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June 14, 2016 | Author: chandram1 | Category: N/A
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SAP ERP Functional Enhancements Release Available

SAP ERP Solution Area

Module(s) Delta Functionality

mySAP ERP Procurement MM 2004 and Logistics Execution

Order processing with radio frequency identification

Functionality Description

Business Benefits

Order processing with radio frequency identification (RFID) provides comprehensive and integrated portfolio of autoidentification-enabled applications and infrastructure functions:

Order processing with radio frequency identification (RFID) provides the following benefits: - It automates the identification and tracking of physical objects (pallets, goods, and so on). - It improves transparency through real-time connection between the real world and business applications to optimize all kind of activities (supply chain, maintenance, and so on).

- Receiving and processing RFID/autoidentification data streams from readers - Writing data to RFID tags - Enabling RFID data processing in shipping, receiving, and packing - Handling RFID automatically RFID-enabled outbound processing provides a generic outbound processing solution to industries. The automatic identification development enhances the efficiency and quality of outbound processing operations by enabling the following: - Automated hands-free goods issue/loading confirmation - Verification of physical goods issued against the fulfillment requirements stipulated by the back-end software in the form of a delivery document, presenting a real-time quality control function at source for correct issuing of goods ordered - Nearly instantaneous communication of pallet and case-level electronic product code (EPC) information to business partners and enterprise backend software upon goods issue, which means that the roles impacted by this development extend well beyond the warehouse worker and manager: they apply to sales executives, as well as business partners

mySAP ERP End-User 2004 Service Delivery


Purchasing agent role

In conjunction with the SAP Event Management application, RFIDenabled outbound processing allows visibility at delivery and handling unit levels inside the company and also between business partners. The purchasing agent role accomplishes the following: - It provides overview of the actual workload. - It provides decision support. - It executes corresponding functions such as source determination, purchase requisition

The purchasing agent role provides these benefits: - It improves efficiency and effectiveness of purchasers through the personalization of information, as well as a single point of entry. - It

SAP ERP 6.0 Procurement SRM and Logistics Execution

SAP ERP 6.0 Procurement SRM and Logistics Execution

Service procurement

SAP Invoice Management

conversion, and creation of requests enhances visibility of daily for quotation (RFQs). - It offers access issues and figures. - It to reporting functions. increases speed in routine work. - It increases demand visibility and order responsiveness. Service procurement accomplishes the This functionality following: - Request for external staff A automates the procure-tomanager can send a request to the pay business scenario for supplier before actually ordering the temporary labor and service or external staff, and can consulting services by request further information – for accomplishing the example, on availability, skills following: - It provides information, or curriculum vitae. The easy-to-use self-service for request can be based on existing managing the procurement contracts. of external resources. - Order management This includes the - It offers seamless standard purchase order management integration of suppliers into functionality offered by the SAP the service procurement Supplier Relationship Management process. application, including purchase order - It enhances shift processing and purchase order operation. responses by the supplier, as well as monitoring - Confirmation and service entry Once the services have been performed, the supplier records times worked and additional costs. These must be approved by the requesting manager. - Invoice handling An invoice can be sent in electronically by the supplier and must then be approved by the requesting manager. This situation supports line managers or project managers in finding temporary staff as required. Although situations such as this were in the past routed through the procurement department with various iteration loops, procurement was in most cases not involved in line or project activities. This situation empowers the employees who have the knowledge about what to order or from where to source it, by providing professional sourcing functionality together with workflow enablement to line or project managers. The SAP Invoice Management application provides a single point of access for all invoices. Invoices can be entered manually, through Extensible Markup Language (XML), or through electronic data interchange (EDI). There is also an option to receive scanned invoices based on optical character recognition (OCR). If an error occurs when the invoice is posted, they can be viewed by various exception types and statuses with the invoice

The invoice management functionality provides preprocessing of incoming invoices on top of existing invoice verification. If there are no exceptions, the invoices are automatically posted. In the case of exceptions, various workflow and monitoring activities, including notification of vendors

monitor software. The clarification of about exceptions, are incorrect invoices is based on SAP triggered and tracked. Interactive Forms by Adobe and e-mail, which the software monitors. Predefined exceptions are as follows: - Missing or incorrect internal or external information The invoicing party or internal user can change or add missing or wrong information in an Adobe interactive form. Changes are transferred into the invoice document. - Duplicate invoice Tthe invoicing party or internal user is asked to check whether an invoice really is a duplicate. If the answer is yes, the invoice is deleted automatically. If the answer is no, the invoice can be posted automatically (if answer was sent by internal user) or the status is updated to "in clarification“ (if the answer was sent from invoicing party). - Price, quantity, or tax differences The e-mail recipient can accept or reject differences within the SAP Interactive Forms by Adobe application. If the acceptance by an e-mail recipient is sufficient, the invoice can automatically be posted or deleted; otherwise, the answer is recorded in the protocol. - Missing goods receipt The invoice arrives before the goods receipt is posted. You can clarify with the goods receipient whether the goods already arrived at the loading ramp or ask the supplier directly why the goods have not arrived yet. - Wrong reference The email recipient can correct a purchase order in the SAP Interactive Forms by Adobe application. The new purchase order is transferred into the invoice and then posted. - Invoice in approval All invoices that are awaiting approval for more than a

SAP ERP 6.0 Procurement MM and Logistics Execution

SAP ERP 6.0 End-User Service Delivery


certain number of days are displayed. - Other error This refers to other error messages. Design collaboration with Exchanging product documentation This functionality improves suppliers, based on with suppliers and partners is productivity and cFolders supported by the collaboration on collaboration with partners product structure data (such as bills of and suppliers during the material or product variant structures) product design phase. and product-related documents (such as technical drawings and computeraided design models).

SAP role: buyer

See also the description "Development collaboration with partners and suppliers (cFolders)." This role supports buyers in their dayto-day purchases (operational procurement) as it provides for both materials and services procurement. The main target group is operational buyers who are involved mostly in ordering activities (operational procurement), as well as reporting. Targeted purchasers may operate in several industries (cross-industry role) and buy direct materials and maintenance, repair, and operations (MROs), as well as services: - In work overview, you obtain an overview of your daily work. The purchasing work list is the point of entry for the processing of current workflow tasks, such as the release of purchase requisitions and purchase orders or the processing of faulty vendor confirmations. You can obtain information about forwarded workflow tasks and obtain an overview of the tasks you have completed. The purchasing group analysis provides an overview of the workloads of the individual buyers and buyer groups within your enterprise. For this purpose, the software accesses enterprise-wide consolidated data of the former SAP Business Information Warehouse component (now included in SAP NetWeaver Business Intelligence). The purchasing group analysis gives you the option of defining and saving your own views of the data. - In transaction processing, you obtain an overview of your purchasing documents (such as purchase orders and purchase requisitions). With the aid of queries, you can assemble your transactions to be processed in any number of work lists. You therefore

This functionality accomplishes the following: - It enables you to react to questions and problems immediately. - It provides quick access to personalized work lists. - It helps you achieve analytical insight.

SAP ERP 6.0 End-User Service Delivery

have the opportunity to structure and perform your daily work in accordance with your own needs. The integration of the SAP document storage application Collaborative Folders (cFolders) allows you to display the attachments to your purchase transactions directly in the portal. - In vendor information, you obtain an overview of your vendors. You can display the contact data and partner roles of your vendors. You can use a source-of-supply overview to obtain an overview of the assortment of products offered by your vendors. The vendor analysis informs you of the goods supplied and services performed by your vendors. In the process, the system accesses enterprise-wide consolidated data stored in the former SAP Business Information Warehouse component. The vendor analysis gives you the option of defining and saving your own views of the data. - With information on material, you obtain an overview of your materials. You can display master data for, and stocks information about, your materials, or you can obtain information on the possible sources of supply of these materials. The material analysis informs you about the materials that you procured. In the process, the software accesses enterprise-wide consolidated data stored in the former SAP Business Information Warehouse component. The materials analysis gives you the option of defining and saving your own views of the data. - With service procurement, you can perform all tasks and access all documents involved in the procurement of external services. You can start the sourcing application, or you can process documents of all types. Alternatively, you can open the work lists for different documents, which are based on prespecified selection criteria. If you know the document number, you can also open documents directly. SAP role: invoicing clerk This role provides access to the invoice This functionality management function. The main target accomplishes the following: group of this role is invoicing clerks, - It streamlines invoice who are responsible for the incoming verification by delivering a invoices in the logistics department. high degree of process The invoice management function automation. allows the processing of incoming - It improves efficiency and electronic invoices (with and without effectiveness through the purchase order reference) on an personalization of the exception basis. The invoicing clerk information. role contains one work center for

processing invoices and monitoring the complete exception handling process. It can be enhanced with additional work centers, especially in companies in which single individuals often have various different jobs.

SAP ERP 6.0 End-User Service Delivery

SAP role: supplier

In work overview, the invoicing clerk can start all tasks and get access to all documents involved in the invoice management process. He or she can search for related invoices and invoice exceptions. Alternatively, the clerk can create a document or start the related service without any previous selections. The work center provides preprocessing of incoming invoices on top of existing invoice verification. If there are no exceptions, the invoices are automatically posted. In the case of exceptions, various workflow and monitoring activities are triggered and tracked, including notification of vendors about exceptions. A work list enables the invoicing clerk to monitor the incoming invoices quickly and also shows all invoice exceptions. In the case of exceptions, various workflow and other activities are offered, including informing suppliers and noninvoice specialist users. With regard to analytics, appropriate reports and queries on every work center support relevant user scenarios with respective business intelligence queries, such as excessive invoice documents or invoice document overview. This role provides suppliers with a single point of access to data and transactions in the SAP Supplier SelfService component, therefore integrating self-service capabilities as part of the end-to-end procurement process. Extending the capabilities of SAP ERP to business partners, specifically to a company’s supplier base, is one of the next logical steps in the evolution of the SAP ERP application. The introduction of accessibility to information and transactions for suppliers brings selfservice functionalities to SAP ERP, which allow companies to further streamline their processes and information exchange and, therefore, to further capitalize on their investments. Work centers support various activities associated with orders, purchase order responses, and invoices, as well as

This functionality provides the following benefits: - It improves productivity and collaboration with suppliers. - It speeds up the procurement process. It reduces costs. - It expands value proposition by linking any kind of suppliers through appropriate and cost effective channels.

mySAP ERP Financials 2004

FI, CO, AM, Management of internal FSCM controls

reporting activities. The main target group is small suppliers without their own enterprise resource planning (ERP) software. Usually these are small to middle-sized businesses in which individual employees take on a variety of tasks. The employee working with the supplier role accesses data in the customer’s system and uses this data to start both internal ands collaborative processes. - In work overview, you can start all tasks and get access to all documents involved in the collaboration process with your customer. You can see a status-related overview of all documents, as well as incoming alerts that need your immediate attention. - You can search for information on requests, purchase order responses, or invoices. The document overview provides quick access to documents, such as requests for quotation, purchase orders, shipping notifications, confirmations, goods receipt confirmations, and invoices. - You can create shipping notifications, confirmations, or invoices. - With administration, you can administer your company’s access to the portal by requesting user access rights, and administer your own or your company’s master data in the portal. With regard to analytics, appropriate reports and queries on every work center support relevant user scenarios with respective business intelligence queries, such as sales value reporting or evaluations. Management of internal controls Management of internal accomplishes the following: - It controls produces the supports documentation, assessment, following benefits: - Lower and testing of internal controls needed risk of failing to comply with to fulfill the requirements of Sections financial compliance 302 and 404 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act regulation of 2002 (SOX), as well as the - Reduced internal Committee of Sponsoring communication and Organizations of the Treadway administration expenses Commission (COSO I) framework and related to compliance other internal control initiatives. documentation - It provides scheduling functionality - Improved management and workflow-supported issuereporting that highlights remediation functionalities. issues before legal and - It includes predefined and easily regulatory reporting customized management reports, deadlines, to reduce the ranging from a high-level overview of risk of noncompliance the status of internal control to detailed analyses. SOX makes management responsible for the effectiveness of disclosure controls and procedures for financial reporting, operations, and compliance

(Section 302) and requires managers to document internal controls, assess their effectiveness, and prepare a report on the state of internal controls in their organization (Section 404). SOX is applicable not only to United States–based companies and their foreign subsidiaries but also to foreign companies that are registered with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.

mySAP ERP Financials 2004

Management of internal controls centralizes the documentation of internal controls and assessments of control design, efficiency, effectiveness, and management reporting to support companies in their SOX and other internal control initiatives. The scheduling functionality and workflow-supported issue remediation ensure on-time disclosures and reduce internal communication and administration expenses related to compliance. Predefined and customizable management reports provide managers, as well as internal and external auditors, with an overview of the state of internal control. FI, CO, AM, Audit information support This function offers new roles that This functionality lowers FSCM support two different business audit risk of internal audit approaches: failures, improves ability to satisfy requirements of - An account-oriented approach that internal audit commitees, provides a balance sheet, an income improves quality of internal statement, and segment reporting, as and external auditing, and well as internal activity allocation and a improves efficiency of consolidated financial statement internal and external - A process-oriented approach that audits. supports two different processes: order to cash and purchase to order The audit information function provides methodical approaches for business and system auditing, comprising a structured collection of preconfigured SAP evaluation programs. The audit information function is the external or internal auditor’s toolbox within an SAP environment, providing online controls and data export functionality to specialized auditing software. This function has been enhanced to offer a more complete suite of preconfigured business audit functionality. The enhanced scope of this function includes further components within financial applications, such as asset accounting, cost accounting, cash journal, consolidation, real estate, and treasury, and within operation applications, such as procurement.

SAP ERP 6.0 Financials

FI, CO, AM, Management of internal FSCM controls: customerdefined fields

Customers can create their own attributes for control-related master data such as organizational units, controls, and processes. In addition, fields can be added to assessments, test logs, issues, and remediation plans. These fields can be made available in reporting and can help companies deliver on company-specific requests by auditors.

SAP ERP 6.0 Financials

FI, CO, AM, Management of internal FSCM controls: import of thirdparty tests

This function accomplishes the following: - It supports the direct import of third-party test results of control effectiveness (from separately licensed testing tools) to support the testing required by the Sarbanes-Oxley Act. - It enables authorized users to document the results of their controleffectiveness tests, in accordance with a predefined testing procedure. - It provides master data structures that facilitate data mapping with dedicated control testing environments.

SAP ERP 6.0 Financials

SAP ERP 6.0 Financials

New functionality in SAP ERP supports the import of third-party tests of control effectiveness results directly into management of internal controls to support the testing required by the Sarbanes-Oxley Act. To implement this functionality, the customer must be using a separately licensed testing tool (Virsa, Approva, SecurInfo) in which the customer's side of the interface has been developed for pushing the test results into management of internal controls. FI, CO, AM, Management of internal This function supports upload of FSCM controls: upload of master process- and control-related data documentation – which is required for compliance with the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, Section 404 – from other applications, such as Microsoft Excel, with a standardized Extensible Markup Language (XML) interface.

FI, CO, AM, Management of internal FSCM controls: mass assignment of testers

This function provides the following benefits: - It improves managerial insight into internal controls analysis and reporting. - It improves effectiveness of processes in compliance with the Sarbanes-Oxley Act. - It reduces risk of failure to comply with the SarbanesOxley Act. This function provides the following benefits: - Lower cost of compliance through the automation of testing procedures - Real-time identification of internal control violations or fraudulent transactions - Improved effectiveness of processes in compliance with the Sarbanes-Oxley Act

This function provides the following benefits: - Lower cost of compliance through the automated process documentations - Real-time identification of internal control violations or fraudulent transactions - Improved effectiveness of processes in compliance with the Sarbanes-Oxley Act This function supports mass This function provides the assignment of testers to controls (test following benefits: objects) within a cycle or business unit. Improved automation of activities that ensure compliance with the Sarbanes-Oxley Act - Elimination of manual assignment processes - Improved ability to monitor key controls

SAP ERP 6.0 Financials

FI, CO, AM, Management of internal This functionality accomplishes the FSCM controls: audit information following: - It enables authorized function interface testers to document the results of their control effectiveness tests in the management of internal controls. - It allows testers to drill down to the individual document level in the audit information function, if necessary, to track down results.

This function provides the following benefits: Improved automation of activities that ensure compliance with the Sarbanes-Oxley Act - Elimination of manual assignment processes - Improved ability to monitor key controls

The audit information function is a listing of SAP ERP reports that can be accessed through a hierarchically structured menu of reports. Auditing is made easier because data ranges for analysis can be limited and there is no need to learn transaction codes and navigation. In accordance with the predefined testing procedure, the tester uses a link in management of internal controls to open the audit information function in a Web-based transaction. The tester is taken to a report that has been assigned to test a particular control (in a particular system – for example, a “logistics control” would bring the tester automatically into an audit information function in the business unit’s logistics software). Using selection criteria as provided in the testing procedure, the tester executes the report. The audit information report is displayed. The user can drill down to the individual document level if necessary to track down results.

SAP ERP 6.0 Analytics

The tester enters the results of the report in management of internal controls. If problems were identified, the tester initiates any necessary remediation activities to fix problems with the control. FI, CO, AM, Cost center planning and The express planning self-service FSCM budgeting: express composite application combines planning various services into one convenient and easy-to-use planning application for occasional users such as line managers:

This functionality provides the following benefits: - It lowers the cost of planning and budgeting. - It improves accuracy of plans. - It better enables you to - It supports the technical preparation monitor changes and of planning, communication, execution approvals to plans. of planning, and review and release of - It enhances business planning details. performance through more - It includes planning guidelines for effective planning and reference. performance management. - It provides status overview for planners and planning supervisors. - It integrates planning software such

as the former SAP Business Information Warehouse (SAP BW) component (now part of SAP NetWeaver); the former SAP Business Planning and Simulation Service Select; and SAP ERP Central Component (SAP ECC)–based cost center planning. This functionality helps with planning for the entire organization. It improves the productivity of the entire organization during planning cycles and produce a better audit trail of all associated documentation, e-mail, and unstructured information. Express planning bundles all this into a single application and presents it in a structured way to the user. A status manager tells you at any time what you have done already and what still has to be done. Altogether, this makes planning much easier for the user.

SAP ERP 6.0 Analytics

SAP ERP 6.0 Analytics

Express planning is a new collaborative planning function that accelerates planning and is available with “road map” user interfaces, making it easy to use, even for occasional users. The standard end users for express planning are occasional users: for example, line managers. Express pPlanning is not a new planning technology but a new composite function framework. As a composite function, express planning combines various services (such as planning and reporting services, master data maintenance services, and internal service requests) into a single application framework. As a selfservice function, express planning guides users through a series of business process steps to allow them to accomplish tasks related to planning without additional training. FI, CO, AM, Cost center planning and This functionality accomplishes the This functionality provides FSCM budgeting: planning following: - It supports planning the following benefits: - It coordination and process organization through lowers the cost of planning monitoring collaboration rooms. and budgeting. - It provides monitor with status - It improves accuracy of information on the progress of planning plans. tasks. - It better enables you to - It offers links to jump directly into a monitor changes and single planning task of a single approvals to plans. planning user – for example, for - It enhances business inserting comments or approving performance through more certain parts of the planning. effective planning and performance management. FI, CO, AM, Product design cost This functionality accomplishes the This functionality provides FSCM estimate following: - It imports bills of materials the following benefits: - It

and routing from SAP R/3 and any other logistics software. - It imports existing cost estimates from SAP R/3 software. - It enables you to develop target costs and accurately estimate product profitability. - It performs simulations and model outcomes of your production plans.

mySAP ERP Financials 2004

enables manufacturing organizations to make accurate price predictions before production. - It allows more accurate measurement of product profitability. - It improves ability to forecast product profitability. - It enables engineering staff to evaluate cost implications of design decisions. - It improves ability of production staff to evaluate change requests. FI, CO, AM, General ledger: data This functionality accomplishes the This functionality provides FSCM structure standardization following: - It provides single data the following benefits: - It structure across various ledgers. simplifies data - It offers a simplified approach to management. extend the general ledger functionality - It enables more flexible as needed. consolidated reporting and - It lowers the cost of expanding analysis. general ledger and training accounting - It eliminates need for staff. manual postings to various - It smoothes the transition path from ledgers. the existing general ledger. SAP ERP contains a new crossindustry and cross-country general ledger, which, because of its architecture, provides considerable advantages with regard to transparency and compliance, the option of enhancement with industryspecific and customer-specific terms, fast close, reduction of total cost of ownership (TCO) on implementation, and extended options for reflecting parallel accounting standards. The new general ledger functionality exists parallel to the classic general ledger that is the current functionality in SAP R/3 and SAP R/3 Enterprise. Upgrade customers can continue to use the classic functions for the time being. SAP plans to provide a migration from the classic to the new general ledger at the start of unrestricted shipment. In the standard SAP offering, the new general ledger has a data structure that is equally suitable for financial statement reporting, for management reporting, and as a source for analytical applications. This means that customers no longer have to implement additional components with partially redundant ledgers (profit center ledger, cost of sales ledger, special purpose ledger, consolidation staging ledger,

mySAP ERP Financials 2004

mySAP ERP Financials 2004

mySAP ERP Financials 2004

mySAP ERP Financials 2004

mySAP ERP Financials 2004

FI, CO, AM, General ledger: FSCM extensions

industry-specific ledger) in addition to the general ledger, as was the case in SAP R/3 and SAP R/3 Enterprise. This functionality accomplishes the following: - It allows organizations to add dimensions to general ledger as business evolves. - It offers an extensible general ledger in which standard data structure is used. - It maintains existing functionality from current general ledger.

This functionality provides the following benefits: - It quickly modifies general ledger to fit business needs. - It reduces requirements for technical migration or training. - It eliminates the need to maintain separate ledgers. FI, CO, AM, General ledger: This funcitonality accomplishes the This functionality provides FSCM document online split following: - It simplifies the generation the following benefits: - It of financial statements and reports on supports transparency and segments or dimensions that are fast closes. unique to an industry. - It simplifies the ability to - It eliminates the need for businesses report by industry-specific to create new or special ledgers for requirements. each view of the company by allowing - It enables greater internal documents to be automatically control when generating balanced online for any desired “view” industry-specific financial of the company. statements. FI, CO, AM, General ledger: real-time This functionality automatically reflects This functionality provides FSCM integration from any postings from management the following benefits: - It controlling accounting (for example, cost center eliminates need for a allocations) in the general ledger at the separate reconciliation appropriate level of detail. ledger. - It eliminates reconciliation processes between financial and managerial accounting. - It increases the opportunity to close monthend books faster. FI, CO, AM, General ledger: parallel This functionality accomplishes the This functionality provides FSCM accounting following: - It provides additional the following benefits: - It functionality for “parallel ledgers” to reduces manual postings reduce costs. - It enables organizations to individual ledgers. to use identical interfaces and functions - It enables greater to process all ledgers in the general efficiency of accounting ledger, as well as to update ledgers staff. individually or simultaneously. - Its document numbering improves internal control for managing parallel ledgers. FI, CO, AM, Fast close support This functionality accomplishes the This functionality provides FSCM following: - It provides a simplified the following benefits: overview of the entire closing process Reduced errors through through a closing cockpit for period-end transparency and support closing of individual financial for compliance through a statements. concise overview of the - It offers an intuitive user interface for closing status and scheduling and beginning the closing remaining tasks process. - Significantly reduced time - It enables reconciliation of open items to reconcile intercompany and intercompany balances in general activities ledger accounts. - Improved employee - It supports loading of intercompany productivity and reduced data from non-SAP software through a costs

new interface.

SAP ERP 6.0 Financials

FI, CO, AM, General ledger: FSCM document online split simulation

SAP ERP 6.0 Financials

FI, CO, AM, General ledger: periodFSCM end closing – tax accounting

SAP ERP 6.0 Financials

FI, CO, AM, General ledger: periodFSCM end closing

There is an increasing worldwide demand by companies’ management, as well as external institutions, such as regulators and stock exchanges, to reduce time spent on closing the books. SAP software supports the fast and efficient creation of accurate and transparent financial statements by means of application integration, process automation, comprehensive reconciliation, and collaboration functionality. This functionality accomplishes the following: - It offers functionality to simulate the result of an online split, which can be previewed and analyzed before a document is posted. - It allows posted documents to be analyzed with regard to the configuration that led to the resulting split. - It offers standard customizing content for processing special indicator transactions, such as down payments and down payment clearings. A program (data retention tool [DART]) creates data files to support the periodic transfer of value-added tax– related data to tax authorities. These files are then sent to the tax authorities. Note: this functionality has also been made available in SAP R/3 and the 2004 version of SAP ERP. The reporting tools available in the audit information function now also support the new general ledger. Note: this functionality is also available in the 2004 version of SAP ERP with support package 10. This functionality offers a completely automated depreciation of fixed assets, even for customers from countries with special requirements in this area, such as Japan and Russia.

SAP ERP 6.0 Financials

FI, CO, AM, General ledger: FSCM depreciation of fixed assets

SAP ERP 6.0 Financials

FI, CO, AM, General ledger: migration This functionality supports SAP R/3 FSCM from classic to new and SAP R/3 Enterprise customers in general ledger their migration efforts, providing standardized migration paths and programs. Note: this functionality is also available in the 2004 version of SAP ERP with support package 10. If a customer

This functionality provides the following benefits: Increased transparency of postings in the new general ledger - Improved usability - Necessity for less additional customizing to support standard processes such as down payments and so on

This functionality provides the following benefits: Compliance with U.S. tax law (IRS Revenue Procedure 98-25) - Increased reporting and auditing capability

This functionality improves business and tax audit capability.

This functionality provides the following benefits: Greater flexibility and easier compliance, especially for customers in Japan and Russia - Improved compliance with International Accounting Standards (IAS) This functionality reduces migration effort and costs.

SAP ERP 6.0 Financials

SAP ERP 6.0 Financials

wants to apply as a pilot, he has to create an open source software ticket according to note 812919 and will be provided with further information concerning the next steps). FI, CO, AM, General ledger: default This functionality supports derivation of This functionality reduces FSCM derivation of profit center the default profit center. the need for additional customizing effort. FI, CO, AM, General ledger: This functionality offers the following: - This functionality reduces FSCM enhanced reporting Enhanced standard line-item reporting the need for additional for the fields segment and profit center efforts in generating - Reconciliation report for totals and specific reports on documents standard content.

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SAP ERP 6.0 Financials


SAP ERP 6.0 Financials


SAP ERP 6.0 Financials


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Note: this functionality is also available in the 2004 version of SAP ERP with support package 10. General ledger: statistical This functionality allows allocation This functionality provides key figures within general ledger through the use greater flexiblity for of statistical key figures as a basis. allocations within general ledger. General ledger: archiving This function allows archiving of This functionality results in of documents documents and totals created in the better performance of the new general ledger. SAP software and lower maintenance costs. Note: this functionality is also available in the 2004 version of SAP ERP with support package 10. General ledger: euro This functionality creates zero balance This functionality improves conversion on document level when changing over audit capability. to euro currency. General ledger: This functionality offers enhanced This functionality provides enhanced interfaces and interfaces and integration concerning the following benefits: integration to new general the applications public sector, financial Improved ability to support ledger accounting–contract accounting, public sector accounting human capital management, travel requirements management, and material ledger - Improved integration with (transfer prices). human resources, travel and expense, and contract accounting solutions Credit management: This functionality accomplishes the SAP Credit Management credit limit management following: - It provides a portal for credit helps companies manage and control managers to view, analyze, and their customers’ credit change current credit limits for lines. Companies can customers. analyze credit information - It enables access and visibility to by using both external and customer credit scores according to internal information to external or internally created adapt the customer scoring standards. to fit the reality. SAP Credit - It displays intuitive view of customer Management makes use of credit risk levels and order limits. the latest components of - It triggers a notification process if an the SAP NetWeaver exception is needed. technology platform, including SAP NetWeaver Master Data Management, SAP NetWeaver Portal, and SAP NetWeaver Exchange Infrastructure. Effective credit management can reduce

mySAP ERP Financials 2004

arrears and prevent potential nonpayment after delivery has occurred. SAP Credit Management meets all the prerequisites for a company-wide credit policy, including automated, real-time decisions and access to both internal and external credit information by all employees. By bringing customer data from various sources together, SAP Credit Management enables centralized customer credit checks and helps companies avoid the risk that customers would use different distribution channels to extend their credit limits. SAP Credit Management can be used by companies in all industries. FI, CO, AM, Credit management: Requesting external credit information This functionality provides FSCM credit information support is completely integrated in SAP Credit the following benefits: Management and enables companies Ability to utilize external to request information electronically and internal credit ratings using appropriate Extensible Markup in a single portal Language (XML) interfaces. Because - Ability of companies to credit departments often use several generate credit standards external credit information providers, by using external data SAP Credit Management can save the - Ability to develop an information provided by such an industry-specific credit interface separately according to the rating system data provider.

mySAP ERP Financials 2004

FI, CO, AM, Credit management: FSCM credit rules automation

mySAP ERP Financials 2004

FI, CO, AM, Credit management: FSCM credit decision support

This functionality supports credit managers in determining and managing the external and internal credit information on customers – information used primarily to set up input parameters for the credit rules engine in SAP ERP, which can make credit decisions or automatically calculate credit limits. This functionality accomplishes the following: - It allows organizations to apply or change credit rules to groups of customers. - It enables automated calculations of credit limits on the basis of new standards or changes to external standards.

This functionality accomplishes the following: - It helps credit managers

This functionality provides the following benefits: Ability to change new credit rules without transforming processes - Simplified implementation of new credit rules and standards - Ability of credit department to change standards faster and react to market conditions This functionality provides the following benefits: -

visualize customer credit risks and limits. - It reduces training costs for credit managers through an intuitive user interface. - It allows credit managers to make decisions faster and with greater certainty through improved reporting.

mySAP ERP Financials 2004

mySAP ERP Financials 2004

Enhanced customer care - Reduced customer credit risks - Reduced levels of bad debt or default accounts

Credit decision support contains, for example, evaluations for analyzing the credit history for a customer and for analyzing payment or purchase behavior. FI, CO, AM, Collections management This functionality accomplishes the This functionality provides FSCM following: - It enables greater the following benefits: productivity through a single view of Enhanced productivity of customer accounts receivable status. collections and accounts - It enables individual collections receivable departments managers to set promise-to-pay flags - Increased collections that include automatic workflow triggers rates, lower days sales if dates have passed. outstanding (DSO) - It offers customer-improved invoice - Customer-oriented history overview. approach to the accounts - It simplifies the task of applying receivable process credits to open invoices or splitting payments to multiple invoices.

FI, CO, AM, In-house cash FSCM

SAP Collections Management provides new functions that enable you to display and process receivables per customer. All open invoices are displayed, with their status, at customer account level, and this enables fast further processing. It is therefore possible to create and monitor promises to pay, to create dispute cases, and to display a detailed invoice history. This functionality accomplishes the This functionality provides following: - It provides integration with the following benefits: cash management and treasury Accurate current accounts management features. forecasting for cash - It provides new payment orders, managers flexible routing, and new currency - Reduced complexity of conversion functionalities. intercompany netting and - It supports international payments payments with real-time exchange rate - Reduced cost of information. intercompany payments or cross-border settlements SAP In-House Cash is an application for companies that operate globally to manage their intragroup and external payment transactions more efficiently by setting up a virtual house bank. With SAP In-House Cash, international companies can centrally process payments made by their affiliates by netting and consolidating internal accounts. You can use SAP In-House Cash to pay external business partners

mySAP ERP Financials 2004

mySAP ERP Financials 2004

FI, CO, AM, Dispute management FSCM

FI, CO, AM, Electronic bill FSCM presentment and payment (SAP Biller Direct)

on behalf of the subsidiaries or to forward incoming payments from external business partners to the correct subsidiary. This functionality accomplishes the following: - It enables organizations to process receivables-related disputes. - It supports structuring and streamlining the dispute resolution process and reduces processing time through an electronic communication process. - It integrates with accounts receivable, sales and distribution, SAP Customer Relationship Management (SAP CRM), and SAP Business Workflow (including e-mail notification). - It supports automatic creation of dispute cases for underpayments generated by the electronic account statement. - It offers a correspondence function that enables standard letters, faxes, and e-mail to be sent automatically. - It supports various communication channels, including those through SAP Biller Direct and SAP Collections Management. SAP Dispute Management contains functions for processing receivablesrelated disputes such as reduced payments and disputes because of a customer action. SAP Dispute Management enables companies to structure and streamline the process of dispute resolution and to reduce processing time. Communication is managed entirely in electronic form. SAP Dispute Management is closely integrated with the accounts receivable function but also with the sales and distribution function, SAP CRM, and SAP Business Workflow. This functionality accomplishes the following: - It enables companies to deploy Web-based billing, invoicing, account management, and payment services through Internet portals. - It supports Internet-based authorization of automatic payment debits. - It enables collaboration with customers and trading partners without requiring paper- and electronic data interchange (EDI)–based payment methods. - It provides a portal for suppliers to view invoices and payments. - It supports the complete communication process from bill

This functionality provides the following benefits: Reduced days sales outstanding (DSO) - Reduced days deduction outstanding (DDO) - Improved liquidity and liquidity forecasting - Accelerated processes through automation - Improved customer relationships through targeted inquiries and fast processing of complaints - Reduced costs through early identification and notification about possible problems in the logistics value chain or internal processes

This functionality provides the following benefits: Reduced billing and settlement transaction costs - Improved payment and exception processing - Improved cash flow - Integrated data both in accounts receivable and accounts payable, which eliminates the need to reenter information - Reduced accounting errors on the customer side - Reduced processing time on the supplier side

presentation to discrepancy handling and final reconciliation. - It eliminates duplicate data entry by integrating data in accounts receivable and accounts payable. - It reduces administrative burden with easy Web-based configuration management. This functionality allows corporate entities to present invoice and account information through the Internet. SAP Biller Direct supports the complete communication process from presenting the bill through dealing with discrepancies to the final reconciliation.

mySAP ERP Financials 2004

SAP ERP 6.0 Financials

FI, CO, AM, Treasury and risk FSCM management

FI, CO, AM, Credit management: FSCM credit limit management and control

SAP Biller Direct also supports the authorization or cancellation of automatic debits through the Internet. This function is of particular interest to the utilities and telecommunication sectors. It also enables the presentment of vendor information in the Web. At the same time, bill recipients can import bill data into their SAP software in Extensible Markup Language (XML) form. There are further improvements in the areas discount, partial payments, and configuration. SAP Biller Direct is an application based on the Java 2 platform, enterprise edition–compatible functionality of SAP NetWeaver. This functionality accomplishes the following: - It improves compliance with the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and financial accounting standards (FAS), including hedge accounting, and supports the Sarbanes-Oxley Act and German regulations. - It adds new products for foreign exchange trading. The SAP Treasury and Risk Management application is used to manage financial transactions and the associated financial risk. Common instruments can be handled within the money market, foreign exchange, derivatives, and securities functions, both on the investment side and on the borrowing side. Financial risks can be monitored through the use of risk tools, and a range of derivatives can be employed to limit the risk. This functionality accomplishes the following: - It provides a list of documents that are blocked because of their credit status.

This functionality provides the following benefits: Improved corporate controls, by integrating treasury reporting with finance and accounting - Greater array of transaction support - Elimination of the need to support a treasury management function separate from finance and accounting

This functionality provides the following benefits: - It lowers the cost of operating your credit

SAP ERP 6.0 Financials

SAP ERP 6.0 Financials

SAP ERP 6.0 Financials

- It offers automated work lists for credit department. limit checks triggered by sales orders - It improves productivity of and delivery documents. individual credit analysts within your credit The major processes in credit department. management that are subject to - It improves ability of credit continuous improvements development managers to monitor risks in SAP ERP are as follows: throughout the entire value chain. - Credit check called by sales orders - It drives down customer and delivery documents (delivery and credit risk and levels of bad shipping) debt. - Liability updates triggered by sales orders, delivery documents, and billing documents - List of documents that are blocked because of their credit status (blocked sales order list) - Rebuilding of liabilities from sales documents (linked partner messages) Exposure from deliveries is decreased only if the corresponding financial accounting–accounts receivable invoice is sent to credit management. FI, CO, AM, Credit management: This functionality improves reporting This functionality provides FSCM credit decision support and scoring abilities. the following benefits: - It lowers the cost of operating your credit department. - It improves productivity of individual credit analysts within your credit department. - It improves ability of credit managers to monitor risks throughout the entire value chain. - It drives down customer credit risk and levels of bad debt. FI, CO, AM, In-house cash This functionality release workflows for The SAP Business FSCM in-house cash payment orders. You Workflow tool can be used can define the workflow for in-house with this functionality. cash payment orders and assign the possible users for the workflow. FI, CO, AM, Collections management This functionality accomplishes the This functionality provides FSCM following: - It enables the definition of the following benefits: organization-specific rules for collecting Reduced days sales receivables and determining the outstanding (DSO) selection and prioritization of - Increased efficiency in customers to be contacted. collecting receivables from - It presents a work list with prioritized complex transactions or accounts to collections specialists contracts automatically, based on defined - Improved customer collection rules and strategies. relationships - It enables collections specialists to - Ensured collection remove customers from their work list strategy execution with until the resubmission date. automatic creation of work - It allows collections specialists to lists document customer contacts and - Improved user provides an overview of past contacts productivity

to facilitate contact preparation and optimize contact results.

SAP ERP 6.0 Financials

FI, CO, AM, Electronic bill FSCM presentment and payment

SAP ERP 6.0 Financials

FI, CO, AM, Treasury and risk FSCM management

mySAP ERP Corporate 2004 Services


Space management

A focus area in financial supply chain management is the SAP Collections Management application in which collection specialists can process automatically created work lists to ensure efficient execution. User productivity enhancements were also made to bank statement reporting in the SAP Cash and Liquidity Management application. Specifically, a report was added that helps customers to do better cash management reporting. SAP Collections Management is not licensed separately. This functionality accomplishes the following: - It provides integration with the SAP Dispute Management application, thereby allowing users to upload or download business documents. - It offers various options for filtering invoices, such as by sold-to party. - It provides a company administrator mode that allows company administrators to create and maintain their users' profiles themselves. Within SAP Biller Direct, disputehandling functions are enhanced, and an additional company administrator mode allows company administrators to maintain their users' profiles themselves. This component is separately priced. This functionality accomplishes the following: - It offers new instruments for debt management and asset-backed securities. - It provides significantly improved reporting and hedge-accounting capabilities.

This functionality provides enhanced maintenance of the linkage that connects architectural views (physical structure of a building) and rental objects (the different rental spaces to lease out) to the real estate contract.

- Reduced preparation time for customer contacts

This functionality provides the following benefits: - It improves your dispute resolution processes and drives down days sales outstanding (DSO). - It accelerates your ability to manage supplier and business customer relationships. - It improves insight and ability to examine invoice information.

This functionality provides the following benefits: - It improves your effectiveness in managing financial instrument and hedging transactions. - It improves the accuracy and speed of reporting investment income and losses. - It reduces currency exposure and risk. This functionality provides the following benefits: Better management of the allocation and utilization of space - Enhanced transparency of vacancies in the space utilization - Faster creation of rental objects and related contracts

mySAP ERP Corporate 2004 Services


Rental vacancy management

This functionality enables managers to assign the reasons why a vacancy has occurred (and the date on which it occurred).

mySAP ERP Corporate 2004 Services


Rent adjustments

This functionality allows rent adjustments to be made according to representative lists of rents and comparable objects.

mySAP ERP Corporate 2004 Services


Service charge settlements

This functionality supports metered consumption for the apportionment of service charges if meters are assigned to settlement units or pooled spaces.

mySAP ERP Corporate 2004 Services


Integration to financial accounting

This functionality accomplishes the following: - It enables easier retrieval of related open times by using the realestate contract number in the incoming payment transaction. - It enables open items to be easily distributed into multiple installments. - It allows assets to be created and assigned directly from buildings and properties. - It facilitates reporting, revenue, and cost planning on real estate objects by allowing real estate master data to be easily assigned to individual sets.

mySAP ERP Corporate 2004 Services


Reports and invoicing

This functionality provides the following benefits: Analysis of condition changes by reasons - Easier assignment through automatic setting of change reasons, depending on the adjustment method during the adjustment process This functionality provides the following benefits: Higher legal reliability of rent adjustments through automation of the calculation procedure - Increased revenues through improved usage of adjustment opportunities This functionality provides the following benefits: Improved distribution of consumptions through the assignment of meters to pooled spaces - Enhanced settlement possibilities as a result of a one-, two-, or three-level hierarchy of meters for the settlement units This functionality provides the following benefits: Easier posting of incoming payments by better selection function - Time savings through automatic generation of installments - Simplified creation and assignment of assets - Faster selection of specific parts of a real estate portfolio

Until this release, the financial accounting functions used for real estate–related transactions were not able to reflect the specific information important for real estate. Now the number of the real estate contract is included in the incoming payment transaction. Also, the tenant account is displayed in standard reporting for financial accounting. In addition, you can record an installment agreement in the software by splitting an open item in financial accounting into smaller amounts later on. This functionality accomplishes the This functionality provides following: - It includes new reports for the following benefits: -

SAP ERP 6.0 Corporate Services


SAP ERP 6.0 Corporate Services


SAP ERP 6.0 Corporate Services


plant maintenance (costs on Enhanced analysis options maintenance orders), asset accounting for joining data from the (depreciation of real-estate objects), SAP Real Estate and controlling (costs on internal orders Management application for real estate objects). with data originating from - It allows rent invoices to be printed other SAP ERP from the periodic postings function and applications dispatched to tenants (Note: Line items - Simplified creation of on the invoice are grouped together, invoices to real estate and the invoice number is based on the contracts real estate document.) Real estate search This application enables the following: - This functionality provides Search for offered objects (vacant the real estate manager objects) on the basis of the prospect’s with enhanced insight into property requirements and general demand for property and prospect data own supply, and it - Creation of a contract offer, when a optimizes the occupancy fitting real estate object is found, by levels within the manager's copying all relevant prospect and rental real estate portfolio. object data to the offer document - Monitoring of contract offer approvals The process is automated or rejections and creation of the and integrated to master accompanying correspondence for data and contract property managers management processes, and it allows for accurate Real estate search is a functionality occupancy reporting. that was not available in previous releases. It supports the lease-out process. In real estate search, you collect the prospect’s requirements for the property that the prospect wishes to rent, as well as all data on the prospect in the real estate search request. Land use management This functionality enables management This functionality supports and viewing of public law–related better decision making and information found in cadastral and business insight. property registers about parcels of land and properties, as well as related rights and encumbrances, such as rights of ways and contracts for usage and sales. (This functionality has been released only for Germany). Condominium ownership Condominium ownership association This functionality enables association (COA) (released only for Germany) more efficient management management accomplishes the following: - It of condominium ownership provides real estate managers with a associations. separate book of accounts per real estate and enables real estate managers to manage various such associations on their behalf. - It enables viewing of specific master data such as mandates and management contract. - It supports regularly scheduled processes: > Calculation of event-driven fees > Creation of a proposal for the next year’s annual budget > Final settlement of costs to the owners

SAP ERP 6.0 Corporate Services


Adjustment measure

SAP ERP 6.0 Corporate Services


Integration to financial accounting

SAP ERP 6.0 Corporate Services


Service charge settlements

In comparison to standard property management, the condominium ownership association functionality focuses on the management of communities of owners per real estate. The community gives the real estate manager the “power of attorney” (mandate) to manage the property and all associated activities. This functionality enables the following: - Using the adjustment measure, the real estate manager can set new rents or increase rents for any rental objects and, on the basis of this action, make a rent adjustment. - Adjustment measures are especially suited for adjusting conditions and notifying tenants when the adjustment is based on the following: > Modernization measures > Expert opinion > Special assessments for condominiums (condominium ownership association) In general, you can use the adjustment measure when rental conditions for objects are to be adjusted through a particular adjustment method, and an adjustment for these conditions should be calculated. This functionality accomplishes the following: - It adapts one-time posting transactions and templates to standard financial accounting interfaces to better meet the needs of the real estate manager. - It utilizes the accrual engine to post accruals and deferrals to the correct periods for expenses and revenues from real estate contracts. - It offers tax summarization for the summarization of tax lines, which is required in some countries, such as Italy and Austria. This compresses all tax postings sharing certain criteria into one line. - It allows input tax distribution in accounting objects for real estate to meet taxation requirements, thereby avoiding time-intensive manual checks and transfer postings. - It integrates with public sector contract accounting to allow for unified open-item accounting in the public sector through real estate processes, while being able to transfer these documents to general ledger accounting. Because of local law, organizations in some countries have to calculate, in

Adjustment according to modernization is considered by German organizations as a legal requirement. Organizations profit from an earlier, faster, and safer increase of revenues and return on their (modernization) investment. Additional management costs are reduced.

This functionality provides the following benefits: Optimization of integration with other parts of SAP ERP (such as controlling and plant management) - Increased efficiency through automated processes - Better compliance with (local) legislation and taxation requirements in the area of real estate

This functionality enables organizations to ensure

SAP ERP 6.0 Corporate Services

SAP ERP 6.0 Corporate Services

SAP ERP 6.0 Corporate Services

SAP ERP 6.0 Corporate Services

mySAP ERP End-User 2004 Service Delivery

addition to the service costs, the that taxation requirements apportionment loss risk, while are met and to avoid timeexecuting service charge settlement. intensive work on manual This functionality is a legal requirement checks and transfer and was not available in previous postings. releases. RE-FX Localization support: This functionality includes the following: This functionality enables Germany - Data retention tool better compliance with (DART)/Grundsätze zum Datenzugriff (local) legislation and und zur Prüfbarkeit digitaler Unterlagen taxation requirements in (GDPDU) compliance (reporting the area of real estate. support for tax authorities) - Land use management Condominium ownership association RE-FX Localization support: Italy This functionality calculates the This functionality enables following: - Imposta comunale sugli better compliance with immobili (local property taxes and fees) (local) legislation and - Imposta di registro (registration tax) taxation requirements in - Posta di bollo (stamp tax) the area of real estate. RE-FX Localization support: This functionality calculates the This functionality enables Austria following: - Condition adjustments better compliance with (Austrian real estate, 1/15 adjustment) (local) legislation and - Service charge settlement (current taxation requirements in occupancy principle) the area of real estate. - Correspondence (according to Austrian real estate template) RE-FX Localization support: This functionality accomplishes the This functionality enables Switzerland following: - Creation of better compliance with Einzahlungsscheine mit (local) legislation and Referenznummer (ESR) (reference taxation requirements in numbers) in credit postings of vendor the area of real estate. contract - Service cost settlement (calculation of heating material consumption; refer management fee to vendor and invoice/document printing; exchange of data tapes in individual heating cost settlement; results of meter reading for consumption of energy) - Correspondence (including forms that are released by the state of Switzerland) FI, CO, AM, Business unit analyst role This functionality accomplishes the This functionality provides FSCM testing 123 following: - It provides monitors to track the following benefits: - It aggregate key figures for a business improves productivity for unit and identify budget overruns, the occasional user by postings that exceed a given threshold, making it easier to find all and unusual postings. the relevant reports for his - It offers hierarchical reports to help or her business unit and to visualize the relationships between access the reports without profit centers, cost centers, and orders filling out a selection in the business unit and to facilitate screen. navigation through large numbers of - It helps analysts focus on items, such as information for multiple the information that cost centers. matters, by allowing them to set rules to help them The business unit analyst is typically monitor key figures, part of the management team for his or budgets, and individual her unit with responsibility for the postings. financial health of the unit. The - It makes it easy to verify business unit analyst monitors a and examine the selected

SAP ERP 6.0 End-User Service Delivery

number of financial and operational key figures for his or her business unit and reports these figures to senior management. This analyst also has an advisory role to the line managers in his or her business unit, explaining postings to them and communicating with the back office. The business unit analyst is a key player in the planning process and coordinates the handover to the back office and to corporate planners. He or she is a supporting player in the fast close process, monitoring the key figures for the operational processes, reporting anomalies to the back office, and signing off the figures for his or her unit when postings are complete. All organizations have business unit analysts, although the key figures monitored can differ significantly between industries. FI, CO, AM, Business unit analyst role This functionality accomplishes the FSCM following: - It provides monitors to track aggregate key figures for a business unit and to identify budget overruns, postings that exceed a given threshold, and unusual postings. - It offers hierarchical reports to help visualize the relationships between profit centers, cost centers, and orders in the business unit and to facilitate navigation through large numbers of items, such as information for multiple cost centers. Within the SAP ERP release 6.0, the solution has been redesigned to help analysts to monitor their business unit and collaborate more effectively. The new work center approach provides the business unit analyst with a list of alerts each morning that show – depending on rules for exception handling set by the analyst – key figures that have exceeded a threshold, cost centers that are over budget, unusual postings, and so on. From here, the business unit analyst can drill down into the details behind the posting and start collaboration services with, for example, the cost center manager responsible for the high variances. In the event of errors or changes in the organization, the analyst can use formbased processes to initiate a correction posting or request a change: for example, to a profit center or cost center in his or her area. All formbased business processes have been reimplemented to use SAP Interactive Forms by Adobe software.

information and perform or request adjustment postings if necessary. - It helps analysts visualize the relationships between the profit centers, cost centers, and orders in the business unit and helps the user see how costs roll through these structures. - It provides a framework for the planning process and access to the planning data entered by the line managers. - It supports collaboration between the business unit analyst and the managers.

This functionality provides the following benefits: Improved business productivity through automated alerts and exception handling - Improved decision support and employee productivity - Increased quality of employee support and project management through better access to budgets and project status information - Better usability and enriched user experience

A separate work center focuses solely on the planning process allowing the analyst to set up a collaborative planning process to organize all tasks associated with planning. This includes ad hoc planning tasks and the guided express planning application that leads the managers through the process of planning head count, costs, equipment, internal orders, and other costs. As the managers submit their data, the business unit analyst can monitor their responses and check the results both in total and individually, returning the work item to the manager for further work: for example, if the planned travel costs exceed the organization guideline.

mySAP ERP Analytics 2004

FI, CO, AM, Briefing book FSCM

An additional work center shows the analyst the master data in his or her area of responsibility, and a dedicated analytics work center provides access to all the reporting applications that the analyst works with. This application has been expanded in SAP ERP to include projects in addition to the profit centers, cost centers, and orders available in the 2004 version of SAP ERP. This functionality accomplishes the This functionality provides following: - It makes it easy to create the following benefits: custom reports, summarizing specific Less time needed to data in the SAP Balanced Scorecard prepare reports based on application for different audiences. data from the SAP (Note: Users simply drag and drop Balanced Scorecard desired data from the scorecard into application the briefing book, tailoring contents for - Personalized collection of particular audiences as needed while data from SAP Balanced keeping other SAP Balanced Scorecard Scorecard data confidential.) - Many options for printing - It enables PC-based download that and viewing through the can be forwarded to the relevant use of Adobe PDF files parties either as an Adobe PDF file or as a printout. In general, the strategy management process communicates strategies and objectives throughout the entire organization through the SAP Balanced Scorecard. It supports value-based management, management by objectives, and strategic initiatives.

mySAP ERP Analytics 2004

Reporting for strategy management has to consider the individual needs of the recipients of the different types of information. FI, CO, AM, Legal and management This functionality accomplishes the This release extends the FSCM consolidation: integration following: - It delivers time- and existing online analytical of statutory and version-dependent assignment validity processing (OLAP)–based

management consolidation

mySAP ERP Analytics 2004

FI, CO, AM, Legal and management FSCM consolidation: consolidation of investments

mySAP ERP Analytics 2004

FI, CO, AM, Legal and management FSCM consolidation: data collection capabilities

from statutory and managerial consolidation units. - It provides specific definition of first consolidation/divestiture accounting dates through consolidation unit combinations. - It supports customer-defined attributes of consolidation unit combinations.

consolidation functionality in various places with regard to usability, compliance with International Accounting Standards (IAS) and International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), and a reduction in total cost of ownership (TCO). The concepts of full integration of statutory and management consolidation are extended with new functionality and enhancements in the area of master data. The user interface is more clearly structured. The logic of consolidation of investments has been extended to automatically support new requirements for IAS and IFRS. Furthermore, this release significantly facilitates the integrated collection of data from subsidiaries.

The process of consolidation encompasses extensive functions for the efficient collection of data from internal and external accounting and for ensuring the necessary quality and details of the data. These functions offer an almost fully automatic creation of consolidated financial statements for a broad spectrum of accounting methods in compliance with various generally accepted accounting rules. External and internal group reporting can be built on a basis of shared, consolidated data, so that timeintensive reconciliation and synchronization of different sets of data are no longer necessary. Thus, an efficient, integrated consolidation process for statutory and management reporting contributes significantly to realizing a fast-close strategy. This functionality accomplishes the This functionality provides following: - It supports goodwill in local the following benefits: - It currency. improves cost of - It provides automatic treatment of generating consolidated method change between equity method financial statements. and purchase method. - It improves accuracy of - It supports organizational changes. financial reporting. - It enables amortization/write-up of - It enables more effective investments. treatment of investment accounting. - It supports consolidated financial reporting for complex, multinational organizations. This functionality accomplishes the This functionality provides following: - It enables users to read the following benefits: data from an integrated business data Less complexity in the warehouse. relationship between - It supports conversion of data from operational software and business data warehouse or flat file. the consolidations software - It enables customers to use - Ability to link third-party customized calculations to update data accounting software to the before the consolidation process. consolidation software - The cut-and-paste functionality can - Improved usability, which be used to move data from third-party accelerates the software to consolidation software. consolidation process and improves close times - Support of consolidated financial reporting for complex, multinational

mySAP ERP Analytics 2004

FI, CO, AM, Legal and management FSCM consolidation: reporting features

SAP ERP 6.0 Analytics

FI, CO, AM, Legal and management FSCM consolidation: consolidation of investments

SAP ERP 6.0 Analytics

FI, CO, AM, Legal and management FSCM consolidation: interunit profit elimination in transferred assets

SAP ERP 6.0 Analytics

FI, CO, AM, Legal and management FSCM consolidation: interunit profit elimination in inventory

organizations This functionality provides the following benefits: Quick and handy ad hoc analysis of preliminary consolidated data - Easy creation of performance-optimized reports - Information tailored to the user’s needs This functionality is characterized as This functionality provides follows: - New alternative posting logic the following benefits: provides enhances flexibility in Increased automation handling goodwill in investment during the creation of consolidations, including decrease of consolidated financial ownership. statement and thus - Handling of manual goodwill entry reduced closing times and correction is facilitated. - Support of legal compliance - More flexibility in goodwill treatment Automated functionality for the This functionality provides elimination of interunit profit in the following benefits: transferred assets is characterized as Lower total cost of follows: ownership (TCO): no - It enables the elimination of interunit manual elimination profit in transferred assets, including documents ncesessary to functionality for the treatment of execute consolidation transfer chains. steps - It creates automatic postings to - Faster closing: predefined correct ongoing depreciations. business logic for automatic postings, which eliminates recurring adjustments after a manual parallel posting - Better compliance as a result of standard business logic for new legal requirements from International Financial Reporting Standard (IFRS) 3 This functionality enables elimination of This functionality provides interunit profit in the following: the following benefits: - Inventory supply chains, while all Lower total cost of interunit profit along the supply chain is ownership (TCO): no considered within a consolidation group manual elimination - Inventory in upstream, downstream, documents necessary to and horizontal transactions execute consolidation Also, delivery between purchased and steps at-equity units can be handled in - Faster closing: predefined various combinations. business logic for automatic postings, which eliminates recurring adjustments after a manual parallel posting - Better compliance as a result of standard business logic for new legal requirements from This functionality provides the following features: - Configurable task logs - Simpler configuration of reporting for data matrices - Database list with report logic - Extensible Business Reporting Language (XBRL) outbound interface (support for multiple periods)

SAP ERP 6.0 Analytics

FI, CO, AM, Legal and management FSCM consolidation: master data integration

SAP ERP 6.0 Analytics

FI, CO, AM, Legal and management FSCM consolidation: migration support

mySAP ERP Corporate 2004 Services

FI, CO, AM, SAP Employee SelfFSCM Service: for travel and expenses

International Financial Reporting Standard (IFRS) 3 This functionality provides support for This functionality provides reading master data from an InfoObject the following benefits: (the smallest information object in the Streamlined maintenance former SAP Business Information of master data in integrated Warehouse [SAP BW] component, scenarios which is now part of SAP NetWeaver), - Lower total cost of either from its physical storage in the ownership (TCO): no former SAP BW or through a remote programming of dowload connection from its origin. interfaces necessary to It also provides the ability to load create files that are master data that has been extracted readable by SAP SEM: from SAP BW with traditional business BCS flexible file upload intelligence extractors into the SAP functionality SEM: BCS workshop. Moreover, it allows you read an info object's master data, not from physical storage in SAP BW, but online through remote connection from the original location in SAP R/3 or SAP ERP Central Component. Improved migration support from the This functionality provides enterprise controlling component for the following benefits: - It consolidation to SAP Strategic lowers cost of migration Enterprise Management is and shortens project characterized as follows: schedules. - Downloadable reports can be used to - Facilitated project create flat files (for chart of accounts; organization: the migration financial statement items and project can, as a first step, hierarchies; subassignments; and fully concentrate switching consolidation units, consolidation the consolidation software groups, and hierarchies) that can be without the need for uploaded with standard methods for subsidiaries to change their master data file upload in the SAP data extraction method; SEM: BCS workshop. switching the data - Flexible file upload of SAP SEM: BCS extraction method can be has been enhanced to read transaction done as a second step data files in formats created by periodic whenever it fits best in the extract or special ledger rollup. project schedule. - Statistical items can be recalculated in C/I; no reopening of already closed periods is necessary. This functionality accomplishes the This functionality provides following: - It integrates maps to the following benefits: support hotel and airport searches, Easy and direct access to indicating exact distances to a range of travel services destination addresses. for employees - It integrates airline and car rental - Improved user logos, hotel images, and amenities acceptance information in availability searches. - Minimized training costs - It integrates external Web content and decreased help-desk regarding up-to-date visa, health, and calls security information, as well as - Reduced administrative important travel news. costs - It integrates company-specific texts on and links to important policy information. - It maintains personal traveler profiles through new self-service functions.

- It supports subsequent assignment of imported credit card data to expense reports. - It provides several options, including country-specific versions.

mySAP ERP Corporate 2004 Services


SAP ERP 6.0 Corporate Services


SAP Travel Management provides a fully integrated end-to-end trip life-cycle management solution to improve processes in pretrip approval, online booking, expense reporting, and data warehousing. This process optimization results in a reduction in indirect travel costs, lower travel agency transaction fees, enhanced supplier negotiations, and higher company policy compliance. For SAP ERP, the major new travel management development is in the area of people-centric user interface redesign, increasing user productivity for travelers as self-service users. The enhancements include the redesign of the user interface and the integration of external services such as maps and visa, health, and security information. Enhancements in mobile The SAP Mobile Time and Travel This functionality provides travel expenses for SAP application has been enhanced as the following benefits: ERP follows: Reduced costs, by - Usage with the 2004 version of SAP eliminating paper-based ERP provides the following: processes and double data > Redesigned, step-by-step guided entry data user interface, in complete - Speedier billing cycles for analogy to the new online self-service services rendered, which application increase cash flow > Enablement of offline users to attach - Increased visibility of credit card receipts directly to expense accounting data reports > Receipt itemization functions to break down complex receipts such as hotel bills - Usage with version 6.0 of SAP ERP provides the above plus: > Travel requests and travel plans that are created in the online SAP ERP application can be brought down to the offline application > Ability to customize for long-term travel (for example 90-days-rule) > Integration with Collaberation Projects (cProjects) application Self-service for managers This functionality accomplishes the This functionality provides (approvers) and travel following: - Enhanced process support the following benefits: arrangers for managers (highlighting of policy Accelerated approval exceptions, instant access to most processes and reduced important travel data, details of indirect costs business trips in summarized Adobe - Increased transparency form, and one-click approval function) about anticipated costs for - Personalized access for travel managers arrangers - Faster access to data of other employees for team assistants

SAP ERP 6.0 Corporate Services

FI, CO, AM, Pretrip budget availability This functionality enhances availability FSCM control in funds control of funds management budgets management at the stage of travel requests (estimated amounts) and travel plan (exact costs of online booking).

SAP ERP 6.0 Corporate Services

FI, CO, AM, Travel planning and FSCM online booking

The direct hotel connects functionality includes a generic SAP interface based on SAP NetWeaver Exchange Infrastructure (SAP NetWeaver XI) to computer reservation software for hotels. The low-cost carrier airlines and Web fares functionality includes a generic SAP interface based on SAP NetWeaver XI to consolidator systems for low-cost carriers or Web fare with full integration into SAP Travel Management booking processes:

SAP ERP 6.0 Corporate Services

FI, CO, AM, Expense report FSCM management and reimbursement

This functionality provides the following benefits: More accurate availability control before start of a business trip, at the time of pretrip approval - Elimination of manual availability control and paper-based processes This functionality provides the following benefits: Increased flexibility in using different reservation software in the booking process - Lower total cost of ownership (TCO) and implementation costs through service provider– specific integration support - Lower direct purchasing costs based on access to a wider range of low-price offers - Significantly reduced costs for interface modifications - Streamlined and more efficient back-office processes for the interaction of traveler and travel agency/shared service centers

- Services not registered in central reservation software (for example, taxis, shuttles, and so on) can now easily be requested and their booking status can be updated in a travel plan. - Processing status at the agency side can now be made transparent to users, and communication dialogue between traveler, travel preparer, and agency is improved with an additional status field. - Enhancements for car rental bookings include special drop-off and pickup addresses, as well as handling of negotiated fares differentiated by organizational area. - German Rail (NVS) bookings through the Amadeus global travel distribution program have been integrated in the Web-based self-service user interface. - Country-specific airline fares such as Lufthansa’s “pay as you fly” program can now be booked online. - A new program for the offline synchronization of Amadeus bookings allows for a much faster update of bookings that have been changed outside the SAP software – for example, by the travel agent. No additional system components are needed any more. This functionality includes the following: This functionality provides - New print forms as Adobe PDF forms, the following benefits: facilitating the configuration and Improved usability for adaptation of the look and feel online and offline travel (including the option for bar codes and management business company logos) of Adobe PDF forms scenarios technology - Significantly reduced

- Automatic distance calculations between start-of-trip and end-of-trip locations based on geocoding services, simplifying audit-proof and tax-proof mileage calculations - Credit card feeds through the generic interface in SAP NetWeaver Exchange Infrastructure (SAP NetWeaver XI) that capture itemized hotel folio statements to populate expense reports - Integration with Collaboration Projects (cProjects) to capture travel expenses on project budgets - New user interface for mobile travel expenses

mySAP ERP Product PM 2004 Development and Manufacturing

mySAP ERP Product PM 2004 Development and Manufacturing

effort for entering travel and expense data, as well as associated administration efforts, as paper receipts become obsolete - Increased flexibility in importing credit card information into the software and, subsequently, reduced total cost of ownership (TCO) - Reduced cost of compliance with the Sarbanes-Oxley Act through deployment of standard, fast-toimplement, compliancerelevant workflows SAP Mobile Asset The SAP Mobile Asset Management This functionality enables Management version 2.5 application assists the field service and easy and fast access to the field maintenance technicians in timely information from performing their daily activities at everywhere, anytime: customer sites and within plants with all - Field technicians can the needed data synchronized onto resolve problems faster their handheld devices. Also, the field and better. technicians have the ability to capture - It reduces travel time and related data on their devices and then lowers costs per work synchronize up with the back-end order. software. This functionality enables the - It eliminates or decreases following: the need for paper-based orders. - Radio frequency identification - It enables easy access to management the latest stock information - Order management, in which based on actual usage. time/material confirmation resides on device until final confirmation Technician can enter data - Measurement and counter reading: directly on site, which condition recording results in the following - Technical object management: benefits: display characteristics/classification - Data entry accuracy (for data for equipment and functional example, notification or locations counterreading data) is - Usability improvements improved. > To show enhancement links on the - Data entry is direct, and front end for activated business add-ins there is no loss of data. (BAdIs) - Clerical time spent in the > To display counterinformation for back office re-entering field warranties and measurement points information is reduced. related to equipment and functional - Total cycle time from job locations completion to invoice submission is reduced, with associated cash flow benefits. Maintenance cost With maintenance cost budgeting The benefits of an budgeting functionality, SAP offers a crossappropriate budgeting tool application component for product life- include the following: cycle management that enables - Driving down planning a maintenance cost budget. maintenance costs Maintenance cost budgeting in general - Better data integrity than

SAP ERP 6.0 Corporate Services


SAP ERP 6.0 Corporate Services


helps you budget for all costs for with spreadsheet-based maintenance, inspection, and repair of budgeting technical assets. In the stricter sense of - Access to your plan data SAP R/3 software, maintenance cost from everywhere with a budgeting helps you budget for plant user-friendly front end maintenance order costs. (Web interfaces) Maintenance cost budgeting provides - Ability to reflect changes the following planning scenario with in the near future preconfigured standard entries: - Flexible and accurate - The history-based scenario is derived reporting from records, and the budget - Integration with other categories are combined in one overall enterprise software planning scenario. In this scenario, you - Automatic extraction of can create records with the data from back-end “preventive,” “planned,” and software “unplanned” budget categories. - The - Reduction of the budget ad-hoc (hist) scenario is preparation time - The maintenance plan scenario is - Continuous planning with zero based, and in it, you can create standardized, automated records only with the "preventive" budget processes budget category. - Better transparency of the - The task list scenario is zero based, budget planning process and you can create records only with - Support of planning as a the "planned" budget category. - The company-wide effort, with a ad hoc (plan) scenario is zero based, great number of managers and you can create records with the and employees “planned” and “unplanned” budget contributing categories. - Analytical applications, in addition to use as a tool SAP Mobile Asset This application provides new This functionality provides Management version 3.0 functionality: the following benefits: - It - Push alert for technicians alerts technicians to - Ability to change orders (created in download new work orders the back end) or notifications. - Geographic information system (GIS) - It improves productivity. integration - It improves data capture - Signature capture quality. - Free-sorting functionality - It provides better - Ability to create and change information for route equipment and functional location planning. - Usability improvements - It improves the user's > Confirmation process (time and experience. material) - It improves and expedites > Optimized inspection result recording the billing cycle. > Enhanced search functionalities > GUI for laptop/Tablet PC Basic order view The new basic order view functionality Benefits of the new basic comes with 19 predefined subscreens order view are summarized that can be used to create order types as follows: - Improved tailored to customer-specific needs, flexibility of user interface including the following: Adjustability to business Responsibilities - Technical reference needs and different users object - Dates (basic or enhanced Faster identification of view) - Description (short or long text) - important data - SpeededOperation data (with selected fields or up data entry detailed data) - Partner overview (basic or enhanced view) - Address data with dynamic tabs, depending on the number of available addresses Service-specific data (being invisible for plant maintenance orders) -

SAP ERP 6.0 End-User Service Delivery


Maintenance technician role

Notification data (if customized for the order type to be visible) - Table control with operations - Ability to switch between old and new GUI at any time This functionality accomplishes the This functionality provides following: - It provides an overview for the following benefits: orders and notifications, including Easy maintenance technical object details. processing ensures high - It enables technical structure display user acceptance with the option to access further - Information is always up relevant information and services. to date, which leads to time - It offers recording of orders, savings and error notifications, and confirmations, reductions. including after-event order recording for - Personalization of the emergency work. information improves - It provides easy access to analyses efficiency and and reporting. effectiveness. The maintenance technician role provides a simple user interface for maintenance execution, request processing, confirmations, and reporting, and it offers a display of the asset structure.

mySAP ERP Product PP 2004 Development and Manufacturing

Documentary batch

This role is used mainly by maintenance technicians. They need to get an overview, always up to date, of the maintenance work assigned to them, and they also need to check the status of the technical assets for which they are carrying out maintenance work. In addition, they need a tool that easily makes timely confirmations of the work they have done. This functionality accomplishes the following: - It supports batch tracking, eliminating the need to manage batch inventory. - It manages all required data such as material-tracking numbers to support legal regulations.

