DeltaV Problems and Solutions _ PCEDCS

June 14, 2016 | Author: hashempour | Category: N/A
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DeltaV Problems and Solutions | PCEDCS

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DeltaV Problems and Solutions WARNING Invalid system ID in License String This error has been seen when trying to load license les to a DeltaV virtual machine being used for the rst time. The license binding is from the original copy of the DeltaV system needs to be broken and rebuilt. To do this: 1)In Physical network, select your simulate node, right click->licensing->unassign license 2)In System Con guration, select licenses, delete the licenses. 3)do a download 4)restart your virtual machine 5)Ensure your dongle key is in the machine 6)ensure the license le that goes with the dongle is on your machine. From DeltaV explorer 7)File->licensing->Load License File 8)In Physical network, right click your simulate node->licensing->assign license Active Support License is Required for this Hot x 1) Ensure you have the latest support license loaded to your system’s proplus. 2) You must be at the machine you are installing the hot xes to. It is not possible to install DeltaV hot xes remotely. CIOC Not Communicating With Controller Flashed upgrade the controller with issue with the latest software revision Newly Installed CIOCs Cannot be Identi ed Removed the extender cables Flash Upgrading Controllers For ash upgrades, you just have to use the upgrade utility of DeltaV. For your redundant controllers, there should be no issue. But for your simplex controller, you’ll have to look for a window to do that so as not to a ect a running process.



DeltaV Problems and Solutions | PCEDCS

Would there be any adverse e ect if the controllers are not immediately ash upgraded after installing any controller hot x bundle? There would be no e ect if the ash upgrade of controllers is delayed until the next plant maintenance. The customer can install the controller hot x bundle in their workstation and schedule the ashing of the controllers at a later time. Installation Instructions for DeltaV Systems For documents on setting up a server for DeltaV, log into guardian and have a look at the KBs KB AP-0600-0151 Windows XP and Server 2003 Installation Instructions for DeltaV Systems KB AP-0800-0136 Windows Vista and Server 2008 Installation Instructions for DeltaV Systems If you plan to make an application station a domain controller that already has deltaV installed, you will need to remove deltaV and then promote the machine as a domain controller. Then, reinstall DeltaV. This also holds for installing remote terminal services and possibly microsoft o ce. Adding Windows 7 Workstation to System I. Instructions/KBA for setting up a windows 7 box to run DeltaV 11 (Similar to but for version 11 and windows 7) KB AK-1000-0068 Windows 7 and Server 2008 Installation Instructions for DeltaV v11 Systems KB AK-1000-0092 Windows 7 and Server 2008 Operating System Manual Installation Instructions II. Procedure that speci es an order for adding machines to a DeltaV network Aside from the KBA’s above, you can check on the DeltaV Books Online speci cally the topic of “Con guring Other Workstations” for details. Basically here are the procedures, 1. On the DeltaV Explorer in the ProPlus, create a new node with its type depending on the type of workstation that you’ll be adding to the network. 2. Create a workstation con guration le 3. On the new workstation, install the OS and set-up the machine as stated in the KBA’s above. 4. Join the workstation to the domain rst (through Windows) before installing DeltaV. a. Login (locally) to the operator station and use Windows to join it to the Domain (My Computer | Properties | Computer Name tab). b. Once the workstation is successfully joined to the domain, logo locally and then re-login as a Domain Administrator, then install DeltaV. ProPLUS Swap-out Procedure in a Server 2003 Domain Environment KB AP-05000-0005 InSight Throws OPC Errors and Will Not Load No OPC connection. Unknown Error: Couldn’t get error string from server.(-2147312566) ERROR – Failed to Connect To Opc Server. This application’s database connection has been lost or the server has stopped.



DeltaV Problems and Solutions | PCEDCS

Fix: 1. Open a command prompt, type net stop deltav 2. Type regall /register 3. When the SERVPWD window opens, either enter the password or click the set to default depending on which is used in your DeltaV system. Please use the same DeltaVAdmin password as the rest of workstations on the DeltaV System. 4. Wait for the utility to nish then restart the machine. After the reboot, try to use PHV and OPCWatchIt. Also try starting DeltaV InSight. Having Issues Joining Machines to Domain Event ID 409 Fix: http:/ Event ID 4007 Fix: Note- be careful with this and know how your domain is supposed to look Removed keys from HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\DNS Server\Zones (any key beginning with server name were removed) The operation fails because the active domain server installation wizard was unable to convert the computer account ZZZ to an active domain controller account.Access denied see KBA NK-1100-1055 The security database on the server does not have a computer account for this workstation trust relationship Remove machine from the DeltaV domain and put it on mshome network, restart Put machine back on deltav domain, restart Enabling DCOM Type “dcomcnfg” on windows>Start>Run. Then on the component services right click on “My Computer” and Select “Properties” On “My Computer Properties” select the “Default Properties Tab” Verify if the option “Enable Distributed COM on this computer” is checked. (Check if not) The RPC Server is Unavailable The issue was due to the “workstation hardening” in DeltaV 11.3.1. It was resolved by clearing the check



