Descriptive Text

September 25, 2017 | Author: SriWahyuni | Category: Nature
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Short Description

MyEnglish Assignment...


By : Name

: Ni Made Sri Wahyuni


: X.4

List Number : 25

School Year 2013/2014 1

Contents 1.

Victoria Waterfall ........................................................................................................................... 3


Kuta Beach ...................................................................................................................................... 4


Borobudur Temple .......................................................................................................................... 5


Elephant Cave ................................................................................................................................. 7


Tirta Empul - Tampak Siring Temple ............................................................................................. 8


Ulun Danu Beratan Temple ............................................................................................................ 9


Mount Tangkuban Perahu ............................................................................................................. 11


Pangandaran Beach ....................................................................................................................... 13


Jatiluhur Dam ................................................................................................................................ 14

10. Alor and Lembata Island............................................................................................................... 15 11. Ubud Monkey Forest .................................................................................................................... 16 12. Taman Ayun Temple .................................................................................................................... 17 13. Penglipuran Village ...................................................................................................................... 18 14. Sukasada Park ............................................................................................................................... 19 15. Maimoon Palace ........................................................................................................................... 20 16. The Great Mosque......................................................................................................................... 21 17. National Monument ...................................................................................................................... 22 18. Jaya Ancol Dreamland .................................................................................................................. 23 19. National Museum .......................................................................................................................... 24 20. Maritime Museum......................................................................................................................... 25 21. Ragunan Zoo ................................................................................................................................. 26 22. Fine Art and Ceramic Museum ..................................................................................................... 27 23. Ujung Kulon National Park .......................................................................................................... 28 24. Bengawan Solo River ................................................................................................................... 29 25. Ambarawa Railway Museum ........................................................................................................ 30 26. Krakatau Volcano ......................................................................................................................... 31 27. Way Kambas National Park .......................................................................................................... 32 28. The Eiffel Tower ........................................................................................................................... 33 29. Japan Country ............................................................................................................................... 34 30. Mount Fuji .................................................................................................................................... 35


1. Victoria Waterfall The Victoria Falls or Mosi-oa-Tunya (the Smoke that Thunders, and note that the 'i' is silent) is a waterfall located in southern Africa on the Zambezi River between the countries of Zambia and Zimbabwe. It is claimed to be the largest. This claim is based on a width of 1,708 metres (5,604 ft) and height of 108 metres (354 ft), forming the largest sheet of falling water in the world. The falls' maximum flow rate compares well with that of other major waterfalls. For a considerable distance upstream from the falls, the Zambezi flows over a level sheet of basalt, in a shallow valley bounded by low and distant sandstone hills. The river's course is dotted with numerous treecovered islands, which increase in number as the river approaches the falls. There are no mountains, escarpments, or deep valleys which might be expected to create a waterfall, only flat plateau extending hundreds of kilometres in all directions. The falls are formed as the full width of the river plummets in a single vertical drop into a transverse chasm 1708 metres (5604 ft) wide, carved by its waters along a fracture zone in the basalt plateau. The depth of the chasm, called the First Gorge, varies from 80 metres (260 ft) at its western end to 108 metres (354 ft) in the centre. The only outlet to the First Gorge is a 110 metres (360 ft) wide gap about two-thirds of the way across the width of the falls from the western end, through which the whole volume of the river pours into the Victoria Falls gorges. There are two islands on the crest of the falls that are large enough to divide the curtain of water even at full flood: Boaruka Island (or Cataract Island) near the western bank, and Livingstone Island near the middle — the place that David Livingstone first saw the falls from in Zambia. At less than full flood, additional islets divide the curtain of water into separate parallel streams. The main streams are named, in order from Zimbabwe (west) to Zambia (east): Devil's Cataract (called Leaping Water by some), Main Falls, Rainbow Falls (the highest) and the Eastern Cataract.


2. Kuta Beach Kuta Beach is a beautiful beach in a southern Bali. Its location is in Badung Regency, 9 km from Denpasar, the capital of Bali exactly near Bali's Ngurah Rai Airport. Kuta is one of the first towns with substantial tourist development and also remains one of Indonesia's major tourist destinations. Its long sandy beach is known internationally, with its varied accommodation, many restaurants and bars, and many renowned surfers. It is also well-known as the right place for people to see scenic sunset in the afternoon. People who come to Bali will be very unlucky if they do not see the panoramic sunset in this town. It is real that tourists feel happy to be there. They can sunbathe, swim, surf, play soccer beach, kite flying, play volleyball or just take a walk. Yes, they can do many activities in this beach for its complete beach activities. For persons who like playing soccer, do not forget to try the game with some locals. The locals usually set up the goal posts between Hard Rock Cafe and Discovery Shopping Mall at 16.00. When the day becomes dark, the nightlife of Kuta often begins too late, at around 23.00. The scene is full of different atmospheres and entertainment in bars and pubs which some of them give live bands, fashion shows, DJ's and sexy dancers. Being hungry and hoping to have a dinner, many restaurants are ready to serve their best recipes with a lot of international cuisines. Some of the famous restaurants in Kuta are B' Couple Bar N' Grill, Blue Fin, ESC, Flapjacks, Gabah Restaurant & Bar, Kopi Pot, Kori Restaurant & Bar, Maccaroni Restaurant & Bar, Made's Warung, Papa's Cafe, Queen's Tandoor, Sailfin, Stadium Cafe, Sushi Tei, Take Restaurant and so on. Needing a hotel around Kuta beach, do not worry because Kuta also offers its best varied hotels and resorts which most of the them give beachfront locations with their various styles and budget ranges. In these hotels and resorts you can choose your best. It is really the worth town to visit. Kuta with its beauty of the beach will make the tourists feel satisfied and hope to visit it back. Believe it or not, though for 50 years ago Kuta is the village of fishermen nowadays it is called as the International City because this town is the place where tourists all over the world meet each other.


3. Borobudur Temple Borobudur is one of the greatest Buddhist monuments in the world. Founded by a king of the Saliendra dynasty, it was built to honour the glory of both the Buddha and its founder, a true king Bodhisattva. The name Borobudur is believed to have been derived from the Sanskrit words vihara Buddha uhr, meaning the Buddhist monastery on the hill. Borobudur temple is located in Muntilan, Magelang, and is about 42 km from Yogyakarta city. This colossal temple was built between AD 750 and 842: 300 years before Cambodia's Angkor Wat, 400 years before work had begun on the great European cathedrals. Little is known about its early history except that a huge army of workers worked in the tropical heat to shift and carve the 60,000 m3 of stone. At the beginning of the 11th century AD, because of the political situation in Central Java, divine monuments in that area, including the Borobudur Temple became completely neglected and given over to decay. The Sanctuary was exposed to volcanic eruption and other ravages of nature. The temple was not rediscovered until the 19th century. A first restoration campaign, supervised by Theodor van Erp, was undertaken shortly after the turn of the century. A second one was led more recently (1973-82). A harmonious marriage of stupas, temple-mountain and the ritual diagram, this temple complex was built on several levels around a hill which forms a natural centre. The first level above the base comprises five square terraces, graduated in size and forming the base of a pyramid. Above this level are three concentric circular platforms crowned by the main stupa. Stairways provide access to this monumental stupa. The base and the balustrades enclosing the square terraces are decorated in reliefs sculpted in the stone. They illustrate the different phases of the soul's progression towards redemption and episodes from the life of Buddha. The circular terraces are decorated with no fewer than 72 openwork stupas each containing a statue of Buddha. Stylistically the art of Borobudur is a tributary of Indian influences (Gupta and post-Gupta styles). The walls of Borobudur are sculptured in bas-reliefs, extending over a total length of 6 km. It has been hailed as the largest and most complete ensemble of Buddhist reliefs in the world, unsurpassed in artistic merit, each scene an individual masterpiece. The narratives reliefs on the main walls read from the right to left, those on the balustrade from left to right. This was done for the purpose of the Pradaksina, the ritual circumambulation which the pilgrims make moving on the clockwise and keeping the sanctuary to the right. The Karmawibangga reliefs on the hidden foot are devoted to the law of karma. The Lalitavistara series do not provide a complete biography of the Buddha, from the Hushita heaven and end his sermon in the Deer Park near the Benares. Jataka are stories about the Buddha before he was born as Prince Sidharta. Awadana are similar to Jataka, but the main figure is not the Boddhisatva, and the saintly deeds are attributed to other legendary persons.


