DEP Field Welding of Duplex and Super Duplex Stainless Steel Pipelines (Amendments - Supplements To API 1104)

February 3, 2023 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Download DEP Field Welding of Duplex and Super Duplex Stainless Steel Pipelines (Amendments - Supplement...






KMT 60.;4.94.30-Amn. Fmiru`ry 9400



© 9400 Shmee Arlup lf clgp`nbms  @ee rbahts rmsmrvmk. Nl p`rt lf thbs puiebc`tbln g`y im rmprlkucmk, stlrmk bn ` rmtrbmv`e systmg, puiebshmk lr tr`nsgbttmk, bn `ny flrg lr iy `ny gm`ns, wbthlut thm prblr wrbttmn pmrgbssbln lf thm clpyrbaht lwnmr lr Shmee Aeli`e Sleutblns Bntmrn`tbln`e IV.



KMT 60.;4.94.30-Amn. Fmiru`ry 9400 T`am 9

TYMF@CM KMT (Kmsban `nk Mnabnmmrbna Tr`ctbcm) puiebc`tblns rmfemct thm vbmws, `t thm tbgm lf puiebc`tbln, lf Shmee Aeli`e Sleutblns Bntmrn`tbln`e I.V. (Shmee ASB) `nk, bn slgm c`sms, lf lthmr Shmee Clgp`nbms. [hmsm vbmws `rm i`smk ln thm mxpmrbmncm `cqubrmk kurbna bnvlevmgmnt wbth thm kmsban, clnstructbln, lpmr`tbln `nk g`bntmn`ncm lf prlcmssbna unbts `nk f`cbebtbms. Qhmrm kmmgmk `pprlprb`tm KMTs `rm i`smk ln, lr rmfmrmncm bntmrn`tbln`e, rmabln`e, n`tbln`e `nk bnkustry st`nk`rks. [hm liomctbvm bs tl smt thm rmclggmnkmk st`nk`rk flr allk kmsban `nk mnabnmmrbna pr`ctbcm tl im `ppebmk iy Shmee clgp`nbms bn lbe `nk a`s prlkuctbln, lbe rmfbnbna, a`s h`nkebna, a`sbfbc`tbln, chmgbc`e prlcmssbna, lr `ny lthmr such f`cbebty, `nk thmrmiy tl hmep `chbmvm g`xbgug tmchnbc`e `nk mclnlgbc imnmfbt frlg st`nk`rkbz`tbln. [hm bnflrg`tbln smt flrth bn thmsm puiebc`tblns bs prlvbkmk tl Shmee clgp`nbms flr thmbr clnsbkmr`tbln `nk kmcbsbln tl bgpemgmnt. [hbs bs lf p`rtbcue`r bgplrt`ncm whmrm KMTs g`y nlt clvmr mvmry rmqubrmgmnt lr kbvmrsbty lf clnkbtbln `t m`ch elc`ebty. [hm systmg lf KMTs bs mxpmctmk tl im suffbcbmntey femxbiem tl `eelw bnkbvbku`e Lpmr`tbna ]nbts tl `k`pt thm bnflrg`tbln smt flrth bn KMTs tl thmbr lwn mnvbrlngmnt `nk rmqubrmgmnts. Qhmn Clntr`ctlrs lr G`nuf`cturmrs/Suppebmrs usm KMTs, thmy sh`ee im slemey rmsplnsbiem flr such usm, bnceukbna thm qu`ebty lf thmbr wlrj `nk thm `tt`bngmnt lf thm rmqubrmk kmsban `nk mnabnmmrbna st`nk`rks. Bn p`rtbcue`r, flr thlsm rmqubrmgmnts nlt spmcbfbc`eey clvmrmk, thm Trbncbp`e wbee typbc`eey mxpmct thmg tl fleelw thlsm kmsban `nk mnabnmmrbna pr`ctbcms th`t wbee `chbmvm `t em`st thm s`gm emvme lf bntmarbty `s rmfemctmk bn thm KMTs. Bf bn kluit, thm Clntr`ctlr lr G`nuf`cturmr/Suppebmrr sh`ee, wbthlut kmtr`ctbna frlg hbs lwn rmsplnsbibebty, clnsuet thm Trbncbp`e. G`nuf`cturmr/Suppebm [hm rbaht tl lit`bn `nk tl usm KMTs bs rmstrbctmk, `nk bs typbc`eey ar`ntmk iy Shmee ASB (`nk bn slgm c`sms iy lthmr Shmee Clgp`nbms) unkmr ` Smrvbcm @armmgmnt lr ` Ebcmnsm @armmgmnt. [hbs rbaht bs ar`ntmk prbg`rbey tl Shmee clgp`nbms `nk lthmr clgp`nbms rmcmbvbna tmchnbc`e `kvbcm `nk smrvbcms frlg Shmee ASB lr `nlthmr Shmee Clgp`ny. Clnsmqumntey, thrmm c`tmalrbms lf usmrs lf KMTs c`n im kbstbnaubshmk? 0)

Lpmr`tbna ]nbts h`vbna ` Smrvbcm @armmgmnt wbth Shmee ASB lr `nlthmr Shmee Clgp`ny. [hm usm lf KMTs iy thmsm Lpmr`tbna ]nbts bs suiomct bn `ee rmspmcts tl thm tmrgs `nk clnkbtblns lf thm rmemv`nt Smrvbcm @armmgmnt.


Lthmr p`rtbms whl `rm `uthlrbsmk tl usm KMTs suiomct tl `pprlprb`tm clntr`ctu`e `rr`namgmnts (whmthmr `s p`rt lf ` Smrvbcm @armmgmnt lr lthmrwbsm).


Clntr`ctlrs/suiclntr`c Clntr`ctlrs/suiclntr`ctlrs tlrs `nk G`nuf`cturmrs/Suppeb G`nuf`cturmrs/Suppebmrs mrs unkmr ` clntr`ct wbth usmrs rmfmrrmk tl unkmr 0) lr 9) whbch rmqubrms th`t tmnkmrs flr prlomcts, g`tmrb`es suppebmk lr - amnmr`eey - wlrj pmrflrgmk ln imh`ef lf thm s`bk usmrs clgpey wbth thm rmemv`nt st`nk`rks.

Suiomct tl `ny p`rtbcue`r tmrgs `nk clnkbtblns `s g`y im smt flrth bn spmcbfbc `armmgmnts wbth usmrs, Shmee ASB kbsce`bgs `ny eb`ibebty lf wh`tslmvmr n`turm flr `ny k`g`am (bnceukbna bnoury lr km`th) suffmrmk iy `ny clgp`ny lr pmrsln whlgslmvmr `s ` rmsuet lf lr bn clnnmctbln wbth thm usm, `ppebc`tbln lr bgpemgmnt`tbln lf `ny KMT, clgibn`tbln lf KMTs lr `ny p`rt thmrmlf, mvmn bf bt bs whleey lr p`rtey c`usmk iy nmaebamncm ln thm p`rt lf Shmee ASB lr lthmr Shmee Clgp`ny. [hm imnmfbt lf thbs kbsce`bgmr sh`ee bnurm bn `ee rmspmcts tl Shmee ASB `nk/lr `ny Shmee Clgp`ny, lr clgp`nbms `ffbeb`tmk tl thmsm clgp`nbms, th`t g`y bssum KMTs lr `kvbsm lr rmqubrm thm usm lf KMTs. Qbthlut prmoukbcm tl `ny spmcbfbc tmrgs bn rmspmct lf clnfbkmntb`ebty unkmr rmemv`nt clntr`ctu`e `rr`namgmnts, KMTs sh`ee nlt, wbthlut thm prblr wrbttmn clnsmnt lf Shmee ASB, im kbscelsmk iy usmrs tl `ny clgp`ny lr pmrsln whlgslmvmr `nk thm KMTs sh`ee im usmk mxceusbvmey flr thm purplsm flr whbch thmy h`vm immn prlvbkmk tl thm usmr. [hmy sh`ee im rmturnmk `ftmr usm, bnceukbna `ny clpbms whbch sh`ee lney im g`km iy usmrs wbth thm mxprmss prblr wrbttmn clnsmnt lf Shmee ASB. [hm clpyrbaht lf KMTs vmsts bn Shmee Arlup lf clgp`nbms. ]smrs sh`ee `rr`nam flr KMTs tl im hmek bn s`fm custlky `nk Shmee ASB g`y `t `ny tbgm rmqubrm bnflrg`tbln s`tbsf`ctlry tl thmg bn lrkmr tl `scmrt`bn hlw usmrs bgpemgmnt thbs rmqubrmgmnt.  @ee `kgbnbstr`tbvm `kgbnbstr`tbvm qumrbms shluek shluek im kbrmctmk tl thm KMT @kgbnbstr`tlr bn Shmee Shmee ASB.



KMT 60.;4.94.30-Amn. Fmiru`ry 9400 T`am 3

[@IEM LF CLN[MN[S T@Y[ B 0.0 0.9 0.3 0.; 0.= 0.6 0.1 T@Y[ BB 0.0 0.9

BN[YLK]C[BLN ........................................................................................................=  SCLTM........................................................................................................................=  KBS[YBI][BLN, BN[MNKMK ]SM @NK YMA]E@[LYR CLNSBKMY@[BLNS .........=   KMFBNB[BLNS .............................................................................................................= .............................................................................................................=  @IIYMVB@[BLNS .......................................................................................................6 @IIYMVB@[BLNS .......................................................................................................6  CYLSS-YMFMYMNCMS CYLSS-YMFMYMNCMS .............................................................................................6  S]GG@YR LF CH@NAMS.........................................................................................1  CLGGMN[S LN [HBS KMT .......................................................................................1 .......................................................................................1   AMNMY@E YMP]BYMGMN[S ....................................................................................8  AMNMY@E...................................................................................................................8  BNFLYG@[BLN [L IM S]TTEBMK IR [HM TYBNCBT@E..........................................8 TYBNCBT@E.......................................... 8 

 @GMNKGMN[S/S]TTEMGMN[S [L @TB 004;........................................................2 004; ........................................................2  AMNMY@E...................................................................................................................2  SCLTM........................................................................................................................2  YMFMYMNCMK T]IEBC@[BLNS................................................................................2  KMFBNB[BLN LF [MYGS............................................................................................2 [MYGS ............................................................................................2  KMFBNB[BLNS .............................................................................................................2 .............................................................................................................2  STMCBFBC@[BLNS....................................................................................................04 STMCBFBC@[BLNS ....................................................................................................04  MP]BTGMN[.............................................................................................................04  G@[MYB@ES..............................................................................................................04  P]@EB[R SRS[MG...................................................................................................00  P]@EBFBC@[BLN LF QMEKBNA TYLCMK]YMS FLY FLY QMEKS CLN[@BNBNA FBEEMY GM[@E @KKB[BVMS.....................................................................................09  =.0 TYLCMK]YM P]@EBFBC@[BLN ..............................................................................09  =.9 YMCLYK...................................................................................................................03  =.3 TYLCMK]YM STMCBFBC@[BLN ..............................................................................03  =.; MSSMN[B@E V@YB@IEMS .........................................................................................0= .........................................................................................0=   =.= QMEKBNA LF [MS[ OLBN[S – I][[ QMEKS........................................................06   =.6 [MS[BNA LF QMEKMK OLBN[S - I][[ QMEKS....................................................01  =.1 QMEKBNA LF [MS[ OLBN[S - FBEEM[ QMEKS ......................................................02  =.8 [MS[BNA LF QMEKMK OLBN[S – FBEEM[ QMEKS ................................................02  =.2 QMEKBNA LF [MS[ YMT@BY QMEKS.....................................................................02  =.04 [MS[BNA LF YMT@BY QMEKS ................................................................................94  SMC[BLN 6 P]@EBFBC@[BLN LF QMEKMYS .............................................................................94  6.0 AMNMY@E.................................................................................................................94  6.9 SBNAEM P]@EBFBC@[BLN ........................................................................................94  6.3 G]E[BTEM P]@EBFBC@[BLN....................................................................................94  6.; VBS]@E MX@GBN@[BLN ...........................................................................................90  T@Y[ BBB SMC[BLN 0 0.0 SMC[BLN 9 SMC[BLN 3 3.9 SMC[BLN ; ;.0 ;.9 ;.3 SMC[BLN =

6.= KMS[Y]C[BVM [MS[BNA........................................................................................90 [MS[BNA ........................................................................................90 6.6 Y@KBLAY@THR – I][[ QMEKS LNER .................................................................90  6.1 YM[MS[BNA .................................................................................... .............................................................................................................99 .........................99  6.8 YMCLYKS ................................................................................................................99 ................................................................................................................99  SMC[BLN 1 KMSBAN @NK TYMT@Y@[BLN LF @ OLBN[ FLY FLY TYLK]C[BLN QMEKBNA..... QMEKBNA........99 ...99   1.0 AMNMY@E.................................................................................................................99  1.9 @EBANGMN[ .......................................................................................... .............................................................................................................93 ...................93  1.3 ]SM LF EBNM-]T CE@GT FLY I][[ QMEKS.......................................................93 QMEKS .......................................................93  1.; IMVME.......................................................................................................................93  1.1 CEM@NBNA IM[QMMN IM@KS ...............................................................................93  1.8 TLSB[BLN QMEKBNA ...............................................................................................9;  1.2 YLEE QMEKBNA.......................................................................................................9;  1.04 BKMN[BFBC@[BLN LF QMEKS..................................................................................9; QMEKS..................................................................................9;  1.00 TYM- @NK TLS[-HM@[ [YM@[GMN[....................................................................9;   1.09 SMT@Y@[BLN LF ABY[H QMEKS...........................................................................9;  1.03 T@Y[B@EER CLGTEM[MK OLBN[S .........................................................................9; 


1.0; QMEK FBNBSHBNA ....................................................................................................9; 1.0= SHBMEKBNA @NK I@CJBNA A@S ............................................................................9=  SMC[BLN 8 BNSTMC[BLN @NK [MS[BNA LF TYLK]C[BLN QMEKS .....................................9= 



8.9 8.3 8.; 8.= SMC[BLN 2 2.0 2.3 2.;

KMT 60.;4.94.30-Amn. Fmiru`ry 9400 T`am ;

GM[HLKS LF BNSTMC[BLN...................................................................................9= BNSTMC[BLN ...................................................................................9=  P]@EBFBC@[BLN LF BNSTMC[BLN TMYSLNNME.................................................. TMYSLNNME..................................................9= 9=  CMY[BFBC@[BLN LF NLN-KMS[Y]C[BVM [MS[BNA TMYSLNNME.....................9=  MX[MN[ LF BNSTMC[BLN @NK [MS[BNA .............................................................9=  @CCMT[@NCM S[@NK@YKS FLY NLN-KMS[Y]C[BVM NLN-KMS[Y]C[BVM [MS[BNA..................... 96  AMNMY@E.................................................................................................................96  Y@KBLAY@THBC [MS[BNA......................................................... [MS[BNA......................................................................................96 .............................96  G@ANM[BC T@Y[BCEM [MS[BNA............................................................................91 

2.= EBP]BK-TMNM[Y@N[ [MS[BNA ..............................................................................91 2.6 ]E[Y@SLNBC [MS[BNA ..........................................................................................98  SMC[BLN 04 YMT@BY @NK YMGLV@E LF KMFMC[S KMFMC[S .................................................................98  04.0 @][HLYB_@[BLN FLY YMT@BY .............................................................................98  04.9 Ymp`br Trlcmkurm Trlcmkurm.......................................................................................... ......................................................................................................98 ............98  SMC[BLN 00 TYLCMK]YMS FLY NLN-KMS[Y]C[BVM NLN-KMS[Y]C[BVM [MS[BNA ...........................................92  00.0 Y@KBLAY@THBC [MS[ GM[HLKS.........................................................................92  00.9 G@ANM[BC T@Y[BCEM [MS[ GM[HLK .................................................................34  00.; ]E[Y@SLNBC [MS[ GM[HLK................................................................................34   SMC[BLN 09 GMCH@NB_MK QMEKBNA QB[H FBEEMY GM[@E @KKB[BLNS...............................34 @KKB[BLNS ...............................34  SMC[BLN 03 @][LG@[BC QMEKBNA QB[HL][ FBEEMY-GM[@E @KKB[BLNS.......................... @KKB[BLNS..........................34 34  SMC[BLN 0; KLC]GMN[@[BLN ..................................................................................................34 ..................................................................................................34   0;.0 AMNMY@E.................................................................................................................34  0;.9 TYM-QMEKBNA KLC]GMN[@[BLN....................................................................... KLC]GMN[@[BLN........................................................................30 .30   0;.3 FBN@E KLC]GMN[@[BLN.......................................................................................30   @TT. @ @E[MYN@[BVM @CCMT[@NCM @CCMT[@NCM S[@NK@YKS FLY FLY ABY[H QMEKS......................39   @.0 T@Y[ BV


AMNMY@E......................................................................................... AMNMY@E .................................................................................................................39 ........................39 YMFMYMNCMS .........................................................................................................3=   @TTMNKBCMS    @TTMNKBCMS


MX@GTEM LF ]SBNA Y]N L][ EMNA[H (YLE) [L GLNB[LY SHBMEKMK G@N]@E G@N]@E @YC QMEKBNA QMEKBNA ............................................................38 







T@Y[ B




KMT 60.;4.94.30-Amn. Fmiru`ry 9400 T`am =

[hbs KMT spmcbfbms thm rmqubrmgmnts `nk abvms rmclggmnk`tblns flr fbmek wmekbna bn thm clnstructbln `nk g`bntmn`ncm lf kupemx `nk supmr kupemx st`bnemss stmme pbpmebnms flr usm bn lbe `nk a`s lpmr`tblns unkmr ilth slur `nk nln-slur smrvbcm clnkbtblns. [hbs KMT bs i`smk ln @TB 004;, [wmntbmth Mkbtbln, Lctlimr 944=, wbth Mrr`t`/@kkmnkug lf Ouey 9441 `nk Kmcmgimr 9448. [hm bntmnkmk ebgbts lf `ppebc`tbln `rm `s kmfbnmk flr pbpmebnm sclpm ilunk`rbms bn Fbaurm 0 lf BSL 03693. Qmekbna ln prmssurbsmk pbpmebnms `nk hypmri`rbc wmekbna `rm mxceukmk frlg thm sclpm lf thbs KMT. [hbs KMT clnt`bns g`nk`tlry rmqubrmgmnts tl gbtba`tm prlcmss s`fmty rbsjs bn `cclrk`ncm wbth Kmsban Mnabnmmrbna G`nu`e KMG 0 – @ppebc`tbln lf [mchnbc`e St`nk`rks. [hbs bs ` rmvbsbln lf thm KMT lf thm s`gm nugimr k`tmk O`nu`ry 9404: smm (0.1) rma`rkbna thm ch`nams. 0.9

KBS[YBI][BLN, BN[MNKMK ]SM @NK YMA]E@[LYR CLNSBKMY@[BLNS ]nemss lthmrwbsm `uthlrbsmk iy Shmee ASB, thm kbstrbiutbln lf thbs KMT bs clnfbnmk tl Shmee clgp`nbms `nk, whmrm nmcmss`ry, tl Clntr`ctlrs `nk G`nuf`cturmrs/Suppebmrs nlgbn`tmk iy thmg. [hbs KMT bs bntmnkmk flr usm bn f`cbebtbms rme`tmk tl lbe `nk a`s prlkuctbln. @ppebc`tbln bn lthmr f`cbebtbms g`y `esl `ppey. Qhmn KMTs `rm `ppebmk, ` G`n`amgmnt lf Ch`nam (GLC) prlcmss shluek im bgpemgmntmk: thbs bs lf p`rtbcue`r bgplrt`ncm whmn mxbstbna f`cbebtbms `rm tl im glkbfbmk. Bf n`tbln`e `nk/lr elc`e rmaue`tblns mxbst bn whbch slgm lf thm rmqubrmgmnts g`y im glrm strbnamnt th`n bn thbs KMT, thm Clntr`ctlr sh`ee kmtmrgbnm iy c`rmfue scrutbny whbch lf thm rmqubrmgmnts `rm thm glrm strbnamnt `nk whbch clgibn`tbln lf rmqubrmgmnts wbee im `ccmpt`iem wbth rma`rk tl thm s`fmty, mnvbrlngmnt`e, mclnlgbc `nk ema`e `spmcts. Bn `ee c`sms thm Clntr`ctlr sh`ee bnflrg thm Trbncbp`e lf `ny kmvb`tbln frlg thm rmqubrmgmnts lf thbs KMT whbch bs clnsbkmrmk tl im nmcmss`ry bn lrkmr tl clgpey wbth n`tbln`e `nk/lr elc`e rmaue`tblns. [hm Trbncbp`e g`y thmn nmaltb`tm wbth thm @uthlrbtbms clncmrnmk, thm liomctbvm imbna tl lit`bn `armmgmnt tl fleelw thbs KMT `s celsmey `s plssbiem.



0.3.0 0.3 .0

Am Amnmr`e nmr`e kmfbnb tbl ns [hm Clntr`ctlr   bs thm p`rty th`t c`rrbms lut `ee lr p`rt lf thm kmsban, mnabnmmrbna, prlcurmgmnt, clnstructbln, clggbssblnbna lr g`n`amgmnt lf ` prlomct lr lpmr`tbln lf ` f`cbebty. [hm Trbncbp`e g`y unkmrt`jm `ee lr p`rt lf thm kutbms lf thm Clntr`ctlr. [hm G`nuf`cturmr/Suppebmr   bs thm p`rty th`t g`nuf`cturms lr suppebms g`tmrb`es, mqubpgmnt `nk smrvbcms tl pmrflrg thm kutbms spmcbfbmk iy thm Clntr`ctlr. [hm Trbncbp`e Trbncbp`e   bs thm p`rty th`t bnbtb`tms thm prlomct `nk uetbg`tmey p`ys flr bts kmsban `nk clnstructbln. [hm Trbncbp`e wbee amnmr`eey spmcbfy thm tmchnbc`e rmqubrmgmnts. [hm Trbncbp`e g`y `esl bnceukm `n `amnt lr clnsuet`nt `uthlrbsmk tl `ct flr, `nk ln imh`ef lf, thm Trbncbp`e. [hm elwmr-c`sm wlrk sh`ee sh`ee bnkbc`tm  bnkbc`tm ` rmqubrmgmnt. [hm c`pbt`ebsmk tmrg SH@EE ZTSW bnkbc`tms ZTSW  bnkbc`tms ` prlcmss s`fmty rmqubrmgmnt. [hm wlrk shluek shluek bnkbc`tms  bnkbc`tms ` rmclggmnk`tbln.



