Design and Implementation School Management System

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Design and implementation school management system

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par Gérard Rutayisire National University of Rwanda - Degree of Bachelor in Information Technology 2010 Dans la categorie: Informatique et Télécommunications Object 1

Object 2

DEDICATION To our dear parents regretted; To our dear wife Mushashi Victoire; To our dear children: SHEMA Alain and KAMANZI Idrissa; To our faithful friend Gerhard Kempf and his family: Monika Kempf, Marie and Carlos; To our dear brothers and sisters; To all our friends near and far; This work is dedicated.

AKNOWLEDGEMENTS We can not complete this project if it is advice, aid, consolidation of the share of people who are now forever etched in our memory. We express our greatest thanks to our dear family for their moral support and encouragement. We wish to express our deep gratitude and thanks to Mr. Gerhard Kempf and his family who during 30 years of friendship until today, has consistently expressed its support strictly moral, material and financial support to the conclusion my studies. May our gratitude also go to Dr. William Sahinguvu, despite its many duties, has agreed to provide leadership for this work, his counsel, his dedication, his availability, his comments and corrections are relevant led to the culmination of this work. We thank all the teachers of the NUR who have formed during this cycle of license. The success of this project is due, mainly, to the knowledge that we have been taught in previous

years. We especially thank the teachers who advised us and towards the right path when necessary. All those who contributed in one way or another, to make this work, can be found here, the crowning of their efforts. RUTAYISIRE Gerard iii TABLE OF CONTENTS DEDICATION i AKNOWLEDGEMENTS ii TABLE OF CONTENTS iii LIST OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATION vi LIST OF TABLES vii LIST OF FIGURES viii ABSTRACT ix SOMMAIRE x I.0 INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Problem statement 1 1.2 OBJECTIVES OF THE PROJECT 2 1.3 Interest project 2 1.3.1 Personal Interest 2 1.3.2 Institutional Interest 2 1.4 THE HYPOTHESIS OF THE PROJECT 2 1.5 SCOPE OF THE PROJECT 2 1.6 METHODOLOGY 3

1.7 ORGANIZATION OF THE PROJECT 3 CHAPTER II: THEORETICAL CONCEPT 4 2.1 Introduction 4 2.2 Information system and fundamentals 4 2.2.1 System 4 2.2.2 Information 4 2.2.3 Information system 4 2.2.4 Information technology 4 2.3 Database concepts 5 2.3.1 Data 5 2.3.2 Data versus information 5 2.3.3 Database 5 2.3.4 Entity 5 2.3.5 Entity Relationship Diagram 5 2.3.6 Table 6 2.3.7 Record 6 2.3.8 Field 6 2.3.9 Attribute 6 2.3.10 Primary key 6 2.3.11 Foreign key 6 2.3.12 Data Modeling 7 2.3.13 Relational database 7 2.3.14 Database management system (DBMS) 8 2.4 Database in network environment 8

2.4.1 Network environment 8 2.4.2 Client/server architecture 8 2.4.3 Client-server 9 2.4.4 Database server 9 2.4.5 Web server 10 2.4.6 Web Browser 10 2.4.7 Web page 10 2.4.8 Website 10 2.5 Tools and Language used 11 2.5.1 HTML 11 2.5.2 PHP 11 2.5.3 Mysql 11 2.5.4 Apache server 12 2.5.5 JavaScript 12 2.5.6 CSS 12 CHAPTER III: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 13 3.1 Introduction 13 3.2 Prototyping model 13 3.3 Advantages of prototyping 13 3.4 Disadvantages of prototyping 13 3.5 The process of prototyping 14 3.6 Prototype cycle 15 3.6 The importance of using prototyping 16 3.7 Analysis of the system 16

