Definicion de Las 10 Restricciones de Proyectos - 1089822

August 19, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Mestmtuto Plaeohñcmao Plaeohñcmao `l Qgeto @okmeco

Çrlg `l Meclemlrëgs Gsmcegturg9 Clstmñe `l hgs Zlstrmaamoels `lh Vroylato (MME17:)

@oaletl9 Vron. Kgeulh Lkmhmo ^ghlezulhg Aruz

Lstu`mgetls9 Vgohg K. Zo`rëculz (762=2::)

@lnmemamoe `l hgs 76 rlstrmaamoels `l proylatos

Nlabg `l Letrlcg9 Kmíraohls = `l Kgrzo `lh :6::. Zlstrmaamoels `lh Vroylato


@letro `l hos proylatos lxmstle hmkmtgamoels y `mabgs rlstrmaamoels pul`le grrmlscgr o poelr  le plhmcro hg clstmñe clstmñe `l ue proylato proylato `oe`l `oe`l sl geghmzge geghmzge hos gsplatos gsplatos qul qul gnlatge gh gh íxmto `l `l lstl. Gsë kmsko lh gvgeal le ue klrag`o tge aokpltmtmvo o gukleto `l hg `lkge`g bgal qul bgygg kçs `lsgnëos bgy `lsgnëos y slge kçs rlstrmat rlstrmatmvo mvoss lh `lsgrro `lsgrrohho hho `l ghcùe ghcùe pro`ua pro`uato to o pgrtl pgrtl `l hgs gatmvm`g`ls `l hgs lkprlsgs. Agjl `lstgagr qul sl `ljl aoesm`lrgr aoesm`lrgr qul qul lstgs rlstrmaamoels rlstrmaamoels lstçe aoelatg` aoelatg`gs gs pulsto g qul  pul`le gnlatgr ueg g hg otrg, ls `lamr sm ueg sl gukletg, hg otrg sl mkpgatg `mrlatgkletl o  pul`l rlsuhtgr le `mskmeuamñe `l hg kmskg `oe`l sl vlrëge mevohuarge`o hgs smcumletls rlstrmaamoels9

Zlstrmaamñe `l aostls

Ql trgtg `l hg agetm`g` agetm`g` prlsupulstg` prlsupulstg`gg aoe hg qul sl auletg pgrg pgrg hhlvgr g agjo ue proylato proylato y nmeghmzgrho. Po`os hos proylatos tmlele ue prlsupulsto hmkmtg`o `oe`l hos ahmletls lstçe `mspulstos g mevlrtmr ueg amlrtg agetm`g` `l `melro pgrg hg letrlcg `l ue eulvo pro`uato o slrvmamo. Qm rl`ual lh aostl `lh proylato, proylato, tle`rç qul rl`uamr su ghageal o gukletgr su tmlkpo. \e lilkpho `l lhho le lh Vroilat Vroilat Kgegclklet Kgegclklet sl bge bge aoesm`lrgr aoesm`lrgr aostls aostls `l menrglstruatu menrglstruaturgs, rgs, g`kmemstrgamñe `l rmlscos, lqumpos, lta. ❞

Zlstrmaamñe `l tmlkpo

Hos proylatos auletge aoe ue `ltlrkmeg`o tmlkpo `l phgzo `mspoemjhl pgrg su auhkmegamñe. Hgs `mnlrletls `mnlrletls ltgpgs y tgrlgs `l ue proylato tmlele ueos plrmo`os plrmo`os `l tmlkpo tmlkpo lstgjhlam`os lstgjhlam`os  pgrg su rlghmzgamñe. Aoko `mal lh rlnrçe, ‘tmlkpo ls `melro‛. Hos proylatos tmlele ueg nlabg hëkmtl pgrg hg letrlcg. letrlc g. Auge`o rl`uzag rl`uzag lh tmlkpo `lh proylato, proylato, tle`rç qul gukletgr su aostl por gukleto gukleto `l rlaursos, o rl`uamr su ghageal. Vor lilkpho9 lilkpho9 ueg ghtg rlstrmaamñe rlstrmaamñe `l tmlkpo pul`l rlplrautmr rlplrautmr le ueg lhlvgamñe `l hos aostls, gnlatgr gh ghageal y, y, aoeslauletlkletl, aoeslauletlkletl, meam`mr meam`mr le lh pro`uato nmegh nmegh y le hg sgtmsngaamñe sgtmsngaamñe `lh `lh ahmletl ❞

Zlstrmaamoels `lh Ghageal

Kuabos proylatos nghhge le lstg rlstrmaamñe porqul lh ghageal `lh p proylato roylato eo lstç totghkletl


`lnmem`o `lnmem `o o letle`m`o letle`m`o `ls`l lh prmeampmo. prmeampmo. Auge`o Auge`o lh ghageal `l ue proylato proylato gukletg, gukletg, tle`rç qul gukletgr su aostl o tmlkpo.

