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8. Design Considerations for detai$ design part9 8.1 Design for 'erformance: 'erformance: #afet and +e$iabi$it +e$iabi$it 8.2 Design for Ergonomics and Aesthetics 8.& Design for !anufacturabi$it ; Assemb$ D*!A 8.( Design for Cost: En%ironment En%ironment kno6$edge and use 1. Comparison of e)isting materia$s: methods: too$s and e7uipment for our proect and ustif our se$ection of materia$s: methods: too$s and e7uipment etc. 11. #imu$ation and Ana$sis #oft6are #oft6are mode$$ing: !athematica$ mode$ 12. Conc$usion3*uture scope 1&. 'rototpe
innumerab$e 6ebsites in the internet: and to a$$ those
6ho ha%e up$oaded their kno6$edge: imaginations: ideas: graphic ski$$s etc.: on these 6ebsites. A$so: to a$$ those from pre>historic das to toda: 6ho ha%e
registered their kno6$edge: imaginations: thoughts etc.: through di@erent means and mediums. A$so Dr. Dr. !. . Baiana Baianapurkar purkar !. E. : 'h. D IIT harakpur harak pur and
!r. +onak #uthar for sho6ing the correct path and guiding !r. us. Not forgetting other facu$t of the co$$ege 6ho ga%e their contribution ti$$ their e)tent.
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igure Particulates in domain at E"0 Ta$le Ta$le Particulate emissions at specified crankshaft angles
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