremity, Pain, Upper limbs, Shoulder, Cough, during. Extremity, Pain, Lower limbs, Sciatica, Coughing. Extremity, Pain, Lower limbs, Hip, Coughing, on. Extremity, Pain, Lower limbs, Thigh, Coughing, Extending to knee. Extremity, Pain, Lower limbs, Knee, Cough, during. Extremity, Pain, Lower limbs, Leg, Cough, during. Extremity, Pain, Lower limbs, Leg, Calf, Coughing, on. Sleep, Sleepiness, Cough, with. Sleep, Sleepiness, Cough, after. Sleep, Sleeplessness, Cough, from. Sleep, Waking, Midnight, After, 3 AM, Cough, from. Sleep, Waking, Cough, from. Sleep, Waking, Cough, From, Menses, during. Sleep, Yawning, Coughing, when. Sleep, Yawning, Coughing, after. Chill, Coughing, from. Chill, Drinking, Causes, cough. Fever, Coughing increases heat. Perspiration, Coughing, from. Perspiration, Coughing, night. Perspiration, Coughing, Paroxysms of, end with. Perspiration, Odor, Offensive, Cough, after. General, Convulsions, Cough, after. General, Fainting, Cough, during. General, Pulsation, Externally, Cough, during. General, Stretching, Cough, after. General, Trembling, Coughing, from. General, Weakness, Cough, after. General, Weakness, Cough, from. Uncomplicated cough This category of coughs includes conditions such as upper respiratory infections, allergy, mild forms of bronchitis and tracheitis and coughs provoked by post-nasal drainage. They are generally self-limited conditions though many patients with such conditions would be treated with cough suppressants and antibiotics by allopathic physicians. As long as we are certain through appropriate examination that our patient is not suffering from a deeper disorder such as pneumonia or asthma, there is no danger in counseling our patient to avoid allopathic treatment for these conditions. These conditions respond well to homeopathic treatment. Most minor infections of this sort do not even require homeopathic treatment. One of the keys for knowing when homeopathic treatment is warranted is that the symptom picture is clear. Routine or superficial prescriptions of Spongia, Coccus Cacti, etc. generally fail and may change or obscure the case. This sort of prescription generally takes place under pressure from anxious parents. It is wise to think through this dilemma in advance and have a routine set of recommendations to offer or even a typed handout sheet.

Therapeutic tips for uncomplicated cough Homeopathic For minor coughs, it is convenient to give a 30C dose two to three times daily. If the patient is under constitutional homeopathic treatment, it is best to give naturopathic treatment rather than an acute remedy. If the illness is severe enough to warrant homeopathic treatment, but the symptoms do not positively indicate a specific acute remedy, we can repeat the constitutional remedy in a 30C or 200C dose. Naturopathic For mild cases of cough, simple measures often suffice: Echinacea tincture (30 drops in liquid per day for up to seven days). Vitamin C (2000 mg. per day). Zinc lozenges (25 mg. chewable lozenge TID). Warm teas. In productive coughs where the symptoms are not severe or clear enough to warrant homeopathic treatment, Yerba Santa or Throat-coat teas can be very helpful. Golden seal should be reserved more for bronchitis and other serious coughs which have not responded quickly to our best chosen remedies. For irritated coughs, involuntary tickling coughs, it is often helpful to give mint tea or peppermint candies. (Our literature verifies that Menta Piperita is an excellent remedy in such cases). Allopathic The use of mild allopathic cough suppressants at bedtime for patients with persisting coughs generally does no harm to the homeopathic treatment. However, in any productive cough it is important to limit the use of cough suppressants to sleep hours and allow the sputum to be expectorated during the day. Decongestants (allopathic or herbal - Ephedra, etc.) and antihistamines are definitely contraindicated in productive coughs. Any patient with a cough which is not resolving within 24 hours of treatment should be examined in the office. Remedies Main remedies for uncomplicated cough Bryonia alba Severely painful cough felt in whole head and chest. Must hold the chest with each cough and sometimes holds the head. Dry cough with each movement or deep breath. Fears to inspire. Worse: Eating or swallowing. Overheating. Lying with head low. Ascending. Raising arms. Bending head backward. Better: Open air. (See also Pertussis, Pneumonia). Causticum Irritated, tickling cough with scant, difficult expectoration. Causticum can have coughs at any hour, but a cough which vanishes during the day completely is an indication for this remedy. Worse: Drafts or cold air. Bathing. Becoming heated in bed at night. Lying. Only on lying. Bending head forward. Talking. Better: Cold drinks. Rainy weather. Often associated with hoarseness.

Rawness in the chest or tickling in the larynx provokes the cough. Feeling of mucus in the chest which makes him try to cough just a little deeper to get it up. Local: Urinary incontinence with cough. Pain in hips, especially left hip during cough. Expectoration: Sticky. Greasy or soapsuds. Unable to raise the mucus no matter how hard he tries; sputum must be swallowed. (See also Pertussis). Coccus cacti Paroxysmal, tickling cough at 6 to 7 AM or after 11:30 PM. Worse: Becoming heated. Warm rooms. Warm drinks or food. Lying. Rinsing out the mouth. Winter. In alcoholics. Better: Cold or open air. Cold drinks or cold food. Hard, short, hacking coughs in paroxysms ending in copious mucus. Cough produces ropes of thick mucus. Also totally dry coughs. (See also Pertussis). Kalium carbonicum Bronchitis and productive cough. Dry, tickling cough. Cough at night, especially 2 to 4 AM and in the morning. Cough awakens the patient, especially after midnight. Crawling, tickling sensation on first lying at night provokes cough. Worse: 2 to 4 AM. On first going to sleep. Cold air or from the slightest draft. Lying. Exertion. Deep inspiration. Warm food. Better: Sitting upright or even bent forward. Vomits with cough. Stitching pains in chest with each cough. (See also Pneumonia, Pertussis). Pulsatilla pratensis Cough from allergy and asthma or from fluent colds. Loose rattling coughs with green, juicy expectoration. Worse: Evening or at night in bed. Becoming cold (especially during infection). Warm room (in allergies). Becoming wet. Smoky rooms. Warm drinks. Heavy exertion. Lying. Measles. Before menses or from suppressed menses. Better: Open or cool air. Gentle walking. Sitting. Deep breath. Lying propped on pillows. Children with nighttime coughs, from post-nasal drainage. Dry cough evening, then loose during the morning. Local: Lacrimation during cough. Involuntary urination during the cough. Chest pain during cough.

Expectoration: Morning on rising. Yellow or green mucus. Easy production of juicy green mucus. Bitter sputum. Phosphorus Every cold ends in a cough and chest infection. Dry, tickling cough. Painful cough. Burning in chest with cough. Worse: Evening or twilight. Sleep; awakens from the cough. Cold air. Entering or leaving a warm room to go into (or come out from) the cold. Lying on left side. Odors, smoke or fumes. Talking. Reading aloud. Singing. Better: Turning to the right side. Warmth. Local: Marked headache during the cough. Burning or painful chest from cough, must hold or squeeze it. General trembling and exhaustion during cough. Rumex crispus Tickling irritated coughs - the main remedy. Incessant, violent, tickling cough with scant expectoration. Intense tickling in larynx and trachea, worse cold air. Covers his mouth when he must go out into the cold air. Worse: 11 PM. Morning. Cold or open air. Entering or leaving a warm room - to or from cold. Changes in air flow. Undressing. Uncovering. Bending the head backwards. Inspiring. Talking. Lying. Pressing even lightly in the pit of the throat. Changing the rate or rhythm of respiration. Better: Turning onto the right side. Dry, irritated cough. Also productive, hard cough. Spongia tosta Dry, hacking cough from allergy, asthma or infection. Worse: Before or at midnight. Both day and night. Cold, dry air. Cold drinks. Better: Warm drinks or food. From eating or drinking. From constantly sucking on hard candy or "Cough drops." Sitting. From bending the head forward. Barking, croupy, or irritated cough, often with constriction or tickling in the larynx. Suffocative cough; cyanosis with cough. Marked burning in the throat, larynx and chest with each cough. (See also Croup). Other important remedies for uncomplicated cough Aconitum napellus Develops suddenly after exposure to cold, dry air or winds.

Often accompanied by high fever. Worse: Night or during sleep, often just after falling asleep. Inspiration. Lying on either side. Drinking wine. Better: Lying on the back. The patient may be highly anxious or fearful and restless. (See also Pneumonia, Croup, Pertussis). Agaricus muscarius Cough especially from allergic conditions. Dry, tickling cough with irritation or itching in the air passages. Cough from touching or itching the ear canal. Cough paroxysm ends in sneeze or mixed together with sneezes. Allium cepa Cough from colds or hayfever. Often with copious watery discharge. Worse: Evening. Warm room. Entering or leaving a warm room to or from the cold. Better: Open air. Painful cough. Grasps the larynx in pain with each cough. Ambra grisea Spasmodic cough mixed with eructations. Worse: Elderly patients. Nervous cough in presence of strangers. From embarassment. From music. Talking or reading aloud. Better: Open air. Motion. Antimonium crudum Paroxysmal cough with hoarseness or aphonia. Violent first paroxysm followed by progressively weaker attacks. Cough seems to originate in the intestines. Worse: Morning, especially after rising. Entering a warm room. Sun. Radiant heat. Looking at a fire. After cold bathing, swimming. Cough associated with marked white discoloration of tongue. Cough associated with chicken pox. Antimonium tartaricum Noisy, rattling, loose cough, as if chest is filled with mucus. Young children or elderly with cough too weak to expel the mucus. Worse: Night, especially from 10 PM until after midnight. Anger. Eating. Yawning. Lying flat. Better: Sitting. After expectoration. The patient may be irritable and averse to touch or examination. (See also Pertussis, Pneumonia). Arnica montana Cough in influenza, etc. with great aching and soreness in the body. Painful cough, the patient holds his chest with each cough. Cough each time the child starts to weep.

Cough during fever, especially in the defervescent phase. (See also Pertussis). Arsenicum album Cough from allergy or infection or irritated air passages. Worse: Night from 12 to 2 AM. Cold or open air. Cold drinks. Lying. Dust, smoke or fumes. Ascending stairs. Better: Warmth and warm drinks. Sitting upright. The patient is often chilly, restless, thirsty for sips, anxious. Increased perspiration during cough and dyspnea. (See also Pertussis, Pneumonia). Badiaga Paroxysms of cough from a tickling sensation in the larynx. Worse: Cold air. Becoming cold. Eating sweets. Better: Warmth. Viscid mucus flies from the mouth (or nose) forcibly with the cough. Belladonna Sudden high fever with forceful coughing paroxysm. Worse: Motion. Deep breath. Dust. Any touch of larynx. Yawning. Cough provoked by sensation of foreign body in the larynx. Each cough causes more irritation in the air passages which provokes more coughing. Local: Severe, bursting headache with each cough. Bright red face with cough. Marked spine pains during cough. (See also Pneumonia, Pertussis). Bromium Cough from infection or allergy, especially in the summer months. Suffocative paroxysms of cough. Worse: Morning on rising and evening upon lying down to sleep. Heat or a warm room. Inspiration. Swallowing. From irritation in larynx. Better: Open air. Dry, hard cough from the irritation of smoke or dust. Almost always begins with or accompanied by laryngitis. (See also Croup). Calcarea carbonica Dry cough evening and loose in the morning. Cough from irritation of larynx. Feels a plug moving up and down in the trachea, provoking cough. Worse: Damp cold weather. Drafts. Eating. Piano music. Capsicum annuum Tickling or nervous cough. Worse: Evening. As soon as the head touches the pillow.

Better: Cold drinks. Local: Headache with cough. Grabs the head during the cough. Pains in distant parts of the body when coughing. Expectoration: Foul sputum, breath, eructations after cough. Chamomilla Coughs in children and infants, especially during dentition. Worse: Anger. Night during sleep. 10 PM. 9 AM. Chronic cough in cranky, difficult children. Cina maritima Paroxysmal coughs. Hacking cough. Gagging with cough. Worse: Morning upon rising. From anger. Autumn or spring. Alternates with sneezes. Coughs in children with pinworms. Especially for children who are extremely irritable, restless, picking at the nose. Conium maculatum Tickling cough from irritation or dryness in throat or chest. Immediately upon lying must sit up and expectorate which relieves. Worse: Night, immediately on lying. Only on first lying. Deep breath. Going into the open air. Pregnancy. Acids. Salty food. Pain in the breast on coughing, especially the left breast. Cough causes pain in the sternum extending through to the back. Cuprum metallicum Serious paroxysms of cough, often suffocative or choking. Worse: Cold air. Swallowing or eating. Deep inspiration. Sea air. Better: Cold drinks. (See also Pertussis). Drosera rotundifolia Paroxysms of hard, deep and even violent cough. Very irritated airways with tickling and dryness in throat. Worse: Night, especially 12 to 2 AM. Drinking or eating. Talking or singing. Smoke or other irritants. Lying at night, though may be better on lying during the day. As soon as the head touches the pillow. Better: On sitting up. Walking slowly. Painful cough and must hold the chest or epigastrium. Suffocative cough, so painful he cannot cough until he presses in the pit of his stomach. Purulent, bitter or even bloody expectoration. Dulcamara Cough and bronchitis every time the weather turns cold and damp. Tickling or rawness in the back of the throat. Worse: Breathing deeply. Lying. Change of weather. Winter. Easy expectoration. Eupatorium perfoliatum

Cough associated with fever and aching. Worse: Inspiring. Better: Getting on hands and knees. Must hold the chest during the cough. Euphrasia officinalis Especially in coughs of allergic origin. Coughs all day but becomes perfectly quiet at night. Marked improvement upon lying down. Worse: Talking. Smoke. Better: Eating. Tickling cough in paroxysms. Violent coughs. Often associated with conjunctivitis or lacrimation. Ferrum metallicum Oppression of chest and tickling coughs. Worse: Morning after rising. Motion or exertion. Raising the arms. Walking. After eating or sometimes while still eating. Better: Lying down. Walking slowly. Regurgitates undigested food with each cough. Hepar sulphur Productive cough with thick, yellow mucus. Also dry, croupy cough. Worse: Evening in bed until midnight. Cold weather. Cold dry air. Cold drink or food. Slightest drafts. Wind. Uncovering or undressing. Getting even just one hand cold. After eating, especially lunch. Talking. Better: Warmth. From expectoration. Dry cough at night but loose in the morning. Hysterical cough all night long. (See also Croup). Hippozaeninum In chronic, suffocative bronchitis with thick, difficult mucus. Worse: Elderly patients. Rattling, asthmatic respiration of elderly (Ant-T, Ammc). Hyoscyamus niger Irritated, tickling cough with spasms of chest and sweats. Cough from spinal irritation, in strokes or neurological conditions. Tickling or spasm from a dry spot in the larynx. Worse: Night. Cold air. Immediately upon lying. Talking. Eating. Drinking. Better: Sitting upright. Cough awakens the patient. Totally sleepless due to cough. Ignatia amara Cough associated with emotional stress or grief. Can hardly stop coughing to breathe. Hysterical cough.

Worse: Worse the more the patient coughs. Smoke or other irritants. On stopping to rest during a walk. Iodium Especially allergic coughs, worse in the summer or fall. Worse: From heat. Better: Open air. Tickling or irritation in the larynx provokes cough. Burning in chest from each cough. Ipecacuanha Almost always a totally dry cough: Tracheitis. Bronchiolitis. Asthma. Irritated or tickling cough in paroxysms. Choking or gagging with cough. Frequently vomiting with the cough. Worse: Night, especially at 7 PM. Deep inspiration, especially morning while lying in bed. Eating. In a warm room. Better: After expectoration. Cold drinks. (See also Croup, Pertussis, Pneumonia). Kalium bichromicum Rattling, productive cough, often associated with sinusitis. Worse: Night from 1 to 3 AM. Morning on rising. Cold. Uncovering. Eating. After eating lunch. Better: Once he warms up in bed. Sitting up. Cough improves after a little expectoration. Thick, sticky or stringy mucus; expelled with difficulty. Kalium sulphuricum Cough and bronchitis, worse in the evening or at night. Rattling chest and productive cough. Thick yellow expectoration. Worse: Evening. 2 AM. Warm room. Better: Open air or cold air. Cold drinks. Lachesis mutus Intense coughing from allergy, severe infections or cardiac illness. Worse: All night, disturbing sleep. Morning upon awakening. Awakens with cough immediately upon falling asleep. Stuffy room. Lying, especially lying on the left side. Drinking. Pressure or even touching the throat or larynx. Better: Open air. After expectoration. Irritated cough from constriction or sensation of a crumb in larynx. Irritation of larynx so extreme that any attempt to talk causes cough. (See also Pneumonia). Lycopodium clavatum Frequent episodes of dry, tickling coughs. Chronic teasing cough.

Worse: 4 to 8 PM. Evening or night in bed. On falling asleep (or prevents falling asleep). Exertion. Lying on the left side. Empty swallowing. On descending stairs. Better: Warm drinks. Lying on the back. Cough in bed at night from sensation of a feather tickling the larynx. Chronic cough in emaciated boys. Local: Pulsation in head from cough. Bitemporal headache from cough. Shocks or pain in the chest from cough. Expectoration: Salty. Expectorates only after eating. Manganum aceticum Tickling, irresistable cough with hoarseness. Worse: Afternoon, especially 4 PM. Damp weather. Deep breathing. Singing or reading aloud. Laughing. Better: Lying down. Lying on the back. Medorrhinum Lingering or asthmatic cough after every cold or sinus infection. Children with post-nasal drainage and rattling deep in the chest. Constant clearing of the throat. Worse: Night. Better: Only able to expectorate when on the hands and knees. Expectoration: Pale greenish yellow, gelatinous mucus without taste. Natrium muriaticum Asthmatic type coughs from tickling in chest or epigastrium. Cough accompanied by lacrimation. Worse: Evening. On entering a warm room. Winter. Nux vomica Dry cough from allergies, asthma or from influenza. Worse: Morning on waking. 3 AM. From midnight until daybreak. Cold air or wind. Going from warm room into the cold. Eating. Associated with indigestion or gastritis. Anger. Excitement. Mental exertion. Abuse of coffee, alcohol. Motion, especially motion of the chest. Lying on the back. From sensation of itching in throat or chest. Better: Warmth or warm drinks. Lying on the side. Hard, racking, painful cough. Local: Pain in calf during the cough. Rhus toxicodendron Dry, irritated coughs. Productive coughs. Painful cough. Worse: 11 AM, 6 PM or night. Cold air. Open air. Damp weather. Bathing or getting wet. Sitting. During sleep. Lying. Undressing or uncovering even one part. Cough just before the chills (especially in intermittent fevers).

Better: Motion. Warm drinks. (See also Pneumonia). Sambucus nigra Sudden attacks of suffocative coughs at night. Worse: Midnight. On first falling asleep. Profuse perspiration on waking with cough and dyspnea. (See Croup). Sanguinaria canadensis Allergic and gastric coughs. Rose colds. Influenzal cough. Exhausting, spasmodic cough in children upon lying down at night. Every cold goes down to the chest. Worse: Night. Lying. Cold. Going to the cold from a warm room. Better: Eructations or flatus. After expectoration. Sitting. Local: Face turns red during coughing spell. Circumscribed red cheeks during cough. Crawling, dryness or tickling or sensation of a foreign body in he trachea. Marked burning behind the sternum and in the larynx. Expectoration: Exceedingly offensive. Senega Chronic or recurring coughs in the elderly or debilitated. Violent cough; asthmatic cough; respiratory compromise marked. Worse: Evening. Cold or open air. From even mild exertion. Lying, especially on right side. Dry, tickling coughs or weak cough with viscid mucus. Local: Sneezing mixed with cough or after the cough. Mucus collects in the larynx causing hoarseness and cough. Often complains of great soreness of the whole chest wall. Soreness of the left side of chest with motion of arms. Thorax feels too small or constricted. Expectoration: Sticky, translucent sputum. Yellow sputum. Sepia officinalis Constant cough, especially at night, often from post-nasal drainage. Nighttime coughs of children. Paroxysms of cough end in gagging and vomiting. Worse: Cold or damp weather. Lying and must sit up. Better: Turning to the right side. Taste of rotten eggs in mouth after cough. Urinary incontinence from cough. Silica marina Cough and congested chest; racking after every cold. Worse: Cold. Cold drinks or food. Uncovering the feet. Lying. From sensation of a hair on tongue or in larynx.

Lying. Motion. Over-heating and exertion. From talking. Better: Warm drinks. Expectoration: Lumpy yellow or green offensive sputum. Squilla maritima Sudden, violent coughing paroxysms. Worse: Taking a deep breath. Cold drinks. Dry cough followed by urge to blow the nose. Local: Marked headache from cough. Awful incontinence from cough - urine, stool, even tears. Enlarged or painful spleen with chronic cough. Severe abdominal pain during cough. Soreness of the chest from the violent cough. Expectoration: Copious sputum, but only in the morning hours. Stannum metallicum Deep and generally productive coughs accompanied by exhaustion. Worse: Warm drinks. Wine. Motion. Talking, laughing or singing. Lying on the right side. Cough triggered by mucus in the throat or larynx. The patient is often weakened; dyspneic from crossing the room. Too weak to even talk. Hollow feeling in the chest. Expectoration: Salty or sickly sweet, copious and green. (See also Pneumonia). Staphisagria Nervous, constant mild cough. Worse: All day. Only during day. After lunch. Meat. Brushing teeth. Cough alternates with sciatica. Sulphur Lingering or neglected coughs. Childhood coughs. Bronchitis. Worse: 11 AM. Night. Open air or cold. In bed. Lying, especially on the back or left side. Menses. Measles. Dry cough all night but loose during the day. Disturbs sleep. Local: Heat of the head during cough. Headache from a most violent cough. Burning in the chest with cough. Neck pain during or resulting from cough. Cough alternates with eruptions. Expectoration: Greenish. Yellow sticky mucus. Sweet mucus. Theridion curassavicum Considered a tubercular remedy. Violent cough causes the patient to double up, jerking the legs upward and head forward. Pain or stitches in the left apex through to the back.

Tuberculinum bovinum kent Dry, half-hearted chronic cough. Recurring bronchitis and respiratory infections, remedy generally not found from specific cough symptoms. Worse: Evenings. Cold air or drinks. Damp or rainy weather. Change of weather. Before a storm. Talking. At menarche. Raising the arms. Takes cold easily and always results in lingering "chest cold." Verbascum Thapsus Deep, hollow, or trumpet-like cough. Worse: Dry air. Warm room. Lying. Better: Taking a deep breath. Especially if associated with facial neuralgia. Zincum metallicum Spasmodic, irritated cough. Worse: Eating sweets. From wine. Excitement. Before menses, especially in the morning. Better: Expectoration. Cough associated with varices. Child handles the genitals while coughing. Croup Croup can generally be readily managed with homeopathic remedies. Some cases progress to dangerous degrees of dyspnea. Those cases should have their homeopathic treatment on route to the emergency room. Special attention should be placed on the presence of continuous stridor which may also be a sign of epiglotitis. Most parents are advised to take their child into the cold air or into a warm, steamy shower. In homeopathy we know that each remedy is individualized and thus we can give much more accurate advice once we know the remedy. For example, Hepar Sulphur patients should never be taken out into the cold, etc. Therapeutic tips Naturopathic Recommended dose of vitamin C (6 to 12 months: 60 mg. TID; 1 to 4 years: 100 to 200 mg. TID; 5 years and up: 500 mg. BID). Recommended dose of oral zinc lozenges (6 to 12 months: 5 mg. per day; 1 to 4 years: 5 mg. BID; 5 years and older: 5 mg. TID). Codliver oil (one teaspoon BID for toddlers) may help resolve the condition. Remedies Main remedies for croup Aconitum napellus Mainly useful in the first day of the attack. Often comes after exposure to cold, especially dry cold and wind. Wake from first part of sleep with dry, barky cough. Worse: Each inspiration. Drinking.

Stridor and suffocative coughing causes the child to cling to parents. Expectoration:No mucus present. Spongia tosta Dry, barking cough. Often described as a seal's bark or at other times as the sound made by a saw going through wood. Noisy, whistling type of stridor. Child awakens with fright and suffocative cough. Worse: At midnight or just after. Cold air or drinks. Better: Eating, drinking or nursing. Sitting upright or even bent forward. Bending head forward. Hepar sulphur Croup coming on in the night, often at 2 to 4 AM or toward morning. Worse: Being uncovered. Becoming cold. Cold air. Cold drinks. Better: Throwing the head backwards. Expectoration:Thick, rattling mucus. Other important remedies for croup Belladonna Croup starts suddenly in a child who seemed well in the morning. Strong paroxysms of cough with marked redness of the face. Worse: Touch or pressure on the larynx. Bromium Croupy cough coming in the summer months. Inspiration triggers spasm of larynx. Worse: Morning on rising and evening upon lying to sleep. Heat or a warm room. Inspiration. Swallowing. Better: Open air. Marked hoarseness during croup. Calcarea sulphurica Croup starts immediately after waking, especially in the morning. Better: Cold or open air. Being taken into a cold shower. Expectoration: Yellow or purulent. Coccus cacti Paroxysms of barking cough at night during sleep. Better: Cold or open air. Worse: If laid down in bed. Iodium Croup with paroxysms of cough and constriction in the larynx. Whistling stridor may be present. Difficult inspiration. Better: Cold air. Ipecacuanha Croup with gagging, retching or vomiting. Worse: Night. Warm room.

Often with an audible wheeze and even cyanosis. Kalium bichromicum "Metallic" sounding cough and spells of extreme dyspnea. Worse: Night. Cold air. Expectoration:Thick and stringy mucus. Lachesis mutus Croup with suffocative feeling. Worse: At night during sleep, waking the child many times. Closed or stuffy room. Anything touching the throat or tight collar. Better. Open air. Phosphorus Hard, racking, painful cough causing the child to hold his chest. Worse: Cold air. Talking. Inspiring. Rumex crispus Cough triggered by inspiration. Worse: Cold or open air. Entering or leaving a room. Just as the child is undressed. Sambucus nigra Sudden attacks of suffocative coughs at night. Wheezing or stridor on exhalation with the attack. Child wakes with weeping, dyspnea, cough and blueness. Worse: Midnight. On first falling asleep. Profuse perspiration on waking with cough and dyspnea. Pertussis Modern homeopaths have much less experience with whooping cough than our predecessors. It is interesting how many of our main pertussis remedies are neurological or epileptic remedies. This indicates that the condition is at least in part caused by neurological irritation from the infection. The high incidence of encephalitis from both the disease and the vaccine also confirm this observation. Our allopathic colleagues are often even more rusty on the diagnosis of pertussis than homeopaths. Many times in my career I have diagnosed pertussis when the pediatrician refused to believe the diagnosis, even if the parent declared a suspicion of "Whooping Cough." This is for two reasons: first, the pediatrician has an unwarranted confidence that the vaccine is preventative, even though most patients who get pertussis have been vaccinated; second, most pediatricians have a much more serious condition in mind when they think of pertussis. The majority of our patients with pertussis have been ambulatory and even chipper in the office. Chest examination is often unremarkable and chest X-rays negative. Throat cultures can help in diagnosis. The presence of an extremely high white blood count in a child with a nocturnal cough who seems rather well in the office is an indication of pertussis. Mainly, however, it is by listening to the parent that we form a suspicion of the diagnosis. Since a homeopath's ears are always open for the unusual, we notice immediately the mother's description of the characteristic stridor or "whoop" at the end of the cough paroxysm, and the degree of anxiety and astonishment in the mother's relating of the child's symptoms. Allopathic treatment of pertussis with erythromycin can shorten the infection by some modest amount.

The treatment is more to prevent contagion. Homeopathic treatment can be surprisingly effective by comparison, but the homeopath must remember that the infection is a serious one and not have the expectation that the cough will be vanquished overnight. Often, the remedy can only reduce the severity of the cough and allow the child to sleep through the night. There may still be some cough and clearing of mucus for weeks after the event. We must not be disappointed in our remedy just because the cough persists if it has reduced the severity by fifty percent. Changing away from an effective remedy can delay healing for days or weeks. "Better is the enemy of Good," as our Southern expression tells us. Remedies Main remedies for pertussis Antimonium tartaricum Exhausting, scantily productive cough as if the child is too weak. Thick, viscid mucus expelled with difficulty and much relief. Child springs up with anxiety before attack. Worse: 10 PM to midnight. If becomes irritated. Eating. Lying. Better: Sitting. Bending head backwards. Local: Child becomes overwhelmingly sleepy after the paroxysm. Drowsy, yawning and twitching face between attacks. Cyanotic during paroxysm and gasping for minutes afterward. Grasps at larynx during cough. Rattling chest; too weak to expel the mucus. Vomits from unsuccessful effort to raise the mucus. Expectoration: Thick; unexpelled; swallowed. Arnica montana Painful, racking cough, patient holds his chest, fears each paroxysm. Cough each time the child starts to weep. Cough during fever, especially in the defervescent phase. May be more pronounced in the daytime. Local: Epistaxis with cough. Cough so severe it bursts vessels about eyes causing bruises. Holds or splints the chest during the cough. Fever rises during the coughing paroxysm. Expectoration: Thick, sticky yellow mucus. Bloody mucus. Bryonia alba Severely painful cough felt in whole head and chest. Must hold the chest with each cough. Worse: Slightest motion. Deep breath, fears to breathe. Eating or swallowing. Drinking. Overheating. Lying. Violent cough seems to come from the stomach. Coughs until vomits while eating, then returns to his meal. Expectoration: Blood streaked and sticky or hard. Belladonna

Rapid onset of serious, horribly painful cough. Violent coughing paroxysms with red face, bulging eyes, marked pain in the abdomen. Worse: Night. Crying. Deep breath. Touching larynx. Yawning. From sensation of dryness or foreign body in larynx. Violent paroxysms relieved by slight expectoration; between the paroxysm comes increasing dryness and tickling of larynx until the paroxysm comes again. Local: Weeping before cough. Bright red face. Severe, bursting headache during each cough. Violent cough causing sparks or squiggles in the vision. Soreness or tearing in the larynx during cough. Abdominal pain before and during cough. Expectoration: Bright red blood. Bloody taste when coughing. Carbo vegetabilis Paroxysms of coughing and gagging with red face followed by coldness, sweating, collapse and paleness or blue face. Cold yet worse from being covered. Craves open air or fanning. Worse: Evening. Before midnight. Lying flat. Walking. Cold food. Cold drinks. During expiration. Better: After producing mouthfuls of sputum. Coughs in paroxysms of 3 coughs. Expectoration: Offensive, often with clotted brownish blood. Coccus cacti Paroxysms of cough at 6 to 7 AM or after 11:30 PM. Worse: Immediately upon awakening in the morning. Becoming heated. Lying. Warm food or drinks. Better: Cold or open air. Cold drinks. Hard, racking cough with purple face until vomits or expectorates. Marked burning of membranes after the mucus has been cleared. Expectoration: Ropes of mucus which hang out of mouth. Cuprum metallicum Paroxysms extreme and continued with suffocation and cyanosis. Cough may end in convulsions or unconsciousness. Violent paroxysms followed by stiffness, spasms or twitching and apneic spells; while recovering, vomiting occurs. Worse: Swallowing. Deep inspiration. Bending head backwards. Better: Cold drinks. Paroxysms of three coughs (Carb-V).

Local: Lacrimation during the paroxysm. Cramps in hands and feet with cough. Clenches the thumbs during paroxysm. Expectoration: Tough and blood streaked. Metallic taste. Drosera rotundifolia Violent paroxysms of choking cough, patient can scarcely catch his breath from coughing so violently. Worse: After midnight. On first lying. Eating. Drinking. Exhaling. Dryness or crawling sensation in the throat. Smoke. Better: Walking slowly. Sitting. Local: Cyanosis with the paroxysm. Epistaxis with cough. Retching and vomiting with cough. Rapid panting before the paroxysm. Pain in the ribs or stomach on coughing preventing cough and expectoration, better from pressing the epigastrium. Holds the chest due to painful cough. Expectoration: Bloody or thick yellow. Ipecacuanha Suffocative paroxysms with gagging and vomiting. Horrible nausea throughout the infection. Incessant cough; cough with each breath. Child becomes stiff during the paroxysm with red or blue face. Worse: Night, especially at 7 PM. In a warm room. Eating. Better: Open air. After expectoration. Cold drinks. Local: Face muscles become stiff during the paroxysm. Epistaxis from cough. Constriction of larynx and stridor begin just before the cough. Expectoration: Bloody mucus. Nauseating sputum. Other important remedies for pertussis Allium cepa Horribly painful paroxysms, the child holds his throat even before the attack comes on from fear. Worse: Inspiring cold air. Warm, stuffy room. Lying down at night. Cina maritima Child becomes absolutely rigid, clenches teeth, cyanotic or blue lips from the coughing paroxysm. Child sits still and silent for fear of paroxysm. Worse: Morning after rising. Vexation. Motion. Local: Lacrimation from violent, painful cough. Gurgling in throat after the paroxysm. Gagging and retching from the cough. Severe chest pain or as if something was torn loose inside. Expectoration: Difficult sputum. Gray or whitish. Corallium rubrum

Severe paroxysmal cough with suffocation and black or purple face. Cough begins with gasping respiration. Worse: On beginning or after meal. From icy feeling in air passages. Short paroxysms in the day, worsening all through the night. Marked constriction in the larynx during the cough. Exhausted and limp after paroxysm. Dirca palustris Had a great reputation for pertussis though few indications existed. Stinging pains in larynx from within outward. Euphrasia officinalis Severe paroxysms of cough only in the daytime. Worse: Talking. Smoke. Better: Eating. Lying down. Lacrimation during the cough. Kalium carbonicum Violent cough and vomiting. Worse: 2 to 3 AM. Eating. Warm food. Deep breath. Must sit up and bend forward during paroxysm. Vomits with coughing. Expectoration: Thick with cheesy taste. Hard globs fly from mouth. Kalium sulphuricum Violent nighttime paroxysms with difficult expectoration. Worse: Evening. Night, especially 2 to 3 AM. Warm rooms. Better: Open air. Cold drinks. Follows Pulsatilla. Mephitis putorius Paroxysms exclusively at night. Suffocative cough. Worse: Lying. Talking. Drinking. Better: Propping up on pillows. Wheezing respiration and difficult expiration from the spasm. Vomiting during paroxysm; food regurgitated on lying even hours after meals. Expectoration: Offensive. Pulsatilla pratensis Paroxysms with easy expectoration. Worse: Evening or night in bed. Warm room or warm drinks. Exertion. Lying. Better: Gentle walking. Open air. Sitting or propping up in bed. Easy and gentle vomiting from the cough. Expectoration: Greenish, loose and bitter. Rumex crispus Tickling, suffocative cough producing mouthfuls of sputum. Worse: 11 PM. Cold or open air. Entering or leaving a warm room.

Bending head backwards. Inspiring. Talking. Intense tickling in larynx and trachea. Sanguinaria canadensis Violent cough with red face ending in belches or flatus. Marked burning in the chest with the cough. Vomiting relieves the cough. Cough which lingers for months after pertussis. Pneumonia Pneumonia When I first began to practice homeopathy, I was also working as a full-time emergency room physician. It was nerve-wracking to treat my first cases of even mild otitis media using homeopathy. I would think to myself, "I believe in homeopathy but just now I would feel so much safer if I could use an antibiotic!" After my training in homeopathy I still continued to work in the emergency room. I knew a real transition had occurred one night when a child came in with an acute lobar pneumonia. After writing a prescription for antibiotics, I found myself thinking, "I have to give these antibiotics but I would feel so much safer if I could give a remedy!" Management It is certainly true that many cases of pneumonia can be readily managed with homeopathic remedies. This should never be done lightly or by an inexperienced prescriber or by someone without the clinical experience to know when a pneumonia is endangering the patient. We must never become dogmatic about homeopathic treatment. Rather we must always be certain that the patient's well-being is protected. If there is the slightest doubt about the remedy or the condition of the patient, standard treatment should be given. Homeopathic remedies can be given concurrently with antibiotics during pneumonia but it is often impossible to evaluate the action of the remedy under such circumstances. Therapeutic tips Homeopathic Take a complete and thorough history. Try to wait to prescribe until the symptoms clearly indicate a remedy. In a serious acute circumstance, the case will almost always be clear because the symptoms are strong. Don't panic and prescribe before the case has developed clear indications simply because of fever, etc. An incorrect remedy will change the case enough to obscure the best symptoms later. Do not be surprised when the case requires high potencies very frequently. It is common to need to repeat even a 1M or 10M dose several times in a day. Retake the entire case at least once per day in serious cases. It is not unusual for a pneumonia case to require more than one remedy to complete the cure. When new symptoms arise, be ready to change to a complementary remedy. Often the remedy required is the constitutional remedy which the patient may already be taking. If the strongest symptoms of the pneumonia are even partially covered by the constitutional remedy, then repeating the constitutional remedy is the best course of action. Traditionally, homeopaths have divided pneumonia into an early (inflammatory) stage, a stage of consolidation (hepatization) and a recovering phase. These distinctions still have their uses for differentiating the remedies, though of course any remedy may be indicated at any stage.

Naturopathic During the illness, it is of paramount importance to keep adequate hydration, both for strength and to keep mucus thin and easy to expectorate. Hot ginger tea is an excellent supportive liquid for this purpose. Ask the patient to avoid dairy, wheat, sugar, sweets and caffeine during the illness. We can support the patient with a variety of nutrients including: Vitamin C (some physicians give as much as 5 to 10,000 mg. per day when no contraindications exist). Vitamin A (the maximum dose of 50,000 units per day should be given for no more than seven days). Bioflavonoids (250 mg. per day). Zinc (80 mg. per day) and colloidal silver. Supportive herbs include: Echinacea (30 drops in liquid per day). Garlic (either raw or in capsules). Maitake mushroom capsules. Probiotic. Allopathic The worst-case scenario is for the prescriber to find himself in the position of treating a patient ineffectively with homeopathic remedies for several days. Finally, he decides to try some antibiotics. Still the case is not doing well. Perhaps he has not done a sputum culture or a chest X-ray. Suddenly the prescriber is forced to refer the case to an allopathic physician or the patient himself goes to his family doctor. Thus, we have a patient with an inadequate work-up, inadequate treatment of a week's duration and an (appropriately) hostile allopathic physician. Certain suggestions may prevent such a disaster: Do not treat any serious infection over the telephone. Do a complete allopathic work-up, including cultures. Follow the patient daily and with home visits. Carefully observe for weight loss, poor hydration, respiratory distress. Never try to convince the patient to use homeopathy rather than allopathic medications. Rather, it should be the patient convincing the prescriber that he wishes homeopathy. Do not treat such a case if you are leaving town, even for the day. Repertory Main rubrics The most important rubrics are found in the section, "Chest, Inflammation, Lungs" with its many subrubrics. The two other important chapters are, "Cough" and "Expectoration." The same cough rubrics apply no matter what the pathology underlying the cough. Other important rubrics Mind, Fear, Pneumonia, of. Head, Pain, Occiput, Pneumonia, during. Eye, Distorted, Pneumonia, in. Eye, Inflammation, Pneumonia, in. Nose, Motion of wings, Pneumonia, in. Rectum, Diarrhea, Pneumonia, in. Rectum, Flatus, Noisy, Pneumonia, in. Respiration, Difficult, Pneumonia, in. Respiration, Difficult, Pneumonia, Old people, in. Cough, Sit up, Must and hold head with both hands, Pneumonia, in. Cough, Violent, Pneumonia, after.

Expectoration, Bloody, Spitting of pure blood, Pneumonia, in. Respiration, Asthmatic, Bronchial catarrh, with. Chest, Bronchiectasis. Chest, Catarrh. Chest, Hepatization. Chest, Hemorrhage, Pneumonia, results of. Chest, Oppression. Chest, Paralysis, Lung, Catarrhal, from. Chest, Phthisis (subrubrics). Chest, Resorption slow, Pneumonia, of. Sleep, Sleepiness, Pneumonia, in. Sleep, Sleeplessness, Pneumonia, in. Fever, Continued fever, Pneumonia, with. General, Cyanosis. General, Convalescence, Ailments during, Pneumonia, after. General, Pneumonia, Never well since. Remedies Main remedies for early stage pneumonia In the first days of the illness when the case is primarily represented by fever, chills and acute cough, we think of the following remedies, arranged in order of most rapid onset first: Aconitum napellus Sudden onset of a serious condition in normally robust patients. Usually from exposure to cold, wind or sudden shocks. High fever is the rule, almost always over 103Þ F. Disposition: Restless, anxious or frightened. The patient classically has a strong fear of death or presentiment of death. Desires company.(This is not required for the remedy to be correct.) Signs: Pulse bounding. Face flushed. Hot, dry skin. The pupils may be constricted. Intense thirst for cold drinks. Cough: Dry, painful cough in first hours. Better: When sitting. Expectoration: After the first few hours, the sputum becomes bloody: "Cherry red." Location: Left sided pneumonia, especially the left upper lobe. Sulphur is the main complementary to Aconite and often finishes the cure. Belladonna Sudden onset, also after exposure in robust persons. High fever is the rule, almost always over 103Þ F. Disposition: Rapidly develops delirium and vivid or scary hallucinations. Signs: Bright red flushed face. Pulse bounding. Burning hot face but cold feet and hands. Pupils dilated. Photophobia. Dry mouth but generally thirstless. Desires lemonade.

Severe headache and throbbing. Worse: Jarring. Motion. Cough. Cough: Dry and painful cough. Head feels it will split open. Worse: From motion. Lying on the right side. Location: Mainly on the right side. Bryonia alba Slow onset beginning with an upper respiratory infection with malaise and sneezing. By the second day cracked lips, low grade fever. By the third or fourth day high fever and serious illness are apparent. Disposition: Irritable. Averse to company, to being disturbed. May have many business worries. In delirium asks to be taken home. Signs: Dusky flush of the face. Tongue coated white or yellow or especially dirty brown, chiefly in the center of the tongue. General: Worse from heat; better in a cool room. Thirst is extreme, especially for large amounts of cold water. Symptoms aggravated at 9 PM. Both pains and cough are aggravated by motion. Cough: Intense pains with each cough; holds the chest. Pleuritic pains. Worse: Motion. Deep inspiration. Pants to avoid taking a deep breath which he knows will trigger a painful cough. Expectoration: Dark or brown, sticky mucus which is difficult to expel. Local: Left frontal headache extending to occiput. Severe headache with stitching or bursting pains. Worse: Cough. Movement. Aching throughout muscles. Worse: Motion. Jarring. Location: Mainly right-sided pneumonia. Chelidonium majus Slow onset and often applies to later stages of pneumonia. Disposition: Irritable and snappy. Signs: Yellow hue to face and tongue. General: Craving for warm drinks. Retains only warm drinks. Worse: 4 AM or 4 PM. Cough: Profuse expectoration. Cough better sitting or leaning forward. Mucus flies out of the mouth forcibly. Local: Marked pain or stitches about the right scapula or shoulder area. Right foot or hand cold with the left side normal. Location: Right-sided pneumonia. Ferrum phosphoricum Develops more slowly, over one or two days. High fever is the rule, almost always over 103Þ F. Disposition: Prefers to be left alone.

There may be a surprising absence of symptoms besides the high fever. Signs: Rapid pulse. Malar, circumscribed flush. Pallor about the mouth. Some authors have described friction rub as a common finding. General: Thirst extreme for cold drinks. Cough: Incessant cough with irritation behind the sternum. Worse: Cold, Drafts. Expectoration: Blood streaked sputum in bright, red streaks. Location: Right-sided pneumonia, especially the right upper lobe. Ipecacuanha Especially a remedy for children and infants. Onset over two to three days. Fever is less high - (102Þ to 103Þ F). Disposition: Irritable. Capricious. Cannot be pleased. Signs: Flushed face. Sweats. Then followed by exhaustion and pallor. Cyanosis, especially during the coughing paroxysm. Tongue is generally clean, red and smooth. Wheezing and marked dyspnea. Cough: Suffocative episodes followed by violent paroxysm of cough accompanied by retching and vomiting. Worse: 7 PM. Heat. Better: Open air. Expectoration: Stringy sputum sometimes with bright, red blood. Location: Any. Main remedy in bronchiolitis. Interstitial pneumonitis. Veratrum viride Sudden, rapid rise in fever to 104Þ F or more. Disposition: Excited. Fearful. Signs: Intense pulsation of whole body. Heart bounding and pulse rate inappropriately high - 140 or 150 beats per minute. Pupils dilated. Tongue yellow or with a bright red stripe down the center. Cold perspiration on the forehead. General: Profuse perspiration with beads of sweat covering the body. Intense thirst. Nausea and vomiting. Cough: Difficult expectoration. Phosphorus Symptoms rapidly develop (not so fast as Aconite or Belladonna),though also indicated in later stages of disease. Fever quite high, over 102Þ F. Disposition: Anxious, fearful and suffering. Strong need for company. Signs: Hot, dry skin. Tongue coated white. Face is twitching. Hands trembling.

General: Great thirst for cold drinks. Chills easily. Aggravated by cold air. Cough: Dry, tickling cough in the first days. Loose cough with bright, red bloody expectoration. Worse: Lying on the left side. Cold air. Better: Cold drinks. Anxious dyspnea; sits upright with head tilted backward. Late stages with tormenting cough; chest burns with each cough. Expectoration: Loose cough with bright, red bloody expectoration. Marked expectoration following eating. Local: Severe headache from each paroxysm of coughing. Heaviness of the chest; as if a weight upon the chest. Numbness of fingertips. Location: Mainly in right lower lobar pneumonia. Main remedies for advanced stage pneumonia When the fever and acute symptoms have passed to some degree, the patient passes into an even more serious stage of illness. The following are some of the most important remedies to consider in later stages. Arsenicum album Later stages and collapsed states. Disposition: At first restless and anxious with fear of death and desire for company. Later too exhausted to move and lies as if dead. Once strength returns a little the restlessness begins anew. Signs: Collapsed. Cold and prostrated. Rigors from slight drafts. Tongue coated white; burning tongue. Offensive breath or sputum. General: Chilly and desires warmth. Worse: 12 to 1 AM. Thirsty for sips of cold water. Burning pains through whole respiratory tract. Cough: Tight chest. Chest burns with each cough. Worse: Lying; must sit up. Feels suffocated if lays flat. Expectoration: Scant expectoration. Frothy sputum. Location: Mainly right-sided pneumonia. Often affecting the right upper lobe. Kalium carbonicum Later stages, generally the second day onward. Especially in children. Disposition: Conscious but withdrawn as if all the energy is going into fighting the illness. Touchy. Desires company. Anxious. Signs: Puffiness of the eyelids; swollen lids. General: Thirsty, mainly room temperature liquids. Chills. Worse from even a slight draft. Cough: Suffocative cough with copious, cold perspiration.

Worse: 2 to 4 AM. Drafts. Lying on the right side. Better: Sitting upright or even bent forward. Sputum difficult to expectorate; must swallow the mucus. Location: Right lower lobe (some authors mention left lower lobe). Lycopodium clavatum After the early stage has passed, especially on the third day or later. Fever is less impressive, it may be high or not present at all. Disposition: Anxious. Weak and even stuporous. Signs: Brow furrowed. Flaring or fanning of alae nasi. Froth at the corners of the mouth. Lips blue. Tongue swollen and stiff and coated white. Perspiration heavy and night sweats. Cough: Hacking cough with no expectoration. Some cases have violent paroxysms of cough producing copious amounts of yellow mucus. Worse: 4 to 8 PM. Lying on back. Heavy chest; oppressed breathing. Location: Right-sided pneumonia. Sulphur Later stages, generally the second day onward. Disposition: Weary. Low-spirited. Complaining. Despair. Fear of death. Look dirty or greasy - don't want to change their clothing. Signs: Red flush of face. Red lips and eyes injected. Greasy hair. General: Dry mouth. Thirsty for cold drinks. Chill easily but aggravated heat or aggravated heat and cold. Heavy perspiration. Cough: Pain in sternum with cough; pain extends to the back. Worse: Night in bed. Talking. Heavy chest. Expectoration: Scant expectoration. Sputum yellow or green. Location: Left-sided pneumonia (or right). Other important remedies for advanced stage pneumonia Antimonium tartaricum Late stage pneumonia with collapse especially in infants and aged people. Disposition: Irritable and peevish. Averse to being touched. Miserable. Signs: Lips cyanotic. Sunken or gaunt features. Cold sweat on face. Flapping of the alae nasi. Uses all accessory muscles; neck muscles strain with each inhalation. Tongue coated thick and white.

Pulse weak and thready. Tremulous. General: Chilly but aggravated by heat. Desires to be fanned. Better: Sitting propped. Thirsty for cold drinks (other times thirstless). Loathing of food. Nausea. Cough: Rattling chest. Weak, unproductive, wet sounding cough. Better: Sitting. Suffocative sensations. Even the blanket oppresses. Expectoration: Whitish, purulent mucus. Carbo vegetabilis Late stages of pneumonia with collapse. Disposition: Apathetic or even comatose. Signs: Face or lips blue. Cold breath. Face is puffy, bloated and mottled. Cold perspiration, especially on the forehead. General: Cold but averse to being covered. Wants to be fanned. Wants open air. Cannot lie flat. Cough: Paroxysm of cough. Worse: Lying flat. Better: Sitting. Expectoration: Copious, difficult expectoration and retching. Local: Chest feels heavy, as if a weight. Burning in chest with each cough. Weak chest with much rattling. Kalium iodatum First remedy to be thought of in cases with repeated pneumonia. Disposition: Irritable. Jesting. Signs: Swelling of the eyelids. Night sweats. General: Restless and warm-blooded. Worse: Heat. Warm rooms. Night, especially from 2 to 5 am. Better: Open air. Cough: Cough with pains extending through to the back. Worse: Night. Better: Sitting. Expectoration: Thick, green, salty expectoration. Mucus seems to come from deep in the chest. Location: Right-sided pneumonia. Laurocerasus Lingering pneumonia; patient is failing or shows no sign of recovery. Disposition: Apathetic. Stuporous. Signs: Cyanosis of lips, face, fingernails.

General: Horribly chilly, as if the body generates no heat at all. Short of breath with slight exertion. Markedly weak. Chest feels weak on talking aloud (Stann). Unable even to sit without breathlessness; must lie down. Gasping respiration, verging on respiratory arrest. Cough: Paroxysms of cough with mild mucus or blood tinged sputum. Worse: 2 PM. Lying (opposite of dyspnea). Better: Sitting. Expectoration: Mucus with points of bright red blood. Pulsatilla pratensis Pneumonia with loose, productive cough. Disposition: Weepy and anxious; desires company and affection. Signs: Red, flushed face. Tongue coated thick white. General: Great heat and desire for cold. Also mixed with chills. Great sense of oppression and desire for open air. Thirstless, often despite dry mouth. Marked dyspnea and desire to be propped-up in bed. Cough: Loose cough with easy production of mucus. Violent, gagging cough with a feeling of something tearing loose. Copious expectoration in morning on rising. Expectoration: Green or yellow-green, juicy mucus. Tenacious, yellow, bloody sputum (in advanced cases). Bitter or salty, offensive expectoration. Local: Begins with coryza or otitis. Rhus toxicodendron Later stages of pneumonia. Disposition: Restless. Anxious. Stuporous with muttering. Signs: Red tip to the tongue. Dry tongue. Perspiration on whole body except the head. General: Physical restlessness and great aching. Worse: Cold, damp weather or from getting wet. Sudden chills and fever in paroxysms. Cough: Worse: Cold. When the chills come on. Expectoration: Thick sputum, may be "rusty" with old blood. Senega Pneumonia especially in elderly or in those with chronic chest troubles. Appearance: Hot, flushed, sweaty face, especially when coughing. Face may be bluish, cyanotic. Lies propped up in bed or wants to sit upright. General: Marked oppression of chest and dyspnea. Cough: Hard, racking, irritated cough with difficult expectoration. Worse: Cold. Lying. Open air or drafts. Change of temperature. Cough ends in sneezing.

Expectoration: White or transparent viscid, stringy mucus. Unable to cough out mucus, must swallow it. Local: Marked hoarseness and scraping from larynx. Rattling chest (Ant-T). Soreness and tenderness of the chest wall, especially left side. Stannum metallicum Late stages and in the recovery phase. Disposition: Sad and depleted. Signs: Trembling with weakness. Marked night sweats. General: Great, prolonged weakness. Worse: Speaking, from slight exertion - even walking to the toilet exhausts him. Cough: Paroxysms of cough, worse from speaking. Sputum is thick and has a peculiar salty or sweetish taste. Hollow sensation in the chest; must hold the chest when he coughs. Weak feeling in chest, worse from the effort of speaking. Expectoration: Easy expectoration, does not struggle to raise it. Salty or sickly sweet taste. Yellow, green, or gray offensive sputum. Other important remedies to consider: Ammoniacum, Arnica, Calcarea Carbonica, Hepar Sulphur, Iodum, Kali Bichromicum, Kali Sulphuricum, Lachesis, Lobelia, Mercurius, Natrum Sulphuricum, Sanguinaria, Silica, Spongia, Thuja, Tuberculinum. Asthma Asthma The treatment of asthma is one of the most satisfying aspects of homeopathic practice. Most cases of asthma respond rapidly to the proper constitutional remedy. And yet, the treatment of asthma is not to be taken lightly, especially since this condition is life-threatening and deaths from asthma have risen in recent years. Homeopaths with little allopathic experience would be well-advised not to undertake the treatment of this disease without the assistance of a qualified health professional. In recent years, there has been a rise in the incidence of asthma. We often find cases of children treated aggressively with antibiotics for every "chest cold" or early bronchitis. Frequently these cases have slipped inexorably into chronic asthma as the allopathic treatment of recurring chest infections intensifies. The allopathic approach often includes ever earlier intervention - often with the slightest sign of an upper respiratory infection - to prevent asthma attacks. The homeopath recognizes this allopathic suppression of the infections as the probable cause of the accelerating disease process. Furthermore, allopathic practice has changed in recent years to a more aggressive and earlier use of more powerfully suppressive medications - especially inhaled and systemic corticosteroids. This has been compounded by the recent awareness that bronchodilating agents may stimulate dangerous arrhythmias. Therefore, the homeopathic treatment of asthma has become more difficult because of the masking of the natural pattern of the disease, and the difficulty our remedies have in overcoming these more powerful allopathic drugs. Deaths from asthma have actually increased in recent years. Such tragedies must underscore the need for caution when treating asthma cases. Many homeopaths are not familiar with techniques for

monitoring asthma (such as personal spirometers, etc.). Consider consultation with an appropriate specialist in any case which has required emergency treatment for asthma. Management Categories of asthma For the purposes of management and the description of remedies, it is helpful to divide asthma into four categories: 1) Acute Asthmatic Crisis - this is a group of patients presenting with a new onset or an isolated incidence of asthma. 2) Periodic Asthma - this group of patients has only episodic bouts of asthma and the patients are entirely well in between these attacks. 3) Chronic Asthma - this is a group of patients with constant asthma requiring mild medications including theophylline, terbutyline and all inhaled medications. 4) Complicated Asthma - this group of asthmatic patients requires strong allopathic medications including systemic steroids or other immunosuppressive agents such as methotrexate. Hierarchy of allopathic medications 1) Antihistamines. 2) Cromalyn sodium inhalers. 3) Bronchodilating inhalers - Alupent, Albuterol, etc. 4) Systemic theophylline or terbutaline. 5) Combined theophylline and terbutaline. 6) Inhaled steroids. 7) Systemic steroids in two or three week regimens. 8) Chronic systemic steroids. 9) Methotrexate or other immunosuppressive drugs. During homeopathic treatment we try to place the patient on the hierarchically lowest amount of allopathic treatment which maintains a tolerable and safe degree of symptoms. As improvement occurs, the medications are withdrawn with the most suppressive medications being tapered first. Only a qualified practitioner should be involved with the management of the allopathic drugs. If there is any question about the patient's status, it is better to err on the side of caution. Management of group one In patients presenting with a new onset of asthma, that is, an acute crisis of asthma, we are likely to have clear disease symptoms upon which to prescribe. The episode is either associated with an acute respiratory infection or acute allergic responses. Such patients are rarely on any allopathic medications and this improves the acute effects of the remedy as well as the clarity of the homeopathic picture. In such a circumstance, we should take the entire case, focusing especially on the acute condition and also attempting to ascertain the constitutional remedy. In many patients this will be difficult ("Why are you asking me about my dreams when I'm suffocating?!") because the acute symptoms are so intense. Therapeutic tips for group one Homeopathic If the patient is stable enough to treat with homeopathic remedies alone, the response will be brisker and more long lasting. If the crisis is very acute or severe the improvement from the remedy should be rapid (within 2 to 3

hours). If the crisis has been going on for more than 2 or 3 days, the improvement may come later - up to 12 hours after the first dose of the remedy. In severe cases, the remedy must often be repeated within 2 to 4 hours. Response is usually quite rapid, often in the first minutes or at least in the first hours after the correct remedy. If no response has occurred by the expected time, the case should be reviewed and a better remedy selected. The homeopathic remedy is generally given in a moderate to high potency such as 200C or 1M. Naturopathic We can often provide help for patients (who are not in an urgent state) with supplements. Especially useful are: Flax seed oil (2 teaspoons per day). Bromelain (100 mg. TID). Quercitin (500 mg. TID). Vitamin C. Ask the patient to avoid mucus forming foods such as dairy and wheat. Furthermore, the patient should avoid cold foods such as ice or ice cream. Allopathic If the crisis is very severe, an allopathic practitioner should be consulted while the homeopathic treatment is begun. It may be necessary to stablize the patient allopathically before homeopathic treatment is begun or at least concurrent with homeopathic treatment. Under no circumstance should a patient be placed at risk while remedy after remedy is tried. All of our philosophical belief in homeopathy means nothing compared to the safety of our patient. Management of group two In the group of patients who have periodic or seasonal episodes of asthmatic attacks, the situation is often slightly more complicated. First, the patient often has (and is already using) allopathic medication from earlier episodes which change the symptom pattern significantly. Second, the condition is part of the constitutional picture and may require the constitutional remedy (instead of a seemingly indicated acute remedy) even when that remedy does not cover every symptom of the acute crisis. Third, the response to the remedy may be more sluggish because a deeper process is being treated - that is, a chronic disease. Therapeutic tips for group two Homeopathic The entire case must be evaluated, with the expectation of prescribing a constitutional remedy. Only if a very clear acute picture jumps out in the case should an "acute" remedy be prescribed. It is not necessarily a sign of failure of the remedy or even of relapse if another crisis occurs after the constitutional remedy. We must take into account the season, the degree of stress in the patient's life, the severity of this episode and the amount of medication required during this episode. By comparing the current episode to previous episodes, we can determine the effectiveness of the treatment. If it is clear that the remedy is still acting on the emotional or general level, we should think twice about repeating the dose of the remedy for a minor flare-up. Rather try a 12C dose once or twice daily for three or four days. Naturopathic Care must be taken to minimize contact with allergens. This can be accomplished by the use of micropore filters in portable air filters or in the central home air conditioners.

Helpful supplements include: Flax seed oil (two teaspoons per day). Quercitin (500 mg. TID). Bromelain (100 mg. TID). Vitamin C. Raw honey. Allopathic The patient should be allowed to continue his allopathic medication as required, tapering the dose as his improvement allows. Such patients are generally quite familiar with the process of withdrawing themselves from medication. Management of group three Patients with chronic asthma, requiring daily medications throughout the year present even more challenges. Such cases are more suppressed, have weaker constitutions, have a more fuzzy homeopathic picture and require more care in the withdrawal of their allopathic medications. Many allopathic practitioners are only satisfied with their treatment when the patient's symptoms are absolutely suppressed. This obviously presents a significant challenge in remedy diagnosis. It is somewhat rare to be able to make the correct diagnosis of the homeopathic remedy in such cases on the basis of the symptoms of the asthma. This does not mean that we do not examine the respiratory system for clear symptoms but rather that we should not be dissuaded by the general and grossly pathological nature of the respiratory symptoms. Therapeutic tips for group three Homeopathic If the remedy is not clear, we can presumptively use symptoms from the past. Especially useful are symptoms from the initial attack of asthma. If the remedy is not clear, we can ask the patient to taper his allopathic medications to the point of mild discomfort for one to two weeks to see if we can gain more information about the characteristics of the disease. The response to the remedy is quite variable. Often in the course of the first four to six weeks the patient is able to dramatically reduce his medications. On the other hand, especially if the disease has been long-standing, it is possible to see only an improvement in the mental symptoms or the energy of the patient during this time period and the asthma may continue for months before improvement occurs. The point is to assess the whole patient, not merely the respiratory condition in evaluating the performance of the remedy. If the remedy is clear, we can give a moderate to high potency such as 200C or 1M. It is certainly possible to see a homeopathic aggravation and some caution should be exercised with the dose. If the remedy remains unclear, it is often best to use a lower potency such as 30C weekly or 12C daily or an LM potency. Naturopathic If the asthma is allergic in origin, we should again make efforts to minimize contact with dust and pollens by using micropore air filters and by careful vacuuming and dusting. If mucus is a large part of the picture, careful attention to hydration can help thin the secretions. Furthermore, avoidance of wheat and dairy may be helpful. Finally, supplementation with Glucosamine sulfate (500 mg. TID) may help to decrease mucus production. Gentle exercise programs may increase respiratory capacity. It is counter productive to utilize strong allopathic medications in an attempt to achieve (artificially) high levels of exertion. Exercise in cold air should generally be avoided.

Allopathic We begin treatment by asking the patient to taper to the lowest dosage of allopathic medication which keeps him slightly symptomatic. Then we can monitor the progress by the amount of medication required. Only a qualified practitioner should make such adjustments. A high fever may be an excellent reaction (i.e. aggravation) from the remedy. Often such a fever is the herald of a deep constitutional improvement. The fever in such cases is often 103ÞF or more and comes without much debility. However, such a fever may also indicate a serious infection. Auscultation of the lungs, diagnostic tests and X-rays may be required to differentiate these two causes of fever. Management of group four The management of complicated cases of asthma, generally those requiring long term daily use of systemic corticosteroids, is always difficult and frequently dangerous. Treatment should be attempted only by a seasoned homeopath and only with allopathic experience or back-up. Many of these cases are incurable. At the very least the patient's vital force is severely compromised. It is only through careful homeopathic prescribing that an eventual cure can be obtained. Therapeutic tips for group four Homeopathic For reasons unknown, patients who develop severe asthma after the age of 60 are often incurable. It is frequently seen that the patient has little improvement of his asthma during the first 6 months of treatment, but rather can only perceive mental and energetic improvements. If the remedy is clear, we can give one dose of a moderate to high potency such as 200C or 1M. Generally these cases are too compromised or suppressed to develop severe aggravations from the remedy. It is generally advisable to give the patient a daily dose of a 12C potency to attempt to prevent an antidote. If the remedy picture is not clear, it is best to select a course using 12C daily, 30C weekly or biweekly or LM potency. Allopathic The most frequent mistake made in treating such patients is over-ambitious tapering of steroids. When the dosage is decreased too rapidly, the patient often has a rebound of symptoms which results in losing the patient to treatment. The homeopath, respecting the power of this drug more than the allopath who prescribes it, should realize the need for caution in its tapering. Steroid dosage is like the steering mechanism in a large boat: You do not see the effects of a change in dosage for several days after the change is made. We recommend the following schedule in tapering the dosage: 1) 10 mg. daily (for three weeks). 2) 8 mg. daily (for three weeks). 3) 6 mg. daily (for three weeks). 4) 5 mg. daily (for three weeks). 5) 4 mg. daily (for three weeks). 6) 3 mg. daily (for three weeks). 7) 2.5 mg. daily (for three weeks). 8) 2 mg. daily (for three weeks).

9) 2 mg. every other day (for three weeks). 10) 2 mg. every 3 days (for three weeks). 11) Stop. Each step should be maintained for at least three weeks at that level. It is quite common to see a worsening of symptoms after a day or two on the lower dosage. Generally, this will spontaneously improve as the body accommodates to the lower dosage. If the patient shows any sign of decompensating at the lower dosage, the level should be raised for another three weeks. It should be clear that we often require a full six to twelve months to wean a patient from systemic steroids. Obviously, this is not true when the patient has only been on the steroids for a few weeks or months. Repertory In repertorizing cases of asthma, it is often helpful to refer to other sections within the chapter, "Respiration." We often find a better rubric in the section, "Respiration, Difficult" than in "Respiration, Asthmatic." For example, the rubric, "Respiration, Asthmatic, Cold, Air, aggravates" lists only Lobelia, Nux Vomica and Petroleum, while the rubric, "Respiration, Difficult, Air, Cold, aggravates" lists an extra 14 remedies. When we find a peculiar but strong symptom in a case but no rubric in the chapter, "Respiration," we can peek for a clue under the chapter, "Cough." Summary of respiration chapter Temperature • weather Difficult, Air, Cold. Asthma, Air, Draft of. Asthma, Air, Open. Difficult, Air, Open. Asthma, Air, Sea air. Asthma, Autumn. Difficult, Autumn. Asthma, Change of weather. Asthma, Cold air. Asthma, Cold damp weather. Asthma, Cold dry weather. Asthma, Cold, Taking, When overheated. Difficult, Cold weather. Difficult, Cold wet weather. Asthma, Dry weather. Difficult, Fanning. Asthma, Fog. Difficult, Heat. Asthma, Overheated. Difficult, Open doors and windows. Asthma, Sea bathing. Asthma, Spring. Asthma, Storms.

Difficult, Stormy weather. Asthma, Summer. Difficult, Summer. Difficult, Sun. Asthma, Thunderstorms. Difficult, Thunderstorms. Difficult, Uncovering. Asthma, Warm room. Difficult, Warm room. Asthma Warm weather. Asthma, Wet weather. Difficult, Wet weather. Asthma, Wind. Difficult, Windy weather. Asthma, Winter. Food • eating Difficult, Beer. Difficult, Coffee. Asthma, Cold drinks. Difficult, Cold food. Difficult, Cold water. Asthma, Dinner. Difficult, Dinner. Difficult, Drinking. Asthma, Eating. Difficult, Eating. Asthma, Meal, satisfying. Difficult, Pork. Difficult, Supper. Difficult, Swallowing. Difficult, Warm drinks. Asthma, Warm food. Difficult, Warm food. Asthma, Wine. Position Difficult, Arms, Apart. Difficult, Arms, Raised. Difficult, Bending arm backwards. Difficult, Bending backwards. Difficult, Bending forward. Asthma, Bending head backwards. Difficult, Bending head backwards.

Asthma, Bending head forward. Difficult, Closing eyes. Difficult, Drawing shoulders back. Difficult, Hanging down, Legs. Difficult, Kneeling. Asthma, Leaning backwards. Asthma, Lying. Difficult, Lying. Difficult, Lying, Back. Difficult, Lying, Head low. Difficult, Lying, Side. Difficult, Raising the arms. Difficult, Retracting the shoulders. Difficult, Rising. Asthma, Sitting. Difficult, Sitting. Difficult, Sitting, Bent backward. Difficult, Sitting, Bent forward. Difficult, Sitting, Upright. Difficult, Standing. Difficult, Stooping. Difficult, Stretching the arms. Activities Difficult, Morning, Exertion. Difficult, Arms, Raising. Asthma, Ascending stairs. Difficult, Ascending. Difficult, Athletes, Aged. Asthma, Coition. Difficult, Coition. Difficult, Exertion. Asthma, Laughing. Difficult, Laughing. Difficult, Manual labor. Asthma, Motion. Difficult, Motion. Difficult, Motion, Arms, of. Asthma, Riding. Difficult, Riding. Difficult, Riding horseback. Difficult, Rising. Asthma, Rocking.

Difficult, Rocking. Difficult, Running. Asthma, Sailors. Difficult, Singing. Asthma, Sleep. Difficult, Sleep. Difficult, Speaking rapidly. Difficult, Swallowing. Asthma, Talking. Difficult, Talking. Difficult, Turning in bed. Difficult, Walking. Difficult, Working. Difficult, Writing. Irritants Difficult, Clothing, Tight. Asthma, Dust. Difficult, Dust. Asthma, Feather pillow. Asthma, Horses. Difficult, Smoke. Asthma, Smoking. Difficult, Sulphur fumes. Asthma, Tobacco. Emotions Asthma, Anger. Asthma, Anxiety. Asthma, Bilious tempermant. Difficult, Crowded room. Difficult, Dark. Difficult, Dreams. Asthma, Emotion. Difficult, Emotion. Asthma, Excitement. Difficult, Excitement. Asthma, Fright. Difficult, Fright. Difficult, Hurried. Asthma, Hysterical. Difficult, Hysterical. Difficult, Love disappointment. Asthma, Mental exertion.

Difficult, Mental exertion. Difficult, Mortification. Asthma, Music. Difficult, Music. Asthma, Nervous. Difficult, Nervous causes. Difficult, Reading. Asthma, Vexation. Difficult, Vexation. Diseases Asthma, Alternating, Eruptions. Asthma, Alternating, Headache. Asthma, Alternating, Gout. Asthma, Alternating, Nocturnal diarrhea. Asthma, Alternating, Rheumatism. Asthma, Alternating, Urticaria. Asthma, Alternating, Vomiting. Asthma, Bronchial catarrh. Asthma, Cardiac. Difficult, Chill, during. Asthma, Cold, Catching/Taking. Difficult, Cold, Catching/Taking. Asthma, Colitis. Asthma, Concomitant, Consumption. Asthma, Concomitant, Coryza. Asthma, Concomitant, Goitre. Asthma, Concomitant, Rheumatism. Asthma, Concomitant, Uremia. Asthma, Concomitant, Vertigo. Asthma, Conjunctivitis. Difficult, Constriction diaphragm. Difficult, Constriction larynx. Difficult, Consumption. Difficult, Convulsion, during. Asthma, Coryza. Difficult, Coryza. Asthma, Cough. Difficult, Cough. Difficult, Disease in distant part. Asthma, Disordered stomach. Asthma, Emphysema. Difficult, Emphysema.

Difficult, Enlarged tonsils. Difficult, Epilepsy. Asthma, Eruptions. Difficult, Eruptive diseases. Asthma, Face ache. Difficult, Fever. Asthma, Flatulence. Difficult, Flatus. Asthma, Gallbladder disease. Asthma, Gastric derangements. Asthma, Gout. Difficult, Headache. Difficult, Heart disease. Difficult, Heartburn. Asthma, Hemorrhoids. Asthma, Hiatus hernia. Asthma, Heart disease. Asthma, Injury to spine. Difficult, Injury. Asthma, Intermittent fever. Asthma, Kidney complaints. Difficult, Kyphosis. Difficult, Liver disease. Asthma, Measles. Difficult, Measles suppressed. Difficult, Menorrhagia. Difficult, Mucus in trachea. Asthma, Palpitations. Difficult, Perspiration. Difficult, Pulmonary edema. Asthma, Rash supressed. Difficult, Rheumatic heart disease. Difficult, Rheumatism. Difficult, Suppressed eruption. Difficult, Ulcers. Difficult, Uremia. Difficult, Vertigo. Body processes • life stages Asthma, Children. Difficult, Children. Difficult, Emissions. Asthma, Eructations.

Difficult, Eructations. Asthma, Expectoration. Difficult, Expectoration. Difficult, Expiration. Difficult, Hiccough. Difficult, Inspiration. Asthma, Menses. Difficult, Menses, before. Difficult, Menses, during. Difficult, Menses, after. Asthma, Menopause. Asthma, Old people. Difficult, Old people. Asthma, Pregnancy. Difficult, Pregnancy. Difficult, Pressure on sternum. Asthma, Stool. Difficult, Stool. Difficult, Swallowing. Asthma, Urinating. Difficult, Waking. Difficult, Yawning. Other related rubrics Mind, Anxiety, Asthma, in. Mind, Anxiety, Dyspnea, in. Mind, Restlessness, Asthma, with. Mind, Speech, Stammering, Asthma, with. Head Pain, Alternating with asthma. Head Pain, Asthma, with. Nose, Coryza, Annual, Asthmatic breathing. Nose, Coryza, Asthma, before. Nose, Coryza, Asthma, with. Nose, Coryza, Chronic, Asthma, causing. Nose, Coryza, Dyspnea, with. Nose, Sneezing, Hay asthma, with. Face, Discoloration, Bluish, Asthma, in. Face, Discoloration, Bluish, Dyspnea, with. Face, Discoloration, Red, Lips, Asthmatic attack, during. Mouth, Odor, Fish brine, Asthma attack, before. Mouth, Pain, Cutting in, Tongue, Asthma, before. Mouth, Salivation, Asthma, in. Mouth, Salivation, Dyspnea, with.

Throat, Constriction, Asthma, with. Throat, Pain, Stitching, Asthma, before. Stomach, Anxiety, Asthma, in. Stomach, Appetite wanting, Asthma, with. Stomach, Disordered, Asthma, with. Stomach, Retching, Dyspnea, from. Rectum, Diarrhea, Asthma, before. Bladder, Urination, Involuntary, Asthmatic attack, during. Urine, Scanty, Asthma, with. Female, Menses, Suppressed, Asthma, with. Larynx, Voice, Lost, Asthma, with. Respiration, Arrested. Respiration, Asphyxia. Respiration, Gasping. Respiration, Impeded. Respiration, Loud. Respiration, Rattling. Respiration, Rough. Respiration, Stertorous. Respiration, Stridulous. Respiration, Wheezing. Respiration, Whistling. Cough, Asthmatic. Chest, Clothing Aggravates. Chest Congestion. Chest, Constriction, Asthmatic. Chest, Dropsy, Asthma, with. Chest, Emphysema. Chest, Eruptions, Rash, Alternating, Asthma with. Chest, Hypertrophy, Heart, Right, Asthma. Chest, Oppression. Chest, Pain, Asthmatic attack, during. Chest, Spasms of. Female, Metrorrhagia, Alternating with dyspnea. Back, Pain, Sitting, Dyspnea, with. Extremities, Coldness, Dyspnea, with. Extremities, Discoloration, Upper limbs, Blue, Asthma, with. Extremities, Eruption, Upper limbs, Rash, Alternating with asthma. Extremities, Eruption, Forearm, Pimples, Alternating with asthma. Extremities, Eruption, Forearm, Rash, Alternating with asthma. Extremities, Itching, Shoulder, Asthma, during. Extremity Pain, Joints, Gouty, Alternates with asthma.

Extremity Pain, Joints, Gouty, Asthma, with. Extremities, Raised, Shoulder, Dyspnea, with. Extremities, Swelling, Ankle, Dyspnea, with. Sleep, Position, Knees, Folded under chest, Asthma, in. Sleep, Sleepiness, Dyspnea, from. Sleep, Yawning, Dyspnea. Perspiration, Dyspnea, with. Perspiration, Profuse, Dyspnea, with. Skin, Eruptions, Alternating with, Asthma. Skin, Eruptions, Rash, Itching, Alternating with asthma. Skin, Eruptions, Rash, Tightness of chest, Alternating with asthma. Skin, Eruptions, Urticaria, Alternating with, Asthma. Skin, Eruptions, Urticaria, Asthmatic troubles, in. Generalities, Cramps, Asthma, with. Generalities, Cyanosis, Asthma, in. Generalities, Faintness, Asthma, from. Generalities, Formication, Asthma, before. Remedies Main remedies for acute asthmatic crisis It should be remembered when selecting a remedy that any remedy can cure asthma if it fits the case as a whole, even if it is not listed as an asthmatic remedy. Furthermore, the distinction between acute and chronic remedies is strictly artificial. Many chronic cases respond to the remedies listed in this section and vice-versa. Acute crises of asthma generally fall into one of two categories: those initiated by allergy and those triggered by infections such as bronchitis. There are also some forms of intrinsic asthma which manifest as periodic attacks of asthma for no reason. Acute asthmatic cases most often require acute prescriptions and thus the characteristics listed below are among the most important symptoms for prescribing. Conversely, in chronic asthma, the case is more often solved by the constitutional remedy chosen through the mental and general symptoms. Antimonium tartaricum Especially in children and elderly patients. Associated with infection - asthmatic bronchitis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Asthma: Asthma with wet lungs. Mucus in the chest with coarse rattling respiration both on inspiration and expiration. Cough which is wet sounding but unproductive, the patient may eventually find the strength to bring up a small amount of sticky, yellow mucus which relieves the dyspnea markedly. Dyspnea worse lying, must lie propped up on pillows. Wheezing worse at night. Dyspnea worse from heat. General: Ameliorated by being fanned. Vomiting with cough. Mental: Irritable and wants to be left alone.

Apis mellifica Mainly in acute allergic reactions. May be associated with angioneurotic edema, swollen lips, laryngospasm. Tight and painful breath, "as if each breath would be his last." Asthma: Tight, dry wheezing. Worse: Heat. Warm drinks. Suppressed eruptions. Better: Open air. Painful dyspnea. Concomitants: Asthma associated with hives. Arsenicum album Acute asthma from either respiratory infections or allergy. Asthma: Tight wheezes. Oppression of chest without wheeze. Wheezing from allergies to cats or dust or smoke. Bronchitis or pneumonia with wheezing and scant expectoration. Worse: 12 to 2 AM or specifically at 1 or 2 AM. Lying; must sit upright or bent forward. Cold air. Cold weather. Motion. Asthma after suppressed eruptions. Better: Warmth. Hot drinks. Sitting bent forward or rocking. General: Very chilly and restless. Thirsty for sips during the crisis. Excess perspiration during dyspnea. Mental: Restless, anxious and fearful with the dyspnea. Carbo vegetabilis Severe acute attacks of wheezing with weakness and collapse. Asthma almost always associated with belching and flatus. Wheezing ameliorated by eructation - drinks fizzy drinks to make himself belch. Worse: Lying flat; must be propped up. Eating. Chamomilla Reactive, over-sensitive patients with "irritable airways." Worse: Anger or vexation. Wind. Dry weather. Better: Bending head backwards. Cough from 9 to 10 AM or PM. Cuprum metallicum Sudden, severe spasm of asthma with deep, violent cough. Cyanosis; face turns blue. Symptoms may occur at 3 AM. Cough ameliorated by cold drinks. Asthmatic attacks from anger, fright or other strong emotions. Asthma from suppressed eruptions. Thumbs clenched during attack. Euphrasia officinalis

Allergic crisis associated with hay fever and lacrimation. "Cough asthma." Cough and wheeze worse during day. Symptoms ameliorated at night and upon lying. Ipecacuanha Generally associated with acute bronchitis or bronchiolitis. Rattling chest with suffocative cough and cyanosis. Constant cough with gagging and vomiting. Worse: Warm humid weather. Lying. Motion or slight exertion. Better: Open air. Sitting up. Especially a remedy for childhood asthmatic crisis. Bronchiolitis. General: Warm and averse to heat. Hands and feet cold and dripping sweat. Ears cold. Iodium Serious allergic asthma with spasms of throat and chest. Acrid mucus and postnasal drainage which triggers spasm. Laryngospasm. Worse: Heat. During the summer. Exertion. Better: Cold air or cold drinks. Kalium bichromicum Asthma associated with acute bronchitis and sticky mucus. Almost always associated with sinusitis and postnasal discharge. Wheezing during sleep without waking the patient (Kali-S). Worse: 1 AM or at midnight. Cold. Lying. Cough worse from eating. Better: Sitting. After expectorating. Kalium iodatum Allergic cases with thin, acrid coryza and lacrimation. Infectious with thick, purulent discharge from lungs and sinuses. Worse: Warm room. Late at night 3, 4 or especially 5 AM. Better: Open air. Kalium sulphuricum Mainly associated with infection or resulting from lingering infection. Cough producing thick, often yellowish discharge. Worse: Evening or at 2 to 3 AM. Exertion. Eating. Warm room. Better: Cold drinks. Open air. Wheezing and rattling in sleep, loud enough to hear on entering room, especially in children (Kali-Bi for adults). Lachesis mutus Sudden constriction in chest and throat. Sensation of being choked or suffocated, throws open the windows.

Labored breathing, expiration prolonged, face flushed, red eyes seem to bulge out, collars or necklace intolerable. Worse: Night in bed. Morning on wakening. Comes during sleep. Clothing or anything touching or constricting throat, chest or even abdomen. Rips open the clothing. Strong emotions, especially jealousy. Heat. Exertion, especially exerting the arms. Talking. Better: Open air. Cool air. Sitting upright. Discharge or hemorrhage. Expectoration. Lemna minor Asthma in cold, damp weather. Nasal obstruction and swelling of turbinates. Lobelia inflata Hysterical asthma: Dyspnea far out of proportion to the wheeze. History of tuberculosis or pleurisy. Sensation of constriction or a lump in the chest. Asthma during labor. Worse: Drafts. Cold or damp. Better: Rapid walking. Slow deep breathing. Excess saliva during asthma. Lycopodium clavatum Acute asthmatic bronchitis crisis with rattling chest. Especially in babies, elderly, and nerdy, wimpy boys. Tickling, dry cough. Belching and distension of abdomen with the crisis. Worse: Cold yet needs open air. Swallowing. Lying, especially lying on the back. Better: Warmth and warm drinks. Sitting. Flaring of alae nasi and use of other accessory muscles. Moschus Sudden and violent attacks of asthma with cyanosis and threatened asphyxia. Painful constriction of the chest or larynx. Hysterical asthma. Worse: Cold, damp weather. Anger or excitement. Better: Eructation. Nux vomica Allergic asthma; hay asthma. Often attacks come after a period of intense work, loss of sleep and over-indulgence in stimulants or alcohol. Often associated with digestive complaints (Lyc, Carb-V, Sang). Worse: Morning upon wakening. 4 AM (waking patient). Cold or cold, dry weather. Winter. Eating brings on the attack. Indigestion. Intolerant of tight clothes.

Better: Warm drinks. Belching. Phosphorus Every cold goes to the chest causing cough and wheezing. Hoarse during the bronchitis. Tight, tickling, irritative cough. Worse: Morning. Evening at twilight. Night, especially 10 PM. Lying on the left side. Sudden change of temperature. Leaving or entering a warm room. Talking or reading aloud. Laughing. Singing. Deep breathing. Fumes or even perfume or flower odors. Eating. Better: Lying right side. Pulsatilla pratensis Has both forms of asthma with slightly different patterns. Allergic asthma: Hay asthma - often with conjunctivitis and itchy eyes and clear, watery discharge from nose or eyes. Worse: Evening (Nat-M, Kali-S). Summer. Heat. Open air. Pollen or ragweed. Cats. Eating. Lying with head low. Better: Cool air or air-conditioning. Cold applications. Sleeping propped up on pillows. Acute infections such as colds or bronchitis: Cough with juicy, green discharge from chest or nose. Worse: At night, disturbing the sleep. Lying. Exertion. Exposure to smoke. Heat. Stuffy room. Better: Open air. Gentle motion. Walking in the open air. Being propped-up in bed. Must sit up during the crisis. Sabadilla Allergic asthma. Marked sneezing which aggravates or initiates the attack. Itching through nose, palate and even rectum during the attack. Cough causes lacrimation. Sambucus nigra Especially in childhood asthma. Severe spasms of lungs and cyanosis. Wakens with frightening suffocation, cough and blue face. Springs up at night with a suffocating sensation (Lach, Sulph, Grind). Acute bronchitis or sinus infection triggering asthma. Worse: Night, especially midnight or 12 to 3 AM. 3AM. Repeated attacks all night. Associated with marked perspiration, especially after waking with the asthmatic crisis. Sanguinaria canadensis Allergy with "Rose colds" or "Summer colds." Asthma from odors or perfumes.

Cough and wheeze ameliorated by flatus. Asthma with reflux esophagitis and aspiration pneumonitis. Pains in the right side of chest into the right shoulder. Spongia tosta Every cough or cold leads to asthma attacks. Especially useful in childhood asthma. Worse: In the sleep. 1 AM. Menses. Lying. Cold drinks. Cold air. Cold wind. Exertion. Dancing. Talking. Better: Bending head forward. Sitting and leaning forward. Eating or drinking. Warm drinks. Sense of obstruction in throat or mouth. As if breathing through a sponge. Dry cough; tickling cough; croupy cough. Main remedies for chronic asthma It should be noted that many of the same remedies are listed in the acute asthma section. If no additional information exists for the remedy's use in chronic conditions, no description follows. In cases of chronic asthma, it is unusual for the specifics of the respiratory tract to be the main basis of the prescription. Rather we must rely upon the whole case, the mental and general symptoms most strongly. The symptoms listed below may often supply a crucial clue. Arsenicum album Thin, anxious patient who gives the impression of a seriously weakened respiratory system. Periodic asthma. Asthma in elderly patients (any age may need this remedy). Asthma after suppressed eruptions or alternating with eczema. Patient feels unable to take a deep breath. Worse: 12 to 2 AM or specifically at 1 or 2 AM. Lying; must sit upright or bent forward. Turning in bed. Cold or open air. Change of weather. Stormy weather. Exertion. Smoke. Dust. Cats. Catching colds. Better: Warmth or warm drinks. Sitting upright or bent forward. Blatta orientalis Obese patients with asthma. Worse: Molds and mildew, especially rotting leaves. Cold air. Better: Expectoration. Bromium Easily confused with Medorrhinum because of the marked amelioration at the sea. Sensation of breathing in smoke. Worse: Heat. Summer. Swallowing. "Sailors on coming ashore." Dust or other irritants. Deep breath provokes cough. Better: Sea air. Open air. Laryngospasm. Calcarea carbonica

Asthma or catching of the breath. Worse: Cold, damp weather. Exertion. Ascending. Exertion of walking against the wind. Bending over or stooping. Better: Pulling back the shoulders. Comes on in periods of over-work and stress. Carcinosinum Perfectionistic, tense patients with strong family history of asthma or cancer or diabetes. Symptoms often worse in the mid-morning. Chronically recurring flus and colds resulting in asthma. Reactive, tickling cough, worse in the cold air. Causticum Emotionally intense, sincere patient with heavy chest. Wheezing and coughing together. Marked, tickling cough with asthma. Worse: Exertion. Cold wind. Coughing or laughing. Respiration more difficult inhaling. Better: Damp or rainy weather. Chronically recurring sinusitis and bronchitis. Hoarseness. Deep cough which is scantily productive; wants to cough deeper. China officinalis Asthma and chronic chest congestion. Worse: Autumn. Cold or cold, damp weather. Attacks are periodic, especially every other day or every seven days. Puffing out of cheeks during expiration. Dyspnea may be more felt during inspiration. Asthma after hemorrhage or in children whose mother lost much fluid or was severely anemic during pregnancy or labor. Cuprum metallicum Closed and suppressed patients with episodes of suffocative asthma. Asthma with tremendous spasms in the lungs and throat. Asthma from suppressed emotions, fright or anger. Asthma in patients with seizure disorders or serious leg cramps. Hiccoughing before the crisis. Asphyxia. Cyanosis. Especially the face turns blue. Worse: Night, especially 3 AM. Before menses. Bending backwards. Cannot bear anything near the mouth, obstructing breath. Suppressed eruptions. After strong or suppressed emotions. Dyspnea worse from raising the arms. Paroxysm of cough, better from cold drinks. Euphrasia officinalis (See above: Acute Asthma).

