Designing an ESP Course ESPcourse designneeds analysis April 2007 Volume 3 Issue 1 Article 6.
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Designing an ESP course for Chinese University Students of usiness Autor
!ao "ia#ing !io
!ao "ia#ing $or%s at the Faculty of Foreign &anguages' ei#ing (ormal University )*huhai campus+ $here she teaches college English to non English ma#ors, She is interested in ESP' E&- methodology' and genre./ased instruction, She can /e contacted at gracehaiyanhotmail,com
Despite the gro$ing demand for English for Specific Purposes )ESP+ instruction in China' ESP courses are still limited to learning specific le1icon and translating te1ts, ith the continued e1pansion and participation in the international /usiness arena' much attention should /e dra$n to the design of ESP courses $hich can help to prepare learners for future professional communication, 3n response to these needs' this article is an attempt to provide a guided approach to ESP course design for Chinese senior /usiness students at tertiary level, 3t first revie$s current literature and case studies related to ESP course design, hen designing an ESP course' the primary issue is the analysis of learners4 specific needs, 5ther issues addressed include6 determination of realistic goals and o/#ectives integration of grammatical functions and ac8uisition s%ills and assessment and evaluation, Although ESP conte1ts vie$ these issues from their o$n perspectives' the proposed frame$or% for ESP course development is argued as /eing of /enefit to teachers $ho may encounter pro/lems in ESP course design, #e$ %or&s' ESP' course design' needs analysis, Intro&uction
ith the glo/ali9ation of trade and economy and the continuing increase of international communication in various fields' the demand for English for Specific Purposes is e1panding' especially in countries $here English is taught as a Foreign &anguage, Even though ESP courses have /ecome popular recently in China and many institutions and universities offer ESP courses for senior students' for years the instruction has /een limited to speciali9ed le1icon and sentence structures' an approach $hich fundamentally ignores the learners4 personal interests, -his often leads to lo$ motivation in their English studies and' in turn' poor performance later $hen they use English in their future profession, 3n response to these pro/lems' it is important to help students adapt to today4s competitive society' meaning that university English faculties need to design ESP courses that can /est prepare learners for future professional communication, Designing a ne$ ESP course involves issues such as $hat to teach' ho$ to teach or $here to start, ased on an integrated approach' this paper puts for$ard a sample ESP course frame$or% and critically analy9es the core elements of ESP course design6 needs analysis course goals and o/#ectives course details materials design and finally' assessment and evaluation, (iterature re)ie%
-he of the ESP influenced movement is of the fast development of the $orld of economy and gro$th has /een greatly /ya result E&- methodology and the development Applied &inguistics, -he first dominating approach to ESP course design focused on the grammatical and le1ical items of a particular field of English, ith the popularity of Communicative &anguage -eaching' language use /ecame the %ey emphasis in the ESP $orld' %no$n as the functional.notional approach, 3n the early :0s' it $as found that there $as a certain need underlying a particular language use and in addition' the process of learning and learning s%ills needed to /e ta%en into account )Dudley.Evans ; St "ohn'
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