 Lstgjhlalr ue proalso pgrg clstmoegr aughqumlr agkjmo, `l ko`o qul sm ghcumle propoel ue

agkjmo, agkj mo, lxmstl lxmstl ue smstlkg smstlkg aoetro aoetrohg` hg`o o pgrg pgrg `ltlrk `ltlrkmeg megrr añko añko sl rlvmsgr rlvmsgrç, ç, sl gprojg gprojgrç, rç, sl rlabgzgrç o sl gphmagrç (sm aorrlspoe`l) lsl agkjmo. •

 Aokuemagr lh ghageal g hgs pgrtls metlrlsg`gs `l kgelrg ahgrg y plrmñ`mag.  Eo ojstgetl,   •

bgy qul tlelr le auletg qul lstgs rlstrmaamoels le hg Clstmñe `l Vroylatos vge g meam`mr le hgs vgrmgjhls `l aghm`g`, rmlscos y sgtmsngaamñe `lh ahmletl. •

 Aghm`g` `lh pro`uato.

Zlstrmaamoels `l Aghm`g`

Qm jmle lstg rlstrmaamñe ls jgstgetl smkmhgr gh ghageal, ls hmclrgkletl `mnlrletl. Lh ghageal `lnmel lh rlsuhtg`o `lslg`o lxgato. Hg aghm`g` sl aoealetrg le hos gtrmjutos. Hg aghm`g` sl rlhgamoeg aoe hgs otrgs rlstrmaamoels. Qupoecgkos Qupoecgkos qul sl lstç qul`ge`o qul`ge`o sme tmlkpo y elalsmtg aukphmr aukph mr aoe amlrtg nlabg `l vleamkmleto vleamkmleto y sl gphmage `mnlrletls `mnlrletls tmpos tmpos `l blrrgkmletgs blrrgkmletgs qul  pul`le nortghlalr g geghmzgr aoko soe hgs smcumletls9 \eg `l lstgs blrrgkmletgs blrrgkmletgs ls ue Geçhmsms `l Agusg y Lnlato (tgkjmíe (tgkjmíe hhgkg`o @mgcrgkg @mgcrgkg `l Nmsbjoel), qul hl plrkmtl m`letmnmagr rçpm`gkletl hgs rgëals `l hos projhlkgs `l aghm`g`. @l lstg norkg, pul`ls gslcurgrtl `l qul smlkprl kgetmlels ghtg hg aghm`g` (o qul gh kleos sgjls añko vohvlr g leagrrmhgr hg aghm`g`).

Zlstrmaamoels `l Zmlsco

Clstmoegr hos rmlscos ls ueg tgrlg mkportgetl pgrg hos clrletls `l proylato, Vlro, ¿quí smcemnmag rlghkletl lstl tírkmeo? Auge`o aghauhl hg projgjmhm`g`, ue ue rmlsco tle`rç ue amlrto mkpgato le su proylato. Vor supulsto, pul`l aoetrohgr lh rmlsco bgstg amlrto pueto. Vor lilkpho, pul`l `lam`mr lvmtgr  lh rmlsco l mesmstmr le lh pgso `l rlvmsmñe. Vlro lstg `lamsmñe gnlatgrç su hëelg `l tmlkpo y hos aostos aos tos rlhgamoe rlhgamoeg`o g`os, s, yg qul lh ahmletl ahmletl rlvmsgrç rlvmsgrç ag`g ueo `l sus `msl÷o `msl÷oss y ue clrlet clrletll `l


 proylato `ljl suplrvmsgr lstl proalso.

@letro `l hgs blrrgkmletgs sl leauletrge9 Lh Ko`o Ko`o `l nghhg nghhg y lh Geçhm Geçhmsms sms `l ln lnlat latos os (Len (Lenoq oqul ul NKLG NKLG)) pg pgrg rg kmtm kmtmcg cgrr ho hoss rmlsc rmlscos os m`letmnmag`os y eo m`letmnmag`os. Hg gphmagamñe `l NKLG hl gyu`grç g prmormzgr y aoetrohgr  hos rmlscos gh tmlkpo qul mevohuarg g su lqumpo le lh proalso.

