Delcam - PowerSHAPE 2010 Training Course en - 2009

November 28, 2017 | Author: harun | Category: Button (Computing), Icon (Computing), 3 D Modeling, Circle, Menu (Computing)
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This document is supplied as part of a Delcam Training Course. It is not intended to be distance learning material: rat...


Important Notice This document is supplied as part of a Delcam Training Course. It is not intended to be distance learning material: rather as an aid for Tutors when presenting material to course delegates and as a subsequent aid memoir to those delegates. Delcam does not accept responsibility for any personal belongings / valuables whilst on the premises. Delegates are advised to keep their belongings on their person at all times. Delcam plc. has no control over the use of the software described in this document and cannot accept any responsibility for any loss or damage howsoever caused as a result of using the software. Users are advised that all results from the software are checked by a competent person in accordance with good quality control procedures. The software described in this document is furnished under a license agreement and may be used only in accordance with the terms of such license. Copyright  2009 – Delcam plc. All rights reserved

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PowerSHAPE Contents Chapters

Page Number


1. Introduction

1.1 - 1.12

2. Wireframe modelling

2.1 - 2.20

3. Workplanes

3.1 - 3.12

4. Surfaces and Solids

4.1 - 4.20

5. Primitive Surfaces

5.1 - 5.22

6. Automatic Surfacing Wizard

6.1 - 6.26

7. Limit Selection

7.1 - 7.6

8. Advanced Surfaces

8.1 - 8.40

9. Editing Power Surfaces

9.1 - 9.8

10. Trim Region Editing

10.1 - 10.14

11. Levels

11.1 - 11.4

12. Shading & Model Analysis

12.1 - 12.20

13. Model Fixing

13.1 - 13.16

14. Basic Solid Modelling

14.1 - 14.54

15. Delcam Drafting

15.1 - 15.6

16 Mold Die Wizard

16.1 - 16.8

17. Further Solid Modelling

17.1 - 17.14

18. Plotting

18.1 - 18.6

19. Exercises

19.1 - 19.4

20. Parasolid Fixing

20.1 - 20.30

21. Assembly Modelling

21.1 - 21.18





Issue PSHAPE 2010





Issue PSHAPE 2010

1. Introduction


1. Introduction PowerSHAPE Introduction. PowerSHAPE is a CAD Modelling package, which comprises of a Core module and several specialised modules. These are Draft (generating detailed drawings), Toolmaker (mould design), Electrode (Electrode solid model wizard), Assembly (Assemblies of solid models) and Crispin (Shoe design). Note:- Some of the specialised modules are cost options.

• To open PowerSHAPE, double click on the desktop icon. Once loaded, the screen looks as shown. Pulldown Menus

Main Toolbar

Viewing an Shading Toolbar

Command Options

Graphics Area

PowerSHAPE automatically starts a New Model for the user to work in. The Model name is displayed at the top left hand corner. Note that a New Model is not stored externally to disc. Issue PSHAPE 2010


1. Introduction


The model can be Saved permanently with a more appropriate name and stored to an external directory. One or more previously stored models can be opened within the same PowerSHAPE session. At the top of the screen there are a series of pull down menus.

• Select the File menu, using the Left mouse button.

This menu contains a comprehensive list of operations available.

Sub menus accessed by clicking on


Beneath the pull down menus are the Main Toolbar icons which when clicked either open up a form alter the choice of command icons located to the left of the graphics area. If the mouse is held over an icon for a few seconds, a box containing a description of the command (tooltips) will appear.

To the bottom left of the graphics area is the Levels menu to which entities can be assigned for long term, group selections.

At the bottom of the screen is the Workplane Selector, Principal Plane selector, the grid definition, the cursor position, the tolerance and the XYZ position input area.

To the top right of the Main toolbar are several icons providing access to Workplane, Line, Arc, Curve, Annotation, Surface, Solid, Feature, Assembly, and Wizard options.


Issue PSHAPE 2010

1. Introduction


When one of the above icons is selected a context sensitive menu appears in the toolbar to the left of the graphics area. The shared toolbar will contain all of the main options for creating the chosen entity.

• Select the menu for line creation. The top 2 icons are fixed and comprise Selection and Model Editing/Fixing/Analysis/Mesh Fixing and editing

The remaining icons from 3 downwards change depending on the option selected from the Main toolbar. This part of the toolbar is currently shown with the line creation options.

Toolbars All of the toolbars, can also be switched on and off from the View pull down menu and selecting Toolbars and left clicking on the Toolbar name to switch the tick on or off.

Issue PSHAPE 2010


1. Introduction


PowerSHAPE Options The Tools Options page allows the user to configure PowerSHAPE to be different from the factory, default settings.

The options are stored within several main categories, accessible by clicking on the adjacent plus symbol. It is possible to make changes to the factory default options and store them as the new default settings to be active with subsequent PowerSHAPE sessions.

• In File – Model (if not already set) tick the box Always save and open from outside the database.

• Select Cancel.


Issue PSHAPE 2010

1. Introduction


Help Contents and Index PowerSHAPE has an extensive Help index that can be accessed by either selecting Help from the top menu or by simply pressing F1 on the keyboard.

• Press F1 on the keyboard followed by Getting Started – What is PowerSHAPE? in the display window.

Topics are listed down the left hand window and the specific help for a selected item is displayed in the right hand window. The Hide button can be pressed to hide the topics. The button then turns to say SHOW which if pressed the topic list re-appears. If help is no longer required the window can be closed by selecting the ‘x’ located to the top right of the browser area.

• Close the help window using the X button at the top right hand corner.

Issue PSHAPE 2010


1. Introduction


Mouse buttons Each of the three mouse buttons performs a different operation in PowerSHAPE. By using the ALT, Ctrl or Shift key, these operations can be extended as the following details explain.

Left Mouse button 1: Picking and selecting

This button is used for selecting items off the main pull down menus, inputting data, and selecting parts of the model.

Middle Mouse button or wheel: Dynamics Zooming: - Hold down the CTRL key and button/wheel and move the mouse up and down to zoom in and out of the view. Hold down the CTRL, Shift Key and button/wheel to select a framed area to zoom into. Panning: - Hold down the SHIFT key with the button/wheel moving the mouse, to move the view across the component. Rotating: Hold down the middle button/wheel and move the mouse. A tracker ball appears at the centre of rotation, as does the view orientation axis in the bottom left corner of the screen. If View Spinning is switched on (Tools - Options - Views) the view will spin around until the user executes a further mouse click. If available, the middle mouse wheel can be used to scroll text.

Mouse button 3: Special Menus

When this button is held down a menu is opened dependant on what entity the mouse is over. If for example, the cursor is on a line, then the Line menu appears. If the cursor is in the graphics area, the View menu appears.


Issue PSHAPE 2010

1. Introduction


Exercise 1: Dynamic mouse controls. In this exercise the user will Import an existing stored model and change the views using the dynamic mouse options.

• From the main menu select File – Import to open the following form:-

• Import the model:D:\ users\training\PowerSHAPE_Data\psmodels_n_dgk\golf-fin.dgk When a model is loaded into a new PowerSHAPE session the default view is down the Z-axis. The view toolbar, on the right hand side of the PowerSHAPE window, can be broken down into 3 main areas, standard views, dynamics and shading.

• Select the view Iso 1.

The model is now displayed using the first of 4 isometric views. Surface or Solid entities of the model can be displayed as shaded if required.

Issue PSHAPE 2010


1. Introduction


• From the views toolbar select Shaded view pull out menu. • From the available options pick Shaded View.

The surfaces have been shaded to show the full extent of the surface area. The wireframe from which it is constructed can also shown if required. The model can be rotated dynamically so that the user can view the underside detail.

• Hold down the middle mouse button and move the mouse to rotate the view to display the underside. • Hold down Shift and Middle mouse button and move the mouse to position the view centrally over the model.

The underside can now be seen clearly. There are many different options for viewing the model that you can select. There are also a variety of keyboard shortcuts that you can use.

• Select Views  Single [about selection]. The keyboard shortcut for the views are listed, i.e. Alt + 1 for Iso 1. By switching Num Lock on the keyboard, the number pad can be used with the Alt key to change the views. There is also an enhanced shading option that displays the model in a Perspective view with the lines running to a vanishing point as if on the horizon.


Issue PSHAPE 2010

1. Introduction


• Select Back [+Y]. Another view is displayed. The PowerSHAPE model needs to be closed. In this case it does not need to be saved, as the model has not been altered.

Selecting and Blanking PowerSHAPE Entities To be able to perform edits or reposition individual entities it must first be possible to separate and identify them as selected items. If an entity is selected with the left mouse button it will be displayed with a yellow colour. If a box is dragged across a group of entities they will all be selected (The default setting does not require an entity to be completely boxed). To select more than one item within a group, the Shift key is held down while selecting individual entities to add to the selection. To toggle a selected item on or off the Ctrl key is depressed while using the left mouse key to pick the entities.

There are options in the Selection toolbar to enable the user to globally select all items of a particular type such as Wireframes, Surfaces, Solids, Surfaces & Solids or Meshes.

There is also a general selection filter where the user can discriminate entities using a more specific combination of search criteria, such as the type of wireframe, colour, line style, etc.

Issue PSHAPE 2010


1. Introduction


If one or more entities are selected they can be temporarily removed from the graphics area by selecting Blank from the local menu. If it is required to temporarily remove the selected entities from the graphics area and retain the rest then Blank Except is applied. To return all entities back to the graphics area then Unblank is applied from the screen menu (The returned items will be selected (yellow). Most users prefer to use shortcut keys for this process:Ctrl J = Blank Ctrl K = Blank Except Ctrl L = Unblank

• In the Selection toolbar select the option Quick select all wireframes. • Select Delete to permanently remove all selected wireframe entities from the model. • Select the upper surface of the golf club head and it’s wireframe will change to a yellow colour.

• Select Ctrl J to temporarily remove the upper surface from the graphics area (as shown above right). • Select Ctrl L to return the blanked surface back as the selected item.

• Select Ctrl K to keep the upper surface in the graphics area and temporarily remove all other entities (as shown above right). • Select File  Close. A message box appears asking if it is required to save the changes. In this case no changes have been made to the model.

• Select No. The current model is now closed.


Issue PSHAPE 2010

1. Introduction


• Select File  Exit. A message box appears asking if it is okay to exit PowerSHAPE.

• Select Yes. PowerSHAPE has now been closed.

• Open PowerSHAPE. A new model is automatically opened.

PowerSHAPE models PowerSHAPE models consist of any combination of different types of entity the main ones being workplanes, wireframes, surfaces, solids and meshes.

Wireframe in PowerSHAPE Wireframe items include lines, arcs, curves, points, text, dimensions etc. These can be 2D or 3D and are essential for use in Drafting as the framework for generating most types of Surfaces or Solids.

Surfaces in PowerSHAPE Surfaces are created from wireframe, as standard primitive shapes, or by conversion from a solid model. A surface is a best described as a skin stretched across one or more 4 sided, elements of a wireframe network. A 3D model created as surfaces behaves as a hollow form.

Solids in PowerSHAPE Solids are created from wireframe, as standard primitive shapes, or by conversion from one or more selected surfaces. A 3D model created as a Solid behaves as an enclosed mass. PowerMILL 2010 creates Parasolids by default, but if required these can be converted to and from the older version 8 solids, Note; unlike other solid modellers, PowerSHAPE will support skin based or Open Solid forms if Version 8 solids are used. These cannot be created directly, but can be created by conversion from existing planer or open surface models.

Issue PSHAPE 2010


1. Introduction



Issue PSHAPE 2010

2.Wireframe Modelling


2. Wireframe modelling Introduction PowerSHAPE can generate Points, Lines, Arcs, and Curves both in 2D and 3D space. These are collectively known as wireframes and have several functions, which include being the basic framework for several types of Surfaces and Solids, and as the drawing entities in PS-Draft or PS-Estimator. Wireframes can be Exported in a variety of file formats, for use in other software products such as PowerMILL.

Wireframe Line and Arc Options The wireframe Line and Arc options are accessed from the main toolbar.

Single Line Continuous lines

Full Circle


Arc Through Three pts.


Swept Arc About Centre

3D box around selected items

Trimmed Fillet

Shortest line between 2 objects

Untrimmed Fillet

Trimmed Chamfer Untrimmed Chamfer

• From the top pulldown menus select File – New, or alternatively click on the Open New Model icon

from the main toolbar.

A new model will be opened in the current PowerSHAPE session.

Issue PSHAPE 2010


2. Wireframe Modelling


Wireframe Lines and Arcs Exercise The following tutorial will show the basic operation of the Wireframe modeller by recreating the 2D profile shown below.

Line Creation A single line will be generated from 0 to Y40 to coincide with the R 15 arc centre.

• From the Line menu select Single Lines. • Enter the start co-ordinate of 0 and press Return. • Input the values 0 40 in the Command input box (lower right of graphics area) and press Return.

The next part will be generated using continuous lines.

• • • •


From the Line menu, select Continuous Lines option. Snap to the start of the first line (or enter 0 in the command input box). Input the value 60 in the Command input box followed by Return. Input the value 40 40 in the Command input box followed by Return. Issue PSHAPE 2010

2.Wireframe Modelling


The Intelligent Cursor The Intelligent Cursor displays preview information and locks onto key points and major directional axes during dynamic wireframe creation. With the continuous line mode still active, a construction line to locate the R30 centre will be dragged dynamically while being monitored by the Intelligent Cursor. Note:- If the Intelligent Cursor functionality does not appear, right click within the graphics area to open the local view menu and check that the option Intelligent Cursor is ticked.

• By moving the mouse, dynamically drag the end of a new line away from the current position (as shown below) and observe the effect of the Intelligent cursor (do not click the left mouse key yet). In the diagram the end of new line has currently been dragged to a relative, preview position at an angle of 25 degrees with a length of 60. Note:- The X direction is 0 degrees and the Y direction is 90 degrees anticlockwise.

• By moving the mouse further, dynamically drag the end of a new line to a position tangential to the previous line and observe the effect of the Intelligent cursor (do not click the left mouse key yet). In the diagram the end of new line has currently, locked onto the tangency of the previous line and has been dynamically dragged away with a preview length of 38.

• By moving the mouse further, dynamically drag the end of a new line position to a position along the Y direction and observe the effect of the Intelligent cursor (do not click the left mouse key yet). In the diagram the end of new line has locked onto the Y direction and has been dynamically dragged away with a preview length of 27.

Issue PSHAPE 2010


2. Wireframe Modelling


By moving the mouse further, dynamically drag the end of a new line to a distance of 30 along the normal (90 degrees) direction and this time click the left mouse key at accept the line. The intelligent cursor has locked onto the normal (90 degrees) direction from the end of last line. The cursor has been dragged along this normal until a length of 30 is displayed. The end position is accepted by applying a left mouse click.

• Press Escape to exit line creation.

Arc Creation The remainder of the wireframe is to be created using various arc options.

• From the Arc Menu select Full Arc . • Input the value r 15 in the Command input box and press Return. (This input will redefine the default radius).

• Move the cursor over the open end of the vertical line until the text End is displayed then click the left mouse key to snap the circle centre position. • Press Select.

If it is required to modify the Circle, quickly double click it with the left mouse key and the relevant Arc editor Form will appear.

• From the Arc Menu

select Arc through centre, radius and span.

• Snap on the open end of the construction line, for the centre point. • Move the cursor to the other end of the line and click with the left mouse button.


Issue PSHAPE 2010

2.Wireframe Modelling


The position is now set for the start of the arc.

• Release all mouse buttons and drag the arc around anti-clockwise.

The intelligent cursor displays the current span angle. When the left mouse button is clicked, the arc is created.

• Click the left mouse button when the arc reaches about 250 degrees. The blend radius (R 60) will now be generated using Create an arc through three points.

The 1st and 2nd points will be snapped as tangencies to the existing full circle and arc with the 3rd point being input as the specified blend radius value (60).

• From the Arc Menu option.

select the Arc through three points

Issue PSHAPE 2010


2. Wireframe Modelling


• Use the intelligent cursor to locate, and Click on Tangent points on the arc and circle (Do not locate a Key, End or Mid point as these are fixed positions).

• Drag the radius point to the required shape and to a value as close as possible to 60 before left clicking for initial acceptance. • If necessary, In the Arc Confirm form Modify the radius value to 60 and toggle through Next Solution until the correct shape is achieved, before pressing OK.

The new arc has been trimmed back both to the adjacent arc and circle.

The Arc through three points option will also be used to create the R 10 fillet between the line running along Y and the remaining full circle.

• Select the Arc through Three points option. • Use the Arc through three points option to create the radius of 10 between the full circle and the vertical line.


Issue PSHAPE 2010

2.Wireframe Modelling


The Curves toolbar

After creating geometry consisting of Lines and Arcs it is often necessary (or just good practice) to combine these into single entities as wireframe Curves. Also, it is not uncommon to require wireframe that is defined directly as complex Curves. The most commonly used Curve definitions are Bezier (free form curves) and Composite (Defined along existing wireframe and/or model edges).

Bezier Curve and Derivatives.

Composite Curve. Ellipse, Spiral, Helix.

Fillets and Blends. Draft Curve. Oblique Curve. Model Intersection.

Curve Projection. Curve Wrapping

Curve Unwrapping

Issue PSHAPE 2010


2. Wireframe Modelling


Composite Curves In many applications it is necessary for the required wireframe to be a single entity. This is achieved by creating the wireframe as a composite curve. Note:- A composite curve can only by driven along existing model entities.

The basic wireframe shape now is complete but is currently made up of several separate lines and arcs.

The extent of a composite curve can be limited between selected key points along the potential route (Define start point and Define end point).

• From the Curve Menu,

select Composite curve.

The composite curve toolbar appears.

• Select the Start Point option in the toolbar and left click the lower left corner on the wireframe model.


Issue PSHAPE 2010

2.Wireframe Modelling


• Left click on the bottom line. The Composite Curve is generated along the route until it hits a branch point where optional directions will be arrowed and change colour for the user to manually select the required route. Note: The asterisk at the start point indicates that the composite curve is currently open.

• Left click along the R60 arc. The Composite curve has now continued around the wireframe back to the defined Start Point. Note: a circle at the Start Point indicates that the composite curve is a closed form.

• On the toolbar select Save • Select Eject

to accept the composite curve.

to remove the toolbar.

Issue PSHAPE 2010


2. Wireframe Modelling


• Select the construction line with the left mouse button. • From the right mouse button - menu, select Delete.

The wireframe is now complete and will be Saved as a permanent model.

• Select File  Save As. • In the form Save the Model As:D:\users\training\COURSEWORK\PowerSHAPE-Models\cam-example • Select File  Close.

Wireframe Arcs Example The next example demonstrates the use of Arcs to create the lever design shown below.


Issue PSHAPE 2010

2.Wireframe Modelling


• Select the Arc Menu.

• Select the Full Arc option from the menu. When this command is selected, the centre position of the circle is required first. This can be input as a value or by snapping using the Intelligent Cursor.

• In the Command Input box enter 0 for the circle centre and press return. A preview of a circle has been generated with a radius input from the default value. The radius can be altered by dragging one of the displayed arrow to the required unit value. To accept the circle, press the escape key.

• With the circle selected, click and hold the handles (arrows) and dynamically move the mouse to drag a new radius of 35.

The circle now has the required radius. This method can be used to create the second circle at the same centre position, using the Intelligent Cursor. Alternatively the user can right click on the arc and select Modify from the local menu.

• Select the Circle command. • Position the cursor over the centre of the first circle so the word Centre appears. • Click the Left mouse button to accept the centre of the new circle.


This new circle is exactly the same initial radius as the first circle. To change the default, creation radius a new value is entered into the Command Input window i.e. R 25.

• Drag the second circle to a radius of 20mm. Issue PSHAPE 2010


2. Wireframe Modelling


The two basic circles are completed. Further circles are required for this model. Hint: Use the command input box to enter the circle centre if it cannot be snapped.

• • • • •

Create a circle at centre 100 –20 with a radius of 50mm. Create a circle at centre 100 –20 with a radius to 35mm. Create a circle at centre 200 -40 with a radius of 20mm. Create a circle at centre 200 -40 with a radius of 10mm. Press Escape.

The default option when creating tangent arcs is to trim back the associated geometry. In this case it is not required to do this, so the flag (Trim Tangent Items) is switched off. This is found in the Options form under Tools at the top of the screen.

• Select Tools  Options, select Object then Arcs.


Issue PSHAPE 2010

2.Wireframe Modelling


• Untick Trim Tangent items. • Press OK. For the tangent arcs, the fitted arc option is the most suitable as it provides full dynamic control through all possible combinations.

• From the Arcs menu select the Three point arc option. • Move the cursor over the outer left circle until the word Tangent appears and press the Left mouse button.

• Move the cursor over the middle outer circle so the word Tangent appears and press the left mouse button.

• Move the cursor over up and down to get the tangent arc in the correct place and press the Left mouse button.

The Arc Confirm form appears. This can be used to enter an exact radius.

• Enter a value of 75 and press OK.

Issue PSHAPE 2010


2. Wireframe Modelling


The tangent arc is drawn. The command automatically repeats until exited by pressing escape or the selector.

• Move the cursor over the middle outer circle until the word Tangent appears and press the Left mouse button. • Move the cursor over the right outer circle so the word Tangent appears and press the left mouse button. • Drag a radius of 225 and press OK.

The second radius has been generated. The further two can be generated in the same manner.

• Create a three point arc between the left outer circle and the middle outer circle with a radius of 225mm. • Create a three point arc between the right outer circle and the middle outer circle with a radius of 75mm.

The model is complete. The option needs to be switched off and the wireframe copied to a new level.

• Select File  Save As. • In the form Save the Model As:D:\users\training\COURSEWORK\PowerSHAPE_Models\lever-example • Select File  Close.


Issue PSHAPE 2010

2.Wireframe Modelling


General Edits At the top of the left hand toolbar are 2 fixed icons, the second of which includes access to the General Edits toolbar (default).

A few applications relating to wireframe data will be illustrated in this section. Note: The General Edits options are also frequently used on other entities including Surfaces and Solids. Further General Edit options will be illustrated, as appropriate later on during the course.

• Close the existing Saved model. • Open a New model. • Select File - Import and load in the wireframe model: D:\users\training\PowerSHAPE_Data\psmodels_n_dgk\ GeneralEdit_Wireframe.dgk

The imported wireframe (shown above left) will be modified using the general edits options initially to produce the 4 finished wireframes (shown above right).

Issue PSHAPE 2010


2. Wireframe Modelling


• Select the Point limit option and move the cursor to the end of the line to be extended and hold down the left mouse key (The cursor will take the form of a magnet). • Drag the end of the line tangentially (along the preview line) until the word Intersection is displayed at which point release the left mouse key,

• Select the Interactively limit wireframes option and left click the mid-span of any sections of the wireframe network that are to be trimmed away (as illustrated below).

• Create a Composite Curve from the network of lines and arc wireframes (Hint: For a ‘shortcut’ method hold down the Alt key and left click anywhere along the wireframe network).


Issue PSHAPE 2010

2.Wireframe Modelling


• With the Composite Curve selected, open the general edit - Move form.

• While the form is open, enter the coordinate values 25 25 in the Command Input box located at the bottom right of the graphics area.

The Composite Curve is shifted by 25mm along both X and Y.

• Select Y as the operational axis by selecting the Icon located below the graphics area towards the left hand side. • With the Curve selected, open the general edit - Rotate form. • In the Rotate form select the keep original option Copies:- 1, and Angle:- 180 followed by Return.

, enter No of

A copy of the composite curve has been rotated by 180 degrees about the active Y axis. Note:- In this case the same result would have been obtained if the curve had been mirrored about the YZ plane. Issue PSHAPE 2010


2. Wireframe Modelling


• Reinstate Z as the operational axis by selecting the Icon located below the graphics area towards the left hand side.

• With both Curves selected, open the general edit – Mirror form. • In the Mirror form select the keep original option icon labelled ZX followed by Return.

and select the

Copies of the 2 composite curves are mirrored about the active ZX plane.

Further General Edit options Offset • Select the composite curve located in the -X -Y quadrant and in the General Edits form select the Offset options.

• Select the Round discontinuities option and input Distance 10 to create an offset copy as shown above (The arrow denotes the offset direction for a +ve Distance value).


Issue PSHAPE 2010

2.Wireframe Modelling


Scale • Select the composite curve located in the X Y quadrant and in the General Edits form select the Scale option.

• Enter a Scale factor of 0.5 to reduce the size of the composite curve by 50% of the original size (as shown below).

Create Pattern of objects • With the scaled down composite curve still selected, click the Create Pattern of objects option.

The current settings are immediately previewed.

• Input 3 rows along both Y and X with a Y pitch of 50 and X pitch of 75. • Select OK to accept. Issue PSHAPE 2010


2. Wireframe Modelling


Rectangular is one of 4 main functions in the Pattern Edits form. The other 3 include Honeycomb, Circular, and along Wireframe. Note: Within each specific Pattern Edit form further advanced options are available.




The General Edits options will be applied as required, later during the course on other PowerSHAPE entities such as Surfaces and Solids.


Issue PSHAPE 2010

3. Workplanes


3. Workplanes Workplanes Workplanes are user, defined datums, positioned and aligned as required to simplify model creation. A model can contain several Workplanes, but only one can be Active at any time. When a Workplane is Active it becomes the XYZ datum, visually larger in size, and changes colour from grey to red. Model entities can be copied or cut from the currently Active Workplane and then pasted back in a different position, relative to a new Active workplane. The main Workplane icon is located in the main toolbar provide the following icons in the left hand toolbar:

which when selected will

Single Workplanes. Multiple Workplanes. Single Workplane aligned to geometry.

Single Workplane at Top/Centre/Bottom of selection. Workplane from three points. Create Points.

In the next example the user will be required to apply wireframe Lines to construct a box with an angled top. This in turn will be used as the model to demonstrate some basic applications of Workplanes.

Box Example • Open a New Model. The wireframe for the dimensioned form (as shown right) will now be created.

Issue PSHAPE 2010


3. Workplanes


• Open the Single Workplane option and enter 0 into the Command Input window to position it at the World Datum.

• Select the view Iso1. • From the Line menu select Rectangle. • Enter 0 in the Command input box and press Return. • Enter 100 75 in the Command input box and press Return.

Note:- The rectangle is not a single entity but consists of 4 separate, wireframe lines.

• • • • •

From the Line menu select Continuous Lines. Snap the start of the line onto the Workplane. Enter 0 0 100 in the Command input box and press Return. Enter abs 0 75 150 in the Command input box and press Return. Snap (left mouse click) the end of the current line to the top left corner of the rectangle (Marked as End by the Intelligent Cursor below).

• Select the last 3 lines created. • Open the General Edits - Move option.


Issue PSHAPE 2010

3. Workplanes


• Select the option Make a Copy and enter 100 in the command input box before pressing Return.

The final 2 Single lines are input by snapping to appropriate key points on the wireframe model.

• Select Single Lines. • Press Escape.

The main wireframe model is now complete. An additional wireframe model based on a hexagonal Polygon of lines will now be created to a new Workplane coordinate system at X -100 away from the main model. A copy of this separate model will later be placed onto the angled, top face of main model.

Issue PSHAPE 2010


3. Workplanes


• Open the Single Workplane option and snap a new Workplane to the top End of the line running up Z from the original Workplane.

• Zoom into the new (Active) Workplane and then use the left mouse key to select it. When a Workplane is selected a square appears on the XY plane. The corners and mid points of the square, along with the Z axis arrowhead are thicker and darker in colour. If the left mouse key is held down on one of the dark bands then the Workplane can be dynamically rotated about the Z axis. If the left mouse is held down one of the lighter coloured bands then the Workplane can be dynamically rotated about the corresponding, parallel X axis or Y axis. Note: If one of the Workplane arrowheads is selected (instead of a coloured band) during dynamic re-orientation then all Workplane axes will rotate simultaneously.


Issue PSHAPE 2010

3. Workplanes


• Select the light band on the +Y side and parallel with the X axis and with the left mouse key depressed drag and drop on to the upper left corner of the model (arrowed above).

• Select the 4 lines (Use Shift - left mouse for multi-selection) enclosing the angled top face of the model and select the Workplane option - single workplane at centre of selection.

As soon as the icon is clicked a new Workplane is created, central to the 4 selected lines. This Workplane will both be Active and selected.

Issue PSHAPE 2010


3. Workplanes


• From the main toolbar select the Arc options and create a 40 radius - Full Arc about the currently Active workplane.

The R40 Circle has been created on the XY plane of the Active workplane central to the angled top face of the wireframe model.

• Right click on the Active Workplane to open it’s local menu and untick Activate. As no Workplane is now Active all measurements will now be controlled by the original World coordinates. • Open the Single Workplane option and enter -100 into the Command Input window to position it (along -X) away from the main model (The new Workplane will become Active by default). • Create the following network of wireframe lines central to the new Workplane.

Hint:• Use Lines – Polygon. • In the Command Input box, Input (and return) 0 (Centre point) followed by 0 15 (corner point).

This wireframe will be copied from the Workplane local to the geometry, to the Workplane central to the angled face on the main model.


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3. Workplanes


• With the above workplane Active, select all the new locally created wireframe and with the cursor on one of the lines, right click to open the local Selection menu.

• Select Copy in the menu. The selected wireframe is effectively, copied via the mouse!

• Activate the workplane positioned central to the angled, top face on the main wireframe model. • Right mouse click in the graphics area away from the model and select Paste from the local menu.

The wireframe created away from the main model has been copied relative to the workplane central to the top angle face of the main wireframe model. Note: Data relative to an Active workplane in one PowerSHAPE model can be copied and pasted relative to an Active workplane in a different PowerSHAPE model

• From the main pulldown menus select File – Save As, and store the psmodel as:D:\users\training\COURSEWORK\PowerSHAPE-Models\WorkplaneBox

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3. Workplanes


Workplane alignment of moulding component Often when a component design is imported it will not be in a suitable orientation for such tasks as creating a tool around it, or for maximum accessibility to a 3 Axis machining operation. In these cases Workplanes are easily applied to achieve a more suitable location and oriention for the model. To maintain dimensional accountability to the original component, it is essential to move workplanes around the model as opposed to physically moving the model relative to the world datum

• Select File - Import and locate the Surface model:D:\users\training\PowerSHAPE_Data\psmodels_n_dgk\InteriorTrim.dgk

The imported model of a plastic moulding is not in a suitable orientation from which to create a mould tool. As a result a suitably positioned workplane will be created to provide an appropriate tooling datum. The most obvious choice for a tooling alignment is normal to the base of the pocket.