The stories are compiled in the Dvijavadana (Glorious Heavenly Acts) and the Awadana Sataka(Hundred Awadanas). The first twenty panels in the lower series of the first gallery depict, the Sudhanakumaravadana. The series of reliefs covering the wall of the second gallery is devoted to Sudhana's tireless wanderings in search of the Highest Perfect Wisdom. The story is continued on the wall and balustrade of the third and fourth galleries. Its depiction in most of the 460 panels is based on the holy Nahayana text Gandavyuha, the concluding scenes being derived from another text, theBadracari.


4. Elephant Cave Welcome to Gua Gajah (Elephant Cave) which is located in west side of Bedulu countryside, Blah Batuh Sub district and Gianyar Regency. It is about 27 km from Denpasar town. This cave is built at crevasse edge from the federation of 2 rills that is called Pangkung River , where the irrigation is mixed with Petanu River flow. The federation area of two rivers is called Campuhan/Mixture. It owns the magical energy on the basis of Rwabineda Concept/two different matters on this basic concept hence Gua Gajah (Elephant Cave) is intentionally built among two rivers. The word of Gua Gajah is anticipated coming from the word of Lwa Gajah, the name of Buddhist Temple or hermitage for Buddhist monk. The Gua Gajah's name is written on Negarakertagama papyrus which is compiled by Mpu Prapanca on 1365 M. Lwa or Lwah/loh mean the river and it reflect to the meaning that the hermitage is located at Gajah River or in Air Gajah. In the year inscription 944 Saka, it is mentioned with the name of ‘ser ring Air Gajah' that is meaning the Subak leader in Air Gajah. The word has mentioned that the hermitage of Lwa Gajah is located in Subak Air Gajah. There is a relief which is almost looking like the form of mountain on the entrance of this cave. It was carved many designed on the relief like grove with the stick, close leaf, animal for example forest pig, tortoise and specters. The cave mouth is decorated by the bas-relief with the eye turn around to the right or west side. There is an article letter of Kediri type from the early of 11 century was written on the wall left side or east side. There is a pool (Patirthaan) as a place to take the holy Tirtha water for Hindu ceremony which is located in the middle of the cave courtyard. This Holy Pool is previously piled up by land and it has been found on 1954 by Krijgsman from the Ancient Department. The Holy pool is equipped by the statue douche which is parallel arranged in two groups. Since it is appointed as tourist destination, Gua Gajah is many visited by tourist everyday due to it is strategically located on the main roadUbud – Kintamani. Kintamani Volcano Tour is one of the famous land tour in Bali usually put this tourist destination on the tour itinerary. It was well completed by public facilities like toilet, parking area and souvenir shops available.


5. Tirta Empul - Tampak Siring Temple Tirta Empul Temple or Tampak Siring Temple is a holy spring water temple located in Tampak Siring Village, Gianyar regency and it is about 39 km eastwards from Denpasar town. It is set in the dale and encircled by the hill. In the west side of this temple, there is an Indonesian President palace which has been found by the first president. The name of Tirta Empul is loaded in a inscription which is kept at Sakenan Temple, Manukaya village, Sub district of Tampak Siring, about 3 km from Tirta Empul Temple. In this inscription, the Tirta Empul is named by the Tirta Ri Air Hampul and then the name has changed into Tirta Hampul and finally become the Tirta Empul. Tirta Ri air hampul is meaning the water emerge or the holy pool (Petirthan) which is the water emerge from the land. The wellspring emerges from the land is believed that it is the infinite creation. According to the history, that, that this water source is arranged and sanctified by king Indrajayasinghawarmadewa in the year 882 Saka (960 M). He has given the name with Tirta ri air hampul. The data is loaded in the inscription that is located at Sakenan Temple. Besides of the above epigraphy data, in Tirta Empul Temple is also found the archaeology omission like Colossus Yoni, Arca Lion, Tepasana and Tirta Empul Pool. According to papyrus of Usana Bali narrated that Tirta Empul is created by Bhatara Indra (Sun Deity) when bearing arms against the king where his palace is located in Bedahulu Countryside. He is known as a very miraculous king, which he can lose or show suddenly, therefore he is named by Mayadenawa. Because of its miracle, he becomes the arrogance and expressing himself as a god. The Mayadenawa King owns the assistant (Patih) which is called Kalawong. They prohibit the people to do the Yadnya (praying to the god) so that is often happened the natural disaster, disease epidemic, agriculture fail and finally miserable life society. Finally Betara Indra (one of Hindu God) gives battle against the kings that happened in Tampak Siring and then the Mayadenawa is gone to the wall and disappear. King Mayadenawa has also created poisonous pools which can the team of Bathara Indra die and faint after drinking this water. Then Bathara Indra stick the weapon of Umbul-umbul and finally the water is emerging so that called by Tirta Empul and then it is passed to the dead and faint soldier that made them back to live. Therefore at the moment this pool water is sanctified by the Hindu society in Bali and they believe that this water source can heal various of diseases, hence every day this place is a lot of visited by Hindu people to do the ritual and sanctify them self . This place has been opened for public and as a famous tourist destination in Bali.


6. Ulun Danu Beratan Temple Ulun Danu Temple is a Balinese Hindu Temple located at Candi Kuning countryside, Baturiti sub district and Tabanan regency. The distance from Denpasar town is about 50 km north side the way from Denpasar to Singaraja. It is set at lakeside of Beratan with beautiful lake view and hills surround it. It is situated in the plateau area with cool atmosphere surround it and hills as a backdrop. We can find at north side of this temple is Pucak Sangkur mount, in the eastside there is Beratan Mount which also referred as Pucak Mangu or Pucak Pangelengan, in the south side there is Terate Bang Mount and in the Westside there is Tapak Mount and Watukaru Mount. The name of Ulun Danu Beratan Temple is taken from the lake where the temple is built at Beratan Lake. The name of Beratan Lake is inseparable with the Beratan Mount as Deity and Goddess as fertility source, prosperity to keep the prosperity in life and society life. In papyrus chronicle of the Mengwi, this temple is referred as the name of Parhyangan ri pinggiring danu Beratan (sanctum located in lakeside of Beratan Lake ). Ulun is come from Hulu word meaning head or power and in this case is intended by Ulun Danu Beratan means power of Beratan Lake that is Danu Goddess. Ulun Danu Beratan Temple is consisted of 4 temples complex that are:  

 

Lingga Petak Temple owns the function to worship the Siwa God Penataran Pucak Mangu Temple is referred this gate as Parhyangan ri pinggiring rawa Beratan or Danu Beratan Temple is founded by I Gusti Agung Putu to worship the Hyang ing Parwata or Deity which is placed in Pucak Mangu that is Bhatara Hyang Danawa as according to papyrus of Padma Bhuwana and Usana Bali, because Mangu Mount is located in north direction, hence it is called the Bhatara Hyang Danawa or Wisnu God Terate Bang Temple is functioning to worship of Brahma God Dalem Purwa Temple is functioning to worship of Danu Goddess which is considered to be miraculous of the Bhatara Hyang Danawa or Laksmi Goddess.