3.7.1 The existing system 16 3.7.2 The proposed system 16 3.7.3 System requirements 17 3.8 System Actors 17 3.8.1 Actor glossary 17 3.8.2 System outline 18 3.9 Data flow diagram 18 3.9.1 Dataflow notations 19 3.9.2 Context Diagram 20 Data Flow Diagram Level 0 21 Data Flow Diagram for School Secretary/ Register 22 Data Flow Diagram for School Secretary/ View 23 Data Flow Diagram for Secretary/ Edit 24 Data Flow Diagram for System Administrator/ Create User 25 3.9.3 Entity Relationship Diagram of SMS 26 CHAPTER IV: IMPLEMENTATION OF SMS 27 4.1 Interfaces of SMS 27 4.1.1 Home Page of SMS 27 4.1.2 The Login Page 28 4.1.3 Administration Page 29 4.1.4 Page for course scheduling 30 4.1.5 Page of form for scheduling course 31 4.1.6 View teachers 32 4.1.7 Registering new teacher 33

4.1.8 List courses to edit or delete some of them 34 4.2 Hypothesis Verification 34 CHAPTER V: CONCLUSION AND RECOMMANDATION 35 5.1 CONCLUSION 35 5.2 RECOMMANDATIONS 35 REFERENCES 36 I. BOOKS 36 II. WEBOGRAPHY 36 APPENDIX I vi LIST OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATION ASP: Application Service Provider CSS : Cascanding Style Sheet DBMS : Database Management System DFD : Data Flow Diagram ER : Entity Relationship ERD : Entity Relationship Diagram GB : Gigabyte GHZ : Gigahertz HTML : HyperText Markup Language HTTP : HyperText Transfer Protocol IS : Information System IT : Information Technology ITAA : Information Technology Association of America

KIS: Kigali International School MB : Megabyte NUR : National University of Rwanda PC : Personal Computer PHP : Personal Home Page RAM : Random Access Memory SDLC : Software Development Life Cycle SGML : Standard Generalized Markup Language SMS : School Management System SQL : Structured Query Language URL : Uniform Resource Locators WWW : World Wide Web LIST OF TABLES Table 1: Actor Glossary 17 Table 2: Dataflow notations 19 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1: Data modeling 7 Figure 2: Database management system (DBMS) 8 Figure 3: Client/server architecture 9 Figure 4: Data server 10 Figure 5: Prototype Cycle 15 Figure 6: System outline 18 Figure 7: Context Diagram 20 Figure 8: DFD level 0 21

Figure 9: DFD level 1/ Registration 22 Figure 10: DFD level 1/ View 23 Figure 11: DFD level 1/ Edit 24 Figure 12: DFD level 1/ User creation 25 Figure 13: Entity relationship 26 Figure 14: Home Page of SMS 27 Figure 15: The Login Page 28 Figure 16: Administration Page 29 Figure 17: Page for course scheduling 30 Figure 18: Page of form for scheduling course 31 Figure 19: View teachers 32 Figure 20: Registering new teacher 33 Figure 21: List courses to edit or delete some of them 34

ABSTRACT Creating an application with databases and has potential benefits in all sectors, also including the management of a school Kigali International School. Kigali International School has encountered many problems related to the management of their teachers and courses to teach. They need a lot of time to capture huge amounts of data using MS Excel which is so difficult to use, where the user has to memorize all the features of the tool and it is not easy and can be the results of various errors which causes delays in their work. There are also data management, maintaining good relationships with parents of students and other school partners who are not as easy for them. This work was designed to provide a solution that can solve such problems. To achieve our research, we have to resort to the prototype model that allowed us to address the various stages of the creation of software to include analysis, design, development and testing of software. Following this research we proposed a program that will enable the school Kigali International School to record information, manage the teachers and the courses to be taught, make periodic reports from this information and "Internal School Kigali to manage the entire system and

make the statistics. The new software allows quick access to information.