This functionality provides the following benefits: - It fulfills the tracking requirements of many industries without the need to manage inventory in batches. - It simplifies internal Industries such as consumer products logistic processes. and automotive suppliers face legal - It allows traceability of requirements to store where-used data material flow with minimal of materials used for production and total cost of ownership delivered to customers. Enabling recall (TCO). actions is mandatory and a critical issue for these industries. Although this could be achieved by managing of all relevant materials in batches, this approach has a negative impact on data volume and subsequent processes. When batch management is turned on, entering a batch number becomes obligatory for all goods movements. Furthermore, inventory postings must be executed on batch level; therefore, costs for inventory management may drastically increase.

Documentary batches are integrated in the following processes: - During goods movements documentary Batches can be entered. - Manufacturing orders In contrast to “real” batches, entering documentary batches is possible only at back-flush and not when maintaining manufacturing orders (for example, in component overview). - Entering documentary batches for deliveries Delivery transactions must be enabled for entering documentary batches during picking. - Entering documentary batches for transport orders Entering documentary batches must be enabled during transport order confirmation.

mySAP ERP End-User 2004 Service Delivery


Plant or production manager role

Radio frequency transactions are not in scope, inasmuch as end-customers already use their own transactions or screens. In task and resource management, mainly radio frequency transactions are used. Therefore, entering documentary batches is not intended. This functionality accomplishes the following: - It provides overview of the current status of key performance indicators. - It provides exception alerts. - It offers real-time event management. - It enables easy access to integrated decision support. This role offers aggregated information for managers that are responsible for production processes in one plant or different production plants in one company. The information is provided on one portal page in a structured format. The portal technology offers easy integration of information from different sources and easy handling.

SAP ERP 6.0 End-User Service Delivery


Production supervisor role

The role addresses plant managers in all industries and in companies of all sizes. This functionality accomplishes the following: - It supports production personnel in order to respond to exceptions and unforeseen changes in demand or supply and to deliver superior production performance through higher transparency. - Manufacturing intelligence dashboards provide configurable entry pages that display alerts, key

The plant production manager role improves efficiency and effectiveness through the personalization of the information to accomplish the following: - Proactively respond to production events and exceptions to preclude fire fighting - Look up and analyze pertinent key performance indicators to continuously improve operations

This functionality provides the following benefits: You can execute production plans on time and within budget. - You can find and resolve production problems quickly and proactively with real-time exception detection and workflows.

mySAP ERP Product PS 2004 Development and Manufacturing

Management of collaborative projects

performance indicators, manufacturing - You can monitor, content, work lists and production measure, control, and confirmations, and decision support. improve production performance. Dashboards have also been created for the new maintenance technician and quality inspector roles to further leverage transparency and promote collaboration on the shop floor. This functionality is characterized as This functionality provides follows: - It offers support for the following benefits: - It collaborative product development helps you develop more processes from the planning phase to reliable products in less product (or process) validation on the time at lower cost. basis of stage-gate process - It reduces subsequent methodology. nonconformity costs. - It offers flexibility in sharing - It enhances business information with partners through integration. Microsoft Project integration and - It provides one instance uploads, in creating project snapshots within enterprise core and simulation versions, and in component. assigning substitutes for tasks when someone is on vacation. - It includes usability enhancements such as an easy-to-customize interface and the ability to perform mass maintenance of task lists and checklists. - It allows sharing of information during bidding scenarios by setting up collaboration groups and linkage to single folders within a collaboration group. To succeed with today’s complex product development efforts, companies need powerful solutions that allow them to employ sophisticated project management methods that drive speed and quality. They also need easy-to-use – and easy-toimplement – tools that enable engineers to work together to innovate, share knowledge, and track progress.

mySAP ERP Product LO 2004 Development and Manufacturing

Collaboration with partners and suppliers

What they do not need, however, is the traditional stand-alone project management “point solution,” which tends to lead to islands of information and extensive integration efforts later on. In short, companies need a different approach: one that enables them to manage product development projects more effectively today, without limiting their options for tomorrow. This functionality accomplishes the following: - It supports sharing a variety of objects such as documents, bills of material (BOMs), technical assets, and custom-defined objects with the ability to view two- and three-dimensional

This functionality provides the following benefits: - It enables users to work collaboratively on product design and development data in virtual teams with

mySAP ERP Product LO 2004 Development and Manufacturing

objects. external partners. - It ensures data confidentiality and - It reduces costs and time integrity of objects shared with external necessary for traveling and partners by providing secure meetings. collaboration through encrypted files. - It reduces number of - It is integrated with other errors as a result of functionalities (such as document improved communication. management and BOM processing) - It increases capacity as a and with collaboration tools such as result of faster time to WebEx online conferencing. market. - It simplifies access for occasional - It secures information users through integration with Windows during external Explorer. communication with SAP ERP contains a Web-based external partners. cooperation application from SAP Product Lifecycle Management (SAP PLM), referred to as the Collaboration Folders (cFolders), which is dedicated to promoting collaboration and exchange of information on the basis of a structured format between groups of people who need to work together but are regionally dispersed. For example, the collaboration functionality supports cooperation between all the internal and external people involved in product development in a single joint work area, whereas the competitive functionality supports setting up separate areas for rival suppliers taking part in a competitive bidding procedure. Trials in recipe This functionality provides new product This functionality provides management: new and development introduction (NPDI) the following benefits: - It product and development process support with recipes, enhances usability by introduction process specifications, formulas, materials, and integrating product, support production operations generated by the formula, and quality recipe development environment. definition and execution into one environment. The new trial management function - It speeds up development integrates the definition, planning, process through user execution, and monitoring of trials guidance and automation during development in the laboratory, of development steps. in pilot plants, and in handover to production phases. It integrates access to all information and objects required, including quality inspection definitions and stability studies for the trials, directly in one work environment: the SAP Recipe Management application. Integration in pilot plants and production lines was enhanced to allow fully automated transformation to production planning–process instruction recipes and even creation of process orders to allow ease of use of process management objects normally handled only by production. The new functionality enhances the existing recipe development scenario and implements a new “trial management.” The new function helps research and development staff in the following

ways: - It enables managers to have control and an overview of ongoing product development and testing at product/recipe level. - It enables developers to manage the trial and formulation process in an easier and more guided way, including the creation, variations and grouping of trials. Without exiting the application environment, a developer can define a trial and the corresponding quality inspections and stability studies and can execute and review the trial results in the application.

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The new enhancements address the development process throughout the whole process industry for consumer products, chemicals, and pharmaceuticals. Trials in recipe The new recipe creation feature management: recipe enables rapid access to objects and creation functions, as well as providing support for faster calculations. Trials in recipe The new function improves control of management: trial the trial development process through development integration with SAP software for project management and workflow. Trials in recipe This enhancement simplifies access to management: information information for trials in recipe access management (including existing recipes and formulas). Document management: The simplification of document simplified document management allows employees to management accomplish the following tasks: - Manage personal and group document structures and documents - Check documents in from Microsoft Windows Explorer through the dragand-drop functionality - Check documents in and out directly from Microsoft Office applications - Manage classification and object links To work efficiently in all kinds of business processes, such as project management, research and development, production, and service, comprehensive document management is a necessity. In many cases, it has turned out that tight integration between business documents and other business objects, such as materials, equipment, projects, customers, and production orders, is key for companies using document management, and it ensures highquality processes and saves a lot of

This new function improves efficiency in recipe creation. This new function speeds up the trial development process. This enhancement simplifies the development process and improves usability and productivity. This enhancement simplifies the handling of documents in SAP software for document management and provides the following benefits: - It reduces the document maintenance time. - It facilitates team and group work through group structures. - It offers intuitive handling. - Its use requires minimal training, even for occasional users.

mySAP ERP Product LO 2004 Development and Manufacturing

mySAP ERP Product LO 2004 Development and Manufacturing

time. Only a direct link allows the people who are involved in any kind of document-based business process to directly find and access the relevant documents without leaving their usual software environment. Document management: The improvement of internal and This enhancement internal and external external document access provides Web-based help document access accomplishes the following: for engineering and logistical processes, which - It provides internal and external users secures and facilitates with transparent, up-to-date documents cross-system collaboration. such as design drawings, contracts, It provides the following and original application files through benefits: enhanced document-sharing features in the document management function. - It allows efficient - It facilitates searches for documents document retrieval across in separate repositories by connecting multiple repositories. document management and knowledge - It provides generic management functions through a services for the integration knowledge management connector in of documents into your the document management function. business processes. - It ensures higher quality This newly comprehensive, detailed because of data information can be a profit-bringing transparency. production factor only if the information - It reduces access times is available quickly and securely to the and labor costs for routine various decision makers. Electronic tasks, which results in search techniques reduce labor costs lower costs. when multiple or different storage software systems are involved. To reduce the time spent evaluating the documents, the documents need to be clearly presented. It should be possible to integrate the information determined into the editing processes rapidly. Handling documents This functionality accomplishes the This functionality provides made easy by following: - It allows users to access the following benefits: - It improvements in the and edit computer-aided design (CAD) provides a single access interface document structures directly in CAD point to all computer-aided software or from within the SAP ERP design (CAD) documents application, enabling the inclusion of (multi-CAD back-end new product information in business integration). processes at an early stage. - It supports enterprise- It offers enhanced viewing options, wide collaboration with including tabbed pages for different concurrent engineering and views and the ability to view two- and versioning. three-dimensional files (such as - It enhances comfort and drawings and CAD models) in a single flexibility in using the CAD view. documents. - It provides ease of use through - It reduces costs through automatic document structure, visual an enhanced application version control, and mass checkprocess. in/checkout. - It supports a variety of industrystandard CAD software systems, including Pro/ENGINEER, CATIA, and Autodesk Inventor. The CAD desktop is the CAD engineer’s workplace on the SAP R/3

mySAP ERP Product LO 2004 Development and Manufacturing

mySAP ERP Product LO 2004 Development and Manufacturing

side when working with a direct CAD integration to manage CAD parts and assemblies. Information about new products is thereby introduced into other business processes at an early stage. Document management: Product modeling for configurable product modeling for products accomplishes the following: configurable products - It eases maintenance of variant configuration models in SAP software by means of an integrated user interface. - It ensures tight integration with the existing logistics processes of variant configuration (planning, pricing, order processing, availability checking, production, fulfillment, billing, and financial reporting) in SAP ERP. - It offers ease of use through model tree visualization, a dependency wizard, and drag-and-drop features. Offering off-the-shelf products is no longer enough in many industry sectors. In order to meet all of the customers' needs, a company must be able to constantly expand its product offering. Variant configuration addresses this challenge and ensures the necessary product data can be managed efficiently. Variant configuration is fully integrated into planning, pricing, order processing, availability, production, fulfillment, billing, and financial reporting. This ensures a consistent view of the product in sales orders, production plans, and profitability analysis. Document management: This functionality accomplishes the guided procedures following: - It allows the creation of customized electronic forms that have the same look and feel as traditional paper forms but can be completed and submitted online. - It supports flexible business processes by allowing employees to change the workflow dynamically, which ensures appropriate handling of exceptions. Companies that want to optimize their workflows often face the same challenges: - Too much time and money is lost in inefficient, often paper-based process execution. - Form-based paper processes are often distributed manually to one or more IT systems.

This functionality provides the following benefits: - It makes it easy to define and maintain product models that require variant configuration. - It ensures a consistent view of the product in sales orders, production plans, and profitability analysis. - It reduces costs of master data maintenance. - It enables faster ramp-up for product modeling experts.

This functionality provides the following benefits: - It improves business processes by replacing inefficient, paper-based processes with automated business workflow processes. - It enhances responsiveness by allowing workflows to be modified as needed. - It reduces administrative burden.

- Current business process workflows cannot be altered during running time by fully visualizing the ongoing workflow status through a generic Web user interface. - Business process workflows are not enabled for ad hoc collaboration. - Employees without specialized software skills lack a flexible tool to set up and execute business processes in their daily work.

mySAP ERP Corporate 2004 Services


To eliminate these limitations, companies must provide their employees with far-reaching access to all information and processes that enable employees to take informed, timely, and appropriate actions and ultimately to meet the goals of the organization. Original workflow software has proved too static for these purposes. It can be changed ad hoc during running time only with great effort, and it offers little transparency for users or process managers in collaborative scenarios. Data import from external This functionality accomplishes the content providers following: - It provides an Extensible Markup Language (XML)–based open interface for loading content to the SAP Environment, Health & Safety (SAP EH&S) application. - It enables a defined interface syntax and semantics to be made available to interested providers. - It ensures seamless integration with third-party content providers through SAP content-provider certification. Previously, SAP EH&S itself did not provide a standard interface for uploading content to the specification database. Third parties provided interfaces for proprietary purposes only.

This functionality provides the following benefits: The standardized interface avoids product-specific interfaces and related maintenance costs. - The openness of the interface has a positive impact on content pricing. - Content creation is flexible and fast. - Organizations from all types of industries are helped in better complying with regulations.

The aim of the open content connector in SAP EH&S is to enable customers to import any SAP EH&S data (typically regulatory data, United Nations–listed substances, physical/chemical data, and so on) from a content provider.

SAP ERP 6.0 Product LO Development

Development collaboration with

SAP EH&S addresses all industries with a demand for scientific and regulatory data on substances and chemicals. This means both producers and users of products relevant to the environment, health, and safety. This functionality is characterized by This functionality provides the following: - Bill of material (BOM) the following benefits: -

and Manufacturing

partners and suppliers (Collaboration Folders)

comparisons (single level) and tracking Better and more effective of changes external collaboration for - Integration of product structure product development and management with integrated product engineering and process engineering (iPPE) by - Increased ROI through an allowing the following functions: extended set of object > Export a filter or focus in iPPE to types that can be managed Collaboration Folders (cFolders) by Collaboration Folders > Change attributes of iPPE nodes and (cFolders), such as variants in cFolders improved collaboration on > Import changed data back to the SAP computer-aided design ERP application (CAD) and product - Export of computer-aided design structure data (CAD) assemblies from CAD desktop - Support for high-tech to cFolders industry requirements - Web distributed authoring and - Reduction in costs for versioning (DAV)–based connectivity training, user between the knowledge management administration, and function and cFolders software integration - Easy access for occasional users through integration with Microsoft Windows Explorer - Work center for development collaboration - Introduction of a “business partner” user type to restrict user information visibility based on organization membership, such as supplier company, and the user administration for organizations by external users - Support of manufacturer part numbers (MPN) and reference designators as objects in cFolders (both mainly used in the high-tech industry) cFolders is a vertical collaboration application that enables users to work on design and development projects in virtual teams with external business partners. cFolders supports the collaboration on product structure data (for example, BOM and product variant structures) and product-related documents (for example, technical drawings and CAD models). By the integration of cFolders in BOM management, it is possible to publish product designer (product structure management with iPPE), document management, and CAD desktop product (structure) information from the SAP ERP application to cFolders so that external users can access this data. After the collaboration is finished, processed results from cFolders can be incorporated in a reconciliation process in the product structure in SAP ERP. The external users do not have direct access to the SAP ERP application

SAP ERP 6.0 Product LO Development and Manufacturing

SAP ERP 6.0 Product LO Development and Manufacturing

Easy document management

Document management

during the collaboration. This makes the data in SAP ERP more secure, because external data is transferred from cFolders to SAP ERP only once it has been checked, and you can trigger this import only from the SAP ERP application. In the new release, SAP Easy This functionality provides Document Management is enhanced the following benefits: with the following developments: Easy-to-use, intuitive authorization handling - Extended authorization concept with - Simplified and fast authorizations on folder and document document management level and maintenance - Thumbnails - Reduced access times - Extendable user interface for and labor costs for routine customer-specific enhancements tasks - Mass change of document status by - Better support for critical setting a common status to a list of work areas through digital documents signatures - Document localization with ability to - More flexibility for get a list of folders in which a document customer-specific is referenced implementations - Digital signature on reaching a certain document status - Enhanced offline access with ability to create documents and folders offline and availability of more metadata offline - Enhanced search function - Viewing and redlining with the engineering client viewer Product ideas are often collected in the form of drawings or descriptions. Functional specifications for a new product are often compiled with customers in a specification catalog. In specifications, technicians describe how they want to implement the product. Additional documents are created with increasingly sophisticated information technologies, such as computer-aided technology (CAx) systems, digital mock-up, and the Internet, and models are integrated in the product design phase from the very start. This massive influx of information, which can take on enormous dimensions even in the design phase, has to be managed in a variety of formats throughout the complete life cycle of a document. In the new release, SAP Easy This functionality provides Document Management is enhanced the following benefits: with the following developments: Easy-to-use, intuitive authorization handling - Extended authorization concept with - Simplified and fast authorizations on folder and document document management level and maintenance - Management of folder and document - Reduced access times

structures - Thumbnails with integration of thumbnail viewing within search function

SAP ERP 6.0 Product LO Development and Manufacturing

Computer-aided design (CAD) integration (CAD desktop)

and labor costs for routine tasks

Product ideas are often collected in the form of drawings or descriptions. Functional specifications for a new product are often compiled with customers in a specification catalog. In specifications, technicians describe how they want to implement the product. Additional documents are created with increasingly sophisticated information technologies, such as computer-aided technology (CAx) software, digital mock-up, and the Internet, and models are integrated in the product design phase from the very start. This massive influx of information, which can take on enormous dimensions even in the design phase, has to be managed in a variety of formats throughout the complete life cycle of a document. The new release enhances the This functionality provides computer-aided design (CAD) desktop the following benefits: with the following developments: Reduced costs through an enhanced application - Preview functionality (thumbnails) process - CAD data export to Collaboration - Simplified handling of Folders (cFolders), Microsoft Excel, computer-aided design and Extensible Markup Language (CAD) documents through (XML) files a single point of access to - Display of SAP Easy Document all CAD documents Management structures and CAD - Reduced need for documents multiple interfaces by - Support for working with folder enabling viewing of files structures, facilitating team and group from different CAD work software systems - “Delete assistant” function to delete a - Increased user full work directory productivity with faster and - New “replace component” function in more efficient access to CAD view to replace one component CAD documents with another component, which can be found through integrated search functionality The key factor for successful product development is the integration of CAD and business software from a holistic, process-oriented standpoint. It means resolving technical and organizational stovepipes. Research and development teams inside your organization need an environment that supports them in their daily task of designing products. Using CAD modeling functions alone does not achieve overall product success. Companies must reduce the time from

the initial product idea to product shipment while meeting customer expectations of product quality. Even the very best product idea will not be a commercial success if developed in an information silo, which causes it to reach the market too late.

SAP ERP 6.0 Product LO Development and Manufacturing

Engineering change management

SAP ERP 6.0 Product LO Development and Manufacturing

Integrated product and process engineering

SAP ERP 6.0 Product LO Development

Variant configuration

The traditional strategy for solving product data management issues in a CAD design department was to establish CAD-centric product data management processes. However, this solved the problem only for processes focused on extremely specialized CAD design tasks. It did not help CAD design departments support the complete product development process. The new engineering change This functionality provides management features are as follows: the following benefits: Faster correction of errors - Extended undo capability by including - Faster processing of bills of material (BOMs) and variant change requests and configuration objects change orders - Increased flexibility for change - More flexibility for processes – engineering change customer-specific requests and engineering change implementations orders - Support for new object creation for engineering change requests and engineering change orders - Customer screens and customer extensions for the object management record Integrated product and process This functionality provides engineering (iPPE) brings new the following benefits: - It innovations, such as the following: makes it easy to define and maintain product models - Collaboration Folders (cFolders) that require variant integration with export of product configuration. structures to cFolders and import of - It ensures a consistent product structures from cFolders view of the product in sales - Project management software orders, production plans, integration and profitability analyses. - Archiving of iPPE objects - It reduces costs of master - Improved reporting, variance scheme, data maintenance. and dependency editor, as well as filter - It enables faster ramp-up and sorting functionality for product modeling - Use of release management experts. framework Enhancements in the area of iPPE focus on integration and reporting. New integration options to link data with cFolders and Microsoft Excel are offered. Also, extended services and archiving for engineering change management are available. The enhancements in the product The variant configuration modeling engine for variant enhancement provides

and Manufacturing SAP ERP 6.0 Corporate LO Services

SAP ERP 6.0 Corporate Services


Basic data and tools

Dangerous goods management

configuration enable a wizard-based definition of product variant for sales. Enhanced Whirlwind I (WWI), a modified version of Microsoft Word that is called from the SAP software to edit a document template, is provided for more flexible document creation and generation.

more usability.

This functionality provides the following benefits: Reduction in administrative efforts for managing large basic data documents - Enhancement in the flexibility to specify the Because of the integrated architecture output content of the of the basic data and tools of SAP documents Environment, Health & Safety (SAP EH&S), consistency of the data exchanged between all the SAP software–enabled business processes is ensured automatically. Redundant data maintenance, therefore, is not necessary. Up-to-date data and documents are always available when needed. SAP EH&S basic data and tools can be implemented by every organization that handles chemical or nonchemical substances in any form, whether it is in manufacturing, processing, storage, transportation, or end applications. This functionality enables you to This functionality provides accomplish the following tasks: the following benefits: - It Release of packaged products during simplifies handling of the the product definition process product release process. - Extended dangerous goods checks - It supports compliance for packaging and product release in with packaging regulations sales, shipping, and transportation throughout the main processes business processes. The dangerous good management functionality in SAP Environment, Health & Safety (SAP EH&S) supports all processes connected with the manufacturing and distribution of dangerous goods and also ensures compliance with the valid national and international legislation. To comply with the different packaging regulations worldwide, it is necessary to record the essential packaging information in the corresponding SAP EH&S master data and to use this information within the dangerous goods checks in transactions in different SAP software. With SAP EH&S dangerous goods management, it is possible to record relevant legal packaging information in the specification management and the dangerous goods master, which mainly allows combinations of packaging codes, and the management of packing instructions and special packaging

SAP ERP 6.0 Corporate Services


Waste management

provisions. This functionality supports flexible data collection based on disposal data and facilitates the creation of variants in reports of country-specific waste lifecycle analysis, including error handling for unconsidered disposal documents. SAP Environment, Health & Safety (SAP EH&S) waste management supports you in handling waste disposal processes, complying with national and international regulations and laws that are relevant for generation, transport, and disposal, and in distributing costs proportionally among the departments within the enterprise that generated the waste.

SAP ERP 6.0 Corporate Services

SAP ERP 6.0 Corporate Services



Industrial hygiene and safety

Occupational health management

The waste life-cycle analysis is an analysis of type, quantity, and location of wastes recovered (recycled) or disposed of. The results of the waste life-cycle analysis must be submitted to the authorities on request. The analysis is often used for creating a waste management concept. This functionality allows the definition of customer-specific information fields to record all relevant data in measurements projects. SAP Environment, Health & Safety (SAP EH&S) industrial hygiene and safety supports industrial hygiene and safety professionals and occasional users of SAP software, enabling them to obtain and store information on work areas, any substance or material used or stored in the organization, exposure situation, status of safety measures, incidents and accidents, health and safety briefings planned and held, and technical equipment (functional location, equipment). This functionality accomplishes the following - It triggers the proposal of health surveillance protocols on the basis of multiple parameters, extensible by customer-specific definitions. - It enables flexible adjustment of appointments between the organization’s medical health center and employees by integrating the calendar in the SAP software in the scheduling process. - It speeds data entry for physicians (during diagnoses) and health center staff (during repetitive brief consultations and examinations)

This functionality provides the following benefits: - It reduces administrative efforts to comply with country-specific regulations by simplifying data collection for waste lifecycle analysis. - It allows the user to adapt the layout of the report to his or her individual needs.

This functionality enables better and easier compliance with national laws and customer-specific regulations concerning industrial health and safety.

This functionality provides the following benefits: Organizations can use preventive medical management with less administrative effort and more transparency. - Enhanced process flexibility facilitates legal compliance and enables a customer-specific health care engagement.

through several user interface enhancements. - It enables assignment of any kind of documents (physician letters, laboratory results, x-ray films, and so on) to employees, medical services, or examinations, through the document management functionality. - It provides flexible and customerspecific documents that are based on a new business add-in (BAdI) for document generation.

SAP ERP 6.0 End-User Service Delivery


Development collaboration

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Trial-specific stability studies

Occupational health management in SAP Environment, Health & Safety (SAP EH&S) supports general employee occupational healthcare in an enterprise, as well as the planning and execution of special health surveillance protocols and the treatment of injuries. It is also smoothing the path for implementing a full-scale health-care management process in the enterprise. This new role-based portal for This new role-based portal development collaboration is for development characterized as follows: collaboration improves productivity and - It provides a work center for collaboration with partners collaboration in product development and suppliers and ensures and design. data consistency. - It supports communication with external partners and suppliers, including data export and import to the Collaboration Folders (cFolders) application and browsing of the product structure. - It integrates cFolders notifications into the work center’s universal work list. An essential part of product This functionality provides development in process industries – the following benefits: - It especially in the food and beverage simplifies and accelerates industry – is the planning, execution, the planning of stability and evaluation of laboratory trials. studies through the use of Closely linked with this process is the reusable building blocks, need to conduct stability studies with user guidance, and samples that originate from the automation of planning different trials, including quality steps. inspections. The given solution - It integrates qualityperforms the following tasks: relevant information into - It handles inspection characteristics, the product development trials, and trial-specific stability studies. process. - It allows direct access to trial-related - It supports Goods quality inspection data from the recipe Manufacturing Practices management workbench. requirements of the U.S. - It ensures more efficient initiation of Food and Drug stability studies by using building Administration. blocks with fixed planning parameters such as time intervals, storage conditions, and testing plans.

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Quality assurance and control: sample management

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Quality improvement

SAP ERP 6.0 Corporate Services


Quality assurance and control: multiple specifications

This new process enables the integration of stability studies into recipe management and trial management and includes the use of building blocks during stability planning. Enhancements in sample management are as follows: - Users can archive the physical samples related to inspection lots with their sample drawing information. - Samples can be flexibly selected for archiving, as can various display functions for archived samples. - The sample master record is extended with new fields. - Sample-oriented work lists can be created.

This functionality provides the following benefits: - It improves usability and user acceptance. - It enables better software performance by removing mass data from the software, which results in less real-time data. - It supports Goods Manufacturing Practices requirements of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

The new development enables the archiving of physical samples and completes the sample management capabilities of the quality management application. This function is of special importance in the process industries, in which the quality management application is used as a laboratory information management system and a huge number of samples and sample drawings are handled every day. The same applies to service laboratories, which provide sample analysis on customer request. This functionality enables the This functionality helps maintenance of quality manuals with businesses address the the SAP Easy Document Management ongoing challenge of application. quality improvement. The SAP NetWeaver Business Intelligence component is used to analyze stability studies. The enablement of multiple This functionality provides specifications within the quality the following benefits: - t management functionality in SAP improves operational Product Lifecycle Management (SAP efficiency in industry PLM) supports the entire inspection scenarios requiring quality process, from planning and testing inspections that are based through batch classification and on multiple specifications. determination to certificate processing. - It facilitates the allocation The business demand arises from the of production batches to fact that individual specifications may customer orders, through exist for different customers or integration with inventory countries, whereas production follows a and batch management. make-to-stock protocol (non–customerspecific). Thus, the resulting batch could be within the internal organization specification but may not be suitable for a specific customer or country because of individual specifications. For example, exporting a drug to Japan instead of Europe may require two tolerances for a specific

SAP ERP 6.0 Corporate Services


Quality assurance and control: operation completion

SAP ERP 6.0 Corporate Services


Flexible reporting functionalities

characteristic because of different legal requirements. As part of the laboratory information management system offerings within the quality management function of SAP PLM, the functionality provides the following: - Different inspection specifications for an inspection characteristic, such as customer-specific requirements or requirements specified by pharmacopoeia, authorities, or countryspecific legal requirements - Determination of the suitability or admissibility of a batch on the basis of multiple specifications In order to offer an additional control This functionality provides mechanism and provide status the following benefits: information on inspections, an Increased visibility into the operation completion is required. After inspection process processing the characteristics in an throughout the organization inspection lot, an authorized user must - Increased efficiency in the be able to complete the operation – laboratory that is, to set some kind of a status on - Improved control operation level (for example, if all mechanism, which covers inspections for this particular operation Good Manufacturing are completed). This information is Practices and other U.S. often required in making a usage Food and Drug decision, in order to check preceding Administration (FDA) steps. regulations (especially Functions for the following tasks are important for companies provided: with commercial and - Planning and executing a decision to industrial laboratories – for complete an inspection operation by example, those in laboratory personnel regulated industries such - Assigning textual information and a as pharmaceuticals or valuation to an inspection lot consumer products) - Triggering follow-up actions after operation completion - Making operation completion information available for usage decisions The new tool allows the creation of This functionality provides analytical reports on quality data the following benefits: - It combined with meaningful graphical increases visibility of representation, which can be adjusted quality data throughout the individually in the following ways: organization. - Selection of inspection lots, inspection - It enables implementation characteristics, and inspection results of improved quality control - Evaluation of actual and archived mechanisms. data - It decreases total cost of - Comparison of results for several ownership (TCO) by characteristics providing relevant - Representation of results in table view information without the or as graphics, including the option to need to export quality view several tables or graphics in one management data to other screen components such as SAP - Definition of table and graphical NetWeaver Business layouts for customization Intelligence. - Determination and display of key figures (customer-specific)

- Control charts without detailed planning - Export of selected data and integrated visualization of external statistical results (for example, from a statistical subsystem) Extended reporting functionalities for quality management results are necessary for simplifying the evaluation process. The integration aspect also plays an important role: the functionalities are available within the operational system with online and also with archived data. A business warehousing function cannot always fulfill this requirement.

SAP ERP 6.0 Corporate Services

SAP ERP 6.0 End-User Service Delivery



Audit management

Quality inspector role

The new flexible reporting tool enables you to create reports and analytics on quality management data in combination with meaningful graphical representation. These graphics can be adjusted according to the customer’s and user’s needs. The tool also offers the capability to export the selected data through the quality management– statistical interface. The audit management functionality is This functionality provides versatile in areas such as quality the following benefits: - It management, environment decreases total cost of management, safety and security ownership (TCO) by management, financial revision, and providing the relevant risk management. Completely selffunctionality as part of the contained, it does not require any other SAP NetWeaver software and has been transferred from technology platform, which SAP Customer Relationship is included in the license Management (SAP CRM) to SAP for SAP ERP. NetWeaver and enhanced with - It is a flexible and easyadditional functions (such as links to to-use tool that assists in the former SAP Business Information compliance with legal Warehouse [whose functionality is now requirements universally. part of SAP NetWeaver] and SAP ERP quality notifications). The audit management functionality supports the entire audit process for all types of audits. It is now available as part of SAP NetWeaver for all SAP components and offers integration with the former SAP Business Information Warehouse. New features include the following: - Creation of quality notifications out of audit tasks - Archiving of audits - Object links to other SAP components This functionality accomplishes the following: - It offers work lists for inspection lots, notifications, tasks, and production orders, including technical

This functionality provides the following benefits: - It minimizes cost of defects and product recalls.

object details. - It reduces cost of quality - It allows recording of results, defects, compliance. notifications, and confirmations. - It provides easy access to analyses and reporting. This role addresses quality inspectors in different industries and processes. A quality inspector is usually responsible for the following tasks: - Processing of inspection lot - Drawing of samples - Recording of results and defects (values of inspection characteristics, nonconformity data) - Running of quality control charts - Recording of problem notifications - Usage of calibrated test devices - Usage decision making for in-process inspection lots (optional)

SAP ERP 6.0 Corporate Services


Project and portfolio management with SAP software

These tasks entail highly repetitive steps and time pressure, which requires fast data entry. Personalized work lists for inspection lots, notifications, and tasks (for exceptions) are expected. A simple user interface also helps fulfill the tasks. SAP software helps companies with all aspects of project and portfolio management. With Collaboration Projects (cProjects), the project system function, and SAP Resource and Portfolio Management (SAP RPM), the customer is empowered to set up comprehensive project and portfolio management. This solution can be leveraged in various industry scenarios and software, such as new product development and introduction (NPDI), enterprise IT portfolio management, or SAP for Professional Services.

The customer benefits from software that includes all aspects of integration into SAP ERP (logistics, human resources, and financials), collaboration with internal and external partners, and promoting project visibility at all stages. Scalability and an open, extendable framework are also provided.

cProjects, which is an integral part of SAP ERP, is a powerful and easy-touse application that enables operational project management with a phase-based approach focusing on resources and project roles, documents, and collaboration.

SAP ERP 6.0 Corporate Services


Project planning: management of Collaborative Projects

SAP RPM provides the foundation for strategic portfolio management by combining financial, strategic, and operational aspects of the entire portfolio (projects, products, assets, services, and so on). Collaborative Projects (cProjects) is a Web-based application that supports collaborative phase-based project

This functionality provides the following benefits: Improved communication

management processes, especially in IT, research and development, and professional services with a focus on deliverables, roles, and commitments. It provides the following: - Flexible project structuring by phases, with gates, tasks, checklists - Process standardization through the use of templates - Creation of tasks and checklists directly below project definition level, which enhances flexibility in project planning - Java-based Gantt chart, which offers additional features such as printing - Bottom-up scheduling functionalities that include all types of relationships, such as cross-phase relationships, and the setting of constraint dates - Project versioning, simulation, and status reports - Integration of business processes with the project system function, SAP ERP Financials solution, document management functionality, and quality management functionality

SAP ERP 6.0 Corporate Services


Project planning with project system function

with international or external partners through a secured Web-based application - More efficient and reliable projects from improved project modeling, scheduling, and visualization – for example, faster time-to-market in product development - Support for industry processes such as new product development and introduction (NPDI)

You use this application to plan and structure a project. By using project management methods, you obtain a better overview of the activities to be carried out and the effect they have on the schedule. Moreover, project planning helps you to estimate the amount of work required to carry out the project. The following tasks are accomplished: - This functionality provides Transfer of material components from the following benefits: the product structure of integrated Prototyping and production product and process engineering are based on flexible and (iPPE) to the project system function configurable integrated - Usage of the progress analysis product and process workbench as a single point of entry in engineering (iPPE) order to analyze the progress of your structures. projects and input their earned value - The progress analysis percent complete workbench improves - Open project system ability to upload performance and data and download customer-specific fields accuracy. on work breakdown structure (WBS) - The project structure elements and activities, prevent overview is very user download of networks that are marked friendly. for deletion, and transfer networks only - The budgeting and cost (without WBS elements) planning process is - New functions in the easy cost optimized. planning function: aggregation of items by summarizing the values of items at These enhancements lower levels and archiving ad hoc cost increase the flexibility and estimates integration of the project system function, thereby A new project structure overview leveraging existing (transaction CN41N) is available in the investments. project information system. This

SAP ERP 6.0 Corporate Services

SAP ERP 6.0 Corporate Services



Resource and time management with Collaboration Projects

Project execution with Collaboration Projects

overview is a user-friendly alternative to CN41 that provides you with the most important functions for viewing your project information. You can perform the following tasks: - Navigate to detail screens for the project objects, where you can edit the master data - Select a number of projects and then release them simultaneously; you can adopt the budget or plan values in these releases, either with their full amounts or by using a release percentage to weight the values, or you can limit the adoption of the values to one fiscal year Collaboration Projects (cProjects) is a Web-based application that supports resource management processes as follows: - Assignment of multiple resources to one role, even in overlapping time intervals, which allows more than one employee to be responsible per project element - Optimization of the resource planning process by reconciling resource demands between the strategic layer (SAP Resource and Portfolio Management) and cProjects - Ability to allocate resources to projects on the basis of their availability - Procurement of external services and material for projects, using SAP Supplier Relationship Management - Integration with time recording (crossapplication time sheet) - Integration with the SAP Travel Management application, which facilitates the settlement of travel expenses for a project element You use this application to plan the necessary quantitative and qualitative resources for a project and allocate project roles to suitable employees from your company. The employees you have chosen can record hours worked on the project afterwards. Collaboration Projects (cProjects) is a Web-based application that supports project management execution processes, based on a project planning, as follows: - Project dashboard, which enables a quick overview on “my projects,” “my tasks,” and “my checklist items” to be confirmed, as well as relevant key figures - New standard object links – for example, to production orders

This functionality provides the following benefits: Improved resource planning and allocation - Better support for service and consulting projects as a result of integrated functionalities for external service procurement

This functionality enables more effective and transparent project execution as a result of integration with other business processes, such as time confirmation, and improved communication between project members.

- Issue lists to facilitate tracking and delegating of issues that arise during a project - Flexibility to share information with partners through cFolders integration and improved internal collaboration through virtual room integration

SAP ERP 6.0 Corporate Services


Project accounting with Collaboration Projects

You use this business process to carry out a planned project. You can monitor and control how the project is executed by using a number of different mechanisms that enable you to react quickly to any variations from the project plan. Collaboration Projects (cProjects) is a Web-based application that supports project accounting processes: - New multilevel controlling by means of work breakdown structure (WBS) hierarchies from project system for flexible accounting of projects in cProjects, which enables the following: > Bottom-up planning and top-down budgeting, billing, and results analysis, aggregating values and quantities along the hierarchy > Either manual creation of WBS hierarchies in the project system function and assignment of WBS elements to tasks, phases, or roles, or automatic creation of WBS hierarchies and assignments based on cProjects structures; alternatively, assignment of internal orders as accounting objects > Calculation services that create cost estimates based on the assigned cProjects structure (while costs are stored on WBS elements)

This functionality provides the following benefits: Ability to leverage existing project system function investments - Better transparency and insight, with more flexible capabilities to control project-related costs - Increased efficiency through simplification of the settlement of projectrelated costs as a result of enhanced integration

- Settlement of costs originating from various sources: > Actual costs derived from recorded and confirmed time on cProjects tasks through cross-application time sheet integration > Costs derived from procured services > Costs derived from project-related travel

SAP ERP 6.0 End-User Service Delivery


You use this business process to plan, budget, and monitor the costs and revenues of a project. cProjects provides accounting integration in SAP ERP so that all costs and revenues for a project can be collected. Project self-service – only This functionality accomplishes the for Collaboration Projects following: - It provides quick access to all projectrelated information and tasks. - It offers work lists for projects, tasks,

This functionality provides the following benefits: - It increases transparency of project performance and issues.

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mySAP ERP Human HR 2004 Capital Management

checklist items, and issues and - It pushes tasks to the enables triggering of relevant selfuser through configurable services from those work lists. work lists. - It covers most common Collaboration - It speeds up Projects processes with self-servic administrative work. Available Web-based The new Web-based employee selfThis functionality provides environments (Web service software for travel management the following benefits: Dynpro development includes redesigned and easy-to-use Improved user adoption environment) functions for the following: across end-to-end - Travel requests processes - Travel plans (online bookings) - Reduced training efforts - Travel expense reports - Non–travel-related expense reports - Imports from corporate credit card programs - Traveler profiles In addition, the functions can also be used by travel arrangers and team assistants, handling the application on behalf of their team members. Recruiting: talent This functionality accomplishes the This functionality provides relationship management following: - It includes talent the following benefits: relationship management, sourcing, Intuitive user interface and evaluation, hiring/reassigning, and new features for retention. candidates, including - It offers enhanced search-and-match employee referrals functions. - Ability to find suitable high - It provides clear classifications of quality candidates to fill candidates by ranking. positions quickly - It includes active talent-bonding - Ability to discover hidden features such as event invitations and potential in the talent pool newsletters. Talent relationship management is the forward-looking approach of managing relationships with candidates on a longterm basis and documenting their qualifications and potential. The basis for relationship management in recruitment is the talent warehouse, an advanced talent database in which the skills and preferences of potential employees are managed. Extensive search-and-match functions to analyze the talent warehouse simplify navigation in the database and make the recruiter’s job of managing prospects and finding suitable candidates for open positions significantly easier. The talent selfservice applications with which candidates and applicants access the talent warehouse, as well as the internal functions in the SAP ERecruiting application, are delivered in flexible user-friendly interfaces. Candidates can use the talent warehouse to register their interests and skills, as well as communicate their wish to be considered or informed about open jobs. On the basis of this

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mySAP ERP Human 2004 Capital


Recruiting: applicant tracking and requisition management

Recruiting: analytics

information, companies can use personal information services to establish and maintain long-term relationships with all of the candidates who have entered their details in the talent warehouse. Companies can then submit specific job offers, and applicants can access their own job offers to apply. The talent warehouse in SAP E-Recruiting provides a wealth of possibilities for maintaining good and active relationships with candidates. This functionality supports candidate This functionality provides rankings by recruiters, as well as the following benefits: candidate and application Extended support for administration. This functionality also handling both unsolicited provides comprehensive applicant applications, as well as tracking with support for the following advanced searches for tasks: ideal candidates - Creating and submitting job - Improved efficiency of requirement profiles for approval hiring managers - Viewing candidate short lists and - Reduced sourcing and profile and application data administration costs - Responding to questionnaires about candidates The recruiter functionality offers everything that recruiters need to make their administrative tasks easier, including functions that noticeably increase speed, efficiency, and costeffectiveness throughout the entire application process. Support from the recruiter is available right from the job requisition stage and continues throughout the process of closing job offers. Job postings can be directed into internal channels and transported via a human resources functionality– Extensible Markup Language (XML) interface to external job boards. The recruiter functions regulate incoming applications, both postal and online, through workflow-supported processes. The recruiter automatically triggers application rejections, invitations to interview, and interview appointments, and it coordinates the activities of all parties involved in the recruitment process. A powerful document management process manages electronic application documents and archives all documents that have been sent and received. The circle of support in recruitment is closed, without hindering the openness offered by the integration options with other functions, such as personnel planning and organizational management. This functionality accomplishes the This functionality provides following: - It provides a broad range of the following benefits: -


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mySAP ERP Human HR 2004 Capital Management

reports and analyses, including standard reports, ad hoc reports, and evaluations, based on key performance indicators (KPIs), as well as important statistics such as time to fill, offer versus acceptance rate, interview versus offer rate. - It enables the analysis of various sourcing strategies and alternative recruitment concepts through comprehensive planning and reporting functions.

Improved decision support and control - More transparency in matters such as source efficiency - Closing of the loop on your talent relationship management

Access to up-to-date information is crucial for ensuring ongoing optimization of recruitment processes. In this area, the SAP E-Recruiting application reflects SAP’s extensive experience in data warehousing. You can use a broad spectrum of reports and analyses that are specifically tailored to the needs of recruitment from standard reports evaluation based on KPIs. Key statistics concerning time to hire and cost per hire are just as quick and easy to ascertain as the effectiveness of all the processes involved in recruitment. Employee performance This functionality includes the following: This functionality provides management: integration - Items of the employee’s current the following benefits: with employee development plan integrated into the Training and development development objective setting document (if the plan items can be included validity period of the item corresponds in the objective setting to the validity period of the objective document. setting document) - There is direct linkage - Training courses from the SAP between personnel Learning Solution integrated into the objectives and objective setting document development and training needs. Previously, objective setting agreements and appraisals were not integrated with individual development plans. Employee performance This functionality ensures that Extended employee management: attachment documents associated with employee information, such as notes processing appraisals, such as documentation of a taken during the year, can certain achievement or notes taken be linked to the appraisal during the performance feedback document. period, can be added, displayed, and deleted in a Web-based software environment through file attachments. Employee performance This functionality offers comparative This functionality provides management: appraisal overviews of appraisal results as the following benefits: - It calibration reports and graphics. supports calibration processes to ensure fairness in employee appraisals and compensation packages. - It provides important decision support for succession management

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mySAP ERP Human HR 2004 Capital Management

mySAP ERP Human HR 2004 Capital Management

mySAP ERP Human HR 2004 Capital Management

Employee performance management: template management

Employee performance management: template management

Enterprise learning: integrated collaboration features THIS SHOULD BE SAP LEARNING SOLUTION. SAP EL WAS NOT AVAILABLE UNTIL ECC 6.0 EP2

This functionality accomplishes the following: - It allows linking of different appraisal templates to different groups of employees. - It provides appraisal templates that can be customized depending on the job, personnel area, subarea, or home country (in the case of global companies) of the employee being appraised.

and individual promotions. This functionality provides the following benefits: - It helps businesses to ensure that employees are fairly and appropriately reviewed. - It speeds up the creation of appraisal documents.

Employees with different jobs or responsibilities have different objectives, and the appraisal process may also vary. Therefore, companies often use different appraisal templates for different groups of employees. Previously, you could not check in the software whether a template was suitable or permitted for an employee. This functionality accomplishes the This functionality enables following: - It allows the entry of dynamic reactions on explanations when an appraisal is certain entries. exceptionally bad or good. - The entry of one value influences the availability of other elements (new elements are included in the document or existing elements are deleted). The current process supports adding or changing values for criteria but does not allow for subsequent events as a reaction on the entered value. However, there are certain situations in which it is necessary to have a dynamic reaction on certain entries. This functionality leverages components of the SAP NetWeaver technology platform to deliver these enhanced collaboration tools for online learning: - Synchronous collaboration (instant messaging, chat, shared contact lists, application, and desktop sharing) - Asynchronous collaboration (team news, team calendar, team tasks, and document sharing) This functionality enables the seamless integration of collaboration and communication tools with the SAP Learning Solution.

This functionality provides the following benefits: Improved effectiveness of online learning experience - Improved communication and learner interaction - Tutorial support - Document sharing Seventy percent of learning happens outside of a traditional classroom setting. The integrated collaboration capabilities enable learners to collaborate by sharing document, helpful websites, chats, etc., to promote continuous learning outside the traditional classroom setting Enterprise learning: This functionality accomplishes the New internal and external content integration THIS following: - It enables training content can easily be SHOULD BE SAP administrators to coordinate, integrate, integrated. Enables


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mySAP ERP Human HR 2004 Capital Management

mySAP ERP Human HR 2004 Capital Management

and communicate with external and internal content providers through a Web-based interface. - It allows training administrators to customize teaching and learning situations by using Web services to integrate external functions and services into the learning technology.

The services and functional enhancements enable closer integration between internally hosted and externally hosted training catalogs (external learning management software or virtual classrooms) and between two systems running the SAP Learning Solution. SAP provides an open interface based on simple object access protocol. Externally hosted learning services can be integrated seamlessly through SAP NetWeaver, the foundation of enterprise SOA. Learning services can include virtual learning sessions, external collaboration tools, externally hosted content, or testing services. From the learning portal, learners can book, launch, and cancel courses that are hosted by a third-party provider. The learning progress is then seamlessly transfered from the external system and stored in the learner’s record in SAP. Enterprise learning: New functionality accomplishes the content authoring THIS following: - It simplifies authoring SHOULD BE SAP processes and includes separate views LEARNING SOLUTION. for subject matter experts and SAP EL WAS NOT instructional designers. AVAILABLE UNTIL ECC - It speeds the development of new 6.0 EP2 course material through a learning strategy preview - New wizards, are available to improve ease of use such as a configuration wizard and an import wizard.

integration to 3rd party learning services which can include virtual learning sessions, external collaboration tools, externally hosted content, or testing services.

This functionality provides the following benefits: - It ensures individual learning experience. - Instructional designer and subject matter experts can focus their efforts on structuring or creating content in a personalized environment. - Third-party content can easily be imported and reused. - New wizards Improve usability Enterprise learning: new This functionality includes a new layout This functionality provides layout of learning portal, of the learning portal, content player, intuitive navigation for content player, and test and test player for learners. learners. player THIS SHOULD BE SAP LEARNING SOLUTION. SAP EL WAS NOT AVAILABLE UNTIL ECC 6.0 EP2 Enterprise learning: This functionality provides This functionality provides correspondence correspondence functions for multiple the following benefits: - It management delivery methods (sending notifications facilitates communication in Adobe PDF format, for example). with learners. - It streamlines and automates administrative

SAP ERP 6.0 Human HR Capital Management

SAP ERP 6.0 Human HR Capital Management

SAP ERP 6.0 Human HR Capital Management

SAP ERP 6.0 Human HR Capital Management

Recruiting: talent This functionality accomplishes the relationship management following: - Recruiters are able to proactively cultivate specific pipelines of applicants suitable for particular roles within the organization. - Candidate questionnaires enable recruiters to collect valuable information about the qualification of applicants. Included are processes that enable applicants and candidates to selfregister and maintain their information in a talent warehouse. Recruiters have comprehensive functionality to find potential hirees quickly, maintain longterm relationships with individuals registered in the warehouse, and to use advanced applicant tracking and reporting functions. Analytics are also available to measure the effectiveness of the overall recruiting and hiring processes. Recruiting: integration This functionality accomplishes the within SAP ERP following: - Quick import of new-hire data into human resources administrative services - Integration of job boards through the SAP NetWeaver Exchange Infrastructure component to generate postings quickly to multiple Web-based external channels Succession management: This functionality enables you to redesigned processes identify and track high-potential employees and define key positions to ensure that key positions can be filled quickly after becoming vacant.

Enterprise learning: content integration

processes. This functionality provides the following benefits: Sophisticated talent relationship management that helps organizations find the staff they need quickly and maintain longterm relationships - Faster and more efficient hiring processes

This functionality provides the following benefits: Reduced administrative and operational costs - Automated, streamlined processes that make it easy to outsource specific recruitment tasks or the entire recruitment function This functionality provides the following benefits: Minimized business disruption through prompt filling of key positions - Better tracking of highpotential employees and their development

Succession management enables an organization to safeguard its key positions and to ensure continuity in leadership. An organization can identify specific positions as key and target specific employees as potential successors. This functionality enables integration of This functionality provides services from external service the following benefits: providers, such as the following: More efficient integration of third-party content - Receiving learning progress - Expanded ability to offer information from external content educational offerings providers - Using synchronous learning events delivered by third-party conferencing and classroom applications to register for and participate in externally hosted online events directly through a learner portal Enterprise learning provides training,

SAP ERP 6.0 Human HR Capital Management

Enterprise learning: content authoring

SAP ERP 6.0 Human HR Capital Management

Employee performance management: appraisal management

education, and knowledge to employees to ensure that they have the right skills and information necessary to do their jobs effectively. Integration with development plans, individual objectives, and the employee profile ensures that targeted learning can be delivered on the basis of need and strategy and that skills and certifications gained as a result of the learning are captured. This functionality structures, enables you to provide, and tracks the distribution of information, elearning (self-paced or synchronous), and classroom training, and its knowledge-transfer and collaborativelearning functionalities keep the workforce prepared for the future. This functionality enables authors to This functionality provides maintain metadata for content and the following benefits: perform searches in the knowledge Greater productivity with management functionality of the SAP targeted authoring NetWeaver technology platform to find processes and reuse content easily. - Faster development of new course materials In addition, through integration with - Greater ROI by facilitating enterprise portal knowledge the reuse of content management, it is possible to mark outdated content as obsolete. This functionality provides the This functionality provides following: - Ability to restrict access to the following benefits: the appraisal document per criteria Higher quality of feedback group and criterion per participant, in about an employee’s order to prevent viewing of areas of the performance appraisal that should not be seen by - Increased efficiency of certain appraisers tracking and monitoring - Facility to write draft notes in an - Increased manager appraisal that cannot be viewed by productivity with the ability other appraisers until released by the to complete employee author reviews while the manager - Facility to enter explanatory notes is away from the office when the status of a document is changed: for example, from “review” to “final” - Offline capabilities for objective setting and appraisal document editing - Detailed action log that can display the following information: > Deleted objectives (which objective was deleted when and by whom) > Changes to objectives (which objective was changed when and by whom; what was changed) > Entry of final appraisal (user who entered; date and time) > Changes of final appraisal (user who changed; date and time) > Additions of objectives (which objectives were added when and by whom)

SAP ERP 6.0 Human HR Capital Management

This functionality is available for only Germany and the United States. Enterprise compensation This functionality is characterized as management follows: - Conversion to Web Dynpro development environment supports full modification of manager self-service planning sheet and approval processes - Team viewer functionality provides users with the ability to limit the selection of specific groups or individual employees for focused processing

This functionality provides the following benefits: Increased customer modification abilities, to drive a lower cost of ownership - Increased process support, raising manager acceptance, satisfaction, and efficiency

Compensation management accomplishes the following:

SAP ERP 6.0 Human HR Capital Management

- It manages innovative reward strategies such as performance- and competency-based pay, variable pay plans, and long-term incentives. - It simplifies the comparative analysis of compensation packages, through the use of internal and external data. - It enables users to set up guidelines for the enterprise's compensation policy according to the overall strategy through the compensation management functionalities of SAP ERP Human Capital Management. - It changes the guidelines easily in response to changes in the organization's policy. - It supports the combination of fixed and variable compensation components: different employees, departments, and units can be covered by different compensation plans. - It provides an extensive range of options through a budgeting functionality that allows the creation of one budget or a budget hierarchy that reflects the organizational structure. - It offers a job-pricing tool that compares internal jobs with external survey data systematically to determine an appropriate range of compensation for each job. Standardization of human This functionality contains the This functionality provides resources processes and following: - Preconfigured templates for the following benefits: services most important human resources Increased user productivity processes such as hiring, as a result of flexible organizational change, birth of a child, process flows, flexible user and termination, which can be adapted interfaces, and easily to an organization’s individual preconfigured templates business practices (as they are based - Simplified, adaptable on Adobe Interactive Forms) processes that can be - Process browser for detailed search implemented to meet the on ongoing and closed processes expectations and goals of - Portal role for human resources the organization and the administrator needs of users - Increased ability to

SAP ERP 6.0 Human HR Capital Management

SAP ERP 6.0 Human HR Capital Management

SAP ERP 6.0 Human HR Capital Management

SAP ERP 6.0 Human HR Capital Management

SAP ERP 6.0 Human HR Capital Management

mySAP ERP Sales and 2004 Service


Payroll and legal reporting: distribution of liabilities

This functionality accomplishes the following: - Cross-role processing, approval handling, attachment handling, automatic transfer of process data to digital personnel file, and so on - Integration with SAP Employee SelfService, SAP Manager Self-Service, and employee interaction center functionality This functionality is available for only Germany and the United States. This functionality accomplishes the following: - It allows you to split up liabilities for posting purposes. - Funds and segments can be derived or put into master data and used for distribution in payroll and posting.

automate processes, which reduces cycle times and costs

This functionality provides the following benefits: - It enhances the funds management functionality - It allows the customer to fulfill information software requirements more easily United States payroll tax Previous tax forms output is replaced This functionality provides reporting by Adobe Interactive Forms. easier creation and modification of standard tax forms, including the W2, state unemployment, and all local forms, thereby significantly reducing the need for IT support. Enterprise learning: This development of request-based This functionality provides redesign of correspondence provides improved the following benefits: - It correspondence process coverage of the facilitates communication management correspondence process through the with learners. use of a work list–based approach and - It streamlines and state-of-the-art technology. automates administrative processes. - It improves process support. - It entails the use of stateof-the-art technology (also for form templates). Enterprise learning: This functionality improves process This functionality provides redesign of follow-up coverage of the follow-up process. the following benefits: - It process provides improved process The process steps of the follow-up support. process (for example, confirm - It streamlines and participation, set passed/failed) can be automates administrative carried out by different roles according processes by distributing to the user interfaces. process steps to different roles. Enterprise learning: This functionality provides This functionality enables curriculum enhancements enhancements in the curriculum more efficient use of the concept such as sequencing of Web- curriculum concept. based training, changing a curriculum, and exclusive use of courses for curricula. Resource-related down This functionality accomplishes the This feature simplifies payments and billing following: - It supports creation of billing of services between down-payment requests analogous to different organizational the functions offered by resourceunits. related billing. - It enables organizations to bill the requesting company code for services provided through a resource-related

mySAP ERP End-User 2004 Service Delivery


Internal sales representative role

billing document. This functionality accomplishes the This new role following: - It provides overview of the accomplishes the following: actual workload and priority of routine tasks. - It improves efficiency and - It executes corresponding functions effectiveness through the such as maintenance of customer personalization of the master data and additional sales data; information. preparation and processing of inquiries, - It enables internal sales quotes, sales orders, and sales representatives to selfcontracts; billing process monitoring; organize the current and report and analysis preparation. workload and collaborate - It enables access to relevant reporting effectively. functions. - It minimizes manual effort. The internal sales representative belongs to a sales team, consisting of a sales manager and several sales representatives. Internal sales representatives support and assist the sales team in all aspects of sales. This includes the maintenance of master data; the creation of quotations, contracts, and orders; and the performance of all kinds of administrative tasks. The tasks of the internal sales representative include the following:

SAP ERP 6.0 Sales and Service


E-commerce: quotation and order management

- Answering inquiries from customers and prospects to ensure customer satisfaction - Maintaining and updating customer master data and other sales data - Preparing, entering, and maintaining inquiries, quotations, sales orders, and sales contracts - Ensuring successful order management and fulfillment - Providing information about order process, including information about logistics execution - Monitoring billing process - Preparing reports and analyses for the sales manager - Executing general administrative duties This functionality addresses the following issues: - Order creation with reference to a contract that has been displayed - Lock of sales documents to avoid concurrent access during the order change process - Display of bills of material in the shopping basket - Free goods processing - Processing of grid products for the SAP Apparel and Footwear application - One-step business order processing

This functionality provides the following benefits: - It reduces errors and offers better data consistency. - It speeds the order creation process. - It encourages use of a profitable sales interaction channel. - It reduces administrative tasks by automating quotations and orders management.

SAP ERP 6.0 Sales and Service


SAP ERP 6.0 End-User Service Delivery


- Selection of multiple transaction types in the shopping basket - Credit card support in business-tobusiness (B2B) Web shop - Material number format conversion - Maintenance of delivery priority in the shopping basket (B2B) - Document search for all documents across all sales areas - Interprocess communicationcharacteristic value display in basket and order confirmation E-commerce: selling over Creation and management of product eBay listings on eBay leverages the ecommerce order management and fulfillment capabilities of the SAP ERP application by easily tying existing tax, pricing, shipping, and payment configurations to postauction processing. Enhancements in 2005 are as follows: - You can use the businessto-consumer (B2C) checkout instead of the eBay checkout. With the B2C checkout, you can maximize crossselling and up-selling opportunities by leveraging B2C functionality, and you can determine tax and shipping costs by using the elaborate methods available through condition techniques in SAP ERP. - The winner notification keeps the auction winner updated with the status of the auction and of his or her order - Monitoring through features such as single-activity trace (SAT), heartbeat, and logging is possible. Creation and publishing of multipleitem auctions and manual retraction of winners is possible. New user interface for The Web-based user interface for order entry inquiries, quotations, and sales orders is easy to learn, easy to use, and easy to adjust. Employees can enter or update relevant sales order information with direct or indirect customer contact.

SAP ERP 6.0 End-User Service Delivery


SAP role: internal sales representative

New productivity features are as follows: - Order cockpit for quick access - Flexible and reusable search - Adaptable layouts The internal sales representative role contains all the functions to fulfill the requirements of an internal sales representative. This includes tasks such as answering phone calls from customers and prospective customers, processing incoming inquiries and sales orders, and preparing quotations and sales contracts.

- It improves customer satisfaction and retention by delivering accurate information to customers.

E-commerce selling over eBay offers organizations integration of their existing SAP ERP applications with the world’s largest online marketplace to create and manage listings on eBay. The new feature accomplishes the following: - It increase e-commerce revenues. - It streamlines and leverages existing order management and fulfillment functionalities.

This set of enhancements in sales order management improves user productivity by offering better usability, adaptability, and integration into the internal sales representative role.

This functionality provides the following benefits: - It improves efficiency and effectiveness through the personalization of the information. - It speeds up sales order entry. - It accelerates access to

current workload. - Target group - It accelerates sales The responsibilities of an internal sales analyses. representative (or customer service representative) include the following: > Answering phone calls from customers and prospective customers > Answering product, price, and order status related questions > Processing incoming inquiries and sales orders > Preparing quotations and sales contracts > Taking sales orders and ensuring successful order processing – for example, taking care of the completeness of sales documents and releasing delivery-blocked orders > Support for the outside sales force – for example, checking on quotations and updating customer master data > Preparing reports and sales analyses for the sales manager and the sales team - Work overview This work center gives you an overview of your daily work and gives you easy access to your most important tasks. - Sales documents This work center allows you to work on all your sales documents. You can create and maintain inquiries, quotations, sales orders, sales contracts, scheduling agreements, and billing documents. - Order fulfillment This work center allows you to monitor order fulfillment. You can display deliveries, back orders, and shipments, and you can check product availability.

SAP ERP 6.0 End-User Service Delivery

- Master data This work center enables you to work on all your master data. You can create and maintain business partners, customer agreements, prices and conditions, and products. SAP role: employee self- Using the SAP Employee Self-Service services application, employees maintain their personal information and also control many administrative transactions and other processes handled by the human resources staff. The goal is to streamline approval processes and tasks such as viewing vacation time or choosing benefits. This application not only grants better access to personal data but also informs employees of changes in the life and work events by

This functionality provides the following benefits: Adobe Forms integration > This allows for lower form implementation costs. > Familiar form format and printing functionality are available for all users of these forms. - Equipment card > This reduces the

integrating applications with support information.