In Papyrus Chronicle of the Mengwi is elaborated by the history of Ulun Danu Beratan Temple founding together with existence of the Mengwi Empire. Therefore its status is pertained with the secondhand of Temple Empire what is usually pertained as Dang Kahyangan. It is the same to the description in papyrus of Usana Bali and Padma Bhuwana, hence Puncak Mangu Temple where the Panyawangan (representative place to worship) is the Ulun Danu Beratan Temple. So it is called by entire Balinese residents as Kahyangan Jagat (The Biggest Group of Hindu Temple in Bali ) Temple Ceremony 9

The temple ceremony execution at Ulun Danu Beratan Temple is consisted of two types those are: 

The temple ceremony which is executed every six-month (210 days) that on Anggara (Tuesday) Kliwon Julungwangi (Base on Balinese Hindu calendar). Every 12 months (420 days) is executed by the bigger ceremony from the ordinary ceremony, so-called Piodalan Agung Pakelem ceremony is executed at any times as according to situation and condition. The Pakelem ceremony owns the function to worship the supremacy and also cheapness of the infinite for award of life, fertility, prosperity, as impact of the existence of ecosystem balance so that give the benefit for life and universe life forever and ever, during Beratan Lake and Beratan Mount stand up

If we look into the location, this temple is located in Beratan lakeside and it was the unique Bali Temple which are now many tourists paying a visit to this place. It is situated in the plateau area and surrounded by cold weather and owns the magnificent view which makes impression for every visitor. It is strategically located beside the main road from Denpasar to Singaraja. It is very easy to locate this temple by following the main road with the good access. You may also join Bedugul Tours or Singaraja Tour to visit this beautiful temple.


7. Mount Tangkuban Perahu

Tangkuban perahu is a volcano, 25 kilometers north of Bandung direction of Lembang. Its location is in between Sagalaherang village, Sagalaherang district, Subang regency and Cikole village, Lembang district, Bandung regency. This is Bandung's most famous tourist volcano just 28 km north of the city. This volcano offers many places to see and explore. Whether we look into the huge crater or hike down into it, stroll through the forest on its slopes, or simply enjoy the splendid panoramic scenery. Mt. Tangkuban Perahu is an interesting destination that everyone in the Bandung area is fond of visiting. When seen from Bandung, Mt. Tangkuban Perahu has a distinctive shape, like an upside down boat. Tangkuban Perahu means, in fact, "up-turned boat" This peculiar shape has stimulated the fantasy of the Sundanese people from early times as expressed in the Legend of Sangkuriang. Geologically, Mt. Tangkuban Perahu has played a significant role in the development of Parahyangan highlands. Eruptions have contributed immensely to the hills north of Bandung through lava flowing into the valleys and hardening into rock, thus forming big cliffs over which waterfalls leap. Likewise, mud flows have formed a semi-circular cone of gentle gradient (what geologists call "a fan"), which is now a mass that blocked the valley of the ancient Citarum River near present day in Padalarang (some 18 km west of Bandung), this caused a lake to form covering the whole Bandung plain. Tangkuban Perahu is a volcano with three craters into which areas tourists can walk through. These three craters are: Kawah Ratu ("Queen Crater"), Kawah Domas ("Domas Crater"), and Kawah Upas ("Upas Crater"). Tourists can go down into the Domas Crater where exist many hot geysers in which they can boil eggs. Though the mountain appears peaceful, mild eruptions occurred in 1969, when Kawah Ratu spewed ash and barrages 500 m high. As recently as September 1992 it was closed to the public for a few days because unusually high seismic activity leads volcanologist to fear a new eruption. On the mountain's northern flank is an area called Death Valley, so named for its frequent accumulation of poisonous gases. On a reasonably clear day, from Kawah Ratu, the main crater, we can see not only the mountain range to the east, with Mt. Bukittunggul as its highest peak (2,209 m), but also two other in a northeasterly direction. The lower and nearer one is Mt. Tampomas (1,684 m) just north of Sumedang some 40 km away. To the right and about 90 km away is Mt. Ciremai close to Cirebon on the north coast. At 3,078 m, Mt. Ciremai is West Java's tallest mountain. At the foot of Mt. Tangkuban Perahu we see the Ciater tea plantation covering the rolling hills. Farther to the left are the northern coastal plains of Java, and on an extremely clear day we may even be able to see the Java Sea beyond. 11

Kawah Ratu, which means "Queen's Crater", is today just a big gray hole, which sometimes has a pool of water at its center. Poisonous gases sometimes accumulate in Kawah Ratu, thus making it somewhat of a risk to descend to the crater floor. Beyond the saddled shaped depression on the far side of Kawah Ratu is the still active Kawah Upas, the oldest crater on the mountain. On the very far western cliff we see a spot where all vegetation has been destroyed by constantly rising sulfurous vapors. On the crater walls, note the various layers of material consisting of rock, sand, and pebbles. Overtime, new craters have formed again and again in a rather consistent shift from west to east. The most well known of these is the Domas crater, but also there are other smaller ones in jungle on the mountain's northeastern flank. Facilities in Tangkuban Perahu Crater are comfortable parking area, souvenir kiosks, and restaurants.


8. Pangandaran Beach Small mainland peninsula with a national park with beaches and stunning scenery to rival the beaches of Bali on the south coast of Java. Pangandaran is one of Java's best-kept secrets as far as international tourists are concerned, but has been extremely popular with locals for along, long time. A small fishing town, it possesses one of Java's finest beaches and Pangandaran Nature Reserve teems with wild buffalo, barking deer and monkeys. The people are very friendly, this combined with the idealize surroundings make this a great place to spend a few days relaxing island-style. Pangandaran is halfway between Bandung and Yogya, about 5 hours by bus from Bandung and 8 hours from Jakarta. This is the second beach resort area on the Indian Ocean after Pelabuhan Ratu. The site is 223 from Bandung and 400km from Jakarta. The trip by car or bus is recommendable because the road conditions are good. However, if we prefer to take the train, get into Bandung-Yogyakarta Express train and get off at the Banjar railroad station about 4 hours later. From here it will be another 50 km by bus to Pangandaran. The beach is called Penanjung, where most of the cottages and hotels are located, however, of modest ratings. Nothing luxurious should be expected. Pangandaran is especially of interest to nature lovers, as there is a wildlife reserve in the vicinity where wild birds and other indigenous animals live about freely to be enjoyed by visitors. In Pangandaran visitors will like fine white beaches, blue ocean and fine seafood. Twelve kilometers before arriving at Pangandaran visitors will see a huge rock on the beach, which is called Karang Nini. Another place of special interest for nature lovers is a forest Conservation Park, close to the camping ground, which has basic facilities suitable for the younger set. Somewhat further out, west of Pangandaran, driving 23 km on the way to Parigi, lays Batu Hiu, meaning Shark's Rock, a coastal rock that has the shark shape.


9. Jatiluhur Dam Purwakarta is a part of West Java, a small district with its beautiful scenery of Jatiluhur Dam. It is located 9 kilometers from Purwakarta, is known as Juanda Dam, which could accommodate 3 billion cubic of water from Citarum River. Situated halfway between Jakarta and Bandung, this dam was originally built with French technical assistance in the 1950's to generate electrical power for the region. It is the first multipurpose dam in Indonesia. It now provides irrigation to the surrounding Arabic land and a fishery industry has been developed as well. It is now being developed for tourism and provides convenient facilities such as swimming pools, tennis courts, a camping ground, and speedboats for water skiing and cottages. The reservoir is huge, the scenery tropical, the air crisp and cool. In the dam, there are six turbine units with installed capacity of 187 megawatts and could generate electricity of 1,000 million kilowatt ours per year. Besides, the dam functions to feed water to irrigation channel of 242,000 hectares of farming land provide raw water for drinking water, as fishery and as flood control. Grama Tirta is a place where we can enjoy our holiday doing various kinds of outdoor sporting activities. Enjoy a morning walk at Jatiluhur Dam, inhaling the crisp fresh air. Let the cool morning dew on the grass and melodious songs of bird greet in each morning. Catch a glimpse of our Morning Glory and its breathtaking beauty will inspire us to new heights. For those who love water sports and recreation, 8,300 hectares dam with its year round crystal clear waters, will be difficult to resist. Climb into a paddleboat to explore the Jatiluhur Dam, or just sit back and relax in a motorboat to experience the great outdoors. And if speed and challenge are what we are looking for, the fleet of jet skis will propel the tourists to all corners of the lake. Asides from its function as hydro power plant, Jatiluhur dam also has a number of recreation facilities including hotels, bungalow, bar and restaurant, tennis court, billiard, camping site, swimming pool, meeting room, water sport recreation center, playground etc. Water sport recreation center includes rowing, surfing, water ski, boating and shipping. In Jatiluhur dam, there is a Ikan Keramba Jaring Apung or Keramba Fish Floating Net activity, that could become a distinguished activity in the dam. In the daylight or at night, we can fish with peace and eat roasted fishes.