Graphites Asthma from suppressed skin eruptions; alternates with eczema. Worse: After midnight, waking the patient. He jumps up out of bed. Evening in bed or on going to sleep. While lying. Better: After eating. Ignatia amara Asthma from grief with heavy, oppressed chest. "Cough asthma." Patient can barely catch his breath from the cough. Hysterical asthma. Globus hystericus. Iodium (See above: Acute Asthma). Ipecacuanha Stout patients with periodic asthma during warm, humid weather. Asthmatic attacks beginning with constant cough. Nausea and vomiting or stomach cramps with the cough. Rattling chest; thick, yellow expectoration (Ant-T, Kali-S). Scant expectoration with marked wheeze. Childhood asthma. Bronchiectasis. (See above: Acute Asthma). Kalium arsenicosum Aggravation between 2 to 3 AM. Periodic asthma, worse every other day or every three days. Otherwise modalities resemble Kali Carbonicum. Kalium bichromicum Asthma associated with thick mucus in chest and sinuses. Worse: 1 AM. Cold weather. Lying. Cough worse after eating. Better: Sitting. After expectoration. (See above: Acute Asthma). Kalium carbonicum One of the most important remedies for asthma. Great anxiety with each cold that it will result in asthma. Chest often filled with mucus, better from expectoration. Cough with coldness in the chest and stitching pains. Worse: 2 AM or 2 to 4 AM. Morning on waking. Cold or cold damp weather. Drafts. Cold drinks if overheated. Motion. Walking. Exertion. Lying, especially on the left side. Better: Sitting upright. Bent forward with elbows on knees. Asthma alternates with diarrhea, especially nighttime diarrhea.

Kalium iodatum Symptoms worse in a warm room and better open air. Worse: Exerting, especially ascending. Aggravation late at night: 3, 4 or especially 5 AM. Often develops after severe or repeated pneumonia. (See above: Acute Asthma). Kalium nitricum Typical Kali pattern with night aggravation. Worse: 3 AM. While drinking; can't tolerate holding the breath long enough to drink. Cold sensation in the chest, or about the heart. Kalium sulphuricum A very frequent remedy for asthma and especially in children. Rattling chest and much thick, yellow mucus. Noisy respiration at night during sleep. Worse: Evening. 2 to 3 AM. Exertion. Better: Open air. Cool weather. Asthma with chronic nasal obstruction. Lachesis mutus Intense patients with great constriction of the larynx or chest and suffocating sensations. Asthma which develops from strong or violent emotions. Asthma from jealousy; after a younger sibling's birth. Worse: Night, just after sleep begins and extending through the entire night. During sleep. Morning upon waking. Heat. Closed rooms. Autumn or spring. Changes of weather. Exertion, especially exerting the arms. Talking. Before menses. Menopause. Suppressed discharges or eruptions. Better: Open air. During menses. Discharges. Expectoration. Sitting upright or bent forward. (See above: Acute Asthma). Lobelia inflata (See above: Acute Asthma). Lycopodium clavatum Asthma in thin, intellectual patients. Asthma associated with digestive complaints, flatulence and especially colitis. Worse: 4 to 8 PM or at 2 AM. Cold air, though prefers open air. Exertion or ascending. Chronic, dry, tickling cough. Medorrhinum Probably the most frequent remedy for childhood asthma. Asthma associated with arthritis. Worse: 2 AM. Wet weather. Sweets.

Better: At the seaside. Open air or fanning. Feels better in the knee-chest position. Often associated with thick, greenish mucus from eyes, nose or chest. Natrium arsenicosum Highly ambitious patients with rigidness in respiratory system. Worse: Exposure to any smoke or dust. Exertion. Rattling chest. Marked expectoration of greenish mucus. Natrium muriaticum Allergic asthma in over-serious patients. Worse: Evening, especially 5 to 7 PM. From grief. Going up stairs. Exertion. Menses. Better: Open air. Natrium phosphoricum Asthma worse in the evening. Worse: After abuse of tobacco (which the patient craves). Natrium sulphuricum Very important remedy for asthma in adults and children. Worse: 4 AM or 4 to 5 AM. Evening, especially on going to bed. Damp weather - warm or cold damp. Worse fog. Storms. Exertion. Before menses. Chronic bronchitis. Allergic asthma. Stress of many duties and responsibilities. Grief. Often ceases at puberty and then returns in middle or later life. Rattling and mucus filled chest. Profuse green mucus. Weak feeling in chest; holds the chest upon coughing. Nux vomica (See above: Acute Asthma). Phosphorus (See above: Acute Asthma). Psorinum Patient with many acute respiratory infections, especially after any exposure to cold or drafts. Worse: Cold air. Sitting. Better: Lying, especially lying on back with arms outward. Lies in bed "as if crucified." Pulsatilla pratensis (See above: Acute Asthma). Rhus toxicodendron Asthma from suppressed eruption. Internal itching inside the lungs. Worse: Cold, damp weather. Asthma after anger. Sambucus nigra

(See above: Acute Asthma). Sanguinaria canadensis (See above: Acute Asthma). Senega Subacute or chronic asthmatic cases with advanced bronchitis and copious, tenacious mucus. Markedly weak respiratory system (Ant-T). Inflamed throat and hoarseness with hawking of mucus. Especially for elderly patients. Worse: Cold air. Lying. The patient feels more affected on the left side of the chest. Silica marina Especially useful in childhood asthma after suppressed otitis and respiratory infections or after vaccination. Frequent and repeated colds and bronchitis aggravate the asthma. Worse: Cold, damp weather. Drafts. Exertion or "manual labor." Spongia tosta (See above: Acute Asthma). Sulphur Asthma associated with eczema; both aggravate at the same time. Worse: Winter. From respiratory infection. Becoming heated. Better: Open air. Cough wakes the patient from sleep. Wakes at night with a feeling as if a weight upon the chest. Tuberculinum bovinum kent Asthma from childhood, often with family history of respiratory illness or emphysema. Allergy to cats with serious wheezing is often the initial event. Worse: All animal danders. Lying down. Hot, stuffy rooms. Better: Open air. Driving with the windows open. Frequent infections, always ending in chest catarrh. Cardiac conditions Cardiac conditions This chapter on cardiac conditions includes sections on: Arrhythmia Angina Degenerative Disorders of the Heart Only a trained physician should offer any advice regarding cardiac conditions, and appropriate allopathic specialists must remain involved during homeopathic treatment. We generally find patients already on allopathic medication for cardiac disorders when they come in for their first visit. It is unwise to change any allopathic medications until the patient has clearly improved under homeopathic treatment. Also, no change in medication should be made without the concurrence of the treating specialist.

Despite these precautions, homeopathic treatment has a great deal to offer in a wide variety of cardiac conditions. Despite common misperceptions, cardiac conditions need not be considered permanent. Even patients with marked degenerative conditions of the heart can have full return of function in many cases. Especially if we include homeopathy as a part of an overall rehabilitation effort, we can expect great benefit. Arrhythmia Of course there is a wide variety of arrhythmias, some benign and others life-threatening. Many cases will respond to remedies even while taking allopathic medications. For some minor forms of arrhythmia it is acceptable to stop allopathic drugs before beginning homeopathic treatment. For example, we can stop allopathic drugs in atrial premature contractions and in selected cases of young persons in good general health who suffer from occasional episodes of atrial fibrillation or paroxysmal atrial tachycardia. An allopathic specialist should be consulted if discontinuation of drugs is contemplated. In addition, many patients with no true arrhythmia but with abnormal sensitiveness to normal cardiac rhythm or intensity (felt as if "palpitations") are placed on beta-blockers for symptomatic relief. Obviously, in these cases it is preferable to treat the patient while off allopathic medications. In atrial fibrillation and in the elderly with perhaps poor cardiac output, the patient will very often present at the first visit on some form of Digitalis (i.e. Digoxin). The early effects of Digoxin are often homeopathic and beneficial causing the patient to feel much better. In this stage, the homeopathic remedy often works well despite the Digoxin. After some time on Digoxin, the patient will accommodate to the drug, or worse, he will start to develop poisoning symptoms. Allopathic pharmacists have determined that Digoxin is the most frequently misprescribed drug. At this stage, the Digoxin more actively interferes with the homeopathic treatment. Other standard antiarrhythmic drugs (including Quinidine, beta-blockers and calcium channel blockers) are somewhat less interfering with homeopathic treatment. Most cases of arrhythmia will respond well to homeopathic treatment. The notable exception is longterm atrial fibrillation which has been controlled for a long time with medications without returning to sinus rhythm. In such cases, it is best to inform the patient at the outset that his arrhythmia is unlikely to be cured. Homeopathic treatment is still beneficial for the patient's general health even when the fibrillation cannot be cured. Homeopathic treament for arrhythmia is always constitutional except during an acute crisis where specific remedies are preferred. Repertory Main rubrics The main rubrics are listed in "Chest, Palpitations." It is a reasonably short section and does not require a summary. Also important are the rubrics in, "General, Pulse." Other important rubrics in arrhythmia Mind, Anguish, Palpitation, with. Mind, Anxiety, Breathing difficult, Palpitation, Waking after midnight. Mind, Anxiety, Palpitation, from. Mind, Anxiety, Palpitation, with. Mind, Anxiety, Palpitation, With, Angina pectoris, in. Mind, Anxiety, Palpitation, With, Children, in.

Mind, Cheerfulness, Alternating with, Palpitation and oppression of chest. Mind, Dullness, Palpitation, with. Mind, Excitement, Palpitation, from. Mind, Fear, Apoplexy, Palpitation, with. Mind, Irritability, Palpitation, with. Mind, Restlessness, Palpitation, during. Mind, Restlessness, Palpitation, Hysterical. Mind, Sadness, Palpitation, with. Mind, Starting, Palpitation, from. Mind, Starting, Sleep, From, Palpitation, with. Mind, Weeping, Palpitation, during. Vetigo, Palpitation, with. Head, Heat, Heart palpitation, with. Head, Perspiration, Scalp, Palpitation, with. Head, Pain, Palpitation, with. Ear, Noises, Palpitation, with. Nose, Coryza, Old people, Palpitation, with. Face, Coldness, Palpitation, with. Face, Discoloration, Red, Palpitation, with. Face, Heat, Palpitation, during. Face, Perspiration, Palpitation, with. Mouth, Odor offensive, Palpitation, with. Mouth, Salivation, Palpitation, with. Throat, Cramp, Palpitation, from. Throat, Cramp, Esophagus, Palpitation, with. Throat, Pulsating, Palpitation, with. Throat External, Goitre, Palpitation, with. Stomach, Appetite, Wanting, Palpitation, with. Stomach, Distension, Palpitation, with. Stomach, Eructations, Palpitation, with. Stomach, Heartburn, Palpitation, with. Stomach, Heaviness, Palpitation, with. Stomach, Nausea, Palpitation, with Stomach, Pain, Palpitation, with. Stomach, Pain, Cramping, Palpitation, with. Stomach, Vomiting, Palpitation, with. Stomach, Weak feeling, Palpitation, with. Abdomen, Contraction, Rhythmic, Palpitation, with. Abdomen, Distension, Palpitation, with. Abdomen, Flatulence, Palpitation, with. Abdomen, Fullness, Palpitation, with. Abdomen, Pain, Burning, Palpitation, On first movement of child.

Rectum, Diarrhea, Palpitation, with. Rectum, Fistula, Palpitation, with. Rectum, Hemorrhoids, Palpitation, Alternating with. Kidney, Inflammation, Palpitation, with. Female, Menses, Irregular, Palpitation, with. Female, Menses, Suppressed, Palpitation, with. Female, Pain, Uterus, Palpitation, with. Respiration, Asthmatic, Palpitation, with. Respiration, Difficult, Palpitation, during. Respiration, Difficult, Palpitation, during, 11 PM to 3 AM. Respiration, Impeded, Palpitation. Respiration, Slow, Palpitation, during. Chest, Fluttering (subrubrics). Chest, Pain, Palpitation, during. Chest, Trembling, Heart. Chest, Turning, Heart, Around, as if. Chest, Twisting, Turning over. Chest, Twitching, Heart, region of. Chest, Undulation of heart, sense of. Back, Pain, Palpitation with. Back, Palpitation felt in. Extremity, Tingling, Fingers, Palpitation, with. Extremity, Trembling, Hand, Palpitation, with. Extremity, Weakness, Palpitation, with. Extremity, Weakness, Leg, Calf, Palpitation, with. Extremity, Pain, Palpitation, with. Extremity, Pain, Upper limb, Palpitation, with. Sleep, Disturbed, Palpitation, by. Sleep, Dreaming, Palpitation, with. Sleep, Falling asleep, Palpitation, with. Sleep, Position, Changed frequently, Palpitation, because of. Sleep, Sleepiness, Palpitation, with. Sleep, Sleeplessness, Palpitation, from. Sleep, Waking, Midnight, After, 3 to 5AM., Palpitation, from. Sleep, Waking, Palpitation, with. Perspiration, Cold, Palpitation, with. Perspiration, Palpitation. Skin, Eruptions, Urticaria, Palpitation, with. General, Convulsions, Epileptic aura, Palpitation, with. General, Convulsions, Palpitation, with. General, Faintness, Palpitation, during. General, Faintness, Palpitation, Climacteric, during.

General, Heat, Flushes of, Palpitation, with. General, Orgasm of blood, Palpitation, with. General, Pain, Neuralgic, Palpitation, with. General, Pulse, Slow, Palpitation, with. General, Trembling, Palpitation, with. General, Weakness, Palpitation, with. Remedies Main remedies for arrhythmia Argentum nitricum Tumultuous palpitations. Sensation that "the heart would be dislodged." Worse: Night, especially in bed. Lying on the right side. Excitement. Thinking of the conditon. Eating. Sweets. Sudden or unusual exertion or motion. Better: Walking, especially rapid walking. Pressing on the sternum with hand. Arsenicum album Functional arrhythmia from anxiety, fever or exertion. Serious cardiac conditions such as congestive heart failure or in end stage disease where the palpitations come with slight exertion or emotional stress. Worse: Night, especially 2 or 3 AM. Exertion. Ascending. Fever. Lying, especially on the back. From suppressed eruptions or sweat. Main remedy for atrial fibrillation. Digitalis purpurea Atrial arrhythmias: Sick sinus syndrome, atrial fibrillation or flutter. Presents with slowed pulse either from slowed rhythm or from excessive heart rate without transmission to the peripheral pulse. Worse: Grief or emotions. Exertion or motion. Motion of arms. Coition. Turning in bed. Sensation that the heart will cease to beat if he makes the slightest movement. Lachesis mutus Palpitations and full or bursting sensations in chest. Worse: Night, in sleep. Morning on waking. Turning in bed. Lying left side. Heat. Warm food or drinks. Menopause or suppressed menses (e.g. hysterectomy). Exertion. Leaning backwards. Rising from a seat. Sudden emotion. Better: Lying on the right side. Sitting upright. Naja tripudians Palpitations and markedly irritable heart. Palpitation associated with valvular disorders. Worse: Slightest exertion (even talking). Ascending. Wine. Walking. Motion of arms. Lying on left side. Waking. Unable to speak due to palpitations. Rapid or slowed pulse.

Natrium muriaticum Palpitations from suppressed emotions. Sensation of skipped beats or sudden stops in heart. Worse: Evening or night in bed. On going to bed. Grief or disappointment. If startled. From sudden noises. Cough. Lying on left side. Menses, especially after the period. Exertion. Ascending. Walking rapidly. Better: In open air. Cold sensations in the heart from mental exertion. Phosphorus Palpitations in excitable patients. Functional arrhythmia. Worse: Evening. On waking. Lying on the left side. Excitement and emotions. Fright. Thunderstorms. Coition. Exertion and from motion, even slight motion. Rising from a seat or from bed. Warm drinks or food. Better: Cold drinks. Lying, especially on the right side. Spigelia anthelmia Violent palpitation, even visible through chest wall at times. Worse: Morning. From slight motion or exertion. Bending forward. Sitting. Lying on the left side. Deep inhalation. Raising arms. Quick motion. Better: Warm drinks. Palpitation alternates with cheerfulness. Palpitations with offensive breath. Other important remedies for arrhythmia Aconitum napellus Palpitations caused by or associated with fear or shock. Sudden, violent palpitations often waking the patient; accompanied by fright, flushing and dyspnea. Worse: Daytime. Night on first sleep. Fever. Motion of arms. Ammonium carbonicum Palpitations with weakness and breathlessness. Worse: Bathing. Motion. Coition. Cough. Amylenum nitrosum Forceful pulsation of heart, almost always with flushes. Bursting sensation in head and ears with each heart pulsation. Palpitations at menopause. Worse: From the least excitement. Argentum metallicum Palpitations in paroxysms. Sensation as if the heart ceases. Worse: Night. Sudden motion or exertion. Excitement. Menses. Lying on back. Lying on right side. Better: Deep inhalation or sighing. Continued motion. Especially to be thought of in paroxysmal atrial tachycardia. Arnica montana Palpitations with marked anxiety.

Worse: Exertion. Motion. Anger. Cough. Aurum metallicum Palpitation or sensation of heart trembling or turning inside. Sensation that heart stops, starting again with sudden thump. Worse: Evening. In bed at night. Excitement. Exertion. Paroxysmal arrhythmias. Aurum muriaticum Palpitations wake the patient at night or prevent sleep. Worse: Walking, especially rapid walking. Ascending. Anger or other excitement. Thinking of palpitation. Fluttering in chest alternates with soreness. Cactus grandiflorus Arrhythmia associated with pain and constriction in chest. Worse: Night. Exertion. Slight or unaccustomed exertion. Walking. Just beginning to move. Rising from a seat. Lying, especially on back or left side. Sudden excitements. Mental exertion. Grief. Menses. Suppressed menses. Better: Sitting upright. Calcarea arsenicosa "Palpitations in fleshy women at menopause." Worse: Slight emotion. Mental exertion. Slight motion. Palpitations with eructations (or alternating). Palpitations before attacks of epilepsy. Heat, flushes and suffocation with palpitations. Calcarea carbonica Palpitations in physical breakdown from prolonged stress. Worse: Night. Anxiety. Eating. Exertion. Ascending. Coffea cruda Palpitations from state of over-stimulation or excitement. Worse: Stimulants, such as coffee or alcohol. Sleeplessness. Emotions, especially sudden strong emotions. Joy. Noise or over-stimulation. Collinsonia canadensis Palpitations which alternate with hemorrhoids. As palpitations cease, menses or hemorrhoids appear. Ferrum metallicum Palpitations worse sitting. Worse: From exertion. Better: Gentle walking. Gelsemium sempervirens Hysterical palpitations or sensation as if the heart will cease. Worse: Thinking of palpitation. Better: Motion.

Weakness and great anxiety about the heart. Glonoinum Violent action of heart, often with flushes or headache. Worse: Becoming heated or from flushes of heat. Menopause. Lying. Associated with cardiac murmurs. Iberis amara Palpitations and excessive irritability of heart. Worse: Night, especially 2 AM. Slight exertion. Laughing. Cough. Ignatia amara Palpitations from emotions, vexation or mental exertion. Worse: Menses. Exposure to smoke. Iodium Tumultuous palpitations with excitement and restlessness. Worse: Heat and warm rooms. Exertion or even motion. Walking, especially rapidly. Better: Cold bathing. Pulsations felt all the way to the tips of the fingers. Kalmia latifolia Violent, even audible palpitation, often with visible lift. Palpitations almost always associated with pain. Palpitations felt in the throat. Pulse markedly slowed (Dig). Worse: Evening or night in bed. Lying on the left side. Bending forward. Better: Lying on the back. Sitting erect. Lilium tigrinum Hysterical palpitations with hurried excitement or rages. Worse: Night. During pregnancy. While resting. Lying, especially on the right side. Slight motion or excitement. Better: Lying on the back. Fluttering or trembling in heart, often waking the patient. Lycopodium clavatum Palpitations with anxiety and weak or helpless feeling. Worse: Afternoon. Evening in bed. Night. After eating or while food is digesting. Lying on the left side. Lycopus virginicus Rapid and tumultuous heartbeat which may be primarily cardiac or thyroid in origin. Pulsations through to the whole body, especially the head. Coughing from palpitations. Worse: Exertion. Lying on right side. Thinking of palpitation. Moschus Palpitations with hysteria or anger. Faintness with palpitations.

Nux vomica Palpitations from excitement, from over-work and work stress. Worse: Abuse of stimulants or recreational drugs. Eating. Lying. Sudden excitement. Walking in open air. Wine. Oxalicum acidum Palpitations from thinking about the heart or palpitations. Worse: Evening. While lying. Coffee. Palpitations alternating with hoarseness. Psorinum Palpitations with rheumatic heart disease. Worse: Exertion. Motion. Lying on the left side. Better: Lying. Lying on the right side. Pulsatilla pratensis Palpitations from strong emotions. Worse: Night in bed. Lying, especially on the left side. From intense exertion (but better motion). Suppressed menses. Eating. Warm food. Heat. Fever. Better: Walking slowly in the open air. Rhus toxicodendron Palpitations worse at night in bed and worse in the morning. Worse: Night in bed. Morning in bed. Sitting or lying still. Sitting bent forward. From over-exerting. Motion of arms. Better: Motion. Walking. Spongia tosta Palpitations at night, especially from midnight to 1 or 2 AM. Worse: Night in bed. Menses. Exertion. Palpitations accompanied by cough, dyspnea or suffocation. Staphisagria Palpitations from suppressed anger or injustices. Worse: Exertion. Walking. Music. Sulphur Palpitations at night in bed with suffocation and gasping for breath. Worse: Upon falling asleep. Turning in bed. Exertion. Ascending. Motion of arms. Lying. Mental exertion. Sumbulus moschatus Hysteria with irritability of heart and palpitation. Worse: Thinking of palpitations. Excitement. Beer. Restless nervousness with palpitations. Tarentula hispanica Tumultuous palpitations or turning, twisting sensation of heart. Worse: Sudden palpitation. Excitement. Seeing strong colors. Better: Putting hands in cold water. Angina

In our texts, there is no differentiation between angina pectoris and myocardial infarction. This is mainly because at the time of the writing of our texts there was no technology to observe if the event had caused actual tissue damage or merely ischemia. While the actual diagnosis alters the recommended allopathic management, it does not affect the selection of the homeopathic remedy. We rely on the symptom picture only as a guide to the correct remedy. Management Some cases of advanced coronary artery disease will not respond to homeopathic treatment because of the degree of tissue changes. However, many cases will respond, and this is not entirely explained by the amount of plaque found in the vessel, but rather by the clarity of homeopathic symptomatology. When we find a case of angina which is worse from exertion and better from rest but without other clear symptoms or modalities, we are more pessimistic about the chance for a cure and are therefore more careful to keep the patient on his medications and to work in conjunction with a cardiologist. If, on the other hand, we have a case of angina which is worse from lying on the left side, worse in the morning or coming on during sleep and worse at the menopause, etc., then we have a case which almost definitely will respond to the treatment with Lachesis. Therapeutic tips for angina Homeopathic In serious cardiac cases it is unwise to begin the case with a potency over 200C. This is because of the risk of acute infarction resulting during the homeopathic aggravation. Since almost all cases with cardiac problems present already taking allopathic medications which may in fact be vital for preserving life, a usual prescription would be a single dose of 200C followed by a daily dose of 12C. LM potencies may also be used when patients are taking allopathic medications. Even with the correct constitutional remedy, the patient may continue to have episodes of angina for many months. Do not change the remedy if the patient as a whole has clearly improved, even if the angina continues for a period. Naturopathic Trying to manage coronary artery disease without careful management of the diet, exercise and stress management is a disservice to the patient. For detailed discussions of these factors see the books of Ornish, Pritikin, Goldstritch. Much reversal of arterial stenosis is possible by careful management of these factors alone. A number of patients benefit from: Vitamin E supplements (400 units daily). Vitamin C (2000 mg. per day if not contraindicated). Calcium and Magnesium supplements. Omega fatty acids (flax oil). Garlic. Lecithin (6000 mg. daily). Coenzyme Q10 (75 mg. per day). Of the cholesterol lowering medications, high doses of Niacin seems the least interfering. Red wine, grape juice, garlic, prickly pear cactus juice, high doses of vitamin C all help in the somewhat obsessive fight to lower the cholesterol levels to below 200. Some patients definitely benefit from chelation treatment. Allopathic In addition to allopathic medications, many patients have had allopathic intervention in the form of angioplasty or by-pass operations. A single such procedure is rarely suppressive and in fact may aid in the homeopathic treatment. However, a group of patients come for treatment after multiple

angioplasties. In some of these cases there is a downward spiral with each procedure seeming to sap the patient of vitality as well as making the homeopathic symptoms more and more obscure. Many patients are unnecessarily placed on Mevacor or other cholesterol lowering drugs. If the elevation is moderate and no other risk factors exist, no treatment is required. Many cases of angina have been on allopathic medications so aggressively that no clear modalities exist. It is best to try to manage the patient on the least interfering allopathic regimen possible. Hierarchy of allopathic medications 1) Daily aspirin. 2) Short-acting Nitroglycerin preparations used as needed. 3) Long-acting Nitroglycerin (Isordil, Nitropaste, etc.). 4) Beta-blockers. 5) Calcium channel blockers. Repertory Main rubrics in angina The main rubrics for angina and myocardial infarction are found in the chapter, "Chest." Chest, Angina pectoris. Chest, Constriction, Heart (many subrubrics). Chest, Fatty degeneration of heart. Chest, Oppression, Heart (many subrubrics). Chest, Pain, General, Heart (many subrubrics). (Also see Chest, Pain, Heart, Aching, Crampy, Cutting, Drawing, Pressing, Sore, Stitching. Tearing). Chest, Pain, General, Heart, Extending to (many subrubrics). Other important rubrics Mind, Fear, Death, Heart symptoms, during. Head, Congestion, Alternating with, Congestion to heart. Ear, Pain, Bursting sensation, Heart beat, with each. Nose, Epistaxis, Heart symptoms, with. Face, Discoloration, Pale, Pain in heart, with. Teeth, Pain, Pain in heart, with. Throat, Choking, Heart trouble, with. Stomach, Nausea, Pain in heart, during. Female, Pain, Alternating, Pain in heart, with. Female, Pain, Ovaries, Heart symptoms, with sympathetic. Female, Pain, Uterus, Alternating, Pain in heart, with. Respiration, Difficult, Heart pain, during. Chest, Congestion, Heart. Chest, Cramp, Heart. Chest, Fullness. Chest, Heat, Heart, Region of. Chest, Heat, Heart, Region of, flushes of. Chest, Oppression, Weight or load, as of a.

Chest, Pain, General, Sides, left. Chest, Shocks, Heart, region of the. Chest, Spasms, Heart, of. Extremity, Lameness, Upper Arm, Left, Heart disease, with. Extremity, Numbness, Upper Limbs, Right, Heart disease, in. Extremity, Numbness, Upper Limbs, Left, Heart disease, in. Extremity, Numbness, Upper Limbs, Heart affections, in. Extremity, Paralysis, Upper Limbs, Pain in heart, with. Extremity, Pain, Upper limbs, Right, Heart symptoms, with. Extremity, Pain, Upper limbs, Left, Heart symptoms, with. Extremity, Pain, Upper limbs, Extending to, Fingers, Heart, from. Extremity, Pain, Upper limbs, Upper arm, Heart affections. Extremity, Pain, Upper arm, Numbness, Right arm, heart pain. Sleep, Sleeplessness, Pains in heart, Unhappy love, due to. General, Faintness, Heart, Pressure about, with. General, Faintness, Pain, Heart, in. Remedies Main remedies for angina Aconitum napellus First attack of angina, coming suddenly with terror and conviction he is about to die. Chest pain extends to the left arm or hand. Tremendous distress with pain, oppression and fear. Worse: Fright or shock. Sitting erect. Wakes the doctor at night with frantic call. Extension: Pains and especially numbness and tingling into left arm and fingers. Also in hysterical "heart attacks" with hyperventilation, tremendous fear and sweats, even fainting. Argentum nitricum Angina associated with emotions rather than exertion. Pain may also come from excess sympathy. Dyspnea during heart pains. Arnica montana Angina rousing him from sleep and causing great fear. Angina with a sore, bruised sensation across the chest. Pain causes him to grasp at his heart. Chest sensitive to touch; fears to be touched. Worse: Exertion. "Strained" heart from long over-exertion. Lifting anything heavy. Better: Gentle pressure. Extension: Left elbow. Arsenicum album Angina with constriction or intense burning under the sternum. Anxious, restless feeling in heart. Worse: At night in bed, especially 1 AM and wakes the patient.

Exertion. Ascending. Drinking water. Better: From heat. Warm drinks. Extension: Neck or occiput. Aurum metallicum Angina from business stresses and financial set-backs. Angina pains with fullness or oppression of chest. Worse: Evening or night. Lying flat. Exertion. Ascending. Emotions or disappointment. Puberty. Better: Moving about. Wandering chest pains. Extension: Left arm or fingers. Cactus grandiflorus The most famous remedy for acute heart pains. Constricting pains "like an iron fist" or like a wire. Pain so intense as to cause the patient to cry out. Suffocation and great anxiety and fear of death during crisis. Worse: Night, especially 11 PM. Lying on left side. Before or during menses. Any exertion or motion. Holding breath. Better: Lying back. Concomitants: Dyspnea or a suffocating feeling during the pain. Angina associated with hemorrhage of other organs. Swelling in left hand during coronary disease. Extension: Numbness in left arm, hand, or even fingers. Pain extending into left arm. Convallaria majalis "Tobacco heart." Rapid and irregular heart beat in old smokers. Combination of uterine disorders and heart disease. Crataegus oxyacantha Angina pains are stitching and associated with weakness and oppression of chest. Marked insomnia in heart disease. Hemorrhage associated with heart disease. Extension: Left clavicle and left scapula. Crotalus horridus Severe pain and suffocating sensation, especially from exertion. Marked flushes of face and chest with angina. Dwelling on melancholic thoughts of death in heart disease. Worse: Ascending. Deep inspiration. Lying on left side. Extension: Pains radiating to the left arm or scapula. Digitalis purpurea Angina with marked fear that the heart will stop. Worse: Every slight exertion or sudden motion. Coition.

Excitement. Raising arms. Grief or disappointed love. Better: Holding perfectly still. Holding the breath. Perspiration. Pulse slowed with pains. Complete heart block on EKG. Concomitants: Nausea or sinking in stomach with angina. Constant urge to urinate. Weakness of arms, especially forearms. Formication during angina. Extension: Left arm with pain and numbness. Glonoinum Angina pains with redness of face and pounding carotids. Fullness or squeezing in chest with flush rising to face. Worse: Over-heated. Night in bed. Leaning backward. Wine. Better: Rising and walking about. Iodium Angina with marked grasped or constricted pains. Worse: Fasting. Being over-heated. Better: Eating. The pain is felt in the heart itself rather than the chest. Kalmia latifolia Angina associated or alternating with rheumatism. The pain is sharp, taking the breath away. Heart symptoms associated with or caused by suppression of joint or rheumatic discomforts. Extension: Scapula, axilla and left arm and into the hand. Lachesis mutus Cramping pain in the chest as if grasped or constricted. Fullness in the chest "as if the heart were too large inside." Worse: Morning on waking. Night. Lying on the left side. During or on waking from sleep. Exertion. Suppressed menses or at menopause. Jealousy. Emotions. Concomitants: Cough during heart disease. Choking sensation in throat; averse to collars or necklace. Faintness from heart disease. Latrodectus mactans Pain extending to the left arm, axilla and hand. Pain into the left arm often associated with numbness. Paralysis of left arm during heart pain. Dyspnea or even apnea during the crisis. Severe fear of death during the attack. Lilium tigrinum Severe but usually functional heart pain. Fullness and bursting or painful grasped sensation in heart. Worse: Night. If urination is delayed. Lying on right side. Exertion. Bending forward or stooping.

Better: Pressure or rubbing over the heart. Angina alternating with dysmenorrhea. Extension: Right arm with pain and numbness. Back. Left scapula. Lithium carbonicum Angina and rheumatic heart conditions. Worse: Bending forward. Menses. Better: From urination. Concomitant: Rheumatism, especially of hips and fingers. Extension: Head or eye. Magnolia grandiflora Heart pains with numbness in the arm. Pain may alternate with disorders of the spleen. Medorrhinum Angina or myocardial infarction occuring in young people - below the age of 50. Sensation of a cavity in chest where heart ought to be. Pains extend erratically to throat, arms, head. Naja tripudians Angina, often associated with arrhythmia. Pains so severe the patient can scarcely breathe. Worse: Night. Motion. Lying on the left side. Better: Can only lie on right side. Concomitant: Cough or asthma with heart disease. Drawing pain between heart and left ovary. Extension: Left Throat. Cervical region. Left shoulder. Scapula. Nux vomica Typical "type A" patient with angina or coronary disease. Pain from anger or impatience or blocked ambitions. Worse: Night. During coition. Stimulants - alcohol, cigarettes, coffee, cocaine. Anger. Concomitant: Digestive troubles, belching, flatus, nausea. Extension: Left hand. Oxalicum acidum Sharp anginal pains shooting from the back or lower chest. Worse: Lying. Walking. Concomitants: Hoarseness associated with heart disease. Hoarseness or aphonia alternating with angina. Extension: Pains radiating to the stomach or shoulders. Numbness into the arms or even the legs with chest pain. Pain extending into right side of chest or right arm. Phosphorus Typical anginal pains especially from excitement. Worse: Emotions. Fright. Lying on the left side. Better: Cold drinks.

Flushes of heat in heart. Extension: Left arm. Right arm. Rhus toxicodendron Angina with deep aching and soreness. Worse: Emotional stress. Cold weather. Entering a cold room. First motion. Over-exertion - "athlete's heart." Better: Continued motion. Walking. Extension: Lameness or numbness into the left arm. The arm may feel stunned or almost paralyzed. Spigelia anthelmia Sharp stitching or burning or needle-like pains in heart. Sharp pains followed by numbness in chest. Worse: Lying on left side or with head low. Smoke. Slight motion. During palpitations. Walking. Bending double. Better: Lying on the right side, especially with head elevated. Warm drinks. Concomitants: Nausea and vertigo with the heart pains. Patient complains of hypersensitivity of the whole chest. Angina associated with neuralgia in the face or left eye. Extension: To the arms or the neck or even the scapula. Left shoulder and hand. Right scapula. Spongia tosta Bursting pains; heart feels so swollen that it could burst. Worse: Lying on left side. Lying with head low. Palpitation. Better: Lying right side. Wakes from sleep with oppression or suffocation and palpitation accompanied by chest pain. Surges of blood into neck and face. Extension: Numbness into the left arm and hand. Numbness of both arms and legs. Sulphur Chest pains with anxiety and fear of death. Worse: Excitement. Stimulants or alcohol. Motion. Exertion in people of fluctuating exercise patterns. Obesity. Extension: Left scapula. Tabacum Angina of people with long smoking history. "Tobacco heart." Acute angina with intractable nausea and cold sweat. Worse: Exertion. Over-exertion. Extension: Pains radiate into the left hand or back. Degenerative disorders of the heart In more advanced, structural and degenerative disorders of the heart, homeopathy still has an important role to play. Most of these patients will present for treatment on multiple allopathic

medications. While it is certainly true that homeopathic treatment may be adversely affected by the allopathic medications, it is extremely unwise to alter the patients' regimen without detailed cardiology consultation. Management A number of patients come for homeopathic treatment with advanced valvular degeneration. In some cases, these changes can reverse to some extent, and in other cases will merely stabilize. It is also possible to see marked functional improvement in such cases without much change in echocardiograms, ejection fractions, etc. These patients are obviously anxious to avoid surgery. We should be guided by the patient's functional level in giving advice. If the functional level begins to deteriorate significantly, we should not allow the patient to continue hoping for homeopathic cure, but insist upon surgical consultation. There is an optimal time for valve replacement beyond which the compensatory cardiac changes are significant enough to complicate surgical procedures. In congestive heart failure homeopathy can often play a very significant role. Many patients with congestive failure require only a small percentage of improved cardiac output to alleviate the failure. As a result, the patient has an improvement in his ischemic symptoms which further improves the heart function. Interestingly, our texts are filled with details about the treatment of advanced cardiac conditions rarely seen in our practices today. The occurence of conditions such as pericarditis, endocarditis, rheumatic heart disease or aneurism is infrequent compared to our homeopathic predecessors' experience. This may be due to frequent antibiotic use, past over-reporting due to lack of modern diagnostic techniques or true changes in the disease patterns. Therapeutic tips for degenerative disorders of the heart Many patients, especially the elderly, are placed on Digitalis preparations almost as a routine. Studies have concluded that this single drug is associated with more morbidity than almost all other drugs. An up-to-date internist or cardiologist should be consulted about the patient's drug regimen whenever there is a question about Digoxin. This is especially true because Digitalis is a powerful cardiotoxic agent and can interfere significantly with homeopathic treatment. In almost any case of cardiac weakness (not of valvular origin), an attempt should be made toward fitness rehabilitation. This may begin with only slow walking. Studies demonstrate vast improvement of ejection fractions through conditioning regimens. Coumadin does not seem to affect homeopathic treatment in most cases. It is inadvisable to ask a patient to discontinue this medication after valve replacements. In cases of valvular deterioration or in some cardiomyopathies, training is often contraindicated. Here we may still counsel the patient to use yoga or T'ai Chi, stress reduction, osteopathy and visualization for assistance. Repertory Below are listed some of the most important rubrics for advanced cardiac conditions. Naturally there is some overlap with rubrics listed in the earlier sections. Main rubrics in degenerative disorders of the heart Mind, Anxiety, Night, Heart disease, in. Mind, Anxiety, Chest, Heart, region of. Mind, Anxiety, Chest, Heart, night.

Mind, Anxiety, Chest, Heart, Dinner, When leaning back in chair. Mind, Anxiety, Chest, Heart, Endocarditis, Pain, with. Mind, Anxiety, Chest, Heart, Exertion, after. Mind, Anxiety, Chest, Heart, Lying on left side. Mind, Anxiety, Chest, Heart, Moving about, while. Mind, Anxiety, Chest, Heart, Moving about, ameliorates. Mind, Anxiety, Chest, Heart, Paroxysmal. Mind, Anxiety, Chest, Heart, Rising and walking ameliorates. Mind, Anxiety, Chest, Heart, Sight of decisive colors. Mind, Anxiety, Heart, Evil was going to happen, as if something. Mind, Delusion, Heart, Turning around, is. Mind, Dreams, Frightful, Heart disease, in. Mind, Fear, Death, Heart symptoms, during. Mind, Fear, Heart disease, of. Mind, Restlessness, Sensitive, Hysterical people, Functional disorders of the heart. Vertigo, Heart symptoms, with. Head, Congestion, Alternating with, Congestion to heart. Head, Heat, Heart, Oppression of. Head Pain, Heart symptoms, with. Head Pain, Heart symptoms, with labored action. Head Pain, Sides, Left, Heart complaints, with. Eye, Lacrimation, Heart symptoms, with. Nose, Discoloration, Redness, Heart affections, in. Nose, Epistaxis, Heart symptoms, with. Face, Discoloration, Bluish, Heart trouble, in. Face, Discoloration, Pale, Heart affections, in. Face, Discoloration, Red, Heart, Shocks at. Face, Discoloration, Red, Cheeks, Heart disease, with. Throat, Choking, Heart trouble, with. Stomach, Sinking, Heart disease, in. Stomach, Sinking, Extending to heart. Stomach, Thirst, Heart complaints. Stomach, Vomiting, Heart, with weak. Abdomen, Dropsy, Ascites, Heart affections, with. Rectum, Hemorrhoids, Heart weakness. Rectum, Hemorrhoids, Heart disease, with. Bladder, Urging to urinate, Morbid desire, Heart affections, with. Bladder, Urination, Dysuria, Difficulty of breathing and heart symptoms, with. Bladder, Urination, Feeble stream, Difficult breathing and heart symptoms, with. Kidney, Suppression of urine, Heart affections, in. Urine, Albuminous, Heart disease, consecutive to. Larynx, Voice, Hoarseness, Heart complaints, with.

Respiration, Asthmatic, Emphysema, With, and dilated heart. Respiration, Asthmatic, Heart, Affections, in. Respiration, Asthmatic, Heart, Degeneration of, from fatty. Respiration, Difficult, Heart, Complaints, in. Respiration, Difficult, Heart, Complaints in, Urinary troubles, and. Respiration, Difficult, Heart, Complaints in, Ovarian troubles, and. Respiration, Difficult, Rheumatism, With, Heart, of. Respiration, Gasping, Heart complaints, in. Cough, Heart affections, with. Cough, Heart affections, With, valvular. Expectoration, Bloody, Heart complaints, with. Expectoration, Bloody, Heart complaints, With, valvular. Chest, Affections, Heart, of the. Chest, Aneurism, Heart, of the. Chest, Coldness, Heart, region of. Chest, Congestion, Heart. Chest, Dilation, Heart, of the. Chest, Dilation, Heart, Acute, from shock or violent exertion. Chest, Distension, Heart. Chest, Dropsy, Pericardium. Chest, Enlarged, Heart, as if. Chest, Enlarged, Heart, as if to bursting. Chest, Fatty degeneration, Heart, of. Chest, Fullness, Heart (subrubrics). Chest, Fullness, Heart, as if too full. Chest, Gout, Heart, of. Chest, Heat, Heart, in region of. Chest, Heat, Heart, Region of, flushes. Chest, Heat, Heart, Region of, Extending, Head, to. Chest, Hypertrophy, Heart, of. Chest, Hypertrophy, Heart, Numbness and tingling of left arm and fingers, with. Chest, Hypertrophy, Heart, Over-exertion, from. Chest, Inflammation, Heart. Chest, Inflammation, Heart, endocardium. Chest, Inflammation, Heart, Endocardium, rheumatic. Chest, Inflammation, Heart, pericardium. Chest, Inflammation, Heart, Pericardium, chronic. Chest, Murmurs. Chest, Edema, pulmonary. Chest, Oppression, Weight or load, as of a. Chest, Oppression, Heart (many subrubrics). Chest, Paralysis, Heart.

Chest, Purring, feeling in region of heart. Chest, Purring, noise in region of heart. Chest, Shocks, Heart, region of. Chest, Spasms, Heart, of. Chest, Straining, Heart, Exertion, from violent. Chest, Weakness, Heart. Chest, Weakness, Heart, Influenza, after. Chest, Weakness, Heart, Sensation of. Chest, Weakness, Heart, Sensation of, Entering cool room. Extremity, Lameness, Upper Arm, Left, Heart disease, with. Extremity, Numbness, Upper Limbs, Right, Heart disease, in. Extremity, Numbness, Upper Limbs, Left, Heart disease, in. Extremity, Numbness, Upper Limbs, Heart affections, in. Extremity, Paralysis, Upper Limbs, Pain in heart, with. Extremity, Swelling, Upper Limbs, Heart affections, in. Extremity, Swelling, Hand, Left, Heart symptoms, with. Extremity, Swelling, Hand, Heart affections, in. Extremity, Swelling, Fingers, Left, Heart disease, in. Extremity, Weakness, Forearm, Heart disease, in. Sleep, Sleeplessness, Heart disease, with. Sleep, Waking, Heart symptoms, with. Chill, Chilliness, Heart disease, in. Perspiration, Profuse, Heart symptoms, with relief of. General, Convulsions, Heart disease, from. General, Dropsy, Heart disease, in. General, Dropsy, Heart disease, Involuntary urine and dry skin, with. General, Faintness, Cardiopathy, Weakness of heart, from. General, Faintness, Heart disease, from. General, Faintness, Heart disease from, endocarditis. General, Faintness, Heart pressure about, with. General, Hemorrhage, Heart symptoms, with. General, Weakness, Heart failure, in. Remedies Main remedies for degenerative disorders of the heart Adonis vernalis Weak heart muscle with congestive failure and edema. General: Weakness, exhaustion on waking, faintness. Worse: Resting. After sleep. Better: Mild exertion. Oppression of chest and desire to take long, deep breaths. Heart: Valve disease. Pericarditis. End-stage coronary disease. Mitral regurgitation. Any valve affections.

Loss of contractive strength. Heart rate rapid and weak. Pulse slowed. Local: Sinking sensation in stomach. Kidney weakness with heart disorder (Serum Anguilaria). Polyuria. Oliguria. Albuminous urine. Respiration difficult, worse any pressure on chest or back. Ammonium carbonicum Uncomplicated congestive heart failure. The main impression is weakness in the circulation without strong cardiac symptoms. General: Great dyspnea and weakness. Constantly needs to rest from any slight exertion. Slight exertion causes dyspnea and palpitations. Wakes at night with dyspnea and palpitation. Cold perspiration with heart disease. Heart: Cardiac hypertrophy. Rheumatic heart disease. Local: Lacrimation during heart disease. Pulmonary edema. Cyanosis. Antimonium tartaricum Congestive heart failure with cyanosis, rattling respiration and oppression of the chest. General: Marked weakness, dyspnea and wasting. Worse: Warm room. Better: Open air. Heart: Dilated heart. Rheumatic heart disease. Pericarditis. Local: Rattling respiration; tight puffing expiration. Pitting edema of legs and ankles. Blueness of lips and fingernails. Mental: Drowsy and apathetic. Irritable and averse to touch. Apocynum cannabinum Heart failure with tremendous edema or even anasarca. Marked oppression of chest; pleural effusion. Several authors note mitral and tricuspid regurgitation. Arnica montana Heart failure with cardiac asthma and marked aching. Heart: Hypertrophy. Coronary artery disease. Heart strain; injury to heart from athletic excesses. Heart disease in elderly people. Local: Spitting of blood tinged froth in heart failure. Mental: Fear of imminent death during heart symptoms. Arsenicum album End stage cardiac disease: weakness, restless, debilitated. Slightest effort causes tachycardia or palpitations.

Fear of death, deathly cold, paleness or cyanosis of lips. Borland states that in rapidly developing, advanced cases with Arsenicum picture, a complementary remedy may be necessary inside of 2 or 3 hours. Early congestive heart failure: patient must sit up in bed due to dyspnea, anxiety, restlessness and chills. General: Great oppression of chest, especially at night in bed. Worse: Exertion. ascending. Tight clothes. Cold or stormy weather. Smoke. Marked chilliness. Cold hands and feet. Thirsty in small sips. Heart: Rheumatic heart disease. Cardiac dilation. Pericarditis. Endocarditis. Coronary artery disease. Local: Face gray and pinched-looking. Urine albuminous with heart disease. Blueness of fingernails. Aurum metallicum Congestive failure associated with continued angina. Painful rheumatic heart disease. Heart: Dilated, weak heart muscle. Endocarditis. Myocarditis. Cardiomyopathy. Coronary artery disease. Pericarditis. Rheumatic valve disease. Oppression around the heart. Worse: Night. Exertion. Walking in open air. Dyspnea during heart pains. Stiffness or armoured feeling about the heart. Mental: Serious men who doubt their family's love. Cactus grandiflorus Painful valvular disease, murmurs and oppression of heart. General: Marked constricting chest pains with dyspnea. Fainting with heart disease. Worse: Exertion. Lying on the left side. Holding breath. Menopause. Menses. Heart: Coronary artery disease. Rheumatic heart disease. Cardiac hypertrophy. Endocarditis. Pericarditis. Cardiac aneurism. Local: Face blue and cyanotic. Epistaxis (or other hemorrhage) during heart disease. Chest congestion, especially lying flat. Numbness and pain in left arm. Unusual edema into the left hand in cardiac cases. Mental: Fear of death in heart disease. Carbo vegetabilis Congestive heart failure with feeling of collapse. General: Dyspnea; must sit up to avoid suffocating.

Desires fresh air or asks to have a fan on in the room. Cold and often covered with a cold sweat but wants to remain uncovered. Local: Face is puffy and purplish with veins prominent. Bloated feeling in abdomen, better by belching. Pulmonary edema very marked at times. Legs may be icy cold. Mental: Dull and confused or completely indifferent. Crataegus oxyacantha Has been used as a general "heart tonic" especially in the elderly but the toxic tincture should be used with care. Homeopathically indicated in valvular disease with dyspnea and congestive failure and great or sudden weakness. General: Dyspnea even from slight exertion. Weakness and faintness. Insomnia with stitches in the heart. Heart: Dilated heart. Valve disease and murmurs. End-stage heart disorders have responded to this remedy. Continuous palpitations. Many authors caution against high potencies of this remedy in advanced heart disease, recommending instead its use from 3X to 6C at the beginning. Digitalis purpurea Congestive heart failure with dyspnea and sudden suffocation. General: Faint, dyspnea and nausea with heart disease. Sudden syncopal episodes. Worse: Night during sleep, and must sit up. Coition. After grief or romantic disappointment. Better: Profuse perspiration. Lying flat on back. Heart: Cardiac hypertrophy. Pericardial effusion. Pericarditis. Rheumatic valve disease. Coronary artery disease. Slow pulse - from untransmitted beats or heart block. Atrial fibrillation or heart block with congestive failure. Sensation heart will stop if he moves at all. Local: Nausea or sinking of the stomach in heart disease. Enlarged and painful liver with heart disease. Urine albuminous and excessive. Cardiac asthma and cough. Formication during heart disease. Mental: Frightful dreams and fear of death in heart disease. Ferrum metallicum Congestive heart failure with oppression of the chest. Dyspnea from slight exertion. Better from slowly walking especially in the open air. Rheumatic heart disease.

Gelsemium sempervirens Cardiac weakness and general collapse. Fears heart will stop beating if he does not continuously move around. Glonoinum Heart disease with surges or flushes to the head. General: Faintness with labored feeling in heart. Worse: Heat and sun. Menopause. Better: Spraying cold water on the face. Rising up and walking about. Heart: Valve disorders and murmurs. Cardiomyopathy. Local: Heart symptoms associated or alternate with headache. Left arm numbness with heart disease, worse night. Grindelia robusta Congestive heart failure with severe suffocating episodes in the night immediately upon falling asleep. Heart: Dilated heart. Emphysema with dilated heart was an indication of Phatak. Hydrocyanicum acidum Advanced cardiac disease and congestive failure. General: Weakness, cyanosis and collapse states. Heart: Pressing, horrible pains in the heart; clutches heart. Violent, painful but occasional palpitation. Weak pulse. Fingernails purple. Kalium carbonicum Advanced cardiac disease. Heart: Coronary disease. Cardiac hypertrophy. Endocarditis. Pericarditis. Rheumatic valvular disease. Weak sensation in the heart. Palpitation when hungry. Violent palpitation extending to whole body. Local: Stitching pains in the chest. Dyspnea, worse at night in bed, especially 2 to 3 AM. Cutting or stitching chest pain extending to left scapula. Patient ignores his condition until serious pathology develops. Kalmia latifolia Rheumatism with valvular disease and loud murmurs. General: Heart failure, with violent palpitation and dyspnea. Nearly always associated with sharp or wandering pains. Heart: Coronary artery disease. Valvular disease. Endocarditis. "Gout heart." Hypertrophy of heart. Tobacco heart. Awful anxiety in the heart in sudden paroxysms. Heart action is labored and prominent lifts can be seen. Loud murmurs. Visible thrusts.

Pulse markedly slowed (Dig) or tumultuous. Degenerative heart from suppression of rheumatism. Lachesis mutus Intense pain and fullness with congestive heart failure. General: Marked sense of choking or suffocation. Intolerant to heat. Oppression of heart with palpitation and spasm. Worse: Night. Morning on waking. Lying on left side. Menopause or suppressed menses. Tight clothes. Better: Hemorrhage (Menses, epistaxis, hemorrhoids, etc.). Cold. Open air. Heart: Coronary artery disease. Valvular disease. Endocarditis. Cardiomyopathy. Cardiac aneurism. Pericardial effusion. Full feeling as if heart could burst. Local: Dilation of veins; purplish veins in face and nose. Face purple and very bloated. Left-sided headache with heart disease. Choking sensation from food or saliva or tight collars. Cough from heart disease. Suffocative attacks which wake him up in the night. Numbness in left arm with heart pains. Mental: Intense, primative emotions - anger, jealousy, etc. Laurocerasus Advanced cases with collapse states and severe dyspnea. General: Great coldness and feebleness. Intolerant of even minor exertion. Fails to recover strength without any explanation. Worse: Sitting up; dizziness and chest pain on sitting. Better: Lying down. Even comatose patients (Carb-V). Marked cyanosis. Heart: Dilated heart. Murmurs. Mitral regurgitation. An excellent remedy in congenital heart disorders. Desires to cradle heart. Pain and oppression in heart on rising from lying. Local: Perspiration on the nose. Face and lips purplish blue in cyanosis. Dyspnea and feeble urination in heart disease. Cardiac cough upon lying down (though weakness better). Gasping respiration; Cheyne-Stokes respiration. Clubbing of fingertips. Lycopus virginicus

Heart weakness with tumultuous palpitations. General: Dyspnea, nausea and restlessness in heart failure. Worse: Lying on right side. Heart: Congestive failure. Valvular disease. Dilated heart. Tumultuous palpitations extending into neck and head. Local: Face pale during heart troubles. Headache with labored heart action. Associated with kidney or thyroid disease. Dysuria or albuminous urine with heart disease. Pulmonary edema. Urge to cough from palpitation. Hemorrhage associated with valvular disease. Naja tripudians Advanced valvular disease with loud murmurs. Early or late stage congestive failure. Heart: Valve disease. Hypertrophy of heart. Coronary disease. Endocarditis (and its chronic sequelae). Kent considered it a specific for non-congenital valve disease, especially in children. Worse: Lying on the left side. Walking. After serious febrile illness. Marked palpitations. Local: Surges upward to head and throat. Cardiac asthma. Cardiac cough with sweaty palms. Empty sensation in left chest. Numbness of left arm with heart disease. Oxalicum acidum Collapse with numbness of body, cyanosis and dyspnea. Heart: Coronary artery disease. Congestive heart failure. Worse: Any exertion or motion. Thinking of the problem. Better: Keeping still. Sharp or stitching chest pains. Local: Heart symptoms alternate with aphonia. Borland mentions mottled, cyanotic appearance of hands. Phosphorus Degenerative heart with dyspnea and excitement or anxiety. General: Oppression of chest often heat sensation or flushes. Worse: Cold air. Lying on left side. Walking open air. Better: Cold drinks. Heart: Coronary artery disease. "Tobacco heart." Dilated heart. Endocarditis. Congestive heart failure. Murmurs with "blowing" sound.

Marked palpitations, especially when lying on left side. Local: Face red during heart disease. Menses suppressed by heart disorders. Rhus toxicodendron Rheumatic and atherosclerotic heart conditions. Heart: Rheumatic heart disease. Coronary artery disease. Aneurism. Hypertrophy. Heart disease from over-exertion; in athletes or laborers. Weak heart and dyspnea, worse on entering a cold room. Phatak mentions sudden pulmonary edema. Worse: Night. Cold air. Long sitting. Better: Motion, especially continued motion. Local: Stiffness in chest and back with heart troubles. Lameness, aching or numbness in left arm. Spigelia anthelmia Advanced valvular disorders. General: Marked oppression of the heart. Worse: Lying left side. Inspiration. Smoke. Rapid exertion. Better: Warm drinks. Heart: Valve disease. Endocarditis. Pericarditis. Hypertrophy. Coronary disease. The murmur is loud and a marked thrill may be felt, described as "the purring of a cat." Cardiomegaly with prominent lift. Marked stitching pains in heart. Local: Vertigo, headache and nausea with heart disease. Numb or painful left arm with heart troubles. Spongia tosta Oppression and fullness or swelling sensation of the chest. Worse: Lying with the head low. Lying on left side. Wakes suddenly at night with dyspnea and fear. Heart: Valve disease. Endocarditis. Cardiomegaly. Coronary artery disease. Pericarditis. Valvular disorders with loud murmurs. Local: Lacrimation during heart symptoms. Marked dyspnea or cardiac asthma. Strophanthus sarmentosus Congestive failure in end-stage coronary artery disease. Heart: Dilated heart. Mitral valve regurgitation. Weak heart with rapid pulse. Angina with stitching pains into left arm during exertion. Rigid arteries of old smokers. Pains appear and disappear gradually. Sulphur

Suffocation and sudden waking at night in congestive failure. General: Marked heat and flushes of heat. Heart: Coronary disease. Pericarditis. Alcoholic cardiomyopathy. Pericardial effusion. Pericarditis. Full sensation in the heart. Nausea and vomiting Nausea and vomiting Nausea is a symptom which physicians easily minimize, since in itself it does little damage. An acute gastroenteritis can be a sufficient reminder to bring greater compassion. Many patients fear vomiting to an extreme degree. They may fight against it even while rationally knowing that vomiting would help immensely. There is a great feeling of loss of control with vomiting. Furthermore, many terminal patients despair more from the symptom of nausea than even pain. Mild allopathic medications for nausea can be frustrating ineffective. Stronger, phenothiazine-type medications carry the potential for marked side-effects. Homeopathy can be powerful, rapid and gentle in removing this disturbing symptom. Management For symptomatic relief of nausea and vomiting it is not necessary to know the exact pathological diagnosis, though persistent vomiting can be a symptom of serious gastrointestinal or neurological problems. Any persistent vomiting, even if it is relieved by treatment, requires a complete allopathic work-up. The main causes of nausea and vomiting seen in daily practice include: Acute gastroenteritis. Peptic ulceration. Food intolerances. Hormonal irregularity related to menses or pregnancy. Dysequilibrium as in vertigo or motion sickness. Hepatitis. Headache. Cough. Irritants such as alcohol, coffee or drugs. In the discussion of the remedies below, all of these conditions are considered together. Therapeutic tips Homeopathic In acute gastroenteritis, a convenient dosing system is to give the remedy in a 30C potency after each episode of vomiting, up to 6 times per day. Thus, the patient tapers the remedy as he improves. For patients under chemotherapy, we should first try to repeat the constitutional remedy (if it is known) rather than to use specific nausea remedies. If the constitutional remedy fails, then we try a specific remedy. Naturopathic Vomiting of pregnancy is a sign of a strong pregnancy. We should not give remedy after remedy to resolve every trace of nausea. It is better to use remedies judiciously along with dietary counselling. If the patient responds to the homeopathic remedy, the desire to rehydrate may outstrip common sense; ask the patient to start with only one or two sips every 15 minutes until he is able to retain the fluid. Good rehydrating fluids include: Broth. Diluted juice. Pediatric solutions (e.g. Pedialyte). Overly sweet athletic drinks (e.g. Gatorade) may slow gastric emptying, inhibiting rehydration. Helpful natural techniques include: Cool, carbonated drinks, especially Coca Cola. Cold cloths to the face. Pinching the web of the thumb. Allopathic

Nausea and vomiting caused by reactions to drugs or radiation is difficult to eradicate while the patient is still in contact with the offending agent. Homeopathic treatment is able to reduce the nausea of chemotherapy treatment by no more than 50% during the day of the treatment. However, the patient's general health is also benefited by the homeopathic treatment. Acute use of antihistamine type anti-nauseants rarely interferes with constitutional remedies, while the stronger anti-nauseants should be used as last resorts in patients under homeopathic treatment. A hierarchy of allopathic medications for nausea is given below. Hierarchy of allopathic medications 1) Emetrol (Coke syrup) and bismuth-containing preparations. 2) Antihistamines (such as Hydroxizine). 3) Propulsive stimulants (such as Metoclopramide). 4) Scopalamine patches. 5) Phenothiazine compounds (Prochlorperazine, Promethazine). Repertory Main rubrics The most important rubrics are found in the chapter, "Stomach." These short chapters do not need a summary. The most important rubrics: Stomach, Gagging (subrubrics). Stomach, Nausea (subrubrics). Stomach, Retching (subrubrics). Stomach, Vomiting (subrubrics). Other stomach rubrics Stomach, Appetite wanting. Stomach, Hanging down sensation. Stomach, Loathing food. Stomach, Uneasiness. Other important rubrics Vertigo, Nausea and vomiting. Female, Foetus, movements cease and nausea begins. Respiration, Asthmatic, nausea and vomiting. Skin, Itching, Must scratch until he vomits. Generalities, Convulsions, Nausea and vomiting, with. Generalities, Faintness, Nausea, during. Generalities, Faintness, Vomiting, from. Generalities, Heat, Flushes, Nausea, with. Generalities, Heat, Lack of vital, Nausea, with. Generalities, Trembling, Nausea, with. Generalities, Weakness, Vomiting, from Remedies Main remedies Arsenicum album

Gastroenteritis. Food poisoning. Irritants. Hepatitis. Peptic ulcers. Fear when vomiting; struggles to avoid vomiting from fear. Anxious restlessness alternates with exhausted collapse. Usually marked burning pains and very acrid emesis. Faintness and exhaustion from horrible, continued nausea, vomiting and retching; becomes too weak to continue vomiting. Thirsty but liquids are often vomited immediately upon reaching the stomach; especially cold drinks are ejected. Vomiting together with diarrhea, sometimes simultaneously. Worse: 11 AM to 3 PM. Midnight to 3 AM. Drinking, especially from cold drinks. Ice cream. Alcohol (and alcoholism).Smell or even the thought of food. Better: Warm drinks. Almost always chilly; often thirsty for sips of liquids; anxious. Cocculus indicus Vertigo. Motion sickness. Pregnancy. Migraines. Nausea mainly from central causes - not the stomach itself. Loathing of food. Car or seasickness - even watching moving objects causes nausea and dizziness. Severe vertigo attacks with prostration from nausea and dizziness. Worse: Afternoon. Motion. Rising up from bed. Drinking. Headache. Becoming cold. Pregnancy. Odors, especially food. Even thoughts or sight of food causes nausea. If constipated. Better: Swallowing. Ipecacuanha Gastritis. Cough or respiratory conditions. Hemorrhage. Pregnancy. Horrible nausea or hanging down sensation in the stomach, unrelieved even temporarily by vomiting. Despite the nausea, the tongue is clean and red. Offensive breath with nausea and vomiting. Worse: Pregnancy. During labor. From miscarriage. Hemorrhage, especially uterine hemorrhage. Cough. Asthma. Headache. Itching. Rich foods. Fruit. Stooping. Suppressed eruptions. Better: Nothing gives the slightest relief. Nux vomica Gastroenteritis. Irritants. Hepatitis. Peptic ulcer. Nausea usually with cramps and painful vomiting or ineffectual attempts to vomit. Worse: Morning in bed. Eating. After lunch. Anger. Alcohol. Smoking (his usual cigarette). After surgery. Motion sickness. Cold drinks cause retching. Better: Warm drinks. Lying. Tight clothes unbearable. Constipation with nausea. Irritable and over-sensitive during the nausea. Phosphorus Gastroenteritis. Peptic ulcers. Pregnancy. Nausea and vomiting with burning in the stomach. Craves cold drinks to soothe the stomach but vomits the liquid as soon as it becomes warm.

Worse: Warm drinks. Putting hands in warm water. Eating, especially warm food. Pregnancy. After general anesthesia. Smoking. Odors, especially of beer. Better: Cold drinks. Sleep. Lying on the right side. Sepia officinalis Pregnancy and menses. Gastroenteritis. Motion sickness. Irritants. Horrible nausea and empty sensation in the stomach. An excellent remedy for the side-effects of chemotherapy. Nausea from merely the thought of food. Worse: Morning, especially before breakfast. Pregnancy. Menses. Motion or seasickness. Thought of food. Fats. Odors. Post-nasal drainage. Straining the vision. Cough. Coition. During morning sickness averse to smell of husband. Better: Eating. Sour food. Vomitus: Milky whitish substance. Tabacum Motion sickness. Gastritis. Irritants. Pregnancy. Deathly nausea; patient may appear green or very pale. Weak and diaphoretic with nausea and faintness. Dreads movement; movement brings on faintness and nausea. Worse: Morning. Before breakfast. Motion. Seasickness. Pregnancy. Better: Open air. Uncovering the belly. Closing the eyes. Vomitus: Yellow or yellow-green. Veratrum album Gastroenteritis. Vertigo. Pregnancy or menses. Severe, sometimes projectile vomiting often with diarrhea. Simultaneous vomiting and diarrhea. Vomiting accompanied by cold perspiration especially on forehead, chills, cold breath and, often, collapse. Worse: Vertigo. After sleep. Dysmenorrhea. Pregnancy. Drinking. Other important remedies Aethusa cynapium Vomiting especially in newborns and nursing children. Vomiting and dehydration. Vomiting causes sleepiness or stupor. Hungry after vomiting; eating causes nausea and restarts the cycle. Vomits up curds especially of milk. Worse: Milk, even mother's milk. During headache. With diarrhea. Antimonium crudum Measles. Headache. Gastritis. Pregnancy. Food intolerance. Nausea and indigestion with thickly coated white tongue. Worse: Becoming heated. Drinking. Sour wine or vinegar. Acids. Rich foods. Pastries. Bread. Pork. During headache. Antimonium tartaricum Respiratory illness. Cough. Food intolerance.

Eating provokes coughing which terminates in retching or vomiting. Difficult vomiting; the patient works hard to produce the emesis. Weakness or faintness and coldness following the vomiting. Worse: Eating. Fruit. Soup. After lunch. After drinking. When constipated. In the elderly. Better: Lying on the right side. Apocynum cannabinum Gastritis. Menses. Uremia. Terrible nausea and the sensation that the stomach is a flaccid bag. Worse: Immediately upon drinking. Cold drinks. Menses. Better: Warm drinks are sometimes tolerated. Apomorphinum hydrochloricum Motion sickness. Pregancy. Vertigo. Stroke. Alcoholics. Worse: Eating. Alcohol. During headache. A specific for forceful vomiting often with little or no nausea. Argentum nitricum Gastroenteritis. Peptic ulcer. Vertigo. Anxiety. Food intolerance. Nausea and faintness with belching and loud flatus. Nausea causes palpitations. Worse: Midnight. Diarrhea causes nausea and retching. Sweets. Heat. Better: Sour things. Bismuthum-sn. (+ -o.) (old abbr.) Gastroenteritis. Malignancies. Vomiting in paroxysms, often with fear and desire for company. Worse: After drinks warm in stomach. Warm drinks. Better: Cold drinks. Drinking. Great thirst for cold drinks which are immediately ejected. Bryonia alba Gastroenteritis. Vertigo. Nausea - patient must lie perfectly still or vomiting comes on. Worse: Motion. Sitting up in bed. Raising the head. Rising up in bed. Coughing. Headache. Better: Drinking, especially cold drinks. Being left alone. Tongue dry and dirty white or brownish coating. Cadmium sulphuratum Gastroenteritis. Gastric cancer. Horrible nausea and vomiting with extreme prostration. Worse: Immediately after drinking, even very small quantities. Motion. Touching the lips. Better: Lying quietly. Carbolicum acidum Pregnancy. Motion sickness. Specific remedy in chemical exposure (fumes, carpets) with nausea. Worse: Breakfast. With frontal headache. Odors.

Carbo animalis Gastric cancer. Pregnancy. Pancreatitis. Burning and indigestion, hardly tolerates even simple food. Worse: Night. Meat. Pregnancy. Carbo vegetabilis Gastritis. Sunstroke. Food intolerance. Deathly nausea with paleness, coldness, weakness or faintness and constant eructation. Worse: Soup. Salt. Rich food. Sunstroke. Better: Open air. Eructation. Lying propped up. Chamomilla Gastroenteritis. Irritants. Nausea and vomiting with marked irritability before each event. Worse: 9 AM. Anger. Coffee. After breakfast. Narcotic use. Chelidonium majus Cholecystitis. Hepatitis. Gastritis. Migraine. Pregnancy. Pneumonia. Nausea and sallow complexion; tongue coated yellow. Worse: Pregnancy. Headache. From anxiety. Gallstone attacks. Better: Warm drinks. Milk, especially warm milk. China officinalis Gastroenteritis. Hepatitis. Menses. Mysterious, periodic attacks of severe abdominal pain and vomiting. Worse: After eating. Thinking of food. Sensitive to all stimuli. Coccus cacti Gagging and vomiting from coughing paroxysms. Worse: Cough. Touching or rinsing the mouth. Brushing teeth. Colchicum autumnale Gastroenteritis. Food poisoning. Pregnancy. Nausea often with burning in stomach and marked distension of abdomen with flatus. Worse: Odors of food, especially eggs and fish. Becoming erect. Thinking of food. Looking at food. Motion. Swallowing his own saliva. Pregnancy. Cuprum metallicum Gastritis. Coughs. Convulsions. Menses. Violent paroxysms of vomiting. Sudden fits of vomiting. Horrible cramps or heaves of stomach. Worse: Before or during convulsions. Periodic vomiting. Cough. Before or during menses. Suppressed eruptions. Better: Cold drinks. Cyclamen europaeum Food intolerances. Menses. Nausea felt in the throat. Worse: Rich food. Pork. Before menses or suppressed menses. Better: Lemonade.

Digitalis purpurea Cardiac disorders. Hepatitis. Nausea and sinking or empty sensation after eating, often with remarkably slow pulse. Deathly nausea unrelieved by vomiting. Worse: During palpitations. Odors, especially of food. Cold drinks. Ferrum metallicum Gastritis. Food intolerances. Peristaltic nerve damage. Full feeling then vomiting of mouthfuls after eating just small amounts or even during the meal. Sudden eructations produce mouthfuls of food, without nausea. Food sits in the stomach all day and is then vomited at night. Worse: After breakfast. Night, especially at midnight. Eating. Only after eating. Acid foods. Beer. Eggs. Menopause. Better: After stool. Gambogia Gastroenteritis. Tremendous diarrhea accompanied by vomiting. Worse: After eating. Walking in the open air. Graphites Gastritis. Peptic ulcer. Gnawing pains with nausea. Vomiting and diarrhea during headache (Phatak). Worse: Sweets. Meat. Swallowing, especially empty swallowing. Excessive nausea during menopausal flushes. Better: Lying down. Iris versicolor Migraines. Gastroenteritis. Pregnancy. Motion. Burning in stomach and through the whole intestinal tract. Periodic attacks of stomach pains and vomiting. Nausea with profuse flow of ropy saliva. Worse: Motion sickness. Headache. Rich food. Exertion. Pregnancy. Kalium bichromicum Gastritis. Peptic ulcer. Irritants. Motion. Gastric irritation and constant vomiting. Thick and tenacious emesis - often in strings of mucus. Worse: Beer. Alcohol. Chronic alcoholism. Smoking. After stool. Upon looking at food. Motion. Better: After eating. Kalium carbonicum Coughs. Menses. Motion. Anxiety. Great sensitivity of the stomach; many events disorder him causing gagging and vomiting. Waves of nausea when walking. Worse: Cold drinks, especially if over-heated. Excitement. Cough. Menses. Drafts. Coition. Eructations. Kreosotum

Especially premenstrually and pregnancy-related. Vomiting of undigested food hours after eating. Worse: Meat. Morning before breakfast. Pregnancy. Before menses. Eating cold food. Bitter taste in mouth on swallowing water. Vomitus: Black. Sweetish. Acrid. Lac vaccinum defloratum Migraines. Pregnancy. Constant nausea which turns to vomiting from the least movements. Worse: Milk. Motion. Morning on rising. On lying down. On rising up from bed. Pregnancy. Headache. Lachesis mutus Cardiac disease. Hepatitis. Pregnancy. Intense vomiting sometimes with fainting. Worse: Palpitations. Touching the throat. Sneezing. Warm drinks. Closing the eyes. Hiccoughs. After sleep. Mental exertion. Hematemesis; black clotted blood. Lacticum acidum Horrible nausea of pregnancy with acrid heartburn and vomiting. Intense salivation and waterbrash during pregnancy. Worse: Morning on rising. On waking. When hawking up mucus. Better: Eating. Lobelia inflata Pregnancy. Motion sickness. Deathly nausea and anxiety. Nausea with profuse salivation. Paroxysms of vomiting. Worse: Night on waking. After sleep. Headache. Motion. Hot food. During respiratory conditions. Morning sickness. Better: Drinking. Eating. Lycopodium clavatum Nausea and bloating. Sudden nausea. Hypoglycemic attacks with nausea, faintness and perspiration. Vomiting of blood in infants (Phatak). Worse: Fasting. Warm room. Cold drinks. Better: Open air. Warm drinks. Petroleum Motion sickness. Nausea from any kind of rocking or undulating motion. Mouth fills with watery saliva during nausea. Horrible empty sensation in the stomach. Podophyllum peltatum Gastroenteritis. Continual gagging or retching during acute diarrhea.

Pulsatilla pratensis Pregnancy and menses. Headache. Cough. Gastritis. Nausea and flushed hot face. Worse: Evening. Rich or fat food. Ice cream. Pork. Warm food. Warm drinks. Menses or suppressed menses. Pregnancy. Labor. Cough. Mortification. Better: Cold drinks. Open air. Sanguinaria canadensis Migraine. Respiratory infection. Vomiting ameliorates the patient in general and the local symptom (headache, cough, asthma, etc.) in specific. Vomiting of bitter fluid, bile. Nocturnal regurgitation and aspiration. Listed in our texts for vomiting of worms (yuck). Acrid vomitus. Esophagitis. Sanicula aqua Vomiting of newborns. Projectile vomiting shortly after eating or nursing. Nausea from riding in a car. Symphoricarpus racemosus Pregnancy. A specific remedy for nausea of pregnancy. Continual vomiting and nausea, finally ending in dry heaves. Worse: Smell of food. Motion. Rising. Menses. Stomach pain Stomach pain Pain in the stomach has a wide variety of causes: Acute gastritis. Alcoholic gastritis. Peptic ulcer disease. Hiatus hernia and reflux. Reaction to anti-inflammatory medication. Food allergy. Malignancy. In addition, many other disorders may present as stomach pain such as gallbladder disease, hepatitis, pancreatitis, angina and endometriosis. The importance of an exact diagnosis is for management strategies more than for choice of remedies. Associated problems with nausea and vomiting are dealt with in other chapters. Management Management is naturally completely dependent upon diagnosis. The most common condition we confront is peptic ulcer disease. Many of these patients are already on histamine blocking agents (which are now sold over-the-counter) before presenting for homeopathic treatment. These agents have low incidence of side-effects but unknown distant consequences. They often disguise important modalities and can also interfere with homeopathic remedies. Homeopathic treatment is usually constitutional except in very acute situations. It is frequently observed, however, that even a close homeopathic remedy can relieve the pain. Therapeutic tips Homeopathic

When patients are taking allopathic medications, it is often best to give the constitutional remedy in a high potency (200C or higher) followed by a daily dose of the remedy in low potency (6C or 12C). Alternatively, we may use LM potencies. We do not need to fear repeated hemorrhage as an aggravation from the constitutional remedy. Naturopathic Alcohol, tobacco, spices, citrus food, tomato sauce and aspirin or ibuprofen should be avoided in any case of peptic ulcer disease. The use of milk to relieve ulcer symptoms may be counter-productive in some cases as the milk proteins stimulate further acid production. Natural support for inflamed gastric lining should include: Apple pectin. Vitamin E (200 to 400 units daily). Bromelain (250 mg. TID). Flax seed oil (1 tsp. daily). Deglycyrrhizinated licorice (1000 mg. between meals). In reflux esophagitis, elevation of the head of the bed with bricks is better than pillows which slip away during sleep and also can put extra pressure on the abdominal cavity. Also helpful for reflux: Weight loss. Avoidance of meals after 6 PM. Slower eating. Eliminate alcohol, spices and acids. Minimize liquids at meals. Walk after meals. Cracks at the corners of the mouth are often a sign of peptic ulcer disease. Allopathic Stomach pain of over 24 hours' duration should not be treated by telephone or without examination. The presence of pain extending to the back is a classic sign of penetration of an ulcer, not only a symptom for Belladonna or Chelidonium. The use of antacids for diagnostic purposes or for temporary relief of pain rarely interferes with remedies. However, the continuous use of these medications may suppress important clues to the correct remedy. The use of antibiotics and histamine blockers can suppress the gastritis or ulcer symptoms completely sometimes causing a deeper pathology to replace a superficial one. At other times the stomach symptoms are only temporarily suppressed and recur some weeks or months later. When treating peptic ulcer disease, we should place the patient on the least interfering allopathic medication according to the hierarchy below. Hierarchy of allopathic medications 1) Baking soda. 2) Calcium and Aluminum/Magnesium based antacids. 3) Coating agents such as Sucralfate. 4) H2 blocking agents (Tagamet, Zantac). 5) Second generation acid secretory blockers (Omeprazole). 6) Antibiotics. Repertory Main rubric Almost all of the appropriate rubrics are found in the section, "Stomach, Pain." As this chapter is rather short and straightforward, it will not be summarized here. Other important rubrics Stomach, Inflammation.

Stomach Indigestion. Stomach Sensitiveness. Stomach, Ulceration. It may also be useful to use the section, "Abdomen, Pain" for clues if the specific modality of the patient is missing from the "Stomach, Pain" section. Remedies Main remedies Arsenicum album Acute gastritis from food poisoning. Chronic gastritis and peptic ulcer disease. Burning pain in the epigastrium. Worse: 12 to 2 AM. Cold drinks. Ice cream. Sour food or vinegar. After eating. Yawning. Better: Heat or warm drinks. Milk. Often accompanied by chills, anxious restlessness, thirst, etc. Tongue with a light, milky white coat. Bryonia alba Acute gastritis. Worse: Slightest motion or jar. Coughing. Walking. After eating bread, beans and peas, cabbage, wine. Better: Drawing up the limbs. Eructation. Accompanied by irritability and a desire to be left alone. Unquenchable thirst. Tongue often coated dirty white or brown in the center. Chelidonium majus Acute or chronic gastritis. Worse: 4 AM. Pressure on the stomach. Motion. Better: Warm drinks, especially warm milk. Lying on left side with legs drawn up. After stool. After eating. Heat. Pain often radiates to the back, especially to the right scapula. Tongue is often coated yellow. Breath offensive. Graphites Acute and chronic gastritis and ulcer symptoms. Gnawing or burning pains, with vomiting immediately after eating. Worse: Cold drinks. Fasting. Meat. Better: Eating. Warm drinks and milk. Warm foods. Lying down. Eructations. Kalium carbonicum Chronic gastritis and ulcers. Stitching or stabbing pains and sensitivity in the epigastrium. Anxiety or awful, bruised sensation in epigastrium. Worse: 2 to 4 AM. Cold drinks after overheating.

After eating. Cold, damp weather. On stooping. Better: Sitting bent forward. Motion. Hot drinks. Lycopodium clavatum Acute and chronic gastritis and peptic ulcers. Pains almost always associated with eructations and bloating. Worse: 4 to 8 PM. 2 AM. Onions. Beans. Eating. Sitting bent forward. Better: Rubbing the stomach. Eructations. Lying on the right side. In peptic ulcers the patient wakes at night and must eat. Nux vomica Acute and chronic gastritis and peptic ulcer disease. Cramping or contracting sensation in the stomach. Reflux esophagitis, waterbrash, ineffectual eructations. Worse: Morning. Anger or irritation. After overwork. Alcohol. Coffee, tobacco or other stimulants. Suppressed hemorrhoids. Eating. Motion. Main remedy for alcoholic gastritis. Better: Warmth and warm drinks. Phosphorus Acute and chronic gastritis and ulcers. Worse: Warm food or drinks. Fright. Better: Cold drinks and food, especially ice cream. Vomiting commences as soon as the liquids become warm in the stomach. Vomiting of bright red, unclotted blood. Sulphur Acute or chronic gastritis and peptic ulcers. Eructations on pressing stomach. Sour eructations. Waterbrash. Heartburn from dietary indiscretions. Reflux in sedentary patients. Worse: 11 AM. Alcohol. Eating. Milk. Honey. At menopause. During menses. Standing. Other important remedies Abies nigra Pain in the epigastrium like a lump or stone or egg lodged in the cardiac end of the stomach. Worse: After eating or swallowing. Aconitum napellus Sudden pains after taking cold drinks or ice cold food. Pain begins from a fright. Anacardium orientale Ulcers develop after intense inner conflict. Marked emptiness in the stomach. Worse: Morning. Fasting. Better: Eating. Antimonium crudum Pain following grief or other emotions. Pain after over-eating; after indulgences.

Worse: From sour food, pork, bread or cold drinks. Argentum nitricum Cramping or gnawing pains in epigastrium. Pain after eating, especially after festive over-eating. Worse: Sweets. Ice cream. Alcohol. Fats. Lying on the right side. Deep inspiration (i.e. pressure) or pressing with the hand. Better: From eructation. Pain often associated with anxiety or excessive worrying. Belladonna Sudden paroxysms of pain, often extending straight back, especially to the area between the scapulae. Worse: From jarring or motion, even walking. Coughing. Breathing. Tight clothes. Better: Bending backwards. Lying on abdomen. Bismuthum-sn. (+ -o.) (old abbr.) Intense burning, cramping pain; terrifying pain and faintness. Intense craving for cold drinks which are instantly ejected. Food lies like a load in one spot in the stomach. Worse: Eating. Better: Cold drinks. Rubbing the back. Bending backwards. Calcarea carbonica Gastritis or peptic ulcers in people burdened with responsibilities. Worse: Cold drinks. Eating. Exertion. Pressure or tight clothes. Better: Lying on the back. Eructations. Calcarea phosphorica Stomach pains in school children; sensitive to reprimands - even of other children. Worse: After eating lunch. Eructations. Cold drinks. Swallowing. Pain extends to back or neck upon swallowing. Carbo animalis Pains associated with ulcers, gastric malignancy, pancreatitis. Marked burning pains or empty feelings not relieved by eating. Worse: Eating. Lying. Better: Passing stool or flatus. Carbo vegetabilis Especially in acute gastritis with belching, distension and faintness. Worse: Eating. Lying flat. Cold food or drinks. Alcohol. In nursing women. Better: Eructation. Burning pains extending to the spine. China officinalis Acute gastritis. Ulcers. Hepatitis. Cholecystitis. Worse: Eating or drinking. Warm food. Touch or light pressure. Better: Motion. Firm pressure. Distended but with little or only brief amelioration from eructation. Pains coming after fluid loss: nursing, hemorrhage, diarrhea.

Colocynthis Acute gastritis or peptic ulcer disease. Intense cramping pains often with marked restlessness. Pains often arise after anger or humiliation. Worse: Eating. Drinking. Before stool. Potatoes. Better: Bending double. Firm pressure. Eructation. Cuprum metallicum Sudden, violent cramping pains in epigastrium, often with vomiting. Better: Pressure or wrapping the abdomen. Dioscorea villosa Acute gastritis. Worse: Stooping. Evening in bed. Better: Bending backwards. Sitting very erect. Walking. Stomach pains in pregnancy, especially on bending forward. Elaps corallinus Acute or chronic gastritis. Worse: Drinking cold drinks. Better: Lying on the abdomen. Walking. Cold drinks seem freezing in the stomach, almost intolerable though the patient may crave them. Ferrum metallicum Worse: Eating or drinking. Milk. Pain and vomiting commences on eating or while still eating. Kalium bichromicum Pain alternates with arthritis pains. Pain in a specific small spot in the epigastrium. Worse: 1 or 2 AM. Immediately after eating. Beer. Meat. Better: Warm drinks. Magnesium phosphoricum Cramping stomach pains; adverse reactions to food or medications. Burning pains with hiccoughing. Better: Heat and warm applications. Piping hot drinks. Pressure. Eating. Medorrhinum Peptic ulcer disease. Worse: 2 AM. Anxiety about career. Better: Drawing up the legs or in the knee-chest position. Eating. Natrium muriaticum Peptic ulcer or gastritis after grief or rejection; pain and vomiting come with each new thought of the trauma. Gnawing stomach pain in patients who take on all the family worries. Burning eructations or waterbrash. Worse: Eating and drinking. Nitricum acidum

Peptic ulcer disease. Burning or stitching pains wake the patient from sleep. Worse: Night. Morning on waking. Alcohol. Indigestion and nausea from milk. Ornithogalum umbellatum Severe ulcer pains; may palliate in cases of gastric malignancy. Gastric distension and offensive eructation. Pain at the pylorus; especially as food attempts to pass from stomach. Projectile vomiting. Worse: Cold drinks. Night. Better: Warm food or drinks. Plumbum metallicum Peptic ulcer, enteric neuralgia or malignancy. Contracting or drawing pains. Worse: Constipation. Eating or drinking. Cold drinks. Better: Pressure. After vomiting. Pain extends downward to groin or backwards. Ptelea trifoliata Chronic gastritis and hepatitis. Worse: Fats. Cheese. Meat. Lying on the left side. Better: Bending double. Sanguinaria canadensis Gastritis and esophageal reflux. Worse: Eating. During headache. Better: After vomiting. Pain extends to right shoulder. Sepia officinalis Gastritis and peptic ulcer. Emptiness, sinking, nausea and pain unrelieved by eating. Worse: Eating. Jarring. Heavy lifting. Walking. Smoking. Better: After vomiting. Diarrhea Diarrhea Diarrhea can be a nearly insignificant event in the health of a patient or may be the sign of a lifethreatening illness. Most cases of acute diarrhea can be managed with homeopathy alone. In fact Kent stated that if the homeopath is diligent, the first remedy should cure in most cases. While none of us is Kent, it is true that even a close remedy will often palliate an acute gastroenteritis. Much more problematic are the chronic or inflammatory bowel conditions. Homeopathy can produce tremendous results in such cases, even when there has been extensive allopathic treatment. Though such cases always require constitutional treatment, local pathology can help provide clues to the simillimum. Management

Management of acute diarrhea Acute diarrhea is a major cause of mortality in the third world. The most important aspect of general management of acute diarrhea is to maintain hydration and electrolyte balance. Laboratory tests are rarely necessary in acute diarrheas unless the patient is severely ill or if the condition is unabated after three days. Rather, it is more important to follow the patient clinically - watching for dry tongue, poor skin turgor, infrequent urination, excessive prostration, etc. - for warning signs of more serious dehydration. Persistence of diarrhea or unexplained relapses of treatment always warrant a full medical evaluation. Therapeutic tips for acute diarrhea Homeopathic The simplest dosing regimen for homeopathic remedies is to give a dose of 30C after each diarrheic stool. This way, as the condition is improving, the remedy is already tapered or stopped. The correct remedy will almost always show a response within a few hours. If there is no relief within that time, a new remedy should be selected. Naturopathic Hydration and electrolyte maintenance can be accomplished with a simple fluid containing water, sodium and potassium chloride, and if possible, glucose or dextrose. Complex sugars (sucrose, dairy, starches, etc.) often aggravate diarrhea and should be avoided. The BRAT diet (banana, white rice, grated apple, plain toast) is also an effective adjunct. The presence of parasites, yeast overgrowth and amoebiasis should be suspected in any subacute case of new diarrhea lasting more than one or two weeks. All of these conditions respond to the proper homeopathic remedy. A few of the milder treatments for suspected parasites or yeast are: Grapefruit seed extract. Colloidal silver. Nystatin suspension. For overseas travelers to areas with endemic diarrheas, the use of bismuth tablets is often preferable to giving homeopathic remedies. These products coat the intestines and mechanically block the infection. I have seen no cases of antidotes from the use of these bismuth tablets (e.g. Pepto-Bismol). Allopathic The use of anti-diarrhoea agents such as Lomotil or Opiates should be limited to cases where the condition is truly severe. (Generally speaking, the diarrhea itself is a curative reponse to some form of infection which it attempts to wash out.) If the diarrhea persists over three days or is particularly severe, further tests or allopathic evaluation is warranted. Management of chronic diarrhea There are many causes of chronic diarrhea - sprue, lactose intolerance, food sensitivities, irritable bowel syndrome, dumping syndrome, etc. Many of these syndromes respond to simple dietary management which should always be tried before we begin homeopathic treatment. If these causes are not ruled out, then we may suffer needless failures in our cases and our patients suffer needless costs. For example, many cases of lactose intolerance will not respond to homeopathy but will improve dramatically with simple elimination of dairy. Many chronic diarrhea patients present with a diagnosis of chronic infections of the gastrointestinal tract with amoebas, yeast or other parasites based on rather scanty evidence. It is generally fruitless to

argue with the diagnosis which may have become almost a part of the patient's world view. Furthermore, the diagnosis (other than to exclude more serious conditions) has little relevance to homeopathic treatment. Often these patients have been placed on long-term treatment with antifungal or anti-amoebic medications. The best course of action in such cases is simply to ask the patient to switch to more natural or milder treatments - which do not antidote our treatment - at the time the remedy is given (see above section Acute Diarrhea for naturopathic alternatives). More serious forms of chronic diarrhea, generally caused by inflammatory bowel conditions, require careful monitoring. Blood loss, malnutrition and associated disorders of the liver and joints are consequences of both Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis. Though we always attempt to bring the patient into complete remission through homeopathy, if our treatment is ineffective, the condition can be life-threatening. Furthermore, degeneration into colon cancer is a long-term consequence. For these reasons, a specialist should be on the management team, even when the patient is responding well to homeopathy. Therapeutic tips for chronic diarrhea Homeopathic In inflammatory bowel disease, if the case is clear, we may start with a medium level potency such as 200C (followed by a daily dose of 6C, 9C or 12C if the patient is on allopathic drugs). If there has been a history of significant intestinal hemorrhage, it is wiser to begin either with a weekly dose of 30C, or a daily dose of 6C to 12C without an initial 200C, or by using LM potencies. Treatment is always constitutional and special attention should be placed upon the psychological stresses which initiated the event. Simple repertorization of the diarrhea symptoms (which are temptingly easy to repertorize) leads to failure in many cases. Naturopathic It is important to supplement the patient with zinc, magnesium and potassium when there has been a long history of chronic diarrhea. During acute flares of inflammatory bowel disease, rest is an important treatment. The patient should be placed at bedrest. The intestines should also be rested by eliminating raw foods, spices, dairy products, fruit (especially citrus) and wheat. Other helpful nutritional supplements include: Flax oil (1 tsp. BID). Acidophilus (1 tsp. daily). Kelp (1000 mg. daily). Allopathic Cases of frankly bloody stools should not be managed without the help of an internist or gastroenterologist. Patients with inflammatory bowel disease should continue to see their gastroenterologist or internist for periodic evaluations, even when the condition has improved under homeopathic treatment. During treatment, we first bring the patient onto an allopathic regimen which allows a mild and tolerable degree of symptoms so that we can follow the condition and so that the remedy has the least degree of interference possible. Hierarchy of allopathic medications for inflammatory bowel disease 1) Intermittent Lomotil or Immodium. 2) Asacol (mesalamine). 3) Sulfasalizine.

