#i!tor$ Of Legi!lation! % The Tamil Tamil &adu Culti'ating Culti'ating Tenant Tenant!! ()rotectio ()rotection* n* ct+ 1,55 .% Tamilnadu Tamilnadu .uilding(Lea!e nd Rent* Control ct 1,"/
Deposit Of Rent In Certin Cses
P"#ent Or Deposit Of Rent D$rin% T&e Pen'en( n(" "
Of Pro(ee'in%s
Deposit Of Rent
Land reform u!uall$ refer! to re'istri+$tion of ,n' fro# t&e ri(& to t&e poor% ore roadl$+ it include! re%$,tion of oner!hip+ operation+ lea!ing+ !ale!+ and
inheritance of land (indeed+ the redi!triution of land it!elf reuire! legal change!*% re-'istri+$tion tion of %ri($,t$r %ri($,t$r,, Land Land refo reform rm!+ !+ on ma6or a6orit it$ $ of ca!e ca!e!+ !+ mean mean the the re-'istri+$ ,n' and hence corre!pond! to %rrin refor#s too
! in !e'eral !e'eral other countrie! countrie!++ rent control control ha! een u!ed in India a! a tool of elfare go'ernance% Though legi!lation! ha'e e7i!ted !ince pre-independence time!+ the 8aaharlal &ehru &ational 9ran Reneal Reneal i!!ion i!!ion (:8&&9R;* (:8&&9R;* ha! made rent control a contentiou! i!!ue% 8&&9R !ee! the!e legi!lation! a! an uran ottlenecation ion++ there there a! an increa increa!e !e in ruralrural-ur uran an migrat migration ion!% !% To pre'ent rent! from ri!ing too much oing to thi! !purt in demand+ Rent Control ct! (RC!*+ under 'ariou! name! ere introduced in man$ countrie!% The!e ere called the fir!tfir!t-gen genera eratio tion n rent rent contro control!% l!% Tho!e Tho!e introd introduce uced d later later ere called called the !econd !econd-generation rent control! or !oft rent control!+ ecau!e the$ pro'ided for !ome leea$ in rent increa!e! and tenant landlord relation!hip% The fir!t rent control legi!lation in India a! introduced immediatel$ after the ir!t =orld =ar in .oma$ in 1,1% It a! folloed $ !imilar legi!lation! for Calcutta and Rangoon in 1,2/% .$ the end of the ?econd =orld =ar almo!t all the
ma6or citie! and ton! in the countrie! ere co'ered $ rent control mea!ure!% ll the!e the!e act!+ act!+ orn orn out of the inflat inflation ionar$ ar$ afterm aftermath ath of the ir!t ir!t =orld =ar+ ere ere concei'ed a! purel$ temporar$ mea!ure! to pro'ide relief to the tenant! again!t the demand of e7oritant rent and indi!criminate e'iction $ the landlord! due to !carcit$ of hou!e! in the uran area!% ! in other part! of the gloe+ the rent control la! applicale in 'ariou! !tate! in India are different ith re!pect to 'ariou! a!pect! and thu!+ a holi!tic anal$!i!+ though attempted here+ i! difficult% OT=ER DEFINITION OF I9PORTNCE I9PORTNCE Se(( 2 Se >($,t >($,ti0 i0t tin in% % ten tennt nt? ? under under The Tamil amil &adu &adu Culti' Culti'ati ating ng Tenant! nant!
()rotection* ct+ 1,55 (i*mean! a per!on ho contriute! hi! on ph$!ical laour or that of an$ memer of hi! famil$ in the culti'ation of an$ land elonging to another+ under an agreement e7pre!! or implied and (ii*include! (a* an$ !uch per!on ho continue! in po!!e!!ion po!!e!!ion of the land after the determination determination of the agreement% (* the heir of !uch per!on+ if the heir contriute! contriute! hi! on ph$!ical laour laour or that of an$ memer of hi! famil$ f amil$ in the culti'ation of !uch land (c* a !u-tenant if he contriute! hi! on ph$!ical ph$!ical laour or that of an$ memer of hi! famil$ in the culti'ation of !uch land (d* an$ !uch !u-tenant !u-tenant ho continue! continue! in po!!e!!io po!!e!!ion n of the land notith!tan notith!tanding ding that the per!on ho !ulet !ulet the land to !uch !u-tenan !u-tenantt cea!e! cea!e! to ha'e the right to po!!e!!ion of !uch land% nd (e* ut doe! not include a mere mere intermediar$ or hi! heir % se( 2e 2e >n', >n',or' or'? ? a per!on per!on entitled entitled to e'ict e'ict the culti'at culti'ating ing tenant tenant from from !uch !uch
?ection ?ection 2 ?u-clau!e ?u-clau!e (* of the ct define! define! a BtenantB BtenantB in 'er$ road term!+ to include include an$ per!on $ hom or on ho!e account rent i! pa$ale for a uilding and e'en to include the !ur'i'ing !pou!e+ or an$ !on+ or daughter and an$ per!on continuing in po!!e!!ion after the termination of the tenanc$ in hi! fa'our%E R#i& C&ettir 0s . Snr,in%# Pi,,i 1!7) 1 9A 483B. The definition ould include oth the
tena tenant nt duri during ng the the !u! !u!i! i!te tenc ncee of cont contra ract ctua uall tena tenanc nc$ $ and and tena tenant nt cont contin inui uing ng in po!!e!!ion after the termination termination of tenanc$ % RENT CONTRO
The practice of impo!ing a legal ma7imum (rent ceiling* upon the rent in a particular hou!ing mar
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