SOMMAIRE La création d'une application comportant des bases de données présente des potentiels et avantages dans tous les secteurs y compris également celui de la gestion d'une école Kigali International School. Kigali International School rencontre beaucoup des problèmes liés à la gestion de leurs enseignants et les cours à dispenser. Il leur faut beaucoup de temps pour saisir des énormes quantités de données en utilisant MS Excel qui est si difficile à utiliser, où l'utilisateur doit mémoriser toutes les fonctionnalités de l'outil et ce n'est pas facile et peut être les résultats de différentes erreurs ce qui occasionne des retards dans leur travail. Il y a aussi la gestion des données, le maintien des bonnes relations avec les parents des élèves et les autres partenaires de l'école qui ne sont pas aussi facile pour eux. Ce travail a été conçu afin de donner une solution qui peut résoudre des tels problèmes. Pour réaliser notre travail de recherche, nous avons du recourir au prototype modèle qui nous a permis d'aborder les différentes étapes de la création d'un logiciel à savoir l'analyse, la conception, le développement et la mise à l'épreuve du logiciel. A l'issue de cette recherche nous avons proposé un logiciel qui permettra à l'école Kigali International School d'enregistrer les informations, de gérer les enseignants ainsi que les cours à dispenser, de faire des rapports périodique à partir des ces informations et Kigali Internal School de gérer tout le système et faire les statistiques. Le nouveau logiciel permettra un accès rapide aux informations.

I.0 INTRODUCTION There is now no doubt that the information revolution is the largest and most innovative that marked the life of mankind in this century. Indeed, far from being a passing fad or a passing trend, the computer just to bring us many advantages to our way of life. No area was a stranger to this strategy that offers many services both for business and administration. But beyond the individual use of the computer, it is especially the establishment of communication between computers, which helped to revolutionize the methods of work. Thus, we have witnessed the emergence of networks. This step provides new users with new tools and allows them to improve their profitability and productivity. Today, the business is done online worldwide, the management of institutions is done through network technology, all the systems of information management has been digitized. All these innovations have the aim to simplify life by making a lot of things easily and in a short time. Within this framework of ideas that our project:»design and implementation of a School Management System» which can be used by Kigali International School as my case study is

developed as final work to fulfill the requirements of obtaining Bachelor's degree in Information Technology. 1.1 Problem statement The problem currently facing the school Kigali International School is the management of course delivery. Here, the teacher does not properly handle their workload, and sometimes the courses are not offered on time. The number of students who must study the course is not followed. The main problem is to manage the teachers work and courses scheduling. 1.2 OBJECTIVES OF THE PROJECT The project objectives are: -Suggestion of a management system that will provide a solution to some problems in high school for course planning and evaluation of teachers in a given time, and meet the system requirements. - Designing a new system that will provide a good way and easy to manage the delivery of courses - Ensure system security. 1.3 Interest project 1.3.1 Personal Interest Providing solutions to practical problems using knowledge gained from the particular class of software engineering, system analysis, system management databases and web design in my undergraduate studies in information technology. 1.3.2 Institutional Interest The implementation of the management system will dispense courses in high school Kigali International School to manage institutional resources in an efficient, effective and accountable. 1.4 THE HYPOTHESIS OF THE PROJECT This project will demonstrate that the implementation of the management system of a school will improve the quality of services in Kigali International School, creating an automated application to plan and manage the delivery of courses. 1.5 SCOPE OF THE PROJECT

The scope of this project is focused to the course planning for teachers, and due to the time constraints the work is limited only to one of modern schools of Kigali. Although this is considered as a prototype model, the project could be extended later to build full Course planning system to a big school such as University where will be all information, and different calculations of the time used by different teachers. 1.6 METHODOLOGY To develop a web based application of course delivery management system, it will be necessary to use two types of methodology known as research methodology and software engineering development methodology. 1.7 ORGANIZATION OF THE PROJECT This project will be divided into five parts: + The first part deals with the general description of the system. + The second part will deals with the review of literature, + The third part will deal with the methodology which will be used in the development of the software. + The fourth part will deal with the practical issues of development and implementation of the software + The last part will be concerning the conclusion and recommendation

CHAPTER II: THEORETICAL CONCEPT 2.1 Introduction The purpose of this part is to provide a brief description about terms that are used during development of this project. It deals with theoretical concepts and fundamentals that support this project. It provides definitions and characteristics of technologies used. Since theoretical concepts involved are complex the description provides only the over view. 2.2 Information system and fundamentals 2.2.1 System A set of interrelated components that function together to achieve one or more results1. For example, a computer System includes both hardware and software to process any information.