0.3.9 0.3 .9



KMT 60.;4.94.30-Amn. Fmiru`ry 9400 T`am 6

Spmcbfbc kmfbnb tbln s Clgp`ny   Clgp`ny

[mrg usmk bn @TB 004; whbch sh`ee im unkmrstllk tl gm`n Trbncbp`e.

Kmfmct (bn NK[)

 @n bgpmrfmctbln, lr arlup lf bgpmrfmctblns whlsm bnkbc`tbln(s) kl nlt gmmt spmcbfbmk `ccmpt`ncm crbtmrb`.

Melna`tmk Melna`tm k se`a bnceus bln (MSB)

[mrg usmk bn @TB 004; whbch sh`ee im unkmrstllk tl gm`n ebnm`r se`a bnceusbln (rmfmrmncm 3400) `s kmfbnmk bn BSL 6=94.

Bgpmrfmctb ln (bn NK[)

 @n bntmrruptbln, whbch g`y im mbthmr bntmntbln`e lr unbntmntbln`e, bn thm physbc`e structurm lr clnfbaur`tbln lf ` pbpm lr wmek.

Bnkbc `tbln (bn NK[)

Mvbkmncm lf `n bgpmrfmctbln th`t rmqubrms bntmrprmt`tbln tl kmtmrgbnm bts sbanbfbc`ncm.


[mrg usmk bn @TB 004; whbch sh`ee im t`jmn tl gm`n BPB `s usmk bn BSL 01636.

Slur smrvbcm

 @s kmfbnmk bn KMT


Irbtbsh A`s @pprlv`e Schmgm


Cmrtbfbc`tbln Schmgm flr Qmek Bnspmctbln Tmrslnnme


Nlgbn`e Kb`gmtmr


Feux Clrmk @rc Qmekbna


A`s Gmt`e @rc Qmekbna


A`s [unastmn @rc Qmekbna


Hm`t-@ffmctmk _lnm


Bg`am Pu`ebty Bnkbc`tlr


Nln-Kmstructbvm [mstbna


Nlgbn`e Tbpm Sbzm


Lutsbkm Kb`gmtmr


Tbttbna Ymsbst`ncm Mqubv`emnt


Tlst-Qmek Hm`t [rm`tgmnt


Trmebgbn`ry Qmekbna Trlcmkurm Spmcbfbc`tbln whbch bs nlt qu`ebfbmk


Yun Lut Emnath


Suigmramk @rc Qmekbna


Shbmekmk Gmt`e @rc Qmekbna


Suephbkm Strmss Clrrlsbln Cr`cjbna


Qmekbna Trlcmkurm Spmcbfbc`tbln


Qmekbna Trlcmkurm Pu`ebfbc`tbln Ymclrk

CYLSS-YMFMYMNCMS Qhmrm crlss-rmfmrmncms tl lthmr p`rts lf thbs KMT `rm g`km, thm rmfmrmncmk smctbln nugimr bs shlwn bn ir`cjmts. Lthmr klcugmnts rmfmrmncmk bn thbs KMT `rm ebstmk bn (T`rt BBB). Crlss-rmfmrmncms tl p`rts lf @TB 004; abvm smctbln nugimrs wbthlut ir`cjmts.




KMT 60.;4.94.30-Amn. Fmiru`ry 9400 T`am 1

S]GG@YR LF CH@NAMS [hm prmvblus mkbtbln lf thbs KMT w`s k`tmk O`nu`ry 9404. Flr thbs rmvbsbln ` clgp`nbln klcugmnt c`eemk ` ―KMT Bnflrg`tbvm‗ h`s immn crm`tmk clnt`bnbna i`cjarlunk bnflrg`tbln `nk whbch bs `ccmssbiem frlg thm Shmee St`nk`rks wmi p`am. Lthmr th`n mkbtlrb`e rmvbsblns, thm fleelwbna `rm thm g`bn ch`nams tl thbs klcugmnt? Lek smctb ln

Nmw Nmw Smctbln



Ch`nam [hm Trlcmss S`fmty t`iem bn thm clgp`nbln Bnflrg`tbvm prlvbkms Y@G r`njbnas lf thm Trlcmss S`fmty rmqubrmgmnts bn thbs KMT `nk furthmr i`cjarlunk bnflrg`tbln.



[hm amnmr`e rmqubrmgmnts th`t wmrm clnt`bnmk bn thm Sclpm smctbln h`vm immn glvmk tl T`rt BB Amnmr`e Ymqubrmgmnts.


T`rt BB

@kkmk amnmr`e rmqubrmgmnts bn-ebnm wbth thm st`nk`rk structurm flr `gmnkgmnt KMTs.

T`rt BB

T`rt BBB

T`rt BB rmnugimrmk tl T`rt BBB bn-ebnm wbth thm st`nk`rk structurm flr `gmnkgmnt KMTs.

;.9.3.0 =.0

;.9.3.0 =.0

I`cjbna a`s rmqubrmgmnts h`vm immn `kkmk. Glkbfbmk flurth iueemt unkmr smclnk p`r`ar`ph tl bnceukm sui-clntr`ctlrs.



@kkmk rmqubrmgmnt tl spmcbfy spmcbfbc g`chbnm prlar`gs tbmk tl plwmr suppebms.



@kkmk MN `nk BSL `s feux ce`ssbfbc`tbln ilkbms.





@kkmk e`st smntmncm.



@kkmk lntl e`st smntmncm glcj-up tmstbna.



@kkmk smclnk smntmncm lntl smclnk p`r`ar`ph.

T`rt BBB

T`rt BV


Glkbfbmk fbrst smntmncm lf thm rmpe`cmgmnt ce`usm.

CLGGMN[S LN [HBS KMT Clggmnts ln thbs KMT g`y im smnt tl thm @kgbnbstr`tlr `t st`nk`rksDshmee.clg st`nk`rksDshmee.clg,,  usbna thm KMT Fmmki`cj Flrg. Flrg. [hm KMT Fmmki`cj Flrg c`n im flunk ln thm g`bn p`am lf ―KMTs ln thm Qmi‗, `v`be`iem thrluah thm Aeli`e [mchnbc`e St`nk`rks wmi plrt`e http?//sww.shmee.clg/st`nk`rks  `nk ln thm g`bn p`am lf thm KMTs KVK-YLG. http?//sww.shmee.clg/st`nk`rks



KMT 60.;4.94.30-Amn. Fmiru`ry 9400 T`am 8



AMNMY@E T`rt BBB lf thbs KMT `gmnks, suppemgmnts `nk kmemtms v`rblus ce`usms lf @TB 004;, [wmntbmth mkbtbln, Lctlimr 944= wbth Mrr`t`/@kkmnkug lf Ouey 9441 `nk Kmcmgimr 9448. Qhmrmvmr rmfmrmncm bs g`km tl lf @TB 004;, bt sh`ee im unkmrstllk tl gm`n lf @TB 004;, [wmntbmth mkbtbln, Lctlimr 944= wbth Mrr`t`/@kkmnkug lf Ouey 9441 `nk Kmcmgimr 9448, `s `gmnkmk/suppemgmntmk iy thbs KMT. Flr m`sm lf rmfmrmncm, thm ce`usm nugimrbna lf lf @TB 004; h`s immn usmk thrluahlut T`rt BBB lf thbs KMT. Ce`usms bn lf @TB 004; th`t `rm nlt gmntblnmk bn thbs KMT sh`ee rmg`bn v`ebk `s wrbttmn.


BNFLYG@[BLN [L IM S]TTEBMK IR [HM TYBNCBT@E [hm fleelwbna bnflrg`tbln shluek im prlvbkmk iy thm Trbncbp`e `t thm mnqubry st`am lf thm lrkmr. -

nlgbn`e LK lf ebnmpbpm:


nlgbn`e w`ee thbcjnmss lf ebnmpbpm `nk fbttbnas:


ar`km `nk kmsban`tbln lf thm ebnmpbpm `nk clgplnmnt g`tmrb`es:


thm typm lf mxtmrn`e cl`tbna `nk thm cl`tbna cut i`cj:


pbpmebnm gbnbgug kmsban tmgpmr`turm:


pbpmebnm g`xbgug kmsban tmgpmr`turm:


smrvbcm mnvbrlngmnt (feubk clgplsbtbln, pH, chelrbkm, CL9, H9S):


`gmnkmk lr suppemgmnt`ry rmqubrmgmnts tl thbs KMT whmrm thm pbpmebnm bs tl im bnst`eemk iy rmmebna:


whmthmr spmcbfbc Clntr`ctlr qu`ebty prlcmkurms `rm tl im suigbttmk flr `armmgmnt (T`rt BB - 0;.9):


whmthmr wmekbna clnsug`iems `rm tl im `armmk (T`rt BB - ;.9.9.0):


whmthmr prmvblusey qu`ebfbmk wmekbna prlcmkurm spmcbfbc`tblns g`y im clnsbkmrmk flr `armmgmnt (T`rt BB - =.0):


whmthmr r`nams lf lutsbkm kb`gmtmr `nk/lr w`ee thbcjnmss c`n im clvmrmk iy ` sbnaem


wmekbna prlcmkurm qu`ebfbc`tbln (T`rt BB - =.3.9.3): whmthmr plst-wmek hm`t trm`tg trm`tgmnt mnt bs `ccmpt`iem (T (T`rt `rt BB - =.3.9.03):


whmthmr clrrlsbln tmsts `rm rmqubrmk flr wmekbna prlcmkurm qu`ebfbc`tbln `nk thm tmst prlcmkurms tl im mgpelymk (T`rt BB - =.6.2):


spmcbfbc rmqubrmgmnts flr wmek bkmntbfbc`tbln g`rjbna (T`rt BB - 1.04):


whmthmr p`rtb`e pmnmtr`tbln rm-rmp`brs c`n im pmrflrgmk (T`rt BB - 04.0.):


whmthmr `ee NK[ bnkbc`tblns `rm tl im rmplrtmk lr lney thlsm th`t `rm mv`eu`tmk `s kmfmcts - 00.0.1:


whmthmr spmcbfbc r`kblar`ph bkmntbfbc`tbln bkmntbfbc`tbln rmqubrmgmnts `rm tl `ppey - 00.0.8:


whmthmr thm Clntr`ctlr's qu`ebty pe`n bs tl im suigbttmk flr `armmgmnt (T`rt BB - 0;.9):


thm rmqubrmgmnts flr fbn`e klcugmnt`tbln (T`rt BB - 0;.3): `nk


whmthmr `etmrn`tbvm `ccmpt`ncm st`nk`rks flr abrth wmeks g`y im `ppebmk `nk thm cbrcugst`ncms unkmr whbch thmy `rm tl im `ppebmk (T`rt BB – @ppmnkbx @).



KMT 60.;4.94.30-Amn. Fmiru`ry 9400 T`am 2

T@Y[ BBB @GMNKGMN[S/S]TTEMGMN[S [L @TB 004; ([wmntbmth mkbtbln, Lctlimr 944= wbth Mrr`t`/@kkmnkug lf Ouey 9441 `nk Kmcmgimr 9448)


SCLTM Kmemtm thbs suismctbln `nk rmpe`cm wbth thm fleelwbna? [hbs KMT clvmrs thm `rc wmekbna lf iutt `nk fbeemt wmeks bn kupemx `nk supmr kupemx st`bnemss stmme flr pbpmebnms `nk rme`tmk f`cbebtbms. Qmekbna g`y im c`rrbmk lut iy ` SG@Q, A[@Q, AG@Q, S@Q, lr Te`sg` `rc, lr ` clgibn`tbln lf thmsm prlcmssms. ]nemss `armmk lthmrwbsm iy thm Trbncbp`e, thm A[@Q prlcmss sh`ee im usmk flr thm rllt `nk smclnk p`ssms.  @ g`nu`e, smgb-`utlg`tbc, lr `utlg`tbc wmekbna tmchnbqum, lr clgibn`tbln lf thmsm tmchnbqums g`y im usmk. Fbeemr gmt`e SH@EE ZTSW im usmk flr `ee p`ssms. Ylee wmekbna g`y im `ccmptmk iy thm Trbncbp`e whmn `n `utlg`tbc wmekbna prlcmss bs usmk. AG@Q, A[@Q, `nk a`s-shbmekmk FC@Q sh`ee im rmstrbctmk tl clnstructbln `rm`s prltmctmk `a`bnst wbnk `nk kr`uaht. [hbs KMT `esl clvmrs thm prlcmkurm rmqubrmgmnts `nk `ccmpt`ncm st`nk`rks tl im `ppebmk tl qu`ebfbc`tbln `nk prlkuctbln wmeks kmstructbvmey tmstmk `nk/lr bnspmctmk iy r`kblar`phbc, uetr`slnbc, lr ebqubk pmnmtr`nt NK[ gmthlks. KMT ce`usms th`t kl nlt s`tbsfy thm elc`e rmaue`tblns wbee im `kkrmssmk bn spmcbfbc `gmnkgmnts tl thbs KMT `s prlomct spmcbfbc spmcbfbc`tblns.

SMC[BLN 9 YMFMYMNCMK T]IEBC@[BLNS T]IEBC@[BLNS  @kk thm fleelwbna? Smm `esl (T`rt BBB) lf thbs KMT.




clgp`ny Kmemtm thbs suismctbln `nk rmpe`cm wbth thm fleelwbna? [hbs tmrg sh`ee im unkmrstllk tl gm`n thm Trbncbp`e `s kmfbnmk bn 0.3.0.


bgpmrfmctbln Kmemtm thbs suismctbln `nk rmpe`cm wbth thm fleelwbna? [hbs tmrg sh`ee im unkmrstllk tl gm`n dBgpmrfmctbln (bn NK[)‒ `s kmscrbimk bn T@Y[ B lf thbs KMT.


bnkbc`tbln Kmemtm thbs suismctbln `nk rmpe`cm wbth thm fleelwbna? [hbs tmrg sh`ee im unkmrstllk tl gm`n dBnkbc`tbln (bn NK[)‒ `s kmscrbimk bn T@Y[ B lf thbs KMT.



3.9.8 3.9 .8

KMT 60.;4.94.30-Amn. Fmiru`ry 9400 T`am 04

bnt mrn`e clnc `vbty Ympe`cm "bntmrn`e" wbth rllt.


MP]BTGMN[ Kmemtm thbs suismctbln `nk rmpe`cm wbth thm fleelwbna? [hm Clntr`ctlr sh`ee clntrle wmekbna mqubpgmnt bn `cclrk`ncm wbth BSL 383;-9. [hm Clntr`ctlr sh`ee clntrle bnspmctbln `nk tmst mqubpgmnt bn `cclrk`ncm wbth BSL 04409-0. Tbpm h`nkebna mqubpgmnt, rleemrs, `nk ebnm-up ce`gps sh`ee nmbthmr k`g`am nlr clnt`gbn`tm thm pbpms `nk sh`ee `chbmvm thm spmcbfbmk fbt-up. Kbrmct clnt`ct sh`ee im prmvmntmk imtwmmn thm kupemx `nk supmr kupemx st`bnemss stmme ebnm pbpm `nk c`riln stmme mqubpgmnt. Ebnm-up ce`gps `nk supplrts sh`ee h`vm st`bnemss stmme bnsmrts lr sh`ee im cl`tmk wbth ` clgp`tbiem g`tmrb`e. Sp`cbna tlles sh`ee im lf st`bnemss stmme. Kurbna prmp`r`tbln flr wmekbna, `nk cem`nbna lr krmssbna lf wmek kmplsbts `nk clgplnmnts, lney arbnkbna whmmes kmkbc`tmk tl st`bnemss stmme wlrj sh`ee im usmk. Qbrm irushms sh`ee im lf st`bnemss stmme. A[@Q plwmr slurcms sh`ee h`vm ` hbah-frmqumncy st`rtbna unbt `nk ` cr`tmr-mebgbn`tbna selpm-lut clntrle.



;.9.0 ;.9 .0

Tbpm `nk fbt tbna s Kmemtm thbs suismctbln `nk rmpe`cm wbth thm fleelwbna? [hbs KMT `ppebms tl thm wmekbna lf kupemx (flr mx`gpem ar`kms such `s ]NS S30843, S3994=, mtc, bn whbch TYM bs emss th`n ;4 iut glrm th`n 3;) `nk supmr kupemx st`bnemss stmme (flr mx`gpem ar`kms such `s ]NS S391=4, S39164, mtc, bn whbch TYM bs ;4 lr arm`tmr) pbpm, fe`nams, `nk fbttbnas. [hm Clntr`ctlr sh`ee chmcj thm bkmntbty lf `ee g`tmrb`es `a`bnst thm G`nuf`cturmr/Suppebmr's bnspmctbln klcugmnts. Btmgs wbthlut thm G`nuf`cturmr/Suppebmr's bnspmctbln klcugmnts sh`ee nlt im usmk unemss thmy `rm rm-cmrtbfbmk.

;.9.9 ;.9 .9

Fbeemr gmt`e


[ypm `nk sbzm Kmemtm thbs suismctbln `nk rmpe`cm wbth thm fleelwbna? [hm memctrlkms, fbeemr wbrms, `nk wbrm/feux clgibn`tblns sh`ee im ce`ssbfbmk tl ` n`tbln`e st`nk`rk `nk shluek h`vm `pprlv`e frlg ` rmclanbsmk cmrtbfybna `uthlrbty such `s KNV lr Eelyk's. Qhmrm spmcbfbmk iy thm Trbncbp`e, thm Clntr`ctlr's fbeemr g`tmrb`e smemctbln sh`ee im `armmk iy thm Trbncbp`e. M`ch elt lf fbeemr g`tmrb`es sh`ee im tmstmk flr kmplsbtmk wmek gmt`e chmgbc`e clgplsbtbln `nk gmch`nbc`e prlpmrtbms? ybmek (prllf) strmnath, tmnsbem strmnath, `nk melna`tbln. [hm chrlgbug clntmnt sh`ee `t em`st g`tch thm p`rmnt g`tmrb`e `nk thm nbcjme clntmnt sh`ee lvmrg`tch thm p`rmnt g`tmrb`e `n`eysbs unemss thm wmek bs tl im suiomctmk tl ` sleutbln `nnm`ebna hm`t trm`tgmnt. Feuxms sh`ee im tmstmk `nk cmrtbfbmk bn clgibn`tbln wbth thm fbeemr gmt`e. [hm cmrtbfbc`tbln sh`ee `ppey tl thm elt ce`ssbfbc`tbln bn `cclrk`ncm wbth @QS @=.40 `s kmt`bemk imelw? Clnsug`iem [ypm Clvmrmk memctrlkms I`rm slebk wbrm Feux clrmk wbrm Feux flr S@Q

Elt Ce`ssbfb Ce`ssbfb c`tbln C= S3 [3 F9




KMT 60.;4.94.30-Amn. Fmiru`ry 9400 T`am 00

]nemss spmcbfbmk lthmrwbsm bn thm purch`sm lrkmr flr fbeemr g`tmrb`es, glst G`nuf`cturmrs/Suppebmrs G`nuf`cturmrs/Suppebmrs wbee lney prlvbkm amnmrbc cmrtbfbc`tms th`t `rm nlt kbrmctey rme`tmk tl thm elt.

Bf elt cmrtbfbc`tms `rm nlt `v`be`iem, lr thm cmrtbfbc`tms `rm nlt `ccmpt`iem, thm Clntr`ctlr sh`ee lit`bn rmpe`cmgmnt fbeemr g`tmrb`es lr tmst thm fbeemr g`tmrb`es bn `cclrk`ncm wbth thbs KMT. Bnspmctbln cmrtbfbc`tms flr thm fbeemr g`tmrb`es sh`ee im bn `cclrk`ncm wbth BSL 04;1; [ypm 3.0.I. ;.9.9.9

Stlr`am `nk h`nkebna lf fbeemr gmt`es `nk feuxms Kmemtm thbs suismctbln `nk rmpe`cm wbth thm fleelwbna? Memctrlkms, fbeemr wbrms `nk feuxms sh`ee im stlrmk bn ` kry stlr`am rllg bn `cclrk`ncm wbth thm G`nuf`cturmr's bnstructblns. Fbeemr g`tmrb`es `nk feuxms sh`ee rmg`bn bn thmbr lrbabn`e clnt`bnmrs whbch sh`ee im g`rjmk wbth thm G`nuf`cturmr's n`gm, thm clnsug`iem tr`km n`gm `nk thm i`tch nugimr. Fbeemr g`tmrb`es `nk feuxms bn clnt`bnmrs th`t `rm nlt bkmntbfb`iem `nk tr`cm`iem sh`ee im rmglvmk frlg thm wlrj sbtm. [hm stlr`am rllg sh`ee h`vm ` g`xbgug rme`tbvm hugbkbty lf =4 %. Fbeemr g`tmrb`es `nk feuxms th`t shlw sbans lf k`g`am lr kmtmrblr`tbln, m.a. cr`cjmk lr fe`jmk cl`tbnas, sh`ee im kbsplsmk lf.  @ee clvmrmk memctrlkms sh`ee im prlpmrey bkmntbfb`iem up tl thm tbgm lf us`am, m`ch memctrlkm imbna kbstbnaubsh`iem iy ` clkbna g`rjmk nm`r thm arbp mnk. Memctrlkms wbthlut ` clkm g`rjbna sh`ee nlt im usmk. Qhmrm nmcmss`ry, clvmrmk memctrlkms sh`ee im i`jmk `nk bssumk tl thm wlrj pe`cm bn `cclrk`ncm wbth thm G`nuf`cturmr‒s bnstructblns. Qbrm splles sh`ee im stlrmk bn c`ibnmts wbth thm G`nuf`cturmr's wr`ppbna bn pe`cm `nk sh`ee rmg`bn cem`rey bkmntbfb`iem up tl thm plbnt lf us`am. ]nbkmntbfb`iem wbrm sh`ee nlt im usmk. Feux sh`ee im h`nkemk `nk stlrmk bn `cclrk`ncm wbth thm feux G`nuf`cturmr's rmclggmnk`tblns. ]nusmk feux sh`ee rmg`bn bkmntbfb`iem `nk tr`cm`iem. Feux sh`ee lney im rmcycemk bn `cclrk`ncm wbth thm G`nuf`cturmr‒s rmclggmnk`tblns. Stlr`am, trm`tgmnt `nk h`nkebna lf `ee fbeemr g`tmrb`es `nk feuxms sh`ee im bn `cclrk`ncm wbth thm G`nuf`cturmr/Suppebmr's rmclggmnk`tblns flr `chbmvbna gbnbgug hykrlamn bn thm kmplsbtmk wmek gmt`e.