DeltaV Problems and Solutions | PCEDCS

boxes for the Network Security items in the Group Policy on the Proplus, then rebooting the Application Station for the change to take e ect. Experience Freezing in the Displays for all the Operator Stations The issue was resolved by changing the SCU paths in the a ected workstations. The SCU con guration interface is rather ancient but its simple and easy to use. DeltaV->Installation->DeltaV Operator System Con guration Utility Choose the folder tree button and you will be presented with the path the workstation is using to reference the graphics. Failed to Update Current Dataset for alarms and Events Seen on Proplus Diagnostics Recreate the Alarms and Events Database by performing the procedure. 1. Launch Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio and connect to the Event Chronicle server (ProPlus). 2. Expand the database folder and delete the Ejournal and EJOver ow databases by doing a right-click then select Delete. Ensure that the option Close existing connections is selected. 3. Close SQL Server Management Studio and launch Windows Explorer. Make sure that the folder DeltaV\DVData\CHRONICLE does not have any Ejournal or EJOver ow les. 4. Stop the DeltaV service from the Windows Services console and then wait about 5 minutes. 5. Restart DeltaV service. This will create a new empty Event Chronicle database. 6. Verify that the new Event Chronicle database has been created by using SQL Server Management Studio. The new Ejournal and EJOver ow databases should now be seen under the SQL databases directory. Do DeltaV Smart Switches Support VLANS? No I do have to give Emerson credit though, the web interface for their switches is pretty nice. and no, they will not give you the password to go into ss enable mode for the switches. Setting up Smart Switches The use of serial communications is necessary back in DeltaV V10.3 because there is still no Smart Switch Command Center (SSCC). In v11.3, the DeltaV Smart Switches are commissioned, locked, unlocked, monitored using the SSCC. The Smart Switch Command Center will create a control module for each switch automatically during commissioning. It is asking for information on which Plant Area this control module will be saved and which Workstation/Node will it run at. You can select AREA_A and the Proplus as a default. How Yellow Pages Works Graphics auto Update See KB AP-0500-0084



DeltaV Problems and Solutions | PCEDCS

The graphics will be propagated to the other workstations as soon as you perform a set-up data download. If you don’t want this to happen, uncheck the Displays & Charts from the Auto-Update Service Control. Select the workstation that you don’t want to have the graphics from the list of workstation on the Auto-Update Service Control. Personally, I like my grpahics to be propagated as soon as their added to a node. I use a script to push the le out to all the pic folders instantly (no download needed) it can be done from any workstation. If Right Click Menu no Longer Appears in IFIX- Administrator Mode add the following script to whichever graphic the menu is not working Private Sub CFixPicture_MouseDown(ByVal Button As Integer, ByVal Shift As Integer, ByVal X As Double, ByVal Y As Double) On Error GoTo ErrorHandler If Button = vbKeyRButton Then ‘Track #36546 – Removed IEPOP1 on : 12/3/01 frszCreateAnEPMMenu Me, False End If Exit Sub ErrorHandler: frsHandleError End Sub How Many Datasets are There Per Port in a VIM card Each VIM is seen by the controller as up to 4 Virtual DeltaV Serial Cards. Each card has 2 port. Each port has 16 datasets and therefore, 32 datasets per card. Each data set can support 100 register values. Therefore, each port can have a maximum of 1600 register values. OPC Mirror Not Communicating Magenta Values Ensure installed hot xes are the same on all DeltaV network consoles. OPC Point Usage DCS DeltaV OPC Points Usage SQL Using a Lot of Memory on PROPLUS The SQL performance is not dictated by DeltaV, this behavior is typical and is an intended behavior of the SQL Server bu er pool. Please read on the following link for further explanation.



DeltaV Problems and Solutions | PCEDCS

To see the users currently logged in to each DeltaV WorkStation 1.In the Proplus, open DeltaV Diagnostics. 2.Right-click on a workstation, then select “Remote Client Diagnostics” 3.A window will open showing the active and inactive connections for that particular workstation. What Constitutes a DST The following are the function blocks that create DST counts. AI – Analog Input: One AI DST ALM – Alarm Detection: One AI DST AO – Analog Output: One AO DST CALC – Calculation: One AI DST DI – Discrete Input: One DI DST DO – Discrete Output: One DO DST FFMDI – Multiple Discrete Input: Eight DI DSTs FFMDO – Multiple Discrete Output: Eight DO DSTs PIN – Pulse Input: One DI DST Which Ports and Protocol Does the SOA use to Con gure a Firewall Documentation for setting up SOA can be found from \DeltaV\hlp – SOAAdminApp.chm and SOAGateway.chm. Details about port information and guidelines can be found from Troubleshooting SOA Web Services. DeltaV Excel Add-In For this to work, you must be running excel 2003 SP3 or 2007 SP1 or SP2. It must also be runing on a deltaV workstation. DeltaV Extra Programs Installation les for these can be found on Disc 1 of your DeltaV installation discs E:\DV_Extras BH_Server Campaign Manager Operator Interface DVWebServer DeltaVReporter HistoryAnalysis OPCMirror OPCPager OPCRemote SOA Gateway SoftPhaseTemplates VIMNetExplorer