4) Steroid enemas. 5) Systemic steroids. 6) Methotrexate or 6-Mercaptopurine. Repertory Main rubrics Rectum, Diarrhea (many subrubrics). Rectum, Constipation alternating with diarrhea. Rectum, Urging (many subrubrics). Stool (many subrubrics). Stomach, Vomiting, during diarrhea. Abdomen, Pain, Diarrhea, before, during or after. General, Weakness, from diarrhea. Other rubrics Mind, Anger, during diarrhea. Mind, Anxiety, during cholera. Mind, Anxiety, during diarrhea. Mind, Cheerful, during diarrhea. Mind, Delirium, during diarrhea. Mind, Fear, during diarrhea. Mind, Mental prostration from suppressed diarrhea. Mind, Sadness, during diarrhea. Mind, Unconsciousness, during cholera. Vertigo, from diarrhea. Head, Heat, during diarrhea. Head, Inflammation of meninges, after infantile diarrhea. Head, Perspiration, Forehead, during diarrhea. Head, Pain, during diarrhea. Nose, Coryza before diarrhea. Nose, Epistaxis, from suppressed diarrhea. Face, Cold, during cholera. Face, Discoloration, Blue, during cholera. Face, Discoloration, Red, during diarrhea. Face, Perspiration, Cold, during diarrhea. Mouth, Salivation, during diarrhea. Stomach, Appetite capricious, during diarrhea. Stomach, Appetite increased, with diarrhea. Stomach, Appetite ravenous, with diarrhea. Stomach, Coldness, during diarrhea. Stomach, Emptiness, during diarrhea. Stomach, Hiccough, during diarrhea. Stomach, Nausea, with diarrhea. Stomach, Retching, during diarrhea.

Abdomen, Anxious, before diarrhea. Abdomen, Constriction, before diarrhea. Abdomen, Distension, with diarrhea. Abdomen, Dropsy, with diarrhea. Abdomen, Emptiness, after diarrhea or after stool. Abdomen, Flatus, before or during diarrhea. Abdomen, Fullness, during diarrhea. Abdomen, Movements in, during diarrhea. Abdomen, Noises in, before or during diarrhea. Abdomen, Pain in morning, before diarrhea. Abdomen, Pain in evening, before diarrhea. Abdomen, Pain in night, before diarrhea. Abdomen, Pain, Diarrheic stool, during. Abdomen, Pain, Umbilicus, during diarrhea. Abdomen, Pain, Burning, during diarrhea. Abdomen, Pain, Cramp, before, during, after diarrhea. Abdomen, Swashing, before diarrhea. Abdomen, Weak sensation, Diarrhea would come, as if. Rectum, Cholera. Rectum, Dysentery. Rectum, Flatus during diarrhea. Rectum, Hemorrhoids, with diarrhea. Rectum, Pain, during diarrhea. Rectum, Pain, Burning, during diarrhea. Rectum, Pain, Soreness, after diarrhea. Rectum, Pain, Tenesmus. Rectum, Prolapse, Diarrhea, during. Bladder, Urination, Dysuria, during diarrhea. Bladder, Retention urine, during cholera. Prostate, Emission, during diarrhea. Urine, Profuse, with diarrhea. Male, Emissions, during diarrhea. Female, Abortion, with diarrhea. Female, Prolapse, during diarrhea. Respiration, Asthma, Alternating with diarrhea. Respiration, Asthma, during diarrhea. Cough, Diarrhea ameliorates. Cough, with diarrhea. Chest, Inflammation bronchi, Alternates with diarrhea. Back, Pain, with diarrhea. Back, Pain, Lumbar, with diarrhea. Extremities, Coldness, with diarrhea.

Extremities, Coldness hands, with diarrhea. Extremities, Coldness feet, during diarrhea. Extremities, Cramps, Hand, during cholera. Extremities, Cramps, Calf, during cholera. Extremities, Cramps, Foot, during cholera. Extremities, Cramps, Foot, Sole, during cholera. Extremities, Pain, Rheumatic, Alternating with diarrhea. Extremities, Pain, Joints, Gouty, after diarrhea Extremities, Pain, Joints, Rheumatic, with diarrhea. Extremities, Pain, Upper arm, with diarrhea. Extremities, Pain, Hip, during diarrhea. Extremities, Pain, Ankle, during diarrhea. Sleep, Sleeplessness, during diarrhea. Sleep, Yawning, with diarrhea. Chills, during diarrhea. Fever, Continued, Typhoid with diarrhea. Fever, after diarrhea. Fever, Eruptive, with diarrhea. Perspiration, Cold, with diarrhea. Perspiration, with diarrhea. Skin, Cold, with diarrhea. Skin, Urticaria, with diarrhea. General, Convulsions, with diarrhea. General, Emaciation, with diarrhea. General, Faintness, with diarrhea. General, Food, Aversion, during diarrhea. General, Weakness, from diarrhea. Remedies Main remedies Nearly every remedy in our materia medica can cure diarrhea. Below I have listed the most important remedies for acute diarrheas as well as the remedies which are likely to present with diarrhea as a main complaint. Aloe socotrina Acute enteritis. Spastic colon. Inflammatory bowel disease. Acute diarrhea produced with much flatus and sputtering. Much gurgling and rumbling in the abdomen before stool. Chronic cases of diarrhea alternating with constipation. Involuntary stool, especially when passing flatus. The diarrhea is generally worse in the morning and may drive the patient out of bed in the morning. Worse: 5 to 6 AM. Overheating. Standing. Foods: Beer. Oysters. Unripe fruit. Acids. Better: Lying on the abdomen.

Stool: Mushy stool sometimes mixed with flatus, mucus and jelly-like lumps of mucus. Arsenicum album Gastroenteritis. Inflammatory bowel disease. Food poisoning. Acutes with burning, acrid stool, prostration, anxiety, restlessness and often marked nausea and vomiting. Food poisoning. Any food which is even slightly old may provoke diarrhea, even when other people show no distress. Worse: Midnight to 2 AM. Cold places or cold drinks. Excitement. Foods: Cold foods. Ice Cream. Meat. Fruit. Alcohol. Better: External heat or hot applications to the abdomen. Old people with diarrhea every morning. Chronic diarrhea in alcoholics. Stool: Acrid and thin. Rice water. Mucus. Bloody. Natrium sulphuricum Ulcerative proctitis and other inflammatory conditions. Chronic diarrhea, especially in the morning after rising or after breakfast. Sudden and irresistible urges for diarrhea mixed with flatus. Worse: Morning. Damp weather. Cold drinks in the summer. Foods: Fruit. Rich foods. Vegetables. Acids. Stool: Frequent bloody mucus passed in small amounts. Phosphorus Gastroenteritis. Inflammatory bowel disease. Even very slight dietary indiscretions cause diarrhea. Worse: 5 AM. Lying left side. Pregnancy. During chills. Foods: Spices. Warm food. Better: Sleep. Cold drinks or food. Ice cream. Coffee. Generally painless but exhausting diarrhea. Uncomfortable open sensation, as if the rectum is loose. Stool: Bright red blood. Rice water stool, "like a fire hydrant." Watery with lumps of white mucus. Podophyllum peltatum Enteritis. Inflammatory bowel disease. Watery, profuse, explosive diarrhea with much flatus and sputtering. Soils the entire toilet bowl (even the buttocks) with the noisy stool. Worse: Morning, especially 4 to 5 AM. Forenoon. Evening. Heat or hot weather. After drinking or eating. Bathing. Motion. Foods: Cabbage. Cider. Buttermilk. Fruit. Oysters. May have painless stool but generally marked cramps which cause the patient to double up, relieved by the stool. Uneasy sensation where the patient cannot tell if he is about to vomit or have diarrhea. General: Faintness, weakness, empty sensation after stool. Local: Headache associated with diarrhea.

Rectal prolapse from diarrhea. Stool: Watery. Rice water. Frothy. Pasty. Yellow. Offensive. Sulphur Colitis. Gastroenteritis. Irritable bowel syndrome. Proctitis. Urgent stool every morning, wakes patient at 5 or 6 AM. Offensive stool; family avoids the bathroom for 20 minutes. Stool is painful; burning or soreness of anus on passing stool. Worse: Morning. Suppressed eruptions. Standing. Foods: Beer. Acids. Sweets. Milk. Almost always accompanied by itching or burning at the rectum. "Child falls asleep immediately after the dysenteric tenesmus ends." Stool: Like rotten eggs. Bloody. Frothy. Mucus. Veratrum album Gastroenteritis. Odorless, profuse, rice water stools often simultaneously with forceful vomiting. Worse: Autumn. During painful menses. Motion. During chills. Foods: Cucumber. Fruit. Coldness of forehead and abdomen during diarrhea. Stool: Acrid. Black or frankly bloody. Other important remedies Abrotanum Diarrhea, especially of newborns, with marked emaciation. Alternating diarrhea and constipation. Diarrhea relieves the patient in general or the rheumatic complaints. Aconitum napellus Sudden onset of diarrhea, especially after exposure to cold or fright. Abdominal pain during stool, may radiate up to the chest. Stool: Bright red blood. Watery green. Like chopped grass (Cham). Mental: Restless and fearful. Aethusa cynapium Diarrhea in infants especially from any exposure to milk, even nursing. Worse: Milk of any sort. Dentition. Hot weather. Stool: Curdled milk. Watery green or yellow. Bloody. Antimonium crudum Irritable bowel. Food intolerance. Diarrhea with indigestion, especially after over-eating and indulging. Alternating diarrhea and constipation, especially in old people. Involuntary stool in elderly patients (Op). Worse: After bathing, especially cold bathing. Overheating. Foods: Acids. Wine, especially sour wine. Pork. Bread. Stool: Watery but with lumps of stool. Argentum nitricum

Spastic colon. Inflammatory bowel disease. Diarrhea with bloating and flatus. Diarrhea while anticipating an engagement, from excitement, or from mental exertion. Worse: Water; immediately after drinking. Lying on the left side. Foods: Sweets. Ice cream. Rich food. Better: Eructation. Stool: Watery at night. Mucusy. Like grass. Turns green after diaper changed. Arnica montana Dysentery after injury or emotional shocks. Stool: Frothy brown and horribly offensive. Bloody dysentery. Baptisia tinctoria Gastroenteritis. Diarrhea with fever and great sleepiness or stupor. Stool: Incredibly offensive, putrid stool. Bryonia alba Acute gastroenteritis. Diarrhea with fever and aching. Worse: Rising up in the morning. Motion. Cold drinks during warm weather. Warm weather. Spring. Sitting erect. Lying on the back. Suppressed exanthem. Food: Cabbage. Fruit. Better: Lying. Stool: Mushy, yellow. Rotten odor like old cheese (Hep). Mental: Irritable and wants to be left alone. General: Thirsty. Aching. Tongue coated white or brown, mainly in the center. Camphora officinalis A main remedy in cholera (rarely seen in Western countries). Severe diarrhea with collapse states, coldness and paleness. Worse: Hot weather. Stool: Like rice water. General: Cold but averse to covers. Weakness and exhaustion. Carbo vegetabilis Severe diarrhea and collapse states (Cupr, Camph, Ars). Diarrhea and bloating or belching (which relieves the patient). Worse: Cold drinks (especially when heated). Ice cream. Cold food. Eating. Diarrhea of the elderly. Lying flat. Stool: Offensive or even putrid. Light colored or watery. Bloody. General: Chilly but craves open air or being fanned. Chamomilla Acute gastroenteritis. Diarrhea mainly in infants and small children.

Worse: 9 AM. After catching cold. Teething. Anger. Smoking. Food: Rhubarb. Stool: Green or like chopped grass. Hot. Rotten-egg odor. Bitter eructations during diarrhea. Mental: Great irritability, restlessness and crying or complaining. China officinalis Crohn's disease. Hepatitis. Gastroenteritis. Food intolerance. Diarrhea with bloating, indigestion and weakness. Worse: Only at night. Afternoon. Autumn. Hot weather. Periodic, especially every other day. After nursing. After hemorrhage. During other wasting diseases. AIDS. Food: Fish. Fruit. Milk. Stool: Lienteric. Milk-like. Colocynthis Gastroenteritis. Crohn's disease. Spastic colon. Diarrhea with terrible cramping in abdomen and desire to double. Worse: After anger. Eating. After drinking, even slight amounts. Foods: Fruit. Better: Coffee. Croton tiglium Gastroenteritis. Inflammatory bowel disease. Forceful diarrhea, exploding out in a single gush. Profuse diarrhea with flatus; explosive diarrhea. Marked rumbling and gurgling before stool. Swashing sensation in abdomen (Ol-An). Worse: Drinking, right after drinking. Eating. Summer. In babies after nursing. Alternating with eruption. Foods: Sweets. Nursing. Better: Sleep. Hot milk. Stool: Slimy. Transparent. Mucus. Dioscorea villosa Acute, sometimes bloody diarrhea with severe abdominal cramps. Worse: Morning. Lying. Rubbing. Sitting. Better: Open air. Eating. Motion. Wine. Severe cramps, relieved by leaning backwards. Dulcamara Gastroenteritis. Inflammatory bowel disease. Worse: Cold, damp or changing weather. Dentition. Standing on damp ground. After catching a cold. Alternating with eruptions or rheumatism. Food: Cold food. Stool: Thin or watery yellow. Ferrum metallicum Painless diarrhea during or immediately after eating, often with vomiting.

Worse: 8 AM. Afternoon. Night. Cold drinks. Hot weather. Motion. Exertion. Dentition. Foods: Fruit. Meat. Water. Stool: Lienteric. Gushing or sputtering stool. Gambogia Gastroenteritis. Ulcerative colitis. Sudden gushing stool (Crot-T); patient strains for a long time followed by a sudden, prolonged, forceful gush of stool. Vomiting and diarrhea together (Ars, Verat). Worse: Old people. Warm weather. Foods: Sweets. Beer. Stool: Watery, yellow. Curdled milk. Mental: Excessive sex drive in patients with chronic diarrhea. Gelsemium sempervirens Spastic colon. Gastroenteritis. Painless diarrhea coming from strong emotions, especially from fright or anticipation. Diarrhea with frequent urination. Worse: Anticipation and fear. Walking. Gratiola officinalis Diarrhea alternating with constipation. Worse: After lunch. Water. Better: Eating. Eructations. Stool: Yellow or yellow-green watery stool. Cold sensation of the abdomen during diarrhea. Burning in the anus after stool. Iodium Chronic diarrhea in emaciated children. Diarrhea associated with thyroid disorders. Worse: Morning. Hot weather. Warm room. Better: After eating. Open air. Stool: Frothy, watery mucus or lienteric. Jalapa Diarrhea of infants with marked fussiness and crying at night. Kalium bichromicum Gastroenteritis. Inflammatory bowel disease. Summertime diarrheas, often coming every summer. Worse: Morning. Drives patient from bed in the morning. Alternates with rheumatism. Periodic. Every summer. Food: Beer. Stool: Frothy brown. Bloody. Mucusy strings mixed with stool. Lilium tigrinum Colitis developing at menopause. Pressure in anus and constant urging for stool.

Worse: Menopause. Standing. Better: Urination. Stool: Mucusy or even with bloody mucus. Lycopodium clavatum Spastic colon. Inflammatory bowel disease. Food intolerance. Bloating, rumbling and fermentation with irregular diarrhea. Worse: 4 to 8 PM. Eating. Cold food. From anxiety or stage fright. Foods: Oysters. Fruit. Pastry. Milk. Beer. Wine. Vegetables. Better: Open air. Cold applications. After eating. Eructation. Stool: Formed at the beginning then turns soft or watery. Magnesium carbonicum Diarrhea with cramping and sour odor. Worse: Morning. After lunch. Children and infants. Milk. Dentition. Stool: Slimy, mucusy green. Watery with a greenish scum. Mercurius solubilis Gastroenteritis. Ulcerative colitis. Corrosive diarrhea with the feeling he will "never get done." Worse: Evening. Night. Cold air, especially on abdomen. Children. Better: Lying. Standing. Stool: Mucusy green. Sour. Purulent. Offensive. Metallic odor. Mercurius corrosivus Gastroenteritis. Ulcerative colitis. Diarrhea with horrible, unremitting tenesmus and acrid, bloody stool. Worse: Motion. Autumn. Stool: Hot or burning. Pure blood or bloody mucus. Offensive. Natrium muriaticum Inflammatory bowel disease. Food intolerance. Worse: Daytime only. Morning after rising. 10 AM. Grief. Foods: Milk. Farinaceous. Vegetables. Stool: Mucus. Albuminous. Streaks of blood or bloody after stool. Nitricum acidum Ulcerative colitis and proctitis. Painful colitis with weakness and complaining. Stitching or splinter-like pains in the rectum. Worse: Cold weather. Winter. Cold food. Old people. Stool: Bloody or blood-streaked. Acrid. Offensive. Nux vomica Spastic colon. Crohn's disease. Food intolerance. Cramping and painful diarrhea, relieved only temporarily by stool. Marked urging or tenesmus; frequent ineffectual urges. Worse: Morning. After anger. After stress and business tension. After drinking. Cold or open air. In babies after nursing.

Foods: Cold food. Garlic and onions. Excessive alcohol. Better: Heat or warm applications to the abdomen. Cramps relieved immediately after stool, only to recur. Stool: Slimy. Insufficient. Bloody. Low back pain during abdominal cramps. Oleander Gastroenteritis, especially in warm weather. Thin, watery yellow diarrhea after eating fruit, especially oranges. Ravenous appetite during diarrhea. Involuntary escape of diarrhea on passing flatus (Aloe). Stool: Lienteric. Petroleum Diarrhea with increased appetite and emaciation. Worse: Daytime only. Driving or sailing, with motion sickness. Foods: Cabbage. Sauerkraut. Vegetables. Better: After eating. Phosphoricum acidum Gastroenteritis. Inflammatory bowel disease. Painless, profuse diarrhea with surprisingly little debility. Also sometimes great debility with fluid loss. Involuntary stool during diarrhea. Marked rumbling in the intestines. Worse: Change of weather. Becoming cold. Hot weather. Fright. Anticipation. Excitement. Grief. Foods: Acids. Slight dietary indiscretions. Stool: Bloody. Rice water. Gray-white. Odorless. Pulsatilla pratensis Gastroenteritis. Painless diarrhea and indigestion. Changeable patterns. Aching and tenesmus extending from anus along the sacrum. Worse: Children. Exertion. Overheating. Warm room. Fright. Any indiscretion. After eating. Night. Foods: Rich food. Fat. Butter. Ice cream. Pork. Onions. Fruit. Better: Open air. Cold applications. Stool: "No two stools alike." Slimy green. Pasty. Whitish. Rheum palmatum Gastroenteritis. Food intolerance. Diarrhea, especially in children, with great sourness (stool, perspiration, etc.). Worse: Children. After eating. After baby nurses. Dentition. Exertion. In emaciated people. Stool: Sour odor. Rhus toxicodendron Diarrhea associated with aching and stiffness. Worse: 4 AM. Cold, wet weather. Cold drinks. Over-exertion. Sitting or playing on the damp ground.

Getting feet wet. Better: Warmth. Motion. Stool: Yellow, mushy stool. Bloody or blood streaked. Staphisagria Diarrhea and summertime dysentery with marked cramping. Worse: Eating "the smallest morsel." Anger or mortification (Coloc). Stool: Hot stool, often with rotten egg odors. Thuja occidentalis Inflammatory bowel disease. Forceful stool with gurgling in the intestines. Sudden urge for stool. Worse: Morning after breakfast. After reactions to vaccinations. Foods: Coffee. Onions. Stool: Lumps mixed with gushing black liquid. Yellow, watery. Zincum metallicum Gastroenteritis. Food intolerance. Patient generally relieved during diarrhea. Worse: Morning, driving patient out of bed. During headache. Foods: Wine. Eating. Dentition. Better: Motion. Stool: Watery yellow or sometimes bloody. Abdominal pain Abdominal pain Abdominal pain has numerous sources including: Acute infections. Appendicitis. Inflammatory bowel diseases. Irritable bowel syndrome. Celiac disease. Gallbladder disease. Colic. Lactose intolerance. Endometriosis. And malignancies, to name a few. Fortunately, homeopathic remedies can generally be found without knowing the exact diagnosis. For the most part, a patient with significant abdominal pain has already had a thorough work-up before seeking homeopathic treatment. Naturally, if this is not the case, we should perform such a work-up or refer for such examination before or simultaneously with homeopathic treatment. Management Management of abdominal pain is wholly dependent upon the diagnosis. Many conditions are best treated by diet, not homeopathy. Inflammatory bowel disease often presents with significant abdominal pain (see also the chapter: Diarrhea). This condition should be managed jointly with an appropriate specialist or internist. Building a trusting relationship with a team of specialists is a crucial part of homeopathic practice. In recent years there has been a significant increase in testing of stool flora and diagnosis of intestinal parasites. Many organisms considered pathological by practitioners who work with these tests are considered benign or trivial by conventional gastroenterologists. Whatever the truth is in this controversy, I can say that I have not seen long-term improvement in these patients from the use of allopathic drugs (such as Flagyl or other antibiotics). However, dietary management, anti-candida diets and acidophilus-type supplements seem to benefit most patients.

Therapeutic tips Homeopathic Many early cases of appendicitis or peritonitis have been aborted with homeopathy. The correct strategy is to give the remedy while the patient is en route to the emergency room. If there is rebound tenderness, absent bowel sounds, rigid abdomen, etc., do not treat the patient without consultation with the appropriate specialist. Patients with known gallstone disease are often encouraged to have prophylactic cholecystectomy. In the elderly or in patients living in remote areas, this may well be prudent. However, many patients with repeated gallstone colics will have complete remission after homeopathic treatment. The stones generally do not disappear until years after the condition has become quiescent, if ever. The use of Chamomilla in colic is initially effective at least to some degree in almost all cases. It is far too easy to slip into over-use of this remedy rather than work to uncover the underlying cause - overnursing, inadequate "burping" or emotional distress in the mother, etc. Many parents are highly impressed at the rapid effect of Chamomilla. This may lead the parents to repeat the remedy frequently, even to the extent of producing proving symptoms (which resolve slowly). In cases of inflammatory bowel disease with no history of peritonitis or hemorrhage, we can use moderate potencies - 200C or 1M. If the patient is taking allopathic treatment concurrently, a daily dose of 9C or 12C may help to prevent antidoting. In cases with more serious complications of inflammatory bowel disease, we should give the remedy more cautiously - 6C to 12C daily, 30C weekly or in LM potencies. Naturopathic Not all melanotic stools indicate gastrointestinal hemorrhage - ask the patient if he has been using any bismuth products, iron supplements or eating beets before panicking. Obviously, diet plays an important role in many conditions which result in abdominal pain. Unexplained bowel cramping can often be a result of food sensitivities. An elimination diet can help to sort out this issue. Following homeopathic treatment, many of the sensitivities recede. In patients with irritable bowel syndrome, increased dietary fiber and digestive enzymes may be helpful. In inflammatory bowel disease, L-glutamine supplementation (500 mg. BID) is indicated. Other helpful nutritional supplements include: Flax oil (1 tsp. BID). Acidophilus (1 tsp. daily). Kelp (1000 mg. daily). Zinc (50 mg. daily). Taurine (500 mg. BID). Abdominal discomfort and "indigestion" is often simply a sign of excessive food intake or unconsciously rapid eating. Allopathic It is never wise to treat abdominal pain over the telephone or without examining the patient. New or acute abdominal pain without loose stool or diarrhea urgently warrants a physical examination. Occasionally, allopathic tests can antidote homeopathic treatment and should therefore be completed before the remedy is given. These would include procedures which require light anesthesia (such as colonoscopy), magnetic resonance imaging and even ultrasound in very sensitive patients. In patients with inflammatory bowel disease it is generally necessary to treat concurrently with allopathic drugs. We should try to find the hierarchically least interfering medication regimen (see below) which maintains the patient at a slightly symptomatic level before initiating treatment. If the

patient is completely asymptomatic at the time homeopathic treatment starts, it may be difficult to evaluate the results. There are a variety of medications which should be mentioned in relation to abdominal pain. The most serious of the medications comes in the context of inflammatory bowel diseases. Here we always attempt to place the patient on the least interfering medication at the outset of homeopathic treatment. Hierarchy of allopathic medications Inflammatory bowel disease: 1) Intermittent Lomotil or Immodium. 2) Asacol (mesalamine). 3) Sulfasalizine. 4) Steroid enemas. 5) Systemic steroids. 6) 6-Mercaptopurine. Irritable bowel syndrome: 1) Bulk agents (Metamucil, etc.). 2) Anticholinergics. 3) Diazepam compounds. Lactose intolerance The use of lactase-containing milk or supplements does not interfere with homeopathic remedies. Repertory Main rubrics The majority of the appropriate rubrics can be found in the chapter, "Abdomen, Pain." This is a short section and does not require a summary. Other important rubrics Abdomen, Clothing, aggravates. Abdomen, Constriction. Abdomen, Contraction. Abdomen, Inflammation (Liver, gallbladder, pancreas, etc.). Abdomen, Tenderness. For gallbladder disease Abdomen, Pain, Liver, Colic, Gallbladder. Abdomen, Inflammation, Gallbladder. For appendix pain Abdomen, Pain, Ileocecal region. Abdomen, Inflammation, Appendicitis. Remedies Main remedies Arsenicum album Inflammation of intestines. Peritonitis. Crohn's disease. Hepatitis. Especially with burning pains and excoriating diarrhea. Attacks with pain, restlessness, intense chills and anxiety.

Worse: Night, especially 12 to 1 AM. Cold. Ice cream. Coffee. Yawning. With vomiting or diarrhea or both together. Lying on the back. Periodic episodes of pain. Better: Heat. Drinking milk. Belladonna Colic from stones. Cramps along transverse colon. Appendicitis. Sharp cramps or excruciating pains which come and go suddenly. Worse: Jarring. Motion. Lying on painful side. Breathing. Better: Bending forward or at other times backwards. Lying on the abdomen. Passing flatus. Firm steady pressure, though penetrating pressure aggravates. Sometimes it is possible to see the movement along the whole length of the transverse colon. Bryonia alba Appendicitis. Peritonitis. Cholecystitis. Hepatitis. Sore or stitching pains in the abdomen. The patient lies completely still, fears the slightest motion. The most common remedy for acute appendicitis. Worse: Motion. Cough. Deep inspiration. Jarring. Muscle strains. Straining at stool. Constipation. Before diarrhea. Cabbage. Better: Lying on the painful side. Flexing the limbs. Chamomilla Acute enteritis. Neonatal colic. Gallstones. Mainstay of treatment for colic, the child is restless, cries angrily, arches its back and turns red in the face. Worse: 9 AM. 9 to 10 PM. Night. During diarrhea. Eating. Coffee. Anger. Pain prevents urination. Attempting to urinate. Better: Warmth. Pain with acute diarrhea with green stool like chopped spinach. Chelidonium majus Especially for gallbladder colic. Gastroenteritis. Hepatitis. Right upper quadrant deep colic or stitches. Constricting pains across abdomen - as if by a string. Worse: Pressure. After fats. Better: Eating. Warm food or drinks. Warm milk. After stool. Mental: Pains associated with or caused by irritability. Extension: Periumbilical pains extending across abdomen. Pains radiate to the right shoulder or scapula. Colocynthis Acute enteritis. Colic. Gallstones. Constriction, contraction, gripping in abdomen often described as though the intestines were squeezed between stones. Restlessness or contained restlessness with pain. Thrashing about in pain; better by thrashing, rolling movements.

Worse: 6 AM. Noon or afternoon. Anger or indignation. Eating. Potatoes. Fruit. Drinking. During diarrhea. Obstructed flatus. During acute constipation. Nausea with pain. Better: Bending double. Heat. Pressure. Coffee or tobacco. After stool or flatus. Lying abdomen. Walking bent forward. Flexing the limbs. Motion or exertion. Mental: Polite persons deeply offended by rudeness or vexation. Extension: To the rectum. To low back. Lycopodium clavatum Especially right upper quadrant pain: Liver or gallbladder. Colitis. Irritable bowel syndrome. Hernia. Renal colic. Bloating, distension and gurgling with abdominal pain. Worse: Morning. 4 to 8 PM. Lying on the right side. Sitting bent. Tight clothing. Jarring. Inspiration. Eating to satiety. Not ameliorated by passing flatus or from eructation. Better: Passing flatus, sometimes for only moments. Warm drinks. Mental: Anticipation of challenges brings on the pain. Extension: From right side to the left. Down to groin or calves. Nux vomica Colic. Gallstones. Crohn's disease. Ulcerative colitis. Kidney colic. Hernia. Acute gastroenteritis. Spasms and colic, generally with difficult stool - even if loose. Balanced between the need to expel toxins and an instinct to hold tight. Worse: Morning in bed. Anger or excitement. Mental exertion. Tight clothing. Becoming cold. Eating. Motion. Pressure. Jarring. Overly spiced foods, coffee or alcohol. Suppressed hemorrhoids. Before stool. Tenesmus. Better: Warm applications, food or drinks. After stool. Mental: Over-sensitive, irritable and nauseated with cramping pains. Other important remedies Aconitum napellus Acute gastroenteritis. Appendicitis. Illness from exposure to cold or after fright or shock. Worse: Jarring. Sneezing. Stool. Better: Warm drinks. Passing flatus. Pain radiates to the chest or even shoulder, especially during stool. Aloe socotrina Acute enteritis. Colitis. Chronic spastic colon. Hepatitis. Alternating diarrhea and constipation; painful constipation. No stool despite straining then may have involuntary stool. Worse: Pressure. Liver pain on bending forward. Better: After stool. Intestinal pains better leaning forward. Argentum nitricum Abdominal pain with intense and noisy flatus.

Worse: Midnight. Before stool. Eating sweets. Deep breath. Tight clothing. Walking or standing. Anxiety. Better: Pressure. After vomiting. Calcarea phosphorica Pains especially in school children from emotional tension. Liver pains from being chilled. Worse: 3 PM (end of the school day). Cold drinks. Cold food. From every attempt to eat. Long sitting. Better: After stool or flatus. Extension: From right hypochondrium to back. Carduus marianus Especially useful in gallstone colic. Hepatitis. Worse: Lying on the left side. Motion, especially sudden motion. Stooping. Touch and pressure on abdomen. Better: Lying on right side. Pressure on right side. Deep inspiration. Stool hard balls or white and clay-like. China officinalis Gallstone colic. Inflammatory bowel disease. Food allergy. Pain almost always associated with distension and flatus. Periodic attacks of unexplained colic in teenaged girls. Enlarged spleen and liver. Worse: During chills. During diarrhea. Clothing. Touch. Eating. Fruit. Drinking. Not ameliorated by flatus. Periodic. Walking. Post-surgical ileus and cramp, not relieved by flatus. Better: Bending forward. Firm pressure. Long-term consequences after cholecystectomy (Sulph). Cina maritima Neonatal colic. Intestinal cramps. Periumbilical pains with unbearable complaining or irritability. Worse: Worms, especially pinworms. Better: Being carried face down over the shoulder. Cocculus indicus Intestinal cramps. Endometriosis. Hepatitis. Pain as if intestines squeezed between sharp rocks (Coloc). Worse: Riding. Inspiration. Bending double. Jarring. Liver pain after anger. Colchicum autumnale Abdominal pain and tremendous distension and trapped flatus. Worse: After eating. Attempting to extend legs. Eggs. Better: Bending double. After stool. Cuprum metallicum Enteritis. Spasm of abdomen. Sudden and violent cramps of the intestines. Recurring or periodic bouts of cramps, often with jerking or cramps of the calves, buttocks or fingers. Better: Pressure. Lying on the abdomen. Periodic episodes.

Extension: To the chest. Dioscorea villosa Severe gastroenteritis. Inflammatory bowel disease. Colic. Wandering pains; sudden shifts in location of pain. Worse: Bending double. Walking. From diarrhea. Better: Stretching or leaning backwards. Lying stretched. Motion. Walking. Rubbing. Pains extend to extremities or chest or nipples. Iris versicolor Enteritis. Gallstones. Abdominal neuralgia or shingles. Burning extending through the whole digestive tract. Worse: Night. Touch. Motion. Better: Bending double. Passing flatus. Kalium carbonicum Gallstones. Hepatitis. Stitching pains in the abdomen. Worse: Night, especially 2 to 3 AM. Touch. Motion. Better: Bending double. Sitting upright. Magnesium muriaticum Gallstones. Hepatitis. Enteritis. Worse: Lying on the right side or left (usually prefers this side). Fruit. Touch. Better: Eating. Pressure. Lying on back or sometimes the right side. Magnesium phosphoricum Abdominal cramps and colic similar to Colocynthis. Better: Heat (may even want a scalding hot application like a brick from the fire). Pressure. Bending double. Hot drinks. Mercurius solubilis Ulcerative colitis. Inflammation of intestines. Acute enteritis. Worse: Night. Lying on the right side. Touch. Walking. Diarrhea with the sense that he will "never get done." Mercurius corrosivus Ulcerative colitis. Enteritis. Acute and chronic inflammation of the intestines. Tremendous burning pains with diarrhea and hemorrhage. Tenesmus and unbearable straining. Natrium sulphuricum Colitis. Ulcerative proctitis. Gallstones. Hepatitis. One of the main remedies in rectal cancer. Worse: Morning after rising. Damp weather. Jarring. Walking. Pain with sudden urging for stool. Deep breath. Better: Passing flatus. Lying on right side. After stool. Pressure or kneading the abdomen. Sudden, painful urge for diarrhea, especially in the morning.

Nitricum acidum Ulcerative colitis. Crohn's disease. Spastic colon. Hepatitis. One of the main remedies in colon malignancy. Burning or splinter-like pains. Pains begin before the stool and persist long afterward. Worse: Night. Anger and resentment. Pressure. Motion. Mental: Marked anxiety or bitter anger. Phosphorus Colitis. Hepatitis. Acute gastroenteritis. Acute inflammations of intestines or liver. Worse: Evening. Becoming cold. Eating. Touch. Lying, especially on the left side. Better: Lying on the abdomen or right side. Rubbing. Extension: Perineum. Plumbum metallicum Abdominal colic. Lead poisoning. Retracted or scaphoid abdomen. Drawing sensation in the abdomen, especially at the umbilicus. Worse: Becoming cold. Eating. Constipation. Better: Hard pressure. Rubbing. Stretching. After stool. Patient almost always suffers from severe constipation. Pains radiate to all areas of the body. Podophyllum peltatum Colitis. Acute enteritis. Hepatitis. Painful diarrheic conditions. Worse: 4 AM. Drinking. Before stool. During diarrhea. After stool. Better: Pressure. Rubbing. Heat. Flexing the limbs. Raphanus sativus Abdominal colic, especially from trapped flatus. Post-surgical ileus; our best remedy for getting the bowels working again and relieving colic (Chin, Nux-V, Stann). Sepia officinalis Endometriosis. Hepatitis. Gallstones. Dragging downward, bearing down or general empty sensation. Worse: 9 AM. Sitting. Better: Evening. Flexing the limbs. Passing flatus. Extension: Downward. Staphisagria Colitis. Inflammatory bowel disease. Worse: After anger or indignation. Eating or drinking. After surgical procedures. Better: Bending double. Stannum metallicum Sensation of emptiness or a hole in the abdomen.

Obstruction of flatus with slowly increasing colic (post-surgical). Worse: Eating. Pains come and go slowly, often with the sun. Better: Bending double. Lying on the abdomen. Pressure. Colic better from carrying child over the shoulder (Cina). Extension: To stomach on pressing at umbilicus. Sulphur Colitis. Spastic colon. Acute enteritis. Hepatitis. Gallstones. Painful cramping with urgent, offensive diarrhea. Worse: 11 AM. Drafts or air. Eating. Motion. Stool. Standing. Pressure. Deep inspiration. Better: Exercise and motion. Extension: To the rectum. Liver disorders Liver disorders In this chapter we consider acute and chronic diseases of the liver itself. Naturally, many of the remedies and symptoms are identical in both gallbladder and liver conditions. Gallbladder colic is covered in the chapter on abdominal pain. Acute hepatitis, chronic liver weakness and even frank cirrhosis are considered as essentially a spectrum with similar remedies often applying to all stages. In homeopathy, liver weakness is perceived through symptom patterns. We look for a nexus of symptoms coexisting to inform us of liver weakness. Even when there is no frank liver disease, we can infer the presence of liver weakness when these symptoms exist. These symptoms include: Mental: Anxiety and emotional insecurity. Cowardice. Aversion to aggression; inability to face conflict. Irritability, dullness, sluggishness in the morning. General: Low energy; sudden drops of energy. Right-sided symptoms. Craving for sweets and alcohol. Intolerance of fats. Unrefreshing sleep; morning aggravation. Head: Morning headaches, especially in the right forehead. Headaches associated with nausea or indigestion. Yellowness of the sclera. Nasal obstruction and boggy membranes. Bitter taste in the mouth. Gastrointestinal: Flatus, eructation, indigestion, reflux, waterbrash. Bloating and distension. Constipation, often alternating with diarrhea. Right upper quadrant pain or soreness.

Extremities: Right shoulder pains and bursitis. Right scapula pain. Skin: Jaundice. Itching without eruption. Eruptions of all sorts, especially moist eruptions. When this complex is found in a patient, we will often find the correct constitutional remedy amongst the known liver remedies. Naturally, almost any constitutional remedy can cure a liver disorder if it is indicated by deeper symptoms in the case. The remedies listed below with their characteristic symptoms should be used only as hints toward the simillimum. Management Acute hepatitis is a rare presentation in our practice. Most patients with Hepatitis A know that the disease is self-limited and do not seek treatment. The more serious forms of hepatitis - Hepatitis B and C - almost always present to the homeopath in their chronic forms. Homeopathy can have dramatic effects on such patients, eliminating or minimizing the liver inflammation. Treatment is almost always constitutional, though special attention is given to prominent liver remedies. Likewise, toxic forms of hepatitis due to alcohol, chemicals and medications can respond well to homeopathy. Cirrhosis is a very serious disease and we should not make any claims about effecting cures of this condition, though the health and functioning of the patient can be greatly improved by our treatment. When there are signs of advanced cirrhosis - esophageal varices, prolonged bleeding time, anorexia and weight loss, asterixis, etc.- it is unwise to attempt to manage the case without the help of a liver specialist. Therapeutic tips Homeopathic In cases of chronic forms of hepatitis, we give the constitutional remedy in moderate to high potency (200C to 10M) according to the clarity of the case and relative vitality of the patient. In cirrhosis, we must be more cautious with our potencies. It is best to start with no higher potency than 200C. If there is a history of significant hemorrhage, metabolic abnormalities or esophageal varices, we should start with even lower potencies (6C to 12C daily or 30C as a single dose). Alternatively, LM potencies may be tried. Naturopathic Beside remedies, it is beneficial to recommend dietary changes. Rather than simply telling the patient to eat less fat, sugar and alcohol - it is often more productive to counsel the addition of 5 or 6 portions of fruit, watermelon, daikon radishes, beets or green leafy vegetables each day. The patient should also increase fluid intake, eliminate caffeine and consider a gentle fast (three days of steamed or raw vegetables and fruit). When there is significant liver weakness, the patient will benefit from ending meals while he is still slightly hungry. Supplements to support patients with liver weakness include: Milk thistle extract (200 mg. TID). Lecithin (1 tsp. daily). Flax oil (1 tsp. daily). Coenzyme Q10 (60 mg. daily). Allopathic The mainstay of allopathic treatment is Interferon. It is difficult to assess the effect of homeopathic

treatment in patients taking this frequently antidoting drug. A better course (unless the inflammation is fulminant) is to allow the patient to complete the course of Interferon before attempting homeopathic treatment. If it is necessary to treat a hepatitis patient concurrent with Interferon treatment,thebesthope is to repeat a 30C potency 12 to 24 hours after each of the tri-weekly injections. While we rarely use laboratory tests as indicators of the action of the homeopathic remedy, in chronic hepatitis we must pay attention to the serum liver enzyme levels. Bilirubin, alkaline phosphatase and trans transaminase levels should return to normal levels slowly over a one to two month period. Unless the patient feels markedly improved in his energy and emotional state, I am not satisfied by a remedy which does not lower enzyme levels. Repertory In addition to the symptoms mentioned in the introductory remarks, there are many specific rubrics which can aid us in finding the simillimum. These include: Main rubrics Abdomen, Inflammation, Liver. Abdomen, Liver, Affections of. Abdomen, Pain, Liver (follows "Inguinal"). Eyes, Yellowness. Skin, Discoloration, Yellow. Other important rubrics Vertigo, Liver disease. Head, Pain, Liver derangements. Nose, Epistaxis, Liver disease. Throat, Varicosities. Stomach, Vomiting, Lying, Side, Right, Liver complaints in. Abdomen, Abscess, Liver. Abdomen, Atrophy, Liver. Abdomen, Cirrhosis. Abdomen, Dropsy, Ascites. Abdomen, Enlarged, Liver. Abdomen, Fatty degeneration, Liver. Abdomen, Fullness, Liver. Abdomen, Hardness, Liver. Abdomen, Heaviness, Liver. Abdomen, Swelling, Liver. Abdomen, Veins distended. Rectum, Constipation, Portal stasis, from. Rectum, Diarrhea, Jaundice, during. Stool, White (also White, Milk-like). Urine, Bile containing. Respiration, Difficult, Stitching in liver, from. Respiration, Impeded, Pain, Liver.

Extremities, Discoloration, Palm, Red. Sleep, Sleepiness, Liver complaints, with. Sleep, Sleeplessness, Liver complaints, during. Fever, Intermittent, Enlarged liver, with. Skin, Itching, Jaundice, with. Generalities, Dropsy, Liver disease, from. Generalities, Plethora, Portal stasis, from. Generalities, Pulse, Slow, Liver disease. Generalities, Tobacco, Aversion, Smoking (his usual cigar). Remedies Main remedies Chelidonium majus Any form of liver or gallbladder disease with marked pain. Right upper quadrant pain radiating to the right scapula (or shoulder or more rarely the left scapula). Pain: Constricting or cramping pain. Worse: 4 AM (until 9 AM). Evening. Fats. Indignation. Better: Warm drinks. Heat. Eating. Lying left side with legs drawn up. General: Jaundice is frequently marked. Jaundice of newborns. Craves: Warm drinks; warm milk. Local: Tongue yellow and imprinted by teeth. Marked itching with jaundice (Dol). Liver: Enlarged, hard, painful. Enlarged vertically. Cirrhosis. Mental: Nearly always irritable with the discomfort. Domineering. Lycopodium clavatum Liver disease with indigestion, bloating and flatus. Pain: Soreness. Sensation as if a blow to the right upper quadrant. Pain often extends through to the back. Worse: 4 PM. Clothing. Touch. Standing upright. Stretching. After eating to satiety. Better: Warm drinks. Passing flatus. General: Tiredness after noon meal. Chilly yet craves cool or open air. Jaundice combined with marked flatus. Worse: 4 to 8 PM. Fasting. Craves: Sweets. Local: Face furrowed or creased deeply. Loud rumbling and gurgling from abdomen. Bloating after eating even one or two bites. Intolerant of tight clothing. Constipation. Alternating constipation and diarrhea. Hard stool followed by soft or liquid stool.

Liver: Enlarged liver. Also atrophy or cirrhosis of liver. Ascites. Pressure, tightness, sensitive feeling over the liver. Mental: Anxiety, especially about health and profession. Dictatorial or controlling. Excessively sensitive or timid. Magnesium muriaticum Liver weakness, hepatitis with fatigue and depression. Chronic or acute hepatitis. Long smoldering liver diseases. Hepatitis of children. Pain: Pressing pains or heaviness in liver. Liver pains extending to the back. Worse: Walking. Touch. General: Groggy and unrefreshed in the morning on waking. Craves: Fruit. Vegetables. Salads. Worse: Milk. Fat. During acute inflammation cannot lie on left side. During chronic complaints prefers to lie on left side. Liver: Enlarged liver. Hard liver. Cirrhosis and ascites. Mental: Excessively chipper and attempting to please. Sour, fatigued and depressed. Liver diseases after parents divorce. Natrium sulphuricum Acute and chronic hepatitis with severe nausea and bilious headache. Chronic or acute hepatitis. Sclerosing cholangitis in patients with inflammatory bowel disease. Pain: Stitching, bursting or soreness in the liver region. Worse: Lying on the left side. Deep breath causes a stitch or sensation that the liver will burst open. Stepping or jar. Tight clothing. Better: Rubbing or firm pressure on the abdomen. General: Jaundice, especially if accompanied by diarrhea. Jaundice of newborns. Worse: 4 to 5 AM. Damp weather. After grief, disappointment, vexation. Local: Headache with vomiting of bile. Bitter taste in the mouth. Taste like bile in the mouth. Tongue coated greenish or has a dirty color. Asthma and hepatitis as concommitants. Chronic diarrhea with liver disease. Liver: Enlarged or swollen. Cirrhosis. Mental: Depression, even suicidal thoughts. Ailments after grief. Nux vomica Liver disease with fatigue, indigestion and mental strain. Pain: Soreness or stitching, often extending to the right shoulder. Worse: Alcohol. Anger. Over-indulgence in food. Jarring. Tight clothes. Touch. Noise.

Better: Heat. Covering. General: Over-sensitive to all stimuli. Worse: Becoming cold. From loss of sleep. From anger or humiliation. From frustration of ambitions. Exposure to toxins or drugs. From fats, alcohol, spices. Better: Heat and warm weather. Aversion: To his accustomed tobacco. Indigestion, cramps or reflux symptoms with liver disease. Local: Diarrhea alternating with constipation with jaundice. Constipation from portal congestion. Liver: Fullness in the liver; must loosen his clothing. Enlarged. Alcoholic liver. Chronic hepatitis. Cholangitis. Cirrhosis. Mental: Liver disease after frustrated ambition, anger, exhaustion. Irritability with liver disease. Excited and tense. Phosphorus Especially acute hepatitis with much vomiting and gray, pale stool. Hepatitis after exposure to toxins and solvents; liver disease after general anesthesia. Pain: Soreness over the whole liver. Worse: Pressure. Alcohol. Better: Rubbing. Cold drinks. General: Tendency for bruising or bleeding gums with hepatitis. Craves: Salty food. Cold food. Cold drinks. Ice cream. Jaundice, often with confusion and great anxiety. Local: Vomits liquid once it becomes warm in the stomach. Stool yellow or pale. Liver: Enlarged or inflamed liver. Fatty liver. Atrophy of liver. Chronic hepatitis. Cirrhosis. Mental: Anxiety and constant desire for company. Mental dullness and spaciness. Sulphur Chronic hepatitis with jaundice, diarrhea and congested veins. Pain: Stitching or soreness in the liver, worse 11 AM. General: Warm and averse to heat. Worse: Every change of weather. From bathing or catching cold. Thirsty for cold drinks. Appetite impressive despite the illness. Craves: Fats. Spicy. Sweets. Local: Face sallow or ruddy with small red veins in cheeks and nose. Eructation and regurgitation. Reflux symptoms marked. Constipation from portal congestion.

Diarrhea, worse in the morning, with jaundice. Liver: Fatty or alcoholic liver. Cirrhosis. Mental: Much anxiety about the health. Other important remedies Aceticum acidum Ascites combined with severe anemia and debility. General: Weakness and faintness. Great thirst in ascites; thirst abates during the fever. Chronic burning in the stomach. Intolerant of vegetables. Marked aggravation from lying on the back; dyspnea, restlessness and fear from lying on the back. A remedy in terminal cases of cancer and cirrhosis. Aconitum napellus Sudden, fulminant hepatitis. Burning or severe tearing pains. Stitching pains interfering with respiration. Bitter taste in the mouth. Aesculus hippocastanum Congestion and swelling of the liver. Constipation from portal stasis. Varicosities, especially esophageal varices. Hemorrhoids, especially with stitching pains. Aloe socotrina Enlargement and pain in the liver with heat or burning. Better: Cold applications. Bending double. Constipation alternating with diarrhea. Apocynum cannabinum Ascites or even anasarca in end-stage cirrhosis. Ascites associated with diarrhea or hemorrhoids. General: Thirsty but scant urine output or sweat. Water is rejected immediately on swallowing. Longs for a good sweat; feels it could cure him. Sometimes described as a "chilly Apis." Arsenicum album Hepatitis with wasting and periodic fever. Pain: Bloating and burning in the right upper quadrant. Worse: Midnight. Cold air. Better: Warm drinks. Heat. General: Chilly. Cold body and warm face. Periodic hepatitis. Thirsty for sips; craves cold drinks though they cause pain. Liver: Enlarged and hard liver. Cirrhosis. Ascites. Mental: Great anxious restlessness.

Aurum metallicum Cirrhosis and liver atrophy. Alcoholic liver disease. Aurum Muriaticum Natronatum has liver disease with alternating black and white stool. Mental: Self-destructive behavior. Belladonna Rapid onset of hepatitis with high fever and red face. Pain: Painful small spot above and just to the right of the umbilicus. Pains often radiate to the right shoulder or back. Worse: Jarring. Misstep. Motion. Lying on the right side. Better: Lying still. Bending double. Berberis vulgaris Hepatitis with shooting pains radiating in all directions. Sharp pains extending to the umbilicus. Bilious colics followed shortly by jaundice. Must bend double during the pains. Hepatitis accompanied by rectal fistula. Bryonia alba Hepatitis involving especially the right lobe of the liver. Pain: Terrible stitching pains through the liver. Radiates to scapula. Liver feels heavy, like a lump in the right upper quadrant. Feeling that the liver burst open, worse from cough. Worse: Slightest motion. Jar. Deep breath. Cough. Better: Lying on the right side (but may provoke vomiting). General: Aggravated in hot weather; during summertime. Great thirst for large quantities. Craves: Beer. Local: Tongue dry, brown in the center or yellow coating. Bitter taste in mouth with great thirst. Vomiting when lying on the right side during liver disease. Liver: Peri-hepatitis affecting the serous membrane. Huge swelling. Mental: Irritable and averse to answering. Calcarea carbonica Chronic hepatitis and advanced liver disease with great fatigue. Pain: Painful, swollen sensation in liver region. Worse: Stooping. Better: From pressure. Ascites from atrophy of the liver. Cirrhosis. Carbo vegetabilis Liver disease with horrible bloating and eructations. Difficult respiration due to terrible abdominal bloating. General: Chilly but averse to covering.

Craving open air or fanning. Unable to lie flat. Liver disorders from indulgence in rich food and drink. Carduus marianus Inflamed liver, especially the left lobe, nearest the stomach. Pain: Stitching or burning pains in the liver. May radiate to scapula. Worse: Lying on the left side; dragging sensation when lying on the left side. Motion. Deep inspiration causing dyspnea and cough. Better: Lying on the right side. Pressure. General: Worse from beer and alcohol. Local: Center and tip of tongue is white but red about the edges. Bitter taste in the mouth. Jaundice with clay colored stool and dark urine. Hard, knotty stool. Varicosities and varicose ulcers in liver disease. Jaundice and itching the moment he lies down at night. Liver: Enlarged, especially transversely. Hard. Swollen. Cirrhosis. Chamomilla Hepatitis and jaundice after anger or vexation. Unbearable liver pains. Marked distension and intolerance to touch. China officinalis Chronic or acute hepatitis with tremendous distension and bloating. Pain: Marked pressing or sore pains in the liver. Markedly sensitive to any touch of the liver. Intolerant of any clothing. Worse: Pressure. General: Periodic liver complaints or exacerbations. Anemia associated with liver disease. Jaundice and yellow or whitish stool. Aggravation or indigestion from fats, butter, beer, fruit. Empty, hungry feeling at night; must get out of bed to eat. Local: Bitter taste in the mouth. Tremendous bloating of the abdomen, relieved but for seconds upon passing flatus. Loud eructations or flatus. Liver: Enlarged liver, especially if accompanied by enlarged spleen. Liver region exquisitely sensitive - even touching the skin. Hard liver. Cirrhosis. Mental: Touchy and irritable. Theorizing, builds castles in the air. Chionanthus virginica Hepatitis with enormously swollen liver. Obstructed liver. Pain: Bruised sensation or soreness in the liver.

Better: Lying on the abdomen. General: Very hot but averse to uncovering. Jaundice periodically; worse each summer. Chronic jaundice with emaciation. Jaundice from suppressed menses. Local: Burning, bitter eructations and waterbrash. Clay colored or undigested stool. Urine dark, at times almost black. Cocculus indicus Hepatitis with nausea and faintness. Pain: Terrible pains in the liver, stitching or like pinching stones. Pain and swelling in the liver after anger. Worse: 12 AM. Touch. Jar. Cough. Doubling-up. Inspiring. Local: Severe nausea from the thought or odor of food. Painful distension of the abdomen. Colchicum autumnale Liver disease with tremendous, tympanitic swelling of the abdomen. Nausea at the thought or odor of food, especially fish and eggs. Liver disease associated with gout and arthritis. Ascites with folds of skin hanging down over the pubic region. Crotalus horridus Liver disease associated with sepsis and the most intense jaundice. Liver disease associated with hemorrhage or ecchymosis. Hepatitis in hot climates. Septic or malarial jaundice. Liver disease with pains in the top of the right shoulder. Vomits from lying on the right side with liver disease. Intolerant of tight clothing. Alcoholic cirrhosis. Digitalis purpurea Severe, especially acute hepatitis with terrible nausea and jaundice. General: Slow pulse with liver disease. Local: Diarrhea with hepatitis. Ashy or milk-white stool. Colorless stool. Liver: Enlarged, hard, tender liver. Ascites. Dioscorea villosa Hepatitis or gallstones. Marked, paroxysmal abdominal cramping. Pain: Sharp liver pains radiating to the nipples, back, arms even to the fingers or toes. Fainting from abdominal pain. Worse: Bending double. Hard pressure. Better: Leaning backwards or stretching. Deathly nausea, even from the thought of food.

Dolichos pruriens Hepatitis or other liver disorders; jaundice and horrible itching. Stool completely white. Itching intense without eruption. Kalium carbonicum Chronic liver disease with fullness. Pain:Stitching pains with fullness. Worse: 3 AM. Motion. Better: Sitting bent forward with elbows on knees. Pains extending from right ribs or low back into the liver. Can only lie on the right side. Liver: Enlarged and sore. Lachesis mutus Hepatitis with severe pain, flushes and toxicity. Alcoholic cirrhosis with dilated purplish blood vessels in face. Pain: Horrible bursting or knife-like pains. Pain felt from low-back extending to liver. The weight of clothing or blankets is unbearable. General: Hot and averse to becoming heated. Worse: After sleep. Lying on either side. Marked jaundice making the face dark yellow. Local: Face flushed or almost purple. Dilated veins; varicies; esophageal varicies and hemorrhage. Terrible, constant nausea and vomiting of bile. Whitish stool. Liver: Large, exquisitely tender. Cirrhosis. "Nutmeg liver." Ascites. Lactuca virosa To be considered in cases of end-stage liver disease with ascites. Tympanitic abdomen with loud rumbling. Cramping or constriction through chest and abdomen. Leptandra virginica Gastrointestinal bleeding associated with chronic liver disease. Pain: Burning pains in the liver; heat in the liver. Pain radiates to umbilicus, spine or to left scapula. Worse: Cold drinks. Motion. Better: Lying on abdomen or side. General: Great weakness with jaundice. Local: Black, tarry stool associated with jaundice. Clay colored stools. Disturbed menses with liver disease. Liver: Swollen transversely. Cirrhosis. Mental: Hopelessness, sadness in liver disease.

Mercurius solubilis Liver swollen with intestinal weakness and diarrhea. Pain: Stitching pains and tenderness. Worse: Lying on right side. General: Marked, debilitating sweats with liver disease. Worse: Night. During the sweats. Becoming heated in bed. Local: Itching worse at night; worse from perspiration. Liver: Enlarged. Cirrhosis. Ascites. Myrica cerifera A specific liver remedy with much mucus secretion. Pain: Liver pains extending to either scapula. General: Jaundice with bronze-yellow skin. Jaundice of newborns. Combined liver and heart disease. Local: Dull headache in morning on waking. Thick, yellow, dry, tenacious coating on tongue and palate. Bitter, foul taste in mouth with aversion to all but sour food. Stool progressively paler until becomes white. Urging for stool but passes only flatus. Nitricum acidum Liver hugely swollen with stitching or stabbing pains. Chronic diarrhea and weakness. Clay-like stool. Intensely dark, scanty and offensive urine. Hepatitis with intermittent fever. Sour, bitter feelings and depression; worse on waking. Cirrhosis. Cholangitis. Podophyllum peltatum Acute or less often chronic hepatitis with horrible diarrhea. Pain: Stuffed or full feeling in liver. Better: Rubbing; constant desire to rub the liver. General: Worse 5 AM or 7 AM. Warm and worse from heat. Jaundice and excess secretions of bile. Faintness and weakness after diarrhea, after eating; from the odor of food. Local: Tongue slimy yellow, as if coated by mustard; indented. Loud rumbling in the abdomen. Diarrhea, explosive and soils the whole toilet bowl. Liver: Inflamed and hard. Cirrhosis. Mental: Irritable and peevish. Sad and despairing. Fidgety. Loquacity during fever. Ptelea trifoliata Hepatitis with heaviness and dragging sensation in the liver.

Pain: Lying on the left side - hanging down sensation. Worse: 2 AM. Walking. Motion. Speaking. Deep breath. Heat. Better: Lying on the right side. Acid food. Open air. General: Absolute intolerance for cheese, meat, fats. Marked improvement from sour food or drinks. Local: Eructations and indigestion; worse fats, better lemonade. Constipation with dry, hard stool. Extremity pains with liver disease. Urticaria with liver disease. Pulsatilla pratensis Chronic liver disease with marked indigestion. Intolerance for all fats and rich food. Sepia officinalis Chronic hepatitis with weariness and drained feeling. Pain: Fullness and pressure in the liver region. Worse: Fasting. Deep inspiration. Better: Sleep. General: Chilly and weak; constant fatigue. Jaundice, sallow face. Liver disease from suppressed vaginal discharge. Local: Gone, empty feeling inside not relieved by eating. Bitter eructations. Mental: Apathy and depression. Irritable with family. Hemorrhoids Hemorrhoids Homeopathic treatment of hemorrhoids aims both to prevent the further weakening of the rectal veins as well as to relieve the acute symptoms. Particular care should be taken to advise the patient about high fiber diets and the absolute need for regular daily bowel movements. "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure" especially refers to hemorrhoids. Certainly in many cases, constipation is a complex constitutional and psychological problem which is often assisted by our remedies. However, habit and inadequate nutritional knowledge cause much of the poor bowel function in western society and should be addressed during treatment. Management Acute hemorrhoidal symptoms, especially when severe, often require a specific remedy. However, real judgement should be exercised before giving a homeopathic remedy. If the illness is minor, or comes during the middle of effective constitutional treatment for more serious disorders, we should avoid giving acute remedies which can interfere with the patient's overall progress. Also in many instances, a repetition of the constitutional remedy will be the most effective strategy, even when the remedy is not well known for hemorrhoidal conditions. Always keep in mind that hemorrhoids are an important outlet for the vital force and that suppression of hemorrhoids has been associated with dire health consequences in some patients.

Therapeutic tips Homeopathic In constitutional cases, a flare of hemorrhoids can come as an aggravation or as a part of Hering's law. In this situation, the symptoms should not be tampered with - homeopathically or allopathically. Naturopathic Increasing water intake (64 oz. per day), dietary fiber, flax seed oil (1 tsp. daily), fruit or prunes and bulking agents to soften the stool or mild herbal laxatives can take the pressure off rectal veins. Exercise is another crucial ingredient to good bowel function. Senna should be reserved for younger patients with stubborn constipation, and should be used with caution. Topical application of Aesculus ointment is often an effective alternative to giving a remedy. Also comfrey tea sitz baths or topical calendula ointment can soothe and prevent infection. Allopathic Generally, topical allopathic treatments for hemorrhoids do not antidote remedies except when the two are at cross-purposes. In some cases, the constitutional remedy causes an outbreak of hemorrhoids as a means of relieving a deeper disorder in the organism. Repertory Main rubrics Most of the important rubrics are found in the chapter, "Rectum." Especially important: Rectum, Hemorrhoids (subrubrics). Rectum, Hemorrhage (subrubrics). Rectum, Itching (subrubrics). Rectum, Pain (subrubrics). Other important rubrics Vertigo, Hemorrhoids, after. Head, Pain, Alternating, Hemorrhoids, with. Head, Pain, Forehead, Hemorrhoids, from suppressed. Hearing, Impaired, Suppressed, Hemorrhoids, with. Nose, Epistaxis, Hemorrhoids, with. Nose, Epistaxis, Hemorrhoids, Flow of, suppressed. Abdomen, Fullness, Sensation of, Hypochondria, Right, Hemorrhoids, with. Abdomen, Pain, Hemorrhoids, from. Abdomen, Portal congestion, Hemorrhoids, with. Rectum, Constipation, Hemorrhoids, from. Rectum, Constipation, Obstinate, Flatulence and hemorrhoids, with. Rectum, Pain, Tenesmus, Diarrhea, Hemorrhoids, with. Bladder, Urination, Dysuria, Hemorrhoids, with. Female, Abortion, Hemorrhoids, flowing and itching. Respiration, Asthmatic, Hemorrhoids, with. Cough, Hemorrhoids, Appearance of, after the. Cough, Hemorrhoids, suppressed. Chest, Circulatory system, Affections, Hemorrhoids, with.

Chest, Inflammation, Lungs, Hemorrhoids, with. Chest, Neurosis cordis, Hemorrhoids, Suppressed, from. Chest, Pain, Alternating with, Hemorrhoids. Chest, Pain, Heart, Hemorrhoids, with. Chest, Palpitation heart, Alternating, Hemorrhoids, with. Back, Pain, Hemorrhoids, with. Back, Pain, Lumbar region, Alternating, Hemorrhoids, with. Back, Pain, Lumbar region, Hemorrhoids, with. Back, Pain, Sacral region, Hemorrhoids, with. Back, Pain, Pressing, Hemorrhoids, before protrusion. Extremity, Pain, Rheumatic, Alternating, Hemorrhoids, with. Extremity, Pain, Rheumatic, Suppressed, Hemorrhoids, from. Sleep, Sleeplessness, Hemorrhoids, from. Skin, Itching, Hemorrhoids, with. General, Faintness, Hemorrhoids, after. General, Heat, Flushes of, Hemorrhoids, with. General, Suppression of, Hemorrhoids. Remedies Main remedies Aesculus hippocastanum Hemorrhoid pains causing or associated with low back pain. Pain as if the rectum were full of small sticks; dryness in the rectum with a gritty sensation on passing stool. Pain lasts for hours after stool. Congested, blue or purple hemorrhoids; marked fullness in rectum. Itching rectum. Excoriated rectum. Worse: Pregnancy. Constipation. Standing. Sitting. Walking. After wiping. After stool. Better: Kneeling. Warm bathing. Aloe socotrina Congested hemorrhoids protruding like a bunch of grapes. Large, painful hemorrhoids with dragging sensation. Uncomfortable loose or open sensation in the rectum; involuntary stool. Burning in the rectum from flatus. Itching of the rectum. Heat in the rectum. Worse: Beer. Constipation. Menses. Sitting. Better: Cold compresses or cold bathing. Ignatia amara Hemorrhoids or fissures with terrible rectal spasms. Pain as if a poker stuck up the rectum. Cutting or knife-like pains in the rectum.

Rectal prolapse. Worse: Every emotional upset. Menses. Standing. Evening on lying. At the end of stool. Better: Walking. Sitting. Nux vomica Painful, congested hemorrhoids and fissures, especially with persistent constipation. General aggravation after suppression of hemorrhoids. Worse: Alcohol. Abuse of laxatives. Motion. Better: After stool. Ratanhia peruviana Tremendous pain after stool, lasting for minutes or hours. Severe burning, cutting, or sensation like broken glass. Hemorrhoids. Fissures. Painful cracks. Worse: After stool. Hard stool. Touch. Better: Warm bathing. Lying. Walking slowly. Sulphur Large, congested, moist hemorrhoids with irresistible itching. Excoriation, moisture and itching rectum, worse from scratching. Worse: Night. Beer. Standing. Touch. Walking. Suppressed menses. Better: Cold applications. Other important remedies Arsenicum album Hemorrhoids or fissures with terrible burning pains. Excoriation of rectum from acrid stool. Worse: During stool, especially diarrhea. Better: Warm compresses or warm bathing. Belladonna Sudden onset of throbbing pain; strangulated hemorrhoids. Pulsating pains; throbbing with each heartbeat. Worse: Touch. Jar. Better: Lying with the legs and buttocks spread. Berberis vulgaris Hemorrhoids with twinges of pain. An important remedy for fistula-in-ano. Anal fistula associated with cough. Calcarea phosphorica Hemorrhoids protruding during stool. Itching of the rectum. Pains radiating to penis. Rectal fistula. Carbo animalis Large, burning hemorrhoids.

Constant moisture or oozing from rectum with burning. Worse: Evening. Walking. Carbo vegetabilis Large, bluish hemorrhoids with burning and itching in the rectum. Suppurating hemorrhoids which are horribly offensive. Causticum Large hemorrhoids with constricting pains or spasms. Hemorrhoids. Fissures. Fistula. Hemorrhoids prevent stool. Worse: Mental exertion. Thinking of condition. Standing. Touch. On urging for urination. While straining voice or lecturing. Walking impossible due to pain. Chamomilla Rectal fissures or ulcerations with intolerable pains and sensitivity. Worse: Touch. Collinsonia canadensis Congested hemorrhoids with pain as if the rectum is full of sticks (Aesc). Hemorrhoids alternating with palpitations. Worse: Menses. Pregnancy. Catamenia. Constipation with marked flatus and hemorrhoids. Swelling of the anus. Graphites Rectal fissures with marked dryness and itching. Itching and burning in the rectum. Worse: Menses. Wiping stool. Hamamelis virginiana Laxness of all veins. Hemorrhoids associated with varices. Large, blue hemorrhoids which open and bleed during stool. Kalium carbonicum Congested hemorrhoids with sharp, stitching pains. Inflamed hemorrhoids. Worse: Pregnancy. After childbirth. Touch. Cough. Better: Heat. While riding. Lachesis mutus Large or strangulated hemorrhoids with painful throbbing. Pain extending upward. Pain as if "beaten with little hammers." Worse: At menopause. Suppressed menses or pregnancy. Cough. Better: Cold applications. Muriaticum acidum Large hemorrhoids which protrude with the slightest efforts. Protrusion: During stool. Passing flatus. Urination.

Painful, bluish, protruding hemorrhoids. Worse: Motion. Labor. Walking. Touch. Better: Warmth. Hemorrhoids in children. Natrium muriaticum Hemorrhoids with easy bleeding, especially after hard stool. Contracting sensation in the rectum. Nitricum acidum Hemorrhoids and fissures with sharp, splinter-like pains. Pains during and lasting long after stool. Worse: Cough. Touch. Ulcerated hemorrhoids. Paeonia officinalis Severely painful hemorrhoid or fissures with pains lasting for minutes or hours after stool. Worse: After stool. Wiping stool. Touch. Better: Lying with legs and buttocks spread. Phosphorus Hemorrhoids, large and easily protruding, even with flatus. Hemorrhage from stool or even flatus. Looseness of rectum. Itching and burning hemorrhoids and fissures. Pulsatilla pratensis Large hemorrhoids with lax veins. Worse: Pregnancy. Heat. Menses. Lying. Better: Cold applications. Ruta graveolens Hemorrhoids or rectal prolapse. Worse: After childbirth. Stooping, even slightly. Sepia officinalis Fissure. Fistula. Hemorrhoids. Congested and protruding hemorrhoids with pelvic weakness. Worse: Walking and exertion. Touch. Milk. Sitting. Pregnancy. Better: Heat. Terrible rectal itching and moisture; perineal excoriation. Urogenital Urinary tract infection Urinary tract infection Cystitis is one of the most common acutes to develop in our patients under constitutional treatment. It is usually readily managed with homeopathy. Many cases of cystitis are self-limited, requiring no treatment. Pyelonephritis, on the other hand, is a much more significant illness associated with fever,

more back pain and general malaise or systemic symptoms. This condition should be approached with much more caution. Management Many cases of cystitis can be managed without resorting to any remedy, merely by asking the patient to increase fluids, use vitamin C, cranberry juice, etc. The decision to use remedies should be based upon the severity of the condition. Before beginning homeopathic treatment be certain to take the symptoms carefully. All too often, the prescriber jumps at one symptom (such as pain at the end of urination) and begins a remedy before the case is clear. This changes the symptoms and obscures the correct remedy, virtually assuring that antibiotics will become necessary. A number of patients present with sterile urine but classic symptoms of cystitis. This syndrome can be caused by urethral spasms or genital herpes but the remedies indicated remain the same as for cystitis. Pyelonephritis can have serious long-term effects on the kidneys. We should not encourage patients to avoid antibiotics when we suspect such a condition. Rather, a remedy can be given as we initiate laboratory tests and cultures. If the condition responds dramatically and rapidly - while we are initiating these exams - then we can elect to delay allopathic treament. The patient or parent must ultimately make the decision to use or avoid antibiotics. The main thing we must avoid is placing the patient's health at risk while we delay antibiotic treatment. If allopathic treatment becomes necessary, remember to begin cultures before initiating antibiotics. This is a routine all physicians know and yet is often forgotten in the moment of crisis. The worst case scenario is a desperately ill patient arriving at the emergency department being treated with an ineffective antibiotic with no cultures ordered after one or two weeks of ineffective homeopathic treatment. Recurring bladder infections can be a sign of structural anomalies in the urinary tract, malignancies or chronic stones. Any patient who has had three or more such infections within a year or two should be investigated by a urologist. Therapeutic tips Homeopathic In simple cystitis it is better to wait until the picture is developed than to choose a remedy on only one or two symptoms. A convenient dosing method is to give the remedy as a 30C every two hours until symptoms subside. If the patient does not improve by the third dose, the remedy is incorrect. If the picture is very clear and the symptoms are strong, it may be better to use a 200C as a single dose, repeated if the condition relapses. A first step before giving an acute prescription is to consider giving the constitutional remedy in a 12C or 30C dose, especially if the remedy covers urinary tract disorders. Naturopathic Recurring cystitis in girls (or boys) is often due to bubble baths. Also important is to have the mother instruct the child carefully about wiping after stool. Make sure the child knows to wipe backwards, not forwards toward the urethra. Recurring cystitis in women is often preventable by two simple instructions: First, empty the bladder whenever the urge is felt, do not "hold it." Second, empty the bladder before any activity which applies urethral pressure - bicycling, coition, diaphragms. Some effective, non-toxic measures for treating cystitis include: Unsweetened cranberry juice. Uva ursi

tea. Dandelion tea. Garlic capsules (2 capsules TID for adults, 1 capsule TID for children). Vitamin C (1000 mg. TID for teens and adults, 250 mg. TID to 5 years, 500 mg. TID for older children). Stinging nettle tea. Golden seal tea is also effective but should not be used in pregnant women or in those allergic to ragweed. In cystitis, the remedy should become effective within 4 to 6 hours. As in any acute condition, the patient should be cautioned not to over-stress the ailing part too quickly. All homeopaths know to instruct a pneumonia patient to stay at bedrest for a day or two more, even after the remedy has acted. But it is easy to forget that a cystitis patient should refrain from intercourse, diaphragm use, baths and hot-tubs for several days after the cystitis resolves. Allopathic It is wise to seek consultation with a urologist after two or three episodes of cystitis, rather than merely assuming that the constitutional remedy is incorrect. These recurrences can be a sign of structural anomalies in the bladder or ureters. In patients with recurring cystitis, allopathic treatment often includes the ongoing use of antibiotics. The use of ongoing antibiotics makes homeopathic treatment nearly impossible. In some cases, giving repeated doses of low potencies (6C to 12C) daily or LM potencies daily can be effective despite the antibiotics. In some women with recurring cystitis, a single dose of antibiotics is given immediately after every sexual intercourse to prevent recurrences. If natural techniques (such as careful hydration, supplemental lubricants, vitamin C, etc.) do not help the patient to avoid the antibiotics, we can repeat the constitutional remedy in a 12C or 30C dose after each dose of antibiotics to attempt to avoid antidoting. Repertory The most confusing chapter in the entire repertory is the urinary tract. It is divided into five sections: Bladder. Prostate. Kidney. Urethra. Urine. (The prostate is considered in a separate chapter.) Unfortunately, the symptom you may wish to find could be listed under, " Bladder, Pain, Burning," or "Urethra, Pain, Burning," or "Urine, Burning."This makes the repertory much less helpful in the office during the interview. Below are some guidelines on where to find the desired rubrics. Timing of pain with respect to urination Bladder, Constriction, Urination, before, during, after. Bladder, Constriction, Neck, Urination, before, during, after. Bladder, Contraction, Urination, before, during, after. Bladder, Cramp, Urination, before, during, after. Bladder, Pain, Urination, before, during, after. Bladder, Pain, Neck, Close of urination. Bladder, Pain, Neck, Urination, before, during, after. Bladder, Pain, Aching, Urination, before, during, after. Bladder, Pain, Burning, Urination, before, during, after. Bladder, Pain, Burning, Neck, Urination, before, during, after. Bladder, Pain, Cutting, Urination, before, during, after. Bladder, Pain, Cutting, Neck, Urination, before, during, after. Bladder, Pain, Pressing, Urination, before, during, after.

Bladder, Pain, Pressing, Neck, Urination, before, during, after. Bladder, Pain, Spasmodic, Urination, before, during, after. Bladder, Pain, Stitching, Urination, before, during, after. Bladder, Spasm, Urination, before, during, after. Bladder, Spasm, Neck, Urination, before, during, after. Bladder, Urination, Dysuria, Painful, Spasmodic, At close of sphincter after finishing urination. Urethra, Contraction, Urination, before, during, after. Urethra, Irritation, Urination, before, during, after. Urethra, Irritation, Meatus, Urination, before, during, after. Urethra, Pain, Urging to urinate. Urethra, Pain, Urination, beginning, during, closure, after. Urethra, Pain, Meatus, Urination, before, during, after. Urethra, Pain, Biting, Urination, before, during, after. Urethra, Pain, Biting, Meatus, Urination, before, during, after. Urethra, Pain, Burning, Urination, before, during, after, close of, last drops during. Urethra, Pain, Burning, Anterior parts, Urination, before, during, after. Urethra, Pain, Burning, Fossa navicularis, Urination, before, during, after. Urethra, Pain, Burning, Meatus, Urination, before, during, after. Urethra, Pain, Cutting, Urination, before, during, close of, after. Urethra, Pain, Sore, Stitching, Tearing, Urination, before, during, after. Frequency Bladder, Fullness, Urination, after. Bladder, Pain, Desire be postponed, if. Bladder, Tenesmus (subrubrics). Bladder, Urging, Constant. Bladder, Urging, Frequent (subrubrics). Bladder, Urination, Frequent (subrubrics). Bladder, Weakness. Pain, burning Bladder, Heat. Bladder, Pain, Burning (subrubrics). Urethra, Inflammation, Burning, shooting pain with gonorrhea. Urethra, Pain, burning (subrubrics). Urine, Acrid. Urine, Burning. Sudden urges for urination Bladder, Pain, Desire postponed. Bladder, Pain, Pressing, Desire resisted. Bladder, Urging, Sudden. Bladder, Urging, Sudden, Must hasten to urinate. Pressure sensation Bladder, Ball sensation.

Bladder, Distended. Bladder, Fullness. Bladder, Fullness after urination. Bladder, Pain, Pressing. Bladder, Retention, painful. Bladder, Swollen. Bladder, Tension. Retention Bladder, Atony. Bladder, Full sensation, without desire to urinate. Bladder, Inactivity of. Bladder, Obstruction. Bladder, Paralysis. Bladder, Retention (subrubrics). Bladder, Urge absent. Bladder, Urge ineffectual. Bladder, Urination, Dribbling with retention. Bladder, Urination, Dysuria, Strain must. Bladder, Urination Incomplete. Bladder, Urination, Retarded (subrubrics). Bladder, Urination, Retarded, Must press long. Bladder, Urination, Seldom. Bladder, Urination, Unsatisfactory. Spasm Bladder, Constriction. Bladder, Contraction. Bladder, Cramp. Bladder, Pain, Constricting. Bladder, Retention, Spasmodic. Bladder, Spasm. Tenesmus Bladder, Pain, Urging to urinate. Bladder, Tenesmus. Bladder, Urging, Constant. Bladder, Urging, Constant, Day and night. Bladder, Urging, Urination after. Bladder, Urging, Violent. Bladder, Urination, Frequent. Remedies Main remedies Cantharis vesicatoria Cystitis: Mild to severe or hemorrhagic cystitis. Urethritis.

Intense burning with urination; each drop feels like scalding acid as it passes. Terrible pains through the bladder, the bladder neck and the urethra, relieved temporarily after urination. The patient shrieks from the pain during urination. Intense urging from the slightest amount of urine; urging every two to three minutes but only drops dribble forth. Feels if he could just empty bladder completely he would find relief. Voluptuous sensation during the infection; the patient may have a sexual urge resulting from the irritation. Excoriating urine, even the external genitalia become raw. Worse: Drinking. Hearing running water. Erections. Coition. Ejaculation. Better: Cold applications. After urine is voided completely. Timing: Before, during, at the end of and after urination. Pain may begin after a few drops have passed. Location: All areas of the urinary tract. Mental: Frenzied feeling. Urge to pull at genitals or even masturbate. Pyelonephritis: Terrible pains in kidneys extending to bladder: Worse: Motion. Urging to urinate. Touch or jar. Urine becomes bloody rapidly after onset of symptoms; sometimes the patient passes pure blood. Think of Cantharis when pain is the primary symptom. Nux vomica Cystitis. Pyelonephritis. Kidney colics (mainly from stones). Constant urging and full sensation, but only small, unsatisfying amounts are passed. Urge for stool while straining for urine. Tenesmus. Painful retention of urine. Spasms of the sphincter. Timing: Before or during urination. Worse: Anger. Chilled. Suppression of hemorrhoids. Coffee. Alcohol. Sexual excesses. During stool. Better: Warmth or warm bathing. Urine: Hot feeling. Highly concentrated. Location: Bladder. Neck of bladder. Mental: Irritable and restless. Think of Nux Vomica when frequent urging is the main symptom. Petroselinum sativum Cystitis. Urethritis. Sudden, intense urges to urinate; the patient jumps up. Pain if the patient cannot void immediately. Worse: Children. Urethritis. Location: Urethra. Fossa navicularis. Intense itching or tingling deep in urethra or neck of bladder; he longs to put something inside to scratch it. Think of Petroselinum when itch or irritation in urethra is the main symptom. Pulsatilla pratensis

Sudden and strong urges with no capacity to hold back the urine. Pain increases every moment the urge is postponed. Involuntary urine unless he concentrates constantly. Urging begins "after just a drop has collected." Worse: Before menses or suppressed menses. Lying on the back. Walking. Cold, wet weather. Getting wet feet. Catching cold. Timing: Sharp pains come after urination. Location: Neck of bladder. Bladder. Urethra. Urine: Copious. Bloody. Mucusy. Think of Pulsatilla when the pain is irregular, paroxysmal or with spurting. Sarsaparilla officinalis Cystitis. Kidney colic. Copious urination with marked burning pain at the end of urination; pain comes with the last few drops. Chill spreads from bladder when urinating. Retention of urine; can only urinate while standing. Timing: Painful urge for urine. At the end of urination. Worse: Cold, damp weather. Before or during menses. Location: Bladder and neck of bladder. Right kidney. Urine: Reddish sediment. Copious. Bloody drops at the last few drops of urine voided. Air passes with urine (fistula). Think of Sarsaparilla when the main symptom is pain at the close of urination. Other important remedies Aconitum napellus Cystitis. Pyelonephritis. Symptoms begin suddenly after exposure to cold or fright. Pressure sensation and burning before urination. Anxious urging for urination. Cystitis after catching a cold (Puls). Retention of urine; especially after labor or in newborns. Apis mellifica Cystitis. Pyelonephritis. Nephritis. Burning and stinging pains, especially at the beginning of urination. Frequent, painful urging, especially before the menses. Retention of urine, especially in newborns. Worse: Before menses. Heat, especially local heat. Better: Cold applications. Timing: Before. Beginning. During. After. Location: Bladder neck. Kidney. Urine: Scanty. After the remedy, the urine flows freely.

Arnica montana Cystitis after injuries to bladder, such as forceps delivery. Retention of urine. Involuntary urination with dribbling. Arsenicum album Cystitis. Interstitial cystitis. Pyelonephritis. Urethritis. Burning pains and acrid urine with chills and even rigors. Chronic burning in the bladder, not related to urination. Worse: During chills. Timing: Beginning of urination. Urine: Dark. Black. Rotten odor. Mental: Anxious, restless, fearful. Belladonna Sudden inflammation of kidney or bladder with high fever. Sudden urges for urine. Tenesmus and straining. Spasmodic clutching at neck of bladder. Worse: Cough. Jar. Motion. Location: Right kidney. Neck of bladder. Urine: Hot sensation. Bloody or with small clots. Berberis vulgaris Cystitis. Pyelonephritis. Kidney colic. Stitching from kidneys down to bladder, testes or thighs. Pains darting up or down the urinary tract. Burning pains extending from bladder through the urethra. Bubbling sensation in the kidneys. Worse: Jar. Even slight motion. Ejaculation. Menses. Stooping. Better: Splinting toward the affected side. During urination. Timing: Before and after urination. Location: Left kidney. Ureter. Bladder neck. Urethra. Meatus. Urine: Dark. Slimy. Reddish sediment. Gelatinous sediment. Borax veneta Cystitis in small children. Child shrieks before urinating. Urging mainly at night, very seldom during the day. Timing: Before urination. Urine: Acrid. Pungent odor. Cactus grandiflorus Hemorrhagic cystitis. Unbearable constricting pains in the bladder, often with retention of urine and painful expulsion of clotted blood. Urinary retention with unbearable spasm. Camphora officinalis Cystitis. Pyelonephritis. Pressure and spasm in the bladder.

