Design and Development of Condition Monitoring and Control System For Distribution Transformer

August 23, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Jdshbe aej Jdvdnopgdet om Coejhthoe Goehtorheb aej coetron Systdg mor Jhstrhluthoe Zraesmorgdr(Casd om ToB) 

Jdcnarathoe Rd, t`d uejdrshbedj, jdcnard t`at t`hs proidct p roidct hs orhbhean worf, `as eot ldde prdsdetdj mor a jdbrdd he t`hs or aey ot`dr uehvdrshthds, aej ann sourcds om gatdrhans usdj mor t`d proidct `avd ldde munny acfeowndjbdj.  Eagd om t`d Stujdet Dlra`hg Xhgag S`agldn Ayandw










Shetayd`u Jdghsshd Zajdssd Gdquaehet









Ajvhsor Approvan

Z`d proidct `as ldde sulghttdj mor dxagheathoe wht` gy approvan as a uehvdrshty ajvhsor.  Eagd om Ajvhsor Jr. Aljunra`gae







Mocus Arda Coorjheator Gr. Eurdjhe. G Jdpartgdet @daj  Gr. Dsthmaeos.J 



Tehvdrshty om Boejar Hesthtutd om Zdc`eonoby 



Jdshbe aej Jdvdnopgdet om Coejhthoe Goehtorheb aej coetron Systdg mor Jhstrhluthoe Zraesmorgdr(Casd om ToB) 

ACFEORNDJBDGDEZ   Mhrst wd dxprdss our `darthdst t`aefs aej bratdmunedss to our anghb`ty anghb`t y Boj mor @hs jhvhed lndssheb gafds us posshlnd to cogpndtd t`hs proidct succdssmunny. Rd wounj nhfd to dxprdss our `darthdst brathtujd to Jdpartgdet om dndctrhcan aej cogputdr debheddrheb @daj Gr. Dsthmaeos.J, C`ahr om jdpartgdet Gr. Eurdjhe. G aej ann om our jdpartgdet stamm mor t`dhr fhej `dnp to mhehs` our proidct. Rd wounj nhfd to t`aef our dethrd coursd gatd he Boejar Tehvdrshty, w`o toof part he t`hs jhscuss w`hnd cogpndtheb t`d coursd cou rsd worf. Rd wounj nhfd to tafd t`hs opportuehty to dxprdss dx prdss our `dartmdnt brathtujd to our Ajvhsor Jr. Aljunra`gae  mor `hs buhjaecd, aej hestructhoe t`at `d `as bhvde us to cogpndtd our proidct he suc` a thgd. Rd `avd ldde alnd to ndare t`d sfhnns mrog `hg, w`hc` `avd ldedmhttdj us hggdesdny aej whnn coetheud to `dnp us t`roub`out our muturd dejdavors, lot` acajdghcanny acajdghc anny aej promdsshoeanny. Mheanny, wd gust acfeowndjbd wht` jud rdspdct t`d coestaet supports aej pathdets om our pardets. 

Tehvdrshty om Boejar Hesthtutd om Zdc`eonoby 



Jdshbe aej Jdvdnopgdet om Coejhthoe Goehtorheb aej coetron Systdg mor Jhstrhluthoe Zraesmorgdr(Casd om ToB) 

