Deed of Relinquishment
August 28, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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THIS DEED OF RELINQUISHMENT made at this____day of____200_ BETWEEN
_______________________________ ______________________________ _ age
years, occupation -_____, resident of
hereinaft here inafter er calle called d the GRANTOR, GRANTOR, (which express shall, unles unless s repu repugnan gnantt to the context, mean and include his heirs, executors, administrators and assigns) of the One Part AND _______________________________ ______________________________ _ age years, occupation - household, resident of
(presentl (presently y staying at _____________ ________________), ___), hereinaf hereinafter ter called the GRANTE GRANTEE, E, (which
express expre ss shall, unless repugnan repugnantt to the context, mean and inclu include de her heirs, executor executors, s, administrators and assigns) of the Other Part. WHEREAS WHER EAS the prop property erty bearing bearing CS CS No. No. 1820, 1820, of th the e revenue revenue villa village ge ___
Talu Taluka ka
_____ District described in further details in the schedule here under originally belonged to the Late Shri ______ AND WHEREAS the said Shri_____ died on___, leaving behind his widow, Smt his two sons, viz. the present grantor and Shri and his two daughters, viz. the present present grantee and Smt. AND WHEREAS the the mother of the par parties, ties, Smt. by a deed, dated____, relinquished her right, title and interest in the property described in the schedule here under in favour of her sons and daughters; AND WHEREAS, thus, presently, the property described in the schedule here under is owned by the parties hereto and their brother, Shri and sister, Smt. AND WHEREA WHEREAS S the prese present nt granto grantorr having having ma made de his own arrang arrangeme ement nt fo forr his residence; AND AN D WH WHER EREA EAS S th the e pr prop oper erty ty desc descri ribe bed d in th the e sc sche hedu dule le he here re un unde derr cann cannot ot be conveniently used by all of them; AND WHEREAS the grantor, therefore, decide to relinquish his right, title and interest in the property in favour of the grantee; NOW, THIS DEED WITNESSES, and it is hereby mutually agreed by and between the parties as follows : 1.
That That tthe he g gra rant ntor or doe does s here hereby by,, ou outt of nat natur ural al lov love e an and d af affe fect ctio ion n an and d by w way ay o off fami family ly adjustment and settlement, relinquish all his right, title and interest in and over the
property prope rty bearing bearing CS No. 1820, of the revenue revenue village village ___ Taluka ___ ____ _
Distr District ict
described in the schedule here under in favour of the grantee hereto. 2.
That That tthe he gra grant ntee ee her herei ein n does does her hereb eby y acce accept pt tthe he sai said d re reli linq nqui uish shme ment nt and and a agr gree ees s to discharge all the liabilities incidental to the ownership and occupation of the said property and arising hereafter.
Th That at the the grant grantor or assu assure res s unto unto the the grant grantee ee that that he, he, the gran granto tor, r, ha has s not any anywi wise se relinquished his interest in the said property in favour of any other person.
That That tthe he gra grant ntee ee sha shall ll be at lib liber erty ty to to get get her her in inte tere rest st,, if she she thi think nks s fit fit,, divi divide ded d by metes and bounds from and against the other coowners of the said property.
Th That at on on th the e basi basis s of thes these e pres presen ents ts,, the g gra rant ntee ee sha shall ll be at at li libe bert rty y to ap appl ply y to th the e revenue authorities and to get the entries of her name effected to the said property. THE SCHEDULE OF THE PROPERTY ABOVE REFERRED TO : All that piece and parcel of land situate within the Registration Division & District
Sub-Division __ __ & Taluka Taluka ____ within the local limits of the Municipal Corporation, Corporation, bearing bearing CS No. 1020, of the revenue village admeasuring 6,500 sqft or thereabouts, and bounded by as follows : On or towards the East On of towards the South On or towards the West On or towards the North
_ _ _ _
together with a two-storeyed building known as "SHANTI" standing thereon. IN WITNESS WHEREOF WHEREOF the parties hereto hereto have signed her here e under at the date first above mentioned. Sd/GRANTOR Sd/GRANTEE Witnesses : 1.
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