Delivery Types in SAP SD
Short Description
This document gives introduction to standard delivery types in SAP SD....
Delivery Type
Delivery Ty Type pe A classification classification that that distinguishes between different types of delivery. delivery.
Use The delivery type determines how the system processes a delivery. delivery. For example, depending on the delivery type, the system determines which screens to present and which data to request from the user.
SD document category
A classification for the different types of documents that you can process in the sales and distribution system (for example: quotations, sales orders, deliveries, and invoices.
Use The document category determines how the system stores and !eeps trac! of document data. "t enables the system to provide you with status information about delivery processing, billing, and documents that are used for reference (for example, inquiries and quotations.
Number range in the case of internal number assignment #umber that determines how documents are to be numbered b y the system. "t indicates which number range is relevant for a document type.
Use $hen creating a document with internal number assignment, the system assigns a number that lies within the appropriate number range.
Procedure %. &etermine which internal number ranges are provided for the relevant document type. 'hoose the function )aintain number range of the document type (for example, *urchase order + )aintain number range for this purpose. -. 'hoose a number range and note its number. . /nter the number of the desired number range.
Number range in the case of external number assignment #umber that determines how documents are to be numbered b y the user. "t indicates which number range is relevant for a document type.
Use $hen creating a document with external number assignment, the user must enter a document number that lies within the corresponding number range.
Procedure %. &etermine which external number ranges are provided for the relevant document type. 'hoose the function )aintain number range of the document type (for example: *urchase order + )aintain number range for this purpose. -. 'hoose a number range and note its number. . /nter the number of the desired number range.
Increment of item number in the SD document The increment by which you want the item numbers in a sales, delivery, or billing document, to increase when the system automatically generates item numbers.
Use #ote that in delivery processing, the area for item numbers above 011111 is reserved for special items (batch split and pac!aging material items and cannot be used for normal delivery items. 'hoose the item number increment so that you !now that the item number area will not be above 011111 for processing of your business transactions.
A sales order is required as basis for delivery "ndicates whether a delivery that has no reference to an existing sales order is allowed.
Default order type for deliveries ithout reference to order The default for a pseudo order type for deliveries or delivery items that do not refer to an existing order.
Use $hen you create delivery documents that do not refer to existing orders, you must provide some of the control criteria that are normally copied from a sales document header into the delivery document.
!xample A delivery document, for example, needs information about which item types need to be defined.
Procedure 2ou can define a pseudo order type in Table T3A4. $hen you create a delivery that does not refer to an existing order, the system automatically uses the pseudo order type.
"equirement for item that does not refer to a sales order "dentifies a requirements routine for a delivery item that does not refer to a sales document. The delivery item must meet the requirements of the routine before it can be further processed.
Use 2ou can create your own routines according to the needs of your organi5ation.
&uring delivery processing, you may want to create delivery items for returnable pac!aging. 2ou may also want the system to process these items and, for example, !eep trac! of stoc!s of the pac!aging material. 2ou can create a routine that identifies such items and processes them accordingly.
"ule for determining the storage location for pic#ing 6pecifies how the system determines the pic!ing location when you create a delivery without entering a storage location for the items.
Text determination procedure "dentifies a group of text types that you can use in, for example, a sales document header. The text procedure also determines the sequence in which the text types appear in the document.
!xample The text procedure for a sales document header could include the following text types: •
A standard header text that the system automatically includes in the document
6tandard terms of delivery
6tandard terms of payment
Statistics group for sales document type Definition 6pecifies a statistics group for this sales document type and helps determine which data the system updates in the logistics information system.
Use 2ou can assign statistics groups to each of the following: •
"tem category
6ales document type
$hen you generate statistics in the logistics information system, the system uses the combination of specified statistics groups to determine the appropriate update sequence. The update sequence in turn determines for exactly which fields the statistics are generated.
Ne route determination$ ith or ithout a chec#% 6pecifies whether, during delivery processing, the system uses the route that is determined during sales order processing or whether it determines a new route.
Use "f you want to manually change the route during delivery processing, you can also specify whether you want the system to chec! the validity of the new route. The system chec!s the route against table T78A9, which lists the routes that the system permits as actual routes in delivery processing. #ote that, if the system automatically determines a new r oute, the system does not carry out an additional chec! of this new route against table T78A9.
Perform Delivery Split According to &arehouse Number sing this indicator you can control, in addition to the indicator for the delivery split, whether a delivery split must be for one warehouse number only. "f both indicators contain an ;, only items are contained in the delivery whose storage location matches the delivery number entered in the header. $hen you process the delivery+due list, setting the field to ; causes a delivery split, that is, items of different warehouse numbers are split up among different deliveries.
Delivery Split for Additional Partners This indicator controls the systems< split behavior when delivering preceding documents that are assigned to different partner functions.
!xplanation &uring the chec!s to see whether two preceding document items can be collected in one delivery, the following criteria are valid with reference to the partner data: •
A delivery split always occurs when the preceding items are assigned to the same partner functions but different partners. The delivery is also split when the partners are the same but have different addresses.
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