2.2.2 Information Information is the result of data processing2, the data is processed, manipulated, organized, in order to be in suitable form for human interpretation. 2.2.3 Information system Information system (IS)is an arrangement of people, data, processes, and information technology that interact to collect, process, store, and provide as output the information needed to support an organization3. Examples: Hotel Online Booking System Student Online registration System 2.2.4 Information technology Information Technology (IT), as defined by the Information Technology4 association of America (ITAA), means all computerized and auxiliary automated 1

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Whitten & Bently, 2007, Systems analysis and design methods, 7th edition, McGrawHill,chap.1 4 technology, 15th April, 2010 information handling, including system analysis and design, computer programming, data conversion, information storage and retrieval, data communication, voice, video, requisite systems controls, and simulation. Generally the term Information Technology is abbreviated with «IT» 2.3 Database concepts 2.3.1 Data Data is a representation of facts, concepts, or instructions in a manner suitable for communication, interpretation, or processing by humans or by automated means; data5 consists of basic facts that are the system's raw material.

2.3.2 Data versus information Data and information are closely related, and in fact are often used interchangeably. However it is useful to distinguish between data and information. Information is normally defined as data that has been processed in such a way that it can increase the knowledge of the person who uses the data. 2.3.3 Database Database is an organized collection of related data6. It means that data are structured in manner suitable to be stored, manipulated, and retrieved by users; By related I mean the data describe domain of interest to a group of users and that the users can use the data to answer questions concerning that domain. 2.3.4 Entity It is a person, object, place, event, or concept in the user environment about which the organization wishes maintain data. 2.3.5 Entity Relationship Diagram An entity-relationship (ER) diagram is a specialized graphic that illustrates the interrelationships between entities in a database. ER diagrams often use symbols to represent three different types of information. 5

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Whitten & Bently, 2007, Systems analysis and design methods, 7th edition, McGraw-Hill ,chap3 Boxes are commonly used to represent entities. Diamonds are normally used to represent relationships and ovals are used to represent attributes. 2.3.6 Table A table is a two-dimensional display of data values corresponding to an entity. The columns of a table represent the characteristics of the entity, and the rows represent instance of the entity. 2.3.7 Record

A record is a generic term of a row in database, just like a card. A record very often represents a piece of content. The dynamic functionality and much of the content of Mambo relies in a database in order to function. 2.3.8 Field The location in a database record reserve for a particular type of data; for example in library catalog, author, title; subject headings would all be stored in specific fields. 2.3.9 Attribute A named property or characteristic of an entity that is of interest to an organization. An example of attribute is «personnel_Id» 2.3.10 Primary key The primary key is used to create relationships between tables. It's «the entry keyed off of» to identify the record in question. An otherwise meaningless surrogate value is often used for the primary key. The primary key for an entry must never change: if the referred to by a record in a different table, the relationship (link) will be often irretrievably broken. 2.3.11 Foreign key A foreign key is a reference to a key in another table, meaning that the referencing table has, as one of its attributes, the values of a key in the referenced table. Usually a foreign key will be a primary key in another table. 2.3.12 Data Modeling It is a technique for organizing and documenting a system's data. Sometimes it is called database modeling7 because it is eventually implemented as a database. The actual model is frequently called Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD), where entity means a class of persons, objects, events or concepts about which we need to capture and store data and relationship means association among the instance of one or more entity types.

Figure 1: Data modeling Source: 3_Data_Modelling_Today.jpg 2.3.13 Relational database Relational database creates relationships between fields in tables explicitly through keyed fields. Because the relationships are not handled programmatically but are integral to the data itself, users can access the data without knowing the physical structure of the data (i.e. how data are written on disk). Logically, relational databases lend themselves very efficiently to many situations, and because their structure is transparent, they can be designed and modified relatively easily. 2.3.14 Database management system (DBMS) A collection of programs that enable a user to enter, modify, manage, and delete information in a database. There are different type of DBMSs, ranging from small systems that run on personal computers to huge systems that run on mainframes. Database management system (DBMS)