Burning in the urethra during urination. Sudden urges with thin stream of urine. Timing: During urination. Urine: Green color. Often complements Cantharis and completes the case. Cannabis indica Chronic cystitis. Urethritis. Burning pains in bladder and especially the urethra during urination. Constant urging, even after urination. Dribbling after urination. Sensation that urine is involuntarily flowing, even when dry. Kidney pain when laughing. History of suppressed gonorrhea. Timing: Before. During. After. Location: Urethra. Meatus. Bladder. Kidney. Cannabis sativa Urethritis. Cystitis. Pain and spasm at the neck of the bladder at the close of urination. Urethra inflamed and painful. Worse: Touch. Pressure. Walking with legs close together. Burning pains at the meatus, especially with the last drops. Meatus is raw, swollen and burning. Pressing out feeling in meatus while straining at urination. Pain extends back to bladder from meatus during urination. Must wait long before urine begins to flow. Urination interrupted. Causticum Chronic cystitis. Cystocele. Neurogenic bladder. Burning and cutting pains during urination. Irritation or itching of the meatus. Paralysis of bladder. Unable to void if retains urine too long. Unable to void while standing; can only go while sitting. Involuntary urination and pains after childbirth. Unable to void urine after surgery. Insensible urination; cannot tell if urine is passing. Worse: Cold or becoming cold. After childbirth. Clematis erecta Urethritis. Urethral stricture. Burning pains before or right at the beginning of urination, then flows painlessly. Sudden, painful urges and must hasten to urinate. Urethral induration or narrowing with violent burning during last drops of urination. Incomplete or suddenly interrupted urination.

Urine starts and stops with burning. Involuntary dribbling after urination. Copaiva officinalis Inflammation, pain and burning at the neck of the bladder. Soreness at the meatus. Frequent, painful urging in elderly women. Urination retarded and thin stream. Doryphora decemlineata Urethritis and cystitis in small children brought on by mechanical stimulus such as bubble bath, tight clothes, etc. Dulcamara Cystitis. Painful retention of urine. Pain and urging markedly increased on becoming cold or during chills. Worse: Cold, damp weather. Autumn. Eryngium aquaticum Constant urging, especially at night. Constant dribbling of urine with intense burning. Equisetum hyemale Cystitis. Pressure and full sensation even with only a few drops in the bladder, better if bladder is full. Urging increases as the volume in the bladder decreases. Urge continues after urination is completed. Timing: During or at the end of urination. Location: Bladder. Urine: Dark, sometimes with mucus mixed in. Hepar sulphur Recurring pyelonephritis. Painful urination after exposure to cold or catching cold (Dulc). Weakness of bladder with retarded urine and dribbling. Urine: Pure blood at the end of urination. Kreosotum Sudden urges for urination, especially at night in bed, cannot get out of bed fast enough and loses urine. Involuntary urination, worse putting hands in cold water. Tremendous burning or itching of vulva with urination. Urine:Offensive. Brown or bloddy. Acrid. Lycopodium clavatum Cystitis. Urethritis. Kidney stones. Pressure in the bladder or heaviness. Fullness but must wait long for the flow to begin. Crawling sensation in the bladder or urethra after urination.

Worse: 4 PM. After urination. Urine: Excessively frothy. Red sediment in urine (Sars). Lyssinum Chronic or interstitial cystitis. Burning and itching in the bladder or urethra after urination. Urging for urine when hearing running water, on putting hands in water or even looking at water. Medorrhinum Cystitis. Urethritis. Prostatitis. Pyelonephritis. Recurring bouts of cystitis begin shortly after starting a new sexual relationship. Pain in the bladder neck at closure of urination. Kidney pain relieved after urination. Frequent urging for urination at night and during menses. Mercurius corrosivus Cystitis. Terrible, continuous urging and a feeling that he will "never get done." Horrible burning in bladder and urethra, unrelieved by urination. Urine: Blood and mucus during or at the end of urination. Greenish. Natrium carbonicum Chronic or recurring cystitis. Pain and burning at the end of urination. Cracks in the urethral meatus. Nitricum acidum Cystitis. Urethritis. Pressure in the bladder. Stitching pains in bladder or urethra before or during urination. Worse: During erections. Becoming cold. Urine: Offensive or strong, like a horse's urine. Feels cold. Pareira brava Sensation of distension of bladder with dysuria. Horrible cramps in bladder and legs while straining to urinate. Can only urinate when on hands and knees or with forehead pressed onto the floor. Urine: Bloody. Mucus. Forked stream. Rhus toxicodendron Cystitis. Pyelonephritis. Painful retention of urine with cystitis. Frequent urination. Cystitis or simple enuresis in boys. Worse: Long delay of urination. After exertion. Getting the feet wet. Becoming cold. During erections. Better: Motion. Sepia officinalis Recurring or chronic cystitis. Frequent or sudden urging for urination with chills. Pressure sensation before urination; must hasten to urinate.

Cystitis with involuntary urination. Worse: During menses. After coition. While walking. Urine: Cloudiness increases all through the void. Dark red or bloody sediment. Staphisagria Cystitis. Burning and tenesmus; unsatisfied after urinating. Timing: During or after urination. Lasts long after the void or continues between urinations. Worse: After coition. After first intercourse or after every intercourse. Especially after excessively vigorous coitus. Bladder surgery or catheterization. During labor. Better: Lying curled up on the side. Terebinthinae oleum Horrible burning and tenesmus with pains extending upwards to the kidneys. Burning in kidneys, especially the right kidney. Worse: Resting. During urination. Better: Walking in the open air. Urine: Smoky colored. Odor of violets. Thuja occidentalis Chronic or interstitial cysytitis. Urethritis. Sudden, painful urging. Cutting pain after urination. Often associated with urethral narrowing, stricture, polyps, etc. History of gonorrhea. History of reactions to vaccination. Urine: Sweet, offensive odor. Forked stream. Foamy. Tuberculinum bovinum kent Chronic cystitis. Worse: Changes of weather. Pains if delays urination even slightly. Uva ursi Cystitis. Pressing pains or spasms at neck of bladder after urination complete. When recurring cystitis comes from stones in bladder. Burning in the urethra during urination. Tingling in the urethra. May be accompanied by leukorrhea (Sep). Urine: Slimy. Kidney stones Kidney stones My first experience with kidney stones was with a young man who had been suffering with a lodged and supposedly immovable stone in his left ureter for three months. His urologist had scheduled him for surgery in two weeks. He came to my office with his pyelogram showing a large stone about three centimeters down from his left kidney. I told him I doubted that the remedy could act with such a large

stone, but gave him Berberis 200C. By the next day the stone had passed and the urologist called wanting to know where he could find this medication. Management While it is true that remedies can help the body to pass stones which seem unpassable, it is also true that unmonitored ureteral obstruction can cause permanent kidney damage. Thus, if a stone does not pass within one or two days under homeopathic treatment, a urologist should be consulted. With the correct homeopathic remedy, a ureteral stone should respond within 24 hours. When the colic is severe, the correct remedy should provide relief even sooner - often within minutes. In large stones in the renal pelvis or staghorn calculi, the ultimate goal is to shrink the stone. This can be done over months to years with proper diet, fluid intake and homeopathy. However, the patient should stay under the care of a knowledgeable physician to monitor kidney function. In all cases, emphasis should be placed on the prevention of future stones by careful hydration, avoidance of excess dietary calcium and the other specific ingredients of the patient's stones. Recurring stones also warrant an investigation into possible parathyroid gland diseases, structural anomalies, chronic infections, etc. Furthermore, an exploration of the stresses which may have led to the episode should help provide clues toward the constitutional remedy. Therapeutic tips Homeopathic If the remedy gives significant pain relief, we should not change to another remedy on the basis that the stone has not passed in 24 hours, but rather should persist for two to three days. Sometimes a kidney stone will be passed as an aggravation from the constitutional remedy. It is best not to give specific homeopathic treatment to a patient during such a crisis, and allopathic pain medication is a preferred alternative. We can, however, repeat the constitutional remedy to try to facilitate the stone's movement. Naturopathic Forcing fluids is beneficial in all stages of kidney stone treatment and prevention, with the aim of keeping the urine concentration low. For prevention of recurrences, it is often helpful to know the type of stone the patient produced. This is accomplished by straining the urine to catch the stone as it passes and sending it for laboratory analysis. For calcium containing stones we try to decrease the intake of calcium (excess dairy, antacids) and vitamin D. Increased magnesium intake helps to prevent calcium stones of all types. Management of oxalate stones requires the elimination of tea, chocolate, spinach, beets, rhubarb, asparagus, parsley, cabbage, nuts, alcohol and especially vitamin C. For uric acid stones we must eliminate organ meats, sardines, anchovies, shrimp, oysters. Increasing urine pH to above 6.5 is of benefit in preventing uric acid containing stones. Baking soda mixed in water (in patients without hypertension) is effective. Allopathic The use of pain medication generally does not prevent the action of the homeopathic remedy. However, it may mask most of the useful symptoms of the correct remedy. If this is the case we have two choices: First, we can stop the medication to try to find the modalities; Second, we can ask the patient about the symptoms from previous episodes.

Repertory There are only a few important rubrics relating to kidney stones: Bladder, Calculi. Bladder, Ulceration, due to calculi. Kidney, Pain. Kidney, Pain, Colic. Kidney, Pain, Ureters. Kidney, Pain, Cutting. Kidney, Pain, Cutting, Region of ureters. Kidney, Pain, Ureters. Kidney, Inflammation, Pyelon, Calculus. Urine, Sediment, Renal calculi. Remedies Main remedies Belladonna Sudden, excruciating pains, especially of the right kidney. Unbearable pains but patient must lie still. Worse: Jar. Cough. Sneeze. Misstepping. Radiation: Bladder. Urine: Bloody or clots of blood. General: Red, flushed face and cold hands and feet. The patient can hardly stop himself, but is worse from any squirming. Berberis vulgaris Sharp, stitching or shooting pains mainly from the left kidney. Pains radiate in different places or all through the body. Painful urges to urinate during the colic. Worse: Jar. Motion. Menses, especially the beginning of menses. Misstepping (Bell). Sitting. Stooping. Walking. Better: Being still. Standing. Splinting the painful side. Radiation: Down ureter. Bladder. Urethra. Testes. Thighs. Legs. Calves. Urine: Dark and with sediments. Lycopodium clavatum Right-sided kidney stones with marked distension and aversion to tight clothing. Worse: 4 to 8 PM. Comes with chills. Better: After urination. Radiation: Bladder. Testes. Urine: Red sediment. Nux vomica Kidney colic with strong urges for stool or urination. Worse: Right side. Lying. Motion. Walking. Anger. Over-work. Better: Warm applications. Lying on the back.

Radiation: Testes. Penis. Rectum with desire for stool. General: Chilly and even with shivers during the attack. Nausea and vomiting. Mental: Restless and unusually irritable ("Why are you asking me all these stupid questions?"). Other important remedies Benzoicum acidum Mainly left-sided kidney stones with dark offensive urine. Worse: Deep inspiration. Stooping (Berb). Alternates with arthritis. Better: During urination. Urine: Offensive, brown and thick. Like a horse's urine. Calcarea carbonica Chronic tendency to make stones, especially during times of excess responsibility and stress. Worse: Night. Riding. Stretching. Urine: Whitish sediment. Offensive and concentrated. Cantharis vesicatoria Kidney stones complicated by inflammation or infection. Severe, sharp or burning pains associated with urination. Tenesmus; feels that if he could just urinate a few more drops he would be relieved. Worse: Urging to urinate. During urination. Better: Squeezing the glans of the penis. General: Frenzied feeling; cries out with the unbearable burning. Radiation: Down into the urethra. Penis. Coccus cacti Paroxysms of pain coming and going during the attack. Worse: Motion. During urge for urination. Radiation: Urethra. Legs. Urine: Acrid. Bloody. Colchicum autumnale Kidney stones in patients with arthritis, especially gout (Benz-Ac). Worse: Lying. Motion. On attempting to straighten the legs. Better: Lying on the back with the legs drawn up. Urine: Inky black. Colocynthis Colic with restlessness and deep cramping in abdomen. Worse: Right side. Lying. After anger. Better: Heat. Pressure. Dioscorea villosa Pains cause the patient to stretch backwards; feels if he could just bend further backwards, the pain would be relieved. Worse: Right side. Radiation: Testes. Penis. Erigeron canadense

Kidney stones with serious hemorrhage with the slightest motion. Worse: Before urination (the pains). Motion (the bleeding). Hydrangea arborescens Left-sided kidney colic extending down the ureter. Radiation: Left inner thigh. Urine: Whitish sediment. Bloody. General: Tremendous thirst. Kalium carbonicum Left-sided kidney stones with stitching pains. Worse: Morning or night. During chill or drafts. Exhaling. Better: Rubbing over the painful spot. General: Serious patients who repress emotions and stones develop. Lachesis mutus Terrible left-sided kidney colics, often with hemorrhage. Worse: Night. Suppressed menses. Touch or pressure. Tight clothing. With hypertension. Polycythemia. Radiation: Bladder. Urine: Dark or black. Hemorrhaging with kidney stone. Medorrhinum Recurring kidney stones with sharp pains into ureters. Worse: Suppressed gonorrhea. During urination. Better: After urination, especially profuse urination. Nitricum acidum Stitching pains in the kidney. Pressure in the bladder. Worse: Walking. Becoming cold. Radiation: Bladder. Urine: Offensive or strong, like a horse's urine. Urine feels cold on passing. Ocimum canum Violent right-sided kidney colics with frequent vomiting. Radiation: Bladder. Urine: Bloody. Saffron colored. Reddish sediment. General: Vomiting, moaning, wringing the hands. Pareira brava Left kidney colic with terrible, painful retention of urine. Horrible cramps in bladder and legs while straining to urinate. Can only urinate when on hands and knees or with forehead pressed onto the floor. Radiation: Groin. Thighs. Upper, inner thigh. Feet. Urine: Bloody. Mucus. Sarsaparilla officinalis Right-sided kidney colics with marked dysuria.

Marked pain at the end of urination from kidney into bladder. Urine can only be passed when standing. Worse: Warm drinks. Better: Warm applications. Radiation: Bladder. Urine: Reddish sediment. Bloody during the last part of urination. Sulphur Kidney stones with marked burning in kidneys and urethra which lasts long after the urine has finished. Worse: Stooping. Standing. Urine: Dark. Offensive - sometimes like rotten eggs. Tabacum Kidney stones with deathly nausea. Deep burning pains in abdomen. Worse: Before urination. Better: Uncovering the abdomen. Radiation: Down ureter. Bladder. Prostate conditions Prostate conditions In daily homeopathic practice we commonly encounter chronic prostatitis, for which no good allopathic treatment exists. Benign prostatic hypertrophy is also a common problem in our practices. These conditions often share symptoms and, therefore, the same set of remedies apply. Management Management of prostatitis Chronic prostatitis responds very well to homeopathic treatment. The condition often results from suppression of more superficial infections of the urogenital tract such as urethritis. In former times, homeopaths could easily repertorize symptoms of discharge - color, amount, consistency. Now these symptoms are rapidly suppressed with antimicrobial treatments. Furthermore, even the symptoms of the prostatic pains are often muffled or nearly eradicated by the use of prophylactic antibiotic treatments - often continuing for months or years at a time. This obscuring of symptoms makes the job of the modern homeopath more difficult. Furthermore, many patients have become completely habituated to the allopathic treatment and immediately return to antibiotic treatment with the first sign of symptoms, even when homeopathic treatment is working quite well overall. Treatment is therefore based mainly upon the constitutional picture. Therapeutic tips for prostatitis Homeopathic It is useful to inquire about the original infection before antibiotic treatment began. If the patient can still recall the initial symptoms of the infection, these symptoms can provide useful clues towards the simillimum, even though the symptoms are long since suppressed. Naturopathic In chronic prostatitis, manual massages of the prostate on a weekly basis can have a dramatic effect

and aid the rapid cure of the disorder. Useful adjunctive treatments: Vitamin C (2000 mg. per day). Zinc (50 mg. per day). Vitamin B complex (50 mg. complex daily). Allopathic In many cases, the use of chronic antibiotics complicates the course of treatment. In such cases, it is generally best to give a daily dose of 6C or 12C in addition to the initial dose of the constitutional remedy. LM potencies may also be tried. In many cases, even the low-dose chronic antibiotics can interfere with the homeopathic remedy. Management of benign prostatic hypertrophy This hidden epidemic of middle-aged and elderly patients is all too often viewed as a mere nuisance. While it is true that urinary obstruction can be readily treated with transurethral resection of the prostate, this procedure can result in surgical morbidity, incontinence and ejaculatory dysfunction. For these reasons, we attempt to avoid such surgery whenever possible. Homeopathic treatment is constitutional when the symptoms are mild to moderate, but if severe obstruction occurs, specific remedies should be tried and are often successful. Later, however, the deeper constitutional remedy must be found in order to maintain the improvement. Newer procedures using balloon dilations, hyperthermia and laser treatments, while having shorter benefit, also cause less significant changes in the prostate function. Thus, they are preferred for short-term relief when specific homeopathic treatment fails and the constitutional remedy has not yet been found. Therapeutic tips for benign prostatic hypertrophy Homeopathic Treatment for prostatic hypertrophy is constitutional except during an acute, severe obstruction. When using acute, specific remedies giving a 30C dose daily for 4 or 5 days usually is sufficient to calm a retention episode. If severe symptoms of obstruction are present, it is not wise to try remedy after remedy while the situation deteriorates. Limit the attempt to treat acutely to 24 hours. If there is no improvement, the patient should see a urologist. Naturopathic Two very benign herbal treatments are available and are probably just as effective as these allopathic medications: Saw Palmetto and Pygeum extract. These herbs are readily available in most health food stores and provide relief for most patients while homeopathic treatment is started. Allopathic The use of alpha adrenergic medications (Cardura or Proscar) does not interfere drastically with constitutional treatment. If herbal remedies do not help the patient, we can allow the patient to try these medications while we study the case more carefully for the correct constitutional remedy. Repertory Main rubrics Prostate, Enlargement (subrubrics). Prostate, Inflammation. Prostate, Pain (subrubrics). Prostate, Swelling. Bladder, Retention of urine.

Bladder, Retention of urine, Enlarged prostate, from. Bladder, Retention of urine, Old men. Bladder, Urination, Dribbling, Enlarged prostate, with. Bladder, Urination, Retarded (subrubrics). Other important rubrics Prostate, Ball sensation. Prostate, Emission of prostatic fluid (subrubrics). Prostate, Fullness. Prostate, Hardness. Prostate, Induration. Eye, Inflammation, Iris, Prostate inflammation, with. Rectum, Constipation, Prostate enlargement, with. Rectum, Constipation, Prostatic fluid, with. Rectum, Lump sensation. Rectum, Lump sensation, Perineum. Bladder, Inflammation, Chronic, Enlarged prostate, with. Bladder, Urination, Dysuria, Prostate enlargement, with. Bladder, Urination, Frequent, Prostatic affections, with. Bladder, Urination, Interrupted, Swollen prostate, with. Urethra, Discharge, Prostatic fluid. Urethra, Discharge, White, Morning, Prostatic discharge evening. Male Genitalia, Emissions (or "Seminal discharge"), Seminal, Prostatic disease. Male Genitalia, Erections, Troublesome, Frequent, Prostatic fluid, with loss. Remedies Main remedies Chimaphila umbellata Acute prostatic inflammation, swelling and retention. Burning pain in prostate with constant urging for urine. Worse: Cold, damp. Sitting on cold bench or stone. Sitting. Itching in urethra or prostate. Ball sensation in perineum. Sensation as if perched on a ball while sitting (Cann-S). Better: Walking slowly. Bladder does not empty; can only pass urine when standing with legs spread and bending forward. Nux vomica Acute prostatitis with marked urging and straining, relieved only momentarily by passing a few drops of urine. Chronic prostatitis with painful spasms from ejaculation. Worse: Anger. Business stresses. Alcohol. Dribbling after urination. Prostatic emissions after stool. Pulsatilla pratensis

Acute and chronic prostatitis with painful, spurting stream. Severe prostate pains. Worse: After urination. Suppressed gonorrhea. Retention of urine in the the elderly; retention with enlarged prostate. Prostatitis after suppressed gonorrhea. Prostatic emissions from erections, from stool or urination. Selenium metallicum Prostate enlarged and boggy in elderly men. Involuntary dribbling of urine: Worse: Walking. After urine or stool. Long after urination. Dribbling of prostatic fluid: Worse: Any stool. Walking. Sitting. Weakness of prostate and whole genital system. Impotence. Sulphur Prostatitis with marked burning in urethra or prostate. Inflamed and hard prostate with painful, burning ejaculation. Prostate and low back pain. Worse: After coition. While standing. Emissions after urination or stool, especially straining at stool. Other important remedies Agnus castus Inflamed prostate with involuntary emissions. Chronic enlargement of prostate with impotence and depression. Impotence despite lascivious thoughts. Apis mellifica Prostate enlarged and inflamed with burning during urination. Burning, scalding urination. Retention from enlarged prostate. Baryta carbonica Enlarged prostate in old men with dribbling long after urination. Prostatic hypertrophy prematurely - men in their 40's. Prostatic hypertrophy from diminished sexual capacity. Calcarea carbonica Prostatic hypertrophy, firm and very large. Ejaculation difficult, long delayed. Conium maculatum Enlarged and hard prostate - frighteningly hard gland. Rapid growth of gland from sexual suppression. Heavy feeling in the the prostate. Seminal emissions from stool; from every emotion. Ejaculation too easy; during foreplay. Urination too frequent or dribbling from enlarged prostate.

Urination interrupted - stops while straining then flows when relaxed. Copaiva officinalis Prostatic swelling and inflammation or hardness with little swelling. Burning pains and retention each time he catches cold. Urine dribbling in prostate enlargement. Constant ineffectual urge for urination. Digitalis purpurea Urinary retention or dribbling with enlarged prostate in the the elderly. Fullness in bladder after urinating; fruitless urging; painful dribbling. Constant urge for urination at night. Pain in prostate: Worse: Urination. Sitting. History of gonorrhea. Lycopodium clavatum Prostate enlargement accompanying sexual dysfunction. Pain in prostate during or lasting long after urination. Ejaculations from mere sexual thoughts; ejaculations despite impotence. Medorrhinum Prostatitis after suppressed gonorrhea. Prostatitis and urinary infections after beginning a new relationship. Frequent, painful urination with enlarged prostate. Heaviness in the prostate or perineum. Nitricum acidum Chronic prostatitis often associated with chronic or recurring herpes. Prostatitis after suppressed gonorrhea. Easy emissions of prostatic fluids from stool or least excitement. Pareira brava Retention of urine with enlarged prostate in elderly men. Pain in prostate mainly after urination. Pains radiating down into the thighs from straining at urine. Unable to urinate unless crouched on hands and knees; he bends forward until the forehead touches the floor. Sabal serrulata Retention of urine from prostate hypertrophy. Retention in elderly men. Frequent urging for urination in prostatitis. Painful ejaculation. Cold sensation in bladder or prostate. Iris inflamed with prostate affections. Sepia officinalis Painful prostatic enlargement and inflammation. Worse: Sexual excesses. Suppressed gonorrhea. Grief. Sensation as if a lump or ball in rectum or perineum.

Seminal discharge after stool or urination. Staphisagria Retention or dribbling of urine with enlarged or indurated prostate. Frequent, scant urine or comes drop by drop. Chronic dribbling of semen. Prostatic pains and burning. Worse: From urination. From riding in car. After anger. Prostate enlargement from marked and frequent masturbation. Thuja occidentalis Enlarged and chronically inflamed prostate. Prostatitis after suppressed gonorrhea. Lump sensation in the rectum. Involuntary urination in elderly men with enlarged prostate. Easy discharge of prostatic fluids. Feeling as if urine dribbling down urethra. Forked stream of urine from dried mucus in urethra. Uterine hemorrhage Uterine hemorrhage It is rare for us to be confronted with the type of acute hemorrhages described in older texts on homeopathy. Such conditions almost always present to the hospital emergency department or occur in patients already hospitalized for childbirth. More often we deal with the long-term consequences of such events and may find clues to the constitutional remedy from the characteristics of the hemorrhage. We also find a large number of patients struggling along with heavy or irregular menses (menometrorrhagia), uterine fibroids or perimenopausal bleeding. These patients often present for treatment while contemplating (or even after scheduling) hysterectomy or uterine ablation. Naturally, we should not attempt treatment without a complete evaluation of the condition. Bleeding can be a sign of occult malignancy, pregnancy, trauma or other conditions which cannot be managed by homeopathy alone. Management Most of the cases which present for homeopathic treatment are women with moderate to heavy menorrhagia and metrorrhagia due to uterine fibroids, polycystic ovaries or dysfunctional bleeding. Most of these patients can be helped with homeopathy alone. Treatment is almost always constitutional in these cases, except in episodes of emergency bleeding. During the emergency, an acute remedy may be needed and should act rapidly to control the hemorrhage. Later, a constitutional remedy will be required to solve the underlying problem which predisposed the patient to the acute hemorrhage. We should inform the patient that while bleeding will be controlled relatively soon, resolution of fibroids requires much longer - at least 6 to 12 months, often years. Increased bleeding may occur after the homeopathic remedy either as an aggravation or because the remedy was incorrect and failed to control the condition. During the aggravation, the patient will generally have much more (or sometimes much less) pain than normally expected with her flow. It is

also important to try to separate true aggravations from the effects of concurrent hormonal treatment (or its cessation). What we must try to avoid is a patient with a serious hemorrhage, who has been taken off her (effective) hormonal treatment, given a remedy and then encouraged to wait through a (presumed) aggravation while the bleeding gets worse and worse. Therapeutic tips Homeopathic The potency is chosen according to the clarity of the remedy - normally a single dose of 200C or 1M. It is frequently observed that the aggravation in such conditions comes at the time of the following menstrual cycle. If we give the remedy only a few days before the menstrual period, the aggravation may be at the time of the following menses. Allopathic Many patients are currently taking birth control pills or other hormonal treatment to regulate their condition. In general, these treatments do not interfere with homeopathic remedies - or at least not immediately. It is not a good idea to begin homeopathic treatment at the same time as starting or stopping hormonal treatment: 1) If the patient has recently begun hormonal treatment, it is best to ask her to wait three cycles to assess the effect of the hormone before beginning homeopathic treatment. 2) Or, if the hormonal treatment has only been for one or two weeks and has not significantly affected the bleeding problem, it is equally acceptable to ask the patient to stop hormonal treatment and simply begin homeopathic treatment. 3) If the hormonal treatment has already had a significant effect on the condition, or if the hormonal treatment has already been going for some months - even if the patient does not believe the treatment has had much effect - then we should not stop the hormones at the same time that we begin homeopathic treatment. One solution is to start homeopathic treatment and look for general and emotional improvement in the patient (showing that our remedy is correct) before stopping the hormones. The second possibility is to stop the hormones for two or three cycles before giving the remedy. We wait this long because for one or two cycles the effect of the hormones may still prevent bleeding and we do not see the full extent of the pathology. Then if we give a remedy and the condition worsens, it is not clear if the patient is having an aggravation or simply worsening. Another frequent occurrence in our practice is a patient presenting with a long history of hemorrhage which has finally reached some sort of critical point - the gynecologist may have been suggesting hysterectomy for some months, the family is frantic with concern, the employer is unwilling to allow continued absenteeism. The patient says she can only wait for one month under your treatment before proceeding with surgery. There are many issues to take into account before deciding to treat (or declining to treat) such a patient: 1) If the patient has frequent, continuous or nearly daily bleeding (menometrorrhagia or true metrorrhagia) then we are likely to have good results within a month. 2) If, however, the patient has severe bleeding during her menses (menorrhagia), it is more likely that the patient will have some form of exacerbation during the first month. We can attempt to use lower potencies or LM potencies to avoid this aggravation. However, even with this strategy in such cases, the first menses is often not improved.

Repertory In our repertories, the term "Metrorrhagia" is used imprecisely to include any type of uterine hemorrhage except menses which has its own section. The term normally applies to bleeding which is between normal menstrual periods. It is often useful to use symptoms from the chapter on "Menses" interchangeably with those from "Metrorrhagia." For example, the patient has metrorrhagia from grief but we use the rubric, "Female, Menses, Copious, Grief, from." Main rubrics Female, Metrorrhagia (subrubrics). Female, Menses (subrubrics). Female, Pain (subrubrics). Abdomen, Pain, Menses, during (subrubrics). Other important rubrics Mind, Delirium, Hemorrhage, after. Mind, Delusions, Hemorrhage, after. Mind, Fear, Death, Abortion, from. Mind, Hysteria, Metrorrhagia, during. Mind, Insanity, Metrorrhagia, alternating with. Mind, Insanity, Hemorrhage, after. Mind, Nymphomania, Metrorrhagia, during. Mind, Restlessness, Metrorrhagia, during. Head, Pain, Hemorrhage after, Uterus, from. Stomach, Nausea, Hemorrhage, during. Rectum, Diarrhea, Menses, during. Female, Abortion (subrubrics). Female, Inflammation, Ovaries, Hemorrhage, after. Female, Inflammation, Uterus, Hemorrhage, after. Female, Lochia (subrubrics). Female, Pain, Labor-like, Alternating, Hemorrhage, with. Female, Pain, Labor-like, Cease, Hemorrhage, from. Female, Placenta retained, Hemorrhage, from. Female, Sexual desire increased, Metrorrhagia, during. Extremities, Pain, Joints, Alternating, Uterine hemorrhage, with. Perspiration, Cold, Clammy, Hemorrhage, with. General, Anemia, Hemorrhage, after. General, Convulsions, Hemorrhage, from. General, Convulsions, Puerperal hemorrhage, with. General, Faintness, Hemorrhage, with. General, Faintness, Hemorrhage, Postpartum, from. General, Faintness, Metrorrhagia, with. Remedies Main remedies Belladonna

Painful, often gushing uterine hemorrhage or menses. Uterus fills with clots which burst forth in a sudden painful cramp with each fresh hemorrhage. Hemorrhage: Active, bright red blood or red blood mixed with dark clots. Bleeding begins suddenly and forcefully. Sensation that the blood is hot (not a burning sensation). Pain: Bearing down as if abdomen contents would be forced out. Severe cramping during flow. Worse: Jarring. Misstepping. Motion. Better: After clots are expelled. General: Red face, flushed. Cold feet and hands with hot head. Often stout, healthy women. Conditions: Menses. Retained placenta. Miscarriage. Postpartum. Between menses. Calcarea carbonica Heavy menses and irregular bleeding at perimenopause. Hemorrhage: Menses, "too early, too profuse and too long." Mainly affected by the cumulative effect of excessive flow. Menses protracted. Vicarious menses. Worse: Excitement. Exertion (when patient feels fatigue). Fibroids. Returning in elderly patients. Conditions: Menses. Between menses. Menopause. Fibroids. Polyps. Ipecacuanha Hemorrhage with faintness, weakness and marked nausea. Difficult or heavy respiration during hemorrhage. Hemorrhage: Bright red blood in sudden, profuse gushes. Continuous oozing of blood punctuated by frightening gushes. Worse: Vexation. Weakly women. Catching cold. Cold air. Pain: Cramping or cutting extending from umbilicus. Conditions: Miscarriage. Menses. Between menses. Postpartum. Phosphorus Bright red bleeding with no tendency to coagulate. Hemorrhage: Bright red bleeding - rarely with any clotting. Gushing of blood; seems it will never stop. Vicarious menses. Beginning before the proper age or returning after menopause. Worse: In tall or very thin women. Better: Ice cold drinks. Pain: Stitching or bearing down pains especially before the menses. Conditions: Fibroids. Menses. Between menses. Uterine polyps. Postpartum hemorrhage. Miscarriage. Secale cornutum Passive, dark bleeding or continuous oozing. Hemorrhage: Thin, dark or even black, often offensive blood. Dark clots in some instances.

Worse: Motion. Perimenopause. "Scrawny" patients. Pain: After pains. Bearing down pains. Contractions of uterus. General: Patient unbearably hot and wants to remain uncovered. Conditions: Miscarriage. Menses. Between menses. Postpartum. Sabina Horribly painful bright red hemorrhage with large, dark clots. Hemorrhage: Bright red with dark clots - looks like liver. Increased sexual desire during hemorrhage. Menses continue all the way until the next one begins. Worse: Motion. Exertion. Perimenopause. Walking. Better: Walking about. Alternates with gout. Pain: Begins in low back and circles into the pubis. Pain as if the pelvic bones would break open. Worse: When the flow temporarily ceases. Conditions: Miscarriage. Placenta previa. Retained placenta. Menses. Between menses. Postpartum. Fibroids. General: Uterine hemorrhage in patients suffering from epistaxis. Other important remedies Aconitum napellus Hemorrhage of bright, red blood with restlessness and terror. Miscarriage and hemorrhage brought on by fright or accidents. Aletris farinosa Weakness, heaviness, prolapsed uterus with chronically profuse menses. Hemorrhage: Black blood or fluid blood with black clots. Continued oozing after menses. Conditions: Recurring miscarriage. Menses. Ambra grisea Hemorrhage in spurts during stool, especially hard stool. Uterine cramps and bleeding increase on lying down. Hemorrhage: During or between menses. Menses early and profuse. Worse: Stool. Exertion. Lying. "Every little accident causes a spurt." Conditions: Menses. Between menses. Cactus grandiflorus Excruciating cramps with passing of each large, black clot. Menses cease while lying. Pain: Severe gripping, squeezing pain. Carbo animalis Copious, debilitating flow in cachectic patients. Great weakness and coldness during the menses. Hemorrhage: Dark or black blood, often offensive. Worse: Morning - may flow only in the morning.

Pain: Burning pains of uterus or cervix. Conditions: Cervicitis. Menses. Malignancies. Caulophyllum thalictroides Passive hemorrhage and after pains with uncontracted uterus after delivery. Hemorrhage with great weakness and trembling. Hemorrhage and arthritic pains. Chamomilla Painful hemorrhages after violent emotions. Hemorrhage: Dark, black or fluid with dark clots. Worse: Anger. Pain: Cramping or labor pains so severe she cries out. Worse: Anger. When child nurses. Extends to back, upward to abdomen, downward into the thighs. General: Marked irritability from pains. Restless with pain. Conditions: Labor. Menses. Between menses. China officinalis Hemorrhage and chronic effects of hemorrhage: weakness and anemia. Hemorrhage: Fluid or thin blood with clots. Dark. Bloody leukorrhea. Pain: Bearing down pains before and during menses. Soreness, better from hard pressure. General: Anemia from heavy menses or hemorrhage. Conditions: Miscarriage. Menses. Postpartum. Cinnamomum zeylanicum Hemorrhage and miscarriage from lifting or over-exertion. Sudden, bright red bleeding. Worse: Straining. Jar or misstep. Cocculus indicus Copious and difficult menses. Hemorrhage: Dark, black or almost pitch-like menses. Early menses; or menses brought on early by grief or emotions. Worse: Walking. Standing. Loss of sleep. Anxiety, especially for the family. Night-watching. Grief. Pain: Cramping or cutting pains when flow fails to appear or ceases. Severe lumbar pain during menses. Worse: Motion. Suppressed flow. General: Faintness or vertigo with menses. Gastric disorders associated with menstrual troubles. Crocus sativus Dark, clotted, stringy, sometimes offensive hemorrhage. Hemorrhage: Sometimes coming forth in strings of clots. Tenacious, sticky clots. Ropy blood. Active, red blood. Worse: Motion. Walking. Dancing.

General: Hysteria. Changeable moods. Conditions: Menses. Between menses. Miscarriage. Cyclamen europaeum Menorrhagia with black clots and bearing down pains. Pain: Radiates from low back to the pubic region. Better: After a gush of blood. Motion. Hemorrhage associated with visual disturbances or flashes of light. Erigeron canadense Profuse, gushing hemorrhage; worse from any movement. Hemorrhage: Bright red blood in gushes. Worse: Slight exertion. Motion. Pain: Tenesmus of bladder and rectum during hemorrhage. Conditions: Miscarriage. Menses. Postpartum. Ferrum metallicum Menses intermittent; cease for two or three days then return. Menses excessive and return too early. Anemia with excessive menses. Helonias dioica Hemorrhage with uterine prolapse and consciousness of uterus. Dragging and weakness in the low back with uterine hemorrhage. Hemorrhage: Black or dark clotted blood. Worse: At puberty. Motion. Exertion. Kalium ferrocyanatum Serious hemorrhage or profuse menses which is absolutely painless. Anemia and flushes of heat in patients with chronically heavy menses. Kreosotum Hemorrhage or excessive menses with marked burning pains. Hemorrhage: Corrosive, offensive, dark blood. Worse: Lying. Lifting. Over-exertion. Better: Ceases on sitting up or on rising and walking about. Lachesis mutus Profuse dark or black flow which relieves or sometimes the surprised patient says it is "not troublesome at all!" Hemorrhage: Black and thin blood. Black clots. Short, intense flow. Vicarious menses. Worse: Perimenopause. Pain: Bearing down or sore pains. Left ovarian pains. Worse: Before or at onset of menses. Jar. Tight clothes. Better: During the flow. General: Ameliorated by flow. Hot flushes before menses. Jealousy. Conditions: Menses. Between menses. Menopause. Miscarriage. Lilium tigrinum

Menorrhagia with bearing down sensation or prolapse symptoms. Flow only when walking or exerting; ceases when she stops. Millefolium Hemorrhage of bright red blood, often with bleeding from other places. Vicarious menses. Epistaxis. Hemoptysis. Hemorrhage: Gushing of bright, red blood. Worse: From exertion. Protracted menses. Sterility from continuous bleeding. Varicosities in patients with hemorrhages. Pulsatilla pratensis Irregular or intermittent menses; constantly changing flow. Hemorrhage: Constantly changing patterns of quality and quantity of flow. Dark, or even black clots. Worse: Catching cold. Getting feet wet. Daytime only. Conditions: Threatened miscarriage. Menses. Retained placenta. Senecio aureus Profuse and protracted menses leading to anemia. Severe dysmenorrhea; early and profuse menses. Dysmenorrhea following abortions. Amenorrhea of young women with strong back pain. Vicarious menses. Pulmonary congestion and chronic infections from suppressed menses. Marked amelioration when copious menses is re-established. Trillium cernuum Gushing hemorrhage with faintness. Hemorrhage with palpitation, sinking in the stomach, tinnitus and sensation of blocked ears. Hemorrhage: Bright red blood. Menses every two weeks. Vicarious menses. Worse: During perimenopause. Over-exertion. Riding. Pain: As if the bones of the pelvis would break apart. Better: Pressure or wrapping hips. Ustilago maydis Passive, clotted, stringy bleeding. Active, gushing, bright red bleeding. Hemorrhage: Stringy or ropy bleeding with uterine malignancy. Copious, bright red blood, especially at perimenopause. Worse: Motion. Touch. Hemorrhage associated with left-sided ovarian pains or cysts. Conditions: Fibroids. Miscarriage. Menses. Menopause. Viburnum opulus Horribly painful hemorrhages of bright red blood and clots. Hemorrhage: Profuse bleeding and clots.

Pain: Cramping in pelvis radiating into the thighs. Dysmenorrhea with marked eructation and flatus. Conditions: Miscarriages. Menses. Peripheral organs Musculoskeletal disorders Musculoskeletal disorders This chapter on musculoskeletal disorders includes sections on: Acute Arthritis Tendinitis and Bursitis Rheumatoid Arthritis Degenerative Arthritis Back Pain and Sciatica Many musculoskeletal disorders can be dramatically helped by homeopathic treatment. This is especially true when the condition is mainly inflammatory rather than structural or mechanical in nature. However, even advanced joint disease can respond to homeopathy. In those cases which are too extensive to cure, homeopathy can still provide enough relief to prolong function and delay surgery or other interventions. This is important because improved engineering and surgery is providing our patients with better options each year. Most of the patients who come for homeopathic treatment of musculoskeletal diseases have already tried standard treatment for some years without benefit or with unacceptable side-effects. The more aggressive treatment the patient has received, the more difficult homeopathic treatment becomes. Many of these patients arrive at our office on highly suppressive allopathic drugs - even chemotherapeutic agents. The patient's vitality is often severely compromised by these previous treatments, making our task difficult indeed. However, patients with arthritis often have extraordinarily strong constitutions. Especially when we find elderly patients with significant arthritis, as a general rule the vital force of the patient is strong and other pathology is minimal. Acute arthritis One of the few types of arthritis which comes undiagnosed to the homeopath is acute monarticular arthritis. This is because significant joint pains almost always find their way to other specialists first. However, in a number of cases which are under constitutional treatment for minor problems, our patients may present suddenly with an acute arthritis. The majority of these cases are monarticular arthritis in younger women (up to age 45 or so). This is, of course, a well-known presentation of rheumatoid arthritis. Especially the wrists or small joints are affected. Another form of acute monarticular arthritis which must be considered is the septic joint. Especially the weight-bearing joints are affected, though the wrist is also common. Here the presence of high fever, chills and more impressive joint effusion serve to differentiate the condition from rheumatoid forms. Gout can also present as acute monarticular arthritis, especially of the large toe. Gout is more common in men. It rarely presents in our practice undiagnosed. However, we are often called upon to treat acute flares of gouty arthritis. Though acute remedies for arthritis may apply and can palliate, more often the patient requires his constitutional remedy even during the acute flare-up.

Generalized acute rheumatism may also be a sign of rheumatoid arthritis or viral illness. Rheumatic fever is a very rare event in modern practice, and thus, I have insufficient experience to guide its treatment. Management The modalities of the pains are more important in acute arthritis than in chronic cases where other constitutional symptoms are present to guide us in our choice of remedies. In acute arthritis, the modalities relating to heat and cold are of great significance. In current practice, allopathic practitioners advise patients to use cold for all inflamed joints, telling the patient that heat causes more swelling. It is certainly true that if ice is held long enough to an inflamed part, it creates a type of numbing and may in the long run do the joint some good. This practice, however, confuses the instinctive reaction to pain and changes the patient's reporting of modalities. The homeopath must try to separate learned behavior from instinctive reactions of the organism. Another confusing factor in acute arthritis is the ready availability of powerful anti-inflammatory medications. While these medications (i.e. ibuprofen) do not immediately antidote the homeopathic remedy, they can easily blunt or obscure the symptom picture. Thus, if the pattern is not clear, we must ask our patients to stop these medications and retake the case after 24 or 36 hours. Management of acute rheumatoid arthritis One of the most common errors in treating acute rheumatoid arthritis is in the expectations of the practitioner. It is natural to expect that a condition which has existed for only a few days should respond promptly. Thus, when the patient reports only modest improvement in this time period, the practitioner is tempted to change the remedy and change again. Then in two or three weeks when the patient is steadily worsening or at least not progressing as fast as the prescriber expects, the patient is referred to the rheumatologist for tests. However, we may regret the referral when the tests lead to a frightening diagnosis and the rheumatologist urges for "early treatment." The patient may not return to the homeopath's office until he becomes frustrated when the steroids and gold treatment do not produce a lasting cure. By this stage, however, homeopathic treatment becomes much more difficult. By understanding the seriousness of a sudden onset of acute arthritis, we can set realistic goals for our treatment. Rheumatoid arthritis represents a deep systemic pathology and our expectations must correspond. Thus, if the joint is 50% improved after a month, the homeopath should feel quite satisfied, knowing that under allopathic treatment there is no true cure for the disease. In many cases, the joint will not return to its normal use for several months. However, the cure will be a permanent one. Even though the condition is labeled, "acute," it is certainly part of the constitutional case. When we treat the patient, we must try to find a constitutional remedy. If the patient is in too much acute distress to give anything other than the local symptoms, an acute remedy can be given with the clear idea that a deeper, constitutional remedy will be needed eventually. Management of acute septic arthritis It is rarely wise to attempt the treatment of a septic joint with homeopathy alone. Give the most appropriate homeopathic remedy and refer the patient to an orthopedic specialist. In many cases, cure is already well under way by the time the patient reaches the hospital. Management of acute gouty arthritis If a patient is under effective constitutional treatment and develops an acute attack of gout, the constitutional remedy should be repeated. If the constitutional remedy is unknown, then a local remedy

can be given. The local remedy will palliate but not remove the gouty tendency. Repertory Main rubric in acute arthritis Extremities, Pain, Rheumatic, acute. Other important rubrics in acute arthritis Extremities, Lameness, Hand, Sudden. Extremities, Lameness, Ankle, Sudden. Extremities, Pain, General, Rheumatic, Eruptions, Acute, after. Extremities, Pain, Lower limbs, Hip, Sudden. Extremities, Pain, Lower limbs, Toe, First, Sudden. Extremities, Pain, Stitching, Forearm, Acute. Extremities, Pain, Stitching, Wrist, Acute. Extremities, Pain, Stitching, Wrist, Sudden. Extremities, Pain, Stitching, Hand, Acute. Extremities, Pain, Stitching, Hand, Palm, Acute. Extremities, Pain, Stitching, Hip, Acute. Extremities, Pain, Stitching, Hip, Sudden. Extremities, Pain, Stitching, Knee, Sudden. Extremities, Pain, Stitching, Ankle, Sudden. Extremities, Pain, Stitching, Toes, First, Sudden. Extremities, Pain, Tearing, Sudden. Extremities, Pain, Tearing, Upper arm, Sudden. Extremities, Pain, Tearing, Wrist, Sudden. Extremities, Pain, Tearing, Thumb, Sudden. Extremities, Pain, Tearing, Knee, Sudden. Extremities, Pain, Tearing, Foot, Sole, Sudden. Extremities, Stiffness, Knee, Sudden. Extremities, Swelling, Wrist, Sudden. Extremities, Swelling, Ankle, Sudden. Extremities, Swelling, Foot, Sudden. Generalities, Pain, Appears suddenly. Remedies Main remedies for acute arthritis Arnica montana Acute rheumatism with soreness all over the body. Even the bed feels too hard. Worse: Touch. Pressure. Cold or result from cold, damp weather. Motion. Jarring. After trauma. Patient shies from being jarred or touched. Location: Pains may be markedly symmetrical. Bryonia alba Acute rheumatism with excruciating, often stitching pains. Worse: Slightest motion. Jarring. Cold. After eating.

Taking cold drinks when over-heated. Averse to being examined or moved. Fears to move yet feels restless. Better: Heat. Pressure. Lying still. Lying on the painful side. All typical Bryonia symptoms: Worse 9 PM. Thirst. Irritability. Kalmia latifolia Sudden onset of severe acute arthritis. "Paralytic" pains. Pain with terrible stiffness. Cracking joints. Pains come and go suddenly. Sharp, shifting pains. Rheumatism associated with or resulting from suppressed arthritis. Worse: Motion, even slight motion. Night. In bed on going to sleep. Cold. Cold winds or sudden chills. During the winter. Better: Hot bathing. Location: Migrates from joint to joint (e.g. shoulder pain alternates with hip pain). Pain radiates down the limb or moves to lower (distal) joints. Rhus toxicodendron Main remedy in all forms of rheumatism. Worse: Morning on waking. Cold and cold damp. Drafts. Sitting still. First motion. Better: After rising and moving. Continued motion. Hot bathing or showers. Restless, must keep moving from the painful stiffness. Other important remedies for acute arthritis Abrotanum Arthritis with heat and soreness. Worse: Night. Morning on waking. Cold, damp weather. Suppressed diarrhea or hemorrhoids. Better: From diarrhea. Motion. Aconitum napellus Sudden, severe joint pains. Appear in a matter of minutes. Develops as a result of exposure to cold or cold, dry wind. Pains often associated with high fever. More often the left side is affected. Joints hot and exquisitely sensitive. Actaea spicata Acute rheumatism of the hand, wrist or less often the small joints of the feet and ankles. Acute joint with swelling and redness; every motion excruciating. Worse: Slight exertion, even walking. Motion. Touch. Location: Hands. Metacarpophalangeal joint. Wrist. Feet.

Symptoms mainly on right side. Apis mellifica Joints hot, red, markedly swollen and inflamed. Pain is stitching but especially burning. Worse: Motion. Heat. Better: Marked relief from cold applications (Led, Guaiac). Location: Right side. Belladonna Sudden, severe inflammation of the joints. Joint is swollen, red and exquisitely sensitive. Worse: Touch. Motion. Jarring. Better: Pressure. Cold applications. Location: More often right side. Bellis perennis Joint inflammation occurring after sudden exposure to cold. Better: Heat. Rubbing. Motion. Benzoicum acidum Acute rheumatism (and gout) with stiffness, swelling, lameness. Better: Profuse urination. Location: Right side or right moving to left. Toe. Hand. Knee. Berberis vulgaris Pains move from joint to joint; now worse here, now there. Sudden twinges of pain; stitching pains. Worse: Motion. Menses. Pressure. Location: Hip. Knee. Any location. Caulophyllum thalictroides Acute rheumatism of the fingers. Worse: Before or during menses. Better: After menses. Causticum Rheumatism from cold, dry weather. Worse: Slight exertion. First motion. Open air. Cold. Better: Warmth. Heat of the bed. Damp weather. Location: Fingers. Left hip. Right shoulder. Chamomilla Unbearable pains with heat and redness of joint. Restless and frantic with the pains. Irritable. Pain drives him out of bed at night. Worse: Night. Better: Motion, especially continued motion. Walking. Colchicum autumnale Marked rheumatic pains which wander from joint to joint.

Joints swollen and exquisitely sensitive to touch. Worse: Slight motion. Cold, damp weather. Spring. Pains come if urine is suppressed from any cause. Dulcamara Acute rheumatism coming on in damp weather. Worse: Cold. Damp. Autumn. Change of weather. Catching cold. If perspiration is suppressed or checked. Better: Motion. Warmth. Guajacum officinale Acutely inflamed joints with heat and burning. Worse: Heat. Hot applications. Motion. Catching cold. Better: Cold applications. Location: The left wrist is one of the common areas affected. Lacticum acidum Acute rheumatism with much stiffness and copious urination. Rheumatism associated with diabetes. Worse: Motion. Heat. Location: Wrist. Elbow. Knee. Ledum palustre Acute rheumatism; swelling, coldness and pallor in the affected joint. Worse: Heat or becoming over-heated in bed. Better: Cold applications or cold bathing. Pains ascend during the illness to more proximal joints. Ruta graveolens Easily confused with Rhus Toxicodendron due to aggravation from cold, damp, restlessness and stiffness. However, Ruta is less ameliorated by warmth and motion. Tremendous stiff feeling. Worse: Even mild exertion or motion. Cold, damp. Aggravation from overuse of any type. Location: Especially hands and wrists; ankles and feet. Salicylicum acidum Acute rheumatism; inflamed, red, swollen joints. Worse: Cold air. Motion. Jarring. Touch. Suppressed perspiration. Location: Elbows. Knees. Rheumatism associated with Meniere's syndrome. Stellaria media Rheumatism. Symptoms resemble Bryonia and Rhus Toxicodendron. Darting pains throughout the body. Worse: Morning. Slight motion. Averse to being touched or examined. Better: Continued motion. Cold air. Location: Shifting pains. Back. Buttocks. Thigh.

Viola odorata Acute inflammation of the right wrist. Tendinitis and bursitis Inflamed tendons and bursae generally result from overuse and trauma, especially affecting the shoulder, elbow ("tennis elbow"), wrist and knee ("housemaid's knee"). Simply giving a homeopathic remedy rarely results in a satisfactory cure of the problem because the exciting cause (i.e. abnormal strain, poor sports training, improper mechanics of movement) remains unchanged. To effect a longterm cure we must remove these obstacles to cure in addition to treating homeopathically. Additionally, gentle physical medicine (chiropractics, osteopathy, etc.) and physical therapy are important aspects of treatment. Repertory Main rubrics in tendinitis Extremities, Inflammation, tendons. Extremities, Pain, tendons. Generalities, Inflammation, tendons. Generalities, Pain, Tendons, in. Other important rubrics in tendinitis Extremities, Abscess, tendons. Extremities, Cracking, Hands, tendons, back of. Extremities, Hardness, tendon. Extremities, Induration, Fingers, tendons of. Extremities, Inflammation, Hand, Tendons, back of. Extremities, Inflammation, Leg, Tendo Achilles. Extremities, Injuries, tendon. Extremities, Pain, Tendons, attachment of. Extremities, Pain, Tendons, sheaths of. Extremities, Pain, Upper limbs, Forearm, tendons. Extremities, Pain, Upper limbs, Fingers, Tendons, flexor. Extremities, Pain, Upper limbs, Fingers, Tendons, extensor. Extremities, Pain, Lower limbs, Knee, Patella, tendon of. Extremities, Pain, Lower limbs, Leg, Tendo Achilles. Extremities, Pain, Lower limbs, Leg, Tendo Achilles, Exertion, on. Extremities, Pain, Lower limbs, Leg, Tendo Achilles, rheumatic. Extremities, Pain, Lower limbs, Leg, Tendo Achilles, standing. Extremities, Pain, Lower limbs, Leg, Tendo Achilles, Walking, continued ameliorates. Extremities, Pain, Lower limbs, Leg, Tendo Achilles, Walking, Stepping on toes. Extremities, Pain, Lower limbs, Leg,Tendo Achilles, Walking, while. Extremities, Pain, Aching, Ankles, Tendo Achilles. Extremities, Pain, Drawing, Leg, Tendo Achilles, Motion, ameliorates. Extremities, Swelling, tendon. Remedies Main remedies for tendinitis

Bryonia alba Acute inflammation of tendon with sharp or stitching pain. Worse: Even very slight motion of the joint. Better: Pressure. Heat. Causticum Subacute or chronic tendinitis with marked stiffness. Contraction of tendons. Worse: Exposure to cold winds. Kalmia latifolia Tendinitis and bursitis, especially of shoulders and upper limbs. Pains spread down the limb and seem to excite pains in lower joints. Worse: Motion. Cold. Phytolacca decandra Pain and inflammation at the site of attachment of the tendon to bone. Worse: Heat. Better: Cold applications. Rhus toxicodendron Pain and stiffness from overuse. Better: Continued motion. Hot bathing. Heat. Compelled to keep moving and stretching the part. Location: Left shoulder bursitis. Ruta graveolens Inflammation of tendon from overuse or sprains which fail to heal. Main remedy for tendinitis in carpenters or laborers. Tremendous stiffness in the joint. Better: Heat. Sanguinaria canadensis Acute bursitis and tendinitis of the shoulder joint. Worse: Night. Turning in bed. Raising arm. Better: Swinging the arm loosely to and fro. Sticta pulmonaria Acute inflammation of the knee joint. Generalized stiffness in neck and shoulders. Joint is hot and may have a localized redness of the skin. Rheumatoid arthritis Many cases of rheumatoid arthritis are curable, especially those treated in early stages or before excessive allopathic suppression has taken place. "Rheumatism" to a homeopath is less a matter of a positive rheumatoid factor and more a matter of a symptom picture. If the pains are worse in damp weather, worse in the morning and better from heat or motion, then the patient can be said to suffer from rheumatism as far as our repertorization is concerned. Thus, we use the same remedies for arthritis even if caused by other connective tissue diseases such as systemic lupus or scleroderma. It should be remembered that in a chronic condition such as rheumatoid arthritis, the local symptoms

of the disease may not be helpful for several reasons: First, the local symptoms are masked by allopathic treatment. Second, the local symptoms are common and non-specific. Third, the deeper emotional and general aspects of the case may predominate. Any remedy can cure rheumatoid arthritis, whether listed in the text below or not. However, the characteristics listed may give excellent clues to the correct constitutional remedy. Management Homeopathic treatment of rheumatoid arthritis is always constitutional. The majority of patients present to the homeopath already on allopathic medications which: First, obscure the physical symptoms. Second, produce side-effects which may be mistaken for native symptoms of the case. Third, weaken the vitality. However, because of the often rapidly progressive nature of rheumatoid arthritis, it is rarely appropriate to simply stop allopathic medications while beginning homeopathic treatment. If the condition is stable and mild, we can stop the allopathic medications without anxiety. In more aggressive cases of arthritis the prudent strategy is to guide the patient to the least suppressive drug regimen which is able to prevent serious flares of the condition. Once improvement from homeopathic treatment takes place, we can progress the patient to less suppressive allopathic medications, as tolerated, until allopathic medications can be discontinued altogether. Therapeutic tips for rheumatoid arthritis Homeopathic In patients with a history of significant allopathic suppression, the initial results from homeopathic treatment can be a little disappointing. If the patient has improved energy or is able to decrease his allopathic pain medications even modestly by the 6 week follow-up, then we must be satisfied. Often the patient is accustomed to a dramatic reaction from each new allopathic treatment (which is not aimed at eventually curing, but only at temporarily suppressing the symptoms). Judged by these standards, the patient may not be impressed by the results at the first follow-up. When there is significant joint deformity, it is generally better to use lower potencies (12C daily or 30C weekly) repeatedly rather than a single dose of a high potency. Naturopathic There are several nutritional modifications which may be of benefit in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. Strict avoidance of all animal proteins including dairy can have a very beneficial effect. Likewise, the avoidance of acidic foods and nightshade plants may be helpful. While the goal of homeopathic treatment is to completely remove the disease, these temporary dietary modifications may enable the patient to decrease the allopathic medications, and thus respond more clearly and rapidly to the homeopathic remedy. Vitamins and supplements can aid some rheumatoid arthritis patients. Though less useful here than in osteoarthritis, try: Glucosamine (500 mg. TID). Vitamin C (2000 mg. per day). Bioflavonoids (125 mg. per day). Vitamin E (400 units daily). Iron supplements should be avoided. If possible, try to supply iron through nutritional sources such as molasses, legumes, cruciferous vegetables and fish. Other nutrients for rheumatoid arthritis patients should include: Flax oil (1 to 2 teaspoons per day). Apple pectin. Bromelain (or simply increase pineapple intake). Alfalfa capsules. Cayenne pepper poultices can give temporary relief to an acutely painful or swollen joint. Also, topical Arnica oil can be used without fear of antidoting the constitutional remedy.

Allopathic When treating a patient who has been under strong allopathic treatment for some years, we can no longer depend upon the current modalities of the arthritic pains. If the patient has a clear memory of his symptoms before the allopathic treatment, these symptoms are more reliable. When patients are using allopathic medications, we should first try to substitute the least interfering allopathic regimen without causing (or allowing) a serious flare-up of symptoms. When treating patients on allopathic medications, it is often convenient to give a 200C or 1M potency followed by a 9C or 12C daily dose. If the correct remedy is not obvious, a 30C potency once per week may be a better alternative. Once the remedy is acting, it will be possible to taper the allopathic medications slowly. Once the allopathic medication is stopped, the daily doses of the homeopathic remedy can be discontinued. In patients currently using systemic steroids for rheumatoid arthritis we should remember to taper the steroids with caution. Wait several weeks at each lowered steroid level before attempting to taper further. (See the discussion on steroids in the chapter, "Asthma"). In patients taking methotrexate or gold treatments, it can be nearly impossible to evaluate any effect from homeopathic treatment. In such cases (which should only be treated by an experienced prescriber), the best strategy is to use an LM potency two or three times daily for two to three months before trying to assess the action of the remedy. Hierarchy of allopathic medications for rheumatoid arthritis 1) Aspirin and other mild nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. 2) Stronger NSAID drugs - Naprosyn, Orudis, Feldene, etc. 3) Plaquenil. 4) Local steroid injections. 5) Penicillamine. 6) Systemic corticosteroids. 7) Methotrexate, Imuran. 8) Gold treatment. Repertory Main rubrics in rheumatoid arthritis The majority of important rubrics in arthritis are found in the repertory under the heading, "Extremities, Pain." In the Complete Repertory, there is a separate chapter, "Extremity Pain." In either case, there can be difficulty finding the desired rubric. There are four places to search for any specific modality: 1) Extremities, Pain (subrubrics). 2) Extremities, Pain, Rheumatic (subrubrics). 3) Extremities, Pain, Joints (subrubrics). 4) Extremities, Pain, Joints, Rheumatic (subrubrics). For example, there are rubrics for aggravation from cold in each of these four locations. Below is a summary of the "Extremities, Pain" sections. Timing Extremities, Pain, Morning, Afternoon, Evening, Night. Extremities, Pain, Appear and disappear gradually.

Extremities, Pain, paroxysmal. Extremities, Pain, periodic. Extremities, Pain, Rheumatic, night. Extremities, Pain, Rheumatic, suddenly. Extremities, Pain, Rheumatic, recurrent. Extremities, Pain, Joints, Morning, Afternoon, Evening, Night. Type of pain Extremities, Pain, neuralgic. Extremities, Pain, Numbness, with. Extremities, Pain, paralytic. Extremities, Pain, pulsative. Extremities, Pain, rheumatic. Extremities, Pain, Rheumatic, acute. Extremities, Pain, Rheumatic, Chronic, Ankylosis, with. Extremities, Pain, Rheumatic, Syphilitic. Extremities, Pain, Ulcerative. Extremities, Pain, Joints, Dislocation, as if. Extremities, Pain, Joints, Fatigued, as if. Extremities, Pain, Joints, gouty. Extremities, Pain, Joints, gouty, acute. Extremities, Pain, Joints, Paralytic. Extremities, Pain, Joints, rheumatic (subrubrics). Extremities, Pain, Joints, Rheumatic, acute. Extremities, Pain, Joints, Rheumatic, chronic. Extremities, Pain, aching (subrubrics). Extremities, Pain, burning (subrubrics). Extremities, Pain, cutting (subrubrics). Extremities, Pain, drawing (subrubrics). Extremities, Pain, gnawing (subrubrics). Extremities, Pain, pinching (subrubrics). Extremities, Pain, pressing (subrubrics). Extremities, Pain, scraping (subrubrics). Extremities, Pain, shooting (subrubrics). Extremities, Pain, sore (subrubrics). Extremities, Pain, sprained (subrubrics). Extremities, Pain, stitching (subrubrics). Extremities, Pain, tearing (subrubrics). Extremities, Pain, twinging (subrubrics). Weather . temperature Extremities, Pain, changes of weather. Extremities, Pain, Cold, Applied, ameliorates. Extremities, Pain, Cold, becoming.

Extremities, Pain, Cold, dry weather. Extremities, Pain, Cold, Water, aggravates. Extremities, Pain, Draft of air, even warm air. Extremities, Pain, Rheumatic, Change of weather, from. Extremities, Pain, Rheumatic, Cold, ameliorates. Extremities, Pain, Rheumatic, Cold, becoming. Extremities, Pain, Rheumatic, Cold, Head becoming, after. Extremities, Pain, Rheumatic, Cold, Drinks from, when overheated. Extremities, Pain, Rheumatic, Cold, Sudden, from. Extremities, Pain, Rheumatic, Cold, weather. Extremities, Pain, Rheumatic, Damp, cold weather, in. Extremities, Pain, Rheumatic, Melting snow, with. Extremities, Pain, Rheumatic, spring. Extremities, Pain, Rheumatic, summer. Extremities, Pain, Rheumatic, Warm weather, in. Extremities, Pain, Rheumatic, Wet weather, ameliorates. Extremities, Pain, Rheumatic, Wind, from cold. Extremities, Pain, Thunderstorm, aggravates. Extremities, Pain, Thunderstorm, before. Extremities, Pain, Warmth, ameliorates. Extremities, Pain, Warmth, aggravates. Extremities, Pain, Warmth, Bed of, ameliorates. Extremities, Pain, Warmth, Bed of, aggravates. Extremities, Pain, Wet weather. Extremities, Pain, Winter, in. Extremities, Pain, Joints, Air, in open. Extremities, Pain, Joints, Cold, damp weather. Extremities, Pain, Joints, Cold, Exposure to, after. Extremities, Pain, Joints, Cold, weather, in. Extremities, Pain, Joints, Damp, cold weather. Extremities, Pain, Joints, Warmth, aggravates. Extremities, Pain, Joints, Warmth, ameliorates. Extremities, Pain, Joints, Warmth, Bed of, aggravates. Extremities, Pain, Joints, Wet weather, from. Extremities, Pain, Joints, winter. Activity Extremities, Pain, ascending stairs. Extremities, Pain, Exertion, slight, after. Extremities, Pain, Motion, on. Extremities, Pain, Motion, On, ameliorates. Extremities, Pain, Motion, On continued, ameliorates. Extremities, Pain, Move, on beginning to.

Extremities, Pain, Rheumatic, Motion, Continued, ameliorates. Extremities, Pain, Rheumatic, Overheated and exertion, from. Extremities, Pain, Violent exercise, after. Extremities, Pain, Walking, on. Extremities, Pain, Walking, after. Extremities, Pain, Walking, ameliorates. Extremities, Pain, Wandering, motion ameliorates. Extremities, Pain, Wandering, rest aggravates. Extremities, Pain, Joints, Exertion, after. Extremities, Pain, Joints, motion. Extremities, Pain, Joints, Motion, ameliorates. Extremities, Pain, Joints, Walking, after. Extremities, Pain, Joints, Walking, while. Extremities, Pain, Joints, Rheumatic, Motion, Desires, but aggravates. Body functions Extremities, Pain, Coition, after. Extremities, Pain, Eating, after. Extremities, Pain, Menses, during. Extremities, Pain, Perspiration, ameliorates. Extremities, Pain, Perspiration, during. Extremities, Pain, Rheumatic, flatus ameliorates. Extremities, Pain, Rheumatic, Menses, Suppressed, with. Extremities, Pain, Rheumatic, Perspiration, with. Extremities, Pain, Rheumatic, Perspiration, With, Relieve, does not. Extremities, Pain, Sleep, after aggravates. Extremities, Pain, Sleep, during. Extremities, Pain, Stool, after ameliorates. Extremities, Pain, Stool, during. Extremities, Pain, Joints, Amenorrhea, in. Extremities, Pain, Joints, Menses, after ameliorates. Extremities, Pain, Joints, Menses, during ameliorates. Extremities, Pain, Joints, Menses, before. Extremities, Pain, Joints, Rheumatic, perspiration ameliorates. Extremities, Pain, Joints, Small joints, Menses, After, ameliorates. Diseases Extremities, Pain, Chill, before. Extremities, Pain, Chill, during. Extremities, Pain, Convulsions, after. Extremities, Pain, Fever, during. Extremities, Pain, Fever, Complaints with, during. Extremities, Pain, Influenza, during. Extremities, Pain, Rheumatic, alternating with (subrubrics).

Extremities, Pain, Rheumatic, Cold, after a. Extremities, Pain, Rheumatic, Constipation, with. Extremities, Pain, Rheumatic, Diarrhea, following. Extremities, Pain, Rheumatic, Diarrhea, Chronic, in. Extremities, Pain, Rheumatic, Diarrhea, checked. Extremities, Pain, Rheumatic, Eruptions, Acute, after. Extremities, Pain, Rheumatic, Heart affections, with valvular. Extremities, Pain, Rheumatic, Gonorrhea, suppressed, after. Extremities, Pain, Rheumatic, Suppressed, Eruptions, from. Extremities, Pain, Rheumatic, Suppressed, Hemorrhoids, from. Extremities, Pain, Rheumatic, Tonsillitis, after. Extremities, Pain, Joints, Alternating with (subrubrics). Extremities, Pain, Joints, Chill, during. Extremities, Pain, Joints, Cold, Taking, from. Extremities, Pain, Joints, Cough, Diminishes, when. Extremities, Pain, Joints, Psoriasis, with. Extremities, Pain, Joints, Rheumatic, Alternating with (subrubrics). Extremities, Pain, Joints, Rheumatic, Diarrhea, with. Extremities, Pain, Joints, Rheumatic, Heart symptoms, with. Extremities, Pain, Joints, Gouty, alternates with (subrubrics). External measures Extremities, Pain, lain on. Extremities, Pain, Pressure, aggravates. Extremities, Pain, Pressure, ameliorates. Extremities, Pain, Rheumatic, Massage, ameliorates. Extremities, Pain, Rheumatic, Touch, aggravates. Extremities, Pain, Rubbing ameliorates. Extremities, Pain, Touch, aggravates. Extremities, Pain, Touch, Aggravates, Changing place, on. Extremities, Pain, Joints, Pressure ameliorates. Extremities, Pain, Joints, Side, not lain upon. Extremities, Pain, Joints, Touch aggravates. Location Extremities, Pain, Right then left. Extremities, Pain, Left then right. Extremities, Pain, Alternately in arms and legs. Extremities, Pain, Alternating sides. Extremities, Pain, Crosswise, diagonal. Extremities, Pain, Rheumatic, right to left. Extremities, Pain, Rheumatic, left to right. Extremities, Pain, Rheumatic, crosswise. Extremities, Pain, Rheumatic, Places least covered by flesh.

Extremities, Pain, Rheumatic, wandering. Extremities, Pain, wandering. Extremities, Pain, Wandering, Above downward, from. Extremities, Pain, extending (subrubrics). Extremities, Pain, Attachment of muscles. Extremities, Pain, Flexor muscles. Extremities, Pain, Joints. Extremities, Pain, Joints, deep in. Extremities, Pain, Joints, wandering. Extremities, Pain, Joints, small joints. Extremities, Pain, Tendons. Posture Extremities, Pain, Morning, Bed, in. Extremities, Pain, Night, Bed, drives out of. Extremities, Pain, Lying, on. Extremities, Pain, sitting. Extremities, Pain, Stretching, when. Extremities, Pain, Rheumatic, drive him out of bed. Extremities, Pain, Joints, Bed, in. Extremities, Pain, Joints, Bending, on. Extremities, Pain, Joints, Lying, on. Food substances Extremities, Pain, Coffee, ameliorates. Extremities, Pain, Drinking, aggravates. Extremities, Pain, Eating, after. Extremities, Pain, Wine, after. Extremities, Pain, Wine, sour. Extremities, Pain, Joints, Eating, after. Extremities, Pain, Joints, Wine, after. Other important rubrics Extremities, Arthritic nodosities. Extremities, Contraction, Muscles and tendons, of. Extremities, Effusion, Knees, of. Extremities, Exostoses. Extremities, Hip-joint disease. Extremities, Inflammation, Joints. Extremities, Inflammation, Tendons. Extremities, Injuries, Joints. Extremities, Joints, affections in. Extremities, Lameness (subrubrics). Extremities, Numbness, Joints, Rheumatism, in. Extremities, Restlessness.

Extremities, Stiffness (subrubrics). Extremities, Stiffness, Joints (subrubrics). Extremities, Swelling, Joints (subrubrics). Extremities, Tension, Joints (subrubrics). Remedies Main remedies for rheumatoid arthritis Causticum Joint pains and deformities, especially fingers with ulnar deviation. A remedy to consider in very advanced, deformative arthritis. Stiffness so severe the patient feels as if the joint is paralyzed. Cracking joints, especially the knees on walking or descending stairs. Worse: Morning. First movement. Cold, dry weather. Open air. From even slight exertion. In newly or previously injured parts. Hip pain upon coughing. Better: Heat. Becoming heated in bed. Rainy or damp weather. Location: Shoulders, especially the right shoulder. Wrist. Fingers. Arthritic nodosities of fingers. Hips, especially the left hip. Knees. Ankles. Foot. Rhus toxicodendron Main remedy in rheumatism with pain and stiffness. Pain and stiffness causing patient to shift and stretch. Restless in bed at night, especially restless legs. Worse: Morning upon rising (marked stiffness and pain). Night, especially in bed. Evening after having over-exerted during the day. Cold, damp. Rainy weather. Storms. Change of weather. Long sitting, such as in a movie or car ride. First motion, until limbered-up. Better: Heat, hot bathing or hot showers. Continued, gentle motion. Other important remedies for rheumatoid arthritis Abrotanum Rheumatism from suppressed diarrhea or hemorrhoids. Sore, hot joints. Worse: Morning on waking. Better: Motion. When diarrhea comes on. Location: Hip. Knee. Ankle. Arthritic nodosities of fingers. Actaea spicata (See above: Acute Arthritis).

Angustura vera Arthritis with stiffness and drawing or contracting pains. Marked cracking of joints. Worse: Cold, damp weather. Motion. If knocked or jarred. Neck pains worse from motion of arms. Better: Cold applications. Continued motion. Location: Spine and neck. Hips. Fingers. Argentum metallicum Arthritis which develops suddenly - sometimes overnight. Sudden stitches of pains. Panarthritis. Pains covering multiple areas, all the connective tissue. Worse: Rainy weather. Jarring. Sneezing. Better: Coffee. Motion. Pressure. Location: Cervical spine. Low back. Hip. Arnica montana Great soreness all over. Even the bed feels too hard. Feels as if bruised or beaten. Must shift constantly to relieve pains caused by the pressure of the chair or bed. Worse: Being jarred or touched. Fears being touched. Cold or resulting from cold, damp weather. Lying. Arthritis developing after serious trauma. Better: Allowing the limb to hang down. Location: Pains are markedly symmetrical. Lumbar spine. Shoulder extending to hand. Arsenicum album Burning pains in the joints. Worse: Night, especially around or after midnight. Cold, even washing in cold water. Better: Heat. Aurum metallicum Serious or advanced rheumatism with marked stiffness. Rheumatism with stiffness or spasms of the chest wall. Severe spasm or tearing pains. Pains also described as "paralytic." An important remedy in ankylosing spondylitis. Wandering arthritis; moving spot to spot from one week to next. Worse: Night. Morning in bed. Hip pain worse rising from a seat or from walking. Chest wall pain and spasm worse first motion and inspiring. Better: Motion. Location: Wandering arthritis. Back. Chest and ribs. Hip. Bellis perennis (See below: Degenerative Arthritis). Berberis vulgaris

Wandering arthritis, pains shift suddenly to new joints. Sharp, neuralgic pains. Stiffness and heaviness in legs on walking. Worse: Change of weather. Menses. Motion. Better: When having profuse urination. Bryonia alba Excruciating pains, often stitching pains. Patient is averse to being examined or moved. Fears to move yet feels restless. Worse: Even the slightest motion. Jarring. From cold, especially cold, dry weather. Better: Heat. From perspiring. Pressure. Lying still, especially when lying on the painful side. Calcarea carbonica (See below: Degenerative Arthritis). Calcarea fluorica Rheumatoid and degenerative arthritis especially when there is deformity or exostosis at the joints. Arthritic nodosities. Better: Heat. Motion. Location: Neck. Fingers. All limbs affected. Calcarea phosphorica Rheumatism and eventual joint deterioration. Worse: Cold and damp. Change of weather. Drafts. Wind. Winter. Better: Heat. Hot bathing. Location: Back and neck. Shoulder pain extending to fingers. Hips. Caulophyllum thalictroides Rheumatism associated with hormonal changes: Menses, menopause, after childbirth. Wandering pains in the joints. Worse: Motion. On attempting to close hand. Better: After menses. Location: Fingers. Toes. Small joints. Cimicifuga racemosa Rheumatism affecting the spine and the large joints. Marked stiffness and sharp stitches or drawing pains. Alternating between rheumatism and mental depression. Worse: Menses (Caul, Puls). Menopause. Cold. Touch or massage. Location: Neck. Shoulders. Hips. Wandering pains. Rheumatism in the belly of the muscle (fibromyalgia). Cocculus indicus Rheumatic stiffness with lame or weak feeling. Worse: Menses. Hip pain worse turning in bed.

Lumbar pain worse walking. Cracking in hip joint. Colchicum autumnale (See above: Acute Arthritis). Dulcamara Rheumatism after exposure, especially to cold, damp weather. Numb stiffness and achy feelings in damp weather. Exostosis over the tibia. Worse: Damp. Cold. Autumn. Suppressed diarrhea (Abrot). Suppressed eruptions (Sulph, Mez). Suppressed perspiration. After catching colds. Better: From warmth. Motion. Formica rufa A main remedy in wandering arthritis. Pains come suddenly with marked swelling, redness and heat. Pain lasts about one day and then disappears, reappearing in a different joint. When joint is inflamed, pain is worse from slight motion. Guajacum officinale (See above: Acute Arthritis). Kalium carbonicum (See below: Degenerative Arthritis). Kalmia latifolia (See above: Acute Arthritis). Lacticum acidum Rheumatism associated with diabetes. Worse: Motion. Heat. Location: Especially affecting the knees. Ledum palustre Swelling, coldness and pallor (or sometimes blueness) in the affected joint. Worse: Heat, from covering or becoming over-heated in bed. Chronic joint pains after injury. Better: Cold applications or cold bathing. Location: Pains ascend during the course of the illness to more proximal joints. Especially affected are the foot, ankle, knee and hip joints. Natrium muriaticum Joint pains worse from motion or even slight exertion. Especially the upper limbs, shoulders and fingers are affected. Joints feel rigid, marked cracking of joints on motion. Contractures around the affected joints. Phosphorus Pains coming in the cold and damp. Worse: Morning on waking. Arthritis in old age. Better: Heat. Continued motion. From being rubbed.

Phytolacca decandra Rheumatic complaints with marked stiffness. Rheumatism after tonsillitis; rheumatic fever. Worse: Night. Damp weather. Becoming heated in bed. Hot applications. Hip pain on attempting to bear weight. Location: "Periosteal rheumatism." Right shoulder. Hip. Left knee. Where the tendons attach to the bone. Pulsatilla pratensis Wandering arthritis; changeable pains and symptoms. Pains worse first motion and better from continued, gentle motion. Worse: Evening. Heat. Damp weather. Getting feet wet. Better: Cold. Uncovering. Cold application. In the open air. Location: Especially affecting hips and knees. Radium bromatum Joint pains and stiffness. Worse: Night. Heat of the bed. Better: Motion. Location: Back and spine. Deep in the joints. Knees and ankles. Shoulder and trapezius. Hands. Ranunculus bulbosus Rheumatoid arthritis and polymyalgia rheumatica of the torso. Sharp or stitching pains which give the patient no rest. Worse: Cold air. Change of weather. Damp, cold. Drafts. Getting wet. Motion. Touch or pressure. Doing needlework; or sitting in front of a computer; doing tense, precise work. Location: Especially the neck, chest, back and shoulders. Fingers. Pain under the left scapula. Painful spots in muscles. Fibrositis. Rhododendron chrysanthum Rheumatism in highly sensitive or irritable patients. Worse: Morning. Change of weather. Wet or cold, wet weather. Before a storm. From winds; warm prevailing winds. From being still. Hot weather. Better: Heat. Motion. Location: Mainly right-sided. Affecting both joints and tendons. Ruta graveolens Incredible stiffness in rheumatic conditions. Aching and restlessness in arthritis. Deposits or fibrous nodes along the tendon. Worse: Morning. Cold, damp weather. Exertion or strains; always straining the joints. Better: Motion. Location: Wrists. Fingers. Back and spine. Salicylicum acidum

(See above: Acute Arthritis). Sulphur Worse: Heat or from over-heating. Better: Cold applications. Location: Often affecting left shoulder, hips and legs. Tuberculinum bovinum kent Worse: Cold, wet weather. Before storms. Night or morning on rising. Better: Heat. Motion. Degenerative arthritis This section covers a variety of chronic joint conditions not specifically rheumatic, such as osteoarthritis, psoriatic arthritis, traumatic arthritis, fibromyalgia, gout, ankylosing spondylitis, Lyme disease, etc. The exact diagnosis is only statistically related to the remedy. Any remedy can apply to any diagnosis if the symptoms match. However, the diagnosis is relevant toward patient management and may also be helpful as a short-hand explanation of the type of tissue involved and the type of inflammatory process taking place. For example, at the turn of the century, tests for uric acid were not readily available to homeopaths and thus the diagnosis of gout was made clinically. Today, many cases which would have been categorized as "gouty" by former homeopaths, are diagnosed as degenerative arthritis due to the lack of uric acid crystals in the joints or normal serum uric acid levels. For our purposes, however, gout consists of any periodically relapsing monarticular arthritis which comes on suddenly with pain, swelling and redness. The common sites for gout include the base of the big toe, the ankles and knees. Management It is interesting that recent allopathic studies have indicated that the use of nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs (NSAID) may actually hasten the degeneration of the joint. Since these NSAIDs are the mainstay of allopathic treatment of these types of arthritis, we should encourage our patients to minimize their use. Gout is generally quite easily managed. Strong allopathic medications are used only during acute crises so it is convenient to treat the patient between his exacerbations. Only rarely are patients maintained on strong anti-inflammatory medications. Allopurinol and other common uricosuric drugs which lower the serum concentrations of uric acid rarely antidote homeopathic remedies. In our practice, we see a number of patients with Lyme disease who have undergone standard treatment without relief of symptoms. I have not attempted to treat patients with homeopathy in lieu of allopathic treatment, nor would I recommend such treatment to a patient. While we have much success with the cases we treat, it is easy to imagine a disastrous scenario in which a patient treated by homeopathy alone progresses to a devastating neurologic or cardiologic condition. Therapeutic tips for degenerative arthritis Homeopathic When there is significant joint deterioration, we often see our best results by using lower potencies repeatedly (6C to 12C daily or 30C weekly, or LM potencies) rather than a single dose of a high potency. High potencies of remedies can (rarely) cause marked aggravations of joint pains in patients with slowly progressing degenerative types of arthritis and should be used carefully, especially in the elderly. Naturally, the mineral remedies such as the Calcarea and Kali salts will be prominent for this sort of

pathology. Naturopathic Helpful supplements include: Flax oil (2 tsp. per day). Glucosamine (500 mg. TID). Glutamine (500 mg. BID). Bromelain (up to 500 mg. daily). Cartilage powders (Chondroitin). Weight loss is an important component in the treatment of degenerative arthritis, especially when the legs or spine are involved. The patient should avoid high fat food, sweets, caffeine and tobacco. Mainstays of natural treatment for gout include a vegetarian diet, avoidance of alcohol and a slow but steady weight loss program. In addition to homeopathy, patients with chronic Lyme disease should have: High dose vitamin C (2000 to 5000 mg. per day if there are no contraindications). Garlic capsules. Echinacea tincture. Allopathic Allopurinol and other common uricosuric drugs which lower the serum uric acid levels (in gout) rarely antidote homeopathic remedies. Patients with Lyme disease (or possible Lyme disease) often present for treatment while they are still taking chronic antibiotics. If these antibiotics are actually helping the patient, it is generally impossible for our remedies to act. However, if the antibiotics are not affecting the patient, our remedies may still act. (Many of these patients have a terror of discontinuing their allopathic medications). In patients using NSAIDs, it is generally a good idea to give a low potency (such as 6C) of the constitutional remedy daily to prevent antidoting. If a high potency (such as 200C or 1M) is selected for the patient, it is still beneficial to add a daily dose of low potency. Repertory (See above: Rheumatoid Arthritis for Repertory Summary) Remedies Main remedies for degenerative arthritis Benzoicum acidum Arthritis, gout and deformity of joints. Relieved when discharging sediment through the urine. Location: Especially the knees, ankles, toes and hands. Arthritic nodosities of fingers or wrists. Gout, especially of the right large toe. Marked cracking of joints (especially the knee) upon motion. Calcarea carbonica Main remedy in osteoarthritis with degenerative joints, osteophytes and calcifications. Also rheumatoid arthritis. Worse: Cold, damp weather. Exertion. When hanging down. Better: Rest. Heat. Location: Especially the lower extremities, knees, ankles. Spine. Calcarea fluorica A main remedy in exostosis, calcifications, spinal curvature. Patient is in general worse from heat, the joints are worse from cold. Better: Heat. Motion, especially slow, continued motion.

Location: Large joints: Hip, shoulders, spine. Calcarea phosphorica Degenerative joint and spine. Worse: Drafts. Wind. Change of weather. Exertion. Location: Shoulder pains extending into fingers. Symptoms on left side or begin left and go to right side. Exostosis. Arthritic nodosities of elbows. Colchicum autumnale One of our most important remedies in gout. Joint becomes hot, red, swollen and exquisitely sensitive to being touched or moved. Worse: Night. Slight motion. Cold, damp weather. Spring. Pains come if urine is suppressed from any cause. Location: Pains wander. Begins left side and goes to right. Large toe. Heel. Knees. Kalium carbonicum Degenerative arthritis and gout with aching or stitching pains. The patient is stiff and tight all over the body. Worse: Night, especially 2 to 3 AM. Cold. Damp. Drafts of air. Eating. Lying on painful part. Grasping impossible. Better: Warmth. Arthritic nodosities. Ledum palustre Pains ameliorated by cold is the guiding symptom. One of the most important remedies in gout. Also one of the main remedies in Lyme disease. Rheumatism alternating with hemoptysis is considered a keynote. Acute podagra and gout of the knee or ankle. Worse: Night in bed. Motion. Heat. Covering the inflamed part. Better: Cold. Soaking the part in cold water. Location: Big toe. Hip joint injuries. Ascending pains. First affected in the feet, then later knees, hip, hands. (See above: Rheumatoid Arthritis). Natrium sulphuricum Degenerative arthritis, especially affecting the left hip. Worse: Damp weather. Morning in bed. Ascending stairs. Stooping. Walking. History of gonorrhea. After grief. Location: Avascular necrosis of the hip joint. Especially left hip. Other important remedies for degenerative arthritis Aesculus hippocastanum Important remedy in ankylosing spondylitis. Marked stiffness and pain over the sacroiliac joint. Worse: Rising from a seat or from stooping.

Antimonium crudum Rheumatism associated or alternating with gastric symptoms. Worse: Vinegar. Sour wine. Heat. After cold bathing. Manual labor. Neck pain on turning head to left. Back pain on stooping and during urination. Feet sore from standing or walking. Location: Neck. Dorsal spine. Soles of feet. Argentum metallicum Generalized inflammation of the cartilage and connective tissues. Sharp or even electric-like pains. Sudden pains. Pain may gradually increase to severe crescendo then suddenly cease. Arthritis accompanied by frequent urination. Worse: While sitting. Better: Motion. Location: Left-sided pains most severe. Arnica montana Podagra and gouty arthritis with sore, bruised feelings. Pains anguishing, fears to be touched or jostled. Worse: Cold or cold, damp. Better: Allowing the limb to hang down. (See above: Rheumatoid Arthritis). Aurum metallicum (See above: Rheumatoid Arthritis). Bellis perennis Post-traumatic arthritis. "Railway spine." "Rheumatism of old laborers." Worse: Cold, especially from a sudden chill. Getting wet. Better: Heat. Rubbing or massage. Motion. Berberis vulgaris An important remedy in gout, especially knee and large toe. Pain as if from a nail in ball of foot on standing. Gout in the knee, especially left knee. Pain upon rising from a seat. (See above: Acute Arthritis. Rheumatoid Arthritis). Bryonia alba (See above: Rheumatoid Arthritis). Causticum Gout with deformity of toes. Calcification and advanced deterioration of joints. (See above: Rheumatoid Arthritis). Chelidonium majus Rheumatic complaints associated with liver disorders. Worse: Motion. Touch. Ankle pain worse walking. Location: Right side. Shoulder (especially the right shoulder). Hip. Ankle.