SAP ERP 6.0 Human HR Capital Management

administrative burden of tracking and maintaining working equipment used by employees. > It provides managers with full transparency of all their employees’ equipment (and related costs).

- Target group Employees are the heart of the workforce. Their jobs range from working on an assembly line to knowledge work in the information economy and to management and executive positions. Employees are responsible for ensuring that their data - Employee bank is correct and complete. This is information necessary for internal business > Employees can maintain processes to run smoothly. the International Bank - Address book Account Number (IBAN). You can search for employees by This decreases the cost of name and find basic information about salary transfers to foreign colleagues and their position in the banking organizations. company. You can maintain personal > Better support is information and make it available provided for international company-wide. - Working time outsourcing models in You can record your working times, payroll. plan your leave, and display your time data. - Employee communication - Benefits and payment and office data You can display the plans in which you > This function reduces the are currently enrolled, enroll in new administrative burden of benefit plans, and download an maintaining personnel enrollment form. You can also display data. your salary statement. > It ensures greater - Personal information accuracy of employee You can manage your addresses, bank information. information, and information about > It simplifies access to an family members and dependents. employee’s personal - Career and job details. You can view and change your own skills profile. You can view a list of open positions in your company and apply for one of these positions. - Purchasing You can create a shopping cart with the goods and services you need. You can check the status of your order and confirm once it is completed. - Work environment You can display and change the asset data assigned to you. - Travel and expenses You can create your travel request and plan travel services for your business trip, including booking flights, hotels, car rentals, and train tickets. You can also record your travel expenses. - Life and work events You are guided through a number of such events, such as the birth of a child and beginning work at a new company. SAP role: employee self- Using the SAP Employee Self-Service This functionality provides services application, employees maintain their the following benefits: personal information and they also Adobe Forms integration control many administrative > This allows for lower transactions and other processes form implementation costs.

handled by the human resources staff. The goal is to streamline approval processes and tasks such as viewing vacation time or choosing benefits. This application not only grants better access to personal data but also informs employees of changes in life and work events by integrating applications with support information.

> Familiar form format and printing functionality are available for all users of these forms.

- Equipment card > This reduces the administrative burden of tracking and maintaining working equipment used by - Target group employees. Employees are the heart of the > It provides managers workforce. Their jobs range from with full transparency of all working on an assembly line to their employees’ knowledge work in the information equipment (and related economy and to management and costs). executive positions. Employees are - Employee bank responsible for ensuring that their data information is correct and complete. This is > Employees can maintain necessary for internal business the International Bank processes to run smoothly. Account Number (IBAN). - Address book This decreases the cost of You can search for employees by salary transfers to foreign name and find basic information about banking organizations. colleagues and their position in the > Better support is company. You can also maintain provided for international personal information and make it outsourcing models in available company-wide. payroll. - Working time You can record your working times, - Employee communication plan your leave, and display your time and office data data. > This function reduces the - Benefits and payment administrative burden of You can display the plans in which you maintaining personnel are currently enrolled, enroll in new data. benefit plans, and download an > It ensures greater enrollment form. You can also display accuracy of employee your salary statement. information. - Personal information > It simplifies access to an You can manage your addresses, bank employee’s personal information, and information about details. family members and dependents. - Career and job You can view and change your own skills profile. You can also view a list of open positions in your company and apply for one of these positions. - Purchasing You can create a shopping cart with the goods and services you need. You can also check the status of your order and confirm once it is completed. - Work environment You can display and change the asset data assigned to you. - Travel and expenses You can create your travel request and plan travel services for your business trip, including booking flights, hotels, car rentals, and train tickets. You can also record your travel expenses. - Life and work events

SAP ERP 6.0 Procurement MM and Logistics Execution

You are guided through a number of such events, such as the birth of a child and beginning work at a new company. SAP role: employee self- Using the SAP Employee Self-Service This functionality provides services application, employees maintain their the following benefits: personal information, and they also Adobe Forms integration control many administrative > This allows for lower transactions and other processes form implementation costs. handled by the human resources staff. > Familiar form format and The goal is to streamline approval printing functionality are processes and tasks such as viewing available for all users of vacation time or choosing benefits. these forms. This application not only grants better access to personal data but also - Equipment card informs employees of changes in life > This reduces the and work events by integrating administrative burden of applications with support information. tracking and maintaining working equipment used by - Target group employees. Employees are the heart of the > It provides managers workforce. Their jobs range from with full transparency of all working on an assembly line to their employees’ knowledge work in the information equipment (and related economy and to managers and costs). executive positions. Employees are - Employee bank responsible for ensuring that their data information is correct and complete. This is > Employees can maintain necessary for internal business the International Bank processes to run smoothly. Account Number (IBAN). - Address book This decreases the cost of You can search for employees by salary transfers to foreign name and find basic information about banking organizations. colleagues and their position in the > Better support is company. You can also maintain provided for international personal information and make it outsourcing models in available company-wide. payroll. - Working time You can record your working times, - Employee communication plan your leave, and display your time and office data data. > This function reduces the - Benefits and payment administrative burden of You can display the plans in which you maintaining personnel are currently enrolled, enroll in new data. benefit plans, and download an > It ensures more accurate enrollment form. You can also display employee information. your salary statement. > It simplifies access to an - Personal information employee’s personal You can manage your addresses, bank details. information, and information about family members and dependents. - Career and job You can view and change your own skills profile. You can also view a list of open positions in your company and apply for one of these positions. - Purchasing You can create a shopping cart with the goods and services you need. You can also check the status of your order and confirm once it is completed. - Work environment You can display and change the asset

SAP ERP 6.0 Product PM Development and Manufacturing

data assigned to you. - Travel and expenses You can create your travel request and plan travel services for your business trip, including booking flights, hotels, car rentals, and train tickets. You can also record your travel expenses. - Life and work events You are guided through a number of such events, such as the birth of a child and beginning work at a new company. SAP role: employee self- Using the SAP Employee Self-Service This functionality provides services application, employees maintain their the following benefits: personal information, and they also Adobe Forms integration control many administrative > This allows for lower transactions and other processes form implementation costs. handled by the human resources staff. > Familiar form format and The goal is to streamline approval printing functionality are processes and tasks such as viewing available for all users of vacation time or choosing benefits. these forms. This application not only grants better access to personal data but also - Equipment card informs employees of changes in life > This reduces the and work events by integrating administrative burden of applications with support information. tracking and maintaining working equipment used by - Target group employees. Employees are the heart of the > It provides managers workforce. Their jobs range from with full transparency of all working on an assembly line to their employees’ knowledge work in the information equipment (and related economy and to management and costs). executive positions. Employees are - Employee bank responsible for ensuring that their data information is correct and complete. This is > Employees can maintain necessary for internal business the International Bank processes to run smoothly. Account Number (IBAN). - Address book This decreases the cost of You can search for employees by salary transfers to foreign name and find basic information about banking organizations. colleagues and their position in the > Better support is company. You can also maintain provided for international personal information and make it outsourcing models in available company-wide. payroll - Working time You can record your working times, - Employee communication plan your leave, and display your time and office data data. > This function reduces the - Benefits and payment administrative burden of You can display the plans in which you maintaining personnel are currently enrolled, enroll in new data. benefit plans, and download an > It ensures more accurate enrollment form. You can also display employee information. your salary statement. > It simplifies access to an - Personal information employee’s personal You can manage your addresses, bank details. information, and information about family members and dependents. - Career and job You can view and change your own skills profile. You can also view a list of open positions in your company and

SAP ERP 6.0 End-User Service Delivery

SAP role: manager selfservices

apply for one of these positions. - Purchasing You can create a shopping cart with the goods and services you need. You can also check the status of your order and confirm once it is completed. - Work environment You can display and change the asset data assigned to you. - Travel and expenses You can create your travel request and plan travel services for your business trip, including booking flights, hotels, car rentals, and train tickets. You can also record your travel expenses. - Life and work events You are guided through a number of such events, such as the birth of a child and beginning work at a new company. The manager self-services role This functionality provides provides line managers, team leaders, the following benefits: project leaders, and department heads New user interface design in the company with tools to help them > This supports managers accomplish their goals quickly and in their proactive role even easily. Central departments such as more effectively. controlling or human resources can > It provides managers present personalized information in the with better control and user’s portal, enabling managers to find transparency on the overall their information in their own portal, in team, project, and budget the right place at the right time. situation, as well as the staffing process. - Target group > It improves productivity SAP Manager Self-Service is the right and reduces training application for your managers, whether needs. they are line, project, or department managers. You can combine specific - Enhanced team viewer information and applications that these > This helps accelerate types of manager participate in. With approval processes the right analytical information for each significantly. of your managers, whichever > It lowers administrative management level they are, SAP costs. Manager Self-Service enables all your > It improves efficiency of managers to effectively and managers. productively contribute to the company’s overall strategy and to - Better integration of influence business outcomes. analytical data - Work overview > Structured analytical This work center allows you to execute insights provide manager work items, such as approvals and with content-related planning tasks and to monitor alerts information for their concerning your budget situation and decision making. key figures. It provides you with a > Different levels of reminder of dates, showing today's management get the birthdays, jubilees, and other teamrequired information. related information, and an overview of absent employees. It also provides - Express planning access to a range of key figures and > This makes the allows you to view trends and set rules budgeting and planning for alerts. process more efficient by - Team including a status overview This work center allows you to see the for planners, such as overall situation in your team and to managers, and for planning

SAP ERP 6.0 Analytics

FI, CO, AM, SAP role: manager selfFSCM services

perform services for people in your supervisors, such as team, perform your human resources business unit analysts. duties, and initiate requests for new > It increases user staff. productivity through - Budget enhanced planning This work center allows you to see your coordination and overall budget situation and initiate monitoring. service requests about issues relating to your budget. It provides access to monitoring applications that display the profit centers, cost centers, any internal orders for which you are responsible, the fixed assets assigned to your cost centers, and the equipment assigned to your employees. - Projects This work center allows you to see your overall project situation and initiate project-related services, including requesting external staff and monitoring budget consumption. - Planning This work center allows you to access express planning – a guided planning process that brings together elements of cost center planning and headcount planning – and compensation planning. It also allows you to view your objectives through the SAP Balanced Scorecard application. The manager self-services role This functionality provides provides line managers, team leaders, the following benefits: project leaders, and department heads New user interface design in the company with tools to help them > This supports managers accomplish their goals quickly and in their proactive role even easily. Central departments such as more effectively. controlling or human resources can > It provides managers present personalized information in the with better control and user’s portal, enabling managers to find transparency on the overall their information in their own portal, in team, project, and budget the right place at the right time. situation, as well as the staffing process. - Target group > It improves productivity SAP Manager Self-Service is the right and reduces training application for your managers, whether needs. they are line, project, or department managers. You can combine specific - Enhanced team viewer information and applications that these > This helps accelerate types of manager participate in. With approval processes the right analytical information for each significantly. of your managers, whichever > It lowers administrative management level they are, SAP costs. Manager Self-Service enables all your > It improves efficiency of managers to effectively and managers. productively contribute to the company’s overall strategy and - Better integration of influence business outcomes. analytical data - Work overview > Structured analytical This work center allows you to execute insights provide manager work items, such as approvals and with content-related planning tasks, and to monitor alerts information for their concerning your budget situation and decision making.

SAP ERP 6.0 Financials

FI, CO, AM, SAP role: manager selfFSCM services

key figures. It provides you with a > Different levels of reminder of dates, showing today's management get the birthdays, jubilees, and other teamrequired information. related information, and an overview of absent employees. It also provides - Express planning access to a range of key figures and > This makes the allows you to view trends and set rules budgeting and planning for alerts. process more efficient by - Team including a status overview This work center allows you to see the for planners, such as overall situation in your team and to managers, and for planning perform services for people in your supervisors, such as team, perform your human resources business unit analysts. duties, and initiate requests for new > It increases user staff. productivity through - Budget enhanced planning This work center allows you to see your coordination and overall budget situation and initiate monitoring. service requests about issues relating to your budget. It provides access to monitoring applications that display profit centers, cost centers, any internal orders for which you are responsible, the fixed assets assigned to your cost centers, and the equipment assigned to your employees. - Projects This work center allows you to see your overall project situation and initiate project-related services, including requesting external staff and monitoring budget consumption. - Planning This work center allows you to access express planning – a guided planning process that brings together elements of cost center planning and headcount planning – and compensation planning. It also allows you to view your objectives through the SAP Balanced Scorecard application. The manager self-services role This functionality provides provides line managers, team leaders, the following benefits: project leaders, and department heads New user interface design in the company with tools to help them > This supports managers accomplish their goals quickly and in their proactive role even easily. Central departments such as more effectively. controlling or human resources can > It provides managers present personalized information in the with better control and user’s portal, enabling managers to find transparency on the overall their information in their own portal, in team, project, and budget the right place at the right time. situation, as well as the staffing process. - Target group > It improves productivity SAP Manager Self-Service is the right and reduces training application for your managers, whether needs. they are line, project, or department managers. You can combine specific - Enhanced team viewer information and applications that these > This helps accelerate types of manager participate in. With approval processes the right analytical information for each significantly. of your managers, whichever > It lowers administrative

SAP ERP 6.0 Human HR Capital Management

SAP role: manager selfservices

management level they are, SAP costs. Manager Self-Service enables all your > It improves efficiency of managers to effectively and managers. productively contribute to the company’s overall strategy and - Better integration of influence business outcomes. analytical data - Work overview > Structured analytical This work center allows you to execute insights provide manager work items, such as approvals and with content-related planning tasks, and to monitor alerts information for their concerning your budget situation and decision making. key figures. It provides you with a > Different levels of reminder of dates, showing today's management get the birthdays, jubilees, and other teamrequired information. related information, and an overview of absent employees. It also provides - Express planning access to a range of key figures and > This makes the allows you to view trends and set rules budgeting and planning for alerts. process more efficient by - Team including a status overview This work center allows you to see the for planners, such as overall situation in your team and to managers, and for planning perform services for people in your supervisors, such as team, perform your human resources business unit analysts. duties, and initiate requests for new > It increases user staff. productivity through - Budget enhanced planning This work center allows you to see your coordination and overall budget situation and initiate monitoring. service requests about issues relating to your budget. It provides access to monitoring applications that display profit centers, cost centers, any internal orders for which you are responsible, the fixed assets assigned to your cost centers, and the equipment assigned to your employees. - Projects This work center allows you to see your overall project situation and initiate project-related services, including requesting external staff and monitoring budget consumption. - Planning This work center allows you to access express planning – a guided planning process that brings together elements of cost center planning and headcount planning – and compensation planning. It also allows you to view your objectives through the SAP Balanced Scorecard application. The manager self-services role This functionality provides provides line managers, team leaders, the following benefits: project leaders, and department heads New user interface design in the company with tools to help them > This supports managers accomplish their goals quickly and in their proactive role even easily. Central departments such as more effectively. controlling or human resources can > It provides managers present personalized information in the with better control and user’s portal, enabling managers to find transparency on the overall their information in their own portal, in team, project, and budget

the right place at the right time.

situation, as well as the staffing process. - Target group > It improves productivity SAP Manager Self-Service is the right and reduces training application for your managers, whether needs. they are line, project, or department managers. You can combine specific - Enhanced team viewer information and applications that these > This helps accelerate types of manager participate in. With approval processes the right analytical information for each significantly. of your managers, whichever > It lowers administrative management level they are, SAP costs. Manager Self-Service enables all your > It improves efficiency of managers to effectively and managers. productively contribute to the company’s overall strategy and - Better integration of influence business outcomes. analytical data - Work overview > Structured analytical This work center allows you to execute insights provide manager work items, such as approvals and with content-related planning tasks, and to monitor alerts information for their concerning your budget situation and decision making. key figures. It provides you with a > Different levels of reminder of dates, showing today's management get the birthdays, jubilees, and other teamrequired information. related information, and an overview of absent employees. It also provides - Express planning access to a range of key figures and > This makes the allows you to view trends and set rules budgeting and planning for alerts. process more efficient by - Team including a status overview This work center allows you to see the for planners, such as overall situation in your team and to managers, and for planning perform services for people in your supervisors, such as team, perform your human resources business unit analysts. duties, and initiate requests for new > It increases user staff. productivity through - Budget enhanced planning This work center allows you to see your coordination and overall budget situation and initiate monitoring. service requests about issues relating to your budget. It provides access to monitoring applications that display profit centers, cost centers, any internal orders for which you are responsible, the fixed assets assigned to your cost centers, and the equipment assigned to your employees. - Projects This work center allows you to see your overall project situation and initiate project-related services, including requesting external staff and monitoring budget consumption. - Planning This work center allows you to access express planning – a guided planning process that brings together elements of cost center planning and headcount planning – and compensation planning. It also allows you to view your objectives through the SAP Balanced

SAP ERP 6.0 Corporate Services


SAP role: manager selfservices – only for Collaboration Projects

Scorecard application. The manager self-service role applies only to Collaboration Projects (cProjects). The SAP Manager Self-Service application provides line managers, team leaders, project leaders, and department heads in the company with tools to help them accomplish their goals quickly and easily. Central departments such as controlling or human resources

SAP ERP 6.0 End-User Service Delivery

SAP ERP 6.0 End-User Service Delivery


The new user interface design provides these benefits:

- It supports managers in their proactive role even more effectively. - It provides managers with better control and transparency on overall team, project, and budget situation, as well as the staffing process. - It improves productivity a SAP role: plant manager In the plant manager” role, the This functionality provides manufacturing intelligence dashboard the following benefits: for the plant manager provides Easy access to aggregated enhanced usability and functionality data from multiple, (regarding key figure monitoring) in heterogeneous software comparison to SAP ERP 2004. systems - Ability to monitor, measure, control, Dashboards have also been created for and improve production the new production supervisor, performance maintenance technician, and quality - Multiple ways to inspector roles, to leverage this personalize the key figure transparency and promote monitor collaboration on the shop floor. SAP role: business unit The business unit analyst role enables This functionality provides analyst financial analysts and controllers to the following benefits: - It monitor the situation within their helps analysts ensure the business unit, react to critical financial health of their unit. situations, organize the planning - Collaboration services are process, and collaborate effectively seamlessly integrated into with the line managers and project monitoring applications. managers within their unit. - It supports a structured and controlled planning - Target group process. Financial analysts and controllers, typically part of the management team, are the target group, with responsibility for ensuring the financial health of the business unit. - Work overview This work center provides the business unit analyst with a list of alerts each morning that show, depending on rules for exception handling set by the analyst, key figures that have exceeded a threshold, cost centers that are over budget, unusual postings, and so on. From here, the business unit analyst can drill down into the details behind the posting and start collaboration services with, for example, the cost center manager responsible for the high variances. In the event of errors or changes in the organization, the analyst can use formbased processes to initiate a correction posting or request a change (for

SAP ERP 6.0 Analytics

FI, CO, AM, SAP role: business unit FSCM analyst

example, to a profit center or cost center in his or her area). All formbased processes have been reimplemented to use interactive forms based on Adobe software. - Planning A separate work center focuses solely on the planning process, allowing the analyst to set up a collaborative planning process to organize all tasks associated with planning. This includes ad hoc planning tasks and the guided express planning application that leads the managers through the process of planning headcount, costs, equipment, internal orders, and other costs. As the managers submit their data, the business unit analyst can monitor their responses and check the results both in total and individually, returning the work item to the manager for further work if, for example, the planned travel costs exceed the company guideline. - Master data An additional work center shows the analyst the master data in his or her area of responsibility. As in the work overview, the analyst can use formbased processes to request a change – for example, to a profit center or cost center in his or her area. - Analytics A dedicated analytics work center provides access to all the reporting applications that the analyst works with. Besides profit centers, cost centers, and internal orders, this now includes projects as well. The business unit analyst role enables This functionality provides financial analysts and controllers to the following benefits: - It monitor the situation within their helps analysts ensure the business unit, react to critical financial health of their unit. situations, organize the planning - Collaboration services are process, and collaborate effectively seamlessly integrated into with the line managers and project monitoring applications. managers within their unit. - It supports a structured and controlled planning - Target group process. Financial analysts and controllers, typically part of the management team, are the target group, with responsibility for ensuring the financial health of the business unit. - Work overview This work center provides the business unit analyst with a list of alerts each morning that show, depending on rules for exception handling set by the analyst, key figures that have exceeded a threshold, cost centers that are over budget, unusual postings, and so on. From here, the business unit

SAP ERP 6.0 Financials

FI, CO, AM, SAP role: business unit FSCM analyst

analyst can drill down into the details behind the posting and start collaboration services with, for example, the cost center manager responsible for the high variances. In the event of errors or changes in the organization, the analyst can use formbased processes to initiate a correction posting or request a change (for example, to a profit center or cost center in his or her area). All formbased processes have been reimplemented to use interactive forms based on Adobe software. - Planning A separate work center focuses solely on the planning process, allowing the analyst to set up a collaborative planning process to organize all tasks associated with planning. This includes ad hoc planning tasks and the guided express planning application that leads the managers through the process of planning headcount, costs, equipment, internal orders, and other costs. As the managers submit their data, the business unit analyst can monitor their responses and check the results both in total and individually, returning the work item to the manager for further work if, for example, the planned travel costs exceed the company guideline. - Master data An additional work center shows the analyst the master data in his or her area of responsibility. As in the work overview, the analyst can use formbased processes to request a change – for example, to a profit center or cost center in his or her area. - Analytics A dedicated analytics work center provides access to all the reporting applications that the analyst works with. Besides profit centers, cost centers, and internal orders, this now includes projects as well. The business unit analyst role enables This functionality provides financial analysts and controllers to the following benefits: - It monitor the situation within their helps analysts ensure the business unit, react to critical financial health of their unit. situations, organize the planning - Collaboration services are process, and collaborate effectively seamlessly integrated into with the line managers and project monitoring applications. managers within their unit. - It supports a structured and controlled planning - Target group process. Financial analysts and controllers, typically part of the management team, are the target group, with responsibility for ensuring the financial health of the business unit.

SAP ERP 6.0 End-User Service Delivery

SAP role: human resources administrator

- Work overview This work center provides the business unit analyst with a list of alerts each morning that show, depending on rules for exception handling set by the analyst, key figures that have exceeded a threshold, cost centers that are over budget, unusual postings, and so on. From here, the business unit analyst can drill down into the details behind the posting and start collaboration services with, for example, the cost center manager responsible for the high variances. In the event of errors or changes in the organization, the analyst can use formbased processes to initiate a correction posting or request a change (for example, to a profit center or cost center in his or her area). All formbased processes have been reimplemented to use interactive forms based on Adobe software. - Planning A separate work center focuses solely on the planning process, allowing the analyst to set up a collaborative planning process to organize all tasks associated with planning. This includes ad hoc planning tasks and the guided express planning application that leads the managers through the process of planning headcount, costs, equipment, internal orders, and other costs. As the managers submit their data, the business unit analyst can monitor their responses and check the results both in total and individually, returning the work item to the manager for further work if, for example, the planned travel costs exceed the company guideline. - Master data An additional work center shows the analyst the master data in his or her area of responsibility. As in the work overview, the analyst can use formbased processes to request a change – for example, to a profit center or cost center in his or her area. - Analytics A dedicated analytics work center provides access to all the reporting applications that the analyst works with. Besides profit centers, cost centers, and internal orders, this now includes projects as well. The human resources (HR) This functionality provides administrator role provides real-time the following benefits: - It integration for collaboration within the provides a central role for entire organization – that is, from the the implementation of a employee to the management. Being shared-service center responsible for the HR data of the concept in human

employees, an HR administrator receives work items that are triggered from other roles and processes that have already been defined within the organization.

resources (HR). - It facilitates work for HR administrators and makes them much more productive through an improved user interface. - Target group - It provides valuable People in HR administration who need insight into performance real software integration for and costs of HR collaboration within the entire processes. organization – that is, with employees - It allows HR as well as with management – are the administrators to better targeted group. support occasional roles, - Work overview such as manager and Using the universal work list, the HR employee. administrator receives work items that are triggered from other roles and processes that have already been defined within the organization. Work items can be classified according to specific tasks, priorities, time cutoffs, approvals, pending items, or even automatic responses. Data is defined in terms of how it needs to be handled – for example, whether approvals are required before the data being saved. Adobe interactive forms can also be used either off-line or as integrated in the entire communications process. Once completed, a form can be saved directly to the employee’s file. In fact, the process flows you define are extremely flexible: in some business practices, you may choose to have the data updated as it continues along the process. Once the business roles are defined, you can determine what type of data needs to be handled or collected by a business role, how the information should be communicated through the organization, and what determines the final checkpoint before the data is updated. There are preestablished templates for processes such as hiring and maternity leave that are easily adapted to an organization’s individual business practices. - Processes A process browser enables filtering of all processes of a specific type: organizational change, benefit enrollment, or even all items that are late for processing. This type of operative reporting enables organizations to analyze back-office administration in a variety of ways. The HR administrator has become an integral component of the business process, but operative costs and exceptions can now easily be identified for all administrative aspects of an organization.

SAP ERP 6.0 Analytics

FI, CO, AM, SAP role: human FSCM resources administrator

- Analytics Creating operational efficiencies of administrative processes, analytics are key for group or team leaders who are responsible for the overall workload. Through delivered analytics, workloads can be planned and moved around so that a balanced workload is achieved and critical operations can be quickly addressed. Workload can be planned for all administrators. The human resources (HR) administrator role provides real-time integration for collaboration within the entire organization – that is, from the employee to the management. Being responsible for the HR data of the employees, an HR administrator receives work items that are triggered from other roles and processes that have already been defined within the organization.

This functionality provides the following benefits: - It provides a central role for the implementation of a shared-service center concept in human resources (HR). - It facilitates work for HR administrators and makes them much more productive through an improved user interface. - Target group - It provides valuable People in HR administration who need insight into performance real software integration for and costs of HR collaboration within the entire processes. organization – that is, with employees - It allows HR as well as with management – are the administrators to better target group. support occasional roles, - Work overview such as manager and Using the universal work list, the HR employee. administrator receives work items that are triggered from other roles and processes that have already been defined within the organization. Work items can be classified according to specific tasks, priorities, time cutoffs, approvals, pending items, or even automatic responses. Data is defined in terms of how it needs to be handled – for example, whether approvals are required before the data being saved. Adobe interactive forms can also be used either off-line or as integrated in the entire communications process. Once completed, a form can be saved directly to the employee’s file. In fact, the process flows you define are extremely flexible: in some business practices, you may choose to have the data updated as it continues along the process. Once the business roles are defined, you can determine what type of data needs to be handled or collected by a business role, how the information should be communicated through the organization, and what determines the final checkpoint before the data is updated. There are preestablished templates for processes such as hiring and maternity leave that

SAP ERP 6.0 Human HR Capital Management

SAP role: human resources administrator

are easily adapted to an organization’s individual business practices. - Processes A process browser enables filtering of all processes of a specific type: organizational change, benefit enrollment, or even all items that are late for processing. This type of operative reporting enables organizations to analyze back office administration in a variety of ways. The HR administrator has become an integral component of the business process, but operative costs and exceptions can now easily be identified for all administrative aspects of an organization. - Analytics Creating operational efficiencies of administrative processes, analytics are key for group or team leaders who are responsible for the overall workload. Through delivered analytics, workloads can be planned and moved around so that a balanced workload is achieved and critical operations can be quickly addressed. Workload can be planned for all administrators. The human resources (HR) administrator role provides real-time integration for collaboration within the entire organization – that is, from the employee to the management. Being responsible for the HR data of the employees, an HR administrator receives work items that are triggered from other roles and processes that have already been defined within the organization.

This functionality provides the following benefits: - It provides a central role for the implementation of a shared-service center concept in human resources (HR). - It facilitates work for HR administrators and makes them much more productive through an improved user interface. - Target group - It provides valuable People in HR administration who need insight into performance real software integration for and costs of HR collaboration within the entire processes. organization – that is, with employees - It allows HR as well as with management – are the administrators to better target group. support occasional roles, - Work overview such as manager and Using the universal work list, the HR employee. administrator receives work items that are triggered from other roles and processes that have already been defined within the organization. Work items can be classified according to specific tasks, priorities, time cutoffs, approvals, pending items, or even automatic responses. Data is defined in terms of how it needs to be handled – for example, whether approvals are required before the data being saved. Adobe interactive forms can also be used either off-line or as integrated in

SAP ERP 6.0 End-User Service Delivery

SAP role: buyer

the entire communications process. Once completed, a form can be saved directly to the employee’s file. In fact, the process flows you define are extremely flexible: in some business practices, you may choose to have the data updated as it continues along the process. Once the business roles are defined, you can determine what type of data needs to be handled or collected by a business role, how the information should be communicated through the organization, and what determines the final checkpoint before the data is updated. There are preestablished templates for processes such as hiring and maternity leave that are easily adapted to an organization’s individual business practices. - Processes A process browser enables filtering of all processes of a specific type: organizational change, benefit enrollment, or even all items that are late for processing. This type of operative reporting enables organizations to analyze back office administration in a variety of ways. The HR administrator has become an integral component of the business process, but operative costs and exceptions can now easily be identified for all administrative aspects of an organization. - Analytics Creating operational efficiencies of administrative processes, analytics are key for group or team leaders who are responsible for the overall workload. Through delivered analytics, workloads can be planned and moved around so that a balanced workload is achieved and critical operations can be quickly addressed. Workload can be planned for all administrators. The buyer role supports buyers in their day-to-day purchases (operational procurement), inasmuch as it provides for both materials and services procurement. - Target group The main target group is operational buyers who are involved mostly in ordering activities (operational procurement), as well as reporting. Targeted purchasers may operate in several industries (cross-industry role) and buy direct materials and maintenance, repair, and overhaul (MRO) services, as well as other services.

This functionality provides the following benefits: Ability to react to questions and problems immediately - Quick access to personalized work lists - Analytical insight

- Work overview You obtain an overview of your daily work. The purchasing work list is the point of entry for the processing of current workflow tasks, such as the release of purchase requisitions and purchase orders or the processing of faulty vendor confirmations. You can obtain information about forwarded workflow tasks and obtain an overview of the tasks you have completed. The purchasing group analysis provides an overview of the workloads of the individual buyers and buyer groups within your company. For this purpose, the software accesses enterprise-wide consolidated data of the former SAP Business Information Warehouse (SAP BW) component (whose functionality is now part of SAP NetWeaver). The purchasing group analysis gives you the option of defining and saving your own views of the data. - Transaction processing You obtain an overview of your purchasing documents (such as purchase orders and purchase requisitions). With the aid of queries, you can assemble your transactions to be processed in any number of work lists. You therefore have the opportunity to structure and perform your daily work in accordance with your own needs. The integration of the SAP document storage application Collaboration Folders (cFolders) allows you to display the attachments to your purchase transactions directly in the portal. - Vendor information You obtain an overview of your vendors. You can display the contact data and partner roles of your vendors. You can use a source-of-supply overview to view the assortment of products offered by your vendors. The vendor analysis informs you of the goods supplied and services performed by your vendors. In the process, the software accesses enterprise-wide consolidated data stored in the former SAP BW component. The vendor analysis gives you the option of defining and saving your own views of the data. - Information on material You obtain an overview of your materials. You can display master data for, and stocks information about, your materials, or you can obtain information on the possible sources of supply of these materials. The material analysis

SAP ERP 6.0 Analytics

FI, CO, AM, SAP role: buyer FSCM

informs you about the materials procured by you. In the process, the software accesses enterprise-wide consolidated data stored in the former SAP BW component. The materials analysis gives you the option of defining and saving your own views of the data. - Service procurement You can perform all tasks and access all documents involved in the procurement of external services. You can start the sourcing application or process documents of all types. Alternatively, you can open the work lists for different documents, which are based on prespecified selection criteria. If you know the document number, you can also open documents directly. The buyer role supports buyers in their day-to-day purchases (operational procurement), inasmuch as it provides for both materials and services procurement. - Target group The main target group is operational buyers who are involved mostly in ordering activities (operational procurement), as well as reporting. Targeted purchasers may operate in several industries (cross-industry role) and buy direct materials and maintenance, repair, and overhaul (MRO) services, as well as other services. - Work overview You obtain an overview of your daily work. The purchasing work list is the point of entry for the processing of current workflow tasks, such as the release of purchase requisitions and purchase orders or the processing of faulty vendor confirmations. You can obtain information about forwarded workflow tasks and obtain an overview of the tasks you have completed. The purchasing group analysis provides an overview of the workloads of the individual buyers and buyer groups within your company. For this purpose, the software accesses enterprise-wide consolidated data of the former SAP Business Information Warehouse (SAP BW) component (whose functionality is now part of SAP NetWeaver). The purchasing group analysis gives you the option of defining and saving your own views of the data. - Transaction processing You obtain an overview of your

This functionality provides the following benefits: Ability to react to questions and problems immediately - Quick access to personalized work lists - Analytical insight

SAP ERP 6.0 Procurement MM and Logistics Execution

SAP role: buyer

purchasing documents (such as purchase orders and purchase requisitions). With the aid of queries, you can assemble your transactions to be processed in any number of work lists. You therefore have the opportunity to structure and perform your daily work in accordance with your own needs. The integration of the SAP document storage application Collaboration Folders (cFolders) allows you to display the attachments to your purchase transactions directly in the portal. - Vendor information You obtain an overview of your vendors. You can display the contact data and partner roles of your vendors. You can use a source-of-supply overview to view the assortment of products offered by your vendors. The vendor analysis informs you of the goods supplied and services performed by your vendors. In the process, the software accesses enterprise-wide consolidated data stored in the former SAP BW component. The vendor analysis gives you the option of defining and saving your own views of the data. - Information on material You obtain an overview of your materials. You can display master data for, and stocks information about, your materials, or you can obtain information on the possible sources of supply of these materials. The material analysis informs you about the materials procured by you. In the process, the software accesses enterprise-wide consolidated data stored in the former SAP BW component. The materials analysis gives you the option of defining and saving your own views of the data. - Service procurement You can perform all tasks and access all documents involved in the procurement of external services. You can start the sourcing application or process documents of all types. Alternatively, you can open the work lists for different documents, which are based on prespecified selection criteria. If you know the document number, you can also open documents directly. The buyer role supports buyers in their This functionality provides day-to-day purchases (operational the following benefits: procurement), inasmuch as it provides Ability to react to questions for both materials and services and problems immediately procurement. - Quick access to

personalized work lists - Target group - Analytical insight The main target group is operational buyers who are involved mostly in ordering activities (operational procurement), as well as reporting. Targeted purchasers may operate in several industries (cross-industry role) and buy direct materials and maintenance, repair, and overhaul (MRO) services, as well as other services. - Work overview You obtain an overview of your daily work. The purchasing work list is the point of entry for the processing of current workflow tasks, such as the release of purchase requisitions and purchase orders or the processing of faulty vendor confirmations. You can obtain information about forwarded workflow tasks and obtain an overview of the tasks you have completed. The purchasing group analysis provides an overview of the workloads of the individual buyers and buyer groups within your company. For this purpose, the software accesses enterprise-wide consolidated data of the former SAP Business Information Warehouse (SAP BW) component (whose functionality is now part of SAP NetWeaver). The purchasing group analysis gives you the option of defining and saving your own views of the data. - Transaction processing You obtain an overview of your purchasing documents (such as purchase orders and purchase requisitions). With the aid of queries, you can assemble your transactions to be processed in any number of work lists. You therefore have the opportunity to structure and perform your daily work in accordance with your own needs. The integration of the SAP document storage application Collaboration Folders (cFolders) allows you to display the attachments to your purchase transactions directly in the portal. - Vendor information You obtain an overview of your vendors. You can display the contact data and partner roles of your vendors. You can use a source-of-supply overview to view the assortment of products offered by your vendors. The vendor analysis informs you of the goods supplied and services performed by your vendors. In the process, the software accesses enterprise-wide

SAP ERP 6.0 End-User Service Delivery

consolidated data stored in the former SAP BW component. The vendor analysis gives you the option of defining and saving your own views of the data. - Information on material You obtain an overview of your materials. You can display master data for, and stocks information about, your materials, or you can obtain information on the possible sources of supply of these materials. The material analysis informs you about the materials procured by you. In the process, the software accesses enterprise-wide consolidated data stored in the former SAP BW component. The materials analysis gives you the option of defining and saving your own views of the data. - Service procurement You can perform all tasks and access all documents involved in the procurement of external services. You can start the sourcing application or process documents of all types. Alternatively, you can open the work lists for different documents, which are based on prespecified selection criteria. If you know the document number, you can also open documents directly. SAP role: invoicing clerk The invoicing clerk role gives access to This functionality provides the invoice management function. The the following benefits: invoice management function allows Streamlining invoice the processing of incoming electronic verification by delivering a invoices (with and without purchase high degree of process order reference) on an exception basis. automation - Support of collaboration The invoicing clerk role contains one for resolution of all work center for invoice processing and exceptions monitoring the complete exception handling process. It can be enhanced with additional work centers, especially in companies in which single individuals often have various different jobs. - Target group The main target group is invoicing clerks, who are responsible for incoming invoices in the logistics department. - Work overview You can start all tasks and get access to all documents involved in the invoice management process. You can search for related invoices and invoice exceptions. Alternatively, you can create a document or start the related service without any previous selections.

SAP ERP 6.0 Procurement MM and Logistics Execution

- Work center This provides preprocessing of incoming invoices on top of existing invoice verification. If there are no exceptions, the invoices are automatically posted. In the case of exceptions, various workflow and monitoring activities are triggered and tracked, including notification of vendors about exceptions. - Work list This enables the invoicing clerk to monitor the incoming invoices quickly and also shows all invoice exceptions. In the case of exceptions, a variety of workflow and other activities are offered, including informing suppliers and noninvoice specialist users. - Analytics Appropriate reports and queries on every work center support relevant user scenarios with respective business intelligence queries, such as excessive invoice documents or invoice document overview. SAP role: invoicing clerk The invoicing clerk role gives access to This functionality provides the invoice management function. The the following benefits: invoice management function allows Streamlining invoice the processing of incoming electronic verification by delivering a invoices (with and without purchase high degree of process order reference) on an exception basis. automation - Support of collaboration The invoicing clerk role contains one for resolution of all work center for invoice processing and exceptions monitoring the complete exception handling process. It can be enhanced with additional work centers, especially in companies in which single individuals often have various different jobs. - Target group The main target group is invoicing clerks, who are responsible for incoming invoices in the logistics department. - Work overview You can start all tasks and get access to all documents involved in the invoice management process. You can search for related invoices and invoice exceptions. Alternatively, you can create a document or start the related service without any previous selections. - Work center This provides preprocessing of incoming invoices on top of existing invoice verification. If there are no exceptions, the invoices are automatically posted. In the case of exceptions, various workflow and monitoring activities are triggered and tracked, including notification of

SAP ERP 6.0 End-User Service Delivery

SAP role: supplier

vendors about exceptions. - Work list This enables the invoicing clerk to monitor the incoming invoices quickly and also shows all invoice exceptions. In the case of exceptions, a variety of workflow and other activities are offered, including informing suppliers and noninvoice specialist users. - Analytics Appropriate reports and queries on every work center support relevant user scenarios with respective business intelligence queries, such as excessive invoice documents or invoice document overview. The supplier role provides suppliers This functionality provides with a single point of access to data the following benefits: - It and transactions in the SAP Supplier improves supplier Self-Service component, therefore collaboration and speeds integrating self-service capabilities as up procurement processes part of the end-to-end procurement even if smaller suppliers do process. not have enterprise resource planning (ERP) Extending the functionalities of SAP software. ERP to business partners, specifically - It reduces manual to a company’s supplier base, is one of processes on the buyer the next logical steps in the evolution of side by directly connecting the SAP ERP application. The the suppliers with the introduction of access functionalities for software. suppliers to information and transactions brings self-service functionalities to SAP ERP that allow companies to further streamline their processes and information exchange and therefore to further capitalize on their investments. Work centers support various activities associated with orders, purchase order responses, and invoices, as well as reporting activities: - Target group The main target group is small suppliers without their own enterprise resource planning (ERP) software. Usually these are small to middle-sized businesses in which individual employees take on a variety of tasks. The employee working with the supplier role accesses data in the customer’s software and uses this data to start internal and collaborative processes. - Work overview You can start all tasks and get access to all documents involved in the collaboration process with your customer. You can see a status-related overview of all documents, as well as incoming alerts that need your

SAP ERP 6.0 Procurement MM and Logistics Execution

SAP role: supplier

immediate attention. - Search You can search for information on requests, purchase order responses, or invoices. The document overview provides quick access to documents, such as requests for quotation, purchase orders, shipping notifications, confirmations, goods receipt confirmations, and invoices. - Create You can create shipping notifications, confirmations, or invoices. - Administration You can administer your company’s access to the portal by requesting user access rights, and you can administer your own or your company’s master data in the portal. - Analytics Appropriate reports and queries on every work center support relevant user scenarios with respective business intelligence queries, such as sales value reporting or evaluations. The supplier role provides suppliers with a single point of access to data and transactions in the SAP Supplier Self-Service component, therefore integrating self-service capabilities as part of the end-to-end procurement process.

This functionality provides the following benefits: - It improves supplier collaboration and speeds up procurement processes even if smaller suppliers do not have enterprise resource planning (ERP) Extending the functionalities of SAP software. ERP to business partners, specifically - It reduces manual to a company’s supplier base, is one of processes on the buyer the next logical steps in the evolution of side by directly connecting the SAP ERP application. The the suppliers with the introduction of access functionalities for software. suppliers to information and transactions brings self-service functionalities to SAP ERP that allow companies to further streamline their processes and information exchange and therefore to further capitalize on their investments. Work centers support various activities associated with orders, purchase order responses, and invoices, as well as reporting activities: - Target group The main target group is small suppliers without their own enterprise resource planning (ERP) software. Usually these are small to middle-sized businesses in which individual employees take on a variety of tasks. The employee working with the supplier role accesses data in the customer’s software and uses this data

SAP ERP 6.0 End-User Service Delivery


SAP role: production supervisor

to start internal and collaborative processes. - Work overview You can start all tasks and get access to all documents involved in the collaboration process with your customer. You can see a status-related overview of all documents, as well as incoming alerts that need your immediate attention. - Search You can search for information on requests, purchase order responses, or invoices. The document overview provides quick access to documents, such as requests for quotation, purchase orders, shipping notifications, confirmations, goods receipt confirmations, and invoices. - Create You can create shipping notifications, confirmations, or invoices. - Administration You can administer your company’s access to the portal by requesting user access rights, and you can administer your own or your company’s master data in the portal. - Analytics Appropriate reports and queries on every work center support relevant user scenarios with respective business intelligence queries, such as sales value reporting or evaluations. In the production supervisor role, This functionality provides manufacturing intelligence dashboards the following benefits: for the plant manager and production You can execute supervisor roles provide configurable production plans on time entry pages that deliver alerts, key and within budget. performance indicators (KPIs), - You can find and resolve manufacturing content, work lists, and production problems production confirmations. They also quickly and proactively with provide the decision support needed by real-time exception production personnel to respond to detection and workflows. exceptions and unforeseen changes in - You can monitor, demand or supply and to deliver measure, control, and superior production performance improve production through greater transparency. performance. Dashboards have also been created for the new maintenance technician and quality inspector roles, to leverage this transparency and promote collaboration on the shop floor. The dashboard for the plant manager has been enhanced. - Target group The target group includes people in middle management within shop floor execution and manufacturing, as well as people leading shifts in production – that is, production supervisors.

SAP ERP 6.0 Analytics

FI, CO, AM, SAP role: production FSCM supervisor

- Work overview You can view alerts from production, as well as your work list. You can create your own work list, with production orders, and maintenance and quality management notifications. You can print or confirm orders. The stock quantity overview and day's supply are also displayed. - Shift comments You manage comments for a shift as either a text document or a table. You can also view alerts from production, as well as goods receipt quantities. - Confirmation You can create new confirmations for production orders, and you can display or cancel existing confirmations. In the production supervisor role, This functionality provides manufacturing intelligence dashboards the following benefits: for the plant manager and production You can execute supervisor roles provide configurable production plans on time entry pages that deliver alerts, key and within budget. performance indicators (KPIs), - You can find and resolve manufacturing content, work lists, and production problems production confirmations. They also quickly and proactively with provide the decision support needed by real-time exception production personnel to respond to detection and workflows. exceptions and unforeseen changes in - You can monitor, demand or supply and to deliver measure, control, and superior production performance improve production through greater transparency. performance. Dashboards have also been created for the new maintenance technician and quality inspector roles, to leverage this transparency and promote collaboration on the shop floor. The dashboard for the plant manager has been enhanced. - Target group The target group includes people in middle management within shop floor execution and manufacturing, as well as people leading shifts in production – that is, production supervisors. - Work overview You can view alerts from production, as well as your work list. You can create your own work list, with production orders, and maintenance and quality management notifications. You can print or confirm orders. The stock quantity overview and day's supply are also displayed. - Shift comments You manage comments for a shift as either a text document or a table. You can also view alerts from production, as well as goods receipt quantities. - Confirmation You can create new confirmations for

SAP ERP 6.0 Product PM Development and Manufacturing

SAP ERP 6.0 End-User Service Delivery

SAP role: production supervisor

SAP role: maintenance technician

production orders, and you can display or cancel existing confirmations. In the production supervisor role, This functionality provides manufacturing intelligence dashboards the following benefits: for the plant manager and production You can execute supervisor roles provide configurable production plans on time entry pages that deliver alerts, key and within budget. performance indicators (KPIs), - You can find and resolve manufacturing content, work lists, and production problems production confirmations. They also quickly and proactively with provide the decision support needed by real-time exception production personnel to respond to detection and workflows. exceptions and unforeseen changes in - You can monitor, demand or supply and to deliver measure, control, and superior production performance improve production through greater transparency. performance. Dashboards have also been created for the new maintenance technician and quality inspector roles, to leverage this transparency and promote collaboration on the shop floor. The dashboard for the plant manager has been enhanced. - Target group The target group includes people in middle management within shop floor execution and manufacturing, as well as people leading shifts in production – that is, production supervisors. - Work overview You can view alerts from production, as well as your work list. You can create your own work list, with production orders, and maintenance and quality management notifications. You can print or confirm orders. The stock quantity overview and day's supply are also displayed. - Shift comments You manage comments for a shift as either a text document or a table. You can also view alerts from production, as well as goods receipt quantities. - Confirmation You can create new confirmations for production orders, and you can display or cancel existing confirmations. The maintenance technician role This functionality provides provides a simple user interface for the following benefits: - It maintenance execution, request reduces time spent on processing, confirmations, and information exchange. reporting. It also displays the asset - It improves quality of structure. maintenance work. - It leverages transparency - Target group to promote collaboration on This role is used mainly by the shop floor. maintenance technicians. They need to get an always up-to-date overview of the maintenance work assigned to them, and they also want to check the

SAP ERP 6.0 Corporate Services

SAP ERP 6.0 End-User Service Delivery


SAP role: maintenance technician

SAP Work Center for development collaboration

status of the technical assets for which they are carrying out maintenance work. In addition, they need a tool that facilitates timely confirmations of the work they have done. - Work overview The work overview provides a personalized work list of maintenance and service notifications, and of maintenance and service orders. It allows direct access to the confirmation. You can also create new notifications and orders, or you can call up after-event order recording. - Structure display Maintenance tasks are based on technical objects (pieces of equipment and functional locations) in the system. Pieces of equipment can contain a maintenance assembly (that is, a bill of materials [BOM]) through which the configuration and possible spare parts for the particular object are displayed. You can use the technical structure view to display the structure of technical objects and to dismantle, install, or replace pieces of equipment. The technical structure view also displays the maintenance schedule for a technical object, as well as the number of spare parts that are currently available in the plant for this technical object. The maintenance technician role provides a simple user interface for maintenance execution, request processing, confirmations, and reporting. It also displays the asset structure. - Target group This role is used mainly by maintenance technicans on the shop floor.

This functionality provides the following benefits: - It reduces time spent on information exchange. - It improves quality of maintenance work. - It leverages transparency to promote collaboration on the shop floor. The SAP Work Center assessment This functionality provides package for development collaboration the following benefits: - It provides a single point of entry for all improves partner and activities related to collaboration in supplier relationships. product development and design, as - It allows for full well as support for employees transparency and tracking responsible for communication with of the documents external partners and suppliers about exchanged with product development. This support development partners. includes data export and import to the Collaboration Folders (cFolders) application and browsing of the product structure. It also includes an integration of cFolders notifications into the universal work list (UWL) of the software with the SAP NetWeaver Portal. - Target group

SAP ERP 6.0 Product Development and Manufacturing

SAP Work Center for development collaboration

The target group includes every employee involved in activities related to collaboration in product development and design, especially those involved in communicating with external partners and suppliers about product development, including data export and import, and browsing of the product structure. - Work overview This work center provides you with an overview of your daily work and gives you quick access to your most important tasks for development collaboration. You can configure a news feed to keep yourself up to date on the latest news and developments in your area of expertise. You use the work list to process workflow-based tasks and notifications related to your daily work. The integration of back-end services with the cFolders application allows you to cooperate with internal and external partners by using the services that are available to exchange product information with them. - Publishing This group of services allows you to publish product structure information from your enterprise resource planning (ERP) software in the cFolders application. - Importing This group of services allows you to import product structure information from the cFolders application to your ERP software. - Collaboration This service allows you to cooperate with external business partners by using cFolders and SAP Product Lifecycle Management (SAP PLM) to support your tasks in product development and design. - Product structure This group of services provides you with the tools you need to quickly find and access all your product-related information (for example, bills of material, documents, and computeraided design [CAD] models). The SAP Work Center assessment This functionality provides package for development collaboration the following benefits: - It provides a single point of entry for all improves partner and activities related to collaboration in supplier relationships. product development and design, as - It allows for full well as support for employees transparency and tracking responsible for communication with of the documents external partners and suppliers about exchanged with product development. This support development partners. includes data export and import to the Collaboration Folders (cFolders)

application and browsing of the product structure. It also includes an integration of cFolders notifications into the universal work list (UWL) of the software with the SAP NetWeaver Portal.

SAP ERP 6.0 Sales and Service


SAP role: internal sales representative

- Target group The target group includes every employee involved in activities related to collaboration in product development and design, especially those involved in communicating with external partners and suppliers about product development, including data export and import, and browsing of the product structure. - Work overview This work center provides you with an overview of your daily work and gives you quick access to your most important tasks for development collaboration. You can configure a news feed to keep yourself up to date on the latest news and developments in your area of expertise. You use the work list to process workflow-based tasks and notifications related to your daily work. The integration of back-end services with the cFolders application allows you to cooperate with internal and external partners by using the services that are available to exchange product information with them. - Publishing This group of services allows you to publish product structure information from your enterprise resource planning (ERP) software in the cFolders application. - Importing This group of services allows you to import product structure information from the cFolders application to your ERP software. - Collaboration This service allows you to cooperate with external business partners by using cFolders and SAP Product Lifecycle Management (SAP PLM) to support your tasks in product development and design. - Product structure This group of services provides you with the tools you need to quickly find and access all your product-related information (for example, bills of material, documents, and computeraided design [CAD] models). The internal sales representative role This functionality provides provides all the functions to fulfill the the following benefits: - It requirements of an internal sales improves efficiency and

representative. This includes tasks such as answering phone calls from customers and prospective customers, processing incoming inquiries and sales orders, and preparing quotations and sales contracts.

effectiveness through the personalization of the information. - It accelerates sales order entry. - It accelerates access to current workload. - Target group - It accelerates sales The responsibilities of an internal sales analyses. representative (or customer service representative) include the following: > Answering phone calls from customers and prospective customers > Answering product, price, and order status related questions > Processing incoming inquiries and sales orders > Preparing quotations and sales contracts > Taking sales orders and ensuring successful order processing – for example, taking care of the completeness of sales documents, releasing delivery-blocked orders, and so on > Support for the outside sales force – for example, checking on quotations, updating customer master data, and so on > Preparing reports and sales analyses for the sales manager and the sales team - Work overview This work center gives you an overview of your daily work and gives you easy access to your most important tasks. - Sales documents This work center allows you to work on all your sales documents. You can create and maintain inquiries, quotations, sales orders, sales contracts, scheduling agreements, and billing documents. - Order fulfillment This work center allows you to monitor order fulfillment. You can display deliveries, backorders, and shipments, and you can check product availability.

SAP ERP 6.0 End-User Service Delivery


SAP role: project selfservices – only for Collaboration Projects

- Master data This work center enables you to work on all your master data. You can create and maintain business partners, customer agreements, prices and conditions, and products. The project self-services role applies only to Collaboration Projects (cProjects). The project self-service role provides

This functionality provides the following benefits: - It increases transparency of project performance and

an appealing and intuitive user issues. interface, supporting project leads and - It speeds up project team members in the main administrative work around areas of their daily work. Project self- projects. service relies on cProjects and is provided as portal content with SAP ERP through a business package. Most frequent cProjects processes in project maintenance, communication, and confirmation are used as selfservices for occasional users. Transparency of project performance is provided with a work list that can even be personalized. - Target group The target group includes project leads and project team members. - Work overview In the overview area, a project work list provides at-a-glance information on relevant project-related key figures based on an evaluation framework that is fed with data from cProjects and SAP ERP Central Component (SAP ECC). Key figures are displayed, such as budget, planned costs, and actual costs. In addition, “my projects,” “my project tasks,” “my checklist items,” and “my issues” are displayed. By selecting an object (project, project task, checklist item, or issue), you can start different services or access cProjects directly. - Selfservices The following self-services are offered: > Create project: you create a new project based on a template. > Maintain general task: you create and edit tasks assigned directly to the project definition. > Maintain open issues: for each project, you can create and edit a list of issues. These issues are usually of a general nature and cannot be assigned to phases or tasks in the project. > Create e-mail: you notify other people associated with a task or other project objects about concerns you have with this object. > Assign person to project: you assign one or more individuals to a project, using roles. You also create new roles. > Assign person to tasks: you assign one ore more individuals to a task in a project. > Confirm task: you confirm work done on a task. > Confirm checklist Item: you confirm the result of a checklist item. > Confirm open issue: if assigned to an issue, you enter the text or close the issue. Common to all self-services is that they are based on step-by-step guidance that is very intuitive and easy to follow. - Reporting To support project analytics, a set of evaluations from cProjects (for example, tasks and task assignments,

SAP ERP 6.0 Analytics


SAP role: project selfservices – only for Collaboration Projects

completed checklist items) and financial reports from the former SAP Business Information Warehouse component (whose functionality is now part of SAP NetWeaver) and SAP ECC are offered. The following can be used as reporting objects: cProjects project definition, project definition, work breakdown structure (WBS) element, and internal order. The project self-services role applies This functionality provides only to Collaboration Projects the following benefits: - It (cProjects). increases transparency of project performance and The project self-service role provides issues. an appealing and intuitive user - It speeds up interface, supporting project leads and administrative work around project team members in the main projects. areas of their daily work. Project selfservice relies on cProjects and is provided as portal content with SAP ERP through a business package. Most frequent cProjects processes in project maintenance, communication, and confirmation are used as selfservices for occasional users. Transparency of project performance is provided with a work list that can even be personalized. - Target group The target group includes project leads and project team members. - Work overview In the overview area, a project work list provides at-a-glance information on relevant project-related key figures based on an evaluation framework that is fed with data from cProjects and SAP ERP Central Component (SAP ECC). Key figures are displayed, such as budget, planned costs, and actual costs. In addition, “my projects,” “my project tasks,” “my checklist items,” and “my issues” are displayed. By selecting an object (project, project task, checklist item, or issue), you can start different services or access cProjects directly. - Selfservices The following self-services are offered: > Create project: you create a new project based on a template. > Maintain general task: you create and edit tasks assigned directly to the project definition. > Maintain open issues: for each project, you can create and edit a list of issues. These issues are usually of a general nature and cannot be assigned to phases or tasks in the project. > Create e-mail: you notify other people associated with a task or other project objects about concerns you have with this object. > Assign person to project: you assign one or more individuals to a project,

SAP ERP 6.0 Corporate Services


SAP role: project selfservices – only for Collaboration Projects

using roles. You also create new roles. > Assign person to tasks: you assign one ore more individuals to a task in a project. > Confirm task: you confirm work done on a task. > Confirm checklist item: you confirm the result of a checklist item. > Confirm open issue: if assigned to an issue, you enter the text or close the issue. Common to all self-services is that they are based on step-by-step guidance that is very intuitive and easy to follow. - Reporting To support project analytics, a set of evaluations from cProjects (for example, tasks and task assignments, completed checklist items) and financial reports from the former SAP Business Information Warehouse component (whose functionality is now part of SAP NetWeaver) and SAP ECC are offered. The following can be used as reporting objects: cProjects project definition, project definition, work breakdown structure (WBS) element, and internal order. The project self-services role applies This functionality provides only to Collaboration Projects the following benefits: - It (cProjects). increases transparency of project performance and The project self-service role provides issues. an appealing and intuitive user - It speeds up interface, supporting project leads and administrative work around project team members in the main projects. areas of their daily work. Project selfservice relies on cProjects and is provided as portal content with SAP ERP through a business package. Most frequent cProjects processes in project maintenance, communication, and confirmation are used as selfservices for occasional users. Transparency of project performance is provided with a work list that can even be personalized. - Target group The target group includes project leads and project team members. - Work overview In the overview area, a project work list provides at-a-glance information on relevant project-related key figures based on an evaluation framework that is fed with data from cProjects and SAP ERP Central Component (SAP ECC). Key figures are displayed, such as budget, planned costs, and actual costs. In addition, “my projects,” “my project tasks,” “my checklist items,” and “my issues” are displayed. By selecting an object (project, project task,

checklist item, or issue), you can start different services or access cProjects directly. - Self-services The following self-services are offered: > Create project: you create a new project based on a template. > Maintain general task: you create and edit tasks assigned directly to the project definition. > Maintain open issues: for each project, you can create and edit a list of issues. These issues are usually of a general nature and cannot be assigned to phases or tasks in the project. > Create e-mail: you notify other people associated with a task or other project objects about concerns you have with this object. > Assign person to project: you assign one or more individuals to a project, using roles. You also create new roles. > Assign person to tasks: you assign one ore more individuals to a task in a project. > Confirm task: you confirm work done on a task. > Confirm checklist item: you confirm the result of a checklist item. > Confirm open issue: if assigned to an issue, you enter the text or close the issue. Common to all self-services is that they are based on step-by-step guidance that is very intuitive and easy to follow.

SAP ERP 6.0 End-User Service Delivery


SAP role: quality inspector

- Reporting To support project analytics, a set of evaluations from cProjects (for example, tasks and task assignments, completed checklist items) and financial reports from the former SAP business Information Warehouse component (whose functionality is now part of SAP NetWeaver) and SAP ECC are offered. The following can be used as reporting objects: cProjects project definition, project definition, work breakdown structure (WBS) element, and internal order. The quality inspector role addresses quality inspectors, who are usually responsible for tasks such as the following: - Inspection lot processing - Sample drawing - Results and defects recording (values of inspection characteristics, nonconformity data) - Running quality control charts

This functionality provides the following benefits: - It minimizes cost of defects and product recalls. - It reduces cost of quality compliance.

These tasks are made up of highly repetitive steps with time pressure, necessitating speedy data entry. Personalized work lists for inspection lots, as well as notifications and tasks for exceptions, are expected. The simple user interface of this role fulfills the tasks of a quality inspector.

SAP ERP 6.0 Corporate Services

SAP role: quality inspector

- Target group The target group includes quality inspectors in various industries and processes. - Work overview You can display an overview of your daily work. Depending on your task, you can access inspection lots, notifications and tasks, production orders, or confirmations through the work list. You can also use the work list for inspection lots to record results or defects for the selected inspection lot. Moreover, you can create quality notifications or malfunction reports to record problems and inform interested parties. You can use the work list for orders to confirm times and defects for production directly. - Inspections You can record, change, or display results for your inspection. You can record defects for an operation in an inspection lot. You can also create a quality notification without a reference object if unexpected problems arise. - Confirmation You can create confirmations for materials, times, and defects with reference to production orders. - Additional services There is a selection of other services that quality inspectors need to complete their work. The quality inspector role addresses quality inspectors, who are usually responsible for tasks such as the following: - Inspection lot processing - Sample drawing - Results and defects recording (values of inspection characteristics, nonconformity data) - Running quality control charts These tasks are made up of highly repetitive steps with time pressure, necessitating speedy data entry. Personalized work lists for inspection lots, as well as notifications and tasks for exceptions, are expected. The

This functionality provides the following benefits: - It minimizes cost of defects and product recalls. - It reduces cost of quality compliance.

simple user interface of this role fulfills the tasks of a quality inspector.

Base Sales and Functionality Service

Base Sales and Functionality Service



- Target group The target group includes quality inspectors in various industries and processes. - Work overview You can display an overview of your daily work. Depending on your task, you can access inspection lots, notifications and tasks, production orders, or confirmations through the work list. You can also use the work list for inspection lots to record results or defects for the selected inspection lot. Moreover, you can create quality notifications or malfunction reports to record problems and inform interested parties. You can use the work list for orders to confirm times and defects for production directly. - Inspections You can record, change, or display results for your inspection. You can record defects for an operation in an inspection lot. You can also create a quality notification without a reference object if unexpected problems arise. - Confirmation You can create confirmations for materials, times, and defects with reference to production orders. - Additional services There is a selection of other services that quality inspectors need to complete their work. Configuration of incentive This functionality accomplishes the business following: - It provides design functionalities for the basic business structures. - It includes the identification of the business objects for which commissions are to be paid. - It offers several packages of the SAP Incentive and Commission Management (ICM) application containing the functionality needed. The highly generic design of SAP Incentive and Commission Management is open to all industryand customer-specific parameter values that may influence the construction of this application. Management of incentive This functionality accomplishes the compensation plans following: - It includes a commission recipient database listing all personnel eligible for commissions. - It provides standard commission contracts in which changes to the

This functionality provides the following benefits: - It enables you to include all customer-specific commission and incentive information. - It structures system tables according to customer indications. - It enables you to streamline implementation project and the SAP Incentive and Commission Management application.

This functionality provides the following benefits: - It helps ensure consistency in incentive compensation plans throughout the company.

standard contract are automatically updated in individual commission contracts. - It supports modification of individual commission contracts to meet any unique requirements. - It allows you to automatically distinguish the recipient of the respective indirect commission (such as a manager) from the recipient of a direct commission (such as a sales representative) through an organizational hierarchy.

Base Sales and Functionality Service


Calculation of variable compensation

- It offers simplified configuration of commission contracts. - It helps reduce administrative burdens for commission analysts when new guidelines are implemented.

Each commission recipient is represented by an SAP business partner within the SAP Incentive and Commission Management application. The commission recipient is the holder of a position in the organizational hierarchy with his or her own individual commission contract. The individual commission contract is based on the standard commission contract that serves as a template. This functionality accomplishes the This functionality provides following: - It supports calculation of the following benefits: - It both direct sales commissions and helps reduce burdens for incentive compensation. commission administrators - It provides participation determination, through highly automated which creates incentive calculations for commission processing. multiple recipients within a single - It enables tracking of any calculation process. commission transaction - Through a valuation calculation through the use of highly feature, it supports the alignment of sophisticated versions individual compensation with corporate concept. goals. - It supports better - Through a remuneration calculation alignment of compensation feature, it determines the amount of with corporate goals. individual commissions to be paid. - Through a posting feature, it defines due dates and commission periods. Direct sales commission processing allows customers to run commission calculation, on the basis of, for example, sales activities or financials bookings. Each sales order created or each invoice booked can trigger a commission calculation process. This commission transactional processing on item level is designed to process extremely high transactional volumes. In the case of incentive compensation, the SAP Incentive and Commission Management application allows you to process commission calculations on the basis of aggregated data, such as an overall revenue figure of a sales team for one or more periods.

Base Sales and Functionality Service


Compensation results analysis

This functionality provides a variety of data analysis tools (including drill-down reports) that allow employees, their managers, and commission analysts to perform comprehensive analyses of compensation programs and their results.

mySAP ERP Sales and 2004 Service


Configuration of incentive This functionality is characterized as business follows: - Incentive and commission management packages for application construction split up new developments into separate packages. - Importing business object categories allows you to import metadata from other SAP components and software.

mySAP ERP Sales and 2004 Service


Management of incentive This functionality is characterized as compensation plans follows: - An encapsulated condition technique includes the introduction of an adapter interface to add a different calculation service. - Ending commission contracts enable the automated ending or deactivating of a commission contract.

mySAP ERP Sales and 2004 Service


Calculation of variable compensation

SAP ERP 6.0 Sales and Service


Configuration of incentive Further incentive and commission business management packages for application construction split up new developments into separate packages.