Figure 2: Database management system (DBMS) Source: 2.4 Database in network environment 2.4.1 Network environment 2.4.2 Client/server architecture A Network architecture 14 in which each computer or process on the network is either a client or a server. Servers are powerful computers or process dedicated to managing disk drives (file servers), printers (print serves), or network traffic (network servers). Client are PCs or workstations on which users run applications. Clients rely on servers for resources, such as files, devices, and even processing power. Another type of network architecture is known as a peer-to-peer architecture because each node has equivalent responsibilities. Both client/server and peer-to-peer architectures are widely used, and each has unique advantages and disadvantages. Client-server architectures are sometimes called two-tier architectures.

Figure 3: Client/server architecture Source: 2.4.3 Client-server

Client/server describes the relationship between two computer programs in which one program, the client, makes a service request from another program, the server, which fulfils the request. Although the client/server idea can be used by programs within a single computer, it is a more important idea in a network. In a network, the client/server model provides a convenient way to interconnect programs that are distributed efficiently across different locations. 2.4.4 Database server A database server is a computer program that provides database services to other computer programs or computers, as defined by the client-server model.

10 Figure 4: Data server Source: 2.4.5 Web server A computer program that is responsible for accepting HTTP requests from clients, which are known as web browsers, and serving them HTTP responses along with optional data contents, which usually are web pages such as HTML documents and linked objects (images, etc.). 2.4.6 Web Browser A web browser is a software application that enables a user to display and interact with text, images, videos, music and other information typically located on a Web page at a website on the World Wide Web or a local area network. Some of the popular browsers are: Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Netscape, and Opera and further 2.4.7 Web page

A web page8 is a block of data available on the world-wide web, identified by an URL. 2.4.8 Website A website9 is a set of interconnected web pages, usually including a homepage, generally located on the same server, and prepared and maintained as a collection of information by a person, group, or organization. 8 22th April, 2010 9 22th April, 2010 14 server architecture.html (accessed: 23/05/2010)

2.5 Tools and Language used 2.5.1 HTML Hypertext Markup Language" is the authoring language used to create documents on the World Wide Web (www). HTML is similar to SGML, although it is not a strict subset. HTML defines the structure and layout of a Web document by using a variety of tags and attributes. All the information you'd like to include in your Web page fits in between the tags. There are hundreds of other tags used to format and layout the information in a web page. Tags are also used to specify hypertext links. These allow Web developers to direct users to other web pages with only a click of the mouse on either an image or word(s). 2.5.2 PHP PHP is a powerful tool for making dynamic and interactive Web pages.PHP is the widely-used, free, and efficient alternative to competitors such as Microsoft's ASP.PHP is an HTMLembedded scripting language10. Much of its syntax is borrowed from C, Java and Perl with a couple of unique PHP-specific features thrown in. The goal of the language is to allow web developers to write dynamically generated pages quickly 2.5.3 Mysql Mysql is a relational database management system. It stores data in separate tables rather than putting all the data in one big storeroom. This adds speed flexibility. The Mysql database server is very fast, reliable cheaper and easy to use and learn. Mysql today offers a rich and useful set of functions. Its connectivity, speed and security make it highly suited for accessing databases on the Internet, it also supports clustering technology. 10 15 Marchr, 2010

2.5.4 Apache server Apache has been the world's most popular Web server (HTTP server) on the Internet since April 1996 and is generally considered to be more stable than other servers. The name Apache derives from the word «patchy» that the Apache developers used to describe early versions of their software. This web server has been chosen because of its performance regarding to the other servers 2.5.5 JavaScript A popular scripting language that is widely supported in Web browsers and other Web tools. It adds interactive functions to HTML pages, which are otherwise static, since HTML is a display language, not a programming language. On the client, JavaScript is maintained as source code embedded into an HTML page. On the server, it is compiled into byte code (intermediate language), similar to Java programs. 2.5.6 CSS It stands for Cascading Style Sheet. Style sheet refers to the document itself. Style sheets have been used for document design for years. They are the technical specifications for a layout, whether print or online. Print designers use style sheets to insure that their designs are printed exactly to specifications.