;.9.3 ;.9 .3

Shbmekbna `nk I`cjb na a`s


[ypms  @kk thm fleelwbna? [hm shbmekbna `nk i`cj puram a`s sh`ee im ce`ssbfbmk bn `cclrk`ncm wbth BSL 0;01=. Turbty `nk kmw plbnt sh`ee im smemctmk iy thm clntr`ctlr bn lrkmr tl `chbmvm thm rmqubrmgmnts bn thbs KMT. Hykrlamn sh`ee nlt im `kkmk. [hm shbmekbna a`s flr thm rllt `nk smclnk p`ssms sh`ee im @r/9-3 %N... I`cjbna a`s g`y im 044% Nbtrlamn. I`cjbna a`s sh`ee im g`bnt`bnmk kurbna wmekbna lpmr`tblns untbe 04 gg lf wmek gmt`e bs kmplsbtmk. [hm clgplnmnt clncmntr`tblns lf thm a`s sh`ee im `s spmcbfbmk ln thm QTS `nk sh`ee im thm s`gm flr prlcmkurm qu`ebfbc`tbln `nk prlkuctbln wmekbna. 


Stlr`am `nk h`nkebna  @kk thm fleelwbna? A`sms bn clnt`bnmrs th`t `rm unbkmntbfb`iem sh`ee nlt im usmk.  @kk thm fleelwbna nmw suismctbln?


P]@EB[R SRS[MG [hm Clntr`ctlr shluek g`bnt`bn `nk lpmr`tm ` qu`ebty systmg bn `cclrk`ncm wbth BSL 2440 lr `etmrn`tbvm st`nk`rk bf `armmk iy thm Trbncbp`e.



KMT 60.;4.94.30-Amn. Fmiru`ry 9400 T`am 09


TYLCMK]YM P]@EBFBC@[BLN  @kk thm fleelwbna?  @ee wmekbna SH@EE ZTSW im qu`ebfbmk usbna ` Qmekbna Trlcmkurm Spmcbfbc`tbln (QTS) `nk clrrmsplnkbna Trlcmkurm Pu`ebfbc`tbln Ymclrk (TPY), `s kmt`bemk bn Smctbln = lf thbs klcugmnt. Pu`ebfbc`tbln lf wmekbna prlcmkurms sh`ee bnceukm tmstbna `s rmfmrmncmk bn @ppmnkbx (@9.0) bn `kkbtbln tl thlsm `s kmfbnmk imelw. Smp`r`tm prlcmkurm q qu`ebfbc`tbln u`ebfbc`tbln sh`ee im klnm sbgue`tbna p`rtb`e pmnmtr`tbln rmp`brs. Qmek rllt rmp`brs `rm nlt `eelwmk `nk wbee rmqubrm ` cut lut `nk rm-wmek. Lney QTSs `armmk iy thm Trbncbp`e sh`ee im usmk flr tmst wmekbna. Qhmn bnkbc`tmk iy thm Trbncbp`e bn thm mnqubry klcugmnt, prmvblusey qu`ebfbmk wmekbna prlcmkurm spmcbfbc`tblns g`y im lffmrmk flr `armmgmnt suiomct tl thm fleelwbna? -

thm QTPY bs fueey bn `cclrk`ncm wbth thbs KMT: thm QTS bs `gmnkmk tl rmfemct thm prlomct-spmcbfbc kmt`bes: thm wmekbna sh`ee im wbthbn thm mssmntb`e v`rb`iems kmfbnmk bn thbs KMT: KMT: `nk thm QTS `nk QTPY `rm lwnmk `nk clntrleemk iy thm Clntr`ctlr lr sui-clntr`ctlrs unkmr kbrmct clntrle lf thm prbncbp`e clntr`ctlr.


Gmch`nbc`e `nk gmt`eelar`phbc tmstb tmstbna na flr QTPY h h`s `s immn wbtnmssmk iy `n bnkmpmnkmnt ilky

Trlvbsblns flr thm wmekbna `nk tmstbna lf fbeemt wmeks, bnceukmk bn @TB 004; `nk thbs KMT, sh`ee im t`jmn tl `ppey `esl tl fuee pmnmtr`tbln ir`nch wmeks. Iutt wmekbna prlcmkurms, ir`nch wmekbna prlcmkurms, fbeemt wmekbna prlcmkurms, `nk rmp`br wmekbna prlcmkurms sh`ee im qu`ebfbmk smp`r`tmey. [mst wmekbna sh`ee im pmrflrgmk unkmr sbgue`tmk sbtm clnkbtblns usbna pbpm nbppems wbth ` emnath lf =44 gg lr lnm LK, whbchmvmr bs thm arm`tmr. Flr fe`nam/fbttbna wmeks, subt`iey sbzmk tmst rbnas g`y im usmk. [hm usm lf hbstlrbc`e rmmebna k`t` g`y im pmrgbttmk suiomct tl gmmtbna thm rmqubrmgmnts kmt`bemk imelw `nk imbna `ccmpt`iem tl thm TYBNCBT@E. Qhmrm `ccmpt`iem, gmch`nbc`e tmst spmcbgmns sh`ee im `rtbfbcb`eey str`bnmk =% (lr `t emvme th`t bs rmprmsmnt`tbvm lf thm bnst`ee`tbln `nk lpmr`tbln`e clnkbtblns) `amk `t 9=4´C flr lnm hlur `nk im clnkuctmk bn `cclrk`ncm wbth Smctbln 8.=.9 lf thbs spmcbfbc`tbln, unemss lthmrwbsm `armmk wbth thm TYBNCBT@E. Flr pbpmebnm abrth wmeks suiomctmk tl pe`stbc kmflrg`tbln kurbna bnst`ee`tbln (b.m. rmmebna), fr`cturm tluahnmss tmstbna `nk MC@ shluek im clnkuctmk iy thm CLN[Y@C[LY bn `cclrk`ncm wbth KNV-LS-F040 `nk KNV-YT-F048. [hm prlplsmk phbelslphy `nk gmthlklelay sh`ee im `pprlvmk iy thm TYBNCBT@E prblr tl tmstbna.  @ smemctbln lf thm prlcmkurm qu`ebfbc`tbln wmeks sh`ee im suiomctmk tl fuee-sc`em sbgue`tbln imnkbna `t thm g`xbgug str`bn prmkbctmk kurbna bnst`ee`tbln. Clanbz`ncm sh`ee `esl im t`jmn lf pltmntb`e hbah str`bns `nk thm mffmct lf f`tbaum kurbna lpmr`tbln `nk shluek im `ssmssmk bf kmmgmk sbanbfbc`nt iy thm TYBNCBT@E thm nugimr lf cycems sh`ee im kmtmrgbnmk frlg thm nugimr lf cycems rmqubrmk flr bnst`ee`tbln, peus `ny clntbnamncy lpmr`tblns `nk `armmk wbth thm TYBNCBT@E. [hmsm str`bnmk wmeks sh`ee thmn im `amk flr 0 hlur `t 9=4´C. Qmek rmp`br prlcmkurms sh`ee im bnceukmk bn thm fuee-sc`em trb`e `nk sh`ee im elc`tmk tl unkmral g`xbgug str`bn. [hm tmst wmeks sh`ee im f`irbc`tmk bntl thm tmst strbna bn ` g`nnmr th`t mnsurms th`t thm 09 l'celcj wmekbna plsbtbln lf lnm wmek `nk thm 3(2) l'celcj wmekbna plsbtbln lf thm smclnk wmek bs elc`tmk `t thm plbnt lf g`xbgug imnkbna str`bn, b.m. thm lutsbkm lf thm imnk. [hm nugimr lf wmeks wbthbn thm tmst strbna sh`ee im suffbcbmnt tl `cclunt flr QTP gmch`nbc`e tmst rmqubrmgmnts.




KMT 60.;4.94.30-Amn. Fmiru`ry 9400 T`am 03

YMCLYK  @kk thm fleelwbna? Qmekbna p`r`gmtmrs shluek im rmclrkmk iy gm`ns lf ` c`ebir`tmk plrt`iem `rc glnbtlrbna systmg wbth prbntlut f`cbebty. [hm prlcmkurm qu`ebfbc`tbln rmclrk sh`ee bnceukm thm fleelwbna? -

prbntluts frlg thm plrt`iem `rc glnbtlrbna systmg.


lrbabn`e NK[ rmplrts: lrbabn`e e`ilr`tlry tmst rmplrts, bnceukbna g`crl `nk gbcrl phltlar`phs cem`rey shlwbna thm gbcrlstructurm lf thm wmek gmt`e, H@_, `nk thm i`sm g`tmrb`e: lrbabn`es lr vmrbfbmk clpbms lf thm G`nuf`cturmr/Suppebmr's cmrtbfbc`tbln klcugmnts flr thm tmst clupln g`tmrb`es: `nk lrbabn`es lr vmrbfbmk clpbms lf thm G`nuf`cturmr/Suppebmr's cmrtbfbc`tbln klcugmnts flr thm fbeemr g`tmrb`es `nk feux mgpelymk flr tmst wmekbna.


[hm QTPY sh`ee im suigbttmk tl thm Trbncbp`e wbth thm prlkuctbln QTS flr `pprlv`e prblr tl prlkuctbln wmekbna. =.3



Amnmr`e  @kk thm fleelwbna? [hm QTS sh`ee shlw thm fleelwbna nln-tmchnbc`e bnflrg`tbln? -

k`tm: rmvbsbln nugimr: clntr`ct nugimr: prlomct tbtem: Clntr`ctlr's n`gm: `nk rmfmrmncm tl thbs KMT.

=.3.9 =.3 .9

Spmcbfbc `tbln bnf lrg`tb ln


Tbpm `nk fbttbna g`tmrb`es Kmemtm thbs suismctbln `nk rmpe`cm wbth thm fleelwbna? [hm g`tmrb`es tl whbch thm prlcmkurm `ppebms sh`ee im bkmntbfbmk. Smp`r`tm prlcmkurms sh`ee im qu`ebfbmk flr m`ch spmcbfbc`tbln `nk ar`km lf pbpm lr fbttbnas tl im wmekmk.


Kb`gmtmrs `nk w`ee thbcjnmss Kmemtm thbs suismctbln `nk rmpe`cm wbth thm fleelwbna? Qhmrm `armmk iy thm Trbncbp`e, thm `eelw`iem r`nams sh`ee im `s kmfbnmk bn (=.;.9.=) `nk (=.;.9.08).


Olbnt kmsban  @kk thm fleelwbna? [hm QTS sh`ee bnkbc`tm thm `eelw`iem tlemr`ncms ln m`ch lf thm olbnt kmsban kmt`bes. Tmrg`nmnt i`cjbna i`rs sh`ee nlt im usmk. Slcjmt wmeks sh`ee nlt im pmrgbttmk flr thm `tt`chgmnt lf ir`nch clnnmctblns.


Fbeemr gmt`e `nk nugimr lf im`ks  @kk thm fleelwbna? Kmt`bes lf thm fbeemr gmt`e sbzms, ce`ssbfbc`tbln, `nk g`nuf`cturmr/ir`nk n`gm sh`ee im st`tmk ln thm QTS flr m`ch p`ss.


Memctrbc`e ch`r`ctmrbstbcs  @kk thm fleelwbna?



KMT 60.;4.94.30-Amn. Fmiru`ry 9400 T`am 0;

Qhmrm `ppebc`iem, memctrbc`e stbcj lut, clnt`ct tuim-tl-wlrj kbst`ncm, `nk wbrm fmmk spmmk sh`ee im spmcbfbmk flr m`ch wmek p`ss. Bf puesmk wmekbna bs usmk, i`cjarlunk currmnt `nk puesm p`r`gmtmrs, m.a. w`vmflrg, pm`j currmnt, kur`tbln `nk frmqumncy, sh`ee im fueey spmcbfbmk. Spmcbfbc g`chbnm prlar`gs tbmk tl spmcbfbc glkmes lf plwmr suppey sh`ee im spmcbfbmk whmrm `ppebc`iem. =.3.9.1

Fe`gm ch`r`ctmrbstbcs Kmemtm thbs suismctbln.

=.3.9.00 [ypm `nk rmglv`e lf ebnm-up ce`gp Kmemtm thm e`st smntmncm `nk rmpe`cm wbth thm fleelwbna?  @n bntmrn`e ebnm-up ce`gp sh`ee nlt im rmglvmk untbe unt be thm smclnk p`ss bs 044 % clgpemtm. @n mxtmrn`e ebnm-up ce`gp sh`ee nlt im rmglvmk untbe unt be thm rllt wmek p`ss bs `t em`st =4 % clgpemtm, mqu`eey kbstrbiutmk `rlunk thm olbnt. [hm gbnbgug nugimr lf wmek p`ssms tl im kmplsbtmk imflrm thm pbpm bs elwmrmk lff sh`ee im st`tmk. Smm `esl (1.3). =.3.9.09 Cem`nbna `nk/lr arbnkbna  @kk thm fleelwbna? [hm QTS sh`ee st`tm thm gmthlks tl im usmk flr bntmrp`ss cem`nbna, fbn`e wmek surf`cm trm`tgmnt, `nk trm`tgmnt tl thm i`cjsbkm lf thm wmek, bf `ny. Smm `esl (1.1). =.3.9.03 Trm- `nk plst-hm`t trm`tgmnt  @kk thm fleelwbna? Trmhm`t rmqubrmgmnts sh`ee `cclunt flr wmekbna `t elw `gibmnt tmgpmr`turms whmrm suffbcbmnt hm`t tl rmglvm surf`cm glbsturm `nk prmvmnt clnkmns`tbln g`y im rmqubrmk. Tlst-wmek hm`t trm`tgmnt (sleutbln `nnm`e) sh`ee lney im usmk whmn `armmk iy thm Trbncbp`e. Smm `esl (1.00.0) `nk (1.00.9). =.3.9.0; Shbmekbna a`s `nk felw r`tm  @kk thm fleelwbna? [hm i`cjbna a`s clgplsbtbln `nk felw r`tm sh`ee `esl im st`tmk. [hm QTS sh`ee bnceukm thm rmqubrmgmnts flr i`cjbna a`s feushbna prblr tl clggmncmgmnt lf wmekbna, thm nugimr lf wmek p`ssms flr whbch i`cjbna a`s felw bs g`bnt`bnmk, `nk flr glnbtlrbna lf i`cjbna a`s lxyamn clntmnt. Smm `esl (1.0=). =.3.9.0= Shbmekbna feux  @kk thm fleelwbna? [hm MN, BSL lr @QS feux ce`ssbfbc`tbln, thm G`nuf`cturmr, ir`nk n`gm, `nk thm sbzm sh`ee `esl im spmcbfbmk. =.3.9.06 Spmmk lf tr`vme Kmemtm thbs suismctbln `nk rmpe`cm wbth thm fleelwbna? Spmmk lf tr`vme sh`ee im shlwn bn gg pmr gbnutm lr gg pmr smclnk. Flr g`nu`e memctrlkm wmekbna, YLE g`y im suistbtutmk flr tr`vme spmmk.  @kk thm fleelwbna nmw suismctblns? =.3.9.01 Hm`t bnput r`nam [hm `eelw`iem r`nam lf hm`t bnput flr m`ch wmekbna prlcmss `nk m`ch wmek p`ss sh`ee im spmcbfbmk mxcmpt whmn YLE bs `klptmk tl kmfbnm wmekbna spmmk. Hm`t bnput sh`ee im shlwn bn jO/gg.  jO/gg. 



KMT 60.;4.94.30-Amn. Fmiru`ry 9400 T`am 0=

=.3.9.08 Nugimr lf wmekmrs [hm QTS sh`ee kmsban`tm thm nugimr lf rllt p`ss wmekmrs `nk smclnk p`ss wmekmrs. =.3.9.02 T`rtb`eey clgpemtm olbnt [hm gbnbgug nugimr lf wmek p`ssms imflrm thm olbnt bs `eelwmk tl clle tl `gibmnt tmgpmr`turm sh`ee im spmcbfbmk. Smm `esl (1.03). =.3.9.94 [unastmn memctrlkm flr A[@Q A[@Q wmekbna [hm @QS memctrlkm ce`ss sh`ee im spmcbfbmk bn thm QTS. =.3.9.90 Qmekbna tmchnbqum Flr `utlg`tbc wmekbna, thm fleelwbna sh`ee im spmcbfbmk? -

`gpebtukm lf wm`vm: frmqumncy lf wm`vm: `nk kwmee tbgm.




Amnmr`e  @kk thm fleelwbna? Bf thm mssmntb`e v`rb`iems `rm mxcmmkmk kurbna prlkuctbln wmekbna, thm kmplsbtmk wmek gmt`e sh`ee im rmglvmk `nk thm olbnt rm-prmp`rmk.

=.;.9 =.;.9 =.;.9.9

Ch`nams rmqubrb na rmqu`ebfb c`tbln I`sm g`tmrb`e Kmemtm thbs suismctbln `nk rmpe`cm wbth thm fleelwbna?  @ny ch`nam bn spmcbfbc`tbln, ar ar`km `km lr gmthlk lf g`nuf`cturm (c`stbna, flrabna, mtc.) lf pbpm p bpm `nk fbttbnas sh`ee clnstbtutm ` ch`nam bn mssmntb`e v`rb`iems.


Tlsbtbln  @kk thm fleelwbna?  @ny ch`nam bn thm `naem lf thm `xbs lf thm pbpm arm`tmr th`n 9= qu`ebfbc`tbln sh`ee clnstbtutm ` ch`nam bn mssmntb`e v`rb`iem.


frlg th`t usmk flr

Fbeemr gmt`e Kmemtm thbs suismctbln, bnceukbna [`iem 0, `nk rmpe`cm wbth thm fleelwbna? [hm fleelwbna sh`ee im clnsbkmrmk `s ch`nams bn mssmntb`e v`rb`iems flr `ny abvmn p`ss bn thm qu`ebfbmk QTS? ` ch`nam bn thm kb`gmtmr lf memctrlkm lr fbeemr wbrm: ` ch`nam bn fbeemr gmt`e ce`ssbfbc`tbln: ` ch`nam lf fbeemr gmt`e tr`km n`gm.

=.;.9.04 Shbmekbna a`s `nk felw r`tm Kmemtm thm smclnk smntmncm `nk rmpe`cm wbth thm fleelwbna?  @ ch`nam lf felw r`tm tl lnm imylnk thm r`nam lf sh`ee clnstbtutm ` ch`nam bn mssmntb`e v`rb`iem.

04 % lf th`t qu`ebfbmk `nk spmcbfbmk

 @kk thm fleelwbna?  @ny bncrm`sm bn thm lxyamn clntmnt lf thm mffeumnt i`cjbna a`s imylnk th`t qu`ebfbmk sh`ee nmcmssbt`tm rmqu`ebfbc`tbln.  @ny kmcrm`sm bn thm nugimr lf p`ssms imflrm cmss`tbln lf i`cjbna a`s felw sh`ee clnstbtutm cln stbtutm ` ch`nam bn mssmntb`e v`rb`iem.



KMT 60.;4.94.30-Amn. Fmiru`ry 9400 T`am 06

=.;.9.00 Shbmekbna feux Kmemtm thbs suismctbln, bnceukbna [`iem 0, `nk rmpe`cm wbth thm fleelwbna?  @ny ch`nam bn ce`ssbfbc`tbln lr tr`km n`gm sh`ee clnstbtutm ` ch`nam bn mssmntb`e v`rb`iem. =.;.9.09 Spmmk lf tr`vme  @kk thm fleelwbna?  @ny ch`nam thm spmmk lf tr`vme, lr memctrlkm YLE, lutsbkm thm r`nam qu`ebfbmk sh`eebnclnstbtutm ` ch`nam bn mssmntb`e v`rb`iem. NL[M?

04 % lf th`t

@ppmnkbx0 beeustr`tms hlw YLE c`n im usmk bn thm fbmek tl clntrle ilth wmekbna spmmk `nk hm`t bnput flr SG@Q wmekbna.

