Demand Letter

April 1, 2019 | Author: ikrenfly | Category: N/A
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sample for demand letter for any obligation or debt which may be filed by a creditor...


 _______________  ______________________ ____________  _____ 

DEMAND LETTER (Re: (Re: Loan amounting to Php50,000.00) _____________________

Dear Mr________________,  This is with respect to the loan ou secure! secure! "rom me last  ______________  ______________ in the amount amount o" Php50,000.00. Php50,000.00 . #ccor!ing to ou, such amou amount nt is to $e use! use! to open open a wate waterr stat statio ion n $usi $usine ness ss an! an! ou ou promise! to pa me $ac% the sai! amount as soon as ou get our $ac% $ac% pa pa "rom "rom _____ _______ _____ _____ _____ _____ __.. Due Due to such such repr represe esent ntati ation on,, an! an! %nowing that a termination letter "or our emploment in _________ was "orthcoming, & more than generousl lent ou the sai! amount. To secu securre the the pam pamen entt o" our our loan loan,, ou ou issu issue! e! to me an  _______________  ________________chec% _chec% in the amount o" ______________. ______________. 'oweer, upon prese presentm ntmen entt o" the chec% chec%an an%, %, the the same same was was !isho !ishono nore re! ! $ecaus $ecause e accor!ing to them, our ACCOUNT was ACCOUNT was CLOSED. CLOSED. & imme! imme!iat iatel el in"or in"orme! me! ou ou o" such such !isho !ishono norr o" our our issue issue! ! chec% an! repeate!l arrange! arrange! meetups "or us to !iscuss the terms o"  ou ou pam pamen ent, t, $ut $ut ou ou "ell "ell !ea" !ea"e ear ars s to m cons consttant ant plea pleas s an! an! !isregar!e! m calls an! te*ts. Despite my repeated demands and reminders, y! "ai#ed and and re"! re"!se sed d and and $nt $ntin in!e !e t "ai# "ai# and and re"! re"!se se t sett sett#e #e the the "re%in% #n% &erd!e '#i%atin. '#i%atin . ()NAL DEMAND is DEMAND is there"ore ma!e upon ou to pa+!elier the amount o" Php50,000.00 within e (5) !as "rom the receipt thereo". -therw -therwise ise,, we shall shall $e constr constrai aine! ne! to instit institut ute e the neces necessar sar  ciil ciil an!+or criminal action+s against ou to protect m an! m "amils interest.

/ee!less to state that in such eent, & shall hol! ou a!!itionall lia$le "or inci!ental e*penses an! !amages, inclu!ing litigation e*penses an! attornes "ees. & trust that ou shall gie this matter our imme!iate attention.

er trul ours,


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