CHAPTER III: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 3.1 Introduction The third chapter states the methodology used to reach the objectives of the project. The framework in which software is designed, developed, and maintained is known as the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC). It shows the steps, phases, milestones, and evolution of the software development process. There are many types of models used in software design and development. Among them are the spiral models, rapid development model, Evolutionary model, waterfall model, prototyping model, etc. 3.2 Prototyping model Prototyping Model has been used to develop this application. The Prototyping11 model is a technique for quickly building a function but incomplete model of the information

system. 3.3 Advantages of prototyping · Reduces development time. · Reduces development costs. · Requires user involvement. · Developers receive quantifiable user feedback. · Facilitate system implementation since users know what to expect. · Results in higher user satisfaction. · Exposes developers to potential future system enhancements. 3.4 Disadvantages of prototyping · Can lead to insufficient analysis. · Developers can become too attached to their prototypes. · Can cause systems to be left unfinished and/or implemented before they are ready. 11 Whitten Bentley, «Systems analysis and design methods 7th edition», p.70 3.5 The process of prototyping > Identify basic requirement: Determine basic requirements including the input and output information desired. Details, such us security, can typically be ignored. > Develop initial prototype: The initial prototype is developed that includes only user interfaces. > Review: The customers, end-users, examine the prototype and provide feedback on additions or changes. > Revise and enhancing the prototype: Using the feedback, both the specifications and the prototype can be improved. This method involves a series of iterations and refinement until the prototype product is a fully working system, and the user is satisfied. 3.6 Prototype cycle



Figure 5: Prototype Cycle Source: Own drawing using Ms Visio

This prototype model usually consists of the following: > Analyze the users' basic requirements. > Repeat o Develop or revise the working prototype to include the requirements that are known at this stage. o Allow the user to use the prototype to suggest changes to the requirements. If there are no major changes, exit the loop. o Analyze the requested changes with the user. The outcome is usually one of the following: > The final prototype is used as part or all of the specifications for the formal development of the system. > The final prototype is placed into production.

3.6 The importance of using prototyping It has been argued that prototyping, in some form or another, should be used all the time and is very effective in the analysis and design of on-line systems, especially for transaction processing, where the use of screen dialogs is much more in evidence. However, prototyping is most beneficial in systems that will have many interactions with the users. Prototyping is especially good for designing good human-computer interfaces. 3.7 Analysis of the system The initial step while developing an application program consists exactly to find out what to be solved and what should be done and to make sure that the measures taken are consistent and sufficient to resolve the problem. It also consists of finding out what are the requirements specifications that the system will use, who are the users, what is the benefit of the application, those activities are done to help full system analysis 3.7.1 The existing system There is no any other automated product at Kigali International School. The current system is manual. They use Ms Excel, which is so difficult to use, where the user must memorize all features of the tool and this is not easy and results to different errors. 3.7.2 The proposed system While analyzing the existing system, the automated system has been proposed. This is the School Management System. It allows the user to store data, retrieve data and manage simply. Secretary can insert teachers' information, course information, distribute courses among available teachers, inform all teachers for changes and other related to school activities 3.7.3 System requirements Ubuntu Linux Operating system revealed itself as a product of choice because of viruses' issue, but that product can also run under Windows XP, Vista as Operating System, Processor 2.5 GHz and 1014 MB RAM and 60 GB Hard Disk for each machine. 3.8 System Actors

System actor is any person who will use or affected by an information system on a regular basis-capturing, validating, entering, responding to, storing and exchanging data and information. The School Management System has two categories of the system users. They are: · School Secretary. · System Administrator. 3.8.1 Actor glossary Table 1: Actor Glossary User


School Secretary

The school staff in charge of planning courses, teachers, modification of those entries if necessary

System administrator

Creates system new users, modify user or delete user, creates and publish news and announcements, view all information in the system

PROCESS ü Adding courses ü Registering teacher ü Section registration ü Class registration ü User registration ü View all Information ü Course planning ü Time calculation 3.8.2 System outline