SAP ERP 6.0 Sales and Service


Management of incentive This functionality accomplishes the compensation plans following: - Target agreements allow you to calculate an individual’s progress toward predefined targets.

This functionality is characterized as follows: - Settlement schedules enable the temporal distribution of commission payments. - Actual commission allows for diversification of payment triggers. - Threshold value in settlement may restrict the billing run, depending on predefined thresholds.

This functionality provides the following benefits: Insight for managers into the financial impact of incentive plans, selected by product, region, or organization - Insight into earned and expected commissions for commission recipients, based on actual and simulated figures - Avoidance of timeconsuming shadow tracking by commission recipients This functionality provides the following benefits: - It allows you to streamline implementation project and the SAP Incentive and Commission Management application. - It helps you avoid doublemaintenance of business objects. This functionality provides the following benefits: - It allows you to link a customer-specific calculation service for valuation, remuneration, and liabilities. - It frees commission administrators from manual work when sales representatives leave the company. This functionality provides the following benefits: - It helps automatically distribute commission payouts on the basis of customer-defined rules. - It enables payouts to be linked to preconditions: for example, to incoming customer payments. - It avoids expenditures for paying out only small amounts. This functionality allows you to streamline implementation projects and the SAP Incentive and Commission Management application. This functionality provides the following benefits: Improved compliance with an organization’s

- Partnerships enable the automated split and distribution of remunerations among partnership members. - The entitlement and liability transfer function facilitates the transfer of open entitlements and liabilities from one executive to another. - The object assignment framework includes a user interface and process definition to facilitate the abovementioned transfers.

SAP ERP 6.0 Sales and Service


Portfolio management

This functionality accomplishes the following: - The portfolio assignments and transfer function enables the storage of the relationships between business objects and executives and the transfer of existing business object assignments from one executive to another. - The object assignment framework includes a user interface and process definition to facilitate these transfers. This functionality accomplishes the following: - Valuation by copy services offers a simplified procedure for determination and calculation of the valuation. - Retroactive case processing represents a methodology/framework that determines and corrects a chain of commission cases. - Workflow for incentive and commission management cases communicates the workload of commission cases to the right administrators. - Parallelization enables parallel processing during the settlement run.

SAP ERP 6.0 Sales and Service


Calculation of variable compensation

SAP ERP 6.0 Sales and Service


Compensation results analysis

Additional business warehouse extractors for document header, valuation documents, and due date documents are available, as are scheduling items to enhance analytical reporting through the SAP NetWeaver Business Intelligence component.

mySAP ERP End-User 2004 Service


Web Dynpro conversion

With the SAP ERP release in 2004 and after, employee and manager self-

compensation policy and greater employee satisfaction, with more transparency in compensation calculations - Determination of all entitled commission recipients and associated splits - Streamlining of administrative processes: for example, when an executive retires - Support for assignments and reassignments on an ad hoc basis or on the basis of a set of rules This functionality provides the following benefits: - It facilitates controlling and transparency through business segmentation: for example, by regional aspects. - It supports assignments and reassignments on an ad hoc basis or on the basis of a set of rules. This functionality provides the following benefits: - It streamlines the implementation process to define simple valuation rules. - It enables the recalculation of commissions on the basis of changes in the contractor commission case. - It enhances usability through administratorspecific information flow. - It enhances performance through reduced settlement running time. This functionality provides the following benefits: Improved decision making through insight into the financial impact of incentive plans and their effect on the performance of commission recipients - Better compliance with organizational compensation policies through enhanced analytics This functionality provides the following benefits: -


mySAP ERP End-User 2004 Service Delivery


mySAP ERP End-User 2004 Service Delivery


mySAP ERP End-User 2004 Service Delivery


mySAP ERP End-User 2004 Service Delivery


People-centric user interface

services functionality have used the Web Dynpro development environment. The SAP Employee SelfService application (which was based on IT services) and the SAP Manager Self-Service application (which was a Java technology) use the same technology. In the 2004 SAP ERP release, not all of the self-services were converted: mainly employee selfservices were converted, as well as some manager self-services. The new people-centric user interface of the self-services gives the end user more guidance through a service and therefore makes it much easier to use. In the 2004 release of SAP ERP, the focus in the area of self services was mainly on improved user interface and user interaction. All self-services now have the same look and feel. The most important user interface concepts introduced are as follows:

SAP Employee SelfService and SAP Manager Self-Service applications entail use of the same technology. - The user interface is improved, and therefore user productivity is higher.

This functionality provides the following benefits: Intuitive design and navigation allows people to complete their jobs faster. - Occasional users have easy access. - Same look and feel of all self-services helps end users feel more comfortable with using them, which leads to higher acceptance. - Minimal training is needed.

- The floor plan manager, a blueprint that enables all self-services to look, feel, and react in the same way - The road map, to guide end users step by step through a service (for example, start, edit, review, and complete) - Context-sensitive assistance, providing relevant data and information to the end user in context of the service executed Cross-site scripting (XSS) The home page framework delivers an This functionality provides home page framework entry page for all self-services that are the following benefits: offered to managers or employees with More guidance and easier flexible functions. It provides an navigation overview on the self-services available - A better overview on the and a short description of each. The services offered available services are grouped into - Fewer calls to the human functional groups through area group resources service center pages and area pages and therefore allow structured access for the end user. From there, the user navigates to the different single services (in the Web Dynpro development environment) that run in the enterprise portal. On the home page, the customer can also add additional content such as external links and documents describing guidelines and policies. Time management This functionality provides leave See description of Web situations available in request, record working time and Dynpro conversion. Web Dynpro release working time, and time development environment statement functions. New time management This functionality minimizes the This functionality reduces function: clock-in/clock- administrative burden for time cycle times. out corrections administrators (for example, secretaries) by allowing employees to

mySAP ERP End-User 2004 Service Delivery


mySAP ERP End-User 2004 Service Delivery mySAP ERP End-User 2004 Service Delivery



correct their own time postings and account assignments. Payment functions This functionality provides salary available in Web Dynpro statement, total compensation development environment statement, and employment and salary verification functions. Career functions Skill profile available in Web Dynpro development environment Personal information Personal information includes the functions available in following: Web Dynpro development environment - Address (including emergency address[ IT0006 subtype 004]) - Bank information - Family member/dependent - Personal data

See description of Web Dynpro conversion.

See description of Web Dynpro conversion. See description of Web Dynpro conversion.

Supported countries for this functionality are Germany, United States, Japan, Canada, France, United Kingdom, Switzerland, The Netherlands, Sweden, Austria, Australia, South Africa, Spain, Belgium, Denmark, Portugal, Singapore, Italy, India, South Korea, Finland, Brazil, Norway, Mexico, Malaysia, and New Zealand. With regard to personal IDs, the supported country for this is Singapore. The employee search entails the following features:

mySAP ERP End-User 2004 Service Delivery mySAP ERP End-User 2004 Service Delivery


mySAP ERP End-User 2004 Service Delivery



- Who’s who - Changing own data Benefits functions This functionality enables enrollment, available in Web Dynpro participation overview, and offline development environment enrollment (through Adobe PDF file). Country-specific functions This functionality addresses the available in Web Dynpro following issues: - Value of entitlement development environment (Anwartschaften/BAV) (Denmark) - Net calculation of monthly salary (Nettoeinkommen pro Monat) (Denmark) - Semi-retirement Simulation (Altersteilzeitsimulation) (Denmark) - Deferred Compensation (Gehaltsumwandlung) (Denmark) - Tax witholding (W-4) (United States) - W-2 reprint (United States) - IR8A Form (Singapore) - IR8S Form (Singapore) - Personal IDs (Asian countries) - Tax (Australia) - Tax form reprint (Canada) - Tax inquiry (Canada) Further functions This functionality addresses the available in Web Dynpro following issues: - Work environment development environment (financial accounting)

See description of Web Dynpro conversion. See description of Web Dynpro conversion.

This functionality provides the following benefits: Improved support of

mySAP ERP End-User 2004 Service Delivery


mySAP ERP End-User 2004 Service Delivery


mySAP ERP End-User 2004 Service Delivery


mySAP ERP End-User 2004 Service Delivery


SAP ERP 6.0 End-User Service


Web Dynpro conversion

Equipment repair request (specific internal service request), equipment card - Seamless integration of other SAP Web solutions E-recruiting (internal recruiting), SAP Enterprise Buyer (e-procurement) The following manager self-services were converted to Web Dynpro technology:

different business processes - Additional advantages: see description of Web Dynpro conversion

See description of Web Dynpro conversion

- Team calendar - Personnel change requests - Recruiting (e-recruiting) - Reporting - Headcount planning Personnel change This functionality enables integration of This functionality provides requests: Adobe interactive forms based on Adobe the following benefits: Designer integration software in personnel change requests. Enhanced usability and user acceptance The forms are created with the Adobe - Easier implementation of Designer tool. customer-specific employee change actions Some example templates are available - "What you see is what in the standard software. "Interactive" you get" editor means that fields can be edited during the process and different users are involved. E-recruiting integration This functionality enables managers to This functionality provides initiate a requisition request, either on the following benefits: - It the basis of a position, a job, or a enables managers to previous requisition or starting from initiate a requisition request scratch. The requisition request is either on the basis of a routed to the recruiter, who then starts position, a job, a previous appropriate recruiting actions. requisition or starting from The manager who initiated the scratch. The requisition requisition request can check the request is routed to the status of the requisition on the recruiter, who then starts requisition request overview. The appropriate recruiting manager has access to the suitable actions. candidates that were selected by the - The manager who recruiter and can evaluate them with a initiated the requisition questionnaire. request can check the status of the requisition on the requisition request overview. - The manager has access to the suitable candidates that were selected by the recruiter and can evaluate them with a questionnaire. Equipment management This functionality accomplishes the This functionality provides following: - It provides information the following benefits: about physical inventory in area of Enhanced control features responsibility. for the manager - It ensures awareness of equipment - Better manager support in assigned to transferred employees. administrative processes - It provides monitors to track cost - Reduced cycle times centers and internal orders. Integration of form-based This functionality enables integration of This functionality provides processes form-based processes, which allows the following benefits: -


organizations to implement forms more easily and quickly with print forms and interactive forms based on Adobe software.

SAP ERP 6.0 End-User Service Delivery


SAP ERP 6.0 End-User Service Delivery


User interface technology Most self-services now available are based on Web Dynpro, the SAP development environment. This technology has been enhanced with the following functionality to provide better adaptability for different scenarios and different customer needs: - Modification-free screen adaptations through personalization (for example, hide/unhide fields) - Clickable road maps - Adding of content assistant pattern (CAP) links: for example, policy for leave requests Localization Address, bank information, family members/dependents, and personal data services are available for the following countries: - Argentina - China - Hong Kong - Indonesia - Philippines - Taiwan - Thailand - Venezuela

Lower form-based process implementation costs - Increased end-user acceptance - Easy adaptability of processes This functionality provides the following benefits: Easier user interface adaptation at less cost - Further improved usability

This functionality provides the following benefits: Enhanced support for countries - Compliance with local regulations, legal requirements, and guidelines

Personal ID service is available for the following countries: - Indonesia - Malaysia - Taiwan - Thailand - Hong Kong Country-specific functions include the following:

SAP ERP 6.0 End-User Service Delivery


New functions

- Superannuation for Australia - Flexible benefits for the United Kingdom With regard to life and work events This functionality provides based on guided procedures, the following benefits: employees can navigate step by step Employees are led step by through personal, payroll, and benefits step through processes to information by using guided procedures manage their life or work for the following events: events. They spend much less time on searching for - "My first day" relevant information and - Birth/adoption guidelines. When all - Marriage necessary steps are - Divorce presented to them, they

- Termination of employment - Change in employment status - Benefits (annual enrollment) An example of Adobe interactive form integration is the code of business conduct: monitoring of employee acceptance of corporate guidelines, including data storage.

SAP ERP 6.0 End-User Service Delivery


Bank information enhancements with the International Bank Account Number

Employee bank information is extended by the International Bank Account Number (IBAN). The IBAN is an International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and European Committee for Banking Standards (ECBS) norm for representing bank code and account number. The goal is easier handling of cross-border transactions.

SAP ERP 6.0 End-User Service Delivery


Employee communication Employees can change their own and office data communication and office data within the “who is who” service and select a person directly from an organizational chart to get personal details.

SAP ERP 6.0 End-User Service Delivery


User interface design

The SAP Manager Self-Service application has been redesigned to be fully consistent with the role-based control and work center paradigm, providing distinct work centers for team, budget, project, and planning, as well as a work overview to support managers in these areas of responsibility. SAP Manager Self-Service enables more effective resource management. It optimizes human capital and financial management functionalities and improves logistics processes significantly. Reminders, budget items that might become critical, and status information on ongoing processes enable managers to control their work better and are therefore directly brought into the managers' work overview.

can complete the process end to end and know that they have not missed anything important. - Employees can much more efficiently manage their life and work events and therefore can concentrate more on valuegenerating tasks. - The human resources department is less involved in administrative processes and can spend more time on strategic topics. This functionality provides the following benefits: - It allows the employee to maintain the International Bank Account Number (IBAN). This decreases the cost of salary transfers to foreign banking organizations. - It provides better support for international outsourcing models in payroll. This functionality provides the following benefits: - It reduces the administrative burden of maintaining personnel data. - It ensures more accurate employee information. - It simplifies access to an employee’s personal details. This functionality provides the following benefits: - It helps managers manage their area of responsibility even more proactively. - It provides managers with better control and transparency on overall team, project, and budget situation, as well as the staffing process. - It improves productivity and reduces training needs.

SAP ERP 6.0 End-User Service Delivery


SAP Manager Self-Service is the right application for managers, whether they act in the role of line managers, project managers, or department managers. Specific information and applications that these types of managers participate in can be combined. With the right analytical information for each manager, at any management level, SAP Manager Self-Service enables managers to effectively and productively contribute to the organization’s overall strategy and to influence business outcomes. Functions converted to Examples for additionally converted Web Dynpro functions in SAP Manager Self-Service development environment are as follows: - Compensation planning and approval - Employee position - Organizational unit profile

SAP ERP 6.0 End-User Service Delivery


In addition, personnel change requests can now be launched from the external employee information page as related activity. New functions available This functionality addresses the in Web Dynpro following issues: - Time management development environment > Approve time sheet data > Approve time corrections - Career management: edit position requirements profile

Further business-related applications are available to better support managers in their complete human capital management task portfolio.

Employee self-service in the SAP Manager Self-Service application is available for the following scenarios and data:

SAP ERP 6.0 End-User Service Delivery


Employee and object selection

- Changing office and communication data - Recording working time - Clocking in/clocking out - Total compensation statement - Addresses - Bank information - Family members/dependents - Personal data - Skills profile - "My trips and expenses" - "My credit card receipts" - Creating travel request - Creating travel plan - Creating expense report - "My travel profile" The enhanced object and data provider allows managers more flexible employee selection for manager selfservices. The manager has different options to

This functionality provides the following benefits: Improved scalability of employee search within a large number of employees This also allows higher

SAP ERP 6.0 End-User Service Delivery


Active work item presentation

SAP ERP 6.0 End-User Service Delivery


Improved monitoring

SAP ERP 6.0 End-User Service Delivery


Integration of analytical data

SAP ERP 6.0 End-User Service Delivery


Express planning

select one or multiple employees in his level managers to use area of responsibility, such as the manager self-services following personnel: without any restrictions. - Enhanced customizing - Directly reporting employees options These Allow better - Employees in an organizational unit adaptability of the user (selecting organizational unit from a interface to individual tree structure) needs. - Employees in an organizational unit - Comfortable search (selecting organizational unit from a functionalities These allow list) for quicker and more - An individual employee (searching for specific object searches. employee by name, ID, or other criteria) Work items such as approvals appear Active presentation of work on the overview page in the work list of items in one single point of the SAP Manager Self-Service control allow the manager application as tasks. In addition, alerts to work more efficiently. can be configured as part of the universal work list (UWL) to directly point the manager to areas in which action is required. The key figure monitor give the A manager can manage manager an overview of important his or her area of data. The manager can select the key responsibility proactively if figures he or she wants to monitor on a he or she can define the daily basis and can define rules for most critical key figures alerts and traffic light functions. and monitor them on an ongoing basis. The manager sees immediately when corrections are needed and can initiate corrective actions. This functionality accomplishes the This functionality provides following: - Managers receive different the following benefits: reports directly on the entry page. Structured analytical - Content information is provided where insights provide managers it is needed for different applications. with content-related - Report launch pad allows managers information for their to launch human capital management– decision making. and financial accounting–related - Different levels of reports from one single place. For management get the human capital management, the required information. manager’s desktop reporting can be recustomized. This functionality has the following This functionality provides advantages: - A single point of entry for the following benefits: - It planning helps integrate different makes the budgeting and applications and services and includes planning process more a structured presentation of various efficient by including a tasks in a guided procedure. status overview for - Users can enter this application planners, such as directly through e-mail or a work item. managers, and for planning - Organizations can integrate their own supervisors, such as custom-developed applications and business unit analysts. services. - It increases user productivity through enhanced planning coordination and monitoring. - It enables users to work

SAP ERP 6.0 End-User Service Delivery


Employee interaction center

This functionality helps employees and human resources (HR) staff interact more efficiently through a central point of contact for HR requests. Employees have access to a single, unified source of contact and information, and employee interaction center (EIC) agents and HR staff can easily access information and tools to deliver consistent, personalized services across multiple communication channels. EIC functionality includes the following: - Contact management provides functions that allow HR staff to manage and process all information about employee requests, as well as to track contact history. - Agents and HR staff can record and process each procedural step and follow-up activity for individual employee requests through activity management. - Integration with records management provides knowledge management functionalities to the HR department to improve contact-handling efficiency and expedite resolution of employee requests. - Computer telephony integration (CTI) is enabled with soft-phone features (such as accept call, hold, hang up, and transfer). - Agent inbox is a central work repository to receive incoming work items and to sort, search, or forward to HR contacts for processing. - Workflow management supports escalation and routing rules to help managers define which supervisors, support staff, and departments should receive various incoming requests. - Display and change employee master data function allow the EIC agents to directly access all employee data and make necessary changes. - Authentication call of self-services allows EIC agents to execute selfservice transactions on behalf of employees. - Integration with SAP portal roles (SAP Employee Self-Service and SAP Manager Self-Service) allows the employees and managers to contact

at their own pace with minimal training effort. - It supports setting up of collaborative planning rounds, and decentralized planning processes. This functionality provides the following benefits: - It increases employee satisfaction. - It reduces human resources costs and increases productivity. - It improves service levels. - It enables out-of-the-box integration to human capital management processes and portal roles.

the EIC directly from a self service.

SAP ERP 6.0 End-User Service Delivery


SAP ERP 6.0 End-User Service Delivery


This functionality enables organizations to streamline their HR service delivery. The EIC connects a broad user base to human capital management services through multiple delivery channels any time and anywhere. In addition, efforts for delivering the same services to different groups within an organization can be consolidated; HR staff, thus relieved of this administrative burden, can focus on their strategic mandate. The EIC is an HR help desk and call center application that provides a costeffective, service-oriented solution. This significantly supports HR in executing its shared services strategy in meeting organizational and employee objectives. The delivered EIC functionality is based on the decoupled interaction center Web client technology for customer relationship management (which in turn is based on BSP Technology software). Human capital This functionality accomplishes the This functionality provides management processes following: - It facilitates a processthe following benefits: - It and forms triggered work style and overview of enables the automation of work items. paper-based processes. - It provides form-based processes for - It facilitates multiple end entering and maintaining human capital users to contribute to a management (HCM) data with human resources (HR) interactive forms based on Adobe process. software. - It allows the HR - It allows human resources department to stay in administrators, employees, and control of the process and managers to provide data and the data. collaboratively work on HCM - It facilitates work for HR processes. administrators and makes - It enables collaboration with the entire them much more organization through real integration. productive through an - It includes a universal work list (UWL) improved user interface. with work items classified according to - It supports an HR specific tasks, priorities, approvals, organization to deliver HR pending items, or even automatic services efficiently. responses. - It offers a process design time that enables you to model the process flow and workflow according to customers’ individual needs and easily adapt processes to changes. This unique, new portal role provides real integration for collaboration within the entire organization and enables you to deliver efficient human resources services. New portal role for human This functionality accomplishes the This functionality provides resources administrator following: - It facilitates a processthe following benefits: - It triggered work style and overview of provides central role for the work items. implementation of a - It provides a central point of access to shared-service center

mySAP ERP Procurement MM 2004 and Logistics Execution

mySAP ERP Sales and 2004 Service


all relevant information and tools that concept in the human support the administration of resources (HR) employees. department. - It facilitates - It offers enhanced master data work for HR administrators maintenance with faster navigation. and makes them much - It allows customization of the more productive through employee profile screen for an improved user interface. professional users, granting access to - It supports HR detailed employee information. organization to deliver HR - It includes a process browser for services efficiently. detailed searches on closed and ongoing processes. Self-service requisitioning Support for self-service requisitioning Self-service requisitioning within the SAP ERP application improves procurement empowers employees throughout the speed and responsiveness, company to create and manage routine while freeing the requisitions by themselves, including purchasing department to self-service requisitions for focus on strategic tasks by maintenance, repair, and operations reducing administrative material and services. Catalog content burden. management in SAP ERP helps accelerate ordering for frequently ordered services, projects, and materials and improves compliance with company purchasing rules. E-commerce The SAP ERP application provides This functionality provides powerful e-commerce functionalities the following benefits: that can be expanded in an easy, cost- Increased revenues effective manner in line with business The SAP ERP application growth. Organizations can run a enables businesses to use complete sales process on the Internet the Internet as a profitable and provide business-to-business channel for sales and (B2B) and business-to-consumer (B2C) interaction. Web shops can customers with personalized and be easily integrated. interactive online self-services. - Improved customer service SAP ERP provides a convenient, easy-to-use experience, supporting customers with online product configuration, shopping basket features, product availability checks, and secure transactions, as well as order status and tracking. - Simplified sales processes SAP ERP supports a variety of end-to-end sales processes with easy-to-use interactive self-services for customers. - Reduced total cost of ownership E-commerce in SAP ERP is fully integrated with existing SAP ERP processes and systems, which makes it possible to leverage existing

mySAP ERP Sales and 2004 Service


mySAP ERP Product PM 2004 Development and Manufacturing

mySAP ERP Financials 2004


investments to support ecommerce activities. Mobile sales for handheld The SAP ERP application enables This functionality provides devices sales professionals to access frontthe following benefits: and back-office business processes Increased data entry and to manage critical sales activities accuracy in the field by using standard personal Using bar code and digital assistants (PDAs) or other radiofrequency handheld devices (including those with identification technologies bar code scanners). In this area, SAP instead of keystrokes ERP provides the following functions: ensures that data is entered rapidly and without - Customer management errors. With SAP ERP, sales professionals - Simplified and may enter, view, and modify detailed accelerated processes customer information and view sales By enabling sales order history for each customer. professionals to create - Sales order management orders in the field, the SAP SAP ERP enables sales staff to take ERP application speeds sales orders with the use of bar code order entry and fulfillment. scanners; search, create, and modify - Reduced data sales orders; and list or sort sales order maintenance and partners. administrative burden - Material management Because data from the field Support for material management for is entered directly in SAP mobile device sales enables staff to ERP, it is not necessary to view material lists or details for a reenter field information in specific material, search material, and back-office or other display customer-specific prices. software. Computer-aided design New features allow users to access Computer-aided design integration and edit computer-aided design (CAD) (CAD) integration supports document structures directly in CAD enterprise-wide software or from within the SAP ERP collaboration with application, enabling the inclusion of concurrent engineering and new product information in business versioning, which makes it processes at an early stage. CAD easy for multiple users to integration supports a variety of simultaneously process an industry-standard CAD software, assembly and enables the including Pro/ENGINEER, CATIA, and status of several processes Autodesk Inventor. Moreover, because to be saved in the each interface is developed by SAP software. partners, businesses are assured seamless integration.

SAP Employee SelfService: for travel and expenses

CAD integration provides a single access point to all CAD documents, which makes it easier for all users to access the resources they need, when they need them. Enhanced viewing options include tabbed pages for different views and the ability to view two- and three-dimensional files (such as drawings and CAD models) in a single view. The CAD integration also simplifies routine tasks with automatic bills of material, visual version control, mass check-in/check-out, and checkin/check-out assistant functionalities. As of the 2004 release of SAP ERP, This functionality provides the travel management functionality the following benefits: comes with a fully redesigned suite of Reduced training efforts,

mySAP ERP Human FI-TV 2004 Capital Management

SAP Employee SelfService: for travel and expenses

functions for the self-service user (travelers) and travel arrangers. The new functions run on the same business logic, but the user interface is based on the Web Dynpro development environment and can be integrated with the SAP NetWeaver Portal component. They cover the following actions: - Create travel request - Create travel plan - Create expense report - Maintain personal traveler profile - Switch to different traveler - View credit card imports - View all personal trip history In addition to the visual and navigation redesign, this functionality accomplishes the following tasks: - It integrates maps to support hotel and airport searches, indicating exact distances to destination addresses - It integrates airline and car rental logos, hotel images, and amenities information in availability searches - It integrates external Web content regarding travel security, health, and visa and immigration information per destination country As of the 2004 release of SAP ERP, the travel management functionality comes with a fully redesigned suite of functions for the self-service user (travelers) and travel arrangers. The new functions run on the same business logic, but the user interface is based on the Web Dynpro development environment and can be integrated with the SAP NetWeaver Portal component. They cover the following actions: - Create travel request - Create travel plan - Create expense report - Maintain personal traveler profile - Switch to different traveler - View credit card imports - View all personal trip history In addition to the visual and navigation redesign, this functionality accomplishes the following tasks: - It integrates maps to support hotel and airport searches, indicating exact distances to destination addresses. - It integrates airline and car rental logos, hotel images, and amenities information in availability searches. - It integrates external Web content regarding travel security, health, and visa and immigration information per destination country.

increased user adoption rates, and thus higher ROI of system deployment - Easy and direct access to a range of travel services for employees - Improved user acceptance - Minimized training costs and decreased help desk calls - Reduced administrative costs Programmers are the "geeks" of the IT fields.

This functionality provides the following benefits: Reduced training efforts, increased user adoption rates, and thus higher ROI of system deployment - Easy and direct access to a range of travel services for employees - Improved user acceptance - Minimized training costs and decreased help desk calls - Reduced administrative costs

mySAP ERP Corporate 2004 Services


SAP Employee SelfService: for Travel and Expenses

mySAP ERP Financials 2004


Travel planning: connection to Sabre

mySAP ERP Human FI-TV 2004 Capital Management

Travel planning: connection to Sabre

mySAP ERP Corporate 2004 Services

Travel planning: connection to Sabre


As of the 2004 release of SAP ERP, the travel management functionality comes with a fully redesigned suite of functions for the self-service user (travelers) and travel arrangers. The new functions run on the same business logic, but the user interface is based on the Web Dynpro development environment and can be integrated with the SAP NetWeaver Portal component. They cover the following actions: - Create travel request - Create travel plan - Create expense report - Maintain personal traveler profile - Switch to different traveler - View credit card imports - View all personal trip history In addition to the visual and navigation redesign, this functionality accomplishes the following tasks: - It integrates maps to support hotel and airport searches, indicating exact distances to destination addresses. - It integrates airline and car rental logos, hotel images, and amenities information in availability searches. - It integrates external Web content regarding travel security, health, and visa and immigration information per destination country. Travel planning has been enhanced with full connectivity to the Sabre GDS (global distribution system) for online booking of air travel, hotels, and car rentals.

This functionality provides the following benefits: Reduced training efforts, increased user adoption rates, and thus higher ROI of system deployment - Easy and direct access to a range of travel services for employees - Improved user acceptance - Minimized training costs and decreased help desk calls - Reduced administrative costs

Travel planning – the online booking function of the SAP Travel Management application – encourages better compliance with travel policy, increases the use of preferred suppliers, and provides strong reporting facilities for use in supplier negotiations. Travel planning has been enhanced Travel planning – the with full connectivity to the Sabre GDS online booking function of (global distribution system) for online the SAP Travel booking of air travel, hotels, and car Management application – rentals. encourages better compliance with travel policy, increases the use of preferred suppliers, and provides strong reporting facilities for use in supplier negotiations. Travel planning has been enhanced Travel planning – the with full connectivity to the Sabre GDS online booking function of (global distribution system) for online the SAP Travel booking of air travel, hotels, and car Management application – rentals. encourages better compliance with travel policy, increases the use of

SAP ERP 6.0 Financials


SAP ERP 6.0 Human FI-TV Capital Management

SAP ERP 6.0 Corporate Services


SAP ERP 6.0 Financials


preferred suppliers, and provides strong reporting facilities for use in supplier negotiations. Travel planning: low-cost In addition to booking low-cost carriers This functionality provides carriers in Internet fares already bookable through global the following benefits: distribution systems (GDSs), the travel Increased flexibility to use planning function offers a generic different reservation interface, based on the SAP software in the booking NetWeaver Exchange Infrastructure process (SAP NetWeaver XI) component, to - Lower total cost of Internet airfare search engines. ownership (TCO) and Customers can download the interface implementation costs content of certified and other hotel through service provider– reservation providers into their SAP specific integration support NetWeaver XI software, thereby flexibly - Lower direct purchasing choosing the provider of their choice costs, because of access and best local fit. to a wider range of lowprice offers Travel planning: low-cost In addition to booking low-cost carriers This functionality provides carriers in Internet fares already bookable through global the following benefits: distribution systems (GDSs), the travel Increased flexibility to use planning function offers a generic different reservation interface, based on the SAP software in the booking NetWeaver Exchange Infrastructure process (SAP NetWeaver XI) component, to - Lower total cost of Internet airfare search engines. ownership (TCO) and Customers can download the interface implementation costs content of certified and other hotel through service provider– reservation providers into their SAP specific integration support NetWeaver XI software, thereby flexibly - Lower direct purchasing choosing the provider of their choice costs, because of access and best local fit. to a wider range of lowprice offers Travel planning: low-cost In addition to booking low-cost carriers This functionality provides carriers in Internet fares already bookable through global the following benefits: distribution systems (GDSs), the travel Increased flexibility to use planning function offers a generic different reservation interface, based on the SAP software in the booking NetWeaver Exchange Infrastructure process (SAP NetWeaver XI) component, to - Lower total cost of Internet airfare search engines. ownership (TCO) and Customers can download the interface implementation costs content of certified and other hotel through service provider– reservation providers into their SAP specific integration support NetWeaver XI software, thereby flexibly - Lower direct purchasing choosing the provider of their choice costs, because of access and best local fit. to a wider range of lowprice offers Hotel reservation This function includes a generic This functionality provides software in travel interface, based on the SAP the following benefits: planning NetWeaver Exchange Infrastructure Increased flexibility to use (SAP NetWeaver XI) component, to different reservation computer reservation software for systems in the booking hotels. Customers can download the process interface content of certified and other - Lower total cost of hotel reservation providers into their ownership (TCO) and SAP NetWeaver XI software, thereby implementation costs flexibly choosing the provider of their through service provider– choice and best local fit. specific integration support - Lower direct purchasing

SAP ERP 6.0 Human FI-TV Capital Management

SAP ERP 6.0 Corporate Services


SAP ERP 6.0 Financials


SAP ERP 6.0 Human FI-TV Capital Management

costs, because of access to a wider range of lowprice offers Hotel reservation This function includes a generic This functionality provides software in travel interface, based on the SAP the following benefits: planning NetWeaver Exchange Infrastructure Increased flexibility to use (SAP NetWeaver XI) component, to different reservation computer reservation software for systems in the booking hotels. Customers can download the process interface content of certified and other - Lower total cost of hotel reservation providers into their ownership (TCO) and SAP NetWeaver XI software, thereby implementation costs flexibly choosing the provider of their through service provider– choice and best local fit. specific integration support - Lower direct purchasing costs, because of access to a wider range of lowprice offers Hotel reservation This function includes a generic This functionality provides software in travel interface, based on the SAP the following benefits: planning NetWeaver Exchange Infrastructure Increased flexibility to use (SAP NetWeaver XI) component, to different reservation computer reservation software for systems in the booking hotels. Customers can download the process interface content of certified and other - Lower total cost of hotel reservation providers into their ownership (TCO) and SAP NetWeaver XI software, thereby implementation costs flexibly choosing the provider of their through service provider– choice and best local fit. specific integration support - Lower direct purchasing costs, because of access to a wider range of lowprice offers Use of Adobe print forms This functionality accomplishes the This functionality provides following: - It prints forms as Adobe the following benefits: PDF documents for travel requests, Improved usability for travel plans, and expense reports. online and offline travel - It facilitates the configuration and management situations adaptation of look and feel (for - Significantly reduced example, the addition of a corporate effort for entering travel logo or image creation of different and expense data, as well designs per traveler category). as associated - Forms are easy to print, send, and administration efforts, as save locally. paper receipts become - It includes the option to add in bar obsolete codes for an automated receipt - Increased flexibility in imaging process. importing information Use of Adobe print forms This functionality accomplishes the This functionality provides following: - It prints forms as Adobe the following benefits: PDF documents for travel requests, Improved usability for travel plans, and expense reports. - It online and offline travel facilitates the configuration and management situations adaptation of look and feel (for - Significantly reduced example, the addition of a corporate effort for entering travel logo or image creation of different and expense data, as well designs per traveler category). - Forms as associated are easy to print, send, and save administration efforts, as locally. - It includes the option to add in paper receipts become bar codes for an automated receipt obsolete imaging process. - Increased flexibility in importing information

SAP ERP 6.0 Corporate Services


Use of Adobe print forms This functionality accomplishes the following: - It prints forms as Adobe PDF documents for travel requests, travel plans, and expense reports. - It facilitates the configuration and adaptation of look and feel (for example, the addition of a corporate logo or image creation of different designs per traveler category). - Forms are easy to print, send, and save locally. - It includes the option to add in bar codes for an automated receipt imaging process.

SAP ERP 6.0 Financials


Automatic mileage calculation for fraud prevention

SAP ERP 6.0 Human FI-TV Capital Management

SAP ERP 6.0 Corporate Services


SAP ERP 6.0 Financials


SAP ERP 6.0 Human FI-TV Capital Management

SAP ERP 6.0 Corporate


With the integration of geocoding content into the travel expenses function, users can rely on the software to automatically calculate the driven mileage between their travel destinations. Automatic mileage With the integration of geocoding calculation for fraud content into the travel expenses prevention function, users can rely on the software to automatically calculate the driven mileage between their travel destinations. Automatic mileage With the integration of geocoding calculation for fraud content into the travel expenses prevention function, users can rely on the software to automatically calculate the driven mileage between their travel destinations. Automatic receipt imaging With the inclusion of bar codes in and bar code encryption printed expense report forms, customers can now easily implement an automatic receipt imaging process. Self-service users (travelers, travel arrangers) can print the bar coded expense form after having recorded their expense report, and then they can scan or fax it, together with their paper receipts, to a central address. The sent documents are automatically converted into image files and attached to the correct expense report within the SAP software. Automatic receipt imaging With the inclusion of bar codes in and bar code encryption printed expense report forms, customers can now easily implement an automatic receipt imaging process. Self-service users (travelers, travel arrangers) can print the bar coded expense form after having recorded their expense report, and then they can scan or fax it, together with their paper receipts, to a central address. The sent documents are automatically converted into image files and attached to the correct expense report within the SAP software. Automatic receipt imaging With the inclusion of bar codes in

This functionality provides the following benefits: Improved usability for online and offline travel management situations - Significantly reduced effort for entering travel and expense data, as well as associated administration efforts, as paper receipts become obsolete - Increased flexibility in importing information This functionality provides the following benefits: Avoidance of fraud risk - Improvement in compliance with the Sarbanes-Oxley Act This functionality provides the following benefits: Avoidance of fraud risk - Improvement in compliance with the Sarbanes-Oxley Act This functionality provides the following benefits: Avoidance of fraud risk - Improvement in compliance with the Sarbanes-Oxley Act This functionality provides the following benefits: Reduced paper costs and paper shipment costs - Faster receipt audits in the expenses department and shared services center

This functionality provides the following benefits: Reduced paper costs and paper shipment costs - Faster receipt audits in the expenses department and shared services center

This functionality provides


SAP ERP 6.0 Financials

and bar code encryption

printed expense report forms, customers can now easily implement an automatic receipt imaging process. Self-service users (travelers, travel arrangers) can print the bar coded expense form after having recorded their expense report, and then they can scan or fax it, together with their paper receipts, to a central address. The sent documents are automatically converted into image files and attached to the correct expense report within the SAP software. Cost assignments and cost splits in a travel request, travel plan, or expense report can now also be assigned to a project number from the Collaboration Projects (cProjects) application.


Integration with Collaboration Projects

SAP ERP 6.0 Human FI-TV Capital Management

Integration with Collaboration Projects

Cost assignments and cost splits in a travel request, travel plan, or expense report can now also be assigned to a project number from the Collaboration Projects (cProjects) application.

SAP ERP 6.0 Corporate Services


Integration with Collaboration Projects

Cost assignments and cost splits in a travel request, travel plan, or expense report can now also be assigned to a project number from the Collaboration Projects (cProjects) application.

SAP ERP 6.0 Financials


Access to central address Users can pick widely used addresses database in all processes from pick lists (customer addresses, subsidiary sites, and so on) across entire self-services process (submitting travel requests, online booking, claiming expenses). Access to central address Users can pick widely used addresses database in all processes from pick lists (customer addresses, subsidiary sites, and so on) across entire self-services process (submitting travel requests, online booking, claiming expenses). Access to central address Users can pick widely used addresses database in all processes from pick lists (customer addresses, subsidiary sites, and so on) across entire self-services process (submitting travel requests, online booking, claiming expenses). Enhancements in travel This functionality provides the planning following: - Integration of passive segments into passenger name record - Mixed itineraries, including services booked online and any customerspecific service requests for booking by

SAP ERP 6.0 Human FI-TV Capital Management

SAP ERP 6.0 Corporate Services


SAP ERP 6.0 Financials


the following benefits: Reduced paper costs and paper shipment costs - Faster receipt audits in the expenses department and shared services center

This functionality provides the following benefits: Clear cost assignment on Collaboration Projects (cProjects) - Improved spend transparency for cProjects customer This functionality provides the following benefits: Clear cost assignment on Collaboration Projects (cProjects) - Improved spend transparency for cProjects customer This functionality provides the following benefits: Clear cost assignment on Collaboration Projects (cProjects) - Improved spend transparency for cProjects customer This functionality provides the following benefits: Faster data input for users - Enhanced reporting options on address levels This functionality provides the following benefits: Faster data input for users - Enhanced reporting options on address levels This functionality provides the following benefits: Faster data input for users - Enhanced reporting options on address levels This functionality enables travel planning as the single access point for online booking, as well as for service requests to a shared service center or

agency or shared service center - Display of travel agency processing status for more efficient communication between traveler, travel arranger, and travel agency - Negotiated car rental fares per organizational department - Lufthansa PAF and Air France CA enablement SAP ERP 6.0 Human FI-TV Enhancements in travel This functionality provides the Capital planning following: - Integration of passive Management segments into passenger name record - Mixed itineraries, including services booked online and any customerspecific service requests for booking by agency or shared service center - Display of travel agency processing status for more efficient communication between traveler, travel arranger, and travel agency - Negotiated car rental fares per organizational department - Lufthansa PAF and Air France CA enablement SAP ERP 6.0 Corporate FI-TV Enhancements in travel This functionality provides the Services planning following: - Integration of passive segments into passenger name record - Mixed itineraries, including services booked online and any customerspecific service requests for booking by agency or shared service center - Display of travel agency processing status for more efficient communication between traveler, travel arranger, and travel agency - Negotiated car rental fares per organizational department - Lufthansa PAF and Air France CA enablement SAP ERP 6.0 Financials FI, CO, AM, Pretrip budget availability This functionality enhances availability FSCM control in funds control of funds management budgets management at the stages of travel requests (estimated amounts) and travel plan (exact costs of online booking).


This functionality enables travel planning as the single access point for online booking, as well as for service requests to a shared service center or agency.

This functionality enables travel planning as the single access point for online booking, as well as for service requests to a shared service center or agency.

This functionality provides the following benefits: More accurate availability control before start of a business trip, at the time of pretrip approval - Elimination of manual availability control and paper-based processes SAP ERP 6.0 Human FI, CO, AM, Pretrip budget availability This functionality enhances availability This functionality provides Capital FSCM control in funds control of funds management budgets the following benefits: Management management at the stages of travel requests More accurate availability (estimated amounts) and travel plan control before start of a (exact costs of online booking). business trip, at the time of pretrip approval - Elimination of manual availability control and paper-based processes SAP ERP 6.0 Financials FI, CO, AM, Enhancements in mobile SAP Mobile Time and Travel, when This functionality provides FSCM travel expenses for SAP used in conjunction with SAP ERP, the following benefits: ERP accomplishes the following: Reduced I19costs by - It provides redesigned, step-by-step eliminating paper-based

SAP ERP 6.0 Human FI, CO, AM, Enhancements in mobile Capital FSCM travel expenses for SAP Management ERP

SAP ERP 6.0 Corporate Services

FI, CO, AM, Enhancements in mobile FSCM travel expenses for SAP ERP

guided data user interface, in complete alignment with the new online selfservice application. - It enables offline users to attach credit card receipts directly to expense reports. - It offers receipt itemization functions to break down complex receipts such as hotel bills. - Travel requests and travel plans that are created in the online SAP ERP application can be brought down to the offline application. - Customization options are available for long-term travel (for example, the 90-days rule). - It can be integrated with Collaboration Projects (cProjects). SAP Mobile Time and Travel, when used in conjunction with SAP ERP, accomplishes the following: - It provides redesigned, step-by-step guided data user interface, in complete alignment with the new online selfservice application. - It enables offline users to attach credit card receipts directly to expense reports. - It offers receipt itemization functions to break down complex receipts such as hotel bills. - Travel requests and travel plans that are created in the online SAP ERP application can be brought down to the offline application. - Customization options are available for long-term travel (for example, the 90-days rule). - It can be integrated with Collaboration Projects (cProjects). SAP Mobile Time and Travel, when used in conjuction with SAP ERP, accomplishes the following: - It provides redesigned, step-by-step guided data user interface, in complete alignment with the new online selfservice application. - It enables offline users to attach credit card receipts directly to expense reports. - It offers receipt itemization functions to break down complex receipts such as hotel bills. - Travel requests and travel plans that are created in the online SAP ERP application can be brought down to the offline application. - Customization options are available for long-term travel (for example, the 90-days rule). - It can be integrated with Collaboration

processes and double data entry - Speedier billing cycles for services rendered increase cash flow - Increased visibility of accounting data

This functionality provides the following benefits: Reduced I19costs by eliminating paper-based processes and double data entry - Speedier billing cycles for services rendered increase cash flow - Increased visibility of accounting data

This functionality provides the following benefits: Reduced I19costs by eliminating paper-based processes and double data entry - Speedier billing cycles for services rendered increase cash flow - Increased visibility of accounting data

Projects (cProjects). FI, CO, AM, Enhancements in mobile SAP Mobile Time and Travel, when This functionality provides FSCM travel expenses for SAP used in conjuction with SAP ERP, the following benefits: ERP accomplishes the following: Reduced I19costs by - It provides a redesigned, step-by-step eliminating paper-based guided data user interface, in complete processes and double data alignment with the new online selfentry service application. - Speedier billing cycles for - It enables offline users to attach credit services rendered increase card receipts directly to expense cash flow reports. - Increased visibility of - It offers receipt itemization functions accounting data to break down complex receipts such as hotel bills. mySAP ERP Human FI, CO, AM, Enhancements in mobile SAP Mobile Time and Travel, when This functionality provides 2004 Capital FSCM travel expenses for SAP used in conjuction with SAP ERP, the following benefits: Management ERP accomplishes the following: Reduced I19costs by - It provides a redesigned, step-by-step eliminating paper-based guided data user interface, in complete processes and double data alignment with the new online selfentry service application. - Speedier billing cycles for - It enables offline users to attach credit services rendered increase card receipts directly to expense cash flow reports. - Increased visibility of - It offers receipt itemization functions accounting data to break down complex receipts such as hotel bills. SAP ERP 6.0 Financials FI, CO, AM, Self-service for managers This functionality enhances process This functionality provides FSCM (approvers) and travel support for managers, including the the following benefits: arrangers highlighting of policy exceptions, Accelerated approval instant access to the most important processes and reduced travel data, details of business trips in indirect costs summarized Adobe PDF form, and - Increased transparency one-click approval function. It also for managers provides personalized access for travel - Faster access to other preparers (for example, team employees' data for team assistants) to handle list of employees assistants they are responsible for (“favorites”). SAP ERP 6.0 Human FI, CO, AM, Self-service for managers This functionality enhances process This functionality provides Capital FSCM (approvers) and travel support for managers, including the the following benefits: Management arrangers highlighting of policy exceptions, Accelerated approval instant access to the most important processes and reduced travel data, details of business trips in indirect costs summarized Adobe PDF form, and - Increased transparency one-click approval function. It also for managers provides personalized access for travel - Faster access to other preparers (for example, team employees' data for team assistants) to handle list of employees assistants they are responsible for (“favorites”). mySAP ERP Corporate Travel management The Web-based employee self-service This functionality provides 2004 Services functions available as software for travel management include the following benefits: Web-based software redesigned and easy-to-use functions Improved user adoption (Web Dynpro for the following: across end-to-end process development - Travel requests - Reduced training efforts environment) - Travel plans (online bookings) - Travel expense reports - Non–travel-related expense reports - Imports from corporate credit card programs - Traveler profiles In addition, the functions can also be mySAP ERP Financials 2004

mySAP ERP End-User 2004 Service Delivery

SAP ERP 6.0 Analytics

SAP ERP 6.0 Analytics

SAP ERP 6.0 Financials

used by travel arrangers and team assistants handling the application on behalf of their team members. Travel management The Web-based employee self-service This functionality provides functions available as software for travel management include the following benefits: Web-based software redesigned and easy-to-use functions Improved user adoption (Web Dynpro for the following: across end-to-end process development - Travel requests - Reduced training efforts environment) - Travel plans (online bookings) - Travel expense reports - Non–travel-related expense reports - Imports from corporate credit card programs - Traveler profiles In addition, the functions can also be used by travel arrangers and team assistants handling the application on behalf of their team members. FI, CO, AM, Legal and management This functionality provides support for Additional functionality for FSCM consolidation: the accounting principle of proportionate consolidation proportionate proportionate consolidation: reduces the effort for consolidation - Data is portionated automatically manual adjustments. The through the use of reclassification level of automation is tasks. increased during the - The group-dependent approach creation of consolidated supports the use of the same financial statements, along consolidation unit with different with reduced closing times. accounting methods and different proportion shares. - Support is provided for changes of accounting method or proportion share. FI, CO, AM, Legal and management This functionality provides new In comparison with the FSCM consolidation: functionality for the automatic treatment enterprise controlling– capitalization and of hidden reserves and contingencies, consolidation approach, valuation allowances including the following: the strategic enterprise - Automatic postings for disclosure management (SEM)– - Net book value adjustment of hidden business consolidation reserves and contingencies (BCS) approach is easier to handle and more flexible, because it is decoupled from consolidation of investments and can easily be decentralized: - New functionality supports compliance with the International Accounting Standard. - The level of automation is increased during the creation of consolidated financial statements, along with reduced closing times. FI, CO, AM, Collections management: Collections work lists can be generated Unique collection FSCM rule-based generation of on the basis of predefined rules. The strategies can be defined collection work lists rules evaluate the open receivables of for specific customer a customer and assign a certain priority segments. This enables to them. The result is a prioritized list of efficient and effective customers, called a "work list." The collection of receivables, work list is assigned to a collection which reduces the days agent, who processes the work list sales outstanding (DSO).

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SAP ERP 6.0 Financials

items (customer accounts) according to their priority. FI, CO, AM, Collections management: The collection agent has a variety of FSCM processing work lists options when processing the collection work list: - Check the customer's situation (open items, payments, promises to pay, dispute cases, past customer contacts, resubmissions) - Call the customer - Create promises to pay - Create a dispute case - Create a resubmission Everything is recorded automatically by the software in an action log. FI, CO, AM, Collections management: The SAP Collections Management FSCM analytics and reporting application offers comprehensive analytical features: work lists, customer contacts, promises to pay, and open items can be analyzed.

SAP ERP 6.0 Financials

FI, CO, AM, Credit management: FSCM interfacing with external information providers

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FI, CO, AM, Management of internal FSCM controls: deficiency analysis

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FI, CO, AM, Management of internal FSCM controls: validation of control effectiveness testing

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FI, CO, AM, Management of internal FSCM controls: documentation change logging

All posssible activities and to-do actions of a collections agent can be done on one screen in a minimum of time. The result can be monitored afterwards.

This functionality provides the following benefits: - It measures the performance and productivity of collection agents. - It monitors the effectiveness of collection strategies. The SAP Credit Management Highly automated real-time application offers enhanced integration with external functionalities for interfacing with information providers external credit information providers, guarantees up-to-date including the ability to process updates credit information and from the external information provider therefore improves the through Extensible Markup Language probability of a correct (XML). In addition, search requests can credit decision. be sent to the external information provider through XML, and the hit list of customer records returned can be processed in SAP Credit Management. This functionality allows management This functionality provides to perform an analysis of control the following benefits: weakness severity, as necessary for Reduced effort required to meeting legal reporting requirements. comply with SarbanesOxley Act reporting requirements - Increased transparency into state of internal control structure This functionality supports the results This functionality provides of the review of effectiveness testing the following benefits: - It for internal controls. provides an extra level of certainty to ensure testing quality for companies with less experienced testers. - It reduces customization effort needed to change workflow paths to one click. This functionality supports the This functionality provides documentation and review of changes the following benefits: - It to internal control or process records control documentation. documentation for audit safety. - It simplifies reporting of changes made to control documentation over time.

SAP ERP 6.0 End-User Service Delivery


SAP ERP 6.0 Product PP Development and Manufacturing

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mySAP ERP End-User 2004 Service Delivery



SAP role: plant manager In the plant manager role, manufacturing intelligence dashboards for the plant manager provide enhanced usability and functionality (regarding key figure monitoring) in comparison with the 2004 release of SAP ERP.

This functionality provides the following benefits: Easy access to aggregated data from multiple, heterogeneous software systems - Ability to monitor, measure, control, and Dashboards have also been created for improve production the new production supervisor, performance maintenance technician, and quality - Multiple ways to inspector roles, to leverage this personalize the key figure transparency and promote monitor collaboration on the shop floor. SAP role: plant manager In the plant manager role, This functionality provides manufacturing intelligence dashboards the following benefits: for the plant manager provide Easy access to aggregated enhanced usability and functionality data from multiple, (regarding key figure monitoring) in heterogeneous software comparison with the 2004 release of systems SAP ERP. - Ability to monitor, measure, control, and Dashboards have also been created for improve production the new production supervisor, performance maintenance technician, and quality - Multiple ways to inspector roles, to leverage this personalize the key figure transparency and promote monitor collaboration on the shop floor. SAP role: plant manager In the plant manager role, This functionality provides manufacturing intelligence dashboards the following benefits: for the plant manager provide Easy access to aggregated configurable entry pages that deliver data from multiple, alerts, key performance indicators heterogeneous software (KPIs), and the ability to manage systems reports in knowledge management. - Ability to monitor, Thus, they also provide the decision measure, control, and support needed by production improve production personnel to respond to exceptions and performance unforeseen changes in demand or supply and to deliver superior production performance through greater transparency. The target group consists of people in upper management positions in shop floor and manufacturing, such as plant managers. SAP role: plant manager In the plant manager role, This functionality provides manufacturing intelligence dashboards the following benefits: for the plant manager provide Easy access to aggregated configurable entry pages that deliver data from multiple, alerts, key performance indicators heterogeneous software (KPIs), and the ability to manage systems reports in knowledge management. - Ability to monitor, Thus, they also provide the decision measure, control, and support needed by production improve production personnel to respond to exceptions and performance unforeseen changes in demand or supply and to deliver superior production performance through greater transparency.

mySAP ERP Product PP 2004 Development and Manufacturing

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mySAP ERP Financials 2004

The target group consists of people in upper management positions in shop floor and manufacturing, such as plant managers. SAP role: plant manager In the plant manager role, This functionality provides manufacturing intelligence dashboards the following benefits: for the plant manager provide Easy access to aggregated configurable entry pages that deliver data from multiple, alerts, key performance indicators heterogeneous software (KPIs), and the ability to manage systems reports in knowledge management. - Ability to monitor, Thus, they also provide the decision measure, control, and support needed by production improve production personnel to respond to exceptions and performance unforeseen changes in demand or supply and to deliver superior production performance through greater transparency.

The target group consists of people in upper management positions in shop floor and manufacturing, such as plant managers. FI, CO, AM, Enterprise controlling– Additional financial data contains key This functionality facilitates FSCM consolidation: goodwill in figures in the local currency of the compliance with legal local currency investee unit: requirements from U.S. - If goodwill is incurred during generally accepted consolidation of investments, that accounting principles (USgoodwill is calculated in group currency GAAP) and International and translated into local currency. Financial Reporting - For the periods that follow, the Standards (IFRS). software translates the goodwill from local currency to group currency; differences in the original value are disclosed on separate balance sheet items and subassignments. FI, CO, AM, Enterprise controlling– Enterprise controlling–consolidation This functionality provides FSCM consolidation: provides an alternative option for the following benefits: organizational changes handling changes to the consolidation Facilitated hierarchy hierarchy -- the so-called organizational changes for management change logic. An organizational change consolidation is a reorganization of an investment - Facilitated compliance relationship within a consolidation with the U.S. generally group, which is disclosed according to accepted accounting management considerations. principles (US-GAAP) requirement When transferring the investment in "Reorganization Under any affiliate between two investors, the Common Control" following should happen (so-called organizational change logic): - From the point of view of the group that contains both investors, the organizational change should essentially have no effect. - From the point of view of the group that contains the sending investor but not the receiving investor, there should be a divestiture without I/S effects. This means that the divesting investor should not suffer from I/S effects

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caused by the organizational change. - From the point of view of the group that contains the receiving investor but not the sending investor, the acquisition should create a goodwill that equals the reduction of goodwill divested in the old group. This means that the receiving investor suffers from I/S effects, which occured in the divesting group, when divestitures happen in the future. FI, CO, AM, Enterprise controlling– This functionality provides a separate This functionality facilitates FSCM consolidation: investment activity for the amortization or write-up treatment of investment amortizations and write- of investment holdings. Note that in the amortization and write-up. up activities that follow (such as divestitures and transfers), no adjustments are made to the investment amortization or write-up postings. FI, CO, AM, Enterprise controlling– With this functionality, "no amortization" This functionality facilitates FSCM consolidation: new option can be choosen as a possible compliance for the for the treatment of treatment of goodwill. treatment of goodwill goodwill according to International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) (impairment testing instead of regular amortization). FI, CO, AM, Enterprise controlling– This functionality provides two options This functionality facilitates FSCM consolidation: new for handling goodwill in partial compliance with legal posting logic for partial divestitures: requirements of divestiture according to - Goodwill can be either completely International Financial International Financial reduced or not reduced at all. Reporting Standards Reporting Standard - The decision about which option to (IFRS). (IFRS) 3 use can be made seperately for each individual activity. FI, CO, AM, Enterprise controlling– This functionality provides an This functionality facilitates FSCM consolidation: activation enhancement in existing functionality treatment of hidden and amortization of for hidden reserves: contingencies. hidden contingencies - The flag "hidden contingencies" in the hidden reserve master data is now input enabled. - The "hidden contingencies" flag is available in the flexible file upload of hidden reserves. - Separate customization of the subitems to be used is allowed in hidden contingencies postings. - Enhanced program logic supports hidden contingencies in first and subsequent consolidations. FI, CO, AM, Enterprise controlling– This functionality enables the download This functionality facilitates FSCM consolidation: download of master data and hierarchies into flat migration to the SAP SEM: of master data for files: BCS workshop. migration to SAP SEM: - Formats are compatible with SAP BCS workshop SEM: BCS flat file upload. - The functionality is available for settings related to chart of accounts and consolidation hierarchies. FI, CO, AM, Enterprise controlling– SAP ERP now provides the following: This functionality provides FSCM consolidation: enhanced - The ability to read plan data from the the following benefits: integration with SAP InfoProvider object in the SAP Closed loop integration

NetWeaver Business Intelligence

NetWeaver Business Intelligence component - Real-time reporting of enterprise controlling–consolidation data through remote InfoProvider These features were exclusively available to customers in former releases of SAP R/3. As of the 2004 release of SAP ERP, they are available in enterprise controlling–consolidation; SEM-BCS no longer exists.

SAP ERP 6.0 SAP NetWeaver

Enabling enterprise services

SAP ERP 6.0 SAP NetWeaver

Running an enterprise portal

SAP ERP 6.0 SAP NetWeaver

Enabling user collaboration

SAP ERP 6.0 SAP NetWeaver

Business task management

SAP ERP 6.0 SAP NetWeaver

Mobilizing business processes

With the SAP NetWeaver technology platform, organizations have a single infrastructure for uniform service definition, implementation, and usage based on Web services technology and standards. SAP NetWeaver supports enterprise services for user interaction, as well as application-to-application and business-to-business interactions through synchronous, asynchronous, stateful, and stateless communication models. With the SAP NetWeaver technology platform, organizations can give their users uniform, role-based, and secure access to any kind of applications, services, and information. With the SAP NetWeaver Portal, all members of the company’s value chain – employees, customers, partners, and suppliers – have a single, uniform point of access to the applications, services, and information they need for their daily work. With the SAP NetWeaver technology platform, IT organizations can help individuals, teams, and project groups collaborate more efficiently as they perform their business processes. SAP NetWeaver makes collaboration and knowledge sharing an integral, natural part of everyday work and enables efficient communication. With the SAP NetWeaver technology platform, IT organizations can get the right tasks to the right employees and give employees the means to complete their tasks on time and with the best results. Organizations can coordinate, monitor, and adapt automated process flows across and within business components. With the SAP NetWeaver technology platform, organizations can extend existing and new business processes into mobile technology. In addition to supporting simple productivity tools, such as e-mail, SAP NetWeaver integrates front-end mobile activities

between consolidation in enterprise controlling– consolidation and planning in the SAP NetWeaver Business Intelligence component - Real-time reporting of data during the closing process in SAP NetWeaver Business Intelligence, including reporting between data extraction times This functionality provides the following benefits: - It creates new value from existing IT assets through the use of Web services. It provides greater flexiblity for responding quickly to business change. - It ensures openness and interoperability between software systems. This functionality provides the following benefits: - It improves user productivity. - It increases efficiency with single sign-on. - It improves access to relevant applications and information.

This functionality provides the following benefits: - It improves user productivity. - It fosters teamwork. - It improves communication between groups. - It improves decision making.

This functionality provides the following benefits: - It improves user productivity. - It automates tasks for greater efficiency and reduced errors. - It imrpoves business processes. This functionality provides the following benefits: - It improves user productivity of the mobile workforce. - It increases efficiency of the mobile workforce. - It improves business

with back-end business processes.

SAP ERP 6.0 SAP NetWeaver

SAP ERP 6.0 SAP NetWeaver

SAP ERP 6.0 SAP NetWeaver

SAP ERP 6.0 SAP NetWeaver

SAP ERP 6.0 SAP NetWeaver

processes for the mobile workforce. Enterprise knowledge With the SAP NetWeaver technology This functionality provides management platform, organizations can plan, build, the following benefits: - It and operate an integrated work improves decision making. environment for information workers. It - It improves content provides the framework and the tools to sharing. - It reduces integrate, dissseminate, and work with manual data maintenance. distributed, unstructured information and put it into business context for information workers. Authentication and single With the SAP NetWeaver technology This functionality provides sign-on platform, IT organizations can maintain the following benefits: - It an appropriate level of security and increases user productivity quality in their intellectual property and with single sign-on. - It information assets without reduces support costs of compromising flexibility, user resetting passwords. - It productivity, and collaboration with reduces total cost of customers and partners ownership (TCO) with consolidated access and authentication. SAP NetWeaver With the SAP NetWeaver technology This functionality provides operations platform, organizations can set up an the following benefits: - It optimal environment for administration reduces operational costs. and data archiving with SAP - It improves problem NetWeaver. They can centrally analysis through alerts, manage business processes and traces, and so on. - It centrally monitor the underlying SAP reduces administrative NetWeaver components in a highly costs with central effective manner. management. - It improves availability of software systems. - It automates processes to increase effiency and reduce errors. - It lowers total cost of ownership (TCO) with increased server utilization and load balancing. Software life-cycle With the SAP NetWeaver technology This functionality provides management platform, organizations can manage the following benefits: SAP software in their system Simplify the landscapes by performing implementation of complex implementation tasks such as planning landscapes - Simplify changes, implementing new systems, software maintenance and copying existing systems, or enabling upgrades the creation and propagation of changes in the landscape. Organizations can also maintain their software by applying support packages and corrections or by upgrading to new software versions. Developing, Configuring, With the SAP NetWeaver technology This functionality provides and Adapting platform, organizations can enhance the following benefits: - It Applications SAP applications or to create improves developer complementary custom applications, productivity with modelusing a variety of programming models based tools. - It reduces and tools. SAP NetWeaver supports development efforts with popular development processes for the reusable components. - It Java and ABAP programming ensures openness and languages. It also provides modelinteroperabilty with other based development with the SAP systems.

NetWeaver Visual Composer tool and provides portal and mobile development kits. With the SAP NetWeaver technology platform, organizations can master the heterogeneity in their landscapes through interoperablity of software systems. SAP NetWeaver integrates employees' work, information, processes, and applications.

SAP ERP 6.0 SAP NetWeaver

Enabling platform interoperability

SAP ERP 6.0 SAP NetWeaver

Business process management

With the SAP NetWeaver technology platform, organizations can model, execute, and monitor process models from a central integration server. Organizations can use predefined content to configure business processes and can relate softwareembedded settings to business process models.

SAP ERP 6.0 SAP NetWeaver

Enabling business-tobusiness processes

SAP ERP 6.0 SAP NetWeaver

Enabling application-toapplication processes

SAP ERP 6.0 SAP NetWeaver

Business planning and analytical services

With the SAP NetWeaver technology platform, organizations can seamlessly connect their own business processes with those of their partners by using message-based and standards-based methods for process integration. SAP NetWeaver supports various communication channels, as well as process coordination and surveillance. With the SAP NetWeaver technology platform, SAP and non-SAP software can be seamlessly connected within organizations, with the process flow orchestrated between software through the use of message-based and standards-based methods for process integration. With SAP NetWeaver, the design, configuration, and execution of all business processes can be managed within the heterogeneous software landscape of an organization. With the SAP NetWeaver technology platform, organziations can collect and transform data. Using SAP NetWeaver tools, organizations simulate business conditions, perform strategic and operational planning,and design analysis processes by using data mining.


Enterprise reporting,

With the SAP NetWeaver technology

This functionality provides the following benefits: - It leverages existing investments in technology, products, and skills. - It creates new value from existing IT assets through the use of Web sevices. - It reduces total cost of ownership (TCO) with less maintenance and training. It ensures secure access through single sign-on. - It improves management of software systems. This functionality provides the following benefits: - It improves business processes. - It reduces costs of process innovation. - It automates business processes for reduced errors. - It simplifies process management. - It increases flexibility for business process improvement. This functionality provides the following benefits: - It improves business process between partners through the use of industry standards. - It reduces total cost of ownership (TCO) through industry standards and central control. This functionality provides the following benefits: - It improves business processes. - It executes transactions more smoothly and quickly. - It leverages existing investments. - It reduces integration and maintenance costs.