Cimicifuga racemosa Especially affecting the neck with neuralgic pains and stiffness. Worse: Cold and cold, damp. Extreme muscular soreness and fibrositis. (See above: Rheumatoid Arthritis). Dulcamara (See above: Rheumatoid Arthritis). Ferrum metallicum Arthritis especially affecting the shoulders and upper extremities. Worse: Night, driving the patient out of bed. First motion. Shoulder pain worse raising arm or putting arm behind him. Better: Motion, especially slow motion. Shoulder pain better bending arm; constant desire to bend it. Graphites Especially important in osteoarthritis, more often of lower limbs. Gout. Psoriatic arthritis. Guajacum officinale Especially affecting the small joints in rheumatoid or osteoarthritis. Joints inflamed and feeling of uncomfortable heat. Worse: Heat. Motion. After catching cold. Lower limb pain from walking. Better: Cold or cold applications. Location: Shoulders. Forearms. Wrists. Hands. Arthritic nodosities. Painful contractions of tendons or muscles. Hepar sulphur Deformative and extremely painful arthritis. Worse: Night. Morning on waking. Cold. Touch. Beer. Degenerative hip joint with exquisite pain upon walking. Better: Warm applications. Wet weather. Kalium bichromicum Arthritis alternating or combined with stomach pains, ulcers or diarrhea. Pains move from joint to joint, changing slowly over a two to three day period. Pains in very specific spots; the patient can point to an exact point. Worse: Cold. Night. Motion. After diarrhea. So stiff in the morning he can hardly move. Better: Warmth. After becoming warm in bed. Kalium iodatum Arthritis with severe tearing pains and joint effusion. Worse: Night. Heat. Better: Open air. Motion. Location: Knee pain. Hip joint disease. During rheumatism, may have a tendency to clench the thumb. Kalmia latifolia

(See above: Acute Arthritis). Lithium carbonicum Degenerative arthritis and arthritic nodosities. Gout. Worse: Ankle pain worse walking. Better: Very hot bathing. Location: Hip, especially the right hip. Fingers. Ankle. Small joints. Lycopodium clavatum Degenerative arthritis and gout. Arthritic nodosities of fingers. Pain often associated with numbness. Worse: Nightly aggravations during wet weather. Motion, especially first motion. Better: Heat. Becoming warm in bed. Continued motion. Walking. Location: Right-sided pains. Hip. Shoulder. Right-sided podagra. Gout of the fingers or hand. Manganum aceticum Arthritis with wandering, shifting pains. Worse: Night. Cold, damp weather. Touch. Motion. Better: Lying down. Location: Pains shift joint to joint cross-wise. Medorrhinum Joint pains with history of gonorrhea. Reiter's syndrome. Worse: Cold, damp weather. Before storms. Morning. Better: Night. By the sea, especially swimming in the sea. Location: Soles of feet sore and tender. Ankle. Finger joints. Mezereum Pains felt as if in the bones or periosteum. Worse: Night. Cold, damp weather. Touch, even light touch. Natrium phosphoricum Degenerative arthritis. Contractures of tendons. Rheumatism of children. Gout and podagra. Location: Knee. Hands. Fingers. Large toe. Back. Phosphorus An important remedy in ankylosing spondylitis. Paralysis of spine, especially the sacrum, from spondylitis. The chest becomes rigid or immovable. (See above: Rheumatoid Arthritis). Phytolacca decandra (See above: Rheumatoid Arthritis). Pulsatilla pratensis Wandering arthritis with shifts occurring within the course of a day.

Swelling and heat in the joint. Worse: From heat. First motion. Better: Cold. Cold applications. Open air. Continued, slow motion. Pressure. Lying on painful side. Uncovering the affected joint. Location: Wandering joint pains. Hip. An excellent remedy in Lyme's disease. Radium bromatum (See above: Rheumatoid Arthritis). Rhus toxicodendron We need not have a diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis to use this remedy. Many cases of degenerative arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, etc. will respond to Rhus Toxicodendron. Location: Shoulder. Hands. Hips. Spine. (See above: Rheumatoid Arthritis). Ruta graveolens (See above: Rheumatoid Arthritis). Sabina Arthritic pains with severe pains as if the bones would break. Worse: Menses. Hip pains worse rising from sitting. Better: Motion. Walking. Location: Hip and pelvis. Sanguinaria canadensis (See above: Tendinitis). Sanicula aqua Rheumatism and bursitis of the shoulder. Marked pain when the patient puts the arm behind his back. Silica marina Degenerative or rheumatoid arthritis. Worse: Cold and damp weather. Calcification and damaged joint structure. Scoliosis and curvature of spine. Bunions. Sulphur See Rheumatoid Arthritis. Important remedy in gout with classic history of indulgence in wine and rich foods stimulating the attack. Main remedy in psoriatic arthritis. Urtica urens Burnette initiated the use of this remedy in gout but left few clear indications for its use. He reported palliative effects for acute gout crises in tincture, though I have had little success with it. Back pain and sciatica Back pain and injuries account for more absenteeism and disability payments than any other condition.

Poor body mechanics, obesity and emotional stress are the main factors predisposing to these disorders. Homeopathy has an important role to play in the treatment of back pain and injury to increase muscle tone, improve general health and decrease inflammation of muscles and nerves. Management Many of our patients are already seeing a body worker or physician (chiropractor, osteopath) when they begin homeopathic treatment. Also, these health professionals often refer to us in an attempt to keep their patients away from the risks of allopathic medications or surgery. Startlingly, some homeopaths, out of fear of antidoting, ask such referred patients to refrain from seeing their referring practitioner. Needless to say, this practice is divisive in the alternative community and does more harm than good. Instead we must work with our alternative colleagues and discuss our concerns rather than put our patients in a position of divided loyalty. Though homeopathy can achieve wonders in back pain and even herniated discs, these cases should not be treated without the aid of a gentle and competent chiropractor, osteopath, physical therapist or body worker. It is true that certain manipulative practices can sometimes interfere with our remedies. This is most often the case when the practitioner applies his craft in an "allopathic" way, trying to force the body to straighten out. Craniosacral techniques seem to work especially well with homeopathy. Therapeutic tips for back pain and sciatica Homeopathic When a serious back problem develops during constitutional treatment, we should be very hesitant to change to an acute remedy unless the symptoms are unambiguous. It is preferable to use repeated 12C doses of the constitutional remedy, or if this fails, to repeat the remedy in its original potency. In an acute back injury, when the patient is not under constitutional treatment, a convenient dosing system is to give a 30C potency twice a day for two or three days. If there is no response by this time, the remedy selection is generally incorrect. Naturopathic Gentle physical medicine is generally necessary for the most efficient recovery from serious back pain. Encourage the patient toward gentle, non-invasive techniques. Supplementation should include: Glucosamine (500 mg. TID). Flax seed oil (2 tsp. per day). Calcium and Magnesium supplements. Zinc (50 mg. per day). Vitamin C (2000 mg. per day). Topical use of Arnica or emu oil does not interfere with constitutional treatment. Internal use of other homeopathic products should be avoided. In helping patients to recover from serious back pain, we should make certain that a careful exercise program is selected with the aim of strengthening the abdominal muscle groups, correcting bad posture and slow, steady weight loss. Allopathic When classical signs of disc protrusion persist even after homeopathic and physical medicine, the patient should be referred for neurosurgical or orthopedic evaluation. We should urge rapid evaluation when there is any distal numbness or weakness. Select a consultant with care, preferably a rather conservative surgeon. Many patients with protrusion but no true disc extrusion have undergone surgery without any relief of symptoms. When our patient needs to take allopathic medications, we should add a 12C daily dose of the

constitutional remedy to avoid antidoting. Steroids, either orally or epidural, generally give only short-term aid. The correct remedy should be able to cool any inflammatory process just as effectively as steroids. The long-term consequences of steroid use are unknowable and sometimes dire. Repertory Main rubrics in back pain and sciatica The main rubrics for back pain and sciatica are found in two places: Back, Pain (subrubrics). Extremities, Pain, Lower Limbs, Sciatica (subrubrics). Other important rubrics in back pain and sciatica Back, Constriction. Back, Curvature. Back, Injuries. Back, Paralysis. Back, Spasms. Back, Stiffness (subrubrics). Back, Tension. Back, Weakness (subrubrics). Remedies Main remedies for back pain and sciatica Belladonna Sudden onset of severe low back pain or sciatica. Pain is so severe as to prevent any movement. Worse: Motion. Jarring. Cough. Menses. Standing. Misstep. Lying on the back (i.e. direct pressure). Long sitting. Coccyx pain after long sitting - cannot rise from a seat. Sudden stiffness and pains in the neck. Location: Right-sided sciatica. Right-sided neck and back pain. Calcarea carbonica Lumbago from even slight exertion and especially lifting. Weak feeling in the back, slumps in the chair. Degenerative arthritis of spine. Calcifications. Scoliosis. Worse: Cold, damp weather. Lifting. Exerting. Ascending. Better: Heat. Resting or lying. Kalium carbonicum Low back pain and sciatica. Pains drive the patient out of bed at night. Worse: Night, often at 2 or 3 AM. Cold or drafts. Eating. Lying painful side. Menses. Pregnancy. Motion. Walking. Better: Pressure. Sitting bent forward. After moving about. After passing flatus. Location: Especially the right side of spine or sciatic nerve.

Pains extend into the buttocks or into the sole of the foot. Kalium iodatum Severe sciatica with excruciating pains and disability. Worse: Night. Lying, especially on the painful side. Becoming heated. Pressure. Sitting. Standing. Better: Open air. Sitting: From motion and walking. Flexing legs. Location: Especially left-sided sciatica. Nux vomica Severe sciatica down either leg with marked sensitivity and anger. Worse: Night. Morning, worsening the longer he stays in bed. Cold. Turning in bed. Standing. Motion. Pressing at stool. Lifting any weight. After anger. Better: Heat. Pressure. Lying. Rhus toxicodendron Sciatica and low back pain, stiffness or injury. Restless feeling with pain; constant urge to get up, move, stretch. Worse: Morning on waking. Being still even for a few minutes. After long sitting (long car ride, movie). After exertion ends. Cold. Cold, damp weather. Getting wet. From suppressed perspiration (i.e. cold air while sweating). First motion. After any lifting. Lying still. After long stooping, impossible to straighten. Better: Heat. Hot bathing. Motion. Hard pressure. Lying on something hard. Bending backwards. Location: Especially left-sided sciatica. Tellurium metallicum Severe pains down from sacrum into the sciatic nerve and thigh. Worse: Jarring valsalva's: Coughing; laughing; sneezing. When pressing at stool. Touch. Motion. Jarring. Lying on the affected side. Comes on while sleeping. Better: On standing. During urination. Location: Right-sided sciatica. Pain into right thigh. Other important remedies for back pain and sciatica Aesculus hippocastanum Sacroiliac joint pains, often with hemorrhoids (or without). Worse: Rising from chair, can scarcely rise at times. Stooping. Walking. After passing large stool. Location: Sacroiliac joint. Whole small of the back. Agaricus muscarius Severe lumbago and sciatica, often with muscle twitches or spasms. Spine sensitive to touch. Sore spine upon stooping. Worse: Sitting. Cold applications. Stooping. On twisting. Better: Warmth. Walking or continued motion. Argentum metallicum Severe back pain and stiffness; at times forced to walk bent over.

Back pain restricts easy respiration. Worse: Sitting. Better: Walking. Pressure. Arnica montana Back pain following blows or injuries. Worse: Cold or cold, damp weather. Touch or jarring. Aurum metallicum Severe pains in spine and limbs. Excellent remedy in ankylosing spondylitis. Worse: Night, especially in bed. Heat. Turning in bed. Rising from a seat. Better: After rising and moving about. Bellis perennis Injuries to back and coccyx (Hyper). Berberis vulgaris Low back pain with shooting and stitching pains. Sometimes a numb, bruised sensation in the back. Worse: When lying or sitting. Rising from a seat. Deep breath. Sharp, shooting pains radiating down the thigh or leg. Bryonia alba Severe back pain and sciatica which causes the patient to stop all activities and lie flat in bed. Worse: Motion, even slight motion. Jarring. Cold. Sitting. Walking. Turning in bed. Stooping. Better: Heat: Pressure. Lying on the painful side. Location: Back pain extending to pelvis or inner thighs. Calcarea fluorica Calcifications and stiffness throughout the neck and spine. Scoliosis; spinal curvatures. Better: Heat. Motion. Calcarea phosphorica Marked pain and stiffness of spine and especially neck. Worse: Drafts. Swallowing. Exertion. Soreness in sacroiliac junction as if it would break. Capsicum annuum Sciatica in obese patients with cracking joints. Worse: Cough. Stretching limb. Bending backwards. Location: Left-sided sciatica with muscle wasting. Carbo animalis Low back and coccyx pain and sensitivity. Burning pains and great soreness. Worse: Touch. Pressing at stool. Injury of coccyx (Hyper, Bell-P). Standing or walking.

Lying on back aggravates the coccydynia. Causticum Neck and back pain with marked stiffness and often calcification. An important remedy for torticollis. Worse: Cold, dry weather. Motion. Swallowing (Calc-P). Back pain worse rising from a seat. Better: Heat. On becoming warm in bed. Chelidonium majus Neck and low back pains from motion (Bry). Worse: Motion. Deep breath. Cough. Bending backwards. Lumbago worse stooping and walking. Sensation as if the back would break upon stooping. Location: Neck. Lumbar spine. Region of the right scapula. Neck pain extending into right shoulder and down the arm. Cimicifuga racemosa Severe neck pain and stiffness. Neck spasms. Worse: Drafts. Motion of arm or even hand. Pressure or massage. Bending forward. Back pain and sciatica with severe drawing pains. Worse: Menses. Pregnancy. Bending backwards (opposite of neck pain). Location: Sciatica mainly on the left side. Cobaltum metallicum Back pain or sciatica associated with nocturnal emissions. Worse: Sitting. While rising from a seat. After emissions or coition. Better: Lying. Motion. Walking. After rising from seat and moving. Cannot straighten spine without sharp pains shooting into the foot. Cocculus indicus Lumbago with lame feeling in the small of the back. Pain in the small of the back with weakness in hips, thighs and legs. Worse: Menses. Motion. Ascending. Walking. Stooping. Colocynthis Sciatica, both legs but especially affecting the right side. Pains come in paroxysms; sharp, neuralgic pains. Worse: Morning. Motion. After anger or mortification. Cold, damp. Stretching leg outward. Better: Heat. Lying on the painful side. Pressure. Bending leg. Cyclamen europaeum Cervical and dorsal pain and tension. Better: Bending head backwards. Throwing shoulders backward. Dioscorea villosa Especially right-sided sciatica.

Pains shooting down the leg with numbness and burning. Worse: Motion. Sitting. Better: Lying down and keeping still. Standing on the toes (Phatak). Dulcamara Lumbago and sciatica from weather changes. Worse: Cold, damp weather. Cold air. Catching colds. Stooping. Herpes zoster. Better: Motion. Walking. Pressure. On becoming warm in bed. Ferrum metallicum Back pain and sciatica in heavyset, forceful patients. Worse: Night. All night long and passes upon rising in the morning. Constipation. Lying. First beginning to move. Better: Morning on rising. Continued, gentle motion. Walking. Ginseng quinquefolium Back pain and stiffness. Right-sided sciatica. Worse: Sitting. Standing. Thank you, Maude. Gnaphalium polycephalum Sciatica when pain and numbness of the leg alternate or come together. Weight and pain and numbness in the back. Worse: Lying. Motion. Stepping. Better: Sitting in a chair. Flexing the leg. Location: Right-sided sciatica with cramping in thigh and calf. Pain into the crural nerve. Ignatia amara Spasms of neck or back muscles. Cramping or drawing pains. Pains worse from emotions, especially grief. Kalium bichromicum Back pain and sciatica, especially low back and coccyx pain. Pain wanders about the spine. Pains may come and go suddenly. Worse: Cough. Motion. Straightening the spine. Walking. Standing. Coccyx pain from sitting, pressure, rising from a seat, coition. Low back pain before urination and better afterwards. Cervical pain on blowing the nose. Better: Warmth. Flexing the leg. Sciatica better from motion and walking (opposite of lumbago). Location: Left-sided sciatica. Lac caninum Severe sciatica, often preventing sleep. Worse: Rest. Rapid motion. First motion. Sitting bent.

Location: Right side. Alternating from side to side. Lachesis mutus Severe sciatica with searing or tearing pain in the sciatic nerve. Hyperesthesia of the affected leg, sensitive to even slight touch. Worse: Night. After sleep. From the least motion. Rising from a seat. Sitting up in bed. Better: Lying quietly in bed. Location: Left-sided sciatica (less often may be on the right side). Lycopodium clavatum Low back pain and stiffness with sciatica. Sciatica with aggravations every four days. Worse: Lying on painful side. Sitting. Lifting. Slight motion. Pressure. Sitting erect. Rising after stooping. Better: Warmth or hot applications. On becoming warm in bed. Walking. After urination or flatus. Location: Right sciatica. Begins on right side and moves to left. Magnesium phosphoricum Sciatica in sudden paroxysms of painful spasms, cramps or pinching. Lightening-like pains and shooting pains. Suddenly starts and stops. Worse: Night. Cold. Motion. Pregnancy or ever since delivery. Sciatica originating after influenza. Better: Heat, especially very hot. Pressure. Rubbing. Location: Right-sided sciatica. Feet and soles tender with sciatica. Medorrhinum Soreness in the spine. Chronic sciatica. Worse: Morning. Drafts. After lifting. Better: At the sea. Lying on the back. Location: Left-sided sciatica. Pain extending into the spermatic cord. Natrium muriaticum Low back pain and stiffness after suppressed emotions. Worse: Early morning. Coughing. After coition. Stoops easily but cannot rise again. Better: Pressure. Lying on the back. Lying on something hard. Pressing back against a book or one's fist. Contraction of hamstrings. Natrium phosphoricum Weakness, heaviness and dull pain in low back. Worse: After nocturnal emissions (Cob, Pic-Ac). Coition. Oleum jecoris aselli Sciatica with atrophy of the affected limb. Chronic back pain with wasting, emaciation and anemia.

Phosphorus Pain, heat and burning in the spine and sciatic nerve. Sensitive, tender spinous process - especially the dorsal spine. An important remedy in ankylosing spondylitis with rigid spine and fixed chest wall. Worse: Cold. Rising from a seat. Lying on the left side. Laughing. Crossing the legs in bed. Better: Heat. Lying on right side or on back. Rubbing. Motion. Phytolacca decandra Rheumatism together with sciatica. Marked stiffness in spine. Worse: Morning. Night. Heat. Cold, damp weather. Motion. Location: Pain along the outside of the left thigh. Plumbum metallicum Sciatica with awful drawing pains and numbness in the leg. Emaciation of affected limb. Exhaustion and pain from walking. Ranunculus bulbosus Rheumatism, lumbago and sciatica with stitching and burning pains. Worse: Stormy or cold, damp weather. Cold air. Motion. Location: From the spine into the sciatic nerve. Ruta graveolens Severe low back pain and stiffness and lameness. Burning or tearing pains in back and down leg. Sometimes the pain is felt as if in the bones themselves. Worse: After injury. Strains of back. Always straining the back. Cold or cold, damp weather. First motion. Rising from seat. Sciatica worse upon lying at night, better all day. Better: On rising in the morning. Lying. Motion. Constant motion gives relief (Rhus-T). Location: Low back pain. Down thigh to hollow of knee. Sepia officinalis Lumbago with draining and weak feeling in small of back. Worse: Afternoon. Before menses. After menses completed. Pregnancy. Stooping. Better: Hard pressure. Walking or even heavy exertion. Eructation. Staphisagria Lumbago and sciatica coming on during sleep, forcing the patient to rise in the early hours. Worse: Rising from a seat. Cough in winter alternates with sciatica in the summer. Sulphur Sciatica and low back pains in sedentary, intellectual people. Weak back and slumping posture (Calc). Burning pains in back or sciatica.

Worse: Evening or night. Morning upon rising. Motion. Stooping. Trying to straighten the back; walks stooped. Standing, as in shopping or a museum. Rising from seat. Suppressed eruption. Better: Lying on the left side. Location: Left-sided sciatica. Thuja occidentalis Lumbago and sciatica with progressively worsening attacks. Feels fragile in the back; everything could hurt him. Worse: Jarring. Sitting. Rising from a seat. Stooping. Walking, especially walking on even ground. Location: Left-sided sciatica. Valeriana officinalis Sciatica and insomnia in excitable, twitchy or sensitive patients. Worse: Standing with both feet flat on the floor. Sitting. Stretching. Straightening the limb. Pregnancy. Better: Standing with one foot up on a chair rung. Walking. Location: Especially right-sided sciatica. Injury and trauma Injury and trauma This chapter on injury includes sections on: Bruises and Blunt Trauma Sprains Fractures Burns Wounds Surgical Trauma Sunstroke and Heat Exhaustion Spinal Injury Concussion Homeopathy can be beneficial in any type of trauma, often remarkably. One of the most common events that brings an allopathic physician to an appreciation of homeopathy is a personal experience with Arnica during an acute injury. This single remedy has won us many converts! It is easy to think of injuries only in terms of remedies, but we should never ignore the need for diagnostic tests and standard treatments. One serious problem in homeopathic practice is the overuse of injury remedies. Especially patients of an independent nature frequently call in reporting a minor sprain for which they have already taken Arnica, Ruta, Rhus Toxicodendron and "the ankle is still bothering me." When the patient is under constitutional treatment, one should really think twice before giving an injury remedy. Many patients can be managed with homeopathic tinctures (Arnica, Hypericum) instead of potentized remedies, avoiding risk to the constitutional treatment. General management For routine injuries, it is often better to use a moderate potency (12C, 30C, 200C) rather than a high

potency. Higher potencies are better reserved for injuries severe enough to affect the whole organism. That is to say, a "black eye" is better treated with a 30C; a concussion better dealt with by 200C (or even a 10M in a life-threatening situation). All normal first-aid techniques apply in homeopathy - we use the same ice, elevation, compression, etc. as our allopathic colleagues. Tinctures of homeopathic remedies are a useful adjunct to treatment. There are several important tinctures which are listed below with some of their uses. Arnica Tincture (also available as a lotion or cream) Used for any strain, contusion, muscle soreness. Topical Arnica does not interfere with constitutional remedies. We must avoid putting topical Arnica into any open wound. Calendula Tincture (also available as a lotion or ointment) Primarily used as antiseptic for any wound, abrasion, sore. Also a useful hemostatic - it rather impressively halts bleeding from wounds in preparation for suturing. Promotes healing of wounds. Relieves minor skin irritations: Sunburns. First degree burns. Diaper rash. Chapped skin or lips (here use the lotion or ointment). Abrasions, skin ulcers, bedsores may benefit from the ointment (the lotion or tincture are best not left in open wounds because the alcohol can be irritating). Corneal abrasion (dilute tincture in sterile water). Poultices soaked in Calendula tincture can be used for hemorrhoids and applied to the genital area after childbirth. Hypericum Tincture Apply after extensive crushing injuries of fingertips or other nerve-rich areas to relieve severe pain. For conjunctivitis or eye irritation after foreign bodies (dilute tincture with sterile water). We must make certain that the foreign body has been completely removed. Ledum Tincture Wounds, especially bites and puncture wounds. First remedy for stings - use full strength. Best remedy for spider bites (Panos). Bruises and blunt trauma The treament of contusions and blunt trauma is directed at accelerated healing as well as prevention or correction of chronic disability caused by the trauma. Naturally, we must diagnose serious trauma in the same way as our allopathic colleagues, searching for signs of internal injuries, fractures, etc. The use of allopathic analgesics generally does not significantly detract from the effectiveness of our remedies, however, it is frequently observed that patients under homeopathy require much less pain medication. In addition to remedies, patients often benefit from taking extra vitamin C (2000 mg. daily), bioflavonoids (250 mg. daily) and flax seed oil (1 tsp. daily). In minor contusions which do not require remedies and yet the patient feels the need to "do something" about the injury, topical Arnica or Traumeel can provide relief and do not interfere with the constitutional remedy. Repertory Main rubrics in bruises and blunt trauma Mind, Ailments, Injuries, Mental symptoms, from.

Eye, Cataract, Contusion, from. Eye, Cataract, Injuries, after. Eye, Detached retina, Injuries, after. Eye, Ecchymosis. Eye, Injuries. Eye, Pain, Blows, from. Eye, Paralysis, Lids, Upper, Injuries, after. Eye, Redness, Injuries, after. Vision, Loss of, Injury to eye. Hearing, Impaired, Injury to membrana tympani. Hearing, Lost, Injury to ear. Nose, Epistaxis, Blow, from a. Face, Hippocratic, Injuries, after. Stomach, Thirst, Injuries, after. Stomach, Vomiting, Injuries, after. Abdomen, Coldness, Injuries, after. Abdomen, Injuries. Rectum, Diarrhea, Injuries, after. Rectum, Hemorrhage, Injuries, after. Bladder, Inflammation, Injuries, after. Bladder, Retention, Injuries, after. Bladder, Urination, Involuntary, Injuries, after. Male, Inflammation, Testicles, Contusion, from. Male, Injuries. Male, Swelling, Testicles, Injuries, after. Female, Abortion, Injuries, from. Female, Induration, Injuries, from. Female, Metrorrhagia, Injuries, from. Respiration, Arrested, Fall, after a. Respiration, Slow, Injuries, after. Cough, Injuries, after. Expectoration, Bloody, Fall, after a. Expectoration, Bloody, Traumatic. Chest, Cancer, Mammae, Contusion, from. Chest, Induration, Mammae, Blows, after. Chest, Induration, Mammae, Contusion, from. Chest, Inflammation, Mammae, Blows, after. Chest, Injuries, Mammae. Chest, Phthisis, Injury to chest, after. Extremities, Coldness, Injuries, after. Extremities, Discoloration, Bluish, Ecchymosis. Extremities, Dislocation.

Extremities, Injuries. Extremities, Nails, Affections of, Injuries, after. Extremities, Pain, Rheumatic, Injured parts. Sleep, Sleepiness, Injuries, after. Fever, Injuries, after. Skin, Coldness, Injured parts. Skin, Contusion. Skin, Discoloration, Black, Contusion, after. Skin, Discoloration, Bluish, Contusion, after. Skin, Ecchymosis. Skin, Eruptions, Boils, Injured parts. General, Burns. General, Collapse, Injuries, after. General, Faintness, Injuries, from. General, Induration, Glands, Injuries, after. General, Inflammation, Nerves, Injuries, after. General, Injuries General, Injuries, Extravasation, with. General, Injuries, Glands, of. General, Injuries, Muscles, of. General, Injuries, Nerves, of. General, Injuries, Overexertion, from. General, Injuries, Soft parts, of. General, Injuries, Tendons, of. General, Pulse, Weak, Injuries, from. Remedies Main remedies for bruises and blunt trauma Arnica montana The single most important remedy for trauma and bruises. Horrific traumas - head-on car crashes or industrial accidents - require Arnica in high potency (10M) as the first measure. Can perform miracles in chronic effects of old traumas or surgery. Marked soreness, tender to touch or pressure, bed feels too hard, feels as if beaten. Worse: Jarring. Touch or pressure. Cold. Specific circumstances for Arnica: "Black eyes" from blows (Symph). hyphaemia. Post-surgical bruising in face-lifts and rhinoplasty. Epistaxis after a blow to the nose. Dental procedures, extractions with intense soreness. Surgical trauma with marked extravasation (e.g. orthopedic surgery where trauma is more and incision less). Labor and trauma of delivery.

Traumatic arthritis. Sore muscles after unaccustomed exertion or exercise. Rhus Toxicodendron or Sulphuric Acid often complete the case. Never place topical Arnica on broken skin for it can cause marked irritation. Bellis perennis Especially for deep trauma and bruises: deep muscle injuries, abdominal or pelvic trauma and surgery, etc. Sore, bruised pains. Often marked swelling of proximal lymph glands after some days. Worse: Warm bathing. Cold drinks. Becoming cold. Better: Cold applications to part. Special circumstances for Bellis Perennis: Surgery with marked trauma to soft organs. Blunt trauma to abdomen or pelvis with contused organs. Traumatic arthritis of laborers, truck drivers, etc. Nerve injuries with soreness and intolerance of cold bathing. Also a remedy for injuries and inflammation of nerves. Bryonia alba Both major and minor forms of trauma to any type of tissue. Bruising and aching so he can hardly lie still but each movement hurts. Worse: Motion, even slight motion. Jarring. Better: Firm pressure. Pressure dressings. Lying on the part. Ledum palustre Bruises with excruciating pains and marked, often pitting edema. Mottled, purplish bruising with excessive swelling. Injured part often feels icy cold to the touch. Worse: Any heat or warm applications. Better: Ice cold applications; can hardly stand to remove the cold. Cellulitis following injury, extending upwards. Other important remedies for bruises and blunt trauma Aconitum napellus Often needed in the first hours after a major trauma. Muscle weakness, numbness and lameness in limbs after injury. Trauma when accompanied by great fright or terror. Aristolochia clematitis Crushing injuries to fingertips (Hyper). Carbo vegetabilis Shock following injury. Weakness and coldness after major injury such as a car accident. Mottled, marbled purple bruises with marked coldness in area (Led). Conium maculatum Injuries, contusions especially of glands - testes, breast, etc.

Injured part takes on a smoldering inflammation and indurates. Bruised parts become livid, often with a greenish discoloration. Vertigo or faintness after trauma or internal injury. Hamamelis virginiana Ecchymosis and bruising with tense, bursting feeling in leg. Ecchymoses which swell and continuously drain darkish blood. Epistaxis lasts long after injury to face and nose. Specific remedy for bleeding inside the eye after trauma. Bruises lead to inflammation or infection. Hepar sulphur Bruises and contusions which are exquisitely sensitive to touch; patient cries out and strikes away the examiner's hand. The part is cold from the injury, must be wrapped warmly. Tendency to suppurate in the injured spot. Hypericum perforatum Injuries to areas rich in nerves - fingers, tongue, genitals. Sharp pains shooting upward from injured spot. Crushing injuries to fingers, especially fingertips. Contusions to nerves from direct blows or other trauma. Lachesis mutus Serious bruises with throbbing, pulsing pains. Bruise swells and turns rapidly a dark purple or even black color. Aversion to any compression - rebels against the "Ace wrap." Worse: Least heat. Better: Cold. Millefolium Trauma resulting in hemorrhages - nose, lungs, rectum, etc. Blunt trauma to the torso. A specific remedy for the effects of falling from a height. Pulmonary contusion and hemoptysis. Pulsatilla pratensis Bruises swell and throb; sensation that the part is grossly swollen. Pain changes location and character often. Worse: Allowing the leg to hang down (Calc, Vip). Ruta graveolens Bruises to periosteum, where the bone is close to the surface - tibia, iliac crest, olecranon. Sharp, burning pain if bone is bumped, persisting for months after injury. Deep bruises with marked stiff feeling. Secale cornutum Crushing injuries to distal appendages with black discoloration. Threatened gangrene after trauma to distal appendage. Burning pains though cold to touch; must remain uncovered.

Sulphuricum acidum After Arnica has acted acutely, Sulphuric Acid removes the remaining ecchymosis and stiffness. A specific remedy for bleeding inside the eye after trauma (Ham). Frequent or even unexplained bruises. Gangrene after injuries. Symphytum officinale Specific remedy for blunt trauma to the eyeball - not the orbit. Sprains Though sprains are generally a mild condition requiring only rest and time to recover, homeopathy has often won over new adherents by causing startlingly rapid recoveries of these injuries. In addition to standard treatment, (with Ace wraps, air casts, ice, elevation and rest) we should ask the patient to increase his intake of vitamin C (2000 mg. daily) and flax seed oil (1 tsp. daily). Topical use of Arnica creams or lotions may help as well and may be used without fear of antidoting the constitutional remedy. Repertory Main rubrics in sprains Extremities, Injuries, wrists. Extremities, Injuries, Hand, Sprain. Extremities, Injuries, ankles. Extremity Pain, Sprained, as if (subrubrics). General, Injury, Over-exertion, Strain, from. General, Injuries, Sprains. General, Injuries, Tendons, of. Remedies Main remedies for sprains Arnica montana Acute sprains with extravasation and soreness. Muscle or tendon injuries after prolonged or unaccustomed exertion. Pains are sore and bruised or as if beaten. Worse: Touch. Pressure. Jarring. Cold. Motion. Fear to have anybody touch or examine the part: "It's OK, I'm fine, just leave me alone." Location: Especially affecting smaller joints. Hand. Wrist. Ankle. Foot. Toe. Bryonia alba Severe pains with sharp, excruciating, stitching or sore pains. Worse: Slightest motion. Jarring. Heat. Better: Keeping perfectly still. Cold. Pressure. Location: Wrist. Hand. Hip. Ankle. Rhus toxicodendron Sprains with annoying, stiff, painful, restless feeling. Marked stiff feeling in muscles and joints.

Worse: First motion. Keeping still. Grasping anything. Over-use. Better: Continued motion. Heat. Hot bathing. Location: All joints, more often the left side. Shoulder. Wrist. Hip. Knee. Ankle. Foot. Other important remedies for sprains Bellis perennis Deep muscle injuries and strains. Sprains with ecchymosis, coldness and proximal lymph gland enlargement. Worse: Cold. Cold bathing. Calcarea carbonica Chronic sprains, especially of the ankle. Sprains and injuries from over-exertion (Arn, Rhus-T). Repetitive stress injuries. Worse: Cold. Exertion. Walking. Better: Heat. Location: More often for the right side of the body. Wrist. Hand. Hip. Knee. Ankle. Foot. Calcarea phosphorica When sprains or fractures do not heal in the expected time. Stiffness and coldness in joint. Causticum Injuries from over-use and straining. Repetitive stress injuries. Contracture or wasting after injury or after being in a cast. Worse: Sideways motion of foot. Misstepping. Cold. Location: More often the left side is affected. Shoulder. Wrist. Hand. Hip. Ankle. Ferrum muriaticum Injuries of the shoulders, often with chronic pain. Worse: Putting arm behind the back. Raising the arm. Location: Right shoulder. Pain extends to right elbow. Kreosotum Achilles tendon sprains (early data indicates that the remedy Prednisone may be specific for injuries of the Achilles tendon). Sprains of thumb, especially the left thumb. Ledum palustre Acute or relapsing sprains, especially of the ankle. Marked coldness and ecchymosis in the injured part. Worse: Heat (Puls, Phyt, Sulph). Better: Ice cold bathing. Location: Wrist. Ankle. Natrium muriaticum

Chronic or recurring sprains. Location: Shoulder. Wrist. Fingers. Hip. Ankle. Phytolacca decandra Pain and injury to the tendon at the exact site of insertion. Worse: Motion. Heat. Plantar fasciitis. Right shoulder sprain. Pulsatilla pratensis Sprains with marked stiffness. Pain and full sensation. Worse: Heat. After sitting still. Better: Cold. Motion. Using the joint. Ranunculus bulbosus Sprains of the shoulder girdle, especially around the left scapula. Repetitive stress injuries to the upper extremities. Worse: Motion. Cold. Wet weather. Lying on painful side. Rhododendron chrysanthum Similar modalities to Rhus Toxicodendron: Better heat and motion. Marked aggravation from stormy weather. Location: Especially the right side. Wrist. Hip. Ruta graveolens Sprains especially of the flexor tendons. Specific for injuries to the tendons (Anac). Tennis elbow. Chiropractor's wrist. Carpal tunnel syndrome. Also specific for lingering painful injuries to the periosteum places where bone is near the surface illiac crest, shin, etc. Repetitive stress injuries. Marked stiffness and bruised pain. Worse: Cold. Exertion. Better: Heat. Wrapping. Gentle motion. Location: Wrist. Hand. Ankle. Sticta pulmonaria Sprains with swelling and marked redness over injury. Location: Right shoulder. Housemaid's knee. Strontium metallicum Weak ankles with repeated twists and sprains. Sprains with pitting edema. Chronic sprains of ankle (Calc, Nat-C, Sil, other carbon remedies). Location: Wrist. Ankle. Sulphur Strains and repetitive stress injuries. Sore and burning pain. Worse: Heat. Standing. Exertion. Raising the arm.

Better: Lying. Ice. Location: More often affecting the left side. Shoulder. Hip. Knee. Ankle. Fractures Naturally, fractures require primary treatment by a trained orthopedist. Following reduction, casting, etc., the patient can benefit in many ways from homeopathic treatment. Healing time can be reduced, infection prevented and pain can be minimized. Main remedies for fractures Aconitum napellus In the first minutes after the injury if fright and shock predominate. Arnica montana In the first hours after a fracture, Arnica is the routine prescription. Especially when there is marked ecchymosis. Sore, bruised pain; cannot find a comfortable position. In multiple trauma cases. Bryonia alba More severe pain; sharp or stitching pain at the site. Worse: Slight movement (sometimes even of uninjured parts). Heat. Better: Gentle pressure or splinting. Cold application. Calcarea phosphorica Non-union of old fractures (all of the Calcarea salts are very useful in this condition). Pains aggravated in cold weather. Eupatorium perfoliatum Severe aching in the bone; deep in the bone. Pains aggravated by motion. Hypericum perforatum Crushed bones, especially fingertips. Compound fracture - main remedy (Arn, Calen, Lach, Symph). Lachesis mutus Pains shooting upward from the fracture site. Threatened infection in compound fractures. Crushing injuries to finger tips with deep-purple or black discoloration, shooting pains and burning. Worse: Any heat. Ruta graveolens Especially in areas where the bone is near to the surface - shin, skull, kneecap, etc. Injuries to the periosteum. Chronic pains after fracture heals; worse cold, damp. Symphytum officinale Promotes new bone growth in fractures. Acts so quickly, fractures must be set before the remedy is given. Injuries to the periosteum (Ruta): Shin bone. Knee cap. Elbow. Non-union of fractures (Calc-P, Ruta, Sil).

For painful fractures even if they have already healed. Burns The treatment of burns is directed initially to relieve pain and secondly, to speed healing and avoid infection. General first-aid measures should always be taken: Application of cold water (not direct ice) for at least 15 minutes; Cleansing of the burn area (when open wounds occur); Removal of broken blisters only (no debriding of closed blisters is necessary); The application of appropriate topical antiseptics. The initial concern is always to help remove the pain. Remedies often work rapidly to relieve the intense pain of burns. Hahnemann recommended that warm water or applications be applied to a burn because of its homeopathicity. It is often seen in practice that the patient becomes almost "addicted" to cold applications, even in a minor burn. The patient often desires ice cold applications for hours after the burn, but if following an initial cold application a short period of warmth or heat is applied, the pain intensifies for some period, then disappears. For more advanced second and third degree burns this technique is not appropriate. Studies have shown marked benefit from long-term cold applications in advanced burns, decreasing both tissue swelling and secondary inflammatory response. The next concern is to improve healing and prevent infection. Besides giving the correct homeopathic remedy, topical applications can be very useful for this goal. In first degree and minor second degree burns with unbroken skin, topical aloe vera is the most useful application. Topical Plantago tincture may be more effective for these minor burns when there is marked pain. Hamamelis tincture has also been recommended when there is redness and engorgement of capillaries and veins. In open second and all third-degree burns, aloe vera is no longer as useful. Cleansing of the wound should be done twice daily with mild antiseptic soaps or solutions. Full strength Calendula tincture should be avoided because the alcohol base can cause tissue damage in the wound. Following a thorough cleansing, a topical antiseptic ointment is recommended before wrapping. Calendula in an oil or beeswax base is most useful here, though when very serious burns have been dirty, I still prefer the stronger antiseptic of silver sulfadiazine creams. The standard use of Tetanus toxoid in burns is completely unnecessary in first degree and unopened second degree burns. Even more advanced burns when occurring in a clean environment may not require such immunization. Repertory Main rubrics in burns General, Injuries, Burns. Mind, Delirium, Burns, after. Mind, Unconscious, Burns, after. Mind, Wild, Burns, after. Eye, Inflammation, Burns, from. Mouth, Burns. Mouth, Inflammation, Burns, from. Rectum, Diarrhea, Chronic, Burns, from. Extremities, Gangrene, Burns, from. Generalities, Sun, Sunburn. Generalities, Trembling, Burns, after. Generalities, Tumors, Burns, after.

Remedies Main remedies for burns Apis mellifica Minor burns with marked pain, redness and swelling. A minor burn which is completely relieved only by ice cold applications. Also an important remedy for chemical burns to the eyes. Arsenicum album Especially thought of in serious burns, even third degree burns. Burns with marked pain, anxiety and restlessness. Deep chills and prostration from serious burns. Averse to cold compress; needs to be kept warm. Blackened skin and threatened gangrene of the part. Calendula officinalis Generally thought of as a topical treatment in second and third degree burns to prevent infection (other topicals used by homeopaths for burns include Plantago and Hamamelis). Also to prevent scarring as wound heals. Listed for delirium and unconsciousness following burns. Recommended in high potency for burns of the mouth or esophagus. Hering mentions its use in a patient with serious chemical burns. Cantharis vesicatoria Serious burns; second and third degree burns. Horribly painful burning; better from cold applications. Patient cannot remove the cold pack for an instant. Given immediately it can prevent the skin from blistering. Burns to mucus membranes: Scalds to mouth and throat. Chemical or electric cauterizations. Local application of acid (i.e. for condyloma of genitals, etc.). Chemical burns. Urtica urens Minor burns, especially when the skin is unbroken and unblistered. Burning with itching sensation. Especially a remedy for scalds with hot or boiling water. Other important remedies for burns Aconitum napellus In the first stage following a frightening injury. The patient is in shock, trembles; moaning or hysterical. Pain is completely relieved by cold application. Simple sunburn with sudden onset of burning and often with chills. Belladonna Burns to the eyes with terrific photophobia. Sunburns with heat and throbbing.

Calcarea carbonica Systemic sequelae of significant burns: Tremor, diarrhea, tumors. Calcarea fluorica Boger and Phatak recommend this remedy for X-ray or radiation burns (Phos, Rad-Br). Calcarea sulphurica Suppuration of second or third degree burns; yellowish pus. Carbolicum acidum After extensive burns to large areas of the body. Chemical burns. Skin ulcers following burns with offensive discharge. (I remain skeptical about recommendations of the use of the undiluted Carbolic acid for second and third degree burns). Causticum Long-term consequences of serious burns. Third degree burns. Burns which crack, ulcerate or fail to heal. Burns of the tongue. In patients with nasty scars from burns in the remote past. Crotalus horridus Gangrene and sepsis from serious burns which become infected. Marked blackness and tissue destruction in third degree burn (Lach). Hamamelis virginiana Burns of the mouth and tongue. Especially if there is engorgement or venous dilation near the injury. Has a reputation in tincture as a topical treatment for minor burns. Hepar sulphur Burns with suppuration, especially in the fingertips. Kalium bichromicum Burns from steam or vapor. Petroleum Sensitive granulation in the wounds from a burn. Listed as a remedy for burns of the hands. Plumbum metallicum "Burns with yellow, ichorous vesicles, itching and threatened gangrene." (Hering). Secale cornutum Serious burns of the distal extremities - hands, fingers, toes. When circulation is compromised and gangrene is threatened. Skin burns though it is cold to the touch. Wounds We use homeopathy to speed the healing and prevent infection from wounds. All standard techniques are followed, such as removal of foreign bodies, careful cleansing and suturing of wounds. In addition, homeopathic remedies can help the patient in ways that standard physicians are powerless - to help stop hemorrhage, to reverse early gangrenous changes, to control scarring, etc.

Wounds heal faster under homeopathic treatment and scar less. In addition to remedies, supplementation with vitamin C, zinc and flax is helpful. Stings and insect bites generally do not require homeopathic treatment. A constant difficulty in our practice occurs with relatively knowledgeable patients who overuse first-aid remedies, treating every minor bite, bruise and fever. We generally reserve remedies for patients who have more serious bites or systemic reactions from bites. Patients who feel sick from 10 or 20 mosquito bites which are inflamed or infected may require treatment; patients with a single bee sting may not need anything more than ice. Topical aloe vera can be relieving as can ammonia-type applications. Repertory Main rubrics Mind, Shrieking, Convulsion, Injury from splinter. Eye, Abscess, Cornea, Injuries, after. Eye, Inflammation, Wounds, from. Eye, Opacity, Cornea, Wounds, from. Mouth, Lacerated tongue. Mouth, Pain, Sore, Tongue, Lacerated wounds, from. Male, Injuries to penis. Extremities, Abscess, Upper limb, Wounds, Dissecting, from. Extremities, Injuries (subrubrics). Skin, Cicatrices (subrubrics). Skin, Inflamed, Wounds, from. Skin, Stings of insects. General, Hemorrhage, Passive oozing, Wounds, from. General, Inflammation, Wounds. General, Pain, Stitching, Wounds, Healed, in. General, Wounds (many subrubrics, only some are listed here). General, Wounds, Bites. General, Wounds, Bites, Poisonous. General, Wounds, Bleed freely. General, Wounds, Constitutional effects of. General, Wounds, Cuts. General, Wounds, Foreign bodies. General, Wounds, Gangrene of. General, Wounds, Granulations. General, Wounds, Heal, Slowly. General, Wounds, Lacerations. General, Wounds, Painful. General, Wounds, Penetrating. General, Wounds, Penetrating, Palms and soles. General, Wounds, Splinters. General, Wounds, Stab wounds. General, Wounds, Suppurating.

Remedies Main remedies for wounds Calendula officinalis In open wounds with marked capillary bleeding, topical calendula tincture can stop the flow. Early stages of infection with whitish pus draining from a closed wound (in potency). In virtually any open wound or abrasion to prevent infection. In post-surgical wound infections. For cleansing of any open wound (topical). Lacerations of the hands. To promote granulation and healing in wounds where the edges cannot be approximated - full thickness abrasions, etc. Hypericum perforatum Wounds to areas dense in nerves - tongue, fingertips, genitals. Puncture wounds to fingertips with shooting pains. Sharp pains radiating centrally from the wound. Where pain is more severe than the injury seems to warrant. For prevention of infection - even tetanus. Special circumstances for Hypericum: Injuries to nerves. Scars or amputations with shooting pain (All-C, Staph). Crushing wounds to extremities (Arist-C). Severe bites or any laceration to the tongue. Injury to the eye. Corneal abrasions. Foreign bodies. Bunions with sharp pains. Pain lingering after an epidural or spinal tap. Pain lingering after episiotomy and local xylocaine injection. Insect bites in nerve-rich areas. Splinters in the fingers or other nerve-rich areas. Ledum palustre Puncture wounds - stepping on nails, sewing machine injuries, staple guns, even intramuscular injections with complications. Bites of any type -dog bites, cats, snakes, where bleeding is minimum and the teeth penetrate deeply. Main remedy for simple stings and insect bites. Infections and inflammation from every mosquito bite (Calad). Wounds with threatened infection with superficial redness surrounded by pallor, often with coldness of the area. Coldness of injured part. Pains relieved by cold applications. Wounds to fingertips with pallor and coldness about the wound. Staphisagria Wounds and lacerations with marked pain. Inflamed lacerations, incisions, stab wounds or cuts. Constitutional effects from a wound - emotional or neurological.

Wounds and lacerations to the globe of the eye. Episiotomy wounds and pains. After catherization or urethral dilation, both to relieve pain and restore continence. Other important remedies for wounds Aconitum napellus When shock and fright are foremost, begin with Aconite. After foreign bodies or sharp wounds to the globe of the eye. Apis mellifica Stings and bites with marked redness, swelling and burning. Allergic reactions from such bites. Urticaria. Penetrating wounds, stabs, gunshot wounds. Penetrating wounds with deep redness or even purple, intensely swollen and hot with threatened infection. Lymphangitis with swelling and marked redness, better cold. Burning or stinging pains, relieved by cold applications. Arnica montana Multiple trauma victims (car accidents) generally require Arnica. Lacerations, tearing wounds when the edges are ecchymotic. Wounds with marked tissue swelling or contusion. Penetrating wounds with much soreness. Gunshot wounds where there is much trauma to surrounding tissue. Arsenicum album Puncture wounds with anaerobic infections. Festering wounds with horrible burning pains. Dissecting wounds. Gangrene. Mottled or black skin. Proud flesh with burning pains. Bellis perennis Deep wounds, extending far into the muscle layer. Wounds with injury to the abdominal or pelvic organs. Bufo rana Secondary infections in wounds. Ascending lymphangitis with red streaks and swelling, especially of the arm and hand (Sulph, Apis, Euph). Carbolicum acidum Allergic reawakens to bee stings or other insects. Anaphylaxis. Choking feeling and marked swelling. Urticaria over whole body from insect bites. Burning eruptions. Cicuta virosa Splinters with shrieking and even convulsions. Painful scars or keloids. Echinacea angustifolia Bites, especially if infection or poisonous substances are involved.

Snake or poisonous insect bites. Euphrasia officinalis Injuries to eyes and especially cornea. Graphites Suppurating wounds. Proud flesh, often with continuous oozing of thick serum. Keloids. Wounds which reopen, healing slowly with thickened scars. Hepar sulphur Splinters with inadequate removal of foreign body which suppurates. Splinters or suppurating wounds about the nail beds. Every scrape suppurates and heals excruciatingly slowly. Exquisitely sensitive proud flesh. Lachesis mutus Wounds with deep purple borders; mottled skin. Continuous oozing of dark blood from the wound. Necrosis and threatened gangrene of wounds; dissecting infections. Snakebites or envenomation by highly poisonous insects or spiders. Lyssinum Bites of animals, rabid or not when the animal is vicious. Wounds close too rapidly, leaving unhealed tissue at the core. Painful keloids. Mercurius solubilis Suppurating wounds or old scars. Superficial, spreading ulcers form at sites of even minor wounds. Millefolium Continued oozing of blood from the edge of a laceration. Continuous bleeding in closed, sutured wounds. Phosphorus Wounds with hemorrhage, to help to control the bleeding. Scars which break open and bleed. Pyrogenium Cellulitis with offensive discharge and often with fever. Suppuration of wounds of perineum, vagina or uterus after labor. Silica marina Suppurations of wounds, especially splinters and incompletely removed foreign bodies. Abscesses about splinters, pieces of gravel left in road burns, etc. May help to extrude retained buckshot, glass or other foreign bodies from healed but testering wounds. Sulphur Cellulitis with heat and redness. Lymphangitis and impending sepsis. Symphytum officinale Penetrating injuries, puncture wounds.

Wounds which penetrate to the periosteum. Painful amputation stump. Puncture wounds or lacerations to the globe of the eye. Tarentula cubensis Bites and stings with marked burning and stinging pains. Bites turn an angry red or purple and threaten to suppurate. Wounds which threaten gangrene with unbearable burning. Thiosinaminum Keloid and excessive scar formation. Adhesions from old wounds; restrictive adhesions. Urtica urens Insect bites and stings. Stings of jellyfish or medusa. Urticaria caused by allergic reactions to insect bites. Burning, prickling and itching type pains, better from constantly rubbing. Surgical trauma Homeopathy can be extremely beneficial to the post-surgical patient - both for symptom relief and for more complete and rapid healing. An open-minded surgeon could benefit his patients wonderfully by studying homeopathy as did the homeopathic surgeons of 70 years ago. Also, in today's competitive medical market, such training would give a surgeon a real edge over his competition. Patients would clamor for such skills! Management For most types of surgery, Arnica is the most effective first palliative. An effective dosing is to give a moderate to high potency (200C to 10M) both two to six hours before and every four to six hours after the operation for two days. The more aggressive the procedure (i.e. , hip replacement), the higher the potency. In some patients, absolutely no pain medication will be required with such a routine. Many hospital staffs have been awed by such results. Following the surgery, we must individualize treatment. If complications such as bleeding, infection or collapse occur, we change the remedy to meet the needs of the case. Repertory Main rubrics in surgical trauma Mind, Hysteria, Operation of eye, after. Eye, Cataract, Operation after. Eye, Chemosis, Operation, after. Eye, Injury, Operation, from. Eye, Pain, Burning, Operation, after. Ear, Caries, Threatened, Mastoid process, Operation, after. Nose, Epistaxis, Operation, after. Stomach, Hiccough, Operation, after. Stomach, Nausea, Operation, after. Stomach, Vomiting, Operation, after. Abdomen, Flatulence, Obstructed, Operation, after.

Abdomen, Pain, Adhesions, Operation, from. Abdomen, Pain, Operation, from. Rectum, Constipation, Operation, after. Bladder, Calculi, Operation for, after. Bladder, Paralysis, Operation, after. Bladder, Retention, Operation, from. Chest, Pain, Fistula, Operation, after. Sleep, Sleeplessness, Operation, after. General, Hemorrhage, Operation, after. General, Injuries, Operations. General, Weakness, Operation, from. Remedies Main remedies for surgical trauma Arnica montana The first step to be taken before and after surgery. Especially useful where stretching and pulling of muscles occurs. Marked, sore or bruised pains - worse from jarring or motion. Main remedy when extensive bruising and hematoma develops. Main remedy in orthopedic surgery. Main remedy in all forms of plastic surgery. Bellis perennis When the main problem encountered is trauma to soft organs -liver, spleen, uterus, etc. Excessive pain after hysterectomy, laparoscopy, etc. Marked swelling of abdominal and inguinal glands after surgery. Phosphorus Great fear of surgery. Hemorrhage, excessive bleeding during or after surgery. Disorientation, fearfulness, nausea, vomiting or weakness as a result of anesthesia. Nausea and vomiting after abdominal surgery. Staphisagria Incisional pain and healing difficulties. Wound is red, sensitive and "angry." Complications and pain from cystoscopy and bladder or urethral procedures. Episiotomy. Pain lasts long after healing of surgical wounds. Strontium metallicum "The surgeon's Carbo Vegetabilis." The patient becomes cold, collapsed and is failing. Unable to wean off respirator after serious operation, by-pass, etc. Hemorrhage after surgery. Intolerable pains after surgery. Other important remedies for surgical trauma Aconitum napellus

For shock and fright related to surgery. Panic attacks beginning after surgery. When the patient is convinced that he will die during an operation. Bismuthum-sn. (+ -o.) (old abbr.) Severe abdominal cramps following laparotomy. Severe nausea and vomiting after surgery. Bryonia alba Marked pain following surgery - patient cannot move without provoking pain and nausea. Extreme thirst. Mouth dry but without thirst. Especially useful after appendicitis. Follows Arnica, especially in orthopedic surgeries. Calendula officinalis When the incision continues to ooze and shows no sign of healing. Infected or suppurating incisions (Led, Pyrog, Staph, Tarant-C). Carbo animalis Burning pains and distension following abdominal surgery. Worse: Sitting. Better: Passing flatus. Pressure. Carbo vegetabilis Weakness and coldness following surgery. Collapse (Stront). Marked distension and constant belching which relieves. Distension from taking the slightest food or drink. Anxious and oppressed from a closed room. Causticum Bladder full but unable to pass urine following surgery. Chamomilla Tremendous irritability and oversensitiveness after surgery. Cannot be touched or examined. Cannot be satisfied - asks for specific food then refuses it. China officinalis Irritability and marked pain and oversensitiveness after surgery. Obstructed flatus. Weakness from blood loss. Weakness, out of proportion to the amount of blood loss. Gelsemium sempervirens Great anxiety before surgery or at the thought of surgery (Acon, Aeth, Phos, Ars, Ign). Great weakness after surgery - legs tremble upon rising. Hypericum perforatum Pain after surgery in typical locations - tongue, genitals, bladder. Severe pain after eye surgery. Stitching, shooting pains from surgical site.

Phantom limb pain (All-C, Staph). Ledum palustre Infected incisions - often with suppuration and soft swelling. Painful or inflamed wounds, often with a dull, cold sensation. Pains which are aggravated by heat, better from cold. Nux vomica Irritablity and impatience after surgery (Cham, Chin). Marked sensitiveness and coldness after surgery. Patient cannot get warm; chills upon moving. Cramping abdominal pains following surgery. Constipation with great, ineffectual straining. Opium Dullness, sleepiness, snoring respiration and stupor after surgery; does not wake from anesthesia as soon as expected. Fright and panic following surgery whenever the event is recalled. Terrible constipation, even impaction after surgery. Paralysis of bladder after surgery. Pyrogenium Post-surgical infections. The wound becomes purulent, offensive and deeply red. High fever and body aches following surgery. Raphanus sativus Incarceration of flatus; post-surgical ileus. Pain and distension of the splenic flexure of the colon from flatus. Stannum metallicum Post-surgical ileus with marked cramping pains. Pains slowly build up then suddenly cease, only to restart again. Weak and breathless; dyspneic from just walking to the bathroom. Sunstroke and heat exhaustion In sunstroke and heat exhaustion, homeopathic remedies can be extremely helpful - so much so that the patient may feel more or less normal within minutes. However, the patient should be cautioned to rest for as many hours as the illness would have lasted (at least 24 hours), even if he feels he can go back to his activities right away. For heat exhaustion we must be certain to pay attention to hydration and electrolyte replacement even if the patient feels fine after homeopathic treatment. Cold compresses or ice packs can be more helpful in sunstroke. Following sunstroke, special attention should be paid to keeping the head covered in the future. Sunstroke and heat exhaustion are related conditions and distinguishing them is hardly necessary. Sunstroke can be more dangerous due to the tendency for future recurrences. Sunstroke generally presents with dry skin, severe headache and hot head. In heat exhaustion, there is greater diaphoresis and weakness. For the most part, the remedies are generally quite similar for both conditions. Repertory Main rubrics in sunstroke and heat exhaustion

Mind, Confusion, Sun, in. Mind, Stupefaction, Sun, in. Vertigo, Heat, Sun of. Head, Coldness, from being overheated. Head, Congestion, Sun, From exposure to. Head, Heaviness, Heat of sun. Head, Sunstroke, Sleeping in sun, from. Head, Weakness sensation, Walking in the sun. Head Pain, Sun, exposure to. Head Pain, Occiput, Sun, heat of. Vision, Loss of vision, Sleeping in the sun, after. Stomach, Nausea, Sun, heat of. Rectum, Diarrhea, Heat; of sun. Extremities, Coldness, Foot, Walking in the sun. Chill, Exposure, Sun, heat of. General, Faintness, Heat, from. General, Faintness, Summer heat, from. General, Heated, On becoming General, Sun, Exposure to. General, Sun, Sunstroke. General, Weakness, Heat, Sun, from. General, Weakness, Heat, Summer, of. General, Weakness, Heat, Sun, of the. General, Weakness, Sunstroke. Remedies Main remedies for sunstroke and heat exhaustion Aconitum napellus In sunstroke which comes on suddenly and with great intensity. Worse:Falling asleep in the sun. There is a strong headache and photophobia. Face congested and pupils constricted. Belladonna Severe, throbbing headache with face flushed red (Glon). Sunstroke after falling asleep in the sun. Throbbing and pulsing head pain. Worse: Jarring. Right side. Light. Noise. Hot, flushed face but the body (or just the hands and feet) becomes chilled. Carbo vegetabilis Weakness and collapse after exposure to heat and sun. Fainting from heat exhaustion. Patient becomes cold, clammy and has marked nausea. Diarrhea after exposure to heat and sun.

Cuprum metallicum Severe cramps in abdomen or legs following heat exhaustion. Face becomes pale and there is marked prostration. Gelsemium sempervirens Weak and tremulous after exposure to heat and sun. Face flushed and head congested. Vertigo and dizziness. Headache in the occiput after exposure to the sun. Glonoinum Violent headache with throbbing, flushed face and visible pulsation of the carotids. Severe headache after exposure to sun, better wearing a hat. Vertigo and dizziness. Hot dry skin, drowsy, frequent urination. Lachesis mutus Severe headache after exposure to the sun. Worse: Left side. Tight collars. Chilliness and weakness after walking in the heat of the sun. Cold feet after walking in the sun. Natrium carbonicum Sunstroke: Both acutely and for chronic effects of sunstroke. Confusion and vertigo after exposure to the sun. Heaviness and dullness in the head. Severe headache from the least sun, especially after sunstroke. Weakness after walking in the sun. Selenium metallicum Extreme weakness after exposure to the sun. Sol Though somewhat controversial, cures have been reported with Sol for both acute sunstroke and the chronic effects of the sun. Spinal injury Injuries to the spine include the bone (vertebrae), soft tissue and the spinal cord itself. All of these components are integrated and function together as a unit in health (and fail to do so in disease). Many times it is difficult to delineate exactly which tissue the injury affects. Luckily in homeopathy, we work from the patient's symptoms, not the diagnosis, and thus can help many patients with various back injuries. It is rarely wise to attempt to manage a significant back injury with homeopathy alone. Careful physical medicine approaches, especially craniosacral manipulation, seem to work best with homeopathy. Feldenkreis, Rosen work and "low-velocity" chiropractics also reinforce homeopathic treatment. Additionally, flax oil (1 tsp. daily), Glucosamine (500 mg. TID) and chondroitin sulfate can be helpful in patients with chronic back injury. For mild back injuries, it may not be necessary to give any homeopathic treatment. Manipulation, massage and the use of topical Arnica creams often suffice for such a mild injury and do not disrupt the

constitutional remedy. For severe spinal trauma, homeopathy can assist the patient in many ways. In paraplegics, specific remedies (Strych, Capr, etc.) can help to relieve muscle spasms. Constitutional remedies can help to prevent recurring cystitis or respiratory infections. Acute trauma remedies (Arn, Hyper, etc.) can minimize nervous tissue damage. However, homeopathy rarely aids patients with long-standing paralysis to recover neurological function. Repertory Main rubrics in spinal injury Mind, Hysteria, Injuries to coccyx. Kidney, Suppressed urine, Concussion of spinal cord, from. Respiration, Asthmatic, Injury to spine, after. Back, Injuries. Back Pain, Injuries, after. Back Pain, Dorsal, Fall, as from a. Back Pain, Lumbar, Injuries, after. Back Pain, Sacral, Fall, from a. Back Pain, Coccyx, Injuries, after. Extremities, Perspiration, Hand, Injury of the spine, after. Extremities, Perspiration, Foot, Injury of the spine, after. Extremity Pain, Lower limbs, Sciatica, Injuries, after. Remedies Main remedies for spinal injury Arnica montana Acute strains of back and spine from lifting or whiplash. Blunt trauma of the spine with swelling and hematoma; central cord syndrome. Compression fractures of vertabrae. Suppressed urine after spinal concussion. Sciatica from spinal injuries. Soreness as if bruised over the whole spine. Averse to touch. Bryonia alba Whiplash with severe, often stitching pains in neck and shoulder. Worse: Slightest movement of the head. Jarring. Touch. Better: Pressure. Lying on painful part. Cold. Calcarea carbonica Over-use injuries. Chronic low back pain from lifting injuries. Carbo animalis Injuries to the coccyx from falls or blows. Marked burning pains in the coccyx. Worse: Touch. Pressing at stool. Hypericum perforatum Injury to the vertabrae or cord.

Convulsions immediately following spinal injury. Sometimes described as lying on the back jerking the head backwards. Terrible shooting pains up the spine from injury. Worse: Lifting the arms. Movement. Urination. Sciatica after back injury. Pains shoot down the limbs. Asthma following injury of the spine. Injury to coccyx from falls, blows, birth trauma (if there is fracture of the coccyx, Symphytum may be needed first). Kalium bichromicum Injury of the coccyx. Worse: Sitting. Coition. Before urination. Kalium carbonicum Lumbago and lumbar injuries. Worse: Night in bed. 2 to 3 AM. Cold. Turning in bed. Must sit up in bed in order to turn over. Natrium sulphuricum Chronic mental changes after serious injury to the spine. Pain aggravated on rising from a seat. Nitricum acidum Back injury and fractures. Cold, clammy hands and feet after spinal injury. Back pain after coition. Nux vomica Injury of spine with marked spasm. Spasms in spine, abdomen or even smooth muscles such as bladder. Painful spasms. Worse: Before stool or straining at stool. Bed at night. Must rise to turn over in bed. Rhus toxicodendron Sprains of the neck and low back. Marked pain, stiffness and restless feeling. Worse: Cold. Long sitting. Lifting. Better: Motion. Heat. Massage. Hard pressure. Restlessness after injury; gets up and moves even in the office. Ruta graveolens Sprains and strains of the back, especially the lumbar region. Sciatica after injuries. Marked stiffness and pain. Worse: Inspiration. Morning in bed. Better: Lying. Pressure. Heat. Silica marina Chronic pain from coccyx injury.

Concussion Homeopathy can stimulate recovery from concussion in an extraordinary way. Even chronic sequelae of head injuries can respond to treatment. In one case I know, a man who was blinded during a head injury 15 years earlier had a return of sight after taking Arnica for a sprained ankle. Management Since concussion is a serious event, we typically use high potencies (200C to 10M). The dose can be repeated as often as the patient begins to slip. In very serious cases the remedy might be given every 15 minutes. When the pace of the trauma is slower, the frequency should be less - every hour or two. In cases of concussion where the patient returns to consciousness after only a few seconds, a single dose of the indicated remedy is generally sufficient. Obviously, concussion is a serious event and all standard procedures - careful physical exam, scans, neurosurgical consultation, 48 hours of observation - must be included in appropriate treatment. Repertory Main rubrics in concussion Mind, Ailments, Injuries, Mental symptoms, from. Mind, Delirium, Injuries of the head. Mind, Despair, Concussion, after. Mind, Dull, Injuries to head. Mind, Indifference, Concussion, after. Mind, Insanity, Injuries to the head. Mind, Loathing, Life, Injury to head. Mind, Memory, Weakness, Concussion, after. Mind, Memory, Weakness, Injuries to head. Mind, Prostration, Mind, Injuries, after. Mind, Sadness, Concussion, after. Mind, Sadness, Injuries, after. Mind, Speech, Lost, Injuries to head, after. Mind, Stupefaction, Injuries to head. Vertigo, Injuries of head, after. Head, Concussion of brain. Head, Injuries of. Head, Pain, Blows, from. Head Pain, Fall, after. Head, Pain, Injuries, after mechanical. Hearing, Impaired, Concussion, after. Stomach, Hiccough, Concussion, after. Stomach, Vomiting, Injuries, after. Female, Abortion, (also Metrorrhagia) Concussion, from. Sleep, Sleepiness, Injuries, after. General, Convulsions, Injuries, from. General, Injuries, Concussion. Remedies

Main remedies for concussion Aconitum napellus Marked fright or fear of death, especially in the first minutes following head injury, car accident, etc. Arnica montana The first remedy generally needed following a concussion. "Says he is well." Following an injury, the patient denies there is any problem. Feels he doesn't wish to be examined and prodded or has an instinctive reaction to deny the injury. Patient comes in and out of stupor. Answers the question correctly then sleeps again. Perseveration after head injury. Skull fractures followed by meningitis. Convulsion following head injury. Face hot and body cold following injury. Nearly always has marked bruising or large hematoma along with the injury. Cicuta virosa Mainly for chronic sequelae of head injury. Retardation, imbecility, childish behavior following head injury. Convulsions following head injury. Vertigo following head injury. Helleborus niger Chronic mental dullness and slowness following head injury. Patient appears as if in a deep fog. Unconsciousness with rolling of the head. Hypericum perforatum Chronic mental changes after head injury. Especially if associated with spinal contusion. Convulsions almost immediately following head injury. Headache following head injury. Hyoscyamus niger Concussion with excitation of the nervous system. Unconsciousness punctuated by agitation, restlessness, handling the genitals, loquacity and cursing. Disinhibition syndrome after head injury. Hiccoughing incessantly after head injury. Natrium sulphuricum Chronic mental changes after concussion. Personality changes after concussion (e.g. irritable, confused). Depression and even suicidal thoughts after concussion. Convulsion following head injury. Petit mal after injury. Vertigo after head injury. Chronic headache following head injury. Marked photophobia. Tinnitus following head injury.

Oenanthe crocata Mental dullness and confusion from head injury. Violent convulsions following concussion. Opium Stupor or coma after head injury. Face looks heavy and bloated, flushed red and perspiring. Pupils constricted following head injury. Rattling or snoring respiration after head injury. The deepest of comas following injury; almost no reflexes at times. Confusion, somnolence or slowness in post-concussion syndrome. Convulsion following head injury. Severe injuries which are completely painless. Zincum metallicum Severe headaches following a head injury. Spinal irritation with restlessness, twitches, jerks. Convulsions following injuries to the head. Skin diseases Skin diseases This chapter on skin diseases includes sections on: Eczema Psoriasis Cracking Skin Urticaria Poison Oak Herpes Simple Herpes Genital Herpes Impetigo Fungal Infections Cellulitis Acne Abscess Warts Vitiligo It is paradoxical to devote a chapter to diseases of the skin when we emphasize over and over that it is wrong to base a prescription on superficial symptoms. While it is true that the characteristics of skin eruptions are among the least reliable symptoms upon which to prescribe, it is nevertheless these characteristics which may give a clue to the proper constitutional remedy. Most patients with skin disorders have undergone years of allopathic treatment before coming to homeopathy. In fact, the majority of patients come to us because the allopathic treatment they are currently taking is failing to adequately suppress their symptoms any longer. In such cases, the

characteristics of the skin disorder will be so severely altered as to be of questionable value. Furthermore, any treatment at such a point is liable to be somewhat dicey, in that the patient is a powder-keg waiting for the spark of a remedy to push the skin condition outward, often violently. Older homeopaths had an easier time of it because the symptoms were less adequately suppressed. Management The vast majority of cases with eczema and psoriasis will be using at least topical corticosteroids. Cases of acne are often using Retin A, topical or systemic antibiotics or Accutane. The list goes on and on. We will discuss the specific management of each conditon separately, but some general points are common to the management of all skin problems. There are two basic ways to approach a patient taking allopathic medications for disorders of the skin: Strategy I would be to ask the patient to stop using all allopathic treatment and then return to the office in three to four weeks so that both the prescriber and the patient can see the true degree and type of skin disease. The skin symptoms will most likely be fulminant at this time. One rationale for using this approach is that the patient can realize the full extent of the disorder and thus have more patience for waiting through the aggravation and the prolonged recovery period which is often required to overcome a long-term skin disorder. A second rationale for using this strategy is to gain more information about the true, unsuppressed symptoms, thus obtaining a clearer remedy image. The main difficulty of this strategy is that many patients will be unable to tolerate the full intensity of symptoms. If pushed to allow the full symptoms to develop, the patient may drop homeopathic treatment. Strategy II is to allow the patient to remain on his allopathic treatment while we initiate treatment with the homeopathic remedy. In this case we have the option of using: a) a single dose of a high potency remedy. b) one dose of a high potency with a daily dose of the remedy in low potency to avoid antidoting. c) low potency daily or LM potency. In these cases we wait to see general and local improvement and then slowly withdraw the allopathic medication as the patient tolerates. When the case is clear from the mental or general symptoms in the case, we prefer to use the remedy in a high potency. When the case is not so clear, we prefer to use the remedy repeatedly in low potency or LM potency. We will discuss these strategies more specifically in the following sections of each specific disorder. Eczema This classic form of psora can be one of the most challenging conditions faced in daily practice. Nothing disrupts the calmness of a homeopathic practice as surely as a bad aggravation of eczema. We should be aware of the potential for midnight phone calls, angry patients or parents and a type of hysterical mood pervading our day in such cases. Eczema developing later in life has a generally more favorable prognosis than eczema which develops in the first year of life. We should be rather cautious in our predictions of improvement in cases of eczema which began in early childhood. Eczema which has been heavily suppressed for many years should be approached with respect and caution. The often quoted rule that cure takes one month for every year the condition has existed only applies to eczema which comes on later in life. A toddler who has had eczema only for two or three years may certainly require more than two to three months to cure! Do not predict the time for cure to an eczema patient - he will hold you to it to the minute. The length of time that the symptoms will flare also varies

based upon several factors: The amount of allopathic suppression. The presence of deeper health problems. The family history. Additionally, we must not confuse a worsening of skin symptoms based upon Hering's law (that is, an improvement on a deeper layer followed by the disease moving outward and to a more superficial organ, i.e. the skin) from worsening due to an aggravation. An aggravation is short-lived (up to 6 or 7 days) and generally followed by prompt improvement. Hering's law may lead to prolonged periods, even months, of skin worsening. A curative remedy can be followed by either of these processes and we must try to determine which is occuring to estimate how long the worsening is likely to last. Management The main principle of treatment of eczema is to allow the patient to overcome his condition with the least amount of suffering. Therefore, we wish to avoid prolonged aggravations, especially because many patients discontinue treatment during unnecessarily severe aggravations. The first step to avoiding such disasters is to recognize when they are likely to occur and then to take precautions in these cases. The most important warning signs for likely candidates for severe aggravations include: Eczema which began in early childhood or infancy. Eczema accompanied by deeper health problems such as chronic or severe asthma, inflammatory bowel disease, neurological disorders or severe emotional problems. Cases which have poor control with topical steroids or have ever required systemic steroids. Highly controlled or emotionally suppressed patients. Strong family history of eczema. The first job we have in eczema cases is counseling the patient about the use of steroids. We are unlikely to have a significant effect on cases which are taking oral, systemic steroids. Conversely, the use of topical steroids is often not a direct impediment to the action of the remedy. Whenever possible, the patient should be switched to topical steroids several weeks before (not at the same time as) beginning homeopathic treatment. The justification for using these allopathic treatments is to keep the symptoms at a relatively tolerable level without antidoting the remedy. Once the remedy has acted and the patient has improved, the steroid medications can be withdrawn as rapidly as tolerated by the patient. Only if maximal topical steroids fail to maintain a relative comfort level should we make the decision to treat the patient while still taking systemic steroids. Therapeutic tips for eczema Homeopathic Especially in eczema cases we must be very cautious in prescribing on the basis of the symptoms of the skin itself. This is because we will be tempted to prescribe remedies such as Sulphur, Graphites, Psorinum or Mezereum. We run a risk of causing tremendous aggravation of the skin without a subsequent amelioration when we give a skin-specific remedy when it is not the true simillimum. To avoid severe aggravations, it is best to begin with low potencies in dangerous cases. We can do this with 6C, 9C or 12C as daily doses or at most, a single 30C dose or with LM potencies. It should be noted that though LM potencies are gentle, they do not necessarily protect against aggravations. Some of the worst aggravations I have ever seen in practice came during the use of LM potencies in eczema cases. Any potency must be used with caution in these cases and at any sign of aggravation, the remedy should be discontinued until the case settles down. LM potencies should be discontinued if an aggravation occurs and restarted in a doubly diluted solution.

Naturopathic The most important adjunctive treatment is dietary. Eczema cases are often markedly aggravated by foods. The most common of these are wheat, dairy, eggs and soy. Elimination of food additives, refined sugars and excessive spices are also important dietary considerations. A good way to start such a program is to ask the patient to eliminate dairy and wheat for six weeks. Blood tests for food allergies can identify possible irritants. Moisturizers are also helpful adjuncts. Calendula creams or ointments can help to soothe the skin and prevent infection. It is best to avoid any type of lotions which contain alcohol due to their drying effect. Petroleum-based ointments can also be problematic in eczema cases by denying air flow and by causing local provings of Petroleum - that is cracked skin. However, when cracking is the main problem in the skin, then petroleum products are more likely to be beneficial (as they are homeopathic). Essential fatty acids can benefit eczema cases; especially recommended is flax seed oil (1 tsp BID). Vitamin A can be effective (15,000 to 25,000 units per day), also we can ask the patient to add vitamin B complex (50 mg. per day), and zinc (50 mg. per day). Allopathic Ceasing of systemic steroids should not be done abruptly, rather it is best to taper the dose by only 20% each week. Rebound worsening during withdrawal warrants a return to the previous dosage for another period. During tapering of topical steriods, a good technique is to use progressively weaker creams: Synthetic steroids to 2% hydrocortisone to 1% hydrocortisone to 1/2% hydrocortisone. The use of antihistamines for relief of itching, especially at night is also an acceptable alternative when the patient is very symptomatic. Repertory Main rubrics Skin, Eruptions, Eczema (subrubrics). Skin, Itching (subrubrics). Other important rubrics Head, Eruptions, Eczema (subrubrics). Head, Eruptions, Eczema, margin of hair. Head, Eruptions, Itching. Eye, Eruptions, Lids, Eczema. Ear, Eruptions, Eczema. Ear, Eruptions, Behind ears, Eczema. Face, Eruptions, Eczema (subrubrics). Face, Eruptions, Itching (subrubrics). Face, Itching (subrubrics). Extremities, Eruption, Eczema. Extremities, Eruptions, Itching. Extremities, Eruption, Joints, Bends of, Eczema. Extremities, Eruptions, Upper limbs, Eczema. Extremities, Eruption, Elbow, Bend of, Eczema. Extremities, Eruption, Forearm, Eczema.

Extremities, Eruption, Hand, Eczema (also "Itching" and "Vesicular"). Extremities, Eruption, Knee, Hollow of (subrubrics). Skin, Eruptions, Itching (subrubrics). Skin, Eruptions, Vesicular (subrubrics). Remedies Main remedies for eczema Sulphur The most common remedy for eczema. Tremendous itching (it is hard to give Sulphur when the itching is only of mild severity). Voluptuous itching. Burning itching. Pleasurable itching. Scratching until raw and oozing or until he bleeds. Worse: Night, especially waking the patient at night in bed. On becoming heated, especially if heated in bed. In areas where the patient perspires. Bathing. Contact with wool. Better: Cold or cold applications. Appearance: Moist eczema - though any appearance is possible, most cases have eruptions which are moist or oozing. The skin has a dirty or unclean appearance. There may be a foul or rotten-egg odor from the eruption. Location: Most common sites include the margins of the hair line, the antecubital and popliteal fossae, the groin and the feet. Deep aggravation from suppression of eruptions. Arsenicum album Burning pains associated with itching. Must scratch until skin is raw; relieved when skin is raw. When the skin heals over, the itching returns just as intensely. Severe itching without eruption. Neurodermatitis. Worse: Night. Open air. Undressing. Better: Heat (opposite most eczema cases). Warm bathing. Appearance: Parchment-like dry, hard skin. Graphites Dry eczema, with thick yellow or honey-like discharge. Eczema with deep cracks of the skin (see following). All injuries to skin heal slowly; unhealthy skin. Worse: Night. Heat and from becoming heated in bed. Appearance: Hard, thick skin. Dry, rough skin. Worker's skin. Location: Eruption often in folds of the skin. Behind the ears. On the hands, in the genitalia, on the face. Suppressed eczema alternates with deep disorders such as asthma or peptic ulcers. Mezereum

Intensely itching eczema; intolerable itching. Maddening eruption, often persisting despite allopathic medications. Eruptions of scalp with thick, white flakes and pus coming from under scabs (Olnd). Worse: Night. Heat. Heat of a fire. Hot bathing. Touch. Better: Cold air (though patient generally chilly). Elderly patients. Appearance: Markedly cracked, geometric pattern - appearing like cracked mud (Rhus-V). Location: The head and scalp. Distal extremities in a "stocking-glove" distribution. Margins of hairline, face, eyebrows and about the eyes. Combination of skin eruptions and "liver spots." Consider after failure with well-chosen constitutional remedies. Petroleum The eczema is nearly always dry, so dry that it is almost painful; sometimes impels the patient to soak the dry skin in water. For patients who work with their hands using chemicals such as tar, pitch or oils (e.g. carpenters, hairdressers). Scratches until bleeding; coldness in the raw spot. Unhealthy skin; wounds fester. Worse: Winter. Cold weather. Appearance: Small vesicles break open and crust over (Rhus-T). Skin thickened and cracks (see below). The skin looks dirty no matter how often the patient washes. Location: Hands and finger tips. Corners and skin folds. Nipples. Groin region. Psorinum Easily confused with Sulphur. Desire to scratch the skin until it bleeds. Eruptions easily progress to suppuration and may be offensive. Worse: Night. Cold. Undressing. Heat of the bed. Winter. Bathing. From wool. Better: Warmth. Appearance: Dirty appearance to the skin. Fetid odor of the skin. Location: Antecubital and popliteal fossae. Folds of skin. Despair and horrible depression associated with eczema. Easy suppression of eruptions into deeper conditions. Other important remedies for eczema Apis mellifica Eczema reaching a crisis and going toward cellulitis. Marked burning and itching which may be ameliorated by cold bathing or even ice-packs. Appearance: Dry, intensely red skin covered with whitish or transparent flakes and marked swelling of the limb affected.

Calcarea carbonica Eczema with dry, rough, chapped skin and tendency to cracking. Worse: Winter. Repeated washing. Better: Scratching. Location: Hands. Calcarea sulphurica Eczema with easy infection and inflammation. Opens his wounds by scratching during sleep; granular lesions which take weeks or months to heal. Worse: Night. Heat. Washing. Infants. Winter. Emotional stress. Location: Arms. Hands. Margin of nose. Scalp. Appearance: Dry, sharply demarcated, yellow crusty eruptions. Cicuta virosa Eczema with marked inflammation and thick crusts. Eczema without itching. Burning itching. Burning eruption on hands from slightest touch. Appearance: Yellow or thick honey-colored crusts in patches, spread and become confluent. Location: Scalp. Cradle-cap. Hands. Between fingers. Neurological disorders from suppressed eruptions (Cupr, Zinc). Juglans cinerea Dry, chapped skin easily becoming inflamed. Prickling or burning with itching in the hands and extremities. Worse: Heat. Heat of bed. Better: Scratching. Appearance: Red, irritated skin, often with cracking. Location: Hands, especially dorsum of hand. Wrist. Face. Sacrum. Lycopodium clavatum Crusty eruptions with oozing and moisture after scratching. Scratches until bleeding or oozing. Worse: Heat. Scratching. Location: Scalp. Corner of mouth. Forearm, hand and fingers. Manganum aceticum Severe eczema with tremendous itching. Scratches until raw. Worse: Perspiration. Sea bathing. Menses or menopause. With amenorrhea. Diabetes. Better: Scratching. Warmth. Appearance: Vesicles which open on scratching, causing crusts. Location: Joints. Bend of elbow and thumb. Corners of mouth, nose. Itching palm, better on licking it (Hahnemann). Medorrhinum One of the most important remedies for children with eczema since birth (often in combination with asthma).

Severe itching, often causing scratching to the point of bleeding. Worse: Thinking of it. Night. History of severe diaper rash: red, sharply demarcated margins. Mercurius solubilis Spreading patches of moist eczema and light, mottled skin. Scratches until bleeds. Burning upon scratching or touching. Worse: Night. Heat of bed. Upon perspiring. Washing. Undressing. Location: Forearms. Popliteal fossae. Axilla. Natrium muriaticum Eczema with vesicles and intense itching. Vesicles weep a watery or albuminous liquid on scratching. Worse: Heat. Menses. Exertion. Sea bathing. Excess salt. After grief or suppressed emotions. Better: Cold. Appearance: Small vesicles burst on scratching, followed by rawness, then healing crusts and cracks. Location: Hair margins. Between fingers. Groin, where thighs rub. Oleander Eruptions mainly on the head and face. Scabs over scalp which ooze when the scab is lifted (Mez). Scratches until the skin is raw. Worse: Marked aggravation from oranges, citrus fruits or other acidic foods such as tomatoes. Cold air. Undressing. Heat of the bed. Slight chafing. Appearance: Huge flakes - as large as .5 cm. Location: Flaking of the scalp (dandruff or psoriasis). Severely chapped or cracked face, especially in children. Pulsatilla pratensis Eczema with markedly changeable symptoms. Burning and stinging accompany the itch. Worse: Evening, especially evening in bed. Heat of the bed. Scratching. Wandering itch. Menses. Supressed menses. Better: Open air. Location: The back, especially between scapulae. Neck. Between the fingers. Rhus toxicodendron Fiercely itching eczema, often with oozing or discharge. Begins as tiny vesicles which itch intensely and break open when scratched, producing a watery discharge. The eruption then dries, crusts over and often cracks. Burning or prickling with the itch. Worse: Morning in bed. Cold damp weather (Dulc). Cold air.

Getting wet. Becoming heated in bed. Better: Running scalding hot water over the eruption. Appearance: Vesicles - small to medium. Hard, thick skin. Cracks. Location: Arms and hands. Genital region. Rhus venenata Relief from scalding water (Rhus-T). Eruption is cracked and thickened, often with a discharge of thin, yellowish fluid. Sepia officinalis Eczema almost always accompanied by thick eruptions or generally thickened skin. Worse: Winter. Washing. Before menses. Menopause. Nursing. Friction of clothes. Becoming heated in bed. Better: Scratching until raw. Gentle warmth. Appearance: Vesicles. Thickened and hardened skin. Location: Folds of skin. Genitals. Perineum. About lips or nose. Remark Other important remedies to consider in eczema include: Arsenicum Iodatum, Carcinosin, Causticum, Dulcamara, Hepar, Kali Arsenicosum, Kali Iodatum, Kali Sulphuricum, Natrum Sulphuricum, Nitric Acid, Phophorus, Silica and Thuja. Psoriasis Psoriasis is a cosmetic problem for the majority of patients. Itching or discomfort is often mild. Furthermore, in many cases the symptoms vary wildly according to stress, season and the occurrence of other injuries or acute illnesses. In these more mild cases, psoriasis is generally a secondary complaint when the patient comes for treatment of other, deeper problems. We should warn patients with this pattern of illness that the psoriasis is likely to worsen during the first months of homeopathic treatment. In cases which come specifically for treatment of psoriasis, the disease is generally more aggressive. Many of these patients will also have psoriatic arthritis in addition to the skin lesions. If we can begin homeopathic treatment early in the course of the disease, we can expect full recovery. The prognosis for psoriasis is rather poor if the condition is of long standing (over 10 years), especially if extensive suppression has taken place. Management When the patient is using only topical allopathic treatment, the management of psoriasis is usually not complicated. Because psoriasis is generally less symptomatic than eczema, many patients will tolerate discontinuing allopathic medications before beginning homeopathic treatment. It is always wise to wait three to four weeks after discontinuing the topical allopathic medications before giving the remedy. In this way, the full extent of the condition is made obvious to both the patient and the prescriber. Furthermore, we can only differentiate between aggravations and simple relapses if we allow this treatment-free period before giving the homeopathic remedy. Alternatively, we may decide to treat the patient while he continues his allopathic treatment and reduce the drugs only after the remedy has clearly acted. If the patient has significant psoriatic arthritis, we should be more insistent about stopping the topical treatments. When the patient is on systemic treatment for psoriasis, the management is more complicated. Systemic medications are generally reserved for more refractory cases or for patients who have needed

progressively stronger allopathic treatment. Thus, the disease is more entrenched and often of longer standing. Furthermore, systemic corticosteroids, the most common of these systemic drugs, are highly suppressive of both useful symptoms and of the action of the homeopathic remedy. Allopaths have also discovered a marked effect from the use of methotrexate in psoriasis. The use of this powerful immunosuppressant for a significant period makes homeopathic treatment even more complicated, often nearly impossible. Only a very experienced prescriber should contemplate treating such a patient. Therapeutic tips for psoriasis Homeopathic One must remember that psoriasis routinely improves during the summer months. Therefore, if our remedy seems to act in the summer but the symptoms return in the autumn it is probably unwise to persist with this remedy. In patients not currently taking allopathic medications, it is generally best to give a single dose of a moderate potency such as 30C or 200C. If there has been a long history of allopathic suppression, it is preferable to use 30C to avoid severe aggravations. When the patient is taking systemic steroids, we can give a 200C dose if the case is clear, or 30C if the remedy is not obvious. In either circumstance, in order to delay the antidoting of the remedy by the steroids, give the same remedy in a daily dose of 9C or 12C. Naturopathic Since fat metabolism is altered in psoriasis patients, low fat diets have been recommended - especially vegetarian diets. The addition of flax or primrose oils in the diet is helpful. Beta-carotene (25,000 units daily), zinc (50 mg. daily) and selenium (100 mcg. daily) is recommended. Milkthistle extract (300 mg. TID) aids some psoriasis sufferers. Good bowel function may lessen the symptom. High fiber diets, fruit, and plenty of purified water aid in this goal. Mild herbal laxatives can be used in more stubborn cases. Allopathic The topical use of vitamin A cream (Dovonex) may assist without interfering with homeopathic treatment. Milder topical coal-tar products are often tolerated even during homeopathic treatment. Ultraviolet lamps can be beneficial without interrupting the remedy. Topical steroids can also be used without affecting the homeopathic remedy in many cases. It often works well to allow the patient to use the steroids on areas which are very sensitive (genitals, face, folds of skin) and allow the rest of the body to express the disease symptom. In patients on systemic steroids, we should decrease the doses very slowly, generally decreasing by only 20% every 10 days. If significant rebound symptoms occur and persist after 4 or 5 days, we should consider raising the dose back to the previous level for another 10 day period. While in some cases we can have good outcomes when reducing the steroids more rapidly, in many cases the rebound symptoms will be beyond the patient's expectation or tolerance. Most mistakes are made through overenthusiastic reduction of steroids. In patients on methotrexate, the best hope is to substitute corticosteroids before attempting homeopathic treatment. Repertory

Main rubrics In the chapter, "Skin" under the heading, "Skin, Eruptions, psoriasis." Some terms in our texts are out of fashion and deserve a clear definition: Annularis - heals at the center leaving a ring-like lesion (circinata). Guttata - round, small patches resembling rain spattering. Inveterata -confluent lesions leave a generalized, indurated and scaly skin. Nummularis - round lesions like a coin (discoidea). Punctata - small, round or papular lesions topped by a single scale. Other important rubrics Head, Eruptions, Psoriasis, Scalp, of. Head, Eruptions, scales (subrubrics). Eye, Eruptions, Eyebrows, Psoriasis, about. Eye, Eruptions, Lids, Scales, on. Ear, Eruptions, scaly. Ear, Eruptions, scaly, lobes. Ear, Eruptions, Behind ears, scaly. Face, Eruptions, Psoriasis, Eyebrows, of. Abdomen, Eruptions, scales. Abdomen, Eruptions, Scales, Spots, in. Male, Eruptions, Dry, scaly. Male, Eruptions, Penis, psoriasis. Male, Eruptions, Penis, Prepuce, psoriasis. Male, Eruptions, Scrotum, psoriasis. Male, Eruptions, Scrotum, scaly. Chest, Eruptions, Yellow, Scaly, itching spots. Chest, Eruptions, Axilla, scaly. Chest, Eruptions, Mammae, scales. Chest, Eruptions, Mammae, Nipples, scaly. Back, Eruptions, Psoriasis, patches. Back, Eruptions, scales. Back, Eruptions, Scales, Cervical region, white. Back, Eruptions, Scales, Scapula, right. Extremities, Corrugated nails. Extremities, Crippled, Finger nails. Extremities, Crippled, Toe nails. Extremities, Distorted nails. Extremities, Eruptions, scabs. Extremities, Eruptions, scales. Extremities, Eruptions, Upper limbs, psoriasis. Extremities, Eruptions, Upper limbs, scales. Extremities, Eruptions, Upper arm, Psoriasis, worse on left. Extremities, Eruptions, Elbow, Psoriasis, patches.