INPUT ü Request for Adding course ü Request for registering a teacher. ü Request Section registration ü Request Class registration ü Request User registration ü Request information FILES


ü Courses file

ü Show all courses

ü Teachers file

ü Show all teachers

ü Classes file igre: System

ü Show all section ü Show all classes

ü Users file ü Show all news ü Section file ü Announcement and news file

ü Show all announcements ü Confirmation message ü Error message

Figure 6: System outline Source: Own drawing

3.9 Data flow diagram A data flow diagram concentrate upon the data needed to support the information requirements of the system. What is needed, what the processes that convert it? It provides the notion of structure, static pieces of documentation, communication tool... 3.9.1 Dataflow notations A DFD has 4 keys components Table 2: Dataflow notations External Entity: exist in the system's environment and either provide data to the system (sources) or receive data from the system (sinks). Process: The individual task which when completed in a certain sequence fulfils the overall goal of the system of which is a part. It transform input into output

Data store: contains data which is needed by a process in order for it to be completed

Data Flows: Depict the fact that some data in the form of documents is moving from an external entity to a process or vice versa, from one process to another, from a process to a store or vice versa.

3.9.2 Context Diagram

Figure 7: Context Diagram Source: Own drawing The figure above shows the interaction between the system and external agents which act as data sources and data sinks. The context diagram shows the entire system as a single process, and gives no clues as to its internal organization. Data Flow Diagram Level 0

Figure s: DFD level 0 Source: Own drawing The figure above shows how the system users intervene with the process of the school management system for teachers, courses and how data are sent into different Data files. It shows in general how users interact with the system and how data are being processed to respond the user request. Data Flow Diagram for School Secretary/ Register 1.1


Request information to register 1.1.1 SMS/R/RD Teacher Register data(Teacher, Course, class) class 1.1.3 Registration transimission Field verification SMS/R/RT Data course

1.1.2 Check data SMS/R/CD Send information Confirm registration Figure 9: DFD level 1/ Registration Source: Own drawing The Figure above shows how secretary interact with the system to process registration of courses, teachers and classes. Data Flow Diagram for School Secretary/ View

Request of viewing Course id Send information Return information

Confirmation of Viewing Figure 10: DFD level 1/ View Source: Own drawing The figure above shows the way for secretary to view all information necessary . Data Flow Diagram for Secretary/ Edit

Request of viewing 1.3 1.3.1 teacher Register data(teacher, Course, class) class

SMS/M/Inf teacher id Class id 1.3.3 Providing information Confirmation SMS/M/MD SMS/M Modify data Course id course 1.3.2 Request information SMS/M/RI Send information Return information Figure 11: DFD level 1/ Edit Source: Own Drawing The figure above explains how secretary interact with the system to edit data where necessary. Data Flow Diagram for System Administrator/ Create User

Rea uest user creation User information User information User creation confirmation Figure 12: DFD level 1/ User creation Source: Own drawing The figure above shows the process of creating user, and here the user said is school secretary. This task is performed by System administrator.

3.9.3 Entity Relationship Diagram of SMS

Figure 13: Entity relationship Source: SMS The figure above shows the tables in SMS Database, how the relationships between entities are created. This graphic is made by using MYSQL Workbench and are normalized to remove some anomalies. Rectangles represent entities; the entity name is placed at the top and the attributes at the bottom.

CHAPTER IV: IMPLEMENTATION OF SMS 4.1 Interfaces of SMS 4.1.1 Home Page of SMS

Figure 14: Home Page of SMS Source: SMS The figure above shows how the system looks at its home page. This is the interface for everyone who can access the system. 4.1.2 The Login Page

Figure 15: The Login Page

Source: SMS The figure below is the page where is the login utility. Here there is authentication for users. The user must specify his/her Username and password then login as Administrator to perform the required tasks. 4.1.3 Administration Page

Figure 16: Administration Page Source: SMS This the page where the user, secretary or Administrator will works. He/She can add students, add course, schedule the course, add student, and edit all features. It is the page where all tasks of the system can be performed it appears after login. 4.1.4 Page for course scheduling

