Denpasar Statement

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Denpasar Statement...


Chair’s Statement International Meeting on Counter-Terrorism Bali, 10 August 2016  As the Chair, Chair, I have the honour to present the salient points of the ministerial deliberation and some follow-up actions of the International Meeting on CounterTerrorism in Bali, 10 August 01!" I.



Mini Minist ster ers s reco recogn gni# i#ed ed that that terr terror oris ism m has has been been incr increa easi sing ngl$ l$ a tran transn snat atio iona nall phenomenon as it respects no national boundaries" In that regard, Ministers emphasi#ed the need to improve law enforcement and border management cooperation in combating cross-border movement of terrorism in accordance to %& Charter and international law"


Mini Minist ster ers s unde underl rlin ined ed the the impo import rtan ance ce of effe effect ctiv ive e cont contro roll of stat states es over over thei their  r  borders to prevent cross-border movement of terrorists and their goods, funds and and mate materi rial al"" In that that resp respec ect, t, Mini Minist ster ers s also also call called ed for for a more more effe effect ctiv ive e management of airports, seaports, and other border crossing points"


Minist Ministers ers reco recogni gni#ed #ed that that as I(I( I(I()* )* and and +orei +oreign gn Terr Terrori orist st +ighte +ighters rs +T+ +T+ have have emerged as a new global phenomenon of terrorism, the global war on terror  enters enters a new chapter chapter" Therefore, Therefore, Ministers Ministers reaffirmed reaffirmed their commitments commitments to strengthen international cooperation in the fights against terrorism in all forms and manifestations"


Minist Ministers ers stro strong ngl$ l$ conde condemne mned d the hein heinous ous acts acts of terror terror that that occurr occurred ed recen recentl$ tl$ in +rance, Tur/e$ Tur/e$, Belgium, Indonesia, Bangladesh, India, Afghanistan, and an$ other parts of the world, and etended their deepest condolences to all families of the victims"


Ministers underscored that terrorism cannot and should not be associated with an$ religion, nationalit$, race, civili#ations, or ethnic group" owever, owever, as in i n most cases, cases, terror terrorist ist groups groups use use those those associ associati ations ons as 2ustif 2ustifica icatio tion, n, Minist Ministers ers ac/now ac/nowled ledged ged the need need to streng strengthe then n dialog dialogue ue and and promo promote te modera moderatio tion, n, tolera tolerance nce,, and mutual mutual unders understan tandin ding g b$ involv involving ing civil civil societ societ$ $, includ including ing communities and religious organi#ations, organi#ations , !ithout ma"ing distinction on the categori#ation o$ terrorist.


Cont Contro rolli lling ng Cro Cross ss-B -Bor orde derr Mo%e Mo%eme ment nt o$ o$ Ter Terro rori rism sm


Mini Minist ster ers s recogn recogni# i#ed ed that that terro terrori rism sm const constit itut utes es a grav grave e thre threat at to globa globall peac peace e and securit$" securit$" Terrorism Terrorism has been undergoing comple and profound changes in recent $ears, where patterns of terrorist attac/s have become internationali#ed, and cross-border movement of terrorists, including their weapons and deadl$ materials for eplosive devices, has become increasingl$ fre3uent" As terrorism has multiple dimensions, manifestations and causes, and respects no national

bound boundarie aries, s, it is a comple comple  phenom phenomeno enon n that that re3uir re3uires es a compre comprehen hensiv sive e approach and unprecedented international cooperation covering the aspects of  human, information, financing and securit$ of dangerous materials" 4"

Mini Minist ster ers s unde underl rlin ined ed that that in stop stoppi ping ng the the mobi mobili li#a #ati tion on of peop people le to cond conduc uctt terrorist attac/s in certain places or even to go to conflict #ones to 2oin with terrorist groups, states should strengthen its national measures, including in law enforcement, border control, and in obtaining intelligence information, as well as create good collaboration among home, transit, and destination countries to prevent the travel and provide necessar$ evidence to prosecute them before the law upon their return"


Minis iniste ters rs enc encourag urage ed the the imple mplem mentat ntatio ion n of all all necess cessar ar$ $ mea measures ures to eliminate the suppl$ of weapons, including small arms and light weapons, as well as illegal movement of deadl$ materials which could be used for eplosive devices, to terrorists"


Mini Minist ster ers s epre epress ssed ed conc concer ern n on the the eas$ acce access ss of infor informa mati tion on whic which h indeed indeed pla$s an important role, both in spreading terrorist propaganda b$ using the intern internet, et, which which succes successfu sfull$ ll$ recrui recruits ts terror terrorist ist group group membe members, rs, as well well as in developing home grown terrorist, including lone-wolves, as the$ could obtain information easil$ on how to create bombs or an$ eplosive devices" Therefore, Ministers are encouraged to strengthen concerted efforts to develop effective counter-narratives, involving private sectors and civil societ$, while respecting the rule of law and human rights"