Alor and Lembata Island

Alor and Lembata Islands are the least visited and are therefore the most unspoiled regions of East Nusa Tenggara (NTT). Trek to the rim of Pantar volcano, visit the traditional whaling village on Lembata or dive the straits of Alor at a dive destination rated by all to be amongst the best in the world. Alor Island regency is the least visited and therefore the most unspoiled region of Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT). Trek to the rim of a volcano on Pantar or dive the straits of Alor and Pantar in a dive destination rated by all to be amongst the best in the world. Ponder on the existence of the Moko drums, which are not found in large numbers anywhere else in Indonesia and can be traced back to the Dongson period in Vietnam around 350 BC and you start to realize that Alor is truly a land lost in time. Alor diving is known as the best in the world With its smoldering Volcanoes reaching down into crystal clear waters fringed with pristine coral reefs, coconut fringed pure white sandy beaches and traditional villages built half way up mountains, the scenery is as spectacular above as it is below the waterline. Alor Island is so mountainous that it is almost impossible to pass from one side to the other and many of the villages on the island itself can only transport themselves via small wooden ferries. The eight distinct dialects and more than 50 sub-dialects spoken today, testifies to the diversity on Alor. Alor traditional culture has been influenced over the ages by the Indian, Chinese and Javanese traders as well as by the Islamic and Christian religions. This can be seen in the silk thread woven into the original weavings and the mix of Mosques and Christian churches dotted throughout the Island. The traditional dances, Ikat weavings motifs and the varies architectural style greatly from area to area. With more than a dozen traditional villages within one hours drive from the capital Kalabahi Alor is a cultural tourists heaven. Lembata Island is known throughout the world as the home of traditional whaling but what is not known is that the people of this Island are especially rich in cultural tradition. The beautiful rich Ikat weavings are entirely made from homegrown cotton, spun and dyed by the weaver. These cloths are still important as they are exchanged during marriage for Ivory tusks between the two families. The scenery throughout the Island is breathtaking, from the ever-imposing "Ile Ape" volcano of the palm fringed bays to the colorful bustling local markets - beauty and excitement are everywhere. Lamalera village located on the southern tip of Lembata Island is the home of a traditional whale hunting community. Here, Sperm Whales have been hunted for centuries using all hand made equipment; their spears, rope and boats are all made in the village. The boats are without motors and the harpooner must jump from the boat to implant his harpoon in to the whale to ensure success. All parts of the whale are either consumed or traded with other Islanders for corn or other food. While whale hunting is not generally condoned by modern societies, when consider the ancestral links, the primitive equipment used and the importance to the people of Lamalera it is understandable that this traditional hunting has been sanctioned by the United Nations.



Ubud Monkey Forest

Ubud Monkey Forest is a small rain forest dwelt by some group of monkeys and other tropical animals. It is strategically located in the hearth of Ubud Village, precisely located in the region of Padang Tegal Village, Ubud Sub district and Gianyar Regency. Monkey Forests in Balinese language called Wanara Wana are spread out in the island and Ubud Monkey Forest itself own very important function of the continuity the monkey habitat in Bali. Meanwhile the local community own important role to keep this forest naturally in order to all wild animals able to live smoothly. Ubud Monkey Forest is dwelt by 200 monkeys, pertained to long tail inclusive macaques or macaca fascicularis group which owns the wide disseminating area. Among the amount monkeys living in this forest, there are 23 adult male, 79 adult female and 98 still baby. All the monkeys in this forest consisted of three groups, dwell certain area and use the certain place and certain time. However, it also happened that entire group can use the forest and whenever two groups are existing at same place and time, they will fight each other. These monkeys are believed as Gods Guard of Dalem Agung Temple, The Hindu Temple exist in the middle of forest. There are three Holy Temples in this monkey forest and those are existing surround the forest and it is estimated built in the middle of 14 century, in the early governance of Gelgel dynasty. Dalem Agung Temple is loc ated in northwest from the forest represent the existence of most important temples. Beside of two others, that are Permandian Temple, in Westside from this forest and Prajapati Temple which is located in south-east side where the place of Dewa Siwa (Siwa God), one of the Khayangan Temple in Padang Tegal Village. It is very easy to find this place since it is located in the hearth of Ubud Village and it is just about 1 hour drive from Denpasar Town. This monkey forest is close to other places of interest in Ubud like Ubud Palace, Ubud Art Market, Tegalalang Rice Terrace, Painting Museum and Gua Gajah. You can also join the Ubud Tour Package or other tour arrangements like Elephant Ubud Tour, Rafting Ubud Tour , Elephant Safari Ubud Tour and Ayung Rafting Ubud Tour .



Taman Ayun Temple

Taman Ayun Temple is a Royal Temple of Mengwi Empire and it is located in Mengwi Village, Mengwi sub district, Badung regency and about 18 Km north side of Denpasar town. It is strategically located beside of major roadway between Denpasar to Singaraja. It is set on the land which is surrounded by the big fish pond and look like a drift on the water. It owns the beautiful temple building with multistoried roof and Balinese Architecture. The wide beautiful landscape garden in front courtyard to welcome all visitors who come and visit this temple. It is a beautiful place to visiton your vacation in Bali. Pursuant to Papyrus Chronicle of the Mengwi (Lontar Babad Mengwi), the temple which is now referred by Taman Ayun Temple that it had been newly sanctified in the year 1634 M and it is named with Taman Ahyun Temple. The word of Ahyun is coming from from the root word Hyun meaning a temple is founded in the park (pool with the beautiful garden) which can fulfill the desire. The word Ahyun is then changed into Ayun word. Taman Ayun Temple is one of Hindu Temples in Bali become tourist destination which has been visited by many tourists from local and foreign. This temple is usually visited by tourist once having a set tour to Tanah Lot Temple due to this temple is the same route of the Tanah Lot Temple Tour. The function of Taman Ayun Temple is a place to pray the god in their manifestation. It is according to the content of Babad Mengwi and the existence of temple building structure, especially the temple that is located in third area (Jeroan). According to Astadewata, the special God is worshiped in Taman Ayun Temple is the God in manifestation as a Wisnu God which his palace located in top of Mangu mount. In papyrus of Usana Bali mentioning that one of Dewa Catur Lokapalas carry through its worship is Meru Pucak Pangelengan that is a temple building with 9 multistoried roofs. Pitara God is a holy soul deity of ancestor who is also referred as the other names of Hyang Pitara or Dewa Hyang. Pitara God is obliged to be worshiped by clan heir (Prati Sentana) in the form of temple ceremony which the same meaning as by the ceremony to the god. The worshiping existence to Pitara God in Taman Ayun Temple can be searched and proved by pursuant to the existence of temple building which lay in by consecution in east which is called Paibon that is representing Special Temple. Taman Ayun Temple in capacities or its status as special altar for the King family of Mengwi Palace or as a Merajan Agung from Mengwi King Families specially for the founder of Mengwi Empire that is I Gusti Agung Putu.