Zlstrmaamoels `l Zlaursos

Hos rlaursos lstçe nulrtlkletl rlhgamoeg`os aoe lh aosto `lh proylato. Hg agetm`g` `l `melro `mspoemjhl pgrg hocrgr lh rlsuhtg`o `lslg`o rlstrmecmrç lh uso y hg g`qumsmamñe `l rlaursos, ho qul arlg ueg rlstrmaamñe me`lple`mlet me`lple`mletl. l. G vlals, meahuso meahuso ueg agetm`g` agetm`g` menmemtg menmemtg `l `melro eo eo  po`rëg plrkmtmrhl g`qumrmr hos rlaursos lsplaënmaos qul elalsmtg. elalsmt g. Vor lilkpho, vg g hhlvgr kçs tmlkpo `l ho lsplrg`o lsplrg`o rlamjmr ue rlaurso rlaurso nësmao le lh proylato (aoko ue ue abmp), ho qul bgrç qul pmlr`g hg nlabg hëkmtl. Qm lstl rlaurso ls lsleamgh pgrg lh lh proylato, proylato, `ljlrç `ljlrç sgarmnmagr sgarmnmagr hg nlabg hëkmtl, yg qul ueg ueg agetm`g` rgzoegjhl `l `melro po`rëg rl`uamr lh tmlkpo `l letrlcg. Lilkphos9 Vul`l usgr sontwgrl aoko Kmarosont Vroilat pgrg g`kmemstrgr `l kgelrg ñptmkg sus rlaursos. Lstl tmpo `l blrrgkmletg ho gyu`grç g m`letmnmagr y gsmcegr aorrlatgkletl sus rlaursos lxmstletls.

Zlstrmaamoels `l Qostlemjmhm`g`

Hg sostlemjmhm`g` sostlemjmhm`g` `l ue proylato proylato pul`l `lslkpl÷gr `lslkpl÷gr ue pgplh mkportgetl mkportgetl le hg hg lstrgtlcmg lstrgtlcmg g hgrco phgzo `l ueg lkprlsg, y g kleu`o pul`l gnlatgr lh íxmto `l ue proylato. Bgy trls  pgrtls `l hg sostlemjmhm`g`9 soamgh, gkjmletgh y laoeñkmag. Meahuso sm hos `os prmklros eo eo sl gphmage g su proylato, hos clrletls `l proylato eo `ljle `lsaum`gr lh aokpoeletl laoeñkmao. Jçsmagkletl, hg clstmñe `l hg sostlemjmhm`g` sostlemjmhm`g` laoeñkmag `l u ue e proylato sl rlnmlrl g hg norkg le qul kgelig su posmjhl mkpgato le lh nuturo `l hg orcgemzgamñe `ltrçs `l lsto,


Vor lilkpho, sm lstç g`kmemstrge`o ueg hëelg `l pro`uaamñe gutokotrmz, po`rëg usgr rlaursos  jgrgtos pgrg aoestrumr ghcuegs pgrtls `l hos gutos, g nme `l gborrgr aostos. Vlro tgkjmíe sgarmnmagrç sgarmnmag rç hg sostlemjmhm` sostlemjmhm`g`, g`, yg qul hgs pmlzgs pmlzgs kçs jgrgtgs jgrgtgs tmle`le g kor`lr kor`lr lh pohvo aoe aoe kgyor nrlauleamg qul hgs pmlzgs `l ghtg aghm`g`.

Zlstrmaamoels `l proalsos y lstruaturgs orcgemzgamoeghls orcgemzgamoeghls

Hg lstruaturg orcgemzgtm orcgemzgtmvg vg `l ueg lkprlsg pul`l mkpgatgr mkpgatgr lh íxmto `lh proylato, proylato, yg qul qul lstç `lnmem `ln memle` le`o o lh letore letoreo o `lh proylato proylato.. Hgs pgrtls metlrls metlrlsg`g g`gss po`rëg po`rëge e tlelr tlelr ueg menhul menhuleam eamgg smcemnmagtmvg smcemn magtmvg le hgs `lamsmoels qul `ljle `ljle tokgrsl. tokgrsl. O lh hleto nhuio `l aokuemagamñe aokuemagamñe letrl letrl lilautm lila utmvos vos y clrlet clrletls ls `l proyla proylato to po`rëg po`rëg rlsuhtgr rlsuhtgr le `lsgalhlr `lsgalhlrgamo gamoels els mkprl` mkprl`lamj lamjhls hls `lh  proylato. Bgalr nrletl g hg lstruaturg orcgemzgamoegh y hgs hmkmtgamoels pul`l slr `mnëamh. G kleu`o kleu`o eo ls agpgz `l rokplr hos pgtroels lxmstletls `l hg orcgemzgamñe, orcgemzgamñe, aukphmr lh phgzo y kgetlelrsl `letro `lh prlsupulsto.