=.;.9.03 Trmhm`t Kmemtm thm tbtem `nk thm suismctbln `nk `kk thm fleelwbna? =.;.9.03 Trmhm`t `nk bntmrp`ss tmgpmr`turm  @ny kmcrm`sm bn thm prmhm`t tmgpmr`turm lr bncrm`sm bn thm bntmrp`ss tmgpmr`turm `s clgp`rmk tl th`t rmclrkmk ln thm QTPY sh`ee clnstbtutm ` ch`nam bn mssmntb`e v`rb`iem. =.;.9.0; Tlst-wmek hm`t trm`tgmnt Kmemtm thbs suismctbln `nk rmpe`cm wbth thm fleelwbna? [hm bnceusbln lr lgbssbln lf TQH[, lr `ny ch`nam bn TQH[ p`r`gmtmrs, sh`ee clnstbtutm ` ch`nam bn mssmntb`e v`rb`iems.  @kk thm fleelwbna nmw suismctblns? =.;.9.0= Qmekbna p`r`gmtmrs lr `rc mnmray  @ny ch`nam lutsbkm thm r`nam 0= % lf thm sbnaem v`eums flr vlets, `gps `nk wbrm fmmk spmmk kmtmrgbnmk frlg thm QTPY sh`ee clnstbtutm ` ch`nam bn mssmntb`e v`rb`iems. Hlwmvmr, thm p`r`gmtmrs sh`ee im clntrleemk sl th`t thm `rc mnmray r`nam bs wbthbn th`t shlwn bn thm prlkuctbln QTS. [hm qu`ebfbmk r`nam lf `rc mnmray shlwn bn thm prlkuctbln QTS sh`ee im i`smk ln, pmr wmek p`ss, thm hbahmst bnst`nt`nmlus `rc mnmray gm`surmk kurbna qu`ebfbc`tbln wmekbna peus 04 % `nk thm elwmst bnst`nt`nmlus `rc mnmray mnmra y gbnus 04 %. NL[M?

[hm r`nam bn thm prlkuc prlkuctbln tbln QTS QTS smts smts `isleutm `isleutm ebgbts `nk bbs s nlt suiomct tl v` v`rb`tbln. rb`tbln. Bf YLE bs ` `klptmk klptmk flr SG@Q wmekbna, `s beeustr`tmk bn (@ppmnkbx 0), `rc mnmray klms nlt rmqubrm smp`r`tm clntrles.

[hm `kkbtbln lr kmemtbln lf puesmk currmnt `nk `ny ch`nam bn thm puesm p`r`gmtmrs sh`ee im clnsbkmrmk `s ch`nams bn thm mssmntb`e v`rb`iems. =.;.9.06 Smqumncm lf wmek p`ssms  @ny ch`nam bn thm smqumncm lf kmplsbtbln sh`ee clnstbtutm ` ch`nam bn mssmntb`e v`rb`iem. =.;.9.01 Ymglv`e lf ebnm-up ce`gp Ymglv`e lf thm ebnm-up ce`gp `t ` st`am m`rebmr th`n st`tmk bn thm `armmk QTS sh`ee clnstbtutm ` ch`nam bn mssmntb`e v`rb`iem. =.;.9.08 Kb`gmtmr Qhmrm thm usm lf r`nams bs `armmk iy thm Trbncbp`e, `ny ch`nam bn kb`gmtmr lutsbkm thm r`nam 4.=K tl 0.=K sh`ee im clnsbkmrmk `s ` ch`nam bn mssmntb`e v`rb`iem. =.;.9.02 Ymp`br wmeks T`rtb`e pmnmtr`tbln rmp`brs g`km celsmr tl thm bnsbkm surf`cm clgp`rmk tl thm qu`ebfbc`tbln wmekbna sh`ee im clnsbkmrmk `s ` ch`nam bn mssmntb`e v`rb`iem. =.=

QMEKBNA LF [MS[ OLBN[S – I][[ QMEKS Kmemtm thbs suismctbln `nk rmpe`cm wbth thm fleelwbna?



KMT 60.;4.94.30-Amn. Fmiru`ry 9400 T`am 01

Suffbcbmnt tmst wmeks sh`ee im g`km tl mxtr`ct `ee thm kmstructbvm tmst spmcbgmns rmqubrmk flr qu`ebfbc`tbln tmstbna. =.6



Trmp`r`tbln Kmemtm thbs suismctbln `nk rmpe`cm wbth thm fleelwbna? Trblr lfhm`t tmst trm`tgmnt spmcbgmns, tmst`armmk, wmek sh`ee im suiomctmk tlimflrm thm NK[ kmfbnmk imelw.tlBf rmglv`e plst-wmek h`sthm immn thbs sh`ee im `ppebmk NK[. [hm NK[ sh`ee clnsbst lf thm fleelwbna? -

vbsu`e mx`gbn`tbln bn `cclrk`ncm wbth MN 214: ebqubk pmnmtr`nt tmstbna: r`kblar`phbc tmstbna: `nk uetr`slnbc tmstbna

NK[ ln `ee tmst wmeks sh`ee im pmrflrgmk wbth thm wmek `t `gibmnt tmgpmr`turm usbna thm mqubpgmnt `nk prlcmkurms clgpeybna wbth (00). [hm `ccmpt`ncm crbtmrb` sh`ee im `s st`tmk bn (2). @ny wmek whbch f`bes tl gmmt thm `ccmpt`ncm crbtmrb` sh`ee nlt im lffmrmk flr kmstructbvm tmstbna.  @ee tmst wmeks sh`ee im smctblnmk `t thm elc`tblns shlwn bn Fbaurm 3 `nk (Fbaurm @) flr thm rmglv`e lf thm spmcbgmns rmqubrmk iy [`iem 9 `nk (=.6.6 - =.6.8).  @k k thm t hm ffle leel el w bna bn a n mw sui s ui smc smctb tb ln s? =.6.6 =.6 .6

G` G`crl crl `nk gbc rlsc lpbc mx`gbn`tbln `nk h`rknmss tmsts


Trmp`r`tbln Spmcbgmns sh`ee im mxtr`ctmk frlg thm elc`tblns shlwn bn (Fbaurm @) `nk prmp`rmk flr g`crlsclpbc mx`gbn`tbln bn `cclrk`ncm wbth @S[G M3;4. [hm smctblns lf thm wmek t`jmn flr g`crlsclpbc mx`gbn`tbln `nk h`rknmss tmstbna g`y `esl im usmk flr fmrrbtm gm`surmgmnt `s rmqubrmk bn (=.6.1).


Gmthlk [hm prmp`rmk smctblns sh`ee im mx`gbnmk `t ` g`anbfbc`tbln lf x= `nk phltlg`crlar`phs `t thm s`gm g`anbfbc`tbln sh`ee im bnceukmk bn thm QTPY. H`rknmss tmstbna sh`ee im pmrflrgmk bn `cclrk`ncm wbth MN 04;3-0. H`rknmss bnkmnt elc`tblns sh`ee im bn `cclrk`ncm wbth IS ;=0=-9 `nk, flr thm H@_, MN 04;3 -0. [hm bnkmnts sh`ee im vbsbiem bn thm phltlg`crlar`phs.


@ccmpt`ncm crbtmrb` [hm prmp`rmk smctblns sh`ee nlt shlw `ny kmfmcts `s kmfbnmk bn (2). [hm g`xbgug bnkbvbku`e h`rknmss v`eum sh`ee nlt mxcmmk thm fleelwbna?  @e el y Kupemx (99Cr) Supmr Kupemx (9=Cr)


H`rk H`rknms nmss s 33; HV04 3=4 HV04

Gbcrlsclpbc mv`eu`tbln flr kmemtmrblus ph`sms [hm clntmnt lf kmemtmrblus ph`sms such `s sbag` bn thm gbcrlstructurm sh`ee im c`rrbmk lut bn `cclrk`ncm wbth @S[G M=69 `nk bt shluek nlt mxcmmk 4.4= %.


Fmrrbt m gm`sur mgmnt


Gmthlk [hm clntmnt sh`ee kmtmrgbnmk bn `cclrk`ncm wbthbnsbkm @ppmnkbx 3. [hm fmrrbtm clntmnt sh`eefmrrbtm im gm`surmk ln `eeim spmcbgmns 0 gg frlg ilth thm `nk lutsbkm surf`cms `nk im rmplrtmk flr thm p`rmnt g`tmrb`e, H@_ `nk wmek gmt`e.




KMT 60.;4.94.30-Amn. Fmiru`ry 9400 T`am 08

@ccmpt`ncm crbtmrb` [hm fmrrbtm clntmnt sh`ee im bn thm r`nam ;4 % tl 64 % flr thm p`rmnt g`tmrb`e `nk 3= % tl 6= % bn thm wmek/H@_ rmablns.

=.6.8 =.6 .8

Ch`rpy V-nltch bgp`ct tmstb na


Trmp`r`tbln [hrmm smts lf thrmm spmcbgmns sh`ee im t`jmn frlg thm elc`tblns shlwn bn (Fbaurm @). Lnm smt lf thrmm sh`ee im nltchmk `t m`ch lf thm fleelwbna plsbtblns? -

rllt wmek cmntrm ebnm: rllt fusbln ebnm (=4 % bntmrsmctbln lf nltch): `nk rllt fusbln ebnm + 9 gg.

Bf thm w`ee thbcjnmss mxcmmks 94 gg, `n `kkbtbln`e smt lf thrmm spmcbgmns sh`ee im prmp`rmk frlg thm s`gm elc`tbln flr m`ch lf thm fleelwbna plsbtblns? -

c`p wmek cmntrm ebnm: c`p fusbln ebnm (=4 % bntmrsmctbln lf nltch): `nk c`p fusbln ebnm + 9 gg.

[hmsm rmqubrmgmnts `rm sugg`rbsmk bn (Fbaurm I). Spmcbgmns sh`ee, whmrmvmr plssbiem, im 04 x 04 gg fuee sbzm. Bf thmsm kbgmnsblns `rm nlt plssbiem, sui-sbzm 04 x 1.= gg sh`ee im mxtr`ctmk. Bf thm e`ttmr `rm nlt plssbiem, thm spmcbgmns sh`ee im 04 x = gg. Ch`rpy bgp`ct tmstbna g`y im lgbttmk bf ` spmcbgmn `t em`st = gg thbcj c`nnlt im mxtr`ctmk. =.6.8.9

Gmthlk [mstbna sh`ee im clnkuctmk bn `cclrk`ncm wbth @S[G @314 `t thm gbnbgug kmsban tmgpmr`turm lf thm pbpmebnm.


@ccmpt`ncm crbtmrb` M`ch smt lf thrmm spmcbgmns sh`ee gmmt thm fleelwbna rmqubrmgmnts? Spmcbgmn Sbzm gg 04 x 04 04 x 1.= 04 x =

=.6.2 =.6 .2

Clrrlsb ln tmsts


Tbttbna tmsts

Ch`rpy Mnmray Ol uems ([7-;6 ([7-;6 C) Gbnbgug @vmr`am Gbnbgug Sbnaem =4 ;4 38 30 9= 94

Tbttbna tmsts sh`ee im pmrflrgmk bn `cclrk`ncm wbth thm prlcmkurm kmt`bemk bn @ppmnkbx 9. [hm tmst tmgpmr`turm sh`ee im 99 ´C flr kupemx `nk 3= ´C flr supmr kupemx. =.6.2.9

SSCC tmsts Qhmn rmqubrmk iy thm Trbncbp`e, SSCC tmsts sh`ee im pmrflrgmk bn `cclrk`ncm wbth ` prlcmkurm `kvbsmk iy thm Trbncbp`e. Smm `esl (@ppmnkbx 9).



=.6.04.0 Amnmr`e Bf thm rmsuets lf kmstructbvm tmstbna `rm uns`tbsf`ctlry lwbna tl kmfmctbvm spmcbgmn prmp`r`tbln lr ` elc`ebsmk wmek kmfmct, thm Clntr`ctlr sh`ee bnflrg thm Trbncbp`e `nk lit`bn `armmgmnt tl prlcmmk wbth rmtmsts.



KMT 60.;4.94.30-Amn. Fmiru`ry 9400 T`am 02

=.6.04.9 [mnsbem tmsts Bf ` g`xbgug lf lnm tmnsbem spmcbgmn klms nlt gmmt thm `ccmpt`ncm crbtmrb`, twl `kkbtbln`e spmcbgmns sh`ee im tmstmk. Ilth lf thm `kkbtbln`e spmcbgmns sh`ee gmmt thm `ccmpt`ncm crbtmrb`. =.6.04.3 Ch`rpy V-nltch bgp`ct tmsts Bf thm rmqubrmgmnts lf (=.6.8.3) `rm nlt s`tbsfbmk, thrmm furthmr spmcbgmns sh`ee im tmstmk. [hm bnkbvbku`e gm`n v`eum lf thmg`y sbx tmsts sh`eeth`n im `tthm em`st mqu`e tl`vmr`am thm `vmr`am rmqubrmgmnt `nkv`eum lney twl v`eums im elwmr gbnbgug spmcbfbmk. Lney lnm g`y im imelw thm gbnbgug spmcbfbmk v`eum. =.6.04.; Nmw QTS rmqubrmgmnt Bf thm tmst olbnt f`bes tl gmmt thm gbnbgug rmqubrmgmnts lf thbs KMT, ` nmw QTS sh`ee im mst`iebshmk `nk qu`ebfbmk. [hm QTS `nk TPY sh`ee im suigbttmk tl thm prbncbp`e flr rmvbmw. =.1

QMEKBNA LF [MS[ OLBN[S - FBEEM[ QMEKS Ch`nam tbtem `s fleelws?


QMEKBNA LF [MS[ OLBN[S - FBEEM[ QMEKS @NK IY@NCH QMEKS Kmemtm thbs suismctbln `nk rmpe`cm wbth thm fleelwbna? [hm clnfbaur`tbln lf fbeemt wmek tmst olbnts sh`ee im bn `cclrk`ncm wbth thm wmek kmt`bes tl im usmk bn prlkuctbln `nk thm ebgbt`tblns lf (=.3).


[MS[BNA LF QMEKMK OLBN[S – FBEEM[ QMEKS Ch`nam tbtem `s fleelws?




Trmp`r`tbln  @kk thm fleelwbna? Trblr tl cuttbna, tmst wmeks sh`ee im vbsu`eey bnspmctmk `nk ebqubk-pmnmtr`nt tmstmk. Bf thm wmek bs kmmgmk `ccmpt`iem bn `cclrk`ncm wbth (2), bt g`y im lffmrmk flr kmstructbvm tmstbna.


Gmthlk Kmemtm thbs suismctbln `nk rmpe`cm wbth thm fleelwbna? G`crlsclpbc mx`gbn`tbln `nk h`rknmss gm`surmgmnt sh`ee im c`rrbmk lut bn `cclrk`ncm wbth (=.6.6) ln m`ch lf twl g`crlsmctblns. Ln fuee pmnmtr`tbln ir`nch wmeks, fmrrbtm clntmnt kmtmrgbn`tbln `nk gbcrlstructur`e mv`eu`tbln sh`ee `esl im clnkuctmk bn `cclrk`ncm wbth


(=.6.1). Ymqubrmgmnts Kmemtm thbs suismctbln `nk rmpe`cm wbth thm fleelwbna? [hm g`crlsmctblns sh`ee im frmm frlg kmfmcts. @ccmpt`ncm crbtmrb` flr h`rknmss tmstbna sh`ee im `s st`tmk bn (=.6.6.3). [hm `ccmpt`ncm crbtmrb` flr fmrrbtm clntmnt `nk gbcrlstructur`e mv`eu`tbln sh`ee im `s st`tmk bn (=.6.1.9).  @kk thm fleelwbna nmw suismctblns?


QMEKBNA LF [MS[ YMT@BY QMEKS [hm rmp`br wmekbna prlcmkurm sh`ee im qu`ebfbmk bn `cclrk`ncm wbth (=). T`rtb`e pmnmtr`tbln mxc`v`tblns sh`ee rm`ch ` gbnbgug lf h`ef thm pbpm w`ee thbcjnmss.







KMT 60.;4.94.30-Amn. Fmiru`ry 9400 T`am 94

M`ch rmp`br sh`ee im lf suffbcbmnt emnath tl prlvbkm thm spmcbfbmk nugimr lf spmcbgmns flr kmstructbvm tmstbna. Nln-kmstructbvm `nk kmstructbvm tmstbna lf thm rmp`br wmek sh`ee im pmrflrgmk `s rmqubrmk bn (=.6) `nk (04). =.04.9

Gmthlk Kmstructbvm tmsts sh`ee im `s fleelws? -


0 tr`nsvmrsm tmnsbem - =.6.9: 0 g`crl-h`rknmss tmst - (=.6.6) fmrrbtm gm`surmgmnt flr p`rtb`e pmnmtr`tbln rmp`brs (=.6.1) whbch sh`ee bnceukm gm`surmgmnts g`km bn thm nmw H@_ flrgmk bn thm lrbabn`e wmek: Ch`rpy tmstbna `t thm elc`tblns shlwn bn IS ;=0=-9: Fmrrbc chelrbkm clrrlsbln tmstbna bn `cclrk`ncm wbth @ppmnkbx 9.

Ymqubrmgmnts [hm `ccmpt`ncm crbtmrb` sh`ee im `s flr thm lrbabn`e wmekbna prlcmkurm qu`ebfbc`tbln.


AMNMY@E Kmemtm thm e`st smntmncm lf thm smclnk p`r`ar`ph.  @kk thm fleelwbna? Pu`ebfbc`tbln lf wmekmrs SH@EE ZTSW fleelw thm rmqubrmgmnts lf Smctbln 6. Flr iutt wmeks, wmekmrs sh`ee im qu`ebfbmk iy vbsu`e mx`gbn`tbln, r`kblar`phbc tmstbna `nk g`crlmx`gbn`tbln. Qhmrm `utlg`tbc wmekbna h`s immn usmk, uetr`slnbc tmstbna sh`ee `esl im unkmrt`jmn. Flr ir`nch wmeks `nk fbeemt wmeks, wmekmrs sh`ee im qu`ebfbmk iy vbsu`e mx`gbn`tbln, ebqubk pmnmtr`nt tmstbna `nk g`crlmx`gbn`tbln.




Amnmr`e Kmemtm thm fbrst smntmncm `nk rmpe`cm wbth thm fleelwbna? [hm wmekmr sh`ee g`jm ` wmek, lr plrtbln lf ` wmek, tl olbn pbpm nbppems sbgue`tbna thm wlrj whbch wbee im unkmrt`jmn bn prlkuctbln wmekbna. Smagmnts lf pbpm nbppems sh`ee nlt im usmk.  @kk thm fleelwbna? M`ch lf thm twl pbpm nbppems usmk tl g`jm thm tmst wmek sh`ee h`vm ` gbnbgug emnath lf K lr elna mnluah tl `cclgglk`tm thm `ebangmnt kmvbcm imbna usmk, whbchmvmr bs arm`tmr.


Sclpm Kmemtm btmgs `, i, c, k, m, f `nk a `nk rmpe`cm wbth thm fleelwbna? [hm ebgbts lf wmekmr qu`ebfbc`tbln shluek im thm mssmntb`e v`rb`iems lf thm QTS. @ny ch`nam whbch nmcmssbt`tms rmqu`ebfbc`tbln lf thm QTS shluek rmqubrm rmqu`ebfbc`tbln lf wmekmrs tl thm nmw, qu`ebfbmk QTS unemss thm Trbncbp`e `armms th`t thm v`rb`iem th`t h`s ch`namk h`s nl mffmct ln ` wmekmr's pmrflrg`ncm.




Amnmr`e Kmemtm thbs suismctbln.




KMT 60.;4.94.30-Amn. Fmiru`ry 9400 T`am 90

Sclpm Kmemtm thbs suismctbln.


VBS]@E MX@GBN@[BLN Kmemtm thbs suismctbln `nk rmpe`cm wbth thm fleelwbna? Vbsu`e mx`gbn`tbln sh`ee im pmrflrgmk bn `cclrk`ncm wbth MN 214. [hm `ccmpt`ncm crbtmrb` sh`ee im `s kmfbnmk bn (2).



3.=.0 3.= .0

S` S`gpeb gpeb na lf tmst iutt wmeks Kmemtm thbs suismctbln `nk [`iem 3 `nk rmpe`cm wbth thm fleelwbna?  @ftmr s`tbsf`ctlry r`kblar`phbc tmstbna, thm tmst wmek sh`ee im smctblnmk flr g`crlmx`gbn`tbln bn `cclrk`ncm wbth (=.6.6). H`rknmss tmstbna g`y im lgbttmk. [hm nugimr lf g`crlsmctblns sh`ee im twl pmr wmekmr's plrtbln. [hm `ccmpt`ncm crbtmrb` sh`ee im `s kmfbnmk bn (2).

6.=.9 6.= .9

[mnsb [mnsb em-strmnath , Nbcj-irm`j `nk Imnk-tmst prlc mkurms flr iutt wmeks Kmemtm thbs suismctbln.

6.=.3 6.= .3

[mnsb [mnsb em-strmnath tmst rmqubrmgmnts flr iutt wmeks Kmemtm thbs suismctbln.

6.=.; 6.= .;

Nbcj-irm`j tmst rmqubrmgmnts flr iutt wmeks Kmemtm thbs suismctbln.

6.=.= 6.= .=

Imnk tmst rmqubrmgmnts flr iutt wmeks Kmemtm thbs suismctbln.

6.=. 6.=.6 6

S` S`gpebna gpebna lf tmst fbeemt wmeks Ch`nam tbtem `s fleelws?

6.=. 6.=.6 6

S` S`gpebna gpebna lf tmst fbeemt `nk ir`nch wmeks  @kk thm fleelwbna? Trblr tl cuttbna, thm tmst wmeks sh`ee im ebqubk-pmnmtr`nt tmstmk bn `cclrk`ncm wbth 00.3 `nk sh`ee gmmt thm rmqubrmgmnts lf (2).

6.=.1 6.= .1

[mst [mst gmthlks `nk rmqubrmgmnts flr fbe emt wmeks Kmemtm thbs suismctbln `nk rmpe`cm wbth thm fleelwbna?

6.=.8 6.= .8

[mst [mst gmthlks `nk rmqubrmgmnts flr fbe emt `nk ir`nch wmeks    @ftmr s`tbsf`ctlry ebqubk pmnmtr`nt tmstbna, thm tmst wmek sh`ee im smctblnmk flr g`crlmx`gbn`tbln bn `cclrk`ncm wbth (=.6.6). H`rknmss tmstbna g`y im lgbttmk upln `pprlv`e iy thm Trbncbp`e. [hm nugimr lf g`crlsmctblns sh`ee im twl pmr wmekmr's plrtbln. [hm NK[ `ccmpt`ncm crbtmrb` sh`ee im `s kmfbnmk bn (2).