This functionality provides the following benefits: - It manages business intelligence. - It enables organizations to predict and react quickly to change. - It analyzes processes for improvements. This functionality provides


query, and analysis

SAP ERP 6.0 SAP NetWeaver

SAP ERP 6.0 SAP NetWeaver

SAP ERP 6.0 SAP NetWeaver

SAP ERP 6.0 SAP NetWeaver

SAP ERP 6.0 SAP NetWeaver

mySAP ERP Financials 2004


platform, organizations can provide all the necessary processes and services to meet the information needs of business users. They can design and provide applications for formatted reporting, ad hoc queries, interactive analyses, information dashboards, and information broadcasting.

the following benefits: - It empowers business users to access information. - It improves analysis of data. It simplifies integration of reports and Web applications. - It simplifies integration of business intelligence data and Microsoft Excel spreadsheets. - It shares information with users through information broadcasts. Enterprise data With the SAP NetWeaver technology This functionality provides warehousing platform, organizations can create and the following benefits: - It operate a data warehouse in an improves analytics and enterprise-wide environment, reporting. - It improves integrating data from heterogeneous data access. - It optimizes software and designing and executing performance of data business intelligence models and search and reporting. - It processes. They can combine strategic ensures security of data. analyses and operational reporting and enable the business to report in real time. Central master data With the SAP NetWeaver technology This functionality provides management platform, organizations can support the following benefits: - It company-wide quality standards by improves data quality with ensuring that central control of master central ownership. - It data begins as soon as the data is improves quality with created. company standards. Master data consolidation With the SAP NetWeaver technology This functionality provides platform, organizations can search for the following benefits: - It master data across linked software unifies data for single point systems, identify identical or similar of truth. - It improves objects spread across the local quality of data. - It software, build consolidated master improves analytics and data, and provide ID mapping for reporting. unified, company-wide analytics and reporting. Master data With the SAP NetWeaver technology This functionality provides harmonization platform, organizations can consolidate the following benefits: - It and harmonize master data. They can unifies data for single point ensure high quality of master data by of truth. - It improves distributing consolidated data that is quality of data. - It globally relevant and can be improves distribution of augmented with locally relevant relevant data. information. Enterprise search With the SAP NetWeaver technology This functionality provides platform, IT organizations can the following benefits: - It implement enterprise search. By using improves search of a central, standard, service-enabled relevant information. - It platform, they can enable indexing, increases search search, and retrieval of documents effectiveness of structured such as Adobe PDF files, and unstructured semistructured data such as responses information. to database queries, and structured business objects such as sales orders. General enhancements The SAP Treasury and Risk This functionality improves within SAP Treasury and Management application is used to compliance with the Risk Management manage financial transactions and the International Financial

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mySAP ERP Financials 2004


associated financial risk. Common Reporting Standards instruments can be handled within the (IFRS) and financial money market, foreign exchange, accounting standards derivatives, and securities functions, (FAS), including hedge both on the investment and on the accounting, and supports borrowing side. Financial risks can be the Sarbanes-Oxley Act monitored through the use of risk tools, and German regulations. and a range of derivatives can be employed to limit the risk. Enhancement in the New products for foreign exchange This functionality improves financial instruments trading are as follows: functionality in the following supported by SAP - Foreign exchange average rate option ways: - Greater array of Treasury and Risk - Foreign exchange basket option transaction support Management - Foreign exchange forward volatility - Elimination of the need to agreement support a treasury - Annuity repayment in interest rate management system instrument separate from finance and accounting Enhancement in the This functionality is characterized as This functionality improves hedge management follows: - It is possible to create a new compliance with the function within SAP exposure or plan directly from the deal International Financial Treasury and Risk entry screen of an option in the hedge Reporting Standards Management management function (IFRS) and financial - The hypothetical derivative method accounting standards can also be used for options. (FAS). - The effectiveness calculations for the benchmark method has been improved. - Cash flow data can be uploaded from the loans function - It is possible to conduct a prospective effectiveness test. Enhancement in the This functionality accomplishes the Market data providers do market risk function of following: - Calibration of the Hull/White not provide Hull-White SAP Treasury and Risk volatilities from implicit Black-Scholes volatilities; the calibration Management volatilities of swaptions or caps/floors enables you to calculate - Master data maintenance in the Hull-White volatilities with results database the normally provided - Enhancements in net present value Black-Scholes volatilities. (NPV) analysis, value-at-risk individual The usability of the analysis, and statistics calculator maintenance for the master data has been improved, and the figure monitor can display the hierarchical and time-dependent order of key figures and evaluation procedures. Enhancement in the This functionality accomplishes the Settlement risk calculations credit risk function of SAP following: - It contains enhancements in are also possible for Treasury and Risk the settlement risk calculations. money market instruments Management - If the end-of-day calculation has and Council of Mortgage errors, it is possible to restart the Lenders (CML) loans. Limit calculations for a work list instead of management data can now each deal individually. be loaded into the former - The exchange rate type used in the SAP Business Information Canada Revenue Agency is no longer Warehouse (SAP BW) fixed to “M,“ but a different exchange component (whose rate type can be defined in functionality is now part of customizing. SAP NetWeaver) in order - The derivation rules can be used to to use the reporting determine which business partner's possibilities of SAP BW.

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SAP ERP 6.0 Financials


data should be used for credit risk analyzer. - There are now extractors for the former SAP Business Information Warehouse component (whose functionality is now part of SAP NetWeaver). Enhancement in the This functionality accomplishes the financial instruments following: - A product category supported by SAP introduced in the transaction manager Treasury and Risk function reflects investments in assetManagement backed securities and mortgagebacked securities. The accounting rules engine is enhanced to meet the requirements of international accounting standards for these instruments. The product is also reflected in the market risk analyzer, credit risk analyzer, portfolio analyzer, and statutory reporting. - Another product category introduced in the transaction manager function reflects securities lending transactions from the lender’s point of view. Calculation of lending fees and consideration of cash or security collateral are possible. The product is also reflected in the credit risk analyzer and statutory reporting. - Facilities can be classified as syndicated facilities and several business partners can be assigned. A subline with a separate currency can be created within a facility. - Bonds can be issued through the use of the securities function with the advances of having correct position management and accurate accounting for the issued bonds. Emission and buy-back transactions are possible, as are security account and position management and detailed reporting. Enhancements in the This functionality accomplishes the process support function following: - The European System of of SAP Treasury and Risk Accounts (ESA) enables connection to Management market places with automation of download of foreign exchange transactions (foreign exchange spot, foreign exchange forward, and foreign exchange options) made on market places such as FXall, Currenex, or 360T. New interfaces in the BAPI programming interface for foreign exchange spot and foreign exchange forward transactions make it possible to enter all data for the foreign exchange transaction with one interface in BAPI. - Because of currency exposure management, it is possible to bring the exposure into hedge management and

This functionality improves corporate controls by integrating treasury reporting with finance and accounting. Its benefits are as follows: - Greater array of transaction support - Elimination of the need to support a treasury management system separate from finance and accounting.

This functionality improves the possibilities of straight through processing, as well as the ability to gather data from everywhere and use them as exposures for hedge management.

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SAP ERP 6.0 Financials

SAP ERP 6.0 Financials



assign the hedging transactions to the exposure. The exposure is then allowed to do the hedge accounting according to financial accounting standard (FAS) 133 or International Accounting Standard (IAS) 39. Enhancements in the This functionality accomplishes the hedge management following: - Within hedge management, function of SAP Treasury the caps, floors, and forward rate and Risk Management agreements (FRAs) can be used as hedging instruments. - The BAPI programming interface can be used to load exposures from external sources, such as cash management, Microsoft Excel documents, and accounts receivables. - Reporting is integrated to logical database. - Starting values are added to the net present value (NPV) table automatically. - Effectiveness tests are improved. - Open Catalog Interface (OCI) dissolvement is automatically distributed over a predefined time. - Hedge accounting in more than one accounting area possible: for example, financial accounting standard (FAS) 133 in one accounting area and International Accounting Standard (IAS) 39 in another. Reporting enhancements The new logical database for and menu change in SAP transaction management reporting Treasury and Risk enables the reporting for transactions Management within the hierarchical structure of the logical database (Level 1 [main data] and Level 2, such as flows, conditions, and interest adjustments). The logical database is a basis for writing reports with different tools and may be used to easily extract data to the former SAP Business Information Warehouse component (whose functionality is now part of SAP NetWeaver). There are some changes to menu functions: a new unified initial transaction for creating and processing financial transactions in the transaction manager and a new menu area for debt management in transaction management; also, the SAP Treasury and Risk Management menu now resides under accounting–financial supply chain management. Enhancement in the Within the framework of the portfolio portfolio analyzer of SAP analyzer, it is possibele to use single Treasury and Risk benchmarks, as well as composite Management benchmarks. Versioning and historization of benchmarks are supported. The analyzer information

This functionality improves compliance with the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and financial accounting standards (FAS).

This functionality improves the reporting possibilities, as well as providing a single point of entry to create or change deals of all product types.

It is now possible to compare your portfolio yields with benchmark yields to analyze the excess return rate.

SAP ERP 6.0 Financials

SAP ERP 6.0 Financials

function supports benchmark reporting, too. Enhancement in the This functionality accomplishes the credit risk function of SAP following: - It connects limit Treasury and Risk management to the workflow. Management - It can provide limits of individual deals. For example, one money market deal cannot be for more than $3,000,000. Enhancement in the This functionality is characterized as market risk function of follows: - Financial object integration SAP Treasury and Risk can be activated on the basis of Management product types. These settings can be made for all analyzers. - Market data generator is a new transaction. - There is a formula editor. - Book values can be transferred from treasury and treasury management into the results database. - The new instruments – asset-backed securities, mortgage-backed securities, and securities lending – can be reflected in the analyzers.

mySAP ERP Financials 2004

Cross-system intercompany reconciliation

SAP ERP 6.0 Financials

Depreciation calculation asset accounting

With the limit management, the workflow is automatically started as soon as a limit is breached, to inform the manager, and the limits of individual deals can be provided. The enhanced financial object integration enables you to include only specific product types from one area (for example, Council of Mortgage Lenders). For testing purposes, you can now calculate market data with the market data generator and store them in the database for use in the analyzers. You are now enabled to analyze the risk key figures, as well as accounting values, together in one report and create further key figures by using the formula editor. The cross-system intercompany This functionality enables reconciliation enables you to reconcile fast close improvement open items of group companies. After through cross-system collecting the open items from SAP and intercompany non-SAP software into a single reconciliation. Manual database, rules are applied to carry out effort for intercompany the matching of open items. Open reconciliation is reduced by items that cannot be matched an automatic assignment automatically are presented to the user of open items. Thus, the for further processing. Reconciliation of user needs only to focus general ledger accounts without open on the mismatch items. item management is also available. The depreciation calculation has been The new period interval– changed from a conceptional point of based depreciation view. The calculation logic before the facilitates a more accurate release of SAP ERP is based on calculation of depreciation. calculating depreciation on movements This applies to the (for example, acquisition and distribution of the yearly retirement). For each single movement, depreciation on the periods the depreciation is calculated when the (depreciation of the year is movement is posted. identical), as well as the The new calculation logic is based on calculation of the period intervals. A fiscal year is depreciation of a fiscal year portioned into period intervals. The (depreciation of the year is number of period intervals depends on different). the number of different periods with changes that affect the depreciation calculation (for example, acquisitions, retirements, change of depreciation parameters). An example of new period interval– based depreciation is as follows: - The fiscal year is split up into the

SAP ERP 6.0 Financials

Asset master data: time dependency

defined periods –- in this example, 12 periods (= 12 months). - An acquisition of 1.000 is posted in period 1. In period 7, a partial retirement of 400 is posted, and in period 10, another acquisition, of 200, is posted. The fiscal year is portioned into three period intervals as three movements in different periods have been posted. - Intervals for depreciation calculation are determined as follows: > First period interval: period 1 up to period 6 = 6 months (movement in period 1) > Second period interval: period 7 up to period 9 = 3 months (movement in period 7) > Third period interval: period 10 up to period 12 = 3 months (movement in period 10) The depreciation parameters (for Increased user productivity example, useful life, depreciation key) as changes of depreciation in the asset master data can be parameters can be maintained in a time-dependent maintained in advance manner. Before the release of SAP before they become ERP, changes of the depreciation effective. No manual parameters were effective immediately correction postings are for all open fiscal years. Changing of necessary if changes of depreciation parameters is now depreciation parameters effective as of the date specified in the become effective during depreciation area. the fiscal year. Dependency on time is considered when depreciation is calculated. An example of changed useful life is as follows: - Acquisition value: 10.000 - Acquisition date: 1/1/2005 - Useful life: five years - Depreciation of the year: 2.000 If the useful life has been changed from five years to years years effective on 1/7/2005, the results are as follows: - Acquisition value: 10.000 - Useful life: four years - Depreciation of the year: 2.500 The depreciation of the periods 01 to 06 of the year 2005 remains unchanged.

SAP ERP 6.0 Financials

Master data search: search engine

Depreciation of the year 2005 results in the following: - Periods 01 to 06: 2.000 * (6/12) = 1.000 - Periods 07 to 12: 2.500 * (6/12) = 1.250 - Sum = 2.250 As of SAP ERP, the enhanced search This functionality provides functionality is available for a range of the following benefits: -

master data, such as assets and vendors. You can use a search term to find the relevant master records that meet the search criteria. A fuzzy logic can be used to find similar terms: for example, typing errors that have been entered in the software, such as this: search term "SEARCH" finds "search" as well as "saerch."

SAP ERP 6.0 Financials

Generic contract accounting (financial accounting–contract accounts receivable and payable)

As of the release of SAP ERP, the contract accounting function is an integral part of enterprise resource planning solutions. Before the SAP ERP application was available, the function was an add-on to the SAP R/3 software. The contract accounting function provides a powerful subledger for managing accounts receivable and payable specifically for high-volume business. This high-volume contract accounting function helps you manage financial operations efficiently, reduce financial risk, and improve your cash flow through efficient receivables and collections management. Seamless integration of contract accounting with the general ledger, controlling, and cash management functions of SAP ERP enables a fast-closing process and gives you an accurate view of your financial situation.

SAP ERP 6.0 Financials

Synchronization of customers and vendors with business partners

Contract accounting with SAP ERP can process huge volumes of business partner information and transactions. It can handle large volumes because it helps automate business processes. Because your requirements change over time, you need to be flexible. The contract accounting function enables you to adapt your processes quickly and with minimum effort. The open architecture means that it fits seamlessly into your existing landscape, including SAP and nonSAP software. Master data of vendors, customers, and business partners can be synchronized in an automated manner. The functionality synchronizes customers and vendors with business partners and the other way around. The synchronization does not have an effect on your data until you activate this functionality.

Increased hit rate when users search for exisiting master records - Increased user productivity, because the process of finding master records is much easier - Fewer duplicates of master records, because the risk of creating new records for already existing master records is reduced This functionality provides the following benefits: - It reduces operational costs by minimizing manual work and increasing automation. - It optimizes cash flow by minimizing financial risk and through better tracking of outstanding receivables. - It provides more accurate financial figures through full integration with the general ledger, controlling, and cash management functionality. - It increases customer loyalty by providing flexible customer service. - It enhances customer relationship management strategy through a consistent view of customer and accounting information. - It is an integral part of the SAP ERP application that can be activated easily through the switch framework.

Data of your business partners can be stored separately in vendor, customer, and business partner master records. Nevertheless, your master data is always synchronized independently when or where you change a

mySAP ERP Financials 2004

Cross-system intercompany reconciliation

SAP ERP 6.0 Financials

Depreciation calculation asset accounting

SAP ERP 6.0 Financials

FI, CO, AM, Asset master data: time FSCM dependency

master record. The cross-system intercompany This functionality enables reconciliation enables you to reconcile fast close improvement open items of group companies. After through cross-system collecting the open items from SAP and intercompany non-SAP software into one single reconciliation. Manual database, rules are applied to carry out effort for intercompany the matching of open items. Open reconciliation is reduced by items that cannot be matched an automatic assignment automatically are presented to the user of open items. Thus, the for further processing. Reconciliation of user needs only to focus general ledger accounts without open on the mismatch items. item management is also available. The depreciation calculation has been The new period interval– changed from a conceptional point of based depreciation view. The calculation logic before the facilitates a more accurate release of SAP ERP is based on calculation of depreciation. calculating depreciation on This applies to the movements, such as acquisition and distribution of the yearly retirement. For each single movement, depreciation on the periods the depreciation is calculated when the (depreciation of the year is movement is posted. The new identical), as well as the calculation logic is based on period calculation of the intervals. A fiscal year is portioned into depreciation of a fiscal year period intervals. The number of period (depreciation of the year is intervals depends on the number of different). different periods with changes that affect the depreciation calculation (for example, acquisitions, retirements, and change of depreciation parameters). An example of new period interval– based depreciation is as follows: - The fiscal year is split up into the defined periods – in this example, 12 periods (= 12 months). - An acquisition of 1.000 is posted in period 1. In period 7, a partial retirement of 400 is posted, and in period 10, another acquisition, of 200, is posted. The fiscal year is portioned into three period intervals as three movements in different periods have been posted. - Intervals for depreciation calculation are determined as follows: > First period interval: period 1 up to period 6 = 6 months (movement in period 1) > Second period interval: period 7 up to period 9 = 3 months (movement in period 7) > Third period interval: period 10 up to period 12 = 3 months (movement in period 10) The depreciation parameters (for Increased user productivity example, useful life and depreciation as changes of depreciation key) in the asset master data can be parameters can be maintained in a time-dependent maintained in advance manner. Before the the release of SAP before they become ERP, changes of the depreciation effective. No manual

parameters were effective immediately for all open fiscal years. Changing of depreciation parameters is now effective as of the date specified in the depreciation area. Dependency on time is considered when depreciation is calculated.

correction postings are necessary if changes of depreciation parameters become effective during the fiscal year.

An example of changed useful life is as follows: - Acquisition value: 10.000 - Acquisition date: 1/1/2005 - Useful life: five years - Depreciation of the year: 2.000 If the useful life has been changed from five years to four years effective on 1/7/2005, the results are as follows: - Acquisition value: 10.000 - Useful life: four years - Depreciation of the year: 2.500 The depreciation of the periods 01 to 06 of the year 2005 remains unchanged.

SAP ERP 6.0 Financials

SAP ERP 6.0 Financials

Master data search: search engine

Depreciation of the year 2005 results in the following: - Periods 01 to 06: 2.000 * (6/12) = 1.000 - Periods 07 to 12: 2.500 * (6/12) = 1.250 - Sum = 2.250 As of the release of SAP ERP, the enhanced search functionality is available for a range of master data such as assets and vendors. You can use a search term to find the relevant master records that meet the search criteria. A fuzzy logic can be used to find similar terms: for example, typing errors that have been entered in the software, such as this: search term "SEARCH" finds "search" as well as "saerch."

This functionality provides the following benefits: Increased hit rate when users search for exisiting master records - Increased user productivity, because the process of finding master records is much easier - Fewer duplicates of master records, because the risk of creating new records for already existing master records is reduced Generic contract As of the release of SAP ERP, the This functionality provides accounting (financial contract accounting function is an the following benefits: - It accounting–contract integral part of enterprise resource reduces operational costs accounts receivable and planning. Before the SAP ERP by minimizing manual work payable) application was available, the function and increasing automation. was an add-on to the SAP R/3 - It optimizes cash flow by software. minimizing financial risk and through better tracking The contract accounting solution of outstanding receivables. provides a powerful subledger for - It provides more accurate managing accounts receivable and financial figures through full payable specifically for high-volume integration with the general business. This high-volume contract ledger, controlling, and accounting function helps you manage cash management financial operations efficiently, reduce functionality.

financial risk, and improve your cash flow through efficient receivables and collections management. Seamless integration of contract accounting with the general ledger, controlling, and cash management functions of SAP ERP enables a fast closing process and gives you an accurate view of your financial situation.

SAP ERP 6.0 Financials

Synchronization of customers and vendors with business partners

SAP ERP 6.0 Sales and Service


Internet pricing and configurator

SAP ERP 6.0 Sales and Service


Credit management

- It increases customer loyalty by providing flexible customer service. - It enhances customer relationship management strategy through a consistent view of customer and accounting information. - It is an integral part of the Contract accounting with SAP ERP can SAP ERP application that process huge volumes of business can be activated easily partner information and transactions. It through the switch can handle large volumes because it framework. helps automate business processes. Because customer requirements change over time, you need to be flexible. The contract accounting function enables you to adapt your processes quickly and with minimum effort. The open architecture means that it fits seamlessly into your existing landscape, including SAP and nonSAP software. Master data of vendors, customers, Data of your business and business partners can be partners can be stored synchronized in an automated manner. separately in vendor, The software synchronizes customers' customer, and business and vendors' data with business partner master records. partners' data and the other way Nevertheless, your master around. The synchronization does not data is always have an effect on your data until you synchronized activate this function. independently when or where you change a master record. The Internet pricing and configurator is One configurator can be enhanced and integrated to allow used across SAP ERP and configuration within the sales SAP Customer documents of the SAP ERP Relationship Management application; existing model data is (SAP CRM) applications, reused while its improved functionality including Internet sales and advanced user interface within scenarios, to allow for SAP ERP are leveraged. improved functionality and an optimized user interface while reducing total cost of ownership. You can integrate sales and distribution This functionality enables credit management with the SAP Credit integration of sales and Management application. With the SAP distribution credit ERP application, you can also use SAP management with SAP Credit Management in SAP Financial Credit Management. Supply Chain Management (SAP FSCM) set of applications to perform all credit checks and commitment updates for all areas of sales (sales and distribution, business finance, credit management). In SAP Credit Management, you can update the data from multiple software systems. This enables you to execute credit checks with consistent data in

SAP ERP 6.0 Sales and Service


SAP ERP 6.0 Sales and Service


SAP ERP 6.0 Sales and Service


SAP ERP 6.0 Sales and Service


SAP ERP 6.0 Sales and Service


mySAP ERP Sales and 2004 Service


mySAP ERP Sales and 2004 Service


distributed software systems, too. Furthermore, you can connect to external credit information providers by Extensible Markup Language (XML) interfaces. Alternatively, you can continue to use sales and distribution credit management (sales and distribution, business finance, credit management). E-commerce: user This functionality accomplishes the This functionality improves management following: - Web-based user user management. management for business-to-business Internet users - Assignment of authorization roles to users in Web-based user management - Automatic migration of transaction SU05 to transaction SU01 Internet users E-commerce: catalog With the SAP ERP application, you This functionality improves management must carry out product catalog catalog management. replication from your enterprise resource planning solution to the Text Retrieval and Information Extraction (TREX) server for use in the Web shop, using the report ISA_CATALOG_REPLICATION. Rebate condition records With the SAP ERP application, you can This functionality improves with the use of scales set up rebate agreements so that the use of scales for rebate scale base value and the rebate scale agreements. level are derived from the total sales volume of multiple condition records. You do this by grouping condition records in the rebate agreement. Price catalog (PRICAT): Inbound message processing of price This functionality improves inbound processing catalog (PRICAT) messages are price catalog (PRICAT) (retail) characterized as follows: inbound processing. With SAP ERP Central Component, you can create and change article data automatically or in an interface for mass data handling. The software takes both single and generic articles and bills of material and prices into account. Enterprise services in Please check in the Enterprise Enterprise services are sales order management Services Workplace site which available for sales order enterprise services are available for management. sales order management on the SAP Developer Network site ( Archiving objects The most frequently used archiving This functionality has two objects have been reworked so that main advantages: the they now correspond to a uniform archiving objects can be standard. used uniformly in archiving projects, and accessing archived data across different applications has been improved. Beverage functions With SAP ERP Central Component Beverage functions are available for the (SAP ECC), the following functions available. consumer products from the SAP Business All-in-One for


Food and Beverage Wholesalers solution are available for the consumer products industry: - SAP ECC, consumer products (EACP 500) > Material sorting > Extra charge > Empties management > Part load lift orders > Pendulum list and indirect sales > Sales returns > Excise duty - SAP ECC, supply chain management extension (EA-SCM 500) > Direct store delivery back-end > Master data > Visit control > Transportation planning (including loading units, aggregation categories) > Vehicle space optimization > Output control (including valuated delivery note) > Route accounting (including tour data entry, cash payer, route settlement)

mySAP ERP Corporate 2004 Services


mySAP ERP Corporate 2004 Services


SAP ERP 6.0 Procurement MM and Logistics Execution

- SAP ECC, industry-specific sales enhancements (EA-ISSE 500) Extended rebate processing Catalog interface for You can call up an external catalog in a The catalog interface for services in project system maintenance order or service order, a services enables you to maintenance task list, or a network and integrate external service copy services from this catalog into the catalogs in your purchasing order or task list or network. You also process. now have the option of storing multiple catalogs for each of the following criteria: - Order type and planning plant - Task list category and plant - Network type and plant Overall network You can restrict the number of By using this restriction, scheduling with selection networks that you want to schedule you can considerably option in project system when scheduling hierarchical project reduce the time it takes to structures with subnetworks. You can schedule large subnetwork branch directly from the subnetwork structures. monitor to the screens for processing or confirming the selected networks. Requirement After activating requirement As of release 6.0 of SAP prioritizations in materials prioritization in customizing and setting ERP Central Component, management appropriate priorities, you can assign a you can use the requirement urgency at item level in requirement prioritization your purchasing and reservation function to control the documents. You assign each servicing of material requirement urgency uniquely to a requisitions in the supply requirement urgency group in chain according to their customizing. The software determines urgency. Requirement the relevant requirement priority prioritization serves to (overall priority) of a material requisition determine a priority for the from the combination of requirement further processing of urgency group and organizational requirement items in the

SAP ERP 6.0 Procurement MM and Logistics Execution

SAP ERP 6.0 Procurement MM and Logistics Execution

priority. In the standard SAP software, logistics process. you define the organizational priority in customizing through plant–storage location combinations. In addition, in the purchasing and reservation process and in requirements planning, the new business add-in (BAdI), determination of the organizational priority during requirement prioritization, is available. With this BAdI, you can determine fields at header or item level that are to be evaluated in determining the organizational priority yourself. Business add-in for The subcontracting with deductible payables chargeable components software comes with a new business add-in (BAdI) for use with the enter deductible payables program. You can use the BAdI to accomplish the following actions: - Change the general ledger accounts on which the program records chargeable components Instruct the program to post data to profitability analysis - Change which accounting document type the program uses for deductible payables Connection of objects to In the quick search, you enter a search You can use enhanced a search engine term. An object is found if the word search functionality for a occurs in the object, regardless of range of master data. This which field of the object the word includes a quick search occurs in. The search also includes and an advanced search. texts that are assigned to the object. To implement this, the The advanced search works the same affected objects are way as the quick search, but it offers connected to the text some additional fields (attributes) on retrieval and information the selection screen, which you can extraction (TREX) search use to filter the hit list according to your engine. requirements. The search is not case sensitive. The search term "SEARCH" yields the same hits as the term "search." Both terms also yield "Search" and "SeaRCh." You can activate fuzzy search for both searches. If fuzzy search is active, similar terms are also found: for example, typing errors that have been created in the software. If you enter "Search" and activate fuzzy search, the system also finds the term "Search." You start the search as follows: 1. Call an object for which the search engine service is already active (for example, functional location). 2. On the initial screen, choose the possible entries for the object; then you

SAP ERP 6.0 Procurement MM and Logistics Execution

SAP ERP 6.0 Procurement MM and Logistics Execution

see the matchcode selection. 3. When the search engine service is active, you see two new matchcodes – in this case, the following: - Quick search of functional location by search engine - Advanced search of functional location by search engine Integration of Web-based You make the technical settings for catalogs in purchasing both uploads and downloads of catalog data in customizing for purchasing. To do so, choose the implementation guide (IMG) activity "Web services: ID and description" under environment data. Here you can specify several catalogs. The catalog for which you have set the default indicator is used in the transactions.

Customer enhancements This functionality addresses the following issues: - Purchasing > Business add-in (BAdI): enhancement in archiving scope (MM_EBAN) (ARC_MM_EBAN_WRITE) > BAdI: enhancement in archivability check (MM_EBAN) (ARC_MM_EBAN_CHECK) > BAdI: enhancement in archiving scope (MM_EINA) (ARC_MM_EINA_WRITE) > BAdI: enhancement in archivability check (MM_EINA) (ARC_MM_EINA_CHECK) > BAdI: enhancement in archiving scope (MM_EKKO) (ARC_MM_EKKO_WRITE) > BAdI: enhancement in archivability check (MM_EKKO) (ARC_MM_EKKO_CHECK) > BAdI: commitment for returns items (ME_COMMITMENT_RETURN) > BAdI: for enjoy purchase requisition interfaces in the BAPI programming interface (ME_BAPI_PR_CUST) > BAdI: in purchasing: BAdI for customers in function groups 2014 & 2013 (MEOUT_BAPI_CUST) > BAdI: for BAPI_PO_CREATE1 and BAPI_PO_CHANGE (ME_BAPI_PO_CUST) > BAdI: processing options for enjoy outline agreement: customer (ME_PROCESS_OUT_CUST) - Customer exit LMEKO002 The following additional fields are available in the customer exit LMEKO002 (enhance communication structure

You can make use of Webbased catalogs in purchasing through the Open Catalog Interface (OCI). It is possible to both upload purchasing data from the software into a catalog and download catalog data into material items of purchasing documents (requisitions with ME51N and purchase orders with ME21N). The following business add-ins (BAdIs) are available in purchasing. With these BAdIs, you can extend the archiving scope of certain write and delete programs through additional database tables and enhance the archivability check of certain write programs by adding further checks.

SAP ERP 6.0 Procurement MM and Logistics Execution

New interfaces in the BAPI programming interface for outline agreements

SAP ERP 6.0 Procurement MM and Logistics Execution

Mass maintenance of outline agreements

SAP ERP 6.0 Procurement MM and Logistics Execution

Commitment plan for purchase contracts

KOMP for price determination): > Parameter I_EKKN > Field PS_PSP_PNR (work breakdown structure [WBS] element) > Field VBELN (sales and distribution document number) > Field VBELP (sales and distribution document item) Note: The BAdI ME_PO_PRICING is now also available to populate the communication structures KOMK and KOMP. The following new methods (new interfaces in the BAPI programming interface) are available in purchasing for outline agreements. The names of the functions are shown in parentheses in each case: - Contract (MM-PUR-OACON) > PurchasingContract.Create (BAPI_CONTRACT_CREATE): creation of a purchase contract > PurchasingContract.Change (BAPI_CONTRACT_CHANGE): changing of a purchase contract > PurchasingContract.GetDetail (BAPI_CONTRACT_GETDETAIL): displaying of details of a purchase contract - Scheduling agreement (MMPUR-OA-SCH) > PurchSchedAgreement.Create (BAPI_SAG_CREATE): creation of a scheduling agreement > PurchSchedAgreement.Change (BAPI_SAG_CHANGE): changing of a scheduling agreement > PurchSchedAgreement.GetDetail (BAPI_SAG_GETDETAIL): displaying of details of a purchase scheduling agreement > PurchSchedAgreement.Maintain (BAPI_SCHEDULE_MAINTAIN): mMaintenance of scheduling agreement delivery schedule lines The following two transactions You can use the mass available: maintenance functions for - Mass maintenance for contracts: outline agreements transaction code MEMASSCONTRACT (contracts and scheduling - Mass maintenance for scheduling agreements) in purchasing. agreements: transaction code MEMASSSA With the function of the commitment plan for purchase contracts, it is possible to preplan value consumption for a purchase contract. To this end, a commitment plan is generated for each document item of the relevant contract. This commitment plan itself can have any number of items. You can define a value and a validity date for each commitment plan item. This enables you to preplan different values for

SAP ERP 6.0 Procurement MM and Logistics Execution

Availability check in "Enjoy purchase order and requisition"

SAP ERP 6.0 Procurement MM and Logistics Execution

Purchase order: product substitution with available-to-promise (ATP) check for stock transport orders

different periods of time. The software generates an earmarked fund document for a defined commitment plan item. This earmarked funds document can in turn contain several different items with different account assignments. The software adopts these account assignments from the item account assignments of the commitment plan. If a purchase requisition or purchase order references this contract, the earmarked funds document is copied into the purchase order, and the account assignment is adopted from that document. Account assignment to a different account assignment object is then no longer allowed. There is a business add-in (BAdl) for commitment plans for contracts. You can use the BAdl ME_COMMITMENT_PLAN (commitment plan for contracts) to change commitment plans for contracts and define your own checks. Display and checking of availability are invokable separately in the "Enjoy purchase order and requisition" function, in line with the software behavior on the sales side. You invoke the display and checking of availability in the "Enjoy purchase order" function (transaction code ME21N) and the "Enjoy purchase requisition" function (transaction code ME51N) as follows: To display the availability overview, choose the menu path "Environment -> Availability." - To check availability, choose the "Check Availability" icon. Until this release, if you carried out the availability check for an item of a stock transport order, the software adopted confirmations as per the desired date/time only. You can define in customizing how the software reacts if the desired quantity cannot be confirmed for the desired date/time. You have a choice of two settings: Confirmation as per desired date/time (this is the standard setting and corresponds to previous software behavior) - Delivery proposal - Full confirmation From the technical viewpoint, the requirement is now in the subitems. However, the main item retains the original desired quantities and desired dates/times, so that a renewed availability check is carried out again with the desired quantities and desired dates/times. The follow-on functions (delivery creation, goods issue, goods

As of release 6.0 of SAP ERP Central Component and release 5.0 of SAP Supply Chain Management (SAP SCM), product substitution with the rulesbased available-to-promise (ATP) check of SAP SCM can also be used for the

SAP ERP 6.0 Procurement MM and Logistics Execution SAP ERP 6.0 Procurement MM and Logistics Execution

SAP ERP 6.0 Procurement MM and Logistics Execution

receipt) are carried out with reference availability check in stock to the subitems with the substituted transport orders. materials. To enable product The delivery proposals with substitution with rules-based available- substitute products from to-promise (ATP) check of the supply the ATP check are chain management system to be used automatically adopted in for stock transport orders, the following the stock transport order as prerequisites must be satisfied: subitems for the item In the enterprise resource planning checked. If the software (ERP) software, the following settings has generated subitems, it have been made in customizing for sets the main item to purchasing under the menu path statistical. "Purchase Order -> Set Up Stock Transport Order -> Assign Delivery Type and Checking Rule": - Delivery proposal or complete delivery has been set in the rule for adoption of ATP results in purchasing field. - You have maintained a requirement profile in the ATP check. Either profile at requirements level for advanced planning and optimization field or you are using master data for product interchangeability. - In the supply chain management software, the customizing settings and master data for the products involved have been maintained for product substitution with rules-based ATP check Restrictions are as follows: - Location determination is not possible for stock transport orders. - Contract reference and quota arrangement are not possible. Purchase order, stock In addition to making the customizing transport orders: settings available hitherto, you can specification of a specify a requirement profile for stock requirement profile transport orders. External services: putting You can put purchase orders with service items in the service items on hold if these items do purchase order on hold not contain any errors. Purchase (changed) orders with service items can also be put on hold if errors occur only at header level or as a result of the availability check. Changes to service This functionality contains a business master data add-in (BAdI) to check service master records before archiving (MMSRV_SM_ARCHIVE). You can use this BAdI to perform your own usage checks for the archiving of service master records. The CHECK_ARCHIVABLE method is performed during the archiving process. If a service master record does not satisfy your self-defined check criteria, the software does not allow it to be archived. With your definition of the check criteria and the use of this

SAP ERP 6.0 Procurement MM and Logistics Execution

SAP ERP 6.0 Procurement MM and Logistics Execution

SAP ERP 6.0 Procurement MM and Logistics Execution

method, you thus also formulate the condition under which service master records are not to be archived. Two new interfaces in BAPI enable you to enter and modify data for the service master. Three new BAdIs, available in conjunction with interfaces BAPI_SERVICE_CREATE and BAPI_SERVICE_CHANGE, enable you to accomplish the following tasks: Change incoming data with the same effect as if you had also supplied the data in modified form in the interface Change outgoing data without any effect on the database (for example, for formatting purposes) - Change the data of the standard service catalog Change customer fields that are contained in "Include CI_ASMDDB" Inform yourself about changes to service master data Business add-ins for This functionality enhances inventory The following business purchasing and inventory management: add-ins (BAdIs) are management - Business add-in (BAdI): available in inventory Enhancement in archiving scope management. With these (MM_INVBEL) BAdIs, you can extend the (ARC_MM_INVBEL_WRITE) archiving scope of certain - BAdI: Enhancement in archivability write and delete programs check (MM_INVBEL) through additional (ARC_MM_INVBEL_CHECK) database tables and enhance the archivability check of certain write programs by adding further checks. Archiving programs for The following reports for the archiving purchasing and inventory of purchasing information records, management purchase requisitions, and physical inventory documents are available in the purchasing function and the inventory management function. Archiving of purchasing information records: write program (RM06IW47) Archiving of purchasing information records: delete program (RM06ID47) Archiving of purchase requisitions: write program (RM06BW47) - Archiving of purchase requisitions: delete program (RM06BD47) - Archiving of physical inventory documents: write program (RM07IARCS) - Archiving of physical inventory documents: delete program (RM07IDELS) Assignment test You can use the assignment test in the logistics invoice verification. The assignment text is a process step preceeding the invoice verification in background processing. The software checks cyclically whether an open goods receipt exists for the invoices entered in background processing. The software begins the invoice verification

SAP ERP 6.0 Procurement MM and Logistics Execution

SAP ERP 6.0 Procurement MM and Logistics Execution

SAP ERP 6.0 Procurement MM and Logistics Execution

SAP ERP 6.0 Procurement MM and Logistics Execution

only when open goods receipts exist for an invoice. Effects on system administration are characterized as follows: the assignment test should be called in background processing before the report for the invoice verification, because the assignment test helps create the worklist for background processing. An assignment test is faster than a complete invoice verification in background processing, inasmuch as the software does not have to process as much data from the database and does not have to execute as many checks and reports. In addition, the software does not execute full assignment of the open goods receipts as in background processing; it executes only basic assignment. Customizing transactions The assigned customizing transactions OX18 replaced by view have been replaced by the following view in the following implementation guide activity in customizing for the enterprise structure: Assign plant to company code: transaction OX18 replaced by view V_T001K_Assign. You will find this activity in the implementation guide under the menu path "Enterprise Structure -> Assignment -> Logistics General -> Assign Plant to Company Code." Goods receipt: new The following new movement types are You can use these two movement types in available in inventory management: new movement types for inventory management - 107: Goods receipt to valuated goods an acceptance at origin receipt blocked stock (origin acceptance). You - 109: Goods receipt from valuated can maintain movement goods receipt blocked stock types in customizing for inventory management through the activity copy/change movement types. Functional enhancements Certain functional restrictions from the in transaction MIGO SAP retail area are removed in the transaction for goods movements, MIGO: - Generic article processing is now possible. - Goods movements with structured materials (structured articles) can now be posted. Merchandise distribution is now possible. - Supplementary logistics service is now supported. These changes apply to goods receipt, goods issue, and return delivery, as well as stock transfer/transfer posting. Variance type as sort Invoice processing at the invoice item criterion for invoice items level has been enhanced by the addition of the variance type field. The software uses the variance type field to flag possible quantity or price differences in the invoice item in the background. Differences between the

SAP ERP 6.0 Procurement MM and Logistics Execution

SAP ERP 6.0 Procurement MM and Logistics Execution

goods receipt and purchase order quantities can represent one possible error type. The software is supplied with this preset error type. Further error types can be implemented on a customer-specific basis by means of business add-ins (BAdIs). You can have the software help you find possible errors in invoice items (for example, in your role as invoice verification clerk) more quickly by sorting faulty items on the basis of the variance type field. The variance type can serve as the starting point for the work of the invoice verification clerk. Prepayment of invoices This functionality is characterized as follows: - You can trigger prepayment of vendor invoices in logistics invoice verification. - You use the prepayment function for vendors with whom you have a good, long-standing relationship. - The function enables payment soon after issue of the invoice and full exploitation of the date of required payment and existing cash discounts, by posting the vendor liabilities, taxes, and cash discounts in financial accounting in advance. The software executes the payment of the invoice regardless of the relevant goods receipt and the outcome of the invoice verification check. - Most logistics invoice verification standard functions are not affected by the prepayment function. When the software posts invoices, it continues to execute the standard checks. If the software has already posted the prepayment document, you can make only restricted changes to the header fields of the invoice. To ensure adequate and orderly financial accounting postings, a prepayment clearing account has been added to SAP ERP Central Component. Upon prepayment, the software debits this account and then settles the account again after executing the check. Purchasing accounting With the transfer of the purchasing This development is information to the former account information to the former SAP intended to complement SAP Business Business Information Warehouse the purchasing information Information Warehouse component (whose functionality is now that is passed from SAP part of SAP NetWeaver), it is now ERP Central Component to possible to maintain InfoCubes, the former SAP Business reports, and queries that can determine Information Warehouse how and where the costs from component. purchasing documents have been assigned and controlled. As part of the software, a new datasource (2LIS_02_ACC) has been created and the purchasing extraction

SAP ERP 6.0 Procurement MM and Logistics Execution

SAP ERP 6.0 Procurement MM and Logistics Execution

SAP ERP 6.0 Procurement MM and Logistics Execution

process extended to cover the account information for purchasing orders, schedule agreements, and contracts. New business add-ins in The following new business add-ins logistics invoice (BAdIs) are available in logistics verification invoice verification: - BAdI to change document header data in evaluated receipt settlement (ERS): MRM_ERS_HDAT_MODIFY - BAdI to change document lines in ERS: MRM_ERS_IDAT_MODIFY - BAdI to change customers' own fields: MRM_ITEM_CUSTFIELDS You maintain these BAdIs in "Customizing for Logistics Invoice Verification" under "Maintain Customer-Exits and Business Add-Ins." New interfaces in the The following new methods (new BAPI programming interfaces in the BAPI programming interface in logistics interface) are available in logistics invoice verification invoice verification. The names of the functions are shown in parentheses in each case. - Business object incoming invoice: IncomingInvoice (object type BUS2081) - Post provisional invoice: PreliminaryPostSingle (BAPI_INCOMINGINVOICE_POST) Delete provisional invoice: DeleteSingle (BAPI_INCOMINGINVOICE_DELETE) - Change provisional invoice: Change (BAPI_INCOMINGINVOICE_CHANGE) To display, choose the menu path "Tools -> Business Framework -> BAPI Explorer." The Netherlands: chain You can use the chain liability software liability for The Netherlands to determine the income tax and social security contributions of invoiced wages and to post them either directly to the authorities or to your subcontractor's blocked account. The solution is based on an independent enhancement concept, consisting of the following new reports, which you can access from the chain-liability area menu WKAMENUE: - Check expiration dates of certificates This report can be used to check the validity of your subcontractor's certificates if you are posting the amounts to a blocked account. - Document flow of purchase order line items This report can be used to check the document flow of purchase order line items for internal controlling purposes. - Change payment block and payment method This report can be used to enforce or remove a payment block or to change the payment method for open vendor items. In addition, the transactions for

SAP ERP 6.0 Procurement MM and Logistics Execution

SAP ERP 6.0 Procurement MM and Logistics Execution

processing purchase orders and invoices have been enhanced to include a new tab page containing chain liability–specific fields. Effects on customizing are characterized as follows: before you use the new chain liability software for The Netherlands, you have to carry out the implementation guide activities and activate the business add-ins in customizing for materials management by choosing the menu path "Logistics Invoice Verification -> Incoming Invoice -> Chain Liability -> Chain Liability for the Netherlands." Automatic settlement of A new report (RMMR1MDC), available planned delivery costs within the logistics invoice verification, with evaluated receipt can be used to automatically settle settlement planned delivery costs. To invoke the report, from the SAP easy access screen, choose the menu path "Logistics -> Materials Management -> Logistics Invoice Verification -> Automatic Settlement -> Automatic Delivery Cost Settlement" (transaction code MRDC). Functionality for report RMMR1MRS is enhanced. You can use the report RMMR1MRS, "Evaluated receipt settlement with logistics invoice verification (LIV)" (transaction code MRRL), to settle planned delivery costs in addition to goods and service items within logistics invoice verification. To do so, set the relevant indicator on the initial screen of the report. Empties management in Prerequisite: Extension EA-CP is materials management active. As of release 6.0 of SAP ERP Central Component (SAP ECC), empties management is also available in materials management. This means that you can now use sales bills of materials in purchasing and sales and add empties items to full product items in purchase orders. You can also process these empties items in invoice verification. The advantages of having tied empties shown in materials management documents are as follows: - Greater degree of transparency and consistency of processes - Simple price determination - Separate valuations for accounting purposes of full products and tied empties - Compatibility with other software in which bills of materials are used (for example, free goods discount) Empties management includes input help to assist you when entering structured empties in the purchase order. - Effects on existing

SAP ERP 6.0 Procurement MM and Logistics Execution

SAP ERP 6.0 Procurement MM and Logistics Execution

data This has no effect on your existing data set. - Effects on customizing Use the "Activate SAP ECC extensions process" step to activate the enterprise extension consumer products. Then use the activate empties management process step to activate empties management in materials management. Enhancements for Manual price change programs such as Japanese subcontracting price update, price change, and with chargeable debit/credit material automatically components software cover stocks of chargeable components stored at your subcontractors' premises. Enhancements for SAP As of release 6.0 of the retail enterprise for Retail seasonal extension of SAP ERP Central procurement: open-to-buy Component (SAP ECC), you can use function the open-to-buy (OTB) function in seasonal procurement in combination with the SAP NetWeaver Business Intelligence (SAP NetWeaver BI) component content 7.0.2 add-on. You can use the flexible planning options provided by SAP NetWeaver BI for your budgets, as well as an integrated check in the operational applications. You transfer your planning data from SAP NetWeaver BI to SAP ECC. When a purchase order is created or changed in seasonal procurement, an OTB check is performed automatically. Percentage tolerances can be defined as part of the configuration settings for the check. It provides a good example of how retail planning and operational procurement can be integrated. If sufficient budget is available, the software creates the document and updates the exhausted budget. If the check result is negative, the purchase order is not created, and you can procure the budget that is lacking. The OTB procurement workbench for purchase orders and grouped purchase order documents offers the following options for document changes: - You change the current document or other documents belonging to the same budget and adhere to the planned values from SAP NetWeaver BI. - You can adjust the purchase order quantity and delete items or schedule lines. You can also move the delivery date, thereby accessing a different budget. The detail data is available in the application functions of the workbench interfaces with special display and change options. The OTB monitor is another workbench application that can help you monitor the current budget

SAP ERP 6.0 Procurement MM and Logistics Execution

Enhancements for SAP for Retail seasonal procurement: procurement monitoring

situation. It provides flexible selection options for the worklist: - OTB transfer posting The prerequisite is that you use a scheduled article hierarchy and plan budgets on at least one level of the article hierarchy. As soon as a new budget assignment would result from a changed assignment in the article hierarchy, the software automatically logs OTB-relevant changes in the hierarchy. The OTB transfer posting provides a report that you can schedule as a regular job. The following functions of the report are especially relevant: > Determining the open purchasing items or schedule lines in which the budget assignment has changed, and adjusting the assignment for relevant purchase orders > Determining the contracts with an internal contract apportionment in which the budget assignment has changed, and adjusting the assignment for the relevant purchase orders > Transferring the appropriate budget amounts at the same time as adjusting the budget assignment Reorganization of OTB budgets There is a report for deleting expired budgets that no longer refer to any documents. OTB-relevant contracts If you want to take OTB contracts into account when planning your budgets in SAP NetWeaver BI, you can use an OTB reservation in SAP ECC. Because a contract is usually valid over several budget-planning periods, you can use the internal contract apportionment to reserve and distribute the contract's total value to the relevant planning periods and budgets. You can configure the software to exit processing with an error message, and you can choose not to create a contract if the OTB reservation result is negative or to issue a warning with the option of creating the contract. When a purchase order is created with a contract reference (in seasonal procurement), an OTB check is carried out against the reserved budget. You can perform the OTB reservation for contracts either at header or item level. You can use the contract monitor to monitor contracts and their release. You can also check the internal contract apportionment and the OTB reservation. This functionality enhances procurement monitoring. As of release 6.0 of the retail enterprise extension of SAP ERP Central Component, the seasonal procurement processes

provide procurement monitoring, which you can use to monitor procurementrelated dates, purchasing budgets (open-to-buy [OTB]), and contracts for optimized control of your processes. Centralized, automatic scheduling calculates the operational dates (such as the transfer date) and informative dates (for example, the sales sample date). They are monitored in the SAP Event Management application and posted as an event handler for each purchase order item. The software displays the dates for each article item as a dateline in the relevant workbenches for seasonal procurement. For more information about scheduling, see the release note "Seasonal Procurement." There are three parts to procurement monitoring: - Purchase order monitoring This is used to monitor purchase orders and related dates along the process chain, from the purchase order at the external vendors to the goods receipt at the distribution center or store. Monitoring is designed to detect date variances and their impact in plenty of time and to take any necessary measures so that dates are met. The following views are provided for the activities described below: > Reactive purchase order monitor If there are specific date overruns (for example, if a due date such as the transfer date has not been posted or is posted late), you can take the required measures at item level to prevent any potential delays in delivery. You can carry out all activities manually or have the software perform them automatically on the basis of the activity profile created in customizing. > Active purchase order monitor You can get information about current procurement processes along the logistics chain, which is made up of the operational dates in the dateline. If the economic conditions change, you can intervene in the procurement process at this point and, for example, cancel purchase orders. For some purchase orders with long lead times, the seasonal procurement processes especially require this type of active view. - Contract monitoring You can use the contract monitor to monitor contracts and their release. You can also check the internal contract apportionment and the OTB reservation. - OTB monitoring The OTB monitor helps you to monitor the current budget situation. It offers

SAP ERP 6.0 Procurement MM and Logistics Execution

flexible selection options for the worklist and provides detail data in the application functions with special display options. SAP for Retail: seasonal As of release 6.0 of the retail enterprise procurement extension of SAP ERP Central Component (SAP ECC), you can use seasonal procurement processes. These enable you to process purchase transactions that are adapted to meet the requirements of the seasonal purchasing of trading goods: for example, in the area of fashion. The main target group consists of buyers who procure seasonal articles. Seasonal procurement entails the use of the following workbench applications, each with a uniformly structured user interface, to display and process your data. The workbenches each consist of a work list generated by means of a selection report and selection-dependent follow-on screens, which are represented on the user interface as application functions in grid controls of the ABAP list viewer. You can move directly from any one workbench to any other: - Purchase order manager with access to the following items: > Order list > Grouped purchase order document > Purchase order - Open-to-buy (OTB) procurement of the following types: > OTB procurement: document changes > OTB procurement: special release > OTB monitor > Reactive purchase order monitor > Active purchase order monitor > Contract monitor The central workbench is the purchase order manager, which includes functions for creating and processing order lists and purchase order documents. Because of the long intervals between budgeting, ordering, and delivering the merchandise, the software supports you by providing automatic scheduling (see below). When purchase orders are generated and manually created, purchase order processing in seasonal procurement executes an intergrated OTB check. In addition, seasonal procurement integrates many applications for procurement monitoring. You can use these to monitor dates, budgets, and contracts and to make manual changes if necessary. Seasonal procurement can process planning data located in SAP ECC, for example, such as data from operational assortment planning and control (OAPC) and planned budgets from SAP NetWeaver Business

Intelligence (SAP NetWeaver BI). This ensures that the planning and operational processes are integrated throughout. However, you can also enter procurement items manually and without a reference to OAPC. The overall process is as follows: 1. In OAPC, you plan which articles should be available in which quantity in the assortment in your store or distribution center on a specific date, and you transfer these items to the order list. 2. Depending on your selection, the software collects potential purchase order items in the order list and thus provides an initial work list of purchase orders to be generated. You can use fast entry to speed up the entry of new items in the order list. It offers benefits similar to those of the copy function, but it empties the variable field values (for example, article, quantity) to enable user-friendly entry. In the order list, you create either grouped purchase order documents or purchase orders. The order list returns the changed processing status of the item to OAPC; then a status confirmation is sent for the grouped purchase order and the purchase order. 3. In the grouped purchase order document, the software bundles the items in accordance with fixed conditions (for example, vendor) and variable conditions (for example, site). You can enhance and choose items manually. The software transfers items with a reference to the order list that you move from the grouped purchase order document deletion back to the order list. You can create a purchase order for each grouped purchase order document if the budget is sufficient. 4. The OTB check verifies whether there is sufficient budget for the entire document or for each item. The OTB check takes place (if activated) each time a purchase order is created or changed. 5. Using OTB procurement, you can procure available budget for a document for which the OTB check returned a negative result. If insufficient budget exists, you cannot create a purchase order. By changing documents that belong to the same budget, for example, you can release a budget and bring about a positive result in the OTB check. If the aforementioned document changes are not possible, the software provides a special release function, whereby you gain approval from a superior to

SAP ERP 6.0 Procurement MM and Logistics Execution

exceed the budget. 6. If the OTB check determines that there is a sufficient budget, you can generate the purchase order and, after release (if necessary), send it to the vendor. The purchase order returns the status that the planned article was ordered to OAPC. Single-store vendor order seasonal procurement supports a one-level cross-docking procedure with prepicking, in which exactly one external vendor order is generated for each store. Cross-docking facilitates goods movements in the distribution center, while the generation of the single-store vendor orders increases the number of purchase order documents in the software. In addition, the procedure supports single-recipient vendor orders from the allocation table and the collective purchase order. Public sector Credit memo processing can be management: principle of defined in such a way that the credit prudence for credit memo impacts the budget only at the memos in purchasing collection point. This necessitates a delay in updating in funds management by the software until the credit memo has been collected or offset against another creditor invoice. The transfer of the commitment from the credit memo back to the purchase order can be delayed so that it does not occur until receipt of payment. For the principle of prudence to be applied to a credit memo, a derivation strategy must be defined in customizing. The principle of prudence can then be used in dependence on the document type of a credit memo, for example. In the process, you can specify whether the budget relevance of the credit memo is delayed from parking until posting or from parking until receipt of payment. Whether the principle of prudence applies to a credit memo can be seen from the purchase order history. The quantity still to be released to the purchase order commitment or delayed, or the value of the credit memo still to be released, can be seen in additional fields (for example, EKBEMENGE_POP). If a credit memo is not subject to the principle of prudence, these fields are empty. The funds management commitment document (document journal, table FMIOI) shows the value released from the credit memo. At the same time, the funds management document belonging to the credit memo and the financial accounting line item (funds management document, table FMIFIIT)

SAP ERP 6.0 Procurement MM and Logistics Execution

Public sector: servicebased commitments in purchasing

SAP ERP 6.0 Procurement MM and Logistics Execution


shows the not-yet-released value as statistical (not relevant to budget). The funds management transaction of this document is then marked with "POP." The principle of prudence has no effect on cost accounting commitments management. Service-based commitments in purchasing is characterized as follows: the software updates purchase order and requisition commitments per service line. You can display the commitment documents belonging to a purchase order under the menu path "Purchase Order -> Environment -> AC Commitment Documents." - If you use service-based commitments for a purchase order, the software must update the purchase order history per service line. The software therefore sets the indicator for service-based invoice verification automatically in the purchase order. You cannot unset the indicator. - Commitment offsetting after purchase order release is not supported for service-based commitments in purchase requisitions. The commitment in the purchase requisition is offset (reduced, canceled out) when the purchase order is saved. Invoice before goods receipt for services in purchasing is characterized as follows: you can post invoices for services in purchasing before the corresponding goods receipt has been posted. To enable this, you must make specific settings in the item details for the service order: - If you have not yet posted a goods receipt for a purchase order for services, the software suggests the relevant purchase order items in the invoice. - If you post the invoice before the goods receipt and the goods receipt quantity is smaller than or the same as the invoice quantity, the price in the goods receipt document must be derived from the price of the service in the invoice. At the time of service entry or goods receipt, the software automatically calculates the price. This cannot then be changed. All materials management–purchasing and materials management–external services customizing transactions have been checked for accessibility and adjusted if necessary. This includes the conversion of ABAP lists to ABAP list viewer grids, adding tool tips to icons and buttons, adding titles to frames etc. With ERP 2005 all accessibility clean-

SAP ERP 6.0 Procurement MM and Logistics Execution SAP ERP 6.0 Procurement SRM and Logistics Execution

up tasks in MM-PUR and MM-SRV are finished. Parking service items It is now possible to put service orders without errors or with commitment errors on hold. SAP Supplier The following business scenarios are Relationship released for the SAP Supplier Management application Relationship Management application as add-on in one client to add-on: SAP ERP Central Component - Service procurement (local deployment) - Self-service procurement (classic deployment) - Microsoft Software Update Services in connection with both types of procurement mentioned above - SAP Invoice Management application - Catalog content management

SAP ERP 6.0 Procurement MM and Logistics Execution

Enterprise services for procurement

mySAP ERP Procurement MM 2004 and Logistics Execution


As of SAP ERP release 6.0, it is possible to deploy SAP Supplier Relationship Management (SAP SRM) as an add-on in one client to SAP ERP Central Component (SAP ECC). This new deployment option is suitable for the following types of customers: - Those who desire a simple procurement scenario - Those who do not yet use SAP SRM The following are also included: - Those who are using only - Operational usage of contracts (for one back-end type of example, for the assignment of sources software (SAP ECC) of supply) - Those who aim to install - Request for proposal, as far as known SAP SRM with a low total from the temporary labor scenario cost of ownership Please check in the Enterprise Enterprise services are Services Workplace site which available for procurement. enterprise services are available for procurement on the SAP Developer Network site ( The most frequently used archiving objects have been reworked so that they now correspond to a uniform standard. This has two main advantages: the archiving objects can be used uniformly in archiving projects, and accessing archived data across different applications has been improved. The changes concern the following areas: - Selection screen In the selection screen of the write program, you can specify under processing options whether the program should be performed in the test or production mode. If you select the detail log checkbox, a uniform log detailing which objects were processed is delivered in each write program. For certain archiving objects, such detail logs can also be delivered in other program, such as in the deletion or preparatory program. For more information, see the F1 help documentation. - Progress confirmation A progress message appears every 30 minutes in the job log for programs executed in the background. For program executed in dialogue mode, the progress message appears in the status line every 10 seconds. - Log

With each archiving run, the following information is written to the log (spool list): > Number of table entries, processed archiving objects, archiving files, and so on > Processed business objects (such as orders or billing documents) As described above, you can choose in the selection screen of the write program whether a detail log listing the individual business objects processed is issued instead of the usual compact log. - Interrupting the archiving run To enable you to react appropriately to a given time frame or restricted disk place during archiving, the write phase of an archiving run can be interrupted and then continued at a later point. This function forms part of archive administration (transaction SARA). - Customizing specific-toarchiving objects The technical settings in customizing specific-to-archiving objects have been examined for the processed archiving objects and modified as necessary. You can implement the new parameters by activating the corresponding business configuration (BC) set (transaction SCPR20). The BC set is called "ARCH_." For example, the BC set for archiving object SD_VBAK is ARCH_SD_VBAK. We recommend that you implement the new parameters. - Network graphic The network graphic for the individual archiving objects has been examined, and any necessary adjustments have been made. - Enhanced access of the archive Archive access through the archive information function and the document relationship browser have been enhanced and improved. For some archiving objects, read access from certain application transactions to archived data is now available. The following is true for process and production orders: - With the exception of interrupting the archiving run, these archiving objects were not changed for SAP R/3 Enterprise release 4.70 software. See SAP Note 713545. - No progress confirmation messages are displayed. - Customizing specific-toarchiving objects was not changed. - In general, no other steps are required for the upgrade. In particular, you do not have to create any new variants for write and deletion programs. For more information on the changes implemented, see SAP Note 577847, special features for upgrade from SAP R/3 Enterprise 4.70. The affected

mySAP ERP Procurement MM 2004 and Logistics Execution

Purchase requisitions

archiving objects were in fact already reworked for SAP R/3 Enterprise 4.70 (see SAP Note 577847). For the implemented changes to take effect, however, they had to be activated explicitly. If you have already activated them for SAP R/3 Enterprise 4.70, no further steps are required for this upgrade. Effects on system administration are as follows: As new write and deletion programs have been assigned to the archiving objects, it is generally necessary to check the variants for scheduling the write and deletion programs and to make any necessary adjustments. In particular, it is necessary to enter the new variants for the deletion programs in customizing specific to archiving objects. We recommend using the variants SAP&TEST and SAP&PROD. You can also use the BC sets ARCH_ to enter these variants. BC sets are activated by the transaction SCPR20. Note that these actions are not necessary for any archiving objects that have already been upgraded with SAP Note 577847. This functionality addresses the following issues: - Reference funds reservation from purchase requisitions/purchase orders going into stock You can now reference a funds reservation from a purchase requisition or a purchase order, even if these documents use account assignment category space, meaning that the order is not for direct consumption but for inventory stock - Field status for purchase requisitions/purchase orders without account assignment categories It is now possible to customize the funds management account assignment elements (and funds reservations) for purchase requisitions and purchase orders with account assignment category space, meaning items that are not ordered for consumption but that go into stock. This feature is supported only in the new transactions (ME2*N and ME5*N). - Effects on customizing If you do not carry out this customizing and funds management is active, all the available fields are displayed as optional. Redesign of funds management warehouse concept The main changes are as follows: > Warehouse funds center and any other account assignment can be derived through the use of the derivation tool. > The statistical indicator must be triggered

mySAP ERP Procurement MM 2004 and Logistics Execution

Purchase orders: order optimization

through the use of a statistical commitment item. To make order optimization available As of the 2004 release of for general use, the following changes SAP ERP, you can use were made to the functions that could order optimization even if previously be used only for SAP retail you do not use SAP retail software: - Lifting of plant restrictions software. The aim of order Plants no longer have to be of type optimization is to bundle store or distribution center. In nonretail requirements or generate software, order optimization selects additional requirements to plants of type in the following fulfill order restrictions transactions: automatic load building defined for a vendor and to (WLB13), manual load building minimize the cost of (WLB5), and replenishment workbench transportation. (WOD1). The links from these transactions to maintenance transactions for the site master (WB02) were converted to links to the plant master (OX10). - Determining orderable materials You must determine this list by using the user exit EXIT_SAPLWPOPO_001. - Removing links to promotion transactions Because promotions can be used only in SAP retail software, the options to choose promotion transactions from the menu entries have been removed. Enhanced order optimization The following changes have been made to the order optimization functions: > Messages changed * When errors occur during automatic load building, the software now creates information messages instead of error messages. This means it can process all error-free load builds. You can recognize the load builds that contain errors and process them manually. * In the flow trace for automatic load building, you can see more clearly which messages belong to a load build. The software now indicates the start of processing and the end of processing of a load build with a message. * The existing messages have been extended to include extra information so that you can make the relevant corrections – for example, in the master data. > More detailed control of order optimization In customizing for order optimization, more detailed control of the parameters for load building and investment buying is now possible through the use of profiles – for example, maximum range of coverage for order optimization. You can now select a profile from the entries from customizing for order optimization in the selection screen for order optimization. If no profiles have been entered, the software uses the first entry in table TWBO0. This means that the program behavior remains

unchanged after an upgrade, and you do not have to adjust anything. > Possibility of materials without forecast values Automatic load building now also considers materials without forecast values. Purchase requisitions and purchase orders are processed in the same way as materials with forecast values. > Enhanced restriction profile check In customizing for order optimization, you can now define for restriction profiles whether an order request link is valid for the minimum restrictions check. In this case, the minimum restrictions count as being fulfilled when at least one of the minimum restrictions is fulfilled. > Extension of results list for automatic load building extended * In the results list for automatic load building, you can now select and delete rows in blocks or created follow-on documents. This makes faster subsequent processing possible. * All functions that show additional details screens or branch to display transactions have been switched to cursor-sensitive logic. * You can now delete individual rows or several rows from the results list. This reduces the extra manual work required. You can make sure manually that the load builds created by automatic load building fulfill a restriction profile. When you delete rows, the totals of the actual values for a restriction profile are reduced. > Possibility of excluding purchase requisitions from automatic load building You can now exclude purchase requisitions with certain document types from processing in automatic load building. The procurement process for these purchase requisitions then takes place outside of automatic load building. > New follow-on documents possible * If you do not start automatic load building in simulation mode, the software now offers purchase requisitions as possible order documents in addition to purchase orders. You can determine whether the load building creates purchase requisitions always or only when all restrictions defined in a restriction profile are fulfilled. If in the latter case not all the restrictions are fulfilled, the transaction behaves as it would in simulation mode. Purchase requisitions as follow-on documents save you work. You can, for example, delete purchase requisitions or assign them to another vendor. * You can now

mySAP ERP Procurement MM 2004 and Logistics Execution

mySAP ERP Procurement MM 2004 and Logistics Execution

have purchase requistions generated for additional quantities from the results list. >Validity of the results list dependent on a plant calendar In customizing for order optimization, you can now set the number of calendar days for which the entries in the results list for automatic load building are valid. You can set a short validity period and the validity period of the entries that were created after a weekend or public holiday gives your material requirements planning (MRP) controllers sufficient time to check and adjust the results. Purchase orders: funds This functionality accomplishes the management following: - Reference funds reservation from purchase requisitions/purchase orders going into stock You can now reference a funds reservation from a purchase requisition or a purchase order, even if these documents use account assignment category space, meaning that the order is not for direct consumption, but for inventory stock. - Field status for purchase requisitions/purchase orders without account assignment categories It is now possible to customize the funds management account assignment elements (and funds reservations) for purchase requisitions and purchase orders with account assignment category space, meaning items that are not ordered for consumption but that go into stock. This feature is supported only in the new transactions (ME2*N and ME5*N). - Effects on customizing If you do not carry out this customizing and funds management is active, all the available fields are displayed as optional. Redesign of funds management warehouse concept The main changes are as follows: > Warehouse funds center and any other account assignment can be derived through the use of of the derivation tool. > The statistical indicator must be triggered through the use of a statistical commitment item. Pickup list: batch where- Until this release, the top-down and This functionality enables used list display in bottom-up analyses in the function you to address safety transaction MB56 pickup list for batch where-used list issues. In various (transaction MB5C) were displayed industries, homogeneous only in the form of simple output lists. partial quantities of a As of release 5.00 of SAP ERP Central material or product Component, the function pickup list for (batches) are used batch where-used list branches to the throughout the logistics batch where-used list itself (transaction quantity and value chain. MB56). In addition, you can define how This is because of the

the data in the batch where-used list is following conditions: displayed, in the initial screen. - Legal requirements (for You can use all the settings available in example, the guidelines set the batch where-used list. For example, out by Good Manufacturing you can expand transfer posting or Practices or the European display vendor batch. However, it is not Union Regulation possible to limit the selection to valid 178/2002) plants in the initial screen of the pickup - Regulations on list. hazardous material - Defect tracing, callback activities, and regression requirement The existing batch whereused list enables you to perform the following tasks: - Determine how a batch is created and used in production through various stages of production - Display the results in a list You can use the batch where-used list to determine the following: - In which other batches a specific batch was used - From which other batches a batch was created This is important in case complaints and questions about product safety arise (if the composition of semifinished and finished products has to be documented across all production levels). mySAP ERP Procurement MM 2004 and Logistics Execution

Business application programming interfaces for material reservation

In the business object material reservation (object type BUS2093: material reservation), the following new and enhanced interfaces in the BAPI programming interface exist (the names of the corresponding functions are in parentheses): - New interfaces in BAPI > Interface to read reservation items: Get Items 1 (BAPI_RESERVATION_GETITEMS1) This enables you to add the base unit of measure to the returned item data. > Interface to change individual reservations: Change (BAPI_RESERVATION_CHANGE) This enables you to change an existing reservation, including the appending of new items. An optional available-topromise (ATP) check and calendar check corresponding to the functionality provided by the MB21 transaction are also provided for this interface. - Changed interface in BAPI – interface to create individual reservations: CreateFromData1

mySAP ERP Procurement MM 2004 and Logistics Execution

Usability enhancements for transaction MIGO for the posting of goods movements

(BAPI_RESERVATION_CREATE1) With this interface, you can optionally assign an external reservation number. The optional ATP check and calendar check corresponding to the functionality provided by the MB21 transaction are also provided with this interface. For goods movements that refer to purchase orders as reference documents (for example, goods receipt, goods issue, subsequent adjustment), you can specify the ordering plant as an additional selection criterion directly next to the purchase order number and the item number. As standard, the field for the plant is hidden. To show this field, you must set the plant field (field name GODYNPRO-PO_WERKS) to "ready for input" in customizing for inventory management in the implementation guide activity field selection for MIGO.