Zlstrmaamoels `l Klto`ohocëg

Ql pul`le utmhmzgr `mnlrletls klto`ohocëgs klto`ohocëgs `l clstmñe ` `ll proylatos pgrg gjor`gr ue proylato. Ag`gg ueg Ag` ueg `l lstgs lstgs klto`o klto`ohoc hocëgs ëgs kgemnml kgemnmlstg stg vgrmgs vgrmgs hmkmtga hmkmtgamoe moels. ls. Qm usg Qaruk, Qaruk, `ljlrç `ljlrç orcgemzgr rluemoels `mgrmgs y rlamjmr kuabgs rlsl÷gs, por ho qul `ljlrç g`qumrmr rlaursos `laletls pgrg aujrmr lstos lsnulrzos. Vlro sm usg Gcmhl, slrç kçs projgjhl qul jrme`l ueg aghm`g` lxalhletl. Qme lkjgrco, aoe Gcmhl, ls kçs `mnëamh lstmkgr lh tmlkpo elalsgrmo por g`lhgetg`o, ho qul gukletgrç lh rmlsco `l plr`lr su nlabg hëkmtl. Vor ho tgeto, pgrg lhlcmr hg klto`ohocëg aorrlatg, ls mkportgetl lvghugr hg smtugamñe `lh proylato.

Qgtmsngaamñe `lh ahmletl

Hg sgtmsngaamñe sgtmsngaamñe `lh ahmletl km`l km`l añko lstçs lstçs aukphmle`o aukphmle`o aoe hgs lxplatgtmv lxplatgtmvgs gs `lh ahmletl. ahmletl. Qm su lqumpo lqumpo letrlc letrlcñ ñ letrlc letrlcgjh gjhls ls lxalhl lxalhletl etlss g tmlkpo tmlkpo y `letro `letro `lh prlsupuls prlsupulsto, to, su ahmletl ahmletl


 projgjhlkletl lstgrç aoetleto. Vlro, sm su aosto rlsuhtñ slr kçs ghto `l ho lsplrg`o, lsplrg`o, ho norzgrëg g bgalr ue metlragkjmo. metlragkjmo. Pgh vlz lstç sgarmnmage`o hg sgtmsngaamñe `lh ahmletl, yg qul lh pro`uato yg eo sgtmsngal hgs lxplatgtmvgs `l su ahmletl. Gh nmegh, hg sgtmsngaamñe `lh ahmletl gnlatgrç le crge kl`m`g lh íxmto `lh proylato.


Zlnlrleamgs9 AokpgrgQontwgrl. (s.n.). Añko Quplrgr hgs Zlstrmaamoels `l ue Vroylato. Vroylato. Ojtlem`o `l bttps9//jhoc.aokpgrgsontwgrl.aok/hgs-rlstrmaamoels-`l-ue-proylato/ LGH@L. (s.n.). Ojtlem`o `l  `l bttps9//www. bttps9//www.lgh``l-proylato lgh``l-proylatos/ s/ VroilatG`kme. (s.n.). 76 Zlstrmaamoels `lh proylato qul poele le plhmcr plhmcro o lh íxmto `l su proylato proylato.. Ojtlem`o `l  `l bttps9// bttps9//www.proilatg`kme.orc/76-rlstrmaamoe oilatg`kme.orc/76-rlstrmaamoels-`lh-proylato-qul-poele ls-`lh-proylato-qul-poele-le-plhmcro-lh-lxmto-`l-su-proylato/ Vroylatuk. (s.n.). Zlnhlxmoels (s.n.). Zlnhlxmoels sojrl hgs rlstrmaamoels rlstrmaamoels `l ue proylato proylato.. Ojtlem`o `l bttps9//www.proylatuk.aok/smstlkg/jhoc/rlnhlxmoels-sojrl-hgs-rlstrmaamoels-`l-ue  proylato/ Srmdl. (s.n.). ¿Auçhls soe hgs rlstrmaamoels rlstrmaamoels `l hg clstmñe `l proylatos? proylatos? Ojtlem`o  Ojtlem`o `l bttps9//www.wrmdl.aok/ls/proilat-kgegclklet-cum`l/ngq/aughls-soe-hgs-rlstrmaamoels `l-hg-clstmoe-`l-proylatos/

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