Design of 10m clear span slab bridge

May 21, 2018 | Author: D.V.Srinivasa Rao | Category: Stress (Mechanics), Bending, Structural Load, Concrete, Pressure
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Short Description



Const Construc ructio tion n of 10.00 10.00mts mts span span culv culvert ert at at 5/6 5/6 KM of of Vemul Vemulade ade Name Name of of the the work work!C !Con onst stru ruct ctio ion n of "ri "rid# d#e e acro across ss $ha $har" r"ha harr on %opuram road near &n'ane(aswam( temple in )edal

vi channel


evu canal nka*V+

vi channel


evu canal nka*V+

$esi#n )hilosoph(!

The design of 1V-- 10.37m right span culvert is carried as per the procedure out lined below:,tep1! The design discharge was fixed after arriving discharge based on the following methods:a.$s per the hdraulic particulars furnished b the !rrigation department ".% $rea-Velocit $rea-Velocit method using &anning's e(uation for arriving at the flow velocit and area b considering considering actual cross-section of the channel. ,tep-! a.)draulic particulars li*e + +2 are 2 are obtained from !rrigation department. ".%ottom of dec* level was fixed based o n ), and road formation levels on both sides. The vertical vertical clearence and afflux are verified. verified. c.Ventwa .Ventwa calculations are done for fixation of ventwa. ventwa. d.ormal scour depth with reference to ), was calculated using ace's e(uations e.$fter arriving at the &aximum scour depth+bottom level of the found ation was fixed below the maximum scour depth ,tep!  $fter arriving arriving at "ottom of deck level+ level +"ottom of foundation level  and re(uired ventwa(+the ventwa(+the dimensions of the bridge are finalised. The structural components are desined in the following manner:a.$s per the recommendations of !"# /:000 +!"# class $ live load re(uired for bridges and culverts culverts of medium importance importance is is selected. selected. ".oad combination is selected as pe r !"# /:000 c.%ased on the trial pit particulars and soil test reports+tpe of foundation was selected. d.The structural components li*e $butment+raft foundation are designed as per the guide guide lines given in relevent !"# !"# codes. e.The dec* slab is proposed as per the &2T drawing os.% 3-745% 4-74 f .The .The dirt wall is proposed as per the drawings given in )late No.3.-5 of 4C,)-0!-00-*ural 4C,)-0!-00-*ural roads manual+

$esi#n of &"utments 4+$esi#n )arameters! #lear "ight 2pan



ec* slab length





Thic*ness of dec* slab as per &2T g.% 3-74



Thic*ness of wearing coat



)eight of railing



Thic*ness of dirt wall



2ectional area of dirt wall



Thic*ness of "$,T footing



)eight of abutments



Top width of abutments



%ottom width of abutments



2ectional area of abutment section



Cield strength of steel *f (+





#over to reinforcement

44+%eneral loadin# pattern!  $s per !"#:/---000+the following following loadings are to be considered on the bridge or slab culvert:1.ead load .ive load 3.!mpact load 4.ind load 8.ater current /.Tractive+bra*ing /.Tractive+bra*ing effort of vehicles5frictional resistance of bearings 7.%uoanc /;bd 6

8.81 m3

,or &0 grade of concrete permissible compressive stress in direct compreession is 8>mm i.e+ 5000KN/s8m ,or &0 grade of concrete permissible tensile stress in bending tension is -.mm i.e+ !- )/&*1G6e/"+ "eaction due to dead load from super structure 2elf wieght of abutment5footings "eaction due to live load with impact factor !mpact load oriFontal loads! *,tress > M/H+ Tractive+%ra*ing5,rictional resistance of bearings

!ntensit in = @;

Accentricit>ever arm

2tress at heel @>$1G/e>b;

/99.0= 3/;bd 6

14.97 m3

,or &0 grade of concrete permissible compressive stress in direct compreession is 8>mm

i.e+ 5000KN/s8m ,or &0 grade of concrete permissible tensile stress in bending tension is ->mm i.e+ !- )/&*1G6e/"+ "eaction due to dead load from super structure 2elf wieght of abutment5footings "eaction due to live load with impact factor !mpact load oriFontal loads! *,tress > M/H+ ind load ater current force

!ntensit in = @;

Accentricit>ever arm

2tress at upstream edge @>$1G/e>b;

/99.0= 3/;bd 6

4.17 m3

,or &0 grade of concrete permissible compressive stress in direct compreession is 8>mm i.e+ 5000KN/s8m ,or &0 grade of concrete permissible tensile stress in bending tension is -.mm i.e+ !- )/&*1G6e/"+

!ntensit in = @;

Accentricit>ever arm

2tress at heel @>$1G/e>b;

1  3 4 8

"eaction due to dead load from super structure 2elf wieght of abutment5footings "eaction due to live load with impact factor !mpact load oriFontal loads! *,tress > M/H+ Tractive+%ra*ing5,rictional resistance of bearings