• Use the middle mouse key to dynamically rotate the view to display the underside of the component.

• Select Single workplane aligned to geometry and left mouse click on the surface defining underside face of the pocket.


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3. Workplanes


• Select the surface defining the underside face of the pocket again and select the Single workplane at top of selection option.

The latest workplane will be positioned, exactly central to the selected surface.

• Select and Delete the original workplane used to create the alignment with the base of the pocket. • View the model in all directions to check that a suitable tooling alignment has been achieved.

It is possible that the model may need to be rotated 180 Degrees about the X Axis at some stage. This can be performed using the workplane editing form.

• Right mouse click on the workplane and in the local menu select Modify.

• Select the Twist X icon and enter 180 in the Calculator form before selecting OK, and then OK again in the Workplane form.

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3. Workplanes


The model is now viewed the other way up, relative to the new orientation of the Workplane.

Workplane toolbar Below the graphics area in the bottom left hand corner is the Workplane toolbar, which includes an icon for creating Temporary Workplanes as well as a table as an alternative means to control the naming and activation of Workplanes.

• Select the down arrow to select another workplane. If Workplane 1 is selected in the form it becomes active. A Workplane can be renamed by clicking on the current name and typing over it with the new name, followed by the return key.

• Click on the Temporary Workplane icon. • Snap to some existing geometry (or anywhere in the graphics area). The red and black Temporary Workplane appears. This Workplane cannot be aligned dynamically nor does it have access to a local editing form, but can it be modified using the General Edits toolbar options. It is automatically called Temporary and can be deleted from using the local menu or by re-selecting the Temporary Workplane icon.

• Click on the Temporary Workplane icon. The Temporary Workplane is removed from the model.

• Select File  Close.


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3. Workplanes


Master Workplane In a PowerSHAPE model one of the Workplanes can be designated as the Master, which will be displayed with thicker lines to distinguish it from the others. If another active Workplane is deactivated, instead of PowerSHAPE reverting to the World co-ordinate system, it activates the Master Workplane.

Example • Open the model golf_fin. There are two Workplanes in this model Named 1 and 2. These are listed above the World co-ordinate system in the workplane selection form.

• Select Workplane 1 and click over it with the right mouse button to bring up the local menu. • Select the option Master (this becomes ticked). • Deselect the Workplane.

The Master Workplane appears below World in the workplane selector form.

• Activate Workplane 2 and then deactivate it. The Master Workplane becomes the active datum, instead of the World origin. This is especially useful for users handling imported data in the car industry where traditionally every component part has a common datum (Car Line). This World datum could be metres away from the component as well as being in an unsuitable orientation for tooling purposes. It is advisable that this datum is retained in case it is required to check dimensions relative to the Car Line coordinates.

• Select File  Close.

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3. Workplanes



Issue PSHAPE 2010

4. Surfaces and Solids


4. Surfaces and Solids What is a Surface? A Surface is best described as a skin of negligible thickness stretched across a defined 2D or 3D area. There are 3 main types of surface supported by PowerSHAPE which include:Primitives, NURBS and Power Surfaces. The constructional attributes and editing capability of these are very different.

Primitive surfaces A Primitive Surface is based on simple, standard shapes, and wireframe extrusions or rotated forms. A Primitive Surface is defined or edited by entering set parameters into a specialist form (The actual input criteria depends on the type of Primitive Surface). A major restriction of a Primitive surface is that it is only possible to modify the existing defined parameters such as length, radius, orientation and where applicable, the original wireframe. Primitive surfaces also have an inherent workplane like datum, which the user can manipulate to perform modifications dynamically. PowerSHAPE - Primitive surface options include:Primitive - Plane, Block, Sphere, Cylinder, Cone, Torus. Helix. Extruded surfaces (From pre-defined wireframe). Surfaces of revolution (From pre-defined wireframe).

The Primitive Cone Surface is shown selected with the local Cone editing form open. Note:- The Surface Cone is a skin with the top and base open.

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4. Surfaces and Solids


NURBS surfaces (Non-Uniform Rational B-Spline) It is common for a surface model created using a different CAD system to be imported into PowerSHAPE. For this to be possible, PowerSHAPE supports other types of Surface definitions such as NURBS surfaces. PowerSHAPE will also create NURBS surfaces during certain applications or if dictated by the user in the PowerSHAPE - Surface Options.

The control points on a NURBS surface can be dynamically moved around in space, but not to any degree of dimensional accuracy. Any such changes are tricky to apply and depend on the users visual acceptance of the new form.

Conversion of Primitives and NURBS to Power Surfaces If it is required to perform more complex modifications to the shape of a Primitive or NURBS surface, it must first, be converted to a Power Surface. With a Power Surface the user has access to a full range of editing options via a comprehensive surface/curve editing toolbar or dynamic operations. Note:- It is not possible to convert a Power surface back to a Primitive or NURBS type. In the Main pulldown menu option:Tools – Options – Objects – Surfaces ensure that in the section labelled Primitives that Create as NURBS is unticked if direct conversion from Primitives to Power Surfaces is required (Otherwise when Convert Surface is applied to a Primitive it becomes a NURBS which in turn will have to be converted to a Power Surface). Note:- Several of the Surface creation options directly create a Power Surface.


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4. Surfaces and Solids


Power surfaces A Power surface is based on a network of 4 sided wireframe elements appearing as curves along (longitudinals) and across (laterals) the surface area. A Power Surface can generate complex forms while retaining full editing capability including the direction and magnitude through surface curve intersections. To define holes within the surface area or an outside profile not compliant with a 4 sided wireframe structure, specialist trim curves called Boundaries are applied. The area of surface between adjacent pairs of laterals and longitudinals is called a patch.

The curves on a POWER Surface are called longitudinals (along the surface) and laterals (across the surface). In some cases another (optional) curve exists called a spine. This generally runs along the longitudinal direction, often in free space controlling the orientation of the laterals.

Laterals This surface contains the minimum, two laterals. Longitudinals This surface contains a total of 7 longitudinals flowing from corresponding points from the first to the second lateral Spine (Drive Curve) The spine (shown dotted) is used to control the orientation of the laterals. A spine is not mandatory and can be created or deleted as required without changing the surface shape. It occurs automatically such as during the creation of Fillet surfaces or as part of the controlled geometry of a Drive Curve surface.

The Cato mark identifies the start point for Laterals and Longitudinals on a POWER surface. It is positioned a short distance from point 1 along lateral 1 with a short line pointing from it representing the Longitudinal direction.

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4. Surfaces and Solids


What is a Solid? A Solid is best described as a solid mass. Unlike Surface modelling, there are no options in Solid modelling that directly create entities that are of negligible thickness (eg Primitive Plane, or a Split Surface). There are obvious differences in both the options and methods used as opposed to working with Surfaces. The main advantage of working with Solids is the inherent History Tree. Actions performed earlier can be retrospectively modified within the History Tree and the whole Solid will update to fully accommodate the alterations. This means any amendments to a design can be very quickly implemented in the model. Solid modelling has been an essential feature of PowerSHAPE for many years but PowerSHAPE 2010 is the first version to fully support Parasolids as the standard as opposed to the earlier V8 Solids. V8 Solids are a type of solid that is unique to Delcam whereas Parasolids are the standard used by other dedicated Solid modelling packages. An essential reason to use Parasolids is that actions performed on them are generally more accurate, stable, and reliable. In PowerSHAPE 2010, Parasolids are default, and to the existing user the options and forms used are little changed from those used with V8 Solids.

Note:- The Solid Cone is fully enclosed mass that includes the top and bottom face.

Summary From the above explanations it is obvious that Solid Modelling is the best method to use for creating a CAD model. There are however certain applications that are impossible or more difficult to create using solids. These include Split Surfaces, Draft surfaces, and Solid Doctor repair, operations where faces need to be extracted and modified as surfaces patches before being inserted back into the Solid.


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4. Surfaces and Solids


Surfaces Versus Solids The following simple component will be created using both Surface and Solid modelling to demonstrate the general differences. This example will also demonstrate the advantages of using Solid Modelling.

The Holes are Dia 20, the Fillets are Rad 5, and the Draft Angle is 5 Degrees.

Surface Modelling Method • From the Main pull down menus select File - Save As :D:\users\training\COURSEWORK\PowerSHAPE-Models\GettingStarted

• From the Main toolbar select Workplanes to access the Workplane options toolbar on the left of the graphics area. • Create a single Workplane at 0. Note: The Workplane will automatically become the Active datum on creation.

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4. Surfaces and Solids


• From the Main toolbar select Surfaces to access the Surface options toolbar on the left of the graphics area.

• From the Surfacing options select Block Primitive. • Left mouse click on the workplane to locate the new Block Primitive on to it. • Right mouse click on the Block Primitive and select Modify from the local editing options.

• Fill the Block form in exactly as shown above before selecting OK.

Fillets Surface Fillets can only be created along the intersections between 2 or more separate Surfaces. The Block Surface must first be made into 4 separate Surfaces for it to be possible to create the Fillets. Before the Surface can be split up, it must first be Converted from a Primitive to a Power Surface.

• Right mouse click on the Surface and the description at the top of the local menu includes Surface Block. • From the local menu select Convert Surface.


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4. Surfaces and Solids


• Right mouse click on the Surface and the description at the top of the local menu should include Power Surface (If it is Nurbs select Convert Surface again).

• Double Left mouse click on the Surface to both make it selected (Yellow wireframe) and to open the Surface edits toolbar.

• With the Shift key depressed, use the Left mouse key to select all 4 linear curves running from the base to the top.

• Select the option Break Surface to create 4 separate Power Surfaces.

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4. Surfaces and Solids


• Select all 4 Surfaces and from the Surface options toolbar select Fillet surface.

Use a Fillet Radius of 5 Set Convex (fillet from inside (Red) faces of Surfaces). Set Fillet all routes (Automatically creates fillet surfaces along all available routes).

• Fill in the Fillet Surface form in exactly as shown above before selecting OK. Fillet Surfaces are created up the 4 corners of the Block.

One issue with a Fillet Surface running between adjacent Draft Surfaces is illustrated in the following (exaggerated) diagram.

The cross section of a Fillet Surface is always perpendicular to the drive curve (Spine) created between adjacent Surfaces. A Surface Fillet will not proceed beyond the physical edge of the adjacent Surfaces. As a consequence of the above rules neither the top or bottom section of the Fillet Surface are flush with the top or base levels.


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4. Surfaces and Solids


Trimming the Fillets • From the lower left corner of the PowerSHAPE window the select Create/Remove temporary workplane and in the Command input box enter 0 0 50. • Select all 4 sidewall Surfaces and press the keys (Ctrl J) to Blank them from the view.

• Click on the Show general edits options followed by Limit selection.

• Select the Active temporary workplane to be the Cutting object and then drag a box across all 4 Fillet Surfaces to trim them back to be level with the temporary workplane.

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4. Surfaces and Solids


• Press the keys (Ctrl L) to return all items back into view (Unblank).

Create a Fill-In Surface • From the lower left corner of the PowerSHAPE window the select Create/Remove temporary workplane

to remove the current one.

• With the Alt key depressed, left mouse click anywhere on the top edge of the surface model to create a Composite Curve all around the top edge.

• With the Composite Curve selected, open the Surface Options toolbar and then click on the Automatic Surfacing option.


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4. Surfaces and Solids


• Select Apply to create a Fill-In Surface inside the selected Composite curve. • Select and Delete the Composite Curve.

Creating the Holes • From below left of the graphics area select Y as the operational direction. • Activate the Workplane.central to the base of the model. • From the Surfacing options select Cylinder Primitive.

• Enter the values 0 -60 25 in the Command Input box to position the new Cylinder Primitive.

• Right mouse click on the Cylinder Primitive and select Modify from the local editing options menu. Issue PSHAPE 2010

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4. Surfaces and Solids


• In the above form, input Radius 10 and Length 120 before clicking on OK. • From below left of the graphics area select Z as the operational direction.

• Select the new Cylinder Primitive and open the general edits toolbar. • In the general edits toolbar select Rotate items following form.

to open the

• Select the Keep original option, input Copies 1, and Angle 90, before pressing the Return key.

The 2 Cylinder Primitives must now be trimmed back to each other as well as to the outer wall Surfaces.


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4. Surfaces and Solids


Trimming the Holes • Select the 2 Cylinder Primitives and apply Blank Except (Ctrl K).

The 2 Cylinder Primitives need to be trimmed back to each other. To ensure this is fully successful the general tolerance will first be increased to 0.02.

• In the General tolerance input box (located below the graphics area), modify the current value to 0.02.

• Select one of the Cylinder Primitives and from the general edits options select Limit Selection.

Note the green tick shows that the selected Cylinder Primitive is registered as the Cutter selection.

• With the Limit selection form open, select the other Cylinder Primitive to produce one of several possible trim results (2 shown below).

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4. Surfaces and Solids


• To obtain the correct trim keep selecting Next solution until the correct one is displayed (as shown below).

Note that the limit selection process will automatically cause the Cylinder Primitives to be converted to Power Surfaces.

• Close the Limit selection options. • Select and Blank (Ctrl J) the 4 fillets and top Surface.

• Use Limit Selection to trim back each cylinder to their relevant sidewall surfaces (Hint: Select a sidewall surface as the Cutter selection and when applying the trim, click the part of the cylinder protruding outside the wall). • Once both cylinder Surfaces have been trimmed to all of the sidewall Surfaces apply Unblank (Ctrl L) to return all entities to the view.


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4. Surfaces and Solids


Note: The visible side of the Cylinder Surfaces are shaded Red (Inside face) as opposed to the other surfaces which are shaded Blue (Outside face). It is good practice to reverse any surfaces that are currently shaded red.

• Select the 2 cylinder Surfaces (Shaded Red) and right click over one of them to open the local menu. • Select Reverse in the local menu to turn the 2 cylinder Surfaces inside out. • Select File – Save to update the externally stored Model file. • Do not close the model as it will be continued to create the same component design but this time using Solid modelling. The Surface Model is now finished, but should any future design changes occur it will be a laborious process to implement them. If it is required to change such features as the fillet Radii, Hole Diameters, or general dimensions, other related parts of the Surface Model will not automatically update, All affected surfaces will need to have the current trimming deleted and then individually be re-trimmed to comply with the updated design.

Solid Modelling Method The same component will be created but this time using Solids at a distance of X150 from the Surface model

• From the Main toolbar select Workplanes to access the Workplane options toolbar on the left of the graphics area. • Create a single Workplane at X 150. Note: The new Workplane will automatically become the Active datum on creation.

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4. Surfaces and Solids


• From the Main toolbar select Solids to access the Solid options toolbar on the left of the graphics area.

• From the Solid options select Block Primitive. • Left mouse click on the new workplane to locate the new Block Primitive on to it. • Right mouse click on the Block Primitive and select Modify from the local editing options.

The new Solid will automatically be Active on creation.

• Fill the Block form in exactly as shown above before selecting OK. • Double left mouse click on the Solid to open the History Tree window to the left of the graphics area (If it is not already open). The Solid Block is currently the only item registered in the History Tree.


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4. Surfaces and Solids


Fillets Solid Fillets are created on the Active Solid along selected non-tangential edges between the faces.

• From the Main toolbar select Feature to access the Solid Feature options toolbar on the left of the graphics area. • Select Create solid fillet from the Solid Feature options toolbar.

• With the Solid Fillet form open, input a Radius 5 and with the shift key depressed, select the 4 edges running up from the base of the Active Solid. • Select Apply to process the Fillets.

Note: Unlike the Surface Modelling example the ends of the Fillets are created to be exactly level with the original top and base of the Block Solid.

next to the solid registered in the History Tree On Clicking the the folder will open to display all actions performed and entities used in the Solid. The last operation performed is always placed at the top of the History Tree.

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4. Surfaces and Solids


Holes • From below left of the graphics area select Y as the operational direction.

• From the Solid options

select Create solid cylinder.

• In the Command input box enter the coordinates 0 -60 25 to define the location for the Solid cylinder. • Double left mouse click on the Solid cylinder to open the Cylinder editing form.

• Insert Radius 10 and Length 120 before selecting OK to accept the changes. The newly created Solid Cylinder will be registered in the History Tree as a separate item to the existing Active Solid.

The Original Solid is identified with a Red flag to show that it is the Active Solid.

The Cylinder Solid is identified with a Grey flag to show that it is not the Active Solid.

Note: A Solid is made Active (or not) by toggling the flag using a left mouse click.


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4. Surfaces and Solids


Boolean operation A Boolean operation will either Add, Remove, or Intersect the selected Solid(s) within the Active Solid.

• With the original Solid Active (Red wireframe and Red Flag in History Tree) select the Solid Cylinder using the left mouse.

• From the Main toolbar select Feature to access the Solid Feature options toolbar on the left of the graphics area. • Select Boolean ’Remove’ from the Solid Feature options toolbar. The mass of the Cylinder Solid is removed from the Active Solid.

The Solid Cylinder is now part of the Active Solid and is registered at the top of the History Tree.

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4. Surfaces and Solids


Solid Editing The previous Boolean Removal operation can be copied and rotated to create the other Hole by using options from within the Solid HistoryTree.

• From below left of the graphics area select Z as the operational direction.

• Left mouse click the Boolean Removal action located directly above the Solid Cylinder in the History Tree.

A square box is displayed around the item name on selection.

• Select the General Editing options and switch to Edit selected sub-items mode. • Select the Rotate items option and in the resultant form set Keep original with Copies 1 and Angle 90 before pressing the Return key.

Keep Original

Rotated Copy of the original Hole Original Hole

The second Solid Model of the component is now completed. In addition to the overall process being easier than Surface modelling, design changes can be implemented almost instantaneously from with the Solid History Tree.


Issue PSHAPE 2010

5. Primitive surfaces


5. Primitive Surfaces Primitive Surfaces PowerSHAPE can quickly create a range of simple surfaces defined by a few basic parameters. These are Primitives, which include 6 Standard Shapes, Extruded Surfaces and Surfaces of Revolution. On Primitive surfaces only the basic dimensional parameters can be modified with the original defined shape being fixed. Other types of Surfaces used in PowerSHAPE include Nurbs Surfaces (Frequently obtained from imported data) and Power Surfaces. Nurbs Surfaces also have limited editing capability and along with Primitive Surfaces must be Converted to Power Surfaces for a more powerful, a complete editing capability. Note: The conversion process is not reversible.

Standard Primitive Surfaces There are 6 standard Primitive Surfaces options in PowerSHAPE, a Plane, a Box, a Sphere, a Cylinder, a Cone and a Torus. Primitive Surfaces are generated with minimal data input and can be an ideal starting point for many applications. Primitives are coloured gold in the pull down menu to distinguish them from other surface creation options. Each Primitive, when created is given a size proportional to the zoom of the screen and are then, subsequently modified as required. A Primitive can be moved, copied, rotated, intersected and filleted. However if it is required to alter the defined shape by actions such as moving surface points or adding extra sections, a Primitive must first be converted to a Power Surface. All Primitives are created in the direction of the active Principal Axis (By default this is along the Z-Axis).

Basic Primitive Example • Select Create New Model. • Select the Surface menu icon from the Main Toolbar. • Move the mouse over the Surface Primitives fly-out commands. This menu allows the user to create a range of surface primitives. They are, from left to right, Plane, Block, Cylinder, Cone, Sphere and Torus, and Spring Primitive.

• Select Plane Primitive.

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5. Primitive surfaces


A moveable Primitive Surface - Plane is attached to the cursor, with the centre of the Plane being it’s local origin. This can be positioned by locking onto an item using the intelligent cursor or by typing in X Y Z co-ordinate value in the Command Input window.

• Enter 0 in the Command input box and press Return. • Select the view Iso1. The selected Plane is shown is positioned with an inherent workplane attached to it. The orientation of the Primitive Plane can be changed dynamically by selecting and dragging on workplane attributes. The sides of the actual Plane can be dynamically dragged to a different size.

• Select the blue edge at the top of the square and dynamically pull it out wards until a value of 280 is displayed and release the mouse button.

The width can also be modified at this point using the same method.

• Select the blue edge at the side of the square and dynamically pull it outwards to 100. • Double click on the Plane to open the editing form.

This form has two tabs and allows the user to rename or reverse the surface, input different values for width and length, re-orientate directly along a major Axis, or by applying a twist about a major Axis to change the angle.


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5. Primitive surfaces


• Change the Length (Y) to 100. • Select the Workspace tab and change the define Z position to 40 before selecting OK. • Press Select

to exit Primitive Plane creation mode.

Do not close the model the above Plane will be used as part of the next example.

Simple Gear Shift design using Primitives In the following example each of the six Primitive Surface options will be applied to the construction of a basic Gear Shift design.

• Click the Workplane icon and the option Single Workplane. • Enter 0 in the Command Input box and press Return. This Workplane will provide a visual marker for the dimensional datum.

• From the Surface fly-out menu , select Block Primitive. • Enter 0 in the Command Input box and press Return. • Drag or Edit the Block dimensions to X 100, Y 100 and Z 40.

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5. Primitive surfaces


• From the Surface fly-out menu , select Cone Primitive. • Enter 0 0 40 in the Command Input box and press Return. • Drag or Edit the Top Radius to 5, Base Radius to 27.5 and the Length to be 50.

, select Cylinder Primitive. • From the Surface fly-out menu • Enter 0 0 90 in the Command Input box and press Return. • Drag or Edit the Radius to 5 and the Length to 60.

• From the Surface fly-out menu , select Sphere Primitive. • Enter 0 0 160 in the Command Input box and press Return. • Drag or Edit the Radius to 15.

, select Torus Primitive. • From the Surface fly-out menu • Enter 0 0 90 in the Command Input box and press Return. • Drag or Edit the Minor Radius to 1.5 and the Major Radius to 5 • Press Select to exit Primitive Plane creation mode. • In File - Save the model as D:\users\training\Coursework\GearStick and select File - Close.

Extrusion Surfaces This type of Surface is formed as an extrusion of a wireframe entity normal to the wireframe’s planer base (default). If required, it is possible to change the settings in Tools – Options – Objects -Surfaces for the extrusion surface to generate along the active X,Y, or Z Axis. If several items are selected for extrusion then a series of separate surface will be generated. As with standard Primitives an Extrusion Surface can only have basic parameters modified unless irreversibly converted to a Power surface. By default the wireframe used to create the extrusion surface will be deleted. To retain the wireframe tick the pulldown menu, setting:Tools  Options - Object - Surfaces - Keep wireframe (extrusions and revolutions).


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5. Primitive surfaces


Extruded Polygon example This example demonstrates the option to create a wireframe, polygon which in turn will be used to generate an octagonal extrusion surface with a side length of 50 and a height of 100.

• Select Open New Model. • Open the Line menu. • From the menu select Polygon.

The Polygon creation form is displayed. This allows the user to specify the Number of sides in the Polygon as defined by one of three available options. The option to Create composite curve provides the user with the option to create a Polygon as a single entity. If this option is switched off (default) the sides of the Polygon will consist of single lines.

• Set the Number of sides to 8. • Select Edge points and tick - Create composite curve. Start and end points of the first span need to be defined before dismissing the form.

• Enter 0 in the Command Input box and press Return. • Enter 50 in the Command Input box and press Return. • OK the Polygon creation form.

The wirefame is completed and is already a single closed composite curve. This will be used as the shape of the Extrusion Surface.

• Select the view Iso1. • Select the composite curve.

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5. Primitive surfaces

• Select the Surface menu


and select Extrusion.

This produces an extrusion surface from the selected composite curve up the Z-axis by a default value. The extrusion has two sets of Double Arrows which are used to dynamically change the length up or down the Z axis and if required to create a negative extrusion (lower set).

• With the Left mouse button select the upper set of double arrows. • Drag the extrusion upwards to a length of 50. • Double-click on the surface edge.

The Primitive Extrusion editing form will open providing the options to input settings and dimensional values. The Extrusion can be given a positive or negative draft angle.

The extrusion can be repositioned by entering new origin coordinates, and aligned to, or rotated about an Axis.

• Enter a length of 100 and press OK. • De-select the surface by clicking away from the surface.

The Extrusion Surface is completed.


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5. Primitive surfaces


PowerSHAPE can also simultaneously extrude several, separate selected geometry items to make individual surfaces.

• Select the extruded Surface. • From the Right Mouse button menu, select Delete (or the keyboard Delete key). The Surface has now been deleted and the original composite curve does not exist either. This was deleted earlier by default when the extrusion was created. To automatically retain future curves tick the box accessed from the pull down menu Tools - Options – Objects – Surfaces - Keep wireframe (extrusions and revolutions).

Extrusion Example 2 • • • •

Select the Workplane menu. From the Workplane menu select Single Workplane. Enter 0 in the Command input box and press Return. Generate the following 8 lines around the new Workplane.

Each of the selected wireframe entities will create a separate Extrusion Surface.

• Box select all the wireframe. • Select the Surface icon

and select Extrusion.

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5. Primitive surfaces


For multiple wireframe selection a different form appears which requires a common input for Length, Draft Angle, and Negative Length for of all the Extrusion Surfaces being generated.

• Enter a length of 70 and press OK. • De-select the surfaces. select Shaded Wire View.

• From the Shading menu,

PowerSHAPE has created 3 separate surfaces. Note: once created the Extrusion Surfaces can be edited individually.

• Select all of the surfaces and select Delete. A 3D wireframe can be used to create an Extrusion Surface.

• Import the Model:D:\users\training\PowerSHAPE_Data\models\psmodels_n_dgk\3D_Wirefr ame.dgk

An Extrusion Surface will be created from the imported 3D composite curve.

• Select the composite curve. • From the Surface menu and the option Extrusion. • Edit the length of the Extrusion Surface to 50mm.


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5. Primitive surfaces


It can be seen that the surface has been extruded along the normal to the average, planar base to the wireframe.

• Select Undo to get back to the stage prior to creating the Extrusion Surface. • Select Tools  Options - Objects -Surfaces. The section Primitives controls the standard behaviour as they are generated.

The default option is for Create extrusions normal to planar base to be ticked.

• Untick - Create extrusions normal to planar base and press Accept. • Select the Z Axis

• From the Surface menu

and select the composite curve.

and the option Extrusion.

The Extrusion Surface will now be generated along the active Principle Axis Z.

• Select File Close but do not Save the model.

Issue PSHAPE 2010


5. Primitive surfaces


Pump Project Example In this example an IGES file containing wireframe data is Imported into PowerSHAPE and the Surface Model will be created in stages to provide a practical application of the content from the remaining chapters. Many different types of data formats can be imported into PowerSHAPE depending on the customer having purchased the relevant translators. One off, data translations can also be licensed through the internet on a ‘pay as you go’ basis through the Delcam Technical Support department.

• Select Open New Model. • Select Import Data File.

The Select a file to Import form appears to enable the user to browse for the required file.

• From D:\Users\Training\PowerSHAPE_data\iges select pump.igs and press Open. The multi-coloured wireframe appears.

• Select all of the wireframe that defines the base.


Issue PSHAPE 2010

5. Primitive surfaces


• Select the Z- axis. • Select the Surface menu and select Extrusion. • Drag the extrusion length to 40. • Press Select.

The extrusion surface is complete. The model must now be Saved ready for the next stage.

• Select File  Save As and enter the name pump-project2 and press Save (Work will continue on this model during later chapters). • Select File  Close.

Surfaces of Revolution Example A surface of revolution is creating by revolving single geometry or a composite curve around a specified principal plane.

• Select Open New Model. • Create a Workplane at 0 and create the bottle section geometry.

This shape will be connected together with a composite curve. This curve will be revolved by 360 degrees around the workplane generating a surface. The correct axis for rotation around must be pre selected.

Issue PSHAPE 2010


5. Primitive surfaces


• Select the Y-Axis. • Create a composite curve of the section geometry. • Select the wireframe and select the Surface menu. • Select Surface of Revolution.

The selected composite curve is spun around the active axis (Y) producing the surface of revolution producing the bottle shape. A lid can be created by generating a curve around the end profile, and applying the Fill-In surface option.

• Select the view Iso3. and select Create a Composite Curve. • Select the Curve menu • Click on the top part of the bottle.

A composite curve can be used to trace all around the curves of a surface.

• Trace around the top of the bottle until closed. • Select Save and Eject on the composite curve menu. • Select the Composite Curve. A fill-in surface is generated from a composite curves or a series of wireframe entities. It is especially useful for filling in gaps in models.


Issue PSHAPE 2010

5. Primitive surfaces


• From the Surface menu

select the Automatic-Surfacing Wizard.

• Use the pull down to select Fill In (if not already picked).

This wizard will be used later on in the course.

• Press Apply and then OK.

The surface has been generated. The inside skin area of the surface is displayed with a red colour. This is the inside colour which cannot be changed by the user. It can however be transferred to the other side of the surface skin by reversing the surface.

• Select the surface with the Left mouse button. • From the Right mouse menu select Reverse.

The surface has been reversed, showing the user defined, coloured side, which is known as the outside.

• Select File  Save As and save the file as:D:\users\training\COURSEWORK\PowerSHAPE-Models\myparameters . When a PowerSHAPE model is saved the undo/redo facility is reset. Only work carried out after the Save will be eligible to be undone or redone.

Issue PSHAPE 2010


5. Primitive surfaces


Wheel Example Create the following wheel shape. This will then be altered using various commands.

• Select the view from top. • Select and Delete the two surfaces. • Generate the basic wireframe shape.

• Select all the wireframe. • Select the view Iso1

and select the Y plane. • From the Surface menu select Surface of Revolution.

The surface of revolution is generated. The only option available to edit this surface by parameter is to change the number of degrees it spins around from the default of 360 degrees.