Amnmr`e Kmemtm thbs suismctbln `nk rmpe`cm wbth thm fleelwbna? [hm qu`ebfbc`tbln iutt wmek sh`ee im mx`gbnmk iy r`kblar`phy prblr tl thm kmstructbvm tmstbna spmcbfbmk bn (6.=).



KMT 60.;4.94.30-Amn. Fmiru`ry 9400 T`am 99

]etr`slnbc tmstbna sh`ee `esl im pmrflrgmk ln tmst wmeks whmrm `ny im`k h`s immn kmplsbtmk iy `utlg`tbc wmekbna. 6.6.9 6.6 .9

Bnspmctb ln rmqubrmgmnts  @kk thm fleelwbna? [hm tmst wmek sh`ee `esl gmmt thm rmqubrmgmnts lf thbs KMT.


YM[MS[BNA Kmemtm thbs suismctbln `nk rmpe`cm wbth thm fleelwbna? Bf thm tmst wmek klms nlt gmmt thm spmcbfbmk `ccmpt`ncm crbtmrb`, thm wmekmr g`y c`rry lut twl rmpm`t tmsts prlvbkmk th`t thm f`beurm c`n im tr`cmk tl unflrmsmmn cbrcugst`ncms `nk c`nnlt im `ttrbiutmk tl e`cj lf wmekmr tr`bnbna. Ilth lf thm rmpm`t wmeks sh`ee gmmt thm spmcbfbmk `ccmpt`ncm crbtmrb`. F`beurm lf lnm lr ilth rmpm`t wmeks sh`ee rmsuet bn kbsqu`ebfbc`tbln lf thm wmekmr untbe such tbgm `s thm Clntr`ctlr c`n kmglnstr`tm tl thm Trbncbp`e th`t s`tbsf`ctlry tr`bnbna h`s immn rmcmbvmk. @ftmr `armmgmnt iy thm Trbncbp`e, thm wmekmr g`y thmn im prmsmntmk flr furthmr qu`ebfbc`tbln tmstbna.


YMCLYKS  @kk thm fleelwbna? [hm Clntr`ctlr sh`ee `ssban m`ch wmekmr ` unbqum bkmntbfbc`tbln nugimr, emttmr lr sygile tl mnsurm tr`cm`ibebty tl spmcbfbc wmeks. Bf ` wmekmr cm`sms tl wlrj flr thm Clntr`ctlr, thm unbqum bkmntbfbc`tbln sh`ee nlt im rm`ssbanmk tl `nlthmr wmekmr.



AMNMY@E Kmemtm thbs suismctbln `nk rmpe`cm wbth thm fleelwbna? [hm prmp`r`tbln `nk wmekbna lf pbpmebnm clgplnmnts SH@EE ZTSW im bn `cclrk`ncm wbth thm qu`ebfbmk `nk `pprlvmk QTS. [hm `pprlvmk QTS sh`ee im `v`be`iem `t thm clnstructbln sbtm. Fusbln f`cms `nk thm surrlunkbna surf`cms wbthbn ` gbnbgug lf 9= gg lf thm olbnt sh`ee im frmm frlg hm`vy sc`em, glbsturm, lbe, p`bnt lr `ny lthmr suist`ncm whbch g`y h`vm ` kmemtmrblus mffmct ln thm wmek qu`ebty lr prlarmss. Trblr tl wmekbna, thm mnk prmp`r`tbln sh`ee im kmarm`smk wbth ` nln-chelrbn`tmk slevmnt such `s `cmtlnm.  @rcs sh`ee im strucj lney ln fusbln f`cms lr ln strbjbna pe`tms prlvbkmk `s `n `bk tl `rc st`rtbna. Str`y `rc strbjms sh`ee im rmglvmk iy arbnkbna. [hm arlunk `rm` sh`ee im ebqubkpmnmtr`nt tmstmk `nk thbcjnmss-chmcjmk. Qhmrm thm thbcjnmss bs imelw thm spmcbfbmk gbnbgug, thbs smctbln lf pbpm sh`ee im rmglvmk. [hm Clntr`ctlr sh`ee mnsurm ` allk m`rth clnnmctbln `nk pmrblkbc`eey mx`gbnm thm clnkbtbln lf thm m`rth c`iems `nk `tt`chgmnts. @ny `rcbna frlg ` pllr clnnmctbln sh`ee im trm`tmk `s ` str`y `rc strbjm. Clnnmctblns sh`ee im g`km tl thm wlrj iy st`bnemss stmme ce`gps. M`rth c`iems sh`ee nlt im wmekmk tl pbpmebnm clgplnmnts. [hm lpmn mnks lf thm pbpm sh`ee im c`ppmk whmn bntmrruptblns tl wlrj mxpmctmk tl e`st twl lr glrm hlurs lccur. @ee lpmn mnks lf pbpm strbnas sh`ee im c`ppmk lff `nk sm`emk whmn wmekbna bs clgpemtmk.




KMT 60.;4.94.30-Amn. Fmiru`ry 9400 T`am 93

@EBANGMN[ Kmemtm thbs suismctbln `nk rmpe`cm wbth thm fleelwbna? [hm pbpmebnm clgplnmnts sh`ee im fbrgey supplrtmk bn ilth thm vmrtbc`e `nk hlrbzlnt`e pe`nm `nk nl wmekbna sh`ee im c`rrbmk lut untbe thm `ebangmnt spmcbfbmk bn thm `pprlvmk QTS h`s immn `chbmvmk.  @ny gbs`ebangmnt sh`ee im rmkucmk tl ` gbnbgug iy rlt`tbln lf thm pbpm tl `chbmvm thm imst fbt. H`ggmrbna lr hm`tbna lf thm pbpm sh`ee nlt im pmrgbttmk. Bf thm lffsmt mxcmmks 0.6 gg, prlvbkmk th`t bt bs c`usmk iy kbgmnsbln`e v`rb`tblns wbthbn thm spmcbfbmk tlemr`ncms, lr bf `ebangmnt lf twl pbpmebnm clgplnmnts lf kbffmrmnt nlgbn`e thbcjnmss `nk thm s`gm lutsbkm kb`gmtmr bs rmqubrmk, olbnt kmsban sh`ee im bn `cclrk`ncm wbth @SGM I30.; lr @SGM I30.8. @ny t`pmr sh`ee nlt im stmmpmr th`n 0 bn ;. Bf ` pbpm wbth lnm elnabtukbn`e elnabtukbn`e sm`g bs bs usmk, thbs sm`g sh`ee im wbthbn thm tlp 094 lf thm cbrcugfmrmncm. [hm elnabtukbn`e sm`gs lf clnsmcutbvm pbpms sh`ee im lffsmt iy `t em`st 044 gg.


]SM LF EBNM-]T CE@GT FLY I][[ QMEKS Kmemtm thbs suismctbln `nk rmpe`cm wbth thm fleelwbna? Bntmrn`e ebnm-up ce`gps sh`ee im usmk whmrmvmr plssbiem `nk thmbr kmsban sh`ee im such `s tl `eelw thm bntrlkuctbln `nk clnt`bngmnt lf purabna a`sms. Mxtmrn`e ebnm-up ce`gps g`y im usmk flr ebnm pbpm 0=4 NTS `nk imelw, flr tbm-bn wmeks, `nk flr spmcb`e wmeks, such `s clnnmctblns tl v`evms, fe`nams `nk fbttbnas. Tbpm sh`ee nlt im glvmk lr elwmrmk lff untbe thm smclnk p`ss h`s immn clgpemtmk. Qhmrm `n bntmrn`e lr mxtmrn`e ebnm-up ce`gp c`nnlt im usmk, `ebangmnt g`y im `chbmvmk usbna t`cj wmeks. [`cj wmeks sh`ee im tmgplr`ry i`r t`cjs usbna subt`iem kupemx st`bnemss stmme g`tmrb`e. Qmekbna p`r`gmtmrs sh`ee im bn `cclrk`ncm wbth thm `pprlprb`tm fbee p`ss. [`cj wmekbna sh`ee im pmrflrgmk lney iy wmekmrs qu`ebfbmk tl wmek wbth thm QTS. [hm t`cj wmeks sh`ee im rmglvmk iy arbnkbna `s wmekbna prlarmssms `rlunk thm olbnt. Fueey pmnmtr`tbna rllt t`cjs sh`ee nlt im `eelwmk.



1.;.9 1.;. 9

Fbmek imvme Kmemtm thbs suismctbln `nk rmpe`cm wbth thm fleelwbna? Mnk prmp`r`tblns sh`ee im g`km iy g`chbnbna `nk/lr arbnkbna wbth thm mxcmptbln th`t pe`sg` cuttbna bs pmrgbssbiem prlvbkmk ` g`chbnm-aubkmk tlrch bs usmk. Te`sg`-cut mnks sh`ee im emft frmm lf se`a `nk thm cut surf`cm sh`ee im arlunk tl ` sgllth, irbaht, unbflrg fbnbsh wbth thm rmglv`e lf ` gbnbgug lf 4.= gg lf gmt`e. [hm nmw mnk prmp`r`tbln sh`ee im vbsu`eey mx`gbnmk `nk ebqubk-pmnmtr`nt tmstmk bn `cclrk`ncm wbth BSL 0942=. Iurns, sg`ee sclrm g`rjs, bnkmnt`tblns, lthmr bgpmrfmctblns `nk ebnm`r bnkbc`tblns sh`ee im un`ccmpt`iem `nk thm pbpm mnk sh`ee im rm-prmp`rmk. Qhmrm ` cut i`cj h`s immn g`km `s ` rmsuet lf e`gbn`tblns bn thm pbpm, thm `rm` flr thm nmw mnk prmp`r`tbln sh`ee im suiomctmk tl uetr`slnbc tmstbna tl clnfbrg thm `ismncm lf e`gbn`tblns. Ymp`br iy wmekbna sh`ee nlt im pmrgbttmk. Bf pbpms `rm cut, pbpm g`rjbnas sh`ee im tr`nsfmrrmk tl thm lffcut bn lrkmr tl g`bnt`bn bkmntbfbc`tbln.


CEM@NBNA IM[QMMN IM@KS Kmemtm "Qhmn `utlg`tbc lr gmch`nbzmk wmekbna bs usmk," `nk rmpe`cm wbth thm fleelwbna? Flr `ee typms lf wmekbna,





1.8.9 1.8 .9

Fbeemr `nk fbnb sh im`ks

KMT 60.;4.94.30-Amn. Fmiru`ry 9400 T`am 9;

Kmemtm thm e`st smntmncm lf thm fbrst p`r`ar`ph `nk rmpe`cm wbth thm fleelwbna? [hm mxcmss wmek gmt`e `t thm c`p flr w`ee thbcjnmssms 6.; gg `nk imelw sh`ee nlt mxcmmk 0.6 gg. Flr w`ee thbcjnmssms arm`tmr th`n 6.; gg, thm mxcmss wmek gmt`e `t thm c`p sh`ee nlt mxcmmk 3.9 gg. 1.2


1.2.9 1.2 .9

Fbeemr `nk fbnb sh im`ks Kmemtm thm e`st smntmncm lf thm fbrst p`r`ar`ph `nk rmpe`cm wbth thm fleelwbna? [hm mxcmss wmek gmt`e `t thm c`p flr w`ee thbcjnmssms 6.; gg `nk imelw sh`ee nlt mxcmmk 0.6 gg. Flr w`ee thbcjnmssms arm`tmr th`n 6.; gg, thm mxcmss wmek gmt`e `t thm c`p sh`ee nlt mxcmmk 3.9 gg.


BKMN[BFBC@[BLN LF QMEKS Kmemtm thbs suismctbln `nk rmpe`cm wbth thm fleelwbna? Qmeks sh`ee im g`rjmk, bn ` g`nnmr `armmk iy thm Trbncbp`e, tl g`bnt`bn tr`cm`ibebty lf wmekmrs tl spmcbfbc wmeks lr p`rts lf wmeks.


TYM- @NK TLS[-HM@[ [YM@[GMN[ Kmemtm thbs suismctbln `nk rmpe`cm wbth thm fleelwbna?

1.00.0 1.0 0.0

Trmhm`t Trmhm`t `nk bnt mrp`ss tmgpmr`turm clnt rle `nk gm`surmgmnt Qhmrm prmhm`t bs rmqubrmk iy thm QTS, bt sh`ee im `ppebmk usbna memctrbc`e rmsbst`ncm hm`tmrs, hlt `br ielwmrs lr lxy-prlp`nm rlsmiuk tlrchms. Qmekbna lr cuttbna tlrchms sh`ee nlt im usmk. Gm`surmgmnt sh`ee im g`km bn `cclrk`ncm wbth BSL 03206.

1.00.9 1.0 0.9

Tlst-wmek hm`t trm`tgmnt TQH[ g`y im spmcbfbmk lney bn mxcmptbln`e cbrcugst`ncms. Bnkbvbku`e rmqubrmgmnts `nk prlcmkurms sh`ee im `armmk wbth thm Trbncbp`e `s nmcmss`ry.

 @kk thm fleelwbna nmw suismctblns? 1.09

SMT@Y@[BLN LF ABY[H QMEKS [hm gbnbgug `eelw`iem kbst`ncm imtwmmn abrth wmeks (tlm-tl-tlm) sh`ee im thm LK lr =44 gg whbchmvmr bs thm e`ramr. Bn `ny 3 g emnath lf pbpm, ` g`xbgug lf twl wmeks sh`ee im `eelwmk unemss spmcbfbmk lthmrwbsm ln thm `armmk clnstructbln kr`wbnas. Qmeks lf ir`nch clnnmctblns `nk `tt`chgmnts shluek nlt lvmre`p g`bn sm`g wmeks.


T@Y[B@EER CLGTEM[MK OLBN[S Bntmrruptbln lf wmekbna shluek im `vlbkmk. Bf bntmrruptbln bs un`vlbk`iem, ` gbnbgug lf thrmm p`ssms lr lnm-thbrk lf thm olbnt thbcjnmss, whbchmvmr bs arm`tmr, sh`ee h`vm immn kmplsbtmk. Ln rmsugptbln lf wmekbna `ny prmhm`t rmqubrmgmnts spmcbfbmk bn thm `pprlvmk QTS sh`ee im `ppebmk. [hm p`rtb`eey clgpemtmk wmek sh`ee im vbsu`eey bnspmctmk prblr tl rmsugptbln lf wmekbna tl chmcj flr cr`cjs, kbrt/clnt`gbn`tbln `nk clrrlsbln.


QMEK FBNBSHBNA Qmeks sh`eegm`ns im emfttl `s wmekmk sh`ee nltlthmr im th`n trm`tmk wbth ` fe`gm tlrchlpmr`tblns lr lthmr gmch`nbc`e ch`nam thmbr`nk `ppm`r`ncm cem`nbna `nk krmssbna spmcbfbmk bn thm QTS. Qmeks sh`ee nlt im pmmnmk. Spmcb`e c`rm sh`ee im t`jmn bn thm



KMT 60.;4.94.30-Amn. Fmiru`ry 9400 T`am 9=

smemctbln `nk us`am lf tlles tl `vlbk clnt`gbn`tbln. [lles sh`ee im brln frmm `nk im subt`iem flr usm wbth St`bnemss Stmmes Qhmn f`irbc`tbln bs clgpemtmk, `ee surf`cms `ko`cmnt tl thm wmeks sh`ee im cem`nmk lf sp`ttmr, iurrs `nk lthmr bgpmrfmctblns whbch cluek bntmrfmrm wbth r`kblar`phbc lr uetr`slnbc bnspmctbln. Spmcb`e c`rm sh`ee im t`jmn bn thm smemctbln `nk us`am lf tlles tl `vlbk clnt`gbn`tbln. 1.0=

SHBMEKBNA @NK I@CJBNA A@S [hm lxyamn clntmnt lf thm i`cjbna a`s, gm`surmk bn thm mffeumnt a`s bggmkb`tmey prblr tl wmekbna, sh`ee nlt mxcmmk 4.=4 %. Gm`surmgmnt sh`ee im g`km iy gm`ns lf ` subt`iem lxyamn gmtmr. [hm i`cjbna a`s sh`ee im g`bnt`bnmk `nk glnbtlrmk flr thm gbnbgug nugimr lf wmek p`ssms qu`ebfbmk iy thm QTPY. Bn c`sm ―nmmkem puram‗ gmthlk bs usmk (flr tbm-bn wmeks), tl prltmct thm rllt `a`bnst lxbk`tbln, prmc`utblns sh`ee im t`jmn tl mnsurm suffbcbmnt puram qu`ntbty. Qmekmrs sh`ee unkmrst`nk `nk im c`p`iem lf usbna thbs gmthlk `nk shluek im tmstmk kurbna qu`ebfbc`tbln usbna ―glcj-up‗ fbxturms.


GM[HLKS LF BNSTMC[BLN Kmemtm thm fbrst p`r`ar`ph `nk rmpe`cm wbth thm fleelwbna? Qmeks sh`ee im mv`eu`tmk ln thm i`sbs lf thm rmqubrmgmnts lf (2). [hm prbg`ry NK[ gmthlk sh`ee im r`kblar`phy. ]etr`slnbc `nk ebqubk-pmnmtr`nt mx`gbn`tbln g`y suppemgmnt r`kblar`phy `nk sh`ee im usmk tl bntmrprmt kluitfue bnkbc`tblns bn thm r`kblar`phs lr flr wmeks bn`ccmssbiem flr r`kblar`phy.


P]@EBFBC@[BLN LF BNSTMC[BLN TMYSLNNME Kmemtm thm fbrst p`r`ar`ph `nk rmpe`cm wbth thm fleelwbna? Qmekbna bnspmctbln pmrslnnme sh`ee hlek ` v`ebk wmekbna bnspmctbln qu`ebfbc`tbln `nk cmrtbfbc`tm frlg lnm lr glrm lf thm fleelwbna? CSQBT IA@S  @QS Lthmr cmrtbfybna ilky `armmk iy thm Trbncbp`e.




Trlcmkurms Kmemtm thbs suismctbln `nk rmpe`cm wbth thm fleelwbna?  @ee pmrslnnme sh`ee im qu`ebfbmk `nk cmrtbfbc`tmk flr thm gmthlk lf NK[ tl im c`rrbmk lut bn `cclrk`ncm wbth BSL 2109. [hm rlems `nk rmsplnsbibebtbms lf NK[ pmrslnnme sh`ee im `s kmfbnmk bn thm emvmes lf clgpmtmncm bn BSL 2109.  @kk thm fleelwbna nmw suismctbln?


MX[MN[ LF BNSTMC[BLN @NK [MS[BNA Trblr tl wmekbna, thm Clntr`ctlr sh`ee mx`gbnm frmm-bssum g`tmrb`es flr k`g`am `nk clgpeb`ncm wbth thm rmemv`nt g`tmrb`es g`tmrb`es spmcbfbc`tbln. @ee k`g`am `nk kbscrmp`ncbms sh`ee im rmplrtmk bggmkb`tmey tl thm Trbncbp`e.



KMT 60.;4.94.30-Amn. Fmiru`ry 9400 T`am 96

Kurbna prlkuctbln wmekbna, thm wmekbna p`r`gmtmrs sh`ee im chmcjmk `a`bnst thm prlkuctbln QTS `t bntmrv`es kmfbnmk bn thm Clntr`ctlr's qu`ebty pe`n. @ee iutt wmeks sh`ee im suiomct tl 044 % vbsu`e mx`gbn`tbln bn `cclrk`ncm wbth MN 214 `nk 044 % r`kblar`phbc tmstbna bn `cclrk`ncm wbth (00). Bf thm physbc`e clnfbaur`tbln prmvmnts r`kblar`phbc tmstbna, `ee wmeks sh`ee im bnspmctmk iy uetr`slnbc tmstbna bn `cclrk`ncm wbth (00), whmrm fm`sbiem, lr `etmrn`tbvm gmthlks `armmk wbth thm Trbncbp`e. Fbeemt wmeks sh`ee im suiomct tl 044 % vbsu`e bnspmctbln bn `cclrk`ncm wbth MN 214 `nk 044 % ebqubk-pmnmtr`nt tmstbna bn `cclrk`ncm wbth (00). Qmeks clnt`bnbna kmfmcts, `s kmfbnmk bn thbs KMT, sh`ee im rmctbfbmk bn `cclrk`ncm wbth (04). [hm Trbncbp`e rmsmrvms thm rbaht tl smemct ` prlkuctbln wmekgmnt flr mx`gbn`tbln `nk kmstructbvm tmstbna bn `cclrk`ncm wbth thm wmekbna prlcmkurm qu`ebfbc`tbln tmst rmqubrmgmnts.


AMNMY@E  @kk thm fleelwbna?  @ee wmeks sh`ee im vbsu`eey bnspmctmk `nk `ee cr`cjs, cr`tmr cr`cjs, surf`cm plrms, sp`ttmr, rmsbku`e se`a lr str`y `rc strbjms sh`ee im clnsbkmrmk `s kmfmcts. Qmek rllt lxbk`tbln, whmrm vbsu`e mx`gbn`tbln c`n im pmrflrgmk, sh`ee nlt mxcmmk thm ebgbts shlwn bn KMT Bgpmrfmctblns sh`ee im ce`ssbfbmk bn `cclrk`ncm wbth BSL 6=94. Ce`ssbfbc`tbln lf kmfmcts frlg r`kblar`phs sh`ee im pmrflrgmk usbna thm BBQ Ymfmrmncm Y`kblar`phs whmrm bnkbc`tmk bn BSL 6=94.



2.3.0 2.3 .0

Bn`kmqu`tm pmnmtr`tbln wbt hlut hbah -elw Ch`nam tbtem `s fleelws?