/99.0= 98.43= 4//.//= 0.00=

-0./;bd 6

13.0 m3

,or &0 grade of concrete permissible compressive stress in direct compreession is 8>mm

i.e+ 5000KN/s8m ,or &0 grade of concrete permissible tensile stress in bending tension is -.mm i.e+ !- )/&*1G6e/"+ "eaction due to dead load from super structure 2elf wieght of abutment5footings "eaction due to live load with impact factor

!ntensit in = @;

/99.0= 98.43= 4//.//=

Accentricit>ever arm

0.00 0.00 0.000

2tress at upstream edge @>$1G/e>b;

88.94 3./3 37.33

4 8 /

!mpact load oriFontal loads! *,tress > M/H+ ind load ater current force




1/.80= 0./=

4.33 3.17

-8.49 -0.18 111.-6


1  3 4 8 /

Tpe of load

!ntensit in = @;

Vertical loads!*,tress > )/&*1G6e/"+ "eaction due to dead load from super structure 2elf wieght of abutment5footings "eaction due to live load with impact factor !mpact load oriFontal loads! *,tress > M/H+ ind load ater current force

2tress at up stream side edge of abutment 6

@>$1G/e>b;G&>N 6

Accentricit>ever arm

2tress at >2 edge @>$1G/e>b;

/99.0= 98.43= 4//.//= 0.00=

0.00 0.00 0.000 0.00

88.94 3./3 37.33 0

1/.80= 0./=

4.33 3.17

8.49 0.18 1--.5;

111./ =>2(mO-s(m.

ence safe. 2tress at down stream side edge of abutment 6

@>$1G/e>b;G&>N 6

1.84 =>2(mP8000=>s(m

ence safe. "+oad =nvelope!44!*9he Canal is fullD"ack fill intact with no live load on span+ i+2n top of CC aft footin# The following co-ordinates are assumed:a;x-irection-----$t right angle to the movement of vehicles b;-irection-----!n the direction of movement of vehicles Vertical load acting on the abutment *)+ composes of the following components 2.o


Tpe of load

!ntensit in =

"eaction due to dead load from super structure


2elf wieght of abutment5cut waters

4/;bd 6

/.8 m3

,or &0 grade of concrete permissible compressive stress in direct compreession is 8>mm i.e+ 5000KN/s8m ,or &0 grade of concrete permissible tensile stress in bending tension is -.mm i.e+ !- )/&*1G6e/"+ "eaction due to dead load from super structure et self wieght of abutment5footings Vertical component of Aarth pressure oriFontal loads! *,tress > M/H+ )oriBontal load due to earth pressure ater pressure force


1  3 4 8

Tpe of load

Vertical loads!*,tress > )/&*1G6e/"+ "eaction due to dead load from super structure et self wieght of abutment5footings Vertical component of Aarth pressure oriFontal loads! *,tress > M/H+ )oriBontal load due to earth pressure ater pressure force

2tress at heel 6

@>$1G/e>b;G&>N 6

!ntensit in = @;

Accentricit>ever arm

2tress at heel @>$1G/e>b;

/99.0= b;

/99.0= b;G&>N 6

98.0/ =>2(mP8000=>s(m

ence safe.

&"out (!a@is! %readth of bottom footing b 6 epth of bottom footing d 6  $rea of the footing 6 $ 6

.48m /.8m 18.318 m

2ection modulus of bottom footing about -axis --N 6

1>/;bd 6

18.98 m3

,or &0 grade of concrete permissible compressive stress in direct compreession is 8>mm i.e+ 5000KN/s8m ,or &0 grade of concrete permissible tensile stress in bending tension is -.mm i.e+ !- )/&*1G6e/"+ "eaction due to dead load from super structure et self wieght of abutment5footings Vertical component of Aarth pressure oriFontal loads! *,tress > M/H+ ind load ater current force

Tpe of load

2tress at up stream side edge of abutment 6

@>$1G/e>b;G&>N 6

2tress at ?>2 Adge @>$1G/e>b;

/99.0=  M/H+ )oriBontal load due to earth pressure ater pressure force

Accentricit>ever arm


2tress at >2 edge @>$1G/e>b;

/99.0= b;G&>N 6

ence safe.


ii+2n top of -nd footin# The following co-ordinates are assumed:a;x-irection-----$t right angle to the movement of vehicles b;-irection-----!n the direction of movement of vehicles Vertical load acting on the abutment *)+ composes of the following components 2.o


Tpe of load

!ntensit in =

Accentrict about x- Accentrict about axism; axism;

"eaction due to dead load from super structure




2elf wieght of abutment5footings

4/;bd 6

8.81 m3

,or &0 grade of concrete permissible compressive stress in direct compreession is 8>mm i.e+ 5000KN/s8m ,or &0 grade of concrete permissible tensile stress in bending tension is -.mm i.e+ !-ever arm