Extremities, Eruptions, Elbow, scales. Extremities, Eruptions, Forearm, psoriasis. Extremities, Eruptions, Forearm, scales. Extremities, Eruptions, Wrist, scales. Extremities, Eruptions, Hand, Psoriasis diffusa. Extremities, Eruptions, Hand, scales. Extremities, Eruptions, Hand, Back of hand, Psoriasis, chronic. Extremities, Eruptions, Hand, Back of hand, Syphilitic psoriasis. Extremities, Eruptions, Hand, Palm, psoriasis (subrubrics). Extremities, Eruptions, Hand, Fingers, Between, psoriasis. Extremities, Eruptions, Fingers, psoriasis. Extremities, Eruptions, Fingers, Nails, About, psoriasis. Extremities, Eruptions, Fingers, First finger, psoriasis. Extremities, Eruptions, Fingers, Second finger, psoriasis. Extremities, Eruptions, Lower limbs, scales. Extremities, Eruptions, Knee, psoriasis. Extremities, Eruptions, Knee, scaly. Extremities, Eruptions, Leg, psoriasis. Extremities, Eruptions, Leg, scales in spots. Extremities, Eruptions, Ankle, psoriasis. Extremities, Eruptions, Foot, Back of, scaly. Extremities, Eruptions, Foot, Sole of, psoriasis. Extremities, Horny, Growth under nails. Extremities, Nails, affections of. Extremities, Pain, Joints, Psoriasis, with. Skin, Eruptions, Psoriasis, diffusa. Skin, Eruptions, Psoriasis, inveterate. Skin, Eruptions, Psoriasis, syphilitic. Skin, Eruptions, scaly. Skin, Eruptions, Scaly, bran, like. Skin, Eruptions, Scaly, spots. Skin, Eruptions, Scaly, white. Skin, Eruptions, Scaly, yellow. Remedies Main remedies for psoriasis Arsenicum album Irritating psoriasis in the elderly, emaciated or debilitated. Location: Upper limbs. Back of hand. Knees. Lesions: Nummular psoriasis. Raised red spots covered with greyish-white scales. Generalized, parchment-like, dry skin. Large scales. Local: Burning itch.

Itches violently but burns on scratching and bleeds. Better: Warmth. Warm applications. Graphites Psoriasis in children. Complaints from suppressed psoriasis. Location: Head and scalp scales, better from washing. Behind the ears. Genitalia. Back of hand. Folds of skin. Along the borders of old scars. Lesions: Thick and whitish; hard skin; cracked. Lesions may ooze a thick serum. Local: Generally bland eruptions, without itching. Marked itching and burning. Worse: Night. Heat. Menses. Nails thick and pitted or split. Psoriasis associated with obesity. Petroleum Psoriasis with horrible dryness of the whole skin. Psoriasis develops at sites of skin wounds or scars. Location: Hands, between fingers and fingertips. Palms. Scrotum. Heels. Palms. Lesions: Thick white scaly lesions with cracks in folds. Fissures. Sore, red, scaled, cracked. Deep and bleeding cracks. Local: Hands cracked and painful, impossible to work with them. Worse: Winter. Cold, dry weather. Sepia officinalis The most common remedy across the board for psoriasis. Lesions: Thickening of skin, circular eruption, dryness. Worse:In the winter. Shiny white scales; fatty looking scales. Inveterate psoriasis. Thick plaques with suppuration underneath. Location: Especially on the genitalia or around the rectum. Eyelids. Chin. Limbs. Local: Most often without itching. At times severe itching, especially with heat of bed. Burning upon scratching. Sulphur Psoriasis with marked or voluptuous itching. Psoriasis alternating with asthma. Psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis (Aur, Calc, Rhus-T). Location: Folds of skin. Scalp. Genitalia. Soles of feet.

Lesions: Inveterate psoriasis. Nummular psoriasis. Raw and eroded. Lesions almost always moist or even infected and oozing. Local: Marked itching in psoriasis (unusual for the condition). Worse:Night. Heat of bed. Heat. Washing. Other important remedies for psoriasis Arsenicum iodatum Prominent for psoriasis in our literature. This indicates more the intensity of the lesion than the frequency with which this remedy is used in practice. Lesions: Thick crusts with very inflamed skin underneath. Marked exfoliation of patches with large scales and with raw, bleeding skin underneath. Local: Itching in open air. Better: Cold or cold applications. Belladonna Acute flares of psoriasis with inflamed, hot and swollen skin, fever, enlarged lymph nodes and generalized aching. Calcarea carbonica Dry, scaly plaques, often with cracking. Location: Palm. Psoriatic arthritis. Crippled, wavy or peeling nails. Iris versicolor Psoriasis and severe headache or migraines together. Lesions: Irregular patches. Shiny scales. Raised, irregular edges. Cracked and sensitive. Location: Right side. Upper limb. Elbow. Knee. Pustular eruptions on scalp. Local: Marked burning Itch at night. Kalium arsenicosum Severe. Inveterate psoriasis. Lesions: Numerous, small patches. Generalized or inveterate psoriasis. Location: Forearms and anterior part (shin) of lower legs. Spreads outward from arms and legs. Local: Burning, itching. Worse: Undressing. Warmth. After bathing. Kalium sulphuricum Psoriasis with marked desquamation. Scales fall copiously. Lesions: Yellow scales. Location: Elbows. Lycopodium clavatum Psoriasis with dry chapped skin in the folds.

Location: Scalp. Nipples. Hand. Lesions: Scaled or cracked and bleeding. Local: Bleed on scratching. Worse: Heat. Better: Cold. Open air. Mancinella Psoriasis in children after a fright from watching a horror movie. Manganum aceticum Psoriasis with thickening and suppuration in folds of skin. Location: Folds of skin. Elbows. Knees. Calves. Lesions: Thickened skin which becomes fissured. Inveterate psoriasis. White, shiny, hard, adherent scales. Local: Psoriasis worse in the winter. Psoriasis without any itching. Marked itching on areas of perspiration. Medorrhinum Psoriasis in children and young adults. Location: Elbows. Palms. Between fingers. Lesions: Scaly, dry eruptions. Copper or yellow discoloration of area after plaque heals. Local: Better from sea bathing. Mercurius solubilis Dry or more often moist lesions in psoriasis. Location: Hands. Palms. Spots on lower limbs. Nape of neck. Spots over the whole body (guttate). Lesions: Easily suppurating lesions, with offensive discharge. Yellow, dirty-looking plaques. Local: Itching from perspiration. Mezereum Psoriasis with fine white scales covering large areas. Location: Scalp. Back. Palm. Lesions: Moist or oozing eruptions. Dry, fine plaques. Thick crusts with pus underneath. Ulcerating plaques. Local: Tremendously itching eruptions. Worse: Heat. After scratching. Marked burning of skin. Worse: Exposure to open air. Natrium muriaticum Psoriasis after grief (Staph). Location: Scalp. Margin of hair. Lesions: White scales.

Local: Itching and very flaky. Worse: Sea bathing. Sun. After scratching. Nitricum acidum Especially offensive psoriasis. Location: In spots (guttate). Scrotum. Lesions: Thick skin, scaly spots and plaques with deep cracks. Local: Painful lesions, stitches in the plaques. Worse: Night. Winter. Change of weather. Oleander Psoriasis, especially of the scalp. Worse: Acid foods: Tomatoes. Oranges. Lesions: Dry, large (even huge) flakes from the scalp. Local: Itching and burning. Worse: Night. Cold air. Phosphorus Dry patches with scales which detach easily and bleed. Location: Eyebrow. Palm and sole. Elbows. Knees. Leg. Lesions: Dry scales with excessive desquamation. Icthyosis. Local: Marked burning, especially upon scratching. Plaques bleed excessively from any scratching or bumping. Phytolacca decandra Typical Phytolacca lesions have a notable purplish hue at the base. Skin pinched or shriveled underneath the patch. Psorinum Exceedingly offensive and dirty-appearing eruptions. Location: Folds of skin. Hands. Lesions: Scales and dry eruption. Local: Psoriatic lesions. Worse: From washing dishes. Washing in cold water. Winter. After vaccination. Itching lesions. Worse: Cold air. Heat of the bed. Night. Wool. Radium bromatum Inflamed, red and painful spots. Location: Penis and scrotum. Arms. Waist. Diffuse psoriasis. Lesions: Circular eruptions. Local: Marked itching and burning. Worse: 5 PM. Night. Heat of bed. Washing. Rhus toxicodendron Dry, red, chapped, raw skin with psoriasis. Location: Forearms. Hands. Dorsum of hands. Lesions: Diffuse psoriasis. Inveterate psoriasis. Local: Marked itching.

Worse: Heat of bed. Washing. Scratching. Better: Scalding water. Sarsaparilla officinalis Psoriasis of hands with marked cracking. Location: Palms. Dorsum of hands. Feet. Lesions: Thickened and cracking. Easily suppurating. Itching changes locations on scratching. Selenium metallicum Clarke considered Selenium one of the most important remedies for psoriasis on the palms. Wrinkled, withered palms. Silica marina Psoriasis with dry, hard skin in large patches. Location: Scalp and occiput. Cervical region. Eyelids. Forearms. Lesions: Inveterate psoriasis. Easily suppurating lesions. Local: Lesions become infected after scratching. Psoriasis at the site of old scars. Staphisagria When emotional suppression or grief results in a persistent psoriasis, we must think of Staphisagria (Nat-M). Location: Scalp, especially about the occiput. Tellurium metallicum Considered a remedy for annular psoriasis. Scales with bleeding underneath. Thuja occidentalis Moist or oily skin with eruptions on covered parts. Location: Scrotum and inner thigh. Lesions: White scales. Heals at the center leaving a ring (annular). Local: Itching patches. Worse: Cold bathing. Thyreoidinum Psoriasis associated with obesity (Boericke). Psoriatic arthritis (Kunzli). Remark Other important remedies for psoriasis include: Aurum, Aurum Muriaticum, Baryta Carbonica, Borax, Calcarea Sulphurica, Kali Bichromicum, Ledum, Natrum Sulphuricum, Nuphar, Pulsatilla, Selenium. Cracking skin Cracking of the skin can result from a variety of skin disorders, especially eczema and psoriasis. If the patient's symptoms involve mainly itching, it is more helpful to consider the remarks made under the eczema chapter. Cracking of the skin is a less pernicious form of skin disease. Aggravations of this disorder are less severe. The use of topical moisturizers and flax seed oil are helpful without interfering

with treatment. Also primrose oil (two capsules TID) and red clover tea can be helpful. Remedies Main remedies for cracking skin Petroleum Cracks are often deep, painful and bloody. Worse: In the winter months (Calc, Sep). Especially affected are the hands and fingers. Cracks at the tips of the fingers, knuckles, sides of hands and wrists and, less often, the palms or elsewhere on the body. Laborers or people who are repeatedly exposed to chemicals on their hands - photographers, hairdressers, etc. Painful cracks - the patient avoids bending his hands at all, fearing to rip open the skin from any stretching. Graphites Cracks which exude a honey-like discharge. The skin is thick or even calloused. Most common locations are the hands and fingertips, the bends of the elbows and knees, behind the ears, the lips. Cracks develop at junctures of skin and mucus membranes. Other important remedies for cracking skin Calcarea carbonica Cracking of hands, especially in the winter (Petr, Sep). Worse: From washing. Juglans cinerea Easily confused with Petroleum. Marked cracks of the fingers and especially the dorsum of the hands. Lycopodium clavatum Cracks on the heels especially along the side or the back of the heel just at the edge where the heel hits the ground. Nitricum acidum Painful cracks of the skin. Deep and bloody cracks (Petr). Cracks on hands and at the borders of skin and mucus membranes. Anal fissures or cracks of the lips and genitalia. Sarsaparilla officinalis Painful cracks, especially of the feet but also the hands and fingers. Burning pains in cracks. The skin is thick and leathery. The cracks may not follow the creases of the joints but rather go transverse to the grain of the skin. Cracked skin and recurring cystitis. Sepia officinalis Cracks of both hands and about the rectum or genitals.

Worse: Washing the hands. During the winter. Remark Other important remedies for cracks of the skin include: Calcarea Fluorica, Carboneum Sulphuratum, Cundurango, Fluoric Acid, Hepar Sulphur, Pulsatilla, Rhus Toxicodendron, Silica, Sulphur. Urticaria Most cases which come for treatment of urticaria will already be under allopathic treatment with antihistamines. If the case is associated with angioneurotic edema, it is best to begin homeopathic treatment before tapering the antihistamines. In any case, with recent onset of persistent urticaria, it is important to evaluate the patient for the presence of occult diseases such as cancer, connective tissue disorders, parasites, etc. Efforts (unfortunately, often fruitless) should be made to identify new foods or household products the patient has used. Common offending substances include: Food additives (Saccharin, BHA, BHT, sulfites, food colorings, menthol); Local anesthetics (like Novacaine); Medications (penicillin, aspirin, sulfa drugs, opiates, insulin, gold); Fluoride products; Iodine products. Stinging nettle capsules or tea (6 capsules per day) may help along with vitamin C (up to 1000 mg. TID), multivitamins, garlic capsules. The patient should avoid alcohol, sweets and caffeine. Remedies Main remedies for urticaria Apis mellifica Covers one third of all cases of generalized urticaria. The skin lesion is swollen, hot, red and very itchy or burning. Worse: Becoming over-heated. Hot shower. From exercise. Often aggravated at night. Better: Cold or cold applications. Often the face and the mouth or throat are simultaneously affected. Intense swelling of the lips or about the eyes, progressing to laryngeal edema and even anaphylaxis. Chloralum hydratum Combination of intense urticaria and insomnia. Eyes swell and burn; marked itching at the inner canthi. Location: Extremities. Face, about the eyes. Worse: Night. Wine. From slight chill. Better: During the day. Warmth. Natrium muriaticum Recurring or chronic urticaria with marked burning and sensitivity. Lesions: White urticaria. Location: At the joints. Ankles. Hands. Worse: Emotional stress. Over-heating. From exercise. Before menses (Kali-C, Dulc). Seaside. Rubbing. Rhus toxicodendron Very red, large urticarial patches with prickling itching. Location: Dorsum of forearms and hands. Worse: Getting wet. Cold air. Autumn. Rubbing. Fever. Better: During the sweats. Scalding water.

Urticaria with recurring fever. Urticaria in connective tissue disease, rheumatism. Urtica urens Urticaria with a stinging, burning sensation. Violent itching with constant desire for rubbing. Location: Scalp. Hands. Fingers. Lesions: White or pale raised wheals with red areola. Worse: Heat. Hot bathing. Exertion. Eating seafood (Astac). Rising from lying. Better: Lying. Rubbing. Urticaria associated with rheumatism. Other important remedies for urticaria Antimonium crudum Blanched or white hives with red areola. Marked heat and burning in the skin. Urticaria associated with gastric complaints. Worse: Heat. Hot stove. Meat, especially pork. Vinegar or sour wine. Antipyrinum Urticaria come and go suddenly. Urticaria associated with tinnitus. Angioneurotic edema with swelling about the eyes and lacrimation. Location: Between the fingers and toes. Apium graveolens Stomach pains and shivering before the outbreak of urticaria. Stomach pains ameliorated when urticaria break forth. Lesions: Urticaria with stinging itch. Location: Rapid change of location. Arsenicum album Burning urticaria with marked chills. Lesions: Elongated wheals. Worse: Night. Cold air. Fish. Better: Warmth. Exertion. Urticaria associated with nausea or diarrhea (or both). Astacus fluviatilis Diffuse urticaria. Location: Knees. Inner thighs. Chest. Back. Arms. Worse: Fish or shellfish. Liver pain or disease with urticaria (Myric). Belladonna Violent, sudden outbreaks of red, hot, painful urticaria. Location: Inner aspects of limbs. Face. Urticaria associated with metrorrhagia.

Bovista lycoperdon Urticaria with systemic reaction and toxicity. Worse: Morning on waking. Excitement. Bathing. Over-heated from exercise. Stupor, staring, even delirium with urticaria. Urticaria associated with diarrhea, metrorrhagia, rheumatism. Calcarea carbonica Chronic and recurring urticaria. Urticaria in children. Worse: Damp weather. Milk. Better: Cool or open air. Chamomilla Sensitive, painful urticaria. Urticaria in irritable, sullen or peevish children. Worse: Touch. Averse even to being approached. Conium maculatum Urticaria with marked burning. Worse: Violent exertion. Scratching. Copaiva officinalis Intolerably itchy urticaria in large, red patches. Red and swollen hands and face. Severe headache with urticaria. Location: Forehead. Face. Eyelids and about the eyes. Dorsum of hands. Worse: Night. Shellfish. Children (Calc). Crotalus cascavella Aggressive cases of giant urticaria (Bell, Kali-I, Med). The skin is highly sensitive to clothing or pressure, often producing hives at the site of the contact. Intensely red, large patches (8 to 10 cm) as hives become confluent. Dulcamara Urticaria with other allergic conditions. Worse: Cold air. Damp weather. Autumn. Menses. After scratching. From sour stomach. Better: Warmth. Cold washing. Elaterium Marked urticaria related to recurring fevers. Better: Rubbing the area. Hepar sulphur Chronic or recurring urticaria. Lesions: Crops of small, fine, stinging urticaria. Location: Hands. Fingers. Face. Scalp. Worse: Cold air. Exertion. Touch. Before or during the chill.

Ignatia amara Hives from strong emotions or grief. Urticaria during fever. Kalium iodatum Giant, markedly raised urticaria. Worse: Heat. Exercise. Seaside. Winter. Better: Cold or cold bathing. Lachesis mutus Violent urticaria with deep red or even purple eruptions. Worse: Left side of body. Heat. Hot bathing. Menopause. Better: Cold air. During menses. Medorrhinum Large confluences of urticaria. Worse: Pressure of clothing. Better: Sea bathing. Myrica cerifera Liver disease associated with urticaria. Pulsatilla pratensis Red, hot, swollen urticaria. Burning, itching urticaria with hayfever and asthma (Apis). Worse: Night. Heat. Exercise. Undressing. Rich food. Pork. Fruit. Suppressed menses. Associated with diarrhea. Asthma from suppression of urticaria. Salicylicum acidum Urticaria with angioneurotic edema and dyspnea. Hot, burning skin. Better: From cold. Sepia officinalis Chronically or periodically recurring urticaria. Worse: Night. Open or cold air. Walking in open air. Bathing. Menses. Menopause. During hot flushes. Better: Warmth. From exercise. Great nausea during urticaria. Sulphur Urticaria with marked burning. Location: Throat. Thighs. Leg. Feet. Hand. Worse: Night. Heat of the bed. Heat. Exercise. Better: Cold air. Cold applications. Vespa crabro Violent urticaria with angioneurotic edema. Body covered with burning, stinging wheals. Better: Bathing in vinegar.

Poison oak Our colleagues from Europe can safely skip this chapter. Poison ivy and poison oak are indigenous to the Americas though similar types of dermatitis exist on each continent. Rhus poisoning occurs from the contact of skin with the urushiol oils in the plant (also found in sumac). The blistering eruptions which follow become successively more intense with repeated exposure. Many patients become so sensitized that even the touch of a pet who has been exposed can bring on a terrible reaction. Those who respond most strongly (like those who over-respond to flea or mosquito bites) often belong to the psoric miasm. Management While the condition is generally mild and short lived (often resolving within 10 days), no homeopathic treatment is required. It is best to save homeopathic treatment for those cases which are truly severe, especially if the patient is under constitutional treatment. When the itching is frantic, then we must treat carefully, waiting until the symptom picture is clear. It is best not to jump immediately to the use of Rhus Toxicodendron in potency for every case of rhus poisoning. This merely obscures the symptom picture. Many people, even physicians are confused about the mechanism of spread of the rash. Extension of the lesions takes place only by topical, mechanical spread of the oils - especially by the fingers while scratching. It does not "get into the blood stream." More serious poisonings can take place when a patient inhales the smoke of burning poison oak. The internal membranes are just as vulnerable as the skin to the urushiols and can cause serious inflammations of the lungs and bronchi (Rhus Toxicodendron is thus a remedy for bronchitis and pneumonia). Therapeutic tips for poison oak Homeopathic A convenient dosing method is to give a 30C potency three or four times daily for several days. If the symptom picture is intense and clear, a single dose of a 200C will often suffice to clear the problem. If no clear symptom picture emerges, but the patient is suffering considerably, repeating the patient's constitutional remedy will often relieve the condition. Naturopathic If new eruptions are developing, it means that the oil is still in contact with the skin. The urushiols form a chemical bond to the skin and require a strong detergent for cleansing. An excellent soap to help remove the urushiols is Fell's Naphtha. Washing should be done two or three times daily with warm but not hot water. Use firm strokes but no scraping or abrasive materials which allow the oils to penetrate to deeper layers of the dermis. If the condition is relatively mild, we can often give the patient sufficient relief with oatmeal baths or by using baking soda in the bath water. It is best not to take a bath until certain that all the urushiols have been cleaned away. The oils can otherwise spread to softer and more vulnerable areas. Allopathic The use of antihistamines at bedtime often allows the patient to sleep and rarely interferes with the constitutional remedy. Topical steroids do not usually interfere with the constitutional remedy but they do mask useful symptoms which can lead to the correct remedy for the condition. If the patient is unlikely to encounter the plant frequently, then the topical steroids generally do no harm. But if the patient lives or hikes regularly where the plant grows, repeated steroid applications which

suppress the rash lead to much more aggressive symptoms with subsequent exposures. What was a mild itch becomes a serious tingling, prickling, unbearable sensation. Systemic steroids should be withheld except for very serious eruptions. The idea that the rash will "spread" to the eye or other structures is erroneous. If the patient can be prevented from scratching or transferring the oils into the eye, such fears are unwarranted. Repertory Main rubric in poison oak The main rubric for this condition is, "Skin, Eruptions, Rhus poisoning." We can also find some clues by looking at the nature of the specific rash which develops. Other important rubrics in poison oak Face, Eruptions, rhus poisoning. Face, Eruptions, vesicles. Abdomen, Eruptions, vesicles. Male genitalia, Eruptions, vesicular. Male genitalia, Eruptions, Penis, vesicles. Male genitalia, Eruptions, Scrotum, itching. Male genitalia, Eruptions, Scrotum, vesicles. Female genitalia, Eruptions, vesicles. Extremities, Eruptions, vesicles (see also specific locations). Extremities, Itching (see also specific locations). Skin, Eruptions, vesicular (subrubrics). Skin, Itching (subrubrics). Remedies Main remedies for poison oak Anacardium orientale A close relative of Rhus Toxicodendron. Intense itching; digs the nails deep into the skin. Worse: Warmth. On becoming warm in bed. Scratching. Better: Scalding water. Rubbing. Eating. Burning and stinging in the skin after scratching. Lesion: Pinhead blisters enlarging to larger vesicles. Vesicles become yellow pustules with red, swollen areola. Scarlet, sharply defined regions covered with pustules. Finally raised crusts which heal from underneath. Location: Especially the left side. Neck and torso. Axilla. Scrotum. Inner thigh. Apis mellifica Rhus poisoning with tremendous swelling and heat in the part. Itching, burning and stinging sensation. Worse: From heat. Better: Cold or icy applications. Lesion: Reddish bumps without much blistering.

The entire surrounding area becomes feverish and swollen. Location: Face, especially about the eyes. Forearms and hands. Graphites Later stage of development with thickened skin and crusts. Itching and burning rash which he is compelled to scratch until raw. Worse: Becoming heated in bed. Night or evening. Better: Once the skin is scratched raw. Lesion: Thick crusts with moisture or oozing. Moisture dries into yellowish crystals. Thick discharge from the rash, occasionally as thick as honey. Location: Bends of limbs. Folds of skin. Neck. Groin. Rhus toxicodendron Irritating, intensely itchy eruption, making the patient restless and nervous. Itching and burning. Prickling, tingling sensations. Worse: Morning in bed. Cold air. Getting wet. Scratching. Touch. Better: Scalding hot bathing. Lesion: Tiny vesicles which are scratched until raw. Red, angry skin surrounding larger vesicles. Linear spread of lesions. Eventually dry, crust and thicken the skin with lingering prickling. Location: Along fingers. Hands. Face. Groin. Folds of skin. Sulphur Intensely itchy rash; moist and prone to secondary infections. Itching and burning of dusky red rash. Worse: Night. Becoming heated in bed. Heat or perspiration. Washing. Touch of wool. Better: Cool air. Icy applications. Uncovering. Scratches the skin raw and bloody for relief. Lesion: Moist, deeply red rash. Vesicles and pustules. Location: Folds of skin. Antecubital and popliteal fossae. Face. Palms. Left side most affected. Other important remedies for poison oak Agaricus muscarius Poison oak with irritation and itching deep inside or under the skin. Sudden stitches, biting, needle-like sensations with burning and itching. Worse: Coition. Better: Exertion. Ammonium carbonicum Begins as a fine, red or scarlet eruption; vesicles develop after scratching. Itching and stinging prevents sleep. Worse: Night. 3 AM. Scratching or rubbing. Right side of body more affected.

Anagallis arvensis Crops of poison oak, especially affecting the hands and palms. The eruption slowly heals, desquamates and then recurs. Awful itching of palms, only relieved by constantly rubbing them. Arsenicum album Small, transparent vesicles which itch until he scratches them raw. Burning like fire when raw. Worse: Night. 12 to 1 AM. Cold air. Better: Heat. Bryonia alba Poison oak with eruptions and painful swelling. Red, swollen, shiny skin with stitching and itching. Worse: Rising in the morning. Slight motion. Heat. Exertion. Better: Staying perfectly still. Cool applications. Steady pressure. Irritable and miserable with eruptions. Cantharis vesicatoria Poison oak with tiny vesicles which itch and burn fiercely. Itching is relieved by scratching, only to recur elsewhere on the body. Itch and burning triggered by the slightest touch of clothing. Clematis erecta Vesicular eruptions with great itching, stinging and crawling. Worse: From washing. Smarting and burning upon washing. Croton tiglium Rhus poisoning with unbearable itching and thickened skin. Worse: Night. Touch. Washing. Better: Cool bathing. Gentle rubbing. Lesion: Begins with small, closely packed vesicles on a red base. Later turns to pustules with yellowish exudate. Finally thick scabs and indurated, "hidebound" skin. Location: Face and genitals. Penis. Scrotum. Grindelia robusta Was famous as a topical wash in rhus poisoning. Also may be used in potency for burning itching vesicles. Kalium sulphuricum Red papules become confluent and covered by a yellowish scaly crust. Itching and stinging from becoming overheated in bed. Mezereum Itching and burning vesicles surrounded by a large red areola. Location: Folds of skin. Backs of hands and feet. Worse: Night. Becoming heated in bed. Bathing. Undressing. Better: Cold. Petroleum

Slowly enlarging vesicles which finally burst and become raw. Itching, rough, dry, crusted and cracked skin. Worse: Night. Cold air. Better: Warmth. The skin becomes dry, crusted and cracked. Psorinum Many patients who are susceptible to rhus poisoning, mosquito bites and dermatitis require antipsoric remedies. Eruptions become chronic after rhus poisoning. Desperate itching. Worse: Becoming heated in bed. Undressing. Open air. Scratches the eruption until raw and bleeding; can scarcely stop. Rhus venenata Vesicular eruption on a red, inflamed base. Terrible itching and creeping sensation. Relieved by scalding hot water. Sepia officinalis Rhus poisoning with acrid, irritating discharge from the eruption. Worse: Evening. Cold or open air. Winter. Becoming overheated in bed. Better: Warmth. Scratching (though burns on scratching). Location: Folds of skin. Genitals. Face and scalp. Herpes There are three types of herpes conditions found frequently in homeopathic practice: Herpes zoster. Herpes simplex, type I ("Simple Herpes"). Herpes simplex, type II ("Genital Herpes"). In fact, herpes zoster or shingles is not truly herpes, rather it is caused by the varicella virus (which also causes chicken pox). Herpes Type I and II are also misnomers. While it is true that there are several forms of the herpes virus, the types no longer are clearly delineated by the location they attack. For this reason I have created a category called, "Simple Herpes." This is to denote the common form of oral / facial herpes which is generally a rather benign condition which in the past was called Type I. The more persistent and aggressive form of venereal herpes I have designated, "Genital Herpes." All three of these conditions can look identical to the examiner and there is a great deal of crossover amongst the indicated remedies. Herpes zoster Herpes zoster is self-limited, usually lasting no more than three or four weeks as a primary outbreak. Homeopathy is extremely effective in the treatment of shingles. This is especially true because of its capacity to relieve pain both acutely and in post-herpetic neuralgias (which are not self-limited). Many patients are unable to tolerate standard treatment or pain medication - especially the aged - and thus homeopathy can be a real blessing. Shingles may also be a sign of a compromised immune system and should trigger evaluation for occult tumors, AIDS, etc. For the most part, however, Herpes zoster is a minor annoyance and does not require any treatment unless symptoms are very strong. Therapeutic tips for herpes zoster Homeopathic If the outbreak is aggressive or compromises vulnerable organs such as the eyes, then we must give homeopathic treatment.

A convenient dosing system would be to give a single dose of 200C of the selected remedy. Alternatively, we can give a 30C dose twice daily for two or three days. In patients with post-herpetic neuralgia, when patients are on stronger allopathic medications, we prefer to give a 200C potency followed by a daily dose of 9C or 12C. Also LM potencies can be used. Naturopathic Adjunctive treatment (especially important when the symptoms are not severe enough to warrant homeopathic treatment) includes: Vitamin C (1000 mg. per day). Lysine(500 mg. BID). Also recommended are garlic capsules and maitake mushrooms. Ask the patient to avoid nuts, seeds, chocolate, corn, barley and other grains and dairy products. Topical treatment with Calendula or Sweet Melissa creams may be soothing. We should avoid Tea Tree oil which can interfere with the homeopathic remedies. Allopathic Allopathic treatment includes pain medication and acyclovir (Zovirax) which only occasionally interfere with homeopathic remedies. In post-herpetic neuralgias, many patients require strong narcotic medications or even anticonvulsant medications such as Depokote which interfere much more with homeopathic treatment. Remedies Main remedies for herpes zoster Apis mellifica One of the most important remedies for shingles on the face, especially on the left side of the face. The skin is red or pink, has severe burning pains. Marked swelling of the face and especially about the eye. Marked relief from cold applications. Arsenicum album Burning pains which are paradoxically relieved by warmth. Location: Especially the right side of the face, neck or torso. Worse: Night. Cold or open air. Better: Warmth. Dolichos pruriens Herpes zoster with itching, burning and subsequent neuralgia. Tremendous itching or burning long before or after the outbreak or even in the absence of eruption. Location: Left scapula extending to chest. Gums. Better: Night. Cold bathing. Graphites Large zoster blisters with marked burning. Location: Left side of chest. Lesions: Large blisters which break open and ooze a thick exudate. Worse: When touched. Indoors. Menses. Better: Open air. Iris versicolor Severe burning in herpes outbreak and life-long neuralgia. Location: The right side, especially of the abdomen.

The condition is often associated with gastric or digestive disorders. Kalmia latifolia Post-herpetic neuralgia beginning as the eruption recedes. Shooting or tearing, sharp pains. Location: More often on the right side. Face. Shoulder. Trunk. Extending down the affected limb. Lachesis mutus Marked pains; searing or sharp pains. Lesions: Deep red or purple eruptions or lesions leaving a purplish scar after healing. Location: Begins under left scapula and extends to the flank. Left side. Worse: Heat. Night. Disturbing sleep. Mercurius solubilis Shingles erode the skin and become itchy and highly sensitive. Location: Abdomen ("like a girdle"). Inguinal region. Right side. Lesions: Eroding or spreading vesicles. Burning of the eruption when touched Worse: Night. Heat of bed. Open air. Lying on painful side. Mezereum Herpes zoster with severe itching and neuralgia with burning pains. Neuralgic pains come and go suddenly, leaving the part numb. Worse: Night. Heat of bed. Becoming heated. Slight pressure. Better: Local heat. Location: Intercostal. Ciliary post-herpetic neuralgia. About lips and gums, spreads over whole right side of face. Lesions: Small itching vesicles. Cold feeling, as though cold air were blowing in the eye. Natrium muriaticum Shingles with large, fragile, watery vesicles. Location: Face. Especially about the mouth and nose. Worse: Sun. Grief. Prunus spinosa Shingles with tightness and stitching pains. Location: Chest and torso. Face and orbit, especially on the right side. Herpes zoster combined with angina pectoris. Ranunculus bulbosus Painful, stinging, itching shingles eruption and subsequent neuralgia. Location: Left sided, especially on the chest and flank. Along the course of the supraorbital or intercostal nerves. Worse: Motion. Inspiration. Pressure. Wet or stormy weather. Lesions: Vesicles of dark bluish appearance, filled with serum. Hard or "horny" crusts appear as the vesicles heal.

Rhus toxicodendron Itching, burning neuralgic pains. Location: Left scapula. Right side. Right leg and thigh. Lesions: Vesicular and very itchy along with the pain. Worse: Night. Better: Warmth or even hot bathing. Constantly moving. The patient becomes restless as a consequence of the discomfort. Sepia officinalis Lesions are quite painful and often prevent sleep. Worse: Cold weather. Menses. Periodic outbreaks of herpes zoster. Location:Lower extremities. Sulphur Herpes zoster with tremendous itching and sometimes oozing. Location: Flank of abdomen, circling both backwards and forwards. Worse: Heat. Night in bed. Thuja occidentalis Burning and stinging lesions. Location: Commonly affects the face but also chest or buttocks. Mainly left-sided shingles. Breast. Arm. Abdomen. Lesions: Red pimples become confluent resulting in large blisters. Very sensitive to the slightest touch. Worse: Evening. Variolinum Considered a specific remedy in shingles with pustular eruptions. Post-herpetic neuralgia. Simple herpes The discovery that herpes lesions are caused by a virus (or indeed that viruses exist) came long after most of our homeopathic texts were written. Therefore, much of what our older homeopathic textbooks describe as "Herpes" belongs to a variety of skin conditions including Candida and other fungi, eczema and secondary skin infections, in addition to true herpes simplex. Once modern techniques for viral detection were developed, the lesions considered as herpes became more defined and limited. Therefore, we have to try to be certain that our modern definitions of herpes do not obscure our understanding of a case. Fever blisters are a relatively innocuous form of herpes simplex. There is a strong familial tendency for the lesions. With homeopathic treatment the condition generally improves with the appropriate constitutional remedy. Rarely, we are called upon to treat a new onset or a particularly virulent outbreak. In such circumstances, homeopathy may shorten the course of the condition by several days and almost always stops the systemic symptoms within just a few hours. Herpes simplex can also affect other regions of the body including other parts of the face, the fingertips and skin folds. A much more pernicious form of herpes infection is genital herpes. This condition is discussed in a separate section. Therapeutic tips for simple herpes

Homeopathic When the patient is being treated for an acute or new case of fever blisters, we should always attempt to find a deeper constitutional remedy. If the symptoms are very acute, then a specific or local remedy can be tried. When treating recurrent fever blisters, we select the potency based upon the health of the patient as well as the clarity of the case. When treating acute outbreaks it is convenient to give a 30C potency two or three times daily for three days. Naturopathic Lysine supplements (500 mg. twice daily) are helpful for some patients and do not cause any interference with remedies. Also recommended are garlic capsules and maitake mushrooms. Ask the patient to avoid: Nuts. Seeds. Chocolate. Corn. Barley and other grains. Dairy products. Topical treatment with calendula or Sweet Melissa creams may be soothing. We should avoid Tea Tree oil which can interfere with the homeopathic remedies. Allopathic Standard treatment with acyclovir (Zovirax) usually interferes with homeopathic treatment only if continued for more than a week. Acyclovir may be associated with a rebound outbreak on ceasing the drug. Some sensitive patients will not even tolerate this amount of medication. Repertory Main rubrics in simple herpes Face, Eruptions, Herpes. Face, Eruptions, Herpes, Lips, about. Other important rubrics in simple herpes Head, Eruptions, herpes. Head, Eruptions, vesicles. Eye, Eruptions, About eyes, herpes. Eye, Eruptions, About eyes, Herpes, cornea. Eye, Eruptions, About eyes, vesicular. Eye, Eruptions, Eyes, Above, bluish black vesicles. Eye, Eruptions, Cornea, vesicles. Eye, Eruptions, Lids, Herpes, on. Eye, Eruptions, Lids, Vesicles, on. Eye, Inflammation, Cornea, vesicular. Eye, Vesicles, cornea, on. Ear, Eruptions, herpes. Ear, Eruptions, vesicles. Ear, Eruptions, About ears, herpetic Ear, Eruptions, Behind ears, herpes. Ear, Eruptions, Behind ears, vesicles. Ear, Eruptions, In front of, herpes. Ear, Eruptions, Lobes, Herpes, on. Ear, Eruptions, Meatus, Herpes, in.

Face, Eruptions, Herpes, cheeks. Face, Eruptions, Herpes, chin. Face, Eruptions, Herpes, forehead. Face, Eruptions, Herpes, Lips, upper. Face, Eruptions, Herpes, Mouth, corners. Face, Eruptions, Herpes, Mouth, Corners, below. Face, Eruptions, Herpes, nose. Face, Eruptions, Herpes, Nose, nostrils. Face, Eruptions, Herpes, Nose, tip. Face, Eruptions, Herpes, whiskers. Face, Eruptions, vesicles. Face, Eruptions, Vesicles, Chin, on. Face, Eruptions, Vesicles, forehead. Face, Eruptions, Vesicles, lips. Face, Eruptions, Vesicles, Lips, lower. Face, Eruptions, Vesicles, Mouth, around. Face, Eruptions, Vesicles, Mouth, corners. Face, Eruptions, Vesicles, nose. Throat, External, Eruption, herpes. Abdomen, Eruptions, herpes. Abdomen, Eruptions, Herpes, iliac region. Abdomen, Eruptions, Herpes, inguinal region. Chest, Eruptions, herpes. Chest, Eruptions, Axilla, herpes. Chest, Eruptions, Mammae, herpes. Chest, Eruptions, Mammae, Nipples, herpes. Back, Eruptions, herpes. Back, Eruptions, Herpes, Cervical region. Extremities, Eruption, Herpes. Extremities, Eruption, Joints, herpes. Extremities, Eruption, Upper Limbs, herpes. Extremities, Eruption, Upper Limbs, Herpes, Joints, on. Extremities, Eruption, Shoulder, herpes. Extremities, Eruption, Upper Arm, herpes. Extremities, Eruption, Elbow, herpes. Extremities, Eruption, Forearm, herpes. Extremities, Eruption, Wrist, herpes. Extremities, Eruption, Hand, herpes. Extremities, Eruption, Hand, Back of hand, herpes. Extremities, Eruption, Hand, Palm, herpes. Extremities, Eruption, Hand, Fingers, Between, herpes. Extremities, Eruption, Fingers, herpes.

Extremities, Eruption, Lower Limbs, herpes. Extremities, Eruption, Nates, herpes. Extremities, Eruption, Hip, herpes. Extremities, Eruption, Thigh, herpes. Extremities, Eruption, Knee, herpes. Extremities, Eruption, Knee, Hollow of, herpes. Extremities, Eruption, Leg, herpes. Extremities, Eruption, Ankle, herpes. Extremities, Eruption, Foot, herpes. Extremities, Eruption, Toes, herpes. Extremities, Eruption, Toes, Between, herpes. Skin, Eruptions, herpetic (subrubrics). Skin, Eruptions, vesicular (subrubrics). Skin, Ulcers, herpetic. Remedies Main remedies for simple herpes Natrium muriaticum Recurring herpes sores of the face. Lesions: Transparent vesicles which are sometimes described as pearly. Painful lesions and systemic reactions during outbreak. Location: About the lips. Margin of hair. Chin. At the wings of the nose. In the beard area. Bends of knees and elbows. Worse: Emotional stress. Any acute illness or fever. Exposure to the sun. Rhus toxicodendron Swollen, red, itchy and angry herpes lesions. Lesions: Small, burning, intensely itchy vesicles. Vesicles break, suppurate and leave a yellow crust. Location: Lips. Nose. Face. Behind ears. Back of hand. Fingers. Cornea. Worse: Cold or cold damp weather. During fever. Eruptions may alternate with respiratory or intestinal symptoms. Sepia officinalis Periodic herpes lesions with chapped, raw or cracking skin. Location: Lower lip. Lesions: Vesicles which crust and crack. Worse: Commonly associated with the menstrual cycle. Periodic outbreaks: Monthly. Yearly in the spring. Other important remedies for simple herpes Aethusa cynapium Painful herpes lesions on the tip of the nose. Itching eruptions.

Worse: Evening. From heat. Agaricus muscarius Herpes lesions on the upper lip. The lesions spread outward from an initial vesicle. Arsenicum album Intensely burning herpes lesions but better heat. Dangerous spread of herpes into the eye or cornea. Lesions: Burning vesicles which break open and cause small ulcers. Location: Right side. Lips. Cornea. Worse: Nightly pains. Borax veneta Herpes vesicles about the forehead, face and lips. Vesicles on the face accompanied by painful aphthae. Calcarea carbonica Herpes which ulcerate. Lesions: Very itchy vesicles surrounded by a red areola. Ulcers become surrounded by vesicles. Location: Under whiskers. Back of hand. Between fingers. Eye (small vesicles and pus at edge of cornea). Cantharis vesicatoria Lesions: Small, exquisitely burning vesicles. Large blebs. Location: Nose. Between fingers. Worse: Cold bathing. Better: Warmth. Causticum Vesicles with deep ulcers. Lesions: Burning vesicles which leak a corrosive fluid. Location: Face. Lips. Nipples. Fingers, especially about the nails. Heels. Worse: Touch. Burns on being touched. Clematis erecta Itching, burning vesicles developing into pustules then painful ulcers. Lesions: Yellowish serum. Yellow pustules. Location: Lower lip. About the eyes. Worse: Washing with cold water. Sun. Croton tiglium Itching and burning herpes over face and eyelids. Lesions: Scarlet red skin followed by vesicles and finally pustules. Skin becomes inflamed, crusted and thickened. Crawling, itching and later thick or hidebound sensation. Location: Eyelids. Face.

Worse: Scratching. Better: Gentle rubbing. Dulcamara "Cold sores" both from catching cold and from exposure to cold. Lesions: Yellow vesicles or crusts. Location: Face. Lips. Breasts of nursing mothers. Worse: Cold air. Cold, damp weather. Before menses. Graphites Crusty herpetic eruptions with thickened skin. Lesions: Vesicles quickly crust over, may crack and ooze a thick serum. Location: Face. About the lips. Behind the ears. Fingers. Worse: Night. Heat of the bed. Menses. Hepar sulphur Extremely sensitive herpes eruptions. Lesions: Crops of small, whitish vesicles on a red base. Sharp or stitching pains. Location: About the mouth and lips. Worse: Slightest touch. Cold air. Kalium sulphuricum Small, hard herpetic vesicles causing thin scabs with oozing. Location: Axilla. Neck. Hands. Lycopodium clavatum Herpes with thick crusts which crack. Location: Mainly on the right side. Wings of nose. Lips. Behind ears. Magnesium carbonicum Small, red herpetic lesions on the nose or forehead. Eruptions crust and scale. Worse: Before the menstrual period. Mancinella Red and burning vesicles without much itching. Location: Soles of feet. Face. Mercurius solubilis Lesions: Large, yellowish vesicles. Spreading, superficial ulcers after the blisters break open. Location: Face. Mezereum Numerous small vesicles burst and form an impressive, thick crust. Location: About the mouth. Scalp. Natrium carbonicum Vesicles turning to pustules with red areola. Marked shooting or stitching pain in the lesions. Location: Face. Nose. Knuckles. Fingertips. Also toes.

Nitricum acidum Painful vesicles and subsequent ulcers. Lesions: Burning or stitching pains in the eruption. Lesions become dry and cracked. Location: About mouth. At corners of the mouth. Wings of nose. Whiskers. Between the fingers. Cornea. Petroleum Herpes leading to thickened and cracked skin. Lesions: Single vesicles ulcerate or form a yellow crust which oozes. Re-erupts at the same site until the skin thickens and cracks. Location: Face. Fingers. Worse: Cold. Winter. Ranunculus bulbosus Burning, itchy vesicles which create impressive crusts. Lesions: Bluish colored vesicles. Sensitive vesicles. Location: Over left eyebrow. Periorbital. Cornea. Worse: From touch. Alcoholic drinks. Sulphur Lesions: Small, transparent, itchy vesicles in patches. Confluent vesicles turning into painless ulcers. Also burning ulcers. Location: Corners of mouth. Worse: Night. Heat of the bed. Tellurium metallicum Rings of vesicles on an inflamed base; central clearing. Location: Occiput. Nape. Ear lobes. Lips. Thuja occidentalis Large patches of vesicles. Location: About the mouth. Eyebrows. Abdomen. Chest. Genital herpes Genital herpes are the most common venereal condition seen in homeopathic practice. As many as 30% of adults have been exposed. The majority of these patients have only a single outbreak, but many patients present with recurring genital herpes as a main complaint. Despite the high frequency, we should not discount the great toll the condition takes from our patients. Many are truly devastated by the disease which can affect reproductive health, sexual function and self-esteem. The patient must never feel that we are trivializing this condition which he perceives as a catastrophe in his life. Genital herpes are a more pernicious disease than oral herpes. While many of the same remedies apply to both forms of lesions, the response is quite different. Whereas oral lesions often improve completely after the remedy, the genital lesions are more resistent to treatment or take much longer to improve. This points to the miasmatic aspect of genital herpes. In order to remove the tendency to the lesions, we must not only find the correct first remedy, we must remove an entire miasm which may require two or three remedies in proper sequence. The condition seems most related to the sycotic miasm but could

properly be considered its own miasm since there is familial transmission and nosodes of the lesions do exist. The course of genital herpes is quite variable from occasional recurrences to a nearly constant outbreak. After treatment, we must not expect the lesions to disappear entirely. Often, the patient will have a decreased frequency but the outbreaks are unchanged in length or severity. In other cases, the severity or healing time is improved but the frequency is initially unchanged. Another common response is to see the full prodrome with skin sensitivity, lymphadenopathy or even systemic symptoms such as fever but with no outbreak of lesions. The patient is surprised because in the past every prodrome is followed by full-blown attacks. Therapeutic tips for genital herpes Homeopathic In patients who are receiving oral acyclovir, it is best to follow the constitutional dose (200C, 1M, etc.) with a daily dose of 6C, 9C or 12C to prevent an antidote. Alternatively, LM potencies can be given. During an acute attack of herpes, we should first try repeating the constitutional remedy before resorting to specific remedies for herpes. Naturopathic Though Lysine does not work very well for this form of herpes, some patients will find great relief or prevention by using Lysine 500 mg. daily (prevention) or 1000 mg. daily (during outbreak). Ask the patient to avoid: Nuts. Seeds. Chocolate. Corn. Barley and other grains. Dairy products. Topical treatment with Calendula or Sweet Melissa creams may be soothing. We should avoid Tea Tree oil which can interfere with the homeopathic remedies. Allopathic Allopathic use of systemic acyclovir (Zovirax) for prevention does not preclude homeopathic treatment. Many patients who are too afraid to stop the drug will still respond to homeopathic treatment. Once the remedy has acted, the patient may have more confidence to stop the drug. Repertory Main rubrics Male, Eruptions, herpetic. Male, Eruptions, Herpetic, bleeding easily. Male, Eruptions, Herpetic, dorsum of penis. Male, Eruptions, Herpetic, prepuce. Male, Eruptions, Herpetic, recurrent. Male, Eruptions, Herpetic, Thighs, between. Male, Eruptions, vesicular. Male, Eruptions, Penis, vesicles. Male, Eruptions, Penis, Vesicles, burning. Male, Eruptions, Penis, Vesicles, itching. Male, Eruptions, Penis, Vesicles, Ulcers, becoming. Male, Eruptions, Penis, Vesicles, Ulcers, Becoming, Meatus, at. Male, Eruptions, Penis, Vesicles, white. Male, Eruptions, Penis, Glans, vesicles. Male, Eruptions, Penis, Prepuce, herpetic.

Male, Eruptions, Penis, Prepuce, vesicles. Male, Eruptions, Scrotum, herpetic. Male, Eruptions, Scrotum, Herpetic, Scrotum and thighs, between. Male, Eruptions, Scrotum, vesicles. Male, Eruptions, Scrotum, Vesicles, painful. Male, Eruptions, Scrotum, Vesicles, yellowish. Male, Eruptions, Scrotum, Vesicles, Raphe, along. Male, Hydrocele, Herpetic eruptions, with. Male, Itching, Penis, Prepuce, Herpes, with. Female, Eruptions, herpetic. Female, Eruptions, Herpetic, Cold, from every. Female, Eruptions, Herpetic, Menses, during. Female, Eruptions, Herpetic, recurrent. Female, Eruptions, Herpetic, Labia. Female, Eruptions, Herpetic, Vulva. Female, Inflammation, Labia, Vulva, Follicular, herpetic. Female, Eruptions, vesicles. Female, Eruptions, Vesicles, Menses, during. Female, Eruptions, Vesicles, Menses, after. Urethra, Vesicles, meatus. Urethra, Vesicles, Meatus, forming ulcers. Rectum, Eruptions, Anus, Herpetic. Rectum, Eruptions, Anus, Herpetic, recurrent. Rectum, Eruptions, Perineum, herpes. Remedies Main remedies for genital herpes Arsenicum album Burning pains in the lesions and the skin affected in the prodrome. Lesions: The initial attack is often severe with large vesicles followed by superficial ulcers which may fester or blacken. Frequent, milder recurrences without cause; periodic. Location: More intense or even limited to the right side (Lyc). Prepuce. Foreskin. Penis. Labia. Pain frequently extends down the back of the thigh. Better: Warm applications. Natrium muriaticum A painful or humiliating reminder of a lost or betrayed relationship. Lesions: Herpes with soreness and stitching, preventing coition. Vesicles with clear fluid break open and become raw. Associated with a whitish or albuminous leukorrhea. Location: Often affect the area where the thigh rubs against the genitals. Vesicles on labia or inside the vagina.

Worse: Coition (i.e. , painful coition). Lesions with definite periodicity. Associated with a generalized malaise and fever. Nitricum acidum Very painful herpes outbreaks with small ulcers. Lesions: Small ulcers or crusts develop. Painful and sensitive, often with stitching or splinter-like sensation. Location: Directly on the genitals - penis or labia minora. Prepuce or meatus. Glans of penis. Labia. Clitoris. On the raphe. Worse: After coition. Petroleum Recurring outbreaks of isolated vesicles. Lesions: Vesicles cause yellow, thick crusts which crack. Marked itching during the outbreak. Coldness in spot after itching. Location: Inner thigh. Perineum. Scrotum. Labia. Anus. Worse: During menses. Winter. Combination of herpes with eczema or cracks on hands or fingers. Sepia officinalis Herpes in women; marked itching and leukorrhea. Lesions: Periodic, before or during menses or at ovulation. Severe burning or pain preventing coition. Location: Genitals. Vulva. Perineal region. Hips. Thighs. Worse: Menses. During urination (marked pain). Other important remedies for genital herpes Apis mellifica Burning eruptions on vulva with marked swelling, especially right side. Better: Cold bathing or applications. Cannabis indica Herpes in patients with a history of promiscuity. Lesions: Firm, round vesicles filled with serous fluid. Sturdy vesicles; do not break open. Yellow gray vesicles. Location: Prepuce. Causticum Sensitive lesions which burn on touching. Lesions: Burning vesicles. Corrosive fluid inside the vesicles. Location: Buttocks. Prepuce. Clematis erecta Burning and tremendous itching. Location: Thigh. Croton tiglium Vesicles and pustules with terrible itching. Location: Penis. Scrotum.

Better: Gentle, constant rubbing. Dulcamara Recurring herpes of stout women. Lesions: Sensitive ulcers from broken, clear vesicles. Ulcers bleed easily with slight touch. Location: Vulva. Scrotum. Worse: Menses. Cold weather. Catching cold. Graphites Itching or burning vesicles. Lesions: Crusty eruptions which ooze a thick serum. Location: Vulva. Scrotum. Anus. Worse: Night. During or after menses. Hepar sulphur Fiercely painful small lesions, especially on the prepuce. Worse:When exposed to open or cold air. Lachesis mutus Severe, painful or burning eruption. Lesions: Vesicles turn to pustules with dark red or bluish margins. Location: Left side. Extending down left leg. Worse: Before the menses. Lycopodium clavatum Pain extending down the back of the right leg. Lesions: Moist or suppurating herpes which crack and crust over. Location: Genitals. Anus. Down the thigh. Medorrhinum Red vesicles turning to burning, itching, sharply demarcated ulcers. Bright red surface with sharp borders and scattered, small ulcers. Location: Penis. Prepuce. Lesions very sore to touch. Mercurius solubilis Burning vesicles, mainly small, with red areola. Lesions: Round patches of vesicles which break to form flat superficial ulcers with red margins and a whitish or yellow base. Location: Penis. Prepuce. Labia. Thigh. Marked burning if touched. Natrium carbonicum Painful herpes ending in crusts or long-continued ulcers; one patch scarcely heals before the next recurrence. Lesions: Red vesicles with clear serum inside. Large patches or circles of vesicles. Burning, smarting pains. Location: Buttocks. Hips. Folds of genitals. Natrium sulphuricum

Lesions: Medium sized vesicles with yellow water or pus. Location: Vulva. Platinum metallicum Herpetic vesicles with marked numbness of genitals. Rhus toxicodendron Burning, itching, oozing eruptions, especially in the folds. Lesions: Small, fierce vesicles with yellow fluid. Vesicles burst, leaving a burning or prickling ulcer. Location: Left side, or beginning on left. Glans. Scrotum. Inner thigh. Worse: Night. Morning on waking. Better:Scalding hot water. Sarsaparilla officinalis Herpes associated with marked dysuria. Lesions: Vesicles which ooze a red, blood-tinged serum. Circular ulcers with red granular base and white border. Location: Foreskin or prepuce. Labia. Staphisagria Recurring herpes, worse after every coition. Lesions: Stinging vesicles. Pains extending down the leg. Worse: Coition. Anger. Sun. Sulphur Very small, intensely itching herpes of genitals. Worse: Heat. Heat of the bed. Perspiration. Thuja occidentalis Scabby, crusty herpes with oozing and sweetish odor. Location: Vulva. Penis. Glans. Impetigo In Western countries with excellent hygiene facilities, severe impetigo is relatively uncommon. Mainly we confront mild cases of crusty lesions in young children, which do not require homeopathic treatment. More severe cases require homeopathic treatment and usually respond rapidly. Management In most cases, scrupulous cleansing with antiseptic soaps and application of topical Calendula or topical antibiotics such as Bactroban or Neosporin will suffice for treatment (and do not interfere with the constitutional remedy). For acute impetigo, especially in patients under constitutional treatment, the short term use of these agents is better than the use of acute homeopathic remedies. In more persistent lesions or in cases of constantly recurring impetigo, constitutional homeopathic treatment is necessary. Therapeutic tips for impetigo Homeopathic Acute cases of impetigo respond to specific remedies. It is convenient to use low potencies (12C or 30C) twice daily for three or four days.

Recurring cases of impetigo require constitutional treatment. Naturopathic Prolonged or over-zealous use of antiseptic soaps(especially in children) is contraindicated and may weaken over-all resistance to infections both in the skin and in general. Bathing with distilled vinegar is an alternative. Supportive treatment includes:Vitamin C. Echinacea. Topical Calendula. Repertory Main rubrics in impetigo Head, Eruptions, Crusty (subrubrics). Head, Eruptions, impetigo. Head, Eruptions, Impetigo, margin of the hair. Face, Eruptions, impetigo. Face, Eruptions, Impetigo, forehead. Face, Eruptions, Impetigo, lips, around. Back, Eruptions, impetigo. Extremities, Eruption, impetigo. Extremities, Eruption, Foot, Back of, impetigo. Skin, Eruptions, Crusty (subrubrics). Skin, Eruptions, impetigo. Skin, Eruptions, Impetigo, Young girls, in. Remedies Main remedies for impetigo Antimonium crudum Acute or in chronically recurring cases: The most common remedy. Lesions: Sores become crusted, cracked and eventually thickened. Oozing of thin, smelly or sometimes honey-like discharges (Graph). Discharge dries and becomes crusty, yellowish and crystalline. Location: Face. Corners of mouth or nose. Symptoms: Burning pains in the sores. Better: Open air. Worse: Heat (especially radiant heat). Bathing. Graphites Thickened, unhealthy skin which suppurates easily. Lesions: Thick crusts and characteristic honey-like discharge. Location: Affects any fold of skin, where skin touches skin. Eruptions at the corners of mouth and nose (Ant-C). Behind ears and spreading to cheek or neck. Lower limbs. Toes. Axilla. Symptoms: Marked itching. Offensive discharges. Worse: Night. Heat. Mercurius solubilis

Moist eruptions or pustules on a red, inflamed base. Lesions: Pustules unite leaving a greenish crust. Location: Scalp. Face. Sore and itchy crusts. Worse: Night. Heat of the bed. Sulphur In any infection of the skin, Sulphur may be indicated. Eruptions are moist, not the dry, crusty variety of impetigo. The skin is often oily or sweaty. Lesions: Large pustules unite to form yellow-green crusts. Marked redness in the skin surrounding the lesion itself. Neglected wounds and poor hygene. Location: Scalp. Nose. Upper lip. The eruption itches and burns. Worse: Bathing (Ant-C). Heat. Night. Other important remedies for impetigo Anthracokali Impetigo with deep cracks at the wings of the nose. Arum triphyllum Impetigo about the mouth and lips with cracked skin. Irritating and prickling causing constant picking at the lesion. Child worries the lips with the teeth constantly. Calcarea carbonica Recurring impetigo in children. Lesions: Pustules form into thick, dry crusts. Location: Eyelids. Scalp. Carboneum sulphuratum Pimples are sore and join into terribly itchy scabs. Location: Dorsum of hands and feet. Hollow of knee. Causticum Discharging, offensive crusts on the scalp. Location: Especially the occiput. Cicuta virosa Thick, yellow scabs with burning pains; crusts like dried honey (Ant-C). Scabs fall off leaving a bright red, smooth surface (Sep). Location: Scalp. Face, especially the lower face. Cinnabaris Pustules and scabs on upper lip, directly under the nose. Dulcamara Multiple pimples or tiny boils join into thick, moist crusts. Location: Face, especially the cheeks. Worse: After exposure to cold air.

Hepar sulphur Unhealthy, easily suppurating skin. Lesions: Moist, fetid odors, exquisitely sensitive. Location: Face. Scalp. Folds of skin. Iris versicolor Pustular impetigo of scalp. Especially when impetigo is accompanied by nausea of digestive disorders. Juglans cinerea Thick and cracking crusts oozing an ichorous, irritating serum. Location: Scalp. About the eyes. Chin. Hollow of knee. Hands. Severe itching and soreness. Malandrinum Thick, green crusts with marked itching at night. Location: Scalp extending to behind the ears. Face, on upper lip. Forearm. Marked itching in the evening. Mezereum Thick or leathery scabs on the scalp with white pus underneath. Intolerable itching, worse at night. Natrium muriaticum Impetigo at margin of hairline. Nape of neck at hair margin. Petroleum Unhealthy skin which suppurates from every wound. Thick, hard, greenish crusts with marked burning and itching. Location: Hands. Folds of skin. Nipples. Inside ears. Rhus toxicodendron Raw skin covered by yellow scabs. Location: Face, especially about mouth. forehead. Chin. Forearms. Hands. Terrible itching, relieved by scalding hot water. Sepia officinalis Raised, very hard, circular, brown to reddish scabs which discharge a thin, irritating serum from the edges. Location: Flexor surfaces. Scalp. Joints. Worse: In young girls or women. Heat. Night. Spring. Silica marina Unhealthy skin with pustules and crusts. Recurring impetigo. Location: Scalp. Occiput. Between fingers. Folds of skin. Worse: Cold. Better: Warm wraps. Tellurium metallicum Thick, circular crusts which itch from exposure to air.

Location: External ear. Eyelids. Perineum. Offensive discharges. Viola tricolor Cracked or sticky, gummy crusts which ooze a yellow pus. Location: Scalp. Face. Fungal infections Tinea in the North American climate is mainly an inconvenience or a cosmetic problem. Persistent or recurring cases of tinea require constitutional treatment. The condition has long been associated with the tubercular miasm, an idea which is reinforced by the fact that many cases of "ringworm" have been cured by tubercular remedies such as Tuberculinum and Bacillinum. Many of these superficial fungal infections are difficult to treat homeopathically. The vital force seems to consider it a very low priority in the course of cure. Treatment is always aimed at the whole constitution. Therapeutic tips for fungal infections Homeopathic If fungal infections develop during constitutional treatment, they should not be treated with allopathic or homeopathic medications. These outbreaks are often a sign of the vital force at work, especially if the patient has a history of suppressed fungal infection. Naturopathic Distilled (white) vinegar can be used in poultice or bath to help reduce the organism. For tinea pedis, soak the socks in vinegar, allow them to dry and wear them for several hours daily. There is a long-standing tradition of using cod-liver oil (Oleum Jecoris) as a topical treatment for ringworm. Additionally, the "Anti-Candida" diet (no fermented food or yeasted foods such as bread, beer, wine, etc.) can be helpful. Allopathic The use of topical antifungal ointments on an occasional basis to combat athlete's foot or "jock itch" rarely antidotes the constitutional remedy. Long term usage can lead to a suppression of the illness to deeper levels. Repertory Main rubric in fungal infections Skin, Eruptions, Herpetic, circinate ("Herpes circinate" is the older term for Tinea Corporis.). Other important rubrics in fungal infections Head, Eruptions, Herpes, circinate (subrubrics). Head, Hair, Falling out, Spots. Face, Eruptions, Herpes, circinate. Face, Eruptions, ringworm. Abdomen, Eruptions, Herpes, ringworm. Chest, Eruptions, Sternum, Herpes, circinate. Extremities, Cracked skin, feet. Extremities, Cracked skin, Toes, between. Extremities, Eruptions, ringworm. Extremities, Eruptions, Elbow, Herpes, ringworm.

Extremities, Eruptions, Forearm, Herpes, Circinate, each arm. Extremities, Eruptions, Hand, Palm, circinate. Extremities, Eruptions, Thigh, Herpes, Circinate, each thigh. Extremities, Eruptions, Leg, Circinate, inner side. Extremities, Eruptions, Leg, Herpes, Circinate, each leg. Extremities, Thick, Nails. Skin, Eruptions, Herpetic, Circinate, Spring, every. Remedies Main remedy for fungal infections Sepia officinalis The most important remedy for tinea (or any skin conditions with scaly round patches). Lesions: The affected skin is dry, mildly itchy and whitish. Also yellowish patches on the face. Isolated or small patches. Location: Face. About the mouth, especially lower lip. Head. Scalp. Worse: Open air. Cold washing. Better: Warmth. Other important remedies for fungal infections Calcarea carbonica Children with recurring ringworm of scalp. Lesions: Moist eruptions on scalp which cause little itching. Patches bleed if picked. Location: Head. Scalp. Behind ears. Toenails. Dulcamara Typical ringworm, especially of the scalp. Lesions: Thick, brownish crusts with reddish borders. Hair falling in spots on scalp, especially temples. Location: Scalp. Temples. Face. Chin. Worse: Change of weather. Graphites Moist, crusty eruptions or discolored skin with thick borders. Lesions: Large areas of brownish, raised skin, more dark at the margin. Spots of falling hair; matted hair comes out at the root. Thick, hard nails, especially toenails. Crumbly nails. Location: Scalp. Face. Groin (Sulph, Med, Nat-M, Rhus-T). Between toes (Sil). Nail beds. Worse: Heat and perspiration. Radium bromatum Ringworm where the lesions are very red and burn. Perfectly round patches on the scalp or skin. Silica marina Constantly sweaty feet leads to tinea pedis.

Moist cracks between the toes. Thickened nails. Sulphur Terribly itchy tinea cruris; red and irritated at folds of scrotum and thigh. Lesions: Fungal nails. Burning athlete's feet - must leave them uncovered. Location: Face. Feet. Toenails. Tellurium metallicum Tinea lesions may cover the whole body or only single parts. Lesions: Circular patches; sometimes intersecting circles. Barber's itch. Hair falling in spots. Offensive, garlic or fish-brine odors from skin. Location: Face. Beard. Head. Scalp. Ears. Abdomen. Scrotum. Perineum. Tuberculinum bovinum kent Both Tuberculinum is important remedy for ringworm. Lesions: The typical appearance is of many fine white scales. Location: Face. Scalp. Beard. Falling of hair in spots on scalp and face. Bacillinum burnett Bacillinum is important remedy for ringworm. Lesions: The typical appearance is of many fine white scales. Location: Face. Scalp. Beard. Falling of hair in spots on scalp and face. Cellulitis Simple infections of the skin are often very alarming for patients who have deeply ingrained fears of any "red streaks" on the body. While it is true that lymphangitis can be very serious, many of the more superficial cellulitis infections will clear spontaneously. If the case is more advanced, then acute remedies must generally be given. Even in advanced cases, remedies can have an almost miraculous effect. In our texts, most advanced cases of diffuse skin infection were labeled, "erysipelous." True erysipelous is a condition so little seen in contemporary homeopathic practice that I am not able to furnish any first-hand experience about its treatment. Therapeutic tips for cellulitis Homeopathic For acute conditions, it is convenient to give a 30C dose two or three times daily. If there is no change in the condition within 24 hours or if worsening occurs, the remedy is incorrect. Consider repeating the constitutional remedy during the infection. Naturopathic The use of topical Calendula tincture can be quite amazing in localized infections. Hot compresses can help to speed healing by bringing more circulation to the area. During the infection, increase vitamin C intake (1000 mg. TID if not contraindicated). Also add Zinc (50 mg. per day). Garlic capsules. Kelp.

Allopathic Do not allow the patient to steadily worsen while remedy after remedy is attempted. Any sign of fever should warrant allopathic consultation. Repertory No rubrics exist for cellulitis. For the most part, we can use the rubrics for "erysipelous" presumptively when dealing with its less aggressive cousin, cellulitis. Remedies Main remedy for cellulitis Sulphur The best remedy for cellulitis. Lesions: The infection feels quite warm to the patient and to the touch. There is often a serous discharge. The skin is often puffy and red. Location: Arm and hand. Any location. Especially if the lesion is itchy and worse from heat consider Sulphur. Other important remedies for cellulitis Apis mellifica Cellulitis with marked redness, heat and swelling in the part. Lesions: Generally no pus is found. Location: Periorbital cellulitis. Limbs. Worse: Heat. Better: Cold applications. Bufo rana Cellulitis of the upper extremity extending into the lymph vessels. Felons or other infections of hands or feet lead to lymphangitis. Dissecting abscesses. Limb becomes swollen and burning. Calendula officinalis Cellulitis after lacerations or large abrasions. Pain from wounds is excessive, unexplainable. Unhealthy skin; wounds fester and become red and swollen. Graphites Poor healing of wounds with slowly progressing infection. Thick crusts but no real healing seems to occur; oozing wounds. Hepar sulphur Cellulitis originating in boils, paronychia, pimples. Part becomes exquisitely sensitive to the touch. Location: Hands and feet. Periorbital. Lachesis mutus Cellulitis with marked swelling, mottled skin, burning or icy coldness. Part feels swollen to the point of bursting. Location: Face. Periorbital. Extremities. Worse: Heat. Pressure. Touch. Tight clothing.

Ledum palustre Cellulitis after puncture wounds or other injuries. Marked, boggy swelling of the part with bruised appearance. Swelling and lymphangitis extending up the limb. Coldness in the injured part but averse to heat and better cold. Phytolacca decandra Periorbital cellulitis with swelling, lacrimation and blue discoloration of lids. Burning pains, worse external heat, better open air. Pyrogenium Cellulitis from wounds, abscesses, bedsores. Septic and dissecting wounds; offensive discharge. During infection part becomes pale and blanched, with red streaks upward. High fevers evolving from cellulitis; fever out of proportion to wound. Rhus toxicodendron Advanced cellulitis with swelling, pitting, vesicles, purplish discoloration. Inflamed part which drains pus. Location: Periorbital. Face. Neck. Genitalia. Legs. Staphisagria Cellulitis resulting from incision or laceration. The wound turns red at the lips, and drains pus. Sharp pains and great sensitivity of part. Acne The treatment of acne is often complicated by the fact that the main sufferers of the condition are those who are least able to tolerate the problem and its homeopathic treatment - especially teenagers. We often find ourselves at cross purposes to our patients who have a more desperate need to be rid of the pimples than to consider the long-term effect that suppression of a skin eruption may cause. Aggravations of acne during the course of homeopathic treatment may often cause the patient to quickly abandon homeopathy. Management The majority of patients who come for treatment are already taking some form of allopathic treatment. Often the patient seeks homeopathy because of failure of allopathic treatment or because of sideeffects from the treatment. When approaching a new patient who comes for the treatment of acne, one first step is to discuss with the patient the law of cure, the necessity for the system to push toxins out through the skin and that homeopathy looks to the long-term cure of the condition, not a short-term fix-up which will recur as soon as the treatment stops. It is important to try to understand the degree of tolerance the patient will have for periods of worsening of the condition. Therapeutic tips for acne Homeopathic It is never a good idea to begin homeopathic treatment and simultaneously stop an allopathic treatment of acne. When the condition worsens in this circumstance, we have no real way of knowing if the change is due to the remedy or in spite of the remedy. The patient is very liable to blame the

homeopathic treatment. Thus, we get plenty of heartache and no useful information. Treatment is almost always constitutional. Though the appearance of the condition may act as a clue to the constitutional remedy, basing a prescription solely on this information is unlikely to achieve results. The potency of the constitutional remedy is based upon the clarity of the case. Prolonged aggravations (more than a few weeks) are very uncommon. If the patient is using allopathic medications, we can add a daily 6C to 12C dose of the constitutional remedy to prevent antidoting. Alternatively, LM potencies can be used. Naturopathic Most patients who come for treatment are already performing assiduous cleansing. In fact, many times, over-zealous cleansing or inappropriate cleansing agents can be part of the problem. The Doctor Haushka cleansing system is marvelously effective. The use of "facials" or clay masks assists most patients. Supportive treatment can include: Vitamin A (50,000 units daily for one week then 15,000 units daily afterward). Vitamin C (1000 to 2000 mg. daily). Flax oil (1 tsp. daily). Chromium picolinate. Zinc (50 mg. daily). Extra effort should be made to keep bowel function constant and free. Increased fiber, pure water and fruit can aid this goal. If necessary a mild herbal laxative may be given. Allopathic Frequently, we prefer to treat the patient while they continue to use some allopathic medications and to withdraw the medications as the patient shows signs of improvement. In order to maximize the chances for this strategy to work, it is important to decrease the allopathic medication to the least harmful which keeps the patient at his level of tolerance. Once negotiating with the patient to the lowest comfortable allopathic regimen, we allow the patient to become stable on this regimen for three to four weeks. This level of acne is thus the baseline. When we begin treatment, we therefore are able to assess aggravations and progress. Hierarchy of allopathic medications The hierarchy of allopathic medications for acne: 1) Astringents (witch hazel, etc.). 2) Topical Retin A. 3) Topical antibiotics. 4) Topical steroids. 5) Birth control pills. 6) Oral antibiotics. 7) Accutane. Remedies Main remedies for acne Calcarea silicata Frequently indicated in very persistent forms of acne. Worse: In late teen years or early twenties. Painful or itching lesions, better from warmth. Calcarea sulphurica Severe acne, sometimes persisting for weeks in one location.

Lesions: Ooze a yellowish, creamy pus day after day. Location: Face. Lower face. Corner of mouth. Ear lobes. Hepar sulphur Sensitive, painful pimples. Lesions: Small pimples. Comedones. Suppurating lesions. Multiple lesions in crops. Location: Forehead. Lips. Kalium bromatum Aggressive acne beginning in teen years and never ceasing. Lesions: Large, bluish red pimples leave discolored scars in their wake. Burning and prickling in the lesions. Large, indurated cysts with red areola and yellow, pussy heads. Acne with depressed center. Depressed scars from acne. Location: Forehead, especially in the center area of the forehead above nose and eyebrows. Shoulder and back. Almost never the lower face. Lachesis mutus Aggressive acne with large numbers of large pimples over the face. Lesions: Purplish skin about the pimples. Purple lesions. Pimples resolve leaving a purplish scar in the skin without pitting. Location: More on the left side of the face. Worse: Before menses. At menopause. Mercurius solubilis Acne where a lot of pus shows through the skin. Lesions: Pustules situated on a bed of red skin and may discharge easily. Blue-red nodules without any pus at all. Purple areola about the lesion. A large cyst surrounded by small pimples. Skin often described as "waxy" or somewhat pale and transparent. Silica marina Diffuse acne, especially involving the cheeks. Lesions: Hard, deep pimples, often not coming to a head or showing no pus. Pimples slowly reabsorb, leaving a pitting type of scar. After the remedy, the pimple often begins to discharge. Location: Face, especially the cheeks. Also forehead. Sulphur Excellent remedy for acne and rosacea when the face is extremely oily. Sulphur is also the main remedy for acne rosacea in men. Lesions: Large but rather superficial pimples. Comedones, often with a lot of pus showing through the skin. Location: Often affects the nose, causing marked redness and a bulbous appearance of the nose. Worse: Heat. Washing. Before menses. Eating fatty foods.

Thuja occidentalis Acne when the skin is very oily. Lesions: Pustules with sunken centers. Location: Forehead. Upper lip. The patient often has tremendous feelings of shame about his appearance, far out of proportion to the actual condition. Other important remedies for acne Arnica montana Acne with very sore pimples. Location: Symmetrical lesions. Arsenicum album Burning acne over face, especially on the forehead. Comedones, sometimes with black heads. Worse: Cold air. Cold weather. Aurum metallicum Deep, large cysts which rarely erupt. Acne rosacea. Red, knobby nose. Baryta carbonica Acne in girls at puberty. Location: Face. Chest. Extreme distress over the tiniest pimple - a type of fastidiousness. Belladonna Large, deep, very red cysts or small boils without suppuration. Lesions: Very sensitive to the touch, jar, stooping. Full or bursting feeling inside the cyst. Heat and inflammation. Worse: Menses. Carbo animalis Burning and indurated lesions leave unsightly scars. Causticum Dry, itching face with rosacea. Rubs the face constantly, all night long. Lesions: Pustules and comedones with black centers. Rosacea with clusters of pimples. Location: Nose, especially the tip. Ears. Forehead. Eugenia jambos Painful acne with shooting pains. Rosacea. Worse: During the menses. Graphites Acne with very itchy pimples, especially at night. Lesions: Comedones. Hard, indurated pimples. Oozing and moist after scratching. Location: Face. Scalp. Behind ears. Chest. Back.

Worse: Before menses. Kreosotum Burning, inflamed acne especially before the menses. Nux vomica Acne after abuse of alcohol, food, stimulants. Rosacea comes on from over-work and stress. Worse: Eating cheese. Spices. Fats. Acne associated with gastric disturbance. Psorinum Small red pimples which easily suppurate. Location: Nose. Wings of nose. Forehead. Worse: Menses. Coffee. Fats. Pulsatilla pratensis Acne in young or young-seeming girls. Acne associated with menstrual problems, with suppressed menses. Sepia officinalis Acne and rosacea after childbearing or beginning in pregnancy. Lesions: Yellow-tinged pimples. Location: Face, especially the chin. Worse: Before menses. From nursing. Abscess Boils and carbuncles are generally treated quite successfully with homeopathy. Acute remedies may help the abscess to open rapidly and be relieved or the remedy may cause the pus to be quickly reabsorbed and resolved in this way. The practitioner should not concern himself with the manner in which the condition resolves. It is best not to have the idea that every boil must open and discharge. And while it is true that many specific remedies do exist, the prescriber should not become fixed on only one or two remedies. When treating a new and active abscess, we often give an acute remedy. If the patient has suffered with chronic or recurring abscesses, or has the more serious condition, hydradenitis, he should still respond well to homeopathic treatment. Here it is pointless to give specific remedies, rather we must focus on finding the constitutional remedy. Therapeutic tips for abscess Homeopathic The correct homeopathic remedy can often alleviate the need for incision and drainage of the abscess. After the correct remedy, the pain eases and the lesion begins to reabsorb or it ruptures spontaneously. The constitutional remedy can eliminate the tendency for boils, even if it is not listed for the condition. Naturopathic During the infection it can be helpful to give: Vitamin C (1000 to 2000 mg. daily). Zinc (50 mg. daily). Echinacea tincture (10 drops TID) is helpful. In cases of recurring boils ask the patient to try eating much pineapple (one half pineapple daily) for five to ten days or give Bromelain capsules (200 mg. TID). Local hot (not scalding) applications can help to localize and speed the recovery from abscess. Once a boil has opened, local cleansing with Calendula tincture speeds the healing. Allopathic

Once the patient has begun antibiotic treatment, it is best to avoid homeopathic treatment until the antibiotic use has finished. Simple incision and drainage of an abscess does not generally antidote the constitutional remedy (even when local anesthetics are used). Most abscesses heal perfectly well without the use of systemic antibiotics, even if the lesion is surgically drained. We should allow the antibiotics when the lesion is in a sensitive or vulnerable location such as the face or genital region. Repertory Main rubrics in abscess Skin, Abscess. Skin, Eruptions, boils. Other important rubrics in abscess Head, Abscess. Head, Eruptions, boils. Head, Eruptions, Boils, Occiput. Head, Eruptions, Boils, Temple, right. Head, Eruptions, Carbuncles. Eye, Abscess of cornea. Eye, Eruptions, About eyes, boils. Ear, Abscess, behind. Ear, Abscess, meatus, in. Ear, Eruptions, boils. Ear, Eruptions, Behind ears, boils. Ear, Eruptions, Below ears, boils. Ear, Eruptions, In front of, boils. Ear, Eruptions, Lobes, on, boils. Ear, Eruptions, Meatus in, boils. Nose, Abscess. Nose, Abscess, root, at. Nose, Abscess, Septum, at. Nose, Abscess, Tip, at. Face, Abscess. Face, Abscess, antrum. Face, Abscess, lip. Face, Abscess, lip, upper. Face, Abscess, parotid glands. Face, Abscess, submaxillary gland. Face, Eruptions, boils. Face, Eruptions, Boils, Blood boils, small. Face, Eruptions, Boils, Menses, during. Face, Eruptions, Boils, painful. Face, Eruptions, Boils, chin.

Face, Eruptions, Boils, Chin, under. Face, Eruptions, Boils, Chin, right side of. Face, Eruptions, Boils, forehead. Face, Eruptions, Boils, Forehead, above eyes. Face, Eruptions, Boils, lips. Face, Eruptions, Boils, margins of hair. Face, Eruptions, Boils, Mouth, corners of. Face, Eruptions, Boils, nose. Face, Eruptions, Boils, nose, inside. Face, Eruptions, Boils, nose, tip. Face, Eruptions, Boils, temples. Face, Eruptions, Carbuncles on chin. External Throat, Abscess. External Throat, Eruption, Boils side of neck. Abdomen, Abscess, Walls, in. Abdomen, Abscess, Inguinal region. Abdomen, Abscess, Inguinal region, glands. Abdomen, Cirrhosis, Liver, Boils, with. Abdomen, Eruptions, Boils. Abdomen, Eruptions, Boils, inguinal region. Abdomen, Eruptions, Pubic region, boils. Rectum, Abscess. Rectum, Boils, Anus, in. Urine, Sugar, Gangrene, Boils, Carbuncles and diarrhea, with. Male, Abscess, penis. Female, Abscess, Vulva, labia. Chest, Abscess, Axilla. Chest, Abscess, Mammae. Chest, Abscess, Mammae, Threatening, in old cicatrices. Chest, Abscess, Mammae, Nipples. Chest, Eruptions, boils. Chest, Eruptions, Axilla, boils. Chest, Eruptions, Mammae, boils. Chest, Induration, Mammae, abscess, after. Back, Abscess. Back, Abscess, Cervical region. Back, Abscess, Cervical region, old cicatrices. Back, Abscess, Lumbar region. Back, Abscess, Coccyx, just below. Back, Abscess, psoas. Back, Eruptions, boils. Back, Eruptions, Boils, blood boils.

Back, Eruptions, Boils, Cervical region. Back, Eruptions, Boils, Scapular region. Back, Eruptions, Boils, Shoulders between. Back, Eruptions, Boils, Lumbar region. Back, Eruptions, Boils, Sacrum. Back, Eruptions, Carbuncle. Back, Eruptions, Carbuncle, Cervical region. Back, Eruptions, Carbuncle, Dorsal region. Extremities, Abscess. Extremities, Abscess, Upper Limbs. Extremities, Abscess, Upper Limbs, gangrenous. Extremities, Abscess, Upper Limbs, Wounds, after dissecting. Extremities, Abscess, Upper Arm. Extremities, Abscess, Upper Arm, deltoid. Extremities, Abscess, Elbow. Extremities, Abscess, Forearm. Extremities, Abscess, Hand. Extremities, Abscess, Hand, back of. Extremities, Abscess, Hand, palm. Extremities, Abscess, Fingers. Extremities, Abscess, Lower Limbs. Extremities, Abscess, Lower Limbs, psoas. Extremities, Abscess, Nates. Extremities, Abscess, Thigh. Extremities, Abscess, Knee. Extremities, Abscess, Leg. Extremities, Abscess, Leg, calf. Extremities, Abscess, Foot. Extremities, Abscess, Foot, heel. Extremities, Abscess, Toes. Extremities, Carbuncles. Extremities, Carbuncles, forearm. Extremities, Carbuncles, nates. Extremities, Carbuncles, thigh. Extremities, Contraction, Thigh, Abscess, after. Extremities, Eruption, boils. Extremities, Eruption, Upper Limbs, boils. Extremities, Eruption, Shoulder, boils. Extremities, Eruption, Shoulder, Boils, blood boils, large. Extremities, Eruption, Shoulder, Pimples, Boils, like. Extremities, Eruption, Upper Arm, boils. Extremities, Eruption, Forearm, boils.

Extremities, Eruption, Wrist, boils. Extremities, Eruption, Hand, boils. Extremities, Eruption, Hand, Boils, small. Extremities, Eruption, Hand, Back of hand, boils. Extremities, Eruption, Hand, Palm, Ulnar side of, boils. Extremities, Eruption, Hand, Fingers, Between, Index finger and thumb, blood boils. Extremities, Eruption, Fingers, boils. Extremities, Eruption, Fingers, Thumb, boils. Extremities, Eruption, Lower Limbs, boils. Extremities, Eruption, Nates, boils. Extremities, Eruption, Hip, boils. Extremities, Eruption, Thigh, boils. Extremities, Eruption, Knee, boils. Extremities, Eruption, Leg, boils. Extremities, Eruption, Leg, Calf, boils. Extremities, Eruption, Ankle, boils. Extremities, Eruption, Foot, boils. Extremities, Eruption, Foot, Heel, boils. Extremities, Eruption, Foot, Sole of, boils. Extremities, Itching, Lower Limbs, Boil, at the site of a previous. Skin, Eruptions, Boils, blood boils. Skin, Eruptions, Boils, blue. Skin, Eruptions, Boils, greenish pus. Skin, Eruptions, Boils, Impotency, with. Skin, Eruptions, Boils, injured places. Skin, Eruptions, Boils, large. Skin, Eruptions, Boils, Maturing, slowly. Skin, Eruptions, Boils, Maturing, not. Skin, Eruptions, Boils, Menses, at. Skin, Eruptions, Boils, periodical. Skin, Eruptions, Boils, scarring. Skin, Eruptions, Boils, small. Skin, Eruptions, Boils, Small, painful. Skin, Eruptions, Boils, Spring, in the. Skin, Eruptions, Carbuncle. Skin, Eruptions, Carbuncle, burning. Skin, Eruptions, Carbuncle, Purple, with small vesicles around. Skin, Eruptions, Carbuncle, stinging. Skin, Ulcers, Boils, from. Generalities, Abscesses, suppurations. Generalities, Abscesses, bloody. Generalities, Abscesses, bluish.