2.3.0 2.3 .0

E`cj lf pmnmtr`tbln (rmfmrmncm (rmfmrmncm ;49) ;49) Kmemtm thbs suismctbln, bnceukbna Fbaurm 03, `nk rmpe`cm wbth thm fleelwbna?  @ny e`cj lf pmnmtr`tbln sh`ee im clnsbkmrmk ` kmfmct.

2.3.9 2.3 .9

Bn`kmqu`tm pmnmtr`tbln kum tl hbah-elw Ch`nam thm tbtem `s fleelws?

2.3.9 2.3 .9

E`cj lf fus bln (rmfmrm (rmfmrmncm ncm ;403 ;403)) Kmemtm thbs suismctbln, bnceukbna Fbaurm 0;, `nk rmpe`cm wbth thm fleelwbna?  @ny e`cj lf fusbln (rmfmrmncm ;403) sh`ee im clnsbkmrmk ` kmfmct.

2.3.3 2.3 .3

Bn`kmqu`tm crls s pmnmtr`tbln Ch`nam thm tbtem `s fleelws?

2.3.3 2.3 .3

Bnclgp emtm olbn t pmnmtr`tbln Kmemtm thbs suismctbln, bnceukbna Fbaurm 0=, `nk rmpe`cm wbth thm fleelwbna?  @ny bnclgpemtm olbnt pmnmtr`tbln sh`ee im clnsbkmrmk ` kmfmct.

2.3.; 2.3 .;

Bnclgp emtm fus bln Ch`nam thm tbtem `s fleelws?

2.3.; 2.3 .;

E`cj lf fus bln Kmemtm thbs suismctbln `nk rmpe`cm wbth thm fleelwbna?



KMT 60.;4.94.30-Amn. Fmiru`ry 9400 T`am 91

E`cj lf fusbln whbch bs lpmn tl thm surf`cm sh`ee im clnsbkmrmk ` kmfmct. 2.3.= 2.3 .=

Bnclgp emtm fus bln kum tl cle k e`p Ch`nam thm tbtem `s fleelws?


E`cj lf fu sbln sb ln (rmfmrmnc (rmfmrmncm m ;400, ;400, ;40 ;409) 9) Kmemtm thm fbrst twl smntmncms lf thm fbrst p`r`ar`ph, bnceukbna Fbaurm 01.

2.3.6 2.3 .6

Ympe`cm 'BFK' wbth? e`cj lf fusbln (rmfmrmncm ;400, ;409). Bntmrn`e clnc `vbty Ch`nam thm tbtem `s fleelws?

2.3.6 2.3 .6

Yllt clnc `vbty Kmemtm thbs suismctbln `nk rmpe`cm wbth thm fleelwbna? [hm emnath lf rllt clnc`vbty, kmtmrgbnmk usbna `n bg`am clntr`st ar`ph, sh`ee nlt mxcmmk 9= % lf thm tlt`e emnath lf thm wmek. [hm kmpth lf rllt clnc`vbty sh`ee nlt mxcmmk 04 % lf thm pbpm w`ee thbcjnmss lr 0.= gg whbchmvmr bs thm sg`eemr. [hm wmek gmt`e, bnceukbna c`p, sh`ee nlt im thbnnmr th`n thm p`rmnt g`tmrb`e thbcjnmss.


Iurn-thrluah   Iurn-thrluah Kmemtm thbs suismctbln `nk rmpe`cm wbth thm fleelwbna? Iurn-thrluah sh`ee im kmfbnmk `s st`tmk bn BSL 6=94. Kmemtm thbs suismctbln `nk rmpe`cm wbth thm fleelwbna?  @ny `glunt lf iurn-thrluah sh`ee im clnsbkmrmk tl im ` kmfmct. Kmemtm thbs suismctbln `nk rmpe`cm wbth thm fleelwbna?  @ny `glunt lf iurn-thrluah sh`ee im clnsbkmrmk tl im ` kmfmct. 2.3.04

Cr`cjs Kmemtm thbs suismctbln `nk rmpe`cm wbth thm fleelwbna? Cr`cjs lf `ny typm sh`ee im clnsbkmrmk tl im kmfmcts.  @kk thm fleelwbna nmw suismctbln?

2.3.0; 2.3 .0;

Mxcmss wmek gmt`e/mxcmssbvm pmnmtr`tbln Qmek gmt`e whmn gm`surmk frlg thm `ko`cmnt p`rmnt g`tmrb`e lutmr surf`cm sh`ee nlt mxcmmk 0.6 gg flr w`ee thbcjnmssms 6.; gg `nk imelw `nk 3.9 gg flr w`ee thbcjnmssms arm`tmr th`n 6.; gg. Mxcmssbvm pmnmtr`tbln, kmtmrgbnmk usbna `n bg`am clntr`st ar`ph, sh`ee nlt mxcmmk 0.6 gg.


G@ANM[BC T@Y[BCEM [MS[BNA Kmemtm thbs suismctbln.



2.=.9 2.= .9

@cc mpt`ncm st`nk`rks Kmemtm thbs suismctbln `nk rmpe`cm wbth thm fleelwbna? Bnkbc`tblns sh`ee im clnsbkmrmk `s kmfmcts whmn thmy mxcmmk thm kbgmnsbln`e `nk/lr nugmrbc`e ebgbts flr bgpmrfmctblns spmcbfbmk bn (2.0) `nk (2.3).





2.6.9 2.6 .9

Ebnm`r bnkb c`tbln s

Kmemtm thbs suismctbln `nk rmpe`cm wbth thm fleelwbna?

KMT 60.;4.94.30-Amn. Fmiru`ry 9400 T`am 98

 @ee ebnm`r bnkbc`tblns bntmrprmtmk `s cr`cjs sh`ee im clnsbkmrmk `s kmfmcts.

Kmemtm thbs suismctbln `nk rmpe`cm wbth thm fleelwbna?  @ee ebnm`r bnkbc`tblns clnsbkmrmk `s kmfmcts.(lthmr th`n cr`cjs) bntmrprmtmk tl im lpmn tl thm surf`cm sh`ee im






Cr`cjs Kmemtm thbs suismctbln `nk rmpe`cm wbth thm fleelwbna? Flr cr`cjs, lthmr th`n cr`tmr cr`cjs, thm clgpemtm wmek `nk H@_ sh`ee im rmglvmk. [hm c`usm lf `ee cr`cjs sh`ee im bnvmstba`tmk `nk rmplrtmk tl thm Trbncbp`e iy thm Clntr`ctlr.

04.0. 04.0.9 9

Kmfm Kmfmcts cts lthmr th`n cr`cjs Kmemtm thbs suismctbln `nk rmpe`cm wbth thm fleelwbna? Qmeks clnt`bnbna kmfmcts sh`ee im rmp`brmk lney bf `pprlvmk iy thm Trbncbp`e. @ wmek wbth kmfmcts shluek im rmp`brmk lney lncm. @ftmr furthmr NK[, bf thm rmp`br bs un`ccmpt`iem thmn thm clgpemtm wmek `nk H@_ shluek im rmglvmk. Fuee pmnmtr`tbln rmp`brs sh`ee nlt im `eelwmk. Sbnaem wmek p`ss rmp`brs `nk rllt-sm`ebna wmek p`ssms sh`ee nlt im pmrflrgmk. SG@Q sh`ee nlt im usmk flr thm rllt p`ss bn ` fuee pmnmtr`tbln rmp`br.


Ymp`br Trlcmkurm  @kk thm fleelwbna imflrm thm fbrst p`r`ar`ph? Kmfmcts nmcmssbt`tbna rmp`br sh`ee im mntbrmey rmglvmk tl slunk gmt`e. [hm rmglv`e lf wmek gmt`e, lr plrtblns lf thm p`rmnt g`tmrb`e, sh`ee im iy g`chbnbna lr arbnkbna. [hmrg`e aluabna gmthlks sh`ee nlt im usmk. Ymp`br mxc`v`tblns sh`ee im sgllthey clntlurmk `nk t`pmrmk, h`vbna ` gbnbg gbnbgug ug bnceukmk arllvm `naem lf =4 . Vbsu`e `nk ebqubk-pmnmtr`nt tmstbna lf thm rmp`br wmek arllvms sh`ee im c`rrbmk lut prblr tl rmwmekbna tl clnfbrg clgpemtm rmglv`e lf thm kmfmcts. [hm tlt`e rmp`br emnath sh`ee nlt mxcmmk ;4 % lf thm tlt`e wmek emnath. [hm g`xbgug emnath lf ` sbnaem rmp`br plrtbln p lrtbln sh`ee im 34 % lf thm tlt`e wmek emnath. emna th. Arllvm t`pmr sh`ee im bnceukmk bn thm gm`surmgmnts.  @kk thm fleelwbna nmw suismctbln

04.9. 04.9.1 1

[mstb [mstb na lf rmp`brs  @ee rmp`brs whbch rmqubrm mxc`v`tbln `nk rm-wmekbna sh`ee im rm-r`kblar`phmk. [hm r`kblar`ph sh`ee mxtmnk flr ` gbnbgug kbst`ncm lf =4 gg imylnk mbthmr mnk lf thm rmp`brmk `rm` gm`surmk ln thm f`cm lf thm wmek.




KMT 60.;4.94.30-Amn. Fmiru`ry 9400 T`am 92





Amnmr`e Kmemtm thbs suismctbln `nk rmpe`cm wbth thm fleelwbna? Y`kblar`phbc tmstbna sh`ee im pmrflrgmk bn `cclrk`ncm wbth BSL 01636 Ce`ss I. [hm r`kb`tbln sh`ee im X-r`y. [hm tmchnbqum sh`ee im fbeg lutsbkm, slurcm lf r`kb`tbln bnsbkm. Qhmrm thm slurcm lf r`kb`tbln c`nnlt im elc`tmk bnsbkm thm pbpm, thm Trbncbp`e g`y `armm tl usm lf thm fbeg `nk slurcm lf r`kb`tbln lutsbkm? kluiem w`ee, sbnaem bg`am tmchnbqum. [hm Clntr`ctlr sh`ee qu`ebfy ` r`kblar`phbc tmstbna prlcmkurm prblr tl tmstbna prlkuctbln wmeks iy prlkucbna r`kblar`phs th`t clgpey wbth thbs KMT. NL[M?

Y`kblar`phbc tmstbna prlcmkurm qu`ebfbc`tbln g`y im unkmrt`jmn ln tmst wmeks prlkucmk flr wmekbna prlcmkurm qu`ebfbc`tbln. Lthmr bg`abna gmkb` Kmemtm thbs suismctbln. 00.0. 00.0.3 3

Mxplsu rm amlgmtry Fbeg r`kblar`phy Kmemtm thm thbrk p`r`ar`ph, bnceukbna thm flrgue` `nk kmfbnbtblns, `nk rmpe`cm wbth thm fleelwbna? [hm gbnbgug slurcm-tl-spmcbgmn kbst`ncm sh`ee im c`ecue`tmk bn `cclrk`ncm wbth BSL 01636 flr Ce`ss I r`kblar`phbc tmstbna. Lthmr bg`abna gmkb` Kmemtm thbs suismctbln. 00.0. 00.0.; ;

[ypm lf Bg`am Pu`ebty Bnkbc`tl rs (BPB) (BPB)  @kk tl thm suismctbln thm fleelwbna? BPBs sh`ee im wbrm typm.

00.0. 00.0.= =

Smemctbln lf Bg`am Pu`ebty Bnkbc`tl rs (BPB) (BPB) Kmemtm thbs suismctbln `nk rmpe`cm wbth thm fleelwbna? Flr prlkuctbln r`kblar`phbc tmstbna, BPB smemctbln, nugimr, elc`tbln `nk `ppm`r`ncm bn r`kblar`phbc bg`ams sh`ee im bn `cclrk`ncm wbth BSL 01636. Flr r`kblar`phbc prlcmkurm qu`ebfbc`tbln, BPBs sh`ee `esl im pe`cmk ln thm surf`cm f`cbna thm slurcm lf r`kb`tbln. [hm spmcbfbmk smnsbtbvbty rmqubrmgmnt sh`ee im `chbmvmk ln thm slurcm sbkm BPBs. [hm smnsbtbvbty `chbmvmk ln thm fbeg sbkm BPBs sh`ee im rmclrkmk flr clgp`rbsln `nk usmk flr mv`eu`tbna prlkuctbln r`kblar`phs.

00.0. 00.0.6 6

Te`cmgmnt lf Bg`am Pu`ebty Bnkbc`tl rs (BPB) (BPB) Lthmr bg`abna gmkb` Kmemtm thbs suismctbln. 00.0. 00.0.2 2

Stlr`am lf fbe g `nk lthmr bg`abn a gmkb` Lthmr bg`abna gmkb` Kmemtm thbs suismctbln. 00.0. 00.0.04 04 Fbeg kmnsbt y Ch`nam tbtem tl? 00.0. 00.0.04 04 Fbeg kmnsbt y `nk smnsbt bvb ty  ty  



KMT 60.;4.94.30-Amn. Fmiru`ry 9400 T`am 34 Fbeg kmnsbty Kmemtm thbs suismctbln `nk rmpe`cm wbth thm fleelwbna? [hm gbnbgug kmnsbty sh`ee im 9.4. [hm g`xbgug kmnsbty sh`ee im 3.= whmrm `kmqu`tm bntmrprmt`tbln c`n im `chbmvmk wbth thm vbmwbna scrmmn. Fbeg vbmwbna mqubpgmnt Kmemtm thbs suismctbln `nk rmpe`cm wbth thm fleelwbna? Beeugbn`tlrs sh`ee clgpey wbth thm rmqubrmgmnts lf BSL ==84.  @kk thm fleelwbna nmw suismctbln? 00.0.04.; Smnsbtbvbty [hm smnsbtbvbty sh`ee im 9 % lr imttmr. 00.0. 00.0.00 00 Bg`am prlc mssbna Kmemtm thbs suismctbln `nk rmpe`cm wbth thm fleelwbna? Fbeg sh`ee im prlcmssmk, h`nkemk `nk stlrmk sl th`t thm bg`ams `rm bntmrprmt`iem flr `t em`st = ym`rs `ftmr thmy `rm prlkucmk. 00.9

G@ANM[BC T@Y[BCEM [MS[ GM[HLK Kmemtm thbs suismctbln.


]E[Y@SLNBC [MS[ GM[HLK  @kk thm fleelwbna? NL[M?


Spmcb`e tmchnbqums `rm rmqub rmqubrmk rmk flr uetr`slnbc tmstbna lf kupemx kupemx `nk supmr kupemx st`bnemss stmmes. [hmsm sh`ee im kmvmelpmk iy thm Clntr`ctlr `nk `armmk iy thm Trbncbp`e prblr tl usm.


Ch`nam thm tbtem lf thbs smctbln `s fleelws. SMC[BLN 09


Kmemtm thm suismctblns `nk rmpe`cm wbth thm fleelwbna? Ymqubrmgmnts flr `utlg`tbc wmekbna `rm `kkrmssmk bn thm prmcmkbna smctblns lf thbs KMT.



Kmemtm thm suismctblns `nk rmpe`cm wbth thm fleelwbna? Qmekbna wbthlut fbeemr-gmt`e `kkbtbln sh`ee nlt im pmrgbttmk.  @kk thm fleelwbna nmw smctbln?

SMC[BLN 0; 0;.0


AMNMY@E  @ee rmqubrmk klcugmnt`tbln sh`ee im bn thm Mnaebsh e`nau`am unemss lthmrwbsm spmcbfbmk iy thm Trbncbp`e.




KMT 60.;4.94.30-Amn. Fmiru`ry 9400 T`am 30

TYM-QMEKBNA KLC]GMN[@[BLN Qhmrm rmqubrmk iy thm Trbncbp`e, thm Clntr`ctlr's clntr`ct-spmcbfbc qu`ebty pe`n sh`ee im suigbttmk flr `armmgmnt prblr tl thm clggmncmgmnt lf wmekbna. NL[M?

0;.9. 0;.9.0 0

Ymvbmw iy thm Trbncbp`e lf ` prm prmebgbn`ry ebgbn`ry qu`ebty pe`n `t th thm m mnqubry mnqubry st`am g`y `ssbst thm prlcmss.

Clntmnt lf thm qu`ebt y pe`n [hm flrg`t `nk bssum lf thm qu`ebty pe`n sh`ee im clnsbstmnt wbth thm klcugmnt clntrle memgmnt lf thm Clntr`ctlr's qu`ebty systmg. [hm clntmnt lf thm qu`ebty pe`n shluek im i`smk ln BSL 0444= `nk sh`ee bnceukm thm fleelwbna? 0.

Bkmntbfbc`tbln lf thm clntr`ct tl whbch thm pe`n bs tl im `ppebmk.


Ymfmrmncm tl @TB St`nk`rk 004; `nk thbs KMT.


Elc`tbln lf thm wlrj.


Bkmntbfbc`tbln lf thm bnkbvbku`es rmsplnsbiem flr clntrleebna thm `ctbvbtbms kmfbnmk bn thm pe`n.


Bkmntbfbc`tbln lf thm bnkbvbku`es wbth thm `uthlrbty tl bntmrf`cm kbrmctey wbth thm Trbncbp`e.


Bkmntbfbc`tbln lf `ee suiclntr`ctlrs.


[hm qu`ebty pe`ns lf `ee suiclntr`ctlrs.


@ee smqumncmk `ctbvbtbms flr thm clntr`ct `nk rmfmrmncms tl thm qu`ebty systmg prlcmkurms `nk thm wlrj bnstructblns whbch wbee im `ppebmk tl thmsm `ctbvbtbms.


Qhmrm rmqumstmk iy thm Trbncbp`e, clpbms lf spmcbfbc qu`ebty systmg prlcmkurms.

04. [mst `nk bnspmctbln frmqumncy `nk `ccmpt`ncm crbtmrb`. 00. [hm elc`tbln lf m`ch bnspmctbln `nk tmst plbnt bn thm `ctbvbty smqumncm. 09. Tlbnts whmrm thm Trbncbp`e h`s mst`iebshmk wbtnmssbna lr vmrbfbc`tbln rmqubrmgmnts. NL[M?


Furthmr aubk`ncm ln qu`ebty pe`ns g`y im lit`bnmk frlg KMT

FBN@E KLC]GMN[@[BLN [hm Trbncbp`e sh`ee spmcbfy thm fbn`e klcugmnt`tbln rmqubrmgmnts bn thm clntr`ct klcugmnt.



 @TT. @




KMT 60.;4.94.30-Amn. Fmiru`ry 9400 T`am 39

 @kk thm fleelwbna?  @etmrn`tbvm `ccmpt`ncm crbtmrb` bn `cclrk`ncm wbth thbs @ppmnkbx sh`ee lney im `eelwmk bf spmcbfbmk iy thm Trbncbp`e.




KMT 60.;4.94.30-Amn. Fmiru`ry 9400 T`am 33

Elc`tbln lf s`gpebna s`gpebna flr g`crlsmctbln ` `nk nk bgp`ct tmst tmst spmcbgmns prlcmkurm qu`ebfbc qu`ebfbc `tbln lf iutt wmeks



Fbaurm I

KMT 60.;4.94.30-Amn. Fmiru`ry 9400 T`am 3;

Elc`tbln lf bgp`ct tmst spmcbgmns flr prlcmkurm qu`ebfbc`tbln lf iutt wmeks  



KMT 60.;4.94.30-Amn. Fmiru`ry 9400 T`am 3=

T@Y[ BV YMFMYMNCMS Bn thbs KMT, rmfmrmncm bs g`km tl thm fleelwbna puiebc`tblns? NL[MS?

0. ]nemss spmcbfbc`eey spmcbfbc`eey kmsban`tmk iy k`tm, thm e`tmst mkbtbln lf m`ch puieb puiebc`tbln c`tbln sh`ee sh`ee im usmk, tlamthmr wbth `ny `gmnkgmnts/suppemgmnts/rmvb `gmnkgmnts/suppemgmnts/rmvbsblns sblns thmrmtl. 9. [hm KMTs `nk glst rmfmrmncmk m mxtmrn`e xtmrn`e st`nk`rks `rm `v`be`iem tl S Shmee hmee st`ff ln tthm hm SQQ (Shmee Qbkm Qmi) `t http?//sww.shmee.clg/st`nk`rks/ http?//sww.shmee.clg/st`nk`rks/..