2tress at heel @>$1G/e>b;

1  3 4 8

Vertical loads!*,tress > )/&*1G6e/"+ "eaction due to dead load from super structure et self wieght of abutment5footings Vertical component of Aarth pressure oriFontal loads! *,tress > M/H+ )oriBontal load due to earth pressure ater pressure force


1  3 4 8

Tpe of load

-0.74 0.11 0.43

14.09 1./ 0.01

18.84= 47.80=

1.0 0.70

- M/H+ )oriBontal load due to earth pressure ater pressure force

2tress at heel 6

/99.0= $1G/e>b;G&>N 6


2tress at toe @>$1G/e>b;

/99.0= 2(mP8000=>s(m

ence safe.

&"out (!a@is! %readth of 1st footing b 6 epth of 1st footing d 6  $rea of the footing 6 $ 6 2ection modulus of bottom footing about -axis --N 6

.30m /.8m 14.378 m 1>/;bd 6

14.97 m3

,or &0 grade of concrete permissible compressive stress in direct compreession is 8>mm i.e+ 5000KN/s8m ,or &0 grade of concrete permissible tensile stress in bending tension is -.mm i.e+ !- )/&*1G6e/"+ "eaction due to dead load from super structure et self wieght of abutment5footings Vertical component of Aarth pressure oriFontal loads! *,tress > M/H+ ind load

!ntensit in = @;

Accentricit>ever arm

2tress at ?>2 Adge @>$1G/e>b;

/99.0=  M/H+ )oriBontal load due to earth pressure ater pressure force

2tress at up stream side edge of abutment 6

@>$1G/e>b;G&>N 6



-0.1 33.1

2tress at >2 edge @>$1G/e>b;

/99.0= b;G&>N 6


ence safe.

iii+2n top of 1st footin# The following co-ordinates are assumed:a;x-irection-----$t right angle to the movement of vehicles b;-irection-----!n the direction of movement of vehicles Vertical load acting on the abutment *)+ composes of the following components 2.o


Tpe of load

!ntensit in =

"eaction due to dead load from super structure


2elf wieght of abutment5cut waters

3/;bd 6

8.81 m3

,or &0 grade of concrete permissible compressive stress in direct compreession is 8>mm i.e+ 5000KN/s8m ,or &0 grade of concrete permissible tensile stress in bending tension is -.mm i.e+ !- )/&*1G6e/"+ "eaction due to dead load from super structure et self wieght of abutment5footings Vertical component of Aarth pressure oriFontal loads! *,tress > M/H+ )oriBontal load due to earth pressure ater pressure force


1  3 4 8

!ntensit in = @;

Tpe of load

2tress at heel 6

@>$1G/e>b;G&>N 6

2tress at heel @>$1G/e>b;

/99.0= 8.4/= 03./3=

-0.74 0.1 0.43

14.09 1$1G/e>b;

/99.0= 8.4/= 03./3=

0.74 -0.1 -0.43

N 6

ence safe.

&"out (!a@is!

108.98 =>2(mP8000=>s(m

%readth of 1st footing b 6 epth of 1st footing d 6  $rea of the footing 6 $ 6

.30m /.8m 14.378 m

2ection modulus of bottom footing about -axis --N 6

1>/;bd 6

14.97 m3

,or &0 grade of concrete permissible compressive stress in direct compreession is 8>mm i.e+ 5000KN/s8m ,or &0 grade of concrete permissible tensile stress in bending tension is -.mm i.e+ !- )/&*1G6e/"+ "eaction due to dead load from super structure et self wieght of abutment5footings Vertical component of Aarth pressure oriFontal loads! *,tress > M/H+ ind load ater current force

Tpe of load

2tress at up stream side edge of abutment 6

@>$1G/e>b;G&>N 6

2tress at ?>2 Adge @>$1G/e>b;

/99.0= 8.4/= 03./3=

0.00 0.00 0.00

4 )/&*1G6e/"+ "eaction due to dead load from super structure et self wieght of abutment5footings Vertical component of Aarth pressure oriFontal loads! *,tress > M/H+ )oriBontal load due to earth pressure ater pressure force

Accentricit>ever arm


2tress at >2 edge @>$1G/e>b;

/99.0= 8.4/= 03./3=

0.00 0.00 0.00

4$1G/e>b;G&>N 6


ence safe.

V+Check for sta"ilit( of a"utments! a+oad =nvelope!444!*9he Canal is dr(D"ack fill intact with live load on span+ The following co-ordinates are assumed:a;x-irection-----$t right angle to the movement of vehicles

b;-irection-----!n the direction of movement of vehicles Vertical load acting on the abutment *)+ composes of the following components 2.o

Tpe of load

!ntensit in =

Accentrict about x- Accentrict about axism; axism;


"eaction due to dead load from super structure


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