Penglipuran Village

Penglipuran Village is a traditional countryside owning unique characteristic life, socializing and culture. It is located in Kubu Village , Bangli Sub district and Bangli Regency. The natural nature and environments of countryside is designating the pittance touch of modernization influence. This countryside is supported by cool atmosphere because it is located on the height land about 700 m above sea level and according to history of all old doyens that this countryside is taken away from the word Pengeling Pura what its meaning remember to ancestor, but there is also telling that the word of Penglipur mean the entertainer. It is said that at former empire era, all king often use this area as a place to amuse themselves, because its nature is beautiful and can give the peacefulness and inspiration at the time of experiencing a problem. The houses exist in this countryside from north to the south is look very beautiful in particular the Balinese traditional entrance gate which are made similar each other. When we step down to this village, we will meet the Balinese houses are oriented northeastwards to Mount Agung which is located in north-east of Bali Island . The structure of house building between one house and others are equal in particular to condition, form, size and function from the building except building of family bed room is freeform. The family temple building is places the same direction to the Agung Mount, kitchen is located in upstate from the lawn and the building of Bale Sakaenem is the six beamed building which its function for ceremony place. The place for look after the livestock and the place to plant assorted vegetable are referred as non irrigated dry field which is called Teba. Its Construction material is made from wood except family residence. It is predominated by substance from bamboo because around this countryside is bamboo producer. The countryside is lead by a leader which is Bendesa or Kelian or Penyarikan or Patengan and he/she is assisted by Sinoman. The social system is recognized by the 12 group terms that are number 1 until 12 as member of Pemerincik that is commissioned member converse the problem or plan and its result is submitted to the member. They are very trusting of 12 groups and have represented the tradition in heritage away back. The Consanguinity System in this countryside is Patrilinial system that is according to father lineage. This countryside religion leader is called as Jero Bayan which is consisted of 3 Jero Bayans that is a Jero Bayan Mucuk and 2 people of Jero Bayan Nyoman. The specific cultural potential like pattern of building architecture remains to be traditional, the beautiful nature and environment with cool atmosphere, hence this countryside is the ideal place to visit during your vacation in Bali.



Sukasada Park

Taman Sukasada or Sukasada Park is a beautiful park with big fish pond surrounds the old Karangasem Empire heritage building which is used by the Karangasem's King for day relaxation or meeting place in their era. It is located in Ujung Countryside about 5 Km from Amlapura town. This park is originally met one pool only which is very Ghostlike and very secret called by Di Dirah and this pool at the period of I Gusti Gede Putu King (1849-1893) governance with his brother of Gde Oka (1849-1890) that the around of this pool is functioned as place of exile for the man who alleged to run the black magic (leak). At the period of I Gusti Bagus Jelantik governance which start to lead the Karangasem Kingdom in the year 1909, this pool area is extended and developed by some pools and also luxury building Bale Gili with European style (modern style), later then it is given the name called Taman Sukasada/ Sukasada Park Ujung Karangasem, that is estimate made in the year of twentieth. This park is strategically located in the coastal side, south part of Karangasem town and founding a lot of wellspring around the area. If seen from the history aspect, most of all omissions from Karangasem Empire both for Lombok Island and also exist in Bali, altogether area consisted by the pool and Gili building which is exist in the middle of pool like Mayura and Narmada Park which are existing in west part of Lombok Island. We can say that this Sukasada Park as a mascot of tourist destinations in east part of Bali because Sukasada Park has been recognized until foreign countries since twenty's year and more famous again in the year of thirtieth when all foreign tourist start to pay a visit to Bali. King of Karangasem I Gusti Bagus Jelantik who is known as Anak Agung Anglurah Ketut Karangasem is a Statesman, Man of letters as well as an architect. He has created a lot of building not even in the form of park but he also done some building which are exist in Puri Agung Karangasem (Karangasem Palace) like gateway which is looking like pagoda. It is located in Ujung Countryside, south part of Karangasem regency or about 2, hours from Bali's International Airport. From Denpasar Town, we have to take the highway of Ida Bagus Matra's Street and go to the east part of Bali until arrive at Karangasem town. The journey will take about 2 hours and turn right to the south part of Karangasem town. Taman Sukasada is right located in the costal side with beautiful old building and the right place



Maimoon Palace

This building is dominated by yellow colors. However, do not connect it with the color of a political party. Yellow was the typical color of the Malay. There are family photographs, furnishings, and old weapons inside the building. The Maimoon Palace was the legacy of Deli Sultanate. Maimoon palace was located in Brigjen Katamso Street, Medan. Sultan Deli, Sultan Makmun Al Rasyid Perkasa Alamsyah, had established this palace. The designer was an Italia architect, and finished in 1888. Built on a land measuring 2.772 m2 wide the palace building is facing to east, and become the centre of the Deli kingdom. This palace consisted of two floors that were divided into three parts, which is the main building, the left wing, and the right wing. In front, around 100 meters, stood Al-Maksum mosque that are well known as Medan's Great mosque. In the guest room (balairung) we will encounter the throne that was dominated by yellow color. Crystal lights lighted the throne, a form of influence of European culture. The same influences are appeared in the palace furnishings like the seat, the table, toilet and the cupboard and the door, headed to balairung. The room measuring 412 m2 was used for the coronation agenda of Sultan Deli or the other traditional agenda. Balairung was also used as the place where the Sultan received praised from his relatives and family in Islam holidays. Further more, the number of the rooms was 40, 20 rooms in the upper floor, the Sultan's throne and 20 rooms underneath, not include 4 bathrooms, the warehouse, the kitchen, and the prison in the basement. Interesting if we observe this palace architectural design. The blend between the Islam tradition and European culture was boldly implemented. Apart from the balairung, the building base also showed Europe influence. Some of the building material was imported from Europe, like floor tiles, marble, and terrazzo. The pattern of Dutch architecture with the door and wide and tall windows, as well as Spanish stylish doors became a part of the Maimoon Palace. The Dutch influenced was also seen in the marble inscription in front of the marble ladder that was written with Latin letter in Netherlands language. The Islam influence was seen in the form of the curve or arcade in several parts of the palace roof. The curve that had the shape of the overturn boat that was known with Persian Curve was often met on the buildings in the Middle East, Turkey, and India region. The Maimoon palace was one of the most beautiful buildings in Medan. His location is easy to be reach, both from Polonia Airport (about 10 km) and Belawan Port (about 28 km). This historic building was open public every day from 08.00 until 17.00.



The Great Mosque

This Great mosque was one of the Sultan Deli legacies in North Sumatra other than the Maimoon Palace. This mosque was still utilized by the Muslim community to pray every day. Some of the building materials for this mosque decoration were made in Italy. Foreign tourists visit this mosque from various countries all over the World. This Great mosque is the most beautiful and biggest mosque in North Sumatra. Sultan Makmun Al Rasyid built this mosque in 1906. This Great mosque is located only 200 m from Maimoon Palace. The Moorish Style inspired the mosque special architecture. The other Great Medan mosque, there are another mosque to Deli sultanate legacy, Labuhan mosque that was built in 1886. Labuhan mosque was one of the mosques with unique Indian style with the octagon dome. Labuhan mosque was located in the Medan-Belawan highway to north from the centre of the Medan city. The dome of Al Ma'sum Mosque that had flat and quadrangle shape also in the peak of the roof has the usual crescent moon decoration was also found in other Islamic buildings like the Mosque and the tower that according to the experts often were connected as the symbol of peacefulness, where Islam was broadcasted without violence. Apart from the plan, dome, curves (arcade), the crescent moon decoration on its peak, the influence of Islamic art is clearly visible in its ornamentation, whether on the wall, the ceiling, the poles, and the curved surface (face Arcade) that was rich in the decoration of flowers and winding plants painted with oil paint. This floristic decoration apart from being styled reminds to Tumpal and mekara motive, also painted with Naturalistic style. Except the floral motive and geometric motive, the combination between Polygonal, Octagonal and circle decorations was also appealing. The motive of this kind especially very much found in walls, the curved surface, the ceiling etc. This motive was also found in the iron curtain form of the quadrangle windows and the shape of the curve that reminded us to motive the Indian style wall carving. In Indonesia, this kind of decoration was often acknowledged as Terawangan or Kerawangan decoration, apart as being a decoration, this decoration also functioned as ventilation.



National Monument

The National Monument, or "Monas" as it is popularly called, is one of the monuments built during the Sukarno era of fierce nationalism. The top of the National Monument (Monas) is Freedom Square. It stands for the people's determination to achieve freedom and the crowning of their efforts in the Proclamation of Independence in August 1945. The 137-meter tall marble obelisk is topped with a flame coated with 35 kg of gold. The base houses a historical museum and a hall for meditations. The monument is open to the public and upon request the lift can carry visitors to the top, which offers a bird's eye view on the city and the sea. Go early to beat the crowds and the haze. It is easy for the less physically able as lifts take visitors to the top. The diorama exhibition in the basement gives such a distorted view of Indonesian history - thanks to the dictator Suharto wanting to brainwash the nation - it's amusing. This imposing obelisk is Jakarta's most famous landmark. Construction started in 1961 under President Soekarno but was not completed until 1975, under President Soeharto. The monument houses a couple of museums. The Freedom Hall depicts Indonesia's struggle for independence through a series of dioramas, whereas the Hall of Contemplation displays the original Declaration of Independence document and a recording of the speech. An elevator takes one to the observation platform, which commands a bird'seye view of the cityscape.