Issue PSHAPE 2010

5. Primitive surfaces


• Double click the surface with the left mouse button. The primitive revolution form appears, showing the workplane options as well as the Angle.

• Change the Angle to 180 and press OK.

The surface had been generated through an angle of 180 degrees. To alter the physical shape of the surface of revolution the original wireframe has to be altered. One way to alter the wireframe is to use the stretch command from the Edit toolbar.

• Click on Undo • Select Edit toolbar

twice to return back to the original wireframe. and open the Move/Copy menu.

• Select stretch object. • Select the top half of the shape, by dragging a box over it as shown.

• Enter 0 50 which will only move the selected parts 50mm in the Y, stretching the back and inner wall.

Issue PSHAPE 2010


5. Primitive surfaces


The top half is dragged upwards and the connecting geometry is stretched. A new surface of revolution can be made of only the inner feature by limiting the initial composite curve using the start and stop feature when tracing.

• Select the Curve menu and select Composite Curve. • Select start point from the toolbar.

The cursor changes into two vertical bars like the Define start point icon. A circle will mark the selected start point.

• Snap this to the bottom right corner end of the wireframe.

• Select end point.

The cursor changes into two vertical bars, like the Define End point icon. A circle will marks the selected end point.

• Snap this to the top right corner end of the model for the end point of the composite curve as shown.

There are two options for the composite curve to be. To select the path, one of the wireframe lines is selected.


Issue PSHAPE 2010

5. Primitive surfaces


• Select the inner vertical line.

There are two options to create a composite curve in this shape. By selecting the inner geometry a composite curve is traced between the two circles.

and Eject on the composite curve toolbar. • Select Save • Select the Composite Curve. • From the Surface menu

select Surface of Revolution.

The outer surface is produced. This surface can be changed by using the Edit facility from the primitive revolution form.

• Double click the surface to bring up the primitive revolution form. • From the Sketch tab, select Edit Sketch. • From the Surface/Curve editing toolbar, select Edit curve using active dimensions. (pull down from edit curve in 3D)

PowerSHAPE undraws the surface and creates dimensions for the wireframe. These dimensions can be double clicked and changed.

Issue PSHAPE 2010


5. Primitive surfaces


• Double Click on the text 15 dimension.

The dimension value form appears.

• Modify the value to be 35 and press OK. • Double click the dimension value, 100 input a new value of value of 80, and click OK. • Select the Finish button and OK the form.

The surface is modified to suit the wireframe changes.

• Select File  Save and then File  Close.

Bottle Exercise Using arcs, generate a bottle shape starting with the base.

• Select Create New Model. • Select the Z-axis

and Create a Workplane at 0.

• Generate two circles of radius 15 at 50 0 and -50 0. • Generate two circles of radius 25 at 0 20 and 0 -20.


Issue PSHAPE 2010

5. Primitive surfaces


Tangent lines will join and trim these circles together.

• Select the Line option and select the single line mode. • Move the mouse over each circle until it says 'Tangent' and click to form the tangent lines.

The base of the bottle is complete and can now be extruded.

Note: If the arc trimming does not appear in the correct place as shown. Select the arc and grab hold of an end circle and drag it around to the end of the line.

• Select all of the wireframe. • Select the Surface menu and select Extrusion. • Modify the length to 200mm.

The sidewalls of this bottle have now been generated. The next stage is the creation of fill-in surfaces across the top and base of the bottle form.

Issue PSHAPE 2010


5. Primitive surfaces


A quick way to generate composite curves that are flat on a plane is to hold down the Alt key and click the geometry with the left mouse button.

• Hold down Alt and left mouse click on the top edge. • Hold down Alt and left mouse click on the bottom edge. • Select the top composite curve. • From the Surface menu select the Surface Wizard. • Create a Fill in Surface as before. • Repeat for the bottom edge of the bottle. The top and bottom surface have been created. To make the wireframe for the bottle top easier to create, a new workplane is generated.

• Select the top surface and select Create Workplane at top. • Select the Y plane. • Select a view down the Y Axis. • Select all of the surfaces and select Blank (Ctrl + J). • Create a continuous line from 10 to 0 0 15 and then to 10. An arc will be created from the end of the line around an arc of 90 degrees to form the bottle top.

• From the Arc Menu select Arc through Centre. • Enter a position of 0 0 15 and snap onto the start position.

Arcs can be modified dynamically by moving the ends around the centre with the left mouse key.


Issue PSHAPE 2010

5. Primitive surfaces


• Drag a span of 90 degrees. • Select all of the wireframe and select the Z plane. • From the Surface menu

select Surface of Revolution.

The bottle top surface is generated. The blanked items can be displayed by using unblank.

• Select Ctrl + L (unblank).

• Select File  Save As:D:\users\training\COURSEWORK\PowerSHAPE-Models\my-bottle • Select File  Close.

Issue PSHAPE 2010


5. Primitive surfaces



Issue PSHAPE 2010

6. Automatic Surfacing Wizard


6. Automatic Surfacing Wizard Introduction Several of the PowerSHAPE surface creation options have been included into an easy to apply, Automatic Surfacing Wizard. If the user selects wireframe before opening the wizard then the most likely surfacing method is selected ready to be previewed and/or applied. If an alternative, valid surfacing method is required then the user can toggle to it by opening the list of options and clicking on the downward pointing chevron.

Automatic Surfacing options covered as training examples in order of appearance include:Fill-In From-Network Drive-Curve From Separate Two Rails

Issue PSHAPE 2010


6. Automatic Surfacing Wizard


Fill-In Surface A Fill-in surface is usually created from one or more enclosed wireframes. It can also be created from open ended, wireframes as well as Point data.

Example • Create a wireframe, Rectangle of lines from the 0 datum with sides of X50 and Y75. • Create R 15 fillets at both of the top corners.

• Select all the wireframe entities. • From the main toolbar select the Surface icon. • In the left hand toolbar select the Automatic Surfacing option.

The most obvious option for the selected wireframes, Fill-in will appear in the form.

• Check that Fill-In is the selected surface creation option and Apply. A Fill-In surface will is patched inside the enclosed wireframe.

• Select and Delete the Fill-in Surface. • From the Main toolbar select the Workplane options. • From the workplane toolbar select the Create a point option. • In the command input box enter the following 5 co-ordinate positions pressing the Return key after each one to accept:-


Issue PSHAPE 2010

6. Automatic Surfacing Wizard


25 15 15 35 35

37.5 15 60 60 15

0 5 5 5 5

• Select all of the wireframe including the 5 points. • From the main toolbar select the Surface icon. • In the left hand toolbar select the Automatic Surfacing option.

The most obvious option for the selected wireframes, Fill-in will appear in the form.

• Check that Fill-In is the selected surface creation option and Apply. The Fill-in surface has blended through the selected point data as well as the outside wireframe.

Die Example A Fill in surface can also be made up from several wireframes. When a Fill-in surface is generated, the composite curve is used to create the visible trimmed area within a surface.

• Close the existing model. • Open a New model. • Select File - Import and locate the wireframe model:D:\users\training\PowerSHAPE_Data\psmodels_n_dgk\Fill-in_Die.dgk

A new Fill-in surface will be generated inside the imported, rectangular wireframe and from composite curves traced around the top edges of the surface forms.

Issue PSHAPE 2010


6. Automatic Surfacing Wizard


• With the Alt key held down, left mouse click the upper edge of each surface form to create a new composite curve for each one.

• Select all the composite curves and right mouse click on one to open the local menu.

• In the local menu select Delete dependencies (This will remove any tangencies inherited from surface edges along which composite curves have been traced). • With all the composite curves selected, open the Automatic Surfacing form.

• Select Fill-in as the surfacing Method before selecting Apply.


Issue PSHAPE 2010

6. Automatic Surfacing Wizard


The trimmed upper surface appears as shown left.

• From the main pulldown menus select File - Save As, and store the psmodel as:D:\users\training\COURSEWORK\PowerSHAPE-Models\Fill_in_example2 •

From the main pulldown menus select File  Close.

3D Fill-in Surface Example A composite curve does not have to be created in advance as it can be generated within the Fill-in surface form.

• Select Create New Model. • Start a single line at 50 0 0 and input an end point incrementally using the coordinates -20 0 20. • Select the Z plane. • Select the line. Select the wireframe view. • From the surface menu

select Surface of Revolution.

A conical surface has been created.

Issue PSHAPE 2010


6. Automatic Surfacing Wizard


• Open the Surface Wizard.

• Select the CompCurve Creator option and trace a composite curve around the top edge of the surface. • Press Save and Eject. Once the Composite Curve is completed the Wizard recognises that the curve is suitable for producing a Fill-In Surface. The surface creation form is updated and a preview of the surface is displayed. In this case the surface produced is flat but in many cases the user requires a new surface that is tangential to the surrounding surfaces.

• Switch Tangent to Surface(s) on (ticked).


Issue PSHAPE 2010

6. Automatic Surfacing Wizard


The surface previewed is tangential to the surrounding surface.

• Apply and OK the form. • Select OK to the fill in surface form. • Select the Shaded view.

The domed Fill_in surface appears as shown left.

• Select File  Close. • Select No in response to Do you wish to save the changes….

Pump Project Example….continued. Using the pump example a Fill in Surface will be used as a flat base for the extruded side.

• Open the model pump-project2. • Generate a composite curve around the base of the extrusion. • Make a Fill-in surface from the selected composite curve.


• Select File  Save and then File  Close. Issue PSHAPE 2010


6. Automatic Surfacing Wizard


Drive-Curve Surface spine


A Drive Curve surface consists of a spine curve along which section curves, are aligned perpendicular relative to the spine points. The illustration left shows a Drive Curve Surface using a single section curve running along the whole length of the Drive Curve. Minimum requirement is one sectional wireframe positioned anywhere along the single Drive Curve.

sections The illustration right shows a closed Drive Curve Surface with 2 different shaped section curves strategically attached to the spine points. spine

Racket Example The first step is to create the wireframe for the drive curve of the tennis racket.

• Create a workplane at 0 and then construct the following wireframe. This shape will form the single drive curve along which the surface will be generated. Wireframe sections will be defined, in this case, perpendicular to and at strategic positions along the drive curve.

Upper Section


Issue PSHAPE 2010

6. Automatic Surfacing Wizard


• Create a workplane and position it at the midpoint at the top of the racket.

• Zoom into the area around the new workplane. • Select the X principle plane. • Generate three circles, circle 1, radius 8 at Z 0, circles 2 and 3, radius 4 at 0 0 10 and 0 0 –10.

These will be joined by using 4 fillet arcs of radius 25. During this process it will be advised to split the existing circle of radius 8 into 2 separate arcs, if the default automatic trimming is active.

• Fillet the circles with an arc of radius 25. This will be the main centre section of the racket.

The other sections are circles and they can be placed directly at the grip end, without the need for another workplane.

• Select the Y principal plane. • Generate two circles of radius 10 with their centres snapped to the end of the lines. The Drive Curve and each Cross Section must be single entities before the required Drive Curve surface can be produced. The sections are already single Full Arc entities but the Drive Curve is a series of arcs/lines which must first be made into a single composite curve.

Issue PSHAPE 2010


6. Automatic Surfacing Wizard


• Create a single composite curve out of the Drive Curve entities and mid section entities. • Select all three sections and the drive curve. • From the surface menu

select the surface wizard. The surface wizard recognises that the wireframe selection is suitable for creating a drive curve surface and changes the pull down menu accordingly. A preview of the surface is also displayed.

• Click OK.

This generates a surface with a changing section from the first circle to the defined section and then back to the last circle. To maintain a particular cross section at a position on the drive curve extra sections may be added.

• Select and Delete only the surface. • Select the composite curve section at the top of the racket and select the Z principal plane.

• From the Edit Toolbar

select Rotate object.

This opens the rotation toolbar A circle and arrow is drawn around the centre of the selected object. This is the rotation centre and can be dragged to the required position. Alternatively the option reposition the rotation option can be used which attached the arrow and circle to the cursor for positioning.


Issue PSHAPE 2010

6. Automatic Surfacing Wizard


• Select reposition rotation axis. • Click on the keypoint at the centre of the racket. • Click the copy button, enter No. Copies as 1 and Angle as 90 and press Return.

• Leave No. Copies as 1 and Angle as 180 and press Return.

Between these three shaped cross sections the surface shape will remain the same.

• Press Select . • Generate a Surface from drive curve using all five sections.

Note: The Drive Curve and individual sectional, wireframes must be single entities such as Composite Curves, a single line or single arc.

• Select File  Save As:D:\users\training\COURSEWORK\PowerSHAPE-Models\my-racket • Select File  Close.

Issue PSHAPE 2010


6. Automatic Surfacing Wizard


Pump Project Example….continued Using the pump example we can use the round and arc geometry to make a dome surface.

• Open the model:D:\users\training\Coursework\PowerSHAPE-Models pump-project2 • Switch on all Levels. • Select the dome geometry and use Blank Except. (Ctrl + K). Section

Drive Curve

• Create two Composite Curves, the first to represent the Drive Curve and the second to represent the Section. • Generate a Drive curve surface.

• Select and use the Right Mouse button menu to reverse the red surface. Unblank (Ctrl + L). The ribs across are going to be created using Drive Curve Surfaces.

Drive Curves


• Blank (Ctrl + K) everything apart from the wireframe shown. • Select all of the drive curves and select Edit Convert  Wireframe to Composite Curve. • Select all of the arcs and select Edit Convert  Wireframe to Composite Curve.


Issue PSHAPE 2010

6. Automatic Surfacing Wizard


• Create individual Drive Curve surfaces from the composite curves, using Apply on the form to keep it open until all are completed.

The new Drive Curve surfaces are as shown. It is essential that the insides (red) face inwards so that they are all set up ready to create Draft surfaces in Chapter 7.

• Select and use the Right Mouse button menu to Reverse any red coloured ‘inside’ surfaces • Unblank (Ctrl + L). The pump project can now be saved.

• Select File  Save and Select File  Close.

Surface From Separate Curves If separate curves are selected the Automatic surfacing wizard will use create a surface From Separate curves option.

The separate curves are defined across the surface (laterals), which are then linked with curves of best fit along the surface (longitudinals).

Issue PSHAPE 2010


6. Automatic Surfacing Wizard


Lateral Curve Example • Create a workplane at 0. • Create a continuous line from the workplane, 10mm in Y, 10mm in X, and 10mm in -Y to produce the 'n-shape'. This section will be the basic for the other sections so it will be copied up the Z-axis as individual lines.

• Select the three lines. • From the Edit toolbar

select Move/Copy Object.

This opens the Move form.

• Enter 2 for the number of copies and the value of 0 0 5 in the position window, giving you three sets of lines. • Dismiss the form.

Each composite curve will be filleted by a different radius.

• • • •

Make composite curves from each set of lines (Alt key and left click). Create a fillet radius of 1mm on the bottom curve. Create a fillet radius of 2mm on the middle curve. Create a fillet radius of 3mm on the top curve.

An additional two curves will be copied to produce a total of 5 curves.

• Select the lower composite curve and Move/Copy it up the Z-axis by 20mm. • Select the second from bottom composite curve and copy it up the Zaxis by 10mm.


Issue PSHAPE 2010

6. Automatic Surfacing Wizard


All of the shapes have been turned into composite curves, ready for surface generation. Each of the composite curves will be turned into a lateral on the surface.

• Select all of the composite curves. • From the surface menu

select the surface wizard.

The Wizard analyses the selected wireframe and selects the surface type to be created as From Separate

• OK the form.

The surface From Separate curves is as shown left.

• Select File  Close and select No.

Issue PSHAPE 2010


6. Automatic Surfacing Wizard


Pump Project Example….continued Using the pump example we can use the two curves to make a surface from laterals.

• Open the model pump-project2. • Blank everything apart from the two swept curves required for the defining the shape across the top face.

It is not necessary to make these into composite curves, as they are both already single curve entities.

• Select both curves. • From the surface menu

select the surface wizard.

The Wizard analyses the selected wireframe and selects the most likely surface type to be created which in the case is From Separate.

• OK the form.

• Select Unblank. The new surface is as shown. The upper and sidewall surfaces now need to be trimmed back to each other (Limit selection).

Note: A more comprehensive range of Limit selection options are covered in Chapter 8.

• Select and Blank all of the wireframe. • Select the new top Surface and in General Edits select the Limit selection icon (as shown above right).


Issue PSHAPE 2010

6. Automatic Surfacing Wizard


• Select the sidewall surface and (if required) keep clicking next solution until the correct trimmed surface choice (shown below) appears before closing the form.

The sidewall and top have been trimmed. It is also required to trim the domed and upper surfaces to each other.

• Select the new top surface and in General Edits (as before) open the Limit selection options.

• Select the domed surface and (if required) keep clicking next solution until the correct trimmed surface choice appears before closing the form.

The Upper and domed surfaces have been trimmed back to each other.

• Select File Save and Select File  Close.

Surface From-Network of Curves A Surface from Network creates one or more 4 sided, surface patches over over a network of wireframe. Surface definition will not occur on any open ended parts of wireframe that extend beyond the network.

Issue PSHAPE 2010


6. Automatic Surfacing Wizard


Surface Gap Example The following example applies the, from Network - Automatic surfacing option to blend across a gap in the model.

• Open a New model. • Select File > Import, and select the model:D:\users\training\PowerSHAPE_data\psmodels_n_dgk\ network_example.dgk • Select an ISO 1 view.

Gap to be filled in using Surface from Network.

To fill the gap with a smooth surface additional wireframe curves will be created. By default the tangencies of the existing surfaces will be inherited into composite curves defined along exiting surface edges.

• From the Curves

menu select Composite Curve.

• Select the Define Start Point button then click on the keypoint on the corner of surface 1 as shown.

• Select this edge with the left mouse button to create the first part of the Composite curve. Note: the curve continues to the first branch point awaiting further interaction from the user.

• In the Composite Curve toolbar click the Backwards button go back one span.


Issue PSHAPE 2010

once to

6. Automatic Surfacing Wizard


• Click on the opposite corner Key-point of Surface 2 with the left mouse button as shown below.

• Check that the default Use tangents to create the curve is ticked before Selecting Yes.

The composite curve jumps to the selected point while maintaining the tangencies relative to both surfaces.

• Select the Save button on the Composite Curve form. Issue PSHAPE 2010


6. Automatic Surfacing Wizard


• Create a new composite curve along the three remaining edges as shown. When a composite curve is created along a surface edge it also inherits the tangencies of the surface. These will be reproduced by default if the curve is subsequently used to create a new surface from appropriate Surface Wizard options.

Although enough wireframe is now available to create a Surface - from Network, a more accurate alignment will be obtained if additional curves are created across the void.

• Select and Blank the last Composite Curve. • Create a new composite curve along one of the intermediate curves on the right hand surface and as before attempting to bridge the gap to the corresponding curve on the left hand surface (as shown below).

Note: the end of the composite curve is aligning to the surface edge and not as required, along the intermediate curve!

• In the Composite Curve toolbar click the Backwards button go back one span.


Issue PSHAPE 2010

once to

6. Automatic Surfacing Wizard


• Select the Save button on the Composite Curve form. • Create another Composite Curve along the next surface curve on the right hand surface.

• Create 2 composite curves along the corresponding surface curves on the left hand surface as shown below.

• Select and Blank all surfaces on the model.

• From the Curves

menu select Composite Curve.

Issue PSHAPE 2010


6. Automatic Surfacing Wizard


• Select the Define Start Point button then click on the key-point at the start of the existing composite curve as shown.

Start Point

• Click on the curve to include it as part of a new one and then click on the continuation at the end of the corresponding curve, across the gap.

• With the Use tangent to create the curve ticked select Yes in the Composite Curve Creation form (shown above). • Select the Save button on the Composite Curve form. • Repeat the last procedure using the other 2 intermediate curves.

• Delete the 2 curves that are not part of the required surface network.


Issue PSHAPE 2010

6. Automatic Surfacing Wizard


• Select the remaining curves and from the surface menu


surface wizard.

The wizard selects the most likely option to create a surface from the selected wireframe, which in this case is from Network.

• Select OK.

• Select and right mouse click on the new central curve running down the surface and in the local menu click on Free tangents and magnitudes to provide a smoother transition.

The gap in the model has been filled in with the new surface (shown in lighter shade), which flows smoothly into the adjoining surfaces.

• Close the model without saving.

Issue PSHAPE 2010


6. Automatic Surfacing Wizard


Surface from Two Rails A surface can be generated from a section, which is scaled along two drive rails, defining the edge of the surface.

The section is scaled across corresponding points along the drive rails to generate the surface. Drive rail pairs must contain the same number of points and can both if required form a closed loop. The end points on an open section must be positioned exactly on the start point of each drive rail. Both the section and the drive rails must be defined as composite curves.

Surface from Two Rails Example • Select File > Import and then select the model:D:\users\training\PowerSHAPE_data\psmodels_n_dgk\ two_rail_data.dgk.

• Double click on one of the drive rail curves to bring up the curve toolbar. • Shift-select the other composite curve. • Select show point labels. Each drive rail must have the same direction and number of points. The section curve will be scaled in relation to the distance between the start and end points and corresponding points on the two drive rails.


Issue PSHAPE 2010

6. Automatic Surfacing Wizard


• Select the top curve (10 points). • From the curve toolbar, select Create a point. The Insert point into curve form appears. For this example the Parameter Value tab is used. This enables the user to insert a point positioned at a proportional distance between 2 existing ones. For instance 5.5 is half way between points 5 & 6.

• Select the parameter tab and enter 5.5 and press Apply and then OK.

When adding each point, the curve is renumbered and it is therefore easier to add points from the last number backwards.

• Select the bottom curve (6 points). • • • • • •

Select Reverse curve then Create a point Select the parameter tab and enter 4.5 and press Apply. Enter 3.5 and press Apply. Enter 4.5 and press Apply. Enter 3.5 and press Apply. Enter 2.5 and press Apply and then OK. Select both curves.

Each curve has the same number of points so when the surface is generated it will align smoothly.

• Select all of the composite curves.

Issue PSHAPE 2010


6. Automatic Surfacing Wizard

• From the surface menu


select the surface wizard.

This time the wizard recognises that a Two Rails surface is the best choice for surface creation.

The preview of the surface should appear as in the picture to the left. Note: The section height has scaled in proportion to the distance between the drive curves at each section position.

• Select the Advanced button from the bottom right of the form. This form provides the user with more control over the way in which the surface is defined from the selected wireframes.

• Tick the option Maintain Depth and Preview again.

This time the height has been maintained to that of the original section.

• Select OK. • Select and Delete the surface.


Issue PSHAPE 2010

7. Limit Selection


7. Limiting Selection Limit Surface using a Surface as the Cutting Object When the Limit selection option is applied with Surfaces they are trimmed back to their common intersection. The Next Solution option enables the user to toggle through all possible, alternative trim combinations. When a Surface has been included in the Limit selection process, a Boundary is created and only the part of the surface either inside or outside will be displayed. Several Surfaces can be limited with a single cutting object.

• Select Open new model. • Create a workplane at 0. • Create a Plane Primitive surface on the 0 datum of size X 50, Y 50. • Create a Cylinder Primitive surface of Length 40 and Radius 5 positioned at Z-20.

The Cylinder will be limited by the Plane.

• Select the Plane surface (Cutting Object). • Select the Edit Toolbar

followed by Limit selection. The limit selection toolbar appears.

• Click anywhere on the top side of the Cylinder surface. The Plane and Cylinder are automatically trimmed back to their common intersection. Note; this is one of several solutions the others being obtained by clicking the Next Solution icon. When the desired option appears, the user can then exit the limit selection toolbar.

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7. 1

7. Limit Selection


• Repeatedly select Next Solution is obtained.

until the following trim combination

Note: If the lower half of the Cylinder had been clicked during the original selection process, then this would have been the initial solution.

• Select Undo. • Select the Plane surface as the Cutting Object and then Limit. • Click on the icon

to change to the ‘keep both’ option.

• Select the Cylinder surface.

When the keep both, icon is active limit selection will split the secondary surface selection to become two surfaces one on each side of the Cutting Object.

• Close the Limit selection form and select the lower Cylinder surface to show that it is separate from the upper Cylinder surface. • Select Undo. • Select the Plane surface as the Cutting Object and then Limit.

• Click on the icon to switch off the ‘trim both’ option. • Select the Cylinder surface.


Issue PSHAPE 2010

7. Limit Selection


When the ‘Trim both’, icon is switched off the Cutting Object (primary selection) is not trimmed back to the secondary selection.

Limit Surface using a Curve as the Cutting Object A Wireframe geometry entity can also be used as the Cutting object as shown in the following example.

• Close the existing model (no need to Save it). • Open a New model. • Select File - Import and locate the wireframe model:…..\PowerSHAPE_Data\psmodels_n_dgk\Limit2.dgk

The imported model consists of a component made up of 6 separated surfaces along with some wireframe defining the 2D trimming requirements.

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7. 3

7. Limit Selection


• Right mouse click on the workplane (1) located at the base of the component and in the local menu, tick both Active and Master. Workplane (1) will default as the Active coordinate system if another workplane is deactivated. If a workplane is not assigned as the Master then the (invisible) World coordinate system is the default.

• To the lower left of the graphics area select X as the operational direction. • Pre-Select all Surfaces and the Composite Curve aligned on to the left on the above illustration. • From the main toolbar, select Curve to open the form as shown below.

and then Curve projection

Due to the pre-selection of the surfaces and composite curve, the form has defaulted with the option Through surface/solid/component.

• Select OK to apply the Curve Projection option to create the new split, composite curve as shown in the above right view.

• To the lower left of the graphics area select Z as the operational direction.


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7. Limit Selection


• Select the new split line, composite curve and then, in general edits select the Limit selection option.

Note:-The curve is the cutting object.

• Select all the surfaces and if required, click next solution to produce a trim retaining the parts of the surfaces above the split curve.

Limit Surface using a Workplane as the cutting object A Workplane can also be used as the Cutting object as shown in the following example.

• Activate and select, workplane (2) and in general edits Limit selection option.

select the

Note:-The workplane is the cutting object.

• Select all the surfaces and if required, click next solution to produce a trim retaining the parts of the surfaces below the workplane (-Z).

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7. Limit Selection


• Close the limit selection toolbar by clicking the cross at the top right corner. • Drive a new composite curve around the upper edge of the surfaces.

Exercise • Create a flat Fill-in surface (Tangent to surface unticked) within the upper Composite Curve and a 3D Fill-in surface within the existing lower split, Composite Curve.


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8. Advanced Surfaces


8. Advanced Surfaces Introduction The Advanced Surfaces options are located in the Surfacing toolbar after the Automatic Surfacing Wizard, Primitives, Revolution, and Extrusion icons.

The Advanced Surfaces options shown horizontally above include from left to right:Bead, Patch, Draft, Split, Extension, Fillet, Blend, and Wrap Triangles. The above options displayed in bold print are covered in the following chapter.

Fillet Surfaces PowerSHAPE will create both, fixed or variable radius Fillets between 2 or more surfaces. A fillet surface is best described as the developed outside contour of a ball if rolled between the surfaces. Where the ball makes contact defines the outer edges of the fillet to where, by default the original surfaces are trimmed back to the fillet edge. It is also possible to create a fillet between a composite curve and a selection of surfaces. Before Filleting

After Filleting

PowerSHAPE will create concave fillets running from the outside (User defined colour side) or convex fillets from the inside, (Red side) of the host surfaces. The concave filleting direction for each surface is marked by an arrow, which if clicked will reverse the surface causing a concave fillet to run from the other side. Otherwise the convex option is applied. Concave Convex

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Basic Fillet Example This example demonstrates the basic filleting options between 2 surfaces.

• Create a Plane Primitive of length 100 and width 100 at 0 0 0. • Create a Cone Primitive of base radius 30, top radius 15 and length 50 at 0 0 0. • Right click over the cone and select Convert Surface. A selected Power Surface shows more information. The small arrow points outwards from the surface, indicating that this is the outside edge of the surface. The large arrow indicates the operational direction for editing surface points (Note; the large arrow does not affect Filleting). Another way to show the inside and outside of the surface is to shade the model. By default PowerSHAPE displays the outside of surfaces as the user defined or default, material colour (Gold in this case) and the inside as Red.

• Select Shaded view.

Both surfaces must be shaded (Gold in this case) on the outside. If not then, right mouse click on any red surface and select Reverse from the local menu.

• Select both surfaces and select the Wireframe View.

• From the Surface menu

select Fillet Surface.

Once this option has been selected, the Filleting form appears with a pre-defined, Concave, Fillet Radius.


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The surface direction arrows are displayed which if clicked will turn the surface inside out. The small arrow points away from the outside (user defined colour) face of surface.

• Select Preview on the Fillet Surface form.

The Fillet track is displayed as the centreline of the rolling ball as it runs along the selected Surfaces. If it is acceptable then select OK, otherwise enter alternative values and select Preview again until the end result is acceptable.

• Select OK on the form. The Fillet track form appears. The single drive curve now turns yellow to show that it is selected. As there is only one track available in this case, just select OK to create the Fillet. For examples where more than one track exists, none of them will be pre-selected. Select each one and Apply in turn, until all required fillets have been created. Then select OK to finish thus ignoring any further tracks that are not required.

• Select Apply followed by OK in the form.

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The fillet surface is produced and the cone and plane trimmed back to the fillet.

• Create a Plane Primitive at 0 0 40 with a length and width of 80. • Double click on the plane and in the plane form select a Y-Twist angle of 10 degrees.

This top surface will be filleted to the cone, but this time the fillet will be on the inside of the cone.

• Select the Cone and the angled plane surface. • From the Surface menu select Fillet Surface. • Enter a fillet radius of 3mm, select Convex and press Preview.

• Select OK (fillet route) and then OK (fillet surface). The fillet is produced trimming back the top of the cone and the plane. Fillets can also be produced with several surfaces.


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• Select X as the operational axis and create a Cylinder Primitive at –30 0 20. • Change the radius to 6, length to 60 and rotate it with an X-Twist of –15. • Select and reverse the surface (red on outside). • Select all of the surfaces apart from the lower fillet and plane. • From the Surface menu select Fillet Surface. • Enter a fillet radius of 2mm, select Convex and press Preview.

