Demand Letter to Vacate

December 10, 2018 | Author: westernwound82 | Category: N/A
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Demand Letter to Vacate Ms Marie...


19 July 2013

Maribeth B. Chua

Phase IX, Package 8, Block 79, Lot 1 Bagong Silang Proect, !aloocan !ity

"ear #rs$ !hua,

It has %een one year an& 'our (onths since you ha)e 'aile& to *ay an& still re'uses to *ay your arrears +hich ha)e no+ a(ounte& to -./ 4 5S6/" P.SS P 2, 000$00$ he &etails are as 'ollo+s: #arch to "ece(%er 2012: 10 (onths X P1,;00$00 January to June 2013: < (onths X P1,;00$00 Total Arrears

1;,000$00 9,000$00 P24,000.00

our la last st *a *ay( y(en entt +a +as s (a (a&e &e on ; Ja Janu nuar ary y 20 2012 12 co co)e )erin ring g Ja Janu nuar ary y an an& & e%ruary 2012$

Please %e re(in&e& that +e ha)e alrea&y talke& in *erson a%out this an& you *ro(ise& (e to *ay on the 'irst +eek o' #ay o' this year %ut until no+ you still &on=t *ay your rental$ !onsi&er this as (y 'irst +ritten &e(an& 'or you to *ay your account as soon as *ossi%le$ ther+ise, I shall %e constraine& to sen& a 'inal &e(an& letter an& 'ro( there, i' no *ay(ent is (a&e, I shall %e constraine& co((ence suit to *rotect (y interests$

>ery truly yours,

Mark Gabriel B. Maranga

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