Jaya Ancol Dreamland

Taman Impian Jaya Ancol, an amusement park in north Jakarta, Indonesia, is one of the most attractive places serving the densely populated city of Jakarta. It has all the adventures people crave for; Sea World, Fantasy World, Atlantis Water Adventure and Marina Beach. This is Jakarta's largest and most popular recreation park. It is built on reclaimed beach land at the Bay of Jakarta, having, sea and freshwater aquariums, swimming pools, an artificial lagoon for fishing, boating, bowling, an assortment of nightclubs, restaurants, a steam-bath and massage parlors. The Ancol complex includes a Marina, Dunia Fantasi (Fantasy Land), a golf course, hotels and a drive-in theater. The "Pasar Seni" or art market has a varied collection of Indonesian handicraft, paintings and souvenirs on sale. At a nearby open-air theater art performances are held using the local dialect. Inside the Ancol Dreamland, there is Ancol Art Market, it is outdoor art market likely recreational place where we will be most tempted to purchase something. Items include antiques, handicrafts, painting, potters, and knickknacks. With many of the artisans working on site, it is a paradise for souvenir hunters and art lovers. This colorful open-air market located in the Ancol Amusement Park provides the unique experience of not only buying quality Indonesian arts and craft, but also a chance to see and meet the artisans at work. We can watch puppet makers, wood-carvers, painters, and many other craft makers from throughout the archipelago cheerfully working on their creations. At this art and handicraft market, visitors get to watch Indonesian artists creating their masterpieces. Hundreds of artists from all over the country congregate here to exhibit their work, making the spot a fascinating place for tourists and art connoisseurs. We can even get a portrait of our self-done. Both traditional and modern art and crafts are on display, including paintings, sculptures, traditional Indonesian wayang kulit (leather puppets), gemstone jewelry and many other artistic products. Art performances are frequently held at the Art Market (Pasar Seni) inside the Jaya Ancol Dreamland on Jakarta's beach. They normally range from wayang kulit shadow plays to folk dances and modern drama. This location is open Monday to Saturday, from 2 p.m. to 9 p.m.; Sunday, from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m.



National Museum

The Museum is situated on Merdeka Barat Street. Currently the National Museum houses collections of 109,342 objects under the categories of prehistory, archaeology, ethnography, numismatics-heraldic, geography and historical relics. In 1994, the museum started with is expansion project. The new building, constructed in the same architectural style as the old, comprises an arena for theatrical performances and more spaces for exhibitions. The museum curators provide detailed information and guidance on collections-related subjects during working hours. The daily activities at the National Museum include collecting, caring for and protecting collections and providing information on the museum and its collections to visitors and the public at large. The Indonesian Heritage Society (HIS) voluntarily assists the museum in handling the inventory of the collections. The museum's Conservation and Restoration Division is dedicated to conserving and restoring the collected objects in order to protect them from possible damages and loss. The staffs also take preventive measures against possible damages or loss through manual, alarm and control system. This Museum is open from 8.30 am to 2.30 pm on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Sunday, from 8.30 am to 11.30 am on Friday, and from 8.30 am to 1.30 pm on Saturday. The Museum is closed on Monday and Public Holidays. This museum is also has supporting with such tourism facilities. A small gift shop located in the entrance hall has the same opening hours as the rest of The Museum. It offers a selection of books, postcards and reproductions of various exhibits. The front courtyard can accommodate cars and tour buses. Visitors are kindly asked to refrain from smoking, eating and drinking in all areas of the Museum, and are prohibited from touching the exhibits.



Maritime Museum

Maritime Museum is located at Pasar Ikan, 1 North Jakarta. Initially these building served as warehouse for storing spices. The Dutch East Hindia Company started the constructions in 1652 and expanded in the years later. In 1976 the premises were handed over to the municipal government of Jakarta and preparation were started to convert them into a museum. The maritime museum was officially opened on July 7th, 1997. The objective of this museum is to converse, maintain, protect and expose the Indonesia maritime and fishery tradition. A variety of traditional Indonesia boats with their very specific shapes, equipment and decorative trimmings reflect a high-standard maritime heritage. Apart from these props, there also miniatures of modern ships on display. Navigational tools, anchor, the model of light house, antique canons and many more items form part of the museum's collection. Indonesia is an archipelago country with a territorial extent of 5,1 million square kilometers. Out of that extent, 3,1 million sq. Km or 60 % are waters. This geographical condition, of course, contains various kinds maritime culture. It may be true when later there has been a poem contained in the song of the Indonesian children saying Our Ancestors W ere Seamen. The Maritime Museum is the only one in Indonesia presenting maritime specific theme. The building used for it was the former warehouse for storing spices which in the past known as Westzijdsche Pakhuizen. The construction was done in three stages; it was commenced in 1652 until 1774.During the Japanese occupation (World War II) these warehouses were still used for storing Japanese owned goods for war purposes. This Museum, inaugurated by the Governor of DKI Jakarta, Ali Sadikin, in 1977, has now around 1670 collections from various maritime aspects, displayed in the forms of natural and cultural heritages. Those Collections are, for example, traditional boats (originals and models) found in the Nusantara archipelago like Bugis boat, Phinisi (Bugis cargo boat), Pandekawang, miniature of Alut Pasa boat from Kalimantan and Warship from Maluku called Kora-Kora. Sea biota, sea archaeology, fisherman equipments, fishery anthropology and folklore, history of shipping relations between Nusantara and the Netherlands, Maritime tourism, information on the Navy, paintings of maritime prominent figures and other important maritime information. In the context of its development, the Maritime Museum often holds collaboration with the related Foreign Embassies and Governmental Agencies.



Ragunan Zoo

Ragunan zoo in South Jakarta is a popular place to visit, particularly during holidays. Jakarta's zoo is situated in the suburb of Ragunan in the southern part of the city. Laid out in a lush tropical setting, such indigenous animals as the Komodo lizard, tapir, anoa, Java tiger, banteng, wild ox and brightly colored birds are given ample room to be in this green foliage. The new primates are centered at Ragunan Zoo. It's a world-class facility and guaranteed to entertain and educate both the young and young at heart. According to its history, Taman Margasatwa Ragunan, or Ragunan Wildlife Reserve, was first set up by a Dutch flora and fauna lovers organization. The organization, the Vereneging Plantenen Dierentuin at Batavia, set up the park on a 10-hectare plot of land in Cikini Raya Street 2, South Jakarta in 1864. The park, Plantenen Dierentuin, was moved to the present location in 1964 to accommodate the city's development plan. In the new location, the park was given a 10-hectare plot of land, but now it occupies 135 hectares of land. This zoo was located at Cikini until 1964, when the site was no longer large enough to accommodate its rapid expansion. Reopened in 1966, the zoo now exhibits 550 species of tropical plants and animals from Indonesia and around the world. Endangered species bred here include the Sumatran tiger, Komodo dragon, dwarf buffalo and bird of paradise. Now, the zoo is busy preparing a 10-hectare enclosure, which was described by the director as the largest and most luxurious one in the world, for the new guests. The spot is ideal for family excursions and picnics amid the abundant flora. Come during weekdays when it is less crowded. Open dally from 8.00 a.m. to 6.00 p.m. The zoological garden is most crowded on Sunday and public holidays.