The available fillet tracks are displayed. The cylinder needed to be reversed to control where the fillet appeared.

• Select OK. In this case, PowerSHAPE has identified two complete fillet tracks along with a few small, fragmented ones. As PowerSHAPE allows you to specify which track you wish to use you can use as little or as many tracks as required. To elliminate unwanted tracks from appearing it is possible to separate the surfaces into two groups as a Primary and Secondary Selection. Fillet tracks will only be created between the two separate groups and not surfaces within the same group.

• Select the first fillet track nearest the plane (lowest one), which turns yellow. • Select Apply.

The first fillet is produced and then PowerSHAPE waits for another fillet track to be selected or for the form to be closed (OK).

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• Select the second track nearest the top and press Apply and then OK.

All of the other tracks are ignored and the surface is limited back to the fillets. By reversing the cylinder, the fillets are produced inside, rather than outside.

Filleting using Primary and Secondary sets of Surfaces The Filleting option will check every selected surface to find all the potential tracks. Where there are a large number of surfaces involved, this could take some time, and it may be awkward to identify the required fillet tracks. By using the Secondary Selection option, it is possible to register the two separate sets of surfaces for the fillet to run between. With this option, the first pre-selection of surfaces (Yellow) will be registered to the Primary (ticked) set. If the Secondary box is then ticked, any further surface selection will be registered as the Secondary set of surfaces (Pink). PowerSHAPE will only attempt to create the fillet tracks between the two separate groups.

• Select the lower plane and fillet and delete them. • Select the X plane and create a Plane Primitive at 0 0 20 with a width of 110 and a length of 60. • Change the direction of the plane, if required, so the gold side is on the X+ direction as shown.

This set of selected surfaces will become the secondary set. The fillet routes are calculated only for the intersection between the primary and secondary surfaces. This results in a quicker calculation for the fillet routes. As less routes are produced it is also easier to select the right ones.

• Drag a box over the surfaces on the left as indicated.


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• Select fillet surface. • Set a radius of 2mm and Convex. • Select the Plane surface.

The selected surface turns pink and the secondary surface option is ticked.

• Select OK. • Select the first track and then select the Apply button. • Select the last track and then select the Apply button.

The fillets are produced and most of the other surfaces have been trimmed back.

• Delete this remaining surface. • Limit the bottom of the plane back to complete the model. Hint: create a line from the bottom ends of the cone. Limit the surface to the new wireframe.

• Select File  Close and then No.

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Further Filleting using Primary and Secondary sets of Surfaces The following example uses a simple tap design to demonstrate fillet creation between a Primary and Secondary set of surfaces.

• Select Create New Model. • Generate the following wireframe on the XY Plane.

• Select the Y plane and create a surface of revolution from the above wireframe profile. • Rotate the new Surface, 90 degrees about the X Axis to align it to the Z direction. • Create a workplane at 0 0 44. • Generate a Sphere Primitive of radius 7.5 at the new workplane. • Select the Workplane then from the edit toolbar, select Limit. • Select the Primitive Sphere and if necessary select Next Solution to retain the top half before closing the form.

The Primitive Sphere is limited back to the workplane with the top half being retained. Limiting occurs in the direction of the active Principal Plane.


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• Dismiss the form. • Create the following Wireframe geometry for the tap lever shape around the workplane.

• Create a surface of revolution around the X Principal Plane. • Rotate and copy this surface 3 times by 90 degrees around the Z Principal Plane to make the four levers.

The four arms need to be filleted to the central section. Make sure that when shaded, all of the surfaces are gold. We do not want to fillet each arm to each other or waste time generating the route so we are going to use the Secondary surfaces option.

• Select both the shaft and sphere surfaces. • Select Fillet surface. • Select the four lever surfaces.

On the form the Secondary option becomes ticked.

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• Enter a Concave Fillet of Radius 2. • Press OK. • Select the fillet tracks in turn and press OK to finish the model.

• Select File  Close and then No.

Variable Radius Fillets Variable radius fillets can be created along the fillet track using the mouse to identify KEY points or by applying specialist options to position the fillet arcs either by Parametric, Relative or Absolute values.

Example • • • •

Select Create New Model. Create a Workplane at 0. Create two circles with radius 8.5 at X 30 and X -30. Create an arc through three points of radius 50 either side of the two circles to form the following shape.

• Create a Composite Curve from the wireframe. • Generate a Surface Extrusion. • Change the Length to 60 and from Sketch, select Create a Copy of the Sketch.


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When an Extrusion surface is created the default option causes the wireframe used to be deleted. This default status can be altered to retain wireframes by ticking a Keep Wireframes box found in:Tools - Options - Object – Surfaces To retrospectively, retrieve the wireframe used, select the Edit tab followed by Create a copy of the sketch option. This returns a copy of the original composite curve to be used to create a Fill in surface at the base of the Extrusion.

• • • • •

Press OK. Select the composite curve and create a Fill in surface. Reverse the surface so the red side is facing up the Z axis. Delete the composite curve. Select both surfaces.

• From the surface menu, select Fillet surface. • Input a fillet radius of 3 select Convex and press OK. • Select a view down Z. The fillet track is displayed with circles showing KEY points that can be snapped to using the mouse. By snapping at these KEY points an arc of the initial radius is created. The value of this radius can be modified in the Arc Radius area of the form.

• Snap to each of the 6 circles when the word KEY appears. • Create 6 arcs by snapping KEY points around the fillet route starting at the right and working your way around clockwise as shown below. A radius appears for each point and this becomes numbered in the current arc part of the form. Individual arcs can be selected from this form or by manually clicking on them. The radius can be changed in the form or dragged manually.

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New points to place radii on the fillet track can be entered by clicking on the track or by entering a parameter position. To enter a parameter position, select the nearest fillet and, check the number on the form in the Current Arc box, work out the number required, change the ABS to PAR, enter the value such as 4.5 and press Return.

• Insert two new radii between the two at each side, as shown. While the form is active the values for individual fillet arcs can be changed or deleted if required. The radius will progressively change between the two arcs assigned with different values

• Select the new arcs in turn and change the radius to 5mm. • Select the arcs (in turn) either side of the new larger arcs and select Delete off the form (4 arcs in total).

When there is an arc the fillet value is fixed at that point. If the next radius value is different the radius will change smoothly along the distance.

• Select Apply.

The variable radius fillet has been produced.

• Select File  Close and then No.


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8. Advanced Surfaces


Creating a Fillet from a Surface to a Composite Curve A Composite Curve can be selected instead of Surface data as the Secondary selection in the Fillet Surface form. The direction of the composite curve will dictate which side the fillet appears. The Composite Curve can be reversed (while the form is active) by clicking on the purple direction arrow located at one of the ends.

• From the main menu select File > Import and select the model:D:\users\training\PowerSHAPE_data/psmodels_n_dgk\ Fillet-Surface2Curve.dgk

It is required to run a 20 Radius, Fillet from the formed top edge onto the lower surface of the recess.

• Left click near the left hand end of the formed top edge of the recess while the Alt key is depressed (This is a short cut to create a Composite Curve). • Select the lower recess, Surface and Composite Curve before selecting Blank Except (Ctrl K).

• Select the Surface, followed by the Fillet Surface option.

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• Insert Fillet Radius 20 in the form • Click on the Composite Curve to register it as the Secondary filleting entity. • Select Preview to display the Fillet Surface that would occur with the current settings

The preview Fillet is displayed on the correct side of the curve. If it were required to be on the other side then the user would have to click on the arrow head at the left hand end of the Composite Curve.

• Select OK to accept the Preview Fillet Surface.

• Select OK to bypass the Variable fillet options. • Select File  Close and then No.


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8. Advanced Surfaces


Bead Surfaces A Bead Surface is defined by specifying a Length and a Bulge across a drive curve. They can be used to quickly form decorative features on products or more functional features such as ‘Draw Beads’ on press tools.

Drive Curve

Bead Example This example creates a curve from manually input points, which are then used to generate a bead surface.

• From the workplanes menu, input a Single Workplane at 0.

• From the Curve Menu

select Create a Bezier Curve.

• In the Data Input box type in (and press the return key) the following 5 absolute, coordinate positions. -50 abs 0 30 abs 65 abs 0 -30 abs -50

The above closed Bezier Curve is produced.

• From the surface menu

select Create a bead surface.

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Each Point displayed in the Bead Surface form is relative to a position along the curve length. It is these positions that can then have Bulge and Length applied to them to create the surface.

• Select Point 1 from the list and set Length 4 and Bulge 2.

• Select Point 4 from the list and set Length 4 and Bulge 2.

• Select Preview. The surface is previewed with a Bead Length of 4 and Bulge of 2 through all points. The form is aligned with the open end along the normal (vertical in this case) to the curve.

• Set the Direction to Radial and select Preview.


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The surface is previewed with a radial form along the length of the curve. The form is aligned with the open end across the base.

Additional points can be inserted from within the form along the curve for a more specific surface definition.

• Insert a point halfway between the existing points 2 and 3 by entering 2.5 and pressing Return.

• Insert a point halfway between 4 and 5 using a value of 4.5 and pressing Return. New points have been created along the curve and the curve renumbered. Length and Bulge can be modified at these points.

• • • • •

Delete any values remaining in the Insert field box. Select Point 3 from the list and set Length 5 and Bulge 3. Select Point 5 from the list and set Length 5 and Bulge 3. Select Point 4 from the list and set Length 6 and Bulge 4. Select OK to create the surface.

The surface is created with a varying section along the Bead form.

• Select File  Close and No to ‘Do you wish to save the changes’.

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8. Advanced Surfaces


Split Surfaces Split Surfaces are an essential feature required in applications such as mould tools. The component wall thickness is formed by the gap between the separate Punch and Die Impression Blocks. The edges of the plastic component are formed by a Split Surface common to both halves, accurately bedding out when the Punch and Die Impressions are pushed together.

Die - Impression Block

Split Surfaces

Punch - Impression Block

Split Surfaces are generated from split lines previously created around a component model. The split line is the curve around the model where the surface passes through the vertical.

In areas where the surface model is vertical or does not reach the vertical angle it will be necessary for the user to manually construct a suitable curve. This is not always evident until after the Create a Draft Curve with the Draft Angle value as 0 is applied. These areas will then be identifiable as gaps along the Draft Curve. In the following example the Split Line will be obtained by using the Create a Draft Curve option to obtain a curve for the natural split. This in turn will then be used with the Split Surface options.

Split Surface Example 1 In this example a primitive Cylinder will be modified to produce a simple part. A split line for the part will be calculated for the surfaces and a new split surface will be made.

Select Create New Model. Create a workplane at 0. Set the X as the active Principal Plane. Create a Cylinder Primitive at 0 with a radius of 30mm, and length 100mm. • Scale the surface by 0.3 in the Z-axis (Lock the X & Y values).

• • • •


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• Right mouse click on the surface and from the local menu select Convert Surface to create a Power Surface. The surface will undergo further modifications to make it more interesting to illustrate split surface creation. Moving lateral 2 upwards would refloat the longitudinals giving them a straight

To give a curved flow along the surface a spine will be added. A spine is a curve which can be used to control the alignment of sections on a surface. A spine will have a spine point for each section along the surface. If a spine point is moved the corresponding section will move with it retaining the same tangency, if ‘Apply smoothing to point edits’ is switched off.

• Double click the surface to bring up the surface edit toolbar. • From the surface edit toolbar select Create Spine Add curve options).

(located in the

This will create a spine running through the cross sections of the surface, shown as a dotted line. This spine can be deleted without affecting the surface.

• Select Spine Point 2 on the spine by left clicking on it. • In the Surface/Curves editing toolbar, switch Off ‘Apply smoothing to point edits’ (It may already be switched Off).

ON OFF • With Spine Point 2 selected type 0 0 10 in the Data Input window and both the Spine Point and corresponding Section will move up Z by 10mm. The Tangent angle along the surface will remain the same, as shown in the next illustration

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• Set the Y Principal plane and rotate the surface by -10 degrees. • Generate a composite curve for each end lateral. • Right click over each composite curve in turn and select Delete Dependencies. When composite curves are traced from surfaces, the curve remembers the tangency of the underlying surfaces. This means that when a further surface is generated from these composite curves they match perfectly. To remove that relationship, delete dependencies is used on the composite curve before a new surface is generated.

• • • •

Create a Fill-in surface for each composite curve. Delete the composite curves and select the Z principal plane. Reverse any surface to have the gold outside. Create a Convex Fillet on each end of Radius 2mm.

The model now is completed but before a split surface can be generated the appropriate Split Curve must first be created. For a Draft Curve suitable for split surface creation, the Z principal plane must be set. For a draft angle of 0 degrees (as marked by a cross) it will appear exactly half way down the sphere (equator). For a positive angle of 25 degrees then the draft curve appears on the upper half of the sphere as indicated. For a negative angle of –10 degrees the draft curve appears on the lower half of the sphere.


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8. Advanced Surfaces


• Select all Surfaces. • From the Curve menu

select Draft Curve. The draft angle is specified in this form. If the composite curve option is ticked PowerSHAPE will generate composite curves of the natural draft, otherwise ordinary curves are generated.

• Enter a Draft Angle of 0, tick Create Composite curves and OK. • Select the composite curve just generated and Blank Except (Ctrl + K).

The split surface can now be created from this composite curve.

• From the Surfaces menu,

select Split Surface.

The Split Surface form appears and two arrows appear on the split line. The blue arrow indicates the direction in which the split surface will flow from the curve The brown arrow indicates the direction in which any optional Draft Angle will be applied.

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• Click on the arrows if necessary to change the Split Surface directions to be as shown in the illustration below. • Enter an offset value of 40 and select Preview.

A 40mm wide split surface is previewed tangentially outwards form the curve. It is likely that the new split surface will contain localised ripples, especially where there is a group of surface curves that are close together. This is not an acceptable condition to achieve a satisfactory bed-out between the 2 halves of a mould, and as a result steps must be taken to prevent or edit out the ripples to achieve a smooth surface form.

• Select the Smooth Surface option and then press Preview and then OK.

This produces a smoother surface on the outside edge by allowing the surface curves to rotate away from the original perpendicular direction from the draft curve. Although this will help to improve the smoothness the split surface may still benefit further from further editing, This would be carried out retrospectively by moving/inputting points, removing/inputting curves, and editing tangent angles.

• Cancel the form. • Select Unblank and Delete the Surfaces and Workplane.


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Split Surface Example 2 • From the main menu select File > Import and select the model:D:\users\training\PowerSHAPE_data/psmodels_n_dgk\ Split_surf_example.dgk ’.

The file contains a surface model and a predefined Composite Curve, which will be used to generate the split surface.

• Select the Solid and then Blank (Ctrl J). • Select the composite curve. • From the surfaces menu

select split surface.

On the Split Surface Form:

• Enter an offset distance of 50 and set the horizontal arrow to point outwards from the surface (if not already the case). • Set the split direction to Radially Out and press Preview. The Surface Curves are converging in 4 places due to the shape of the draft curve and the in-out length of the split surface. One way of improving this is to use the Align to Axis option. This will align appropriate sections of the split surface along the X or Y directions.

• Set the ‘split direction’ option as ‘Align to axes’ and press Preview.

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The split surface is now aligned to the X & Y axes giving an overall smoother split surface. Further improvements can be made to the surface by using a combination of Radially out and Aligned to axes.

• Select the Advanced option from the form. The Split Segments form appears.

• Select clear to remove any existing segments from the curve.

• Using the mouse click at breakpoints at the positions indicated.


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• Untick the Insert Breakpoints box to toggle the curve segments option.

• Select segment 1 from the dropdown list and set the Split Direction to Radial.

Segment 1 will indicate a radial split.

• Select segment 3 from the dropdown list and set the direction to radial.

Segment 3 will indicate a radial split.

• Repeat the process for segments 5 and 7. • Select OK to close the form. • Select Preview from the split surface form.

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The Preview indicates a combination of radial and align to axis.

Do NOT cancel the form Automatic Stepped Split Surfaces Stepped Split Surfaces can be applied to reduce the extent of the ‘shut out’ required to ensure correct matching of the two halves of a mould. Split Surfaces can be defined with: -

1. A Land Distance, which is the length from the outer edge of the part to the ‘step’ 2. An Angle of inclination for the step. 3. A Total Distance across the split surface. In addition the user may specify different radii from the joins between the various segments, or use chamfers.

• Select the Stepped Split Surface option.

The form allows values to be defined for the stepped split.

• Enter the values in the form (as shown left) and press OK.

The Split Surface is produced with the defined step. An impression block will be created to be trimmed back to the split surface.


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• Create a Rectangle from -60 -60 -60 of width 120 and length 120. • Select Tools  Options, Object and then Lines. Chamfers are created from the Default Creation Mode setting in the option form. If required, a chamfer can be retrospectively edited both, dimensionally or as defined by any of the 3 available Creation Modes.

• Set the Chamfer Distance to 10 and press OK. select create a chamfer • From the line menu corner in turn. • Generate a composite curve.

and click each

The curve will be used to generate the side walls of the block.

• Select the lower composite curve and create a Fill-in surface. • Select the composite curve and create a surface of Extrusion with a Length of 80.

The sidewalls will be trimmed back to the split surface as shown above.

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• From Edits Limit the side walls to the Split Surface. • Select Unblank (Ctrl L).

The basic Impression block design is complete. However, in the model shown above the handle solid currently includes the whole of the plastic component and not just the Punch half. To do this, the Solid must now be converted to surfaces and the relevant punch and die components separated on to 2 separate Levels. The Die components can then easily be separated from the Punch -Impression block.

Introduction to Levels Levels provide the user with a ‘one click’ method to temporarily remove groups of entities from being displayed in PowerSHAPE without deleting them. It is easier and more permanent than Blanking as the data concerned is previously assigned to a Level by the user. It is easy to assign entities to a different Level if required. Imported models will often include data that is pre-assigned to more than one Level. Note: A more detailed example on Levels is found in Chapter 11 – Model Analysis.

The original component is a Solid model which must first be converted to surfaces if it is to be separated into the relevant punch and die entities.

• Left click on the Solid and from the Solid Wizard select Convert selected solids to surfaces. • Open the Level form by selecting graphics area.


located to the bottom left of the

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• In the Level form below name Level 6 as Punch and Level 7 as Die.

• Separate the Punch and Die models and assign them to Levels 6 and 7 respectively (eg select the Punch surfaces and middle mouse click on the Level 6 icon to the bottom left of the graphics area and repeat for the Die surfaces, this time assigning them to Level 7).

• Left mouse click on the Level 7 icon to switch Level 7 (Die) off.

The Die components (Level 7) are no longer displayed leaving only the Punch form (Level 6) as shown left. Note: The newly created split and sidewall surfaces are assigned to the default creation Level 0.

Generating a Split Surface does not automatically trim the model. A piece of software has been included in PowerSHAPE called Die Wizard. The Die Wizard uses the Active Solid and automates the Split Surface definition and creation of the separate Punch and Die inserts. This is covered later in Chapter 15.

• Select File  Close and then No.

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Draft Surfaces A Draft Surface is created, either from a Composite Curve or from one or more Surfaces. Draft surfaces. A Draft Surface is projected relative to the active Principle Axis, either onto the 0 plane, or onto one or more additional Power Surfaces, selected after the original data has been taken into the open Draft Surface creation form.

The Draft Surface is generated tangentially from the original surface dependent upon the angle selected, similar to the Draft Curve command.

Where the split line is generated with an angle above or below 0 degrees, the resultant split surface edges on both the top and bottom may be miss-matched. PowerSHAPE increases the lower draft angle so the split surfaces edges match as shown.

Draft Surfaces from Composite Curves Example • Select Create New Model. • Create a workplane at 0. • From the Arc menu following co-ordinates:

create a Three point arc

using the

-15 10 4 -15 -10 10 -15 0 8 • Create an extruded surface along the X-axis of length of 50mm.

This extruded surface will be used to project a draft surface on, later in this example.


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• • • •

Convert the surface (right click over it and select Convert Surface). Blank the surface and select a view from the top. Select the Z principal plane. Generate the following wireframe.

This section will be used to generate a Draft Surface.

• Create a composite curve and Move up in Z by 20mm. • Select Unblank (Ctrl + L). • Ensure the composite curve is selected. • From the Surface menu

select Draft Surface.

The Draft Surface form appears. The Draft Angle box allows the user to specify the taper angle of the surface to be produced. As with split surfaces, the direction in which the surface is created is determined by the two arrows displayed on the composite curve or surface selection.

• Set the Draft Angle to 2 degrees. • Change the arrows by clicking on them so they point down and outwards. • Select Preview.

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The draft surface is generated and projected onto the XY plane of the active workplane.

• Select the extruded surface. When selected the surface will appear pink, and the Split Surface option on the Draft Surface form will change to Project onto Selected Surface.

• Set the Draft Angle to 20 degrees, and set the projection arrows to inwards and downwards. • Select Preview.

The draft surface is automatically trimmed to the lower curved surface.

• Dismiss the form.


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Draft Surfaces from Existing Surfaces Draft surfaces can be created tangential to existing surfaces.

• Create a Primitive Sphere of radius 4 at X18 Y0 Z20. • Right click over the Sphere and select Convert Surface. • Select the Sphere. select Draft Surface. • From the Surface menu • Enter a draft angle of 10 degrees. • With the arrow pointing downwards as shown select Preview.

The draft surface that would be produced is displayed.

• Select the Extruded surface and then press Preview.

A new draft surface that project onto the curved surface is generated.

• Select Apply and Dismiss the form.

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Variable Draft There is the ability to generate a variable draft surface from a selected profile. The variable draft surface may not be always tangential to the original surface, as it has to generate the draft from a fixed defined profile.

• Select the composite curve. select Draft Surface. • From the Surface menu • Select the extruded surface and make sure that the arrows are pointing down and out. • Enter a Draft Angle of 3 and tick Variable. • Select Apply.

The variable draft form appears. This is an interactive command where lines to display the draft surface are generated by clicking on the draft curve. The draft angle is changed at these lines.

• Select a View from Top (down Z).

We will create a variable draft of 5 degrees along the sides and 6 degrees around the ends.

• Click 8 points around the draft curve as shown using the intelligent cursor to snap onto End, Key and Mid Points. You can change the draft angle for each of the numbered draft lines on the form.


Issue PSHAPE 2010

8. Advanced Surfaces


• Set the left hand end projection lines to 6 degrees. • Select Interpolation as Smooth select Preview and OK. • Dismiss the form.

The Draft Surface is shown.

• Close the model without saving.

Pump Project Example….continued Generate a draft surfaces for each of the ribs and then fillet the model together.

• Open the ongoing model:- pump-project2. • Select and Blank all wireframe. • Select all of the rib surfaces making sure that they all shaded with the outside colour displayed on the outside, and generate a Draft Surface of 3 degrees for each onto the datum level.

Fillets can now be generated around the base of the fillets and domed form.

• Blank Except the draft surfaces, the dome and the top surface. • Generate a fillet radius of 1 mm by selecting all the surfaces shown. Issue PSHAPE 2010

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8. Advanced Surfaces


• Select Unblank and shade the finished model.

• Save and then Close the model.


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8. Advanced Surfaces


Surface Extension A Surface Extension can only be created from a Composite Curve that has been driven along, and is still in contact with, the edge of one or more Surfaces. This causes the Composite Curve to inherit the tangencies of the Surfaces which will then control the directional flow of the Surface Extension. A typical application for the Surface Extension is in the creation of Electrodes or Slides which must extend tangentially, outwards from the main, tool model.

Electrode Example The imported model of a punch insert will be used to illustrate the application of Surface Extension as the main option to create an Electrode model.

• From the main menu select File > Import and select the model:D:\users\training\PowerSHAPE_data/psmodels_n_dgk\ InteriorTrimPUNCH.dgk ’.

• Activate the Workplane named datum (This re-orientates the model in the correct tooling alignment). • Zoom into the rib area and Blank all surfaces outside the rib detail. • Drive a Composite Curve around the top edge of the rib detail.

The Composite Curve inherits the tangencies from the host Surfaces. For this reason it is essential that the actual rib recess surfaces are used and not the main body surfaces when creating the Composite Curve.

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8. Advanced Surfaces


• With the Composite Curve still selected, from the Surfaces Toolbar, click on the Surface Extension icon.

• In the Surface Extension form, select Along Principle Axis and enter Distance 35 before selecting Preview for a view of the proposed Surface Extension.

• Select the circular fill-in surface at the bottom of the rib form and create a Workplane at centre of selection. • Name the new Active workplane as Electrode. • Create a Temporary Workplane at 0 0 40 (relative to the currently Active workplane named Electrode). • With the new temporary workplane Active select the general edits toolbar


and click on Limit Selection

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8. Advanced Surfaces


• With the Limit selection form open click on the upper part (above the temporary workplane) of the new extension surface to trim it back.

• Create a Primitive Cylinder surface of Rad 40 and Length 25 from the top of the extension surface and central to the circular fill-in surface at the bottom of the rib form. • Create composite curves around the top and bottom edges of the Primitive cylinder and use the Automatic Surfacing Wizard to create Fill -in surfaces for each one in turn.

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8. Advanced Surfaces



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9. Editing Power Surfaces


9. Editing Power Surfaces The following chapter uses a design exercise as the platform to illustrate some of the comprehensive editing options available to Power Surfaces.

Food Container Design Example The project will start by importing the model shown below left and will progress to the finished outer form of the food container shown below right.

• Import the pre-defined CAD data located in:D:\users\training\PowerSHAPE_Data\psmodels_n_dgk\ SurfaceEditStart.dgk • Save the model to:D:\users\training\COURSEWORK\PowerSHAPE-Models\FoodContainer

Conversion of primitive to Power Surface • Right mouse click on the Primitive Torus Surface before selecting Blank Except in the local menu.

The Surface is a Primitive in which an editing form appears in which the options purely apply to the dimensional values of a Torus. Before it is possible to make changes to the actual shape the torus must first be converted to a Power Surface.

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9. Editing Power Surfaces


• Right mouse click on the surface again and in the local menu select convert surface.

Depending on the settings the surface will either convert to a NURBS surface (default) or directly to a Power Surface.

NURBS surfaces still exhibit limited editing capability but are more effective at initially defining awkward shapes, which explains why they are applied as the default option. If a NURBS surface is selected with the right mouse and modify selected in the local menu the above toolbar appears and a framework appears around the surface. Note the fact that only a few of the editing options are available (not greyed out!) in the toolbar.

• Right mouse click on the surface again and in the local menu select Convert Surface.

The NURBS surface will be converted to a Power Surface. Note the fact that this time all of the surface editing, options are active in the toolbar.


Issue PSHAPE 2010

9. Editing Power Surfaces


• Select a View From Top.

Dynamic editing of a surface curve First


Two additional surface curves are to be added aligned to the end points of the fillet radius along the route of the lip (as identified on the First and Second construction lines). Any original surface curves not aligned to key points on the lip form in this area will then be deleted.

• Select the Workplane and dynamically rotate it to align the Y Axis with the first of the construction lines that run from the centre to the ends of the radius on the modified corner geometry. and make sure that the Workplane is • Set the operational direction to Active. • Quickly double left mouse click the Power Surface to open the surface/curve editing toolbar. • Select one of the cross sectional, surface curves followed by the Add curve option to open the following form.

• In the Add surface curves form select Workplane intersection. By selecting a cross sectional, surface curve prior to opening the form the Insert option has preset to Lateral.

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9. Editing Power Surfaces


• Select Apply to insert an additional lateral flush with the workplane YZ plane. • Dynamically rotate the workplane to align the Y Axis with second of the construction lines that run from the centre to the ends of the radius on the modified corner geometry. • Insert a second additional Lateral flush with the workplane YZ plane.

Surface/Curve editing toolbar

the 2 laterals that a not aligned to key points on • Select and Delete the lip form composite curve. • Select the middle surface point on the outer longitudinal in the top right quadrant and drag it to the corresponding point on the new lip form composite curve (as shown below).


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9. Editing Power Surfaces


• Repeat the Drag Move process on the adjacent surface points to create the following (Note the tangency and magnitude through the three points requires freeing up to achieve the most natural alignment).

• Select the longitudinal followed by the three points (Shift Select) through which correct alignment is required. • Right mouse click on the longitudinal and in the local menu select Free tangents and magnitudes (This creates the most natural geometric flow through the selected surface points taking into account the adjacent non selected points). • Select the longitudinal running around the inside of the rim.

• In the surfaces/curves editing toolbar select Break surface it into 2 separate upper and lower halves. • Select and Delete the upper half, surface.

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to split


9. Editing Power Surfaces


• Select a view from top (down Z) and select the alternate 6 surface points around the outside of the lid as marked below.

If one or more surface curves or surface points are selected it is possible to select an Edit Sub-Item option. This will cause the General Edit options to apply to the selected sub items and not the surface as a whole.

• Select the general edit options and click the edit sub-item icon. • Select the Offset option Return key.

and input a value –2 before clicking the

The selected surface points have offset inwards normal to the surface.

• Select and Delete the current, inner most surface curve. • Create a Composite curve along the new, inner most surface curve.


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9. Editing Power Surfaces


• With the curve selected open the Automatic Surfacing wizard, which in this case will pre-select the Fill-In option.

• Select Apply to accept the new Fill-in surface and then select OK to close the form. • Rotate the Workplane 180 degrees about the X Axis and select a view along Y. • Select the Composite Curve defining the outer profile of the container body.

• Select the, create a Surface of Revolution option.

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9. Editing Power Surfaces


• Select an Iso 1 view to display the following food container design, outer form.

Jug Exercise • Create a Surface model of the outside of the jug shown below and Save as:D:\users\training\COURSEWORK\PowerSHAPE-Models\my-jug


Issue PSHAPE 2010

10. Boundaries and Pcurves


10. Trim Region Editing Parameter Curves and Boundaries Parameter Curves (pcurves) are made up of linear spans the run between Parameter Points (ppoints). There sole use is to define the route that surface trimming could follow. By default, they are created, automatically during Surface limiting or filleting. They are also created manually by projection of wireframe entities onto a Surface. As moves between ppoints are linear, any curvature is controlled by the proximity of adjacent ppoints within the tolerance setting. Ppoints are defined as a proportional distance between surface points. A ppoint defined at 2.5 1.5 is half way between points 2 and 3 along the longitudinal (T) direction and halfway between points 1 and 2 along the lateral (U) direction. Boundaries are generated along the pcurve network to define trimmed areas on a Surface. Individual pcurves and boundaries are unique to a Surface and can be accessed only by opening the Trim Region Editing, toolbar (Right click on a Surface for menu options or alternatively access directly from the Surface Edits toolbar).

