Demand Letter - Damage To Property

September 9, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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11 September 2015 MR. CHRISTOPHER S. MAGTIBAY  Unit 217 Tara Residences, Barangay Culiat, Quezn City

!ear "r# "agtibay$ %e &rite in be'al( ( ur client, TERESITA T. SANTOS.  )ur client 'as in(rmed us t'at 'er *e'icle, a 2000 mdel +nda CR- &it' plate number %.+/57, dri*en at t'at time by 'er brt'er rtur T# Sants, &as in a car accident accident in in* *l* l*ing ing yur yur 201 201 +yundai +yundai n *e *e'ic 'icle le &it' &it' cn cnduc ducti tin n stic3 stic3er er number ""021 last 2 September 201, 1$15 a#m#, at t'e par3ing area ( Citi 4laza 2 Building, Buildin g, Tandang andan g Sra *enue, *enue, , Barangay 4asng Tam, Tam, Quezn City# s stated in t'e Tra(ic Tra(ic 6ncident Reprt Reprt ( t'e Quezn Quezn City 4lice 4lice 'erein 'erein attac'ed as  Annex   “  A” , t'e e*ents transpired as (ll&s$ 6t appears t'at at abut 1$15 a#m#, t'is date, 'erein party no. 2 dri*en *e'icle (your vehicle), &as m*ing bac3&ard at t'e ab*estated place plac e ( ccurr ccurrenc ence e t'is t'is city city, &'ile &'ile in t'e prcess prcess its rear le( le(tt edge edge prt p rti in n 'it 'it t'e t'e rig' rig'tt (r (rnt nt ed edge ge prt prti in n ( party no. 1  *e'i *e'icl cle e (our  client’s clien t’s vehicle) vehicle)  which was par!" #natt!n"!" th!r!at # s a result  t'ere( bt' *e'icles in*l*ed incurred damages at pint ( cntact#8 (Notes and emphasis supplied.) 6n yur Sinumpaaang Salaysay signed and dated 2 September 201 9attac'ed B”  as Annex as  Annex “ B  ”   : yu clearly admitted (ault n t'e incident# ;urt'ermre, yu stated in a Certiicate ( Settlement dated and signed by yu last 2/ ury &'ic' ur client su((ered due t yur negligence, &e are gi*ing yu t'is inal demand t pay ur client t'e (ll&ing$ SI$TY %O&R %O&R THO& THO&SA SAN' N' %I %I(E (E H&N'R H&N'RE' E' EIGHT EIGHTY Y ONE ONE PESO PESOS S )PHP )PHP 1# SI$TY *+,-1.//0   representi representing ng t'e cst ( repairs repairs (r t'e damage sustained by ur cli client ent=s =s *e'icle *e'icle,, as s'&n s'&n by t'e attac' attac'ed ed cpy cpy 9see 9see  Annex “ D” : ( t'e ?b stimate prepared by +nda Cars @al3an, 6nc#A and, 2# TENTY %I(E THO&SAN' PESOS )PHP 2-,///.//0 as acceptance (ee due t

'er undersigned la&yer#


Unless payment payment is made in (ull t ur client &it'in TEN )1/0 'AYS  (rm yur receipt 'ere(, yu &ill lea*e us n alternati*e but t institute t'e necessary criminal actin act in agains againstt yu yu ( (rr Rec3l Rec3less ess 6mprud 6mprudenc ence e Result Resulting ing in !amage !amage t 4r 4rpe perty rty as deined under rticle 5 ( t'e Re*ised 4enal Cde, &'ic' pr*ides$ negligence. D ny persn &', by rec3less rt# 5# Imprudence and negligence. D imprud imp rudence ence,, s'a s'all ll cm cmmit mit an any y act &' &'ic' ic',, 'ad it bee been n int intenti entinal nal,, &uld &ul d cnsti cnstitute tute a gra gra*e *e (el (elny ny,, s'all su((er t'e penalt penalty y ( arr arrest est mayr in its maEimum perid t prisin crreccinal in its medium peridA i( it &uld 'a*e cnstituted a less gra*e (elny, t'e penalty (  arrest mayr in its minimum and medium perids s'all be impsedA i( it &uld 'a*e cnstituted a lig't (elny, (elny, t'e penalty ( arrest menr in its maEimum perid s'all be impsed# EEE



Rec3less imprudence cnsists in *luntary, but &it'ut malice, ding r (alling t d an act (rm &'ic' material damage results by reasn (  ineEcusable lac3 ( precautin n t'e part ( t'e persn per(rming (  (ailing t per(rm suc' act, ta3ing int cnsideratin 'is emplyment  r ccupa ccupatin, tin, degree ( intel intelligen ligence, ce, p'y p'ysical sical cnditin and t'er circumstances regarding persns, time and place# EEE



side (rm t'e criminal actin ab*ementined, ur client s'all als ile a ci*il suit (r cllectin and damages# %e trust yu &ill gi*e t'is matter yur serius and pre(erential attentin in rder t a*id t'e embarrassment, embarrassment, incn*eniences and eEpenses ( a curt suit#

-ery truly yurs,


Copy Furnished :   MS. TERESITA T. SAT!S  "uild#ord $%$ The Manors a& Cele'ri&y (lace) Capi&ol *ills +ri,e) !ld -alara) +iliman) ue/on Ci&y 

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