It is possible to perform the following actions: - Restrict the selection of purchase order items to those refering to a given plant when a goods movement related to purchase orders is posted Copy accounting object information from the first item to the following ones when a goods movement is created - Post goods movement related to material docurments, which means to provide a means There is a new default value: "copy for taking existing material account assignment fields." When documents as a template entering other goods receipts, you can for new goods movements copy existing account assignment data from the previous item to use as the default values for a new item. To do this, you set the copy account assignment fields indicator in the default values. You change the default values in the menu path "Settings -> Default Values." Goods movements is monitored with reference to a material document. When you enter the following goods movements, it is possible to specify a material document, such as the following, as the reference document: - Goods receipt - Goods issue - Transfer posting - Remove from storage

mySAP ERP Procurement MM 2004 and Logistics Execution

Note that these material documents must be documents that have arisen from a goods movement without reference ("Others") and that are not reversal documents. New report: display list of Logistics invoice verification offers you invoice documents a new report display list of invoice documents (RMMR1MDI), which you can use to display such a list. As an addition to the existing program invoice overview (transaction code MIR6), you have extended selection criteria and display options. For example, on the initial screen you can make selections

mySAP ERP Procurement MM 2004 and Logistics Execution

mySAP ERP Financials 2004


mySAP ERP Financials 2004


mySAP ERP Financials 2004


mySAP ERP Financials 2004


by one-time customers, invoice gross amount, and entry date. You can also show an expert mode, which enables you to select at plant level by financial accounting document, general ledger account posting, and material posting. In the output list, the report shows both posted and held invoices. It does not show invoices without a corresponding financial accounting document; such as invoices planned for verification in the background, or which the software has already verified as containing errors. Localization for France The software can automatically number and Spain: evaluated each vendor's evaluated receipt receipt settlement invoice settlement invoices consecutively. numbering Companies in France and Spain require this function in order to comply with new laws enacted to implement European Council Directive 2001/115/EC. Enhancement in the New products for foreign exchange This functionality provides financial instruments trading are available: the following benefits: supported by treasury - Foreign exchange average rate option - Greater array of and risk management - Foreign exchange basket option transaction support - Foreign exchange forward volatility - Elimination of need to agreement support separate treasury - Annuity repayment in interest rate management from finance instrument and accounting Enhancement in hedge This functionality is characterized as This functionality improves management within follows: - It is possible to create a new compliance with the treasury and risk exposure or plan directly from the deal international financial management entry screen of an option in the hedge reporting standards and management functionality. financial accounting - The hypothetical derivative method standards. can also be used for options. - The effectiveness calculations for the benchmark method has been improved. - It is possible to upload cash flow from loans. - It is possible to conduct a prospective effectiveness test. Enhancement in the This functionality accomplishes the Because market data market risk of treasury following: - Calibration of the Hull-White providers do not provide and risk management volatilities from implicit Black-Scholes Hull-White volatilities, the volatilities of swaptions or caps/floors calibration enables you to - Master data maintenance in the calculate Hull-White results database volatilities with the normally - Enhancements in net present value provided Black-Scholes analysis, value-at-risk individual volatilities. The usability of analysis, and statistics calculator the maintenance for the master data has been improved, and the figure monitor can display the hierarchical and timedependent order of key figures and evaluation procedures. Enhancement in the This functionality is characterized as Settlement risk calculations credit risk of treasury and follows: - Enhancements in the are also possible for

risk management

SAP ERP 6.0 Financials

SAP ERP 6.0 Financials


Enhancements in the process support of treasury and risk management

Enhancements in the hedge management of treasury and risk management

settlement risk calculations have been made. - If the end-of-day calculation has errors, it is now possible to restart the calculations for a work list instead of each deal individually. - Exchange rate type used by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) is no longer fixed to “M,“ but a different exchange rate type can be defined in customizing. - Derivation rules can be used to determine which business partner should be used for credit risk analyzer. - There are now extractors for the SAP NetWeaver Business Intelligence component. This functionality addresses the following issues: - Enterprise serviceoriented architecture enables connection to market places with automation of download of forward exchange (FX) transactions (FX spot, FX forward, and FX options) made on marketplaces such as FXall, Currenex, or 360T. New business application programming interfaces for FX spot and FX forward transactions make it possible to enter all data for the FX transaction with one interface in the BAPI programming interfaces. Currency exposure management software makes it possible to bring the exposure into the hedge management functionality and assign the hedging transactions to the exposure. It is then allowed to do the hedge accounting according to financial accounting standard (FAS) 133 or International Accounting Standards (IAS) 39. This functionality is characterized as follows: - Within hedge management, the caps, floors, and forward rate agreements (FRAs) can be used as hedging instruments. - Interfaces in the BAPI programming interface can be used to load exposures from external sources, such as cash management, Microsoft Excel files, and accounts receivables. - Reporting is integrated in the logical database. - Starting values are added to the net present value table automatically. - Effectiveness tests are improved. - Open catalog interface dissolvement is automatically distributed over a predefined time. Hedge accounting in more than one accounting area is possible, such as adherence to financial accounting standard (FAS) 133 in one accounting area and to International Accounting

money market instruments and consumer and mortgage loans. Limit management data can now be loaded into the former SAP Business Information Warehouse (SAP BW) component (whose functionality is now included in the SAP NetWeaver Business Intelligence component) in order to use the comfortable reporting possibilities of the former SAP BW. This functionality improves the possibilities of straightthrough processing, as well as the ability to gather data from everywhere and use it as exposure for hedge management.

This functionality improves compliance with the international financial reporting standards and financial accounting standards

SAP ERP 6.0 Financials

SAP ERP 6.0 Financials

SAP ERP 6.0 Financials

SAP ERP 6.0 Financials

SAP ERP 6.0 Corporate Services

Standards (IAS) 39 in another. The new logical database for This functionality improves transaction management reporting the reporting possibilities, enables the transactions reporting as well as providing a within the database's hierarchical single point of entry to structure (for example, level 1 being create or change deals of main data and level 2 being flows, all product types. conditions, and interest adjustments). The logical database is a basis for writing reports with different tools and may be used to easily extract data to the SAP NetWeaver Business Intelligence component. There are some changes to menu, such as a new unified initial transaction for creating and processing financial transactions in the transaction manager software and a new menu area for debt management in transaction management software. Also, the SAP Treasury and Risk Management application menu resides now under the accounting–financial supply chain management functionality. FI Enhancement in the Within the framework of portfolio Now it is possible to portfolio analyzer of analyzer, it is possible to use single compare your portfolio treasury and risk benchmarks, as well as composite yields with benchmark management benchmarks. Versioning and yields to analyze the historization of benchmarks is excess return rate. supported. The analyzer information function supports benchmark reporting, too. Enhancement in the This functionality accomplishes the With the SAP Limit credit risk of treasury and following: - Connection of the SAP Management application, risk management Limit Management application to the the workflow is workflow - Providion of limits of automatically started to individual deals For example, one inform the manager as money market deal cannot be for more soon as a limit is breached, than US$3 billion. and the limits of individual deals can be provided. FI, CO, AM, Enhancement in the Financial object integration can be The enhanced financial FSCM market risk of treasury activated on the basis of product types. object integration enables and risk management These settings can be made for all you to include only specific analyzers: product types from one - Market data generator (new area (for example, transaction) consumer and mortgage - Formula editor loans). For testing - Transfer of book values from treasury purposes, you can now risk management-transaction manager calculate market data with into the results database the market data generator The new instruments – asset-backed and store them in the securities, mortgage-backed securities, database for use in the and securities lending – can be analyzers. You are now reflected in the analyzers. enabled to analyze the risk key figures as well as accounting values together in one report and create further key figures by using the formula editor. PM Enhanced list editing This functionality addresses the This functionality provides following issues: - Mass changes of the following benefits: - It orders and notifications - Mass improves user productivity. FI

Reporting enhancements and menu change of treasury and risk management

cancellation of confirmations Enhancements structure list

SAP ERP 6.0 Corporate Services

SAP ERP 6.0 Corporate Services

SAP ERP 6.0 Corporate Services

SAP ERP 6.0 End-User Service Delivery

mySAP ERP Financials 2004

- It speeds up change process. - It improves data entry accuracy. PM Connection to text Two new searches (quick search and With the new search, the retrieval and information advance search) through the text user can enter a value or extraction (TREX ) search retrieval and information extraction string, and the software will engine (TREX) engine are implemented for the search through all those following maintenance-related objects: fields. With the search - Functional location - Piece of options available before equipment - Material master the text retrieval and Document - Class - Characteristic information extraction (TREX) search engine, the user had to know which field to search for a certain value. If the user wasn’t sure about the field, the search was rather difficult and time consuming. PM Mobile work clearance SAP mobile work clearance This functionality provides management management supports the logout/tag- the following benefits: - It out process by providing the following supports the logout/tag-out functionality: - Confirmation of the process. - It replaces the execution of the activity - Rejection of printout of operational lists. an activity for switching items only - It improves productivity. Confirmation of the completion of the activity PM New enterprise asset This functionality provides four new This functionality provides management key information providers: DataStore the following benefits: performance indicators in objects and InfoCubes on costs on Enhanced reporting the former SAP Business maintenance orders and measurement capabilities - More flexibility Information Warehouse points and documents. This - Transparency of (whose functionality is functionality also provides nine new maintenance costs now part of SAP queries on the following: - Work NetWeaver) management key performance indicators (maintenance order scheduling) - Failures and failure modes of equipment - Measurement points/counters and readings HR Integration of form-based Integration of form-based processes This functionality provides processes enables organizations to implement the following benefits: - It forms more easily and quickly with print allows for lower formforms and interactive forms based on based process Adobe software. In particular, the SAP implementation costs. - It ERP Human Capital Management increases end-user (SAP ERP HCM) processes and forms acceptance and provides application (see SAP ERP HCM, better contextual guidance workforce process management, and information. section in this solution browser content) Processes are easily provides an optimal integration for adaptable. employees, managers, and human resources administrator to fulfill their tasks during the strongly collaborative human resources processes in which they are involved. FI, CO, AM, In-house cash With regard to business partner Business partner could be FSCM categories and standard roles, the new used in a more efficient role concept from the business partner way. functionality is to be used. The previous account holder, authorized drawer, and bank statement recipient roles are now available as role

mySAP ERP Financials 2004

FI, CO, AM, In-house cash FSCM

mySAP ERP Financials 2004

FI, CO, AM, In-house cash FSCM

SAP ERP 6.0 Financials

FI, CO, AM, In-house cash FSCM

SAP Human HR enhancement Capital package 1 for Management SAP ERP

Employee interaction center

categories and standard roles. With regard to processing foreign This functionality reduces currencies, changes have been made complexity of intercompany to how incoming and outgoing netting and payments and payments are processed if the reduces cost of transaction currency differs from the intercompany payments or currency of the corresponding current cross-border settlements. account. The currency conversion is based no longer on payment orders to be generated but rather on payment items. The following new functions are available: - Provisional and final settlement - Flexible determination of the exchange rate type You can define separate rate types for buying and selling rates in order to calculate the credit or debit amounts. - Primary and secondary exchange rates You can differentiate between rates that the inhouse cash center uses on the money market and rates that are used internally. With regard to integration in the cash This functionality provides management functionality, you can accurate current accounts create a financial status for the SAP In- forecasting for cash House Cash application that you can managers. use for the following: - Online display in SAP In-House Cash and the option to download to a Microsoft Excel file Forward to the components of the cash management functionality The data can be displayed in the liquidity forecast and in the cash position. The SAP InHouse Cash financial status contains the following information: - Balances of current accounts based on a value date - Provisionally posted internal turnover - Provisionally posted external turnover This functionality enables electronic This functionality improves payments and online access to account ability to link non-SAP statements for business controllers and software to central inin-house cash center. house banking center. It provides the following benefits: - Expanded support for payment formats - Lower cost of operating an in-house cash or banking center - More secure payments through the use of digital signatures Enhancement Package 1 for SAP ERP This functionality improves enables the following improvements for the return on investment in the employee interaction center: a human resources Usability and design enhancements in shared-services the employee interaction center user environment by monitoring interface - Service level agreements service level agreements, (SLA) monitoring (for example, alerts) - as well as by supplying New analytics and reporting analytics for the employee functionality with specific key interaction center. performance indicators (for example, number of activities, processing time,

SAP Human HR enhancement Capital package 1 for Management SAP ERP

Human resources administrator role

SAP Human HR enhancement Capital package 1 for Management SAP ERP

Talent development specialist

SAP Financials enhancement package 1 for SAP ERP

FI, CO, AM, Credit management FSCM

and SLA violations) - Enablement of concurrent and global employment Activity enhancements (for example, status handling and follow-up, user interface design, intuitive navigation) In-box enhancements (for example, automatic routing and rule modeling, automatic acknowledgment/response, and the substitution concept) Customer feedback survey Enhancement Package 1 for SAP ERP Enhancement Package 1 streamlines processes and forms to improves SAP ERP Human support the following activities in the Capital Management by human resources administrator role: - simplifying the user Company loans - Salary changes experience for human Change of working time - Bonus resources shared-service payment - Membership fees - Address administrators. and tax changes. In addition, this package contains an improved user interface for managing personnel files, messages and guides for casual users, improvements to the exchange infrastructure for integrating recruiting and organizational management functionality, and improved analytics for shared-service managers and administrators. The talent development specialist is Enhancement Package 1 specialized in personnel development. provides a new role, the He or she works to build and retain a talent development workforce for the future and acts as a specialist, to support the strategic business partner for the development of the human resources manager and the line organization and its manager. The talent development people. This role includes specialist performs tasks in the areas the following functions: of succession planning, performance Maintaining key positions management, personnel development, Maintaining job families and organizational management. He or Creating and developing she monitors and analyzes these qualifications and areas, assesses the talent pool, requirements profiles identifies key positions in the Executing succession organization, triggers personnel planning - Creating and development processes, and searches developing personnel for suitable successors for key development plans and positions. These tasks are always career paths - Tracking performed in line with the strategic performance feedback goals of the organization. processes - Creating reports in the area of personnel development The SAP Credit Management These new features are of application is improved through the particular interest for availability of enterprise servicecustomers who are using oriented architecture interfaces to the SAP Credit external credit information providers. Management application. This availability represents a key They significantly extend enhancement in providing the the integration with following: - The ability to search in the external credit information provider’s database for business providers and lead to better partners without having to specify a quality credit decisions unique identifier - The ability to select a made by your organization. business partner from the list of

matches, to choose a unique identifier for the business partner in the SAP Credit Management application - The ability to receive and process monitoring updates of past credit reports SAP Financials FI, CO, AM Collections management The SAP Collections Management enhancement application is improved with package 1 for Enhancement Package 1. The SAP ERP following functionalities enable you to improve accounts receivable processes: - Analysis of work lists (for example, degree of work list processing) - Customer contact analysis (for example, contact history) Analysis of promises to pay and invoices (for example, statistics of promises to pay) - Analysis of open items linked with organizational units of in the SAP Collections Management application (for example, due date analysis structured by collection segment, group, and specialist) SAP Financials FI, CO, AM Enhancements for A new enterprise services package enhancement electronic bill enables electronic bill presentment and package 1 for presentment and payment services for billing agents, as SAP ERP payment well as authorization and settlement functionality for communication with credit card processors. This enterprise services package helps SAP ERP 6.0 customers accelerate the processing of payments and exceptions, ensure seamless reconciliation and integration with multiple internal and other thirdparty financial applications, and ultimately improve customer relationships through better selfservice. SAP Product PP Enterprise services Enhancement Package 1 contains an enhancement Development package for enterprise services package for package 1 for and manufacturing execution manufacturing execution functions to SAP ERP Manufacturing functions improve automation and efficiency on the shop floor. This enterprise services package improves integration of heterogeneous shop floor functions, reducing manual data input and synchronizing relevant manufacturing master data and transactional data between the SAP ERP application and the manufacturing execution functions.

SAP Product PP enhancement Development package 1 for and SAP ERP Manufacturing

Enterprise services package for manufacturing work instructions

Monitoring the collection process on the basis of comprehensive analytics is key to higher efficiency and reduction in the amount of outstanding receivables. Customers who already use the SAP Collections Management application can further optimize their collection strategies.

These services improve the flexibility of electronic bill and presentment solutions contained within the SAP Biller Direct application.

This enterprise services package enables improved integration for real-time visibility of manufacturing data and provides better decision support for plant personnel through accurate, timely information. It supports adaptive manufacturing for predictable and unpredictable changes, with standards based on the ISA-95 enterprisecontrol model. Enhancement Package 1 provide an This enterprise services enterprise services package that package reduces the time connects the executive management to and labor involved in data the shop floor by removing paperentry and design, as well based forms from the manufacturing as in configuring work process and allowing work instructions instructions. It enables to be created, approved, dispatched, real-time visibility into executed, and archived through SAP manufacturing operations,


SAP Product QM enhancement Development package 1 for and SAP ERP Manufacturing

Enterprise services package for quality management functions

Enhancement Package 1 provides an enterprise services package that improves manufacturing efficiency and decision making through an exchange of inspection lot data, inspection results, and notification data between quality management activities performed in SAP ERP and those performed in external quality management software.

SAP Product PP enhancement Development package 1 for and SAP ERP Manufacturing

Enterprise services package for life-cycle data management

SAP Sales and enhancement Service package 1 for SAP ERP


Enterprise services package for sales and service

Enhancement Package 1 provides an enterprise services package for document management connectivity to facilitate the use of the document management functionality embedded in the SAP Product Lifecycle Management (SAP PLM) application. Tthis functionality can be used as a document repository for business processes – including non-SAP software – in the area of product development and design. With this enterprise services package, documents can be uploaded to and retrieved from SAP PLM through enterprise services. Enhancement Package 1 provides an enterprise services package for a new customer fact sheet that improves order-to-cash processes. It serves as a real-time information clearinghouse, gathering and organizing data about a customer.

SAP Industries enhancement package 2 for SAP ERP


SAP Industries enhancement package 2 for


which helps you perform root cause analysis much faster. This enterprise services package ensures process optimization in the laboratory and production area; compliance with good manufacturing practices, by providing consistent quality data exchange between software systems; and more flexibility with lower costs, by integrating quality data into SAP ERP. This enterprise services package helps increase the accuracy and speed of the development and design process by ensuring the integration of documents from non-SAP software into SAP ERP. In addition, it contributes to the elimination of redundant data within the company by providing central, secure document storage.

This enterprise services package makes customer interaction more efficient and enables customer service representatives, sales managers, and field sales representatives to leverage a single view of master data, transactions, and analyses for any customer. Article Maintenance Inclusion of the article description for Simplification in the article Inclusion of the Article variants when maintaining EANs in the master maintenance Description for variants article master (transactions MM4x): when maintaining EANs In article master maintenance, a new in the article master column was added to the additional data under the tab strip "EAN Maintenance" to display the article descriptions of the variants for the given logon language. The "Article Description" column was inserted after the "VR - Other Vendor Reference" column and can also be moved to suit customer-specific requirements. The column is only visible at generic article level if the EANs of all variants are listed. Master Data Enhanced storage levels for Improved scheduling Management - Enhanced transportation chains and staging time: possibilities within the storage levels for The storage levels for external procurement controlling.


transportation chain and transportation chains and their staging staging time time were enhanced with the functionality to provide more detailed data retention levels to be able to support more scenarios within the scheduling of the procurement controlling. Besides the existing storage level for vendor master data (General Data) the transportation chain and staging time can be maintained at Purchasing Organization Data level (including alternative data on site and/or vendor subrange level) within vendor master data maintenance (transactions XK0x). Additionally the transportation chain and staging time can also be maintained in the purchasing inforecord maintenance (transaction ME1x) similar to the existing maintenance possibility in the article master data maintenance (MM4x).

SAP Industries enhancement package 2 for SAP ERP


The enhanced reference logic to copy data from a higher data retention level to lower data retention levels and the access logic within the scheduling of the procurement controlling were also changed. To use these enhancements the activation of business function ISR_EARET_PLANNING is required and recommended. More details see documentation of business function ISR_EARET_PLANNING. AllocationImprovements Retailers often have to centrally for contract determination distribute merchandise among a large within the allocation number of recipients (for example, tableImprovements for stores). One example would be fashion scheduling within the merchandise or promotional items. allocation table Using allocation tables, retailers can plan the distribution of this type of merchandise and then trigger the necessary goods movements.Merchandise can be delivered directly from the vendor to the recipient, from the vendor to a distribution center and then to the recipient, or from a distribution center to a recipient. Notifications to coordinate communication between headquarters and the recipients are utilized. After completing the planning stage, the system can automatically create documents for procuring or delivering the goods.The Enhancements for EhP2 comprise smaller improvements in the area of scheduling and contract determination for the allocation table.o Contract Determination within the Allocation

The improvements of the contract determination and the scheduling increases the scope of the application "Allocation table" and increases the efficiency of the allocation process.

SAP Industries enhancement package 2 for SAP ERP


SAP Industries enhancement package 2 for SAP ERP


TableUntil now contracts could be assigned manually to an allocation table. If the allocation table was created with reference to a contract this information was then transferred to the purchase order generation and the contract were debited. If no contract was assigned consciously no contract would be determined.With the enhancement it is now possible to decide whether a contract determination should be carried out automatically in order to determine the existing contract when generating the external purchase orders out of the allocation table. If a contract exists this contract would be determined automatically when generating the external purchase order.o Scheduling within the Allocation TableAlthough the scheduling out of the allocation table was already developed there were still minor features missing. In order to be consistent with the process of scheduling within the area of seasonal procurement smaller adjustments were done for the scheduling in the process of the creation of the allocation table. Now the scheduling in the allocation table follows the same logic as in the seasonal procurement. Furthermore the date line (the chronological sequence of dates in the procurement process chain that are monitored by order monitoring) is now displayed and changeable within the allocation table (in the previous version the date line couldn't be displayed). Forecasting & With this new enhancement it is Additional Information for Replenishment possible, to prepare and send the the forecast determination structural breaks for DC number of sites supplied by a in SAP F&R forecast: Determine the distribution center to SAP F&R.The number of sites that are following information is to be taken into supplied by a certain DC consideration: with a certain article and - Listing information for the distribution transfer that information centers to SAP F&R - Internal sources of supply for the sites (supplying site relationships and source list) - Listing information for the stores Forecasting & With this enhancement it is possible to WIth the new information Replenishment - Interface supply SAP F&R from the ERPfrom SAP ERP, SAP F&R for purchase system with all purchasing is able to determine within organizations: Transfer organizations as a new object and with the source of supply definitions of purchase information about the assignments of determination the correct organizations and their purchasing organizations to locations. transportation lane (where assignments to sites to These assignments of purchasing the purchasing SAP F&R organizations will be evaluated in the organization is assigned to source of supply determination the target location), for what the source of supply determination shall be

SAP Industries enhancement package 2 for SAP ERP


SAP Industries enhancement package 2 for SAP ERP


SAP Industries enhancement package 2 for SAP ERP


Forecasting & With the new interface it is possible to Replenishment - Interface transfer contract information from ERP for contract information: to F&R. The outbound interface Transfer contract processing in SAP ERP will guarantee documents (outline that only quantity contracts are agreements) to SAP F&R transferred to SAP F&R. Value contracts are not to be transferred to SAP F&R. Also, transmission of contract data only support for F&R replenishment-planning-relevant products. Forecasting & As there are certain processes, where Replenishment only a part of those data is needed in Suppress transfer of SAP F&R (e.g. only master data for unnecessary data listing check required but no orders, no movement data), the interface logic is enhanced by further control mechanisms to suppress the transfer of unnecessary data in such processes. Improved Retailers use a variety of inventory ERMA:Enhanced logic of valuation methods to calculate the mark-ups and markvalue of inventory and cost of goods downs possible sold. Generally, retailers define themselves as using one of two different inventory valuation methods: cost method of accounting (CMA) and retail method of accounting (RMA). However, even within these methods there are different ways of calculating inventory.The traditional or classic RMA is an averaging method where inventory is managed at category or department level and ending inventory at cost is derived by applying a cost percentage to the ending inventory at retail. The extended or hybrid retail method of accounting (ERMA) is similar to RMA, but it is an alternative inventory valuation method that manages inventory at the more detailed level of item/location. ERMA uses moving average as the cost flow, but inventory is also tracked in retail values and markdowns may cause an adjustment to the inventory values at not only retail but cost also.Within SAP Retail, ERMA is supported using sales price valuation or valuation at retail. The focus of this development effort is to improve support for ERMA when retail price changes take place by enhancing the revaluation profiles and revaluation program. (This development is also related to the Stock Ledger Analytics project as the stock ledger is fed by results calculated by the revaluation program.) The revaluation profiles are now able to allow different handling for each price

extended. Based on the contract information, in F&R the replenishment planner can optimize decisions relating to purchase order quantities and delivery dates that can be changed manually.

No transfer of unnecessary data from SAP ERP to SAP F&R => Simplification of the interface data

This feature leads to enhanced logic of markups and mark-downs and to improved ERMA

SAP Industries enhancement package 2 for SAP ERP


SAP Industries enhancement package 2 for SAP ERP


change type, i.e., mark-up, permanent mark-down, promotional mark-down and POS mark-down. The profiles are now able to disallow the "maintain margins" treatment for mark-ups. Also, the revaluation program has been enhanced to support the changes to the revaluation profiles. - In-store Customer Order In-store Customer Order Management at the Point- Management:The Customer Order of-Sale and at the Service Management functionality of SAP DeskThe Customer order Retail Store was integrated to SAP Management functionality Triversity POS GM to enable an easy of SAP Retail Store was to use, integrated, and flexible order integrated to SAP management solution including the Triversity POS GM to different type of tendering at the Pointenable an easy to use, of-Sale. This enables the user execute integrated, and flexible order-related business processes such Order Management s as create, search, display, change, identify, verify, cancel, fulfill, and returns of orders for different order types and scenarios.The order-related payments are entered as a specific kind of retail item that is immediately processed in the ERP backend and posted to financials. - Mobile In-store The new solution for mobile In-store Inventory Management Inventory Management is designed for The new solution for retail inventory management on mobile mobile In-store Inventory devices at the store level. Providing Management is designed seamless integration with the SAP for for retail inventory Retail solution portfolio, this mobile management on mobile solution brings back-office functionality devices at the store level. onto the shop floor to save time and Providing seamless increase customer satisfaction by integration with the SAP allowing staff to spend more time with for Retail solution customers. The solution streamlines portfolio, the inventory management process for store clerks who work the shop floor and increases their productivity. At the same time, the software helps ensure that store merchandise is always on the shelf, which maximizes sales and increases customer satisfaction. This online solution runs on handheld devices and connects directly to SAP ERP via a wireless connection.Inventory Lookup: Provides different types of stock information such as stock on hand, storage location, special stock in store, other special stock such as consignment stock, and commitment stock. It consolidates the sales transaction from the POS DM with the stock information from ERP to provide accurate and realtime stock information. There will be and Enterprise Service Bundle around the RFCs used for this functionality.o Inventory Adjustment / Store to store transfer o Planned counting /

Integrated solutions to close the loops and gaps in the solution offering, respond to market demand, and keep with compatitors.

Integrated solutions to close the loops and gaps in the solution offering, respond to market demand. and keep with compatitors.

Unplanned counting o Receiving with and without reference document The physical inventory during opening Integrated solutions to hours makes it possible to conduct close the loops and gaps in counting during the regular store the solution offering, opening hours. This solution is respond to market designed for retail stores that operate demand. and keep with 24 hours a day and 7 days a week.By compatitors. use of this solution, it is possible to count products while the same products are still being sold at the point of sale.The current ERP based Physical Inventory during opening hours was already available since release 470x200. This solution is based on the upload of non-aggregated (i.e. transactional) POS sales that are sent via IDOC through the POS inbound interface to ERP. These sales transactions will be the basis for a calculation of the book inventory at counting time which is the basis for any inventory difference. The new development will extend the current solution in a way that aggregated sales data are sent to ERP (e.g. at the end of a day) and transactional pos data are requested by ERP from POS Data Management. This reduces the data volume on ERP side significantly. Search engine based interface Fast vehicle search via toTREX, which allows activation of configuration TREX search via customizing.In Vehicle Management System it is now possible to maintain multiple end customers for a vehicle.

SAP Industries enhancement package 2 for SAP ERP


- Physical Inventory during the opening hoursThe physical inventory during opening hours makes it possible to conduct counting during the regular store opening hours. This solution is designed for retail stores that operate 24 hours a day and 7 days a we

SAP Industries enhancement package 2 for SAP ERP


SAP Industries enhancement package 2 for SAP ERP


Vehicle Management SystemSearch engine based interface toTREX, which allows activation of TREX search via customizing; Maintenance of multiple end customers Just-In-Time Inbound JIT-Inbound has been connected to the Process: Use of Alert Framework. JIT-Inbound IDocs Alertframework and actions raise alerts in the case of errors.

SAP Industries enhancement package 2 for SAP ERP


Just-In-Time Outbound Process: Use of Alertframework and Integration of Delivery

SAP Industries enhancement package 2 for SAP ERP


SD Scheduling AgreementsReport to copy scheduling agreements



Self-Billing Procedure

Process visibility, especially in error situations and integration between JIT Call and delivery Process visibility, especially in error situations and integration between JIT Call and delivery

JIT-Outbound has been connected to the Alert Framework. JIT-Outbound actions raise alerts in case of errors. Alerts are also raised in case of deviations of deliveries. Creation and change of deliveries for JITOutbound Calls can be done using tolerance profiles. A new transaction is available to Better handling of high analyze document flow size of SD volume processes Scheduling Agreements. Scheduling Agreements exceeding a certain size can be copied to new Scheduling Agreements in background. This will lead to improved system performance for processing of Scheduling Agreements. - In the VSB1 Self Billing monitor the Time saving in handling of

enhancement package 2 for SAP ERP

SAP Industries enhancement package 2 for SAP ERP SAP Industries enhancement package 2 for SAP ERP

SAP Industries enhancement package 2 for SAP ERP SAP Industries enhancement package 2 for SAP ERP SAP Industries enhancement package 2 for SAP ERP SAP Industries enhancement package 2 for SAP ERP

SAP Industries enhancement package 2 for SAP ERP SAP Industries enhancement package 2 for SAP ERP

Inbound - New dialog screen where the user can perform and save the regrouping of material items currently belonging to an unprocessed header record; Archiving of SBI DB records now possible

user is able to regroup material items which are assigned to a certain Delivery/IDoc header to one or even several new headers. - With a new dialog screen the user can perform and save the regrouping of material items currently belonging to an unprocessed VSBHDR record. - All SBI tables which are related to transmission can be archived using the SAP Archiving functionality. Supported are general and EDI partner specific residence times QM Quality Notification With this development the customer 8D ReportNew form with can use an Automotive Industry like special layout for template for the QM 8D Report that Automotive Customers was only available as consulting solution before Dealer Portal - Enhanced - Within the Dealer Portal the customer vehicle search can now use enhanced search criteria functionalities and for searching vehicles based on creation of sales orders configuration and he can use for VMS late order characteristics in search criteria. assignment Dealer Portal supports now the scenario of late order assignment where dealer can create sales order without having a vehicle but just specifying his requirements and once vehicle is ready importer can assign it to the sales order created. Compatible unit Create, change, or display compatible maintenance units; create compatible units with reference to existing compatible units. Construction measure maintenance

Design maintenance

Create, change, or display construction measures; create construction measures with reference to existing construction measures. Create, change, or display compatible unit designs.

Work order maintenance

Create work orders based on compatible units. Change, display, or confirm compatible unit work orders. Schedule the regular creation of compatible unit work orders using a maintenance plan. Generate compatible unit work orders from compatible unit designs. Evaluation of compatible Evaluate the validity of compatible unit units definition with reports in ERP and BI content Operation-Level Costing Transactions supported for operationlevel costing are as follows: Function Transaction CodePM/CS Order IW31, IW32, IW33Purchase Request ME51N, ME52N, ME53NPurchase Order ME21N, ME22N, ME23NContract

huge transmissions

Collaboration with partners better supported

Improved search functionality for Dealer PortalIncreased Process Flexibility in Vehicle Sales and Administration

see description above, all features work together as a whole

SAP Financials enhancement package 2 for SAP ERP

SAP Financials enhancement package 2 for SAP ERP

ME31K, ME32K, ME33KGoods Receipt MIGO (MIGO_GR)Goods Issue MIGO (MIGO_GI)Goods Reservation MB21Confirmation IW41, IW42Invoice Verification MIROQuotation DP80Billing Request DP90G/L Account Document FB50Vendor Invoice FB60Vendor Credit Memo FB65Recurring Entry FBD1Account Assignment Model FKMTPark G/L Account Document FV50Actual Interest Calculation CJZ1, CJZ2 FIN-FSCM SAP Biller Direct: BuyWith this functions, it will be possible ide, vendors could to:- Uppload the invoices of XMLcomplete the XML Format (optional) in Payer Direct formated vendor invoices Portal. - Based on configuration in and upload into SAP backend paybale system, uploaded system via Portal and invoices could be converted into PO display of open bills & backed invoices or normal financial payments. invoices.- Based on configuration in backend payable system, uploaded invoices could bedirectly posted as the invoices in system or park your invoices, review and then post invoices later.- Review of open bills and payments FIN-FSCM SAP Biller Direct: Multiple - Customers could choose B2B and engagement scenarios B2C scenarios.- Customers could with flexible deployment deploy several scenarios upon single capabilities (single or client and switch scenarios by only multiple scenarios against changing URL address in web browser. single system)

SAP Financials enhancement package 2 for SAP ERP

FIN-FSCM SAP Biller Direct: Improved usability and productivity of Biller Direct

SAP Industries enhancement package 2 for SAP ERP


Fast data entry in the Trading Contract

- Save mail expense for invoice delivery and reconciliation. - Improve working efficiency of AP accountants and usability of the payable application.Minimize the manual invoice key-in errors and decrease efforts on reconciliation. - Flexiblely support both PO backed purchase and normal financial invoice backed purchase. - Optimizing the system maintenance and operations costs by deploying multiple scenarios upon single system instance- Improve flexibility by adapting both B2B & B2C scenarios on one single systme, control cost for system logic implemented. With SAP Biller Direct Web users can:- Productivity and flexibility Use a new layout with navigation tree are improved due to on the left side of the screen in addition enhanced displaying and to the existing layout with navigation seaching using tab pages and a header bar. functionalitiesTransparency Keep a clear overview by restricting the is enhanced by allowing number of items shown in the Web more support documment application under Open Items, Paid download Bills, Payments and Credits.- Make working with long lists easier, by filtering items on the tab pages Open Items, Paid Bills, Payments and Credits using various selection parameters.Download other archived documents, such as expense reports, as a PDF from the optical archive, and not just bills.- Display status information, such as last logon, latest payments and latest master data change. SUMMARY: Usability improvement in More efficient data entry for managing characteristics in preconfigured materials or material trading contractFaster variants in global trade entering and change

process for characteristic DETAILS: values Entering characteristic values (max. 10) in each line item of trading contract. Function "global and local" is copying the characteristic values to related line items. Changes in characteristics can be inherited to the referenced line items. BACKGROUND: Description You can use the fast entry of characteristics in the trading contract to enter item data as well as characteristic value assignments on the Fast Entry tab page in the overview screen. You can use the characteristics display to control which characteristics are available (max. 10). This greatly reduces entry effort, particularly for materials with few characteristics and for preconfigured materials. In addition, you receive information on the status of the configuration. Depending on the contract type, the status of the SD and MM configurations are displayed. Global and Local Items in the Trading Contract Trading contracts often have several items that differ only by a few characteristics. Although most characteristic value assignments for the various items are identical, it is generally necessary to assign values to all characteristics separately. In a trading contract, the characteristic value assignments of the global item can be passed on to the characteristics of the local item with the same name. You define in Customizing how this should be inherited. Inheriting Characteristic Value Assignments When you change the characteristic value assignment of a global item, the changed values can be passed on to the local items of the global item. You define in Customizing how this should be inherited. Preparation Customizing o Definition of the application group for the characteristics display Logistics - General -> SAP Global Trade Management -> Trading Contract -> Fast Entry of Characteristics in the Trading Contract

SAP Industries enhancement package 2 for SAP ERP


Sales order fulfillment with requirement reduction in pieces

-> Define Application Group for Characteristic Display o Definition of the characteristic display for the overview screen Logistics - General -> SAP Global Trade Management -> Trading Contract -> Fast Entry of Characteristics in the Trading Contract -> Define Characteristics Display for Overview Screen o Set up fast entry for characteristics per contract type Logistics - General -> SAP Global Trade Management -> Trading Contract -> Fast Entry of Characteristics in the Trading Contract -> Set Up Fast Entry for Characteristic Values o Define characteristic transfer per item category Logistics - General -> SAP Global Trade Management -> Trading Contract -> Fast Entry of Characteristics in the Trading Contract -> Define Transfer of Characteristics Values Master Data o Create customer and vendor. o Create characteristics and assign characteristics to classes of class type 300 - variants. o Create various materials (configurable, non-configurable, material variant). o Create characteristics for info records (customer info record, material info record, and purchasing info record). o Assign characteristics to classes of class type 052 (customer/material info record) and class type 057 (purchasing info record). o Create configurable materials. o Create customer/material info records and purchasing info records for these materials. o Classify the info records. SUMMARY: Enablement of SD order Enables SD order fulfillment in fulfillment in alternate sales alternative sales unit of measure unit of measure, “ piece,” “piece”, independently of base unit of independent of base unit of measure measure quantity– DETAILS: including DTUC process I Scenario: Fulfillment of sales orders Delivery clerk does not with materials defined in batch-specific need to check open material unit of measure quantities in the base unit Instead of determining the open order of measure quantity in base unit of measure, the sales unit “piece” defines the order fulfillment logic (e.g. number of delivered batches = “1 piece of length”). Delivery dependent trading unit change (DTUC) now supports

SAP Industries enhancement package 2 for SAP ERP


Control of batch determination in outbound delivery

fulfillment in pieces BACKGROUND: If alternative sales unit of measure in "piece" is used and the material is defined with product unit of measure (usually in pieces), the SD requirement "consumption" is done in "piece". DETAIL: User can define in sales order, whether the batch determination in outbound delivery use the characteristic values of SD configuration or the SD batch selection criteria. For length-based materials an automatic calculation of intervals based on characteristic values of individual length, minus and plus % tolerance improves the batch selection process. BACKGROUND: Description You can use this function in the sales order to influence how the batch determination is controlled in the delivery. The Mill Indicator: Control of Batch Selection can be defined for each sales order item. In Customizing, you can enter a default setting for each item category. In addition, you can carry out an interval calculation for length-based processes. To do so, you need the example characteristics "individual length", "plus tolerance", and "minus tolerance" from Mill Products. A "length interval" is calculated from the values entered in the variant configuration and transferred to the batch determination class. Preparation Customizing o In Customizing for Sales and Distribution under Sales -> Sales Documents -> Sales Document Item -> Define Item Categories, you have made the settings for batch determination. o In Customizing for Logistics - General under Basic Settings for SAP for Mill Products -> Assign Characteristics for SAP for Mill Products you have defined the control for length-based materials. You activate an LPP material by assigning the characteristic "length" to ID '202'. In addition, assign the characteristic "plus tolerance" to ID '204' and the characteristic "minus tolerance" to ID '205'. Caution Never change any entries that have already been made, since this would

Improvement in control of batch selection process in delivery More flexibility and automatization

SAP Industries enhancement package 2 for SAP ERP


Changeable characteristic values in returns order

SAP Industries enhancement package 2 for


Alternative Units of Measure in Production

effect existing materials. Master Data o Creating customer master data o Assignment of characteristics to class of class type 300 o Assignment of characteristics to class of class type 023 (batch) o Assignment of characteristics to class of class type 023 (batch determination) The prerequisite for this is that the classes of the variant configuration contain the same characteristics as the batch / batch determination. o Creating a material master (configurable material or material variant, each with the batch class) o Creating master data for the batch selection including batch selection class SUMMARY: Change of batch Scenario: Return orders with reference characteristics during entry to billing document of the SD return order User can enter or change the batch improves usability and classification of a returned batch speeds up entry “inside” the SD return order (=single point of changes). BACKGROUND: Return handling with characteristics Description You can use this Business Scenario to create returns orders with configurable materials. The system transfers the characteristics of the batch that was delivered to the customer to the configuration of the returns order. In addition, you can create a new batch if a characteristic is changed, for example if quality A is converted to B. Preparation Customizing Define Control of Characteristic Transfer to Item Category Level In Customizing for Sales and Distribution under Sales -> Sales Documents -> Sales Document Item -> Define Item Categories, set the Ret.w.BatchRef. indicator in the Enhancements for Mill Products section. You can also define a default value for the batch selection. Master Data You have created the following master data: o Customer and vendor o Characteristics and classes Assign the characteristics to the class types 023 (batches) and 300 (variants). o Configurable materials Scenario: planning in APO with Integrated support of materials using co-products without alternate production units BOM reference in production process


In production order all multiple items and components can be created in alternative unit of measure BACKGROUND: Description When creating a multi-item order using SAP SCM via CIF, you can make Customizing settings that control the use of alternative units of measure. The header material and the components of the production order are assigned the alternative unit of measure. You can use this function in the following scenarios with SAP SCM: o Characteristics-Based Planning with Multi-Item Order o Long Products Planning o Multiple Output Planning o Interface for Industry-Specific Optimizer o Planning without a Mill Productsspecific order type, but with a material for characteristics-based planning o Planning without a material for characteristics-based planning Note A production order can contain components that are not listed in the BOM because they were added manually to the production order, for example. The SAP SCM function Long Products Planning (LPP) causes additional components (additional lengths) to be created, depending on the settings in length calculation. Only the first component item (first length) has a reference to the BOM, the other lengths are added by the LPP heuristic as additional items. Only those additional items created by SAP SCM can use the function for the alternative unit of measure (today). Preparation Customizing In Customizing for Production under Shop Floor Control -> Master Data -> Order -> Define Additional Settings for Production Orders, you define whether an alternative production unit of measure can be used when a production order is created for the order item. You have set the Create Order Items in Alternative UoM and the Create Components in Alternative UoM indicators to '1' (production unit of measure). Master Data 1. Use a length-based material (LPP).

SAP Industries enhancement package 2 for SAP ERP


2. Create the characteristic 'length' in transaction CT04. 3. In transaction CL02, assign the characteristics to a class of class type 300. 4. In transaction MM01, create a material master for a configurable material or a material variant. Enter an alternative production unit of measure. 5. In transaction CU41, create a configuration profile. 6. Create a bill of material and a routing. 7. Transfer this master data with an integration model to SAP SCM. Make-to-Stock Production DETAIL for Configurable Materials Scenario: Make-to-stock production with External Planning. with configurable materials and batches. MRP planning takes place in an external system (APO or other legacy planning system) In production order you can change the characteristic values of a material variant Replace workaround in SAP note 454033 Description This function makes it possible to change characteristics of a configurable material that is planned by an external planning system (outside of the ERP system) in make-to-stock production. Preparation Classification 1. Create your own characteristics. 2. Create a class in class type 023 and one in class type 300. Master Data 1. Create a configurable material with batch management. The material is planned by an external system but not an SCM system. 2. Create a configuration profile for the material. 3. Create a plant-specific material variant (client-specific material variants are not supported in PP). 4. Create a routing for the configurable material and the material variant or make the appropriate settings in Customizing for Production under Shop Floor Control -> Operations -> Task List Selection -> Define Default Values. Customizing 1. In Customizing for Production under Material Requirements Planning -> Master Data -> Check MRP Types, create a new MRP type and assign planning method 1 (planned by

Changeability of production order characteristics if external planning software is used

SAP Industries enhancement package 2 for SAP ERP


SAP Industries enhancement package 2 for SAP ERP


external system) to it. 2. In Customizing for Production under Shop Floor Control -> Master Data -> Order -> Define Order Types, create a new order type. In addition, set the CTMS Charctrstcs Changble indicator in the IMG activity Define Additional Settings for Production Orders. 3. In Customizing for Production under Shop Floor Control -> Master Data -> Order -> Fast Entry of Characteristics in Production Order -> Define Characteristics Display for Overview Screen, create a new characteristics display with your characteristic. Notes o The characteristic values in the configuration at header level and in the first item are identical. o If you want to use the reference characteristics in your order type, you cannot change the characteristic values in the configuration of the header. o If you use reference characteristics in your order type and create a production order for the configurable material, you can enter the characteristic values in the configuration of the header but you cannot change them (Independent Item Quantity must be switched off). Parallel Picking with DTUC status is defined on item level. Speed up of picking DTUC This enables to carry out picking and process packing of delivery items that are not DTUC-relevant or are DTUCcompleted, even though other items of the delivery are still in DTUC processing Enhancement in 'DTUC SUMMARY: Mass printing of DTUC Pool' and Printing DTUC It is possible to do mass printing of papers in background and Shop Papers DTUC shop papers in the background. display WM data improves You do so by using the output control. handling and data quality The system displays a print status (open, printed) in the DTUC pool display An additional DTUC screen displays the WM data DETAILS: Scenario: Delivery dependent trading unit change (DTUC) Mass printing of DTUC shop floor papers in background by using output control functionality Display of print status (open, printed) in DTUC list An additional screen displays WM data (e.g. transfer order, storage bin) within DTUC list BACKGROUNDS: Enhancements in DTUC - Printing

IMG settings needed for output determination of DTUC shop papers To implement Output Determination for DTUC shop papers a new output type, i.e. 'DTUC', must be created. Note: In order to allow printer determination field 'Print Parameter' on 'Print' TabStrip has to be maintained. The print parameter allows selecting different criteria according to which the determination of the output device is done. Creation of an output determination procedure, i.e. DTUC, which itself will include the output type DTUC. Finally the output determination procedure has to be assigned to the desired item category of outbound delivery items. Note: The relevant settings in IMG can be found at the following path: Logistics Execution à Shipping à Basic Shipping Functionsà Output Control à Output Determination à Maintain Output Determination for Outbound Deliveries. Printing is triggered: Within transaction /SAPMP/LE_LBA_LIST: Printer and print option are taken from the spool defaults of user profile, i.e. database table USR01. If no spool defaults are maintained, printer and print options are taken from NAST record. Using a report for message mass processing, e.g. RSNAST00, printer and print options are taken always from NAST. Note: Mass processing or processing via background job can be triggered by using the report SD70AV2A (Output from Deliveries, or online via transaction VL71) or the general NAST-message processing report RSNAST00. Enhancements in DTUC - Display of WM information Since the business needs are differing between displaying the DTUC worklist and the display of the corresponding transfer requirements and transfer orders a new ALV Grid will be displayed within transaction /SAPMP/LBA_WORKLIST Enable mass selection: Users who want to check on the WM status of DTUC-related TRs and TOs will use transaction /SAPMP/LE_LBA_WM Following WM fields are displayed:

Document type, i.e. transfer order or transfer requirement Document number Status of the document Number of the associated outbound delivery and the Material Staging/Availability Date Material, plant, storage location Source storage type and bin of the batch Destination storage type

SAP Industries enhancement package 2 for SAP ERP


Classification during Goods Receipt using BAPI

The field containing the document number will be a hotspot in order to display the document. According to the document either transaction LB03 (Display TR) or LT21 (Display TO) is displayed. It will also be possible to navigate from the DTUC working list to the list of the related WM documents: After selecting one or several lines on DTUC list and pressing button 'WM documents' (to be created), the corresponding WM documents will be displayed in an ALV grid below the DTUC list. If SAP Warehouse Management System is used as a decentralized WM system, functionality is still available in the decentralized system. In case of Third-Party WM software the functionality is not possible SUMMARY: Simplify the data exchange Technological improvement: A new between ERP systems BAPI enables posting of goods receipt of batches with classification in 1-step. In the past, 2 BAPI's were needed. DETAILS: Finished and semi-finished products in MILL industries are mostly batchmanaged materials and planning often takes place in SAP SCM using Characteristics-Dependent Planning (CDP). Given this, the immediate classification of batches during goods receipts becomes indispensable. When goods receipts are posted using business objects /SAPMP/GMT and /SAPMP/POC using the corresponding IDoc types - without the batches being classified, CDP in SAP SCM would not allocate appropriate batches to requirements from customer, production or stock transfer orders. This shortcoming may result in the automatic creation of unnecessary planned orders. Before ERP 2005 EPack 02 it is not possible to classify batches

SAP Financials enhancement package 2 for SAP ERP

FIN-FSCM Bank relationship management

SAP Financials enhancement package 2 for SAP ERP

FIN-FSCM Dispute case attributes and linked receivable open items

SAP Financials enhancement package 2 for SAP ERP

FIN-FSCM Work center for dispute managers

SAP Financials enhancement package 2 for SAP ERP

FIN-FSCM Improved usability and work center

simultaneously during goods receipts. An BAPI for GR process during confirmation of production orders is also supported. Details regarding batch attributes which can be valuated in goods movements can be found in note 619913. Look in Business Object Repository (transaction "BAPI"): Business Object /SAPMP/GMC´: Object 'Mill Products: Goods Movement and Batch Classification' enables the batch classification at the same time of posting GR. Business Object /SAPMP/PCC: Posting of confirmations of production orders with automatic goods receipt enables the batch classification at the same time of posting GR. Close integration with enterprise application functionality Logical structuring of payments into batches Multiple approval levels for outgoing payments Audit trail for payment approval decisions along with digital signatures for internal audit Analysis of payment status information and full payment-flow transparency as well as status monitoring for bank statements SWIFTNet Integration You can define the relationship between dispute case attributes and the attribution of linked receivable open items in SAP Dispute Management. Change dispute case attributes can affect the linked receivable open line items. For example, you might set the dunning block in dispute case to prevent a dunning letter from being sent out. SAP Dispute Management consolidates all working tasks and information for dispute managers and specialists on one platform It delivers a well-arranged view of dispute cases that is grouped by predefined or personalized selection criteria. You can select user specific tasks and navigate from the case to the detail processing of the individual dispute cases. SAP Credit Management offers an improved log display of score calculations. You can simulate a credit check for business partners. You can define the exposure display

SAP Financials enhancement package 2 for SAP ERP

FIN-FSCM Increased flexibility for creating dispute cases

SAP Financials enhancement package 2 for SAP ERP

FIN-FSCM Vendor invoicing

SAP Financials enhancement package 2 for SAP ERP

FIN-FSCM Flexible deployment scenarios

SAP Financials enhancement package 2 for SAP ERP

FIN-FSCM Improved usability and productivity

SAP Financials enhancement package 2 for SAP ERP

FIN-FSCM ES Bundle - Bank Relationship Management

take into account for a credit time horizon. You can consolidates user-specific blocked order processing, blocked business partners, processing of credit limit requests, and see an overview of all notifications. You can extend dispute case attributes by adding the extra field Customer disputed amount in dispute case. You can create dispute case identified during document processing, dispute case processing, line item lists, and clearing. You can display customer disputed objects under linked objects. Upload the invoices of XML format (optional) in payer direct portal. Based on configuration in back-end payable system; uploaded invoices can be converted into PO-backed invoices or normal financial invoices Based on configuration in back-end payables system, uploaded invoices can be directly posted as the invoices in system or park invoices, review them, and then post them later Review of open bills and payments. Customers can choose B2B and B2C scenarios Customers can deploy several scenarios on a single client and switch scenarios by changing the URL address in the Web browser . You can use a new layout with navigation tree on the left side of the screen in addition to the existing layout with navigation using tab pages and a header bar. You can see a clear overview by restricting the number of items shown in the Web application under open items, paid bills, payments, and credits. You can easily work with long lists by filtering items on the tab pages for open items, paid bills, payments, and credits using various selection parameters. You can download archived documents other than bills, such as expense reports, as a PDF file from the optical archive. You can display status information, such as last logon, latest payments, and latest master data change. Enables seamless communication of financial transactions of a company with its house banks over the SWIFT network Provides full payment flow transparency and enables good control of payment transactions

Initiate outgoing payments Initiate incoming payments via direct debit Approve, reject, or resubmit payments Receive and process electronic bank statements

SAP Financials enhancement package 2 for SAP ERP

FIN-FSCM ES Bundle - External Cash Desk (Service Industries)

SAP Financials enhancement package 2 for SAP ERP

FIN-FSCM ES Bundle - Electronic Bill Presentment and Payment (EBPP)

SAP Corporate enhancement Services package 2 for SAP ERP


Sarbanes-Oxley compliance through details of entertainment receipts

SAP Corporate enhancement Services package 2 for SAP ERP


Advanced Passenger Information System (APIS): Collection of required API before departure

SAP Corporate enhancement Services package 2 for


Sarbanes-Oxley compliance through declaration of private

Target market: any company that initiates payments and receives electronic bank statements from its house banks - especially if they rely on many different house banks Easy-to-use enterprise services to pay invoices at external cash desks in a connected or disconnected mode with regard to the back-end system for contract accounts receivable and payable (FI-CA) Target market: service industries, especially utility and telco companies

Supporting payments of external payment collectors - Online processing of payments - Offline mode for collection of payments and sending collected payments as a bundle when online Monitoring and reconciliation of payments collected by external cash desks in the enterprise resource planning ( ERP) back end Enables electronic bill presentment and Supporting credit card payment services for billers and processor interfaces authorization and settlement capabilities for communication with credit card processors. Target market: the EBPP bundle is of value to any company of any size that presents invoices and process payments to customers. It is primarily for direct business-to-consumer interactions that require credit card authorization and payments. Additional information on internal and Reduced costs for external participants of an Sarbanes-Oxley entertainment activity must be reported compliance for Sarbanes-Oxley compliance. To Enhanced audit meet these legal requirements, a new functionality and fraud table is available in which the traveler prevention can enter all participants. For external participants, the user has to fill the following required fields: last name, first name, job title, and company. For internal employees, the user has to enter only the personnel number. Advanced passenger information (API) Simplification and is information currently required by the acceleration of processes U.S. government about passengers at the airport due to earlier prior to travel. All airlines are required data transfer. to collect this information from passengers who are traveling to the U.S. and transmit it to U.S. Customs and Border Protection. SAP Travel Management collects the information within the travel planning process in advance of departure. This approach automates the process, preventing congestion at airports and streamlining preflight check-in. The Sarbanes-Oxley Act has driven Reduced costs for customers to deploy automated Sarbanes-Oxley expense solutions, including the compliance


SAP Corporate enhancement Services package 2 for SAP ERP SAP Corporate enhancement Services package 2 for SAP ERP


SAP Corporate enhancement Services package 2 for SAP ERP


SAP Corporate enhancement Services package 2 for SAP ERP SAP Corporate enhancement Services package 2 for SAP ERP


SAP Corporate enhancement Services package 2 for SAP ERP


SAP Corporate enhancement Services package 2 for SAP ERP SAP Corporate enhancement Services package 2 for SAP ERP





expenses from credit card utilization of electronic receipts via charges credit card feeds as a conduit to validate that internal controls are in place. Private expenses paid with the credit card can now be deducted and displayed and saved separately. Improvements Travel Required travel services and traveler Request preferences are integrated in travel requests. Travel Planning: Multiple Amadeus Master Pricer can now enhancements in air replace Amadeus Value Pricer for pricing booking flights. Master Pricer provides better performance and better content. Master Pricer checks flight availability and fares at the same time. Travel Planning: Available flights are still sorted by price, Enhanced display of low- but different flight combinations for one fare availability fare are shown in one box. Queries for available flights are done in Global Distribution Systems and in Low Cost Carrier Consolidators like Travel fusion (direct connection via XI). Travel Planning: New sort Travelers can sort available hotels options for hotels according to various parameters, such as price, star rating, or distance from an address Travel Planning: Tickets can be booked for multiple Improvements for travelers. BahnCard discounts of all German Rail bookings travelers are taken into account in price calculation. Travelers can book train tickets, train tickets including a seat reservation, or seat reservations without train tickets if these should be booked centrally Travelers can ask for a BahnTix. They can then pick up their tickets at the automated devices at every train station using their BahnCard, credit card, or reservation number as identification. Improvements Expense The software reminds travelers of Report existing travel requests and travel plans when creating new expense reports. Attachments (e.g. images of receipts or an agenda) can be attached to the expense report. Duet: Microsoft Office Travelers can create travel requests integration using Duet™ and approval workflow using Microsoft software Office. Travel Policy Administration: Customizing wizards for travel policy administration

New wizards simplify the configuration for travel administrators. The following views are available: - Define maximum rates and default values for expense types - Define maximum amounts for hotel accommodation

Enhanced audit functionality and fraud prevention

SAP Corporate enhancement Services package 2 for SAP ERP


SAP Corporate enhancement Services package 2 for SAP ERP


SAP Corporate enhancement Services package 2 for SAP ERP


- Edit predefined addresses - Define hotel catalog - Define customer programs - Define agreements between providers on customer programs. POWLs for roles o As of Enhancement Pack 2 soTraveler, Approver and called POWLs (Personal Object Work assistant Lists) are available for the following roles: Traveler Assistant: POWL with data across all travelers in their area of responsibility Approver (+ Substitution): POWL with trips to be approved as alternative to UWL + Workflow o The POWL for Travelers replaces the former All My Trips section. It gives the traveler an overview on all his travel requests, travel plans and expenses reports as well as an access point to add, change or cancel his trips.o The POWL for Assistants includes the same functionalities like the POWL for Travelers. In addition the assistant has the possibility to maintain his travelers, i. e. he can add or remove travelers from his employee list.o The Travel Approval Workcenter (POWL for Approvers) gives the approver an overview on travel request, travel plans and expense reports for approval. o For all POWLs the traveler/company can decide which columns will be displayed and which columns will be hidden. Thus, the traveler/company can quickly see the most important information. Conversion of complete o With the delivery of EhP 2 Webdynpro/Java based there'll be a technological shift in SAP ESS to Webdynpro/ABAP Travel Management - the enhanced ESS will be based on ABAP. ABAP allows to better align maintenance and support stacks compared to JAVA. However, set-up and configuration in the back-end system will not change because ABAP and Java run on the same business logic layer. The customizing will be the same and there will be no additional effort for the customers. Duet: Creation of travel o From within the Outlook Calendar, requests & travel plans Duet allows users to create a a travel from Microsoft Outlook request or a travel itinerary. Duet accesses the SAP ERP system to provide travel options for airlines, hotels and rental cars that are compliant with corporate travel policies.o The employee user can submit a travel request, search for travel options and recreate past travel itineraries.o Using Duet your company can easily achieve higher

adoption rates since employees can book their trips from within their wellknown desktop applications. Thus, your employees can work more efficiently because they do not have to switch between various programs/applications any longer and they also do not have to go to time-consuming trainings. SAP Corporate FI-TV Duet: Analytics for o The manager can approve or reject enhancement Services Managers within e-mails travel requests and view travel and package 2 for and/or as workflow budget reports. SAP ERP support SAP Corporate FI-TV Duet: Approval workflows o The manager can approve or reject Reduced barriers to enhancement Services via MS outlook travel requests and view travel and user acceptance Higher package 2 for budget reports. adoption rate Lower SAP ERP costs (reduced user training, fewer calls to help desk/call center, faster time to productivity Employees are more efficient (reduced complexity, less time focused on software, adoptable to user's needs) SAP Corporate FI-TV XI: Generic direct access o As of ERP 2004 SAP offered a enhancement Services to corporate rail portals connection to Deutsche Bahn via BIBE package 2 for (Bahn Internet Booking Engine). With SAP ERP Enhancement Pack 2 a generic interface for rail providers was created based on the existing XI-interface to Deutsche Bahn (BIBE). Now connections to railway companies like SNCF, Amtrak, UK rail, Trenitalia, Swedish rail etc. are possible. SAP Corporate FI-TV XI: Enhancements for the additional fields where added in the Xienhancement Services generic interface for flight area to improve mapping possibilities package 2 for bookings to air between the different interfaces. SAP ERP consolidators and GNEs SAP Human PA-AS, PA- Integration with the Automated personnel management EIC agents gain direct enhancement Capital EIC, EPemployee interaction processes access to a processpackage 2 for Management PCT, CA- center EIC agents can launch and track support tool to help SAP ERP ESS, PAprocesses from the EIC. expedite resolution and ER HR administrators can receive follow- monitor progress toward up activities from EIC agents and call successful process up activities in their central work lists. execution. They can also start processes and Save time and effort by forward them to agents in the EIC. avoiding multiple data entry Agents no longer need to enter data or with prepopulated log in multiple times. The software employee information and automatically displays employee data direct data updates to the and updates it in the back-end HR back-end HR system software from SAP. Service level compliance and monitoring will improve with business process automation and standardization Productivity and efficiency gains will be realized due to enhanced cross-role collaboration and communication between

SAP Human enhancement Capital package 2 for Management SAP ERP


HCM Processes and Forms - Integration mit dem Employee Interaction Center (EIC)

SAP Human enhancement Capital package 2 for Management SAP ERP

PA-AS, PA- HCM Processes and EIC, EPForms - Zusätzliche PCT, CA- Services für Self-Services ESS, PAER

Ein Employee Interaction Center ist ein wichtiger Baustein eines SharedService-Konzeptes. Dabei handelt es sich um ein Organisationsmodell, bei dem bestimmte Dienstleistungen von einer hierfür geschaffenen Organisationseinheit für das gesamte Unternehmen geleistet werden. EIC Agenten, die Serviceanfragen über unterschiedliche Kommunikationskanäle beantworten, benötigen den Zugriff auf Anwendungen, die die Prozesse des Unternehmens optimal unterstützen. Die Integration dieser Business Function mit dem EIC unterstütz diese Anforderung und ermöglicht das automatisieren, ausführen und kontrollieren von HR-Prozessen über den gesamten Prozesslebenszyklus. Für mehr Informationen bezüglich der Integration mit dem EIC wird auf die Business Function Beschreibung der Funktion Employee Interaction Center verwiesen.