Definition of Boundaries • Import the model m0_switch_housing.psmodel from Powershape_data. • Select the upper surface (shown below) and select Blank Except.

• Double left-mouse click on the surface to display the Surface Edits toolbar.

The Turn Trimming On/Off icon toggles the trimming of the selected Surface(s). It is not active unless a surface is selected the default setting being ON.

• Select Trimming On/Off

to switch the trimming OFF.

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10. Boundaries and Pcurves


The Surface is displayed without trimming.

• Select Trimming On/Off to switch the trimming back ON. • Right Click on the surface and select Surface Trim Region Editing. The Trim Region Editing toolbar appears:-

The Trim Region Editing toolbar appears. This has two modes, Boundary Edits and Pcurve Edits. The user can switch between modes using the pull down menu to the extreme left of the toolbar.

Boundary editing (default). Pcurve editing.

• Select Boundary Edit Mode. The whole Surface is displayed with the trimmed area identified by a mesh of grey detail lines. All existing Boundaries are displayed marking the edge of the trimmed, surface area. The pcurves are not displayed in this mode. If a Boundary is deleted from a Surface the associated pcurves remain.


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10. Boundaries and Pcurves


• Select Pcurve Edit Mode.

The pcurves are shown along with trimmed areas. The actual Boundaries are not displayed in this mode. If a pcurve is deleted from a Surface any associated Boundary is also deleted. Note: not all routes defined by pcurves are necessarily included in the Boundary definition.

• Select Boundary Edit Mode

then the Boundary Selector.

When a Boundary is selected it is displayed in a different colour and the name is displayed in bold text in the Boundaries form. Several Boundaries can be multi-selected by holding down the shift key. Using the Crtl key in a similar way toggles the selection of a Boundary.

A Boundaries can also be selected from within the graphics area. Note: Trimming will only occur if a Boundary forms a closed loop.

• Select both Boundaries by selecting with the shift key depressed.

• Select OK. • select Explode.

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10. Boundaries and Pcurves


With the Boundaries Exploded the trimming is removed, showing the full surface area. The pcurves remain intact but are no longer in use as part of a Boundary definition. The pcurves still exist and will be displayed by toggling into Pcurve Edits.

• Select Autocreate shown below.

and the partially trimmed model will appear as Part of the required Boundary has not appeared. This is due to the existence of a branch point along the network of pcurves making it impossible for PowerSHAPE to determine which route to take.

The easiest way to create the required trim option is to manually define the route around the pcurve network as illustrated in the following section.

• Select Recreate on the surface.

to open the toolbar and display all unused pcurves

The Create Trim Boundary toolbar appears and this is used to trace along the pcurves to define a Boundary. It is similar to the Composite Curve creation toolbar.

All of the pcurves are displayed on the surface and are available for selection. To form a Boundary the pcurve must form a closed route. The edges of a Surface can also be used as part of the route of a Boundary.


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10. Boundaries and Pcurves


• Click on a pcurve along the require route and sequentially, click on the direction arrows to produce the required closed Boundary.

• Click Save and Eject. • Deselect the surface. Deselect the Surface to see the trimmed surface more clearly. The next stage is a repeat of the above, but this time excess pcurve data is removed, allowing Autocreate to make the required trim Boundaries automatically.

• Select the surface. • Select the two Boundaries. • Click Explode. This deletes the selected Boundaries.

• Select Pcurve Edit Mode. • Select the long pcurve along the part not required for Boundary definition.

When a pcurve is selected the ppoints are displayed. These can be labelled, selected, repositioned or and deleted, as required.

• Shift-select the four extra ppoints.

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10. Boundaries and Pcurves


• Click Delete Point. • Select Boundary Edit Mode. • Select Autocreate. • Deselect the surface. As a result of removing the unused ppoints future automatic, trimming operations will immediately produce the desired results and not stray along a path defined by redundant pcurve data.

• Select File  Close. • Select No when asked whether it is required to save the model.

Fixing Incorrectly Trimmed Surfaces • Import

the model, locationlug.psmodel from Powershape_data.

The imported model shown includes several incorrectly trimmed surfaces requiring a combination of Pcurve and Boundary editing to correct the faults. The more complex the network of pcurves on a Surface, the less likely it is to obtain a Trimmed Surface automatically. The following worked example shows the stages of pcurve and Boundary editing, required to produce the correctly trimmed model shown above right.

• Select the curved, base Surface and select Blank Except (Ctrl + K). • Right click the surface and select Trim Region Editing.


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10. Boundaries and Pcurves


• Select Boundary Edit Mode

and Boundary Selector.

The current Boundary is displayed on the Surface.

• In the form select Boundary 1 and press OK. • Select Explode. • Select Pcurve Edits. The surface contains two pcurves. One is correctly defining the intersection with the vertical face of the location lug. The other, U-shaped pcurve is defining the path of an old fillet prior to an amendment, and needs to be deleted.

• Select the 'U' shaped pcurve and select Delete a pcurve. • Select Unblank (Ctrl L).

With the Surfaces displayed, a Composite Curve can be created from the lower edge of the fillet. This new Composite Curve will then be turned into a pcurve.

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10. Boundaries and Pcurves


• Create a Composite Curve by using ALT + left mouse button on the lower side of the fillet Surface. • Blank all apart from the Composite Curve and the curved Surface.

The Composite Curve is used to create a pcurve by projecting it onto the Surface.

• Select the lower curved surface and select Pcurve Edit Mode. • Select Make pcurves from projecting wireframe.

The Make Pcurve form appears with the options available.

• • • •

Select the option Projected and click on the composite curve. Select OK. Deselect the Surface and delete the composite curve. Select the lower curved surface.

The linear pcurve need to be extended.


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10. Boundaries and Pcurves


• Select the straight pcurve and select Extend pcurve.

The Extend Pcurve form appears.

• Select extend at both ends and method as tangentially to a pcurve. • Select the other pcurve and press OK.

The new Boundary will be manually created using Recreate based on the current pcurve network.

• Select Boundary Edit Mode and select Recreate. • Click along the arrowed direction markers on the pcurves to define the new Boundary. • Click Save

and Eject.

The new Boundary has been created If the trimmed surface appears within the 'D' shape, select Reverse the Boundary icon to create the result shown.

• Select Unblank (Ctrl + L). • Blank all surface apart from the front vertical and fillet surfaces.

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10. Boundaries and Pcurves


The planar surface needs to be correctly trimmed.

• Select the vertical surface and click on Select all boundaries. • Select Explode. • Open the Edits Toolbar Object). • Select Limit selection next solution

and select the fillet surface (Cutting

followed by the vertical Surface and click

until the fillet Surface is trimmed correctly.

The correct trimming option for the fillet is achievable using Next Solution, but not for the vertical surface due to the complexity of the pcurve network.

• Dismiss the form. • Select and Blank Except (Ctrl + K) the vertical Surface. • Open the Boundary Edits Menu. • Select and Explode the Boundary.


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10. Boundaries and Pcurves


• Select Pcurve edits

to display all existing pcurves.

• Zoom into the lower left corner and select the vertical pcurve. • Delete the last ppoints from the end up to one before the curved join. • Label ppoints by clicking Turn point labelling on/off. • Select ppoint 24 and press Edit parametric value at ppoint.

• Click the branch point situated before the last ppoint (24) and note the updating of the values in the above form (zoom in as close as possible). • Click OK and the position of the last ppoint (24) will update to the new parametric values. The ppoint is now repositioned to match the existing branch point exactly.

• Select Boundary edits and Recreate a new Boundary. • Trace a new Boundary.

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10. Boundaries and Pcurves


• Select Unblank (Ctrl + L).

The vertical 'D' section surface shown below is the final surface that requires re-trimming.

• Blank all surfaces apart from the fillet and the vertical 'D' section. • Select the vertical 'D' section, surface and Delete the existing Boundary. • Select P-curve Edit Mode and delete all pcurves except the 2 running vertically from the ends of the fillet surface (shown dotted below).

• Create a Composite Curve on the upper edge of the fillet Surface. • Blank the fillet from the view and select the vertical 'D' section Surface.

The composite curve will be used to project a pcurve on to the Surface.

• Open the P-curve Editing toolbar and select make pcurves from wireframe. • Select the option Projected and click on the Composite Curve.


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10. Boundaries and Pcurves


• Select OK. • Select the vertical 'D' section Surface. • Select Boundary Edit Mode. • Select the icon Recreate and manually generate the Boundary to create the correctly trimmed, Surface shown below.

The Surfaces are now correctly trimmed.

• Select File  Close and then No.

Pitcher Trimming Exercise In this example an IGES file is imported that contains a badly trimmed split Surface. With the help of the following suggestions, re-trim the Surface.

• In Tools - Options, under Data Exchange/Delcam Exchange, tick IGES in the Import section and then select OK.

• Import the file jug_split_surfaces.ige from PowerSHAPE_data/iges. To bring in the unused pcurves the PowerSHAPE IGES translator is used, not Delcam Exchange. The first stage is to select the planer, split surface and to Explode the incorrectly defined Boundary.

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10. Boundaries and Pcurves • • • •


Blank all surfaces except the split Surface. Open the Trim Region Editing toolbar and select Boundary Edits. Select Boundary 1 and delete it by left clicking on the Explode icon. Select the P-curve Edits menu. The Surface contains a complex network of Pcurves. The network is to be simplified by using a combination of options including Delete Pcurve, Delete ppoint, Extend Pcurve, etc. Pcurves need to be perfectly trimmed to enable future, automatic generation. When defining a Boundary manually the Pcurves do not have to be previously trimmed back as the required route is defined using cursor hits (similar to creating a Composite Curve).

• Modify the P-Curves until the trimming is the same as below.

The next step is to create the Boundaries. Although an automatic Boundary could be applied, it is a better idea to apply the Recreate, Boundary option. This will identify if there are any geometric faults around the route.

and trace and Save the route for the outer • Use the Recreate icon Boundary. • Trace the route of the inner Boundary and then, Save and Eject.

The Surface should now be trimmed correctly, but if not, Reverse the Boundary. In this case a quicker way of producing this result would have been to create Composite Curves around the top edges of the jug form surfaces. These could then be used to Project pcurves onto the split Surface.

• Select File  Close and then No.


Issue PSHAPE 2010

11. Levels


11. Levels Model entities can be assigned to Levels which simplify such operations as the display and selection of groups of items. For example, these could be distinct groups of component surfaces, or different types of entity. A typical application would be to assign the inner wall surfaces of a plastic component on to a different level from the outer wall surfaces. Objects can be assigned to different levels, which can be switched to be ‘displayed’ or ‘hidden’ to manage the selection and visualisation of entities within a model. There are 1000 Levels in PowerSHAPE which when required for use should be given more appropriate names. Levels 998 and 999 are for internal use.

Example • Select Create New Model. • Create a workplane at 0. • Select File  Import and then the file Corner_Bowl.dgk from D:\Users\Training\PowerSHAPE_data\psmodels_n_dgk. • Select an ISO1 view.

This model contains a mixture of wireframe and surfaces. The model may also contain duplicate entities that could either be wireframe, surfaces or a mixture of both. It is advisable to either move these items to a level or to delete them.

• Select everything within the graphics area. • From Tools  Model Fixing select Find duplicates.

• Tick the box Find duplicates in current selection then press OK. PowerSHAPE examines the model and selects duplicate entities. These can be wireframe, surfaces or solids. To see what has been selected, the information icon can be used.

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11. Levels


• From the selection fly out

pick Selection information.

A list of the current selected items are shown. These duplicates will be moved to another level.

• Select OK. • From the lower left side of the window, select the Levels button. • In Level 5, enter the name Duplicates and press the big red X by the number 5. • Select OK. • Select all the wireframe and middle mouse click over the new level 5. Clicking the middle mouse will move the selected items to that level.

• Left mouse Click on level 5 button. The left mouse will switch the level on or off. The duplicates disappear from the screen as the level is switched off.

When an item is generated, the default level that it is generated on is level 0, called the general level. If, for example you wanted to always create surfaces on another level then, once the option is selected, the level is picked from the pop up menu at the end of the levels toolbar.

Choosing a level it will make it active. Be careful when doing this that nothing is selected otherwise the item will be moved to that level.

• Open the Levels form and create two further levels, naming 6 as Core and 7 as Cavity. • Select OK on the form. This model contains solids. These are a different type of component with PowerSHAPE, which can be used to make complex shapes. A solid can be selected by clicking on any part of it.


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11. Levels


• Select the bottom solid and press Ctrl + K (Blank Except).

The bottom solid can be seen clearly by blanking everything apart from the selected item/s.

• Click the middle mouse button over level 6. • Select Ctrl + L (unblank). • Select the top solid and press Ctrl + K (Blank Except).

The top solid is shown.

• Click the middle mouse button over level 7 and Select Ctrl + L. The component solid and construction wireframe remain on level 0 (General). PowerSHAPE has the ability to allow Grouping of levels. By grouping items together the user can manage parts of the model more efficiently and effectively.

• From the lower left side of the window, select the Levels button. • In Level 8, enter the name Components: Wireframe and press the big X by the number 8. • In Level 9, enter the name Components: Solid and press the big X by the number 9. The word Component represents the Group name and the word Wireframe or Solid the level name.

• Select Dismiss The two levels now belong to the group called Component. On the Levels toolbar, the following changes can be seen:

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11. Levels


A new button appears representing the group of levels. The buttons of the two levels have changed to the same colour (Blue). The colour of the group matches that of the two levels. Levels can be turned on and off using the group button. If a further Group is created then a new colour will be assigned to it making it visually distinguishable from the original one.

menu, select Quick select all wireframes. • From the Select • Press Ctrl + K (Blank Except).

The wireframe is selected. Note: Whatever level is displayed in the Levels pop up menu, any items created will be assigned to that level.

• Click the middle mouse button over level 8 and Select Ctrl + L. • Select the component solid and place it onto level 9. • From the Levels pop up menu select 0 : General Level. In some instances it is advisable to make safe copies of surface or wireframe entities. For this exercise we will copy the core solid and paste it onto the General level 0.

• Turn on Level 6 and select the solid. • From the top toolbar, select Copy

and then Paste.

It may appear as though nothing has actually happened, but the solid that is displayed yellow are the new copies of the original.

• Switch off level 6. Toggle on and off Level 0 to see the new copy. • Select File  Close and select No to saving Changes.

Pump Project Example….continued Using the pump example we can put the blanked wireframe onto a named level.

• Open the model pump-project2. • Name level 5 as Geometry. • • • •

From the Select menu, select Quick select all wireframes. Press Ctrl + K (Blank Except). Move the selected wireframe to level 5 and switch the level off. Select File  Save and then File  Close.


Issue PSHAPE 2010

12. Shading & Model Analysis


12. Shading & Model Analysis Basic Shading Options Basic shading is displayed by clicking the various icons in the Views Toolbar. As surfaces must be identified with inside and outside, the outside is displayed in a use defined colour, and the inside as red. It is possible to switch the inside colour off (Both sides Shaded with original outside colour),

• Open the model golf-fin. Activate workplane 2. • Select view ISO 4

and select wireframe view.

The model is displayed with the surface skin invisible, enabling visual access to the trimmed edges and surface curves.

• Select Shaded view. The model is displayed with the surface skin shaded. The outside of a surface will be the default or user defined colour with the inside red. The use of shading will restrict visual access to internal detail.

• Select Toggle Transparent wire.

This view shows the model partially shaded (transparent) which provides a compromise with visual access to the inner, wireframe detail.

• Select Shaded wire view. This view is a shaded view, with the surfaces curves displayed .

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12. Shading & Model Analysis


• Select Hidden wire view. The model is displayed in wire mode, with all the internal wire removed or hidden. This is a visual option to aid the user to see the model clearly. This special view mode needs to be turned off for surface manipulation.

• From the View pull down on the main menu select Shade > Inside Material.

This view turns on or off the mode which displays inside-out surfaces as red. This allows the user to shade the model without having to reverse ‘inside out’ surfaces.

• With the model shaded, select Enhanced Shading. This shows the model in Enhanced shading mode. This type of view includes perspective and reflections on the surface giving a more true to life appearance with model feature lines, visually converging towards distant vanishing points.

• From the pop up menu under enhanced shading select Render the View.

This displays a photo-realistic image of the model in a separate, newly opened graphics window, using default light settings and render options.

To switch between Lightworks or POV-Ray Render Systems and customise the way that the rendered image is generated, a dedicated options form is opened by clicking on the Raise the render form icon (left).

• Select the golf_fin :1 from the Window pull down menu.


Issue PSHAPE 2010

12. Shading & Model Analysis


Format – Shading Materials Shadings materials are accessed from Format >Materials pull down on the main menu.

By default all surfaces are shaded using the same material. There is a comprehensive range of pre-set Material types available, such as metallic, glass, neon, etc. Individual surfaces can be modified to use a shading colour and/or material type directly from the standard range or as customised by the user.

To change the material of a selected surface(s): 1. Ensure that shaded images are displayed 2. Select a surface or group of surfaces. 3. Raise the Materials dialogue box and select a new material. To change the default material: 1. Ensure that no surface is selected. 2. Raise the Materials dialogue box and select a new material. 3. Click OK and the new material will be used for subsequent surface colour shading.

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12. Shading & Model Analysis


Customising Materials The user can create a custom material to their own specification.

• Select Format -Materials form, select Spring and pick Spring13. • Select the option Custom.

The materials Editor form appears. This form allows the appearance of the shading effect to be altered using various sliders.

• Select New. Leave the name as Spring13copy. • Alter the material using the sliders and observe on the preview bead at the top of the form. • Once a visually suitable material is obtained Apply the form. • Select any surface and the material is changed to the new one.

Shading Tolerance When models are shaded, the whole surface is covered in a triangular mesh, which is set at a certain tolerance i.e. the smaller the value, the finer the mesh. These values are found under the Shading Option, found under options in the Tools pull down menu.

• Select Tools  Options and from View, select Shading. Tolerance to current view is a quick way of entering the ideal value for your particular screen resolution and current zoom. PowerSHAPE will use the new tolerance the next time the shading is regenerated. If you want to see it immediately, click the button, Force regeneration of triangles.


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12. Shading & Model Analysis


• Set the Shading Tolerance to the excessive value 5. • Press Force Regeneration of triangles. Press OK.

The shaded surface model visually, appears very faceted. If it is required to check a surface model for tangencies or ripples along the surface it is essential to apply a suitable shading tolerance. This in turn depends on the physical size of the model but a more suitable value is 0.01 for an accurate visual representation.

• Set the Shading Tolerance to the more acceptable value 0.01.

Model Analysis Toolbar The Model Analysis toolbar is opened by clicking the icon located along the row 3rd from the top of the left hand toolbar. The new left hand toolbar will contain the Model Analysis options. It is shown below repositioned to a horizontal alignment.

Advanced Shading Options Smoothness Shading - visually exaggerates the degree of smoothness over the model surface with dual coloured stripes. A break in continuity along the stripes indicates a sharp transition form one face to another.

Note:- A Sharp cornered transition across adjacent surfaces is indicated by break in the continuity along the stripes.

• Select the above option and have a closer look at the displayed model.

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12. Shading & Model Analysis


Undercut Shading – Used to check for correct draft angle on a moulding component or to check for undercuts.

The area of the model surface shaded green does not exceed the draft angle alignment. The small area of the model surface shaded yellow is exactly aligned to the draft angle. The area of the model surface shaded red represents an undercut. By default the Draft Angle is set to zero. If it is required to use a different value it can be modified in Tools - Options –Tools – Analysis - Surface Analysis.

• Select the above option and have a closer look at the displayed model. Minimum Radius Shading – displays internal radii with a value less than the specified minimum radius in Red and external Radii in green with the remainder of the model being Grey.

This illustration represents Minimum Radius Shading using a minimum radius value of 2.

By default the Minimum Radius value is set to 5. If it is required to use a different value it can be modified in Tools - Options –Tools – Analysis - Surface Analysis.


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• Select the above option and have a closer look at the displayed model.

Volumes PowerSHAPE calculates a volume of an enclosed surface, such as a sphere, based upon the direction of the principle plane. With an open surface, then PowerSHAPE generates a projected volume, from the active Workplane or the world origin. The volume value given depends upon the axis in which the projection takes place, for example with the principle plane set to the XY plane; the project volume is along the Z-axis.

Bottle Volume Example • Generate a workplane at 0. • Create the following 2D geometry.

• Generate a composite curve of the wireframe and make a copy. Issue PSHAPE 2010


12. Shading & Model Analysis


• Create a new level (5) named Wire Copy and place this copy onto it. • Switch level 5 off. • Create a surface of revolution around the Y-axis. • Shade the surface and reverse if necessary to have a gold outside. • From the bottom of the window, select the calculator. • Pick the volume icon

and then pick the surface.

The calculator works out the volume for you as 6,370062.9499 cubic mm. To alter the volume to 7,000,000mm cubed, we can expand the surface to this volume.

• Select the surface and from the Edits toolbar select Scale. • Select the ‘To Projected Volume’ option and change the volume to 700 (don’t enter the commas).

A new surface is produced which is scaled in all three axes. If the X and Z movement had been locked (by clicking the padlocks) the scaling would occur only along the Y axis. Another way to change the volume would be to locally increase the length of the bottle from just beyond the top recess to the cap. By trial and error you could get close to the desired volume. The following sequence will attempt to reach the target by locally stretching by 20.5.

• Delete the surface and switch on Level 5 Wire Copy (do not select). • Select Stretch Object in the Edits toolbar.


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• Box over the all elements of the composite curve including and above the R35 Radius (these will turn to yellow) and enter 0 20.5 in the command input window to stretch this part of the wireframe (as shown dotted below).

• Generate a new surface of revolution. (reverse if required). • Measure the Volume. To find the volume between two surfaces to find the wall thickness we can use the calculator.

• Offset the new bottle (keeping the original) outwards by 2mm. • Select the calculator and measure the volume of the new larger, offset surface.

• Enter a minus (-) on the calculator. • Measure the volume of the original smaller surface by selecting it. The answer, which is the volume of the wall thickness of the bottle, is displayed in the top right hand box of the calculator.

Volumes of solids can also be generated in the same way. The method also works for multiple selected surfaces.

• Save the Model as:D:\users\training\COURSEWORK\PowerSHAPE_Models\Volume-Ex1 • Select File - Close to close down the Model.

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Identifying Modifications on a ‘new issue’ model • Open a New empty PowerSHAPE Model. • Import the model:D:\users\training\PowerSHAPE_Data\psmodels_n_dgk\InteriorTrim-4a.dgk

• Open another New empty PowerSHAPE Model. • Import the model:D:\users\training\PowerSHAPE_Data\psmodels_n_dgk\InteriorTrim-4b.dgk

• From the main pull down menus select Window - Tile Vertically.

The separate models are arranged to co-exist side by side in the graphics area. At the moment any differences are not visually obvious apart from the central pockets appearing to be different depths.

Dynamic Sectioning Dynamic Sectioning provides a fast means of visually taking a slice through the Surface or Solid model with the option of creating a 2D Composite Curve as a permanent record of the section.

• Left mouse click in the New_Model_2 window to activate it as the model to be worked on and activate the Workplane RibCentre as the datum.


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A similar workplane is positioned to a common position on each model, to enable a dynamic section to pass exactly through the same plane.

• From the Model Analysis toolbar select Dynamic Sectioning.

• Select the Y axis from the drop-down list.

This controls the direction along which the dynamic section is created normal to.

• Use the left mouse key to move the Back slider and observe that the model is visibly cut back as the slider is moved. • Input 0 in the data input box to the right of the Back slider to make the section exactly in line with the, active Workplane, RibCentre.

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12. Shading & Model Analysis • Click the Create Wireframe tab through the Dynamic Section.


to generate a composite curve

• Create a similarly positioned Dynamic Section on New_Model_1, again using the option Create Wireframe

to generate a composite curve.

At this stage there is visual evidence that the central pocket is deeper on the component in New_Model_1. For identifying smaller differences the two curves need to be superimposed on each other. It will also be necessary to apply other specialist Model Analysis options

• Select the Composite Curves stored in New_Model_2 and change it’s colour to Red. • Ensure that no Workplane is Active in New_Model_2. This is to make sure that the Composite Curve produced in New_Model_2 is copied exactly to the same world coordinates as in New_Model_1.


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• With the Composite Curves selected click the Copy icon Main toolbar.

on the

• Click in New_Model_1 and ensure that no Workplane is Active before selecting Paste.

• Once the Composite Curves are Pasted into New_Model_1, activate the Workplane and select a View from Front (-Y). • Select and Blank all Surfaces to view the Workplane and the two sets of Composite Curves. The above view visually illustrates that the Surface Model stored in New_Model_2 possesses a reduced depth central pocket and a slightly larger core form in the rib area to the right.

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Model Visual Difference This option provides a fast means of visualising design changes between two separate models. Once two models are specified in the form, a new window appears containing the 1st model displayed light grey with areas of ‘material on’ coloured Blue and areas of ‘material off’’ coloured Red.

• From the Model Analysis toolbar select Model Visual Difference. • In the Model Visual Difference form input NEW_MODEL _1 in the Name of the old model box, and NEW_MODEL _2 in the Name of the new model box.

• Select OK to apply the Model Visual Difference process.

A new window appears containing a Light Grey shaded image of NEW_MODEL_2 with extra material existing in areas shaded Blue and material removed in areas shaded Red.

• Move into the new window and dynamically rotate the image to view the other side of the model.


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The base of the pocket is shaded Blue which confirms that extra material exists in this area.

Model Compare This option provides a means of ‘identifying and selecting’ modified, model entities on an updated model while comparing it with the original, model. The selected model data can then be copied and pasted into the original model without duplicating existing, unchanged model entities.

• From the Model Analysis toolbar select Model Compare.

The Model Compare Form appears requiring the user to identify the Primary and Secondary models on which to Compare and Select the different model entities.

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• With the Primary box ticked click in the NEW_MODEL_2 window to register it as the Primary. • With the Secondary box ticked click in the NEW_MODEL_1 window to register it as the Secondary.

• Click the OK tab to apply the Model Compare process.

All entities in NEW_MODEL_2 that do not exist or are different from those in NEW_MODEL_1 are automatically selected ready to be Copied and Pasted. Note:- Copy and Paste options are included as icons in the Main toolbar.

• With the new items still selected in New_Model_2 select Copy. • Click in New_Model_1 before selecting Paste.


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The new data is Pasted into the original model.

• Rename Level 10 as NewData and assign the copied Model components to it. • Switch off all Levels except NewData.

Note: The inner form Rib Data has also been modified and has been copied to New_Model_1 as well as the pocket. To be able to assess the manufacturing work required to modify any existing mould tool it is essential to place the new and old data on different levels. By switching the levels on and off

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it will be more obvious whether the new data is to be material removed or added to the existing tool.

• Rename Level 9 as Old Data, make sure it is switched off and assign to it all the original model entities due to be replaced. • Transfer the new model items currently assigned to the Level named NewData to the appropriate Outer (Level 6) or Inner (Level 7) levels. It will be observed that the Pocket will require more material to be machined off on the die half of a mould tool. On the Punch half, Material needs to be added to reduce the depth of the central pocket and removed to create the increased size for the core, central to the 4 Ribs.

• Select File - Save to update the model:(D:\users\training\PowerSHAPE_Data\psmodels_n_dgk\InteriorTrim-3.dgk)

• Do Not Close the model as it will be used in the next section.

Surface Inspect When active, the Surface Inspect option displays ‘live’ dimensional information to the user as the cursor is ‘locked onto’ or moved along the surface model.

• Switch Off all Levels except number 6 - Outer. • Select all displayed surfaces and click the Surface Inspect icon on the Model Analysis toolbar. • Left click on the model on or near to where dimensional information is required. • Run the cursor along the model to lock on to Key Points or other non specific positions to give ‘live’ feedback on varying dimensions.


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• Select File - Close to close down the Model.

Other Model Analysis Toolbar Options Below is a summary of the remaining Model Analysis options.


Show Model Contents List

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12. Shading & Model Analysis

These two Options operate on Solid Models only


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13. Model Fixing


13. Model Fixing Model Fixing Toolbar The Model Analysis toolbar is opened by clicking the icon 2nd along the row in the toolbar opened by moving the cursor over the General Edits icon. The new left hand toolbar will contain the Model Fixing options. It is shown below repositioned to a horizontal alignment.

Piston Crown Example • Open the model:D:\users\training\PowerSHAPE_Data\psmodels-n-dgk\PistonCrown-Start

The imported model contains surfaces representing a quarter segment of a Piston Crown. The model is incomplete, requires a few gaps to be filled, some re-trimming of existing surfaces, and the identification and transfer of missing data from another model. Before commencing on additional surface modelling it is necessary to identify and delete any duplicate surfaces as well as to identify and repair any badly trimmed surfaces

• Shade the model. • Save the model as:D:\Users\Coursework\PistonCrown-Example

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Find Duplicates • Move the cursor over the General Edits icon to open the local toolbar and left click the Model Fixing icon to activate the toolbar options.

• From the Model Fixing Toolbar select Find Duplicates. The Find Duplicates form appears. This provides the option what to compare, exact, trimmed, untrimmed surfaces. Click on the Help button for a full listing.

This command identifies and selects duplicate surfaces.

• Tick the box named find duplicates in current selection. • Select All and Exact and press OK. All instances of duplicate surfaces will become selected (coloured yellow).

• Select Blank Except (Ctrl K).

Only the selected duplicate surfaces will remain visible in the graphics area.

• Select Delete to get rid of the selected duplicate surfaces. • Unblank (Ctrl L) to display all surfaces hidden from the view earlier.