ALSZ\ACZ Coejhthoe Goehtorheb aej coetron (CGC) systdg hs tafde to gdae t`d usd om ajvaecdj tdc`eonobhds he orjdr to jdtdrghed dquhpgdet coejhthoe, aej potdethanny prdjhct mahnurd. mahnurd. CGC hs dssdethan to prdvdet maunts t`at ard costny to rdpahr aej rdsunt noss om sdrvhcd. Ht hs usdj to protdct aej desurd t`d t`d hetdbrhty, rdnhalhnhty aej muecthoeanhty om jhstrhluthoe traesmorgdrs he Tehvdrshty om Boejar (ToB). Ht `as a brdat ajvaetabd to hgprovd juralhnhty om t`d jhstrhluthoe traesmorgdrs w`hc` ard hestanndj wht` a `hb` cost aej a ej `ugae dmmort. Mor t`d protdcthoe om jhstrhluthoe traesmorgdr, wd usd Arjuheo Teo ghcrocoetronndr, Stdp jowe traesmorgdr, tdgpdraturd sdesor, vontabd rdbunator, ohn ndvdn sdesor, rdcthmhdr, rdnay &rdnay jrhvd. Zo jo t`hs proidct wd conndctdj t`d jata, aeanyzdj aej jhscussdj t`d conndctdj jata to s`ow t`d systdg jdshbe usheb lnocf jhabrag aej mnow c`art mor t`d proidct. p roidct. Z`d tdgpdraturd sdesor hs usdj to sdesd t`d traesmorgdr whejheb tdgpdratur d aej t`d ohn ndvdn sdesor sdesd t`d ohn ndvdn om t`d traesmorgdr t`de t`d sdesor‘s output hs coeedctdj to t`d ghcrocoetronndr. ghcrocoetronndr. Currdet traesmorgdrs ard usdj to gdasurd or goehtor t`d currdet he t`d ndaj om ae ac powdr chrcuht. ]ontabd traesmorgdrs ard usdj to gdasurd or goehtor t`d vontabd he t`d ndaj om ae ac powdr chrcuht aej t`d sdesor output pass t`roub` t`d coejhthoean chrcuht w`hc` bods jhrdctny to ghcrocoetronndr. Z`d ghcrocoetronndrs ghcrocoetronndrs sdej t`d goehtordj paragdtdrs to NCJ. R`hnd goehtorheb t`d  paragdtdrs, hm a maunt maunt occurs w`hc` ghb`t ld `hb` `hb` tdgpdraturd or ovdr currdet, t`d t`d ghcrocoetronndr sdejs a trhp shbean to t`d rdnay aej t`drdly protdctheb t`d traesmorgdr mrog jagabheb. Mheanny, t`d ovdrann systdg gojdn mor goehtorheb aej coetronnheb jhstrhluthoe traesmorgdr paragdtdrs hs shgunatdj usheb protdus somtward aej rdsunts ard vanhjatdj.

Tehvdrshty om Boejar Hesthtutd om Zdc`eonoby 



Jdshbe aej Jdvdnopgdet om Coejhthoe Goehtorheb aej coetron Systdg mor Jhstrhluthoe Zraesmorgdr(Casd om ToB) 

Zalnd om Coetdet ACFEORNDJBDGDEZ ....................................................................................................... ................................................... ....................................................................... ................... hh ALSZ\ACZ ............................................................................................................ ...................................................... ......................................................................................... ................................... hhh Nhst om mhburds .......................................................................................................... .................................................... ....................................................................................... ................................. vhhh Nhst om allrdvhathoe .................................................... ......................................................................................................... ................................................................................ ........................... hx C@A[ZD\ OED ......................................................................................................................................... 1 Hetrojucthoe .................................................................................................... .............................................. ................................................................................................... ............................................. 1 1.1 Lacfbrouej om Stujy ...................................................................................................... .................................................. ....................................................................... ................... 1 1.< Statdgdet om t`d [rolndg .................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................ .................. 3 1.3 Olidcthvds om Coejhthoe Goehtorheb aej Coetron Systdg S ystdg ................................................................ 3 1.3.1 Bdedran Olidcthvd ....................................................................................................................... 3 1.3.< Spdchmhc Olidcthvd....................................................................................................................... Olidcthvd....................................................................................................................... : 1.: Gdt`ojonoby ..................................................................................................................................... : 1.:.1 Gatdrhans usds ............................................................................................................................. : 1.:.< Gdt`ojonoby ................................................................................................... .............................................. ................................................................................. ............................ : 1.4 Scopd om t`d [roidct........................................................................................................................... 4 1.= Ldedmht om t`d proidct .................................................. ...................................................................................................... ....................................................................... ................... = Nhtdraturd \dvhdw........................................................................................................................................ 2
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