HCM Prozesse und Formulare ist ein rollenübergreifendes Prozessframework welches neben dem Personalsachbearbeiter oder EIC Agenten auch Mitarbeiter und Manager an den Prozessen beteiligt. Mitarbeiter und Manager können HR Prozesse selber starten, und so Datenänderungen an die HR Abteilung weitergeben, oder Datenänderungen direkt im System ändern. Für die Business Packages Manager SelfService können Sie folgende neue Services über diese Business Function aktivieren. o Prozesse starten o Prozesse Anzeigen o Personalakte AnzeigenDiese Services können in der Manager Rolle über die Portalseiten zu Mitarbeiterinformationen im Bereich zusätzliche Aktivitäten ausgewählt werden.Für das Business Package Employee Self-Service können folgende neue Services aktiviert werden:o Prozesse Starteno Prozesse Anzeigen o Personalakte AnzeigenBeachten Sie, dass Sie mit

different groups and organizational units for process support Enable the automation of paper-based processes and forms Streamline and standardize HR business processes Help faciliate communication between cross-role processes (e.g. the EIC Agent and the employee) Allow EIC agents to identifiy follow-up expectations, ownership and timelines for process roles, to ensure successful process completion Allow EIC agents to monitor and control process execution directly from the EIC application (based on pre-defined process steps and workflows defined in HCM processes and Forms) Improve business process automation to save time/costs and maximize efficiency and overall productivity for EIC Agents Manage and track the complete process lifecycle from beginning to end Für den Bereich ESS sind die Services über die Rolle in die entsprechend richtigen Worksets intergriert. Die Statusnachverfolgung und auch die Übersicht über bereits durchgeführte Schritte kann über den Prozess Browser nachvollzogen werden.

SAP Human PA-EIC enhancement Capital package 2 for Management SAP ERP

Process control and monitoring through integration with HCM Processes and Forms

der Business Function HCM Prozesse und Formulare auch die zu Enhancement Package 1 verfügbaren Funktion aktivieren. Im Enhancement Package 1 wurden folgende Erweiterungen zur Verfügung gestellt:o Analytics: Kennzahlen und Queries für den Bereich HCM Prozesse und Formulare und HR Shared Services. Informationen hierzu finden Sie unter LINKo Neue Beispielprozesse o Salary Change Using Annual Salary (International)o Salary Change Using Pay Scale Wage Group and Level (International)o Special Payment (International) o Special Payment Without Personnel Department (International)o Change to Working Time (International)o Change of Address (US)o Company Loan (International)o Membership Fees Sports Club (International)Weitere Informationen zu den Prozessen finden Sie in der Online Hilfe LINKo Neues Business Package für HR Administrator 1.1 basierend auf WebDynpro für ABAP. Weitere Informationen zum Business Package hierzu finden Sie unter LINK und im Hinweis 972322.o Generische Services definieren. (falls es hier noch Informationen in einer Release Note zum EhP1 gibt bitte mit einbinden) Formularkonfiguration Formular- / Prozesskonfiguration Neue Backend Services für Prozess Design Information finden Sie im IMG unter HR Administrative Services o Meldungsübersteuerung Werkzeuge Message Mapper Information finden Sie im IMG unter HR Administrative Services o Process Browser mit Statusübersicht für Manager und Mitarbeiter o Neues Benutzeroberfläche für die Digital Personnel File Employee interaction center ( EIC) Help facilitate agents can monitor and track the communication between progress and status of existing HR cross-role processes ( the processes and they can easily access EIC agent and the the process browser to search for employee) existing processes Allow EIC agents to HR administrators can receive, view, identify follow-up and update the status of follow-up work expectations, ownership, items from the universal work list and timelines for process (UWL). roles to ensure successful process completion Allow EIC agents to monitor and control process execution directly from the EIC software

SAP Human PA-EIC enhancement Capital package 2 for Management SAP ERP

SAP Human PA-EIC enhancement Capital package 2 for Management SAP ERP

Execute HR processes EIC agents can start and execute from a centralized service predefined HR processes, such as new center hire and maternity leave, directly from the EIC (activity screen). Using the EIC inbox, agents can open and execute workflow items sent by the HR administrator. The software allows navigation to Web Dynpro ABAB from the EIC software. HR administrators can receive, view, and update the status of follow-up work items (sent by EIC) from the UWL within the enterprise portal. Facilitate cross-role EIC agents can open and execute collaboration and workflow items sent by the HR communication between administrator from the EIC inbox. The business partners, using software allows navigation to Web workflow technology Dynpro ABAB from the EIC software. HR administrators can receive, view, and update the status of follow-up work items from the UWL.

SAP Human PA-EIC enhancement Capital package 2 for Management SAP ERP

HR process automation and standardization through HCM Process and Forms integration

EIC agents can start and execute predefined HR processes, such as new hire and maternity leave, directly from the EIC. EIC agents can monitor and track the progress and status of existing HR processes initiated via the EIC. EIC agents can open and execute workflow items, sent by the HR administrator from the EIC inbox, using the UWL. HR Administrators can receive and view follow-up work items from the UWL and access the process browser to search for existing processes


Support for common e-

The Sharable Content Object



(based on predefined process steps and workflows defined in HCM processes and forms) Manage and track the complete process life cycle, from beginning to end Streamline and standardize HR business processes Allow EIC agents to identify follow-up expectations, ownership, and timelines for process roles to ensure successful process completion Improve business process automation to save time and costs and maximize efficiency and overall productivity of EIC agents Help facilitate communication between cross-role processes ( the EIC agent and the employee) Improve business process automation to save time and costs and maximize efficiency and overall productivity for EIC agents Manage and track the complete process life cycle, from beginning to end Streamline and standardize HR business processes Improve business process automation to save time and costs and maximize efficiency Manage and track the complete process life cycle, from beginning to end Help facilitate communication between cross-role processes ( the EIC agent and the employee) Allow EIC agents to identify follow-up expectations, ownership, and timelines for process roles to ensure successful process completion Allow EIC agents to monitor and control process execution directly from the EIC Support of common

enhancement Capital package 2 for Management SAP ERP

learning standards

SAP Human PE-LSO enhancement Capital package 2 for Management SAP ERP

Web-based access for instructors and tutors

SAP Human PE-LSO enhancement Capital package 2 for Management SAP ERP

Course program

SAP Human PE-LSO enhancement Capital package 2 for Management SAP ERP

SAP Human PE-LSO enhancement Capital package 2 for Management SAP ERP

Reference Model (SCORM) is a collection of technical specifications and standards that define how Webbased learning content is created and provided to learners. Support for SCORM ensures that learning content can be exchanged between different learning management systems. The Aviation Industry CBT Committee regulates how communication and data are exchanged on Web-based learning platforms in the aviation industry. It contains control and reporting options and enables data exchange between learning programs and between learning administration programs. Web-based access for instructors and tutors on the instructor portal Instructor and tutor work lists include all courses of the responsible instructor, and they provide an overview of the tasks to be completed for better course management

You use the course program to make a course offering available to learners. Content is structured into blocks that can be identified as mandatory or optional and may or may not be sequenced. Content is a mixture of curricula and course types that may or may not have scheduled dates and can be booked anytime. The content may or may not be sequenced and can have alternatives (which learners can select from). Integrated virtual learning Course administrators can seamlessly rooms create course dates with virtual learning rooms by assigning an instructor as a course resource, just like for any other course. Learners can access virtual learning rooms in the learning portal to take courses that are led by instructors. Instructors will receive a personal room automatically; they can also create and manage virtual rooms in the instructor portal and assign virtual rooms to courses. - - SAP Learning A rapid E-Learning authoring tool Solution- SAP Enterprise is provided as part of the Authoring Learning - Rapid EEnvironment. This rapid E-Learning learning Authoring Tool authoring tool enables users to create AICC, SCORM 1.2 and SCORM 2004

standards like SCORM 2004 and AICC Enhanced flexibility in deploying e-learning content Enhanced reporting capabilities

Paper-based processes can be replaced ( handing out the attendance list for signature) Administrative tasks in course administration can be taken over by instructor directly ( replacing participants) Work list of courses eliminates a need for paper-based communication

Virtual learning room is part of the solution Instructors can manage their virtual learning rooms or just use their personal default room from their instructor portal Course administrators can set up courses with virtual learning rooms in the familiar process Learners join the virtual learning rooms from the learning portal

SAP Corporate enhancement Services package 2 for SAP ERP

PA-PA, FI- ES Bundle - Travel TV Management

SAP Corporate enhancement Services package 2 for SAP ERP

PA-PA, FI- Service to create, update TV and delete/delimit Travel mini master data from non-SAP HR systems

SAP Corporate enhancement Services package 2 for SAP ERP

PA-PA, FI- Service to read and send TV traveler profile to Global Distribution System (GDS)/agency system

SAP Corporate enhancement Services package 2 for SAP ERP

PA-PA, FI- Service to create traveler TV preferences from GDS/agency system

SAP Corporate enhancement Services package 2 for SAP ERP

PA-PA, FI- Service to create, update TV and delete/delimit corporate credit card information from credit card company databases

compliant E-Learning content using Microsoft® PowerPoint. The content package created by this tool can be published to SAP Enterprise Learning (environment), using the Authoring Environment. Users need the Adobe Flash Plug-In installed in their browser to view the courses created with this tool. HCM services for SAP Travel Management provide an option to upload master data related to business travel from non-SAP HR systems, reservation systems, e-mail databases, and credit card companies. Data can also be transferred from SAP Travel Management to reservation systems. Target market: all companies using or implementing SAP Travel Management

When the Travel management system is set up initially, all existing employee mini master data from the external nonSAP system can be imported to the Travel Management system. For the continuous operating mode, customers are able to import changes in employee master data from the external non-SAP system to the Travel Management system on a regular basis. The traveler profile (employee mini master plus personal travel preferences) can be read in SAP and transferred to an external system (GDS or travel agency profile database). Travelers can store their personnel preferences for business travel and create a personal profile using selfservices. All preference data for Travel Management is held in SAP Travel Management as the master system. Using this inbound operation traveler preferences can initially be imported from the GDS/agency system into the Travel Management system. Credit card numbers change, validity dates change or employees enroll for the corporate card program. Therefore it is helpful for corporations to receive all changes about employees' corporate card numbers and validity dates from the card providers. This service enables you to import credit card information into the Travel Management system.

Import master data from non-SAP HR systems to SAP Travel Management Import traveler profile data from external reservation systems into SAP Travel Management Update reservation systems with actual traveler profile data from SAP Travel Management Import master data from credit card companies into SAP Travel Management Import data from thirdparty e-mail systems to SAP Travel Management

SAP Corporate enhancement Services package 2 for SAP ERP

PA-PA, FI- Service to create, update TV and delete/delimit email addresses from external email databases

In order to simplify the initial set-up, customers can take over the email addresses from an external email system such as MS Outlook or Lotus Notes. This inbound operation creates and updates the E-mail addresses of an employee in IT0105 (Subtype 10) for one or more Work Agreements. Global Data The development comprises the Synchronization following enhancements on the Enhancements on the GDS/PRICAT maintenance: GDS/PRICAT Show short text in login language on maintenance item level Article text on level BOM (bill of material) Show description of characteristic value on base unit and characteristic level; show description of characteristics in characteristics level After changing SATNR Field in w_pricat_maintain and saving this line an update is needed so that the changed line appears with the corresponding other variants. The variant will appear with the new generic material group number which is grouped under the appropriate generic article. PRICAT inbound processing - Assign additional EAN to existing article Article maintenance Inclusion of the article description for variants when maintaining EANs in the article master: in article master maintenance, a new column was added to the additional data under the tab strip "EAN Maintenance" to display the article descriptions of the variants for the given logon language. Master Data Maintenance Enhanced storage levels for transportation chain and staging time: The storage levels for external transportation chains and their staging time were enhanced with the functionality to provide more detailed data retention levels to be able to support more scenarios within the scheduling of the procurement controlling. Department Store / Shop Maintenance: When creating a new shop under a department store, all the sales area segments of the department store are copied to the new shop. When creating a new shop under a department store, all company code segments of the department store are copied to the new shop. Assignment of follow-up/replacement article to original article: In order to map SAP F&R follow-up- and replacement functionality,

SAP Industries enhancement package 2 for SAP ERP


SAP Industries enhancement package 2 for SAP ERP


SAP Industries enhancement package 2 for SAP ERP


SAP Industries enhancement package 2 for SAP ERP


SAP Industries enhancement package 2 for SAP ERP


SAP Industries enhancement package 2 for SAP ERP


SAP Industries enhancement package 2 for SAP ERP

enhancements are made in the master data maintenance in ERP Enhanced article hierarchy maintenance: Retail customers use the article hierarchy to plan their assortment structure and to represent any number of hierarchical groupings of articles, particularly the CDT (consumer decision tree), as it is used in category management. The following enhancements are available: - Consistency Check Report - New User Interface for the Simulation Function - New User Interface for the Copy Function Operational Assortment With Operational Assortment Planning Planning and Control and Control (OAPC), retailers can (OAPC) specify the materials and quantities to order, both for delivery to the stores and put-away quantities for the distribution center. To do this, a purchasing list is created and materials added to it. The materials can already exist in the ERP system, be PRICAT materials received from vendors via IDocs, or brand new materials for which no information exists yet. For new materials, additional colors or sizes can be specified. These enhancements for the application of the OAPC comprise: - Display of Assortments - Use of Structured Articles - Third-Party Order Processing - Filtering of Purchasing List items at Characteristic Level Layout Workbench Check whether the planned presentation date of the article for a store lies within the validity period of the layout version to which the article is assigned. Indicator to transfer an article from the layout module to the purchasing list (OAPC). The new indicator allows articles to be transferred to purchasing list for stock replenishment only. Assortment list and POS- Price reference articles in the High outbound processing Performance Retailing (HPR) assortment list Mass reorganization in POS outbound and assortment list area Consideration of conditions flagged for deletion BAdI enhancements for HPR assortment list: authorization check Article Substitution Replace an article with a different Substitute articles during article (follow-up or replacement article) creation of internal because the article is out of stock, deliveries and in discontinued, and so on . forecasting and Assignments of the substitute article replenishment provides

SAP Industries enhancement package 2 for SAP ERP

SAP Industries enhancement package 2 for SAP ERP

SAP Industries enhancement package 2 for SAP ERP



can be maintained by the customer. The assignments will be considered when creating deliveries. During the creation of a delivery for a stock transfer order, substitute article assignments are evaluated and, depending on certain events and the related master data, the original article in the delivery can be substituted. The substitute article will be delivered instead of the original article (from the stock transfer order). Improved Extended Retail Extended retail method of accounting Method of Accounting ( ERMA) is an alternate inventory valuation method (instead of RMA) that manages inventory at the item and location level. It uses moving average price for the cost flow. Inventory is also tracked in retail values. Markdowns may cause an adjustment to the inventory values and costs. The revaluation profiles can now allow different handling for each pricechange type, such as mark-up or permanent mark-down. The profiles can now disallow the maintain-margins treatment for mark-ups. The system provides a series of retail and cost stock-ledger reports, or historical comparison reports. The reports will collect and present inventory-related transactions and calculate key ratios under the cost or extended retail methods of inventory accounting. Stock Ledger Reporting This development effort is to provide a series of retail and cost stock ledger reports, including, period reports, period-to-date reports, and historical comparison reports. These reports will collect and present inventory-related transactions and calculate key ratios under either the cost or extended retail methods of inventory accounting. Users shall be able to initially select data for display and then be able to drilldown into more detailed layers and be able to filter the results. In order to properly support these reports in BW, some technical enhancements in ERP were also required. Forecasting and The new function will enhance the Replenishment*: automatic assignment of references to Characteristics-based an article-site combination in the ERP determination of system. It is possible to (automatically) references for articles assign articles that have certain, predefined article attributes in common to an article-site combination as references. Forecasting and During a promotion period the space

flexibility in the replenishment process Lost sales in the store can be avoided

This feature leads to enhanced logic for markups and mark-downs and to improved ERMA. New stock ledger reporting leads to enhanced logic for mark-ups and mark-downs and to improved ERMA.

enhancement package 2 for SAP ERP

Replenishment*: Promotional Planning

allocated to goods storage for an article during standard periods (outside of promotions) is to be increased. It should also be possible to order and deliver more frequently during the promotion and use more frequent replenishment options to provide a better response to the actual quantity sold and to provide improved availability of promotional merchandize goods than during standard periods. The solution was enhanced with the following functionalities: Maintain alternative minimum and maximum stock levels Maintain alternative order and delivery dates for promotions Transfer Time-Dependent Minimum and Maximum Stock Levels to SAP F&R Transfer Time-Dependent Procurement Cycles to SAP F&R. Forecasting and Determine the number of sites that are Replenishment*: supplied by a certain DC with a certain Structural breaks for DC article and transfer that information to forecast SAP F&R ). The following information is to be taken into consideration: Listing information for the distribution centers Internal sources of supply for the sites (supplying site relationships and source list) Listing information for the stores Forecasting and Transfer definitions of purchase Replenishment*: Interface organizations and their assignments to for purchase sites to SAP F&R organizations Forecasting and Transfer contract documents (outline Replenishment*: Interface agreements) to SAP F&R for contract information

SAP Industries enhancement package 2 for SAP ERP

SAP Industries enhancement package 2 for SAP ERP SAP Industries enhancement package 2 for SAP ERP SAP Industries enhancement package 2 for SAP ERP

SAP Industries enhancement package 2 for SAP ERP SAP Industries enhancement package 2 for SAP ERP SAP


Forecasting and Replenishment*: Suppress transfer of unnecessary data

Allocation: improvements for contract determination and scheduling LO-AB

Integration of SAP Credit Management


Integration of the Variant

As there are certain processes, where only a part of those data is needed in SAP F&R (e.g. only master data for listing check required but no orders, no movement data), the interface logic is enhanced by further control mechanisms to suppress the transfer of unnecessary data in such processes. Contract Determination within the Allocation Table Enhanced scheduling within the Allocation Table Real-time and comprehensive credit limit checks ensure timely information about customers and prevent financial risks. Users can benefit from the whole scope of SAP's Credit Management. The Variant Configuration is a

enhancement package 2 for SAP ERP SAP Industries enhancement package 2 for SAP ERP SAP Industries enhancement package 2 for SAP ERP


completely new business process variant to handle special products.


Collection invoices

Creation of independent collection invoices towards suppliers and customers


Fully integrated, scalable, end-to-end solution for sourcing, selling, trading and logistic processing of commodities of any kind

Enables end-to-end commodity management scenarios (buying, trading, and selling of commodities) in connection with Commodity SL of EBS partner Triple Point Technology A commodity is a product thattrades on a commodity exchange: agricultural products, metals, oil, gas, electricity coal, emissions, and weather It is important for all companies that manage commodities in procurement, sell commodities, or trade commodities as such.

SAP Industries enhancement package 2 for SAP ERP SAP Industries enhancement package 2 for SAP ERP


Transparency and control Integration of data from deal capture over all aspects of your (partner system) down to financials commodities


ES Bundle - Trade & Commodity Management comprises Commodity Management the activities of purchasing, selling, trading, logistic and financial planning and execution of commodities.

SAP Industries enhancement package 2 for SAP ERP


- Compensation management Bereitstellung von B2B eSOA Services im Bereich des Konditionskontraktes als auch Bereitstellung der Mappings für die EDI Nachricht EDI845

The necessary elements for a commodity management solution that need to reflect in the application system can be depicted as follows: The yellow background symbolized the core of the commodity management. Most of the activities lie in the "front office" part. In the integrated solution the front office part is covered by a partner solution, the business function here covers the enablement of the partner software to the SAP ERP backbone.The front office (partner application) comprises those activities that interface to the outside word, in our case the activities carried out by the dealer, the normal trading activities. The upper box "situation analysis,

Integrated trading system into SAP ERP to manage procurement, selling, and trading of commodities including commodity risk management World-class front-officetrading delivered by EBS partner, Triple point Technology Full transparency along the supply chain Commodity trading platform as the basis for commodity accounting compliance

Create physical deal including estimated costs in trading system Replicate physical deal as Trading Order in ERP Add unplanned costs to trading order Create planned and actual movements, transfer information to trading system to update P/L reporting Create invoices and settle expenses. Transfer actual costs to trading system for inclusion in P/L reporting

decision support and future simulation" is the cockpit a trader needs to get a view of the internal and external world, to simulate possible future scenarios and come to a decision. In comprises information as:- External market information (commodity prices, company news, etc)- Internal demand and supply information (How much of a certain commodity is needed/ do we have for production supply?)- Position Reporting (Overview over the open buying and selling positions (physical and paper) in quantity and value)Value at Risk reporting (How big is the risk of loss?) including calculations based on mathematical models Exposure Management and hedge accounting: How big is the trader's risk, his "exposure". Which part of this exposure is hedged and is that hedge sufficient effective?The two boxes "physical dealing" and "paper dealing" stand for the handling of physical and paper contracts. Physical and paper contracts influence each other, because every opening of a physical contract (position) creates an "exposure" (risk exposure). The trader can decide to hedge this risk completely, partially or not at all. Every opening of a paper contract without an underlying physical deal exposure creates off course an exposure as well.Typically, there are four possible categories of exposure risk:Commodity price risk- Currency risk (if the contract is in a foreign currency the rate may change)- Credit risk (the creditor might not pay his bill)- Freight risk (all future around the world quote FOB prices. Therefore, if a trade is settled for delivery 12 months later with the CIF price as a reference, the seller needs to hedge the position against changes in the shipping cost as well.)The following building elements are in the mid- and back office, handled by SAP ERP:- Logistic planning and execution: Beside of non-material commodities as electricity all goods have to be transported and shipped. Customers have to be invoiced and bills have to be paid. Although this can be said of any kind of selling or purchasing process, there are certain "specialties" that need special care and therefore attention of a commodity management solution: o Transportation: Vessel reservation and organization Transport optimization Fluid handling (e.g.

SAP Industries enhancement package 2 for SAP ERP


temperature dependence) Expense Handlingo Invoicing: Delta invoice handling: Often, an invoice is send to a customer before the price is finally fixed. By the time of fixing, the price based on the underlying index a delta invoice is needed therefore that takes the invoices already send into account.- Margin processing and settlement: For exchange-traded derivatives, the handling of the initial and the variation margin has to be carried out. For all derivatives, broker and similar fees must be handled. Finally, the contracts have to be matched and settled. - The exposure management and hedge accounting is a very important topic on the financial side. Strict rules exist here under which financial derivatives can be kept from the profit and loss sheetAlthough very special handling requirements exist depended on the commodity, the above-described elements are the necessary basis for any commodity management solution. - Compensation The necessary elements for a Management - Erweiterte commodity management solution that Geschäftsprozesslogik need to reflect in the application und Flexibilität bei der system can be depicted as follows: Erstellung von The yellow background symbolized the Vergütungsabrechnungen core of the commodity management. (Funktionale Erweiterung) Most of the activities lie in the "front office" part. In the integrated solution the front office part is covered by a partner solution, the business function here covers the enablement of the partner software to the SAP ERP backbone.The front office (partner application) comprises those activities that interface to the outside word, in our case the activities carried out by the dealer, the normal trading activities. The upper box "situation analysis, decision support and future simulation" is the cockpit a trader needs to get a view of the internal and external world, to simulate possible future scenarios and come to a decision. In comprises information as:- External market information (commodity prices, company news, etc)- Internal demand and supply information (How much of a certain commodity is needed/ do we have for production supply?)- Position Reporting (Overview over the open buying and selling positions (physical and paper) in quantity and value)Value at Risk reporting (How big is the risk of loss?) including calculations based on mathematical models Exposure Management and hedge

accounting: How big is the trader's risk, his "exposure". Which part of this exposure is hedged and is that hedge sufficient effective?The two boxes "physical dealing" and "paper dealing" stand for the handling of physical and paper contracts. Physical and paper contracts influence each other, because every opening of a physical contract (position) creates an "exposure" (risk exposure). The trader can decide to hedge this risk completely, partially or not at all. Every opening of a paper contract without an underlying physical deal exposure creates off course an exposure as well.Typically, there are four possible categories of exposure risk:Commodity price risk- Currency risk (if the contract is in a foreign currency the rate may change)- Credit risk (the creditor might not pay his bill)- Freight risk (all future around the world quote FOB prices. Therefore, if a trade is settled for delivery 12 months later with the CIF price as a reference, the seller needs to hedge the position against changes in the shipping cost as well.)The following building elements are in the mid- and back office, handled by SAP ERP:- Logistic planning and execution: Beside of non-material commodities as electricity all goods have to be transported and shipped. Customers have to be invoiced and bills have to be paid. Although this can be said of any kind of selling or purchasing process, there are certain "specialties" that need special care and therefore attention of a commodity management solution: o Transportation: Vessel reservation and organization Transport optimization Fluid handling (e.g. temperature dependence) Expense Handlingo Invoicing: Delta invoice handling: Often, an invoice is send to a customer before the price is finally fixed. By the time of fixing, the price based on the underlying index a delta invoice is needed therefore that takes the invoices already send into account.- Margin processing and settlement: For exchange-traded derivatives, the handling of the initial and the variation margin has to be carried out. For all derivatives, broker and similar fees must be handled. Finally, the contracts have to be matched and settled. - The exposure management and hedge accounting is a very important topic on the financial

SAP Industries enhancement package 2 for SAP ERP

SAP Industries enhancement package 2 for SAP ERP

side. Strict rules exist here under which financial derivatives can be kept from the profit and loss sheetAlthough very special handling requirements exist depended on the commodity, the above-described elements are the necessary basis for any commodity management solution. MM-PUR, Integration of SAP GRC SAP GRC Global Trade Services is an MM-IV, SD- Global Trade Services application to support important FT business processes like import and export control, restitution, and tradepreference handling The new developments help to improve the connection SAP GRC Global Trade Services to SAP for Retail. MM-PUR, Goods Receipt Capacity The buyer will be informed when the MM-IV, SD- Check capacity at the warehouse is FT insufficient for a particular date and the amount of merchandise insufficient for the particular goods receipt area. The buyer can decide to move the receipt to another time slot or to another goods receipt area if the capacity is insufficient. In the event of a capacity bottleneck, the buyer will receive an overview of the capacity at the goods receipt area during generation of the purchase order.

SAP Industries enhancement package 2 for SAP ERP

MM-PUR, Invoice Reduction MM-IV, SDFT

With this feature, an interface is available for electronically providing information about the reduction of the invoice. A new field, reason for invoice reduction, is available.

SAP Industries enhancement package 2 for SAP ERP


Utilities Customer Care: Retail view of the deregulated energy market

Simplified business processes for call center agents in an intuitive, browserbased work environment Target market: for energy retailers in deregulated markets and for customer service-centric utilities in general

SAP Industries enhancement package 2 for SAP ERP


Service Oriented Process Seamless integration and automation Support (AMI Services) of the processes for disconnection and reconnection of a meter and upload and download of profile values Target market: any utility in a regulated and liberalized market

SAP Industries enhancement package 2 for SAP ERP


Collections Management Collection activities can be determined in Contract Accounts and executed based on customers' Receivables and collection strategies Payables Create and manage lists of collections work items; track progress of the work

Connection of the process of purchase order creation and the capacity (for processing merchandise) at the goods receipt area Improvement in transparency for the buyer in terms of making qualified decisions about the time slot in which certain merchandise is ordered Optimization of workload (capacity) at the goods receipt area Improvement of data interchange by electronically providing information about the reduction of the invoice The efficiency of invoice management improves because of this feature Simplified, easy-to-learn, and easy-to-use call center processes Extended contract management, including utilities-specific product proposal and bill simulation through seamless integration of commercial and technical processes Reduction of operational costs due to process automation Less integration effort through state-of-the-art native connectivity to partner product Reduction of custom code requirements Improve collections process Better organization of

Complete view of all work lists that collection activities items are assigned to and the current Improve cash flow progress of the work Increase working capital Work items are displayed by priority, Efficient collections showing all relevant information for a Better review capability for collector and allowing drill-down into collection managers further details The collector adds notes, updates the status, resubmits, or forwards a work item to another agent. Target market: utilities with a large number of customers Possibility to implement several deregulated divisions together (by defining division-specific switch processes for electricity and gas) Enhancement of the framework for the EDM-calculation workbench Enhancing the formula profile calculation by using flexible input parameters (variables) Create variants for the account balance display via customizing Direct debit limit in the payment run Deactivation of an installment plan affects creditworthiness Example for localization: the possibility to administrate transformer as devices in the system.

SAP Industries enhancement package 2 for SAP ERP


Enhancement of deregulation infrastructure

SAP Industries enhancement package 2 for SAP ERP


Enhancements in Customer Financials Management

SAP Industries enhancement package 2 for SAP ERP SAP Industries enhancement package 2 for SAP ERP SAP Industries enhancement package 2 for SAP ERP


Localization of strategic countries (e.g. China)


Customer Feedback

Depending on the individual customer requirement


Waste Management Cockpit

Central transaction for confirmation of waste disposal orders (WDOs) Optimized and simplified handling reduces processing time of WDOs Integration of business process exception management ( BPEM) enables monitoring of mass creation of WDOs Central transaction for management of operational and logistics costs

SAP Industries enhancement package 2 for SAP ERP


Collections Management Determination and execution of in Contract Accounts collection activities based on collection Receivables and strategies Payables Managing Collections Worklists and processing of Collections Work Items Processing Promises to Pay Display additional financial information such as the last payment of a customer Payments at external cash desk (new Enterprise Services for integration with cash systems) Delta-Update extraction of business partner items and dunning history into BI

Improved usability of order processing Increased speed of order processing Flexibility of confirmation settings for different process scenarios of a waste disposal company Increased routeprofitability view Granular route and item cost-allocation capabilities

SAP Industries enhancement package 2 for SAP ERP SAP Industries enhancement package 2 for SAP ERP


Enhancements waste disposal processing

Functional enhancements for weighing and sales order processing


Enhancements in Customer Financials Management

SAP Industries enhancement package 2 for SAP ERP


Neue und erweiterte Waageschnellerfassung mit zusätzlichen Funktionen und Prozessen

Create variants for the account balance display via customizing Direct debit limit in the payment run Deactivation of an installment plan affects creditworthiness ¡ Besonders übersichtliche und benutzerfreundliche Gestaltung durch neuen Bildaufbau.¡ Zusätzliche Kontrollmöglichkeiten über die Felder Abfallbehandlung, Vorgangsart, Entsorgungsanlagenauftragsart und das Kennzeichen für externe Anlieferung. Einfache Belegung der Entsorgungsanlagenauftragsart über Drucktaste Steuerung.¡ Benutzerspezifische Voreinstellungen für die Zuordnung von Profilgruppen und Entsorgungsanlagen zur Waage¡ Speichern von Favoriten - z. B. als Vorlagen für andere Arbeitsabläufe¡ Neuer allgemeiner Objektservice für das Anfügen von Notizen oder Dateien (z. B. Fotos) zu einem Wiegebeleg¡ Zuordnung mehrerer Wiegedatensätze zu einer Entsorgungsauftragsposition¡ Automatisches Splitting des Materials bei Wareneingang¡ Relevanz für Warenbewegung und Abrechnung über Waageprozessarten wie Eigenverwiegung oder Kontrollverwiegung definierbar¡ Preissimulation für externe Verwiegung¡ Eingabe von Schichtdatum und -zeit¡ Abbilden des Materials über Chargen¡ Manuelle Eingabe des Taragewichts¡ Definition zusätzlicher Angaben für das Taragewicht wie Personen, Schneeketten usw.¡ Eingabe mehrer Behälter mit Behältertyp oder Equipmentnummer¡ Gewichtsprüfung hinsichtlich vereinbarter Mengen bzw. deren Überschreitung¡ Storno eines Wiegebelegs, bei der die Buchung aus der Materialwirtschaft ebenfalls storniert wird¡ Neuer Data Identifier für die Datenfindung für folgende Szenarien:1. Datenfindung über KfzKennzeichnen2. Datenfindung über Vertrag und/oder Geschäftspartner3. Datenfindung über FavoritenIdentifikationsnummer4. Datenfindung über Entsorgungsauftrag und Positiono Erweiterte Stammdatenverwaltung¡ Bearbeiten des Ansprechpartners in der Standplatzverwaltung¡ Neues Serviceintervall Tagesfrequenz¡

SAP Corporate enhancement Services package 2 for SAP ERP


Maintenance event builder

SAP Corporate enhancement Services package 2 for SAP ERP


Hierarchical task list

SAP Corporate enhancement Services package 2 for SAP ERP


ES Bundle - Asset Configuration

Hinterlegen einer Abrechnungsrelevanz für Hinweise¡ Bearbeiten von Behälteranteilen für SD-Verträge¡ Neue entsorgungsspezifische Stammdatenvorlagentypen NEWCUSTWASTE_SD und NEWCUSTWASTE_ISU The maintenance event builder is an Usability is increased intuitive, easy-to-use work bench to Planning is streamlined plan maintenance events Planning is somewhat The maintenance event builder automated handles the following activities: - Revision: describes an opportunity to perform maintenance on assets and allows maintenance planner to group a set of maintenance requests that can be performed during that opportunity - Notifications: work requirements are listed so that planner can view, select and assign outstanding maintenance notifications to a maintenance opportunity - Orders: planner can create plant maintenance or customer service orders from the task lists and task list hierarchies in the notifications. - Project: planner can use a project network so that orders can be sequenced for optimized execution - Planning: the planning board displays all planned events for given technical objects and maintenance events. Maintenance of complex technical Hierarchical task list allows objects includes many tasks that are organization of structured hierarchically. Hierarchy task maintenance package in a lists can reference other hierarchy task clear block of steps lists or task lists, so users can build a Hierarchical task list hierarchy of maintenance tasks to be allows the creation of completed. master data centrally for multiple plants Hierarchical task list simplifies variant configuration implementation and allows the usage of a task list for a large number of similar pieces of equipment and assets The management of the configuration Creation and establishment for complex systems like ships, of initial structure to vehicles or aircraft can be done by the exchange asset related asset user alone, by a contractor or data and information. manufacturer alone and on every point Creation of reference in between. structures for complex This ES bundle supports the system structures. processes to create new reference Maintenance and change structures for assets as well as the management for complex maintenance (change/update) of these structures. reference structures on dependence of Creation and maintenance the contract, in the customer and/or in of allowed structures.

SAP Corporate enhancement Services package 2 for SAP ERP


SAP Corporate enhancement Services package 2 for SAP ERP


SAP Corporate enhancement Services package 2 for SAP ERP


SAP Corporate enhancement Services


the service provider system. The Version 2 completes the already defined and presented ES Bundle Asset Configuration (EhP2) ES Bundle - Maintenance This ES bundle provides enterprise Processing services for the exchange of date related to maintenance planning, asset configuration, and notification data between the enterprise asset management (EAM) software in SAP ERP and other EAM applications or systems. The enterprise services can be consumed by external, third-party systems or composite applications (reliability-centered maintenance and optimization: RCMO) to integrate external EAM systems with the EAM software from SAP. Version 2 completes the ES bundle for maintenance processing (EhP2)

Creation and changes of maintenance requirements for complex structures

Gives maintenance personnel an easy way to handle service bulletins provided by OEMs and put the bulletins into action. Alert maintenance supervisors when warranties for specific pieces of equipment are nearing the end of their lives Compile all data needed for a maintenance supervisor to decide whether it is more costefficient to repair or replace a certain part or piece of equipment Provide a user-friendly, end-to-end solution for handling maintenance orders ES Bundle - Maintenance The maintenance activities for complex Initiate maintenance Service Collaboration systems like ships, vehicles or aircraft activity can be done by the asset user alone, Plan maintenance by a contractor or manufacturer alone Execute maintenance and on every point in between. Update data This ES bundle supports the keeping Close maintenance activity the as maintained structure of the complex system uptodate when a contractor performs repair and overhaul on dependence of the contract, in the customer and/or in the service provider system. The Version 2 completes the already defined and presented ES Bundle Maintenance Service Collaboration (EhP2) New pool role 'Basic Basic maintenance processing is a Streamline the overall Maintenance Processing' generic role with a new simplified user process of defect handling interface. in the company. It supports an end-to-end approach for Give all employees an non-professional users to handle option to log defects on maintenance, including defect logging, broken equipment easily. message processing, and work Transparency of confirmation. maintenance effort and Process steps such as create associated costs. order ,create purchase requisition, and Ready-to-use, create confirmation are hidden in the preconfigured roles for a background. basic maintenance Basic maintenance processing is an process. easy-to-implement, predefined, and Transparency of preconfigured system. maintenance status and details on maintenance notifications. New role 'Maintenance For large maintenance organizations Simplification of system Planner' that have implemented SAP software access.

package 2 for SAP ERP


SAP Corporate enhancement Services package 2 for SAP ERP


New role 'Maintenance Supervisor'

SAP Procurement MM enhancement and Logistics package 2 for Execution SAP ERP

Description field for inventory documents

SAP Procurement MM enhancement and Logistics package 2 for Execution SAP ERP

Invoice verification

SAP Procurement MM enhancement and Logistics package 2 for Execution SAP ERP

Capacity check for unloading points for goods receipt

for plant maintenance, the new maintenance planner role provides a Web-based user interface for maintenance planning. The predefined work centers enable maintenance planners to access and manage maintenance-related data, perform analytics, and accelerate maintenance planning processes. The maintenance planner role focuses on collaboration, new features for work processing and structure display, and enhanced analytics to support a planner in planning, coordinating, and scheduling maintenance work in a organization. For large maintenance organizations that have implemented SAP software for plant maintenance, the new maintenance supervisor role provides a Web-based user interface for monitoring maintenance activities. The predefined work centers enable maintenance planners to access and manage maintenance-related data, conduct analytics, and optimize and monitor resource usage within a supervisor's area of responsibility. The maintenance supervisor role focuses on collaboration, new features for work processing, structure display, and enhanced analytics to support the daily work of an supervisor in a maintenance organization. Within the inventory document there is an additional text field which can be used to have a more detailed description of the inventory, e.g. "Inventory for men shirts For invoice documents there is a new field "complaints reason" on item level (transaction MIRO, MIR6,MIR7). This field can be switched. This allows for better analysis and efficiency improvements of the complains process. In addition a new BAPI method COMPLIANT and a corresponding Idoc is available. This allows to handle information about invoice reduction automatically within the ERP system. Until now it was only possible to handle this information paper based. During creation of purchase orders a purchaser can check if the unloading point for the goods has enough capacity for the planned delivery date. If there is not enough capacity at the unloading point, the purchase order can be changed accordingly by shifting to different unloading points or

Increasing the effectiveness and efficiency of maintenance planning work. Accessibility of all maintenance-relevant information through predefined personal work areas. Flexible data representation in a business context.

Simplification of system access. Optimize resource usage of maintenance work centers. Accessibility of all maintenance-relevant information through predefined personal work areas. Flexible data representation in a business context.

SAP Analytics enhancement package 2 for SAP ERP


SAP Analytics enhancement package 2 for SAP ERP


SAP Analytics enhancement package 2 for SAP ERP


SAP Analytics enhancement package 2 for SAP ERP


SAP Product PP-PI enhancement Development package 2 for and SAP ERP Manufacturing

changing the delivery data. The new tabular representation of the kanban board facilitates kanban evaluation and provides even more flexible control. Users have intuitive and extensive options for personalization. The business add-ins for kanban enable you to adjust the representation to the additional requirements of your business processes with a minimum of effort. You can create a replenishment strategy with reporting points. You can invoke delayed replenishment elements. The new BAPIs for kanban help you realize your own scenarios and interfaces for managing control cycles and kanbans. Production smoothing A new procedure for production and sequencing in smoothing (leveling) is available for repetitive manufacturing sequencing in repetitive manufacturing using the heijunka process. You can change the sequence schedule interactively. You can change the visualization profile. With the business add-in for sequencing, you can specify your own scheduling sequence for planned orders. New features in Enhanced transparency and planning evaluations for MRP and functionality in manufacturing long-term planning requirements planning Planning and integration with SAP Advanced Planning & Optimization (SAP APO) has been improved with material requirements planning (MRP) based on SAP ERP. Neuerungen in den Sie können neben der klassischen Auswertungen der Einzelmaterialsicht die integrierte Bedarfsplanung und der Planungssituation mehrerer Materialien Langfristplanung als Materialgruppierung in der Bedarfsund Bestandsliste nutzen. Für die Auswahl einer Materialgruppierung haben Sie dabei folgende Möglichkeiten: Produktgruppen Werksübergreifende Materialgruppierung APOErsetzungsketten Kundenspezifisch definierte Materialgruppierung Siehe Darstellung Materialgruppierungen Process management Environments with mandatory using an enhanced approvals: the software provides an execution steps (XStep) approval procedure for standard repository XSteps that includes controlled status management and a digital signature for certain statuses. Where-used list: at the level of the Kanban

Better accessibility Better visibility into production processes Better integration with non-SAP systems

Convert uneven customer pulls into an even and predictable manufacturing schedule Stabilize the material and value flows Decrease production lead times and inventories Increase production flexibility and delivery reliability

Reduction of time for maintenance of process instructions Flexible change management

SAP Product PP-PI enhancement Development package 2 for and SAP ERP Manufacturing

SAP Product PP-PI enhancement Development package 2 for and SAP ERP Manufacturing

SAP Product PP-PI enhancement Development package 2 for and SAP ERP Manufacturing

SAP Product PP-PI enhancement Development

standard XStep, you can perform the where-used function using the context menu. The where-used function checks whether the standard XStep is referenced in process orders, recipes, and the repository. Export and import of standard XStep objects: you can transfer standard XStep objects to another repository using XML-based export and import functions. Automatic number assignment and automatic calculation of the validity period for new versions. Campaign weighing using Process industries use campaign a template in the SAP weighing to weigh materials for multiple xApp Manufacturing process orders at the same time. The Integration and campaign weighing feature updates the Intelligence (SAP xMII) process orders for materials that have composite application already been weighed. Once the materials are weighed for a process order, they cannot be weighed again.

Processing multiple process orders Enable the operator to manage weighing of the same material effectively Support optimization of resources like rooms and scales Maximize use of standard functionality within the SAP software ES Bundle - Batch This ES bundle addresses the tracking Triggers batch traceability Traceability and Analytics of batches and lots of material through based on a customer a process, continuous, or discrete complaint, batch number, production environment. Batch tracking or handling unit number information is coordinated with plant Cross-company batch inventory, laboratory analyses, and traceability inventory movement information to End-to-end batch provide powerful lot genealogy reports. traceability to cover the This information can also be combined complete view of the with appropriate data on equipment supply chain from real-time data systems. With the In-depth analysis by help of this bundle, batch tracing can integrating relevant shop also be performed beyond company floor automation systems boundaries. with SAP ERP Recall defective product if the batch is defective Inform supplier if raw material batch is defective ES Bundle - Integration of Increases automation and efficiency on Production planner and Manufacturing Execution the shop floor by integrating supervisor complete a Systems heterogeneous shop floor systems, process beginning with reducing manual data input, and receipt of a production synchronizing manufacturing relevant order defining what is to be master data and transactional data produced, at which between SAP ERP 2005 and location, and how much manufacturing execution systems. capacity is required Target market: manufacturers in any Plant manager oversees industry that performs production multiple manufacturing planning and quality management in an operations in disparate existing SAP environment with locations manufacturing execution systems on the plant floor. Especially relevant to discrete, process, and repetitive manufacturing industries. ES Bundle - Technical Facilitates the usage of the document Viewer integration: thirdDocument Management management system in SAP PLM as a party viewer

package 2 for and SAP ERP Manufacturing


document repository for business processes, including non-SAP applications, in the area of product development and design. Allows the upload of documents to SAP PLM and the retrieval of documents from SAP PLM through enterprise services. Target market: customers and partners who want to integrate additional functionality into the SAP PLM application; focus on consumer products and discrete industries

SAP Product PP-PI enhancement Development package 2 for and SAP ERP Manufacturing

ES Bundle - Integration of Improves manufacturing efficiency and Quality Management decision making through the exchange Systems of inspection lot data, inspection results, and notification data between quality management functionality in SAP ERP and external quality management systems Target market: Any manufacturing industry

SAP Analytics enhancement package 2 for SAP ERP


Enhancements of complaints handling

SAP Analytics enhancement package 2 for SAP ERP


Improved Down Payments

Complaints processing is based on billing documents about which a complaint has been made. The stock transfer order is handled via portable data capture devices. The retailer receives a printout of the billing document together with the merchandise. When a retailer detects a deviation within goods receipt processing (wrong merchandise, wrong quantity, wrong price, or merchandise is damaged), the supplied site reports the discrepancy or complaint by phone or fax, referring to the billing number, line item number, and the reason for the complaint. You can create one complaint referencing multiple invoice documents Down payment for customers now possible in the sales order during sales process (previously possible only with billing plans and order-related billing) The value of the down payment is taken as statistical condition in the

Real-time design collaboration tool integration Computer aided engineering software integration Integration of niche CAD systems Partner composites facilitating copying from documents in a non-SAP system to the document management system and the use of the documents in SAP ERP processes Exchange quality-related information between SAP ERP and composite applications (SAP xMII), external QM systems, or test devices Record inspection results or defects and decide on product quality Create and update quality notifications Create new inspection lots or physical samples Leverage multiple user interface technologies to consume the enterprise services ( SAP xMII or other composite applications from partners, Web Dynpro, Adobe forms, and SAP NetWeaver Visual composer) New dialog to create complaints with reference to one billing document New dialog to create complaints with reference to several billing documents These two new features support the user in handling the mass volume of complaints

Down payment for customers now possible with delivery-related billing Down payments are automatically cleared from the billing document and

SAP Analytics enhancement package 2 for SAP ERP


ES Bundle - Customer Fact Sheet

SAP Analytics enhancement package 2 for SAP ERP


ES Bundle - Customer Service Execution

SAP Analytics enhancement package 2 for SAP ERP


ES Bundle - Order to Cash

SAP Industries enhancement package 2 for SAP ERP SAP Industries enhancement package 2 for SAP ERP

FI-CA, IS-M Determination and execution of collection activities based on collection strategies FI-CA, IS-M Managing Collections Work Lists

sales order and taken over into the billing document From the billing document, the down payment is cleared to financial accounting Possible for order and delivery-related billing. Real-time customer information clearinghouse that gathers and organizes information about a customer and enables more efficient customer interactions Gives customer service representatives, sales managers, and field sales representatives the ability to leverage a single view of master data, transactions, and analyses for any customer Target market: any industry that is doing order management in an existing SAP environment -especially larger business-to-business companies in manufacturing, technology, and consumer products This bundle provides a collection of enterprise services enabling scenarios for the after-market service life cycle (technical field service management). Facilitates and extends the use of SAP Service and Asset Management as the solution for processing service requests, service orders, service contracts, and installed base information.

transferred to financial accounting

Sales associate field call Customer service representative phone call Customer service representative escalation call Sales manager analysis Sales manager incoming order analysis

Rapid and easy creation of service requests using remote monitoring systems or Adobe forms Connect remote workers to service management business processes via voice-enabled mobility solutions Seamless collaboration with third-party resource planning and optimization solutions Streamlined and userfriendly way to handle service management business object via partner composites The ES bundle order-to-cash enables Flexible design of customer customers enables and partners to self-service order build individual composite applications management scenarios for order-to-cash processes (A2X Integration of foreign sales integration). organizations through sales order management cockpits Build individual order management cockpits for internal users in sales and customer service Collection activities can be determined Reduction of custom code and executed in a flexible and dynamic requirements way based on each customers own Now standard within collection strategies - Added flexibility solution Create and manage lists collections Improve collections workitems, track progress of work process Better organization of the collection activities

Improve cash flow Increase working capital Processing Collections Collectors get a complete view of all Efficient collections Work Items work lists that they are assigned to and Better review capability for their current progress of work. collection managers Work items from a list are displayed by priority, showing all relevant information for a collector and allowing for drill-down into further details where needed. When selecting a work item for processing, all necessary functions for the collections process are made available for the collector. The collector can add notes, update the status, re-submit or forward a work item to another agent Processing Promises to The Interaction Center agent can Efficient collections Pay accept a commitment from a business Better linking and record partner to pay selected receivables on keeping of promises to pay one or more specified days. A promise from customers to pay has a link to those receivables Single view of promise to which are promised to be paid and pay and AR record stores relevant details of a given promise to pay. Additionally it provides the possibility to keep Tracking promises and available evaluations which show to which degree a customer adhered to his promises. Display addition financial Display addition financial information information such as the such as the last payment of a customer last payment of a customer Payments at external Greater flexibility to link to non-SAP Expanded collection cash desk (new cash control systems routines using external Enterprise Services for cash systems integration with cash Easy posting and clearing systems) of AR balances using cashdesk routine Extract business partner Extract business partner items and Delta extraction is a items and dunning history dunning history into BI using Deltasignificant performance into BI using DeltaUpdate gain Update Dunning history can be analyzed Create variants for the Additionally to the existing sums in the account balance display account balance you can customize via customizing own balance variants

SAP Industries enhancement package 2 for SAP ERP


SAP Industries enhancement package 2 for SAP ERP


SAP Industries enhancement package 2 for SAP ERP SAP Industries enhancement package 2 for SAP ERP


SAP Industries enhancement package 2 for SAP ERP


SAP Industries enhancement package 2 for SAP ERP SAP Industries enhancement package 2 for SAP ERP


SAP Industries enhancement package 2 for SAP ERP SAP Industries enhancement package 2 for

FI-CA, IS-M Deactivation of an installment plan affects creditworthiness


FI-CA, IS-M Direct debit limit in the payment run


Business partner processing

In the Financial Customer Care Interaction Center functionality of SAP CRM can now additional information of a customer be displayed (for instance last payment of the customer). When an installment plan is deactivated, the credit worthiness of the business partner can be updated Manage business partners in the roles Wholesaler and Point of Sale using the SAP Business Partner functions.

SAP ERP SAP Industries enhancement package 2 for SAP ERP


Sales Planning

SAP Industries enhancement package 2 for SAP ERP SAP Industries enhancement package 2 for SAP ERP


Purchase Planning


Customer Interaction Center

SAP Industries enhancement package 2 for SAP ERP SAP Industries enhancement package 2 for SAP ERP


Goods Receipt



SAP Corporate enhancement Services package 2 for SAP ERP


SAP Corporate enhancement Services package 2 for SAP ERP


SAP Corporate enhancement Services package 2 for


Manage forecasts of sales and surcharge quantities. You can specify constant service quantities and minimum and maximum quantities for customer groups that request the same delivery quantity each day (for example, hotels or airlines). Automate planning of purchase orders by calculating and distributing quantities based on historical order data. The Customer Interaction Center contains functions for entering and processing quantity planning, subsequent deliveries, complaints, and returns when dealing with customers and vendors. Entering goods receipts, creating quality notifications, and generating purchase orders for inbound deliveries.

Manage recalls and customer returns. Generate a goods receipt document for full-copy returns and post it to stocks. Based on the returns reported and the goods receipts entered, you can plan returns to the publisher. Report return quantities that are relevant for credit memos and those relevant for delivery to the publisher and generate return purchase orders for them. Long-Term Seating Within Corporate Real Estate Arrangements and Move Management you can manage longPlanning term seating arrangements and move planning. You can specify that rooms or other real estate objects can be continuously occupied, and record which employees occupy these objects. Furthermore you can plan internal moves of employees from one object to another. Real Estate Room Within Real Estate Room Reservation Reservation you can manage and optimize the organization of meetings and rooms. The functionality allows you to reserve rooms. In addition, you can book services for the rooms, such as lunch or additional chairs, and also request equipment. You can bill for all of these.

Managing Contracts in SAP Real Estate Management

Within Managing Contracts in RE we deliver enhancements in the following areas:

Increased space utilization and reduced operating costs Improved investment decisions through comprehensive analysis of space demand and offer Full transparency and allocation of costs & revenues to departments Easier and faster creation of room reservations for meetings. Single source of record. Simplified and optimized organization of meetings. Improved cost awareness. Better utilization of meeting rooms. Increased transparency and better cost control. Reduced TCO and implementation costs. Reduced processing costs. Optimized contract management. Improved business partner


Conditions in Foreign Currency Condition Split (Multiple Vendors). One time conditions. Cash Management and Forecast. Display results of sales based rent agreements in cashflow.

SAP Corporate enhancement Services package 2 for SAP ERP


Enhanced Service Charge Settlement

SAP Corporate enhancement Services package 2 for SAP ERP


Graphical Integration

SAP Corporate enhancement Services package 2 for SAP ERP SAP Corporate enhancement Services package 2 for SAP ERP


Accrual/Deferral of Service Charges


Integration with Cash Management and Forecast

SAP Corporate enhancement Services package 2 for SAP ERP


Other Enhancements

Within Service Charge Settlement we deliver enhancements in the following areas: Accrual/Defferal of Service Charges Differing Posting Term Optimizes UI for the settlement of service charges If you activate this subfunction, a standard tab page is available in master data processing on which a graphic (CAD/GIS) can be displayed for the object. So that a graphic can be displayed on this tab page, you need to have implemented and activated a graphic system by creating the appropriate classes (see the technical documentation). Set the indicator if you want to display graphical data in this way.

management. Compliance with local requirement (US). Cash management provides a liquidity forecast based on the receivables and liabilities arising from real estate contracts. Integrate the very important area of property management into the overall processes such as Controlling, Reporting and Financials. Compliance with local legal requirement

If you activate this subfunction, you can Cash management use the integration with cash provides a liquidity forecast management and forecast. based on the receivables Set the indicator if you want to use this and liabilities arising from subfunction. You also have to make the real estate contracts. This necessary settings in Customizing and forecast shows the planned you have to create the necessary cash items resulting from the management data (see SAP Note cash flow. These items are 156239). transferred to cash management when you perform periodic posting in RE-FX. If you activate this subfunction, you can use the following enhancements: You can assign multiple objects for contracts and for the cost efficiency analysis using different groups (see the release note for multiple assignment). If you do not set the indicator, this function is not available on the interface. If you made the appropriate settings in Customizing in the master data area,

SAP Corporate enhancement Services package 2 for SAP ERP

SAP Sales and enhancement Service package 2 for SAP ERP



Automatically Active Functions

the following additional fields are available: The Function field for business entity, building, land The fields for processing the hierarchical location for land If you want to have conditions on contracts, rental objects, or contract offers that are in a currency that differs from the local currency of the company code, then you can activate this function in the Make Basic Settings in Company Code IMG activity. Set the Differing Condition Currency indicator. (See the release note for conditions in foreign currency). For one-time conditions, you can manually enter a valid-to date and a due date that differs from that in the frequency term (see the release note for conditions). If you want to copy proposed conditions to the contract, then you can also copy the adjustment terms that are assigned to the conditions. Therefore, when this subapplication is active, there is a new indicator, Transfer Adjustment Terms, in the dialog box for the transfer of conditions. This indicator is automatically set as standard (see the release note for conditions). In the sales-based rent agreement, you can specify that the results of the sales-based settlement are posted using periodic posting (transaction: RERAPP). For more information see the release note on sales-based settlement The following functions are automatically available if the business function is switched on:

- Accrual/Deferral of Tax Amounts - COA: Statement of Reserve Fund - Information System: Item Overview for Multiple Contracts - Country Specifics for Austria: VAT Calculation for COA Integration of the SAP Data sources have been extended to Supply Chain produce a history from SAP ERP for Management (SAP SCM) spare parts planning in SAP SCM. and SAP ERP SAP ERP provides the following applications additional data over the position level in SAP SCM: - Relevant for goods movement - Customer-facing location - Types of customer-facing location - First stock-holding location - Types of first stock-holding location - Reason for cancellation of offers and orders

SAP Sales and enhancement Service package 2 for SAP ERP


SAP Analytics enhancement package 2 for SAP ERP


SAP Analytics enhancement package 2 for SAP ERP


- Cancellation reason code - Abnormal demand - Restrictions of the search for location - Super ordinate position with parts list structures - Counter of the quotient for quantity unit conversion - Denominator for the conversion of the quantities required - Base unit of measure - Counter (factor) for conversion sales unit in stores unit - Denominator (divisor) for conversion sales unit in stores unit - Goods issue date/time - Higher-level schedule line ES Bundle - Inventory Never say no: prevent lost sales and Inventory lookup in sales, Lookup customer and employee dissatisfaction service, and operational in out-of-stock situations by providing business processes store associates with real-time and Inventory lookup current in-store inventory information integrated in other in-store across neighboring stores business processes such Get informed and keep up with as customer order competitors: perform inventory lookup management any where at any time to make Inventory lookup on inbusiness decisions. store kiosk Optimized Sales Order Optimized material search with creation Improved sales order entry Management and integrated supplier catalog search makes searches for in sales order materials more efficient Detail material view with cross, up, and intuitive. and down-selling; availability and price Search engine from SAP information; and order history for sales simplifies complex order items searches. Optimized search for sales and billing On-the-fly creation of new documents with advanced search materials based on engine from SAP supplier catalog searches New PDF-based print forms for allows flexible reactions to contacts/activities, mailing/campaigns, customer demand and customer fact sheet, sales documents, reduces master data billing documents, and invoice list maintenance costs. Precise product information and a detailed history of a customer's previous orders and prices allows maintenance of a stable margin and sustains customer satisfaction. Enhanced Internal Work Center Views for "Customers", Support internal sales staff Representative Role For "Sales", "Order Fulfillment", "Billing / on real-time reaction to Improved User Complaints" and "Prices". customer inquiries and Productivity Powerful work lists for process and complaints with centralized access simplification, e.g. Order Status customer and order status Tracking, Delivery Due Orders, Call Off information and simplified Situation of Contracts, Monitoring sales processes. Individual Purchasing. Improved user productivity Customer Cockpit which provides a through an easy-to-use holistic customer view and centralized and intuitive user interface sales transactions. as well as quick access to Price and Availability Information with personalized work lists. customer specific prices and ATP Improve customer quantities (Available To Promise) in satisfaction with better and

SAP Industries enhancement package 2 for SAP ERP SAP Industries enhancement package 2 for SAP ERP

IS-UT, IS-T Determination and execution of collection activities based on collection strategies IS-UT, IS-T Managing Collections Worklists

SAP Industries enhancement package 2 for SAP ERP

IS-UT, IS-T Processing Collections Work Items

SAP Industries enhancement package 2 for SAP ERP

SAP Industries enhancement package 2 for SAP ERP SAP Industries enhancement package 2 for SAP ERP

different plants on one screen. Collection activities can be determined and executed in a flexible and dynamic way based on each customer's collection strategies for added flexibility Create and manage lists collections work items; track progress of work

Complete view of all work lists that work items are assigned to and the current progress of the work. Work items from a list are displayed by priority, showing all relevant information for a collector and allowing drill-down into further details when needed. The collector can add notes, update the status, resubmit, or forward a work item to another agent. IS-UT, IS-T Processing Promises to The interaction center agent can Pay accept a commitment from a business partner to pay selected receivables on one or more specified days. A promise to pay has a link to the receivables that are promised to be paid and stores relevant details on a given promise to pay. It also provides an option to keep track of such promises and to provide evaluations that show how well a customer adhered to the promises. Target market: utilities with a large number of customers. IS-UT, IS-T Display addition financial Display addition financial information information such as the such as the last payment of a customer last payment of a customer IS-UT, IS-T Payments at external Greater flexibility to link to non-SAP cash desk (new cash control systems Enterprise Services for integration with cash systems)

SAP Industries enhancement package 2 for SAP ERP SAP Industries enhancement package 2 for SAP ERP SAP Industries enhancement package 2 for SAP ERP

IS-UT, IS-T Extract business partner items and dunning history into BI using DeltaUpdate IS-UT, IS-T Create variants for the account balance display via customizing

Extract business partner items and dunning history into BI using DeltaUpdate

IS-UT, IS-T Direct debit limit in the payment run


IS-UT, IS-T Deactivation of an

In the Financial Customer Care Interaction Center functionality of SAP CRM can now additional information of a customer be displayed (for instance last payment of the customer). When an installment plan is


Additionally to the existing sums in the account balance you can customize own balance variants

faster customer service. Reduction of custom code requirements Now standard within solution Improve collections process Better organization of the collection activities Improve cash flow Increase working capital Efficient collections Better review capability for collection managers

Efficient collections Better linking and record keeping of promises to pay from customers Single view of promise to pay and AR record

Expanded collection routines using outside cash systems Easy posting and clearing of AR balances using cashdesk routine

enhancement package 2 for SAP ERP SAP Industries enhancement package 2 for SAP ERP

installment plan affects creditworthiness IS-UT, IS-T Adjust and release cash security deposits

SAP Industries enhancement package 2 for SAP ERP

IS-UT, IS-T Transfer open items

SAP Industries enhancement package 2 for SAP ERP

IS-UT, IS-T Generate and process clarification cases

SAP Industries enhancement package 2 for SAP ERP

IS-UT, IS-T Validation check

SAP Industries enhancement package 2 for SAP ERP

IS-UT, IS-T Import billing accounts from external systems

SAP Industries enhancement package 2 for SAP ERP

IS-UT, IS-T Import Event Detail Records from external systems

SAP Industries enhancement package 2 for SAP ERP

IS-UT, IS-T Create Billing Orders

deactivated, the credit worthiness of the business partner can be updated Release cash security deposit credits for clearing and payment Adjust cash security deposit amounts (for instance according to the consumption pattern of the customer) Transfer open items from any contract accounts to the contract account to be invoiced. The posting items created from the transfer can be processed subsequently during invoicing. You can create clarification cases manually or automatically in various processes of Invoicing. Contract account checks and error messages in the invoicing process can trigger the creation of a clarification case. In mass creation, the clarification case is created automatically; in individual creation, you can decide in dialog whether to create a clarification case. Clarification cases can be clarified automatically during the invoicing process. You can use clarification processing in dialog to process and complete clarification cases. A clarification worklist supports the individual selection and processing of clarification cases. When billing documents are transferred from external billing systems using a BAPI or IDoc-interface, billing documents can be checked, identified as implausible and clarification cases can be created. During the analysis of invoicing orders, source documents can be checked and clarification cases can be created. Extract business partner items in Delta mode Extract dunning history in delta mode Bi content based on business partner items and dunning history Import EDRs that are created in a rating system Process EDRs according to various categories Comprehensive enhancement concept supports the definition of projectspecific EDR categories Use of a BAPI Billing cycles, such as monthly on the 15th day of the month, can be used Billing orders are generated and processed by the billing process

Efficient import of billing accounts Integration with CRM system Fast and efficient import and storage of EDRs Integration with rating system

Fast and efficient creation of billing orders to enable grouping and aggregation of EDRs

SAP Industries enhancement package 2 for SAP ERP


SAP Industries enhancement package 2 for SAP ERP


SAP Industries enhancement package 2 for SAP ERP


SAP Industries enhancement package 2 for SAP ERP


When a billing account is billed, a Effective processing of billing period is created, which defines bills which EDRs are to be billed Integration of non-EDRBilling in FI-CA also supports the based invoice components billing of non-EDR-based invoice Standard interface to component invoicing process Billing documents are forwarded to the invoicing process Creation of Billing When a billing account is billed, a Documents billing period is created, which defines which EDRs are to be billed. Billing in FI-CA also supports the billing of non-EDR-based invoice components, such as a basic charge of a service charge Billing documents are forwarded to the invoicing process Portal for Network You can integrate an external system Integrated third-party Operation Manager to monitor telecommunications network monitoring system networks using predefined interfaces à reduced IT costs through Generation of emergency repair orders standardized interfaces for network alarms reported by the Accelerated, more efficient external network monitoring system creation and dispatching of with an automatic transfer of emergency repair orders information Improved network Rule-based dispatching of emergency availability through shorter repair orders to site technicians time to repair End-to-end business process integration Higher transparency of the overall process Portal for Site Technician Work list with emergency repair orders, Accelerated, more efficient scheduled maintenance orders, or processing of emergency other type of orders repair orders Processing functions for orders ( order Reduced carrying costs acceptance, rejection, deferral, change, and stranded assets and so on) Improved network GANTT chart to support order availability through shorter scheduling time to repair Easy way to confirm planned work and End-to-end business to enter or confirm unplanned work process integration (after-event recording) Higher transparency of the Access to additional functions (display overall process stock overview, check spare part availability, and request material) You can integrate an external network inventory system using predefined interfaces Portal for Workforce Overview of the site technician team Lower operational Manager (attendance overview, team calendar, expenditures (OpEx) by a and reminder of dates) higher degree of efficiency Key figure monitor and alert work list and productivity can be personalized Improved network Work list with open orders for the availability through shorter workforce manager team that violate time to repair defined rules (such as order rejected End-to-end business by site technician, order will violate process integration internal service level agreement within Higher transparency for a defined period, and order assigned to the overall process absent site technician) Access to personnel development of

SAP Industries enhancement package 2 for SAP ERP SAP Industries enhancement package 2 for SAP ERP

SAP Industries enhancement package 2 for SAP ERP

SAP Financials enhancement package 2 for SAP ERP SAP Financials enhancement package 2 for SAP ERP

employees (appraisals, profile matchup, training, and so on) IS-UT, IS-T Integration of 3rd party Predefined interfaces within the portals systems for an easy integration of 3rd party tools and platforms (for example a network monitoring system or a network inventory system) IS-UT, IS-T Telco specific BI content Emergency / maintenance orders per region, work center, employee, etc. Orders violating internal service level agreements Malfunctions by material / functional location, MTTR / MTBR for technical objects Damage and cause analysis per material, functional location, region, etc. Mean-time to repairs / Mean-time between repairs Equipments which are installed but not in-service IS-UT, IS-T Network Operations Telco specific BI content, for example: Telco specific BI content - Emergency / maintenance orders per region- Orders violating internal service level agreements- Malfunctions by material / functional location - Damage analysis per material, functional location, region, etc. (SAP PM)- Meantime to repairs / Mean-time between repairs (SAP PM)Equipments which are installed but not in-service FI-CAX Determination and Collection activities can be determined execution of collection and executed in a flexible and dynamic activities based upon way based on each customers own collection strategies collection strategies - Added flexibilty. FI-CAX Management of Create and manage lists collections collections work lists work items, track progress of work.