Figure 17: Page for course scheduling Source: SMS The figure above shows the planes courses 4.1.5 Page of form for scheduling course

Figure 18: Page of form for scheduling course

Source: SMS Course scheduling form: Here the school's secretary can plan the course. Edit it and delete if necessary. The course may be planned by trimester where the start date and end date is mentioned. 4.1.6 View teachers

Figure 19: View teachers Source: SMS The figure above shows the list of available teachers at KIS, they can be modified as the manager wishes or updated due to any change that can occur. 4.1.7 Registering new teacher

Figure 20: Registering new teacher Source: SMS The figure above shows the way to register new teacher, I shows the details of teacher, personal identification and educational level. 4.1.8 List courses to edit or delete some of them

Figure 21: List courses to edit or delete some of them Source: SMS The figure above shows how you can add or delete a course from a list. 4.2 Hypothesis

Verification At the end of the work the hypothesis of the project were accomplished as suggested by the researcher. The Hypothesis was to demonstrate that the implementation of the management system of a school will improve the quality of services in Kigali International School, creating an automated application to plan and manage the delivery of courses. Finally the prototype has been created and can be used.

CHAPTER V: CONCLUSION AND RECOMMANDATION 5.1 CONCLUSION The main objective of this study was to provide a solution to the problem at school Kigali International School, in its many difficulties in managing teachers, courses and students. This objective was successfully achieved for a practical solution it is possible to implement SMS at Kigali International School. But due to the limited time it is still a prototype which once improved can be successful for such Kind of schools.

5.2 RECOMMANDATIONS As the Methodology used in this project is the prototyping the researcher recommends the following: For further researchers to continue to create similar product for differents schools in Rwanda using web based application tools. To improve the security they can use Java applets For KIS, the researcher recommend this school to provide the requirements in matter of equipments in other to setup the product at its level so that to shift for new prototype can be made while this product is in production.

REFERENCES I. BOOKS 1. Saint JOSEPH Computer learning Center (System Analysis & Design e- Book) page 5 2. Whitten & Bently, 2007, Systems analysis and design methods, 7th edition, McGraw-Hill,chap.1 3. Whitten & Bently, 2007, Systems analysis and design methods, 7th edition,

McGraw-Hill ,chap3 4. Whitten Bentley, «Systems analysis and design methods 7th edition», p.70

II. WEBOGRAPHY 1. 2.,,sid91gci211902,00.html 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. I

APPENDIX Coding using model We used EasyPHP which helped us to create a transitional object and the MySQL database to build a persistent object of our data model. The following class implements logins and passwords. SMS :: Administrator HOME


monthnames = new Array( "January", "Februrary", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "Decemeber"); var linkcount=0; function addlink(month, day, href) { var entry = new Array(3); entry[0] = month; entry[1] = day; entry[2] = href; this[linkcount++] = entry; }

Array.prototype.addlink = addlink; linkdays = new Array(); monthdays = new Array(12); III monthdays[0]=31; monthdays[1]=28; monthdays[2]=31; monthdays[3]=30; monthdays[4]=31; monthdays[5]=30; monthdays[6]=31; monthdays[7]=31; monthdays[8]=30; monthdays[9]=31; monthdays[10]=30; monthdays[11]=31; todayDate=new Date(); thisday=todayDate.getDay(); thismonth=todayDate.getMonth(); thisdate=todayDate.getDate(); thisyear=todayDate.getYear(); thisyear = thisyear % 100; thisyear = ((thisyear < 50) ? (2000 + thisyear) : (1900 + thisyear)); if (((thisyear % 4 == 0) && !(thisyear % 100 == 0)) ||(thisyear % 400 == 0)) monthdays[1]++; startspaces=thisdate; while (startspaces > 7) startspaces-=7; startspaces = thisday - startspaces + 1; if (startspaces < 0) startspaces+=7; document.write(""); document.write("" + monthnames[thismonth] + " " + thisyear + ""); document.write(""); document.write("Su"); document.write("M"); document.write("Tu"); document.write("W"); document.write("Th"); document.write("F"); document.write("Sa"); document.write("");

document.write(""); for (s=0;s

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