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Identify Badly trimmed Surfaces The next action is to check the model for any Badly Trimmed Surfaces. These are surfaces that contain invalid Boundaries. These could be due to the inherent pcurves not forming a closed loop, or geometrical faults along one or more of the pcurves.

• Select all surfaces. • From the Model Fixing Toolbar select Identify Badly Trimmed Surfaces.

The above Information box opens advising of the existence surfaces with an incorrectly defined trim boundary. All badly trimmed surfaces will become selected (In this case there is one).

• Select Blank Except (Ctrl K). • From the Model Fixing Toolbar select Surface trim region editing. The Boundaries are now visible, but require rebuilding as they have failed to trim the surface.

• From the Boundary Edits toolbar click on Select all boundaries followed by Explode to delete all boundaries. • Toggle into the Pcurve Edits toolbar.

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The Pcurve shown dotted does not follow the correct Trim and as a result will be deleted from the surface. The other Pcurve is following the correct trim path but is not quite reaching the top edge of the surface and this would result in a gap in the trim path. The pcurve must be extended to the edge before a Boundary is created.

• Select and delete the pcurve (as shown above dotted). • Select the remaining pcurve and open the Extend pcurve form.

• Select Extend at as Both ends of pcurve and Method as Tangentially to nearest edge. • Select OK and the pcurve will be extended as required to reach the edge of the surface. • Toggle into the Boundary Edits toolbar. • Select Auto Create boundary and visually check which side of the pcurve is trimmed away.

• If the trim appears as above left select Reverse the boundary change the trim to that shown above right. • Close down the Boundary Edits toolbar.


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The surface model is now correctly trimmed.

Repairing Gaps and Ovelapping surfaces By shading and dynamically rotating the view of the cavity model, 3 gaps will be seen that require patching.



Gap 3

Filling in Gap1 – Surface from Network of curves • Zoom into the area labelled as Gap 1. • Create a composite curve using the edges of the gap.

A patch surface from a network of curves will be generated from the new composite curve.

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13. Model Fixing


• Using the Surface Wizard

create a Fill-in Surface.

Filling in Gap2 – Stitch surface • Zoom into the area around Gap 2. • Select the bowl surface and Convert it to a Power Surface. The bowl surface is a NURB surface, which must first be converted to a Power Surface before any major editing can be performed. This gap will be filled by using the stitch surface option.

Stitching will move selected surface points to match the edge of other surfaces or composite curves. It is not possible to apply stitch surface from a trimmed edge. The process will benefit if further laterals are inserted to provide a more accurate edge match for the stitch surface operation. An easy way of inserting an additional lateral is to select a surface point followed by first depressing and holding down, the CTRL key and then the LH mouse key. A new lateral is then dynamically dragged along an existing longitudinal. This is repeated as required until sufficient surface points exist along the edge to be stitched.

• Select the surface to bring up the Surface Edits toolbar. • Select a lateral/longitudinal point and drag a new longitudinal near to the end one using Ctrl and left mouse button as seen below.

Surface Point.

New Longitudinal.


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• Select Add Curve.

The Through nearest point option allows the user to pick a point on the model. Once picked the XYZ co-ordinates are loaded into the form.

• Select Insert – Lateral using the Through nearest point option. • Click on the Surface Point indicated earlier at the end of the surface to be stitched to. • Apply the form and then OK. match edge The new lateral is generated. The Stitch command uses the selected surface curve and matches it along the surface edge of a selected secondary surface. It is also necessary to specify a value for the maximum gap to stitch across.

• Select the match edge (end longitudinal) of the round surface and then Stitch. The Stitch form appears. It is essential to estimate and specify a value for the maximum gap to stitch. This is used to eliminate any ambiguity with regard to which surface edge to stitch on to.

• Enter 2 in Max gap to stitch. • Pick the edge surface on the edge curve to stitch onto. The Green Tick next to Surfaces indicates that the target surface has been selected.

• Press Preview to view in advance and OK to perform the stitching.

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The fillet surface needs to be trimmed back to the Stitched surface to finish off this area.

• Select the two surfaces shown and Blank Except (Ctrl +K). • Create a composite curve from the edge curve of the flange surface as shown below.

Use Define Start and End points on the Composite Curve dialogue to create the curve shown.

• Select the bowl surface and enter into Trim Region Editing. • Select the Pcurves menu

and make

pcurves from projecting wireframe. • In the form select the option Projected. • With the new pcurve selected, open the extend pcurve option. • Select:- Extend at - Both ends of pcurve Method – Tangentially to nearest edge

• Select the composite curve and select OK. • Select the Boundary menu

and Recreate.

• Create a Boundary along the fillet edge to leave the result shown.


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The bowl surface is now trimmed neatly to the flange. Before Gap 3 is filled, a split surface needs to be generated. In this case it can be achieved by selecting the top trimmed surface and then altering the trimming to produce the required surface.

• Unblank all of the surfaces. Gap 3 is a large hole in the model, due to missing data, to be supplied later via another IGES file. By initially loading it into a New Model it can be checked before copying the data into the original piston model.

Selection and Import of Surface Data for Gap 3 • Create a new model and Import the file cyl1_1_2.igs. • Rearrange the models using Window  Tile.

Most of the surfaces in the New Model already exist in the original PistonCrown-example.

Model Compare Model Compare will analyse 2 models and select items on the first model that are different or do not exist on the second model. The criteria relating to Trimming options can be specified as required within the form.

• From the Model Analysis toolbar select Model Compare. The Model Compare form appears. This form allows the user choose which model is the Primary (old) model and which model is the Secondary (new) model. The different model entities are then selected in the Primary model.

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• Select the Primary box (ticked) and then left click in the New Model window. • Select the Secondary box (ticked) and then left click in the PistonCrown-example window. • In Surface Trimming Comparison select None. • Select OK. Some wireframe and a couple of surfaces highlighted in the Primary - New Model window. New surfaces.


• Blank Except the selected items (Ctrl K). • Select and Delete the wireframe. • Select the extruded surfaces followed by Copy Selection. • Select the model temp-piston and select Paste from clipboard. A Copy of the new, different surfaces will appear in the original model.

• Close the New Model leaving the PistonCrown-example model open. The deep pocket will be filleted to the main surfaces with a 3mm radius and the bottom edge of the pocket will be filleted with a 2mm radius. Note:- The creation of the 3mm fillet will not trim the tapered pocket or some of the adjacent surfaces correctly due to poor surface edge matching across the original model. Surface editing of the 3mm fillet surface along with Pcurve and Boundary editing on the tapered pocket and some of the adjacent surfaces will have to be applied to fix the problems

• Select the newly copied surfaces and those that intersect them. • Select Blank Except. • Generate a 3mm concave fillet between the original surfaces and the top of the new tapered pocket surface.


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• Select the taper surface and the surface defining the flat base of the pocket. • Create a 2mm convex fillet between these surfaces. Now that the quarter of the Piston Crown is complete a workplane will be created to provide a datum to mirror a copy of the surfaces to end up with half of the full Piston Crown.

• Select Unblank and create a workplane at 0. • Select all of the surfaces. • From the General Edits toolbar select Mirror. • From the Mirror toolbar select mirror in • Dismiss the form.


• Select File - Save to update the Model. • Close the model. Issue PSHAPE 2010


13. Model Fixing


Further Model fixing Imported iges file of a PC Front Cover surface model On import an iges format model will contain Nurbs Surfaces, which as explained in the earlier chapter have very restricted editing capability. As will be illustrated during this example when a Nurbs is converted it can end up with an excessive number of laterals/longitudinals on the resultant Power Surface. It will also be observed that several of the surfaces are in an orientation with the inner (red) side on the external faces of the model. Apart from the visual presentation this would cause problems if the model is to have additional surfacing work carried out on it (eg. Filleting).

• Import the model:D:\users\training\PowerSHAPE_Data\iges\PC_FrontCoverSurfaces.igs • Save the model as:D:\Users\Coursework\PC-FrontCover-example

Note:- A form appears displaying the progress as an Import IGES report.

• Select all of the Surfaces in the model. • From the pop up menu in General Edits select Model Fixing Options.

• From the Model Fixing Toolbar select Find Duplicates. The Find Duplicates form appears. Various options allow the user to control the criteria of what to compare, and whether to consider exact, trimmed or untrimmed surfaces. Click on the Help button for a full listing.

• Tick find duplicates in current selection. • Select All and Exact and press OK. In this case no duplicate data is found, but it is still essential to perform the test.


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• From the vertical toolbar click the Quick Select all Surfaces option.

• In the Model Fixing options click on Orient surface normals to arrange for the outer faces of the surfaces in the selection to be on the outside of the component.

Note:- In some instances it may not be obvious which way a surface should be orientated (If the model is missing data causing a surface to be isolated, or the outer face of a surface exists on both the inside and outside of the model). If any such surfaces remain in the wrong orientation then they can be selected and reversed individually via the local menu.

• Display the Surface model as wireframe.

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• With all the surfaces still selected, right click over them and from the local menu, select Convert Surface to change all of the selected Nurbs to Power Surfaces.

Shown below :- One of the Surfaces before and after conversion to a Power Surface.

Depending on the type of file originally translated into iges format, the resulting Power Surfaces are often created with an excessive number of surface curves (as illustrated above right). If a large number of surfaces are involved it can result in reduced processing times and excessive memory consumption. As a result it is good practice to apply the Approximate Surface option to reduce the amount of curves while keeping the surface definition within a specified tolerance value.

• With all Power Surfaces selected click the Approximate surfaces option located in the Model Fixing toolbar.


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All surface curves are deleted that are not required to keep the model form within the general tolerance value (default 0.01). This value can be modified on the instrument toolbar located below the graphics area.

The model is now ready for further operations such as constructing the components required for a suitable mould tool design.

Core/Cavity separation This Core/Cavity separation icon is located in the Main toolbar – Wizards options. It operates on the selected surfaces and discriminates surfaces that are out of view if looking down the Z Axis.

Depending on which of the 2 icons are applied it leaves the user either with the outer or inner surfaces as selected and ready for transfer to another level.

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• Open the Levels form and enter the Name CAVITY for level 6 and CORE for level 8.

If a level is assigned with a Name it appears in the Levels toolbar at the bottom left of the graphics area.

• Keep these two levels switched off until advised otherwise. • Select all of the surfaces in the model. • Open the Wizards options and click on the Core/Cavity separation split visible icon. The surfaces that are hidden from view if looking down Z become deselected while the others remain selected.

• While the upper surfaces are still selected, middle mouse click on Level 6 on the levels toolbar and they will disappear from view (Level 6 is switched off). • Select all the remaining surfaces and middle mouse click on Level 8 and these will also disappear from the view (Level 8 is also switched off). • Toggle levels 6 and 8 on and off while checking that the surfaces have been assigned to the correct side of the moulding.




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14. Basic Solid Modelling


14. Basic Solid Modelling Introduction Solid modelling applies a completely different approach in the creation of a CAD model. The main physical difference is that a Surface model is formed by a hollow, zero thickness skin, whereas a Solid Model is a mass of material. There main advantages of using Solid Modelling are the model creation speed and the history tree, in which the user can reposition or edit operations performed earlier resulting in the automatic update of other affected items. PowerSHAPE is unique in the ability to convert Solids to Surfaces and vice versa depending on which approach is most suitable at the time. Open Surfaces can be converted to a Solid, an extremely useful capability which would not be available with a dedicated Solid Modelling Package.

Boolean Operations As an Active solid is built up other solids/surfaces can be absorbed into it, which is best illustrated via the basic Boolean operations ADD, REMOVE and INTERSECT. Active solid sphere (Coloured Red) Selected solid cylinder (Coloured Yellow)

Adds the selected solid to the active solid.

The solid cylinder is joined onto, and becomes part of the Active solid sphere.

Removes the selected solid from the active solid.

A hole appears through the active solid sphere caused by the removal of the solid cylinder, which again is now part of the Active solid sphere.

Creates the intersection of the selected solid and the Active solid.

The active solid becomes the common volume of both solids, in this case producing a solid tube with spherical ends. As before the cylinder is now part of the original Active solid sphere.

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14. Basic Solid Modelling


Simple Solid Model Example The following example illustrates the creation of a simple solid model. It emphasises the benefits with the ease of creation, and the ability to retrospectively make changes to existing features, causing the remainder of the solid to be automatically updated to comply.

• Open a new model. • Create a workplane at 0 and set the principal plane to Z. • Select the Solid creation options icon from the main toolbar. From the Solids toolbar select Create Solid Block. Centre the base of the solid block about the workplane by typing 0. Press ESC on the keyboard to break out of the command. Double click on the solid block in the graphics area opening the form shown below. • Input the length as 100, width as 50 and height as 50 and press OK.

• • • •

The newly created solid block will automatically become active (red).

• Select the Solid icon from the main toolbar. • From the Solids toolbar select Create Solid Cylinder. • In the coordinate input window to the bottom right of the graphics area input the values 0 0 –20 to position the base of the solid cylinder. • Press ESC on the keyboard to break out of the command. • Double click on the solid cylinder in the graphics area opening the form shown below and enter:- Radius 10 and Length 90.

• Left click on the solid block to identify it in the Solid History Tree, and then click on the Grey flag to change it to Red (Active Solid).


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14. Basic Solid Modelling


• With the left mouse, select the solid cylinder and from the main toolbar select the Feature option. The Feature icon is next along from the solid creation icon in the main toolbar. It contains options for performing constructional operations on the initially created active solid.

• In the Feature toolbar select the Boolean option, Remove the selected solid … to create the solid cylinder as a hole through the active solid block.

• In the Feature toolbar select the Create solid fillet option. • In the form input Radius 5 and with the shift key held down multi-select (left mouse key) the vertical edges of the solid block before selecting Apply.

All 4 vertical edges will now have a Radius 5 fillet.

• Select File - Save As and store the model to the following location:D:\users\training\COURSEWORK\PowerSHAPE_Models\SolidBlockExample1

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14. Basic Solid Modelling


Solid History Tree As an active solid evolves it absorbs other solids/surfaces/symbols. All these items are added to a history tree located on a dedicated explorer window that appears to the left of the graphics area (if it is not there double left click on the active solid). The last operation to be performed appears at the top of the history tree. These items/operations stored in the history tree can be modified retrospectively resulting in an automated update of the active solid (provided the changes are physically possible). It is also possible to defer the update if required to allow a series of changes to be implemented at the same time.

• If the history tree is not already displayed open it by double left clicking on a solid displayed in the graphics area. A solid can be made Active or deactivated by left clicking on the flag (Red flag = Active). If sub-items are not displayed click the open the sub-directory. To switch off the display of sub-items, click on the . As is clear from the illustration the first action; create solid block operation is at the bottom of the history tree whereas the final solid fillet operation is at the top.

• Double click on the solid fillet at the top of the history tree.

A box appears around the selected sub-item in the history tree and the Edit Solid Fillet form opens. The selected fillet changes to a blue colour on the Solid displayed in the graphics area.

• Input a new Radius 10 and click the OK tab.

The selected Radius in the on the solid is changed to 10 and the affected area of the solid model automatically re-trimmed to suit. Note: It is also possible to select solid, sub-items using a double left mouse click directly on the solid in the graphics area.


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14. Basic Solid Modelling


As well as the ability to modify the original parameters used in the creation of a sub-solid, it is also possible to apply the General Edits options to preceding Boolean operations.

• Select the cylinder, sub-solid with a single mouse click and identify where it is located (boxed) in the history tree.

If a sub-solid is selected it changes to a different colour from the main solid (this also applies if a wireframe view is displayed). The sub solid is also identified by being enclosed by a box in the history tree.

• Shift - Select the boolean Remove operation in the history tree such that both the solid cylinder and the Remove operation are selected (boxed). • Select the General Edits options followed by Edit Sub Item (if not already active).

• Set X as the operational axis. • Select the Rotate object option, entering values in the form to Keep original, with No of Copies 1, Reposition rotation axis as 0 0 25, and Angle 90 before pressing Return.

The original sub-solid cylinder has been copied and rotated within the active solid. The new sub-solid cylinder appears at the top of the history tree.

• Select File – Save to update the content of the stored model file. • Close the model. Issue PSHAPE 2010


14. Basic Solid Modelling


A Solid Modelling example

The Mounting Block base dimensions are X100 Y50 centrally positioned, relative to the Workplane at a Depth of Z-50. The Draft Angle up all 4 walls is 5 Degrees. A cylindrical section of Rad 15 runs with its axis along and central to the sloping upper face. All Fillets are Rad 5.

• From the Main pull down menus select File - Save As :D:\users\training\COURSEWORK\PowerSHAPE-Models\SolidModelling-1

• From the Main toolbar select Workplanes to access the Workplane options toolbar on the left of the graphics area. • Create a single Workplane at 0.

• From the Main toolbar select Solid to access the Solid options toolbar on the left of the graphics area.

• From Solid options select Create solid block.


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14. Basic Solid Modelling


• Left mouse click on the workplane to locate the new solid block on to it. • Right mouse click on the solid block and select Modify from the local editing options.

• Fill in the form exactly as shown above and then select the Workspace tab. • Enter -50 in the third coordinate box (Z) as shown below and select OK.

When a Solid is created it becomes Active by default and its Wireframe will be coloured Red. Only one solid can be Active at any one time. Other entities can interact with the Active solid which will also register them within a History Tree.

• From the Views toolbar select a View from Front (-Y). • From below left of the graphics area select Y as the operational direction.

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14. Basic Solid Modelling


• From the Main toolbar select the Line options options toolbar on the left of the graphics area.

to access the Line

• Select the Create a single line option. • Enter the coordinates -50 -50 -25 for the start of the line into the Command Input box located below the graphics area. • Enter the coordinates abs 50 -50 -10 for the start of the line into the Command Input box located below the graphics area.

• Select the angled line.

• From the Main toolbar select the Surface option to access the Surface options toolbar on the left of the graphics area. • . From Surface options select Extrusion.

With the Line pre-selected an extrusion Surface is immediately created. Note that the upper side of the Surface is shaded Red (inside) while the underside is the current default colour for Surfaces (outside). The Surface must extrude fully through the Solid.


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14. Basic Solid Modelling


• If the extrusion Surface does not pass fully through the Solid then double left mouse click on the Surface to open the Surface Editing form

• Insert a Length value of 100.

• Select OK. Note:- It is also possible to dynamically drag the arrow at the end of the selected, extrusion Surface to increase or decrease the Length.

• With the Surface selected and the Solid Active click on the Feature option on the Main toolbar.

• Select the Boolean Remove option as shown above and the part of the Solid on the Red side of the Surface will be removed.

The Surface Removal is registered in the History Tree.

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14. Basic Solid Modelling


• Select Create solid fillet form the Feature toolbar.

• With the Fillet form open and default Radius 5 set, Shift select the 4 curves linking the upper and lower rectangles before left mouse clicking on Apply.

• Dismiss the Fillet form. • Repeat the same Filleting process on the upper rectangle.

The two separate filleting processes will keep the Fillet running around the top independent from the 4 running up between the sidewalls. This will make it easier to implement any future changes to any of the 5 individual fillets.


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14. Basic Solid Modelling


• From the Main toolbar select the Line options options toolbar on the left of the graphics area.

to access the Line

• Select the Create a single line option.

• Using the left mouse key snap the line to the 2 lower corners of the planer sloping face. • From the Views toolbar select the Shaded View option.

From the Main toolbar select Workplanes to access the Workplane options toolbar on the left of the graphics area.

• Select Create a single Workplane aligned to geometry and left click anywhere within the top sloping face to create a Workplane with its Z Axis normal to the solid at this point.

Note: When a new Workplane is created it becomes Active (coloured red) by default.

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14. Basic Solid Modelling


• Use the left mouse key to select and dynamically Drag the Workplane to the Mid-point of the recently created line across the lower end of the slope.

Note:- If there is no response check that Drag Move is ticked in the above View menu (To Open, right mouse click in an empty part of the graphics area).

• From below left of the graphics area select X as the operational direction.

• From the Main toolbar select Solid to access the Solid options toolbar on the left of the graphics area.

• From Solid options select Create solid cylinder. • Left mouse click on the new workplane to locate the new solid cylinder on to it.


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14. Basic Solid Modelling


• Right mouse click on the solid cylinder and select Modify from the local editing options (Or Double left mouse click on the solid cylinder).

• Fill in the form exactly as shown above and then select the Workspace tab. • Enter -20 in the first coordinate box (X) as shown below and select OK.

The Solid Cylinder will now be removed from the main Solid using a Boolean operation.

• With the Solid Cylinder selected and the main Solid Active click on the Feature option on the Main toolbar.

• Select the Boolean Remove option will be removed from the main solid.

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and the selected Solid cylinder


14. Basic Solid Modelling


• Activate the Workplane at the top, centre of the component. • From below left of the graphics area select Z as the operational direction.

• From the Main toolbar select Solid to access the Solid options toolbar on the left of the graphics area.

• From Solid options select Create solid cylinder and in the Command Input box enter -35 -25 -50 to define the base/centre position.


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14. Basic Solid Modelling


• Right mouse click on the new solid cylinder and select Modify from the local editing options (Or Double left mouse click on the solid cylinder).

• Modify the Radius to 4 and the Length to 40 before selecting OK.

The new Solid Cylinder will now be removed from the main Solid using a Boolean operation.

• With the new Solid Cylinder selected and the main Solid Active click on the Feature option on the Main toolbar.

• Select the Boolean Remove option will be removed from the main solid.

and the selected Solid cylinder

Now that the first hole has been created the other three can be copied and mirrored across the Workplane to the correct locations.

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14. Basic Solid Modelling


• Select the latest Boolean removal action displayed in the PowerMILL explorer.

The most recent solid operation will be located at the top of the History tree.

• Select Show general edits options followed by Edit selected sub-items.

• Select Mirror items

and select the Mirror in ZX option.

A copy of the hole appears on the Solid mirrored across the ZX plane. The new hole will now be displayed at the top of the history tree.


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14. Basic Solid Modelling


• Select the Boolean removal actions for both holes as displayed in the PowerMILL explorer.

• Select Show general edits options followed by Edit selected sub-items.

• Select Mirror items

and select the Mirror in ZY option.

Copies of both the selected holes are mirrored across the ZY plane as shown left. The solid component is now complete. The existing Features or operations in the History tree can be edited or repositioned retrospectively and the Solid will automatically update to accommodate valid changes.

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14. Basic Solid Modelling


Basic Solid Editing

• Double left mouse click on the original solid block symbol at the bottom of the History tree to open the Block definition form.

• Modify the value for Width (Y) from 75 to 100 and all four Draft values to -15 before selecting OK.

The Solid component has been fully updated to comply with the above dimensional changes. The Holes now require moving to be inboard of the fillets running around the upper sloping face.


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14. Basic Solid Modelling


• Zoom into the area containing the 2 Holes in the +X direction. • With the Shift Key depressed accumulatively select the 2 Holes using the left mouse key.

The 2 Holes will also be selected (Boxed) in the History tree.

• In general edits select the Edit selected sub-items option.

• Still in general edits select the Move/copy items option.

• In the Command input box type -5 to move the 2 selected hole features. The 2 selected hole features have been moved within the Active Solid.

• From the Main pull down menus select File - Save to update the current state of the stored PowerSHAPE model.

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14. Basic Solid Modelling


Die Example The following Die example illustrates how solid modelling can produce parts more quickly and easily compared with surface modelling.

• Open a new model. • Select File - Save As and store the model to the following location:D:\users\training\COURSEWORK\PowerSHAPE_Models\SolidDie • Create a workplane at 0 and set the principal plane to Z. • Select the Solid icon from the main toolbar. • • • •

From the Solids toolbar select Create solid block. Position the solid block by typing 0 0 -40 in the coordinate input window. Press ESC on the keyboard to break out of the command. Double click on the solid block in the graphics area opening the form shown below.

• Input the length as 100, width as 150 and height as 40 and press OK.

PowerSHAPE also displays a History tree listing all the solid operations. The red flag indicates that the solid named 1 is the Active solid.

The first solid automatically becomes Active and will be displayed in Red.

• • • •

Set the principal plane to X. From the primitive Solid options select Create solid cylinder. Position the cylinder with the co-ordinates: -55 0 0 Change the radius to 2 and the length to 20.


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14. Basic Solid Modelling


The wireframe view displays all solids with a Grey colour, with the exception of the Active solid which is displayed in Red.

• Create a solid cone with the co-ordinates: -35 0 0. • Edit the top radius to 1, base radius to 2, and length to 30.

This model contains 3 solids, the large Block solid being Active.

The Active solid is identified in the history tree with a red flag.

• Left click on the solid cylinder to identify it in the Solid History Tree, and then click on the Grey flag to change it to Red (Active Solid). The cylinder is now the Active solid.

• Select the solid cone. • From the Features menu,

select Add the Selected Solid to the

Active Solid. The cone will be added to the cylinder together as a new active solid.

In the history tree, the second solid is now active and it shows that the solid cone has been added to the solid cylinder. This solid can be temporarily removed from the active solid by left clicking on the green tick (changes to a red cross). The suppressed, added solid, can be returned again by clicking on the red cross. The moulded component to be sunk into the die will be imported as surfaces and subsequently converted into a solid.

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14. Basic Solid Modelling


• Blank all of the solids and import the model:D:\users\training\PowerSHAPE_data\psmodels_n_dgk\handle.dgk

The imported model is made up of various surfaces, which are to be used to create a single solid.

• Select all surfaces. • From the Solids toolbar • Select Unblank (Ctrl + L).

select Solid from Surfaces.

The selected surfaces have become one single solid. If the surface edges do not match a watertight wizard will appear automatically, providing the opportunity to fix any gaps. The original handle solid will become part of the Active insert block solid. As a result a separate copy of the handle solid must be created for use later as the basis for an electrode.

• Name level 5 as Solids, and leave the level switched off. • Select the handle solid 8 and select the copy and then paste. • Put the pasted copy (already selected) onto level 5. This new solid can now be added to the original solids.

• With the ‘gate' solid Active, select the handle solid. • From the Features toolbar

select Add the Selected Solid to the

Active Solid.

To produce the cavity in the die block, the selected solid is subtracted from the Active solid.

• Make the die block solid active and select the handle form Solid.


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14. Basic Solid Modelling


• From the Features toolbar

select Remove the selected solid ….

A single solid is produced which has absorbed the handle form solid. A copy of the handle form solid was created earlier which will be used to make an electrode.

• Blank the cavity solid and switch on level 5. • Select the Z principal plane. • Create a surface primitive plane at 0, width 80, length 120.

This Surface does not need to be turned into a Solid to apply the Solid Split command.

• Make the handle solid Active. • Select the plane and from the Features menu, select solid split.

The solid has been split into 2 new solids on both sides of the planer surface.

• Delete the upper half of the handle. • Create a composite curve around the upper edge of the handle. • Make a solid extrusion 15mm up Z. • Add the solid extrusion to the handle.

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14. Basic Solid Modelling


The solid extrusion forms a ‘run off’ to provide clearance between the electrode form and the back plate.

• Create a solid block at 0 0 15, length 60, width 130, height 20. • Add the two solids together. • Rename the solid as Cavity_Electrode.

• Put the new solid, on level 5 and switch the level off. A Slide will be created to provide an undercut, hole in the moulding.

• Select Unblank and Activate the Cavity solid. • Select Principal Plane along Y. • Create a Solid Cone at 4 –52 -3 with:Top Radius 2 Bottom Radius 2.25 Length 5. • Select the solid cone and Add it to the Active solid.

The solid now has a localised undercut, core that is to be separated onto a retractable slide. A workplane will be created at the end of the core to assist with the separation of the slide form.


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14. Basic Solid Modelling


• Create a Workplane between these 2 points. Hint, create a line between the two points and the mid-point can be used as the key point. Alternatively, after selecting create a single Workplane, open the position input form

, select Between before sequentially

snapping the 2 points

• Select Principal Plane along Z and Lock the plane.

Locking the plane will cause new wireframe lines or arcs to be on the Z Zero plane.

• Unlock the Z plane. • Select a view down the Z axis. • Create a composite curve of a suitable slide form around the conical core as shown (linear sides are of length X6 with + or - Y0.5 to create a suitable draft angle). • From general edits select Project the composite curve onto the Z0 plane.

• • • •

and create an Extrusion surface. Selects the Solid options Double click over the extrusion surface to open the editing form. Enter a Negative length of 30, Draft angle 2 and Length 0. Select OK. The extrusion surface will be used to split the main solid extracting the slide form as a separate solid.

• Make sure the main Die insert solid is the Active solid.

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14. Basic Solid Modelling


• In the Feature Tree area expand all the + symbols so the full history of the Active Solid can be seen working from the bottom upwards. • Select the extrusion surface. • From the Solid Feature toolbar select Split solid.

Both resultant Solids will retain their separate associativities within the Solid history tree.

• Select File - Save to update the content of the stored model file. • Close the model.

Burglar Alarm Box Example • Open a new model. • Select File - Save As and store the model to the following location:D:\users\training\COURSEWORK\PowerSHAPE_Models\SolidAlarmBox

• Create a workplane at 0 and rename it as Datum. • Create a solid block at the 0 workplane Datum with the dimensions of:Length (X) 250 Width (Y) 300 Height (Z) 130 and Draft 340 on all 4 sides.

This has formed the basic shape for the Alarm Box. Further solid features will now be added.


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14. Basic Solid Modelling


• Create a rectangle of lines from -60 -80 130 with size:- (X) 120, (Y) 160. • Create a composite curve from the rectangle. • Create a Radius 10 fillet on all corners of the composite curve.

• With the composite curve selected open the Features Menu


select Create Solid Cut.

The Solid Cut form appears, while the composite curve is selected.

• Select Blind, Depth 1 and press OK. A 1mm deep recess is created into the Solid downwards from the composite curve.

The next stage is to remove the sharp edges from the main body by introducing Solid Fillets.

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14. Basic Solid Modelling


• From the Features menu

select create solid fillet.

• Enter a radius of 10.

• Accumulatively Select all 4 steep edges and the 4 edges around the top and Apply.

Note:- Unlike Surface filleting a solid fillet will run flush up to the solid edge

Next four screw apertures will be created using Remove solid.

