Deed of Assignment sample

May 14, 2019 | Author: Al-husaynLaoSanguila | Category: N/A
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Deed of Assignment and Transfer of Rights...




This deed, made and entered into this 26th day of August, 2015 at the City of Iligan, by and  between: Filii ino no Citi Citi!en !en,, of legal legal age, age, marr marrie ied, d, with with Mike Mike Daga Dagalan langit git Taratin ratingan gan , Fili residen"e residen"e and ostal ostal address address at #anguila #anguila #treet, $obla"ion, %auswagan, &anao 'el  (orte, hereinafter referred to as the )A##I*(+) -andMaintal A!"an A#$la , Filiino Citi!en, of legal age, married, with residen"e and ostal address at ($C "omound, Agus 1, #adu", .arawi City, hereinafter  referred to as the )A##I*(//)


  is one of the legitimate heir of his as"endant, 'imatunday WHEREAS t%e ASSIGNOR  is + Taratingan who owns a one hundred twenty thousand 120,000 s3uare meter more or less  ar"el of land situated at 4rgy 4rgy $angao-#adu", +ffi"ers line, line, .arawi "ity  WHEREA WHER EAS S t%e t%e ASSIG ASSIGNO NOR R is the reresen reresentat tatie ie of the heirs heirs of 'imatun 'imatunday day + Taratingan and has a ested rights to transfer, "oney, and assign all rights and interest oer the aboe roerty WHEREAS the heirs of the as"endant "onsented in good faith to the reresentation of  the assignor oer the aboe roerty and ested the assignor the right to transfer, "oney, and assign all rights and interest oer su"h roerty

  has offered to assign all his rights and interest oer the WHEREAS& t%e ASSIGNOR  has aboe roerty and the ASSIGNEE hereby a""ets the assignment in a""ordan"e with the terms herein set forth NOW& THEREFORE , for and in "onsideration of the foregoing remises and the sum of T'$ H"ndred Fi(t) T%$"*and Pe*$* +P,-.&.../..0& PHILIPPINE 12RREN1Y , whi"h the A##I*(+ A##I*(+ hereby a"7nowledged a"7nowledged to hae re"eied from the A##I*(//, A##I*(//, the A##I*(+  A##I*(+  hereby assigns, transfers and "oneys unto the A##I*(//, all his rights and interest to the aforementioned roerty ursuant to this Agreement and the A##I*(// by these resents hereby a""ets the assignment

IN WITNESS WHEREOF , the arties hae hereunto set their hands on the date and la"e first aboe written

+Nae0 A##I*(+

+Nae0 A##I*(//

#igned in the resen"e of:  88888888888888888888888888   888888888888888888888888888 


eubli" of the $hiliines  8888888888888888888888888 ##

4/F+/ ./, a notary for and in the City of .anila, ersonally aeared:  (ame

CTC (umber

'ate9$la"e Issued

7nown to me and to me 7nown to be the same ersons who ee"uted the foregoing 'eed of Assignment and transfer of ights and a"7nowledged to me that the same is their free and oluntary a"t and deed WITNESS MY HAND AND SEAL , on the date and la"e first aboe written

'o" (o888888 $age (o 888888 4oo7 (o888888 #eries of 20888

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