Fine Art and Ceramic Museum

Fine Arts and Ceramic Building Museum was built in 1870. At the beginning the building was used as Dutch Judiciary Institution or Raad Van Justitie, then when Japan colonized Indonesia and the fight for Indonesia freedom occurred the building was used as military dormitory. Furthermore it was used as West Jakarta Mayor's Office in 1967. In 1968 until 1975 it was used as office of DKI Jakarta Museum and History Official. On Agust 20 th 1976 it was announced officially as Fine Arts Gallery Building and now become Fine Arts and Ceramic Museum. This museum has around 400 fine arts, which consist of many different techniques and materials, such as sculpture, graphic, wood totem, sketch, and painting batik. Among those collection there are some masterpieces, collections that useful for the art history in Indonesia. They are "Revolution Bride" painting by Hendra Gunawan, "Lebak Regent" painting by Raden Saleh. "Mother Give Sick" painting by Dullah, "Tritura Paramilitary Troops" painting by S. Sudjojono, and "Self-Potrait" painting by Affandi. Traditional classical sculpture from Bali, magical and symbolic wood totem by Tjokot and families, Totem and wood sculpture by modern artists, such as G. Sidharta, Oesman Effendi. Then followed by academy graduate artists creation, like Popo Iskandar, Achmad Sadali, Srihadi S. Fajar Sidik, Kusnadi, Rusli, Nashar, Zaini, Amang Rahman, Suprapto, Irsam. Mulyadi W, Abas Alibasyah, Amri Yahya, AS Budiono, Barli, Sudjana Kerton and many other artists from various regions. There are also plenty of ceramic collections in this museum, consist of local and also foriegn ceramic. the local ceramic comes from Aceh, Medan, Palembang, Lampung, Jakarta, Bandung, Purwakarta, Yogyakarta, Malang, Bali, Lombok, etc. This Museum has also Majapahit ceramic from the 14 th century, which show beatiful extraordinary characteristic and have history value with various shapes and functions. The foreign ceramic of various shapes, characteristics, functions, and styles from China, Japan, Vietnam, Thailand, Dutch, Germany, and Middle East. The greatest numbers are from China, especially from Ching and Ming Dinasty. Fine Art's and Ceramic Museum has specific souvenir for visitors, like post cards, fine art's book, handicraft, sketch, fan, cute sculpture, etc. The Museum is open daily from 9 am to 3 pm on Tuesday to Sunday. The Museum is closed on Monday and Public Holidays



Ujung Kulon National Park

Ujung Kulon National park is an isolated untamed wilderness on the southwestern tip of Java. The Dutch opened this park in 1921 to protect the threatened Javanese rhinoceros. Now the area covers about 760 sq km including Panaitan Island. It is one of the best places in Java for wildlife spotting. There are many kinds of animal species, which can be seen. They are birds, wild pigs, hornbills, river otters, deer, crocodiles and the Javanese rhinoceros. The crocodiles and the Javanese rhinoceros are rare seen but we never know. The best time to visit Ujung Kulon is between April and October. To get there and to get information about the park the visitors have to go to Labuhan where the PHPA at the coastal road can give us all information and arranges our permit for the park. An entry permit is needed, issued by the Forestry Service / PHPA (Perlindungan Hutan dan Pelestarian Alam) at Labuan. From here we can also take the boat to Ujung Kulon. The boat leaves on Mondays and Fridays and returns on Sundays and Thursdays. Handeuleum Island is at the northern bay of Ujung Kulon and offers also a small guesthouse. Peucang Island at the western tip of Ujung Kulon also has a guesthouse and also a small restaurant. Marine life in the surrounding seas is a kaleidoscope of colors. Beautiful sea gardens are found off Peucang and Panaitan islands. From one of these two islands we can start to explore the park. In the park are several posts of the PHPA where we can stay over for the night. If we want to hike in the park we must hire a guide from the PHPA in Tamanjaya. It is wise to bring our own food and sleeping back if we want to stay over for the night in the park. If we want to walk around the whole park along the tracks it will take us about 3 three days (45km). On the western tip of the peninsula is a lighthouse built by the Dutch, which stands near the site of the ruins of the old one.



Bengawan Solo River

This longest river in Java flows along the eastern edge of the town from its source in the lime stones hill of the south, near East Java border to its mouth nearby Surabaya, on the Java sea. Regretfully, the river is now shallow it is not navigable anymore. But in the past it was an important link between Solo and the north cost of East Java. It length is 600 km flowing in 2 provinces which are Central Java Province and East Java Province with the irrigation width 16.000 km2, was the biggest and the main river basin area. It rises on the slope of Mount Lawu volcano (10,712 feet [3,265 m]) and the southern limestone range (Sewu Mountains) and flows north, then east to discharge into the Java Sea at a point opposite Madura Island, northwest of Surabaya. In recent 30 years development of irrigation facility at the Bengawan Solo river area have reach a significant level of development. This was mark by the completed of irrigation building, which still in progress or even have been built such as reservoir, dam, dike, irrigation net, and others. Investment have been spent to reach this development level is very big. Those buildings have functions as a flood controller, Hydraulic Power Generator, water supply for farming, industry, drink water, fishery, and others. There is a well-known song 'Bengawan Solo' composed by Mr. Gesang. In the central Javanese city of Solo, a statue of Gesang Martohartono looks over the gently flowing Bengawan Solo, or Solo River. It was the famous Indonesian singer-songwriter Gesang, who composed the celebrated Indonesian melody "Bengawan Solo" during World War II -- when the country was under Japanese occupation. The song describes the legendary river in a poetic and nostalgic way, that it is surrounded by mountains, its sources are near the city of Surakarta, that it ends in the sea, and that the merchant class always makes use of it. It is in the local Keroncong style, a popular folk style with influences from Portuguese. The Japanese, who occupied the country during World War II, brought the song with them to Japan after returning from the war. There, and also in the rest of Asia and later worldwide, the song became very famous.



Ambarawa Railway Museum

Ambarawa is famous nationwide by the credo Palagan Ambarawa. Small city that forgotten nowadays but became one of the important base camp of National heroes during Dutch occupancy in World War II. A small city in the junction of national road between Yogyakarta to Semarang and accessible to several small cities nearby like Salatiga, Magelang and Bandungan. Fifty km south of Semarang, Ambarawa has locomotives of various types and ages, and it is still possible to ride on a cog railway between Ambarawa and Bedono, a village nearby. Ambarawa Railway Museum 50 km south of Semarang, Ambarawa is the home of Java's antique locomotives, housed in a museum. Prior arrangements should be made for groups. Also of interest are a collection of antique telephones and other instrument used for railway communication. The museum was established in the 1970s primarily to preserve a wide selection of the steam locomotives, which were then coming to the end of their useful lives on the 3ft 6in (1067mm) gauge railways of the Indonesian State Railway (the Perusahaan Negara Kereta Api, PNKA). These are parked in the open air next to the original station, originally a transhipment point between the 4ft 8 in gauge branch from Kedungjati to the northeast and the 3ft 6in gauge line onward towards Yogyakarta via Magelang to the south. It is still possible to see that the two sides of the station were built to accommodate different size trains. Ambarawa lays some way above sea level and was an administrative centre for the Dutch colonialists. Now the provincial Government of Central Java is increasingly taking an interest from the point of view of its heritage significance and its potential as a tourist attraction. Non-Governmental bodies like the Semarang Heritage Society are also acting to assist and there is also an unofficial overseas group 'The Friends of Ambarawa Railway Museum'.



Krakatau Volcano

Indonesia belongs to one of the most volcanic and seismically active region in the world. There are 128 active volcanoes of which 76 had eruption in historic time. These were occurred in 3 belts which one of is Lesser Sunda Islands where Krakatau is located. The Indonesian Volcano logical Service classified those volcanoes as "class A" volcanoes, of which there 12 in Sumatra Island. One of those is Krakatau. Krakatau is located in South Lampung region in Sunda strait, between Java and Sumatera. In the early time Krakatau estimated was a volcano with 2000 M in height. The catastrophic eruption destroyed the volcano and remained 3 islands i.e. Rakata, sertung and Panjang. The renewed activity was started at Rakata, and an island of strato volcano was built up with diameter of approximately 5 Km and 800 M high. After its dormancy, next activity was shifted come into existence with the height approximately 456 and 120 M above sea level. In 1883, the 3 summits (Rakata, Danan & Perbuatan) was erupted and leaving a piece of small part of Rakata. The boom of explosion causing tremors and was heard as far as Singapore and Australia. The wave washed everything away around volcano. The volcanic ash was blown in to the atmosphere, as much as 4 cubic miles. In 1927 the new activity was occurred and then Anak Krakatau existed in to being. Now Anak Krakatau has reached 250 M above sea level. Anak Krakatau still active with its gush of steam and smoke, make it spectacular view. Today we can come and step our foot on it searching closely the minerals (Volcanic bomb, lava, lapel) from the bottom of the earth which were thrown up through its crater. Krakatau and its terrific eruption, which is recorded in the history, now has invites every one to come and see for science as well as for pleasure. The way to get there is from Canti located in Kalianda about an hour driving from Bandar Lampung, and the boats will take to the Karakatau area. Near by the Krakatau there are Sebuku and Sabesi Island as for stopover and staying over night. It is only taken one and half-hour from Canti.