SAP Financials enhancement package 2 for SAP ERP


SAP Financials enhancement package 2 for SAP ERP


More detailed business insights Better business planning and decision making Improved business intelligence

Reduction of custom code requirements Now standard within solution Improve collections process Better organization of collection activities Improve cash flow Increase working capital Processing of collections Complete view of all work lists that the Efficient collections work items work items are assigned to and the Better review capability for current progress of the work. collection managers Work items from a list are displayed by priority, showing all relevant information for a collector and allowing drilldown into further details. The collector can add notes, update the status, resubmit, or forward a work item to another agent. Processing of promises to The interaction center agent can Efficient collections pay accept a commitment from a business Better linking and record partner to pay selected receivables on keeping for promises to one or more specified days. pay from customers A promise to pay has a link to the Single view of promise-toreceivables that are promised to be pay and accounts paid and stores relevant details of a receivable (AR) record given promise to pay. It also provides an option to keep track

SAP Financials enhancement package 2 for SAP ERP SAP Financials enhancement package 2 for SAP ERP


SAP Financials enhancement package 2 for SAP ERP


SAP Financials enhancement package 2 for SAP ERP SAP Financials enhancement package 2 for SAP ERP SAP Financials enhancement package 2 for SAP ERP SAP Financials enhancement package 2 for SAP ERP


SAP Financials enhancement package 2 for SAP ERP


SAP Financials enhancement package 2 for



of such promises and to have evaluations available that show the degree to which a given customer adhered to promises. Display of addition The software displays addition financial financial information, information, such as the last payment such as the last payment of a customer. of a customer Payments at External Greater flexibility to link to non-SAP Expanded collection Cash Desk cash control systems. routines using outside cash systems Easy posting and clearing of AR balances using cash desk routine Data transfer Extract business partner items in delta Delta extraction is a huge mode performance gain Extract dunning history in delta mode Dunning history can be SAP NetWeaver Business Intelligence analyzed now (SAP NetWeaver BI) content based on business partner items and dunning history Create variants for the You can customize your own balance A amount limit to be payed account balance display variants in addition to the existing sums by direct debit can be set via customizing in the account balance.


Direct debit limit in the payment run

Additional customer information, such as the last customer payment, can be shown in the financial customer care interaction center of SAP CRM. You can update the creditworthiness of a business partner when you deactivate an installment plan.


Deactivation of an installment plan affects creditworthiness


Multiperiod Consolidation Execute task groups and tasks for a Significant reduction of time interval that includes multiple time and costs for plan periods in one step: consolidation Execute task groups in the remaining periods of a consolidation cycle Block, unblock or reset tasks groups and individual tasks in the remaining periods Navigate between periods of a consolidation cycle using buttons within the consolidation monitor Workflow for approval for SAP Business Workflow is now Reduced costs of changing the task status integrated with the consolidation compliance monitor Increased transparency - If the user of the consolidation and documented sign-off monitor decides to lock a task, the task procedure for the reported status changes to "locked - to be financial data of approved" subsidiaries - Approver receives a note in the inbox of the business workplace - Once approved, the status changes to "locked" - Workflow can be activated per individual task Restatement Adjustment of data in past periods without changing original data records and monitor status


SAP Financials enhancement package 2 for SAP ERP


Web Dynpro consolidation monitor

SAP Financials enhancement package 2 for SAP ERP


Reporting of the consolidation monitor status

SAP Financials enhancement package 2 for SAP ERP


Automatic data transfer

SAP Financials enhancement package 2 for SAP ERP


Manual postings

Delta logic provides an efficient approach without unnecessary multiplication of data volume - For each restatement reason, you define technically independent data slices that represent the delta between actual and restated data - Data of all posting levels can be loaded or entered into such a data slice with automatic and manual data transfer procedures - Further processing in validations, currency translation, balance carry forward, and customer-defined tasks Web Dynpro-based version of the Reduced total cost of consolidation monitor. Compared with ownership ( TCO) for SAP GUI it provides additional connecting subsidiaries features: with Web Dynpro without - Creation of automatic tasks in new local installations window Significantly facilitated - Any number of monitor layouts per handling of the system user targeting the occasional - Improved search and personalization user functions; favorites - Clear display of fixed characteristics in an individual screen area Define SAP NetWeaver BI queries to Easy access to monitor report on the status of the consolidation status information on a monitor statistical level without Statistical reports of status: expert skills percentage of subsidiaries with status Flexible adjustment to of "error" individual needs on the Use of standard SAP NetWeaver BI basis of SAP NetWeaver component to create queries, reports, BI reporting and Web applications Link to SAP NetWeaver Use in dashboards based on SAP Portal provides an NetWeaver Visual Composer overview of the consolidation process within the daily work environment You can load documents with posting levels 02, 12, 20, 22 and 30 into the consolidation system so consolidation groups can now transfer and copy data. You can copy data from other consolidation areas even if the source and target consolidation area use different data models. The software now automatically transfers automatically created goodwill entries, consolidated assets, and the sequence and sorting of activities so you can use a complete set of financial data. Parked documents and sample documents for manual postings - You can park documents (save them as drafts), then later reopen, finalize, and post the document. The software deletes the parked document when the

SAP Financials enhancement package 2 for SAP ERP


Deferred taxes

SAP Financials enhancement package 2 for SAP ERP SAP Financials enhancement package 2 for SAP ERP


Interunit elimination of profit in inventory

FIN-FSCM Dispute case attributes and linked receivable open items

final document is posted - You can create a sample document (a template for a manual document) for frequent postings with the same line item structure. The sample document remains defined when you post a document based on the sample document. Workflow for approving manually entered documents - You can activate workflow approval by document type. You define the condition that triggers the workflow in customizing using a validation rule. - If you post a document with activated workflow, the document is set to For approval status instead of posting. The status triggers the workflow. - Each person responsible for approving documents receives a notification and can approve or reject the document, as well as add comments. Approved documents are posted. If a document is rejected, the person who entered it is notified and can either delete the document or edit it and restart the approval workflow. The posting of deferred taxes has been simplified and enhanced: - You can choose posting items and sub items of deferred taxes in the balance sheet based on the line items and sub items in the original document - You can trigger deferred taxes with triggering items in the balance sheet, even if there is no net effect on net income. - New customizing settings are timeand version dependent, as well as global and valid for all document types. - You can suppress posting of deferred taxes even if it is activated on the document type - You can reverse debit and credit decisions made by the software You can now read inventory data from the totals data base as well as from the additional financial data area. Change dispute case attributes can affect the linked receivable open line items. For example, the dunning block might be set in a dispute case to prevent the dunning letter from being sent.

Reduce manual efforts in managing receivable line items and improve efficiency in collection and dispute resolution. Prevent conflict information (dunning for payment and billing disputing communication) against the same open line item from sending to customers Improve working accuracy

SAP Financials enhancement package 2 for SAP ERP

FIN-FSCM Work center for dispute managers

SAP Financials enhancement package 2 for SAP ERP

FIN-FSCM Improved usability and work center

SAP Financials enhancement package 2 for SAP ERP

FIN-FSCM Increased flexibility for creating dispute cases

SAP Financials enhancement package 2 for SAP ERP SAP Corporate enhancement Services package 2 for SAP ERP SAP Corporate enhancement Services package 2 for SAP ERP



Rent Adjustment Based on Cost Efficiency Analysis


Condition Split

Consolidate all working tasks and information for the dispute manager and specialists on one platform Deliver a well-arranged view of a dispute case, grouped by predefined or personalized selection criteria Select user-specific tasks and navigate from the case to detailed processing of individual dispute cases. Improved log display of score calculation You could directly initiate a simulation of credit check for a business partner in SAP Credit Management The exposure display take into account credit time horizon if defined Work center for SAP Credit Management consolidates user specific blocked order processing, blocked business partners, processing of credit limit request, overview of all kinds of notification SAP Credit Management offers an improved log display of score calculations. You can simulate a credit check for business partners. You can define the exposure display take into account for a credit time horizon. You can consolidates user-specific blocked order processing, blocked business partners, processing of credit limit requests, and see an overview of all notifications. You can extend dispute case attributes by adding the extra field Customer disputed amount in dispute case. You can create dispute case identified during document processing, dispute case processing, line item lists, and clearing. You can display customer disputed objects under linked objects.

in both bill disputing and receivable system Minimize unnecessary write-offs Provides information for daily processing of dispute cases including all disputes of a customer and crosscustomer evaluations Increases flexibility and productivity by quickly locating tasks and information by customizable grouping criteria Improve work efficiency by focusing on the userspecific information and tasks and delivering relevant reports in real time

Within adjustment of Conditions we Compliance with local deliver a new adjustment method: Cost requirement (Germany). Efficiency Analysis (Please note: released for Germany only). There are two views: Vendor view: The payment for a condition is made to several business partners with vendor accounts.

Customer view: The payment for a condition is made by several business partners with customer accounts. You define the distribution in contract processing for the Postings term on the Posting Parameters tab page. If multiple partners are assigned to the contract, then you can activate processing for the condition split by choosing Multiple Partners (Condition Split) in the Partner field. A table appears where you can enter different payment data for the different partners, such as, house bank, partner bank, payment method, dunning block. You then assign these posting terms to different conditions and activate the contracts. It is not possible to distribute conditions of the following objects: Conditions of internal contracts Conditions of rental objects Conditions of contracts in company codes where withholding tax is active Conditions of contracts that are integrated with PSCD In addition, fields that are relevant for follow-up posting are locked when a change to a field would result in followup postings. The locked fields can be processed at the request of the user. Fields that are relevant for follow-up posting are:

SAP Product enhancement Development package 3 for and SAP ERP Manufacturing

Exchange of MPN between SAP ECC and cFolders

Fields of the posting term: Partner Tax Type Tax Group Gross (indicator) Tax Jurisdiction Fields of the frequency term: Frequency Frequency In Frequency Start User-Defined Start Prorated Amount Reference Differences Calculation Method Fixed Periods Fields of the organizational assignment term: Tax Jurisdiction Fields of the condition: All fields except the term fields which do not result in follow-up postings By checking the Include Manufacturing Part Numbers checkbox in transations CFE02 and CFI02, MPNs are considered when exchanging BOMs between SAP ECC and cFolders.

Being able to publish all the information necessary for contract manufacturers (document, material, BOM, and MPN) to cFolders

SAP Financials enhancement package 3 for SAP ERP


SAP Financials enhancement package 3 for SAP ERP SAP Financials enhancement package 3 for SAP ERP

FIN-FB-XR Support for XBRL specificaton 2.1

SAP Financials enhancement package 3 for SAP ERP SAP Financials enhancement package 3 for SAP ERP SAP Financials enhancement package 3 for SAP ERP

Parallel accounting: ledger-group-specific posting and clearing

enables the customer to set up efficient collaboration with contract manufacturers. More transparency and efficiency when monitoring individual business transactions. More transparency and efficiency during closing. No need to post to additional accounts to cover multi-GAAP requirements.

You use this function to perform posting and clearing in specific ledger groups using a new transaction, which is similar to existing transaction F-03 (clearing G/L account), so that no additional training to handle the transaction is necessary. Only G/L accounts with the corresponding flag at the company-code-level will allow such processing. An example for use of this transaction would be the posting of provisions (lawsuits, closing costs, and so on) at period end. With the new transaction, you can post to the same documents that are open-itemmanaged and specific to G/L account ledger (groups) with different values and amounts according to various accounting principles. Support for features of XBRL Create XBRL reports that specification 2.1 comply with specification 2.1


Planning: cumulative You can perform manual planning for display and new interface profit centers using a cumulative for uploading plan data. display for balance sheet accounts. CO plan data (also secondary cost elements) is transferred to the new G/L. You can use a new BAPI to upload plan data into the new G/L from an external data source. FIN-FB-XR Dimensional taxonomies Support of dimensional taxonomies and mapping of XBRL dimensions to fields in SAP NetWeaver

More business-oriented display of the planning values. More planning flexibility and consistency. More flexibility and considerable time-savings when uploading plan data from an external file. Risk reporting of banks according to Basel II in XBRL format

FIN-FB-XR Periodic scheduling of report creation

Definition of variants for periodic scheduling of the creation of several XBRL reports

Automatic periodic creation of several XBRL reports


In drill-down reports, you can select profit center groups without any restriction on the number of single values within the group. The profit center group selection will be used for data selection and for drill-down navigation in the selected data. Migration of classic PC reports: the migration tool allows selecting a source library or reports and a target library. The system analyzes which of the selected reports can be migrated (from a technical point of view) and allows migrating a set of reports, including dependent objects, such as sets, variables, and key figures. The result of the migration is logged in a persistent log.

More transparency in terms of information on profit centers and more time for decision making. Less time needed to define your own reports because of better standard reporting for profit centers

Reporting: new profit center (PC) reports and migration of classic PC reports.

SAP Financials enhancement package 3 for SAP ERP


Profit center: authorization check (post, clear, and display documents).

SAP Corporate enhancement Services package 3 for SAP ERP


Integration of RE-FX Contract with Funds Management

SAP Industries enhancement package 3 for SAP ERP

IS-HER-CM Functional Enhancements of SAP Student Lifecycle Management

SAP Industries enhancement package 3 for SAP ERP SAP Industries enhancement package 3 for SAP ERP


Support Funding from Multiple Sources


Creation and Change of Precommitments and Forecast of Revenue Documents

SAP Industries enhancement package 3 for SAP ERP


Creation and Change of Commitments and Forecast of Revenue Documents

SAP Industries PSM-GM- Support Funding from enhancement GTR Multiple Sources package 3 for SAP ERP SAP Product PP-PI-PMA- Improvement for Users enhancement Development PMC Entering Data or package 3 for and Downloading Data from a SAP ERP Manufacturing PI Sheet SAP Industries LO-MDS Cross-Docking Interface enhancement to External, Non-SAP package 3 for Warehouse Management SAP ERP System

When the user wants to post a document, the transaction will be successful only if authorization is given for all the profit centers involved. An additional selection criterion is offered during clearing, allowing the user to concentrate on the profit centers to be cleared. During document change and display, the system offers only the line items of the authorized profit centers. During reporting, the authorization check for profit center applies to the standard hierarchy and all alternate hierarchies. - Lease-in contracts: funds management commitment can be created. - Lease-out contract: funds reservation can be created. - Follow-on process of periodic posting reduces the amount of the earmarked funds document. - New functionality is embedded in an approval process that can trigger workflow. The functionality is intended to support actual implementation projects for SAP Student Lifecycle Management

Better option for performing basic transactions in a decentralized environment.

Extends the existing interface to external, non-SAP warehouse management systems based on BAPI and IDoc technology to support the retail-specific cross-docking process.

Merchandise distribution processes are supported in case the customer has a decentralized warehouse management system

Seamless integration of real estate contract with funds management for earmarked funds documents.

The functionality contained in this business function makes implementation much easier and fast, to a degree that fully satisfies end-user expectations in a typical university environment Allows the grantor manager or clerk to Automatically assign the define various funding sources that requested payments and define the percentage distribution and repayments to the correct the relevant account assignments. budget bucket(s). Grant payments and repayments are The defined grant budget created as budget precommitments for a program is not and forecasts of revenue in funds exceeded during the management for each application. This application phase optional process is defined on a program level. Grant payments and repayments are The defined grant budget created as budget commitments and for a program is not forecasts of revenue in funds exceeded during the management for each agreement. This agreement phase optional process is defined on a program level. Allows the grantor manager or clerk to Automatically assigns the define various funding sources to requested payments and define the percentage distribution and repayments to the correct the relevant account assignments. budget bucket(s). - New printing feature - Ease of use during manufacturing execution

SAP Industries enhancement package 3 for SAP ERP


SAP Industries enhancement package 3 for SAP ERP


SAP Product PP-MRPenhancement Development PE, PPpackage 3 for and SFC-IS SAP ERP Manufacturing

SAP Industries enhancement package 3 for SAP ERP


SAP Product PP-MRPenhancement Development PE, PPpackage 3 for and SFC-IS SAP ERP Manufacturing

SAP Product PP-MRPenhancement Development PE, PPpackage 3 for and SFC-IS SAP ERP Manufacturing

architecture. Once a grantor program is released in Automation of processes SAP CRM, a corresponding funded program is automatically created in funds management. This optional process depends on the program settings. Creation and Change of This is the core of grantor integration Seamless integration of Open Items in PSCD between SAP CRM and SAP ERP. The contractal processing with contractual obligations of the grant financial execution. agreement are defined in SAP CRM; the final repayment and payments are created in collection and disbursement in SAP Public for Sector as open items. The integration also provides deltahandling. If an agreement is amended, adjustment postings will be created. Enhancements in the Adds new selection options on the Optimizes evaluation and Evaluations for Material collective display of the initial stock analysis of the supply and Requirements Planning screen. demand situation (PP-MRP-PE) Offers a new tab to enable the targeted selection of materials with critical ranges of coverage. Displays customer-specific selection options. Provides initial screen for collective display of MRP lists. Improves statistical evaluations in header details. Evaluates range of coverage based on material-specific limit values for stock and receipt of days' supplies. Calculates and displays the delay of sales orders on a multilevel basis. Notification of Cleared Once an open or cleared item is The program clerk can Item and Open Item created or changed in PSCD, the better understand the Creation from PSCD to information is sent to SAP CRM and is financial status of the SAP CRM available for display in the agreement contract agreement and and claim. must refer a grantee applicant to the accounting department less often. Mass Extraction of Makes new report available for the Offers better integration Planning Data extraction of planning data -- Speeds with non-SAP applications the extraction of mass data from material requirements planning -Optimizes transfers to database tables or customer-specific applications Enhancements in the Defines representation of detail lists in Offers higher flexibility and Order Information System the order information system and in better transparency in the and Mass Processing mass processing -- Changes list types order information system and columns in the output lists -and in the evaluation of Makes fields ready to accept input -production processes Offers new lists such ad production list and material/production version -Enhances confirmation in mass processing -- Confirms real actual quantities in the confirmation process -Offers order operation-related status information for the predecessor & successor operation --Provides new mass-processing functions for planned Automatic Creation of Funded Program Based on a CRM Program

SAP Industries enhancement package 3 for SAP ERP

SAP Industries enhancement package 3 for SAP ERP

SAP Industries enhancement package 3 for SAP ERP SAP Industries enhancement package 3 for SAP ERP

SAP Industries enhancement package 3 for SAP ERP

SAP Industries enhancement package 3 for SAP ERP SAP Sales and enhancement Service package 3 for SAP ERP


order Editiing of standard SAP Netweaver Portal enables you to contract in portal instead create, change, and delete standard of customizing of ICM. contracts in the consolidation system and in the productive environment. -Portal services also allows you to work on the assignment of agreements and rules.

Provides a central approach via Workcenter in SAP NetWeaver Portal -Speeds time-to-market for compensation plan changes -- Streamlines usage via guided procedures -- Offers high transparency for standard contract maintenance ICM Reading commission Allows user to read a specific Offers data consistency for cases from archive commission case or document from the business object valuation archive during run time -- Enables info structure to index the archive file -Easily finds the archive key and offset - Facilitates fetching the exact commission case or document from the archive file. ICM Qualifying authorization Facilitates authorization checks on Improves security for remuneration users before any activity on standards for changes on agreements performance-related agreements compensation plan elements ICM additional analyse mode Enhanced determination enables: Speeds configuration for determination process Flexible and configurable determination determination Grants high in ICM process transparency of processes -Improved visualization of entered data Supports auditibilty structures standards -Thorough testing of determination settings -Simplified determination configuration -Improved visualization of result presentation ICM Portal Role Sales New design for the Workcenter with Allows sales Representative three iView items allows sales representatives to enter the representatives to: portal with only a browser • Mittels der grafischen Darstellung Facilitates access to Ihrer Vergütungs- und information -- such as Zahlungsansprüche erhalten Sie personal KPI figures schnell einen Überblick über Ihre aktuellen Zahlen • In der der Zielerreichungsauskunft haben Sie die Möglichkeit sich elementare und komplexe Ziele sowie deren Zielereichungsgrade anzuzeigen. • Mit Hilfe der Geschäftsobjektsuche können Sie sich Ihre getätigten Abschlüsse im Einzelnen detaillierter anzeigen lassen. ICM Local Currency Offers local currency changeover Complies with all legal Conversion in ICM framework to convert ICM currency requirements for countryProvides standard LCC conversion specific, currency package conversion SAP_APPL Improved Integration of - Creation of credit or debit memo Billing documents can be Archived Bills with requests on archived billing archived faster because Business Transactions documents: when creating a sales they are now accessible in document in reference to a billing business transactions document (transaction VA01), users can now enter an archived bill. The

SAP Sales and enhancement Service package 3 for SAP ERP

SAP_APPL User Exits for RebateHandling

SAP Industries enhancement package 3 for SAP ERP


SAP Financials enhancement package 3 for SAP ERP

FIN-FSCM- Hedge management TRM functionalities

SAP Financials enhancement

FIN-FSCM- Amortization for Money TRM Market instruments

Integration with external claims investigation systems

system searches first first in the database and then in the archive. - Improved display of billing documents: in the transaction to display billing documents (VF03), users can now display archived bills as well. The system searches first in the database and then in the archive. (The behavior is now identical to that of the transaction to display sales orders (VA03). The use of campaigns, target groups, or product segments with SAP CRM causes problems within rebate determination in SAP ERP for customers with large data volumes. Campaigns, target groups, or product segments lead to multiple value fields and a great number of combinations for rebate determination. Technically, table VBOX, which is used in retroactive rebate agreements to find all possible relevant invoices for a rebate condition, would grow too large. The user exits in ERP rebate handling allow SAP customers to implement a special logic for these kinds of fields and to better manage and suppress writing of the VBOX. Extends functionality and services for seamless integration with external claims investigation systems: -Identifies fraudulent claims -Sends claim data to external systems -Retrieves search results -Evaluates returned hits for fraud -Communicates based on ACORD industry standards

Enables the creation of hedge relationships "Net Investment in a Foreign Subsidiary" using money market instruments as hedge instruments Allows customers to produce necessary hedge documentation Provides two additional fields to work with hedge plans: Grouping and Program Enables the choice of existing exposures from FX deal Keeps a detailed log of the Effectiveness Test Makes market data available for all hedging relationships Allows customers to add notes manually to hedge items & relationships as freetext Whenever the nominal amount of a money market transaction differs from

Better handling of campaigns, target groups, or product segments in rebate processing for customers with large data volumes.

-Speeds up claims handling via fully automatic fraud detection -Provides seamless integration with third-party fraud databases (e.g. ISO ClaimSearch, UNIWAGNIS, CUE) -Reduces claims costs by correctly identifying fraudulent claims Streamlines hedge documentation to ensure compliance Ensures availability of different prduct types to accomplish net investment hedges Allows the grouping of customer-definable fields Enables customer to add additional information to their hedge relationships

Handles the amortization of money market transactions

package 3 for SAP ERP

SAP Financials enhancement package 3 for SAP ERP

SAP Financials enhancement package 3 for SAP ERP

SAP Financials enhancement package 3 for SAP ERP SAP Industries enhancement package 3 for SAP ERP SAP Industries enhancement package 3 for SAP ERP SAP Industries enhancement package 3 for SAP ERP SAP Industries enhancement package 3 for SAP ERP

the payment amount (premium or discount) there may be the need of the amortization of the premium or discount. This functionality is automated with this enhancement. Enables tracking of commodity paper deals such as futures, traded options, and commodity forwards in treasury and risk management Automates accounting for deals such as margin processing Market Risk Analyzer to calculate Net Present Values of commodity futures, forwards, and options Via the partnership with Triple Point as a front office system, customers have a integrated view of the physical position and paper deal side

in TRM Enables treasury department to generate correct figures for amortization automatically FIN-FSCM- New product group for Allows treasury department TRM Commodity paper deals to track, post, and evaluate commodity paper deals within TRM Enables integration of physical and paper commodity position via partnership with TPT Automates accounting entries as well as margin processing Calculates NPV for commodity paper deals with the Market Risk Analyzer Calculates Value at Risk of commodity Futures, Forwards and Options FIN-FSCM- Relative limits New functionality has been introduced Sets up limits on a relative TRM to define and evaluate the relative basis for key figures in limits of a portfolio. This functionality portfolios enables corporations to define limits flexibly and insurance companies to comply with regulatory processes in investment management. FIN-FSCM- New key figure modified New key figures such as modified Added new key figures to TRM duration is available duration and yield to maturity have calculate yield to maturity been added to the Market Risk and modified duration in Analyzer to analyze sensitivity of securities or portfolios interest-rate instruments in a portfolio. IS-CWM, More functions in the - Quick branches from inventory Immediate acces to FIN-BAC- Inventory Display Report display to reservations and other necessary information for INV requirements shop-floor employees - Display of fixed-bin information within inventory display IS-CWM, BAPI for materialmaster A material master within a CWM Customer do not have to FIN-BAC- in CWM is now available system can now be maintained by develop workarounds when INV means of a BAPI. importing and maintaining Material Master. IS-CWM, Mass maintenance of Mass maintenance of Material Master Mass maintenance of FIN-BAC- Material Master in a CWM system now supports CWM- CWM-specific fields in INV supported specific material master fields. Material Master is now possible. IS-CWM, Activity-based GR/IR GR/IR (Goods Receipt / Invoice There is a more timely FIN-BAC- clearing Receipt) clearing can be triggered calculation of new INV automatically by respective goods inventory price for movements or invoice receipts materials valuated with Reduced need to run the GR/IR valuaton procedure clearing regularly as a batch report "Moving-average Price" The posting date for GR/IR clearing when using activity-based transaction FAIP04 and respective GR/IR clearing. reports for batch runs is now More accurate determined based on the documents to determination of posting be settled, instead of on manual entry. date and period of the GR/IR clearing posting is

SAP Industries enhancement package 3 for SAP ERP


Dynamic Price Release

New price for a material is automatically released with a goods movement during the price validity period of the price.

SAP Industries enhancement package 3 for SAP ERP


SAP Industries enhancement package 3 for SAP ERP


Services for Integration of Store fresh item management (FIM) a Partner Solution for In- offers comprehensive management of Store Food Production a fresh department's data and tools to improve productivity, reduce shrink, and increase profitability. Store FIM provides scale managment, management of fresh department inventory (including perpetual inventory), shrink management tools, item forecasting and replenishment, receipe management, in-store production planning, support for meat cutting, and markdown management. Product Lookup: The new function for product lookup Customer Ordering can use a TREX search to find and Process at the POS and verify a product based on different Service Desk search criteria.

SAP Analytics enhancement package 3 for SAP ERP SAP Analytics enhancement package 3 for SAP ERP


Batch Processing for Calculation

Batch process for calculation: a user can schedule the calculation of costing structures as a background job.


Enhanced Copy As Behavior

1. Opportunity and project node can be copied 2. Object type (P)CE(M) can be changed while copying

SAP Analytics enhancement package 3 for SAP ERP


Where-Used List

The where-used list allows a user to find all uses of a chosen object across different working environments. Uses of the object in structures without a working environment are also found.

SAP Analytics enhancement package 3 for SAP ERP


Overjump Status

SAP Human enhancement Capital package 3 for Management SAP ERP


The new functionality, status overjump, allows a status change from one status to another freely, without any limitation of the status sequence. The permitted status change is determined by the predefined status overjump table. When a status overjump is performed, proper status inheritance and status propagation follows. Australia : Retrofit of Customer can manage employees with Concurrent Employment more than one contract at the same Add-On into SAP point in time in master data and time standard management. -- Customer can execute

realized. More accurate valuation of goods movements - by making sure that available prices are taken into account. Jobs for price release are less time critical. Solving the store fresh item management challenges improves and optimizes: sales margins, inventory costs, and total bottom-line profitability

Enable store associates to find and verify a product based on a short description during the customer order management business process or during other service-oriented, customerfacing business processes. Performance, background processing, and updating data automatically and periodically. 1. Opportunity and project node can be copied 2. Object type can be changed while copying (P)CE(M) The where-used list allows a user to find all uses of a chosen object across different working environments. Uses of the object in structures without a working environment are also found. The ability to change the status regardless of the sequence without loosing the status inheritance functionality in a hierachy. Status inheritance logic can be customized indirectly with status relationship customizing. Allows the management of employees with more than one contract at the same point in time in masterdata


payroll for these employees. -Customer can create statutory reporting for these employees.

SAP Human enhancement Capital package 3 for Management SAP ERP


SAP Corporate enhancement Services package 3 for SAP ERP


SAP Human enhancement Capital package 3 for Management SAP ERP


SAP Human enhancement Capital package 3 for Management SAP ERP


SAP Human enhancement Capital

Austria: Retrofit of Public 1) "Pensionsreform": New pension Sector Add-On for Austria calculation for pensions in public sector and Pensionsreform 2) Family allowance-calculation for Austria orphans: This functionality was missing in the SAP payroll for Austria 3) Subway tax: New version of subway tax calculation and better integration in payroll 4) Pension statements: A statement is sent via electronic data turn table (ELDA) in the month of retirement for pensioner. 5) Special calculation rules for garnishment: In public sector, there are special kinds of calculation necessary for garnishment 6) Tax calculation acc. §67(3) EStG for special situations like inactive periods. A virtual tax base is evaluated according to Austrian tax law. Pool Asset Managment This new functionality supports the process of managing general-purpose assets (example: pool vehicles). A user can request such a pool asset: a dispatcher assigns the available assets to the request, sets the reservation, and informs the requester. The functionality also covers the issue and return of this assest. At the end of this process, cost allocation for usage of the asset is performed. Portugal : New HCM Customer can manage SAP HCM Public Sector solution for public sector Portugal organizationPortugal specific data in organizational management -- Customer can manage specific master data for public sector employees in family allowances or seniority as well as time management data. -- Customer can execute payroll for these employees including calculations for special day rates, basic salary for public sector, depending on their category, etc. -- Customer can create statutory reporting such as the public sector database, the social balance, ADSE Healthexpenses, etc. Russia : Introduced off- Customer can run advance payment in cycle processes in payroll the middle of the month.

Customer can manage non-profit organization specific data in

and time management -Enables the execution of payroll for these employees -- Speeds the creation of statutory reporting for these employees Improves user experience by offering better default values in master data -especially for payroll relevant infotypes Implements functionality for more exeptional situations in payroll calculation

Supportf or this single process of requesting assets. The greatest benefit is integration with other areas, such as maintenance and financials in SAP ERP. The assets are objects in SAP ERP that can be maintenained in parallel (example: plant maintenance). Allows the management of SAP HCM public sector Portugal organizationspecific data in organizational management -- Enables the management of specific master data for public sector employees -Speeds the execution of payroll for these employees including specific features -- Enables the creation of statutory reporting Allows the running of advance payment in the middle of the month without workaround solutions. Allows the management of Non Profit Organization-

package 3 for Management AT-PS; PY- standard SAP ERP PT-PS; PYRU; PYNPO

organizational management -Customer can manage employees for NPOs in master data and time management -- Customer can execute payroll for these employees. -Customer can create statutory reporting for these employees.

specific data in organizational management -- Enables the management of employees for NPOs -Speeds the execution of payroll for these employees -- Enables the creation of statutory reporting for these employees SAP Industries ECC-DIMP FFFC for product data PDR framework easily replicates data Optimizes data quality -enhancement replication in the deployed system landscape -Enhances business package 3 for Functionality includes Form Fit and processes -- Offers better SAP ERP Function classes -- Ensures distribution support of processes of all material numbers in an FFFC are relevant in deployed ERP system SAP Product PP-SFCConfirmation The new feature lets you indicate the With the help of this enhancement Development EXE-CON Transactions Enable shift in which a specific confirmation information, you can track package 3 for and Entering and Report the was issued. which quantities have been SAP ERP Manufacturing Shift produced in which shifts, see which shift created the most scrap, and perform customer-specific calculations. SAP Product PP-SFCInserting and Collecting Additional data can be defined in Customers can collect enhancement Development EXE-CON Customer-Specific Data customizing; the data is displayed in additional data based on package 3 for and with Confirmation the corresponding confirmation their individual needs to SAP ERP Manufacturing Transactions transactions. With the help of these perform additional analytics fields, you can report the exact (like calculation of overall information related to a confirmation equipment efficiency). that you want. SAP Product PP-SFCSplitting Quantity Fields With customizing, you can split the Confirmed quantities can enhancement Development EXE-CON into Subdivided Quantity quantity fields (yield, rework, and be differentiated. Analysis package 3 for and Fields scrap) in confirmation transactions into of produced quantities can SAP ERP Manufacturing several subdivided quantity fields. For be performed in detail. example: instead of the single field Faster reaction from QM scrap, you can define several fields for personnel due to automatic scrap. If customized accordingly, a QM creation of QM notification. notification is created automatically if a predefined subfield is filled. SAP End-User multiple Roles in SAP All-in-One The business function contains objects With this business function, enhancement Service application that allow for simplified access to users in small and midsize package 3 for Delivery components existing ERP functionality: 1. Roles companies have a modern SAP ERP maintained in the profile generator user interface that allows (transaction PFCG). The roles offer more efficient processing access to functions and processes in of daily tasks in financials, controlling, materials accounting, controlling, management, production planning, and materials management, sales and distribution. Technically, production planning, and each area can include multiple roles sales and distribution. with different authorizations (for professional users, power users, and managers). 2. Work lists in the form of POWER lists in SAP ERP: POWER lists are based on the Web Dynpro development environment. POWER is an acronym for personal object work entity repository. POWER lists display objects that are assigned to a user in a role. The user can execute different

SAP Industries enhancement package 3 for SAP ERP


SAP Industries enhancement package 3 for SAP ERP


SAP Industries enhancement package 3 for SAP ERP


SAP Industries enhancement package 3 for SAP ERP


SAP Industries enhancement package 3 for SAP ERP


SAP Industries enhancement package 3 for SAP ERP


tasks for each object in the list. 3. Reports that are created with POWER list technology: The reports usually simpler navigation to further objects than work lists do. Creation or Change of Grant payments and repayments are The defined grant budget Preccommitments or created as budget precommitments or for a program is not Forecast of Revenue forecast of revenue for each application exceeded during the Documents in funds management. This optional application phase. process is defined on a program level. Creation or Change of This is the core of grantor integration Seamless integration from Open Items in AP/AR between SAP CRM and SAP ERP. contractal processing with While in SAP CRM, the contractual financial execution. obligations to the grant agreement are defined and the final repayment and payments are created in AP/AR as open items. Integration also provides delta-handling. If an agreement is amended, adjustment postings will be created. Automatic Creation of a Once a grantor program is released in Automation of processes Funded Program Based SAP CRM, a funded program is on a CRM Program automatically created in funds management. This optional process depends on the program settings. Notification of Creation of Once an open item is created or The program clerk can a Cleared Item or Open changed, or a cleared item is created better understand the Item in AP/AR to SAP or changed in AP/AR, the information is financial status of the CRM sent back to SAP CRM and is available contract agreement and for display in the agreement or claim. must refer a grantee applicant to the accounting department less often. Generation of Funds You can use the automatic creation of Supports automatic Management Master FM master data creation or changing of Data (RFFMMD_AUTOCREATION) report to master data in funds create funds management master data management. The (commitment item, funds center, and business function helps funded program) from FI or CO keep account assignments account assignment elements or from other components (FI, change existing FM account CO, and project system) assignments. You can use the synchronized with funds following source data: management. For commitment items: G/L accounts or cost elements For funds centers: cost centers, internal orders, or WBS elements For funded programs: internal orders or WBS elements

Enhanced Features of FM Derivation Tool FMDERIVE

The report derives the name of the target object using the FM derivation tool based on the source object. You can use the funds management Reduced TCO because derivation tool FMDERIVE to define several users can work in derivation strategies for which groups FMDERIVE in parallel. (sets) of cost centers, cost elements, internal orders, and WBS elements are permitted as source parameters. You can use the update FM derivation rules in accordance with group change report

SAP Industries enhancement package 3 for SAP ERP



SAP Industries enhancement package 3 for SAP ERP


Integrate Material Reservations with FM

SAP Industries enhancement package 3 for SAP ERP SAP Industries enhancement package 3 for SAP ERP


Plan Data Transfer to Budget and Control System


Rule-Based Account Assignment Distribution

SAP Analytics enhancement package 3 for SAP ERP


Sign-off Task

(RFFM_ENH_DERIVATION_TOOL) to reconstruct the rules for the derivation strategies in which groups occur as source parameters that use your values if the values of the groups have changed. Several users can now work on the same step (derivation rule) for the same derivation strategy at the same time. As a prerequisite, the various data intervals of the same rule must differ in at least one of the values of the source account assignment. - Allows more fields on budget Before posting: the need to documents to be changed before and reenter preposted after posting a document and records documents when changing the changes in a change history log. - their data is reduced. Streamlined processes: ALV functions Layout: input can be added to the budgeting workbench; an reduced for BCS budgeting ability to hide and display lines that are transactions. Budget type automatically generated for a budget groups: several document; improved layout for configurations take less budgeting workbench sender and time because of grouping receiver transactions; and introduction budget types. of budget type groups for maintaining budget process configuration.” The new functionality will create a Customers can now check funds reservation document in funds budget when they request management in the background when inventory out of stock. This the material reservation is posted. The function helps many public funds reservation will check and sector customers who reserve budget. If no budget is need to check and reserve available, standard availability control budget at the earliest will issue a message to the user. possible stage. With this new functionality, budget checks can be performed on the material reservation rather than waiting until the material has been issued.. The existing plan data transfer to the Manual processes can be budget and control system has been eliminated. enhanced to include selections for real estate sbjects. You can now use the existing ruleRequires fewer user based account assignment tool to interventions and manual generate a rule-based distribution of calculations. account assignments with the transfer of time recording to project system and controlling. You define rules that stipulate the distribution of the account assignment (COBL object) originally entered on the receiver object in time recording for the transfer. As a result, you can generate several lines with different account assignments. - Sign-off Task can be executed in the Automates the preparation, Consolidation Monitor, on consolidation review, and sign-off units or groups -- blocking all of the process with Sign-off Task previous tasks automatically, and -- Streamlines steps and triggering sign-off process. roles with SAP Business

- Financial reports (in format of BW Query, plain texts, or files like Word, PowerPoint, Excel, PDF) can be attached for next review. -Sign-off Task can be finished for the consolidation unit(s) or group(s); and the task is blocked in the Consolidation Monitor

SAP Industries enhancement package 3 for SAP ERP

SAP Analytics enhancement package 3 for SAP ERP

SAP Analytics enhancement package 3 for SAP ERP SAP Financials enhancement package 3 for SAP ERP

SAP Financials enhancement package 3 for SAP ERP


Valuation and Collection The system collects and valuates all of Retail Price Changes relevant, in-scope inventory-related transactions throughout the defined period by type with key information. Key price-change transaction types are: markups, markup cancellations; markdowns (permanent, promotional, and POS); and markdown cancellations. The reference point is the original price when the item is introduced. How pricing transactions are classified in these four types affects key ratios for cumulative margin and markup percentage and gross margin percentage. In RMA, the cumulative margin and markup percentage is used to back into ending inventory and COGS at the end of the period. FIN-SEM- Flexible upload with - Flexible upload of document function BCS document approval can trigger document approval process process just like manual posting function - Function is only enabled when flexible upload method is in update mode: "Do Not Modify" or "Overwrite", and Input Type "Periodic" FIN-SEM- More compliant comment - Comment function is enabled for BCS function in approval status change with workflow function process - Editing of saved comment in approval process is forbidden XX-CSCChina: interfacing with the The function enables customers to CN; RE-FX- Golden Tax System create an outbound file of all VAT LC-PT (government-owned invoices that can then be uploaded to system) the external GTS system. The inbound file from the GTS system is read and the GTI number is updated back to SAP software. XX-CSCPortugal: flexible real The Municipal Property Tax (IMI) CN; RE-FX- estate management objects are represented as parcels LC-PT from the Land Use Management (LUM) functionality. A special IMI Data screen for the parcels displays all the relevant parameters of the municipal property tax object for every calendar year. All property tax objects of a company are allocated to a special type of real estate contract (Property Tax type) whose business partner is the Ministry of Finance. An IMI cockpit tool allows the generation of cash flow items for accruals and installments. Monthly accruals and the one-time or two-time

Workflow capability -Block tasks in consolidation monitor and triggers sign-off process -Prepares financial reports for reviewing, commenting, and sign-off -- Ensures compliance through approval process The collection of price changes into buckets and the usage for calculation of RMA values smoothes out margins over a season or period. For financials, involvement of price changes effect a more conservative and lower valuation of stock.

Enables same approval process for flexible upload of documents as manual posting

More compliant approval processes.

Interfacing with the Golden Tax Systems allows printing VAT invoices with no need for third-party software.

Comprehensive master data for property tax objects representing the cadastral entries of a company. Transparent administration of property tax objects of a company in one list. Full chain of posting activities. Handling of mass property tax data.

SAP Industries enhancement package 3 for SAP ERP


SAP Industries enhancement package 3 for SAP ERP


SAP Industries enhancement package 3 for SAP ERP


SAP Industries enhancement package 3 for SAP ERP


installments are posted by the Property Tax contract periodically. Initial Setup of Inventory The new report ensures that all the tasks that the SAP Legacy System Migration Workbench tool cannot cover are actually performed to provide a consistent and complete data transfer. A new report to import the original retail price from a legacy system into the SAP software with a data file is provided. The main functionality of this report is to read the data form the file, carry out validity checks, and store the data in table WRF_ORGPRICE. Organizational Flexibility Enhances concept for handling operations and exercises -- Provides extra functionality for manning suggestions and assignments -Assigns technical objects to force elements -- Handles infrastructure objects in conjunction with force elements and processes for armed forces -- Provides additional and enhanced functions to create, copy, or maintain objects or assignments in the system -- Offers additional functions for annual exercise and deployment planning Accounting Enhances system support via predefinition when defining cost and profit centers Integrates permit processes for profic center activation Enhances handling of accounting objects

Post RMA Calculation Results to General Ledger

The system can now import all relevant data for switching from a legacy system to SAP software to use the new RMA functionality, no matter what level was used for valuation in the legacy system. MBEW can be filled automatically even when there is no item cost value in the legacy system. Interacts with numerous decentralized ERP systems -- Supports autarchy processes optimally -- Improves robustness and scalability of landscapes -- Supports cross system processes better -- Streamlines integration of infrastructure

Enables interaction of numerous decentralized ERP systems Offers better support of autarchy processes Improves robustness and scalability of landscapes Optimizes support of crosssystem processes Streamlines integration of infrastructures Agency business documents post the - RMA is considered a results of the RMA calculation to the more conservative G/L ending inventory at cost and at valuation (markdowns cost of goods sold. Other related FI show an affect on accounts reflect the results of the RMA valuation) calculation in SAP NetWeaver BI. - Compliant with U.S. The location is the lowest level for GAAP and the Sarbanesposting to G/L accounts. The profit Oxley Act center concept is supported for this - Accounting clerk doesn’t level. have to switch systems to Postings to financials can be carried see stock values out at the company code, distribution - Advantages of the BF chain, and site level. The system o Easy to switch from RMA monitors to ensure that postings are to cost and vice versa successful and alerts users to failures. o Advantages of RMA can Postings to the G/L can be displayed at be derived (tracking and the company code, distribution chain, calculating inventory site, and valuation level for a selected information that drives period. Double posting or counting is margins, reporting, buying, prohibited. Postings can be reversed pricing, and other and reprocessed. merchandising decisions) with or without posting to

SAP Industries enhancement package 3 for SAP ERP


SAP Industries enhancement package 3 for SAP ERP


SAP Industries enhancement package 3 for SAP ERP


SAP Financials enhancement package 3 for SAP ERP


SAP Financials enhancement package 3 for SAP ERP


SAP Financials enhancement package 3 for SAP ERP


SAP Financials enhancement


the G/L Enables interaction of numerous decentralized ERP systems Provides better support of autarchy processes Improves robustness and scalability of landscapes Optimizes support of crosssystem processes Plant Maintenance and Enhances transfer of technical objects Enables interaction of Unit (Line) Maintenance Enables short-term transfer of numerous decentralized modifying rights for objects ERP systems Creates structure documentation for Optimizes support of maintenance purposes, in PDF format autarchy processes Adds flexibility to account assignment Provides better support of changes by maintaining accounting cross-system processes rules Streamlines integration of infrastructures System architecture Provides enhancements in user Enables interaction of administration (role manager) numerous decentralized Optimizes system administration for ERP systems data distribution Optimizes support of Streamlines data distribution (serveral autarchy processes new objects) Improves robustness and Facilitates better archiving scalability of landscapes Provides better support of cross-system processes Facilitates integration of infrastructures New web application to Provides the supervisor and the Fast close: moves control select and monitor close processor of a close task with a list of of process from Excel tasklists the relevant close task lists. Details of workbooks and e-mails to the task can be accessed from the list. the system, making the tasks to be performed and the progress transparent to all stakeholders (including those not actively involved in the close). Tree view containing Presents all close tasks in a tree Clear definition of close tasks by structure organized by organizational responsibilities and organizational unit. unit. The individual folders can visualization of progress represent a controlling area, one or across business units more company codes, or a phase or folder. Displays the status, responsible persons, and duration of each close task. Calendar view that Visualizes the close schedule with Visualization of close tasks visualizes the close respect to calendar days, enabling as a calendar allows the schedule, task stakeholders to see which tasks are to business user to see dependencies, and be performed and when, the relative dependencies between status. duration of the tasks, dependencies tasks and to identify between tasks, and the status of each bottlenecks. Visualization task. Selection of tasks by phases (a of status information allows new entity in close). business user to initiate remediation actions. The ultimate result is a faster close. Logs, comments, and Provides access to all system logs, Compliant process: internal documentation assigned error logs, documentation, and and external auditors have Materials Management

Provides autarchy capable warehouse management Supplies a deployment monitor Enhances distributed-materials management in multi-system landscapes

package 3 for SAP ERP

to close tasks

SAP Financials enhancement package 3 for SAP ERP


SAP Industries enhancement package 3 for SAP ERP


SAP Industries enhancement package 3 for SAP ERP


SAP Industries enhancement package 3 for SAP ERP


SAP Financials enhancement package 3 for SAP ERP


comments relating to a close.

SAP Central Process Allows inclusion of remote tasks that Scheduler initiates close have been created in SAP Central tasks in remote systems Process Scheduler in the task list for the local close in SAP ECC. SAP Central Process Scheduler used to manage cross-system dependencies, event-based scheduling, and parallel processing. Allows central monitoring of completion of remote tasks in SAP ECC. New Selection Screen for - The path to the maintenance screen Price Catalog is now reduced from three to two screens. - New entry transaction: w_sync. This transaction works in parallel with the w_pricat_maintain (old) transaction. - The selection screen includes selection possibilities on top, a folder structure at the lower left, and the details of the selected catalog at the lower right. - The maintenance groups can be assigned and changed more flexibly..

access to all related documents. Usability: improved access to process-relevant information. Expedites a core business process by minimizing the wait time between close tasks.

- Simplification of the user interface - More intuitive user interface - Customers can also select in a folder structure, which is more familiar to them - This functionality enables better organization because it gives better visibility and transparency - Fewer user interfaces: now only a selection and maintenance screen (formerly three) - Multiple search capability options Full GDS Support for - Complete GDSN item synchronization - Good visibility of the Retail including Sample is supported for entire message entire process. Implementation of a Data orchestration. - Efficient starting point for Pool - The GDS functionality is available for a GDS strategy. the Agentrics data pool as a sample - Detailed business content implementation. for the integration of a - Subscription and notification GDSN-certified data pool. functionality of GDS message orchestration are adjusted. - Predelivered rules in VE-Processor (Validation and Enrichment Processor). - New User Interface for the data selection including also Workflow capabilities. Enhancements Rule - Rule engine (EV processor) has an - Faster definition of new Engine enhanced refactoring function. rules. - Rule engine (EV processor) is - Better insight into the enhanced with a work-list function. rules used. - A service is provided to retrieve the - Easier reuse of existing usage list for each element. rules. Task scheduling based When the task list is created for a Ensures that tasks are not on factory calendar specific close, the tasks are assigned scheduled at a time when to calendar days based on the key date no one will be available to and the offsets (example: payroll on support the tasks. key date -1; allocations on key date +1). This function takes account of the factory calendar to ensure that the tasks are scheduled only for working

SAP Industries enhancement package 3 for SAP ERP


Truck Stock Visibility

SAP Industries enhancement package 3 for SAP ERP


Loading Confirmation

SAP Industries enhancement package 3 for SAP ERP


Lean Messages for drivers

SAP Analytics enhancement package 3 for SAP ERP

CO-OM-IS, Simplified Reporting for FI-GL-IS, new General Ledger FI-AR-IS, FI-AP-IS, CO-PC-IS

days. Truck Stock Visibility and Material Movements: - Differentiate between stock loaded on vehicles from warehouse stock - Provide inventory management for goods loaded on vehicles for tracking stock - Reflect loading, reloading, and unloading activities - Manage status of goods -- indicating "Loaded", "On Route", and so on - Track stock remaining on vehicles after unloading - Provide detailed (truck level) and aggregated (warehouse level) view of loaded goods

- A warehouse checker can count and record the loaded goods and quantities right after loading -- thus validating the match between planned and actual load. - In case of missmatches, a warehouse checker can take corrective action -such as reloading or confirming its status. - A warehouse clerk can confirm corrective action after execution. - A Warehouse checker can seal the loaded truck and record the seal numbers as part of loading confirmation. - Counting and recording can be executed on individual material or counting group level. - Loading confirmation results are tallied during check-out and difference determination. - Scheduler clerk can use messages to provide relevant information to drivers. - Clerk can assign messages relevant to a longer period of visit plans. Messages are carried over to each visit list created from the specific visit plan. - One-time messages can be maintained by the scheduler clerk for the visit list. - Messages can be related to a visit plan/list in general or for a specific visit. - Customer related texts can be linked to visit plans or visit lists by text determination. - Messages can be printed out as part of tour information. Simplifies reporting for new general ledger

- Gives material requirements planning (MRP) controllers a complete view of the inventory located in the warehouse as opposed to goods being loaded and on the way to the customer - Allows MRP controllers to view and track all goods loaded on each single vehicle at time of loading or departure and settlement - Give transportation planners overview of processing status - such as deliveries loaded or deliveries already on route Warehouse checkers easily confirm loading to ensure vehicles carry correct load. This ensures goods are delivered to customers complete and on time -- as ordered and planned.

-Messages from Scheduler Clerk are used to support driver by providing specific tour or customer-related information. - Clerks are also able to guide and steer driver with adequate advice and tasks.

Provides ease of use -Ensures minimal learning curve -- Supplies a consistent UI

SAP Analytics enhancement package 3 for SAP ERP


Simplified Reporting for Accounts Payable

Simplifies and streamlines reporting for Provides ease of use -accounts payable Ensures low learning curve -- Drives consistency

Simplified Reporting for Accounts Receivable

Simplifies and streamlines reporting for Ensures ease of use -accounts receivable Minimizes learning time -Drives consistency

Simplified Reporting for Cost Center and Order Accounting

Simplifies and streamlines reporting for Ensures ease of use -cost center and order accounting Provides easy-to-learn procedures -- Drives consistency

Condition Record Copy Provide copy function for a condition Within Condition Contract record within a condition contract

Facilitated maintenance


Counting Groups for check-out, check-in and loading confirmation

Checkers, warehouse checkers, and DSD drivers can execute check-out, check-in or loading confirmation much faster and easier.

SAP Industries enhancement package 3 for SAP ERP


More route accounting capabilities in Tour Data Entry

SAP Industries enhancement package 3 for SAP ERP


Visit Control Interfaces

SAP Industries enhancement package 3 for SAP ERP


Improved Settlement Cockpit functionality

SAP Analytics enhancement package 3 for SAP ERP SAP Analytics enhancement package 3 for SAP ERP SAP Analytics enhancement package 3 for SAP ERP SAP Analytics enhancement package 3 for SAP ERP SAP Industries enhancement package 3 for SAP ERP SAP Industries enhancement package 3 for SAP ERP

Simplified Reporting for Simplifies reporting for product costing Ensures ease of use even Product Costing in Make- in make-to-stock environment for non-professionals to-Stock Environment

Simplified Reporting for Product Cost Planning

Simplifies and streamlines reporting for Ensures ease of use product cost planning

- Counting groups can be used to group different materials according to their packaging unit. - The checker or driver can record the counting results during check-out and check-in -- on a counting group or material level. - The warehouse checker can record the counting results during during loading confirmation -- on a counting group or material level. - Materials can be assigned to counting groups in the Material Master. - Settlement clerks entering the tour data manually can execute difference determination in tour data entry repeatedly before the tour gets released.

- Settlement clerks need to use only one tour data entry -- no need to switch to another dialog - Enables fast and easy tour processing. - It provides BAPI interfaces that It combines DSD connect DSD visit control to route processes with a more optimization tools. dynamic visit-control - Visit plans and vist lists can be read, approach by integrating created, and changed. third party route - A Scheduler Clerk can drag and drop optimization. multiple customers from one vist plan or list to another. - Settlement clerks working with the Optimizes support of a settlement cockpit can execute settlement clerk's daily difference determination repeatedly tasks. before the tour gets released.

SAP Industries enhancement package 3 for SAP ERP


SAP Industries enhancement package 3 for SAP ERP


SAP Human EP-PCTenhancement Capital MGR-HR package 3 for Management SAP ERP

SAP Human EP-PCTenhancement Capital MGR-HR package 3 for Management SAP ERP

- Settlement clerks can cancel deliveries in the settlement cockpit. - Settlement clerks can delete empty visits in the settlement cockpit. More flexibility and - Sales order generation can occur automation of Final decoupled from the final settlement run Settlement Run -- after the tour data is available. - The final settlement run can be executed as a background job -- no interaction from the settlement clerk. - Ranges for acceptable materials and payment differences are defined using tolerance groups -- that decide charges and ensure the automated settlement run is not interrupted. - Interim accounts can be defined and used to achieve separate booking logic for the various payment types, and different logic is used to charge diverse differences. - Separate methods for handling payment postings can be defined in payment type level such as credit card payments. Tour Status Management - It provides holistic status management covering the life-cycle of a tour. - Administrators can control overall tour processing across various components -- such as loading confirmation or settlement. - Administrators can use tour status reporting to identify causes for errors during processing and take corrective action. - Can be used by settlement clerks to select tours in the settlement cockpit and for tour data entry. Requisition Request Through creation and maintenance of Form requisition requests with one or more pre-defined forms, a manager can initiate the recruitment process - Starting with necessary position and vacancy data - Through easy navigation and selection functionalities -- Including multilevel approval workflow based on organizational management -- With automated notification to the recruiting department after approval of the request Requisition Request and Easy and quick overview of the status Activity Monitor of a manager's requisition request: Follow-up activities like the necessary approvals, posting, and publication information The most important statistical information regarding the status of the overall recruitment cycle (like the number of incoming applications, number of rejected

- Flexibly adapts settlement process to support customer-specific processes regarding handling of payments and differences - Fast processing and less need for settlement clerks to interact in non-critical cases -- leading to reduced process costs and higher efficiency

- Adapts tour processing logic across the various components involved - Provides first-entry-point error resolution for an administrator - Gives settlement clerks easier access to tours via tour status

SAP Manager Self-Service as a single point of entry for all HR tasks, including recruitment tasks, that managers have to perform. The user interface is easy to use and offers an option to track the most important information managers need during a recruitment cycle.

Easy and quick overview of the status of a manager's requisition request: Follow-up activities like the necessary approvals, posting, and publication information The most important statistical information regarding the

applications, and so on) An option to rate and rank a candidate with regard to the available talent pool and to an existing position that a candidate has applied for

status of the overall recruitment cycle (like the number of incoming applications, number of rejected applications, and so on) An option to rate and rank a candidate with regard to the available talent pool and to an existing position that a candidate has applied for SAP Human EP-PCTDelegation and Managers can define a delegate or Delegation and substitution enhancement Capital MGR-HR Substitution Scenario substitute for their recruiting tasks in should guarantee that a package 3 for Management the event of a known absence. recruitment process flows SAP ERP without any interruption or delay because of an absent (hiring) manager. SAP Human EP-PCTCandidate and Easy option for hiring managers to Improved efficiency and enhancement Capital MGR-HR Application Assessment classify a candidate in terms of the effectiveness in the overall package 3 for Management (Activity Management) company's talent pool recruiting process: SAP ERP A quick and easy and fast option for *Manager can enter managers to classify a candidate's feedback on proposed application for an existing position candidates and applicants (initiated by a manager's requisition *Recruiter has immediate request) access to a manager's A quick option to provide detailed feedback and can continue feedback on a candidate's application the recruiting process to the HR department (recruitment *No media breaks in the department) overall process SAP Industries PSM-FG Upward and Downward Option for adjustments calculated at Based on configuration, the enhancement Adjustments the document level, rather than rhe flexibility to determine the package 3 for accounting line level, for net posting at level for adjustments and SAP ERP the overall fund level. the netting of adjustments could significantly reduce the number of PY adjustments reported to treasury. SAP Industries PSM-FG BCS Legal Added transfer agency, transfer Users can enter these enhancement Enhancements: New account, and trading partner to the fields directly into the package 3 for Federal-Specific Fields budgeting workbench header. budget transaction without SAP ERP Added to the BCS updating the derivation Header rules first. (Rules can still be used if desired.) SAP Industries IS-AD-MPN Uniqueness of MPN-MRP If two FFF classes are merged, and Helps facilitate consitent enhancement Sets they both contain MPN-MRP sets with master data. package 3 for the same name, an error message is SAP ERP displayed. SAP Industries IS-AD-MPN Material exchange in PO A PO-item (Purchase Order Item) is Offers consistency enhancement with reference to a created with reference to a contract. If between purchase orders package 3 for Contract material exchange is carried out, and and contracts SAP ERP the sub items do not refer to the original contract anymore, a message is displayed to warn users that the original contract is not being referred to and updated anymore. The message is of the type: (Error, Warning, Information) and is customizable. SAP Industries IS-AD-MPN 'BADI_ADPIC_IC_MATS It defines materials as interchangeable Optimizes flexibility in MPN enhancement - for additional if they do not belong to an FFF class, a functionality.

package 3 for SAP ERP

SAP Industries enhancement package 3 for SAP ERP


SAP Industries enhancement package 3 for SAP ERP


SAP Industries enhancement package 3 for SAP ERP


SAP Industries enhancement package 3 for SAP ERP


SAP Industries enhancement package 3 for SAP ERP SAP Industries enhancement package 3 for SAP ERP SAP Industries enhancement package 3 for SAP ERP


SAP Industries enhancement package 3 for SAP ERP


interchangeable material super session chain, or a restricted interchangeability relationship. This is realized through the use of a BAdI and, when implemented, additional materials are defined as interchangeable in the implementation. It also checks whether those materials are being considered throughout the interchangeability process. Material exchange in PM -Maintenance orders allow exchange of Allows automated material orders by ATP-Check interchangeable MPN materials exchange -A screen shows those materials and (proposal/suggestion) in triggers material exchange maintenance orders. - User selects material due and fills in quantity until status is set --New component items appear for the selected materials Material exchange in PP -PP orders allow exchange of Allows automated material orders by ATP Check interchangeable MPN materials exchange -A screen shows those materials and (proposal/suggestion) in triggers material exchange PP orders. - User selects material due and fills in quantity until status is set --New component items appear for the selected materials Material exchange in PS -PS orders allow exchange of It allows automated orders interchangeable MPN materials material exchange -A screen shows those materials and (proposal/suggestion) in triggers material exchange PS orders. - User selects material due and fills in quantity until status is set --New component items appear for the selected materials Material exchange in The functionality of goods issue posting It automates material MIGO - Generic Goods has been enhanced to allow the exchange Issue exchange of interchangeable MPN (proposal/suggestion) in materials -- for example, when refering goods issue posting. to a PM order, STO, PP order, manually created reservation, and so on. Archiving of documents Functionality has been enhanced to It optimizes master data with a MPN link prevent the archiving of documents still consistency. assigned to a restricted interchangeability relationship. Archiving of FFF classes Functionality has been enhanced to Offers master data prevent the archiving of FFF classes consistency with members still assigned.

IS-AD-MPN Archiving of Functionality has been enhanced to Offers master data interchangeable materials prevent the archiving of consistency interchangeable materials in an FFF class, restricted interchangeability relationship, or a super session chain. PSM-FG Document Chain The document chain report allows entry Streamlined audit process of a document number within the orderto-cash or procure-to-pay process, and because of the document chain transaction, both related predecessor and successor documents can be displayed. Various views are available,

including funds management view and ledger view. The document chain feature can be accessed as a standalone transaction or can be called from the transaction register report. SAP Industries PSM-FG Cancelled Funds: Asset Extended customizing to allow Enhances the use of asset enhancement Transfer maintenance of distinct transfer-in and management and package 3 for transfer-out accounts. Adjusted eliminates manual SAP ERP interface for intercompany transfer in adjustment postings. asset management of financial accounting to accommodate separation of accounts. The impovement can be used to transfer cancelled funds. SAP Industries IS-R Inventory Lookup: The COM business process was Real-time access to the enhancement Customer Ordering enhanced with flexible and current inventory package 3 for Process at the POS and sophisticated functionality for product information across SAP ERP Service Desk lookup. This functional enhancement neighboring stores during supports starting a COM process with a order processing and product lookup, or starting a product customer service. lookup within the order entry screen. It provides users with real-time and current inventory information and available-to-promise (ATP) information for their own store and for neighboring stores. The inventory information on unrestricted use is a consolidation of the stock information from SAP ERP with the sales information from SAP POS Data Management. SAP Human PA-ER Search Using Additional -Recruiters are able to use all Boolean Simplifies and expedites enhancement Capital Search Criteria and operators, such as AND, OR, NOT and the process of finding package 3 for Management Operators NEAR when performing searches. candidates for positions SAP ERP -They can also use range operators such as GREATER THAN, >=GREATER THAN OR EQUAL TO,
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