Generalities, Abscesses, burning. Generalities, Abscesses, Chilly, within. Generalities, Abscesses, cold. Generalities, Abscesses, deep. Generalities, Abscesses, Foreign bodies, elimination of. Generalities, Abscesses, Formication, with. Generalities, Abscesses, Mature, do not. Generalities, Abscesses, Menses, during. Generalities, Abscesses, Physical exertion, on. Generalities, Abscesses, Pus, greenish. Generalities, Abscesses, Pus, thick. Generalities, Abscesses, Pus, Yellow, green. Generalities, Abscesses, recurrent. Generalities, Abscesses, slow. Generalities, Abscesses, Cartilages. Generalities, Abscesses, Glands. Generalities, Abscesses, Muscles, of. Generalities, Abscesses, Vesicles, on. Remedies Main remedies for abscess Calcarea sulphurica Abscesses continue to discharge for weeks or even months after opening. Abscesses develop into a type of fistulous condition. The discharge is usually creamy and yellow. Calcarea Sulphurica is also a good remedy in hydradenitis. Hepar sulphur Boils open and resolve only to recur in the same location (Sulph, Calc-S). Lesions: Painful and may be exquisitely sensitive to the touch. Often the abscesses of Hepar will come in crops. The disharge is often offensive or smells like old cheese. Location: The main remedy for paronychia, especially of the fingers. Abscess of glands. Axilla. Face. Inguinal. Lower limb. Better: Heat. Silica marina Isolated or crops of slowly developing abscesses. Abscesses developing around retained foreign bodies. Lesions: Hard and indurated boils. Carbuncles and chronically draining fistulas. Location: Face. Eyelids. Tear ducts. Nose. Axilla. Lymph glands. Breast. Bartholin glands. Thigh. Leg. Neck or back. Paronychia. Carbuncles between the nape of the neck and the shoulder blades.

Sulphur Recurring boils anywhere on the body. The skin is often oily. Boils in patients with poor hygiene. Lesions: Crops of boils. Also carbuncles. Single boils; one boil scarcely resolves when the next occurs. Yellow, offensive discharge. Air bubbles in the discharge. Location: Back. Neck. Buttocks. Axilla. Groin. Chest. Other important remedies for abscess Anthracinum Severe burning sensation in abscess (Tarent-C). Lesions: Quite large and tense. Carbuncles. Frequently but not necessarily black or purplish Location: At the trapezius or over the scapula. Lip. Arnica montana Small, painful boils; great soreness of the whole region affected. Lesions: Boils do not mature, slowly resolve only to recur successively. Crops of small boils (Sulph, Kali-I). Symmetrical lesions. Location: Head. Side of neck. Chest. Carbuncles of thigh. All forms of abscesses are very tender to touch. Arsenicum album Abscesses with marked burning. Lesions: One of our best remedies for carbuncles. Location: Internal abscess. Abscessed glands. Parotid gland. Abscesses in diabetics. Belladonna Especially in early abscess formation, often before the pus is localized. Lesions: Boil deep in the skin; swollen from deep under the skin. Bright red and remarkably hot to the touch. Terribly painful and usually throbbing boils. Location: Right side of body. Face. Margin of hair. Breast. Thigh. Worse: Exquisitely sensitive to touch or jarring. Bufo rana Carbuncles and dissecting abscesses. Lesions: Abscess with marked loculation and wide, blue areola. Location: Especially affecting the upper limb, wrist, hand. Paronychia with ascending cellulitis. Breast. Ear canal. Calcarea carbonica

Deep abscesses found in the muscles, glands or deeper organs. Favors reabsorption of pus rather than extrusion. Causticum Abscess and boils especially in pointed parts of face - nose, chin, ear. Crotalus horridus Mottled, purplish abscess with violent burning pains. Marked swelling and pitting edema surrounds the lesion. Oozing of dark blood with the pus. Dulcamara Boils in location of injuries or bruises. Graphites Recurring boils or even hydradenitis. Lesions: Chronically discharging boils or carbuncles. Thick, yellow discharge. Location: Folds of skin. Old scars. Neck and shoulders. Thigh and buttocks. Breast. Hecla lava Abscess formation with huge swelling and bony destruction. Lesions: Hard or rubbery swelling with scant pus. Location: Jaw. Periosteum. Juglans regia Hydradenitis, especially affecting the axilla. Kalium iodatum Small painful boils in crops (Arn, Sulph). Lesions: Small boils but also large carbuncles. Abscess surrounded by small pustules. Boils reabsorb leaving scars. Location: Head. Face. Neck. Chest. Back. Lachesis mutus Very painful, purple or dark abscesses. Lesions: Tense and often covered by almost a purplish color in the skin. Extensive, loculated abscess sometimes surrounded by multiple small boils. Location: Especially on the left side of body. Worse: Spring. Before menses. Ledum palustre Mottled blue abscesses or "blood boils." Pains are ameliorated by cold bathing or cold applications. Mercurius solubilis Abscesses which form and grow slowly. Lesions: Discharging an offensive, yellow-green pus. Location: Glands. Breast. Face. Dental. Inguinal. Axilla. Worse: Heat of bed. Heat or cold. Menses.

Nitricum acidum Severely painful abscess with splinter-like pains. Foul, acrid discharge. Phosphorus Abscess with multiple fistula formation. Lesions: Burning in abscess with thin, ichorous, offensive discharge. "Blood boils." Copious yellow discharge. Location: Breast. Glands. Hard palate. Axilla. Eyelids. Picricum acidum Bluish boils which discharge a thin, watery discharge eventually purulent. Location: Ear canal. Back of neck. Nose. Breast. Boils or carbuncles associated with impotence. Pyrogenium Abscess associated with fever or even sepsis. Recurring abscess with violent burning. Dissecting or internal abscesses. Tarentula cubensis Severely burning and inflamed abscess. Carbuncles with black discoloration or a black core. Thuja occidentalis Recurring boils with inflamed, red borders. Slowly growing carbuncle with multiple fistula. Location: Genitalia and perineum. Buttocks. Axilla. Behind knee. Warts The treatment of warts with homeopathy is often very impressive. Specific remedies are quite often effective at curing warts and many inexperienced prescribers gain a wide reputation by using remedies in this specific way. Though this practice does not generally do a lot of harm, it is rarely best to treat a constitutional case by relying upon the location or type of warts of the patient. In fact, in most instances the best procedure is to give the constitutional remedy even if the remedy does not cover this local pathology. Many times in my practice, I have been surprised to find warts disappear after a constitutional remedy when I had cautioned the patient that the remedy would likely not remove the warts because it was given for a more serious problem, ignoring the wart. In my experience, it is relatively easy to treat warts regardless of whether the diagnosis is genital wart, plantar wart, etc. by giving the constitutional remedy. However, the warts must always cause us to consider a group of antisycotic remedies, and sometimes the information of this type or the location of the wart will provide valuable information toward recognizing the constitutional remedy. Repertory Main rubrics in warts Skin, Excrescences, condylomata. Skin, warts. Other important rubrics in warts Head, Warts, forehead.

Head, Warts, scalp. Eye, Condylomata, warts. Eye, Condylomata, Warts, eyebrows. Eye, Condylomata, Warts, eyelids. Eye, Condylomata, Warts, irises. Nose, warts. Nose, Warts, inside nose. Nose, Warts, tip. Face, warts. Face, Warts, lips. Mouth, Condylomata, tongue. Throat, condylomata. Abdomen, warts. Rectum, condylomata. Male, condylomata (subrubrics). Male, Condylomata, Fish brine odor, with. Male, Condylomata, penis (subrubrics). Male, Condylomata, Penis, glans. Male, Condylomata, Penis, prepuce. Male, Condylomata, Penis, Prepuce, fraenum. Male, Condylomata, Scrotum. Female, condylomata (subrubrics). Female, Condylomata, uterus. Female, Condylomata, vagina. Female, Condylomata, Vagina, bleed easily. Larynx, condylomata. Chest, Warts, mammae. Chest, Warts, sternum. Back, warts. Back, Warts, cervical region. Extremities, Eruptions, Fingers, Excrescences, Wart, like a. Extremities, Warts, upper limbs. Extremities, Warts, Elbow, bend of. Extremities, Warts, forearm. Extremities, Warts, wrist. Extremities, Warts, hand (subrubrics). Extremities, Warts, Hand, palm (subrubrics). Extremities, Warts, fingers. Extremities, Warts, Fingers, tips. Extremities, Warts, Fingers, Nails, close to. Extremities, Warts, thumb. Extremities, Warts, thigh.

Extremities, Warts, nates. Extremities, Warts, Foot, sole of. Skin, Excrescences, Condylomata (subrubrics). Skin, Warts, bleeding. Skin, Warts, Bleeding, Washing, from. Skin, Warts, brown. Skin, Warts, burning. Skin, Warts, Cold washing, aggravates. Skin, Warts, dry. Skin, Warts, flat. Skin, Warts, fleshy. Skin, Warts, hard. Skin, Warts, Hollow, become. Skin, Warts, horny. Skin, Warts, indented. Skin, Warts, inflamed. Skin, Warts, itching. Skin, Warts, jagged. Skin, Warts, large. Skin, Warts, moist. Skin, Warts, old. Skin, Warts, painful. Skin, Warts, pedunculated. Skin, Warts, red. Skin, Warts, round. Skin, Warts, sensitive to touch. Skin, Warts, small. Skin, Warts, Smelling like old, cheese. Skin, Warts, smooth. Skin, Warts, soft. Skin, Warts, Stitching, in. Skin, Warts, Thin epidermis, with. Skin, Warts, Ulcers, surrounded by a circle of. Skin, Warts, withered. Remedies Main remedies for warts Causticum Patients with multiple or very large warts. Character: Many varieties; especially fleshy, rather large and broad-based. Pedunculated warts. Ulcerated warts. Also flat warts. Eventually becoming hard, jagged, sensitive and easily bleeding. Location: Tips of the fingers, especially in the area about the nails.

Face. Eyebrow or eyelids. Tip of the nose. Lips. Medorrhinum Frequent remedy in warts of children. Venereal warts. Character: Moist warts, often fleshy, stubby warts. Also pointed warts. Filiform warts or skin tags. Molluscum contagiosum. Location: Especially genital warts over penis and glans and scrotum. Warts inside the vagina or on labia. Hands. Thigh. Plantar warts. Warts after suppressed gonorrheal or other discharges. Nitricum acidum Wide-spread, sensitive warts with splinter-like pains (though often painless). Character: Jagged, itchy and especially moist warts. Sometimes offensive. Also pedunculated warts. Sometimes very large. Warts may bleed easily, from washing or rubbing. Sometimes soft or cauliflower-shaped warts. Location: Face and lips. Inside nose. Hands, fingers. Genitals. Anus. Thuja occidentalis The most common remedy for warts in our materia medica. Character: Often large and impressive warts. Rapidly growing warts. Broad-based, conical shaped warts. Also indented warts. Older warts are cracked, oozing, may have an odor of old cheese. Dark colored or brown warts. Red warts. Location: Face, lips, nose. Hands. Genitals. Inside urethra or vagina. On glans or prepuce. On cervix or uterus. Plantar warts. History that the warts have disappeared from a variety of folk cures. Thuja seems to be the main remedy for warts which disappear in this superstitious way (though often recurring later). Other important remedies for warts Antimonium crudum Hardened warts or excrescences, almost the consistency of horn. Character: Beside the horn-like warts, also smooth and flat warts. May develop ulceration about the warts. Location: Dorsal surface of hand and fingers. Plantar warts. Eyelid. Argentum nitricum Warts especially found on mucus membranes. Character: Sensitive or splinter-like pains are common. Warts may be painless. Bleeding warts. Location: Mucus membranes: larynx, mouth, palate and throat. Fingers. Aurum metallicum Venereal warts about the anus, genitals. Also on the tongue (Aur-M).

Baryta carbonica Multiple, usually small warts. Location: Hand. Fingers. Back. Bufo rana Warts or tubercules on hands and fingers. Also the ears. Calcarea carbonica Multiple warts, especially over hands and fingers. Character: Fleshy, soft, round, warts. Later have soft base and rough surface. Warts become hollowed. Finally, inflamed warts which may develop surrounding ulcers. Location: Hands and fingers. Elbow and forearm. Face, especially left cheek. Behind ear. About the eye. Genitalia. Uterus. Castor equi Warts on forehead or about breasts or nipples. Cinnabaris Especially in warts limited to the peri-anal region. Character: Fan-shaped warts. Easily bleeding warts. Oozing warts. Location: About the anus. Genitals. Prepuce and frenum of penis. Iris. Dulcamara Especially in smooth, flat warts. Character: Flat warts. Also has pedunculated or cauliflower warts. Large, fleshy warts. Location: Face. Hands - both dorsum and palm. Fingers. Lac caninum Warts on the fingers with great self-consciousness. Also listed for cauliflower warts on the glans of penis. Lycopodium clavatum Mainly dry, often itchy warts. Character: Warts become cracked and jagged. Also moist and burning warts. Fig or filiform warts. Location: Chin. Genitals. Prepuce. Anus. Tip of tongue. Mercurius solubilis Syphilitic warts are especially on or at margins of mucus membranes. Location: Over the sclera or iris. Genitals. Figwarts on the glans of the penis. Natrium carbonicum Inflamed and sensitive warts, sometimes with ulceration. Location: Upper limbs, especially hands. Back or buttocks. Natrium muriaticum

Sensitive warts on the palm; tender when pressed against. Natrium sulphuricum Moist warts especially about the genitals and anus - especially when found both together (Nit-Ac). Warts in patients with history of gonorrhea or urethritis (Med, Thuj). Sabina Oozing or itching warts on or near the genitalia or perineum. Character: Large, impressive and hard warts. "Butternut-shaped wart on dorsum of penis." Offensive, fish-brine odor from wart. Location: Male or female genitalia. Sarsaparilla officinalis Dry and inflamed or withered genital warts. Old warts. Sepia officinalis Itchy, hard warts. Sometimes brownish-colored warts. Seborrheic keratoses. Location: Abdomen. Back. Upper limbs. Staphisagria Sensitive warts; painful to the touch. Dry warts. Location: Genitals. Glans. Inside vagina. Vitiligo Vitiligo is not a significant problem in most Western countries and thus our experience is significantly less than in countries of Asia. The treatment is always constitutional - remedies chosen only for the pathology are rarely effective. The main remedies for the condition have included: Thuja, Sepia, Phosphorous, Silica, Calcarea Carbonica, Natrum Muriaticum, Natrum Carbonicum, Mercurius, Arsenicum and Arsenicum Sulphuratum Flavum. Systemic conditions Vertigo Vertigo The allopathic definition of true vertigo requires the presence of spinning sensation, nystagmus and abnormal vestibular tests. These signs and symptoms denote labyrinthitis, Meniere's syndrome or other diseases of the inner ear. The more common symptom of "dizziness" includes cases of vertigo as well as an intimidating list of disorders in its differential: Acoustic neuroma. Cerebral or carotid artery disease. Degenerative conditions of the spine. Hypertension. Anemia. Thyroid disorders. Brain neoplasms. Multiple sclerosis and other neurological disorders. Hyperventilation syndrome. Anxiety disorders and other psychiatric conditions. Needless to say, it is important for any patient with such a presenting complaint to have a thorough evaluation. These evaluations often are unable to pinpoint a diagnosis and are rarely helpful for determining the homeopathic treatment. They can, however, often help to determine prognosis. Homeopathic treatment is the same, no matter the underlying condition. Management Chronic or long-term vertigo is always approached constitutionally. However, many patients present with recent onset of vertigo which may require acute remedies. The most common cause is acute

labyrinthitis where acute vertigo is associated with upper respiratory infections and tinnitus. Acute labyrinthitis is usually mild and responds quickly to acute remedies. A more serious condition, Meniere's syndrome, includes severe nausea and often hearing loss as well as the vertigo and tinnitus seen in labyrinthitis. The condition can lead to total, unilateral hearing loss. If there are clear symptoms, we should select a specific acute remedy. More frequently, the Meniere's syndrome is a part of the constitutional case and responds better to constitutional treatment. When the vertigo and hearing loss is of sudden onset, we should treat aggressively, expecting improvement within days of the remedy. Meniere's syndrome may be associated with manganese deficiency (supplement the diet with 5 mg. daily). Also useful is gingko biloba (one capsule TID) and niacin (100 mg. daily). Repertory The repertory section, "Vertigo" is not long but for convenience a summary is provided below: Temperature • weather Air, Open, in. Bathing, Warm, after. Cold, Applications, ameliorate. Cold, weather, during. Cold, Room, ameliorates. Damp weather. Heat, from. Heat, Room, of. Heat, Sun, of. Hot weather, in. House, in. House, Entering, on. Spring. Storms, before. Summer. Sunlight and heat. Warm, room. Warmth, ameliorates. Washing feet. Wet weather. Windy weather. Activities Ascending. Ascending, stairs. Bathing, after. Binding, Hair aggravates. Blowing, Nose, on. Carried, being. Burdens, Carrying on head, aggravates.

Climbing high, when. Crossing, Bridge, a. Descending, on. Descending, Stairs, on. Exercising, on. Exertion, on. Kneading, bread or similar motions. Lifting, Weight, a. Motion, from. Motion, Arms, of. Motion, Neck, of. Motion, Rapid, from. Motion, Sudden, from. Moving, Head, from. Railway traveling. Raising, Arms, from. Raising, Hands, above head. Reading, while. Riding, while. Rising, on. Rising, Seat, from a. Sewing, while. Shaking, Head, the. Shaving, after. Stretching, on. Talking, while. Walking, while. Writing, while. Position Bed, in. Bending head, backwards. Bending head, forward. Leaning, Left cheek, against hand. Leaning, head. Lying, Down, on. Lying, while. Lying, Back, on. Lying, Face, on. Lying, Side, on. Lying, necessary. Propping, head. Raising, head.

Reclining, when. Resting, Head, Table, On, ameliorates. Rising, bed, from. Rising, Seat, from a. Rising, Stooping, from. Sitting, while. Sitting-up in bed, while. Standing, while. Stooping, on. Supporting, Head, ameliorates. Turning, In bed, on. Eyes • vision Closing eyes, on. Colored glass, light shining through. Colors before the eyes, with, while stooping. Dark room, entering, on. Dilated pupils. Diplopia, with. Closed eyes, cannot walk with. Closing eyes, ameliorates. Gaslight, from. Hearing and vision, with loss of. Light, daylight. Light, bright, in. Lights, After being in a room with many. Looking, Eyes turned, with. Looking, downward. Looking, Moving object, at. Looking, steadily. Looking, upwards. Motion, Eyes, of. Motion, Eyelids, of. Optical disturbances, with. Emotions Anger, after. Anxiety, during. Bad news, from. Chagrin, sorrow, from. Crowd, in. Emotional excitement, after. Excitement, mental. Fright, after.

High places. Hysterical. Intoxicated, as if. Meditating, on. Mental exertion, aggravates. Narrow streets, Places, in. Nervous origin, of. Night-watching, from. Shock, from mental. Talking, Animated, after. Thinking about it, on. Vexation, after. Will, Exerting, ameliorates. Associated diseases Alternating, drowsiness, with. Anemia, with. Cerebral diseases, in. Chronic, Headache, One-sided, with. Colic, alternating with. Concussion, Brain, from. Constipation, during. Convulsions, before, with. Coryza, during. Coughing, on. Deafness, with. Diarrhea. Digestive tract, Irritation, of. Epilepsy, before, during, after. Eruptions, suppressed. Fever, during, with. Flatulence, Obstructed, with. Gastric. Headache, during, after. Heart symptoms, with. Heat, before, during, after. Hemorrhage, Uterus, with. Hemorrhoids, after. Hepatic disturbances, with. Injuries of head, after. Liver disturbance, with. Loss of fluids. Menses, suppressed.

Nausea, with. Palpitations, Heart, from. Paralysis, during. Pelvic troubles, with. Placenta, with retained. Sneezing, from. Spasms, with. Suppression, Gonorrhea, of. Suppression, Foot sweat, from. Syncope, with. Syphilitic. Tinnitus, with. Vomiting, before, after. Worm affections, in. Body processes Breath, deep, aggravates. Blowing the nose. Emission, after. Erections, during. Eructations, during. Inspiration, on deep. Labor, during. Menopause, during. Menses, before, during, after. Perspiration, with. Pregnancy, during. Sleep, during. Urination, during. Waking, on. Yawning, when. Food • drink Alcoholic drinks. Beer, after. Bread, after. Breakfast, during, after. Coffee, after. Cold drinks, after. Dinner, during, after. Drinking, while. Drinking, water ameliorates. Eating, before, while, after. Fasting, aggravates.

Hungry, when. Smoking, from. Stomach, Empty, from. Tea, after. Tobacco, aggravates. Wine, from. Sensations Balancing sensation. Drawn up and pitched forward, as if. Elevated, as if. Falling, Sensation of, from a height. Feet, Higher than the head, Sensation, as if. Floating, as if. Floor, Motion, as if were in. Ground, gives way. Ground, As if were rising, or as if raised. Head, Floating, as if. Height, As if falling, from a. Intoxicated, as if. Lying, Did not touch the bed, as if. Lying, Sinking down through or with the bed, as if. Objects seem, Move, to. Objects seem, Turn in a circle, to. Rocking, as if. Rolling sensation in head, with. Sinking, as if. Suspension of the senses. Swaying, To and fro, Objects, as if. Swinging, as if. Turned, Bed turned about, as if. Turning, Circle, as if in a. Turning, Circle, He turns in a. Violent. Walls of house seem to fall on her. Waves, Occiput, in. Balance • unsteadiness Fall, tendency to (subrubrics). Right, swaying toward. Left, swaying toward. Left, Swaying toward, walking in open air. Reeling.

Staggering, with. Swaying, to and fro. Change of position Morning, Rising, on. Dinner, Rising, from. Fall, Tendency to, Rising, Bed, from. Fall, Tendency to, Rising, Sitting, from. Ground, As if were rising. Meniere's disease, Raising head, Sitting up, aggravates. Menses, During, Stooping, on, and rising again. Nausea, Rising, Bed, from. Nausea, Rising, Seat, from. Raising, Head, Bed, from. Rising, on. Rising, seat, from a. Rising, sitting bent. Rising, stooping, from. Sitting, While, up in bed. Turning, In bed, on. Turning, Head, quickly. Locations felt Back, comes up the. Body, affects whole. Brain, deep in. Beginning in, Nape of neck or occiput. Eyes, in. Forehead, felt in. Fullness and aching in vertex. Occipital. Spine, Ascending from. Stomach, Proceeding from. Temples, Left, in. Waves, Occiput, in. Tempo of illness Attacks, repeated. Chronic. Continuous. Sudden. Paroxysmal. Periodical. Waves, in. Other important rubrics

Mind, Anxiety, Vertigo, during Mind, Dullness, Vertigo, during. Mind, Stupefaction, Vertigo, during. Mind, Unconsciousness, Vertigo, during. Head, Coldness, Forehead, Vertigo, with. Head, Congestion, Vertigo, during. Head, Elongated sensation, Vertigo, With, and urging to urinate. Head, Enlarged sensation, Vertigo, during. Head, Falling of head, Backward, Vertigo, during. Head, Fullness, Vertigo, during. Head, Pain, Vertigo, after. Eye, Pain, General, Vertigo, with. Eye, Pupils, Dilated, Vertigo, with. Eye, Twitching, Lids, Vertigo, during. Vision, Blurred, Vertigo, with. Vision, Colors, Eyes, Before the, Black spots, Vertigo, with. Vision, Dim, Vertigo, during. Vision, Diplopia, Vertigo, after. Vision, Foggy, Vertigo, with. Vision, Loss of vision, Vertigo, during. Vision, Sparks, Vertigo, during. Ear, Noises, Vertigo, with. Ear, Noises, Roaring, Vertigo, with. Hearing, Impaired, Vertigo, with. Nose, Epistaxis, Vertigo, with. Nose, Smell, Acute, Sensitive, Odor of gas causes vertigo. Face, Discoloration, Red, Vertigo, during. Face, Pain, Vertigo and tinnitus, with. Mouth, Numbness, One-sided, Vertigo, with. Mouth, Numbness, Tongue, One-sided, Vertigo, with. Stomach, Vomiting, Vertigo, during. Stomach, Weak feeling, Vertigo during, Lie down, compelled to. Rectum, Urging, Vertigo, during. Kidney, Pain, Alternating with, vertigo. Female, Menses, Suppressed, Vertigo, with. Respiration, Asthmatic, Vertigo, with. Extremities, Coldness, Hands, Vertigo, with. Extremities, Coldness, Foot, Vertigo, during. Extremities, Convulsions, Vertigo after, on rising from a chair. Extremities, Dragging, Feet, Left, Vertigo, after. Extremities, Paralysis, Upper limbs, Left, Vertigo, during. Extremities, Trembling, Hand, Vertigo, from.

Extremities, Trembling, Hand, Vertigo, after. Sleep, Disturbed, Vertigo, by. Sleep, Sleepiness, All day from debility, Vertigo, with. Sleep, Sleeplessness, Vertigo, from. Sleep, Waking, Midnight, Before, Vertigo, with. Sleep, Waking, Vertigo, from. Chill, Chilliness, Vertigo, with. Chill, Chilliness, Vertigo, after. Perspiration, Cold, Nausea, With vertigo, and. Generalities, Convulsions, Epileptic, Aura, vertigo. Generalities, Faintness (subrubrics). Generalities, Pulse, Slow, Vertigo, with. Generalities, Quivering, Vertigo, followed by. Generalities, Trembling, Vertigo, with. Generalities, Weakness, Vertigo, with. Remedies Main remedies Bryonia alba Severe vertigo attacks, often after febrile illness. Feels as if sinking into the bed or through the bed. Must lie absolutely still, cannot even move the eyes. Worse: Trying to rise from the bed, immediately causing vomiting. Motion. Upon rising in the morning. 9 PM. Vertigo with faintness or syncope. Calcarea carbonica Acute and chronic forms of vertigo. Worse: Exertion. Walking. Ascending. Before or during menses. Turning the head too quickly. Sudden motion. Standing. After over-work or business and financial stress. Vertigo is sometimes felt especially in the vertex. Vertigo in high places or even seeing someone else in a high spot. Cocculus indicus True vertigo with the sensation that the room is turning. Vertigo with intense nausea; forced to lie still. Worse: Any attempt to rise from the bed, even the head. Riding in a car, boat or plane. Watching a moving object. Standing. Sitting. Motion. Drinking wine or alcohol. Grief. Caring for a sick loved-one. After prolonged anxiety. Missing even a few minutes of his needed sleep. Also indicated in deeply confused and thick-headed patients with agonizing dizziness and disorientation. Phosphorus One of the main remedies for Meniere's disease with tinnitus.

Worse: In the morning upon rising. Looking upward. Lying on the left side. Motion. Odors. After stool. After fluid loss. Sitting. Rising from a seat. Must lie down. Upon entering a warm room. Exerting the vision. Better: Lying on the right side. After a good sleep. Chronic vertigo. Periodic vertigo. Vertigo in elderly patients. Vertigo with faintness. Vertigo felt mainly in forehead. Silica marina Vertigo associated with sinusitis and stopped ears. Meniere's disease. Worse: Lying on the back or left side. Motion. Riding or driving. Walking. Stooping. Looking upward. Falls to the right side. Other important remedies Aconitum napellus Vertigo which comes suddenly, especially after exposure or shock. Worse: After fright. Standing. Vertigo and faintness on rising from seat or bed. Tendency to fall to the right. Vertigo with nausea and vomiting on rising; fear to rise. Acute Meniere's syndrome. Basilar artery ischemic attacks. Agaricus muscarius Spells of dizziness and confusion. True vertigo with whirling objects, nystagmus, staggering. Worse: Motion. Walking in the open air. Alumina True vertigo, as if turning in a circle, unsteady and confused. Worse: Closing the eyes. Stooping. After eating. Better: Wiping or rubbing the eyes. After breakfast. Neurological conditions such as multiple sclerosis. Argentum metallicum Sudden paroxysms of vertigo. Worse: Night in bed. Heat. Entering a warm room. Argentum nitricum Vertigo with ataxia and unsteadiness or even staggering. Whirling or turning sensation. Vertigo in high places or on looking upward at tall buildings. Worse: In a dark room. Closing the eyes. Stooping. Arnica montana Vertigo after concussion (Nat-S). Worse: Closing eyes. Moving or raising the head. Walking. Rising. Better: Lying. Resting.

Asarum europaeum Vertigo with a sensation of floating. Meniere's syndrome; painful sensitivity to noise despite stopped ears. Worse: Looking upward. Rising from bed or seat. Baryta carbonica Vertigo in elderly patients with much nausea and debility. Vertigo from stroke, Alzheimer's disease, other neurological conditions. Belladonna Vertigo with sudden onset from Meniere's syndrome. Violent attacks of vertigo, often with a turning sensation. Worse:Turning in bed. Stooping. Motion, especially motion of the head. Lying down. Often the pupils are dilated and the face is red or congested. Vertigo from stroke or ischemia to the brain or in hypertensive crisis. Borax veneta Awful vertigo and sinking in the stomach. Worse: Descending stairs or while on elevators or escalators. Mental exertion. Talking or excitement. Vertigo with a tendency to fall, especially to the left side. Calcarea phosphorica Vertigo associated with neck pain and arthritis. Worse: Constipation. With headache. Lying. Rising from a seat. Stooping. Drafts or wind, especially from chill on the neck. Sensation of sinking into the bed. Vertigo with a tendency to fall forward. Cannabis indica Vertigo with a floating, disoriented, intoxicated or "spacey" feeling. Worse: When traveling away from home. Better: From resting. Carbo vegetabilis Vertigo with faintness and deathly nausea. Worse: Moving head quickly. Raising head or sitting up. Better: Lying (though patient in general is often worse while lying). Nausea and eructation with vertigo. Carboneum sulphuratum Sudden attacks of vertigo, often with headache or visual disturbance. Foggy or intoxicated feeling. Worse: Morning upon rising. Better: Open air. Causticum Vertigo associated with neurological disorders such as Parkinson's, etc.

Worse: Night in bed. During stool. Tendency to fall or stagger. Turns involuntarily to the right. China officinalis Vertigo associated with anemia or after hemorrhage or fluid loss. Worse: Motion. Chininum sulphuricum Meniere's syndrome with marked tinnitus. Worse: On rising. Nausea and vomiting with vertigo. Vertigo from anemia. Cimicifuga racemosa Vertigo with headache and stiff neck. Stiffness so severe it seems to choke off the blood to the head. Fullness and aching in the vertex with vertigo. Conium maculatum True vertigo, turning sensations. Often from hormonal imbalance. Worse: Lying. Turning over in bed. Descending stairs. Menopause or during menses. Moving the head or even eyes. Motion. Shaking the head. Sudden motion. Wine. Better: From closing the eyes. Resting. Vertigo in elderly patients. Cyclamen europaeum Vertigo as if turning in a circle. Worse: Before menses. Gelsemium sempervirens Vertigo often described as originating in the neck or occiput. Trembling and weakness with vertigo. Staggers on walking. Worse: Morning. Exerting or walking. Better: On closing the eyes. Diplopia or visual disturbance accompanied by vertigo. Glonoinum Vertigo resulting from sunstroke. Also with cardiac disorders. Worse: Heat or sun. Motion. Lachesis mutus Vertigo from congestion to the head, hypertension, heart disease,stroke. Vertigo with a floating sensation. Worse: Morning on waking. Sleeps into the crisis. Standing. Reaching upwards. Before menses. Better: Cold air. During menses. Natrium muriaticum Vertigo especially associated with the eyes and vision.

Worse: Morning on rising or at 11 AM. Any caffeine as in coffee or tea. From exerting the vision. From reading. Smoking. During headache or migraine. Walking. During pregnancy. Periodic vertigo. Paroxysms of vertigo. Tendency to fall to the left side. Natrium salicylicum Has been used as a specific in Meniere's syndrome. Vertigo associated with tinnitus or hearing loss, often rapid onset. Objects seem to move to the right. Worse: Rising from lying or even raising the head. Natrium sulphuricum Vertigo from injury of the head. Worse: After eating. Warm room. Accompanied by tinnitus, especially in the left ear. Nux moschata Dreamy, floating and forgetful. The room seems to whirl (stronger than simply turning). Staggering while walking, especially in the open air. Nux vomica Vertigo from mental exertion, from over-work or abusing the health. Turning or even whirling sensation. Worse: Morning on rising. At night in bed, waking the patient. In bed. Rising from bed. Turning. After eating. Loss of sleep. From odors. From tobacco, coffee or alcohol. Vertigo during chills. Vertigo associated with digestive complaints. Vertigo with fainting or staggering. Onosmodium virginianum Vertigo associated with visual disturbance. Mental confusion and intoxicated sensation (Pip-M). Worse: Upon looking downward. Staggering gait. Petroleum Vertigo combined with motion sickness (Cocc). Worse: From eating. Looking upward. Lying with head low. Better: Stooping. Vomiting with vertigo. Piper methysticum Constant sensation as if he were drunk or intoxicated. Pulsatilla pratensis Turning sensation or feels as if the bed were turning. Vertigo in the morning forces her to lie down again. Worse: Evening. Menses. Suppressed menses.

Things which heat the system: Warm room, food, or drinks. Eructations. Lifting a weight. Walking. Sitting. Stooping. Better: Open air, especially walking in the open air. Closing the eyes. Lying (though at times worse lying on the back). "Objects seem too far away." Rhus toxicodendron Vertigo, often associated with Parkinson's or other neurological diseases. Falls backward (or forward). Falls backward upon rising from bed. Worse: Sitting up. Suppressed eruptions. Better: After rising. From walking, especially in open air. Salicylicum acidum Meniere's syndrome. Hearing loss. Worse: Sitting up or raising the head. Falls to the left side. Objects seem to move to the right. Vertigo associated with rheumatism. Sepia officinalis Vertigo especially from hormonal causes such as abortions, menopause. Worse: Afternoon, especially 3 or 4 PM. Night during sleep. Open air. Writing. Closing the eyes. Kneeling (as in church, etc.). Menses. Fluid losses, nursing. Blowing the nose. Fasting. Better: Being distracted or occupied. Spigelia anthelmia Vertigo often associated with palpitations. Worse: Looking downward or with eyes turned to the side. Smoke. Standing or walking. Better: Lying. Vertigo with neuralgia. Sulphur Vertigo while standing. Worse: Stooping or looking downward. From suppressed eruptions. Sitting. Bending head forward. Vertigo felt in forehead or vertex. Tabacum Vertigo with deathly nausea. Worse: Looking upward. Better: Closing the eyes. Open air. Theridion curassavicum Vertigo with hysteria and over-sensitive nerves. Worse: Closing the eyes. Motion. Walking. From noise. After sleep. Marked nausea with vertigo. Vertigo associated with terrible insomnia.

Influenza Influenza Worldwide influenza remains one of the leading causes of death, especially in the elderly and in people with compromised respiratory systems. Additionally, we see patients not infrequently who can date the onset of their long-term health conditions to a previous influenza - especially asthma and chronic fatigue syndrome. In the great influenza epidemic of 1918, many homeopaths reported fantastic results with almost no deaths occurring in patients under exclusively homeopathic treatment. The correct homeopathic remedy can help the patient to resolve an influenza more rapidly than seems credible. The broad use of the influenza vaccine, though affecting the expression of the disease, has far from eradicated the illness because of the well-known capacity of the virus to mutate. Even many allopaths are not impressed with this vaccine which is aimed at strains of the virus already passed. Long-term consequences of the vaccine are not known. I have personally observed only a few cases of long-term health problems resulting from influenza immunization reactions. This number probably corresponds to the number who would have developed long-term health problems from the disease. In our classic texts we see descriptions of "influenza" of a much more virulent type than generally found today. Many of these conditions would be described as viral pneumonias, secondary bacterial infections or sinusitis by today's clinicians. Thus, if a patient presents with a history of fever and chills followed by a severe cough, more helpful information might be found in the chapter on cough rather than in this chapter on influenza. Management Homeopathic treatment of influenza should be given the respect that any serious illness warrants. If a particular case is not severe and the patient is under constitutional treatment, then it is rarely advisable to give homeopathic treatment. Rather, the patient can be supported with fluids, bedrest, echinacea, vitamin C, garlic, zinc lozenges, etc. When the patient is more ill or if the patient is not under constitutional homeopathic treatment, then we should prescribe acutely. Therapeutic tips Homeopathic Wait until the picture is clear for a specific remedy. It is generally futile to simply give Aconite or Ferrum Phosphoricum because one cannot identify a more clear remedy. These routine prescriptions can obscure the case and lead to chasing one remedy after the next. If the patient is not under homeopathic constitutional treatment then the Influenzinum nosode or Oscillococcinum can be used prophylactically (before the prodrome has even begun). Once an actual illness has begun it is better to await definite symptoms. It is convenient to prescribe the remedy in a 30C potency three times per day with instructions to stop once there is marked improvement or to call if there is no improvement after 24 hours. If there is no improvement after 24 hours, most likely the remedy is incorrect and the case should be retaken. If there is marked improvement followed by a relapse, the remedy should be tried in a 200C potency. Also, in the advent of a relapse, the case should be retaken and a complementary remedy should be considered. Even if the patient is markedly improved following treatment, it is best to recommend he stay home for one additional day to avoid a relapse. In patients receiving constitutional treatment, we should consider repeating the constitutional remedy

rather than an acute remedy. Naturopathic The patient should stay at bedrest for the duration of the illness. Allow the patient to regulate his own temperature. For example, if he is too warm, do not force him to covere The organism knows its needs. One exception to this rule is that all patients - thirsty or not - benefit from increased fluid intake. At any stage we can support the patient with: Vitamin C (1000 mg. TID in adults). Echinacea (10 drops of tincture in juice TID). Garlic capsules. Zinc lozenges. Allopathic Aspirin or other antipyretics should be utilized only if the fever reaches a dangerous level (102° F for the elderly, 104° F for children). The fever promotes more rapid healing. Children should never receive aspirin during influenza due to the risk of Reye's syndrome. If an antipyretic is necessary, use Tylenol. If there are markedly painful symptoms, minor pain relievers do not generally antidote the constitutional remedy. The use of Symmetrel for influenza type A does not seem to interfere with constitutional homeopathic treatment. For the newer antiviral drugs being used to shorten influenza, we have not enough experience to state their effect on constitutional treatment. Repertory There is no rubric specific to influenza in Kent's repertory, however, there is a rubric in the Complete repertory under: Fever, Influenza. General, Influenza. Rather than be limited by these rubrics it is more helpful to repertorize the symptoms of the patient fever, chills, throat pain, etc. Other rubrics related to influenza Mind, Anguish, Choking, From, Influenza. Mind, Delirium, Influenza, in. Head Pain, Influenza, with. Head Pain, Bursting, Influenza, during. Eye, Pain, Sore, Influenza, during. Kidneys, Inflammation, Influenza, after. Kidneys, Inflammation, Suppurative, Influenza, after. Female, Abortion, Influenza, during. Cough, Influenza, during. Cough, Influenza, after. Chest, Inflammation, Bronchial tubes, Influenza, from. Chest, Inflammation, Lungs, Influenza, with. Chest, Weakness, Heart, Influenza, after. Extremities, Heat, Influenza, with. Extremities, Pain, Influenza, during. Extremities, Pain, Lower limbs, Sciatica, Left, Influenza, after.

Extremities, Pain, Lower limbs, Sciatica, Influenza, after. Sleep, Sleepiness, Influenza, in. Sleep, Sleeplessness, Influenza, after. Generalities, Pain, Bones, Malaria or influenza. Generalities, Weakness, Influenza, after. Remedies Main remedies Arsenicum album Influenza with gastroenteritis, vomiting and diarrhea. Fever: High fever (102° to 104° F) following a two to three day prodrome. Face is hot, craves open air yet body chilled. Worse: Midnight or 1 AM. Noon or 1 PM. Fever followed by chills and rigor. Chills: Marked chills and rigors. Worse: Eating or drinking. Before stool. Motion. Exertion. General: Thirsty for small sips of water. Tongue coated with a thin white film. Marked restlessness punctuated by collapse or weakness. Mental: Marked anxiety. Patient fears he may die from the condition. Needs company at all times. Bryonia alba Slowly progressing influenza with severe aching. Fever: Heat with marked perspiration. Chills: After anger. Begins in fingertips and toes or rarely the lips. Right-sided chills. General: Mainly warm and averse to warm rooms. Tremendous thirst, wants large gulps at intervals. Symptoms aggravated at 9 PM. Worse: From the slightest motion. Jarring. Restless feeling but intolerant of even slight motion. Symptoms generally worse on right side, except the headache. Local: Severe occipital or left-sided frontal headache. Tongue coated white or dirty brown, especially in the center. Burning coryza. Chest and back pains. Mental: Irritable, dull, averse to answering. Desires to be left alone. Delirious: Asks to be taken home. Talks of business. Symptoms brought on by financial stresses. Belladonna

Influenza with rapid onset and frighteningly high fever. Fever: Fevers often as high as 105° F. 3 PM aggravation. Delirium. Chill: Begins in arms or hands. General: Face flushed red, pupils dilated, eyes glistening. Worse: Jarring. Motion. Hands and feet icy cold but face and body hot. Thirstless. Craves: Lemons and lemonade. Local: Often severe headache with throbbing and bounding pulses. Right-sided headache, eye pain or sore throat. Mental: Rapidly developing delirium or hallucinations. Eupatorium perfoliatum Influenza with high fever and severe, unbearable aching. Fever: High fever, generally over 102° F. Chills: Chills begin at 9 AM. Beginning in the lumbar region. Chill with marked or even violent rigors. Chills worse after drinking. General: Chilly and sensitive to cold air. Thirst for cold drinks (despite or even during chills). Thirsty just before the chills come on. Desires cold food and ice cream. Perspiration is scanty. General aggravation from 7 to 9 AM. Restlessness with the pains; no amelioration from motion. Terrible aching of muscles and especially bones. Pains as if the bones would break open. Local: Severe headache as fever peaks. Heavy, aching head, lifts it from the pillow with his hands. Much watery coryza during the influenza. Nausea and vomiting; worse before the chill; worse motion. Vomiting of bile between the heat and chill phase. Excruciating low back pains. Mental: Desperate and moaning with the pains. Gelsemium sempervirens Influenza with marked debility, weakness and sleepiness. Fever: Slow, insidious onset of fever over one to three days. Chill: Chills running up and down the back. Chills alternate with flushes of heat. Chills with fine tremors. General: General aggravation at 10 AM.

Thirst is usually minimal. Tremulous weakness and heaviness of the limbs, eyelids and head. General sleepy feeling. Local: Headache from occiput radiating to forehead. Head heavy, hardly able to lift head from pillow. Eyelids droopy or half shut. Face flushed a dusky red color. Yellow coating on tongue. Mental: Low-spirited, dull, foggy. Mercurius solubilis (See below:Other Important Remedies) Nux vomica Influenza with marked sensitivity to all stimuli. Fever: High fevers with rapid onset - all in the first day. Face burning with heat but must remain covered. Chill: Horrible, intense chills and rigors. Chills from uncovering or from slight motions of air under the cover as the patient moves. General: Generally chilly and ameliorated by heat. Sensitive to light, noise, odors; even the skin is oversensitive. Desires warm food and drinks. Local: Severe headaches. Sore throat with a raw sensation. Nausea, markedly ameliorated after vomiting. Body aches relieved by warmth. Mental: Over-excited and over-sensitive. May be markedly irritable. Sleepless and unable to drop his preoccupation with work. Pyrogenium Influenza with high fever (over 103° F) and aches. Fever: High fevers which change rapidly. Chills: Chills beginning between the scapulae. Chills felt deep inside or in the bones. General: Soreness; even the bed feels too hard. Worse: Cold. Better: Heat. Warm bathing. Motion. Marked restlessness during the fever. Disparity between the pulse rate and the temperature. e.g. pulse rate is 140 with a mild fever or viceversa. Offensive perspiration or discharges. Local: Muscle aches, better from motion. Abnormal consciousness of the heart (Iber). Mental: Feels as if scattered or double (Bapt).

Rhus toxicodendron Influenza with anguish, aching and restlessness. Fever: Moderate to high fever, often originates from getting chilled. Chill: Marked chills especially from uncovering or from drafts. As if dashed with cold water. General: Aching through the whole body. Terrible stiffness which makes him want to stretch. Pains ameliorated by nearly constant movements. Chilly. Much relieved by warm baths, applications or drinks. Thirsty for small sips of warm or rarely cold drinks. Local: Red triangle on the tip of the tongue. Herpes lesions on lips with the fever. Sore throat. Better: Warm drinks. From constant swallowing. Aching of muscles and joints, worse cold, better heat. Mental: Anxiety and restlessness during influenza. Other important remedies Aconitum napellus Sudden onset of influenza after exposure or shock. High fever (over 104° F) with flushed face, constricted pupils, restlessness, desire for cold drinks. Excitement, anxiety and fear may be prominent. (See chapter, "Fever") Apis mellifica High fever (over 102° F) with hot red face and strong desire to uncover. Dry, unremitting heat, the face is congested or swollen; no sweat at all, the patient longs for a good sweat. Dry heat alternating with sweats. Thirstless. Severe pharyngitis with swelling of uvula, better from cold drinks. All symptoms ameliorated by cold and cold applications. Arnica montana Influenza with terrible aching of the whole body. Cannot find a comfortable position; the bed feels too hard. Heat of head but body cold (Ars, Bell). Offensive breath and eructations - rotten egg odor. Asclepias tuberosa Influenza with marked weakness on walking. Shooting pleuritic pains during and lingering after influenza. Worse: Lying, especially on left side. Motion of arms. Deep inspiration. Better: Bending forward. Short of breath on walking.

Baptisia tinctoria Advanced influenza with mental dullness or even stupor. Patient falls asleep in mid-sentence. Pharynx and tongue dry and coated or suppurating and very offensive though painless. "Stomach flu" with putrid diarrhea and eructations. Mastoiditis following influenza. Soreness of the body, the bed feels too hard, can't get comfortable. Causticum Cough and respiratory symptoms in influenza. General: Sore and bruised over whole body. Thirsty for cold drinks which ameliorate the fever. Local: Dull pressive headache. Lacrimation during influenza. Acrid coryza. Hoarseness. Scantily productive cough; feels he must always cough just a little deeper to get relief. Sore chest from the cough. Involuntary urination from cough. Stiff neck; "crick" in the neck during fever. Chelidonium majus Influenza with combined lung and digestive symptoms. General: Thirsty, mainly for warm drinks. Aching of muscles, worse motion. Local: Severe occipital headache or headache over the right eye. Dry heat of the face Dryness in nose, mouth and throat during influenza. Tongue dry, brown and cracked. Eructation and indigestion. Dyspnea and tight chest, especially the right side. China officinalis Influenza with hypersensitivity during fever. Especially the skin is exquisitely sensitive. Marked headache, better from hard pressure. Face deathly pale during the chill (or flushed red). Marked debility with vertigo on attempting to rise from bed. Bloating and diarrhea with influenza. Typical fever begins with chill then thirst then heat then thirst again. Eucalyptus globulus Influenza with exhausting sweats. Watery coryza and nasal obstruction; later a purulent discharge. Aphthae in the mouth and pharynx. Heaviness or pulsation in the epigastrium.

Respiratory illness following influenza. Severe, irritated cough. Ferrum phosphoricum Influenza with marked fever lasting for days. High fever, prostration but few localizing symptoms. Right-sided symptoms - headache, chest pains, pharyngitis. Mercurius solubilis One of Borland's favorite remedies in influenza. Especially as the illness turns into purulent sinusitis or bronchitis. Pharyngitis with offensive breath, excess saliva, dirty tongue. Salicylicum acidum More to do with sequelae of influenza than the actual attack. Great debility following influenza. Tinnitus which lingers after a severe flu. During the influenza, severe pharyngitis. Retinitis following influenza. Sulphur Influenza after several days illness but the patient is sinking into secondary infections, bronchitis, etc. Chilly but yet often worse heat; even slight heat causes sweats. Sticky, unkept, greasy hair. Tuberculinum bovinum kent Influenza with cough and severe joint pains. Afternoon exacerbation of fever, worsening illness, nightsweats. Marked joint (especially leg) pains during the fever. Mild, persistent cough and oppressed chest. Fever Fever At the time of our homeopathic forebearers, the diagnosis of illness was based almost exclusively upon physical examination and history. Today when the patient has unusual symptoms of fever, the first reaction of a physician is to get blood work and cultures. Diagnosis is considered certain only when a particular microbe (or blood titers against a specific microbe) is isolated. In the past, infectious diseases were the most common cause of death and therefore the physician gave them his complete attention. Every febrile illness was divided into a phase of heat, a phase of chill and a phase of perspiration (or defervescence). All details of the illness were minutely considered - the timing of the fever, the pattern of occurrence of chills, heat, and perspiration, the accompanying signs and symptoms, the aggravating and ameliorating factors. This detailed consideration was even more marked amongst homeopaths who could use the information in prescribing as well as for diagnosis. However, for the modern homeopath, without such training, the language of our older texts and repertories seems arcane. Furthermore, the nearly universal use of antipyretics tends to obscure the natural patterns of fever which may be present. And, even for homeopaths, there is a nearly unconscious feeling that if the condition becomes bad enough, there are always antibiotics to fall back on. All of these factors have served to make us inferior in the diagnosis and treatment of fever compared to our

homeopathic predecessors. Management Naturally, we are concerned with the underlying cause of the fever in every case. In minor acutes influenza, upper respiratory illness, pharyngitis, etc. - we often confront fever as a significant part of the condition. One of our biggest challenges is confronting the anxieties and habits of the patient or parents who may feel that every fever requires, at the minimum, some antipyretic. The homeopath, feeling the pressure of this type of anxiety, easily falls into the habit of giving Aconite or Ferrum Phosphoricum at the onset of every fever. While these remedies may abort some fevers, they may thus prolong the illness or obscure a better remedy later in the course of the illness. Even allopathic studies have confirmed that treating fever is counterproductive. Accurate homeopathic prescribing requires clear symptoms. This means allowing a fever to develop along with its concomitant symptoms until the remedy is apparent. In patients with no history of febrile convulsions, it is certainly safe to allow fevers of 103Þ to 104ÞF if the patient is tolerating the illness and is not very "sick." On the other hand, if the patient has many other symptoms - aches, headache, prostration, etc. - then probably the homeopathic remedy will be obvious. If the patient has a high fever but no other symptoms, then really no treatment is required. Therapeutic tips Homeopathic If the condition requires treatment, it is always well to consider a repeat of the constitutional remedy rather than an acute remedy. Also we should pay special attention to complementary remedies (i.e. Belladonna for patients who are constitutional Calcarea Carbonica). Potency is guided by the severity of the illness and the clarity of the remedy. For minor illnesses such as influenza, a 30C dose is often sufficient and it is convenient to give the dose three times daily. In sepsis or pneumonia, the patient may require a 1M potency or higher to complete the recovery and the dose may be required even hourly. The patient tells us the proper dosing frequency by his response and can often be given the freedom to use the remedy "as needed." Naturopathic A large percentage of minor fevers and infections should not receive homeopathic treatment, especially when the patient is under constitutional treatment. Allow families free rein to use other alternatives to ward off illness. Especially useful treatments include: Echinacea tincture (10 drops in water, juice or tea TID). Vitamin C (250 to 1000 mg. TID). Zinc lozenges. Garlic capsules. Save homeopathic remedies for times of real need. We should always encourage the patient to recontact us if the condition worsens. Adequate fluid intake is an essential part of the treatment of any fever. Sponge baths help some patients but must not be done overzealously. The water should be warm, not cold. If the patient shivers from the bathing, the rebound effect is to raise the temperature. Allopathic The use of over-the-counter antipyretics rarely antidotes constitutional remedies, however, it may obscure useful symptoms. Furthermore, artificially lowering a fever may lengthen the course of the disease. Aspirin should never be given to children with fever due to the risk of Reye's syndrome. Any fever lasting for more than two days requires a physical examination.

Fever up to 103ÞF is not dangerous except in specific patients - the elderly or very young children, patients with serious illness and immunodepression (i.e. cancer) and in patients with a history of febrile convulsions. Any fever whatsoever is a serious sign in newborns (up to six weeks) requiring examination by a physician familiar with this age group. Repertory There are literally thousands of rubrics concerning fever and chills in our repertories. The majority of these symptoms are listed in the specific chapters "Fever" and "Chill," but many other important rubrics are listed throughout the repertory and are referenced below. The term, "Fever," refers to an actual elevation of body temperature, not to the sense of heat a patient with fever frequently experiences. Unfortunately, even our relatively precise repertory often confuses these two terms, probably based upon the language of the provers and cured patients from whom the information was compiled. Throughout the repertory are symptoms which occur "during heat" or "during the heat." These are symptoms which come during the heat phase of a fever. Likewise, we find symptoms which occur "during the chill" or "during the perspiration" phase of the illness. As mentioned earlier, such information loomed large in the minds of our predecessors and occupies a large percentage of our repertories. These symptoms are indexed below for convenient reference. The repertory chapters on fever and chill can be quite confusing. Especially since these are short chapters, it would be helpful to read through the repertory completely to become familiarized with its contents. Below are listed some of the terms which have at times baffled me as I repertorized cases. It should be noted that at the time our predecessors collected the valuable information in our texts, there were no bacterial cultures, blood titers, etc. All diagnoses were made clinically. There is no exact concordance with what our texts list as typhus, for example, and what we now consider typhus to be, based on more bacteriologic grounds. This is not to say that our predecessors were incorrect in their observations - in fact they were precise and keen observers of empirically linked phenomena and symptoms - rather it is to stress that we must try to base our prescriptions on the earlier definitions of these febrile conditions rather than laboratory data. Complicating even this confusion are our new, updated repertories which borrowed the language from many different sources so that we have roughly equivalent diseases described in slightly different terms and listing slightly different remedies. It is no wonder we would like to ignore the whole chapter! However, rather than discounting a vast amount of this material as useless, I have attempted to place some kind of order and clarity into the information. I believe that with the increasing, "Hot Zone" world we live in, and with the apparently impending failure of antibiotics for even simple infections, we may need to develop our knowledge of these febrile patterns again very soon. Finally a word about timing of fevers. This information is listed in several places: 1) At the beginning of the chapter "Chill." 2) Under the rubric: "Chill, Time." 3) At the beginning of the chapter, "Fever." 4) Under the rubric, "Fever, Chill absent." 5) We may also use the rubrics at the beginning of the chapter, "Generals." Fever : glossary of terms Anticipating fever

Paroxysm of fever which returns earlier than its expected hour in malaria. Ascending fever Heat sensation travels up the body. Bilious fever Often used synonymously with the term, "Remittent fever." Cerebrospinal fever Meningitis. Catarrhal fever Fever accompanied by mucus production and inflamed mucus membranes. Continued fever Long lasting fever without significant variations, without afebrile periods. Fever changes less than 1.5ÞF during the day. Continued, Abdominal fever Typhoid. Enteric fever. Clinically: Chill followed by fever, malaise, headache and myalgia. The fever becomes continued and marked intestinal symptoms follow with diarrhea and intestinal hemorrhage. Continued, Eruptive fever Typhus. Tick fever. Clinically: Prodrome for several days followed by chills and rigors, continued fever and great debility. Hippocratic face, tremor, faintness and confusion are later manifestations. Nausea, vomiting and putrid or bloody diarrhea were considered a secondary part of the illness. Continued, Hemorrhagic fever Fever with hemorrhagic diathesis, purpura, etc. Continued, Petechial fever Any petechial condition accompanied by fever; sometimes used specifically to denote meningococcemia (Waterhouse-Friedrickson). Descending fever Fever descending the body. External heat Normal or even cold interior but the surface is hot. Heat absent Of the three phases of a fever - chill, heat, and perspiration -the phase of heat is absent or minimal. Hectic fever Tubercular type of fever with afternoon exacerbations, malar flush and night sweats. Inflammatory fever Also called febricula or "simple continued fever." A continued fever of limited duration without localizing symptoms. Intermittent fever Malaria or other recurring fevers with periods where patient is afebrile and asymptomatic for periods between the paroxysms. Irritative fever Fever caused by foreign body, surgery, wounds or other irritants.

Puerperal fever Any fever immediately following labor; especially endometritis. Relapsing fever Febrile episodes lasting a few days, interspersed with periods of normalcy of roughly equal length. Remittent fever Malaria or other recurring fevers with periods of defervescence but without complete apyrexia. Temperature change of at least two degrees F. Septic fever Septicemia, bacteremia. An earlier stage of sepsis than zymotic fever. Yellow fever Tropical, mosquito borne viral hepatitis with severe headache, bradycardia, hematemesis. Now rarely seen in Western countries. Zymotic fever Severe sepsis, often associated with collapse, stupor, putrid odors and disseminated intravascular coagulation. Chills : glossary of terms Anticipating chills Coming earlier than its expected hour. Ascending chills Chills traveling up the body. Creeping chills A spreading chill or sensation of chill. Descending chills Chills descending the body. Double Quartan Two days of fever followed by one day without fever. The fevers are caused by two varieties of organisms and thus have differing paroxysms. Double Quotidian Two types of paroxysms daily (from two different quotidian organisms). Double Tertian Daily fever of alternating types of paroxysm. Pernicious chills A long-lasting and deep chill. A serious or threatening chill. Postponing chills Chill comes later than its expected hour. Predominating chills Exclusively or mainly chills, without the expected phases of heat and perspiration. Quartan Every third day paroxysm of malarial chills and fever. Quotidian Every day paroxysm. Tertian

Every other day paroxysm. Summary of fever repertory Time Beginning of Fever Section. Burning Heat (with times). Chill, Absent (with times). Continued fever (with times). Temperature • weather • seasons Air, Open. Autumn. Damp room. Storms. Summer. Emotions Anger. Emotions. Fever, Alternating with chills, Anger, from. Fever, Alternating with chills, Fright, from. Fever, Burning, Furious delirium, with. Fever, Dry heat, Night, Delirium, with. Activities Alternating with chill, Motion, after. Coition. Conversation. Cough. Drinking. Eating. Exertion. Motion. Food and drink Morning, Breakfast, after. Morning, Coffee after. Afternoon, Dinner, after. Evening, Eating, after. Acids, Eating. Drinking Beer. Sleep Morning, Waking, on. Evening, Bed, in. Night, Dry burning heat, Sleeplessness, with. Night, Waking, on.

Midnight, Sleep during, Passing away on waking. Fever types Bilious. Blackwater. Catarrhal. Cerebrospinal. Continued, Abdominal. Continued, Bilious. Continued, Congestive. Continued, Exanthemic. Continued, Hemorrhagic. Continued, Pectoral. Continued, Petechial. Continued, Stuporous (or Stupid). Dengue. Exanthematous. Exanthematous, Scarlatina. Gastric. Hectic. Inflammatory. Influenzal. Fever patterns Anticipating. Ascending. Changing paroxysm. Descending. Fever character Burning. Chill, absent. Chilliness, with. Coldness, with. Dry Heat. Dry Heat, Night, Prickling needles, like. Fever regions of body Anterior part. Body, Anterior Part. Body, Posterior Part. Body, Lower Part. Body, Upper Part. External Heat. Summary of chill repertory

Times Beginning of chapter on chill. Autumn. Chilliness (with times). Internal chill (with times). Temperature • weather Morning, Uncovering. Morning, Warm stove, by a. Forenoon, Hot room, in a. Forenoon, Hot stove, by a. Evening, Warmth external, Not relieved by. Air, Open. Air, Cold. Air, Draft of. Bathing. Chilliness, Warm room, in. Cold, damp weather. Exposure, after. Exposure, Cold bath. Exposure, Draft. Exposure, Living on watercourse. Exposure, Overheated. Exposure, Rain. Exposure, Seashore. Exposure, Standing in water. Location of body Anterior part of body. Ascending. Back part of body. Begins, Abdomen. Begins, Ankle. Begins, Arm. Begins, Back. Begins, Bladder. Begins, Buttock. Begins, Calf. Begins, Chest. Begins, Epigastrium. Begins, Extremities. Begins, Face. Begins, Feet.

Begins, Finger. Begins, Hand. Begins, Head. Begins, Knee. Begins, Leg. Patterns of chill Anticipating. Changing type. Creeping. Day 7, 14, 21, 28. Over-running. Periodicity. Postponing. Characteristics of chill Creeping. Icy cold. Pernicious. Predominating. Sleep related rubrics Morning, Bed, in. Morning, Sleep, during. Morning, Waking, on. Forenoon, Sleep, during. Noon, Sleep, after. Afternoon, Sleep, after. Evening, Bed, in. Evening, Asleep, Falling, on. Evening, Asleep, Falling, before. Evening, Stupefying sleep, with. Night, Bed, in. Night, Waking. Bed, in. Bed, Rising from. Chilliness, Noon, Sleep, after. Chilliness, Afternoon, Not relieved by heat of stove, but relieved by covering. Chilliness, Night, Sleep, during. Chilliness, Sleepiness with. Food • eating • drinking Morning, Breakfast. Noon, Dinner. Afternoon, Dinner. Evening, Drinking, after.

Evening, Tea, After drinking. Evening, Eating, after. Alcoholic drinks. Chilliness, Forenoon, Dinner, Before, Eating ameliorates. Chilliness, Afternoon, Dinner, after. Chilliness, Drinking, on. Chilliness, Eating, on. Activity Air, Walking in open. Exertion. Lying. Motion. Rising, Bed from. Shaking, Evening, Undressing, on. Emotions Anger. Anxiety. Chilliness, Joy, from. Excitement. Fright. Grief. Important rubrics outside the chapters on fever and chill Mind, Anguish, Heat, during. Mind, Anxiety, Chill, during. Mind, Anxiety, Fever, during. Mind, Anxiety, Fever, During, prodrome. Mind, Anxiety, Heat, with. Mind, Cheerfulness, Heat, during. Mind, Company, Desire for, Heat, during. Mind, Confusion, Chill, during. Mind, Confusion, Heat, during. Mind, Cursing, Fever, in intermittent. Mind, Delirium, Fever, during. Mind, Delirium, Heat, typhoid, as in. Mind, Delirium, Loquacious, Fever, in. Mind, Despair, Chill, during. Mind, Despair, Heat, during. Mind, Dullness, Chill, during. Mind, Dullness, Heat, during. Mind, Ecstasy, Heat, during. Mind, Excitement, Chill, during.

Mind, Excitement, Feverish. Mind, Excitement, Heat, with. Mind, Excitement, Heat, With, puerperal. Mind, Fancies of exaltation, Heat, during. Mind, Fear, Death, Fever, during. Mind, Fear, Death, Heat, during. Mind, Fear, Heat, during. Mind, Fear, Misfortune, Heat, during. Mind, Frightened easily, Fever, during. Mind, Ideas abundant, Heat, during. Mind, Impatience, Intermittent fever. Mind, Impatience, Heat, during. Mind, Impetuous, Heat, with. Mind, Indifference, Fever, during. Mind, Industrious, Heat, during. Mind, Insanity, Heat, with. Mind, Irritating, Chill, during. Mind, Irritating, Heat, during. Mind, Irritability, Heat, after. Mind, Jumping out of bed, Fever, during. Mind, Loquacity, Heat, with. Mind, Moaning, Heat, with. Mind, Mood changeable, Heat, during. Mind, Quiet disposition, Heat, with. Mind, Restlessness, Alternating with sleepiness and stupor, Fever, during. Mind, Restlessness, Chill, during. Mind, Restlessness, Heat, with. Mind, Sadness, Chill, with. Mind, Sadness, Heat, with. Mind, Sensitive, Heat, during. Mind, Shrieking, Fever, during. Mind, Sighing, Heat, with. Mind, Singing, Fever, during. Mind, Starting, Heat, during. Mind, Stupefaction, Heat, with. Mind, Suicidal disposition, Heat, during. Mind, Talk, Indisposed to, Heat, during. Mind, Thinking, Faster than ever before, during fever. Mind, Unconsciousness alternating with restlessness, Fever, during. Mind, Unconsciousness, Chill, during. Mind, Unconsciousness, Fever, during. Mind, Weary of life, Heat, during.

Mind, Weeping, Chill, during. Mind, Weeping, Heat, with. Mind, Whistling, Fever, during. Vertigo, Fall tendency to, Fever, during. Vertigo, Chill, during. Vertigo, Heat, during. Head, Enlarged sensation, Fever, with intermittent. Head, Fullness, Heat, during. Head, Hair, Falling out, Fever, after. Head, Pain, Chill, Before, during. Head, Pain, Heat, Before, during, after. Head, Pain, Forehead, Heat, during. Head, Pain, Occiput, Fever, during. Head, Pain, Bursting, Fever, with. Head, Pain, Pressing, Fever, during. Head, Pain, Pressing, Forehead, Fever, during. Head, Pain, Pressing, Occiput, Fever, during. Head, Pain, Pressing, Temples, fever. Head, Pain, Sore, Bruised, Fever, after. Head, Pain, Stitching, Heat, during. Head, Pain, Tearing, Heat, during. Head, Pain, Tearing, Forehead, Heat, during. Head, Perspiration scalp, Fever, during. Head, Pulsating, Fever, during the. Head, Pulsating, Heat, during. Eye, Glassy appearance, Fever, during. Eye, Heat, Fever, during. Eye, Lacrimation, Fever, during. Eye, Pain, General, Heat, during. Eye, Pain, Burning, Heat, during. Eye, Pain, Pressing, Fever, during. Eye, Pain, Stitching, Heat, during. Eye, Pupils, Contracted, Chill, during. Eye, Pupils, Contracted, Heat, during. Eye, Pupils, Dilated, Chill, during. Eye, Pupils, Dilated, Heat, during. Eye, Strabismus, Fever, with. Eye, Turned upward, Fever, during. Vision, Circles, Heat, during. Vision, Diplopia, Fever, during. Vision, Foggy, Fever, during. Ear, Coldness, Heat, during.

Ear, Heat. Ear, Noises, Fever, during. Ear, Noises, Humming, Heat, during. Ear, Noises, Roaring, Fever, during. Ear, Noises, Roaring, Heat, during. Ear, Pain, General, Heat, during. Hearing, Acute, Heat, during. Hearing, Impaired, Heat, during. Nose, Coryza, Fever, with. Nose, Epistaxis, Fever, during. Nose, Epistaxis, Fever, Typhoid, during. Face, Discoloration, Pale, Heat, during. Face, Discoloration, Red, Fever, during. Face, Discoloration, Yellow, Heat, during. Face, Dryness, lips, Heat, during. Face, Heat. Face, Eruptions, Vesicles, Mouth around, Fever, during. Face, Licking lips, Heat, during. Face, Perspiration, Heat, during. Mouth, Salivation, Fever, during. Mouth, Salivation, Heat, during. Mouth, Sticky, Feverish feeling. Mouth, Taste, Putrid, Intermittent fever, in. Throat, Dryness, Heat, during. Throat, Pain, General, Heat, during. Stomach, Appetite, Increased, Fever, during. Stomach, Appetite, Increased, Fever, after. Stomach, Appetite, Wanting, Fever, after. Stomach, Emptiness, Fever, during. Stomach, Eructations, Fever, during. Stomach, Hiccough, Fever, during. Stomach, Hiccough, Fever, at the hour when the fever ought to come. Stomach, Nausea, Fever, during, after. Stomach, Pain, Heat, during. Stomach, Pain, Burning, Heat, during. Stomach, Pain, Cutting, Intermittent fever, during. Stomach, Thirst, Chill, Before, During, after. Stomach, Thirst, Heat, during. Stomach, Thirst, Heat, after. Stomach, Thirst, Stages of fever, during all. Stomach, Thirstlessness, Heat, during. Stomach, Trembling, Heat, during.

Stomach, Vomiting, Heat, During, after. Stomach, Vomiting, Bile, Fever, during the. Stomach, Vomiting, Sour, Fever, during. Abdomen, Coldness internal, Heat, during. Abdomen, Distension, Heat, during the. Abdomen, Heat. Abdomen, Heat, Fever, during. Abdomen, Heat, Extending to, chest. Abdomen, Pain, Heat, during. Abdomen, Pain, Liver, Heat, during. Abdomen, Pain, Spleen, Heat, during. Abdomen, Pain, Cramping, Fever, during. Abdomen, Pain, Dragging, Fever, in low. Abdomen, Pulsation, Heat, during. Abdomen, Swelling, Spleen, Heat, during. Rectum, Diarrhea, Fever, with (subrubrics). Rectum, Involuntary stool, Fever, with. Bladder, Urging to urinate, Fever, during. Bladder, Urging to urinate, Ineffectual, Fever, during. Bladder, Urination, Dysuria, Fever, during. Bladder, Urination, Frequent, Fever, during. Bladder, Urination, Involuntary, Fever, during. Bladder, Urination, Involuntary, Fever, with typhoid. Kidneys, Suppression of urine, Fever, with. Urine, Cloudy, Fever, with. Urine, Color, Brown, Fever, during. Urine, Color, Pale, Fever, during. Urine, Color, Red, Fever, with. Urine, Copious, Fever, during. Urine, Odor, Acrid, Fever, during. Urine, Scanty, Fever, during. Urine, Sediment, Sand, Red, Fever, during. Urine, Sediment, White, Fever, during. Larynx, Dryness, Larynx, Heat, during. Larynx, Pain, Larynx, Heat, during. Larynx, Tickling in the air passages, Fever, during. Larynx, Voice, Hoarseness, Heat, during. Larynx, Voice, Weak, Heat, during. Respiration, Arrested, Fever, during. Respiration, Asthmatic, Intermittent fever, with. Respiration, Catching, Fever, during. Respiration, Difficult, Chill, during.

Respiration, Difficult, Heat, with. Respiration, Hot breath, Fever, during. Respiration, Snoring, Heat, during. Cough, Dry, Fever, during. Cough, Dry, Fever, Intermittent, before. Cough, Fever, during. Cough, Fever, Hectic, during. Cough, Fever, Remittent, during. Cough, Fever, Intermittent, before. Cough, Loose, Fever, during. Cough, Remittent fever, during. Chest, Heat. Chest, Oppression, Fever, during. Chest, Pain, Heat, during. Chest, Pain, Stitching, Fever, during. Chest, Palpitation heart, Fever, during. Back, Heat. Back, Heat, Extending, down back. Back, Heat, Extending, up the back. Back, Pain, Fever, during. Back, Pain, Lumbar region, Fever, during. Back, Pain, Aching, Fever, during. Back, Pain, Sore, Spine, Fever, during. Back, Pulsating, Lumbar region, fever. Back, Trembling, Fever, during. Back, Weakness, Fever, after typhoid. Back, Weakness, Lumbar region, Fever, during. Extremities, Coldness, Fever, during. Extremities, Coldness, Heat of body. Extremities, Coldness, Heat of, Face, with. Extremities, Coldness, Hands, Fever, during. Extremities, Coldness, Leg, Fever, during. Extremities, Coldness, Foot, Fever, during. Extremities, Cramps, Foot, Sole, Intermittent fever, in. Extremities, Fullness, Hand, Veins of, Fever, during. Extremities, Fullness, Leg, Fever, during. Extremities, Heat. Extremities, Heat, creeping. Extremities, Heat, Foot, Sole, Fever, during. Extremities, Heaviness, Fever, during. Extremities, Lameness, Joints, Fever, during. Extremities, Lameness, Lower Limbs, Fever, during.

Extremities, Numbness, Heat, during. Extremities, Numbness, Upper Limbs, Intermittent fever, in. Extremities, Numbness, Fingers, Fever, during. Extremities, Pain, Chill, before. Extremities, Pain,Chill, during. Extremities, Pain, Fever, during. Extremities, Pain, Upper limbs, Hand, Uncovering hands, Fever, during. Extremities, Pain, Lower limbs, Leg, Fever, with. Extremities, Pain, Lower limbs, Toenails, Under, Intermittent fever, in. Extremities, Pain, Aching, Fever, during. Extremities, Pain, Aching, Lower Limbs, Fever, during. Extremities, Pain, Aching, Thigh, Fever, during. Extremities, Pain, Aching, Leg, Fever, during. Extremities, Pain, Burning Hand, Fever, during. Extremities, Pain, Stitching, Fever, during. Extremities, Pain, Stitching, Joints, Fever, during. Extremities, Pain, Tearing, Fever, during. Extremities, Pain, Tearing, Joints, Fever, during. Extremities, Paralysis, Sensation, Fever, after. Extremities, Restlessness, Leg, Heat, during. Extremities, Trembling, Fever, during. Extremities, Twitching, Heat, during. Sleep, Deep, Heat, during. Sleep, Dreaming, Heat, during. Sleep, Falling asleep, Heat, during. Sleep, Sleeplessness, Heat, during. Sleep, Sleeplessness, Evening, Heat, during. Sleep, Sleeplessness, Low fevers, during. Sleep, Yawning, Heat, during. Perspiration, Morning, Heat, after. Perspiration, Afternoon, Heat, during. Perspiration, Night, Heat, during. Perspiration, Fever, after. Skin, Coldness, Heat, with internal. Skin, Discoloration, Yellow, Heat, during. Skin, Discoloration, Yellow, Intermittent fever, after. Skin, Eruptions, Herpetic, Fevers, in. Skin, Eruptions, Urticaria, Fever, during. Skin, Itching, Fever, during. General, Chill, Aggravation, before, during, after. General, Convulsions, Heat, during. General, Distension of blood vessels, Fever, during.

General, Faintness, Fever, during. General, Faintness, Heat, from. General, Fever, Aggravation, before, during, after. General, Food, Beer, Desires, Fever, during. General, Food, Warm drinks, Desires, Chill, during. General, Food, Warm drinks, Desires, Fever, during. General, Food, Whiskey, desires, Heat, during. General, Injuries, Traumatic fever. General, Pain, Sore, Heat, during. General, Paralysis, Fever, beginning with. General, Paralysis, Intermittent fever, after. General, Pulse, Slow, Heat, during. General, Stretching, Fever, during. General, Trembling, Fever, during. General, Weakness, Chill, before. General, Weakness, Chill, during. General, Weakness, Fever, during. Remedies Main remedies for fever Aconitum napellus Sudden onset of fever or chills then fever, especially after exposure to cold or wind. Chill: From exposure to drafts. Worse: In a warm room. Better: Motion. Heat: Comes on during sleep, especially first sleep. Dry heat at night. Ascending the body. Fever: Especially in the evening or at night. Chill followed by heat and perspiration together. Fever Type: Exanthems. Scarlatina. Remittent. Influenza. Pneumonia. Urinary tract infections. General: Markedly oversensitive to pain during fever. Faintness during fever. Worse: Exposure. Touch. Motion (though restless). Fright. Tremendous thirst, during the heat but also during chills. Desires to uncover during fever. Craves beer during fever. Local: Pupils are generally contracted during the fever. Photophobia, especially during the chill. Perspiration of forehead during the chill. Congested face during the heat. One cheek red, the other pale during fever (Cham, Chin).

Heat of the ears. Redness of ears. Severe, cutting chest pain during the chill. Palpitation during fever. Urine brown during fever. Mental: Excitement. Great anxiety, fear and restlessness. Fever after a fright or shock. Fear or certainty of approaching death (rarely during minor acutes). Sadness and weeping during fever. Arsenicum album Acute and chronic fevers of any severity. Chill: Especially at 12, 1 or 2 AM, also 1, 2 or 3 PM. Any periodicity; 14 day periodicity; annual periodicity. Irregular or changeable periodicity; anticipating chills. Prolonged chill phase with marked rigors. Chill felt in single parts. Heat: Of face with chilled body. Heat alternates with chills. Fever: Chill followed by heat followed by perspiration. Tertian. Quartan. Quotidian. Fever Type: Any. Intermittent. Remittent. Hectic. Continued, typhoid. Exanthem. Septic. Zymotic. Influenza. Cholera. Pneumonia. General: Very chilly; sometimes feels chills even during the heat. Worse: Open air or cold air. Motion. Drinking, especially cold drinks (especially aggravates the chill). Better: External heat and warm rooms. Warm drinks (especially during the chill). Thirsty for small sips at any phase of fever. Perspiration after fever. Convulsions during chill. Weakness or faintness during fever. Local: Symptoms of the head ameliorated by cold. Head is congested and hot, better open air but must remain covered to the neck. Headache before or during chill. Appetite increased after chills. Stomach or abdominal pain during heat or chill. Hiccough comes at periodicity when fever should come. Nausea during chill or after fever. Vomiting after cold drinks with great chill. Liver pain during the heat. Urination frequent during chill. Palpitation during fever. Fingernails turn blue during the chill.

Jaundice during intermittent fever. Mental: Anxiety and restlessness alternating with collapse. Anxiety during the prodrome of the illness. Despair recovery; fear death even from a cold. Belladonna Sudden, intense fever and inflammation but no purulence. Chill: Afternoon, 3 PM. Begins in arms. Begins in abdomen. On rising or uncovering. Heat: Dry, burning heat without chills. Long-lasting heat with brief chills. Heat and heavy sweats. One-sided heat, especially right side. Fever: Afternoon, especially 3 PM. Night. Fever alternates with chills. Chills followed by heat with perspiration. Fever Type: Exanthem. Scarlatina. Remittent. Influenza. Otitis media. Strep throat. Pyelonephritis. Pneumonia. General: Aggravation at 3 PM. Face and body burning hot; hands and feet icy cold. Right-sided symptoms. Craving lemonade. Thirstless. Sweats on covered parts only. Dilated veins, flushes, throbbing pulses during fever. Twitching face or body during fever. Febrile convulsion. Local: Throbbing, bursting headache, often right side, during heat. Face flushed red during fever. Pupils markedly dilated during fever. Strabismus during fever. Eyes look bright or glassy during fever. Photophobia during chill or heat. Suppressed urine during fever. Mental: Delirium and hallucination; easily goes into delirium. Excitement. Violence and anger in delirium. Stupor and coma. Bryonia alba Lazy onset of high fever and markedly painful inflammation. Chill: Morning or evening at 9 PM. Begins: Lips or in tips of fingers and toes. Rigors begin first and are followed by the chill.

Chill anticipating. Creeping chill. One-sided chills; right-sided chills. Worse: Motion. Anger. Cold, wet weather. Stormy weather. Better: Open air. Lying still. Heat: Heat alternates with chills. Heat without subsequent chill. Dry heat. One-sided heat; right-sided heat. Worse: Eating. Motion. Fever: Evening, especially 9 PM. Evening after lying in bed. Increasing severity with each paroxysm. Autumn. Summer. Fever Type: Continued, typhoid. Exanthem. Intermittent. Remittent. Septic. Zymotic. Gastric. Influenza. Pneumonia. Pleurisy. Bronchitis. General: Aggravated at 9 PM. Worse from motion, even slight motion. Tremendous thirst; unquenchable thirst for large amounts. Thirst for cold drinks during chills. Local: Headache during fever; left frontal headache. Face pale during chill. Face flushed a deep red during heat. Coryza during fever. Chest pain during chill; stitching chest pains. Extremity pain during fever. Mental: Irritable and wants to be quiet and left alone. Asks to go home; delirium and feels he is not at home. Talks of business during delirium. Fever brought on from anxiety about finances. Chamomilla Fever, especially in young children. Chill: Chills together with perspiration. Worse: Uncovering. Begins in thighs or face. Heat: One-sided, especially the right side. Heat felt only in the posterior part of the body (or anterior). Long-lasting heat phase; unbearable heat. Often without chill. Shuddering with the heat. Dry heat at night with sleeplessness. Fever: Forenoon, especially 9 AM. Succession: Heat followed by perspiration.

Chill followed by heat and perspiration together. Worse: Dentition. Warm covering. Fever Type: Remittent. Inflammatory. General: Aggravation at 9 AM or 9 PM or in bed at night. Profuse sweats on covered parts (Bell). Local: One cheek red and hot, the other pale, especially during chill. Face perspires during the heat. Back pain during fever. Mental: Marked excitement, irritability and capriciousness, in fever, especially during the chill phase. Desires to be held and carried. China officinalis The most famous of malarial remedies (also frequent in influenza and other minor acutes). Chill: Afternoon and evening. Noon. 5 AM. All through the daytime. Worse: Open air. Drafts. Drinking. Walking in open air. In bed. Uncovering. Chill begins in legs. Chill anticipating. Every 7 days. 14 days. Tertian. Heat: Heat with prickling all over body. Heat alternates with chills. Heat alternates with perspiration. Desires uncovering but it brings on the chill. Fever: Afternoon and evening. Succession: Chill followed by heat followed by perspiration. Worse: Motion. Better: Eating. Fever Type: Continued, typhoid. Intermittent. Hectic. General: Thirst before and after chills. Dilated veins during fever. Marked weakness and debility from fever. Permanent weakness or fatigue after a prolonged fever. Worse after diarrhea, hemorrhage or loss of fluids. Local: Headache during the heat. Face red during fever (or pale during chill). Perspiration on forehead during chill. Indigestion, bloating, nausea, vomiting from fever. Liver or abdominal pain during the chill or during heat. Palpitation before chills. Heat of hand during chill. Soreness of extremities during fever. Skin markedly sensitive to touch during fever. Mental: Marked sensitivity and irritability during fever. Anxiety during the prodrome or before the chill.

Sensitive to noise, light, odors. Indifference or even coma during violent chill. Ferrum phosphoricum Fever with few specific or localizing symptoms. Heat: Dry heat without subsequent chill. Fever: Early stages of fever from any origin may respond to Ferr-P. Idiopathic fever after head injury. Fever Type: Hectic. Exanthem. Inflammatory. General: Right-sided symptoms. Local: Headache and flushed face during chill. Gelsemium sempervirens Fever with great weakness and tremulousness. Chill: Especially afternoon. Also morning and evening. Chills running up and down the back. Chill begins in the hands and feet. Worse: Fright or excitement. Spring or summer. Heat: Heat alternating with chill. Heat lasts long without chill. Fever: Especially in the afternoon. Summertime fever. Warm weather fever. Fever Type: Continued, typhoid. Remittent. Scarlatina. Exanthem. Influenza. Inflammatory. General: Sleepiness and weakness during fever. Horrible shivering during chill; wants to be held. Thirstless during fever. Local: Occipital headache, often radiating to forehead. Face flushed; dark or deep red. Eyelids heavy and droopy. Blurry vision or even diplopia during fever. Pupils constricted during fever. Involuntary stool during fever. Involuntary urination before chill or during fever. Heavy limbs during fever. Trembling of extremities during chill or fever. Mental: Ailments from fright or facing a challenge. Mental dullness or even stupor during fever. Hepar sulphur (See below:Other Important Remedies for Fever) Lycopodium clavatum (See below:Other Important Remedies for Fever) Mercurius solubilis (See below:Other Important Remedies for Fever)

Natrium muriaticum Main remedy for malaria or intermittent fever of unknown origin. Chill: Especially at 10 or 11 AM. Worse: Autumn. During sleep. Right side. Begins in fingers or toes; hands or feet; back. Violent chills. Creeping chill. Anticipating chill. Tertian. Quartan. Quotidian. Heat: Mainly at noon or afternoon. Desires to uncover. Fever: Forenoon, especially 10 or 11 AM. Succession: Chill followed by heat followed by perspiration. Worse: Autumn. After exposure to tropics or swamps. Worsening with each paroxysm. Fever Type: Intermittent. General: Complains so little we underestimate the severity of the problem. Completely relieved during the perspiration phase (Ars). Craving cold drinks. Craving salty, sour and bitter things. Local: Thin neck after prolonged fever. Severe headache, especially right-sided, before, during, or after the chill or during the heat. Herpes about the lips or face during fever. Lips blue during the chill. Mouth, chewing motion during chill. Vomiting after chill and during the heat. Pain and swelling of the spleen during the heat. Cold sensation about the heart during the chill. Paralysis during intermittent fever. Hands and fingers cold and blue during the chill. Urticaria during the chill. Mental: Delirium or coma during violent chill. Ailments from grief or disappointed love. Nux vomica Fever with violent symptoms of heat and chills. Chill: Tremendous chills and rigors from the least movement under the covers or from uncovering. Unbelievable chills and rigors broken only by a steaming hot bath which brings on heat and perspiration, then chill recurs. Worse: Uncovering even one hand. Turning in bed. Drafts. Open air. Autumn. Drinking. Motion. Anger. Better: Lying still. Not better from simple warm covering. 28 day periodicity. Irregular periodicity. Anticipating chill. One sided chills. Chill begins in hands, feet and back.

Heat: Burning heat; long-lasting heat. Dry heat at night in bed. Heat alternates with chills. Restless with the heat but uncovering, cold drinks or even slight movement bring on the chill and rigor. One-sided heat; right-sided heat. Fever: High fever, especially evening. 6 PM. Night. Worse: Open air. Walking in open air. Autumn. After eating. Succession: Heat followed by deep chill. Chill followed by heat with perspiration. Chill followed by heat followed by perspiration. Anticipating fever. Fever Type: Influenza. Remittent. Intermittent. Zymotic. Gastric. General: Increased thirst during chill or heat. Desires and ameliorated by warm drinks. Desires and ameliorated by external heat. Febrile convulsions. Cramps and spasms of body. Jaundice during intermittent fever. Local: Severe occipital headache during fever. Headache during chill. Humming or ringing in ears during the heat. Ear pain during chills. Face blue during chill. Face heat during the chill. Coryza during fever. Stomach pain during the heat. Spleen pain during the heat. Ineffectual urge for urination during chill. Larynx pain during the heat. Dry cough during fever. Chest constriction during chill. Coldness in the back in the morning. Back pain during fever. Cold hands during chill. Fingernails blue during chill. Numbness in leg during chill. Restless leg during heat. Limbs heavy during fever. Extremity pain, especially the lower limb during the chill or fever. Lower limb pain before the chill. Pain in extremities from uncovering even one hand during fever. Mental: The marked irritablity of this remedy is diminished by inverse proportion to the severity of the fever and chills. Moaning with the fever and pains.