Way Kambas National Park

In the east part of Central Lampung there is a nature reserve named ―Way Kambas― which covers 130.000 hectares areas. To achieve Way Kambas, an asphalted road is built. It takes 2 hours drive from Bandar Lampung. In nature reserve, there is the first elephant-training centre in Indonesia to train wild elephants which are capture from outside the area because they have disturbed the people's fields. It is estimated there are about 500 elephants in Lampung, 250 of them are in Way Kambas. In this nature reserve, we can also find other wild animal such as Sumateran tigers, bears, tapirs and other animals such as deer, wild pigs and 286 bird species. If we visit Way kambas, we can see the process of training wild elephants in the elephants training centre, an attraction of elephants are playing football, elephant safari, elephants are swimming and on certain occasions, we can also join catching the wild elephants and watch the elephants which are in the sexual mood which is very rarely found in the world. According to Zoography, Way Kambas area included in oriental region. It is different than islands eastside of the Wallace line, either Sumatra or Way Kambas does not have endemic species treasures. There is just 15 species of endemic mammals and 20 species of bird. The existing animals in Way Kambas such as Sumateran Elephant, Sumateran rhino, Sumateran tiger, tapir, chevrotain, long tail apes, monkeys and several kind of bird like heron, parrot, and some else. Way Kambas National Park is the area of raining forest that has 126.000 ha areas. And geographically is located between 4° 37 LS - 5° 16 LU and 105°54 BT, and the highest by 0 - 60 m dpl and the average of raindrops is about 2000 mm/year. It is about 35 km from Sukadana city. It is easily accessible from Bandar Lampung or Sukadana. It is well known throughout the countries, and it has some interested tourism object too, tourism such as: Elephant training centre, Way Kanan Resort, and Suaka Rhino Sumatera.



The Eiffel Tower

The Eiffel Tower is an iron lattice tower located on the Champ de Mars in Paris. Built in 1889, it has become both a global icon of France and one of the most recognizable structures in the world. The tower is the tallest building in Paris and the most-visited paid monument in the world; millions of people ascend it every year. Named for its designer, engineer Gustave Eiffel, the tower was built as the entrance arch to the 1889 World's Fair. The tower stands 324 metres (1,063 ft) tall, about the same height as an 81-story building. Upon its completion, it surpassed the Washington Monument to assume the title of tallest man-made structure in the world, a title it held for 41 years, until the Chrysler Building in New York City was built in 1930; however, due to the addition in 1957 of the antenna, the tower is now taller than the Chrysler Building. Not including broadcast antennas, it is the second-tallest structure in France after the 2004 Millau Viaduct. The tower has three levels for visitors. Tickets can be purchased to ascend, by stairs or lift, to the first and second levels. The walk to the first level is over 300 steps, as is the walk from the first to the second level. The third and highest level is accessible only by elevator. Both the first and second levels feature restaurants. The tower has become the most prominent symbol of both Paris and France, often in the establishing shot of films set in the city.



Japan Country

Japan is an island nation in East Asia. It is located on the west end of the Pacific Ocean, east of the Sea of Japan, and neighboring People's Republic of China, Korea, and Russia. The northernmost islands in the Sea of Okhotsk, and the most southern region of the group of small islands in the East China Sea, specifically in the southern Okinawa neighboring Taiwan. Japan consists of 6852 islands that make it an archipelago. The main islands from north to south are Hokkaido, Honshu (the largest island), Shikoku, and Kyushu. Approximately 97% of Japan's land area was in the fourth largest island. Most of the islands of Japan is mountainous, and some of which are volcanoes. The highest mountain is Mount Fuji in Japan, which is a volcano. Japan's population numbered 128 million people, and is ranked the 10th most populous country in the world. Tokyo is the de facto capital of Japan, and incorporated as a prefecture. Greater Tokyo is the designation for the city of Tokyo and several surrounding prefectures are located at. As the largest metropolitan area in the world, Greater Tokyo has a population of more than 30 million people. According to the traditional mythologies, Japan was founded by Emperor Jimmu-7th century BC. Emperor Jimmu Japanese monarchy began the chain of unbroken until now. Even so, throughout its history, for most of the real power in the hands of the members of the court, the shogun, the military, and entered the modern age, in the hands of the prime minister. According to the Japanese Constitution of 1947, Japan is a constitutional monarchy under the leadership of the Emperor of Japan and the Japanese Parliament. As the country forward in the economic field, Japan has the largest gross domestic product second only to the United States, and entered in the order of three large shopping in balance ability. Japan is a member of the United Nations, G8, OECD, and APEC. Japanese have a sufficient military force complete with modern defense systems such as AEGIS and a school a large fleet of destroyers. In overseas trade, Japan is ranked the fourth largest exporting country and ranked sixth in the world's largest importing country. As a developed country, Japan's population has a high standard of living (ranked eighth in the Human Development Index) and the highest life expectancy in the world according to UN estimates. In the field of technology, Japan is a developed country in the fields of telecommunications, machinery, and robotics. .



Mount Fuji

Mount Fuji (Fuji-san) is the highest mountain in Japan, rising to 12,388 feet. Visible from Tokyo on a clear day, the beautiful cone-shaped mountain is located west of the city, surrounded by lakes in a national park. Mt. Fuji is named for the Buddhist fire goddess Fuchi and is sacred to the Shinto goddess Sengen-Sama, whose shrine is found at the summit. It is the holiest of Japan's "Three Holy Mountains." Every summer, thousands of pilgrims and tourists climb to the summit, many of them hiking throughout the night to witness the sunrise from the summit. Mount Fuji is a volcano, which geologists estimate was created 600,000 years ago during the Pleistocene era. It last erupted in 1707 and is now dormant. According to Buddhist tradition, Fuji rose from the earth in 286 BC after an earthquake that also created Lake Biwa (the largest lake in Japan). Fuji-san has been regarded as sacred mountain for virtually as long as humans have lived nearby. It was originally a sacred mountain of the Ainu, the aboriginal inhabitants of Japan. For Shintoists (modern followers of the native religion), Mt. Fuji is sacred to the goddess Sengen-Sama and an embodiment of the very spirit of nature. The Fujiko sect goes even father, believing the mountain itself is a sacred being with a soul. Although especially important to Shintoists, Fuji is also sacred to Japanese Buddhists, who revere the mountain is a gateway to another world. Mt. Fuji is located in the Fuji-Hakone-Izu National Park and is surrounded by five lakes: Lake Kawaguchiko, Lake Yamanakako, Lake Saiko, Lake Motosuko and Lake Shojiko. Fujisan's dimensions are impressive: 12,388 feet high; 78 miles in circumference and 25-30 miles in diameter around the base; topped with crater spanning 1600 feet in diameter. A beautifully proportioned volcanic cone in a spectacular natural setting, Fuji-san is beloved for its symmetrical beauty as well as its holiness. It is a very popular subject in Japanese art and landscape photography. Fuji's nickname Konohana-Sakuahime means "causing the blossom to bloom brightly," referring to the pink cherry blossoms that frame the snowy mountain in the spring. Unlike some sacred mountains, it is not considered sacrilegious to climb Mt. Fuji - in fact, to ascend to the summit is an important pilgrimage. The mountain is home to many Shinto shrines, Buddhist temples and torii gates. The official climbing season is only two months long (July and August), during which time most of the snow has melted and thousands of pilgrims and hikers make the climb to the top.


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