• Create a default sized, primitive solid cone at 80 -135 5. • Quickly double left mouse click on it to open the Cone edits form. • Fill in the values (as shown right) before selecting OK.


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14. Basic Solid Modelling


• Make the solid cone Active. • From the Features menu

select create solid fillet.

• Create a 2mm solid fillet around the base of the cone. • Mirror the cone across YZ, XZ and YZ to produce a total of 4 cones.

• Select the Main body to be the Active solid again. • Select all 4 cones and apply Remove selected Solid from Active. All 4 Cone solids are removed from the Active, Main Body solid.

• Create a 1mm radius solid fillet around the outer edge of each conical recess.

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14. Basic Solid Modelling


• From the Solid Features toolbar

select Hollow Solid


Once the Hollow Solid form is open the user will be required to select the face from which the hollowing out process is to occur. To do this the solid must be shaded so that is possible to select the middle of the base as the specified face.

• Select the bottom face of the model. The red cross adjacent to ‘Removal Face Selected’ will be replaced by a green tick.

• Enter a Thickness of 3. • Press OK.

The solid now has a uniform wall thickness hollowed out from the original base as shown left. The next stage is to create air vent features on the side walls.

• Select a view down from left -X and set the principal plane to X. • Create Rectangle of lines at 0 -7 12 to 0 14 88. • Fillet the 2 left hand corners with radius 10. • Fillet the 2 right hand corners with radius 2. • Create a composite curve of the profile.

• Select both the solid and the composite curve. • From the curve menu select curve projection. • Select Through surface/solid/component and press OK.


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14. Basic Solid Modelling


The composite curve has been projected through the entire solid in the direction of the Principal plane. Only the curves on the outside faces are required.

• Delete the 2 curves on the inner face. • Select one of the remaining outside curves. open the Solid bulge form.

• On the Solid Feature toolbar

• Enter an Angle of 10 and Apply. • Select Dismiss.

The Solid Bulge appears in the solid as well as a separate item in the history tree. As a result it can be edited as a sub-item and be copied, moved, mirrored etc within the solid.

• Click the Solid Bulge icon at the top of the Feature Tree. The Solid Bulge operation becomes highlighted.

• Select the General Edits toolbar and note that the Edit sub-item option is already selected.

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14. Basic Solid Modelling


• Select the Move option and set copies to 1 and enter 0 30 in the bottom right input window and press return. • Then in the bottom right input window enter 0 -60 and press return again before dismissing the form. Three air vent forms have been generated for this side. They will be mirrored in turn to the opposite side of the main body.

• Shift select all 3 bulges and using Edit selected sub-item, mirror in the YZ axis, keeping the original.

Copies of the vent (solid bulge) forms are mirrored to the opposite face. Additional geometry is now required as the basis for creating ventilation slots for the vents.

• Create a Rectangle of lines at 0 -7 15 with sides 0 5 82. • Create a composite curve from the rectangle of lines. • Copy the curve by 30mm along Y on both sides of the original. The solid has been blanked to display the three new composite curves.

• Select all 3 rectangular composite curves. • From the Solid Features menu

select Solid Cut.

• Select Through. • Select both directions. • Select OK.

The ventilation slots are cut out of the main solid.


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14. Basic Solid Modelling


The next stage is to create a mounting for the strobe light on the end face of the box. In order to assist alignment of the mounting, a workplane will be created aligned normal to the angled face.

• Set the active principal plane to Z. • Select the Iso1 View. • Select Workplane Aligned to Geometry and select this face. • Double-click the Workplane and modify the workspace values to be 0 -135 65. • Activate the Workplane. • If necessary, twist the workplane about Z so that it’s X axis is aligned towards the top of the alarm box. The Z axis of the new workplane is aligned normal of the selected face. A boss complete with a through hole will be created aligned to the workplane Z to provide access for a strobe light mounting.

• Generate a Full Circle of radius 30 at the workplane 0 and create a solid extrusion. • Modify the extrusion with a length of 0 and a negative length of 20. • Select OK.

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14. Basic Solid Modelling


• Generate a solid block primitive at 0 0 -20. • Modify the block dimensions to Length 100, width 40, Height 30.

• With the circular extrusion, Active and the solid block selected, open the Solid Features toolbar select Intersect the Selected Solid.

The new solid is jutting beyond the inner wall of the main solid. To trim it back to the inside and at the same time, add the outer part to the main body solid the solid boss option will be applied.

• Select the main casing solid and make it Active. • With the Intersected Solid selected, select Solid Boss.

The Solid Boss form offers 2 possible solutions. It allows the Intersected feature to be split to exist either on the outside face or the inside of the main body.

• Toggle to the solution (In this case 2) with the highlighted boss on the outside and select OK.


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14. Basic Solid Modelling


The Solid Boss has been trimmed back. A hole for the wiring will now be created through the boss.

• From the Solid Features toolbar select create a hole.

• • • • •

Position the hole at 0. For Hole Category select Untoleranced. For Use select Plain. Enter the Plain Hole length as 50 and the diameter as 16. Select OK.

The finished Alarm Box Solid Model.

• Select File – Save to update the content of the stored model file. • Close the model. Issue PSHAPE 2010


14. Basic Solid Modelling


Plastic Handle Example • Open the Model - toy_handle.psmodel from:D:\users\training\PowerSHAPE_data\psmodels-n-dgk

The basic imported model contains a large handle form solid along with 6 small rib feature solids, all of which are displayed in the history tree.

• Select File – Save As and store the model to the following location:D:\users\training\COURSEWORK\PowerSHAPE_Models\PlasticHandle

• Make sure the main handle solid is Active. • From the Features menu select Solid Fillet. The Solid Fillet menu appears. Unlike Surface Filleting, Solid Filleting directly, uses the sharp edges on the Solid as the Filleting track. The order and extent to which the individual Solid fillets are created is important, if the correct design specification is to be achieved. In this case, to provide the correct shape of drive curve around the upper and lower edges of the ‘D’ shape, it is essential to create the vertical corner Fillets first.

• Set a radius of 6 and select the 2 outer vertical edges shown.

The fillet path runs until it finds a sharp edge.

• Select Apply.


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14. Basic Solid Modelling


• Generate a radius 4 fillet along the top and bottom faces.

The outer edge is now complete. The inner 'D' shape will be modified to include a fillet of radius 4mm flowing out to 6mm at the mid-point of the curved section.

• Zoom into the 'D shape'. • Fillet the vertical internal corners with a radius of 4mm. • Select the top inner edge. • Select the option Advanced in the Fillet form. This form allows you to select by mouse, an arc to represent the radius that the fillet will be at that point. This works in a very similar way to variable radius filleting of surfaces covered earlier in the course. By moving the mouse along the track, the word key will appear. Click at that point and a numbered arc is generated. This arc can be stretched or changed in the form to the desired radius.

• Select a View down the Z Axis. • Click on the track to define locations for radius 4 and one place (arrowed) where radius 6 is required. Radius 4 Radius 6

• Modify the Arc Radii as indicated and press OK.

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14. Basic Solid Modelling


The variable fillet is produced.

• Generate a similar variable fillet on the underside of the solid. • Dismiss the fillet form.

The main fillets have been generated. The solid ribs can now be removed from the main solid to produce a grip effect on the handle.

• Select all the solid ribs and Remove from the Active solid.

The completed model of the outer form is as shown left.

It is required to core out the outer form with a 3mm wall thickness. Due to certain dimensional restrictions some of the features must be suppressed before attempting to create a new solid to represent the inner form. It will also be necessary to perform additional material removal on the inner form along the shaft to maintain the nominal wall thickness.


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14. Basic Solid Modelling


• In the Features Tree - Suppress all six ribs and the logo features from the main handle solid (just click on the Green ticks next to each feature).

The ribs and logo recess have temporarily been removed from the solid.

• Using General Edits - Offset create a copy of the selected solid offset by -3mm to provide the inner wall, excluding the rib and logo detail.

Now that the basic form for the inner solid has been created the original active, outer solid is updated to include the rib and logo features again. This is achieved by applying Unsuppress in Feature Tree to each rib in turn. (click on the red crosses next to each feature).

• In the history tree left click on all red crosses adjacent to the suppressed features one at a time to reinstate them onto the outer form solid.

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14. Basic Solid Modelling


Turning to the inner core solid, there are a couple of design modifications required. These include extending the shaft through the end of the outer form and creating a 3mm wall thickness below the logo recess. To show these requirements more clearly the Model Analysis

- Dynamic Sectioning option will be applied.

• Select both the inner and outer solid. • From the left hand toolbar select Model Analysis

followed by the

Dynamic Sectioning Option. • Select the operational axis to Y from the drop-down list. • Move the Back slider to exactly 50 (half way across model) and click Create Wireframe (Note; for incremental steps use keyboard arrow keys or mouse wheel)


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14. Basic Solid Modelling


• Create a View along Y. • Quick select all wireframe and select Blank Except (CTRL K). • Check the wirefame for acceptable wall thickness and then select the two composite curves defining the section along the shaft centre.

• Snap a wireframe line to the outer composite curve as shown above and edit the length to pass through the end wall (e.g. 200mm).

• From the right hand end of the existing line create another line of suitable length (e.g. 15mm) at angle of 30 degrees as shown above. • Select and Blank the 2 composite curves. • Create a composite curve along both lines from left to right and from General Edits select the Offset option.

• Select Round discontinuities, No. of Copies 1, and input a Distance 3 before pressing the Return key. • With the new offset curve selected, create an Extrusion Surface of length 40 (along Y). • Edit the Extrusion surface - Workspace with a Y coordinate value of -20 to centralise the surface across the shaft.

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14. Basic Solid Modelling


• Make the inner core solid Active and select the new extrusion surface. • In the Feature toolbar select Remove the selected solid/surface … to remove the red side of the surface from the active solid.

The core solid illustrated also includes revised wireframe obtained from a further 50% dynamic sectioning operation to show the new wall thickness.

• Create a composite curve around the end of the core solid shaft.

• Set the operational axis to X and select the new composite curve. • Create a solid extrusion and dynamically drag it along the -X direction until it has passed through the end of the outer solid form (eg. length 20).


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14. Basic Solid Modelling


• Make the main inner core solid active. • Select the new solid extrusion and from the Feature toolbar select Add the selected solid….. to the active solid option.

• Make the outer form solid Active. • Select the inner core solid and from the Feature toolbar select Remove the selected solid….. from the active solid option.

The completed solid spade handle component is a shown above.

• Select File – Save to update the content of the stored model file. • Close the model.

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14. Basic Solid Modelling


Rib Fillet Feature The Rib Fillet feature directly creates a fillet across 3 faces of a solid. The full radius fillet is created tangentially to all of these faces. The radius of the fillet will vary depending on the angles between the faces and the distance between them. The cross section below illustrates the way the full radius is formed.

Rib Fillet Example 1 • Import the model:D:\users\training\psmodels_n_dgk\Rib Fillet.dgk.

There are two ribs on the model. The curved rib has a varying width; it would be difficult to generate a full radius on this rib using a varying radius fillet.

• Select the solid and make it Active. • Select Solid Feature.


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14. Basic Solid Modelling


• From the pop up menu under Solid Fillet select the Rib Fillet Icon.

• Ensure that Individual Faces is selected on the form as shown at the right. • Select the top surface of the curved rib as shown below.

• Select OK on the form.

The Rib Fillet feature will be formed as in the picture to the left. Note that the fillet changes with the width of the rib to form a full radius.

• Create a Rib Fillet for the small rectangular rib. Note how the corners of the Rib Fillet are mitred

• Close the model without saving it.

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14. Basic Solid Modelling


Rib Fillet Example 2 In this second example a series of rib fillets will be created on a model of a motorcycle cylinder. The fins on the barrel are tapered in two directions giving a constantly varying with to the fins and the troughs between them.

• Import the model:D:\users\training\psmodels_n_dgk\Barrel.dgk

Note the tapered form of the fins and the troughs in between them.

• Make the solid active. • From the Solid Feature menu select Rib Fillet. • On the form select All Continuous Faces. • Click on a face on the bottom rib. When the option, All Continuous faces are selected PowerSHAPE searches around the model finding all faces that are tangential to the selected face. The whole surface area of the rib will be highlighted.

• Press OK.

As is shown left, the Fillet has been created as shown around all selected fins. Note:- It is not possible to apply the Rib Fillet option to all the Ribs in one go. The Continuous Faces of each Rib must be dealt with by separate, repeated use of the Rib Fillet option.


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14. Basic Solid Modelling


• Select a view along the Y Axis. • From the Solid Feature menu select Rib Fillet. • On the form select All Continuous Faces.

• Click on a face in the bottom of the trough above the bottom rib. • Select OK.

The bottom of the trough will be filleted as seen below.

• Repeat the process until all of the fins and troughs have been filleted. The completed model is shown below. By using Rib Filleting this complex piece of modelling has been done quickly and easily.

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14. Basic Solid Modelling


Thicken Solid The Create a Thickened Solid option allows a wall thickness to be applied to an Open Solid. It is used in applications where a model is required to have a constant wall thickness. In the following example an open solid defining the outer surface of a pressing will be thickened to produce the complete pressed sheet metal component.

• Import the model:D:\users\training\powerMILL_Data\psmodels_n_dgk\SheetMetal.dgk.

• Select all of the surfaces. • From the Solids menu, select Make Solid From Surfaces. Due to the original surface model consisting of an outer skin it is necessary to convert the newly created Parasolid to a V8 solid before the Thicken Solid option can be applied. Once the V8 Solid has become has been thickened to form a ‘solid mass’ then it should be possible to convert it to a Parasolid.

• Select the option to Convert the Solid to a V8 Solid.

• Select the Feature toolbar option.


and then click on the Thicken Solid

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14. Basic Solid Modelling


The following form will open advising the user to make the V8 Solid Watertight.

• Select Yes to open the Make Watertight Wizard.

Several Large Holes plus a single Small Gap are identified by the wizard.

• Keeping the default Repair options select Next.

The Large holes have been retained and the Small gap has been fixed.

• Select Next to move to the next form.

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14. Basic Solid Modelling


• Select Finish to accept the Watertight status and close the form.

• In the Thicken Solid form, enter a Thickness of 2 and then select OK.

The Solid is now thickened. It should now be compatible for conversion to a Parasolid so long as the Thicken Solid operation has created the inside form accurately enough. As a precaution it would be a good idea to run the Watertight wizard again, prior to applying the Parasolid conversion.

• In the Solids toolbar select the Convert to Parasolid option. The Warning form appears advising of the failure to convert the V8 Solid to a Parasolid. As a consequence, the thickening of the V8 Solid is removed.

• Select Undo to return to the Thickened V8 Solid. • With the V8 solid selected


Issue PSHAPE 2010

14. Basic Solid Modelling


Solid Exercise 1 • Create the following component as a Solid model.

Solid Exercise 2 • Import the model:Issue PSHAPE 2010


14. Basic Solid Modelling



The Imported Surface model defines the outer skin of a jug. Part 1 of the exercise is to create the 3mm thick, inner wall and to modify the handle, locally to be solid (no wall thickness). Part 2 is to create a Rib Fillet around the rim.

Part 1 • Create a Solid from the Surface Model. • Create the inside form using Thicken Solid with a 3mm wall thickness.

The Solid is Thickened by 3mm (inwards) which also applies to the inside of the handle. Note:- The design specification requires that the handle is a completely solid form.

• Convert the Solid back to a Surface model. • On the main part of the inner wall, Delete the Pcurves (and Boundaries) that form the trimmed openings into the inside of the inner handle wall.


Issue PSHAPE 2010

14. Basic Solid Modelling


• Delete the Surfaces that define the inner wall of the handle.

Part2 • Create a Solid (again) from the remaining surface model. • Apply a Rib Fillet Feature around the rim.

• Select File - Save As and store the model to the following location:D:\users\training\COURSEWORK\PowerSHAPE_Models\SolidJug-Ex2

• Close the model.

Issue PSHAPE 2010


14. Basic Solid Modelling



Issue PSHAPE 2010

15. Delcam Drafting


15. Delcam Drafting Introduction Delcam Drafting is included as part of the basic PowerSHAPE module. Delcam Drafting enables the creation of fully dimensioned and detailed drawings including, cross sections, dimensions, and text. Delcam Draft is accessed by selecting Module>Drafting from the top pull down menu or the Drafting Mode option on the main toolbar.

This changes the main Toolbar to Drafting mode.

Delcam Draft Example

In this example we will create a few views followed by a few simple dimensions.

• Open the model:D:\users\training\PowerSHAPE_Data\psmodels_n_dgk\golf-fin • Delete all the wireframe.

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15. Delcam Drafting


• Select Tools > Options> Drafting > Drawings and set sheet size as A3.

• Select Enter Drafting.

Drawings are created and saved with the model file. As no drawings exist in this model the list on the left is empty. A New Drawing will be created.

• Select Create New Drawing. A new empty drawing window is created with the name golf_fin: s1 which is sheet 1 of the model golf fin. A new view is automatically created and attached to the cursor. This can also be created by selecting the view command.

Move the mouse into the graphics area to the top left corner of the sheet and Click with mouse button 1 to accept.


Issue PSHAPE 2010

15. Delcam Drafting


A front view is automatically produced. This view is generated looking down the Z-Axis of the Active Workplane or World. By putting the mouse on the edges of the box an arrow appears which is clicked and pulled dynamically to create further views.

• Move the arrow to the bottom of the box. • Click when the mouse turns to an ‘up’ arrow. • Place the new view below the front view.

• Move the mouse into the front view and click the right mouse button to open the Drawing View menu.

This Drawing View menu provides a choice of options on the selected view.

• Select Active. This displays a red border around the view and highlights the datum. With the view Active it is possible to create further geometry local to the view.

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15. Delcam Drafting


• Create a single line from 0 –20 to 0 60. • Select Views to see the Views toolbar. • With the line selected, from the Views toolbar pick Section View. This puts two arrows on the section line showing which way you are looking at the view. The arrows can be clicked with the left mouse key to change the direction, if required.

• Click to the right of the front view to place the section view. PowerSHAPE automatically puts the section lines on the model and the text section A-A. Further sections can be generated from this view, including angled sections and stepped sections. This section is made up of wireframe and can be deleted without affecting the original model.

Zoom into the section drawing and from the main toolbar select Annotation.

• From the Annotation toolbar select Automatic Dimension. • Move the mouse to the left hand end of the top line and click. • Move the mouse (stretches a dimension) to the left hand end of the bottom line and click. • Move the dimension out to the left and click to locate the dimension.

The first dimension has been taken from two selected points.


Issue PSHAPE 2010

15. Delcam Drafting


• From the Annotation toolbar select radius. • Click on the top right arc and then Dog leg dimension from the dimension toolbar. • Click a point along the top right fillet radius, position the dimension as shown below and click to Accept.

The radius dimension automatically appears with an 'R' in front of the value. To modify a dimension double-click on it to access the options in the dimensions toolbar.

• From the Dimension toolbar, select minor angle. • Select the bottom end of the angled line when End appears and click. Move the cursor up vertically by a small distance (along the ghosted line) and snap to accept the lower position for the first witness line. • Click anywhere along the angled line to define the other side of the angle. •

Position the text (as shown below) and click to accept the 10-degree dimension.

Surface data can also be dimensioned in exactly the same way.

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15. Delcam Drafting


The Drawing is stored with the Saved model.

• Press Save. • Close the Drawing by pressing the small grey cross at the upper right of the screen. • Save the Model. • Select File > Close. To access the Drawing, the model is opened and the drawing sheet picked from the list.

• Open the Model. • Select Drafting mode.

• Select Open Drawing. • From the list, select S1.

• Select OK.


Issue PSHAPE 2010

16. Mold Die Wizard


16. Mold Die Wizard Introduction An option has been included in PowerSHAPE, called Mold Die Wizard. Using the active solid, the Mold Die Wizard will automatically split and trim the model creating cavity and core inserts.

• Open a new model. • Select File > Import, and then select the model:D:\users\training\Delcam_Draft data\Phone_Cover.dgk The model contains the surface data of a mobile phone cover. For PowerSHAPE to process the data, through the Die Wizard, the model needs to be in the form of a solid. After conversion from a Surface model to a solid it is strongly advised to check for any potential faults.

• Select all surfaces. • From the solids menu, select create solid from selected surfaces. • Double left mouse click on the Solid to open the Solid Editing toolbar.

• Select the ‘find and fix faults in the solid’ option and wait for a response.

• The message confirms that the Solid is free from any faults (Watertight).

Issue PSHAPE 2010


16. Mold Die Wizard.


• Select a Wireframe view to see the areas that contain the small gaps (displayed in Red).

• Select Next on the form.

• In the next page of the form select Yes to heal the edges option.

• Select Finish to heal the solid. PowerSHAPE attempts to heal the edges of the model to the specified tolerance of 0.01 and returns with the message:

This informs the user that all of the holes in the model have been closed to the working tolerance of 0.01mm. The part is now watertight and ready for the die wizard.

• Select OK to continue. The model is now Watertight and ready for the Die Wizard. Although recommended, it is not always essential for the model to be watertight for it to run through the Die Wizard.

• Select the solid.


Issue PSHAPE 2010

16. Mold Die Wizard


• From main toolbar select Wizards

then select Start Mold Die

Wizard. The first page of the Mold Die Wizard allows the user to select the objects to be used for die creation. These can be in the form of previously generated Split lines, Split Surfaces and Die blocks. In this example, Split lines, Split Surfaces and Die Blocks will be automatically created by the wizard and the object information area highlights the selection of the product only.

• Select Next >

The second page allows the user to create and edit split lines. The wizard has automatically generated the split lines to be used for this model.

Each split line is numbered and can be selected, and modified if necessary, from the Pull Down list. As a split curve is selected, it is displayed in the Die Wizard graphic window. The model can be dynamically manipulated in the Die Wizard graphic window in the same way it can be manipulated in the PowerSHAPE graphic window.

• Select Next > to continue. This form gives the user the opportunity to change or create fill-in surfaces. In this case the surfaces created by the wizard do not need to be modified.

• Click the Preview button to display the fill-in surfaces on the model.

Issue PSHAPE 2010


16. Mold Die Wizard.


• Click the Preview button to display the fill-in surfaces on the model.

• Select Next > to continue.

This page allows the user to specify product shrinkage; the amount by which the mould cavity increases to allow for shrinkage.

The drop down list displays the abbreviated names of the materials; when a material is selected, the full name of the material is displayed below. A predefined value (dependent on the material selected) will be automatically inserted into X, Y and Z. Uniform Shrinkage can be switched off to enable the user to set different shrinkage factors for X, Y and Z.

• From Material Drop down select ABS. • Select Next > to continue.


Issue PSHAPE 2010

16. Mold Die Wizard


This page of the wizard allows the user to specify block size for the die inserts. Size can be set using overall dimensions for the block or by setting a minimum land dimension.

• Set a block length of 200 and a width of 100. • Select Next > to continue.

The next page allows the user to edit the created split surface. In this example the split surface is required to use a combination run off of radially and along axis.

• Select the ‘Advanced split surface options’.

The Split Segments form appears.

• Select Clear to remove any existing segments from the curve. • Set the corner type to run in both directions.

Issue PSHAPE 2010


16. Mold Die Wizard.


• Using the mouse create breakpoints at the positions indicated.

• Set the corner type to run in a single direction. • Create a single breakpoint at the position indicated.

• Untick the Insert Breakpoints box to toggle the curve segments option. • Select segment 1 from the dropdown list and set the direction to be Along Axis.

Segment 1 will indicate a split along the X-axis.


Issue PSHAPE 2010

16. Mold Die Wizard


• Select segment 2 from the dropdown list and set the direction to be Along Axis.

• Repeat for segments 3 and 5. • Select segment 4 from the dropdown list and set the split direction to be Radial.

Segment 4 will indicate a radial split.

• Select OK. • Select Next > to continue.

This page of the wizard allows the user to define block heights for the die inserts. Values can be determined using absolute or relative dimensions, specifying an overall height or by fixing maximum and minimum values of the upper and lower parts.

• Set a Minimum Upper value of 30. • Set a Minimum Lower value of 25. • Select Next > to continue.

Issue PSHAPE 2010


16. Mold Die Wizard.


This page of the wizard allows the user to define corner types. There are three types of corner definition, Radial, Chamfer and none. These can be applied either individually or globally to the insert corners.

• Set a 10mm Chamfer • Select Next > to continue.

and tick Apply to all corners.

The final page of the wizard allows the user to simulate core and cavity separation.

• Move the slider to simulate separation. • Select Finish to exit and complete the wizard.


Issue PSHAPE 2010

17. Further Solid Modelling


17. Further Solid Modelling Solid Feature Relationships An option exists to specify the position of some types of feature with respect to the solid by using the Solid Feature Relationship dialog box. Relationships can be created for solid cut, solid boss, Boolean, Boolean-boss and hole features and are defined by selecting a key point on the solid, a key point on the feature and specifying a distance between the two.

Feature Relations Example • Open a new model. • Select Tools  Options, select Object then Surfaces and in Primitives Untick the option Create as NURBS.

• Create a workplane at 0. • Create a solid block at 0 with dimensions, X 100, Y100 and Z 60. A parameter is a user-defined variable, which is used to store numbers and expressions. In this example a parameter will be created and used to define a depth and a diameter. These parameters will then automatically update the model when their values are changed.

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17. Further Solid Modelling


• Create a solid block at 0, 0, 60 and open the Solid Block form. • Set a length of 50, width of 50 and create a parameter for the height as shown. A Parameter with the name depth will be created with an expression or numeric value of 30.

• Click on the Workspace tab and apply a Y twist of 180°

• Select OK in both forms to exit. • Remove the inner solid block from the main outer solid block.

A Feature Relationship will be set between the inner feature and the outer block.


Issue PSHAPE 2010

17. Further Solid Modelling


• Right Click over the Feature in the explorer window and select Modify.

The Boolean Feature editing form appears.

• Tick the option Display primary and secondary solids. • Select Define the relative position of the secondary solid. • Select Position the Relative workplane.

The workplane is attached to the cursor and the key points where a workplane can be snapped onto the solid are highlighted by circles.

• Click on the corner shown. When the workplane is located, the Relationship Workplane text will be marked with a green tick in the form.

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17. Further Solid Modelling


• Select Specify the points on the feature to be used. The key points are highlighted with circles.

• Click on the key point shown. When the key point is selected, the form will update.

Dimensions will be displayed on the model, highlighting the relationship between the two selected positions.

• Select OK.

• From the Solid Features menu, select Solid Hole. • Attach the Solid Hole to the key point shown.

The Solid Hole form is displayed.


Issue PSHAPE 2010

17. Further Solid Modelling


• Specify an Untoleranced Plain hole.

• Use the previously created Parameter depth to define the length of the hole. A second parameter will be created, and used, to define the diameter of the hole.

• Click the cursor in the diameter text box and input the parameter dia=10.

• Select Plane Details…. button and then Feature Relationship

With Hole Features the Feature Keypoint will always be the origin of the hole, therefore the Feature Keypoint has been pre-selected and cannot be changed.

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17. Further Solid Modelling


• Select the workplane icon on the form to attach a workplane to the cursor and display key points on the Solid. • Attach the workplane to the key point position as shown and a green tick will confirm the action.

• Select OK at the bottom of the above Solid Feature Relationship form.

• Select OK on the Plane Details form.

• Select OK on the Solid Hole form.


Issue PSHAPE 2010

17. Further Solid Modelling


• Create a second hole at the position indicated.

The parameters for the depth and diameter are still in the hole form, this can be checked by hovering the cursor over the relevant text boxes.

• As before, select Plane Details and then Feature Relationship.

• Attach the workplane to the key point position as shown and Select OK on all three forms.

• Repeat the process creating 2 more Solid Hole features, using the parameters to define length and diameter, to produce the model shown.

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17. Further Solid Modelling


• Right Click on the Solid Block (The last item in the history tree) and select Modify.

• Modify the Block length (X) to 200 and select OK.

Note:- The pocket feature is still maintained at X25 Y-25 from the top left corner of the main Block Solid (The pocket detail would otherwise have remained centrally located).

Next the X position of the pocket feature relative to the main Block will be changed by editing the Feature Relationship.


Issue PSHAPE 2010

17. Further Solid Modelling


• Right Click over the Feature and select Modify.

• Select Feature Relationship.

• Enter an X value of 40 and OK the form.

The first edge of the Pocket Feature detail is now positioned 40mm from the end of the main Block.

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17. Further Solid Modelling


The Parameters created defining depth and diameter can also be retrospectively modified.

• From the Object pull down menu at the top of the screen, select the Parameter option to open the Parameter Editor form.

The Parameter Editor allows parameters to be created and modified.

• From the top left, Parameter window select the depth parameter.

The value of the parameter (30mm) will be displayed in the form.

• Press

to clear the value of 30.

• Enter a new value of 10 and press Apply. The model updates reflecting the change to the depth parameter.


Issue PSHAPE 2010

17. Further Solid Modelling


• From the Parameter pull down select the dia parameter.

The value of the parameter (10mm) will be displayed in the form.

• Press

to clear the value of 10.

• Enter a new value of 15 and press Apply and OK.

The model updates reflecting the change to the dia parameter.

Do Not Close the Model as it is required for use in the next section (Edit Solid Face).

Note: An important point to remember when working with parameters is that they are case sensitive i.e. depth, Depth and DEPTH are three totally different parameters.

Edit Solid Face Individual faces of the active Solid can be edited using the Surface Editing tools. When an individual face of the Solid is selected for editing in this way, the main surface edits toolbar is activated. The user can use the toolbar to add extra curves to the face, move seected points, and change tangent angles and magnitudes.

• Right click over the solid in the graphics window and from the local menu, select Edit Surface.

The Edit Face form appears.

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17. Further Solid Modelling


• Select the front face of the Solid.

The form will indicate that the face has been selected.

• Select Edit on the form. Selecting Edit will activate both the general Edit and Surface Edits toolbars.

• Select the Add Curve options and insert 4 new surface curves to the face in the order specified below.