10" Ministers Ministers epress epressed ed concern concern on the the terrorist terrorist financ financing, ing, which which could could be obtain obtained ed b$ /idn /idnap appi ping ng for for rans ransom om or an$ an$ othe otherr tran transn snat atio iona nall orga organi ni#e #ed d crim crime" e" +urt +urthe herm rmor ore, e, Mini Minist ster ers s furt furthe herr epr epres esse sed d conc concer ern n on the the adva advanc nce e of  information technolog$ that could ma/e the transfer of funds become easier for  terrorist groups to support their cells in conducting terrorist attac/s in other  countries" In this regard, Ministers underscored that strengthening cooperation among among relate related d sta/eh sta/ehold olders ers is necess necessar$ ar$,, partic particula ularl$ rl$ cooper cooperati ation on among among +inancial Intelligence %nit, to cope with the methods used b$ terrorist groups which tend to /eep changing" III. III.

Coun Counte teri ring ng &or &orei eign gn Ter Terro rori rist st &igh &ighte ters rs


Minist Ministers ers ac/now ac/nowled ledge ged d the signific significant ant increa increase se of the flow of +T+s +T+s to ($ria ($ria and Ira3, in which some of them have returned to their home countries, poses new ris/ to all countries" In this regard, Ministers are encouraged to wor/ hard harder er and and smar smarte terr in cond conduc ucti ting ng a more more effe effect ctiv ive e and and comp compre rehe hens nsiv ive e approach which combines hard and soft approach"

1" 1"

Mini Minist ster ers s unde underl rlin ined ed the the impo import rtan ance ce of stre streng ngth then enin ing g law law enfo enforc rcem emen entt coop cooper erat atio ion n amon among g coun countr trie ies s in etr etrad adit itin ing g and and coll collec ectin ting g evid eviden ence ce to pros prosec ecut ute e terr terror oris ists ts"" +urth +urther ermo more re,, Mini Minist ster ers s are are enco encour urag aged ed to impro improve ve

respective national laws and capacities through capacit$ building b$ sharing information, eperiences, and good practices among countries in establishing necessar$ legal framewor/ on counter-terrorism" 1'" Ministers Ministers undersc underscored ored that that de-radic de-radicali#a ali#ation tion and and counter-ra counter-radical dicali#atio i#ation n pla$ an an important role in countering terrorist propaganda, particularl$ b$ empowering religious leaders and scholars, e-terrorist inmates, victims of terrorism, and civil societ$, as well as utili#ing social media in promoting peace and amplif$ing the voice of the moderates" I'.

(a) &or!ards

1." Ministers Ministers reaffi reaffirmed rmed their their commitm commitments ents to to strengthen strengthen internationa internationall cooperati cooperation, on, partic particula ularl$ rl$ in contro controllin lling g crosscross-bor border der moveme movement nt of terror terrorist ists, s, throug through h law enforcement and intelligence information as well as database sharing, effective border control, preventing terrorist networ/ from utili#ing c$ber technolog$ and access access to terrorist terrorist financing, financing, including glo*al in$ormation sharing through I+T/. 17" Minist Ministers ers agree agreed d that the %nite %nited d &ations &ations shoul should d ta/e a lead lead and pla$ pla$ a more significant role in countering terrorism, as well as addressing its root causes" Ministers highlighted that the recent %& (ecretar$ 8eneral 9lan of Action to 9reve 9revent nt :iole :iolent nt ;trem ;tremism ism could could comple complemen mentt the %nited %nited &ation &ations s 8lobal 8lobal Counter-Terrorism (trateg$ in strengthening efforts which have been done in terms of countering terrorism, both at national, regional, and global level" 1!" 1!"

Ins Inspired ired b$ the the achiev hievem emen entt of A(;A A(;A& & to have its its own con conven ventio tion on coun counte teri ring ng terro terrori rism sm in 004 004,, Mini Minist ster ers s reaf reaffir firme med d thei theirr comm commitm itmen ents ts to continue continue the finali#atio finali#ation n of the Comprehen Comprehensive sive Conventio Convention n on Internation International al Terrorism as it will serve as alegal basis in countering international terrorism"

14" Ministers Ministers welcom welcomed ed the proposal proposal of of Mala$sia Mala$sia to to strengthe strengthen n cooperati cooperation on among among Centers of
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