SHMEE S[@NK@YKS  S[@NK@YKS   @ccmpt`ncm crbtmrb` flr lxbk`tbln lf st`bnemss stmme wmekgmnts


Trmssurm vmssmes (i`smk ln @SGM Smctbln VBBB)


Trlomct qu`ebty `ssur`ncm


 @GMYBC@N  @GMYBC@ N S[@NK@YKS  S[@NK@YKS   Qmekbna lf pbpmebnms `nk rme`tmk f`cbebtbms

@TB 004; ([wmntbmth mkbtbln, Lctlimr 944= wbth Mrr`t`/@kkmnkug lf Ouey 9441 `nk Kmcmgimr 9448)

Bssumk iy?  @gmrbc`n Tmtrlemug Bnstbtutm Tuiebc`tblns `nk Kbstrbiutbln Smctbln 0994 E Strmmt Nlrthwmst Q`shbnatln KC 9444=, ]S@ 

Tbpmebnm tr`nsplrt`tbln systmgs flr ebqubk hykrlc`rilns `nk lthmr ebqubks

 @SGM I30.;

A`s tr`nsgbssbln `nk kbstrbiutbln pbpbna systmgs

@SGM I30.8

Bssumk iy?  @gmrbc`n Slcbmty lf Gmch`nbc`e Mnabnmmrs 3;= M`st ;1th Strmmt Nmw Rlrj, NR 04401, ]S@  

Gmch`nbc`e tmstbna lf stmme prlkucts

@S[G @314

St`nk`rk spmcbfbc`tbln flr rm`amnt w`tmr

@S[G K0023

G`crlmtchbna gmt`es `nk `eelys

@S[G M3;4

Kmtmrgbnbna vleugm fr`ctbln iy systmg`tbc g`nu`e

 @S[G M=69

plbnt clunt St`nk`rk pr`ctbcm flr prmp`rbna, cem`nbna, `nk mv`eu`tbna clrrlsbln tmst spmcbgmns

 @S[G A0

St`nk`rk pr`ctbcm flr prmp`r`tbln `nk usm lf imntim`g strmss-clrrlsbln tmst spmcbgmns

 @S[G A32

St`nk`rk tmst gmthlks flr pbttbna `nk crmvbcm clrrlsbln rmsbst`ncm lf st`bnemss stmmes `nk rme`tmk `eelys iy usm lf fmrrbc chelrbkm sleutbln

 @S[G A;8

Bssumk iy?  @gmrbc`n Slcbmty flr [mstbna `nk G`tmrb`es 044 I`r H`rilr Kr, Qmst Clnshlhlcjmn T@ 02;96, ]S@ 



Fbeemr gmt`e prlcurmgmnt aubkmebnms

@QS @=.40

Bssumk iy?  @gmrbc`n Qmekbna Slcbmty ==4 N.Q. EmOmunm Yl`k, T.L. Ilx 3=04;4 Gb`gb, Felrbk` 3303=, ]S@ 

IYB[BSH S[@NK@YKS  Qmekbna lf stmme pbpmebnms ln e`nk `nk lffshlrm T`rt 9? Kupemx st`bnemss stmme pbpmebnms

IS ;=0=-9

Bssumk iy? Irbtbsh St`nk`rks Bnstbtutm 382 Chbswbcj Hbah Yl`k Elnkln Q; ;@E, ]nbtmk Jbnaklg 

Clrrlsbln rmsbst`nt `eelys flr lbe `nk a`s prlkuctbln? Aubk`ncm ln amnmr`e rmqubrmgmnts `nk tmst gmthlks flr H9S smrvbcm

MFC 01

Bssumk iy? [hm Bnstbtutm Lf G`tmrb`es 0, C`retln Hlusm [mrr`cm Elnkln SQ0R =KI, ]nbtmk Jbnaklg 

M]YLTM@N S[@NK@YKS  Nln-kmstructbvm mx`gbn`tbln lf fusbln wmeks Vbsu`e mx`gbn`tbln

MN 214

Kmstructbvm tmsts ln wmeks bn gmt`eebc g`tmrb`es H`rknmss tmstbna - T`rt 0? H`rknmss tmst ln `rc wmekmk olbnts

MN 04;3-0

Bssumk iy? CMN Cmntr`e Smcrmt`rb`t 36, rum km St`ss`rt I-04=4, Irussmes, Imeabug Clpbms c`n `esl im lit`bnmk frlg n`tbln`e st`nk`rks lra`nbz`tblns  

BN[MYN@[BLN@E BN[MY N@[BLN@E S[@NK@YKS  BBQ rmfmrmncm rmfmrmncm r`kblar `phs Bssumk iy? KVS Vmre`a fur Schwmbssmn unk vmrw`nktm Vmrf`hrmn KVS-Vmre`a AgiH  @`chmnmr Str.019 K-;4993 Kussmeklrf, Amrg`ny

KMT 60.;4.94.30-Amn. Fmiru`ry 9400 T`am 36



Nln-kmstructbvm tmstbna lf wmeks – Y`kblar`phbc tmstbna lf fusbln wmekmk olbnts

BSL 01636

Pu`ebty rmqubrmgmnts flr fusbln wmekbna lf gmt`eebc g`tmrb`es – T`rt 9? Clgprmhmnsbvm qu`ebty rmqubrmgmnts

BSL 383;-9

Nln-kmstructbvm tmstbna – Bnkustrb`e r`kblar`phbc beeugbn`tlrs – Gbnbgug rmqubrmgmnts

BSL ==84

Qmekbna `nk `eebmk prlcmssms – Ce`ssbfbc`tbln lf amlgmtrbc bgpmrfmctblns bn gmt`eebc g`tmrb`es

BSL 6=94

Pu`ebty g`n`amgmnt systmgs – Ymqubrmgmnts

BSL 2440

Nln-kmstructbvm tmstbna – Pu`ebfbc`tbln `nk cmrtbfbc`tbln lf pmrslnnme

BSL 2109

Pu`ebty g`n`amgmnt – Aubkmebnms flr qu`ebty pe`ns

BSL 0444=

Gm`surmgmnt g`n`amgmnt systmgs – Ymqubrmgmnts flr gm`surmgmnt prlcmssms `nk gm`surbna mqubpgmnt

BSL 04409

Stmme `nk stmme prlkucts – Bnspmctbln klcugmnts

BSL 04;1;

Sm`gemss `nk wmekmk stmme tuims flr prmssurm purplsms – Ebqubk pmnmtr`nt tmstbna

BSL 0942=

Tmtrlemug `nk n`tur`e a`s bnkustrbms – Tbpmebnm tr`nsplrt`tbln systmg

BSL 03693

Qmekbna - Aubk`ncm ln thm gm`surmgmnt lf prmhm`tbna tmgpmr`turm, bntmrp`ss tmgpmr`turm `nk prmhm`t g`bntmn`ncm tmgpmr`turm

BSL 03206

Qmekbna clnsug`iems ‛ A`sms `nk a`s gbxturms flr fusbln wmekbna `nk `eebmk prlcmssms

BSL 0;01=

Bssumk iy? BSL Cmntr`e Smcrmt`rb`t  0, ch. km e` Vlbm-Crmusm   C`sm plst`em =6  CH-0900 Amnèvm 94, Swbtzmre`nk

Clpbms c`n `esl im lit`bnmk frlg n`tbln`e st`nk`rks lra`nbz`tblns. 

KMT 60.;4.94.30-Amn. Fmiru`ry 9400 T`am 31




KMT 60.;4.94.30-Amn. Fmiru`ry 9400 T`am 38


[hbs lptbln bs i`smk ln thm rmclanbtbln th`t YLE bs rm`eey thm lney fm`turm th`t thm wmekmr c`n kbrmctey clntrle. Bn pr`ctbcm YLE `esl prlvbkms thm sbgpemst `nk glst m`sbey chmcjmk p`r`gmtmr `v`be`iem tl ilth thm wmekmr `nk thm bnspmctlr. [hbs rmqubrms nl gm`surmgmnt lf vlet`am lr `gpmr`am. [hm `ctu`e YLE `chbmvmk flr `ny wmek im`k bn thm prlkuctbln wmek shluek im gm`surmk `nk `ssmssmk `s ` Y@[BL lf thm kmplsbtmk wmek emnath tl thm emnath lf wmek rlk clnsugmk. Bt bs clnsbkmrmk `ccmpt`iem bf thm Y@[BL bs wbthbn +/- 04 % lf thm `vmr`am v`eum rmclrkmk kurbna wmekbna prlcmkurm qu`ebfbc`tbln `s spmcbfbmk ln thm `pprlvmk QTS.  @n bnspmctbln ch`rt c`n im vmry m`sbey clnstructmk i`smk ln thm YLE rmclrkmk ln thm QTS. Flr mx`gpem?  @vmr`am YLE rmclrkmk kurbna wmekbna prlcmkurm qu`ebfbc`tbln


944 gg

Qmekbna rlk emnath


;=4 gg

Stui emnath (emnath lf wmekbna rlk rmg`bnbna)


=4 gg

[hm `pprlvmk Y@[BL


944/;44 lr 4.=

[hm `eelw`iem r`nam lf thm Y@[BL bs thmrmflrm 4.;= tl 4.==. Bn ch`rt flrg?




KMT 60.;4.94.30-Amn. Fmiru`ry 9400 T`am 32


Smvmr`e clrrlsbln tmsts whbch g`y im spmcbfbmk iy thm Trbncbp`e `rm kmscrbimk. @p`rt frlg thm fmrrbc chelrbkm tmst, thmy sh`ee lney im g`nk`tlry whmn spmcbfbmk iy thm Trbncbp`e. Aubk`ncm ln clrrlsbln tmstbna c`n `esl im flunk bn MFC Tuiebc`tbln Nugimr 01.  @9.0



Scl pm [hbs prlcmkurm kmscrbims ` sbgpem `ccmemr`tmk tmst tmchnbqum flr `ssmssbna thm pbttbna clrrlsbln rmsbst`ncm lf kupemx st`bnemss stmme bn chelrbkm clnt`bnbna mnvbrlngmnts. [hbs prlcmkurm bs ` spmcbfbc bntmrprmt`tbln lf @S[G A;8 Gmthlk @ whbch shluek im rmfmrmncmk flr i`cjarlunk bnflrg`tbln.


I`sbs I`s bs lf gmt gmthl hl k [hm tmst bnvlevms tlt`e bggmrsbln lf ` tmst spmcbgmn bn `n `qumlus sleutbln lf fmrrbc chelrbkm `t ` clnst`nt tmgpmr`turm flr ` 9;-hlur pmrblk `nk `ssmssms whmthmr thm spmcbgmn h`s p`ssmk lr f`bemk ln thm i`sbs lf wmbaht elss. [hm tmgpmr`turm lf mxplsurm sh`ee im spmcbfbmk iy thm Trbncbp`e.


[mrgbn [mrg bn le la y [hm nlgmnce`turm tl im usmk tl kmscrbim v`rblus `spmcts lf thm tmst pbmcm bs abvmn bn (Fbaurm @9.0). (b)

[hm f`cm bnceukbna thm `rm` lf wmek tl im tmstmk sh`ee im c`eemk thm 'tmst f`cm'. Bf thmrm `rm twl 'tmst f`cms' thmsm shluek im un`gibaulusey n`gmk m.a. thm 'rllt tmst f`cm' `nk 'c`p tmst f`cm'.


Bf thmrm bs lney lnm 'tmst f`cm', thm f`cm lpplsbtm sh`ee im c`eemk thm 'rmvmrsm f`cm'.

Fbaurm @9.0 @9.0 Amnmr` Amnmr`ee e`ylut lf tmst spmcbgmn spmcbgmn shlwbna thm tmst f`cm uppmrglst NL[M?


[hm unkmrsbkm g`y im mbthmr mbthmr ` smclnk tmst f`cm lr sbgpey arlunk fe` fe`tt `nk rmfmrrmk tl `s th thm m rmvmrsm f`cm.

S`gpe m prmp`r`t pr mp`r`t bl n [hm tmst surf`cm lf thm wmek (unemss bnstructmk lthmrwbsm thbs bs thm rllt lf ` sbnaem-sbkmk wmek lr thm bntmrn`e c`p lf ` twl-sbkmk wmek) sh`ee im "`s prmp`rmk flr smrvbcm". Nl `kkbtbln`e prmp`r`tbln lf thm wmek surf`cm sh`ee im `eelwmk.



KMT 60.;4.94.30-Amn. Fmiru`ry 9400 T`am ;4

 @ gbnbgug lf twl s`gpems sh`ee im prmp`rmk frlg thm wmek unkmr tmst `nk tmstmk `s kmscrbimk imelw. Clupln hm`t trm`tgmnt sh`ee im thm s`gm `s th`t flr thm clgplnmnt bn smrvbcm.  @n `pprlxbg`tmey cuilbk`e spmcbgmn, b.m. wbth sbx nlgbn`eey rmct`naue`r f`cms, sh`ee im usmk, wbth ` tmst f`cm sbzm lf =4 x 9= gg. Bf thm g`tmrb`e thbcjnmss bs arm`tmr th`n 94 gg, thm spmcbgmn sh`ee im g`chbnmk ln thm rmvmrsm f`cm untbe bt bs nl glrm th`n 94 gg thbcj. Bt bs glst clnvmnbmnt tl tmst spmcbgmns lf = gg tl 04 gg thbcjnmss. [hm wmek kbrmctbln sh`ee im `pprlxbg`tmey p`r`eeme tl thm shlrtmr mkam lf thm tmst f`cm, `nk thm wmek sh`ee im plsbtblnmk mqubkbst`nt frlg thm twl mnks lf thm spmcbgmn. Bf ` wmek wbkth mxcmmks lnm thbrk lf thm spmcbgmn emnath, thm emnath sh`ee im bncrm`smk tl ` v`eum mqu`e tl `t em`st thrmm tbgms thm wmek wbkth. Qhmn clgp`rbslns `rm g`km imtwmmn ` smrbms lf spmcbgmns, thmy sh`ee `ee im lf thm s`gm sbzm. Bt shluek im nltmk th`t thm nmmk tl wmbah thm spmcbgmns tl ° 0 ga rmqubrms thm wmbaht tl im wbthbn thm r`nam lf ` i`e`ncm wbth thm rmqubrmk `ccur`cy. Clnsmqumntey, bt bs rmclggmnkmk th`t thm spmcbgmn wmbaht shluek im nl glrm th`n 944 a. [hbs g`y rmqubrm thm spmcbgmn thbcjnmss tl im rmkucmk tl emss th`n 94 gg, p`rtbcue`rey flr spmcbgmns wbth ` nln-st`nk`rk tmst f`cm sbzm. Kbgmnsblns wbthbn ° 04 % lf thlsm st`tmk sh`ee im clnsbkmrmk `ccmpt`iem. @ee clrnmrs lf thm tmst f`cm shluek im 24´ ° 04´.  @ee cuttbna `nk g`chbnbna lpmr`tblns gust im c`rrbmk lut `vlbkbna unkum clnt`gbn`tbln lf thm tmst f`cm, `nk wbth nl lvmrhm`tbna lr "ieubna" lf thm s`gpem. Spmcbgmns frlg pbpm g`tmrb`e sh`ee im rmglvmk iy cuttbna mbthmr r`kb`eey lr `elna `pprlprb`tm p`r`eeme chlrks. [hm sbkms `nk mnks lf thm spmcbgmns sh`ee im arlunk tl rmglvm g`chbnbna g`rjs, usbna ` subt`iem r`nam lf arbt sbzms, tl prlkucm ` gbnbgug 994 arbt fbnbsh iy st`nk`rk gmt`eelar`phbc prlcmkurms. Bf thm rmvmrsm f`cm rmqubrms g`chbnbna tl `chbmvm thm kmsbrmk spmcbgmn thbcjnmss, bt sh`ee `esl im arlunk tl ` 0944 arbt fbnbsh: lthmrwbsm thm rmvmrsm f`cm g`y im emft `s-wmekmk, `ethluah bt shluek im nltmk th`t `tt`cj g`y lccur ln thbs f`cm `esl...  @ee clrnmrs `nk mkams sh`ee im rlunkmk lf lfff `nk h`vm `ny iurrs rmglvmk kurbna thm arbnkbna prlcmss. Spmcbgmns sh`ee nlt im g`rjmk mbthmr iy st`gpbna lr wbth bnj/p`bnt. Vbirl-mtchbna bs `eelwmk flr bkmntbfbc`tbln purplsms iut lney bn p`rmnt g`tmrb`e lutsbkm lf thm tmst f`cm `nk wmee `w`y frlg thm fusbln zlnm `nk H@_, b.m. ln thm mnks lr sbkms lf thm spmcbgmn. NL[M?


Clrrlsbln lr pbttbna `t thmsm elc`tblns g`y rmnkmr thm tmst bnv`ebk.

[mst sl eu tb ln [hm tmst sleutbln sh`ee im g`km up frlg 044 a lf @n`e`r ar`km fmrrbc chelrbkm hmx`hykr`tm (FmCe3.6H94) `nk 94 a lf kbslkbug mthyemnmkb`gbnm tmtr`-`cmt`tm kb-hykr`tm (N`9MK[@.9H94) pmr 244 ge lf kbstbeemk w`tmr, lr lthmr w`tmr gmmtbna @S[G K0023 typm BV.


@p p`r`tu p`r `tus s (b)

[hm sleutbln `nk spmcbgmn sh`ee im clnt`bnmk bn ` t`ee-flrg ae`ss im`jmr lr ` wbkm nmcj, Mremngmymr fe`sj. @ c`p`cbty lf 0444 ge shluek im suffbcbmnt flr st`nk`rk spmcbgmns, iut e`ramr c`p`cbty, m.a. 9444 ge g`y im nmcmss`ry flr nln-st`nk`rk spmcbgmns. M`ch spmcbgmn sh`ee im pe`cmk bn ` smp`r`tm clnt`bnmr.


[hm spmcbgmns sh`ee sbt `t `pprlxbg`tmey ;=´ ln ` cr`kem kmsbanmk tl `eelw m`sy p`ss`am bn `nk lut lf thm clnt`bnmr `nk mnsurm gbnbgug clnt`ct wbth thm spmcbgmn, sl `s tl rmkucm thm ebjmebhllk lf crmvbcm clrrlsbln.

(bbb) [hm clnt`bnmrs sh`ee im hmek wbthbn ` clnst`nt tmgpmr`turm w`tmr i`th, c`p`iem lf g`bnt`bnbna ` spmcbfbmk tmgpmr`turm tl wbthbn ° 4.= ´C. [hm tmgpmr`turm lf thm i`th sh`ee im glnbtlrmk thrluahlut thm tmst wbth ` thmrglgmtmr lr ` c`ebir`tmk thmrglclupem.



KMT 60.;4.94.30-Amn. Fmiru`ry 9400 T`am ;0

(bv) Spmcbgmns sh`ee im wmbahmk imflrm `nk `ftmr tmstbna usbna ` i`e`ncm c`p`iem lf ° 0 ga `ccur`cy.  @9.0.1

Trlcmk Trl cmk ur m (b)

[hm spmcbgmns sh`ee im kmclnt`gbn`tmk wbth cem`n `cmtlnm lr gmth`nle `nk `br krbmk, thmn wmbahmk tl thm nm`rmst 0 ga, bggmkb`tmey prblr tl tmstbna. Bf thm spmcbgmns `rm tl im stlrmk, thmy sh`ee im jmpt bn kmsbcc`tlrs, `nk thmn wmbahmk prblr tl tmstbna.


@ gbnbgug gbnbgug lf 94 ge lf tmst sleutbln pmr 044 gg9 lf tlt`e spmcbgmn surf`cm `rm` sh`ee im pe`cmk bn thm tmst clnt`bnmr.

(bbb) [hm clnt`bnmr `nk sleutbln sh`ee thmn im clvmrmk wbth ` w`tch ae`ss `nk pe`cmk bn ` w`tmr i`th prm-hm`tmk tl wbthbn ° 4.= ´C lf thm spmcbfbmk tmst tmgpmr`turm. [hm gbnbgug tmst tmgpmr`turm sh`ee im 99 ´C flr kupemx `nk 3= ´C flr supmr kupemx. (bv) [hm tmgpmr`turm lf thm sleutbln sh`ee im glnbtlrmk. Qhmn bt h`s rm`chmk ° 4.= ´C lf thm tmst tmgpmr`turm, thm spmcbgmns sh`ee im pe`cmk ln ` cr`kem `nk bggmrsmk bn thm tmst sleutbln `nk thm clnt`bnmr rmclvmrmk wbth ` w`tch ae`ss. [hm spmcbgmns sh`ee im lrbmntmk wbth thm tmst f`cm uppmrglst `t `n `naem lf `pprlxbg`tmey ;=´ tl thm vmrtbc`e. [hm tmst tmgpmr`turm gust im g`bnt`bnmk wbthbn ° 4.= ´C lf thm rmqubrmk v`eum thrluahlut thm mxplsurm pmrblk. (v)

[hm spmcbgmns sh`ee im rmglvmk frlg thm tmst sleutbln `ftmr 9; hlurs, rbnsmk `nk scruiimk wbth ` nyeln irbstem irush unkmr runnbna w`tmr `nk fbn`eey bggmrsmk bn `cmtlnm lr gmth`nle `nk krbmk thlrluahey. [hm scruiibna prlcmss shluek rmglvm `ny

ellsm clrrlsbln prlkuct `nk st`bnbna frlg thm spmcbgmn surf`cm. (vb) Qhmn kry, thm spmcbgmns sh`ee im rm-wmbahmk tl +0 ga lr imttmr. (vbb) @ftmr wmbahbna, thm spmcbgmns sh`ee im lismrvmk unkmr ` ibnlcue`r gbcrlsclpm bn lrkmr tl bkmntbfy thm elc`tbln lf `ny pbttbna `nk/lr amnmr`e clrrlsbln. @ stmme pbn g`y im usmk tl prlim thm surf`cm lf thm spmcbgmns bn `n `ttmgpt tl lpmn up clvmrmk pbts.  @9.0.8

@c cmp t`n cm crb c rb tmr b` Bf thm spmcbgmn h`s a`bnmk wmbaht lr elst nl glrm th`n 94 ga bt sh`ee im clnsbkmrmk tl h`vm p`ssmk thm tmst. Bf thm wmbaht elss bs glrm th`n 94 ga, thm spmcbgmn sh`ee im clnsbkmrmk tl h`vm f`bemk thm tmst, unemss pbttbna c`n im plsbtbvmey bkmntbfbmk lney ln `rm`s lutsbkm lf thm tmst f`cm. Flr `ccmpt`ncm ilth s`gpems sh`ee gmmt thmsm crbtmrb`. Bf lnm lr ilth spmcbgmns f`be `s ` rmsuet lf pbttbna ln `ny f`cm lthmr th`n thm tmst f`cm, ` rmtmst g`y im c`rrbmk lut ln nmw spmcbgmns. Bf ` tmst wmek h`s immn cem`nmk `ftmr wmekbna, m.a. iy pbcjebna, `s p`rt lf bts prmp`r`tbln flr smrvbcm, thm spmcbgmn sh`ee im clnsbkmrmk tl h`vm f`bemk bf `ny pbttbna bs vbsbiem ln thm tmst f`cm, rma`rkemss lf wmbaht elss. Bf thm fbee p`ssms lf thm tmst wmek `rm kmplsbtmk wbth ` clnsug`iem h`vbna elwmr pbttbna rmsbst`ncm th`n th`t usmk flr thm rllt, pbttbna bn thm wmek gmt`e ln thm spmcbgmn sbkms bs `ccmpt`iem. Bn such c`sms thm p`ss/f`be `ssmssgmnt gust im pmrflrgmk vbsu`eey bf thm wmbaht bs > 94 ga. [hm spmcbgmn wbee im clnsbkmrmk tl h`vm f`bemk bf pbttbna bs vbsbiem ln thm tmst f`cm.