DeltaV Problems and Solutions | PCEDCS

WebServices Xi Reporter IOPCBrowseServerAddressSpace::BrowseOPCItemIDs() failed:c0040803 This happened when we had a virtual environment for our DeltaV network. We had a backup of the virtual machine APPS and decided to reload it. When you do this, the proplus gets confused because it already had an identical machine with the same name on the network. Therefore, it will be necessary to 1) Remove the APPS machine from explorer on the proplus, do a download. 2) remove apps machine from network (join to mshome or something other than deltav domain) 3) recreate the apps in proplus explorer, assign licenses 4) export workstation con g 5) join apps to domain 6) run workstation con g from export in 4 7) download changed setup data from proplus 8) opcwatchit should then be able to brows deltav opce database DeltaV Operate 10.3 Freezes at 26% Load Error Number: -2147212502 (8004232a) A network transaction is in progress Followed by Error Number -2147467259 (80004005) Unspeci ed error For some reason when I ran the initial DeltaV install, the hot xes that came on Disk II wouldn’t load. After manually installing them, the errors in operate went away. If you are getting the same error in DeltaV, ensure hot xes DeltaV_103_83333 and DeltaV_103_84615 have been installed from Disk II. After hot x installation and reboot, check the Microsoft Control Panel to ensure the hot xes are installed properly. No doubt the latest hot xes from Emerson would also do the trick and would probably supersede these. DeltaV and Dell Open Manage DeltaV is compatible with Dell Open Manage- for details, see KB AP-0700-0071 Certain Versions of DeltaV require certain versions of Internet Explorer that may not be compatible with certain versions of Open Manage. So, we just installed google chrome on all of our servers and use that to interface with Open Manage. “Failed to Update Current Dataset Information” in DeltaV Diagnostic



DeltaV Problems and Solutions | PCEDCS

For this issue- recreate the Event Chronicle database. If you need the datasets from this existing database, back them up using Event Chronicle Administration You can also use SQL Server Management Studio to backup the EJournal and EJOver ow databases. Here is the procedure to recreate the SQL Event Chronicle Database: 1) Launch Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio and connect to the Event Chronicle server: (Machine Name)\DELTAV_CHRONICLE. 2) Expand the database folder and delete the Ejournal and EJOver ow databases by right click/delete. Before clicking the OK button, make sure the “close existing connections” is selected. 3) Close SQL Server Management and launch Windows Explorer. Make sure that the folder DVDATA\CHRONICLE does not have any Ejournal or EJOver ow les. 4) Stop DeltaV service from the Windows Services console (Start > Run > net stop deltav) and then wait about 5 minutes. 5) Restart DeltaV service (Start > Run > net start deltav). This will create a new empty database. 6) Verify that the new Event Chronicle database has been created by using SQL Server Management Studio. The new Ejournal and EJOver ow databases should now be seen under the SQL databases directory. Refer to KBA AP-0900-0012 “Backing Up and Restoring the Alarms and Events Database on DeltaV v9.3 and Later” for further detail. How to add a speci c workstation node on “Con gure Event Chronicle” of Process History View For you to able to add the workstations on the drop down menu of “events data” you have to enable the Event Chronicle of speci c workstation. The Events Data selection may be any workstation in the system with an Event Chronicle enabled. To do this, right click on the alarms and events of speci c workstation then check the enabled box. A separate license is required if you want to use it in di erent operator or application station. Check the licensing properties of DeltaV system from the Proplus node and see how many Event Chronicle license you have on the system. Location of Ejournal File \d$\DeltaV\DVData\CHRONICLE

4 thoughts on “DeltaV Problems and Solutions”



DeltaV Problems and Solutions | PCEDCS

Bob May 18, 2013 at 5:12 pm

VLANS in DeltaV and the Smart Switch The reason the smart switch does not support VLANS is because the DeltaV network does not support VLANS. Sure you can use other switches and create a VLAN if you want canT prevent it – not sure why though as you should not be bridging the DeltaV network directly to the plant LAN (this is why people use a VLAN) as it creates a signi cant security risk and DeltaV is not tested and supported with a VLAN on the network. Also you can’t get the password as they do not want you to change the switch con g from what is supported.


Post author

May 22, 2013 at 2:39 am

well, we had a situation where we had no bers left and couldn’t get the money to run a new line. We needed a plant lan. So, we took out the DeltaV switches, put in ciscos on eigther end, made vlans out of the plant lan and primary and put them together in a trunk. Primary and plant lan now share the same ber pair while maintaining isolation of network tra c. seems to work alright.

saeed October 13, 2013 at 5:05 pm

I have forgotten deltav main server machine administrator password. Kindly help me if any one can Thanks


Post author

October 19, 2013 at 9:02 pm



DeltaV Problems and Solutions | PCEDCS

Try Hiren’s boot disk. It will allow you to blow away the administrator password on any windows box. It also will piss o the IT department if you do this at work on machines they manage >:]


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