• Apply a Lateral curve initially at the Parametric Value of 1.75 and then at 1.25 • Apply a Longitudinal curve initially at a Parametric Value of 1.75 and then at 1.25

• Dismiss the Add Curves form.


Issue PSHAPE 2010

17. Further Solid Modelling


• From the Selection Pop up. • Select the Select Pattern of points. • Enter the values into the form as shown overleaf.

• Select OK.

Points have been selected on the face using the specified range.

• From the Edit toolbar switch on Edit Selected Sub-items. • Move the selected Points along the Y-axis by -10mm and Accept the Edit Face form.

The Solid face has been modified.

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17. Further Solid Modelling



Issue PSHAPE 2010

18. Plotting


18. Plotting Plotting Plotting is done via the Print icon

or Print under the File Menu.

Models and drawings can be printed out directly on a printer/plotter, or saved and exported to a file in a number of formats.

• Open the drawing bracket_example. • Select Tools Options and choose Drafting  Views  General • Switch off the Display Boundaries option. By switching Display Boundaries off on the drawing, you can visualise how the plot will appear. Note: It is not compulsory to switch off Display Boundaries before plotting.

• OK the form.

Plot Drawing • To plot the drawing, select Print under File on the top menu bar. This form is used to print the contents of the graphics window and to control the destination of the print (Printer, or File). If OK is selected the contents of the graphics area will be printed using the current settings to the specified printer or output file format, output file. The output format can be determined using the Print Setup option under File.

• Select OK to close the form.

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18. Plotting


• Press File  Page Setup.

Printer or plotter options can be set using the Printer button on this form: this brings up the Printer Setup form File options can be set using the Files button: this brings up the Print to File Settings form

• Select the Printer and then Files button.


Issue PSHAPE 2010

18. Plotting


Print to File Print to File option is selected on the Print form then the file can be saved in a number of formats.

• Select the Print to File option and then the OK button.

The Print to File form appears:

• Change the File Type to *.bmp and enter a suitable file name, such as bracket_example.

• Click the Save button. This file can now be viewed in an image viewer, such as Imaging or Paint Shop Pro. Further plotting options can be found on the Plotting page of the Options menu.

Print to File can be accessed directly from File>Print to File

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18. Plotting


Standard PDF Drawings or Model views can be saved as the now widely used PDF format (Portable Document Format). Free Conversion tools are widely available to download such as PDF995. Once installed (including a Printer driver), files can be converted quickly by selecting this printer.

• Select Print under File on the top menu bar. • Select the PDF Printer (PDF995 in this case). • Select OK.

• Enter a suitable save Location and Filename. • Select Save.


Issue PSHAPE 2010

18. Plotting


3D PDF PowerSHAPE allows direct exporting to a PDF format but with real-time interaction.

• From File>Examples…, select the concept_aircraft.mac • Select Export under File on the top menu bar.

• Select Export again • Select Adobe Acrobat Document (*pdf) from the Save as type pull down menu.

• Enter a suitable save Location and Filename. • Select Save.

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18. Plotting


Locate and open the saved file on the computer. (Note: Adobe Acrobat Reader must be installed to enable PDF viewing)

The view can be manipulated by using the mouse and selected icons.


Issue PSHAPE 2010

19. Exercises


19. Exercises Radiator Valve Cover Model the radiator component.

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19. Exercises


Keyboard Button Model the surfaces to form the keyboard button shown below. The button has a winding angle along one edge, which can be difficult to visualise. It is a constantly changing angle from one edge to the other.


Issue PSHAPE 2010

19. Exercises


Plastic Bottle The shampoo bottle shown has a variable radius fillet blend at the base.

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19. Exercises



Issue PSHAPE 2010

20. Parasolid Fixing


20. Parasolid Fixing Introduction PowerSHAPE 2010 is the first release to use Parasolid. To maintain compatibility with the original Version 8 solids, an option exists to convert to and from both types of Solid. If new solids are being created, the existing user will notice no obvious difference in the command structure. What will be evident is a vastly improved ability to perform operations, a prime example being Solid Filleting. When the user is checking and repairing faults with the new default Parasolids, a new Solid Doctor is accessed instead of the old, Version 8 solid, Make Watertight Wizard. The new Solid Doctor identifies and clearly labels all faults on the parasolid, enabling the user to systematically view, select, and fix them.

Solid Editing toolbar

An old ‘version 8’ solid can be converted to or from a Parasolid by selecting . The same option is also used to convert a Parasolid back into a ‘version 8’ solid. The default conversion for a Surface model is also directly to a Parasolid. In both cases it is more than likely that the new Parasolid will require further attention to remove gaps and other inaccuracies.

is selected, the new Solid Doctor form will If the ‘Find and fix faults in solid’ option open for Parasolids, or the original Watertight Wizard for the older Version 8 solids. Solid Doctor (Parasolids)

Make Watertight Wizard (Version 8 Solids)

Issue PSHAPE 2010


20. Parasolid Fixing


Speaker Core - Surface to Parasolid - conversion and fixing A Surface model will be imported and converted to Parasolids. After the conversion process some areas of the model will require fixing, for it to be fully compatible as a Parasolid. These problem areas will be identified and fixed using the Solid Doctor.

• Import the Model:D:\users\training\PowerSHAPE_Data\psmodels_n_dgk\SpkrCore_Surfs.dgk

• Select File -Save as:• D:\users\training\COURSEWORK\PowerSHAPE-Models\SpkrCore-Parasolid

• With all of the Surfaces selected, and the Solids

tool bar active,

select the option ‘Create solid from selected surfaces’.

PowerSHAPE will attempt convert all of the selected Surfaces into a Parasolid. It is more than likely that parts of the original surface model will not be accurate enough to comply with the requirements for a fully watertight, Parasolid. As a result the user is automatically prompted with the following Query.

• Select Yes to start Solid Doctor.


Issue PSHAPE 2010

20. Parasolid Fixing


The Solid Doctor wizard will appear with and all faults will be listed in the left hand, explorer area.

The model will also be labelled with a purple coloured marker and descriptions, of any corresponding faults.

• With the option Attempt automatic repair selected, left mouse click on the Process the selected faults icon

Note: 3 faults have successfully been repaired and the remaining 5 faults require further attention.

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20. Parasolid Fixing


The 3 fixed areas of the Parasolid model will now be labelled with a green marker and description. The remaining 5 faults stay purple identifying that they require a more specific, alternative repair option.

• Select Recheck the Solids for faults information displayed by the Solid Doctor.

to review and update the

• Either left mouse click on one of the purple ‘Gap’ fault labels over the Solid, or left click on a ‘Surfaces’ row in the Solid Doctor wizard. explorer.


Issue PSHAPE 2010

20. Parasolid Fixing


Only the selected fault will remain labelled, and the view of the Solid will automatically reorientate.

• Select the fault at the top of the list, and zoom into the problem area to assess how best to make the repair. Take time to repeatedly change the view, shade the model, and assess the most suitable method of repair. In this case it looks like the best solution would be achieved by filling the gap with a Non-tangential patch. Should the result not be acceptable, there is an undo option on the Solid Doctor wizard.

• Select the option, Fill gap with non-tangential surface and left mouse click on Process the selected fault


The symbol to the left of the selected Surfaces row in the Solid Doctor, explorer is now ticked as repaired. The action is also confirmed in the Information window to the left of the Solid Doctor wizard, form. Also, the Gap label on the actual Solid is now coloured green.

Issue PSHAPE 2010


20. Parasolid Fixing


• Select the second fault in the list, and again, zoom into the problem area to assess how best to make the repair.

On closer inspection, the fault is of a similar type to the last one, and should be easily fixed by using a Non-tangential patch,

• Select the option, Fill gap with non-tangential surface and left mouse click on Process the selected fault


The Gap is now shown as repaired, and is also identified by a green label on the actual Solid.

• Select the third fault in the list, and again, zoom into the problem area to assess how best to make the repair. •


Issue PSHAPE 2010

20. Parasolid Fixing


This time, the fault is a tiny, triangular gap along the upper edge of a rib, recess. In this case it would be a better choice to attempt to redefine the existingsurface patch, rather than adding a new patch to fill the gap.

• Select the option, Extract surfaces around gap and edit them and left mouse click on Process the selected fault


Separate Surfaces will be created from the patches adjacent to the tiny, triangular gap in the Solid.

• Select and blank the Solid and zoom into the locally extracted surfaces. • Change to a wireframe view. • Construct a composite curve (Starting in one of the corners), around the outer edge of 2 smaller surfaces and locally along the edge of large surface where it includes the gap (as shown below).

• Accept the composite curve. Issue PSHAPE 2010


20. Parasolid Fixing


• Select and now Delete the 2 smaller surfaces enclosed within the composite curve. • Select the Composite Curve followed by Ctrl K (blank except).

• With the Composite Curve still selected, click on the Merge and Spline option in the curves toolbar to remove redundant points within the default 0.01 tolerance.

• With the Composite Curve selected select the Automatic Surfacing option opting for the option from network (Do not Apply yet!).

The Preview for the surface has currently split it into 2 triangular patches instead of a more viable, 4 sided patch. To achieve the latter, the corner points for a 4 sided patch will be controlled from the Advanced options.


Issue PSHAPE 2010

20. Parasolid Fixing


• Select the Advanced tab and left mouse click in the Corners box.

• Sequentially left mouse click on the 4 distinct (Tangency) corners of the Composite Curve to control which spans will define the surface curves and select Apply.

• • • •

Select Apply in the main Automatic Surfacing and close the form. Select Unblank to display all entities. Select and Delete the latest Composite Curve. With the Active, Solid displayed, select all local Surfaces and select the Green tick to exit the Surface Editing process.

The modified Surface data will replace the original patches in the Solid.

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20. Parasolid Fixing


The Gap is now shown as repaired, and is now identified by a green label on the actual Solid.

• Select the fourth fault in the list, and again, zoom into the problem area to assess how best to make the repair.

This Gap is rather unusual as the purple label on the Solid is pointing to what appears to be an empty space? It is in fact the invisible trimmed part of one of the original surface components that was absorbed into the Solid. To comply with the rules governing a Parasolid definition, even a gap in a trimmed away surface is potentially a problem.


Issue PSHAPE 2010

20. Parasolid Fixing


To have a closer look at the problem it will initially be a good approach to have a closer look at the problem surface by using the option Extract surfaces around gap and edit them. Once the fault is assessed it may well be that a different method of repair is more suitable, in which case the current repair option will be aborted.

• Select the option,

and left mouse click on Process the selected fault.

The extracted surface is as shown above with a tiny gap in the base. This gap must be filled in, and the easiest way is to abandon the current fault fixing option, to opt for Fill gap with a non-tangential surface instead.

• Select the Red Cross option to abandon the current surface edit process.

• Back in the Solid Doctor wizard, select the Fill in gap with a nontangential surface option before selecting the Process the selected fault icon.

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20. Parasolid Fixing


The Gap is now shown as repaired, and is also identified by a green label on the actual Solid.

• Select the fifth fault in the list, and again, zoom into the problem area to assess how best to make the repair.

On closer inspection, this gap appears to be similar to the previous one but mirrored across on the other side of the Solid. As a result it is not necessary to have closer look at the actual surface this time but to go straight for Fill gap with a non-tangential surface.

• Select the option, Fill gap with non-tangential surface and left mouse click on Process the selected fault


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20. Parasolid Fixing


The Gap is now shown as repaired, and is also identified by a green label on the actual Solid.

• In the Solid Doctor, select the Re-check the solid for faults option.

If the Parasolid is fully repaired the above message will be displayed and the Solid Doctor wizard will close.

Issue PSHAPE 2010


20. Parasolid Fixing


Version 8 Solid to Parasolid - conversion and fixing A Version 8 Solid will be imported and converted to a Parasolid. After the conversion process some areas of the model will require fixing, for it to be fully compatible as a Parasolid. These problem areas will be identified and fixed using the Solid Doctor. Some repair options will result in the removal of the Solid History tree, and in these instances it would be a better policy to apply an alternative method.

• Import the Model:D:\users\training\PowerSHAPE_Data\psmodels_n_dgk\RadTank-V8solid.dgk

• Select File -Save as:D:\users\training\COURSEWORK\PowerSHAPE-Models\RadTank-Parasolid

• Right mouse click on the Solid to open the local editing form at the top of which the description confirms that it is a Version 8 Solid.

• Left mouse click on the solid to activate the Solid editing toolbar.

• Select the option to convert the V8 Solid to a Solid.


Issue PSHAPE 2010

20. Parasolid Fixing


After the conversion to a Parasolid is finished, the following Query form is opened.

• Select Yes in the Query form to activate the Solid Doctor wizard. In the Solid Doctor - explorer window, similar types of faults are organised into specifically named folders (The contents of a folder are displayed on clicking on the ). The faults are also labelled (purple) on the actual Solid in the graphics area.

• With Solid Faults selected and the default Attempt automatic repair selected, click on Process the selected faults.

Note: Just one fault has been repaired and is now labelled green (instead of purple) on the Parasolid. The same repaired fault is identified with a green tick in the Solid Doctor explorer.

• Select the Re-check the solid for faults option.

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20. Parasolid Fixing


The repaired Gap is now removed from Solid Doctor form, and is no longer identified by a green label on the Parasolid.

• Select Large faulty surfaces (1) in the Solid Doctor explorer and note that only the related faults (one in this case) are highlighted on the displayed Solid.

Note: Only the repair options potentially valid for the selected fault(s) will be made available

• Select the option, Extract surfaces and edit them and left mouse click on Process the selected fault.

The faulty surface will become the only selected item in the graphics area.

• Select Blank Except (CTRL K) to remove the Solid and Composite Curve (Used to mark the outside of the faulty surface) from the view. The surface trimming requires closer inspection and repair to ensure an accurate edge match with adjacent faces on the Solid.


Issue PSHAPE 2010

20. Parasolid Fixing


• Select a Wireframe view and zoom into the trimmed areas of the Surface.

There are two ‘microscopic’ bulges on the trimmed edge at the top of the spherical patch. Even though they are almost invisible they still contravene the strict, accuracy rules for a Parasolid and as a result must be fixed.

• Right click on the Surface and from the local menu select Surface Trim Region Editing.

The Boundary editing options are displayed in the above toolbar.

• Select and Explode all Boundaries. • Toggle the Trimming toolbar from Boundary to Pcurve options.

• Select and Delete the 3 pcurves (shown Red above) that run up to the top of the Sphere (Note: Zoom in to locate the 2 tiny pcurves at the top). • Close the Pcurve editing toolbar. Issue PSHAPE 2010


20. Parasolid Fixing


• Select the surface curve running around the ‘equator’ of the sphere. • From the Curve editing toolbar select Turn point labels on. Part of the required trimming is coincident with two of the surface curves running up the sphere. As a result part of the Surface can be removed to create a natural, vertically aligned trimmed edge. The order in which the vertically aligned, surface curves are numbered needs to be changed. This is to enable the Open Surface to be applied outside the remaining pcurve structure.

• With the surface curve still selected click on Reverse the surface.

The Surface can now be opened and the redundant, vertically aligned surface curve (Passing through point 4 away form the trim area) can de deleted.

• With the surface curve still selected click on Open the surface.

• Select and Delete the redundant, vertically aligned surface curve, outside of the area to be trimmed.

• Right click on the Surface and from the local menu select Surface Trim Region Editing.


Issue PSHAPE 2010

20. Parasolid Fixing


• In the Boundary edits toolbar select Autocreate to produce the correctly trimmed surface with the remaining pcurves. .

• Close the Boundary edits toolbar and Unblank (CTRL L) to redisplay the solid along with the now, correctly trimmed surface,

• Make sure that the fixed trimmed Surface and Solid are selected and then Accept all surface edit changes (Green Tick). The repaired Surface will now be used to replace the faulty patch on solid.

As shown above the Solid Doctor confirms that the fault has been repaired.

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20. Parasolid Fixing


The 2 Large holes will be repaired next as the problem is likely to be more serious, requiring a more complex procedure than for the 6 remaining Gaps.

• Select and open Large Holes (3) in the Solid Doctor explorer.

Three Large hole faults have been registered, and each one will be dealt with in turn until all have been systematically repaired.

On closer inspection it is clear that the selected fault is due to the inside wall of the solid overlapping beyond the fillet at the base. Note: Composite curve (purple) identifies the edges of the Large Hole in the Solid.

• Select the option Extract surfaces and edit them and left mouse click on Process the selected fault.


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20. Parasolid Fixing


The faulty surfaces will become the only selected items in the graphics area.

• Zoom into a corner of the model to have a closer look at the fault. The main, inner sidewall, Surfaces need to be trimmed back as they are extending upwards, beyond the tangency with the blend surfaces.

• Select the Solid and apply Blank Exept (CTRL k) to remove the Surface and Composite Curves from the view.

• From the Curves toolbar

select the Create a Composite Curve

option. • Click somewhere on the tangency path between the inner sidewall and blend Surfaces.

• Select the Fast Forward option to create the required, closed Composite Curve before selecting the red Accept option. • Close the Composite Curve toolbar. Issue PSHAPE 2010


20. Parasolid Fixing


• Unblank (Ctrl L) all items and then select and blank (Ctrl J) the Solid. • Select and Delete the (original) composite curve running along the top edge of the Surfaces.

• Select a View from Right (+X). • Select the Composite curve and from General edits

select Limit


The pre-selected Composite curve is registered as the Cutting Object (green tick).

• Drag a box across all the Surfaces above the composite curve to trim them back to it. • If this action initially trims away the surfaces above the Composite curve apply Next solution


as required to reverse the trimming.

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20. Parasolid Fixing


• Select Unblank (CTRL L) to redisplay the solid along with the now, correctly trimmed surfaces,

• Make sure that the Solid and all Surfaces are selected and left mouse click on Accept all surface edit changes (Green Tick). The repaired Surface will now be used to replace the fault on the solid.

As shown above the Solid Doctor confirms that the fault has been repaired. It should also be noted that several other Surfaces, registered with faults in Large Holes (4) have also been repaired as a consequence of the last operation.

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20. Parasolid Fixing


• Apply Re-check the solid for faults.

All of the repaired faults are removed from the form.

• Select the remaining set of Surfaces registered in Large holes (1) in the Solid Doctor explorer. The process has exposed a Surfaces overlap problem at the base of the fifth rib, from the non-pipe end of the tank. .

• Select the option Extract surfaces and edit them and left mouse click on Process the selected fault. • Unblank (Ctrl K) all entities apart from the extracted Surfaces.

The fact that the base surface is not trimmed back to the inside of the rib suggests that there is likely to be a small gap.


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20. Parasolid Fixing


• Select a Wireframe View and zoom into the problem area. • With the Alt key depressed left click a Composite Curve on the top edge of the rib surfaces.

• Delete the original Composite curve (purple) running along the base of the rib surfaces. • Select the Composite curve at the top of the Rib Surfaces.

Note the 2 points (6 & 7) that are almost coincident with each other. This needs a closer look to investigate why?

• Zoom into the area around points 6 & 7. The extra point (7) is where the side of the rib starts to follow the non-linear part of the main body form. This will be dealt with as a triangular Fill-in surface.

• Delete point 7 from the upper Composite curve. • Create a new Composite curve around the small triangular patch. • Create a new Fill-in surface inside the tiny triangular Composite Curve. • Select and Delete the small triangular Composite Curve.

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20. Parasolid Fixing


• Select the Composite Curve running along the top edge of the rib surfaces. • In general edits select Move and in the form select Keep Original along with Reposition move origin . • Click on the top right corner of the Composite Curve and then the corresponding key point at the base of the rib (as shown below).

• Select and delete all the original rib surfaces (Keep the base form surface). • Select the 2 Composite curves that define the top and base of the rib form and in the Automatic Surfacing form select From separate (curves) and Apply.

• Select and Delete the 2 composite curves used to create the new, single rib surface • Use Point Limit to dynamically extend the lower end of the rib surface through the base surface.


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20. Parasolid Fixing


• Use Limit Selection to trim back the new rib form to the base Surface.

• Select Unblank (Ctrl L) to display all entities. • In the Selection options click on Quick select all surfaces and solids.

• With all Surfaces and Solids selected, left mouse click on Accept all surface edit changes.

The repaired Surfaces will now be used to replace the faults on solid.

As shown above the Solid Doctor confirms that the fault has been repaired.

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20. Parasolid Fixing


• Select the Re-check the solid for faults option.

The process of re-checking the Solid for further faults has exposed an additional Surfaces overlap problem on the outside of the pipe form. .

• Select the option Extract surfaces and edit them and left mouse click on Process the selected fault.

The most reliable way to repair this fault is to replace the trimming of the outer pipe Surface using a new Composite Curve run along the side of the adjacent Fillet Surface.


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20. Parasolid Fixing


• Select the outer pipe form, Surface and apply Blank Except (Ctrl K). • Right mouse click on the outer pipe form, Surface and from the local menu select Surface Trim Region Editing. • Delete all existing pcurves (and the Boundary) from the Surface. • Unblank (ctrl L) all items and then Blank all items except the fillet Surface.

• With the Alt key depressed, click on the side of the fillet Surface to create a new Composite Curve.

• Unblank (ctrl L) all items and then Blank all items except the outer pipe form Surface and the new Composite Curve.

• Right mouse click on the outer pipe form, Surface and from the local menu select Surface Trim Region Editing.

• Select make pcurves from projecting wireframe.

• Select Projected and click on the new Composite Curve to create a new pcurve on the outer pipe form Surface.

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20. Parasolid Fixing


• Toggle to Boundary Editing and select Autocreate to re-trim the outer pipe form Surface to a new Boundary (Reverse trim as required to obtain the correct side of the pipe form Surface).

• Select Unblank (Ctrl L) to display all entities. • In the Selection options click on Quick select all surfaces and solids.

• With all Surfaces and Solids selected, left mouse click on Accept all surface edit changes.

The repaired Surfaces will now be used to replace the faults on solid.

• Apply Re-check the solid for faults.

If all of the faults have successfully been fixed the Information form (shown left) will be displayed.


Issue PSHAPE 2010

21. Assembly Modelling


21. Assembly Modelling Introduction Assembly Modelling enables the user to combine a group of separate Solid models to form the Assembled item. First of all an empty Assembly is created, and then the Solid Components are registered to it by creating Relations to dictate the relative, positional requirements. Not only can the individual solids be put together as an Assembly but specific values can be included as default parameters within the Relations. This enables positional movements of individual components to be displayed within the Assembly which can then be checked for clashes. To access the Assembly toolbar the Assembly option PowerSHAPE toolbar.

is selected from the main

Create a new Assembly Select components (solids) to include in the Assembly. Add components

Component Wizard Create a relation Power Features (Not licensed to basic PowerSHAPE)

Distance/Angular exploding Check components for intersections Manage source models of imported components

Issue PSHAPE 2010


21. Assembly Modelling


Parameterised Assembly Example Parameterised Assembly enables the user to combine 2 or more separate, solid models to be positioned and orientated as they would be on the fully assembled product. It is also used automatically, within the Delcam Toolmaker software to provide automatic updating of related features if an existing feature is moved or modified.

• Import the Model:D:\users\training\PowerSHAPE_Data\psmodels_n_dgk\Assy-Start.dgk

t_gib lifter_blade


• Select File - Save as:D:\users\training\COURSEWORK\PowerSHAPE-Models\Assy-Ex1

• Select an ISO1 view (as shown above). • Double left mouse click on one of the Solids to open the history tree.

• Select the Assembly icon from the main PowerSHAPE toolbar. • Select create new empty assembly from the Assembly toolbar. The Create New Assembly form will appear.


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21. Assembly Modelling


• Input the Name of new assembly as Lifters and then select OK to close the form. The new, empty Assembly (Lifters) will be registered in the left hand, Solid history tree.

• Select all three solids in the graphics area and from the Assembly toolbar select Create components from the selected solids.

The components are now registered to the assembly (Lifters) and are identified by the symbol which signifies that they currently do not have any relations with each other.

• Select and Blank the lifter_blade solid.

• Select an ISO 3 view. • From the Views toolbar select the resize to fit option.

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21. Assembly Modelling


Create the 1st Relation • From the Assembly toolbar select Ceate relation using attachments.

The Create Relation form appears with the Select first attachment option active and ready for use.

• While the Select first attachment option is active, left mouse click on the Top Face of the t_gib solid (Master).



• With the Select second attachment option now active, left mouse click on the inner face of the u_couple solid (Slave).


Issue PSHAPE 2010

21. Assembly Modelling


The selected face of the t-gib solid is shaded pink with a red border and arrow to show that it is assigned as the Master relation. The selected face of the u_couple solid is shaded pink with a blue border and arrow to show that it is assigned as the Slave relation.

Coincident Angular Perpendicular

• With the (default) Coincident option do not close the form.

selected, left click on Apply, but

The u_couple has moved upwards such that the previously selected face is now at the same Z height as the, upper face of the t_gib.

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21. Assembly Modelling


The u_couple must now be turned through 180 degrees to be in the correct alignment to the t_gib.

• Select the Align or Anti-Align icon alignment for the u_couple.

to produce the correct vertical

The u-couple has been turned the right way up with the selected plane still on the same Z height as the selected plane on the t_gib.

• Select OK to close the Create a relation form. The (First) completed Master relation for the t_gib and the Slave relation for the First, u_couple are saved in the left hand, Solid history tree.


Issue PSHAPE 2010

21. Assembly Modelling


Create the 2nd Relation • From the Assembly toolbar select Create relation using attachments. The Create Relation form appears with the Select first attachment option active and ready for use.

• Select an ISO 4 view. • While the Select first attachment option is active, left mouse click on the Inner Face of the t_gib solid (Master).

• Select an ISO 3 view. • With the Select second attachment option now active, left mouse click on the lower, outer face of the u_couple solid (Slave).

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21. Assembly Modelling


• Select the Align or Anti-Align icon degrees.

to flip the u_couple around 180

• Select OK to accept the relation and close the form.


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21. Assembly Modelling


Create the 3rd Relation • Select an ISO 4 View. • From the Assembly toolbar select Create relation using attachments. • While the Select first attachment option is active, left mouse click on the End Face of the t_gib solid (Master).

• With the Select second attachment option now active, left mouse click on the lower, end face of the u_couple solid (Slave).

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21. Assembly Modelling


Note:- the default Relation Type is Coincident with a default Distance value of 0. This will later allow the user to display the u_couple at different positions along the t_gib

• Select OK to accept the relation and close the form.

The Third completed Master relation for the t_gib and corresponding Slave relation for the u_couple are saved in the left hand, Solid history tree.


Issue PSHAPE 2010

21. Assembly Modelling


Changing the position of the Slave item relative to a Master

• In the PowerMILL explorer, right mouse click on Coincident(2) t_gib • From the local menu select Edit.

The following toolbar will appear with the Distance 0 displayed.

• In the Distance/Angle box enter 100.

The u_couple moves 100 along the t_gib.

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21. Assembly Modelling


Create the 4th Relation If a Solid is selected and the cursor is then clicked on it, a yellow arrow will be displayed relating to the local face. If the cursor is then moved over the Solid, the yellow arrow will keep moving to inherent key positions and alignments. If the cursor is carefully moved on to the yellow arrow and then held down, the solid can then be dynamically moved and aligned to key positions and alignments on a different solid. Once the desired result is achieved the left mouse key is released to accept the move. Although this method of repositioning requires more skill on the part of the user, it does avoid the need to create multiple relations to get to the final assembly alignment.

• Select an ISO 4 View. • Unblank the lifter_blade solid. • Select and blank the t_couple solid.

• Select the Transparent shaded view. • Left mouse click on the lifter_blade solid to display a yellow coloured arrow relating to the local face of the solid on which the cursor is located.

• With the left mouse key released, move the cursor over the solid and


Issue PSHAPE 2010

21. Assembly Modelling


note how the yellow arrow keeps moving to new key positions and alignments relating to planes and axes relating to the individual solid faces.

Drag Move

• Move the cursor over the arc shaped form at the base of the lifter_blade solid until the label, Plane Axis appears. • Slowly move the cursor to the left of the yellow arrow head until it locks onto the end of the face. • Then, with the left mouse key depressed, dynamically drag the lifter blade solid onto the corresponding arc shaped form on the u_couple solid. • When two opposing arrows plus the word Combine appear on the u_couple solid (and the lifter_blade is visually aligned) release the left mouse key to accept the move. • Select the Partial Box icon • Select an ISO 3 view.

to deselect the dynamic move options.

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21. Assembly Modelling


• From the Assembly toolbar select Create relation using attachments.

• While the Select first attachment option is active, left mouse click on the top Face (shown) of the u_couple solid (Master).

• With the Select second attachment option now active, left mouse click on the top face of the t_gib solid (Slave).


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21. Assembly Modelling


With the relation type set to Plane an error message is issued, informing the user that The relation conflicts with existing relation.

• Change the Relation type from Plane

to Angular.

• Input the Angle as 30 and select OK to accept the changes and close the form

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21. Assembly Modelling


Editing the parametric values

The Third completed Master relation for the u_couple and corresponding Slave relation for the lifter_blade are saved in the left hand, Solid history tree. This relation has also been given a Parametric Angular value (a=30) to enable the Assembly.

• Select Unblank from the local screen menu to display all of the solid components.

Note: As well as the lifter_blade being cranked over at 30 Degrees the u_couple is also displaced by 100mm from the Plane-Plane relation with the t_gib

• In the explorer, right mouse click on:t_gib – Master Relations – Coincident[2] u_couple

• Then, from the local menu select Edit.

The Distance/Angle value is currently 0 (Distance


• Change the Distance value to 200 and then select


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to close the toolbar.

21. Assembly Modelling


The u_couple and lifter_blade has now moved a further 100mm along the t_couple.

The angular alignment of the lifter_blade will be cranked over to an angle of -15 Degrees

• In the explorer, right mouse click on:u_couple – Master Relations – Angle[2] lifter_blade

• Then, from the local menu select Edit.

• Change the Angle value to -15 and then select

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to close the toolbar.


21. Assembly Modelling


The lifter_blade has now cranked over to the new angle of -15 Degrees.

Exercise • Try entering different values for the Parameter to illustrate further positional moves of the Assembly.


Issue PSHAPE 2010

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