Ymplrt Ympl rt bn a [hm fleelwbna sh`ee im bnceukmk bn thm tmst rmplrt flr m`ch spmcbgmn? (b)

@ irbmf kmscrbptbln lf thm wmek clnkbtbln, b.m. kmt`bes lf `ee plst-wmek hm`t trm`tgmnt `nk surf`cm prmp`r`tbln.


[hm spmcbgmn kbgmnsblns.



KMT 60.;4.94.30-Amn. Fmiru`ry 9400 T`am ;9

(bbb) @ irbmf kmscrbptbln lf `ny fm`turm lismrvmk ln thm tmst f`cm prblr tl tmstbna whbch bkmntbfbms nlt`iem fm`turms, bn p`rtbcue`r `ny whbch gbaht im gbst`jmn flr pbts `ftmr mxplsurm. (bv) [hm vleugm lf tmst sleutbln tl thm nm`rmst =4 ge. (v)

[hm `ctu`e tmst tmgpmr`turm, bnceukbna `ny v`rb`tbln nltmk kurbna thm tmst mxplsurm.

(vb) [hm wmbaht lf thm spmcbg spmcbgmn mn bggmkb`tmey prblr tl tmstbna. (vbb) [hm wmbaht lf thm spmcbgmn `ftmr cem`nbna `nk krybna `t thm clgpemtbln lf thm tmst. (vbbb) [hm wmbaht ch`nam kurbna tmstbna. (bx) [hm elc`tbln lf `ny pbts kbsclvmrmk sh`ee im rmclrkmk ln ` sjmtch lf phltl lf thm spmcbgmn. Bf nl pbts `rm lismrvmk, thbs sh`ee im st`tmk. [hm usm lf prlibna sh`ee im rmplrtmk, wbth thm lismrvmk rmsuets. (x)

Qhmthmr thm spmcbgmn spmcbgmn h`s p`ssmk lr ff`bemk `bemk thm tmst.


[hbs shluek rmclrk bbff ` f`beurm w`s kum kum tl `tt`cj lutsbkm thm tm tmst st f`cm f`cm `nk bs thmrmflrm thmrmflrm mebab mebabiem iem s suiomct uiomct tl ` rm-tmst bn `cclrk`ncm wbth (@9.0.8).




Trlcmk Trl cmk ur m [hm tmst prlcmkurm sh`ee im bn `cclrk`ncm wbth @S[G A0 wbth thm fleelwbna `kkbtbln`e rmqubrmgmnts.


[mst sp mcbgmn mcb gmns s [hm tmsts shluek im pmrflrgmk ln trbpebc`tm spmcbgmns. [hm spmcbgmn sbzm shluek im 94 gg x =4 gg x 9 gg (peus wmek rllt) wbth thm wmek elc`tmk cmntr`eey.


Spmcbg Spmc bgmn mn p prmp rmp`r`t `r`tbl bl n [hm rllt f`cm lf thm amnmr`e/pbttbna clrrlsbln tmst spmcbgmns shluek im emft bn thm `s-wmekmk clnkbtbln `nk shluek lney im kmarm`smk.


[mst sl eu tb ln [hm spmcbfbc tmst sleutbln `nk clnkbtblns sh`ee im `kvbsmk iy thm Trbncbp`e. [hm fleelwbna prlcmkurm shluek im usmk whmn `utlce`vm tmstbna wbth CL 9 `nk/lr H9S bs rmqubrmk? - N 9/CL9 km`mr`tbln `t ` felw r`tm lf >044 ge/gbn pmr ebtrm lf sleutbln flr 0 hlur (tl `chbmvm 3

emss th`n 4.40 ge/g  lxyamn): - Turamk `t tmst tmgpmr`turm wbth ` a`s gbxturm clnt`bnbna H9S untbe thm rmqubrmk p`rtb`e prmssurm bs rm`chmk. @etmrn`tbvmey, thm sleutbln g`y im puramk `t `gibmnt tmgpmr`turm such th`t thm rmqubrmk H9S p`rtb`e prmssurm bs `chbmvmk whmn hm`tmk tl tmst tmgpmr`turm: - Mxbt v`evm celsmk `nk `utlce`vm prmssurbsmk wbth CL 9/N9 tl rmqubrmk emvme `ftmr `utlce`vm h`s immn hm`tmk tl thm rmqubrmk tmgpmr`turm: - A`s shluek im rmpemnbshmk lncm/twbcm wmmjey unkmr thmsm tmstbna mnvbrlngmnts: - Spmcbgmns shluek im memctrbc`eey bsle`tmk frlg kbssbgbe`r gmt`es `nk thm `utlce`vm.  @9.9.=

[mst ku r`tbl r`t bl n [hm tmst kur`tbln shluek im ` gbnbgug lf thbrty k`ys.


Tlst-t Tls t-t mst mv`e mv`eu`t u`tbl bl n [hm cem`nmk spmcbgmns sh`ee im suiomct tl `n lptbc`e (x34) mx`gbn`tbln, fleelwmk iy smctblnbna `nk sc`nnbna memctrln gbcrlsclpy (SMG) mx`gbn`tbln lf suspmct `rm`s.




KMT 60.;4.94.30-Amn. Fmiru`ry 9400 T`am ;3

@c cmpt`n cmp t`n cm crb c rb tmr b` Nl pbttbna ln `ny surf`cm lf `ee tmstmk s`gpems `nk thm amnmr`e wmbaht elss clrrlsbln r`tm shluek im emss th`n 4.0 gg/yr.  gg/yr. 




Flu r p lbnt lb nt imnk tms tmsts ts [hm tmst prlcmkurm sh`ee im bn `cclrk`ncm wbth @S[G A32 wbth thm fleelwbna `kkbtbln`e rmqubrmgmnts?


[mst sp mcbgmn mcb gmns s [hm tmst shluek im clnkuctmk ln trbpebc`tm spmcbgmns lf kbgmnsblns? 004 gg tl 9=4 gg elna, 0= gg tl =4 gg wbkm, thbcjnmss such th`t y0/h 5 4.0, wbth thm wmek elc`tmk bn thm cmntrm. [hm rllt wmek zlnm `nk `s guch `ko`cmnt p`rmnt g`tmrb`e `s plssbiem shluek im emft bn thm `s-wmekmk/rmcmbvmk clnkbtbln. [hm spmcbgmn surf`cms shluek im cem`nmk bn kmtmramnt wbth ` nyeln irush, fleelwmk iy kmarm`sbna wbth `cmtlnm `nk rbnsbna wbth km-blnbsmk w`tmr.


Spmcbg Spmc bgmn mn eel`k l`kbn bn a M`ch spmcbgmn sh`ee im el`kmk such th`t thm str`bn `chbmvmk bs mqubv`emnt tl 044 % lf thm `ctu`e prllf strmss lf thm p`rmnt g`tmrb`e. [hm str`bn shluek im gm`surmk usbna str`bn a`uams.


[mst sl eu tb ln Smm (@9.9.;) `ilvm.


[mst ku r`tbl r`t bl n [hm tmst kur`tbln sh`ee im ` gbnbgug lf 34 k`ys.


Tlst-t Tls t-t mst mv`e mv`eu`t u`tbl bl n [hm cem`nmk spmcbgmns sh`ee im suiomct tl `n lptbc`e (x34) mx`gbn`tbln lf thm surf`cm, fleelwmk iy smctblnbna `nk sc`nnbna memctrln gbcrlsclpy (SMG) mx`gbn`tbln lf suspmct `rm`s.


@c cmp t`n cm crb c rb tmr b` Nl cr`cjbna lr clrrlsbln `tt`cj ln `ny tmstmk spmcbgmn.





KMT 60.;4.94.30-Amn. Fmiru`ry 9400 T`am ;;


SCLTM [hbs @ppmnkbx spmcbfbms thm rmqubrmgmnts flr mstbg`tbna thm vleugm fr`ctbln lf kmet` fmrrbtm bn kupemx st`bnemss stmme iy systmg`tbc plbnt cluntbna ln tr`nsvmrsm gmt`eelar`phbc smctblns. [hbs prlcmkurm pr lcmkurm bs ` spmcbfbc bntmrprmt`tbln lf @S[G M=69 whbch shluek im


rmfmrmncmk flr `kkbtbln`e i`cjarlunk `nk kmfbnbtbln lf kmt`be `s nltmk. I@SBS LF GM[HLK [hm gmthlk bnvlevms thm supmrbgplsbtbln lf ` tmst arbk lvmr `n bg`am, prlkucmk iy `n lptbc`e ebaht gbcrlsclpm, lf thm `pprlprb`tm gbcrlstructur`e `rm`. [hm nugimr lf arbk plbnts f`eebna wbthbn kmet` fmrrbtm `rm cluntmk `nk kbvbkmk iy thm tlt`e nugimr lf arbk plbnts, tl ybmek ` plbnt fr`ctbln whbch rmprmsmnts `n mstbg`tm lf thm vleugm fr`ctbln lf kmet` fmrrbtm prmsmnt wbthbn thm fbmek lf vbmw. [hm `vmr`am plbnt fr`ctbln t`jmn lvmr ` nugimr lf `pprlprb`tmey smemctmk fbmeks abvms `n mstbg`tm lf thm vleugm fr`ctbln wbthbn thm rmabln s`gpemk.




Tlbnt clunt - thm nugimr lf arbk plbnts whbch ebm wbthbn `rm`s lf ` spmcbfbc ph`sm (bn thbs c`sm kmet` fmrrbtm).


Tlbnt fr`ctbln (Tp) - thm plbnt clunt kbvbkmk iy thm tlt`e nugimr lf plbnts bn thm tmst arbk.


Vleugm fr`ctbln (Vv) - thm vleugm lf ` spmcbfbc ph`sm pmr unbt vleugm, mxprmssmk `s ` fr`ctbln.

[MS[ TBMCM TYMT@Y@[BLN Te`n`r smctblns sh`ee im t`jmn thrluah thm p`rmnt g`tmrb`e lr thm wmekgmnt, `s rmemv`nt. Smctblns sh`ee im pmrpmnkbcue`r tl thm g`tmrb`e surf`cm `nk tr`nsvmrsm tl thm wmekbna kbrmctbln, whmn rmemv`nt, frlg thm elc`tblns spmcbfbmk bn T`rt BB - =.0 lf thbs KMT. M`ch wmek s`gpem sh`ee smctbln thm whlem lf thm wmekgmnt `nk H@_ `nk `n `rm` lf p`rmnt g`tmrb`e ln mbthmr sbkm lf thm wmek. Trmp`r`tbln lf thm tmst pbmcms sh`ee im bn `cclrk`ncm wbth st`nk`rk gmt`eelar`phbc tmchnbqums, such `s kmscrbimk bn @S[G M3. Bt bs rmclggmnkmk th`t thm e`st arbnkbna st`am shluek im wbth 644 arbt, lr fbnmr, `ir`sbvm `nk thm fbn`e plebsh shluek im wbth 0 g, lr fbnmr, `ir`sbvm, m.a. kb`glnk p`stm. [hm tmst pbmcm sh`ee im mtchmk memctrleytbc`eey bn ;4 % JLH sleutbln, b.m. ;44 a JLH bn 0444 ge lf sleutbln g`km wbth kbstbeemk w`tmr. Mtchbna sh`ee im c`rrbmk lut bn ` clnt`bnmr lf suffbcbmnt sbzm tl `eelw bggmrsbln bggmrsbln lf thm tmst pbmcm bn thm mtch `t ` kbst`ncm lf 044 gg frlg thm pe`tbnug c`thlkm. Memctrbc`e clnt`ct imtwmmn thm tmst pbmcm `nk plwmr slurcm g`y im g`km iy gm`ns lf ` subt`iey sh`pmk clnkuctbna prlim.  @ccmpt`iem clntr`st g`y im lit`bnmk `t `n `nlkm/c`thlkm vlet`am th`t amnmr amnmr`tms `tms ` currmnt 9

kmnsbty lf 0 `gp/cg  flr ` pmrblk lf 9-= smclnks, iut trb`es g`y im nmcmss`ry tl kmtmrgbnm thm glst `pprlprb`tm clnkbtblns flr ` p`rtbcue`r tmst pbmcm. Bt g`y im nltmk th`t thm clntr`st imtwmmn thm kmet` fmrrbtm `nk `ustmnbtm ph`sms wbee prli`iey v`ry thrluah thm wmekgmnt. =.

@YM@ SMEMC[BLN [hm `rm`s bn whbch gm`surmgmnts h`vm immn g`km sh`ee im spmcbfbmk prmcbsmey, `s shluek thm mx`ct gm`surmgmnt elc`tblns. [hm wmek p`ss sh`ee im st`tmk, m.a. rllt, c`p, fbee prmfmr`iey wbth ` nugimr, `s sh`ee thm `rm` whbch h`s immn gm`surmk, b.m. wmek gmt`e, H@_ lr p`rmnt g`tmrb`e. Qhmrm plssbiem bt shluek im bnkbc`tmk whmthmr thm `rm` h`s immn rmhm`tmk lr bs `s-kmplsbtmk. @ny uncmrt`bnty sh`ee im nltmk. [hm elc`tbln lf gm`surmgmnts sh`ee im rmclrkmk ln ` sjmtch lr phltlar`ph lf thm smctbln.




KMT 60.;4.94.30-Amn. Fmiru`ry 9400 T`am ;=

@TT@Y@[]S  @n lptbc`e ebaht gbcrlsclpm whbch prlomcts `n bg`am lf thm g`anbfbmk gbcrl-structurm lntl ln tl ` vbmwbna scrmmn sh`ee im usmk, prmfmr`iey wbth ar`ku`tmk x `nk y tr`nse`tbln clntrles. [hm g`anbfbc`tbln sh`ee im smemctmk such th`t thm fmrrbtm p`rtbcems h`vm `n `vmr`am kbgmnsbln `pprlxbg`tmey lnm h`ef lf thm arbk plbnt sp`cbna. [hbs shluek im oukamk vbsu`eey bn glrm th`n lnm fbmek lf vbmw, imflrm gm`surmgmnts `rm g`km. NL[M? 

Flr g`ny wmekgmnt gbcrlstructurms, p`rtbcue`rey bn rm-hm`tmk `rm`s, ` g`anbfbc`tbln bn thm r`nam x =44 - x 0444 bs subt`iem.

[hm tmst arbk sh`ee im g`rjmk ln ` tr`nsp`rmnt shmmt whbch sh`ee im supmrbgplsmk ln thm g`anbfbmk bg`am lf thm gbcrlstructurm. [hm arbk sh`ee clnsbst lf ` squ`rm `rr`y lf mqu`eey sp`cmk plbnts, prlkucmk iy thm bntmrsmctbln lf fbnm p`r`eeme ebnms (g`xbgug wbkth 4.3 gg), `nk sh`ee h`vm 06 lr 9= plbnts. Bt bs rmclggmnkmk th`t thm sp`cbna lf thm plbnts shluek im 04 gg `elna ilth kbrmctblns p`r`eeme tl thm mkams lf thm squ`rm arbk, m.a. `s bn Fbaurm. @9.0.  @t ` g`anbfbc`tbln lf x 0444 thbs clrrmsplnks tl ` plbnt sp`cbna ln thm `ctu`e gbcrlstructurm lf 04 g. 1.

TYLCMK]YM Supmrbgplsm thm tmst arbk ln thm g`anbfbmk bg`am lf thm gbcrlstructurm bn thm chlsmn `rm` lf thm p`rmnt g`tmrb`e lr wmekgmnt. Clunt thm nugimr lf plbnts whbch ebm wbthbn thm kmet` fmrrbtm ph`sm: `ny plbnts whbch c`nnlt im `ssbanmk plsbtbvmey tl mbthmr ph`sm sh`ee im cluntmk `s lnm h`ef. Kmet` fmrrbtm bs thm ph`sm whbch bs st`bnmk k`rj iy thm mtch, `ethluah bts clelur g`y v`ry sbanbfbc`ntey thrluahlut thm wmekgmnt. [hm `ustmnbtm ph`sm rmg`bns ebaht clelurmk bn `ee `rm`s `ftmr mtchbna. [hm tmst pbmcm sh`ee thmn im glvmk iy ` sg`ee `glunt bn x `nk/lr y sl th`t `nlthmr fbmek bs chlsmn. @ smclnk plbnt clunt sh`ee im pmrflrgmk bn thm nmw fbmek, prlvbkmk th`t thbs fbmek lf vbmw stbee f`ees wbthbn thm spmcbfbmk rmabln lf thm p`rmnt g`tmrb`e lr wmekgmnt. Bf thm fbmek lf vbmw f`ees lutsbkm thm `rm` lf bntmrmst thm spmcbgmn sh`ee im glvmk i`cj, wbthlut rlt`tbna, tl `n `pprlprb`tm plsbtbln wbthbn thm spmcbfbmk `rm`. Qhmrm plssbiem thm tmst pbmcm shluek im glvmk wbthlut elljbna `t thm gbcrl-structurm bn lrkmr tl `vlbk ib`s bn thm chlbcm lf fbmeks. Bt bs rmclggmnkmk th`t thm usm lf lvmre`ppbna fbmeks im `vlbkmk. [hbs prlcmss sh`ee im clntbnumk untbe ` gbnbgug lf ;44 plbnts h`vm immn cluntmk. Qhmn gm`surmgmnts `rm imbna g`km wbthbn thm cl`rsm ar`bnmk H@_, thm lpmr`tlr sh`ee fbrst `ssmss whmthmr thm tmst arbk c`n im supmrbgplsmk lvmr `n `rm` whbch bs mntbrmey wbthbn thm cl`rsm ar`bnmk H@_. [hbs c`n im klnm sbgpey iy `ttmgptbna tl fbt thm arbk wbthbn ` sbnaem cl`rsm ar`bn. Bf thm arbk sbzm bs emss th`n thm ar`bn sbzm, thmn thm tmchnbqum kmscrbimk `ilvm sh`ee im usmk. Bf thm whlem arbk bs tll e`ram, ` sg`eemr `rm` lf thm arbk sh`ee im usmk, iy banlrbna lnmBflr` glrm whlem arbk rlwsbslf arbk thm plbnts. [hm `rm` chlsmn g`y sl imth`t mbthmr lr rmct`naue`r. rmct`naue`r usmk, spmcbgmn sh`ee im rlt`tmk thmsqu`rm elna `xbs lf thm rmct`naem bs jmpt p`r`eeme tl thm fusbln ilunk`ry. Gm`surmgmnts bn thm cl`rsm ar`bnmk H@_ sh`ee im g`km wbthbn 4.9 gg lf thm fusbln ebnm.



KMT 60.;4.94.30-Amn. Fmiru`ry 9400 T`am ;6

[hm vleugm fr`ctbln, `s kmfbnmk iy @S[G M=69, lf kmet` fmrrbtm sh`ee im mstbg`tmk iy t`jbna `n `vmr`am lf thm plbnt fr`ctblns cluntmk bn m`ch lf thm n fbmeks `s fleelws? (mqu`tbln 0)

whmrm (b) bs thm fbmek nugimr. [hm 2= % clnfbkmncm bntmrv`e ((CB), CB), `s kmfbnmk iy @S[G M=69, sh`ee im c`ecue`tmk `s fleelws? (mqu`tbln 9)

whmrm (mqu`tbln 3)

[hm `ccur`cy lf thm tmchnbqum sh`ee clgpey wbth thm `eelw`iem mrrlrs spmcbfbmk bn ([`iem  @9.0) whmrm thm mrrlr bs `s kmfbnmk bn @S[G M=69. 8.

YMTLY[BNA [hm fleelwbna kmt`bes sh`ee im bnceukmk bn thm plbnt cluntbna rmplrt? b. bb. bbb. bv. v. vb.

x. xb.

[hm nugimr lf smctblns t`jmn frlg thm wmek. [hm elc`tblns lf smctblns t`jmn `elna thm wmek. [hm plebshbna prlcmkurm `nk mtchbna clnkbtblns. [hm g`anbfbc`tbln usmk. [hm nugimr lf plbnts `nk sh`pm lf thm arbk. Qhmthmr thm fbmeks wmrm chlsmn r`nklgey lr `t rmaue`r bntmrv`es. Bf rmaue`r bntmrv`es wmrm mgpelymk, rmplrt thm sp`cbna usmk. [hm elc`tbln lf thm `rm`s bn whbch gm`surmgmnts wmrm g`km, prmfmr`iey ln sjmtch lr phltlar`ph `nk bn wlrks, spmcbfybna p`rmnt gmt`e lr thm wmek p`ss, thm rmabln lf thm wmek p`ss (b.m. wmek gmt`e lr H@_) `nk, whmrm pr`ctbc`e, whmthmr thm `rm` w`s rm-hm`tmk lr nlt. @ny uncmrt`bnty shluek im bnkbc`tmk. @ ebst lf thm plbnt fr`ctblns lf kmet` fmrrbtm bn m`ch fbmek. @n mstbg`tm lf thm vleugm fr`ctbln lf kmet` fmrrbtm, c`ecue`tmk `s thm `vmr`am lf thm plbnt fr`ctblns. [hm c`ecue`tmk v`eum lf thm 2= % CB. St`am lf g`nuf`cturm, b.m. prlcmkurm qu`ebfbc`tbln, prlkuctbln tmst, mtc.

xbb. xbbb. xbv.

Elc`tbln lflf s`gpem `nk hm`t nugimr. St`tmgmnt clnflrg`ncm wbth spmcbfbmk fmrrbtm clntmnt. Sban`turm lf lpmr`tlr rmsplnsbiem flr fmrrbtm kmtmrgbn`tbln.


vbbb. bx.

Fbaurm @9.0 @9.0 [wl arbk typms subt`iem flr systmg`tbc g`nu` g`nu`ee plbnt cluntb na lf kmet` fmrrbtm bn kupemx st `bnemss stmme stmme +



























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