Opium High fever with sleepiness, stupor or coma. Chill: Chill at night or during the sleep. Heat: Heat becomes intense during sleep. Fever: Comes on during sleep. Succession: Chill followed by heat and perspiration together. Dry heat. Heat of lower body. Fever Type: Continued, typhoid. Septic. General: Marked sleepiness; deep sleep during chill or heat. Desires to uncover. Febrile convulsions. Local: Head heat during chill. Pupils dilated. Face deeply flushed, sweaty and red during fever. Urine suppressed during fever. Respiration snoring during the heat. Cold hands during chill. Mental: Unbothered by the fever in any way. Apathy, indifference or stupor during fever. Cheerful or blissful during the heat. Singing. Easily frightened. Fever after fright. Industrious during the heat. Pulsatilla pratensis Fever with strong symptoms which constantly change. Patternless. Chill: Afternoon, especially 1 or 2 PM. Also 4 PM. Sunset. Evening. Evening in bed or after lying. Before midnight. Worse: Turning in bed. If overheated. Warm room. Coughing. Better: Open air. Walking or exerting in open air. Rising from bed. Motion. Uncovering. Chill together with perspiration. Changing paroxysms. Tertian. Double tertian. Quartan. Quotidian. Heat: Afternoon, especially 2 PM. Especially in the upper body. One-sided heat, especially the right side. Fever: Morning in bed. 2 PM. 2 PM fever followed by chill at 4 PM. Afternoon. Afternoon after lying. Evening. Evening on entering a room from open air. Night. Fever with perspiration at night. Succession: Heat followed by chill. Chill followed by heat followed by perspiration.

Worse: Warmth. Warm room. Warm covering. Better: Uncovering. Walking in open air. Washing, cold bathing. Changing paroxysms. Each paroxysm worse than the last. Irregular paroxysms: Long chill, little heat, no thirst. Fever Type: Exanthem. Hectic. Gastric. Remittent. Septic. General: Better open air in all phases of fever. Thirstless during fever. Thirsty before chill. Distended veins during fever. Varices. Local: Headache during the heat. Eye lacrimation during fever. Face red during fever. Face perspiration during the heat. Licking lips during heat. Stomach pain during chill. Abdomen pain during the heat. Urging for urination during fever. Fruitless urging for urine during fever. Urine scant during fever. Larynx pain during heat. Palpitation during fever. Chills extending down back or up and down. Coldness between scapulae; sensation of a wet cloth on back. Back pain extending to occiput or vertex during chill. Extremity pains, often wandering during chills. Perspiration hand during the chill. Numbness in hands or feet during chill. Mental: Sad or weepy mood during fever. Desires company and to be held. Restless during the heat. Cheerful during the chill. Pyrogenium Strikingly high fevers with aching and pulsation. Chill: Evening, especially 7 PM. Very regular paroxysms of chills. Chill begins in the back. Desires but not ameliorated by external warmth. Better: In bed. Fever: Extremely high fevers, up to 106Þ F. Succession: Heat followed by chill. Fever but averse to uncovering or chills on uncovering. Fever Type: Septic. Zymotic. Puerperal. Intermittent. Hectic. Continued. Inflammatory.

General: Great disparity between pulse and fever (e.g. pulse slow despite high fever or vice-versa). Great thirst during chill or heat. Aching so that he cannot get comfortable, even the bed feels hard. Offensive or purulent odors (especially discharges). Local: Epistaxis with fever. Diarrhea with pernicious fever. Abnormal consciousness of heart during fever. Pulsation felt into extremities. Marked soreness of limbs during the chill. Thigh or leg pain during the chills. Extremity aching during the fever. Aching in thigh or leg during fever. Chill between the scapulae. Mental: Thinking faster than ever before during fever. Speaking faster than ever during fever. Rhus toxicodendron Any fever associated with horrible aching, stiffness and restlessness. Chill: Evening, especially at 7 PM. Worse: Uncovering, even one hand. Undressing. Cold or open air. Cold, damp weather. Getting wet. Cold bathing. Rain. Stormy weather. Winter. Motion. Rising from bed. Drinking. Overheating. During stool. Better: Warmth. Exertion, continued. Chills begin in thigh, feet, back. Chills on the right side (or left). One-sided chill. Heat: Forenoon, especially 10 AM. Also evening. Night during sleep. Feels as if dashed by hot water or it runs in veins, especially 10 AM. Heat with chill absent. Anterior part of body. Heat on left side, chill on right side. Heat alternates with chills. Fever: Forenoon. Evening, especially 6 PM. Night. Succession: Chill followed by heat and perspiration. Chill followed by heat followed by perspiration. Worse: In bed. Walking in open air. Autumn. Winter. Fever Type: Exanthem. Continued, typhoid. Scarlatina. Intermittent. Septic. Spotted fever. General: Worse from cold, damp weather. Thirsty for small quantities often during chill or fever. Aching stiffness ameliorated only by constantly moving. Marked restlessness. Constant desire for stretching during the fever.

Aching so that cannot get comfortable, even the bed feels hard. Vertigo during chill. Local: Headache during the heat. Hearing impaired during heat. Epistaxis during typhoid fever. Face cold and pale during chill. Face red during chill. Tooth pain during the chill. Abdominal pain during the heat. Diarrhea during typhoid fever. Involuntary urination during typhoid fever. Respiration hot during the chill. Cough before or during chill. Coldness in back during chills. Fingers cold and blue during chill. Heaviness of limbs during fever. Lame feeling in joints during chill. Extremity stiffness before or during the chill. Aching in the whole lower limb during chill or fever. Stitching pains in joints during fever. Extremity restlessness during the heat. Urticaria during the chill or fever. Erythema nodosum. Mental: Marked restlessness during fever. Anxiety and excitement during the heat. Tuberculinum bovinum kent Fever, whether from influenza, pneumonia or other causes, showing classical signs of hectic fever with afternoon exacerbation, flushed face, night sweats which cause deference. Chill: Begins in the evening, often 5 to 7 PM, and lasts until midnight. Worse: Evening in bed. Evening on undressing. Uncovering. Bathing. From anxiety. Creeping chills. Chill recurs every 21 days. Heat: Worse in the afternoon with an excited flush in the malar region. Fever: Succession: Heat followed by chill. Fever Type: Hectic. Intermittent. Relapsing. Influenza. Pneumonia. General: Thirsty during the heat or chill. Drenching night sweats; must change the linen. Desire for cold drinks during the chill. Local: Noises in the ears during fever or especially during the chill. Soreness in the eyes during the chill. Eyes turned upward during fever. Dry cough before or during the chill.

Hacking cough during heat. Respiration difficult during the heat. Back stiff during chill. Lame extremities during the chill. Stiffness in the legs during the chill. Pain and aching in the thigh and leg during fever. Jaundice during intermittent fever. Mental: Loquacious during the heat. Insanity alternating with inflammatory fever. Other important remedies for fever Ailanthus glandulosa An important remedy for scarlatina and for zymotic fever. Fever: Long-lasting low-grade fever with confusion, stupor. Succession: Heat followed by chill. Local: Face deeply flushed, purplish color. Eye lacrimation during fever. Tonsils suppurating, deeply inflamed, ulcerated and purple. Enlarged or suppurating cervical glands. Mental: Stupor and delirium. Delusions and dreams of animals, especially rats or insects. Dreamy state of confusion; cannot tell dreams from memories. Apis mellifica Chill: Afternoon, especially 3 or 4 PM. Evening. Begin in the chest or abdomen. Worse: Motion. Better: Open air. Heat: Dry, burning heat without chills or perspiration; longs for a good sweat. Heat alternates with chills. Worse: Warm room or covers. Fever: Morning. Afternoon, especially 3 PM or 4 PM. Fever Type: Exanthem. Scarlatina. Influenza. Urinary tract infection. Meningitis. Pleurisy. General: Craves open or cold air. Worse: Heat or warm room. Better: From bathing, even cold bathing. Thirstless, especially during the heat; may be thirsty during chill. Sleepiness during fever or during chills. Local: Headache during the heat. Oppression of chest or dyspnea during heat or chills. Frequent urge to urinate during fever. Scant urine during fever. Heat of hands during chill. Cold knees during chill.

Hand cold or numb. Urticaria during fever. Mental: Apathy or even stupor. Excitement followed by apathy. Arnica montana Serious febrile illness with marked aching and purulence. Chill: Early morning, 4 to 6 AM. Evening. On waking in the morning. Upon uncovering. Heat: Upper part of body. Long-lasting heat phase; dry heat. Fever: Increasing during the coughing paroxysm. Worse: Motion. Quartan. Quotidian. Fever Type: Remittent. Septic. Zymotic. Pertussis. Typhoid. Pneumonia. General: Heat of head with coldness of body. Hemorrhage or petechia during fever. Soreness and aching all over during fever; averse to touch or jar. Cannot find a comfortable spot; even the bed seems too hard. Markedly symmetrical symptoms. Local: Heat and redness of face, especially during the chills. Headache during the heat. Epistaxis during continued fever. Foul breath with continued fever. Putrid taste in the mouth in intermittent fever. Thirst during chills. Vomiting during the heat. Incontinence of bladder or bowel during typhoid. Extremity or bone pain during the chills. Extremities aching during fever. Cold feet during fever (Bell). Mental: Anguished feeling during fever or chill. Sighing and moaning. Irritable, averse to being touched. Stupor, muttering and apathy during fever. Aranea diadema Tremendous, persistent chills dominate the picture. Chill: Deep and extended chill. Long-lasting rigors. Chills without any phase of heat. Markedly regular periodicity of chills - like clockwork. Tertian. Quotidian. Fever Type: Intermittent fever. Worse: Cold, damp weather. Getting wet.

General: Craves heat but chills not relieved Sleeplessness during fever or recurring chills. Local: Stomach pain or cutting during fever. Mental: Sad. Indifferent. Morose. Arsenicum album (See above:Main Remedies for Fever). Baptisia tinctoria Fever with stupor and confusion. Chill: Forenoon, especially 11 AM. Chilly all through the day. Worse: Open air. Fever: Forenoon. Night. Fever alternating with chill. Fever without subsequent chill. Fever Type: Continued. Gastric. Septic. Zymotic. Local: Face flushed a deep red or purple. Face with stupid expression. Epistaxis during typhoid fever. Diarrhea and vomiting during sudden fever. General: Soreness of whole body; cannot find a comfortable position. Mental: Dullness and confusion with fever. Falls asleep after answering or even mid-sentence. Feels scattered; delusion of body being double or in pieces. Belladonna (See above:Main Remedies for Fever). Boletus laricis Has a reputation for malarial type fevers. Chill: Begins in back or spine. Creeping chills. Fever: Remittent. Intermittent. Local: Back pain during chill. Coldness in dorsal region of back or in the spine during fever. Yawn during chill. Bryonia alba (See above:Main Remedies for Fever). Caladium seguinum Fever begins before midnight. Fever comes on during sleep. Fever ameliorated after sleep. Chill after midnight. Calcarea carbonica Especially chronic fevers with weakness and disability. Chill: Forenoon. Afternoon, especially 2 PM.

Worse: Morning on rising. Drafts. Open air. Cold, damp. Working in cold water. Drinking. Chill begins in the epigastrium ("scrobiculis cordis"). Heat: Heat alternates with chill. Fever: Succession: Heat followed by chills. Fever Type: Relapsing fever. Intermittent. General: Great weakness and debility. Worse: Cold, damp weather. Local: Head sweat at night in bed. Cough during fever. Palpitations during fever. Heavy limbs during fever. Cold feet, must wear socks to bed. Mental: Symptoms develop after excess responsibility and work. Despair of recovery. Camphora officinalis Fever with collapse and icy coldness of the body. Chill: Intense, long-lasting chills and rigors without subsequent heat. Chill but averse to covers or ameliorated by uncovering. Worse: Open air. Walking in open air. Motion. Chill beginning in abdomen. Fever Type: Continued. Cholera. Septic. General: Trembling during fever. Dilation of veins during fever. Local: Tongue cold and flabby during fever. Diarrhea with pernicious fever. Cold skin during fever. Mental: Delirium or coma during fever. Capsicum annuum Chill: Begins in the back, especially the dorsal region. Worse: Drafts. Going into cold air. Drinking. Uncovering. Shivering after drinking cold water. Better: Open air. Motion and exercise. External warmth and heating pad. Tertian. Quotidian. Rigors come on while drinking cold drinks. Heat: Long-lasting heat (or chills and perspiration with no heat phase). Fever: Comes on during summer or warm weather. Better: Motion and exertion in open air. Succession: Chill followed by heat and perspiration. Chill followed by perspiration but no heat phase. Fever Type: Hectic. Intermittent. Continued, typhoid. Local: Hearing acute during heat or chill.

Salivation during chill. Cold chest during chill. Cold fingertips during heat. Legs drawn upward during chill. Cold perspiration on thighs during fever. Mental: Over-sensitive during chill; sensitive to noise during chill. Whistling during fever. Carbo animalis Deep coldness with infection especially of the glands. Chill: Afternoon. Evening. Night. Worse: In bed. Open air. draft. Better: Drinking. Chill begins in chest. Fever succession: Chill followed by perspiration without heat. Fever Type: Continued. Pancreatitis. Septic. Carbo vegetabilis Fevers with great weakness, coldness and collapse. Chill: Deep chills with aversion to being covered. Worse: Spring. Winter. When overheated. One-sided chill; left-sided chill. Fever succession: Heat followed by perspiration followed by chill. Fever Type: Continued. Exanthem. Hectic. Pneumonia. Septic. General: Chilly but desires to remain uncovered. Desires to be fanned. Desires to be propped up in bed. Local: Face bloated and mottled blue. Bloating of abdomen; eructations give great relief. Mental: Apathy and flatness. Cedron Periodic fevers recurring at precisely the same hour. Chill: Night, especially 3 or 4 AM. Also 3 or 4 PM. Chill at 4 AM followed by sweat. Begins in thighs, legs or back. Worse: Getting wet. Exposure to tropics or swamps. Tertian. Quotidian. Fever: Worse in summer or warm weather. Sucession: Chills followed by heat followed by perspiration. Chill followed by perspiration without heat. General: Excitement during the chill. Craves warm drinks during the chill. Local: Red face before chill or during fever. Chelidonium majus

Fever and chills in the afternoon, especially 3 to 4 PM. Gastric fever. Hepatitis. Exanthems. Heat: Burning heat in hands spreads to the whole body. Chill: Begins in hands or feet. Right-sided chill. Worse: In bed. Drinking. Local: Dilation and fullness of veins in hands during the chill. Chininum sulphuricum Periodic fevers with clockwork regularity. Chill: Afternoon, especially 3 PM. Evening. Chill with little heat. Ascending chill. Anticipating chill. Tertian. Quotidian. 14 day periodicity. Fever Type: Continued. Remittent. General: Distinct stages of chill, heat, sweats, and completely afebrile. Worse: From exposure to tropics or swampy terrain. Local: Tinnitus during chills or fever. Pain in spleen during chill. Chest pain during chill. Back pain and stiffness during chill. Legs full feeling during fever. Jaundice after fever. Cimex lectularius Malarial type fevers with marked contraction of muscles. Chill: Begins in the feet. Worse: While lying. Quartan. Tertian. Heat: Dry heat with spasmodic gagging. General: Thirstless during the heat. Thirsty during the chill but drinking causes headache. Appetite increased after the fever. Local: Chest constricted, must take deep breaths during chill. Tickling larynx during fever. Joint pains during chill. Contraction of hamstrings, legs, fingers during chill. Clenched fingers at the beginning of the chill. Numbness of hands and feet during chill. Cina maritima Fever: Night. Fever comes on during or after sleep. Ascending fever. Fever Type: Intermittent.

Chill: Afternoon. Ascending chill. General: Convulsions during the heat. Fever associated with worms, especially pinworms. Local: Face pale and cold during the chill or heat. Face cold with heat of hands (opposite Bell). Appetite increased before the chill, during fever. Thirsty during the chill. Diarrhea with intermittent fever. Heat of hand during chill. Cocculus indicus Fever: Hectic. Continued, typhoid. General: Vertigo during fever. Chill, not ameliorated in a warm room. Local: Stomach or abdominal distension, pain and cramps during the chill. Trembling of hands and extremities during the chill. Mental: Fever after anger. Coffea cruda Chill: Evening, especially 8 PM. Worse: Open or cold air. Motion. Descending. Begins in fingers or toes. Fever: In bed. Worse from covering; wants to uncover. Succession: Heat followed by perspiration. Mental: Excitement, ecstasy, flights of fancy during fever. Crotalus horridus Hemorrhagic disorders in fever; especially continued fever. Disseminated intravascular coagulation. Epistaxis during typhoid fever. Marked jaundice in fever. A main remedy in yellow fever. Delirium and stupor. Elaterium Has a strong reputation in malarial fevers. Fever: Changing forms and paroxysms. Tertian. Quotidian. Double quotidian. Local: Yawning during chill or fever. Abdominal or liver pain during the heat. Nausea as chills subside. Vomiting during the heat. Cramps in calves or feet during the chill. Cramping in sole of foot during intermittent fever. Urticaria after chill. Urticaria from suppressed fever. Eupatorium perfoliatum

Fever with anguishing pains, especially bone pains. Chill: Especially in the morning from 6 or 7 AM to 9 AM. Also chills at noon, 2 PM and night. Heavy chill in the morning followed by light chill the next afternoon. Chill beginning in the back or hands. Descending chills. Also extending up and down extremities. Worse: Drinking. Uncovering. Better: External warmth. Irregular paroxysms. Tertian. Double quartan. Quotidian. Fever: Daytime only. Autumnal fever. Irregular paroxysms. Succession: Chill followed by heat followed by perspiration. Fever Type: Intermittent. Continued, typhoid. Influenza. General: Thirsty before or during the chill. Thirst during the heat. Craving cold things during fever. Craving warm drinks. Perspiration is scanty. Yawning and stretching, especially before the chill. Restlessness with the pains. Local: Headache, throbbing during fever or after the heat ends. Face red during fever. Nausea during chill or fever or at the close of chill (or fever). Vomiting bile during fever; between chill and heat. Cough before the febrile paroxysm. Excruciating back pain during fever. Trembling in the back during fever. Extremity pain before or during the chill. Bone pain or aching during fever. Mental: Moaning with the pains, especially during the chill. Eupatorium purpureum Chills descending or going up and down back. Cold limbs during chill. Helleborus niger Fevers with marked stupor and confusion. Chill: Comes from 4 to 8 PM. Evening upon lying down. Chill begins in the arms. Chill with regular periodicity. Chill, better from external heat. Fever: Morning after getting out of bed. Succession: Heat followed by chill. Fever Type: Continued fever. Encephalitis. Meningitis. General: Appetite increased during fever.

Local: Wrinkled forehead during cerebrospinal fever. Eyes turned upward during fever. Sooty nostrils during fever. Involuntary urine during typhoid fever. Stitching pains in joints during fever. Mental: Stupor or even coma during continued fever. Mentally slow. Reflects long before being able to formulate an answer. Hepar sulphur Fever associated with suppuration of glands. Chill: Evening. Night. Especially 6 or 7 PM. 6 PM until 5 AM. Worse: Uncovering, even one hand or foot. Drafts. Open air. In bed. From drafts leaking through the covers. Motion. Desires external warmth though it may not relieve. Chills without subsequent heat. Intense rigors. Fever: Chills alternating with heat. General: Constantly chilly. Cannot tolerate exposing even one part to cold. Perspiration day and night without relief. Local: "Fever blisters" about the mouth during fever. Voice hoarse and weak during the fever and heat. Hyoscyamus niger Fever with easy delirium. Chill: Deep chills in bed at night. Chill begins in feet or back. Ascending chill. Periodic chill. Quartan. Fever: Evening. Worse: Dentition. Fever alternates with chill. Ascending fever. Fever Type: Continued. General: Distended veins during fever. Local: Involuntary urine during typhoid fever. Supressed urine during fever. Dry cough during fever. Mental: Delirium and muttering loquacity. Handling the genitals during stupor or delirium. Ipecacuanha In all conditions, marked nausea or retching without nausea. Chill: Forenoon, especially 11 AM. Especially affecting upper body. Worse: Warm room. Warm weather. Summer. Better: Open air. Uncovering. Drinking.

Tertian. Quotidian. Postponing chill. Heat: Heat without subsequent chill. Fever: Summer fevers. Warm weather. Succession: Chill followed by heat followed by perspiration. Irregular paroxysm: Short chill, long heat, no thirst. Fever Type: Remittent. Gastric. Respiratory infections. Local: Deathly nausea through all phases of fever. Tongue red and remarkably clean. Cough, especially dry, teasing cough during fever. Severe back pain during fever. Aching in thighs during fever. Perspiration hand during the chill. Mental: Anxiety during fever. Peevish and cross. Lachesis mutus Aggressive illness with intense pains or quickly reaching stupor. Chill: Begins especially noon or 1 PM. Begins in the dorsal region or generally in the back. 14 day periodicity. Annual chill. Worse: Warm weather. Spring. Autumn. Chill affecting especially the left side. Heat: Dry, burning heat. Ascending heat. Fever: Evening or night. Comes on during sleep. Succession: Chill followed by heat followed by perspiration. Worse: After falling asleep. Eating. Fever Type: Continued. Typhoid. Hectic. Remittent. Intermittent. Septic. Pneumonia. Zymotic. Scarlatina. Strep throat. General: Symptoms mainly on the left side. Worse: After suppression of discharge or hemorrhage. Desire to be held; craves to be pressed down. Local: Face red or almost purplish red during fever. Perspiration on face during heat. Ear cold during the heat. Epistaxis during typhoid fever. Involuntary urination during typhoid fever. Paralysis during intermittent fever. Heat in sole of foot during fever. Cold feet during fever. Mental: Loquacity during the heat (Teucr). Sarcastic and sharp tongue. Laurocerasus

Long-lasting illness, low-grade fever and horrid chills. Chill: Chill without subsequent chill. Worse: Open air. Walking in open air. Not ameliorated by external heat; as if there is no capacity of the body to generate a drop of heat. Chill may begin in the face. Chill descends back. General: Sleep or even coma during fever. Yawning. Snoring respiration during fever. Vertigo or faintness during fever. Desires to stretch during fever. Marked weakness during fever or after a prolonged fever. Local: Cold perspiration on the nose. Cold in back during fever. Lycopodium clavatum Chill: Afternoon, especially 4 to 8 PM. Morning on waking. Noon. Worse: In bed. After sleep. Better: Rising from bed. One sided chill, especially the left side (also right side). Deep chill with long-lasting rigors. Quartan. Quotidian. Heat: Fever without heat phase. Fever: Afternoon and evening. Succession: Chill followed by perspiration without heat. Worse: Motion. Comes on during sleep. Eating. Warm room. Fever Type: Hectic. Intermittent. Septic. Zymotic. Continued. Typhoid. Pneumonia. Scarlatina. Hepatitis. General: Chilly but craves open air. Desires warm drinks; marked aversion to cold drinks. Local: Forehead furrowed during fever. Eye pain during the heat. Sour vomiting with fever. Liver enlarged during intermittent fever. Copious urination during fever. Urine with red sediment during fever. Heat extending up the back during fever. One hand (or foot) cold, the other warm. Extremity numbness during the heat. Mental: Anxious and desires someone nearby yet prefers not to interact. Mercurius solubilis Night time fevers with marked nightsweats and lingering debility. Chill: Night. Evening. Worse: Rising from bed. In bed. Uncovering. During stool. On undressing. Open air. Drafts. Motion. Fright.

Heat: Heat alternates with chills. Cannot find a comfortable temperature; always too warm or too cold. Constantly adjusting. Worse: Before stool. From stooping. Fever: Night time fevers, especially after midnight. Fever Type: Continued. Scarlatina. Paroxysmal fevers. Inflammatory. Remittent. Septic. Zymotic. General: Sensitive to both heat and cold. Marked, debilitating nightsweat during fever. Sweat aggravates the local complaints. Nightsweats drive the patient from bed. Nighttime aggravation. Local: Coryza with fever. Salivation on the pillow at night. Metallic taste in the mouth. Urine odor pungent during fever. Muriaticum acidum Fever with great collapse. Chill: Morning. Evening in bed. Before midnight. Chill without subsequent heat. Fever: Nighttime fever with dry heat. Desires to uncover during fever. Uncovering ameliorates. Fever Type: Continued. Typhoid with stupor or coma. Septic. General: One of the greatest debility remedies in our materia medica. Sliding down in the bed during fever. Too weak to turn in bed. Thirstless during fever. Local: Jaw slack and hanging down. Tongue heavy, ulcerated and shrunken. Involuntary urination during typhoid fever. Copious urination during fever. Bedsores from inability to turn. Mental: Too weak to bother about himself. Anxiety during fever. Stupor or coma. Phosphoricum acidum Fever with weakness and exhaustion. Chill: In bed or during sleep. Fever: Evening. Night. Heat alternating with chills. Fever Type: Continued. Typhoid. Hectic. Scarlatina. Septic. General: Weakness and tremulousness during fever. Desires refreshing things, fruit.

Local: Epistaxis during typhoid fever. Diarrhea with less debility than expected. Urination involuntary during typhoid fever. Mental: Indifference, apathy during fever. Coma, stupor in typhoid fever. Fever after grief. Phosphorus Fever and respiratory illness. Chill: Evening. Night. Before midnight. Evening in bed. Worse: Rising from bed. Uncovering. After sleep. Before stool. Better: Drinking. One-sided chill. Right-sided chill. Ascending and descending chills. Heat: Fever ascending, especially ascending the back. Dry, burning heat and sleeplessness at night. Right-sided heat. Fever: Afternoon. Evening. Night. Especially twilight. Succession: Heat followed by chill. Worse: Eating. Before stool. Better: Cold drinks. After sleep. Walking in open air. Fever Type: Hectic. Exanthem. Continued, typhoid. Scarlatina. Pneumonia. Intermittent. Septic. General: Tremendous thirst during all phases for cold drinks. Increased appetite during fever. Hemorrhage, petechia, bruising during fever. Faintness or weakness during fever. Local: Epistaxis during fever. Diarrhea during chill. Dry cough during chill or fever. Heat extending up the back. Chills extending from back to abdomen. Cold hands during the chill. Mental: Anxiety, fear and desire for company and consolation. Podophyllum peltatum Chill: Morning, especially 5 AM. Also 7 AM or 7 to 9 AM. Worse: Evening after lying down. Before stool. Slight motion. Better: In bed. External warmth. Tertian. Quotidian. Fever: In the afternoon with chilliness. Fever Type: Gastric. Remittent. Local: Pain liver and spleen during chill. Diarrhea with fever.

Back pain and aching before the chills. Elbow pain during chill. Mental: Loquacity during fever (or chill). Psorinum Annual or seasonal recurrence of fever. Chill: Deeply chilled, even during warm weather. During summer. Worse: Open air. Uncovering. Taking off hat. Creeping chill. Descending chill. Irregular periodicity or paroxysms of fever or chill. Fever: Nighttime fever with perspiration. Fever Type: Intermittent. Relapsing. General: Tremendous perspiration during exertion. Mental: Despair of recovery, even during the convalescence. Sambucus nigra Fevers associated with snuffles or other respiratory illness. Chill: Night. Afternoon, especially 3 PM. Worse: Uncovering. Better: During sleep. Chill begins in feet or hands. Chill with regular periodicity. Quotidian. Heat: Burning heat comes on during sleep. Dry heat while asleep; chill and perspiration on waking. Heat of body with cold feet. Fever: Fever comes on lying down in evening or during sleep. Fever alternates with perspiration. Fever Type: Intermittent. Neonatal sepsis. General: Great sleepiness during the heat. Thirstless during the heat. Local: Snuffles. Cough before the fever paroxysm. Cough after the chill ends. Cold extending down the back. Mental: Fanciful delusions during the heat. Selenium metallicum A main remedy for weakness and debility following prolonged fevers. Weak back after typhoid fever. Dribbling of semen. Sexual debility. Sanguinaria canadensis Kent considered Sanguinaria one of the chief palliatives in tuberculosis. Fever: Marked heat but scanty perspiration. Worse: 2 to 3 PM. Fever Type: Hectic fever. Intermittent. Scarlatina.

General: Flushes of heat rising into face. Vomiting relieves all symptoms. Local: Circumscribed red flushing over the malar region. Right-sided headache during fever. Vomiting during headache and fever. Cough and thick expectoration. Burning of palms and soles; uncovers feet in bed. Secale cornutum High burning fevers with aversion to the slightest covering, even when parts feel icy cold. Chill: Strong chills, worse from covering, better uncovering. Heat: Tremendous sense of internal heat. Fever: Dry, long-lasting heat. Heat alternating with chill. Local: Suppressed urine during fever. Burning of the feet, especially the soles. Sepia officinalis Chronic fevers with debility and apathy. When chronic fever cases have been spoiled by too many remedies. Chill: Morning. Afternoon, especially 4 to 6 PM. Evening. Worse: Open air. Autumn. Getting wet. Motion. Menses. Better: Warm room. Uncovering. Exertion. Chill begins in tips of fingers or toes. Also back or chest. Ascending chill. Chill of single parts. One-sided chill. 28 day periodicity. Irregular periodicity. Fever: Fever with irregular paroxysms. Worse: Autumn. After anger or vexation. Better: After sleep. Succession: Heat followed by chill. Ascending heat. Fever Type: Hectic fever. Intermittent fever. General: Faintness and weakness during or after long fever. Fainting during chill. Vertigo during fever. Thirstless during the heat. Thirsty during or after the chill. Local: Headache during chill. Eye pain during the heat. Heat in eyes during fever. Liver pain or swelling during the chill. Spleen pain. Urine acrid during fever. Numbness of hands and fingers during chill.

Cold extremities during fever. Jaundice during intermittent fever. Mental: Flat, apathetic during fever. Fever after vexation. Silica marina Fever and deep chills; every virus turns to a deep illness. Chill: Afternoon, especially 6 PM. Worse: In bed. Rising from bed. Uncovering even one hand. Motion. Drafts. Draft after being overheated. Creeping chills spreading over whole body. One-sided chill. Fever: Night. Evening. Fever alternating with chills. Worse: Comes during or after sleep. Fever Type: Hectic. Intermittent. General: Heavy, sour perspiration after the heat breaks. Swelling and suppuration of glands. Local: Respiration catching during fever. Loose cough during fever. Stannum metallicum Chronic, hectic fever with weakness and cough. Fever: One-sided heat or chill; Left-sided heat or chill. Chills occuring at 10 AM; 9 to 11 AM. General: Weakness and dyspnea during hectic fever. Weakness from talking. Local: Chronic cough with sweet or salty sputum. Chest feels weak or hollow. Stramonium Intense fever, generally accompanied by delirium and fright. Chill: Afternoon. Worse: Turning in bed. Motion causes chill. Uncovering. Better: External warmth. Descending chill. Double quotidian chill. Heat: Dry, burning heat. Fever without chills. Fever: Noon. Midnight. Fever Type: Continued. Exanthem. Scarlatina. General: Febrile convulsions, especially during the heat. Marked thirst between the heat and perspiration phase. Sleeplessness during "low fever." Local: Face cold and blue during the chill. Red face during fever.

Pupils constricted during the heat. Salivation during heat or fever. Copious urine during fever. Involuntary urination during fever. Suppressed urine during fever. Chill extending down the back. Cold extremities, especially the leg and foot during fever. Mental: Intense delirium and even violence during heat. Fear of dark, violence, being alone. Sulphur Especially useful in fevers which have gone for several days without treatment or treated but show no sign of improvement. Chill: Forenoon, especially 11 AM. Evening in bed. Night. Midnight. Worse: Afternoon after lunch. In bed. Walking in open air. Warm weather. During stool. One-sided chill. Ascending chills. Creeping chills. Chill begins in hands and feet; fingers and toes. Heat: Long-lasting heat. Heat absent entirely at times. One-sided heat; left sided heat. Ascending heat. Fever: Especially at night with marked perspiration. Night after waking. Worse: After sleep. Warm room. Summer. Winter. Better: Uncovering. Succession: Heat followed by chill. Chill followed by heat followed by perspiration. Fever Type: Exanthem. Remittent. Intermittent. Continued. Hectic. Gastric. Scarlatina. Insidious. Inflammatory. Septic. Zymotic. Pneumonia. Influenza. Hepatitis. General: Generally warm and averse to heat but during prolonged fevers, the patient loses more body heat daily. Marked thirst for cold drinks, especially during the heat. Offensive, heavy perspiration. Sweat may begin in the morning after waking. Steadily failing during fever; no immune response (Laur). Local: Heat of the head, especially the vertex during fever. Excessive salivation, especially at night during the heat. Chills ascending the back, especially from the sacrum. Burning heat in the soles of the feet during fever. Cold feet during fever. Urticaria during the fever. Mental: Often unusually anxious during the fever; fear of death. Despair of recovery.

Patient ignores his appearance during the fever. Tela araneae Has a reputation in intermittent fever. Cold, clammy perspiration. Dry cough and asthmatic respiration. Numbness in legs and hands. Thuja occidentalis A remedy to consider in intermittent fevers. Chill: Afternoon, Especially 3 PM or 5 PM. Also 3 AM. Worse: Motion. Uncovering. Warm weather. Over-heating. Annual chill. Creeping chill. Chill begins in thigh. One-sided chill; left-sided chill. Heat: Dry heat of covered part, sweats on uncovered areas. Fever: Chill without heat. Also heat without chill. Succession: Chill followed by perspiration without heat. Veratrum album Chill: Morning, especially after rising. 6 AM. Worse: Drinking. Fright. Before or during stool. Chill not ameliorated by external warmth. Long-lasting rigor, unrelieved by heat. Periodic chills. Quartan. Descending chills. Heat: Heat phase often absent. Ascending heat. Fever: Fever begins after getting out of bed. Fever alternating with perspiration. Fever alternates with chill. Succession: Heat followed by perspiration. Chill followed by perspiration with no heat. Fever Type: Gastric. Intermittent. Pneumonia. General: Great thirst during the chill. Craving for salt, lemon, ice. Local: Face icy cold and pale during the chill. Cold perspiration on the face, especially the forehead. Cold breath. Cold tongue. Vomiting and diarrhea during the chill. Exhausting diarrhea. Hands and feet cold, blue and clammy during the chill. Mental: Chill with violent delirium. Collapse and even unconsciousness during fever.

Neurological disorders Neurological disorders This chapter on neurological disorders includes sections on: Multiple Sclerosis Bell's Palsy Tics, Cramps and Twitches Convulsive Disorders Parkinson's Disease Many of our most impressive results come in incurable neurological disorders, especially when the illness is caused by inflammation of nerve tissue. Once true destruction of tissue has occurred, homeopathic remedies have less effect or at least less rapid effect. We know that the nervous system has greater plasticity and resilience than most physicians expect. Especially in children, neurological damage can be repaired or rehabilitated to a surprising extent. With proper homeopathic treatment, even conditions caused by brain tissue destruction can respond by exploiting the capacity of the brain to find alternate mechanisms to accomplish its function. Many patients with end-stage neurological disorders approach us for treatment, seeing homeopathy as their last hope. It is heart-wrenching to hear the stories of lives devastated by these illnesses. We must walk a very thin line between encouraging our new (or prospective) patient and giving unrealistic hopes. It is best to understate the chances for improvement and see the patient happily surprised when these benefits out-strip expectations. Multiple sclerosis and neurodegenerative disorders The diagnosis of multiple sclerosis is, in a sense, useless from a homeopathic standpoint. This is true because the disease itself has such a variable course, and we can hardly make any prediction of the patient's course or probable symptoms. There is a high incidence of spontaneous remissions with this disease. Thus, our allopathic colleagues continue to cast a jaundiced eye at homeopaths' claims of cures of MS with our remedies. Furthermore, the diagnosis is not useful because nearly any deep-acting remedy can act curatively when indicated. Thus, knowing the diagnosis has little homeopathic value. The tremendous reduction of paralysis from polio has seemed to parallel a rise in the incidence of multiple sclerosis in our culture. These epidemiological changes caused George Vithoulkas, the world's top homeopath, to speculate that the rise in multiple sclerosis is due to the polio vaccine. It is as if any pathology which comes to our population will find a mechanism to express itself unless truly cured from the deepest level. Even diagnosing a minor problem such as hemorrhoids can be very traumatic to a patient. Many patients feel that even a minor diagnosis is a permanent sign of physical degeneration. The diagnosis of MS is a hundred-fold more traumatizing and should be made with the utmost gentleness and caution. This is especially true since there are very different syndromes, some of which are almost inconsequential. There is a rapidly progressive form of MS leading to paralysis and death in just a few years. This form is (for the purpose of homeopathic treatment) indistinguishable from amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. There is a more intermittent form of MS which is characterized by periodic relapses with periods of complete normality in between. In these cases, the symptoms often occur at times of great emotional stress and reverse when the life stress abates. In some cases, there is progressive deterioration with each relapse. There is also a sensory form of MS which manifests mainly with sensory

disturbances, especially numbness, of various parts of the body. Burning pains, tingling and swollen sensations are also common. Optic neuritis is a common herald of this form of MS. The homeopath must try to ascertain the pace and malignancy of the process in order to correctly judge the amount of progress to expect from treatment. Management One of the first things we must learn in a case is the timing of the symptoms. In general, neurological deficits which have existed for one year or more will not easily resolve with homeopathic treatment. We should be careful to set realistic goals for our MS patients. In very advanced cases, the goal should be containment or at times only a slowing of the progress of the disease. If the patient has unrealistic expectations, then he will be unable to observe significant changes in his health from the remedy. This will lead the patient to push the homeopath for another and another remedy until the original (correct) remedy loses all effect, the patient deteriorates and the case is lost to treatment. If, on the other hand, proper instruction is given, the patient will understand what signs to look for in the healing process and can cooperate much more effectively. Many symptoms in multiple sclerosis can be considered common. For example, there is commonly an exacerbation in MS from heat and sun. However, even if these symptoms are very marked, since they are common, the simillimum may not be listed for the symptom. Another common pitfall in the analysis of a case of MS comes from over-detailed repertorization. It is rarely productive to carefully repertorize the locations of numbness or weakness, etc. Therapeutic tips for multiple sclerosis Homeopathic Patients with the progressive form of MS, especially those who have serious neurological deficits, respond better to daily treatment with low potencies or LM potencies. One should be quite cautious about using high potencies (above 200C) in such patients. In most other patients, the potency should simply reflect the clarity of the remedy in the case. If we see clear signs of improvement in general energy or on the psychological level, we should be very hesitant to change the remedy, even if the physical symptoms do not change significantly. Naturopathic There have been reports in both the popular and medical literature of cases of multiple sclerosis disappearing after removal of mercury amalgam fillings. However, the majority of multiple sclerosis patients will not notice significant improvement after such removals. In my experience, we can predict which patients have some likelihood of improvement from the removal of fillings based upon the presence of symptoms of mercury toxicity. Without such symptoms - salivation, nightsweats, reactions to both heat and cold - patients will rarely notice much benefit from removal of fillings. Dietary recommendations include low fat diets, vegan diets and elimination of ingested toxins such as pesticides and alcohol. Supplements should include: Coenzyme Q10 (90 mg. per day). Primrose or flax seed oil (1 tsp. BID) or gamma-linoleic acid. Vitamin B complex (100 mg. complex including choline and inositol). Vitamin A (up to 25,000 units per day). Patients should exercise moderately, but it is best to avoid overheating. Thus, swimming is an excellent choice of exercise. Allopathic

There are basically three allopathic treatments used for MS: Corticosteroids. Adrenal Corticotropin Hormone (ACTH). Interferon. All three of these treatments have serious side-effects and consequences. The use of corticosteroids and ACTH have never been proven effective and many neurologists do not use this type of treatment at all. Naturally, it is exceedingly difficult to have success with homeopathic treatment when the patient is using corticosteroids or ACTH. On the other hand, the prescriber should never recommend that a patient avoid a treatment which the neurologist recommended. Instead, if serious doubt exists about the recommendation, ask the patient to seek an opinion from another neurologist. Interferon is the only clearly effective allopathic treatment for MS. Interferon frequently antidotes the homeopathic remedy. Furthermore, it is impossible to know if improvement occurs in the patient, whether the improvement is from the remedy or the Interferon. Thus, generally it is almost futile to treat a patient who is on Interferon. The patient should be allowed to finish his course of treatment with the Interferon with the suggestion that homeopathy should be given to prevent further relapses once the Interferon treatment is finished. Repertory Main rubrics in multiple sclerosis Extremities, Numbness (see specific locations). Extremities, Paralysis. Extremities, Paralysis, painless. Extremities, Paralysis, paraplegia. General, Numbness, external. General, Numbness, single parts. General, Paralysis. General, Paralysis, ascending. General, Paralysis, painless. General, Paralysis, polio. General, Paralysis, single parts. General, Sclerosis, multiple. Other important rubrics in multiple sclerosis Head, Drawn, backwards. Head, Falling, (backwards, forwards). Head, Inflammation, brain. Head, Jerking. Head, Motions. Head, Motions, involuntary. Head, Numbness. Head, Prickling. Head, Softening of brain. Head, Shocks. Head, Tingling. Eye, Atrophy, Optic nerve. Eye, Blinking.

Eye, Close, difficult. Eye, Close, involuntary. Eye, Falling lids. Eye, Inflammation, Optic nerve. Eye, Movement, involuntary. Eye, Movement, Pendulum-like. Eye, Movement, rolling. Eye, Paralysis, iris. Eye, Paralysis, lids. Eye, Paralysis, Muscles of eyeball. Eye, Paralysis, Optic nerve. Eye, Pupils, contracted. Eye, Pupils, dilated. Eye, Pupils, Insensible to light. Eye, Spasms of lids. Eye, Spasm, Ciliary muscles. Eye, Strabismus. Eye, Twitching. Eye, Winking. Vision, Accommodation defective (subrubrics). Vision, Blurred. Vision, Diplopia. Vision, Loss of vision. Face, Chewing motion of jaw. Face, Dropping of jaw. Face, Lockjaw. Face, Numbness. Face, Paralysis. Face, Tingling. Face, Trembling. Face, Twitching. Mouth, Motion, Tongue, difficult. Mouth, Motion, Tongue, wanting. Mouth, Numbness. Mouth, Numbness, tongue. Mouth, Paralysis. Mouth, Paralysis, tongue. Mouth, Protruding, Tongue, difficult. Mouth, Spasms, tongue. Mouth, Speech, indistinct. Mouth, Speech, stammering. Mouth, Trembling, tongue.

Mouth, Twitching. Throat, Numbness. Throat, Paralysis. Throat, Spasm. Throat, Swallowing, difficult. Throat, Swallowing, Impossible due to paralysis. External Throat, Numbness. External Throat, Paralysis. External Throat, Spasms. Rectum, Involuntary stool. Rectum, Unnoticed stool. Rectum, Paralysis. Bladder, Paralysis. Bladder, Urination, involuntary. Urethra, Sensation absent when urinating. Extremities, Ataxia. Extremities, Awkwardness. Extremities, Contraction (Hands, Legs, etc.). Extremities, Dragging, Legs while walking. Extremities, Dropping wrist. Extremities, Emaciation, Paralyzed parts. Extremities, Fall, Liable to. Extremities, Heaviness. Extremities, Heaviness, Lower limbs. Extremities, Incoordination. Extremities, Jerking (see specific locations). Extremities, Motion, difficult. Extremities, Motion, Loss of control. Extremities, Motion, slowness. Extremities, Paralysis, ascending. Extremities, Paralysis, Coldness of parts, with. Extremities, Paralysis, hemiplegia. Extremities, Paralysis, (see specific locations). Extremities, Reflexes, (increased, impaired, etc.). Extremities, Tingling. Extremities, Tottering gait. Extremities, Twitching (see specific locations). Extremities, Walking, (difficult, etc.). General, Analgesia. General, Anesthesia. General, Gait, (reeling, etc.). General, Heated, becoming.

General, Sun. General, Trembling. General, Twitching. General, Weakness. General, Weakness, Heat. General, Weakness, Sun. Remedies Main remedies for multiple sclerosis Agaricus muscarius Sensory: Burning. Numbness. Painful spasms. Itching. Tingling, burning, needle-like sensation. Shocks. Motor: Twitches and fasciculations. Poor coordination; drops things. Paralysis of upper or lower extremities. Hyper-reflexic paralysis. Involuntary motions (chorea). Signs: Twitches and fasciculations. Nystagmus. Worse: Coition. Before storms. Mental: Excited. Theorizing. Dependent. Alumina Slowly progressive paralysis, often with confusion. Sensory: Legs feel heavy - like lead. Numbness. Vertigo. Motor: Paralysis of lids, throat, bladder, rectum. Weakness and paresis especially of lower extremities. Slowed or absent reflexes. Signs: Rhomberg test positive. Delayed nerve conduction; feels a pin prick only after surprisingly long delay. Mental: Dullness and confusion. Slowness. Depression. Argentum nitricum Ataxia and incoordination progressing to paralysis. Gait disturbance - awkward and imbalanced or staggering. Sensory: Numbness or cold sensations, especially forearms and feet. Numbness of fingertips. Insensible loss of urine. Motor: Ataxia and clumsiness with hurried movements. Twitching. Paralysis, especially of the lower extremities. Signs: Cerebellar signs present. Mental: Impulsive and goofy. Serious and controlled. Arsenicum album Progressive paralysis with periodic exacerbations.

Sensory: Burning sensations and pains in multiple areas. Optic neuritis. Numbness in head and face. Motor: Progressive paralysis, especially the lower extremities. Paralysis of lids and irises. Paralysis centrally - throat, bladder, rectum. Paralysis spreading upwards from legs. Mental: Marked anxiety and denial. Searching for "cure." Aurum metallicum Painless paralysis, often on one side. Sensory: Numbness and tingling, worse at night. Tightness or stiff feeling in the chest. Sharp, desperate pains in various spots, worse at night. Horizontal diplopia. Optic neuritis. Motor: Hemiplegia. Tremor. Causticum Slowly progressive paralysis of any limbs also including muscles of speech, swallowing and respiration. Sensory: Numbness, especially the hands and fingers, also of feet. Diplopia. Retinitis. Coldness of paralyzed part. Motor: Right hemiplegia or mainly right-sided paralysis. Paralysis of both or one side of upper and lower limbs; especially shoulder, deltoid, hand, legs. Worse: After getting wet or cold. Sleep. Fright. Speech and swallowing impeded due to paralysis. Stammering, especially when excited. Paralysis of bladder. Involuntary urination. After forcibly retaining urine for a while, unable to void. Must consciously, regularly urinate to avoid retention. Tremors. Chorea. Mental: Serious, intense, troubled. Cocculus indicus Progressive paralysis with numbness and flaccid reflexes. Sensory: Vertigo and motion sickness. Faintness. Dizziness on looking at moving objects. Slow visual accommodation. Distance perception varies; objects recede or approach with accompanying dizziness. Numbness of hands, feet, face. Migrating numbness. Tingling in the feet, especially after long sitting. Motor: Painless paralysis, especially of the lower extremities. Staggering or falling while walking. Heaviness of legs. Tremor of the hands.

Signs: Positive rhomberg. Slowed nerve conduction (Alum). Mental: Serious and anxious over health matters. Symptoms come after caring for a sick loved-one. Conium maculatum Slowly ascending paralysis beginning with weakness in the thighs. Neurological or mental deterioration 3 to 5 years after cancer treatment, especially breast cancer. Sensory: Vertigo with visual disturbances; intolerant to motion or watching moving objects (Cocc). Slow accommodation. Vertigo and tendency to fall. Numbness, beginning in the fingers and toes. Motor: Heaviness of lower limbs; unable to rise from squatting. Weakness of legs on attempting to ascend stairs. Heaviness and closing of eyelids. Strabismus. Awkwardness. Drops things. Mental: Progressive mental weakness and indifference. Complaints of widows or widowers; from sexual suppression. Curare Paralysis of extensor muscles, often with rapid progression. ALS. Guillain-Barre. Myasthenia. Sensory: Relatively spared, nearly normal. Motor: Paralysis of extensor muscles, especially forearm, deltoids and shoulder. The lower limbs may also be affected. Weakness or drooping of lids. Swallowing difficult; must drink to force food down. Paralysis of respiration in advanced neurological degeneration. Signs: Decreased or absent tendon reflexes. Loss of gag reflex. Mental: Deeply negative; abusive of self or others. Gelsemium sempervirens Tremulous weakness, progressing to paralysis. Sensory: Numbness of face, tongue and hands. Diplopia. Optic neuritis. Motor: Paralysis and heaviness of legs; shakiness after exertion. Eyelids heavy or even paralyzed; eyes half-mast. Nystagmus. Flaccid paralysis; can't hold back urine or stool. Weakness for swallowing; aphonia. Tongue can scarcely be protruded; trembling tongue. Loss of control over muscles. Ataxia. Stumbling. Signs: Nystagmus. Decreased reflexes. General: Symptoms ameliorated from profuse urination. Mental: Timid. Symptoms when facing an overwhelming challenge. Dull, heavy and confused at times.

Ignatia amara Sudden, often transitory paralysis, especially in the lower limbs. Sensory: Numbness and tingling in tongue and extremities. Tightness or lump sensation blocks swallowing. Tightness in chest, face and jaw. Painful spasms and constrictions. Motor: Paralysis suddenly after grief, especially in a child. Paresis with twitching of the part. Twitching, especially about the eyes. Mental: Intense, high-strung and easily wounded. Lachesis mutus Rapidly developing paralysis, especially left side. Stroke. Sensory: Left-side numbness. Intense, painful paresthesias. Motor: Left-side paralysis, of face, either extremity. Paralysis of throat; swallowing impossible. Bulbar neuritis. Tongue paralyzed; trembling; unable to protrude. Paralysis after suppressed menses. Paralysis after suppressed or strong emotions. Mental: Aggravation from jealousy, anger or violent emotions. Lathyrus sativus Progressive paralysis beginning in the legs. Paralysis with emaciation of muscles, especially the gluteal muscles. Sensory: Numbness of tips of fingers. Motor: Weakness in legs. Unable to cross legs without assisting with hands. Knees knock while walking. Spastic paralysis. Heels do not touch the ground on walking. Excessive yawning with neurological conditions. Signs: Markedly hyper-reflexic. Clonus. Mental: Easily suppressed. Symptoms come when the patient finds himself in an insoluble emotional double-bind. Nux vomica Paralysis with strong spasms, cramps and twitching. Sensory: Painful spasms, especially in the affected part. Optic neuritis. Motor: Spastic paralysis, especially about the eyes, face, jaw, legs. Twitching throughout the body. Paralysis of muscles controlling speech and vision. Dragging of the legs while walking. General: Worse after over-work or excesses of alcohol, drugs, sex. Mental: Highly driven patients.

Natrium muriaticum Most common remedy for multiple sclerosis, generally beginning with optic neuritis and diffuse numbness. Sensory: Numb throughout body, especially hands and feet, tongue. Optic neuritis. Blurring or sudden loss of vision. Diplopia. Streaks of light or after images in vision. Poor accommodation; difficult changing focus from near to far. Eyes tire from any reading; patient forced to give up reading. Tingling and numbess. Crawling sensation in fingertips. Motor: Awkwardness more pronounced than weakness. Unable to write, type, walk from awkwardness; drops things. Involuntary urination. General: All symptoms worse from being in the sun. Mental: Closed patients who try their hardest not to acknowledge symptoms so they can keep up. Complaints after grief, divorces, affairs of partner. Phosphorus Presenting with marked numbness followed by progressive paralysis. Sensory: Numbness in hands and feet, worse in the morning. Optic neuritis. Spots in the vision. Lightnings and flashes. Heavy sensation beginning in the legs. Burning paresthesias, especially legs, hands, thumbs. Tingling, pricking sensations. Motor: Bladder weakness; involuntary urination while walking. Paralysis ascending to upper limbs with awful numbness. Ataxia. Stumbling. Limping. Paralysis of spinal muscles. Mental: Open, excitable, easily engaged. Plumbum metallicum Progressive paralysis and wasting. Sensory: Numbness and complete anesthesia of parts. Optic neuritis. Numbness in the ulnar side of hand. Numb legs on walking. Hands insensible to pain; unconscious cooking burns. Tremendous heaviness of legs, as if weighted down. Motor: Paralysis mainly in extensor muscles. Upper and lower limbs with progressive paralysis. Ankle drop. Wrist drop. Tremor of hands. Paralysis of throat, tongue, bladder, rectum. Signs: Emaciation and wasting in the paralyzed limb. Delayed nerve conduction. Mental: Self-absorbed, secretive, needs stimulation.

Staphisagria Paralysis of organs of expression - mouth, tongue, upper limbs. Sensory: Numbness or wooden sensation in the head. Mental: Symptoms coming from suppression of anger or injustice. In the weaker spouse who can never insist on his or her rights. Bell's palsy Bell's Palsy responds rapidly to homeopathic treatment. Homeopathy works so unobtrusively that many patients have the impression that they have spontaneously recovered from the disorder which certainly has a quite variable course. I have seen such cases relapse completely after coffee when neither the patient nor I felt that there was any action from the remedy. Allopathic treatment usually involves the use of systemic corticosteroids, a practice which has only moderate results. Management The efficacy of homeopathic treatment is inversely proportionate to the length of time the condition has existed. Cases which have stayed unimproved for more than one year generally show only improvement but not cure from homeopathic treatment. In these cases, it is best simply to choose the most appropriate constitutional remedy, even ignoring the paralysis symptoms. In the acute phase, an acute remedy is usually effective unless the condition results from deeper psychological forces. A convenient dosing is to use a single dose of 200C, and in a case which has existed for only a month or so, the symptoms should begin to respond within a few days. It is important to maintain adequate lubrication of the affected eye. Taping the eye closed at night can help to avoid corneal damage due to dryness. Repertory Main rubrics in bell's palsy Face, Paralysis (subrubrics). Face, Distortion. Face, Drawn to one side. Face, Dropping corner of mouth. Face, Numbness, one side. Eye, Closing, difficult. Eye, Closing, impossible. Eye, Open, during sleep. Mouth, Numbness. Mouth, Numbness, tongue. Mouth, Numbness, Tongue, one side. Remedies Main remedies for bell's palsy Aconitum napellus Sudden onset of paralysis - within hours of exposure to cold or especially cold, dry winds. Numbness or sharp, stitching pains in paralyzed side. Agaricus muscarius One-sided facial paralysis with twitching. Face has a stiff sensation.

Drooping corner of the mouth; saliva drools unconsciously. Neuralgic pains; needle-like pains in the face. Cadmium sulphuratum Especially left-sided Bell's palsy with complete anesthesia of the lip. Paralysis after riding in cold wind - after bicycle ride, etc. Mouth hangs down on one side. Speech sloppy and thick. Swallowing difficult. Causticum Especially right-sided paralysis with completely opened eye. Worse: Cold. Becoming wet. After riding in the wind. Symptoms develop slowly over one to two weeks after the exposure. Cocculus indicus Numbness and paralysis in either side of face. Worse: Loss of sleep. Caring for sick relative. Cramping pain in the jaw and cheek. Eye remains open during sleep. Gelsemium sempervirens Weakness of the facial muscles with drooping mouth and lid. Numbness in the tongue and face on affected side. Symptoms from confronting an intimidating task or person. Natrium muriaticum Painful paralysis of face. Marked tearing of the eye during the paralysis. Numbness of tongue on the side of the paralysis. Bites tongue while eating. Nux vomica After excesses of work or drugs, a spastic paralysis, especially on the left side. Twitches or cramping sensation in the face. Worse: Cold. Alcohol. Phosphorus Right-sided palsy with numbness. The skin feels tense on the affected side. Platinum metallicum Mostly right-sided facial paralysis with marked numbness. Numbness especially about the mouth and lips, also the cheek. Patient mainly concerned about the appearance aspect of the palsy. Tics, cramps and twitches This section deals with more minor surges in the nervous system which are not life threatening, such as tics, twitches, cramps, abnormal restlessness, stammering and other related neurological behaviors. These conditions respond quite well to homeopathic treatment. This is especially true because the patient is rarely taking allopathic medications. The most effective treatment is always the constitutional

remedy unless the disorder has come very recently from some acute stress or as part of an acute illness. Management Nocturnal myoclonus The main medications used for this condition are Quinine sulphate (our Chininum Sulphuricum) and various benzodiazepines, especially Valium. If the condition is too severe for the patient to discontinue the medications before beginning homeopathic treatment, the remedy can be given either in an LM potency or in a daily 12C dose. When the condition has diminished, the allopathic medication can be stopped without tapering. Restless leg syndrome Again, benzodiazepines are the main allopathic treatment for this relatively benign problem. The best course is to ask the patient to stop his medications before starting homeopathic constitutional treatment. Tourette's syndrome Because this condition is often difficult to eradicate, and because even significant improvement is not always enough to overcome socially embarrassing behaviors, we often confront the problem of allopathic drugs when treating this condition. The main allopathic treatment is Haloperidol which is a powerful drug, often antidoting homeopathic remedies. Low potency remedies may not act in the face of this medication. Furthermore, the condition is the sign of a violent action in the nervous system which often requires a remedy in a high potency. Therefore, in such cases it is often best to give the remedy as a single dose of 1M or 10M and wait until there are signs of relapse before repeating it again. This relapse generally occurs somewhere around 10 to 40 days but there is a large individual variation in the speed of relapse. A related condition - Tourette's Spectrum - includes a wide variety of conditions characterized by irresistible impulses to perform motor activity such as scratching, clearing the throat, etc. This condition is rarely medicated allopathically. Repertory Twitches Mind, Starting, Evening, Twitching, ameliorated on falling asleep. Mind, Starting, Twitching. Head, Convulsion. Head, Jerking. Head, Motions, involuntary. Head, Shocks. Head, Twitch. Eye, Blinking Eye, Jerks. Eye, Movement. Eye, Twitch. Eye, Winking. Face, Convulsion. Face, Quivering. Face, Twitches.

External Throat, Twitches. Stomach, Twitch. Abdomen, Twitch. Chest, Twitch. Back, Jerk. Back, Pain, Jerking. Back, Shocks. Back, Twitches. Extremities, Convulsions. Extremities, Jerks. Extremities, Motion, Involuntary. Extremities, Twitches. Sleep, Disturbed, by twitch. Sleep, Interrupted, by jerk. Sleep, Sleeplessness, Jerking. Sleep, Sleeplessness, Twitch. General, Convulsion. General, Jerking. General, Twitch. Cramps Extremities, Cramps. Extremities, Pain, Cramps. General, Cramp. Restless leg syndrome Extremities, Restlessness, Lower limbs. Extremities, Restlessness, Lower limbs, Evening, in bed. Extremities, Restlessness, Lower limbs, Night, in bed. Extremities, Restlessness, Lower limbs, Legs. Extremities, Restlessness, Lower limbs, Legs, Evening, in bed. Extremities, Restlessness, Lower limbs, Feet, Evening, in bed. Tourette's syndrome Mind, Barking. Mind, Cursing. Mind, Gestures. Mind, Grimaces. Mind, Shrieking. Mind, Singing, involuntary. Mind, Whistling, involuntary. Face, Twitch. (see above). Mouth, Protruded, Tongue. Extremities, Jerk. (see above). General, Convulsions, Hysterical.

General, Jerking. (see above). Remedies Main remedies for tics, cramps and twitches Agaricus muscarius Twitches. Tics. Fine to moderate twitches anywhere in the body, especially face, eyelids, back, hands, nates, toes. Twitches with electric shock sensation. Worse: Coition. Before storms. Better: During sleep. Awkwardness of limbs. Grimacing, especially before speaking. Anacardium orientale Tourette's Syndrome. Irresistible urge to curse. Cramps in foot or calves. Weak memory. Deep-seated anger. Argentum metallicum Sudden electric shock sensation. Jerking in sleep or on going to sleep. Jerking in the right leg on falling asleep. Paroxysms of vertigo. Argentum nitricum Ataxia, awkwardness and twitching. Trembling of hands or legs; cannot write due to tremor. Worse: Anticipating a challenge. Excitement. Paroxysms. Belladonna Tourette's syndrome. Jerks and violent twitches. Jerking of face or upper limbs, especially the shoulder. Worse: Ascending. Exertion. Perspiration. Right side. Calcarea carbonica Nocturnal myoclonus. Cramps in calves, feet and toes at night in bed. Worse: Night. On stretching. Putting on boots. Causticum Twitches. Restless leg syndrome. Twitches in the face. Left eyelid. Right face. Restless legs in bed at night. When neurological and rheumatic conditions intersect. Stammering. Torticollis. Cicuta virosa Intense jerks and spasms, especially upper limbs, forearms. Takes contorted postures; wild postures; head drawn backwards.

Strabismus. Cuprum metallicum Jerks. Twitches. Nocturnal myoclonus. Tourette's syndrome. Tourette's with spasms of face; spitting; protruding tongue. Violent jerks and spasms, especially upper limbs, forearms, hands. Twitches of forearms. Constant inclination to grip the thumbs inside the fist. Terrible cramps in legs and soles of feet in bed at night. Hyoscyamus niger Twitches. Tourette's syndrome. Cursing. Spitting. Singing. Jerks and spasms of face. Twitches of hands and feet. Ignatia amara Twitches and painful muscle spasms. Twitches especially about the face and eyes. Worse: Grief. Excitement. On falling asleep. Kalium carbonicum Jerks. Twitches. Normally stiff or even rigid during daytime. Twitches and jerking when relaxes completely. Worse: On falling asleep. During sleep. Touch. Perspiration. Nux vomica Twitches. Cramps. Worse: Excitement. After alcoholic bouts. On lying or relaxing after exertion. Cramps of the rectum after sexual orgasm. Rhus toxicodendron Restless leg syndrome. Constant urging to move and wiggle the feet in bed. Ameliorated by movement temporarily; symptoms return after a few minutes. Stramonium Jerks. Tourette's syndrome. Violent spasms, cursing and barking in Tourette's. Worse: After a fright. Jerking of limbs and face. Head jerks off the pillow. Strychninum purum Terrible cramps and spasms of back, neck, face, jaw. Worse: Touch. Drafts. Motion. Tarentula hispanica Restless leg syndrome. Twitches. Restless, tense, nerves on edge.

Better: Music and dancing. Nerves hypersensitive. Formication. Constant fidgety feeling in legs at night. Zincum metallicum Restless leg syndrome. Twitches. Twitching and jerking in any location. Wandering twitches. Worse: Night. Noon. Suppressed eruption. Wine. Excitement. Restless legs; constant motion of legs and jiggling of feet. Convulsive disorders Homeopathic treatment of convulsive disorders can be extremely effective in properly chosen and managed cases. Naturally, such a dangerous disorder must be approached with extreme caution. When the condition is long-standing due to significant brain injury, tumors or surgery, often homeopathic treatment will serve only to improve the general condition of the patient, not the convulsion itself. Furthermore, all such patients are taking powerful allopathic medications when they enter homeopathic treatment. A fairly large number of patients on these drugs appear not to respond to remedies, even when the prescription seems obvious. This is partly due to antidoting, but also due to the serious sideeffects of the anticonvulsant treatments which obscure many useful symptoms. Also, these medications add significant symptoms which are difficult to differentiate from the native disease, such as mental haziness, anxiety, ataxia, vertigo, tremor, etc. Thus, a fairly high number of these patients do not respond well to homeopathy. Management The first question we must ask when a patient comes to consult us concerning a seizure disorder is why the patient wants to undertake treatment. If the patient is well-controlled by allopathic medications and has no side-effects from his allopathic medications, it is often a better choice to counsel the patient to continue his present medications and not embark upon homeopathic treatment. However, even if allopathic seizure treatment is successful, the patient may have other significant health problems which can be addressed by homeopathy. Furthermore, if the patient is having significant side-effects from all allopathic medications, then homeopathic treatment of the seizures should be attempted. Naturally, if the patient has inadequate control of his seizures, homeopathic treatment should be started as soon as possible. Occasionally a patient comes (or is brought by his parents) for homeopathic treatment of a seizure disorder and is not being followed by a neurologist and is not taking allopathic treatment. There is a natural temptation to give homeopathic treatment before the patient begins allopathic treatment. This is not advisable. One only needs to consider the possibility of sudden, unexpected death from a convulsion to understand this advice. If the parents consult a neurologist who feels that there is no hurry to start allopathic medications in this particular case, then the practitioner can proceed. Also, if the allopathic treatment is completely ineffective, then, with the consent of the neurologist, the practitioner may agree to begin homeopathic treatment while the patient takes no allopathic medication. Normally, the procedure in treating seizure disorders is to leave the patient on his current allopathic regimen for at least six months following the beginning of homeopathic treatment. During this time, the

evaluation of the remedy is made on the basis of general and mental improvement. If the remedy appears to be acting well after six months, the patient should have a repeat EEG. If the EEG shows marked improvement, or especially if no seizure focus is noted on the study, then the neurologist should be asked for advice about tapering or stopping the allopathic medications. If the patient is clearly improved in general and mentally, but does not have much improvement on the EEG, then treatment should continue for another six months and then repeat the study. We should not change the remedy if there is marked general and mental improvement even if the EEG does not improve. Such improvement can still occur two or three years after homeopathic treatment has begun. Therapeutic tips for convulsive disorders Homeopathic Seizures do come as an aggravation after the correct homeopathic remedy. Though this happens much less than one might expect, it is still advisable to require the patient to refrain from driving and to remain in company for the first week of treatment. Another type of aggravation is the onset of a high fever - generally over 102Þ F. In such a reaction the patient should under no circumstances take antipyretic medications or other homeopathic remedies. The potency is chosen on the basis of the clarity of the case as well as the general health of the patient. In cases of seizures associated with deep emotional pathology (not an uncommon occurrence), the initial dose must be relatively high - at least 1M. This should be followed by a daily dose of 12C. If the patient is otherwise healthy, a 200C initial dose followed by a daily 12C is often a good strategy. Daily doses of LM potency can also be used. It is rarely useful to attempt to solve a case by repertorizing the characteristics of the convulsions biting tongue, etc. Allopathic medications Naturally, the choice of anticonvulsants should be left in the hands of the neurologist, but if all factors are equal, there is a hierarchy of more and less interfering medications. Of the allopathic anticonvulsants, the one with the least general effect on the homeopathic remedy is Phenobarbital. benzodiazepines, Mysoline and Dilantin are also generally more compatible with homeopathic treatment. Tegretol and Valproic acid are somewhat more problematic and yet many patients taking these medications can still be helped by homeopathy. Repertory Main rubrics in convulsive disorders General, Convulsions (subrubrics). General, Convulsions, Epileptiform (i.e. Petit Mal). Extremities, Convulsions (and all subrubrics). Mind, Rage, with epilepsy. Mind, Shrieking before convulsions. Mind, Stupefaction between convulsions. Mind, Unconsciousness, Conduct automatic. Mind, Unconsciousness, Convulsions, after. Mind, Unconsciousness, Epilepsy, after. Head, Convulsions. Head, Motions, convulsive.

Eyes, Staring. Face, Convulsions. Face, Discoloration, Blue, Convulsions, with. Face, Discoloration, Red, Convulsions, during. Mouth, Biting tongue, during spasm. Mouth, Froth, during convulsions. Teeth, Grinding, convulsion, during. Teeth, Grinding, epilepsy. Stomach, Epileptic aura. Rectum, Involuntary stool, during convulsions. Bladder, Urination, Involuntary, during convulsions. Back, Opisthotonos. Extremities, Clenching, Fingers, in convulsions. Extremities, Clenching, Fingers, in epilepsy. Extremities, Motion, Convulsive. Sleep, Comatose, Convulsions, between. Sleep, Deep, Convulsions, after. Sleep, Deep, Convulsions, between. Chill, Epilepsy, after. Fever, Intense heat, Convulsions, with. General, Convulsive movements. Other important rubrics in convulsive disorders Mind, Anger, Convulsions, before. Mind, Childish, Epilepsy, before. Mind, Clinging, Convulsions, after. Mind, Confusion, Epilepsy, after. Mind, Cursing, Convulsions, during. Mind, Delirium, Convulsions, before, during, after. Mind, Delirium, Epilepsy, before, during, after. Mind, Delusion, Convulsions, before, after. Mind, Dementia, Epilepsy of. Mind, Dull, Epilepsy, before. Mind, Excitement, Convulsions, before. Mind, Excitement, Epilepsy, before. Mind, Fear, Convulsions, during. Mind, Foolish behavior, Epilepsy, before. Mind, Forgetful, Epilepsy, before. Mind, Gestures, Convulsive. Mind, Imbecility, Epilepsy, before. Mind, Insanity, Convulsions, with. Mind, Irritable, Convulsions, before. Mind, Laughing, Convulsions, before.

Mind, Prostration of mind, Convulsions, from. Mind, Rage, Alternating with convulsions. Mind, Rage, Convulsions, during. Mind, Rage, Epilepsy, after. Mind, Restlessness, Convulsions, before, after. Mind, Starting, Convulsive. Mind, Weeping, Convulsions, during. Head, Drawn, Backwards, Convulsions, in. Head, Drawn, Sideways, Epilepsy, before. Head, Heat, Epilepsy, before. Head, Trembling sensation, Epilepsy, before. Head, Pain, Epilepsy, before, after. Eye, Blinking, Epilepsy, during. Eye, Movement, Convulsive. Eye, Pupils, Dilated, Convulsions, before, during. Eye, Pupils, Dilated, Epilepsy, before. Eye, Staring, Convulsions, during. Eye, Turned up, Convulsions, during. Vision, Diplopia, Convulsions, during. Vision, Loss of, Convulsions, before, after. Vision, Sparks, Epilepsy, before. Ear, Noises, Epilepsy, after. Ear, Noises, Ringing, Epilepsy, before. Face, Chewing, Epilepsy, before. Face, Discoloration, Blue, Lips, Convulsions, with. Face, Lockjaw. Face, Perspiration, Convulsions, during. Face, Risus Sardonicus. Mouth, Contraction, Convulsions, during. Mouth, Open wide, Epilepsy, before. Mouth, Salivation, Convulsions, with. Mouth, Spitting, Convulsive. Taste, Putrid, Epilepsy before. Throat, Gurgling, Convulsions, during. Throat, Swallowing difficult, Convulsions, with. External throat, Torticollis, Spasms from. Stomach, Appetite, Increased, Convulsions, before. Stomach, Appetite, Ravenous, Epilepsy, before. Stomach, Empty, Epilepsy, before. Stomach, Epileptic aura. Stomach, Pain, Convulsions, with. Stomach, Retching, Epilepsy, before.

Stomach, Shock, Convulsions, before. Stomach, Vomiting, Convulsions, before, during, after. Abdomen, Distension, Epileptic attack, before. Abdomen, Epilepsy begins in. Abdomen, Spasms. Urine, Profuse, Epilepsy, after. Kidney, Suppressed urine, Convulsions, with. Male, Emissions, Spasms, with. Male, Priapism, Epilepsy, during. Female, Abortion, Spasms, with. Female, Metrorrhagia, Convulsions, with. Respiration, Arrested, Convulsions, during. Respiration, Asphyxia, Spasms, after. Respiration, Difficult, Convulsions, during. Respiration, Slow, Convulsions, during. Respiration, Stertorous, Convulsions, after. Chest, Constriction, Epilepsy, before. Chest, Convulsions. Chest, Pain, Heart, Epilepsy, before. Chest, Palpitations, Convulsions, before. Chest, Palpitations, Epilepsy, before. Back, Coldness, Ice-like, Epilepsy, before. Back, Epileptic aura, Creeping down spine. Extremities, Abducted, Convulsions, during. Extremities, Clenching, Fingers, Convulsions, during. Extremities, Clenching, Thumb, Epilepsy, in. Extremities, Cold, Convulsions, during. Extremities, Cold, Thigh, Convulsions, with. Extremities, Contraction, Fingers, Convulsions. during. Extremities, Contraction, Fingers, Epilepsy, in. Extremities, Drawn, Inward, Upward. Extremities, Flexed, Convulsions, during. Extremities, Jerking, Fingers, Epilepsy, in. Extremities, Motion, Convulsive. Extremities, Mouse, Sensation of running up limbs in epilepsy. Extremities, Numbness, Upper limbs, Epilepsy, attacks, between. Extremities, Numbness, Fingers, Epilepsy, during. Extremities, Paralysis, Lower limbs, Spasm, after. Extremities, Stiffness, Upper limbs, Epilepsy, before. Extremities, Stiffness, Lower limbs, Epilepsy, before. Extremities, Stretching, Leg, Epilepsy, before. Extremities, Weakness, Upper limbs, Spasm, after.

Extremity pain, Upper limbs, Left, Epilepsy, before. Extremity pain, Hand, Epilepsy, before. Sleep, Falling, Convulsions, during. Sleep, Sleeplessness, Convulsions, before, with. Sleep, Yawns, Spasms, before. Fever, Eruptive, Convulsions, with. Perspiration, Cold, Convulsions, during. Skin, Cold, Convulsion, during. General, Coldness, One-sided, Epilepsy, before. General, Numbness, Epilepsy, before. General, Paralysis, Epilepsy, after. General, Paralysis, Spasms, with, after. General, Shock, Electric-like, Convulsions, before. General, Weakness, Convulsions, after. Remedies Main remedies for convulsive disorders Absinthium Tonic-clonic convulsions. Petit Mal. Aura: Trembling or twitching before convulsions. Twitching or spasm or grimacing of face before convulsion. Palpitations or trembling sensation in heart before convulsion. Seizure: With or without total loss of consciousness. Bites tongue. Grinds teeth. Froth at mouth. Facial features distorted. Opisthotonos. Rapid repeat of the convulsions. Post-ictal: Mental dullness after convulsion. Complete amnesia for the event. Weakness or paralysis, especially face and tongue. Mental: Misanthropic. Brutal. Paranoia: Feels he will be murdered or persecuted. Kleptomania. Agaricus muscarius Petit Mal. Tonic-clonic convulsions. Hysterical convulsions. Worse: Coition. Suppressed milk or eruptions. Reprimands. Before thunderstorms. Better: Sleep. Aura: Sensation of cold air over spine or whole body. Seizure: Mild convulsions. Focal convulsions. Full-blown seizures. Superhuman strength during seizure. Mental:Intense theorizing, clairvoyant and with love of drums or dancing. Argentum nitricum

Tonic-clonic convulsions. Eclampsia. Worse: Night. Fear. Menses. Aura: Feeling of expansion. Anxiety. Pupils dilated. Seizure: Constant or restless movement of extremities before or between convulsions. Mental:Impulsive, naive and dependent. Artemisia vulgaris Petit Mal. Tonic-clonic convulsions. Eclampsia. Worse: Children. Menarche. Fright. Grief. Head injuries. Photo-stimulation. Aura: Irritable or excited. Epigastric sensations. Seizure: Very frequent episodes of Petit Mal. Staring spells. One-sided (mainly right side) convulsion; opposite side paralyzed. Worse: Morning. In girls at puberty. After injury. Offensive or garlicky perspiration during seizure. Seminal emissions during convulsion. Post-ictal: Confusion. Profound sleep. Asterias rubens Tonic-clonic seizures. Aura: Twitches may increase for several days before the convulsion. Worse: 3 PM. As he begins supper. From strong emotions. Seizure: Sudden falling. Convulsions of the jaw. Face pale. Frothing at the mouth. Post-ictal: Extreme prostration. Anxiety in the upper abdomen. Belladonna Febrile convulsions. Eclampsia. Meningitis. Worse: Fever. Children. Stroke. Menses. Aura: Sensation of a mouse running up the leg. Auditory. Seizure: Sudden and violent. Risus sardonicus. Face red. Perspiration on covered or clothed parts. Mainly the right side is affected. Face and upper limbs more prominent or first. Bufo rana Tonic-clonic convulsions. Worse: Mentally retarded children. Coition. Masturbation. Sexual excitement. Perspiration. Anger. Skin suppuration. In children whose mother had a shock or became severely angry during pregnancy. Aura: Restlessness and jerking in extremities and neck. Pupils dilate. Mouth drawn wide open. Seizure: Grinding teeth. Frothing of mouth. Biting tongue. Involuntary urination.

Intense perspiration during convulsions. Mental: Dull. Crude. Premature or compulsive sexuality. Calcarea carbonica Tonic-clonic convulsions. One of the most common remedies in convulsions. Worse: 4 AM. Evening. Dentition. Children. Exertion. Fright. Mortification. Stretching. Full moon. Aura: Sensation in epigastrium rising to head. Sensation of a mouse running up the arm or down the leg. Palpitations. Chewing motions. Calcarea arsenicosa Tonic-clonic convulsions. Epilepsy associated with heart disease. Aura: Back, heart or left arm sensations. Palpitations before convulsion. Causticum Tonic-clonic convulsions. Petit Mal. Worse: Morning. Night during sleep. Becoming cold. Puberty. Menses. Suppressed eruptions. Fright. Better: Cold bathing. Aura: Perspiration of scalp. Seizure: Biting tongue. Gnashing teeth. Froth of mouth. Involuntary urination. Especially involving the left arm. Post-Ictal: Severe headache. Tinnitus. Paralysis. Mental: Sensitive patients with emotions too strong to contain. Cina maritima Hysterical convulsions. Petit Mal. Tonic-clonic convulsions. Worse: Night. Children. Worms, especially pinworms. Touch. Reprimands. Dentition. Aura: Cold feet. Seizure: Without loss of consciousness. One-sided convulsions. Mainly involving extensor muscles. Froth at mouth. Blue face during breath-holding or convulsions. Mental: Irritable. Mean. Capricious. Cicuta virosa Tonic-clonic convulsions. Eclampsia. Petit Mal. Meningitis.

Worse: Night. Children. Dentition. Head injuries. Noise. Cold. Heat. From splinters or catching a bone in the throat. Sleep. Noise. Aura: Shocks, felt especially in the stomach. Anxiety before the shock or convulsion. Shrieking before the convulsion. Seizure: Often begins with horrific contortions and grimaces. Opisthotonos during convulsion. Twisting of the whole body. May begin in the head or face and spread downwards. Clinging to those around during convulsions. Distended stomach during convulsion. Face turns blue. Convulsive attacks in rapid succession, one after another, with scarcely any refractory period. Post-ictal: Profound somnolence after convulsions. Prolonged post-ictal - lasting hours or a whole day. Mental: Childish. Changing moods and extreme behavior. Shy. Cuprum metallicum Tonic-clonic convulsions. Eclampsia. Worse: Night. Suppressed eruption. Menses. Puberty. Children. Vexation. Getting wet. Head injury. Aura: Shrieking or bellowing. Loss of vision. Vomiting before (or after) convulsion. Seizure: Begins in the hands, fingers and feet then generalize. Violent convulsions. Clenching the thumbs. Biting tongue. Froth at mouth. Involuntary urine or stool. Lying on abdomen, buttocks jerking up and down. Face and lips turn blue. Post-ictal: Severe headache after convulsion. Profuse urination after convulsion. Vomiting. Mental: Excessively closed. Emotional or sexual suppression. Hyoscyamus niger Tonic-clonic convulsions. Petit Mal. Psycho-motor seizures. Worse: Excitement. Fright. Love disappointments. Drinking. Eating. Eclampsia. Menses. Sleep. Children. Worms. Alcoholics. Aura: Vertigo. Sparks in front of eyes. Twitches or spasms about the eyes precede seizure. Tremendous appetite before convulsions.

Seizure: Grinding teeth. Froth at mouth. Risus sardonicus. Violent convulsions. Bizarre convulsions or behaviors. Involuntary urination. Alternates upper and lower limbs; wandering convulsions. Obscene behaviors during convulsions. Delirium Tremens. Mental: Shamelessness. Rage. Suspicious. Indigo tinctoria Tonic-clonic convulsions. Worse: Strong, suppressed emotions. Fright. Cold air. Every 7 days. Aura: Flushes of heat in solar plexus moving up to head. Excitement and anger before convulsion. Seizure: Froth at mouth. Violent convulsions. Mental: Melancholy. Deep emotions. Clairvoyance. Lyssinum Tonic-clonic convulsions. Worse: 9 PM. Any strong stimulation: Light, noise, odors, touch. Being approached by a stranger. Attempting to speak. Swallowing. Drinking. Hearing running water. Exertion. Seizure: Violent seizure, often with opisthotonos. Biting, growling during convulsion. Froth at the mouth. Nux vomica Tonic-clonic convulsions. Delirium tremens. Worse: Anger. Touch. Motion. Drafts. Jar. Bending head backwards. Becoming cold. Alcoholism. Menses. Aura: Solar plexus. Seizure: Tetanic stiffness punctuated by sudden spasms. Rigid posturing. Opisthotonos. Lips turn intensely blue and cyanotic. Mental: Hyper. Tense. Irritable. Malicious. Oenanthe crocata Tonic-clonic convulsions. Worse: Night. Menses (or instead of menses). Sleep. Head injury. Pregnancy. Every 14 days. Children. Aura: Loud cries at onset of convulsion. Runs in a circle before convulsion. Strange behaviors. Seizure: Violent convulsions. Face bright red during seizure. Eyes half closed during convulsion. Rolling of eyes back and forth.

Face turns blue during convulsion. Bites tongue. Froths at mouth. Salivates. Risus sardonicus. Loss of stool during convulsion. Body cold during convulsion. Mental: Dullness. Imbecility in person formerly bright. Mania. Opium Tonic-clonic convulsions. Febrile convulsions. Narcolepsy. Worse: Night. Fright. Fright of mother during pregnancy. Grief. Anger. Excitement. Head injury. Warm bathing. Weeping. Children. Sleep. During first sleep. Aura: Vomits before convulsion. Seizure: Face hot and intensely red. Bites tongue. Froths at mouth. Eyes half closed and rolled upward. Opisthotonos. Post-ictal: Deep, stuporous sleep with snoring respiration. Mental: Excited. Blissful feelings. Fear of suffering. Dull. Stupefied. Stramonium Tonic-clonic convulsions. Febrile convulsions. Delirium tremens. Worse: Night. Fright. Sight of bright lights, water, or glittering objects. Children. Dentition. Touch. Coffee. Eclampsia. Aura: Change of character. Rages. Sensation of something shooting from heel to occiput. Seizure: Particularly violent seizures. With or without loss of consciousness. Hysterical convulsions. Opisthotonos. Salivation. May affect especially the left side. Mental: Rage or excitement alternate with convulsions. Terror. Night-terrors. Feeling of threat or violence. Strychninum purum Tonic-clonic convulsions. Tetanic rigidity. Meningitis. Worse: Slightest touch. Slightest motion. Noise. Drafts. Better: Forcefully straightening the limbs. Rubbing. Seizure: Violent attacks of rigid posturing. Sudden, painful shocks through body interrupting spasm. Froth at mouth. Post-ictal: Formication of extremities after convulsion. Zincum metallicum Tonic-clonic convulsions. Encephalitis. Meningitis. Worse:Wine or other alcohol. Suppressed eruptions. Vaccination. Suppressed menses. During menses.

After injury of head or spine. Children. Seizure:Face pale and cold. Drawing up of limbs. Twitching limbs. Parkinson's disease Parkinson's disease is one of the most difficult conditions to treat homeopathically, responding curatively in only rare cases. Frequently, however, the patient can benefit from treatment. In cases under homeopathic treatment, the patient may have a much longer response to L-DOPA than patients not on homeopathy. It seems that homeopathic treatment prevents the acclimatization to the drug. Best results come in cases which begin treatment very early in the course of disease (as opposed to early after diagnosis which may not take place until years after symptoms begin), especially if treatment starts in the first six months. If possible in the early stages, it is more beneficial to use antihistamines for relief of symptoms while the attempt at homeopathic treatment is made. Once L-DOPA treatment is established, it is rare to see a reversal of the condition. We use daily doses of low potency remedies 6C or 12C once, twice or three times per day. LM potencies also have a place in such cases. Often, the patient will have a dramatic response to homeopathic treatment which lasts only for one to two months and then the patient comes in complaining that the remedy has lost its effect. In such cases we must recognize that it is extremely unlikely that a "close but incorrect remedy" will have any effect at all in such advanced pathology. We should not easily switch remedies after such a response. Even if the patient grudgingly admits that he is perhaps 25 percent better than before treatment, we should persist with the same remedy, trying more frequent repetitions or LM potencies. Our goal is often modest - to simply preserve function as long as possible - not to cure in these advanced cases. If our patient understands our goals and expectations, he will not leave homeopathic treatment in disappointment, thus keeping this admittedly modest benefit. Repertory Main rubrics in parkinson's disease Head, Motions, Involuntary. Head, Motions, Nodding. Face, Expression, Absent. Extremities, Motion, Constant. Extremities, Motion, Fingers. Extremities, Stiffness. Extremities, Trembling. Extremities, Trembling, Hands. General, Paralysis, agitans. General, Trembling. Remedies Main remedies for parkinson's disease Argentum nitricum Animated and expressive - rare in Parkinson's patients. Ataxia and imbalance are very prominent or early symptoms. Tremor of the hands - often so severe as to prevent writing. Marked tremor which appears only periodically.

Legs feel heavy or as if wooden or rigid. Causticum Slowly progressing paralysis - the family gradually notices the condition even before the patient. Difficult speech - advanced or earlier than in other remedies. Right side more affected than left, especially the arm. Tremor of hands, worse when writing. Marked stiff feeling and desire to stretch. Helleborus niger Patient deep in a fog - comprehension very limited. Speech amazingly slow and the patient thinks so long about his answer that it seems he did not hear your question. Expression: Vacant but worried and troubled; furrowed brow. Kalium bromatum Mentally rigid; fixed thoughts and beliefs. Fingers in constant motion - rolling, wringing, twitching. Markedly unsteady on his feet - unable to maintain balance. Expression: Vacant. Mercurius solubilis One of the foremost Parkinson's remedies. Patient held in; the emotions become deeply internalized. Speech slow or stammering. Marked tremor of the hands upon holding them out or trying to eat or drink -soup becomes impossible. Marked pill-rolling motion or other involuntary motion. Natrium muriaticum Suppressed emotion leads to a closed, uncommunicative state. Especially noted is constant nodding of the head. Tremor of hands, especially on writing - first noted when signing his name on a check. Awkwardness. Drops or overturns things or bumps into door. Expression: Closed and old-looking. Plumbum metallicum Slowly progressive paralysis and muscle wasting. Tremor of hands and arms on eating, writing, on moving or holding out hands. Paralysis accompanied by fleeting cramps. Paresis aggravated after exertion - often for hours. Much desire for stretching which does not relieve. Rhus toxicodendron Parkinson's with tremendous stiffness better from motion. Walking almost impossible on first attempting to move, then begins to walk more freely as he continues. Often cannot move forward or even walks backward (Mang). Worse: Morning or on first rising from a chair. Tremor less prominent than in other remedies.

Other remedies Other remedies to consider in Parkinson's disease include: Baryta Carbonica, Hyoscyamus, Manganum, Phosphorus, Tabacum, Zincum.

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